Tūtohu Archives: Arts hōia Mixed

Re'zin FF Faaite taiapa whakataetae, Matchups mō te Eight-tangata taumahamaha o Tournament i runga i Hakihea 29 a 31

Fighters comment on the highly-anticipated tournament that will award its winner a $300,000 grand prize

TOKYO, JAPAN (Nov. 30, 2015) -Ko Te tuhi ki te whakatau i nga taiapa whakataetae me te atamira tuatahi matchups mo te RIZIN Tuhinga GRAND-Prix 2015 waru-tangata, whakataetae taumahamaha e ka tango i te wahi i runga i te akoranga o te rua ra – Hakihea 29 ko Hakihea 31and will award its winner a grand prize of $300,000, was held today in Tokyo.

BAMMA Heavyweight Champion Mark Godbeer, kua oti nei te whakaritea ki te whakataetae i roto i te whakataetae, was forced to withdraw due to a neck injury sustained in training. BAMMA will announce a replacement fighter for the tournament soon.

I mua ki te tātuhi, Tiamana Nobuyuki Sakakibara kī, "Ka riro tenei whakataetae te miramira o RIZIN. Toa i huri noa i te ao nei e whakakake ki te tohu i to ratou whakatairanga me te whenua, a he vēkeveke ki te whakamahi i tenei tūāpapa ki te whakanui i to ratou mahi ki te hanga i te ingoa hoki kua ratou huihui i roto i te whakataetae. E kore ai te nuinga o nga pāpāho nei huihui i tenei ra mohio nui e pā ana ki enei kaitäkaro, engari ka te tuatahi whana K-1 atu i roto i 1993, tangata i mohio e pā ana ki Branko Cikatić ranei Mike Bernardo. Ko te whawhai nei whakatuwhera ake i te tatau hou ko te hunga e nui to ratou tūmanako ".

The seven contestants slated for tournament action appeared at the press conference. Each drew an envelope numbered one through seven, and those who drew numbers one through four received the opportunity to choose their respective places in the tournament draw.

The first stage tournament matchups will be as follows:

Whawhai # 1: Lawal vs BAMMA fighter
Whawhai # 2: Aukstuolis vs Cappelozza,
Whawhai # 3 Ishii vs Prochazka,
Whawhai # 4: Reljic vs Nemkov.

A tournament reserve bout between Valentine Moldovsky and Yuta Uchida was also announced during the press conference.

Quotes toa:

– 1st Pick = “King Mo” Lawal – Kāniwha te tīpakohia

"Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te whawhai mo RIZIN. Ahau fiefia ki te whakaatu i toku pūkenga i roto i te mua o te pā Japanese me te kia mahi i te mahi ahau. Au fiefia ki te e taea ki te tiki tau kotahi. Au tonu ahau tau kotahi. Ahau i roto i te tūnga i reira e te tiki i ahau etahi, toku mahi he ki te kuru i te tangata tu i muri ki ahau. "

“"Ahau tēnei wā e kore e whai i te hoariri, engari au e ahau tino e ka tukua atu e BAMMA he toa pai hoki ki ahau. Ko kāore te tangata e haere mai, ka kia mongamonga na pai ia kia rite. Whakaaro ahau hanga Ishii he whiriwhiri atamai ma te ape i ahau, me toku taiapa. He pai hoki ki a ia. "

"Ko te he rota o te moni! Hiahia hoko e ahau he paihere o te ice cream, te tahi mau kakahu pai, a ka haere ki Disney Ao, ka kite i te paihere o te kiriata. Hiahia haere ahau ki Vegas me rōpū, a hoko taranata o oko koura. "
– 2nd Tiki = Theodore Tāroaroa (BUSHIDO Europe Champion) – Kāniwha tīpakohia C

"Te mauruuru nei kia hoatu ha faingamālie taua ahau. I tenei taumata o te whakataetae, whai koe ki te kia rite ki te whawhai tangata kia kore ahau e tiaki nei e toku hoa tauwhainga. Whakapono ahau i roto i ahau, me ahau rite ki te whawhai tangata. "

"Hoki ahau, hoko i te toa i roto i nui atu te moni. Money ka whai rite ki te hua o te hoko ko ha toa mau. Toku ngakau kei te whakaritea kia riro i te whakataetae ".

"Ko te take ko te aha ahau i konei ko te mea e whakapono ahau i roto i ahau. Ka whawhai ahau ki te tohu i toku whenua iti. Toku hoariri e Tūrongo mohoao engari kahore he take he aha e ngaro i ahau. Ka hoatu e ahau ki runga ki te whakaatu, me te haere mai i roto i te wikitoria.”

– 3rd Pick = Goran Reljic (KSW Light Mua taumahamaha Champion) – Kāniwha tīpakohia G

"E kore ahau e tiaki nei whawhai ki ahau. Toku moe mai ko ahau he kuao koati ko ki te whawhai i roto i Japan, a ka noho ahau i te moe matau i teie nei, toku whāinga ko te ki te whakaatu i toku mahi pai i runga i te Tau Hou. "

"Ahau i rite ki te matchup. Kua kua ahau te whakangungu ki te toa Sambo ao Blagoi Ivanov a ahau waia ki te kāhua whawhai Sambo. E mohio ana ahau ki mai ia i te rōpū nui, engari ka waiho e ahau rite ki te tango i tetahi mea ia ki te whakahere pera ano te reira i te whawhai pai. "

"Kua ora ahau i te moe tamarikitanga. Ko ahau te arotahi ki runga ki tonu toku haere i runga i toku moe ki te riro i te toa i roto i Japan. Ka whakaaro ahau o ta ki te mahi ki te moni kotahi te whakatutuki ahau toku whāinga. "

– 4Pick th = Satoshi Ishii (Beijing Olympics Judo Gold mētara) – Kāniwha tīpakohia E

"He pai takanga. E kore e ite e ahau e te whawhai ko te whawhai, kua tika timata te whawhai i runga i Nye. "

"Taku mahere he ki te haumi hawhe o te moni utu i roto i te petipeti, a ka foaki te toenga."

"Ko ha tuku pai e kore i taea e ahau te tahuri iho tenei. He whakataetae MMA, Hoariri pai, moni taonga pai. E kore ahau e hiahia ki te arotahi rawa nui i runga i te toa i te whakataetae no taua e pā toku kēmu hinengaro, ka pera ano arotahi ahau i runga i tetahi whawhai i te wa. "

– 5Pick th = Bruno Cappelozza (Whawhai Jungle 100kg Champion) – Kāniwha tīpakohia D

"Ahau tino e kore e mohio ki tetahi ki nga whawhai o konei i tenei ra, Ka whiriwhiria e ahau toku hoariri, me te tumanako Au waimarie ahau. "

"Ka huri e momo o te moni nui toku ora, me te ora o toku utuafare. Na ka hoko ano he toa. Te hunga āhuatanga e rua e mau ohipa nui hoki ahau.”

«E ua riro toku moe ki te whawhai i roto i Japan. E kore ahau e mohio ki te nui rawa e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga, engari au e ahau mohio e ineine tatou, te tokorua mo te whawhai whakaongaonga. Whakaaro ahau tenei e waiho hei whawhai pai ".

– 6Pick th = Vadim Nemkov (MMA Union Heavyweight Champion) – Kāniwha tīpakohia H

"Ka kia māngai ahau Sambo. E rite ahau ki te whakaatu i te ataahua o Sambo me te toi o Sambo.”

– 7Pick th = Jiri Prochazka (GCF Czech Light Heavyweight Champion) – tīpakohia Kāniwha F "Ko ahau rawa fiefia ki te taea ki te whakaatu i toku pūkenga i roto i te whenua te wahi i whanau i te Samurai i. E kore e whakama koutou e ahau. "

"Katoa i konei he uaua. Mai ka whawhai ahau te tino whenua, Ka toku whawhai e kohikohi whakarongo. E rite ahau ki te whakamahi i tēnei whai wāhitanga, me tenei titauraa ia riro mai i te mea i muri nui ".

"Ko reira kia nui te moni e kore ahau e matau ki te wahi ki te tīmata. E whakapono ana ahau e haere i te moni i muri mai. Na rite o teie nei, ki te hoatu i te reira katoa i ahau ki te hanga RIZIN whakakake i whiriwhiria e ratou ki ahau mo te whai wāhi toku arotahi ko ".

Kaiwhakahaere General Nobuhiko Takada ka mau te hopuoro i muri i te tātuhi, "Kua ongo'i ahau he waia, whakamarie huru makiki ano e tika i teie nei. Ko ahau fiefia noa ki te kaititiro te whanautanga o whetu heke mai. Te ti'aturi nei e ahau e taea e Ishii te mahi i roto i te ara i te wahi e meinga e ia tatou pā Japanese whakakake. Lavame'a tuatahi o Ishii i toa i te mētara koura, heoi kahore matou i kite i tetahi hua tino i ia i roto i MMA. Te ti'aturi nei tino ahau e taea e ia te whakamahi i tēnei whai wāhitanga ki te whakatutuki i te fakahoko nui o tona mahi.”



Coker and Di Blasi

Runga ake: Scott Coker ko Carlo Di Blasi


PARIS (Nov. 27, 2015) - Ehara i ara he taatoa marama i muri i kauwhau mahere ki te manaaki i ngā ao maha i roto i 2016, Kua tae mai Bellator MMA i ki te rā, me te wāhi mo tona hounga tuatahi puta noa i te hāroto. Bellator MMA peresideni Scott Coker joined Oktagon kickboxing peresideni Carlo Di Blasi i roto i te Paris ki tenei ahiahi kauwhau whakaturia ki te tango i te wahi i runga i te hui tahi-whakatairangatia ana April 16 i te Pala Alpitour i Turin, Italy.

Ka ngā te hui Bellator MMA e rua, me te Oktagon kickboxing pāngia, ki te wahi aureretanga Bellator MMA i roto i te United States runga i te Koi. Exact broadcast information and fight card will be announced in the near future. Tickets for the event will be available at www.oktagon.it timata Hakihea 14th 2015.

"Ko matou tino harikoa mätou ki te mahi taha i te taha ki toku hoa Carlo Di Blasi me tona kapa,"Ka mea a Coker. "Carlo Ko te hoa nui, and someone who I admire for all of the amazing work he has done in combat sports throughout Europe over the past twenty years. We look forward to putting on an amazing show for the Italian people, a te faatano pā i roto i i huri noa i te ao, no te whakakotahi tatou i ta tatou mau tautooraa i runga i April 16 i roto i te Turin "

“I Oktagon kua angitu maere te hanga i te taiva ore, me te mahi hoki i te fanbase puta noa i Europa i runga i te rua tekau tau o mua,"Said Di Blasi. “I know that these fans are going to really enjoy the exciting brand of MMA that Bellator offers when we partner with them on April 16.”

I roto i te taha ki te fanongonongo whawhai, Kua hainatia Bellator MMA tetahi o tino nui toi hōia whakauru a Italy, Alessio Sakara (17-11, 2 NC MMA / 8-1 Mekemeke), nei tūmanakohia ki te whawhai i te hui. Kua whakataetae Sakara rite te whitu, engari tata hoki ki te taumahamaha marama, te kaute i te wikitoria TKO tika 1:32 into his last outing this past September. The tattooed striker has always performed well in front of his countrymen, haere 6-0 i roto i te MMA me 6-1 i roto i te mekemeke, ka whawhai i roto i Itari, a ka titiro ki te tāpiri ki taua angitu muri April.

I Bellator kua he tau lekooti-pakaru i roto i 2015 ki Coker i te urungi, powered e rave rahi mau ohipa nui, tae atu "Bellator: Kimbo vs. Shamrock,"I hangaia 2.9 miriona ngä kaimätakitaki me "Bellator: DYNAMITE 1,"E hoatu nei e kamupene lekooti mo te tae ā, me te kuwaha. Ko te kaupapa i roto i te Torino tohu hui tuatahi-ake o Bellator tāwāhi, otiia e kore e waiho te reira i te whakamutunga. I tua atu ki te hui Torino, Kauwhautia Bellator MMA kua mahere mō ngā ao atu i roto i London, a Iharaira inumia hoki 2016.

Kua Oktagon kickboxing kua he rawa i roto i hākinakina whawhai hoki 20 tau i teie nei, officially founded in 1996. Under the watchful eye of Di Blasi, hoatu te whakatairanga i runga i te tahi mau matchups fakangalongata'a puta noa i te tau ki te whawhai runga, tae atu Bellator Welterweight Paora Daley me te te teina Petrosyan (Giorgio ko Armen), Robin Van Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, Rico Verhoeven ko Artem Levin.

Whawhai Foaki e Whatunga UFC whawhai Night Seoul Main Card & Pre-Whakaatu LIVE

Toronto (Whiringa 26, 2015) — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, E whakaatu ana whānui kapinga o UFC Whawhai Night: Henderson vs. Masvidal tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 28 i Olympic Gymnastics Arena i Seoul, Korea South.
Whawhai ka Air Whatunga te ora UFC Whawhai Night: Henderson vs. Masvidal kāri matua anake i roto i Canada i 8 a.m. AND. Ka rangi Encores roto i te primetime i 9 p.m. AND a 10 p.m. PT mo kaimätakitaki i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru.
I roto i te hui matua, toa Kōmāmā mua UFC Benson Henderson (22-5) rapu ana te rua o tona win tika i 170 pauna ritenga hōia whakamatauria whawhai- Jorge Masvidal (29-9). Superstar Welterweight Paetata Dong Hyun Kim (20-3-1, 1NC) competes in the co-feature against late replacement Dominic Waters (9-3). Te whakaawhiwhi i te kāri matua, Yoshihiro Akiyama (14-5, 2NC) hoki mai ki a South Korea mo te wa tuatahi mai 2007 for a welterweight matchup with undefeated grappling ace Alberto Mina (11-0), i taikaha toi knockout Tonga Korean Doo Ho Choi (12-1) looks to build on an impressive promotional debut last November when he faces off with fellow featherweight Sam Sicilia (15-5), te mauria he wikitōria karapīpiti e rua-whawhai ki te a'ee.
I Rāpare, Nov. 26 i 7 p.m. AND, Premieres Whawhai Whatunga he-haora kotahi UFC® Whawhai Night Seoul Pre-Whakaatu, āhuatanga arokite nei, matapae me te tātaritanga mō te hui, a te kaimahi ano hoki i rite te mata-i roto i ki te prelims ora.
I tua atu ki te ngā ora katoa, Whawhai Ko te ūnga mō te UFC ihirangi puna Whatunga, motuhake me raupapa, whai wāhi UFC tuku, UFC Na, UFC Ultimate Insider a matarohia UFC PPV ngā.
Tenei Rātapu, Nov. 29 i 9 p.m. AND, hopu i te whakaaturanga encore ki tonu i te UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez i nuku 2010 i roto i te Anaheim, Calif., headlined by a showdown between champion Brock Lesnar me te kaiwero Kaina Velasquez mo te taitara taumahamaha UFC, atu Jake Shields hanga i tona tuatahi UFC ki Martin Kampmann, Ko te Ultimate Fighter 1 toa Diego Sanchez tuki ki Paulo Thiago, pionie Tito Ortiz raruraru hoki ki akonga mua Matt Hamill,a Brendan Schaub whawhai Gabriel Gonzaga i roto i te mahi taumahamaha.
Ko te kāri tonu hoki UFC Whawhai Night: Henderson vs. Masvidal ngā:
Kāri Main (Ora i runga i te Whatunga Fight, 8 a.m. AND):
-Benson Henderson (22-5) vs. Jorge Masvidal (29-9)
-Dong Hyun Kim (20-3-1, 1NC) vs. Dominic Waters (9-3)
-Yoshihiro Akiyama (14-5, 2NC) vs. Alberto Mina (11-0)
-Doo Ho Choi (12-1) vs. Sam Sicilia (15-5)
Kāri hukihuki (Ora i runga i UFC whawhai Pass, 5 a.m. AND):
-Dongi Yang (12-3) vs. Jake Collier (9-2)
-Yui Chul Nam (18-5-1) vs. Mike De La Torre (13-5, 1NC)
-Color Hyun Bang (17-9) vs. Leo Kuntz (17-2-1)
-Seohee Hama (15-6) vs. Cortney Casey (4-2)
-Yao Zhikui (2-3) vs. Fredy Serrano (2-0)
-Ning Guangyou (6-2-1) vs. Marco Beltran (6-4)
-Dominique Steele (13-6) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (13-6)
Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia www.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.

Tāpiri Emanuera Sanchez-DANIELA PINEDA KI MATUA KĀRI o 'Bellator 149'

Santa MONICA, Calif. (Whiringa 25) - He pitting mā whakataetae Emmanuel Sanchez (12-2) ki Daniel Pineda (21-11) kua tapiritia ki te kāri matua Koi-teata o "Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie " i runga iFeb. 19 i Center Toyota i Houston, Texas.


The fight joins a card that already features a double main event — MMA legends Ken Shamrock a Royce Gracie hui mo te toru o te taime, me te Kimbo Poro ka whawhai te tangata kua oti nei te te karanga ia ia i roto i mai mutu to ratou auhoaraa matahiti i ma'iri a'e, Dhafir Harris, pai ake mohiotia rite "Chest 5000."


Tikiti mo tenei tīmatanga aru'i toi hōia whakauru i tika $30 a kei runga i te hoko i Bellator.com inaianei, me te HoustonToyotaCenter.com, Tari Toyota Pouaka Center, a Houston wāhi wāhi o Randall.


"Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie " Tags ora me te utu i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, i ka te awa pāngia tuatahi ora i runga i Spike.com.


Kua hoki poipoia Sanchez i te mate whakatau uaua ki mua Bellator MMA mā whitu Champion Pat Curran ki te rua toa ki te kuao, runga whati-145-pauna taranata, mama'o ia i te taitara o te 'amanaki me solidifying ia ano he nguha. "El Matador" i teie nei whakamanamana te 4-1 e whawhai record raro i te maru Bellator MMA me mo te rima o nga wa i roto i te whanganga o 329 ra.


E tu ana i te ritenga atu o te toa Roufusport e Pineda, he-tawhito-tau 30 e kua Kua pae te mahi ngaio 32-whawhai. He hōia o Legacy Fighting Championship, "Te Pit" e kore kua kite tae te wikitoria scorecards te kaiwhakawa,, mutunga 15 pairings mā tāpaetanga, te tahi atu e ono i te knockout. Tenei e ahua tuatahi o Pineda mo Bellator MMA mai 2010 i "Bellator 19."

"Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie "Kāri Fight Whakahōu

Bellator MMA Takahanga Main Openweight: Ken Shamrock (28-16-2) vs. Royce Gracie (14-2-3)

Bellator MMA Takahanga Main taumahamaha: Kimbo Poro (5-2) vs. Chest 5000 (2-0)

Bellator MMA mā Āhuahira a'ee: Emmanuel Sanchez (12-2) vs. Daniel Pineda (21-11)

AO Tuhinga o mua FINALIZES STAR-hokowhitu WSOF26 MAIN KĀRI FOR PARAIRE, Dec. 18 AT TE cosmopolitan o Las Vegas, LIVE ON NBCSN

Mā Takahanga Main Championship:
Lance Palmer (Champion) vs. Alexandre Almeida (Kaiwero)

Light taumahamaha Co-Main Takahanga: Tyrone Spong vs. Jake Heun

Ētahi atu:
Kōmāmā: Ozzy Dugulubgov vs. Nic Herron-Webb
Whā: Josh Hill vs. Bekbulat Magomedov
Mā whitu: Robbie Peralta vs. Sheymon Moraes
Las Vegas (Nov. 24, 2015) - World Series o te whawhai announced tenei ra that nei te reira tāpiri pāngia hou e toru ki te whakaoti i te kāri matua mō "WSOF26: Palmer vs. Almeida,"E e headlined e te pupūtanga taitara ao i waenganui i kingi hīanga, mā Lance Palmer a Alexandre Almeida, i te Cosmopolitan o Las Vegas i runga i te Paraire, Dec. 18, ora i runga i NBCSN, i 9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT.

Hono i te hui faaite i mua matua, me te marama taumahamaha hui tahi-matua i waenganui i Tyrone "te Kingi o te Ring" Spong a Jake Heun, ka waiho i te ono tekau (155 pauna) whakataetae i waenganui i te riri-whakaaro, maranga whetu Ozzy Dugulubgov me te ruānuku tukunga Nic "Naptime" Herron-Webb; he matchup whā i waenganui i nonoke Phenom Josh "Pūwhero" Hill me te sensation tūturu Bekbulat Magomedov; me te mā whitu (145 pauna) honga i waenganui i kaiwhiu kino Robbie "Raru" Peralta a Sheymon Moraes.

"Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki kati i te tau o te tupu e whakaponohia mo te Ao Series o te whawhai ki te lineup makehe o pāngia-ao o te piha ngā etahi o tatou superstars tino whakapumautia me te maha o ngā kanohi hou e tata pōwhiritia tatou ki to tatou rārangi me taua tatou titau ki te hanga i te pānga tonu i roto i to tatou whare herehere tapatekau,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni Rangatira Matua.

Utu i $29.99, E wātea ana tīkiti mō te hoko iwww.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com , www.WSOF.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.

The complete WSOF26 preliminary bout card will be announced soon. Ko te kaupapa ki te huringa i te kāri.

Ozzy Dugulubgov vs. Nic Herron-Webb

-Tau 26-tawhito te Dugulubgov (7-2) o Hackensack, N.J. Kei te titiro ki te kakari tona win karapīpiti te toru me te tuarua o te 2015, e whai ake nei i te rauna tuatahi (3:39) WHO (whara ringa) o Lucas Montoya i runga i April 10. Prior to his latest conquest, Dugulubgov, te Renzo Gracie ahuahunga e whakamanamana he lekooti tata-tino o 4-1 i roto i te Ao Series o te whawhai whakataetae, piro te miramira hurori-tika KO (meke) oKeon Caldwell i roto i te toru o tawhio (1:38) o to ratou matchup i runga i Mahuru 13, 2014.

Herron-Webb (18-6) o Anchorage, Ko Alaska he-tawhito 25-tau, Welterweight o mua (170 pauna) nei kua ahi, toa katoa o tona pāngia whakamutunga e wha i te ara o te tāpaetanga, to arrive at his debut with World Series of Fighting. Ki te rā, 14 o Herron-Webb o 18 Kua tae mai te whakauru mahi ngaio i te ara o te tāpaetanga, 8 o nei hua ia i roto i te rauna tuatahi o te whawhai.

Josh Hill vs. Bekbulat Magomedov

He mua Series Ao o te whawhai tangaroa kaiwero, Hill (12-1) o Kirikiriroa, Ontario, Canada haere te tawhiti ki kingi toa whā Marlon Moraes i mua i te kimi i ia i runga i te mutunga ngaro o te whakatau loto i runga i Hui-tanguru 12.

Kei te-tau 28-tawhito mai i anō whakarōpū-i muri i te mea tohua tona mate mahi tuatahi, a ngaueue atu e rua te whakauru karapīpiti waho o te Series Ao o te whawhai tapatekau - he toru a tawhio (2:01) tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) o Josh whakatikatika Whare i te 30, me te whakatau loto ki runga Ion Vranceanu i runga i August 31.

Magomedov (16-0) o Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russia, ka aituä tona record tino i roto i te U.S. mo te wa tuatahi tonu, i muri i te oma, kua whakanuia e te toa-tau 24-tawhito Sambo rite te mā whitu tau e rua runga i Ukraine, me te mā whitu runga maha whitu i roto i te Russia.

O Magomedov o 16 whakaora mahi ngaio, 8 Kua tae mai na roto i te ara o (T)KO me 3 Kua tae mai na roto i te ara o te tāpaetanga.

Robbie Peralta vs. Sheymon Moraes

Te hanga i tona World Series o te whawhai tuatahi, Peralta (18-6, 1 NC) o Escondido, Calif. Kua mahi ake e rave rahi taime i roto i te whare herehere fakangalongata'a ki tona kaha pahaki, notching 13 o tona 18 toa mahi ngaio ki te rā i te ara o (T)KO. The 29-year-old made his first big mark in the sport on April 9, 2011 ka piro ia he pouri nui ki runga na-DREAM toa Hiroyuki Takaya i te ara o te wahia whakatau i raro i te whakatairanga o te Strikeforce i teie nei-defunct.

Moraes will look to rebound after suffering his first professional defeat at the hands of reigning World Series of Fighting champion Marlon Moraes on August 1. Prior to the title fight, i puta mai te kino melo 25-tau-tawhito o Team Nogueira ki kia mohio ahea, piro (T)KO toa mo e wha o tona hoariri tuatahi e whitu.

ABOUT AO Tuhinga o mua
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com me te whai “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF ko Ao Series o te Fighting e rēhitatia tohu o MMAWC, LLC.

MŌ TE cosmopolitan o Las Vegas
Ko te Cosmopolitan o Las Vegas ko te huihui papai whakahere i te tirohanga decidedly rerekē. Kei i te ngakau o te Strip, tuku hoahoa maha-pourewa ahurei poutū o te huihui tirohanga mīharo o te pa hihiri. Ko te huihui 2,959-ruma hou āhuatanga kaitā wāhi ora noho kāhua-ki whwhi, kotahi-o-te-ahua ngā tūāpapa tūmataiti. Taonga huihui ngahoro o te Cosmopolitan ngā te 100,000 Casino waewae tapawha; Sahra Spa & Hammam a Violet Hour Hair maikuku Ataahua; e toru ahurei wheako poka; Mākī nightclub & Dayclub, he taumata-maha / nightclub waho integrated rō whare; 150,000 waewae tapawha o te tairururaa me kāwanatanga-o-te-toi wāhi hui; 40,000-mahi waewae tapawha, me te wāhi hui te Chelsea; and modern supper club Rose. Rabbit. Takoto. He aho-ake tūmōmō o retailers hou-ki-mākete ngā: AllSaints Spitalfields, CRSVR Sneaker paheke, DNA2050, Hahona o Beverly Hills, Kidrobot, Molly Brown o Swimwear, Haehae te Runway, Retrospecs & Co, Kiri 62 Poke, Stitched and U*tique Shop. Signature restaurants include: Blue Rīpene Pae Sushi & Tunutunu i restaurateurs Bruce me Eric Bromberg; Estiatorio Miloš, i te restaurateur ao Costas Spiliadis; Holsteins i Poraka 16 Hospitality; Jaleo a China Poblano wharekai i Garden Kaitao José Andrés; Scarpetta ko D.O.C.G. na roto i te tohu-toa Kaitao Scott Conant; a rongonui STK Steakhouse i te Rōpū KOTAHI; māketi whare kai tunu te kino pune; me te Henry, he wharekai ariā-ra katoa.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com
Muri ia matou i runga i Twitter i: www.twitter.com/cosmopolitan_lv
Kimihia tatou i runga i Facebook, i: www.facebook.com/thecosmopolitan
Muri ia matou i runga i Instagram i: www.instagram.com/cosmopolitan_lv

M-1 tāpiri Sandwich Whawhai Knight ki M-1 Challenge tāpae 63, Dec 4 i roto i te St. Petersburg, Russia



ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Whiringa 24, 2015) – He kua tāpae M-1 Challenge 63got even more entertaining with M-1 Global’s announced addition of the inaugural M-1 Challenge Knight Fighting Lightweight Championship.
Whawhai kaiaka Russian Dmitry Kovrizhin (4-0-0) a Evgeniy Bedenko (7-1-0) te whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi mo te tuatahi M-1 Challenge taitara Medieval, Hakihea 4 i te Hākinakina me Concert i St. Petersburg, Russia.
Rising whetu MMA Stephan “T-800” Puetz (13-1-0, 5 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) tohe tona karauna M-1 marama Challenge taumahamaha ki toa mua Viktor Nemkov (22-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 9 SUB)., Ngā ano i runga i te kāri matua ko tetahi whawhai taitara rite M-1 toa whitu Challenge Ramadan Emeev (12-3-0, 2 KO / TKO, 6 SUB) anga kaiwero American Luigi “Ko te Tank Italian” Fioravanti (26-13-0, 10 KO / TKO, 2 SUB).
Kovrizhin, e tohu ana i te Karapu Whawhai Bern i roto i Moscow, ko ha mēmipa o te 2014 a 2015 World Champion Team. He stopped Zuev Romawawe i roto i tona M-1 Challenge 60 whawhai.
Bedenko (whakaaturia ki te mahue) ko te toa i te White Castle ko Battle o Nations. Riro impressively ia iM-1 Challenge 56, te wahi patua e ia Ivan Vasiliev.
E toru atu whawhai i runga i te kāri matua poka taumahamaha marama Tiamana Martin “Kingi Kong” I maumauria (26-12-0, 16 KO / TKO, 5 SUB) vs. Russian Rashid Yusupov (6-0-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), Russian ono tekau Alexey “Taumahi” Makhho (10-3-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) vs. Georgian Raul Tutaraul te (5-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB), me te mā Russian Mikhail Korobkov (9-0-0, 1 KO / TKO, 6 SUB) vs. Hoariri Palāsilá Rodrigo “Kaitautapa” Magalhaes(7-0-0, 6 SUB).
Kua E rua atu whawhai kauwhautia hoki te kāri tuatahi: Ukraine hōia KōmāmāAlexander Butenko (38-11-0, 4 KO / TKO, 24 SUB) tutaki Heydar Mamadaliev (8-1-0, 3 KO / TKO, 2 SUB), o Azerbaijan, i Middleweights Russian Ruslan Shamilov aButat Zhumabatov hanga o ratou debuts ngaio ki tahi i te tahi.
M-1 Challenge 63 Ka rere ora i St. Petersburg i roto i te tautuhinga teitei i runga iwww.M1Global.TV. Ka taea ki te mataara i te whawhai tuatahi, me te kāri matua i te takiuru ki runga ki ki te rēhita i Viewers www.M1Global.TV. Kia mataara katoa o te mahi pā i runga i to ratou rorohiko, me te i runga i te waea atamai, me papa Android me Apple.
Whawhai, ka AIR Whatunga M-1 Challenge 63 ora i te TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable, Suddenlink Kōrero a Armstrong Cable i roto i te US, me te motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europa, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

NEW INGARANGI whawhai ka ta TE Tuhinga o NEF XX

Lewiston, Maine (Whiringa 22, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, puritia tona hui hou, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” i runga i Rāhoroi po i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Some 2,500 Kikī te Colisée mo te hītori tuatahi-ake kākano whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) me te kāri mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Maine.


I roto i te hui matua mekemeke o te ahiahi, Brandon “Ko te Cannon” Berry (10-1) haere waru-rauna mo te wa tuatahi i roto i tona mahi, defeating gritty Mexican veteran Roberto Valenzuela (72-70-1) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu.


I runga i te ngaio MMA wahi o te kāri, Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington(12-8) ko te wikitoria i roto i te parururaa i te NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Championship ki Jimmy “Jimbo Poro” Davidson (7-2).


I tua atu, Faaite NEF tona hui muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals” Ka tango i te wahi i runga i Hui-tanguru 6, 2016 i roto i te Lewiston. Another hybrid MMA-pro boxing event, “NEF 21” Ka ngā Hehe “Ko te Viking” Erickson (6-4) tango i runga i Devin Powell (4-1) in a lightweight contest. Already announced to be competing the boxing card are Brandon Berry and Joel “Ko te Baby Bull” Pihopa (0-0-1). Erin “Rahi Fun” LAMONTE, nei whakapai ake ki te 5-0 te po nei, ka hoki ki runga ki te runaruna MMA wahi o te February 6 kāri.


Ko te hua i Lewiston, Maine:



150 Brandon Berry def. Roberto Valenzuela mā te whakatau loto

155 Inihi Lewis def. Zenon Herrera mā TKO, tawhio 3

135 Josh Parker drew Elias Leland

Hopu Ernesto Ornelas def. Brandon Ali Garvin mā TKO, tawhio 2



155*TITLE Bruce Boyington (c) DEF. Jimmy Davidson mā TKO, tawhio 3

Hao Jon Lemke def. Matt Denning mā TKO, tawhio 1

170 Matt Bordonaro whakamutunga. Crowsneck Boutin mā pae turi, tawhio 1

Hao Matt Andrikut def. Hehe Baughman mā TKO, tawhio 1

145 Damon Owens def. Derek Shorey mā Gogoplata, tawhio 1




125*TITLE Ryan Burgess def. Dustin Veinott (c) mā te whakatau unanimious

145*TITLE Arona Lacey DEF. Karepe Horner mā te whakatau loto

125 Justin Witham def. Brent Ouellette mā TKO, tawhio 2

155 Rafael Velado def. Ken Dunn mā Kimura, tawhio 1

155 CJ karaehe def. Jason Lachance mā te whakatau loto

S.HWT Nick Gulliver def. Jason Field mā TKO, tawhio 1

145 Karepe Hall def. Matt Tamayo mā armbar, tawhio 1

265 Mike Williams def. Joe Krech mā armbar, tawhio 1

200 Victor Irwin def. Anthony Spires mā TKO, tawhio 1

Hao Ricky Dexter DEF. Steve Bang mā KO, tawhio 1

140 Rawiri Thompson def. Richmond Pierce Wiegman mā TKO, tawhio 1

121 Erin Lamonte def. Randi Beth Boyington mā armbar, tawhio 1

185 Karepe Farrington def. Ruben Redman mā pororere, tawhio 2

265 Bryce Bamford def. Bryce Locke mā TKO, tawhio 1

170 Karepe Swoveland def. Taylor Carey mā ringa tapatoru, tawhio 2

155 Riwai Sewall def. Matt Hanning mā TKO, tawhio 2


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals,” e wahiRāhoroi, February 6, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF 21” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

UFC STAR KI KIA i te āheinga o mua AT NEF XX; MEET-ME-Oha atu ki a Fanongonongo

Lewiston, Maine (Whiringa 18, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua” tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. The fight promotion announced earlier today that Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) whitu Tim “Ko te he Tautangata” Boetsch (18-9) would be the guest of honor at the event. It was further announced that Boetsch will be available to meet fans in attendance and sign autographs from 6:00 ki 7:00 pmmua ki te whawhai tuatahi.


Boetsch te tangata whenua o Lincolnville, Maine. He is a lifelong wrestler, having won four state championships while attending Camden Hills Regional High School. Boetsch was inducted into the Maine Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012. After high school, Boetsch e haere i runga i ki te whakataetae mō te Lock University Haven o Pennsylvania wahi parau tu'ite ia ki te tohu i roto i te ture toihara.


He is currently in his second stint with the UFC. Boetsch holds victories over many of the sport’s biggest names like Kendall Grove (22-15), Brad Tavares (13-4) ko Yushin Okami (30-10) just to name a few. Te nuinga tata, headlined ia “UFC whawhai Night 68” i roto i te New Orleans, Louisiana ki Rana Henderson (31-14). Boetsch is scheduled to face Ed Herman (23-11) i “UFC whawhai Night 81” i runga iJanuary 17, 2016 i roto i te Boston, Massachusetts. He is currently training with fellow UFC veteran Marcus “Ko te Irish Hand pohu” Davis i Davis’ Team Irish wāhi i roto i Brewer, Maine i roto i te faaineineraa no te te a'ee ka ū mai.


“Tino fiefia ki te tautoko Maine MMA,” ka mea Boetsch o tona ahua ka ū mai i NEF XX. “Titiro whakamua ki te mātakitaki i te kāri ki tonu i te nui whawhai me te whakatutuki i pā katoa i puta mai i roto ki te kite i te whakaatu whakaongaonga!”


"Kua ahau matakitaki ana Tim whakataetae ano he tangata whātōtō me te toi hōia whakauru mo tata 20 tau,"Tahi-rangatira NEF me matchmaker kī Matt Peterson. "Te tiaki ahau fakafefeka'i ia tona tukufakaholo i Maine runaruna nonoke mā te toa e wha taitara kāwanatanga te kura nui, ka ngakau ia i runga i rite ki whawhai ia tona ara ki hoko tetahi o nga tangata baddest i runga i te ao i roto i te Championship Ultimate Fighting. Tim, haere ki a Marcus Davis, Mike Brown me Tim Sylvia, hanga ake te Maunga Rushmore o Maine MMA, a ka waiho hei honore ki te whai ia ia, a Marcus e rua i roto i te haereraa i te i te 20th instalment o New England whawhai i runga i Noema 21st."


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XX: He HISTORY o mua,” tu'asino tuu tenei Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Tikiti hoki “NEF XX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.


Kotahi tekau ma rua whana kāri a'ee atu e ora i runga i WSOF.com i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT, aru e ora telecast NBCSN i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT

Awa Live ngā pāngia atamira quarterfinal kotahi-po o te whakataetae

Las Vegas (Whiringa 16, 2015) -Ko Te kāri whawhai oti, me te raupapa a'ee mo te Ao Series o tino-tia'ihia "WSOF o Fighting 25: 8-Te tangata Kōmāmā Tournament "aru'i i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. Kei te whakaturia hoki Rāmere, Whiringa 20.

Headlined e te tuatahi kotahi-po, waru-tangata whakataetae i roto i te Ao Series o hītori whawhai, ka whana i te hui atu ki te kāri a'ee tuatahi e ka rere ora, te ao i runga i te kaitākaro ataata embeddable i runga i WSOF.com, timata i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.

Ka te awa ora kia uru o waru pāngia, tae katoa matchups atamira quarterfinal e wha i roto i te ono tekau (155 pauna) whakataetae e ka karaunatia tona toa, ka kua nei e toru nga wa whawhai i roto i te kotahi te po, te hou tau kotahi nguha i roto i te wehenga taimaha hiahiatia.

Ko te-whawhai wha, ka timata i telecast NBCSN ora 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT ki te pāngia atamira whakataetae whāiti e rua, a faaoti i te pupūtanga a tawhio aito o te whakataetae.

Ko te whakataetae-kore, Kōmāmā tahi-matua whakataetae kaupapa i waenganui i Jason "te Kansas City tahae" Runga (18-5) o Kansas City, Koe. me te whetu tāwhai Estevan Payan (16-8) o Tempe, Ariz. Ka tango i te wahi i waenganui i te mutunga o te rua whāiti a'ee atamira whakataetae, me te whawhai a tawhio taitara.

I roto i te kotahi taiapa whakataetae, Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-11) o Miami, Fla., haere mai atu tetahi "Whawhai o te Marama" mahi i WSOF 23 i roto i te Mahuru, Ka tapawha atu ki maranga whetu Rich Patishnock (6-2) o Te Tai Rāwhiti Stroudsberg, Pa., ia Brian Foster (23-7) o Sallisaw, Okla., hou atu i te patiri, tuatahi a tawhio noa (:32) KO o mua hinga kore LaRue Burley i WSOF 23, ka tūtuki ki ruānuku tukunga streaking João Zeferino (18-6) o Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

I roto i te taiapa ritenga, nonoke me tāpaetanga ace Brian "o te kaiwhanga" Cobb(20-8) o Bakersfield, Calif. ka whawhai Firas Zahabi-trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt Mike "Te Martian" Ricci (10-4) o Montreal, Quebec, Canada, iaIhirama Mamedov (12-1) o Jersey City, N.J. mā Derbent, Dagestan, Ka hoatu e Russia tona mahana, 11-whawhai pūkenga toa i runga i te raina ki rima-wā, whakataetae toa kotahi-po, me te Judo me Jiu-Jitsu whitiki pango Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) o Houston, Texas mā Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ka tutaki i te toa o te quarterfinal atamira a'ee i waenganui Palomino ko Patishnock te toa o te whawhai i waenganui i Te poipoi, te Zeferino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te take kotahi-whakakorenga, me te toa o te matchup i waenganui Cobb a Ricci ka fehangahangai te toa o te a'ee i waenganui Mamedov ko Patino i roto i te atamira whiringa whāiti o te whakataetae.

I arahi atu te kāri a'ee tuatahi ka waiho te tuatahi o rua pāngia rahui whakataetae -Benny Madrid (8-3) o Phoenix vs. Ramil Mustapayev (3-1) o Albuquerque, N.M. mā Ossetia, Russia, ka e kia aru i te whawhai rāhui whakataetae tuarua – LaRue Burley (6-1) o Phoenix vs. Joe Condon (12-8) o Victorville, Calif.

Ka faaoti i te kāri a'ee tuatahi ki te catchweight honga 165-pauna i waenganui iJimmy Scully (3-3) o Phoenix ko Roberto Yong (2-3) o Glendale, Ariz. me te whā (135 pauna) te whawhai i waenganui i Hohepa Barajas (11-1) o Vista, Calif. a Erik Villalobos (3-0) o Glendale.

Utu i $29.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 25: 8-Te tangata Kōmāmā Tournament "kei runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Comerica Theatre me te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

Doors i Comerica Theatre tuwhera i 5 p.m. MT a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi tuatahi i 6 p.m. MT.


Kōmāmā Tournament Championship a'ee:
Whiringa whāiti Winner a'ee # 1 vs. Whiringa whāiti Winner a'ee # 2

-Main Co Takahanga Kōmāmā:
Jason Runga vs. Estevan Payan

Kōmāmā Tournament taumātakitahi Stage a'ee # 2:
Quarterfinal a'ee Winner # 3 vs. Quarterfinal a'ee Winner # 4

Kōmāmā Tournament taumātakitahi Stage a'ee # 1:
Quarterfinal a'ee Winner # 1 vs. Quarterfinal a'ee Winner # 2


Whā a'ee: Hohepa Barajas vs. Erik Villalobos

Catchweight (165 pauna) Whawhai: Jimmy Scully vs. Roberto Yong

Kōmāmā Tournament Quarterfinal Stage a'ee # 4:
Luis Palomino vs. Rich Patishnock

Kōmāmā Tournament Quarterfinal Stage a'ee # 3:
Brian Foster vs. João Zeferino

Kōmāmā Tournament Quarterfinal Stage a'ee # 2:
Brian Cobb vs. Mike Ricci

Kōmāmā Tournament Quarterfinal Stage a'ee # 1:
Ihirama Mamedov vs. Jorge Patino

Kōmāmā Tournament Rahui a'ee # 2:
LaRue Burley vs. Joe Condon

Kōmāmā Tournament Rahui a'ee # 1:
Benny Madrid vs. Ramil Mustapayev

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF®)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF ko Ao Series o te Fighting e rēhitatia tohu o MMAWC, LLC.

FIGHT Whatunga MMA, Kickboxing, Mamau & Judo HÖTAKA Apiti (Nov. 16-22, 2015)

(U.S. anake rārangi te kore te kore tohua. No te hōtaka Canadian tonu, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)
Whatunga Fight Ko te he 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:


Rāhina, Nov. 16
6:00 p.m. AND – Weekly Wrestling Global – Manaakitanga Scott Casper homai rongo wiki, me te tātari pokapū huri noa i te scene mamau ao, tae ki ngā uiuinga, āhuatanga, te hou rongo me hua, me te titiro hoki i te mua.
6:30 p.m. ANDJudo Samsun Grand Prix Highlights – Ngā i te Judo Samsun Grand Prix i Moana. 27-29, 2015 i roto i te Turkey.
7:00 p.m. & 11:00 AND5 Rauna – Whawhai o Whatunga John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te roherohenga te wiki o MMA mahi.
Rātū, Nov. 17
1:30 a.m. AND – XPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S. ngā kaupapa MMA ngaio, me te runaruna.
5:00 & 5:30 p.m. AND – Xtreme whawhai Championship – Florida-hāngai MMA pro ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.
6:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki John Ramdeen me Robin Black whawhati iho i te whānui o te kaupapa momo i roto i te ao MMA, tae atu ki ngā arokite o takahanga ka ū mai, me nga hau hou katoa, me matua.
8:00 p.m. AND5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black ani manihini manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.
10:00 p.m. ANDPatoto Hard Fighting 47 – Ngā Ngaio MMA i Nov. 13, 2015 i roto i te Calgary, Canada.
Wednesday, Nov. 18
5:00 p.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.
6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri e hāngai ana OK-ki Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Vitor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
8:00 p.m. ANDWarriors whare herehere Fighting Toa 61 – Ngā Bruno Carvalho vs. MT Inman i Nov. 15, 2013 i roto i te Amāna, Horano.
11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
Rāpare, Nov. 19
2:00 a.m. & 1 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 34 – Ngā Makunga Bunduku vs, Ricky Campbell a Natana Jones maua. Julian Kerr i Pipiri 1, 2013 i roto i te London.
4:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
3:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. AND – Fighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers HAO piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu at5 te taumata teitei.
8:00 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #33: Switzerland – Ngā Diogo Calado vs. Rafael Ilodra hoki aito te Enfusion -75kg ao i Nov. 7, 2015 Matigny i roto i, Switzerland.
Rāmere, Nov. 20
12:00 a.m. & 11 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.
2:00 a.m. AND – Pancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.
4:00 a.m. AND – Best o DEEP – Ngā matarohia whawhai i te whakatairanga Japanese hītori DEEP tae Shinua Aoki, Hayatpo Sakurai a Gegard Moisasi.
5:00 a.m. ANDBest o nga mea whakapaipai – Whawhai matarohia i te katoa-wahine mea Japanese MMA kawenata.
12:30 p.m. AND – M-1 Challenge 62 – Ngā Ivan Buchinger vs. Mansour Barnaoui mo te taitara mā Mi-1 Challenge i Oct. 10, 2015 i roto i te Sochi, Russia.
4:30 p.m. ANDFighting ihupuku kiAspiring kickboxing climb the ladder of success in the sport as rookies compete for a chance to become professionals and get experience needed to succeed at a higher level.
5:00 p.m. AND

UFC Fight Night Monterrey Weigh-Ins

– Ngā LIVE o te mana paunatia-mai mo UFC whawhai Night: Brown vs. Gastelum i Monterrey, Mexico.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Greg Jackson – Noho-iho uiuiraa ki rongonui kaiako MMA Greg Jackson.
8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m ao ki te hanganga pikipiki taumata-toru.
9:00 p.m. ANDNSS 26: Subject vs. Silva – Ngā Mikara Materia vs. Jay Silva a Marcin Rozalski vs. Nick Rossborough i Mar. 22, 2014 i roto i te Warsaw, Poland.
11:00 p.m. AND — CANADA ANAKE — WSOF 25: Tournament Kōmāmā – Kapinga LIVE ngā Ihirama Mamedov, Mike Ricci, João Xerferino, Rich Patishnock, Jorge Patino, Brian Cobb, Brian Foster a Luis Palomino kopikopiko, Phoenix, THE.
Rāhoroi, Nov. 21
4:30 a.m. ANDBookie beatdown – Arokite o te rārangi petipeti me runga rakaraka mō ngā nui UFC.
6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā George St-Pierre vs. Travis Galbraith i UCC 11.
7:00 a.m. ANDBest o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Jake Shields vs. Randy Velarde i Gladiator Challenge 2.
8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest. Hosted by UFC veterans Matt LIndland and Chael Sonnen. This episode features Brian Caraway and Ian Loveland in action.
3:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion #34 Holland – Kickboxing LIVE ngaio i Groningen, Holland, ngā Ilias Bulaid vs. Houcine Bennoui mo te taitara -67kg ao, me Artur Kyshenko vs. Hicham El Gaoui.
5:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
7:00 p.m. AND — UFC whawhai Night Monterrey Pre-Whakaatu – LIVE whawhai-mua rohe me te tātari hoki UFC whawhai Night: Brown vs. Gastelum i Monterrey, Mexico.
8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDSuper whawhai League 3 – Ngā James Thompson vs. Bobby Lashley a Trevor Prangley vs. Baga Agaev i Mei 6, 2012 i roto i te New Delhi, India.
Rātapu, Nov. 22
6:00 a.m. AND – CANADA ANAKE – KOTAHI: Whare o Champions – LIVE ngā Marat Gafurov vs. Jadamba Narantungalag mo te taitara KOTAHI mā whitu, me Adriano Moraes vs. Kairat Akhmetov mo te Championship Kotahi flywidht, i roto i te Beijing, China.
6:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.
11:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC – Puritia ake Āhuatanga Compilations o te ngā tākaro grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.
12:00 p.m. ANDWhiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Ko te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thailand rongonui.
5:00 p.m. ANDWeekly Wrestling Global – Manaakitanga Scott Casper homai rongo wiki, me te tātari pokapū huri noa i te scene mamau ao, tae ki ngā uiuinga, āhuatanga, te hou rongo me hua, me te titiro hoki i te mua.
5:30 p.m. ANDJudo Grand Prix Zagreb – Highlights i te Judo Zagreb Grand Prix i Kia 1-3, 2015 i roto i te Croatia.
6:00 p.m. AND – Fighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu FFC, M-1 me te ake.
8:00 p.m. AND – CANADA ANAKE – UFC whawhai Night PreLims– Whawhai tuatahi LIVE ngā Eric Parete vs. Taylor Lapilus, Vs. Hector Urbina. Bartosz Fabiński, Scott Jorgensen vs. Alejandro Parete ko Gabriel Benitez vs. Andre Fili i Monterry, Mexico.
11:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #21: Merseburg, Germany – Kickboxing Pro ngā Mohammed Jaraya vs. Mark Vogel, Andrew Tate vs. Orhan Karalioglu a Max Baumert maua. Valdet Galshi i Oketopa. 4, 2014 i roto i te Merseburg, Germany.
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