Tag Archives: Arte martiale mixte



lick AICI To Watch A Video Preview Of This Segment: http://s.sho.com/1KLdpqm


NEW YORK (Februarie. 25, 2016) – Noted mixed martial arts journalist Jon L. Wertheim takes an in-depth and personal look at how Holly Holm, a barely known underdog, was able to knock out women’s MMA queen Ronda Rousey. In the piece, Wertheim visits Jackson Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., the home of Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn. Wertheim investigates how the world-renowned trainers helped guide Holm to victory last November and have established their once-unheralded outpost in Albuquerque as a mecca for some of the best MMA fighters in the world.


Wertheim’s report appears on the next edition of 60 MINUTES SPORTS, premiera Marți, Martie 1 la 9 p.m. ȘI/PT pe SHOWTIME. Nathalie Sommer is the producer.


MULVANE, Mai. (Februarie 25, 2015) – Over the course of fight week, Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) has been battling an illness. After consulting physicians, Bellator officials have decided to to pull him from his Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title defense against former champion Eduardo Dantas (17-4).


After making weight inside Kansas Star Arena at 10 a.m. CT, Dantas was paid his show money. The fight will be rescheduled in the near future.


Ca rezultat, Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) împotriva Vinicius Queiroz (8-3) will now serve as the headliner and David Rickels (16-4) contra Bobby Cooper (12-5) is the new co-main event. Rounding out the SPIKE-televised card will be a middleweight attraction pitting Kendall Grove (22-15) împotriva Kiko France (13-3-1), the Bellator MMA debut of Lena Ovchynnikova (10-3), when she fights Rebecca Ruth (5-1) și Gaston Reyno (5-0) – fresh off his new exclusive multi-fight contract with Bellator MMA – will fight against Chuka Willis (6-2).


Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Queiroz,” difuzat în direct pe Spike la 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, în timp ce crize preliminare vor transmite în flux live pe Bellator.com și Mobile App Bellator.

Complet "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA grea Main Event: Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) vs. Vinicius Queiroz (8-3)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Co-Main Event: Dave Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) vs. Bobby Cooper (12-5)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Kendall Grove (22-15) vs. Francisco France (13-3-1)

Bellator MMA Ușoară Feature Bout: Gaston Reyno (5-0) vs. Chuka Willis (6-2)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (10-3) vs. Rebecca Ruth (5-1)


Card de preliminară:

Bellator MMA la categoria grea Element Bout: David Hammons (1-1) vs. Kyle Noblitt (1-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Brandon Farran (12-10) vs. Gregory Babene (16-11)

Bellator MMA Semimijlocie Element Bout: Manny Meraz (7-1) vs. Andre Fialho (5-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Chris Harris (4-0) vs. Julian Marquez (2-0)

Bellator MMA Element ușoare Bout: Marcio Navarro (14-11) vs. Henry Lindsay (4-5)

Bellator MMA Ușoară Feature Bout: Thai Clark (5-0) vs. Deron Carlis (4-1)

Bellator MMA Element ușoare Bout: Jason Witt (7-2) vs. Jonathan Gary (11-6)

Meet Tomas Yu WMMAA Vice President

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Februarie 25, 2016)- Asociația Mondială MMA (WMMAA) vice president Tomas Yu, de Albuquerque (NM), who is also president of the WMMAA Pan-American division, took time from his busy schedule to address questions about his MMA background and experience, the sport of MMA and WWMMA in particular.
Can you tell us about you and your experience in Martial Arts?
TY: “I’m from the generation that grew up watching 3 Ninjas,Ninja TurtlesI wanted to be a Ninja! I grew up practicing Tae Kwon Do in Mexico, all the way to my black belt. La vârsta 18, I ventured to practice Aikido and Judo in El Paso, Texas. I loved learning and I always wanted to be a rounded student, which is why I always looked for different arts to offset the weaknesses of the other.
How did you first enter the world of MMA?
TY: “I was really looking for a place I could introduce my daughter to Martial Arts. I was looking for a more rounded self-defense Martial Art but not a fight club. I was introduced to the sport of MMA by a good friend and pioneer of the sport, Chris Luttrell. I was immediately bonded to the sport, since that is what at one point all Martial Artists are looking for.
When did you first hear of MMA and what was your first impression? Did
you expect this sport to grow as much as it is now?

TY: “I have been privileged to see the evolution of MMA since 1993 ca adolescent, all the way to now, becoming the first Pan-American Division President in the most important Regulation Organization for MMA in the world.
What is your function and main activities within WMMAA?
TYMy biggest function is to introduce simple business principles to the sport of MMA and keeping Martial Art in MMA. What I mean by that is, the common denominator for every individual Marital Art are (Respect, Loyalty, Honor) and the mixture of martial arts should not represent what people perceive MMA is today. It should be a mixture of Respect, Loyalty and Honor. It should be a much more admired sport.
How would you assess WMMAA’s progress during its three year existence?
TY: “Bine, as an entrepreneur, I’m never satisfied, I always see ways to do things better but the reality is that, în 25+ years MMA has been evolving and becoming not just a mixture of Martial Arts but also a true blue sport. Many people have tried to add value to the sport with no real success until this past two years with the WMMAA.
What are the main goals of WMMAA and what are the main obstacles for the association?
TY: “This question has a long and complicated answer! The number one obstacle is pride, pride to admit that past performance or formulas to add value didn’t and won’t work. Pride to admit that working together will pave a new path. The number two obstacle, is UNDERSTANDING, understanding the big picture, like Micro and Macro economics really being two different worlds.
The sport or art of MMA is much more than what we see on television. There is a much deeper impact to society than pay per view.
How do you assess the third World Championship that took place in
TY: “Moments like these are the ones that 3 years ago we would dream about. Bine, last year that dream came true… peste 40 countries participated in the beautiful city of Prague. I can’t explain the clash of emotions when you see and hear country after country being announced as they walk into the arena with their head held high as they carry their national flag.
We as an organization created Continental Presidents to be able to perform better follow through and also be more sensitive negotiating in different cultural environments. Our Europe and Czech Organizing Committee did a wonderful job.
Were there any countries that stood out or surprised you?
TY: “The fact they were there, that’s what really stands out! Some countries were participating for the first time. The level of mental competition for some countries was amazing. I can’t wait for the 2016 World Championships.
What are the2016 mid-term goals for WMMAA PanAm?
TY: “The number one focus for PANAM is the roll-out of our new initiative on ‘Global MMA Officials and Licensingto standardize the sport worldwide, but also standardize the officials looking out for the sport.
Can you describe what 2015 was like for WMMAA?
TY: “2015 was a year of foundations, recruiting, and preparing for the volumes of growth coming our way this year.
What words of wisdom would you like to share with the members of WMMAA family?
TY: “I have always said that in every sport there is a business behind it, credincios: ‘Till this far, MMA is like Capitalit goes where it is welcomed and it stays where it’s treated well'
WMMAA keeps expanding. However there are still multiple countries that
are not yet WMMAA members. Why should any local Federation apply
for WMMAA membership?
TY: “We are the only organization of its kind. They would be able to get courses, national and international licenses but, cel mai important, they can be part of history by allowing athletes in their respective countries to participate in our version of the Olympics of MMA.
What would you tell them?
TY: “You are not alone. Here is where being part of a team with qualified individuals opening door. Power really does come in numbers.

People keep asking: why should we use SportID and SportData. Can you
repeat why it is so essential?

TY: “I’ll keep it short. The number one reasonreason enoughis to avoid private owned companies from having biased control on who and how they upload information.


Lewiston, Maine (Februarie 25, 2016) - Lupte New England (NEF), Numărul unu de promovare lupta regional Americii, va organiza urmatorul eveniment, “NEF 22: Toate drumurile duc AICI” pe Sâmbătă, Aprilie 23, 2016la Colisée Androscoggin Bank din Lewiston, Maine. Cartea de luptă va conține un amestec de arte marțiale mixte (MMA) și lupte profesionale de box. Mai devreme astăzi, NEF a anunțat adăugarea unui concurs de greutate ușoară la porțiunea de box a “NEF 22” carte de lupta. Crowsneck Boutin (0-0-1) este programat pentru a face față Brandon Montella (3-0, 2 KO) într-un meci de patru rotund.


Crowsneck Boutin, un regulat pe cardurile NEF MMA de atunci 2012, și - a făcut debutul în boxul profesional la începutul acestei luni pe “NEF 21” eveniment din Lewiston. S-a luptat cu Joel Bishop (0-0-2) la o tragere la sorți într-un slugfest incitant care a avut mulțimea Colisée pe marginea scaunului său colectiv. Boutin, l-am considerat pe cel care nu a avut parte din acea luptă, și-a lucrat expert pentru a controla primele două runde ale luptei. Ca meciul Bishop, Boutin se pregătește pentru un alt război cu Montella Aprilie 23.


“Brandon este un adversar foarte dur,” a declarat Boutin. “O să-mi prezinte multe obstacole. Antrenamentul meu este istovitor și voi fi pregătit pentru un război.”


Brandon Montella este un 1998 absolvent al liceului Carrabec din North Anson, Maine. După absolvire, Montella s-a alăturat Corpului de Marină al Statelor Unite (USMC) și servit până 2003 cu o descărcare onorabilă. Montella a lucrat în construcții în Virginia până 2011 când s-a mutat cu soția la Boston, Zona Massachusetts. El deține și operează Calea, LLC gimnastică de box din Woburn, Massachusetts.


“Întoarcerea acasă din Maine după toți acești ani pentru a lupta într-un loc cu o astfel de istorie este un sentiment uimitor,” spuse Montella. “Îmi va aduce prietenii și familia din trecut și prezent sub un singur acoperiș pentru un eveniment minunat.”


Montella a avut o carieră de box amator foarte reușită, cu un record final de 14-7. În 2011, a câștigat prestigiosul Turneu Rocky Marciano. Montella a câștigat mănușile de aur din New England în anul următor. Se întoarse pro în 2015 și a câștigat primele sale trei lupte cu două finale.


“În ceea ce-l privește pe adversarul meu Crowsneck Boutin, I-am văzut luptele și i-am citit povestea din spate,” Continuă Montella. “Ceea ce văd este un om ca mine – cineva care este hotărât să-și schimbe viața și să ia lucrurile în propriile sale mâini în loc să stea în jur, așa cum fac mulți bărbați astăzi. Când doi bărbați la fel de hotărâți ca noi intrăm în ring în fața unei mulțimi mari, se întâmplă magie. Creștem mai mari decât viața, iar fanii primesc o plăcere.”


evenimentul următor Luptele New England ', "NEF 22: Toate drumurile duc AICI," are loc Sâmbătă, Aprilie 23, 2016 la Colisée Androscoggin Bank din Lewiston, Maine. Biletele pentru „NEF 22” încep de la doar $25 și sunt în vânzare acum la www.TheColisee.com sau sunând la box-office Colisée la 207.783.2009 x 525. Pentru mai multe informații cu privire la eveniment și de luptă actualizările de carduri, va rugam sa vizitati site-ul de promovare, la www.NewEnglandFights.com. În plus, puteți viziona clipuri video NEF la www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, urmați-le penefights Twitter și se alăture grupului de Facebook oficial "New England Lupte".


Despre Lupte New England


Lupte New England ("NEF") este o luptă companie promoții evenimente. Misiunea FEN este de a crea cea mai mare evenimentele de calitate pentru pompieri si ventilatoare Maine lui, cât. Echipei executive FEN are o vastă experiență în managementul sporturi de luptă, producția de evenimente, relații mass-media, marketing, legal și de publicitate.


Click above for “What to Watch: Gavao vs. Dantas”


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Februarie 22, 2015) - Acest vineri, Bellator MMA brings a world championship matchup between two highly skilled mixed martial arts practitioners when bantamweight champion Marcos "Loro" Galvao (17-6-1) defends his strap against former champion and former friend and training partner, Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) la "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2.


The event emanates from the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas this Vineri, Februarie 26, and airs live on Spike at 9 p.m. ȘI/8 p.m. CT, în timp ce crize preliminare vor transmite în flux live pe Bellator.com și Mobile App Bellator. Biletele pentru "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " care încep de la doar $27, are on sale now at KansasStarEventCenter.com or Ticketmaster.com, precum și de box-office Kansas stele Arena.


In addition to the title fight, a heavyweight co-main event of Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) împotriva Vinicius Queiroz (8-3) will anchor the number two spot. De asemenea, pe cartela, Kendall Grove (22-15) ia pe Francisco “Kiko” France (13-3-1), favorit orașul natal David Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) will return to action against Bobby Cooper (12-5), plus the Bellator MMA debut of newly signed women’s flyweight Lena Ovchynnikova (10-3), care ia în Rebecca Ruth (5-1).


"Ei,"Care a luptat pentru promotii de renume mondial place de Mondiale Extreme Cagefighting și Shooto de la 2003, vor concura pentru 11lea timp sub egida Bellator MMA. In varsta de 34 de ani este în prezent în mijlocul unei castigatoare patru luptă și a apărut victorios în șapte din ultimele sale opt resturi. În ultimul său excursie, Galvao terminat Joe Warren la "Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvao " via submission to win his first-ever championship and fulfil a promise he made to his mother before her unfortunate passing.


Între timp, Dantas va fi în căutarea de a duplica succesul a avut împotriva Galvao în prima lor ședință, which resulted in a second-round knockout at “Bellator 89.” Last May, the 27-year-old Nova Uniao product dispelled of Mike Richman prin decizie unanimă, la "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Bellator Sezonul 5 Bantamweight Tournament winner is looking to become a two-time bantamweight champion come Octombrie 23.


Kongo will be making his eighth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, looking to add to his impressive promotional mark of 5-2. The Parisian native has fought a who’s who in the mixed martial arts landscape, with notable wins against Mirko Cro Cop, Pat Barry, Matt Mitrione, and Alexander Volkov already on his record. In his last outing – which just so happened to be inside the Kansas Star ArenaKongo impressively defeated Volkov via unanimous decision.


After nearly two years out of action, Queiroz returned to the Bellator MMA cage against Ewerton Teixeira la "Bellator 139: Kongo vs. Volkov," defeating his fellow Brazilian opponent via second round arm-triangle choke. “Spartan” hopes to plant the seeds for a busy 2016 with the matchup against Kongo, where a win can undoubtedly place him in the midst of the heavyweight title picture.


Grove capped off 2015 with an emphatic knockout of Joey Beltran la "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis," în luna septembrie. The winner of“The Ultimate Fighter: 3," a luptat profesional de la 2003 for promotions all around the world, notably ProElite and UFC. This will be “Da Spyder’s” sixth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner as he hopes to climb back towards a 185-pound title shot – he competed for the gold last year against Brandon Halsey.


A veteran of Strikeforce, “Kiko” France has strung together a five-fight winning streak as of late, most recently handing the formerly undefeated Ben Reiter the first loss of his young career at "Bellator 146: Kato vs. Manhoef. " It’s safe to classify the 33-year-old Arizona native as a “submission specialist,"Cu 12 sale 13 wins as a professional coming by way of making his opponent tap.


A Bellator MMA event in Mulvane, Kansas just wouldn’t be the same without “The Caveman,” who will return to action for the first time since competing against Michael Chandler acest trecut noiembrie. Rickels always comes ready to put on a show, fie că este vorba în drum spre cusca, sau atunci când el ia pe un cine este cine a Bellator MMA talent usoare. The 27-year-old will be making his 16leaappearance under the promotional banner.


The last time Bobby Cooper fought inside the Kansas Star Arena, he took home a closely contested split decision victory over“Bellator 147” co-headliner Pablo Villaseca. Acum, “Super Duper” will look to move to 3-0 under the Bellator MMA banner when he faces Rickels in hostile territory. It’s worth noting that the Missouri native has only lost twice in his last eight MMA appearances.


Hailing from Ukraine, Ovchynnikova will enter the fray fresh off a new exclusive, multi-fight contract with Bellator MMA. “Hunter” has previously fought the likes of Joanne Calderwood and at only 28-years-old has already competed professionally since 2006. Acum, Ovchynnikova looks to solidify herself as a top contender in the budding women’s flyweight division on Februarie 26 against a tough foe in Ruth.


“Becky” Ruth was undefeated in 2015, winning all three of her matchups by technical knockout under the Shamrock Fighting Championships banner. The lone loss on the Missouri native’s record came against Resurrection Fighting Alliance champion Jocelyn Jones-Lybarger, via controversial split decision.



Complet "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title Main Event: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) vs. Vinicius Queiroz (8-3)

Bellator MMA Element ușoare Bout: Dave Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) vs. Bobby Cooper (12-5)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Kendall Grove (22-15) vs. Francisco France (13-3-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (10-3) vs. Rebecca Ruth (5-1)


Card de preliminară:

Bellator MMA la categoria grea Element Bout: David Hammons (1-1) vs. Kyle Noblitt (1-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Brandon Farran (12-10) vs. Gregory Babene (16-11)

Bellator MMA Semimijlocie Element Bout: Manny Meraz (7-1) vs. Andre Fialho (5-0)

Bellator MMA Ușoară Feature Bout: Gaston Reyno (5-0) vs. Chuka Willis (6-2)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Chris Harris (4-0) vs. Julian Marquez (2-0)

Bellator MMA Element ușoare Bout: Marcio Navarro (14-11) vs. Henry Lindsay (4-5)

Bellator MMA Ușoară Feature Bout: Thai Clark (5-0) vs. Deron Carlis (4-1)

Bellator MMA Element ușoare Bout: Jason Witt (7-2) vs. Jonathan Gary (11-6)



Lewiston, Maine (Februarie 22, 2016) - Lupte New England (NEF), Numărul unu de promovare lupta regional Americii, va organiza urmatorul eveniment, “NEF 22: Toate drumurile duc AICI” pe Sâmbătă, Aprilie 22, 2016la Colisée Androscoggin Bank din Lewiston, Maine. Cartea de luptă va conține un amestec de arte marțiale mixte (MMA) și lupte profesionale de box. Mai devreme astăzi, NEF announced the main event of the boxing portion of the “NEF 22” carte de lupta. Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion Brandon “Cannon” Bacă (11-1, 7 KO) va lua pe James Lester (10-9, 4 KO) in a non-title, six-round bout at 140-pounds.


Bacă, the pride of small-town West Forks, Maine, has shined since returning from a shoulder injury last year. He has won his last three in a row, including a technical knockout (OMS) stoppage of Tollison Lewis (2-1, 1 KO) earlier this month in Lewiston. The upcoming fight with Lester will see Berry return to his native 140-pound junior welterweight division for the first time since his injury. All three of his recent wins have come in the heavier welterweight and super welterweight divisions.


April 23rd will be a big turning point in my boxing career,” said Berry when reached for comment. “This will be my fourth time headlining NEF’s boxing portion of the event, and I want to thank Nick (DiSalvo, NEF promoter), Matt (Peterson, NEF matchmaker) and Pete (Czymbor, NEF Director of Boxing Operations) for the opportunity. I asked for a challenge and to make it back down to my regular fight weight of 140-pounds, and that’s what I’m getting with Detroit’s James Lester. I think the crowd will be very happy and impressed with the talent level James brings. This is a big test for me and I hope that with nine weeks to prepare it’s a test that I can pass. He brings so much to the table that can give me problems in the ring, so me showing up anything less than 100% will be unacceptable.


I know that Tommy (Duquette), Ed (LaVache), Luke (Yetten) and the rest of Boston Boxing will push me to the limit and bring me into the ring prepared. James Lester has been around and fought some very good fighters. He had an amazing amateur career, and has spent years training at one of the most legendary boxing facility’s in the world, the Kronk Gym. Who doesn’t want to see this fight? See you all April 23rd, and as always thank you all so much for the amazing support. The tickets sales are unreal.


As Berry noted, James Lester is a product of the world-famous Kronk Gym of Detroit, Michigan. It was there he honed his craft alongside world champions like Thomas “Hitman” Hearns (61-5-1, 48 KO), Oscar De La Hoya (39-6, 30 KO), Lennox Lewis (41-2-1, 32 KO) and Wladimir Klitschko (64-4, 53 KO), pentru a numi doar câteva, under legendary trainer Emanuel Steward. Ca un amator, Lester was ranked nationally at number-two. He competed against the likes of future Olympian Andre Dirrell (24-2, 16 KO) and future WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell (28-1-1, 22 KO) while in the amateur ranks. The bout with Berry will mark the second time Lester has ventured to New England in his professional career. He competed on a card in Worcester, Massachusetts in 2011. Lester looks forward to making his return to the region.


Fighting Brandon will be exciting, and I’m ready for anything he has to bring,” said Lester. “Fighting in New England was awesome a few years ago against Ryan Kielczewski (24-1, 7 KO). I met some real good people there and can’t wait to come put on a show for them again.


evenimentul următor Luptele New England ', "NEF 22: Toate drumurile duc AICI," are loc Sâmbătă, Aprilie 23, 2016 la Colisée Androscoggin Bank din Lewiston, Maine. Biletele pentru „NEF 22” încep de la doar $25 și sunt în vânzare acum la www.TheColisee.com sau sunând la box-office Colisée la 207.783.2009 x 525. Pentru mai multe informații cu privire la eveniment și de luptă actualizările de carduri, va rugam sa vizitati site-ul de promovare, la www.NewEnglandFights.com. În plus, puteți viziona clipuri video NEF la www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, urmați-le penefights Twitter și se alăture grupului de Facebook oficial "New England Lupte".


Despre Lupte New England


Lupte New England ("NEF") este o luptă companie promoții evenimente. Misiunea FEN este de a crea cea mai mare evenimentele de calitate pentru pompieri si ventilatoare Maine lui, cât. Echipei executive FEN are o vastă experiență în managementul sporturi de luptă, producția de evenimente, relații mass-media, marketing, legal și de publicitate.

Piept 5000 Statement on Post-Fight Condition

Statement from the Harris Family:


The Harris Family would like to inform Dada’s friends and fans that Dada is ok and resting comfortably in a Houston area Hospital under the care of an incredible staff of doctors and nurses.

The doctors have now informed us that Dada had accumulated extremely high levels of potassium in his blood which led to severe dehydration, fatigue and renal failure. The high potassium levels were likely caused by his 40lbs weight loss in preparation for the fight.

Thanks to the EMTs and doctors, Dada is now recovering nicely.

Dada showed the heart of a lion in the cage- not backing down throughout. He worked extremely hard preparing for the fight and stepped forward for 3 rounds against a tough veteran. He kept digging through the adversity- leaving it all in the cage for his fans and supporters. You can never take that away from him.

We’d like to thank all those who have supported Dada as well as express our sincere appreciation to Scott Coker, and the good people at BELLATOR and Spike who have been on-site to visit Dada and support the family.

We ask for the public and media to respect Dada’s privacy as he recovers.


M-1 Challenge 64 Rezultate oficiale & Imagini

Shlemenko & Volkov victorious

Alexander Shlemenko’s hands is raised in victory after the decision was announced for his M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament semifinals match against Vyacheslav Vasilevsky

Alexander Volkov captured the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight title
MOSCOW (Februarie 20, 2016) – Veteran Russian fighters Alexander Shlemenkloși Alexander Volkov were the big winners in M-1 Challenge 64 action last night at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.
Shlemenko (52-9-0), a three-time Bellator champion, returned to M-1 Global in grand style, winning a close but unanimous decision over former 2-division M-1 Challenge division Vyacheslav Vasilevski (28-3-0), de Rusia, in their M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Tournament match. Shlemenko advances to the championship final later this year to face the winner of the other semifinals fight (Aprilie 8) la M-1 Challenge 65between reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramadan Emeev (13-3-0) and Brazilian Maiquel “Big Rig” Falcao (35-8-0). Emeev was the 2015 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year.
M-1 Global’s newly signed Alexander “Drago” Volkov (25-6-0), de Rusia, captured the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship, defeating Estonian strongmanDenis Smoldarev (11-2-0) by way of a third-round submission via a triangle choke.
In the M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Semifinals Eliminator matches, Pavel Vitruk (13-2-0) și ucraineană Vitaly Branchuk (21-5-0) both won unanimous decisions to advance to the championship final to determine the new M-1 Challenge bantamweight champion. Vitruk got past his previously undefeated Kazakh opponent Sergey Morozov (6-1-1), while Branchuk got the better of Antun “Ucigaș” Racic (18-7-0), Croația.
Late replacement Vladimir Kathyhin (32-6-1), din Ucraina, won a decision over American middleweight Joe Ray (13-5-0) in the other main card fight.
Pe cartela preliminară, Mijlocie rusă În mod obișnuit, Magomed (7-2-0), Semimijlocie rusă Maksin Grabovich (3-2-0) and Ukrainian featherweight Andrey “Fier” Lezhnev (8-5-0) were all unanimous decision winners, respectiv, against UkrainianVadim “ArchieOrischak (5-5-0), Germană Stefan Larisch (8-4-0) și rusăTimur Nagibin.
Russian heavyweight Kurban Ibragimov (4-1-0) knock-out Dmitriy Mikutsa (5-3-0), din Ucraina, în runda de deschidere, while Russian middleweight Valery “Ciocanul rusesc” Myasnikov (9-1-1) locked in a rear naked choke on Ukrainian foeVyacheslav “BisonBogomol (8-2-0) to win by second-round submission.
Rezultatele complete si galerie de poze de mai jos (toți câștigătorii listate primele):
Eveniment Principal
Alexander Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusia
Vyacheslav Vaselevsky (27-4-0, M-1: 10-2-0), Rusia
(Shlemenko advances to M-1 Global Grand Prix middleweight final)
Alexander Volkov (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0), Rusia
WSUB3 (Triunghi Choke – 0:32)
Denis Smoldaraev (11-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Estonia
(Volkov captures M-1 Challenge heavyweight title)
Pavel Vitruk (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Rusia
Sergey Morozov (6-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Kazahstan
Vitaly Branchuk (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ucraina
Antun Racic (18-7-0, M-1: 3-4-0), Croația
(Vitruk & Branchuk advance to M-1 Challenge bantamweight title fight)
Vladimir Katyhin (32-6-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Ucraina
Joe Ray (13-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0, Statele Unite ale Americii
Kurban Ibragimov (4-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0, Rusia
WKO1 (4:33)
Dmitriy Mikutsa (5-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ucraina
În mod obișnuit, Magomed (7-2-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusia
Vadim Orischak (5-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusia
Valery Myasnikov (9-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Rusia
WSUB2 (Spate Naked Choke – 2:37)
Vyacheslav Bogomol (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusia
Maksin Grabovich (3-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusia
Stefan Larisch (8-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Germania
Andrey Lezhnev (8-5-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Ucraina
Timur Nagibin (5-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusia


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Fondat în 1997, M-1 Global sa stabilit în arte martiale mixte (MMA) ca entitate premier pentru descoperirea si dezvoltarea de urmatoarea generatie mondial de luptători superstar. Cu sediul în St Petersburg, Rusia, M-1 marca a pus în scenă mai mult 170 Evenimente din întreaga lume, inclusiv M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, M-1 Global si M-1 Global HWGP evenimente, în plus față de co-promovarea evenimentelor Strikeforce si M-1 Global pe SUA. rețea, Arată Timpul. Vii Captivating, televiziune si în bandă largă publicul cu valori de producție de nivel superior și meci-up-uri, M-1 Evenimente globale au prezentat o parte din nume de top ale sportului, inclusiv grea legendar Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Serghei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid suportate și Stephan Struve. 2016 promises to be another sensational year of world-class competition, cu un calendar complet de evenimente Challenge, fueled by a talent-rich contention system to rank M-1 Global Champions among the greatest fighters in the sport.
DESPRE M-1GLOBAL.TV: Bucurați-vă de acțiune MMA acum în înaltă definiție adus la tine de M-1Global.tv, oferind celor mai bune luptele de la M-1 Global și alte organizații MMA. M-1Global.tv este o platformă mare dezvoltat special pentru a aduce împreună cele mai exhaustiv baza de date video de luptă. Acesta oferă, de asemenea, o interfață simplă și intuitivă, ajutând toată lumea pentru a începe utilizarea platformei în cel mai scurt timp evitând în același timp orice spoilere. Pe langa uitam luptele din trecut asupra cererii în orice moment convenabil pentru client, telespectatorii sunt capabili să se bucure de acțiune LIVE, toate disponibile pentru utilizatorii M-1Global.tv printr-o lună la prețuri mici la lună abonament digitală. Lumea ta de acțiune. Oricând!



HOUSTON, TEXAS (Februarie, 19) – Bellator MMA is pleased to announce its next tentpole event, "Bellator 154: Davis vs. Regele Mo,” which will emanate from the SAP Center in San Jose, Calif., pe data de 14 and air LIVE on SPIKE.


A light heavyweight bout to determine the No. 1 contender for Liam McGeary’s (11-0) title will anchor the card, când Mahomed "Regele Mo" Lawal(19-4, 1 NC) îndeplinește Phil "Dl. Minunat "Davis (15-3, 1 NC) in a contest that was supposed to decide the victor of the 205-pound tournament at"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1. "


But that’s not all –


The evening’s co-main event will feature a fight that mixed martial arts fans and media members have yearned for since Josh Thomson (22-8, 1 NC) chose to sign with Bellator MMA last year. “The Real Punk” will meet longtime lightweight standout "Iron" Michael Chandler (14-3) who’s fresh off a new longterm contract extension with the Scott Coker-led promotion.


Tickets for this MMA supershow start at $30 și du-te la vânzare Vineri, Februarie 26 la 10 a.m. la Bellator.com, as well as SAP Center Box Office and Ticketmaster. Bellator Nation Presale offer will begin Wednesday February 24.


To reach this point, both Lawal and Davis had to dispatch of multiple opponents over the course of one night to win two separate tournaments. Lawal most recently was victorious in a light heavyweight tournament for Rizin FF in Japan, beating Brett McDermott, Theodore Tall, and Jiri Prochazka, running his current winning streak to seven-fights.


For Davis, his Bellator MMA debut came in September, when he ran through both Emanuel Newton și Francis Carmont enroute to winning the tourney at "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1. " The 31-year-old Alliance MMA product was slated to face “King Mo” in the final of the bracket, but Lawal suffered a broken rib that forced the fight to be delayed.


Chandler and Thomson have seemingly been on a collision course since Thomson entered the Bellator MMA fray, mainly due to a barrage of questions to both men that revolved around the other and when/if they would eventually meet inside the cage.


After racking up two wins – both in San Jose – against Mike Bronzoulis și Pablo Villaseca, Thomson, a member of American Kickboxing Academy, has his sights set on a matchup with the 14-fight Bellator veteran.


A native of Missouri, “Iron Mike” has been riding a wave of momentum following emphatic victories against Derek Domenii și Dave Rickels. The 29-year-old former lightweight kingpin has made it clear that he intends on fighting everyone on the Bellator MMA roster, which he hopes culminates in another run with championship gold wrapped around his waist.


"Bellator 154: Davis vs. King Mo” takes place on May 14, and airs live on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ȘI/8 p.m. CT — Nu rata.


Complete Set of Photos Here

HOUSTON, TEXAS (Februarie 19) - E o asociere care este sinonim cu sportul de arte martiale mixte — Ken Shamrock contra Royce Gracie and on Friday night at Toyota Center in Houston, Texas during "Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie," it was Gracie who went home with a second victory over Shamrock in the third fight of their classic rivalry.


After landing a knee to the body of Shamrock, Gracie pounced, raining down hammerfists to the temple of “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” that forced the referee to call a stoppage to the action at 2:22 a cadrului de deschidere. Will this victory lead to more fights for Gracie inside the Bellator MMA cage? Stay tuned.

Kimbo Slice (6-2) emerged victorious after an all-out brawl with his old nemesis Piept 5000, sending the South Florida resident facefirst into the mat at 1:32 de turul trei. The win ends a longstanding beef between the two men that began in the streets of Perrine, and wound up being settled inside the Bellator MMA cage.

Derek Domenii (16-6) upset Melvin Guillard (32-16-2) with vicious strikes only 32 secunde în al doilea tur de scrutin. Cu victorie, “The Stallion” bounced back from two consecutive defeats against Michael Negustor de mărunțișuri și Brandon Girtz.

A light heavyweight rematch between Emanuel Newton și Linton Vassell featured multiple low blows, which ultimately cost “The Hardcore Kid” the bout on the scorecards, with judges’ giving scores of (30-26, 29-27, 29-27). Cu victoria, “The Swarm” snapped a one-fight skid and moves one-step closer to the top at 205-pounds.

Emmanuel Sanchez (13-2) grinded out another split decision at "Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie," înfrângerea Daniel Pineda (21-12) cu zeci de (29-28, 28-29, 29-28). Cu victoria, “El Matador” has now won three consecutive bouts at featherweight and continues his pursuit of trying to become the “Oscar De La Hoya” of mixed martial arts.

Rezultate preliminare:

Isaac Villanueva (9-7) învins Richard Knepp (3-3) prin TKO (pumni) la :42 Mahon (5-4) învins Davis Sylvester (5-4) prin TKO la 4:22 of R2

Adrian Yanez (4-1) învins Ryan Hollins (10-8) prin decizie unanimă (29-28 x3)

Jason Langellier (3-0) învins Anthony Ivy (1-1) prin depunerea (anaconda choke) la 2:09 or R1

Justin Wren (12-2) învins Imagine de substituent Juan Torres (4-5) prin decizie unanimă (30-27 x3)

Mike Trinh (3-3) învins Angel Zamora prin depunerea (armbar) la 3:49 of R

C.J. Hancock (1-0) învins Ruben Esparza (1-1) prin depunerea (sufoca-spate gol) la 1:26 of R3

Manny Lozoya (1-0) învins Jacob Norsworthy (1-6) prin depunerea (ghilotină) la 2:33 of R1