标记档案: 密西西比


这是裸指关节拳击新兴现象的第二场表演 (合法化) 可在 FITE 上以 PPV 价格购买 $29.99 USD 将于今晚东部时间晚上 8 点在密西西比海岸体育馆直播.

裸拳格斗锦标赛 (BKFC) 最后新闻发布会行情 & 照片

战士们谈论对决 BKFC 2: 新时代 星期六, 八月 25 从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比
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点击 这里 for Photos
信贷: 菲尔·兰伯特/ BKFC

BILOXI, MS. (八月 23, 2018) – 成功持有首个合法权益后, 自此以来,美国的裸指关节活动受到监管和批准 1889 六月, 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 本周六返回, 八月 25 同 “BKFC 2: 新时代” 从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比州和按次付费直播.




参加周六比赛的拳手周四在比洛克西的哈拉斯墨西哥湾沿岸接受媒体采访,谈论 BKFC, 他们各自的对决以及更多在纪念性战斗之夜前两天的比赛.




周六的比赛将有特色 “裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯 和职业拳击手 英国哈特, 谁在 125 磅重的冲突中相遇, “终极战士” 第三季冠军 肯德尔格罗夫布鲁斯·阿布拉姆斯基, 参加 185 磅比赛的职业 MMA 和拳击老将 克里斯·莱特尔德鲁·利普顿, 谁将在一场 175 磅的战斗中展开对决.




BKFC 2 还将见证 BKFC 重量级锦标赛的半决赛 我Shewmaker的 承担 莫里斯·杰克逊阿诺德·亚当斯面对 乔伊·贝尔特兰. 此外, 球迷将参观当地景点和格尔夫波特警察 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森, 谁战斗 豪尔赫·冈萨雷斯 在一场170磅的比赛中.




门票现已独家发售 www.bareknuckle.tv 从 $35 到 $250. “BKFC 2: 新时代” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.









“在加利福尼亚州的训练很棒,可以适应时间变化和天气, 因为澳大利亚现在是冬天. 我们回到了我以前的健身房, 综合格斗联盟, 刚刚离开那里的营地. 这对训练营来说是一个非常好的结束. 我们有时间不感到匆忙并进入战斗模式.




“我的对手很有信心, 从我今天看到的她来看,她对自己的技能非常有信心. 但, 我觉得自信有时会导致人的垮台. 我认为她没有意识到这是裸指拳击. 这不是职业拳击, 我们没有戴手套,你无法逃脱在普通拳击中可以逃脱的东西. 我想我要打她的脸才能意识到这一点.




“我绝对觉得我有优势, 我不仅有MMA戴小手套的经验,还有在BKFC首次亮相的经验 1. 我认为它不会通过第三轮.




“拥有裸指关节体验是一个巨大的优势. 我与许多未知的人进行了最后的战斗. 我在那里玩得很开心,并看到我的风格非常适合这项运动. 我将把它带入这场战斗. 我很放松, 我已经准备好出发了,我很高兴能进入那里.




“我认为她幻想自己是一名拳击手, 所以我认为她可能会坚持下去, 粘住并移动那种东西. 我已经准备好接受任何一种风格. 我以为我的最后一个对手会这么做,但她出来了. 无论哪种方式我都准备好了. 当我战斗时,你总是能保证烟火. 我放在谁面前并不重要, 你知道这必须是一场战斗, 这就是周六晚上你可以期待的.




“成为 BKFC 的开拓者真是太棒了. 我知道我会得到一些新闻和媒体,人们会喜欢我正在做的事情. 支持真的很棒. 我得到了很多粉丝,也得到了其他拳手的新尊重. 肯定会起飞, 能够站在整个事情的最前沿真是太酷了。”






“我真的不知道会发生什么. 我是一名战士,我当然要来战斗. 但我们会看看我是否会像我说的那样成为一名聪明的战士. 我可以刺拳并挑选我的位置并把他带走. 但话又说回来,争吵让我走到了现在的位置,也让我声名狼藉。. 那么为什么我不能两者兼而有之? 当然, 一旦你被击中, 一切都消失了. 自我介入,有时你只是去做.




“与我通常在戴手套打斗时感受到的刺痛和灼烧感可能会更多. 不久前我没有戴手套进行拳击,因为我很好奇,我感觉到了一些. 我的手感觉还不错,但与骨头接触时的感觉略有不同.




“这将是一场真正的战斗. 我尊重我的对手,我知道他会给我最好的表现. 他会来找我. 但我会做我自己并找出如何赢得胜利.




“我很高兴成为 BKFC 的一员. 这是一个伟大的组织,我将努力给每个人留下深刻的印象.




“从夏威夷到这里的 48 小时绝对是有趣的. 幸运的是,我能够照顾家里的一切,并确保我的家人为飓风做好准备. 现在我在这里并准备出发。”






“我想无论如何你都会看到两个人试图互相击倒. 我不相信决定. 如果你有两个非常强硬的家伙,他们打了很多拳,但没有人倒下, 你将会有一场精彩的战斗,人们会喜欢它.




“我的目标是走出去,尽我所能地打击他,我认为他也会对我采取同样的策略. 所以我期待一场非常激动人心的战斗. 在我们的战斗中你不会感到无聊.




“这里的东西, 我打过很多架, 大概 100 一种形式的格斗运动或另一种形式, 所以我知道我要做什么. 我打了很多次. 将会有一些移动,我会努力变得更聪明一些. 裸露指关节无法做与戴着手套相同的事情.




“这对我来说太酷了. 我总是让人们跟我说话说: ‘你为什么不回来再打一场?’ ‘我想看你战斗。’ 这似乎总是谈话的第一点. 所以只要能够再做一次, 我很兴奋. 我和很多人谈过,他们对我回来做一些事情感到非常兴奋. 我期待他们能够按次付费观看.




“我真的很期待能再次回到擂台上,感受回到擂台上的感觉. 我参加过很多场拳击比赛, 但我已经很长时间没能打拳击了, 因为我主要是在打UFC. 所以回到拳击场会让我非常高兴.




“我们都会重拳出击. 我认为有人会得到更好的,但我认为有人会受伤。”






“很荣幸能够参加第一届活动. 这是正在创造的历史. 这也是一次令人谦卑的经历和很多乐趣. 粉丝, 推广团队, 每个人都把这一切放在一起,让这一切变得美好.





“能够取得这样的胜利, 亮点卷轴完成, 太棒了. 我从来没有在这么大的舞台上战斗过,能够曝光并为粉丝们上演一场精彩的表演真是太棒了.




“周六晚上将会有烟花表演. 可能不会那么快完成, 但我可以告诉你这不会是一个决定. 有人要倒下 我可以向你保证.




“这将是一场争吵. 他想留在外面, 他会想用他的刺拳和右直拳把我挡在外面. 我想和这个家伙胸对胸,然后从里面打他. 所以我预计这将是一场狗斗,我预测第一轮淘汰赛。”






“我只是想说,我很高兴来到这里,我无法告诉你这次促销活动有多么特别. 我很高兴我的家张开双臂接受了 BKFC,我希望我们能在这里举办更多的活动.




“密西西比湾沿岸体育馆是一个巨大的场馆,我想我们会把它打包的. 我很高兴我能早早地在卡牌上战斗, 因为我想亲眼目睹这些战斗. 这些都是充满动感的比赛,我向您保证您不想错过它。”


戴维·费尔德曼, 裸拳格斗锦标赛创始人兼主席




“我很高兴来到伟大的密西西比州, 这是美国历史上第二个正式允许徒手格斗的州. 我对这里粉丝的反应感到非常兴奋,我知道拳手们迫不及待地想为他们上演一场表演.




“说我们来这里参加裸拳格斗锦标赛让我感到不寒而栗 2. BKFC 首场演出名为“The Beginning”, 因为这确实是一些特别的事情的开始. 现在我们把这个节目命名为“新时代”, 因为我们确实正式迎来了格斗运动的新时代.




“我们拥有一些世界上最优秀的拳手,以及在非常大的舞台上战斗过的拳手. 他们都很高兴能成为这项不断发展的运动的一部分. 我们有来自世界各地的拳手踏上擂台,进行一系列精彩的对决。”




# # #






六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下.




BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. BKFC 的所有比赛均由 ABC 成员体育委员会批准和监管.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.



“裸指关节女王” Shows Off Skills Ahead of Matchup on “BKFC 2: 新时代” 星期六, 八月 25
the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, 密西西比
& 住在按次付费查看
点击 这里 for photos
信贷: Luis Mejia / 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC)

LOS ANGELES (八月 17, 2018) – 该 “裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯 met with media in Los Angeles on Thursday to discuss her return to 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) and offer an inside look into the bare knuckle discipline.




Rawlings will be stepping into the ring at “BKFC 2: 新时代” 周六, 八月 25 从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, Mississippi and broadcast live across the United States and Canada on pay-per-view in state-of-the-art 4K.




门票现已独家发售 www.bareknuckle.tv 从 $35 到 $250. “BKFC 2: 新时代” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc. 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.




Rawlings scored a thrilling victory in the inaugural BKFC event and will return to BKFC 2 to take on professional boxer Britain Hart. Rawlings was joined by BKFC pay-per-view analyst Benny Ricardo, as well as her coach John Bastable, to go over the technical points of bare knuckle fighting, including the unique hand-wrapping technique.




Here is what Rawlings, Ricardo and Bastable had to say Thursday from City of Angels Boxing Gym in Los Angeles:


BEC罗林斯, Former UFC Fighter; Defeated Alma Garcia at BKFC 1




On Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




It took a lot of time and effort to really get MMA respected and looked at like a proper sport, and I think it’s going to take that with bare knuckle. But from the last event and how smoothly that ran, how professional it was, the fights were great. We all looked like seasoned fighters out there, which we were, and I think that’s what we definitely need to keep doing and it will progress from there.




I think the U.S. and even Australia one day will open up to doing bare knuckle as well, because it’s such a great event. It’s a great fighting sport, and it wasn’t any crazier than MMA and boxing, as you saw from the last event.




BKFC is doing it right, they’re doing it very professionally. They’re bringing in all the right people and all the right fighters. As long as it keeps going that way, I think the sport is going to take off.




A lot of boxing fans are coming over to bare knuckle because they love the stand-up aspect of boxing and this is just a new cool, fun twist. It’s taking it back old-school.




Even just around the local scene in Australia, I was with the UFC fighting and winning with the UFC and I could walk around a boxing promotion and no one would bat an eyelash at me. They would acknowledge me, but they weren’t interested in what I was doing. But as soon as I signed to fight bare knuckle I had so many people talking to me and offering really encouraging messages.




“所以, it kind of evoked all the boxing fans to really get behind it and excited for it. It’s been pretty cool.




On fighting at BKFC 1




I finally settled in when I landed a really clean uppercut. To be hit, it didn’t feel any different than MMA at all. It’s more like a sting than a thud for a boxing glove.




The only difference I found was punching her, if you didn’t select where you were going to punch you felt it a little bit in your knuckles, but nothing crazy. The swelling was quite bad, but I swell and bruise really easily. It wasn’t too far different from MMA.




After BKFC 1, I had multiple messages from fighters in Australia, the U.S., even people with the UFC, asking me how I was treated, if it was fun, if I would do it again and how they could get involved.




It was just a whole bunch of different emotions, but a lot of interest in it. And I’ve got a lot of Australians wanting to get involved. Australians love to fight. I don’t think you’ve ever come across an Australian boxer that doesn’t go in there and leave it all in that ring. It’s ingrained in us. This sport is definitely built for an Australian.




On her upcoming bout at BKFC 2




Nothing has really changed on our side of it. My coach is a kung fu and open hand combat expert, so everything he has known for years we have just translated into the boxing aspect of it.




I guess we now know what to expect fight week, what it’s going to be like in there. That was kind of the unknown back (六月). But I had so much fun last time, and I’m excited to get back in there and do it all again.




Bare knuckle was meant for me. I can’t wait to face off against Britain Hart on August 25th. This sport is all about precision and I know she’s going to come to fight and try to take this momentum from me. I’m not going to let that happen.


BENNY RICARDO, BKFC Pay-Per-View Analyst




“BKFC 1 在夏延 (怀俄明) was the first time in 130 years that a bare knuckle fight was sanctioned in the United States. 所以, it is a long time coming.




With bare knuckle fighting you need to be very precise. You have to punch through your index finger and middle finger and transfer that through the forearm where it cushions the blow. Outside of that you are going to break your hand.




A fight has five two-minute rounds. There’s not much of a feeling out period.




When I saw Joey Beltran was going to fight Tony Lopez I knew it was the fight of the night, and sure enough it was. That was a lesson in managing the time. At the beginning, Tony was feeling him out and by the third round he got into his rhythm, but it was too late.




For the men, it has always been three-minute rounds. 所以, they have to find a way to manage the two-minute rounds in BKFC.




The rules of (BKFC) are similar to boxing rules, which is David Feldman’s way of convincing the states. MMA fighters use Knees, shins and elbows.




Sam Shewmaker had the shot of the night. He fought a special forces guy who was chiseled and 305 英镑. I didn’t think he had a chance. Then you see him in the fight and land that overhand right. It was over.




What you can enjoy with bare knuckle fighting, that you can’t with boxing now, is the best fighting the best.




“在电视端, MultiVision is sparing nothing to do this. BKFC 1 and BKFC 2 both being produced in 4K is tremendous, and you can see the action with extreme clarity.






They supplied wraps, bandages and tape, so that is what we used. For myself, it was the first time we wrapped like this because we had never competed in bare knuckle before.




It was the first time for all of us. The basis of the wrap is that the four knuckles of the hand are fully exposed.




The thumb and the wrist are stabilized, but besides that it is bare knuckle.




“战斗结束后, (Bec) had no damage to the wrist at all and no breaks in the hand at all, so the support worked. There was swelling and bruising, but the tape did the job.


Featuring Gulfport Police Officer Harrison Stephonson, Former Alabama Crimson Tide Linebacker Marcel Stamps, Biloxi favorite Mike Bissett & 克里斯汀·费雷亚 (Christine Ferea) 之间的女子对决 & 玛丽亚·安达维德
星期六, 八月 25 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in
比洛克西, 密西西比 & 住在按次付费查看

费城 (八月 9, 2018) – A jam-packed lineup featuring 14 fights will give fans a full night of explosive action as”BKFC 2: 新时代” invades the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi on Saturday, 八月 25 and live across the United States and Canada on pay-per-view.

The second edition of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) is headlined by UFC-veteran Kendall Grove making his BKFC debut against Bruce Abramski in a 185-pound showdown. In addition to Grove’s debut, the show will feature the return of the “裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯, the heavyweight tournament semi-finals, and fights featuring UFC veteran Chris Lytle, Pride veterans Charles Bennett and Tony Lopez in his second BKFC fight.

It’s great to be able to bring this kind of exciting event and our world-class talent to the Gulf Coast,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁大卫·费尔德曼. “Everyone has been very receptive so far, and we expect more of the same fireworks on August 25!”

Stepping into the ring on August 25 will be Biloxi-native and 26-fight professional boxing veteran Michael Bissett in a heavyweight match against Robert Morrow, who enters the ring with 43 专业 MMA 战斗在他的掌控下. Unbeaten MMA fighter and former Alabama Crimson Tide linebacker Marcel Stamps will face Louisiana’s Brandon Martin in a 185-pound clash, while former Bellator fighters Diego Garijo and Tom Shoaff square off for a 165-pound showdown.

After Rawlings won the first female bare knuckle fight in history, an additional women’s matchup has been added to this card as former Invicta fighter Christine Ferea steps into a 125-pound showdown against Maria Andaverde, who has fought professionally in MMA and boxing.

The action continues with unbeaten MMA fighter Jamie Campbell meeting Arizona’s Dale Sopi in a heavyweight fight and Harris Stephenson facing Mexico’s Jorge Gonzales in a 165-pound bout.

Rounding out the night of fights are professional MMA and boxing veterans Reggie Barnett and James Clayton Burns battling in a 135-pound attraction.

Tickets are available now exclusively at www.bareknuckle.tv ranging from $35 到 $250.
“BKFC 2: 新时代” will be broadcast in state-of-the-art 4K across the United States and Canada, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc. 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.

# # #


六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” took place June 2, 2018 在夏延, 怀俄明, 并精选 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下.

BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. BKFC 的所有比赛均由 ABC 成员体育委员会批准和监管.

For more information visit www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at @BareKnuckleFC, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

裸关节格斗冠军赛周六返回, 八月 25 同 “BKFC 2: 新时代” 从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比 & 住在按次付费查看

Card Will Include Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Finals &
the Returns of 贝克·罗林斯 & 托尼·洛佩兹
更多! The BKFC Debuts of Chris Lytle & 查尔斯·贝内特

费城 (七月 11, 2018) – 成功持有首个合法权益后, 自此以来,美国的裸指关节活动受到监管和批准 1889 上个月, 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) is set to return Saturday, 八月 25 同 “BKFC 2: 新时代” 从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比州和按次付费直播.




After the inaugural June 2 event was held in Cheyenne, 怀俄明, this edition of BKFC will be held under the auspices and control of the Mississippi Athletic Commission, headed by Chairman Jon Lewis.




With the overwhelming success of BKFC 1 六月, I know that the stakes are even higher for our second event,” said BKFC Founder and President 戴维·费尔德曼. “We feel confident that ‘BKFC 2: 新时代’ will build upon what we’ve already accomplished and raise the bar with our fights and fighters.




门票现已独家发售 www.bareknuckle.tv 从 $35 到 $250. “BKFC 2: 新时代” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.




The stacked night of fights will see the return of UFC veteran, and newly-crowned “裸指关节女王” 贝克·罗林斯, who will face professional boxer 英国哈特. The action will also include the semi-final round of the BKFC heavyweight tournament, 同 我Shewmaker的 承担 莫里斯·杰克逊阿诺德·亚当斯 面对 乔伊·贝尔特兰.




A veteran of both the UFC and Bellator, 贝尔特兰 won the heavyweight tournament alternate bout at BKFC 1 当他击败了 托尼·洛佩兹 in what was widely considered the “夜战” by both fans and media. Beltran replaces former UFC Heavyweight Champion Ricco Rodriguez, who has withdrawn from the heavyweight tournament due to injury, but will return on a future BKFC card.


洛佩兹 has earned a place on BKFC 2 after his outstanding fight against Beltran and will now face 16-fight Muay Thai fighting veteran Jimmy Jennette.




Set to make their BKFC debuts on this loaded night of fights are 克里斯·莱特尔, who has a combined 44 victories as a professional MMA fighter and boxer, 和 查尔斯·贝内特, who has had 70 职业 MMA 格斗. Lytle spent eight years fighting in the UFC, and Bennett spent five in Pride FC.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 并在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


曾经被击败的埃迪·拉米雷斯 (Eddie Ramirez) 与前世界冠军阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 进行 140 磅对决,成为 FS1 顶级拳击冠军的头条新闻 & 福克斯周六驱逐出境, 五月 26 住在美岸度假村 & 赌场在比洛克西, 密西西比

前世界冠军挑战者奥斯卡·埃斯坎登 (Oscar Escandon) 与不败的 126 磅挑战者图格斯托格特·尼姆巴亚尔 (Tugstsogt Nyambayar) 发生冲突




BILOXI, 密西西比州 (五月 8, 2018) – 曾经被击败的竞争者 埃迪·拉米雷斯 将采取前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯 在一场头条新闻的 10 回合超轻量级对决中 总理拳击冠军 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 星期六, 五月 26 从比洛克西的美岸赌场度假村, 密西西比.



电视报道开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 还将邀请前冠军挑战者 奥斯卡埃斯坎东 会议不败 2012 奥运会银牌得主 Tugstsogt Nyambayar 在10轮轻量级回合.



门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 开始 $20 现已在美岸剧院售票处发售, 在 www.ticketmaster.com 或致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000.



“对于真正的拳击迷来说,这是一张很棒的卡片, 因为它拥有让这项运动变得伟大的所有元素,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “埃迪·拉米雷斯(Eddie Ramirez)是一位年轻的竞争者,他希望从职业生涯的第一次失利中恢复过来,面对久经沙场的前世界冠军阿吉尼斯·门德斯(Argenis Mendez). 尼姆巴亚尔 (Nyambayar) 的年轻饥饿竞争者在面对埃斯坎顿 (Escandon) 想要重返冠军组合的强大竞争者时向前迈出了一大步. 没有人愿意后退一步。”




拉米雷斯 (17-1, 11 科斯) 正在寻求从上一场比赛中遭受职业生涯第一次失利中恢复过来. 去年十月,拉米雷斯在福克斯电视台被前世界冠军安东尼奥·德马科淘汰, 尽管拉米雷斯认为裁判结束比赛的行动过于仓促. 25岁,来自奥罗拉, 伊利诺伊州在失利之前排名迅速上升, 在 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 播出的比赛中,他对当时不败的凯文·沃茨和瑞安·卡尔取得了令人印象深刻的补时胜利,并以分歧判定战胜了埃里克·博恩.



“我真的很想和安东尼奥·德马科重赛, 但我很高兴能回到擂台上,” 拉米雷斯说. “门德斯是一名出色的战士, 但我会通过淘汰赛获胜. 我有信心我会做出一个重要的声明:我回来了,而且比以往任何时候都更好。”



31岁的门德斯 (24-5-1, 12 科斯) 去年五月,他在 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 节目中以分歧判定战胜了伊万·雷德卡奇 (Ivan Redkach). 同赢, 这位来自多米尼加共和国的拳手从连续输给轻量级冠军罗伯特·伊斯特的情况中恢复过来, JR. 和卢克·坎贝尔. 的成员 2004 多米尼加国奥队, 门德斯在 130 磅级比赛中击败胡安·卡洛斯·萨尔加多,赢得了 130 磅级世界冠军。 2013. 他两次与兰斯·巴泰勒米争夺冠军头衔, 在门德斯放弃复赛之前,第一场比赛被宣布为无效.



“我输掉了两场比赛,人们开始怀疑我是否已经完蛋了, 但我是前世界冠军,并且强势回归并赢得了我的最后一场比赛,” 门德斯说. “埃迪·拉米雷斯是一位出色的战士, 但当我向他展示我的速度力量时, 和技能, 每个人都会看到我还能做什么. 这是一个很好的机会来证明我可以击败这个家伙并回到世界冠军的水平。”



埃斯坎顿 (25-3, 17 科斯) 在TKO输给世界冠军加里·拉塞尔后,他正试图重返羽量级冠军宝座, JR. 在五月的最后一场比赛中 20. 33岁,来自伊瓦格, 哥伦比亚队在一场比赛中淘汰罗宾逊·卡斯特利亚诺斯 2016 临时羽量级冠军争夺战中,以分歧判定输给了莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯 (Moises Flores) 2015 临时超最轻量级冠军争夺战.



“凭借我所经历过的竞争水平, 我知道我是 Nyambayar 打过的最坚强、最有经验的人,” 埃斯坎登说. “淘汰赛就是我所做的, 这就是我准备实现的目标. 但无论他尝试做什么, 盒子或战斗, 我将赢得这场战斗并重新登上顶峰。”



Nyambayar (9-0, 8 科斯) 去年 11 月,他以八回合一致判定战胜了当时不败的哈莫尼托·德拉·托雷 (Harmonito Dela Torre),这是他最后一次作为职业选手在擂台上首次走上长距离比赛。. 25岁,来自乌兰巴托, 蒙古在蝇量级比赛中获得银牌 2012 伦敦奥运会,自转为职业选手以来一直在加州训练 2015.



“我觉得自己已经为这场战斗做好了充分的准备,” 尼姆巴亚尔说. “我在过去的几场比赛中获得了很多经验,并开始证明我是坚强和危险的. 这是又一个进步,我希望他成为我遇到过的最难对付的对手. 我决心不惜一切代价赢得这场战斗,”


# # #



球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.



欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com http://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页www.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.



马里奥·塞拉诺摄 – 王子牧场拳击
LAS VEGAS, NV (十一月 13, 2017) – 不败超轻量级前景, 布莱尔 “从Flair” 科布斯 (6-0, 5 科斯), 谁是管理 王子牧场拳击 (PRB), is now scheduled to fight on 十一月 18, 2018 at the Fitzgerald’s Casino & Hotel in Tunica, 密西西比. 布莱尔, who fights in the southpaw stance, will face Ousmane Sylla (1-2-1, 1 KO) 在6轮的回合. 卡片名为 Fights at the Fitz, has been going strong for 14-years.
布莱尔, who just fought in Aguascalientes, Mexico on October 14, 2017, won a 6-round unanimous decision against Hugo Padilla. He’s scheduled to fight again on December 2ND 在墨西哥, but will take this bout on short notice, as he looks to stay busy. Cobbs who is originally from Philly, 现在住在拉斯维加斯.
The fact that I’m getting another fight in before my bout in Mexico is wonderful,” 说布莱尔·科布斯. “This is exactly what I wanted when I signed with Prince Ranch Boxingtoo stay busy. I’m in great shape being that I just fought last month, so taking this fight on short notice is no big deal. My trainer Bones Adams and I have been steadily grinding at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym in Las Vegas. Greg Hannely is doing a great job managing my career and I’ll be ready to fight on November 18.”
Blair Cobbs is a very talented fighter and I’m happy that I was able to get him on this card.” 格雷格Hannely, president of Prince Ranch Boxing stated. “He’ll be making a quick return right after this fight on December 2ND so I’m happy that we are keeping him busy.
门票 “Fights at the Fitzpriced $30 普通门票, $40 保留的, 和 $50马戏团, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Fitz Gift Shop located in the Fitzgerald Casino, 在 ticketmaster.com, 或致电特玛在 800-745-3000.
The Fitzgerald’s Casino & 酒店位于 711 Lucky Lane in Robinsonville, MS 38664. 门开处 6:30 下午. First bout begins at 7:30 P.M.

Rite Hook 促销新闻和说明

十月 10, 2017 (比洛克西, MS) – Rite Hook Promotions 在比洛克西地区成功举办了一系列职业拳击表演, 最近 七月 29 在格尔夫波特附近的攀登活动中心. Rite Hook 首席执行官 William Hunter 通过他的比赛卡以及他与美国各地推广商的各种关系,为当地拳击手和在 Rite Hook Promotions 旗下签约的多名拳击手敞开了大门.
• Rite Hook Promotions 的 Javonn “Pinkie” Barnes 同意与次中量级竞争者卡里姆·梅菲尔德交锋 十月 21在他的家乡旧金山, 例如. 不败的巴恩斯, 谁来自亚特兰大, 当时正在训练营为这个机会做准备,梅菲尔德却在巴恩斯的社交媒体页面上发表垃圾话,惹来麻烦。. 让巴恩斯和亨特惊讶的是, 联系从未出现,梅菲尔德转而与墨西哥的米格尔·杜马斯(Miguel Dumas)作战.
亨特认为 5 英尺 11 英寸的巴恩斯身材是梅菲尔德担心的问题. 最后的敌人梅菲尔德, 5’7, 面对 5'11 或更高的人又回来了 2008. 尽管梅菲尔德之战已经不在讨论范围内, 巴恩斯在加入雷吉斯·普罗格雷斯的训练营后将继续接受世界级的陪练,帮助他为即将到来的对阵维克托·波斯托尔的比赛做好准备. 亨特正在谈判让巴恩斯加入底牌.
• 迈克“混凝土” 比塞特的表现不够 八月 25 挑战 NABF 重量级冠军,对阵实力强劲的拉伦·米切尔 (Laron Mitchell). 比塞特, 天生的轻量级选手,以挑战所有对手而闻名, 带着受伤和超过 30 磅的体重劣势参加比赛. 复古战斗机, 比塞特希望在不久的将来重回正轨.
• 亨特正在与佛罗里达拳击名人堂入选者皮特·费尔南德斯领导的团体合作,创办一家名为“Fight Night Promotions”的促销公司. 该公司正在举办他们的第一场演出 星期五, 十一月 10 位于坦帕的 Bryan Glaser Family JCC, FL. 就像 Hunter 对 Rite Hook 的愿景一样, 格斗之夜促销活动将有助于培养和提升当地人才. 目前计划在 10 号亮相的拳手包括女明星贾兹敏·阿蒂加 (Jazmine Artiga), 亨特认为谁正在成为超级巨星, 和伊万·佛朗哥. 有关该卡的更多信息将很快公布.

Rite Hook Promotions presents “Valentines Massacre” February 13!

February 13 Fight Poster.jpg
比洛克西, MS (一月 27, 2016) – Rite Hook Promotions returns to the Hard Rock Casino for an exciting night of action 星期六, 二月 13 比洛克西, MS.
Dubbed as “Valentines Massacre” tickets for this ten bout card start at $20 and are on sale at Ticketmaster and the Hard Rock Casino box office. Fans are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance as Rite Hook’s 五月 2 show was standing room only.
Topping the card is a six round cruiserweight showdown between Biloxi’s very own Mike “Concrete” Bissett and Houston, TX’s “Rocking” Rodney Moore. A big draw locally, 该 31 year old Bissett faced notables Steve Bujaj, Milos Plantelic and 2012 US Olympian Michael Hunter. 八月 2014, Bissett scored a career best victory over contender Nick Ianuzzi. Known for having an iron chin, Moore’s been stopped just once in 29 fights while battling countless contenders including Randy Griffin, Richard Hall, George Khalid Jones, 多么严重, Andrey Fedosov and Murat Gassiev.
The co-featured bout of the evening marks the return of unbeaten middleweight Bobby “The Prodigy” Bryant of Mississippi in an eight round matchup with hardcore veteran Louis Leija. Fighting for the first time since 2012, Bryant’s 15-0 同 9 胜淘汰赛. A boxer since he was 9, Bryant was a standout amateur and has big expectations as a pro. Hailing from San Antonio, TX, Leija’s pro career started eight months before Bryant was born. Leija, 21-15-1 (15 KO的), faced boxing legend Floyd Mayweather, former champions Jesus Chavez and Derrick Gainer as well as Ben Tackie, Emanuel Augustus and 2004 奥运会银牌得主Yudel Jhonson.
Rite Hook’s very own Manny “Shake EmUp” Woods, 13-4-1 (5 KO的), travels from Tampa, FL to challenge 41 fight veteran Aaron Anderson of Tennessee in a six round junior middleweight contest. A winner in three of his last four, Woods hope to move onto bigger fights with a victory.
In separate undercard matches, unbeaten Joey Bryant of Memphis, TN, Justin Pauldo of Orlando, FL, 伯明翰, AL’s Keandre Leatherwood and Atlanta, GA’s Justin Brunetti will all face opponents to be named.
The fans are in for a real treat on the 13,” said William Hunter of Rite Hook Promotions. “A lot of these fighters will be in TV bouts in the near future and tickets are very affordable. 上次, we had a standing room only crowd and everybody was asking about our next show. I look forward to showcasing great talent with this card and all of our future events.”
欲了解更多信息, visit Ritehookpromotions.com.

Ritehook 促销活动通过家庭拳击之夜将拳击带回海湾

五月 2 战斗Poster.jpg

比洛克西, MS (四月 30, 2015) - 周六 晚上,拳击界的大部分人都盯着电视观看弗洛伊德·梅威瑟与曼尼·帕奎奥的超级拳击赛, 密西西比湾的人们不仅有机会见证这场历史性的比赛,还可以亲眼目睹顶尖人才的表演.

住在比洛克西的硬石酒店, Ritehook Promotions 将自豪地推出“甜蜜科学 3”. 该活动向所有年龄段的儿童开放,但所有未成年人必须由成人陪同 30. 众多促销员进出墨西哥湾沿岸, Ritehook Promotions 首席执行官 William Hunter 致力于拳击运动在木兰州的复兴.

这次家庭朋友活动的主角将是备受推崇的 Radivoje“Hod Rod”Kalajdzic 和当地剧透 William Johnson 之间的对决. 卡拉季奇作为一名职业球员迄今为止一直是完美的, 编制记录 17-0 但将由一位50岁以上、面对过许多顶级对手的格斗老手进行考验.

在半主赛事中, Ritehook Promotions 的新秀曼尼·“Shake Em’ Up”·伍兹在与花岗岩下巴的亚伦·安德森对决时,将试图在争夺中迈出新的一步. 无畏的伍兹有着坚实的 12-3-1 专业账本,渴望争强好胜.

托尼·约翰逊JR. 在重量级特别吸引力回合中与头发花白的老将马文·亨特进行四回合比赛. 纳什维尔, 田纳西州的约翰逊是 1-0 作为一名拳击手,但最出名的是 Bellator 组织中的顶级综合格斗选手.

球迷们还可以观看迈克·比塞特 (Mike Bissett) 的单独比赛, 乔伊·布莱恩特(Joey Bryant), 卡梅伦·施普林格和汤姆·霍华德.

“拳击运动的受欢迎程度总体呈上升趋势,梅威瑟与帕奎奥的比赛与我们的卡片在同一晚举行, 的兴趣 星期六, 五月 2 将处于历史最高水平,”亨特说. “Ritehook Promotions is based out of this area and we have a great relationship not only with the community and venue, but the fighters we’re promoting. Those who come out to the Hard Rock 星期六 evening will get to see talented fighters in Radivoje Kalajdzic, Manny Woods and Mike Bissett plus the man that I consider the biggest sleeper prospect in boxing Tony Johnson Jr.”


“Tony is a top rated MMA fighter and is 1-0 作为一个拳击手. I truly believe he’s the Bo Jackson of Boxing. The goal is to get him a title fight by the time he’s 10-0 and make him the first dual sport champion. If you haven’t already done so, get your tickets now because we’re almost sold out!”

门票开始只是 $35 and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com, at the Hard Rock Box Office or by calling228-217-5555. All ticketholders are invited to stay at the Hard Rock following the live fights and watch Mayweather-Pacquiao on a 35-foot screen.

欲了解更多信息, go to Ritehookpromotions.com.