Tag Archives: Mikey Garcia

Mikey Garcia vs. Quotes Sergey Lipinets San Antonio Shirka Press & Sawirro

(Credit Photo: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)
Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Saturday, Feb. 10 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME® From Alamodome ee San Antonio, Texas &
Soo bandhigay by Premier Boxing Champions
Guji HALKAN waayo, Photos ka Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
San Antonio (December 19, 2017) – Kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka saddex-qaybinta badininMikey Garcia oo laga badin IBF Junior Welterweight World Champion Sergey Lipinets ahaayeen fool ka fool oo Maalintii Labaad si toos ah Talaadadii shir jaraa'id in San Antonio ah si ay ugala hadlaan meeshoodii ugu muhiimsan kulanka ay dhacdo qaadashada Saturday, Feb. 10ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. IYO/PT). kala gurteen The of-5 top welterweights yar kaalinta la soo bandhigay by Premier Boxing Champions at Alamodome ee San Antonio, Texas.
caymiska SHOWTIME Championship oo Boxing Day ayaa sidoo kale kasoo muuqan doona horyaalka adduunka laba-qaybinta Rances Barthelemy in ku celis ah ka gees ah Kiryl Relikh waayo, Brom horyaalka adduunka 140-pound bannaanaatay.
Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo, kaas oo la dallacsiiyey by Ringstar Sports iyo dalacaad TGB, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $250, $150, $75, $50 iyo $20. Tigidhada waa on-sale hadda oo laga heli karo Ticketmaster.com.
Halkan waxaa ku qoran waxa ka qaybgalayaasha shir jaraa'id lahaa in la yidhaahdo Tuesday ka Ruth ee Chris Steak House Grand Hyatt ee San Antonio:
MIKEY Garcia
“Waxaan filaya dagaal adag oo tartan. Lipinets waa dagaalyahan ah oo had iyo jeer waa khatar. Waxa uu awood u leeyahay in labada gacmood oo uusan ka cabsadeen inay Gacmihiisu ha ku tago. Waxa uu sidoo kale diyaar u ah inay is ka dhacay, oo sidaas daraaddeed ayuu aad dib isaga weeraray karaa. Taasi waxa ay ka dhigeysa inuu khatar ah.
“fursaddan inay ku guuleysato horyaalka heerka afaraad ahaa mid aad u weyn oo ay ku gudbin. Waa adag tahay si loo sugo dagaal sidan oo kale. Waxaan wax walba ku faraxsanahay inaan si wadajir ah u yimid si aan ku siin karaan taageerayaasha show weyn.
“Sanadkii la soo dhaafay uu ahaa sanad weyn u noqon. Waxa ay ku bilaabatay guul horyaalka adduunka horyaalka ah horyaalka heerka saddexaad ah, ka dibna waxaan lahaa guul weyn ka gaartay Adrien Broner xagaaga. Waxaan raadinayaa wax sii weyn ee 2018 oo sannadkan la soo dhaafay si dhab ah u bannaysay jidka waayo,.
“Ku guuleysiga horyaalka afaraad ayaa la aadka u weyn ayay ii tahay in samaynta dagaalka this dhici. Si aad u taariikhda sida in ay tahay wax run ahaantii ii qaadeysaa. Waan ogahay in badan oo dheeraad ah si ay u gaadho in Isboortiga leeyihiin, laakiin tani waa bilow weyn. Tani waa jihada Waxaan doonayaa in aan u tago.
“Waxaa jira wax badan oo tayo iyo taariikhda ee feerka ee San Antonio. My walaalkaa gym ah halkan oo waxaan leenahay wax badan oo Xarakada aan tababar la qaato ka aagga. Inkasta oo aan marnaba halkaan diriray, Waxaan taageero badan ka heleen ka bulshada. Marka aynu eegi goobaha loogu talagalay la dagaalanka, oo intaasu waxay ahayd wax la ii faraxsan in ay sameeyaan.
“Waxaan la diriray ee gobolada kala duwan ee Texas oo had iyo jeer ka helay badan oo jacayl, laakiin waxaan aan weligood ahaanin awoodaan si ay ula dagaalamaan in San Antonio. Waxaan go'aansanay in aan dagaalka ka keeno halkan si aad u siiso wax back to gobolka Texas. Waxaa magaalada ka fiican si ay u marti badan San Antonio.”
“Taageerayaasha in San Antonio filan kartaa riwaayadaha. Waxa ay noqon show a. Waxa ay leeyihiin gacan qaad weyn, knockdowns iyo wax walba oo aad rabto in aad lahaa si aad u aragto in dagaal.
“Tani waa dhibaatada ugu weyn ee aan lahaa in aan kubada. Mikey waa xiddig weyn, laakiin waxaan ahay mid aad ee tartan rasmi ah, waxaana doonayaa inaan tuso dunida waxa aan sameyn karo.
“My ruux aan la isku aadiyo karo by dagaal kasta oo, laakiin sidoo kale waxaan haystaa xawaare iyo xoog inuu ku guuleysto. Waxaan tusi doonaa inaan xooggayga ba'an ku February 10.
“Mikey waa ciyaaryahan aad u wanaagsan chess. Dadka dhayalsan awooda inay ka fikiraan in giraanta. Sidaas daraaddeed waxaan kaliya ma aan tegi karo in ay jirto qaab ah in qof kale ayaa loo isticmaalaa isaga ka gees ah. Waxaan dooneynaa si adag u shaqeeyaan qorshaha ugu fiican ee ciyaarta waxa aan sameyn karo.
“Tani waxa uu noqon doonaa dagaal adag. Waxaan doonaya inay hesho guul ah hab kasta oo aan awoodo. Ma dhihi karo waxa ay waxa ay u eg, laakiin diyaar u ah wax giraanta waxaan noqon doonaa.
“Waxaan soo socda inuu ku guuleysto. Waxaan rabaa inaan noqdo booska in Mikey ayaa gaadhay ciyaartan. Waxaan si adag u shaqeeyey si aad u hesho in la joogo oo aan doonayaa inaan ku siin oo dhan in ay ka faa'idaystaan.
“Haddii aan ma qabaa inaan diyaar u dagaalka, kanu wuxuu ahaa ka dibna waxaan lahaa ma aadan qaaday. Waxaan leenahay qorshe iyo waxaan isticmaali doonaa waayo-aragnimo aan helay ka mustaqbalkeyga ciyaareed oo dhan si ay u fuliyaan.”
Richard SCHAEFER, Guddoomiyaha & CEO of Ringstar Sports
“Boxing la socday galay 2018 la dardar weyn oo laga bilaabo baxay dhacdooyinka waa weyn sida this. Waxaad laba kooxda heysata horyaalka laga badinin qaadan in giraanta midba midka kale dagaalamaan. These kind of fights are going to continue to elevate the sport to great heights.
“Tani waxa ay ahayd dagaalka fudud in la sameeyo, sababtoo ah waxaad leedahay laba ka tirsan oo doonaya in ay isu cabbiro ka gees ah ugu wanaagsan. Tani waa dagaal ah oo lagu helay in si deg deg ah u sameeyey. dagaalka oo innaba uma lahaa in la qanciyay. Labada guys ay dareemayaan in ay ku guuleysan karaan oo ay galaan dagaalka la aragti ah ee dagaalka ah oo laga badinin.
“Midkoodna mid ka mid ah guys waxay leeyihiin fikirka kasta oo ay lumiyaan laga yaabaa in. Waxay yihiin 100 boqolkiiba ka dhaadhiciyay in ay u socdaan in ay halkaas ku socotaan ka mid ah ay gacanta ku soo sara kiciyey. Taasi waxa ka socda in this kala gurteen Wayn.”
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Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Nama uu soo raaco on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions @Ringstar, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing iyo www.Facebook.com/Wac Star Sports. PBC waxaa maalgeliya Corona dheeraad ah, fiicnaa Bi'ir.

Mikey Garcia vs. Sergey Lipinets Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Sawirro



Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Saturday, Feb. 10 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME®

From Alamodome ee San Antonio, Texas &

Soo bandhigay by Premier Boxing Champions

Guji HALKAN waayo, Photos ka Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Los Angeles (December 18, 2017) – Kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka saddex-qaybinta badinin Mikey Garcia oo laga badin IBF Junior Welterweight World Champion Sergey Lipinets tagnay fool-ka-fool ah markii ugu horeysay Monday at a press conference in Los Angeles to discuss their main event showdown on Saturday, Feb. 10 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. IYO/PT). The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


caymiska SHOWTIME Championship oo Boxing Day ayaa sidoo kale kasoo muuqan doona horyaalka adduunka laba-qaybinta Rances Barthelemy in ku celis ah ka gees ah Kiryl Relikh waayo, Brom horyaalka adduunka 140-pound bannaanaatay.


Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo, kaas oo la dallacsiiyey by Ringstar Sports iyo dalacaad TGB, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $250, $150, $75, $50 iyo $20. Tigidhada tegi doonaa on sale berri at 12 p.m. CT and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.


Lipinets will be making the first defense of his world title while Garcia looks to become only the third fighter in modern history to become a champion at 126, 130, 135 and 140-pounds, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao*.


Waa Halkan waxa ka qaybgalayaasha shir jaraa'id lahaa in la yidhaahdo Monday ka Room Conga ee L.A. Live:


MIKEY Garcia


“A world champion like Sergey Lipinets is more exciting an opponent for me than an easy title defense. I wanted a challenge and this man presents that. He’s a bigger man naturally. He’s going to be very hungry and motivated. He knows a victory over me launches his career to the top. That’s going to make this an interesting fight.


“To win a world title in a fourth division is a big deal to me. My dad always wanted a three-division world champion, and now I have a chance to give him a fourth title. That’s something that really excites me.


“It’s been a great return to boxing since my layoff. When I came back, I wanted to move fast and take on big challenges. That’s what we’ve been doing so far. I want to take on any challenges that people think I can’t achieve. I think slowly we’re proving to everyone that I’m better than ever and I’m going to keep taking on the kinds of fights that will cement my legacy.


“It would be a great accomplishment to be in the discussion with guys like Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, that would be a win in itself. But it wasn’t on my mind when taking this fight. I just want to keep fighting the best out there. There’s still more for me to accomplish until I’m on the same level as Pacquiao and Marquez.


“It’s going to be a great fight. Like I’ve said, the challenge for me is that I’ll be fighting the bigger man. On dagaal habeenkii, that advantage he has on me might be enough to make it that much more exciting. It will be interesting to see how well I adapt to the size. I have to make adjustments to overcome those challenges. This should give the fans the excitement that we want to give them.


“My only focus is on February 10 against Sergey Lipinets. That’s my target throughout the entire camp. There may be more opportunities for me on the horizon, but you’ll see on fight night that I’m one hundred percent focused.


“I know that I have the possibility to be the biggest star in boxing like a Floyd Mayweather, and I think I’m on track to accomplish that. I don’t see a lot of guys in the sport with the resume of accomplishments that I have. I’m going to continue take on the best and beat my opponents convincingly.”




“Mikey Garcia is a great champion and I want to be in the position that he’s reached in this sport. The only way there is to go through him.


“I’m taking on a great challenge against Mikey Garcia, and many people think I’m not ready. This is the fight that I wanted. I’ve had many obstacles in my way throughout my career and I’ve overcome them all. I’m going to overcome Mikey Garcia just like that.


“Every time I have sparred with top fighters, like Terrence Crawford, I have learned more about what I need to improve to get to the next level in this sport. That kind of experience has helped my confidence increase and will help me when I face Mikey Garcia.


“A lot of things can happen when you move up in weight. Usually people use some pop. Whatever version of Mikey Garcia shows up; I’ll be ready for him.


“I believe I’m going to win, Mikey believes he’s going to win, and it will all unveil in the ring. One thing I can guarantee; waxa ay noqon doontaa dagaal weyn.


“Every fight I’ve had has been against a tough opponent who has helped get me to this point. Hadda, I’m ready to fight the best, and Mikey Garcia is truly that.


“I had to work very hard to make the transition from champion kickboxer to a champion boxer. I did everything I had to do, moving from gym to gym and sparring everyone. I always aimed for the best and wanted to be the best at what I do.”


ROBERT Garcia, Mikey’s Brother & Tababaraha


“We know that Sergey Lipinets is a very dangerous fighter. He’s a really strong champion. I know he’s going to be hungry because he wants to become a big name by beating Mikey.


“Mikey is very smart in the ring. We’re going to come in there with a good game plan. We’ll have some big sparring partners. Strong, heavy guys who will give Mikey a big challenge in sparring.


“Mikey has to be in great shape for this fight. You can easily win the first eight rounds, but there are still four left. You have to be able to finish the fight. A great power puncher like Lipinets can finish you in one round.”


BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Trainer


“We will be prepared for any and every thing. This way, when fight night comes, we’ll have an answer for everything. The key is that we just have to be on point from the opening bell to the end. There’s no way around it.


“We’re going to cover everything in training camp. You have to have every option available to you on fight night. This way, you’re never surprised in the ring. Sergey won’t go in there swinging to get a knockout, he’s going to be disciplined and focus on getting the victory.


“I believe that Sergey is on a mission. I know Mikey Garcia is on a mission too, and I respect that. I respect that these two men are fighting each other. Champions do what Sergey is doing, and that’s fighting the best.”


Richard SCHAEFER, Guddoomiyaha & CEO of Ringstar Sports


“This is going to be a huge night for the 140-pound division. It will be another toe-to-toe showdown at the Alamodome in San Antonio, where so many great matchups have taken place before. Tigidhada bilaaban doono oo kaliya $20 so we expect another great crowd of fight fans down in Texas.


“This matchup features two undefeated fighters, two big punchers and 50 guul, 40 by knockout, between the two of them. These guys are both champions who are daring to be great. These are exactly the kind of fighters that the public likes. These fighters will push themselves to be great.


“These guys only know one thing, and that is winning. Sergey Lipinets is the biggest puncher at 140-pounds and it seems like Mikey Garcia always seeks out these big punchers.


“Mikey is looking to do something that only Manny Paccquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done, in moving up from 126 pounds through 140 pounds winning titles at each division. It is very difficult to carry that power up from featherweight. You have to tune-in to see an exciting fighter like that trying to make history.”


Stephen ESPINOZA, Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Executive & Maareeyaha Guud, SHOWTIME Sports


“What boxing needs are great fights. Good, high quality matchups like Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton, Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia and Errol Spence vs. Kell Brook. There needs consistently be good fights, and that’s what we have been doing at SHOWTIME for the last couple of years. No other network has done the quality of fights that SHOWTIME is doing. No other network is as committed to the sport as SHOWTIME has been.


“The best need to fight the best, and that is what Mikey Garcia has done. He came off of a two-and-a-half-year layoff and in 18 bilood he’s had four fights, two title fights and will be going for a title in a fourth weight class, something only Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done before. That’s what great fighters do.


“Historically the fighters who separate themselves as legendary, are the ones who challenge themselves and travel across weight classes to seek these challenges. But there are two sides to this story. Those who have been paying attention have seen Sergey Lipinets make a lot of noise on SHOWTIME cards lately. He has risen very quickly.


“If you just look at Lipinets’ record, 13-0, and think about him fighting Mikey Garcia it would sound crazy. But if you look at the kind of competition he’s faced, his last seven opponents have a combined record of 163-15. That’s not something you usually see 13 fights into a career. Lipinets is a combat veteran, and whatever happens in the ring, he will be ready for it. It’s going to make for an exciting night.”

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*Pacquiao won lineal championships at 126 and 140-pounds, although he did not win alphabet titles.


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,

Nama uu soo raaco on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions @Ringstar, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing iyo www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports. PBC waxaa maalgeliya Corona dheeraad ah, fiicnaa Bi'ir.

Three-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia Seeks Title in a Fourth Weight Class When He Challenges Unbeaten 140-pound Champion Sergey Lipinets Saturday, Feb. 10 Live on SHOWTIME® at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas & Soo bandhigay by Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Two-Time World Champion Rances Barthelemy to Rematch Kiryl Relikh for Vacant 140-Pound Title In Co-Main Event
Tickets on Sale Next Week!
San Antonio (December 14, 2017) – Kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka saddex-qaybinta badinin Mikey Garcia will attempt to win a world title in a fourth weight class when he challenges unbeaten IBF 140-pound world champion Sergey Lipinets on Saturday, February 10 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME. The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
Kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka Laba-qaybinta Rances Barthelemy wajihi doonaan Kiryl Relikh in a rematch of their May showdown on SHOWTIME, this time for the vacant WBA 140-pound world title. The doubleheader of title bouts in the wide-open 140-pound division sets the stage for a potential unification match.
Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo, kaas oo la dallacsiiyey by Ringstar Sports iyo dalacaad TGB, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $250, $75, $50 iyo $20. Tickets will go on sale next week and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.
The 29-year-old Garcia (37-0, 30 KOs), emphatically returned to pound-for-pound lists in 2017 by scoring a highlight reel knockout of Dejan Zlaticanin to win the WBC Lightweight World Championship in January and then dominating four-division champion Adrien Broner on his way to a unanimous decision in July. Garcia is a member of a renowned boxing family, and is noted for his sportsmanship and his commanding presence in the ring, honed by his brother and acclaimed trainer Robert Garcia.
Garcia, of Moreno Valley by way of Oxnard, Message., returned to the ring after a two-and-half-year layoff in July 2016 without missing a beat by stopping former champion Elio Rojas. Garcia, who has held world titles at 126, 130 iyo 135 pounds, has stopped 19 ee ugu dambeysay ee uu 22 opponents including Roman “Rocky” Martinez, Juan Manuel Lopez and Orlando Salido.
It is a dream to have the opportunity to become a four-division worldchampion,” Garcia said. “San Antonio has some of the greatest boxing fans in the country, including some key supporters of my Robert Garcia Boxing Academy family. Since my last fight, I have stayed in the gym. I can’t wait to give the fans in Texas and those watching at home on SHOWTIME another great performance.
The unbeaten Lipinets (13-0, 10 KOs) captured a super lightweight world title in just his 13th pro fight by defeating Akihiro Kondo via a unanimous decision on November 4 on SHOWTIME. He is originally from Kazakhstan but moved to Russia when he was six years old. He currently lives in Beverly Hills, California, Lipinets and is trained by Buddy McGirt.
The 28-year-old moved up the 140-pound rankings with victories over then unbeaten Haskell Rhodes, Levan Ghvamichava and Walter Castillo before knocking out Leonardo Zappavigna in a world title eliminator last December. Lipinets will look to stamp his place as an elite fighter when he takes on the accomplished and dangerous Garcia on February 10.
Getting the title is one thing, but keeping the title is a more difficult task,” said Lipinets. “I’m not about to give it away to anybody. No disrespect to Mikey Garcia or anybody else out there, but I’m keeping my title. Beating Mikey Garcia will put me in the elite of boxing where I believe I belong. I’m happy my team was able to put this great fight together. I can promise you this won’t be a snoozer. It’s going to be an action-packed fight for sure.
We’re going to call it‘Undefeated.That pretty much sums it up. Two undefeated fighters, champion versus champion,” said Richard Schaefer, Guddoomiyaha & CEO of Ringstar Sports. “It’s a big challenge for Mikey Garcia to win a championship belt in his fourth weight class. Lipinets never backs down and he’s out to show that’s he one of the biggest punchers in the division. A win for Lipinets is a game-changer for his family and his career. A win for Mikey is another feather in his cap and will help him be recognized as pound-for-pound best in the world. I’m happy to be back in San Antonio at the Alamodome. I’ve promoted some big fights there. San Antonio fight fans are in for a real treat seeing two of the best fighting each other. I’m sure the fans will embrace this fight.
We have another intriguing matchup of two young, hungry undefeated fighters who lay it on the line every time they step into the ring,” said Tom Brown, Madaxweynaha dalacaad TGB. “As talented as Mikey is, you can’t count Lipinets out. He’s one of the hardest hitters in the 140-pound division. He’s a tough competitor and there’s a reason why he’s a world champion. He knows this is a career-defining fight and he’s going to do everything he can to spoil the party for Garcia in San Antonio on Feb. 10.”
In three consecutive fights on SHOWTIME since his return to the sport, Mikey Garcia has solidified his position on boxing’s pound-for-pound lists,” ayuu yiri Stephen Espinoza, Fulinta ee Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka iyo Maareeyaha Guud, SHOWTIME Sports. “Mikey has proven he’s willing to take on the most avoided opponents in any division as he seeks out the biggest possible matchups in the sport. He’ll face yet another dangerous opponent in Sergey Lipinets, an undefeated champion in his own right, as he seeks to become a four-division world champion. On the heels of Errol Spence vs. Lamont Peterson on January 20, a matchup of consensus top-10 welterweights, we’re proud to deliver this main event of top-5 ranked fighters to build on the momentum.
Barthelemy (26-0, 13 KOs), who was born in Arroyo Naranjo, Cuba and now lives in Las Vegas, has won world titles at 130 iyo 135 pounds. He defeated Relikh by unanimous decision in his debut at 140 pound in his last fight on May 20. If he defeats Relikh again, he will become the first Cuban boxer to win world championships in three different weight classes. He defeated Argenis Mendez by unanimous decision to win the 130-pound world title in 2014 and a year later scored a unanimous decision over Denis Shafikov for the 135-pound world title. Barthelemy, 31, has two brothers, Yan and Leduan, who are professional boxers who he trains alongside with under the tutelage of Ismael Salas.
Relikh (21-2, 19 KOs) believes that he won the first match with Barthelemy and that the scorecards did not reflect the competitive nature of the fight. The 28-year-old nearly had Barthelemy out after landing a barrage of punches that penned Barthelemy on the ropes, but he was only awarded a knockdown. In the eighth round, Barthelemy came back to drop Relikh with a body shot. Shortly after the May 20 title eliminator, the WBA ordered a rematch, this time to be contested for the vacant 140-pound title. This will be Relikh’s second world title shot after the fighter from Minsk, Belarus lost a unanimous decision to Ricky Burns in Glasgow, Scotland on Oct. 7, 2016.
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Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Nama uu soo raaco on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions @Ringstar, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing iyo www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports , PBC waxaa maalgeliya Corona dheeraad ah, fiicnaa Bi'ir.


Guerrero Calls Fights with Sean Grande, Brian Kenny Hosts
Los Angeles – Maanta, FOX Sports announces multi-division and current 135-pound world champion Mikey Garcia (@mikeygarcia) and former multiple division world champion Robert Guerrero (GHOSTBOXING) join the broadcast team as analysts for PREMIER BOXING CHAMPIONS: SANTA CRUZ VS. AVALOS live on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Oct. 14 (7:30 PM ET), ka StubHub Center ee Carson, Message. Garcia and Guerrero team with blow-by-blow announcer Sean Grande (SeanGrandePBP) calling the fights. Brian Kenny (@MrBrianKenny) hosts the broadcast.
On FOX Deportes, Jaime Motta (@MottaJaime) joins blow-by-blow announcer Jesse Losada to call the action in Spanish.
The sixth installment of PBC ON FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by sensational three-division champion Leo “Dhulgariir” Santa Cruz (33-1-1, 18 KOs), who defends his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos (27-5, 20 KOs). The co-main event features four-time world champion Abner Mares (30-2-1, 15 KOs) defending his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez (35-1-1, 25 KOs).
The television broadcast opens with an exciting 10-round match featuring undefeated rising junior welterweight contender Eddie Ramirez (17-0, 11 KOs) versus former world champion Antonio DeMarco (32-6-1, 23 KOs).
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fight is available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Waxaa intaa dheer, fights are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
For more, visit FOX Sports Press Pass, www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.ringstar.com, www.tgbpromotions.com, iyo www.foxdeportes.com. Raac on TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, TGBPromotions, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/Wac Star Sports iyo www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Sensational Fan Fest This Saturday October 14 at StubHub Center ee Carson, Message. Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Sports

Carson, Message. (October 10, 2017) – Tani Saturday, October 14 ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes, numerous world champions and contenders will participate in a ‘Fan Festat the StubHub Center on the main concourse level starting at 1:00 p.m. PT.
Among those meeting fans include Mikey Garcia, Sergio Mora, John Molina Jr., Alfredo Angulo, Chris Arreola, Dominic Breazeale, Josesito Lopez, Victor Ortiz, Hugo Centeno Jr., Robert Guerrero, Karlos Balderas iyo Lindolfo Delgado. Autograph signing will begin at 1 p.m. PT* leading up to the start of televised fights at 4 p.m. PT.
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion Libaaxa “Dhulgariir” Santa Cruz defending his featherweight world title against Chris Avalos, while four-time world champion Abneer qarow defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez. Caymiska Telefiishinka bilaabantaa 7:30 p.m. IYO/4:30 p.m. PT.
If Santa Cruz and Mares win their respective matches, they have both agreed to terms to meet in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA featherweight title in early 2018. Santa Cruz won a hard-fought, narrow decision against Mares in a 2015 Fight of the Year candidate that saw the two men go toe-to-toe for 12 fast-paced rounds and combine for over 2,000 punches thrown.
Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo live, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, waxaa la qiime jaban ah $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, iyo $250 oo waa on sale hadda. Si aad u iibsato tikidhada, visit AXS.com HALKAN.
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Waxaa intaa dheer, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
*Lineup subject to change
Raac on TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, TGBPromotions, @FOX, FOXDeportes IyoSwanson_Comm oo noqday taageere on Facebook ee www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Wac Star Sports iyowww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Tilmaamaha laga heli karaa www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, fiicnaa Bi'ir.

FNU Sports dagaalanka Show: UFC 214 breakdown, Nobody Likes Dana White, Tom and Tony break down Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga

This week’s combat sports show is a split personality situation. We had technical difficulties getting all of us together for the show, so we recorded Tom and Tony chatting with each other on Thursday night. I’ve added my portion today. It all worked out to some incredible insight about Mayweather vs. McGregor, Dana White’s growing problem with disgruntled stars in the UFC, Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga. We also break down Jon Jones beating Daniel Cormier at UFC 214 and the implications for a Brock Lesnar showdown in the Octagon. It’s far from likely, but it’s intriguing. We also touch on the retirements of Juan Manuel Marquez and Wladimir Klitschko.

Tom and Tony Talk Shop:

Rich Wraps it Up:



Jermall Charlo KO’s Jorge Sebastian Heiland in Four Rounds In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature
Qabo celiska Monday Ugu 10:30 p.m. IYO/PT On
Guji HALKAN u Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Guji HALKAN u Photos: Credit Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment
Brooklyn (July 30, 2017) – Three-division world champion Mikey Garcia kept his undefeated record intact with a dominant 12-round performance against four-division world champion Adrien Broner haddii ay dhacdo weyn ee SHOWTIME horyaalka feerka, Saturday on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, guriga ee Brooklyn feerka®.
In what could be considered one of the best performances of his career, Garcia (37-0, 30 KO ee) won a unanimous decision by scores of 117-111 iyo 116-112 laba jeer.
“Waxaan u tababaran u 10 toddobaadyo, we had a great training camp and great sparring, we knew it was going to be a tough fight,” Garcia said.
Garcia took the lead early on, showcasing fundamentally sound technique and backing Broner into the ropes midway through the second frame. A flurry of body shots put Broner in trouble in the second round. While Broner was able to stay on his feet, Garcia emerged with another round in his favor.
I think I controlled the fight in the early rounds and I kept the activity up,” Garcia said. “Broner is a great fighter and he has great skills but I was the superior fighter caawa.”
Garcia showed a combination of jabs, power punches and body shots all night long. He cornered Broner on the ropes with a huge left hook halfway through the third frame, and backed him in to the ropes again with 39 seconds remaining in the round. While Broner showed some movement in the fourth round and hit Garcia with a succession of 1-2 combinations, Garcia’s bodywork kept Broner at bay.
It was part of the strategy to be a little busier in this fight than in the fights I have previously had,” Garcia said.
Broner (33-3, 24 KOs) looked to get back in the fight as he started the eighth round with a succession of sharp combinations, however his lack of consistency couldn’t withstand Garcia’s phenomenal body shots and overall punch output. Through eight rounds, Garcia had thrown a total of 500 qaad, while Broner had just thrown 291.
It was a good fight at the end of the day, I come to fight I come to win and I put my heart on the line,” Broner said. “But it was Tom & Jerry; I had to catch the mouse.
Although Garcia had amassed an early lead from the first three-quarters of the fight, Broner continued to walk through heavy fire from Garcia in an attempt to connect with a big punch and change the tide of the fight. While he was able to ignite the crowd and land several big punches over the final three rounds, none of it proved to be enough to slow down Garcia.
It was my timing, I’ve always said I have very good timing,” Saciid Garcia. “It is underestimated when you are outside the ring but once you get inside the ring with me, I’m a step ahead.
Beyer Jermall Charlo (26-0, 20 KOs) made his debut at 160-pounds with a stoppage of Argentine contender Jorge Sebastian Heiland (29-5-2, 16 KOs) in the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Dhamaadkii ciyaarta ayaa yimid 2:13 of the fourth round after Charlo delivered a devastating left hook followed by a big right to end the fight.
Charlo, of Houston, Texas, dominated the pace from the beginning. He landed the sharper and more accurate punches throughout the fight, especially in the first round where he landed 50 percent of his power shots to Heiland’s 13 boqolkiiba. Charlo’s straight right was his power weapon throughout the contest.
I felt good at this weight. I was in good shape all camp,” Saciid Charlo. “I just had to keep my composure in the ring. That’s always something I have to work on and I was able to do it.
After I dropped him the first time they said he fell on top of his ankle. That’s just part of the boxing game. I had to just stay consistent and get the work done.
Heiland, ee Buenos Aires, Argentina, had issues with his left leg after injuring his knee in the first round. His discomfort was clear in his awkward footwork and lack of power behind his punches. Referee Benjy Esteves had the doctor examine him twice throughout the fight, once before the third round and then again before the fourth.
I turned my left knee in the first round, but I did not want to give up,” said Heiland. “Waxaan isku dayay inaan iyaga siinayo oo dhan, but it was not my night. I had bad luck but I am going to work harder than ever to get back and get another opportunity to achieve my dream and win a world title.
Charlo stayed focused on his game plan despite seeing his opponent injured. “Sometimes the injury can be a decoy, you never want to just jump in and think it’s part of his game plan,” Charlo said. “My coach told me to stay behind my jab like I did; continue to work and it’s going to come.
With this win, Charlo becomes a mandatory challenger for the WBC Middleweight World Championship.
I’m ready for anyone. I’m ready for whoever wants to fight me,” Charlo added. “Bring on the biggest names at 160. I’m the real Tommy Hearns. I feel it’s my turn and I’m going to go get it.
Headlining theSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims,” feerka Jarrell Miller (19-0-1, 17 KOs), ee Brooklyn, N.Y., stopped former world title challenger Gerald Washington (18-2-1, 12 KOs) after eight-rounds.
Miller used his significant size advantage and effective power-punching to break down the former collegiate football player. Washington had some success early with his jab and body attack, but was not able to stay out of punching range of Miller
Washington surged in the sixth round with a series of power shots that staggered Miller, however the Brooklynite countered and further broke down Washington, who landed just 20% of his jabs overall.
Miller, who landed almost half of his power punches, continued the onslaught in the seventh and eight rounds, and while Washington was able to stay on his feet, he took enough punishment that his corner called the fight after the eighth round.
I definitely felt the ring rust,” said Miller, who was making his third appearance on SHOWTIME. “Gerald was very tough. It was a very good fight that had me thinking. My power was there, but I couldn’t put it together the way I wanted to today.
I took the hard way back coming in off of a layoff. Gerald definitely pushed me and motivated me. I had to rely on my brain and my power.
I knew there would be a give and take in this fight. It’s one thing to fight when you have stamina, it’s another to fight when you’re tired. I was trying to outthink him.
In xumad furitaanka oo ka mid ah “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelimson Facebook Live, Irish sensation Katie Taylor (6-0, 4 KOs) joojiyay Jasmine Clarkson (4-9) after three rounds of action in the latter fighter’s U.S. kulankiisii ​​ugu horeysay.
The Olympic Gold medalist was dominant from the outset, stalking her opponent around the ring and consistently trapping her in the corner. Taylor was effective with both hands and did most of her work to the head of Clarkson. After three rounds of damage, Clarkson’s corner stopped the bout and gave Taylor her first stateside win as a pro.
It was a fantastic experience being my first time competing here in the U.S,” Saciid Taylor. “There were definitely some nerves before the fight. It was great to go in there and get a stoppage.
I hope that I made some fans caawa. I loved hearing the Irish fans in the crowd. I hope that there will be even more next time I fight here. The more fights I have here in the U.S. ka fiican.
I thought I performed pretty well. I definitely got caught with a few silly shots. I could have been cleaner but overall it was a good performance. I felt good and strong. I’ll be ready to get back in there as soon as possible.
Additional action saw former world champion Rau'shee Warren (15-2, 4 KOs) earn a unanimous decision victory over former champion McJoe Arroyo (17-2, 8 KOs) and became the mandatory challenger for the IBF Junior Bantamweight World Title.
Warren attacked the body throughout the bout and landed the cleaner, more effective punches over the 12-round contest. The judges concurred and gave him the decision by scores of 118-10 iyo 117-111 laba jeer.
I would give myself a B+ for that performance,” said Warren. “I wanted to make sure to use my jab and I felt like it really helped me win the fight.
I feel really good at this weight. Now it’s time for me to go get a strap. I haven’t been at this weight since the Olympics. I want to get these titles and then go down to 112 pounds for another title. First I want to take care of Jerwin Ancajas.
Sabtida ee fights will replay on Sunday, July 30 at 8:35 a.m. ET on SHOWTIME and on Monday, July 31 at 10:30 p.m. IYO/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® iyo SHOWTIME wakhti kasta®.
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Saturday, July 29 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, guriga ee Brooklyn feerka®. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.
Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, raac on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, ama noqday taageere on Facebook ee www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsiyo www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia Final Press Conference Quotes & Sawirro

Premier Boxing Champions Event Saturday, July 29 ka

Barclays Center ee Brooklyn & Ku nool SHOWTIME

Guji HALKAN waayo, Photos ka Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Guji HALKAN waayo, Photos ka Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Brooklyn (July 27, 2017) – Kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka Afar-qaybinta Adrien Broner iyo horyaalka adduunka saddex-qaybinta Mikey Garcia went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they headline a Premier Boxing Champions dhacdo Saturday, July 29 ku nool SHOWTIME ka Center Barclays, guriga ee Brooklyn feerka®.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. IYO/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlomeeting top contender Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator.

Undercard action on “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims” will stream live on Facebook and YouTube and will feature heavyweight contenders Gerald Washington iyo Jarrell Miller in a 10-round match, plus Irish sensation Katie Taylorin her U.S. kulankiisii ​​ugu horeysay.

Tickets to the event, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, bilaaban doono $50 (aan ay ka mid yihiin lacagta lagu dabaqi), waa on sale hadda, and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ama adiga oo wacaya 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Dhimis Group waxaa laga heli karaa adigoo wacaya 844-BKLYN-GP.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Dream Hotel Downtown:


“Just know that I’ll be ready on Saturday habeen. I’m not worried about how much he’ll weigh when we step into the ring. I’m ready for anything.

“Camp was tough, but it was great. I did a lot of things differently and made sure that I was doing everything right. I made sure not to cut any corners this camp.

“This is going to be a great fight for boxing. I’ve done my due diligence. I’m going to take care of business. I just know myself and know what I’m capable of.

“Every fight is a must-win in this sport. There’s no fight you go into with a loss on your mind. I’m going to put on a show on Saturday.

“I laugh when people write me off. I’m used to being the underdog coming from where I come from. People don’t know what I’ve been through to get to this point. I’m blessed to be where I’m at. Saturday night there will be a lot more room on the bandwagon.

“We’ll see who’s on the pound-for-pound list after Saturday habeen. We could have fought years ago but the time is now and I’m ready.

“I’m glad that the Garcia team took this fight as quickly as we did. I’ve been taking everything seriously in Colorado. I know Mikey will be ready too. Robert Garcia definitely has some confidence from beating me with Marcos Maidana. But Mikey is not Maidana.

“I just don’t feel like Mikey will be able to do anything to stop me from getting the victory. I’m sure he’s confident too. After I make it look easy, I want everyone to write about it and say something good.

“I can make anybody quit in the ring. Mikey is no different. If I execute and stay focused, don’t be surprised. Diyaar u yahay dagaal tan baan ahay.

"Saturday is going to be a special day for me. My birthday is berri. I’m almost 30. I want to dedicate this victory to my twin brother Andre. Seeing his smile will make it even more special for me.”

MIKEY Garcia

“I’m prepared to go 12 hard rounds with Adrien Broner. This is a high profile fight. Probably more than my other fights. It’s created a lot of buzz amongst fans and media. Everyone is anticipating a great fight. This is a great matchup that can take me to the next level.

“I don’t think that he’s going to be desperate but he knows that I’m not an easy opponent. That’s why he’s taken camp so seriously. I expect him to be at his best and be ready. He knows that if he beats me he can launch his career back to where it was.

“He’s a four-division world champion so clearly he has the skills. I need someone who is hungry and motivated to bring out the best in me. My main focus is getting the win by any means necessary.

“I’m going to lo look to box effectively and show that I’m the better fighter. We’re both smart fighters but neither of us will run from the other. When you have styles like ourselves, with two guys who like to exchange punches, you’re in for a great battle.

“I think Adrien will be fine with the weight. He’s a pro and he knows that he really has to make weight. He’s learned from his mistakes. Sometimes he jokes around but that’s just part of his character. He takes things a lot more seriously because he’s facing me.

“If I can get this win, I just want to keep moving forward and fulfilling my dreams. I want to be in huge fights consistently. This is a crossroads fight for both of us to get to that level.

“I’m very excited to be here. Brooklyn was very kind to me when I fought here last year. I expect the fans to be here and show up like they always do on Saturday. There are incredible boxing fans in New York.

“I’m here to prove that I’m back and stronger than ever. This is another opportunity to show the kind of fighter that I am. I won’t let Adrien Broner stand in my way. This is my chance to show the best version of myself.”


“I feel great and ready to make my debut at 160 pounds. Camp has gone smoothly. I’m ready to dominate this division like I did 154 pounds. My plan is to care of Heiland and then everything else will fall into line from there.

“This is a bigger, better and stronger version of Jermall Charlo. Everything has come together during camp. Ronnie Shields runs a great camp and I believe he’s continuing to bring the best out of me.

“I’m completely focused on this matchup. I know that I can’t get any of the big fights that I crave without taking care of Heiland. I’m going to break him down and if the knockout comes, I’ll make sure to take advantage.

“My hat is off to Adrien Broner and Mikey Garcia for bringing out all the fans and media for this great show. It’s a real thrill to be a part of this event.”


“I’m thankful to everyone who has welcomed me to New York. I’m happy to have this big opportunity and I’m 100 percent prepared for whatever Jermall Charlo brings. Jermall is a great fighter and I know that he is going to bring everything he has.

“I’ve had an amazing camp and I’ve never felt more prepared for an opportunity than this. I was very patient and I will take full advantage. My plan is to leave everything in the ring on Saturday.

“My team has been with me for a long time as I waited for this opportunity. Be ready because it’s going to be a battle and a great matchup on Saturday. You won’t want to miss it.”


“I came here to go to work. I’m going to shut that big mouth of his up. I hope someone is holding him accountable for all the words he’s been saying. You’re in there with a real one on Saturday habeen. I’m going to welcome you to this game for real.

“I’m sure he’ll try to bring some extra pressure. I’m going to introduce him to a new class of boxing. I’ve taken a lot from my experiences in training camp with Wladimir Klitschko and in the ring with Deontay Wilder. You’ll see the difference on Saturday.

“I’m still growing in this sport. I’ve been learning on the job this whole time and each experience just means so much to me. I wanted to take on a tough undefeated fighter because I knew that it would make it a great fight.

“This is most definitely ending inside of the distance. I’m coming after him. I’m going to wear him out. Then it’s time to take him out.”


“If you don’t know who “Big Baby” is, you soon will. I’ve never seen anyone get knocked out and get praised for it, but that’s what people are doing for Washington. I’ve never been hurt in my life in the ring and I’ll prove it on Saturday.

“This guy said he’s going to introduce me to big-time boxing. I’ve been in front of huge crowds and I’ve come through with knockout wins. I’ll be more than ready on Saturday habeen.

“I’ve got big plans in this sport and this is only the start. Brooklyn fans loved their hometown heavyweights Mike Tyson and Riddick Bowe. I’m going to be next in that line and this city will love me.”


“It’s incredible to be here in New York and to make my US debut on this incredible card. It’s truly a privilege.

“Training has gone so well and I’m so happy that SHOWTIME will stream the fight. It’s incredible for my fans overseas and all fans of women’s boxing.

“I hope to make a strong statement this weekend and I hope everyone enjoys the fight on Saturday habeenkii. "

Leonard ELLERBE, CEO of dalacaad Mayweather

“This is definitely a must-see event on Saturday habeen. Two great fighters, fighting at the right time, both in the prime of their careers. Waxa ay noqon doontaa ciyaar weyn.

“One of the main reasons why boxing is going to the next level is because the people at the top have a vision of seeing great fights. We have another great example of that Saturday this habeen ee Barclays Center

“Anytime you have a great event, it’s going to start with the undercard. We have a lot of young fighters looking to show off their skills. We’re thrilled to have our very own Richardson Hitchins and Kenny Robles competing in exciting undercard action.”

Lou DIBELLA, Madaxweynaha DiBella Entertainment

“A month from now there will be a huge event in Las Vegas, laakiin two days from now there is the best fight card of the summer, the best fight of the summer, and a great show from top to bottom at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

“This is a great summer of boxing for SHOWTIME and it’s great to be in this room and see all the great attention that this fight card is getting. This is one of the best representations that we can have of our sport. This is one of the most stacked cards I’ve ever been involved with.

“There are a lot of good reasons to get a ticket and come to Barclays Center on Saturday habeen. There will be a strong Irish presence on the card Saturday with both Katie Taylor and Noel Murphy entering the ring.”

Stephen ESPINOZA, Executive VP & Maareeyaha Guud, SHOWTIME Sports

"Saturday is a testament to SHOWTIME’s commitment to boxing and boxing fans. We’ve worked hard to deliver the most important bouts from around the world. We have three separate telecasts, five fights, across two continents.

“We will also be streaming Katie Taylor’s U.S. kulankiisii ​​ugu horeysay. People know Katie from reputation alone, and we thought it was important to have her fight seen. The heavyweight fight between Gerald Washington and Jarrell Miller is another one that deserves to be seen and I think it could be the fight that steals the show.

“The main event has two of the brightest young stars in boxing. They both feel like they’ve been on this stage for a while. You know their resumes and you have to give them all of the credit in the world for taking this fight. Neither had to take this fight, but it will be one of the most exciting matchups of the summer.

“We have had 19 live presentations and 15 world title fights so far and we’re proud of what we’ve done accomplished so far. Boxing has had a great year and much of that has been carried by SHOWTIME boxing. That will continue Saturday this."

Brett YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment

“This card is our fourth major card this year. It’s been an incredible year for BROOKLYN BOXING. We’ve made a commitment to bring the best boxing to the borough. With all of our partners help, we have been able to accomplish that.

“We welcome both of these fighters back to Brooklyn. They’ve both built fan bases and we’re excited to see both of them back in the building and in the ring on Saturday.

“The whole night of boxing is going to be incredible. I welcome Jermall Charlo to Brooklyn, your brother had a great night in April and I’m sure you will follow in his footsteps.”

# # #


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Saturday, July 29 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, guriga ee Brooklyn feerka®. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, raac on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, ama noqday taageere on Facebook eewww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions iyo www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment


“I feel like my back is against the wall. Everybody is counting me out once again.” – Adrien Broner

SHOWTIME Sports® Video Feature: http://s.sho.com/2tKCUR0

Credit Photo: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

Four-division world champion Adrien Broner has taken a unique approach as he prepares to face undefeated three-division titlist Mikey Garcia this Saturday, July 29 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). One of only 16 four-division champions in boxing history, the outspoken Broner is practicing yoga in his Colorado Springs-based camp as he attempts to minimize the distractions and focus on perhaps the biggest fight of his career.

“I feel like my back is against the wall,” Broner says in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature. “Everybody is counting me out once again.

“Don’t get me wrong, dagaallami karo, he can box. Laakiin, at the end of the day, I just don’t see him beating me.”

Broner faces Garcia in a matchup of two of boxing’s biggest stars in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IYO/6 p.m. PT as unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlo returns to face Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

# # #


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Saturday, July 29 ku nool yihiin SHOWTIME. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, guriga ee Brooklyn feerka®. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, raac on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, ama noqday taageere on Facebook eewww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsand www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment



Live Coverage of Broner vs. Garcia Undercard Plus Carl Frampton Homecoming Bout Available On Digital Platforms Preceding SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®

NEW YORK (July 25, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will offer three separate boxing presentations on Saturday, July 29, delivering two digital live streams preceding the evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING televised doubleheader. The digital-only offerings will be available on Facebook Live iyo YouTube prior to the live SHOWTIME® telecast at 9 p.m. IYO/6 p.m. PT, as the network continues its unrivaled commitment to boxing.


The full day of high-stakes boxing will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. IYO/2:30 p.m. PT with streaming coverage from Belfast, Ireland as 2016 Fighter Sanadka Carl Frampton makes his long-awaited homecoming. The former two-division titlist Frampton (23-1, 14 KOs) will face once-beaten Andres Gutierrez (35-1-1, 25 KOs) in a 12-round featherweight bout, his first since splitting a par of slugfests with three-division world titlist Leo Santa Cruz. Coverage of Frampton vs. Gutierrez will be provided by Channel 5, a television station in Northern Ireland.


SHOWTIME Sports will then deliver live coverage from Barclays Center in Brooklyn beginning at 7:15 p.m. IYO/4:15 p.m. PT with “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims”. The two-fight live stream will feature former world title challenger Gerald Washington (18-1-1, 12 KOs) against Brooklyn native Jarrell Miller (18-0-1, 16 KOs), plus the U.S. debut of female boxing star and Irish Olympic Gold Medalist Katie Taylor (5-0, 3 KOs). Hall of ritiga Barry Tompkins will call the live streaming fights from Brooklyn alongside former world champion Daniel Jacobs.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims and Frampton vs. Gutierrez will be available to U.S. audiences only.


The July 29 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a blockbuster matchup between two of boxing’s biggest stars as three-division world champion Mikey Garcia moves up to 140 pounds to face four-division champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IYO/6 p.m. PT as unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlo returns to face Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims is an extension of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME, which is the first premium television series to offer live undercard coverage. Both offerings provide bonus bouts to viewers at home, delivering an experience that was previously available only to fans in arena. Via SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims, viewers are afforded the unique opportunity to interact with the boxing community during the event in real time.


SHOWTIME Sports also will live stream the Broner vs. Garcia final press conference on Thursday and the official weigh-in on Friday across digital platforms, including Facebook Live and YouTube.