Tūtohu Archives: Arts hōia Mixed



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The 80’s had Mark McGwire and Jose Canseco crushing baseballs out of stadiums and the 90’s had Fulton Reed and Dean Portman in The Mighty Ducks movie series. Heoi, it wasn’t until the new millennium that the nickname the “Bash Brothers” was attached to a pair of twins just north of the “Twin Cities” e hopea kawea atu tona auraa mau.
Ko ka Minneapolis’ daily newspaper the Star Tribune dubbed Marvin and Melvin Blumer the “Bash Brothers” i muri i riro ratou e rua taitara MMA amateur i runga i te po ano. Ko te Blumers He ōrite teina māhanga i Lindstrom, Minnesota e kua hanga he ingoa mo ratou i roto i te Midwest Upper mai anga ratou whakangungu MMA i roto i 2008. Kua mai meinga e ratou to ratou tuatahi MMA pro i runga i te kāri kotahi, Kua whawhai i roto i Japan i runga i te kāri kotahi, a kua whakaturia inaianei ki te whawhai tahi i runga i te pouaka whakaata motu mo te rua o nga wa i runga i te Paraire po.
Kei te titiro Marvin ki te tiki ake i te wini mīharo tuarua i roto i te RFA, ina tutaki ki hoa RFA vet Pire Kamery i roto i te a'ee rua whawhai i mua i te whawhai a tona teina. Melvin te whakatakotoria ki te kanohi tetahi o runga opuaraa a Brazil i roto i te hui matua o RFA 24. Ka whawhai ia Leandro “Pitbull” Fig, ko wai te mea he whitiki balck Jiu-Jitsu me tereina i te taha o te ao Pitbull Brothers rongonui, Patricio ko Patricky Freire.
I roto i te uiuiraa i raro, te “Bash Brothers” aparau katoa i to ratou whawhai nui i runga i te Paraire ki te mea ko reira rite tipu ake i roto i taua i te whare ki te whakapakoko whakaata rite uaua o tahi i te tahi.
Ano ratou whakakitea etahi meka pārekareka e pā ana ki tahi i te tahi, me te pehea kua whakamahia e ratou he tāwhainga teina angamaheni ki te āwhina i pana tahi i te tahi ki te nui.
Ingoa: Melvin Blumer
Ingoakāinga: Killer Career
Fanau: February 18, 1982
Iwi: American
HT: 5'9″
WT: 135 lbs.
Totoro: 70.5″
Division: Whā
Oire: Lindstrom, Minnesota
Team: Minnesota Militia at the Minnesota School of Martial Arts
Kaiako Head: Denny Anderson
Ingoa: Marvin Blumer
Ingoakāinga: Ko te Terminator
Fanau: February 18, 1982
Iwi: American
HT: 5'9″
WT: 135 lbs.
Totoro: 70.5″
Division: Whā
Oire: Lindstrom, Minnesota
Team: Minnesota Militia at the Minnesota School of Martial Arts
Kaiako Head: Denny Anderson
RFA 32 e hui te toru o nga whakatairanga o ki te tango i te wahi i roto i te āhua o Minnesota. Ko te kāri matua katoa o RFA 32 Ka teata ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT i runga i te Paraire, Whiringa 6.
Haere ki RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram i RFAfighting, and Twitter at RFAfighting.
Mō RFA: RFA Ko te whakatairanga toi hōia whakauru ngaio e homai maranga whetu, me te runga contenders te faingamālie ke fakamo'oni'i ratou taranata ki te pā me te feia faatere i roto i te ahumahi. E whakaatu ana i te RFA ngā ora i runga i te kaupapa, tae atu Las Vegas marama a tawhio noa te United States, Los Angeles, Denver a Milwaukee. Ka taea te kite i RFA ora i roto i runga i 43 miriona mau fare motu i roto i tona mahi pouaka whakaata ki AXS TV. I roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA Ko tetahi o nga whakahaere tino kaha, me te whakaaro MMA i roto i te hākinakina e tipu tere i roto i te ao. (Ko te Tapawaru, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, me te-iu waru whakataetae moenga, me te hoahoa whare herehere rēhita e tohu whenua anake e Zuffa, LLC. Pūmau te mana).

Mō whawhai TV AXS: Rongonui mo ona aotia AXS TV whawhai he Rāmere Night hanumi Arts hōia me ngā kaupapa Kickboxing. I tou Kāinga hoki MMA, AXS TV e faaohipahia te whatunga whwhi o whakatairanga i te United States, Canada, a Europe. Na ka ki a Asia päpäho whawhai atu LIVE atu tetahi atu whatunga pouaka whakaata. “Ko te reo” Michael Schiavello rima-wa MMA-toa ao Pat Miletich whakarato kaimätakitaki tākaro-i-tākaro tohunga, i roto i te-hohonu toa kapinga, me te whānui tātaritanga ki ia kāri whawhai. AXS TV i paoho ngā kaupapa-ao o te piha haapiiraa whawhai LIVE i RFA, Lion Whawhai, FC tawhito, a MFC katoa Rāmere po i 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. AND.
Mō Mystic LAKE Casino Hotel:
Mystic Lake CasinoHotel, te wāhi pirimia petipeti i roto i te Midwest, tonu hangaia hou, wheako whakangahau ngahau, me te whakaongaonga hoki ona manuhiri. Mystic Lake® tuku petipeti, e toru tutaki ngahau, wharekai makehe i whitu wharekai, kaihaka kupu matua, ahurei ngā motuhake me Maatamaata ngahoro. Kei 25 meneti tonga o Minneapolis / St. Paora i roto i Lake mua.


Fourth judge to be added in event of any draws

Las Vegas (October 29, 2015) -World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) kauwhautia tenei ra, he huinga whānui o ngā ture mo ona hītori, kotahi-po, waru-tangata Kōmāmā (155 pauna) tournament on Rāmere, Nov. 20, ora i runga i NBCSN i11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz.

"Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki te po whakataetae o te mahi whakataetae i muri marama o te arotake pehea i taea e meinga e matou tenei te hui whakaongaonga tino taea, me te, i te wa ano, whakarite i te haumaru o to tatou kaitäkaro me te faingamālie lelei taha ke taea i roto i te whare herehere, e tenei o ratou,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni Rangatira Matua.

He mua, e ono-wā toa kickboxing ao, me te rua-wā Hall o Famer, Sefo Ko te hōia whakapaipai o runga 50, whakataetae kotahi-po.

Hangaia ki te whakanui i te mahi o ona kaitäkaro me whakarite e puta he toa whakatakotoria e i roto i ia a'ee, te "WSOF 25: 8-Te tangata Kōmāmā Tournament ture "ētahi kaute e te kaiwhakawa te wha cageside i roto i te kaupapa e te kaiwhakawa taketake toru i roto i te wahi piro i tetahi te a'ee te Unuunu.

I tua atu, Ka aro tuke e tukua i roto i te a'ee aito o te whakataetae, ka te paerewa, Ture Unified o Mixed Arts tango pānga, otiia e kore i roto i te wāhanga quarterfinal whāiti ranei o te take kotahi-whakakorenga.

Takitaha o te quarterfinal pāngia e wha atamira whakataetae me te rua pāngia atamira whāiti ka ngā o rua, rauna e rima-meneti. The championship bout will be comprised of three, rauna e rima-meneti.

Utu i $29.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 25: 8-Te tangata Kōmāmā Tournament "kei runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Comerica Theatre me te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

I roto i tetahi taiapa o te whakataetae take waru-tangata, Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-11) o Miami, Fla. Ka Square atu ki Rich Patishnock (6-2) o Te Tai Rāwhiti Stroudsberg, Pa., ia Brian Foster (23-7) o Sallisaw, Okla. ka whawhai ki João Zeferino(18-6) o Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

I roto i te taiapa ritenga, Brian "o te kaiwhanga" Cobb (20-8) o Bakersfield, Calif. ka whawhai Mike "Te Martian" Ricci (10-4) o Montreal, Quebec, Canada, iaIhirama Mamedov (12-1) o Jersey City, N.J. mā Derbent, Dagestan, Ka fehangahangai Russia Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) o Houston, Texas mā Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ka tutaki i te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Palomino ko Patishnock te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Te poipoi, te Zeferino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te whakataetae, i ka Square atu te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Cobb ko Ricci ki te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Mamedov ko Patino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te hui.

Ko te toa atamira whāiti e rua e fehangahangai tetahi ki tetahi i roto i te taitara a tawhio noa.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua Kōmāmā, Jason "te Kansas City tahae" Runga (18-5) o Kansas City, Koe. ka ko reira i roto i te Estevan "El Terrible" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) o Tempe, Ariz.

I roto i tetahi o rua pāngia rahui whakataetae, LaRue "te maoritanga o" Burley (6-1) o Mesa, Ariz. ka haere ki te whawhai ki Joe Condon (12-8) o Victorville, Calif.

I roto i te rua o nga whakataetae rāhui, Benny "Ko e Tama" Madrid (11-3) o Phoenix ka fehangahangai Ramil Mustapayev (3-1) o Ossetia, Russia.

Me tetahi o quarterfinal toa atamira whawhai o te whakataetae e taea ki te anō-te tomo i te whare herehere mo tona atamira pūmau whāiti e tika ana ki te wharanga paturuhia en huarahi ki te wikitoria, Ka kōkiri te foi o te a'ee ki te tawhio whakataetae e whai ake nei i roto i te wahi o te toa mamae.

Ki te kore ano te toa ranei foi e hauora nui ki te anō-tomo i te whare herehere, Heoi, tetahi o nga toa whawhai rāhui ka mahi ano he whakakapinga i roto i te mara whakataetae.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre i 5 p.m. MT, a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 6 p.m.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu hohoro.

A IT TRUE! Te reira whakatara TRUE! - Bellator MMA Tuhinga WWE mua ME superstar TNA CURRENT, Olympic GOLD mētara Kurt koki


Whakaritea koki ki Hono TE kua-Awesome 'Bellator MMA Fan fest' AT Dave & Buster TE ON NOV. 5 ME HAERE 'Bellator 145' ON NOV. 6 AT SCOTTRADE CENTER I ST. Louis


Pāwhiritia hoki Bellator 145 Official ataata Fan Fest

Ko anake Fan Fest mo Bellator iwi mema anake, becoming an official Bellator Nation Member is simple and FREE. Pāwhiri ki konei to register and RSVP to Fan Fest.

Pāwhiri ki konei ki te tiki mäminga FOR THE NEXT 10 HOURS

Pāwhiritia hoki Bellator 145 Official ataata Fan Fest

Santa Monica (Oketopa. 28, 2015) - I runga i Whiringa 5, pā hākinakina whawhai i katoa huri noa i te motu e ūngutu i runga i te Dave & Busters i Maryland Heights, Missouri for the "Mana Bellator Fan Fest," where they can meet several of their favorite athletes and receive photos and autographs.


Kauwhautia rangatira Bellator i tenei ra e TNA superstar, former WWE superstar and Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Koki will join the epic line up, which is already packed with star power the likes of Kimbo Poro, Liam McGeary, Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock a Tito Ortiz.


TA: Bellator Fan Fest at Dave & Buster o

E karangatia Pā o ngā reanga katoa ki Dave me Buster o roto i Maryland Heights, MO ki te whakatau me te farii i tëneti i etahi te MMA whawhai rahi me te tino o te wa katoa o. Ka whai hoki pā te whai wāhi ki te riro tīkiti me paraihe nui, me te hopu i te whakaahua ki te mowhiti kotiro Bellator.

Ko anake Fan Fest mo Bellator iwi mema anake, becoming an official Bellator Nation Member is simple and FREE. Pāwhiri ki konei to register and RSVP to Fan Fest. Ki te mea ko kē koe he mema o Bellator Nation ka whiwhi koe i tētahi fakaafe īmēra ki te Tono.


HEA: Dave & Buster o

13857 Riverport Dr..

Maryland Heights, MO


No: Rāpare, Nov. 5 i 8 p.m. CT

WHO: Kurt Koki was a Pennsylvania High School State Champion Wrestler, me te linebacker katoa-State i runga i te Mt. Kapa Repanona High School Football. Whaia te whetu e rua-hākinakina nonoke i D-1 hōtaka Clarion University o, i reira kohia e ia he patua o ekea tae atu tetahi National Runner ake, e rua National Toa, e toru hōnore katoa-American, me ngā taitara atu rave rahi.


I muri i te kāreti, Koki riro koura i te Wrestling FILA Ao Toa, ka anga ka whakangungu mo te 1996 Kēmu Olympic raro i ngā akoranga o Dave Schultz i te Foxcatcher Club i te aroaro o tona kohuru tino whakapuakina. I muri i te matenga o Schultz, Koki e waiho Foxcatcher ka uru atu te Wrestling Club Dave Schultz i tona mahara.


A, no te faaoti i te mau tamataraa Olympic, Roaa Koki i tona wahi ki te whakataetae i roto i te Olympics, engari i tukua e rua piere o tona pekehoe waha, e rua kōpae herniated me uaua kumea e wha i roto i te tukanga. Ki te rima marama ki te okioki me te Rehab, Koki e riro tona mētara koura Orimipia i roto i te 90-100 kg wehenga.


I muri toa i te koura, Parlayed Koki ana pūkenga mamau ki te mahi mīharo i roto i te mamau ngaio i roto i te maha o ngā rōpū pērā i TNA, ECW, Ŋwa, WCW, Pua, me te tino arā te WWF / WWE.


Te koki i te whātōtō ngaio anake i roto i te hītori ki te kua riro taitara i roto i te WWE, WCW, TNA ko IWGP, tapeke he mīharo 13 Ao Toa me 21 total championship belts. I roto i te 2010, "Wrestling Observer Newsletter" Dave Meltzer o te ingoa koki te "whātōtō o te tekau tau" mo te tau 2000.

There is only one Kimbo Poro. Tutuki te ngangau pāhau hape rongo i roto i te raupapa o te ara whawhai i whawhaki, taumata parekura o te aro i runga i YouTube. I muri parlaying paku ana tona ki te mahi MMA, Piti Kimbo ki te scene me-wa katoa tetahi o nga whetu tino rongonui hākinakina o ka. Kimbo has been the focal point of the first and third-most watched MMA fights in the sport’s history. Tenei Hune mua i roto i te St. Louis, tona whawhai ki a Ken Shamrock pakaru pūkete mamata Bellator MMA o.


The first British World Champion in the history of MMA will always be Liam McGeary. I 6'6 kua tutuki te toa tiketike notoriety huri noa i te ao ki tona skillset mīharo i kitea e mutu ia ia whawhai ki te mana mīharo knockout me te toa Jiu-Jitsu. Currently undefeated at 11-0, Ko kanapa hoki te Bellator MMA Champion te heke mai. Te nuinga tata, Patua McGeary hoa kaiuru Fan Fest Tito Ortiz i roto i te hui matua o te repo “Bellator MMA: Taipohū 1.”

Ko te ingoa Gracie he longo ki MMA, and that is largely in part to Royce Gracie, te tangata whakaaro nei ki te i whakaaro te hākinakina ta tatou i ite i te reira i teie mahana. The winner of the first several UFC events, Gracie e wetewete i hoariri maha i roto i te po kotahi, he tokomaha o nei i nui ake i ia. For many years there was no answer for the Gracie jiu-jitsu technique that he brought into a fight. I teie mahana,, te uaua ki te kitea te toa MMA kahore nei i whakangungua i roto i te toi o te Jiu-Jitsu.


Kīia mea pinepine ki rite "te mea tōmua" o MMA, Ken Shamrock is a pioneer of the sport, a whakaurua he waitohu maere o MMA i tauturu i te faataaraa i te hākinakina ki te mea he mea i teie mahana. Ki te suplexes maere me tutaki waewae, "Te tangata te nuinga Dangerous o te Ao" tonu hanga mo te pau-kite TV. His heated rivalries with guys like Royce Gracie and Tito Ortiz generated incredible buzz, a tauturu popularize te hākinakina. His fight with Tito Ortiz was at one time the second-most watched MMA fight of all time.

“The People’s Champion” Tito Ortiz is a fan-favorite all over the world. The former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion was one of the toughest competitors in the cage. Utilizing his wrestling background, Ortiz ko te mīhini tei paruru i tona taitara i te mīharo rima nga wa. Always with a flare for the dramatic, Ortiz i neherā kaha i roto i te whare herehere ki te takatu rite Ken Shamrock, me te i waho te whare herehere ki UFC peresideni Dana White.

FIGHT INFO: "Bellator 145" features two world title bouts. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-2) tohe tona here mā ki Daniel Straus (23-6) a E "te kino E" Brooks (16-1) tutaki mātanga tukunga Marcin Held (21-3), ki te whitiki 155-pauna i runga i te raina. The event will also feature a trio of Missouri natives with Michael Chandler (13-3), te tangata e whawhai Rawiri Rickels (16-3, 1 NC); taumahamaha Bobby "Ko e Dominator" Lashley (13-2) who looks to avenge a previous loss on his record when he finally meets James Thompson (20-14) i roto i te rematch; a Justin Lawrence (8-2) tangata e tutuki Emmanuel Sanchez (11-2).


Tīkiti mō "Bellator 145, " e tīmata i tika $30, are on sale now at Ticketmaster.com and at the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center. Tatau mo tuwhera i te hui 5:00 p.m. CT wā rohe, a ka tango te whakataetae tuatahi tuu kotahi haora i muri i.


WSOF 25 manako NBCSN hou tīmata te wā o 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT

Las Vegas (October 27, 2015) -World Semau aamu o te Fighting (TeSOF.com) hrite whakapumautia te tua o rua pāngia kē - LaRue "te maoritanga o" Burley vs. Joe Condon a Benny "Ko e Tama" Madrid vs. Ramil Mustapayev - Mo ona-tia'ihia tino, kotahi-po, waru-tangata Kōmāmā (155 pauna) whakataetae i runga i te Paraire, Nov. 20, ora i runga i NBCSN i 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz.

Me tetahi o quarterfinal toa atamira whawhai o te whakataetae e taea ki te anō-te tomo i te whare herehere mo tona atamira pūmau whāiti e tika ana ki te wharanga paturuhia en huarahi ki te wikitoria, Ka kōkiri te foi o te a'ee ki te tawhio whakataetae e whai ake nei i roto i te wahi o te toa mamae.

Ki te kore ano te toa ranei foi e hauora nui ki te anō-tomo i te whare herehere, Heoi, tetahi o nga toa whawhai rāhui ka mahi ano he whakakapinga i roto i te mara whakataetae.

"Ko te mana oti ki te tua o enei matchups tatou lineup whakataetae, a kei te tumanako tatou ki ia i te whawhai pūmanawa wha tīpakohia mo enei nui whawhai e rua, whakataetae i runga i tenei kāri hītori, me te kia rite ki te tomo i te whakataetae kotahi-whakakorenga ki te tika,"Ka mea Ao Series o Fighting peresideniRangatira Matua.

-Tau 31-tawhito te Burley (6-1) o Gilbert, Ariz. Kei te titiro ki te hoki ki te hanga i muri i te mamae tona mahi tuatahi blemituku ten, he a tawhio tuatahi (:32) KO (meke) i nga ringa o te hōia aravihi me tetahi o nga whakataetae whakataetae waru, Brian Foster, i WSOF 23 i runga i Mahuru 18.

I mua ki te mate, I puta Burley tetahi o rawa opuaraa a MMA, tuhi whakaora i roto i tona whawhai tuatahi e ono ngaio, tae atu ki te toru o tawhio (3:40) WHO (nifó) o te hoa whetū maranga Bubba Jenkins, i muri i te unbeaten career as an amateur. Four of Burley’s six career toa Kua tae mai na roto i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Condon (12-8) o Victorville, Calif. Ko te titiro hoki ki te return ki te tīwae win i roto i te mea e waiho tona tīmatanga tuatoru mo te Ao Series o te Fighting, e whai ake nei i te def whakatau lotokai ki Nick Newell i WSOF 20 i runga i April 10.

I roto i tona tuatahi whakatairanga i runga i Hānuere 17, the 29-year-old Condon submitted A Honatana Nuñez ki te kowaowaotia pororere i roto i te toru o tawhio (4:22) o te whawhai i WSOF 17.

-Tau 35-tawhito te Madrid (8-3) o Phoenix kei te haere mai atu i te faahiahia, tuatahi a tawhio noa (1:26) tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) wikitoria ki runga Jeff Fletcher i WSOF 23. The win snapped a three-fight skid that came after Madrid had reeled off wins in his first seven professional career fights, he maringanui i hora e wha tau i waenganui i 2009 a 2013.

Mustapayev (3-1) o Albuquerque, N.M. mā Moscow, Russia ka meinga e tona World Series o te whawhai tuatahi, me te ka aituä i te tino, 3-0 oma e ko ia i roto i te waenganui o tenei tau.

He mema o te Greg Jackson'S me Mike Winklejohn'S rōpū whawhai orometau, Ko te hou atu te auheke Mustapayev, tuatahi a tawhio noa (3:10) WHO (nifó) o Jarel Askew i roto i te matchup i tangohia e wahi i runga i August 29.

Utu i $29.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 25: Eight-tangata Kōmāmā Tournament "kei runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Comerica Theatre me te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

I roto i tetahi taiapa o te whakataetae take waru-tangata, Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-11) o Miami, Fla. Ka Square atu ki Rich Patishnock (6-2) o Te Tai Rāwhiti Stroudsberg, Pa., ia Brian Foster (23-7) o Sallisaw, Okla. ka whawhai ki João Zeferino(18-6) o Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

I roto i te taiapa ritenga, Brian "o te kaiwhanga" Cobb (20-8) o Bakersfield, Calif. ka whawhai Mike "Te Martian" Ricci (10-4) o Montreal, Quebec, Canada, iaIhirama Mamedov (12-1) o Jersey City, N.J. mā Derbent, Dagestan, Ka fehangahangai Russia Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) o Houston, Texas mā Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ka tutaki i te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Palomino ko Patishnock te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Te poipoi, te Zeferino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te whakataetae, i ka Square atu te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Cobb ko Ricci ki te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Mamedov ko Patino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te hui.

Ko te semifina rual atamira winners ka fehangahangai tetahi ki tetahi i roto i te Sharinghoaraa a tawhio noa.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua Kōmāmā, Jason "te Kansas City tahae" Runga (18-5) o Kansas City, Koe. ka ko reira i roto i te Estevan "El Terrible" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) o Tempe, Ariz.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre i 6 p.m. MT, a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 7 p.m.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu hohoro.

Mō te Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF.com) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

Rafael Carvalho WINS taitara whitu wātea MURI ate i takahi KI Brandon Halsey


Pāwhiri ki konei FOR huinga katoa o te Whakaahua

UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Oketopa. 23, 2015) - Rafael Carvalho (12-1) riro te taitara i te tuunga o Brandon Halsey (9-1) i muri i ngaro taimaha i roto i tona ahua whakamutunga, oti i te toa tūturu mua i roto i te farereiraa whitu enthralling i roto i te hui matua o "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. "

Carvalho i te whitiki takai tona hope i Bellator MMA te peresideni Scott Coker i muri i te tuku Halsey ki te whāriki i roto i te puranga, ki te whana ate maitai whakaturia ki mua o te whare Kikī i te Mohegan Sun Arena.


"Ahau e hiahia ana ki te whakawhetai ki toku kapa mo te katoa,"Ka mea a Carvalho i muri i te wikitoria. "I roto i ahau i whakapono ahau i te timatanga, a mohio ahau e haere mai tenei wa."


Ko te toa Palāsilá 29-tau-tawhito ahu te underdog ngako ki te matchup, engari te kupu haere ano, e te aha whawhai ratou. Ko te wa i muri mai Carvalho tomo te arena, Ka whakairi tona kara i teie nei i te heke.

Ward Ka poro Olson ki te Whakaahuareka o Crowd kōaro

He nui rite te wa whakamutunga Brennan Ward (12-3) whakataetae i roto i tona homestate o Connecticut, "Irish" mau Dennis Olson (14-10) ki te ringa matau e tonoa "Tuhinga" ki te whāriki, te wahi hohoro rerenga Ward, a akina atu te ringa o te kaitautoko John McCarthy. Haere mai te mutu i 4:37 o te kohao a huri noa.


Whakamatauria Olson ki kia uaua nui ki te tu ƒWhakaritenga maha i Ward, ara ū te upkick i te titiro ki te tukino i te paroisa no tamata ia ki te piro wawe te mutu. Otiia kihai Ward ki te tuku ake, whakaritea tino ka tonoa e ia ona hoa me te utuafare ki te ataata i runga i to ratou mata.


"Ahau i te taata whenua. Dennis me ahau korero he rota o te mea i mua i te whawhai, engari ko te reira te whawhai i roto i reira. Kahore, engari faatura hoki ia e ahau. Te uaua rite te reinga ia. Ia tata te patototanga ahau i roto i atu tona hoki ki te tuke.


"Aroha ana ahau ki tenei ao, me toku pā oire, I tika ahau e ngana ana ki te kia manawanui, engari te ia uaua i runga i te whenua. Toku kaiako me te papa korerotia ki ahau, ki te ahau manawanui, me te whenua i te ringa matau ka e te okiokinga hītori. "Ka mea a Ward. "[Andrey] Koreshkov Ko te dude uaua, ki te ahau i muri i roto i te rārangi ka tūmanako e nehenehe ia tatou bang atu. "


He nui o matchups e hanga tikanga mo te patu te ërä o te paroita e, Ka Me pā MMA Bellator ki te pupuri i ripa tata rite 2016 hohoro te whakatata.

Yamauchi He ōrite ki mā whitu tukunga Record

Ko te tuatahi Bellator MMA o Isao Kobayashi (17-3) kihai i haere i rite whakaritea i "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," rite Yamauchi ake (19-2) oti te toa Japanese ki te tāpaetanga kowaowaotia muri-tahanga i 3:50 o te anga whakamutunga.


Ki te te win, Yamauchi herea mua Bellator MMA mā whitu Champion Pat Curran, Daniel Straus, Alexandre Bezerra ko Marlon Sandro mo te nuinga o ngā tāpaetanga (15) i roto i te aamu 145-pauna.


I muri i te whakataetae, i te-tau 22-tawhito te tahi mau parau oka mō te toa mā nāianei Patricio Freire.


"Mana'o i te reira nui ki te tiki i te wikitoria, Kobayashi Ko te hoariri uaua. Ahau ite ko pai toku mahi. Ako'i matou pakeke ki te whakapai ake i toku technique, a i ahau he mahi nui i tenei ra,"Ka mea a Yamauchi. "Patricio, E mohio ana ahau ki e whiua koe Daniel Straus. Manakohia toku whawhai muri. Ka waiho e ahau i te toa i muri. "

"Te mana'o" Pouaka Game whenua i roto i puaki te Rauna Mutu

I roto i te whakatuwhera a'ee kāri matua i "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho," Michael Whārangi (9-0) noho tūturu muri i te mutunga Charlie Ontiveros (6-4) ki nga tuke nanakia i 3:20 i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.


I mua, "Te mana'o" Kua nuinga o whakaaturia tona Tūrongo i te tu tika, engari i runga i te Paraire, Ka mau hohoro Whārangi tūranga tino i runga i te whāriki ki te hoariri i tana, a maturuturu maitai whakanohoia tuke ki te kauae o Ontiveros, akina te roanga Bellator MMA ki waha tuku.


"E mohio ana ahau e taea e whakaoti ahau tetahi. E mohio ana ahau e kore ahau e whai ki te whakamatau i tetahi mea. Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te ia pai, Au pouri oti ahau te reira e ahau kia rite ki taua, engari e mohio ana koe e ahau i rite ki te haaputapû i te taata,"Ka mea a Whārangi e whai ake nei i te whawhai. "Te ki raro te reira ki Bellator me toku kaiako rite ki te mea e tupu i muri, Tena ko te tangata i hoatu e ratou i roto i mua o ahau te mea ano kei te haere ki te tupu. "


Ki te te win, Whārangi kua oti waru o ona toa e iwa i teie nei ano he ngaio i roto i te kohao a huri noa, te au e te tūmanako te-tau 28-tawhito ki te parlay ki te taitara mata wawe, nui atu i muri mai.

Hua Kāri hukihuki:

Kemran Lachinov (1-1) DEF. Ilya Kotau (1-0) mā tāpaetanga (Kneebar) 2:57, R2

Damien Trites (7-6) DEF. Keenan Raymond (2-2) mā tāpaetanga (Kimura) 1:17, R2

Whanaunga Moy (8-2) DEF. Walter Smith-Cotito (3-4) mā tāpaetanga (Rear-tahanga hei whakakowaowao i) 3:53, R3

Billy Giovanella (9-4) DEF. Brandon Polcare (1-1) mā tāpaetanga (Tapatoru kowaowaotia iho) 2:19, R1

Matt Bessette (16-7) DEF. Kevin Roddy (15-16) mā tāpaetanga (rekereke matau) 3:47, R1

Kevin Haley (4-3) DEF. Mike Zichelle (7-4) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Matt Secor (7-2) DEF. Jérémie Holloway (7-1) mā tāpaetanga (rekereke matau) 4:54, R2

Marius Enache (3-3) DEF. Pete Rogers Jr. (3-2) mā tāpaetanga (Americana) 2:37, R2

Sam Watford (1-0) DEF. TJ Hepburn (4-2) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

KĀRI FIGHT EPIC Fanongonongo FOR taumata rua tekau NEF MAHINGA

Lewiston, Maine (October 23, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. I mua i teie mahana, kauwhautia te whakatairanga i te tonu kāri whawhai mo te hui.


Ka headlined te wahi mekemeke ngaio o te kāri e apato'erau Junior Welterweight Champion Brandon “Ko te Cannon” Berry (9-1) in an eight-round bout against former Mexican Pacific Coast Super Featherweight Champion Roberto “Ko te Old” Valenzuela (73-69-2, 56 Koó). Berry triumphantly returned to action last summer after suffering a severe shoulder injury in a November 2014 mutunga.


He nui rawa te matekai Josh Parker (0-1) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te kanohi Iraia “Danger Kiore” Leland (0-0) in a four-rounder. Parker and Leland are well known to NEF fans as regulars on the promotion’s MMA events. Parker is the founder and head coach of Ruthless MMA & Mekemeke i Benton, Maine. Leland is a member of Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner’s Academy of MMA in Portland, Maine.


I tua atu, Ernesto Ornelas (0-0), he toa ngaio MMA i te Choi Institute i Portland, returns to his boxing roots in his pro ring debut against Brandon Ali Garvin (0-4). Ornelas was a multiple time Golden Gloves champion as an amateur boxer in his native state of California.


Middleweights Tollison Lewis (1-0) a Zenon “Ka'Bar” Herrera (0-0) will round out the boxing card. Lewis won his pro boxing debut in the first NEF boxing event in October 2014 i runga i hōia John Webster (8-7-1), i Herrera, he toa, me te meke MMA mātanga, Ko te hōia-tau iwa o te hōia US, ia oti haere te maha o te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti i reira ka kite ia i whawhai i roto i te Pakanga o Fallujah i Iraq.


I runga i te ngaio MMA wahi o te kāri whawhai, Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (11-8) ka tiakina e te NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Taitara i roto i te a'ee rima-a tawhio noa ki te wero o Jimmy “Jimbo Poro” Davidson (7-1). Boyington is coming off a huge win last weekend against Rodrigo Almeida (12-3) i runga i te undercard o te Series Ao o te Fighting (WSOF) nationally-televised event. The challenger Davidson is no stranger to gold, having captured other MMA titles in the New England region. He represents world-renown Muay Thai team Sityodtong.


I roto i tetahi o te tino tino tūmanako MMA whawhai i roto i te hītori New England, mua NEF MMA Ngaio mā whitu Champion Ray “Pakihi katoa” Wood (6-1) e i runga i Vovk “KGB” Clay (3-0). Recognized as two of the most promising prospects in the area, Wood, me te Clay e tohu e rua e te pundits ki hei kaitono kaha'ú mo te tino Rōpū o te hākinakina.


Crowsneck Boutin (1-1) ka titiro ki te fakaakeake i tona mate ngaio tuatahi whakamutunga marama, ina tutaki ia Matt Bordonaro (2-0). The bout will be a rematch from their amateur days when Bordonaro defeated Boutin by submission at “NEF IX” i roto i te Biddeford, Maine. It will also be Boutin’s debut in the 170-pound welterweight division.


E rua taitara te runaruna MMA wahi o te pāngia e kupu matua “NEF XX” kāri whawhai. Dustin Veinott (4-3) tohe te Ingoa NEF MMA Amateur mā ki Ryan Burgess (1-0), ia Arona “He whakangungu” Lacey (5-1) e whawhai ki Karepe Horner (6-2) to crown an inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. A women’s strawweight fight will feature Randi Beth Boyington (1-1) e anga Erin “Rahi Fun” LAMONTE (3-0).


“Tenei kāri nei te tahi mea no te katoa,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Rite koe MMA? We got it. You like boxing? We got it. You like the heavyweights? We got ’em. You like women’s fights? We got ’em. This is like the Super Bowl of NEF events. This is the one event you simply cannot afford to miss.


Atu faaara whakahaere Whakatairanga e te “NEF XX” Ka hui e whakatapua ki te mahara o te mema kaimahi NEF Susan Isham, 47, nei ngaro tona ora i roto i te hoê ati purumu fakamamahi wiki whakamutunga i roto i Peteere, Maine. Susan had worked backstage for the promotion beginning in 2013, handling check-ins at the backdoor of the Colisée. She was a beloved mother and grandmother, mohio hoki te mahi tona matatika pakeke me ahakoa, upbeat personality. Susan was involved in many causes in the Bethel community.


“Tatou kei tonu katoa i roto i te ru i poheraa ohorere a Susan Paraire whakamutunga,"Ka mea tahi-rangatira NEF me matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Ko ia he mema uara o te kapa NEF, he hoa pai, me te ahua, charitable person. She will be missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time. ‘NEF XX’ Ka kia whakapehapeha whakatapua ki tona mahara.”


Te “NEF XX” kāri whawhai (kaupapa ki te huri i me te whakaaetanga o te aro Hākinakina Mana o Maine):




140 Brandon Berry 9-1 (Te Hau-ā-uru Forks) vs Roberto Valenzuela 73-69-2 (Romanza Faleva'inga)

155 Tollison Lewis 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Zenon Herrera 0-0 (Independent)

140 Josh Parker 0-1 (Nanakia MMA & Mekemeke) vs Iraia Leland 0-0 (ENGARI)

118 Ernesto Ornelas 0-0 (Choi Institute) vs Brandon Ali Garvin 0-4 (Frazier o)




155*TITLE Bruce Boyington 10-8 (c) (TKD o Boyington) vs Jimmy Davidson 7-1 (Sityodtong)

205 Matt Andrikut 1-0 (Tuipau MMA) vs Hehe Baughman 0-0 (Hono Team)

170 Crowsneck Boutin 1-1 (Choi Institute) vs. Matt Bordonaro 2-0 (Victory MMA)

150 Jon Lemke 4-3 (Team Irish) vs Matt Denning 2-0 (CMBJJ)

145 Ray Wood 5-1 (MMA o Young) vs Vovka Clay 3-0 (Boston BJJ NH)

145 Derek Shorey 3-2 (Aro Club Shatterproof) vs Damon Owens 2-0 (MMA o Young)

125 Kevin Barrett 0-0 (MMA o Young) vs James Alexander 1-10 (F2 Arena)




145 *TITLE Arona Lacey 5-1 (MMA o Young) vs Karepe Horner 6-2 (F2 Arena)

125 *TITLE Dustin Veinott 4-3 (c) (CMBJJ) vs Ryan Burgess 1-0 (Berserkers MMA)

265 Bryce Bamford 0-0 (Tuatahi Class MMA) vs Bryce Locke 0-0 (Independent)

200 Hakopa Cameron 1-5 (Independent) vs Victor Irwin 0-0 (MMA o Young)

225 Joe Krech 0-0 (Independent) vs Mike Williams 0-0 (CMBJJ)

185 Ruben Redman 1-3 (Mass Pānga MMA) vs Karepe Farrington 2-0 (Team NEW)

185 Dominique Bailey 0-1 (Independent) vs Anthony Spires 0-0 (Independent)

175 Karepe Swoveland 0-0 (Nanakia MMA & Mekemeke) vs TBD

155 Ricky Dexter 3-2 (Team Irish) vs Steve Bang 3-3 (CMBJJ)

155 Rafael Velado 1-0 (Tuatahi Class MMA) vs Ken Dunn 0-2 (Maine Kyokushin Karate)

155 CJ tiaka 4-2 (MMA o Young) vs Jason Lachance 2-2 (MMA Athletix)

155 Matt Hanning 1-1 (Independent) vs Riwai Sewall 0-0 (MMA o Young)

145 Karepe Hall 5-3 (Choi Institute) vs Matt Tamayo 0-0 (F2 Arena)

140 Rawiri Thompson 0-1 (Aro Club Shatterproof) vs. Pierce Wiegman 0-0 (Tuatahi Class MMA)

125 Justin Witham 0-3 (Aro Club Shatterproof) vs Brent Ouellette 0-0 (CMBJJ)

115 Erin LaMonte 3-0 (Gracie Fitness) vs Randi Beth Boyington 1-1 (TKD o Boyington)


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Whawhai horo'a Whatunga Hard patoto Fighting 46 LIVE, Golden Boy: Diaz Jr. vs. Tamayo tenei Rāmere, Oketopa. 23

Toronto (Oketopa. 22, 2015) — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, E whakaatu ana i te doubleheader taikaha tenei Rāmere, Oketopa. 23, timata ki te haapurororaa ora o Patoto Hard Fighting 46 i 11 p.m. AND, tae mai mai Calgary, A Canada Markin Macphail Centre. Na, i 1 a.m. AND, hopu i te whakaaturanga poto rīpene roa o Golden Boy Live! i Fantasy Springs Resort Casino i Indio, Calif., headlined e sensation mā tūturu Hohepa Diaz Jr. (17-0, 10 Koó) pakanga ngangau Mexican Ruben Tamayo (23-6-4, 15 Koó) mo 10 rauna.
Whawhai Fighting ora Hard patoto a Whatunga 46 Ka rangi haapurororaa motu i roto i Canada, puta noa i te U.S. i runga i TV arotau o Cablevision, Suddenlink Communications, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti. Ko te Whakatairanga Golden Boy telecast Tags runga i Whatunga Fight anake i roto i Canada.
I roto i te Fighting Hard patoto 46 hui matua, Hehe Arnett (8-4) a Dimitri Waardenburg (11-6) vie mo te karauna whā wātea te whakatairanga o te. I roto i te tahi atu pāngia e whakaatu nei, Dia Grant (9-12) tutaki Curtis Demarce (14-13), Valeria Maejia (2-1) tangles ki Lindsay Garbatt (2-1), Alexi Argyriou(2-0) titiro ki te whakawhānui i tona rere tino ki Mike O'Neill (5-24) a Pat Pytlik (1-0) taia iho ki Tiago Tavares (2-1).
Headlined e Diaz Jr. vs. Tamayo, Ka whakaatu hoki i Golden Boy Live Frankie “Pitbull” Gomez (18-0, 13 Koó) ki Tijuana, Mexcio o Jorge “Pantera” Silva (19-9-2, 15 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight take 10-a tawhio noa.
Ko te mahi ora tonu i runga i Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24 i 4 p.m. AND, rite he hakari Whatunga Fight te kāri matua ora hoki UFC Whawhai Night: Poirier vs. Duffy anake i roto i te Canada.
Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia www.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.

IMG ME AO Tuhinga o mua faaapî i RIGHTS MEDIA Tuhinga mua

Kua noaa IMG tohatoha mo te Ao Series o te hōtaka whawhai
i roto i runga i 70 fenua e tuhaa fenua ao mai 2013

Las Vegas (October 21, 2015) - IMG, he rangatira ao i roto i te hākinakina, ahua me pāpāho, a Mixed taitara ao toi hōia (MMA) täne hākinakina World Series o te whawhai, Kua whakahoutia o ratou mana pāpāho ao whakaaetanga tohatoha, I kauwhautia te reira i teie mahana.

"Kua IMG kua he hoa rahi no to tatou karapu hākinakina MMA tipu, na e ua oaoa roa matou ki te haere tonu to tatou auraa i tauturu e te whakawhānui i te Ao Series o te tapuwae o Fighting i runga i te pouaka whakaata katoa i runga i te ao,"Ka mea a World Series o te whawhai Tumu Carlos Silva.

Hillary Mandel, SVP, Head o Media Te Tai Tokerau Amerika mo IMG mea, "E whakaahuareka matou ki te whakawhānui i to tatou auraa e te Ao Series o te Fighting, and help them continue to grow their worldwide audience. The events have proven to be extremely popular with fight fans and viewers all over the globe, a kei te tumanako tatou ki ki te whakawhānui tonu i te mea tawhiti, me te mōhiotanga. "

Mai te tīmatanga patua nga ngohi e rua i te mahi i roto i 2013, IMG kua whai hua whakanohoia World Series o te hōtaka whawhai i roto i runga i 70 fenua e tuhaa fenua huri noa i te ao, tae atu ki Ahitereiria, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Peru ko Russia. The U.S. E puritia tika e NBC a NBCSN.

I roto i te Pipiri, whawhai hākinakina pouaka hongere, Whatunga Fight, hainatia i runga i ki te tuwha Ao Series o ngā Fighting i Canada me te i roto i runga i 30 whenua i roto i te Europa, Āwherika me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.

Ao Series o te whawhai te whakamanamana te oranga, -tipu nohopuku rārangi o rua MMA taranata taumata whiriwhiri, tae atu ki ngā superstars rongonui Jake Shields, Jon Fitch, Yushin "whatitiri" Okami, Rawiri Manga a Tyrone "te Kingi o te Ring" Spong, me te he kohinga o toa o te ao te kāinga tupu, me nga whetu maranga, pērā i tūturu Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje, Lance Palmer, Marlon Moraesa Timur Valiev.

Ora World Series o te mahi whawhai hoki ki te NBCSN i Phoenix, Ariz. i runga iRāmere, Nov. 20 i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ka, mo te wa tuatahi i roto i tona hītori tau e toru-, Ka hurihia i roto i te kamupene he-po kotahi, waru-tangata whakakorenga whakataetae i roto i ona Kōmāmā (155 pauna) wehenga. The winner, ka kua nei e toru nga wa whawhai i taua po, ka kiia ko te tau kotahi nguha, me te kaiwero muri mo te karauna Kōmāmā o Gaethje.

Mō te Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF.com) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.


Kia tukuna tonutia atu: Lewiston, Maine (October 20, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ko te whakakake ki te kauwhau i kingi i te whakatairanga o te ngaio whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) Ka whakataetae toa whitu i runga i te kāri Bellator tenei Rāmere, October 23, 2015 i te Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, Connecticut. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion “Nanakia” Mike Zichelle (7-3) Ka fehangahangai Kevin Haley (3-3) i runga i te kāri tuatahi o “Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho.” The bout will take place in the light-heavyweight division at a weight of 205-pounds. For those unable to make it to Mohegan Sun tenei Rāmere, ka timata te kāri tuatahi tarere ora i 7:00 pm i runga i www.Bellator.com.


Zichelle hono NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Champion Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (11-8) a NEF MMA Ngaio Heavyweight ChampionTyler “Ko te ope” King (9-4) as the third NEF titleholder to compete on a national fight card in a six-day period. Both Boyington and King fought on the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) hui Rāhoroi whakamutunga i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Connecticut. Zichelle has held the NEF middleweight title since winning it at “NEF XII” i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2014. He is a member of Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Fighting hoki NEF hoatu ahau he tūāpapa ki te hanga i te ingoa tawhiti atu i te kāinga, a hoatu ana ki ahau i te whai wāhi ki te whakapumautia te whanaungatanga ki etahi iwi mīharo i te āhua o Maine,” Said Zichelle. “Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te tohu i te iwi o Maine no te ahau tino aroha te pehea ngākau e ratou e pā ana whawhai, pera ki te hei he whakamataku ratou toa. Time, me te wa ano, toa i NEF te tiki i te karanga ki te whawhai i roto i te whakaaturanga nui me ahau i tetahi atu tauira o taua. Kua anake kua tango ahau i tenei hākinakina fakamātoato mo toru whawhai, me ki he 3-0 lekooti a te te NEF Whitu Champion, Ka e ahau te karanga ki runga ki nga roopu nui! Ko ahau na fiefia ki te whakaatu nga mea katoa e kua e ahau te mahi i runga i a ki te mea he titiro atu ahau ki, te reira i te tauhohenga i te katoa ka kite ratou i ahau te whawhai i roto i tika i te wiki tokorua, me whakarite iwi i te putanga o te ahau i whawhai hoki te taitara i roto i 2014 no te mea ke i te rota, kua i waenganui i teie nei, a ka. Mauruuru koutou ki Matt Peterson (NEF co-rangatira, me te matchmaker) a ka whakawhetai ki a koutou ki NEF mo te whai wāhi ki te hoko i te toa i roto i tenei hākinakina me te tino nui whakawhetai ki a koutou ki te pā! Noho ngākau! Titiro atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te whakaatu mo Maine iho te huarahi!”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” e wahi i runga i Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.



Rauna 6: OPERATION knockout
Kia puritia AT Brooklyn Bowl

Te ono o hui ā-tau ka whakaara ake moni mō hoia i taotū me o ratou hapu

Rāhoroi, October 17, 2015 Doors tuwhera i 5 p.m.


Tickets I te Sale Na!!!


Ki te hoko tīkiti, tirohia www.tuffnuff.com ranei te tari pouaka Brooklyn Bowl.


Las Vegas - Runaruna pirimia toi hōia whakauru o te iwi (MMA) whakahaere, Kei te Kaiiriiri ake Tuff-N-UFF UFF ki Randy Couture mo ona ono o Rauna ā- 6: Hui Operation Knockout Rāhoroi, October 17, 2015.


Na i te ono ona tau, "Rauna 6: Operation Knockout "he ā-he toi hōia whakauru (MMA) kaupapa i hanga ki te āwhina i te kohi moni, me te mōhiotanga hoki hoia i taotū me o ratou hapu. This year’s event will be held at the Brooklyn Bowl. Doors tuwhera i 5 p.m. a kei te wātea tīkiti tīmata i tika $25 i roto i www.tuffnuff.com te ipurangi rānei http://www.brooklynbowl.com i Brooklyn Bowl ranei mā te toro i te tari pouaka Brooklyn Bowlir.


I muri tau angitu e rima, Tonu Operation Knockout ki te tupu i roto i te rahi me te kite i te fare hou i te Brooklyn Bowl. Tenei whakaongaonga, hui aroha ahurei ngā te po o te mīharo whawhai, me te mākete puku tino mīharo. He ka te tahi mea mo te katoa ki waru runaruna pāngia MMA.


Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation whakarato tautoko e tika ana, me te ratonga mō hoia i taotū me o ratou hapu, he tokomaha o nei hoki ki amputations pāmamae, te pū, weranga me wharanga hau.


Tonu Operation Knockout ki te hanga i runga i ona kaha ki te kohi moni atu me te tauturu i te hoia atu i werohia, me o ratou hapu. Kua whakaarahia te hui i runga i $133,000 mai i tona tau tuatahi me te awhina o ratou kaitautoko horo'a me ngā takoha, te kaupapa hoki tenei 17 o Oketopa i te Brooklyn Bowl mo tona tau nui ki te rā. Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki tenei kaupapa nui, whakapā atu Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation i 702-616-1022 haere rānei ki tēnā www.xcgif.org.


MŌ Xtreme Couture Gi makatu'unga:


Ko te Xtreme Couture Gi Foundation, te 501 (c) 3 pai-kore kaporeihana, I whakaturia e Randy Couture i roto i 2009 ki te whakahonore i te hoia ope Amerika o te patu o. Tautautefito te turanga i hanga ki te kohi moni, me te mōhio hoki te hunga i werohia i roto i te mahi me o ratou hapu.

E rave rahi o te whara he amputations pāmamae, te pū, weranga me whara hau e ka muri i enei tangata maia me te wahine i nga ope patu. E tino etahi o enei tangata, me te wahine whara Ahakoa, i te itoito ratou, kaha me te faaotiraa ki te riro i tēnei whawhai.

Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i te turanga haere ki tēnā: http://www.xcgif.org.

MŌ Randy Couture:
Mahi Randy Couture i roto i te Ope Taua mo 6 tau i roto i te 101st Mahino, Ko te mua 6x World MMA Champion, TV me te whetu te Kaitapere Whitiāhua nei ko i te raupapa kiriata Sylvester Stallone – Ko te Expendables ahau, II a III.



He whakahaere hākinakina whawhai tawhito-tau 21, kua kawea te Las Vegas-e hāngai ana Tuff-N-UFF te pai runaruna toi hōia whakauru (MMA) mahi i roto i te iwi mai i 2003, hoatu ara ki te whetu nui i roto i te hākinakina i teie mahana, Toa whā UFC Ronda Rousey, me te UFC me Strikeforce hōia Ryan Couture me hou-hainatia Welterweight UFC Alan Jouban. Kua tauturu Tuff-N-UFF tupu nga mahi o te maha atu kaitäkaro MMA tae Jessamyn Duke, Hēneti Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Hehe Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad Imes, Jimmy Jones me Hehe Taylor. I roto i te 2013, Ka Tuff-N-UFF te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai tuatahi ki te kia whakaurua i runga i te UFC International whawhai hōtaka Wiki o ngā. I roto i te 2014, Kawea Tuff-N-UFF he hui tuarua Rāpare, Hōngongoi 3 ora i Texas Station, kowhetetia mana rite te whakatairanga kaupapa tuatahi kia whakarārangitia i runga i te Wiki Whawhai hōtaka UFC International e toru nga tau i roto i te rarangi. Whakanuia Tuff-N-UFF ona hītori 21 tau Rāhoroi, Pipiri 27, 2015, ki runga 16,000 pā, i roto i te hui ora hokona-i roto i te a Tamati, ka Mack Center. I roto i te 2014, Ngätahi Tuff-N-UFF ki te International Mixed Arts Federation (IMMAF) ki te tapaea, hei wāhanga o te Wiki whawhai UFC International 2014, te Ao MMA tuatahi-ake runaruna Toa. Ano i roto i te 2014, Kaiwhakahaere Matua Tuff-N-UFF o, Jeff Meyer, I whakangungu ia rātou ki te Arts Hall o Rongonui me kororia ki te Tohu Crystal mo ona takoha ki toi hōia. Haamo'ahia ki tona kaiwhakarewa, te mutunga o Barry Meyer, Mahia Tuff-N-UFF te ki te takaro o MMA me te hanga i te “Future Stars o MMA.”


Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toro TuffNUff.com a pee i runga i Twitter, me te Instagram / FacebookTuffNuff me rite tatou ki runga ki Facebook.com/TuffNUff.



I roto i 'te tau tuatahi Operation Knockout o roto i 2010, te hui ka kumea tata ki 300 iwi i Randy Couture o Xtreme Couture Faleva'inga i ngā he whakaaturanga 10-whawhai ki whawhai ki runga-a-haere mai. Te tahi atu whakangahau me te mākete tūemi takoha i kaitautoko, tae atu rangatira omaoma me te kōrero MMA Randy Couture, tauturu ki te whakaara $12,000 mo te aroha. Whakamatauria te kaupapa e kore i MMA kaitautoko anake rawa hiahia i roto i te kitenga o pai whawhai, engari i roto i hoki tautoko te hunga i roto i te hinaaro i roto i to ratou hapori. Tonu ki te tupu, te tau e rua ka kawea mai he mahi tahi ki Tuff-N-UFF whakaatu 10 whawhai fakangofua ia e te Komihana Athletic Nevada State, tāpiri i te kahu hou o te whaitake mo te hui. I teata hoki te kaupapa mo te wa tuatahi. Nā ki enei mau tautooraa me te iwi nui tūao ratou wa me ngā ratonga, te hui whakaara ake atu i $17,000 ki te tata ki te 700 iwi i roto i te haereraa i te. I roto i te tau e toru, te hui kawea mai i runga i te hoa hou, me te wāhi hou ki te Pearl Theatre me te nikau Hotel & Casino. Ko te hui ā-tau tuatoru whakaarahia moni atu ara ki $34,000 me te neke atu i te 750 iwi i roto i te haereraa i te. The fourth annual event was at the Texas Station in which it raised $42,000 me te neke atu i te 850 iwi i roto i te haereraa i te.


MŌ Brooklyn Bowl:

Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas he mo te whakakotahitanga tūmōmō pō o te waiata ora te wahi kāinga me tūruhi haere, 32 teka pulu huarahi ae rima nga kaho ki te tahua i hanga katoa-whare i hanga ai hainatia e teina’ Bruce a Eric Bromberg o Blue Rīpene Restaurants. A, no te reira te mea he whakaatu ora, reira e nehenehe e nui atu i 2,000 concertgoers pārekareka hōtaka waiata ora i te wāhi whakauru whānui, me te hōpa te Bowlers rongorau 'pātata ki te huarahi, ranei te pouaka rüma tūmataiti titiro i te reira katoa. Mai te whakatuwheratanga i roto i Maehe 2014, ngā nui ngā Elvis Costello & Ko te Roots, A Jane faatītīraa e, Phil Lesh & Hoa, O.A.R., Smashing paukena Robert Plant, ko Jack White. Kei te tū hoki Brooklyn Bowl i Brooklyn me Rānana, hanga Las Vegas tona wāhi tuatoru. Rolling Stone karanga Brooklyn Bowl “tetahi o nga wahi tino whakaponohia i runga i te whenua” ia USA teie mahana ta “Music i aroha me te hunga i aroha kai te mutunga i te wahi ki te faaite i te po: Brooklyn Bowl i te LINQ.” No te tahi atu mau haamaramaramaraa, tae atu i te ake te nuinga- ki-te rā whakaatu lineup, toronga www.BrooklynBowl.com. To be added to the email list for information regarding upcoming shows, īmēra LasVegasNewsletter@BrooklynBowl.com.

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I muri i roto i te taahiraa avae o to tatou wāhi Brooklyn taketake, tuhia rite "tetahi o nga wahi tino whakaponohia i runga i te whenua,"E Rtelling Stone, kua tāpae tatou i te rahoraho mo te wheako pono fakangalongata'a.

Ki te toru ngā taumata, huri noa tata 80,000 waewae tapawha, te reira tetahi o nga wāhi waiata nui i roto i Amerika. Haere mai mō ngā konohete ora puta noa i te ra, me te mutunga ki te po, 32 huarahi o te maita, me te kai i te wharekai rongonui Blue Ribbon New York o. Ko te wheako rite kahore atu Las Vegas tenei.