بایگانی برچسب: جوایز Mayweather

قهرمان جهانی دو تقسیم DANNY GARCIA به شنبه شب بازگشت به حلقه قهرمانان جهان برای قهرمانان جهان, فوریه. 17 از مرکز رویدادهای MANDALAY BAY در SHOWTIME زندگی کنید & ارائه شده توسط قهرمانان بوکس برتر

بیش, 168-قهرمان پوند ، دیوید بنویدز ، در یک بازی برگشت با رونالد گاوریل در مسابقات بوکسینگ SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP ، اولین دفاع عنوان جهانی را انجام می دهد® شرکت های
بلیط در فروش روز شنبه, دسامبر 23 در 10 صبح. PST!
LAS VEGAS (دسامبر 21, 2017) – قهرمان جهان دو بخش دنی “سریع” گارسیا بازگشت به حلقه به در قهرمان سابق جهان را براندون “بم بم” ریوس در یک مسابقه سنگین وزن در روز شنبه, فوریه 17 زندگی در SHOWTIME در مرکز حوادث Mandalay Bay در لاس وگاس و ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس.
در همکاری ویژگی, جوانترین قهرمان جهان بوکس داود “پرچم سرخ” بناویدز برای اولین بار در برابر مسابقات قهرمانی جهان در مسابقات سوپر میان وزن خود دفاع خواهد کرد رونالد و Gavril در یک بازی برگشت از ماه سپتامبر مهیج خود 2017 دورانی که بناویدز با تصمیم تقسیم ، عنوان خالی را از آن خود کرد.
این کارت توسط Mayweather Promotions و TGB Promotions در ارتباط با DSG Promotions تبلیغ می شود. بازی برگشت بناویدز - گاوریل با همکاری سامسون بوکس برگزار می شود. بلیط های این رویداد زنده به فروش می رسند روز شنبه, دسامبر. 23 در 10 صبح. PST و در AXS.com در دسترس خواهد بود.
“من فقط برای بازگشت به رینگ هیجان زده ام,” سعید گارسیا, که در بخش بهتر شش سال سلطنت جهان را تجربه می کرد قدمت خود را به پیروزی مقابل تالار مشاهیر اریک مورالس در 2012 تا مارس 2017. “من نیاز به زمان خاموش به نیروی تازه یافتن و اجازه دهید بدن من زخم التیام یابد.”
گارسیا (33-1, 19 کوس) یک قهرمان جهان متحد در فوق العاده سبک و سبک وزن بود و مبارزه کرده است و شکست خورده بسیاری از سخت ترین مخالفان در هر دو بخش پوشا دو نسل-مورالس, زاب یهودا, کندال هولت, امیر خان, لوکاس Matthysse, پائولی مالنیاگی و لامونت پیترسون در میان آنها. از پنج حریف وی در بخش سبک وزن چهار قهرمان جهان و 10 از گذشته خود 14 مخالفان قهرمان جهان و یا قهرمان سابق جهان بود.
“من قهرمان حاکم به مدت شش سال بود, بنابراین من نیاز بقیه,” جنگنده 29 ساله فیلادلفیا را ادامه داد. “من آماده هستم تا سال را به سبک سال شروع کنم و بخش سبک وزن را تصاحب کنم.”
در آخرین مبارزه خود را, یک برخورد سبک وزن از دارندگان عنوان جهانی, گارسیا با تصمیم تقسیم به کیت تورمن قهرمان کینگ تورمن در حال مبارزه متحمل شده در یک مبارزه سخت شکست خورد, مبارزه هیجان انگیزی که به صورت زنده از CBS پخش شد. SHOWTIME BOXING از پخش CBS بیشترین مخاطب بوکس سال را به خود جلب کرد, بیش از پنج میلیون بیننده که همچنان بیشترین مخاطبی است که از زمان پخش بوکس در حال پخش است 1998.
اکنون, گارسیا به دنبال این است که موقعیت خود را که یک بار مسلط بود در وزن سنگین وزن بازیابی کند, یک بخش که بیش از هر وزن دیگر دارای مبارزات برتر 10 پوند برای پوند در این ورزش است; مبارزان از جمله قهرمان جهان Errol Spence Jr., تورمن, شاون پورتر, Kell بروک, لامونت پیترسون و بیشتر.
“آنچه در این مبارزه با براندون ریوس جالب است سبک های ماست. هر دو دوست داریم جلو بیاییم. این نوع تطبیق بهترین ها را در هر دوی ما به وجود می آورد. من از بازگشت به لاس وگاس هیجان زده ام. من در آنجا بهترین نمایش ها و بزرگترین مبارزاتم را داشته ام. من در وگاس لوکاس ماتیس و امیرخان را شکست دادم. شما در لاس وگاس می جنگید, شما یک سوپراستار هستید,” گارسیا اضافه کرد.
مانند گارسیا, ریوس با بسیاری از برترین وزنه برداران این دوران از جمله تیموتی بردلی و مانی پاکیائو قهرمان جهان مبارزه کرده است. شلخته دماغ سخت از Oxnard, کالیفرنیا., دارد 34 برنده, 25 توسط حذفی. ریوس 31 ساله همیشه آماده نبرد است. با سبکی تهاجمی و چانه گرانیتی, او یکی از سرگرم کننده ترین بوکسورهای این ورزش است. وی در آخرین مبارزه خود پیروزی TKO را برابر آرون هررا به دست آورد ژوئن 11. پیروزی بر گارسیا, 10 وزن سبک وزن برتر در نوع خود, بلافاصله مسیر Rios را تغییر می دهد’ شغل و تقاضا دارد که او در رده های برتر در بخش قرار گیرد.
“من خوشحالم که ثابت کردم دوباره منتقدانم اشتباه می کنند,” گفت ریوس. “من یک ... بام بام آورده ام’ Rios slugfest به طرفداران من. دنی یک مبارز بزرگ است, اما من او را کتک خواهم زد همانطور که در گذشته دیگران را کتک زده ام. من متمرکز هستم و این را به یک نبرد کلاسیک مکزیکی-پورتوریکو تبدیل خواهم کرد!”
“SHOWTIME آماده است تا سال را با دو مسابقه مهم مسابقات اصلی مسابقات سنگین وزن انجام دهد,” گفت: استفان اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور و مدیر کل SHOWTIME ورزشی®. “به دنبال ژانویه 20هفتم حفره رویداد Errol Spence Jr. در مقابل. لامونت پترسون, گارسیا در مقابل. Rios دارای دو مورد از جنگنده ترین و وحشی ترین جنگنده های 147 پوندی در جهان است. اضافه کردن در بناویدز در مقابل. ویژگی مشترک Gavril II, مبارزه ای که تضمین می کند عملی دراماتیک ارائه می دهد, و ما در حال برداشتن درست همان جایی هستیم که ترک کردیم 2017 ارائه جذاب ترین و مهمترین مسابقات در عمیق ترین بخشهای بوکس.”
“ما مشتاقانه منتظر اقدام در مرکز رویدادهای Mandalay Bay در ماه فوریه هستیم,” سعید لئونارد الرب، کارولینای شمالی, مدیر عامل شرکت تبلیغات Mayweather. “گارسیا و ریوس هر دو مبارزانی فصلی هستند که در رقابت های سنگین وزن با سخت ترین رقابت روبرو شده اند و هر دو برای پیروزی بزرگ بسیار گرسنه هستند. مسابقه مشترک بین جوانترین قهرمان دائمی جهان ، دیوید بنویدز و رقیب رونالد گاوریل ، که از قبل می دانیم هیجان انگیز خواهد بود. هر چهار این مردان ثابت کرده اند که همه چیز را در رینگ بوکس قرار می دهند تا هیچ شکی در مورد اینکه مرد بهتر چیست باقی بماند. بعلاوه, ما اکنون در حال کار بر روی کارت پستال مورد پسند جمعیت هستیم. هرکسی که روی این کارت است نیاز به آوردن یک بازی خود دارد’ به لاس وگاس برای پیروزی در فوریه 17.”
“دنی گارسیا یکی از آزمایش شده ترین افراد در جنگ است, بوکسورهای ماهر در این ورزش. کاری که او قبل از رسیدن به وزن سنگین وزن در دویدن از وزنه 140 پوندی انجام داد ، بسیار شگفت آور است,” گفت: تام براون, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات TGB. “"بام بم’ ریوس یک جنگجوی برگشت است. او هرگز با نبردی روبرو نشد که از آن عقب نشینی کند. قرار دادن گارسیا و ریوس در رینگ در برابر یکدیگر چیزی جز آتش بازی در مسابقه ای ندارد که حداکثر سرگرمی را برای هواداران فراهم کند.. این نوعی مبارزه است که متعلق به لاس وگاس است, نبردی کلاسیک که جنگهای سنگین وزن گذشته را درگیر می کند. اولین مسابقه بین بنویدز و گاوریل جای کافی برای شک داشت که در یک مسابقه مجدد باید س anyالات باقی مانده حل شود. من انتظار دارم هر دو بوکسور برای اثبات چیزی وارد بازی شوند و این به یک مسابقه دوستانه دوستانه تبدیل می شود.”
بناویدز 21 ساله (19-0, 17 کوس) تبدیل به جوانترین قهرمان جهان در بوکس و جوانترین قهرمان 168 پوندی تاریخ در طول 20 سال شد, نه ماهه هنگامی که او یک تصمیم تقسیم بر علیه Gavril به دست آورد تا عنوان فوق العاده وزن متوسط ​​را بدست آورد سپتامبر 8. این مسابقه دارای چندین حرکت حرکت است, مبادلات هیجان انگیز و وحشی 12هفتم گرد. بناویدز و گاوریل یکدیگر را تحت فشار قرار دادند تا بهترین عملکرد شغلی خود را تاکنون داشته باشند.
“احساس می کنم در این مبارزه پیروز شدم,” گاوریل بلافاصله پس از تصمیم گفت. “من بر سرعت تسلط داشتم. نمی توانم چیز دیگری بگویم… تنها کاری که می توانم انجام دهم درخواست بازی برگشت است.”
بر فوریه 17, Gavril آن را دریافت خواهد کرد.
“این بار هیچ بهانه ای نیست,” گفت سمپسون Lewkowicz از سمپسون بوکس. “دقیقه ای که بناویدز مبارزه را به پایان رساند ، من مسابقه برگشت را از طرف برنده درخواست کردم - به این دلیل که او باید با قاطعیت و نه با تصمیم تقسیم برنده شود. من می خواستم عموم مردم بتوانند بازی برگشت را برگزار کنند تا همه بدانند که بهترین ها چه کسی است. من انتظار دارم این بار Gavril بگوید که او واقعاً مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفته است. به عنوان جوانترین قهرمان در ورزش امروز, بدون شک می خواهم بنویدز مرد بهتری باشد. این اولین بار یک مبارزه عالی بود و این بار خواهیم دید که بهترین ها واقعاً چه کسانی هستند. بهانه ای نیست. بدون شک.”
مبارزه از ققنوس, طور., بناویدز گل زده بود 10 ناک اوت های مستقیم منجر به دیدار برابر گاوریل. پیروزی هشت دور KO مقابل روژلیو مدینه باعث شد وی عنوان قهرمانی خالی را کسب کند.
“این جنگی است که پدر من, من و تیمم تصمیم گرفتیم دوباره به همه نشان دهیم که من واقعاً قهرمان هستم و چیزهای دیگری از من فقط جوانترین قهرمان جهان بودن,” بنویدز گفت. “احساس می کنم جنگنده بهتری هستم و قطعاً این بار آن را نشان خواهم داد. من از همان مبارزه اول یاد گرفتم که او فشار زیادی وارد می کند. او دوست دارد در همان زمانی که من می اندازم ، پرتاب کند. رویکردهای مختلفی وجود دارد که می تواند در برابر آن اتخاذ کند. این یک شب عالی دعوا خواهد بود. دنی گارسیا و ‘بام بم’ ریوس, این دو جنگنده ای هستند که من به آنها نگاه می کنم و این افتخار است که در کارتهای زیرین آنها مبارزه کنم. آموزش من به خوبی پیش رفته است. ما تصمیم گرفتیم یک مربی قدرت و شرط بندی را بیاوریم و من واقعاً احساس قدرت می کنم. من معتقدم که بسیار آماده خواهم بود”
و Gavril (18-2, 14 کوس) با به دست آوردن هفت پیروزی متوالی از جمله چهار برد با ناک اوت ، به سرعت در رده ها قرار گرفت 2015. گاوریل 31 ساله در باكائو به دنیا آمد, رومانی و اکنون در لاس وگاس زندگی می کند و می جنگد. او در یک مسابقه درخشان مقابل بناویدز به میدان رفت, به دست آوردن کنترل در دورهای میانی و حتی رها کردن رقیب جوان در مسابقات 12هفتم در حالی که کمتر از یک دقیقه از جنگ باقی مانده است. در نهایت, کافی نبود چون گاوریل در دو قاضی از سه قاضی شکست خورد’ ارزیابی متوازن.
“نمی توانم صبر کنم تا دوباره وارد حلقه شوم و آن کمربند را بگیرم,” گفت گاوریل. “من برنامه بازی او را به سرعت در اولین مبارزه آموختم, اونوقت خوب مسدود کردم, و من قصد دارم دوباره همین کار را انجام دهم. او دارای دست و قدرت سریع است, من این را از او نمی گیرم, اما من آماده هر برنامه ای هستم که او وارد رینگ شود. من می دانم که برای بردن این بار آنچه لازم است را دارم. آماده شدن برای این مبارزه برای بار دوم متفاوت بوده است, آموزش شدیدتر بوده است, و تیم من مرا آماده می کند تا یک بار و برای همیشه او را بیرون ببرم. نمی توانم بگذارم برنده شود. بعضی ها گفتند که من در سپتامبر برنده شدم, و از عملکرد من تعجب کردند. فکر کردم نزدیک است, و فکر کردم که ناک اوت به من برتری می دهد تا برنده شوم. تنها کاری که می توانم انجام دهم آماده بودن است. فکر نمی کنم هیچ کدام از ما در شب جنگ هواداران را ناراحت کنیم. من می خواهم از فلوید می ودر و لئونارد برای موقعیت دیگر مقابل بنویدز تشکر کنم. او یک مبارز بزرگ و رقیب سرسخت است و مطمئناً این یک مبارزه عالی خواهد بود.”
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, MandalayBay وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و WWW.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

دو تقسیم قهرمان جهان Badou جک به نظر می رسد به جلو به یاد ماندنی 2018 داخل & خارج از حلقه به دنبال چشمگیر 2017 کمپین


(عکس های اعتباری: استر لین / SHOWTIME)
LAS VEGAS (دسامبر 19, 2017) – پس از اولین مؤکد در بخش سنگین وزن نور, قهرمان جهان دو بخش Badou جک به دنبال استفاده از 2018 ثابت کند که او بالای جنگنده 175 پوند در جهان و یکی از بهترین پوند برای پوند مبارزان در ورزش است.
“من 100 درصد اعتماد به نفس در توانایی من به در و ضرب و شتم هر کسی که در بخش,” گفت جک. “من تازه وارد در سنگین وزن نور هستم, اما من در حال حاضر ثابت تعلق دارم. من قرار دادن همه سنگین وزن نور در اطلاع.”
اولین سنگین وزن نور جک را دیدم او را به چالش بکشد قهرمان WBA ناتان هوشمندانه در صورت شرکت اصلی از میودر در مقابل. مک گرگور مرحله نهایی مسابقات فیلمهای در ماه آگوست در مقابل میلیون ها نفر. جک عمل از همان ابتدا تحت سلطه و قهرمان در دور پنجم ایستاد تا تبدیل شدن به یک قهرمان جهان در کلاس وزن دوم.
“پس از پیروزی من در برابر هوشمندانه, من آماده برای هدف قرار دادن بزرگترین دعوا وجود دارد,” گفت جک. “من می دانم که اگر من انجام تا توانایی های من, من قصد دارم به مجموعه ای از یک مسیر به سمت وحدت عنوان. من فقط باید آن را یک مبارزه در یک زمان.”
جک شروع 2017 با قرار دادن در عملکرد احساسی و عاطفی در یک مبارزه نامزد سال در برابر سپس IBF سوپر میان قهرمان جهان جیمز دی گال. The unification showdown on ژانویه 14 در مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین با تساوی جنجالی به پایان رسید, با وجود اکثر ناظران بیرون رینگ گل مبارزه به نفع جک.
“تنظیم خودم را برای موفقیت برای سال آینده نخواهد بود بدون داشتن یک بزرگ 2017 ممکن است،” ادامه جک. “لگد زدن به سال با مبارزه اتحاد در برابر جیمز دی گال بود که بهترین راه برای شروع, و حتی اگر من دزدیدند کردم, آن را یک شب بزرگ برای من و تیم من بود. من خیلی چیزها یاد و قطعا طرفداران جدید داخل و خارج کشور به دست آورد.”
در سوئد متولد و مبارزه از لاس وگاس, the 2008 المپیک برای گامبیا مادری پدرش یک قهرمان جهان به معنای واقعی کلمه است. جک در سال جاری برای بار دوم خود در سوئد را برای ورزشکار مرد جایزه سال در idrottsgalla معتبر گرینویچ نامزد شده است. اما بدون توجه به آنچه در حلقه اتفاق می افتد, بزرگترین پیروزی جک خواهد بود تولد آینده فرزند دوم خود در ماه مارس.
“من قادر به صرف زمان زیادی را با خانواده ام در بود 2017 و من همیشه گرامی که,” گفت جک. “تعادل کلیدی در این ورزش و در زندگی است. با کودک دیگری آینده, من به دنبال به جلو به ادامه به دنبال رویاهای من به عنوان یک پدر, شوهر و یک قهرمان جهان.”
با دعوا بزرگ و علاوه بر جدید به خانواده در راه, جک می داند که این سال است به سرمایه گذاری در جایگاهش به عنوان یک قهرمان جهان بین المللی را به او را به ارتفاعات جدید را, از جمله کسب و کار و تلاش های خیریه خواهد شد که در اعلام 2018.
“من ریشه های قوی و میراث من با خودم حمل هر بار که من وارد حلقه,” گفت جک. “من مسئولیت باید فروتن و قهرمان مردم. من بسیاری از مکان های جدید بازدید در 2017 و آن را واقعا به نظر من از جهان گسترش یافته است. من آماده است تا در سال پیش رو و تیم هستم, خانواده و طرفداران افتخار هر بار که من شانس.”



Networks’ Emmy Award-Winning ALL ACCESS Epilogue Takes Viewers Behind The Scenes Of The Blockbuster Event & Floyd Mayweather’s Final Fight

عکس های اعتباری: استر لین / SHOWTIME


The unprecedented Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor blockbuster, the final fight of Mayweather’s illustrious career, این نمایش در SHOWTIME به نمایش در می آید روز شنبه, هفت. 2 در 9 p.m. و/PT. The showdown between the future Hall of Famer and the UFC superstar originally aired live on SHOWTIME PPV® در روز شنبه, اوت 26 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. روز شنبه SHOWTIME premiere of the main event will include the singing of the national anthems of the United States and Ireland by Grammy® nominated and multi-platinum artist Demi Lovato and Irish recording sensation Imelda May.


The SHOWTIME presentation of the exciting fight will be immediately followed by the premiere of دسترسی به همه: Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor Epilogue. The network’s’ distinctive خاتمه نشان می دهد درام مبارزه با شب از دیدگاه منحصر به فرد و به پس ندرت دیده می شود مشت زنی حرفهیی مسابقات قهرمانی جهان معرفی بینندگان. دسترسی به همه: Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor Epilogue goes behind the scenes into the locker rooms, corners and inner circles as McGregor aimed to shock the world in his boxing debut and Mayweather exited the ring for the final time.


Gervonta دیویس, Badou Jack and Andrew Tabiti All Record Victories In Four-Fight SHOWTIME PPV Event
Delayed Telecast of امشب Main Event Will Air Exclusively on SHOWTIME® در روز شنبه, سپتامبر 2
در 9 p.m. و/PT
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از ادریس Erba به / تبلیغات میودر
LAS VEGAS (اوت. 27, 2017) – Future Boxing Hall of Famer فلوید “پول” Mayweather ended his historic career in style در روز شنبه night with a convincing 10th-round technical knockout victory over UFC mega-star کونور مکگرگور in the main event of a four-fight SHOWTIME PPV event from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
The 40-year-old Mayweather, fighting for the first time به 714 روز, announced after the fight that he will never fight again, ending his 21-year career in style by controlling an all-action fight that thrilled the 14,623 fans in attendance and watching around the world. With Mayweather coming forward just like he promised, referee Robert Byrd stopped the super welterweight fight at 1:05 از 10هفتم round as Mayweather punished McGregor with a series of blows that staggered his weary opponent.
با پیروزی, the five-division world champion from Las Vegas becomes the first boxer to finish his career at 50-0, eclipsing the record he had previously shared with the legendary Rocky Marciano.
I think we gave the fans what they wanted to see,” Mayweather told SHOWTIME ringside reporter Jim Gray after the fight. “I owed them for the Pacquiao fight. I had to come straight ahead and give the fans a show. That’s what I gave them.
All three judges – دیو مورتی (87-83), Burt Clements (89-82) and Guido Cavalleri (89-81) – had Mayweather ahead on the scorecards at the time of the stoppage. SHOWTIME’s unofficial scorer Steve Farhood had Mayweather ahead by the score of 86-85.
The first two-division champion in UFC history, مک گرگور, از Dublin, ایرلند, said he was fatigued as the fight got into the later stages. “He’s composed, he’s not that fast, he’s not that powerful, but boy is he composed in there,” the 29-year-old McGregor said. “I thought it was close though and I thought it was a bit of an early stoppage. He was just a lot more composed with his shots. I have to give it to him, that’s what 50 pro fights will do for you.
Both fighters had their moments in the early rounds. در دور چهارم, Mayweather forced McGregor to back-pedal and continued to force the action.
در نقطه نیمه راه از مبارزه, Farhood had given the first three rounds to the more aggressive McGregor, but then rounds four, five and six to the more accurate Mayweather.
Our game plan was to take our time, go to him, let him shoot his shots early and then take him out down the stretch,” Mayweather said. “We know in MMA he fights for 25 دقیقه. بعد از 25 دقیقه, he started to slow down. I guaranteed to everybody that this wouldn’t go the distance.
Our game plan was to go straight ahead. I said numerous times that I wouldn’t back down and that’s what I did.
McGregor said he would consider boxing again, and would also return to fight in the UFC. “I’ve been strangled on live TV and came back,” او گفت. “When you’re in here in the squared circle, everything is different. Let the man put me down, that’s fatigue, that’s not damage.
Where was the final two rounds? Let me walk back to my corner and compose myself.
Mayweather was lethally accurate in the final round, فرود 20 از 26 power punches before the referee stopped the fight. McGregor had a 51-40 advantage in punches landed over the first five rounds but was out-landed 130 به 60 in rounds six through 10 as Mayweather put an exclamation point on the final fight of his career.
Rocky Marciano is a legend and I look forward to going into the Hall of Fame one day,” سعید Mayweather. “This was my last fight امشب. مطمئنا. امشب was my last fight. امشب I chose the right dance partner to dance with. کونور, you are a hell of a champion.
در رویداد شرکت اصلی, شکست نخوردگان ستاره در حال افزایش Gervonta “مخزن” دیویس defeated unbeaten challenger فرانسیسکو فونسکا via a controversial eighth-round knockout 39 ثانیه به دور.
The 22-year-old Davis (19-0, 18 کوس) landed a series of clean blows before an apparent shot to the back of the head sent Fonseca down. Referee Russell Mora gave the 10-count allowing Davis to earn his 18th stoppage win in 19 دعوا حرفه ای. The fight was originally scheduled to be Davissecond defense of his IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship, but Davis failed to make weight در جمعه, coming two pounds over the 130-pound limit that Fonseca (19-1-1, 13 کوس) در وزن در.
I threw the shot as he put his head down,” دیویس گفت:. “I was definitely going to stop him eventually. He was in trouble before the last shot.
دیویس ادامه داد, “I’m going to stay at 130 pounds and try to get my title back. I still want to unify the junior lightweight division.
Fonseca said he was sent to the canvas with an illegal blow.
Everybody saw that when I was going down, he hit me twice behind,” Fonseca said. “It’s a blow that’s not legal. It was here in Las Vegas, so he had the crowd going for him, and I just want a rematch. He never hurt me with that exchange. Even though he came in at 160 pounds today, he doesn’t hit as hard as they say he hits.
Former super middleweight champion Badou جک became a two-division world champion with a TKO win over ناتان هوشمندانه to capture the WBA Light Heavyweight World Championship.
The Las Vegas-based, Swedish-born Jack (21-1-3, 13 کوس) out-classed Cleverly (30-4, 16 کوس) in a one-sided bout that was stopped by referee Tony Weeks with 12 seconds remaining in the fifth round. It was the first fight for Jack since moving up from 168 پوند به 175 پوند.
Jack had recorded majority draws in each of his past two fights against James DeGale of England and Canada’s Lucian Bute.
“این یک رویا به حقیقت می پیوندند,” said the 33-year-old Jack. “I’ve learned that you can’t leave it in the hands of the judges.
Jack was very strong,” سعید هوشمندانه. “He caught me and broke my nose in the third round. It was a downward spiral from there. I was wounded and protecting myself. It’s horrible but part of the sport.
Jim Gray asked Jack who he would like to fight next, Andre Ward or Adonis Stevenson? “I think Adonis Stevenson, let’s get it on. I’ll go to Canada. I’ll go anywhere.
I got a little excited at times but I barely got hit,” Jack said. “My boxing IQ was the difference in this fight. Everybody doubting me motivated me. My trainer and my team did a great job getting me to this point.
The PPV telecast began with unbeaten اندرو Tabiti و قهرمان سابق جهان استیو کانینگهام meeting in a 10-round cruiserweight battle. Tabiti (16-0, 13 کوس) controlled the action against the 41-year-old Cunningham (29-9-1, 13 کوس) on his way to a unanimous decision scored 97-93 دو بار و 100-90.
With Floyd Mayweather Sr. working in his corner, the 27-year-old Tabiti set the tempo early and set the pace for the entire fight. “I was just jabbing him and making sure I stayed smart,” Tabiti گفت. “He’s a veteran so I had to stay composed. I wanted to show that I could box. This was a step up for me and I felt comfortable in there.
A Chicago native who lives and trains in Las Vegas, Tabiti landed 31 درصد از حفره هایش (70 از 229) و 49 درصد از مشت قدرت خود را در مقایسه با تنها 27 percent for Cunningham. با پیروزی, Tabiti retains the NABF cruiserweight title and won the USBA cruiserweight championship.
He had a decent jab but he wasn’t busy enough,” Tabiti added. “I just didn’t want to make mistakes. If you start too fast against a veteran you’re liable to get caught by him.
Cunningham wasn’t impressed with Tabiti. “I don’t think Andrew Tabiti is a championship level fighter,” او گفت. “من فکر کردم من برنده مبارزه. I didn’t think I saw anything special from him.
# # #
MAYWEATHER مقابل. مک گرگور
Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. Conor McGregor was a 12-round super welterweight matchup that pitted the legendary boxer Mayweather against the all-time MMA great McGregor in the main event of an unprecedented four-fight pay-per-view boxing event. Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor took place Saturday, اوت. 26 در 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT در T-Mobile آرنا در لاس وگاس. The event was produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.

Yordenis Ugas Earns Decision Over Thomas Dulorme in Action-Packed Welterweight Bout Featured on Mayweather vs. McGregor Prelims on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Juan Heraldez Recovers From Knockdown to Win Decision Over Jose Miguel Borrego in Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از ادریس Erba به / تبلیغات میودر
LAS VEGAS (اوت 26, 2017) – مدعی سبک وزن یوردینز اوگاس (20-3, 9 کوس) took home a unanimous decision victory over توماس Dulorme (24-3, 16 کوس) despite being knocked down in Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary action presented by Mayweather Promotions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday night from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Both men looked to establish their jab in round one but in round two Ugas landed a big uppercut that stunned Dulorme and forced him to take a knee. Dulorme rose to his feet and tried to fire back but was hit with a right hand that put him down for the second time in the round.
“این یک مبارزه بزرگ بود,” گفت اوگاس. “I knew that Dulorme had a great camp preparing for Shawn Porter so when I knocked him down I figured he would get up. I only had nine days to prepare for this fight so I had to be smart and not waste anything.
“این یک مبارزه خوب بود,” سعید Dulorme. “این یک مبارزه بسیار سخت بود. I came to fight and I took him seriously. I kept working. It was up and down but I kept working.
The bout was defined by good back and forth action with both men having their moments in control. Dulorme was committed to attacking the body to slow Ugas but was given a warning for low blows in the fifth round. Dulorme continued to test the body however and strayed too low early in the seventh round, forcing referee Vic Drakulich to deduct a point.
The deduction seemed to light a fire under Dulorme who pushed forward and began to break through the defense of Ugas. An uppercut temporarily stunned Ugas midway through the round and Dulorme followed up shortly after with a left hook that put Ugas on the canvas.
When I got knocked down I knew I had to get up and show heart and guts,” گفت اوگاس. “That was the only way to do it.
The momentum of the fight continued to swing heading into the final round when Dulorme again delivered a low blow that forced the referee to deduct a point early in the frame. Both men pressed forward for the final minutes of the fight looking to score another decisive blow but after 10 rounds the fight was left up to the judges.
I thought the referee lost the fight for me,” سعید Dulorme. “I didn’t agree with him. I didn’t think I was throwing low blows. I thought it was clean. I thought he was tired late in the fight so I tried to increase the pressure. But it was hard because the referee didn’t let me work on the inside like I wanted to.
I got a little tired at the end and should have closed the show,” گفت اوگاس. “But that happens with short notice fights. I just have to keep getting better.
All three judges saw the bout in favor of Ugas by scores of 94-91 و 93-92 دو برابر.
I’m going to get back in camp and keep learning,” سعید Dulorme. “I’m not happy, but I’m going to keep learning. I got off the floor today and kept fighting and I’ll keep doing that in my career.
The opening bout of the telecast saw خوان Heraldez (13-0, 8 کوس) box his way to a unanimous decision over خوزه میگوئل Borrego هم (12-1, 11 کوس) in their 10-round welterweight fight.
I was very prepared and I took advantage of this opportunity,” سعید Heraldez. “I executed my plan and came out with a clear victory. Other than the knockdown, I thought that I outboxed him every other round. “The jab was really the key tonight. I dictated everything off of the jab and tried to use my angles, my footwork and my movement. I did what I wanted to do.
Heraldez controlled the ring for much of the fight with his jab and movement on the outside, while Borrego appeared focused on delivering power shots and a knockout. Heraldez controlled the pace in the first few rounds, landing scoring combinations before darting out of the way and avoiding Borrego’s return fire.
Heraldez ran the whole fight,” سعید Borrego هم. “I’m happy that the fans booed the decision because they know he ran. I came to entertain the fans and that’s what I did.
The 19-year-old Borrego was content to cover up and duck low while trying to navigate through Heraldez’s jab, but was unable to land enough left hooks to win early rounds in the fight. He had his first moment at the very end of the sixth when a looping left hook connected clean with Heraldez and appeared to stun him right before the bell ended the round.
Borrego continued to attack aggressively as he chased Heraldez with big power punches. In round nine Borrego connected cleanly with a left hook that put Heraldez on the mat midway through the round.
I let myself get distracted and that’s why I got knocked down,” سعید Heraldez. I got a little ahead of myself. I’m the only person who can stop myself.
Despite Borrego’s continued aggression, Heraldez was able to hold on and survive the round without much further damage.
I have to cut the ring off better,” سعید Borrego هم. “I also need to let my hands go more and throw three or four punch combinations instead of just one or two at a time.
The final round saw Heraldez return to using his movement as he was able to avoid the charging Borrego for the last three minutes. بعد از 10 دور, all three judges scored the bout in favor of Heraldez by scores of 96-93 و 97-92 دو برابر.
It feels great to be on this stage and it’s moments like these where I can go out and compete and I can prove everyone right who gave me this chance,” سعید Heraldez. “This was a prospect fight and now I’m on to bigger and better things. I’m ready to take the next step.
# # #
برای اطلاعات بیشتر: بازدید HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass / صفحه خانگی, WWW.foxdeportes.com و www.t-mobilearena.com. در توییتر دنبال کنیدMayweatherPromo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesand www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. Conor McGregor Official Weights & عکس های توزین

Mayweather در مقابل. مک گرگور ** در عمق پیش نمایش و تجزیه و تحلیل **

Mayweather در مقابل. مک گرگور ** در عمق پیش نمایش و تجزیه و تحلیل **

کلیک کنید اینجا for PDF Version
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از کریس فارینا / تبلیغات میودر

Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. Conor McGregor Undercard Press Conference Quotes & عکس

Fighters Competing on SHOWTIME PPV
& FOX & FOX Deportes Prelims This روز شنبه, اوت. 26
از T-موبایل آرنا در لاس وگاس
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از ادریس Erba به / تبلیغات میودر
(عکس به زودی اضافه می شود)
LAS VEGAS (اوت 24, 2017) – Fighters competing on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard spoke to media and went face-to-face پنج شنبه, one day before they weigh-in ahead of their روز شنبه, اوت. 26 showdowns at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
چهار مبارزه با رویداد SHOWTIME PPV, آغاز و در زندگی می کنند 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT, will feature undefeated rising star Gervonta “مخزن” دیویس making the second defense of his 130-pound title against undefeated challenger فرانسیسکو فونسکا plus light heavyweight champion ناتان هوشمندانه defending his belt against former super middleweight champion Badou جک. The telecast begins with unbeaten اندرو Tabiti و قهرمان سابق جهان استیو کانینگهام meeting in a 10-round battle.
Coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 p.m. و/3 p.m. PT. مقدماتی در FOX و FOX دپورتس در آغاز 7 p.m. و/4 p.m. PT and will see a battle between welterweight contenders توماس Dulorme و یوردینز اوگاسplus a showdown of unbeaten prospects as خوان Heraldez ملاقات خوزه میگوئل Borrego هم در یک جلسه 10-دور.
Additional action inside the arena will see unbeaten کوین نیومن (7-0-1, 3 کوس) in super middleweight action and the pro debut of 2016 ساوانا مارشال از لندن.
اینجا چیزی است که مبارزان به حال برای گفتن پنج شنبه from the David Copperfield Theater at MGM Grand:
روز شنبه night is going to be a great performance from me. I’m ready to take over this sport after Floyd passes me the torch.
I had a great camp. I hope Fonseca’s camp was great because we have to put on a great performance for the fans. I want the fans to say that there is a new star in this sport.
I feel like my career is very similar to Floyd’s so far. We started out at the same weight and we each got our first belt at 130-pounds. I just want to live up to what he’s accomplished and accomplish even more. I believe that I have the skills and the ability to be the big star in this sport.
I just try to stay grounded because I know what I want to do in this sport. Because I have the belief in myself it’s easy for me to stay focused. I also think I have the best team in this sport and they help me every step of the way.
Fonseca is a very good fighter. He’s very fast and sharp. He’s got a long reach but I know that he hasn’t fought anyone that has the skills that I have. من او را مشرف نمی. I’m training really hard for this.
I was in the position he’s in now. I know how him and his team are feeling. I know what I have to do to be victorious. I’m going to come out sharp and hopefully pick up even more fans than I have now.
I want to unify this division and then move up in weight and keep adding titles. If I can’t get a unification bout next, then I’m going to move up for new challenges.
This is a very important night for me. It’s important to me that I put on a great show. I want everyone to say that ‘there’s a new star in town.'
The huge audience won’t intimidate me. I’ve dreamt my whole life to be in an event of this magnitude.
I take this fight as a big responsibility. My dream has always been to fight in an event of this magnitude. My goal is to be a champion and come out of this with a belt on my waist.
The preparation has been long. I’ve had five months of training in intense conditions. I feel strong mentally. بر اوت 26, I aim to reach my goal as a champion for Costa Rica.
This is an opportunity to start writing my legacy. Gervonta is tough because he is a champion, but I have the hunger and motivation to win and be a champion.
All camps are different but in this one I had fivemonths to prepare. We were in Puerto Rico for the training and everything was smooth. I feel strong heading into this fight.
We both have the pressure to win. I come to do my job. I’ve been keeping focused on the fight and the combat. He hasn’t experience an opponent with as much hunger as I have. It’s going to be a great fight and very competitive. He is the champion and I want to be the champion.
ناتان هوشمندانه
I’m enjoying the experience of being in Las Vegas. I love fighting in this city. I’m looking forward to the fight and I’m going to embrace this moment.
“در نهایت, all that matters is the fight. I’m coming to win and that’s my sole focus. The fight is the pinnacle moment and I’m saving all my energy for that.
I’ve persisted throughout my career. Any setbacks I just got right back to training and stayed consistent. If you keep working hard then the opportunities will arrive. I stayed patient and allowed the opportunities to come.
I have no regrets in my career. I like taking risks in this sport. I fought Kovalev when I was 26, I fought Bellew at cruiserweight, I fought Fonfara in Chicago, Braehmer in Germany and now I’m fighting Badou Jack, who’s on the rise. I love the big fights.
It’s a high-risk high reward fight. The winner of this is in line for Andre Ward and the super WBA title. This is a solid world title fight between two guys who want to be at the top of the division.
I’ve got great stamina in there. I’m never going to get tired. I train hard for this. Every punch in a fight is important. We have a great game plan and we’re going to execute it.
“من می خواهم به مبارزه با بهترین. I have the skills to beat anyone. If they say I can’t beat someone, that’s the fight I want the most.
I’m not overlooking Nathan Cleverly. I’m just getting comfortable at this weight and I’m going to be focused on performing on fight night. If all goes well though, I could see myself finishing my career at cruiserweight someday.
I’ve been fighting big, strong guys since Cleverly was a teenager. Well see who is the stronger man when we’re in the ring در روز شنبه.
I feel better at this weight than at super middleweight. من به دنبال به جلو به این مبارزه. There happens to be a lot of UK fighters at my weight and I’ve enjoyed experiencing a little bit of the UK fans.
I began boxing because I was being bullied so my stepfather put me in the ring and I would get beat up every day. I learned a lot from those experiences. I just kept coming back every day and I never gave up. Now I’m here.
This sport is about proving people wrong. People said Floyd wouldn’t beat a lot of guys in his career, I’m not saying I’m Floyd, but this is a sport where you have to prove yourself. خواهیم دید در روز شنبه.
Being in the gym with Floyd gives me the drive to keep working. Seeing how hard he works, it shows me what I want to be.
I have to use my legs and keep boxing. I need to use my speed in there. It’s different watching me on TV than actually being in there with me. I could see it going the distance but if I catch him, من قصد دارم به او پایان.
One of my favorite fighters growing up was James Toney. That’s where I picked up some of my style. He used to hit combos off the shoulder roll and that’s what I like to do.
This is a great undercard with Gervonta Davis and Badou Jack. I’m here trying to make a name for myself in the cruiserweight division and become a face of this weight class.
I actually commentated on one of Tabiti’s fights about a year and a half ago. He’s a good up-and-coming fighter. He emulates Floyd and he’s trained by Floyd’s dad so that’s expected. I think I’m going to overwhelm him mentally and physically.
I don’t think Tabiti is at the top level yet. He has flaws and strengths but at the end of the day, he has a fight روز شنبه. He’s in there with a two-time world champion so he’s going to have to fight روز شنبه.
Every fight on this level is a huge fight. I’ve been in the ring with some monsters. Some of the best cruiserweights and heavyweights in the world. I don’t think that I look 41 but you’ll have to let me know در روز شنبه.
I think this is what Tabiti has been waiting for. I will be nice and calm and be right in his face and right in his chest.
When these guys hang around Floyd they want to be like him and they’ve been around these events, so I don’t think the atmosphere will affect him. But once we’re in the ring, it’s just me and him.
I’m so happy to have this big fight در روز شنبه شب. My team has done a great job to get me to this position.
Having an opponent change is part of boxing. I was already training very hard for Shawn Porter so when the opponent changed, nothing changed in camp. I continued to work hard and در روز شنبه night I will show why I worked so hard.
I want all of my Puerto Ricans to tune-in در روز شنبه night because I’m going out there to steal the show and put on the fight of the night.
I’m going to bring an exciting fight for the fans and prove that I am a world championship level fighter. I fight for the fans and I can’t wait to get in there and perform.
جوردنیس اوگاس
“من احساس می کنم بزرگ. من آماده هستم برای روز شنبه and I’m excited to put on a great fight. I feel very blessed to be here and be a part of such a historic event.
To my Cuban fans, I’m so proud to be representing my country here in Las Vegas and روز شنبه night it’s going to be a great fight.
It is an honor to step in to face Dulorme. او یک مبارز فوق العاده ای است. I’m here and I feel a blessed and happy to have been called. I won’t let my fans down.
خوان هرالدز
My weight is great right now. I feel comfortable and hydrated. Everything has gone perfectly. I’m looking to make a mark in the junior welterweight division. Terrence Crawford is the dream fight and I just want to keep working up to that level.
My career has progressed well and I think this fight is going to make me a contender. From here I just want to keep improving and getting in there with tougher opponents.
I’ve been training out in Las Vegas since 1998 but the last two years in the Mayweather Boxing Club has been amazing. Everyone in the gym is so motivated right now. We all push each other by just working harder and trying to match each other.
I didn’t watch much of Borrego in the beginning of camp, but I saw his record so I knew I had to train as hard as I ever have. But when I watched him I thought he was kind of limited. I think I have advantages and I think I’m the better all-around fighter.
I feel excited and motivated. Training has been tough but we’re sure we’re ready for روز شنبه.
The motivation for this kind of card has been tremendous. I can’t wait to put on a show for all the Mexican fans who tune-in.
I’m so proud to be the only Mexican on this card. We’re going to give it our all. We’re ready for this fight. I’m the new breed of Mexican fighters and I’m going to show it to the world.
“من اردو عالی داشتم. من در شکل بالا هستم. I was really pushed in sparring working with Chris Eubank Jr. and some other guys. I’ve been up running at 5 صبح. four to five miles every day. من حاضرم.
I’ve improved a lot mentally. I’ve focused in more. Listening is key for me. I feel like I’m at a stage where I’m listening to my corner and we’re bonding and meshing together great.
I just have to continue to stay focus and work hard. If I’m dedicated and disciplined to my craft, then everything else will fall into place.
“من خوشحالم که به اینجا هستم. I’m in a very blessed position. I can’t wait to go out there and put on a dominant performance. I plan on starting out strong and taking advantage of everything that I can.
I just take my time and relax in the ring. I’m going to make my opponent fight my pace. He usually starts pretty quick but then he starts to fade. I’m going to dictate the pace from round and not let him get comfortable.
# # #
MAYWEATHER مقابل. مک گرگور
Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. کونور مک گرگور است فوق العاده سبک وزن 12-دور رقابت که چاله بوکسور افسانه ای می ودر برابر تمام وقت MMA بزرگ مک گرگور در رویداد اصلی از چهار مبارزه پرداخت به ازای هر مشاهده یک رویداد بی سابقه ای بوکس. Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor will take place روز شنبه, اوت. 26 در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT در T-Mobile آرنا در لاس وگاس. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona. Coverage of the Prelims will begin on FOX and FOX Deportes at 6 p.m. و/3 p.m. PT.
Constellation Brands (بازار بورس: STZ and STZ.B), a Fortune 500® company, is a leading international producer and marketer of beer, wine and spirits with operations in the U.S., مکزیک, کانادا, New Zealand and Italy. Constellation is the No. 3 beer company in the U.S. with high-end, iconic imported brands such as Corona Extra, Corona Light, Modelo Especial, Modelo Negra and Pacifico. The company’s beer portfolio also includes Ballast Point, one of the most awarded craft brewers in the U.S. بعلاوه, Constellation is the world’s leader in premium wine, selling great brands that people love, including Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois, Kim Crawford, Meiomi, Mark West, Franciscan Estate, Ruffino and The Prisoner. The company’s premium spirits brands include SVEDKA Vodka, Casa Noble Tequila, and High West Whiskey.
Based in Victor, N.Y., the company believes that industry leadership involves a commitment to brand building, our trade partners, the environment, our investors and to consumers around the world who choose our products when celebrating big moments or enjoying quiet ones. در تاسیس 1945, Constellation has grown to become a significant player in the beverage alcohol industry with more than 100 brands in its portfolio, در باره 40 facilities and approximately 8,000 talented employees. We express our company vision: to elevate life with every glass raised. To learn more, بازدید www.cbrands.com.

Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. Conor McGregor Final Press Conference Quotes & عکس

Mayweather & McGregor Face Off Ahead of Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV Event This روز شنبه, اوت. 26 از T-موبایل آرنا در لاس وگاس
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از کریس فارینا / تبلیغات میودر
LAS VEGAS (اوت 23, 2017) – Fight week for the biggest event in combat sports history continued Wednesday as Mayweather فلوید و کونور مکگرگور squared off at the final press conference ahead of the SHOWTIME PPV matchup this روز شنبه, اوت. 26 از T-موبایل آرنا در لاس وگاس.
The fighters spoke to hundreds of media from all around the world as the anticipation continues to grow for this once-in-a-lifetime event that combines the worlds of boxing and MMA for one spectacular fight.
Here is what the participants had to say Wednesday from KA Theatre at MGM Grand:
Mayweather فلوید
I’ve been here so many times. I know what it takes for a fight of this magnitude. I’m thankful to everyone who has covered this event. Everyone can talk about different storylines, but it comes down to two fighters. Just me and the guy I’m competing against.
I had a tremendous training camp. We had a lot of different guys who gave me different looks. To compete in a combat sport, you have to be a fighter at the end of the day. To be in this sport for 21 سال, I had to take it extremely seriously, just like I did for this bout.
Everyone knows I can fight. I can give it and I can take. But to get to 49-0, it’s obvious that I’m not receiving it, I’m giving it a lot more often.
Conor McGregor is a hell of a fighter. He’s a tough competitor. It’s going to be blood sweat and tears روز شنبه شب. That’s what we want to give people all around the world. Now it comes down to the two of us going out there and displaying our skills.
“بهترین ها با بهترین ها می جنگند. He’s the best at what he does, I’m the best at what I do. We can both do a lot of talking, but it comes down to the skills. We’re going to compete and give you what you want to see.
“بعد از 21 years I’ve been hit with everything and I’m still right here. One thing you must know about combat sports, if you give it, you must be able to take it. آخرین باری که بررسی کردم, no one is walking me down. It’s all about my IQ and patience in the ring.
We’re both real fighters. We’re two huge names in combat sports. He’s made a mark the last few years and I’ve made a mark for 21 سال. Now it’s time to go do what we do best and fight.
I go out there and do what I do. I’ve been here before and fought many different fighters with different styles. There have been plenty of guys who talked a lot of trash, but when it’s all said and done, I came out victorious.
We prepare for this every day at the Mayweather Boxing Club. We’re built for this stage. We have a lot of young fighters and guys with more experience going toe-to-toe every day. We’re always talking trash to each other and staying in each other’s ear.
This is great for the city of Las Vegas. It’s all about giving back and I’m giving back to my home of Las Vegas. This city has welcomed me with open arms from day one. We’re doing great numbers. It’s the biggest fight in history. It’s not just a fight, it’s an event. It’s all about breaking my own records.
I’ve said it’s not going the distance and you can mark my words. I know he’s going to come out and switch and go back and forth with stances. It’s my job to execute my game plan and adjust if I have to.
We’re here now. It’s a couple days out. We’ve had a lot of crazy events but this is nice and business-like. I’m very happy with how camp has gone. Everything has been absolutely amazing. I have to shout out my team and everyone who’s been involved with camp. We’re prepared for 12 rounds of nonstop pace. I will go forward and put the pressure on and break this old man.
He made a big error agreeing to the eight ounce gloves. I don’t see him lasting two rounds. I think I could end him in one round if I want. He messed up. I’m very happy with these gloves. I don’t care where your hands are, I’m going to break through whatever is in front of me.
I really appreciate the support from everyone back home and all over the world, it’s been very humbling and motivating. That’s why I’ve put in such hard work for this fight. I’m going to go out and perform. I’m going to out box this man at his own game. That’s how much of a different level I’m on.
When it’s all said and done I’m going to feel a little bit sad. You should have kept your mouth shut and left me over where I was. This man is not on my level. He’s not a quarter of the man I am. Everyone is going to eat their words در روز شنبه.
He’s a beaten man. He will not be able to take the ferociousness that I come with. من خیلی با اعتماد به نفس هستم. I have more skills in many areas and as a true martial artist, I can adapt to any situation.
I’ve never missed weight in my life and it won’t be happening this time. I’ve had my nutritionist practically living with me throughout camp. We are ready and feel great at the weight right now. The weight has been taken seriously and Floyd can keep wishing that I’ll miss weight.
I’ve made it through shin bones that bounced off my cheekbone. That’s the game I come from. They can say what they want, but I’ve come through a lot tougher than what any of these fighters he’s faced have gone through.
لئونارد ELLERBE, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather
Mayweather vs McGregor has captured the imagination of sports fans across the world. It’s a historic event demanded by the fans and put on for the fans.
The fighters will put their talents on display in a fight that people did not think was possible. After it’s done, people will talk about this fight for years to come.
We’re making our event available on every possible platform. Fans across the world will have access to this great fight from anywhere.
Boxing is at an all-time high because of some of the great matchups that have been made, and SHOWTIME has been at the forefront of that. SHOWTIME is the face of boxing and we’re proud to be partnered with them.
استفن اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی
SHOWTIME PPV is the home of big events and we’ve teamed up with MGM and Mayweather Promotions to bring fans the most exciting and memorable fights in sports history. We have brought record breaking event after record breaking event; These are events that the world watches and makes history. No event is bigger than this one. Two of the biggest personalities in sports meeting in a once in a lifetime event.
This will be the most widely distributed event in PPV history. This event will be distributed in over 200 countries and might grow to 225 countries by the time we’re done. That’s a broader distribution than virtually any other event in combat sports history. We are well on our way to being a record-setting event in many categories.
STORM ریچارد, رئیس ورزش و سرگرمی, MGM Resorts International
Fight week has finally arrived and we are thrilled that it will be held at T-Mobile Arena, home of the biggest events in the sports and entertainment industry. In a little over a year, T-Mobile Arena has become an industry leader and home to some of the world’s greatest athletes and entertainers.
Las Vegas and T-Mobile Arena will be the center of the sports universe for this great spectacle. We look forward to once again showing the world that we are the leader in entertainment and we can’t wait to see you در روز شنبه شب.”
# # #
MAYWEATHER مقابل. مک گرگور
Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. کونور مک گرگور است فوق العاده سبک وزن 12-دور رقابت که چاله بوکسور افسانه ای می ودر برابر تمام وقت MMA بزرگ مک گرگور در رویداد اصلی از چهار مبارزه پرداخت به ازای هر مشاهده یک رویداد بی سابقه ای بوکس. Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor will take place روز شنبه, اوت. 26 در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT در T-Mobile آرنا در لاس وگاس. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.
Constellation Brands (بازار بورس: STZ and STZ.B), a Fortune 500® company, is a leading international producer and marketer of beer, wine and spirits with operations in the U.S., مکزیک, کانادا, New Zealand and Italy. Constellation is the No. 3 beer company in the U.S. with high-end, iconic imported brands such as Corona Extra, Corona Light, Modelo Especial, Modelo Negra and Pacifico. The company’s beer portfolio also includes Ballast Point, one of the most awarded craft brewers in the U.S. بعلاوه, Constellation is the world’s leader in premium wine, selling great brands that people love, including Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois, Kim Crawford, Meiomi, Mark West, Franciscan Estate, Ruffino and The Prisoner. The company’s premium spirits brands include SVEDKA Vodka, Casa Noble Tequila, and High West Whiskey.
Based in Victor, N.Y., the company believes that industry leadership involves a commitment to brand building, our trade partners, the environment, our investors and to consumers around the world who choose our products when celebrating big moments or enjoying quiet ones. در تاسیس 1945, Constellation has grown to become a significant player in the beverage alcohol industry with more than 100 brands in its portfolio, در باره 40 facilities and approximately 8,000 talented employees. We express our company vision: to elevate life with every glass raised. To learn more, بازدید www.cbrands.com.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.sho.com/sports و www.t-mobilearena.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدFloydMayweather, TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.Facebook.com/SHOSports andwww.Facebook.com/UFC

Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. Conor McGregor Grand Arrivals Quotes & عکس

Fight Week Begins for Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV Event Thisروز شنبه, اوت. 26 از T-موبایل آرنا در لاس وگاس
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از کریس فارینا / تبلیغات میودر
LAS VEGAS (اوت 22, 2017) – Mayweather فلوید و کونور مکگرگور official kicked off fight week events Tuesday with grand arrivals at the Toshiba Plaza ahead of the SHOWTIME PPV event this روز شنبه, اوت. 26 taking place at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Also making an official grand arrival in Las Vegas was unbeaten فرانسیسکو فونسکا, who challenges 130-pound champion Gervonta دیویس, plus light heavyweight titleholder ناتان هوشمندانه and former 168-pound champion Badou جک, who meet in a 12-round title fight on the PPV undercard. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten اندرو Tabiti و قهرمان سابق جهاناستیو کانینگهام meeting in a 10-round battle after making their grand arrivals Tuesday.
Fighters were greeted by fans at the Toshiba Plaza before making brief remarks onstage. اینجا چیزی است که مبارزان تا به حال به سه:
Mayweather فلوید
When there’s a fight of this magnitude, it’s all about keeping composure and that’s what I do. I go out there and do my job and let the rest take care of itself. این عظیم است, the numbers that we’ve been hearing about, they’ve been crazy.
McGregor is a tough competitor. He’s undefeated standing up. He’s never lost when striking. I know that I’m in for a tough fight. But there is one thing I do know, this fight is not going the distance. مهم نیست که چه کسی می گوید, it’s not going the distance.
This is work. This is my job. My job is to fight and compete against the best guys. You know when your body has had enough and this is it for me. I gave my word already about this being my last fight. Once I gave my word to my children, and once I gave my word to Al, I knew this was it. This is a great event. What better way to go out than with a bang?
I just go out there and fight. I don’t worry about my record. I’ve been blessed with hands and fast feet and a tremendous mind. It’ll all be on display روز شنبه شب.
A lot of fighters now only want the money. They don’t want to put in the hard work early in their careers. I took the long route and I’ve been here for a while. I just love the sport and competing against the best guys.
It’s all about the future and building stars. Mayweather Promotions is the future of sports and entertainment. It’ll be a great display this week.
I’m doing this for myself and my family but I want to give everyone a great show. Everyone deserves a good show. The Pacquiao fight wasn’t exciting enough. That was on Pacquiao, but I have to give the fans a great show this time.
Floyd can talk about whatever he wants to talk about. He can talk any kind of trash he wants, because he’s talking to the new God of boxing.
I like the move from five to three minute rounds. I feel like I’ve built a solid engine that is going to last me through the rest of my career and help me in the fight. We’ve put in the work. I’ve fought many 12-rounders.
The Irish are rolling in and whenever we roll in, we take over. It was amazing to see all the Irish fans out today. It’s going to be a great spectacle.
If people are overlooking my size, power and youth, they shouldn’t be. I’m very confident in those attributes. I believe I’ll knock him out early.
If you look at the way I fight, I am a fast starter. I come out and bang people right away. With eight ounce gloves, I don’t see him lasting more than one or two rounds.
I am my own man and I feel I am superior to Floyd. When it comes to روز شنبه شب, he will not be prepared for me.
I cannot wait to get in the در روز شنبه night and perform in front of my fans and take my place at the top of this sport.
We are ready for anything Gervonta Davis will bring. We had a great training camp and I’m in optimal condition to go win that title.
I am ready and excited to be here in Las Vegas for this great challenge. It’s amazing to have a chance to fight for a world title.
It’s always been my dream to fight here in Las Vegas. I’m going to start out strong from the first round. If a knockout comes, می آید, but what I do know is, is that I’m going to leave the ring with that world title در روز شنبه شب.”
ناتان هوشمندانه
I just love this place. This is my favorite city on the planet. To fight here in Las Vegas and defend my world title is great. Badou is a top fighter and it’s going to be a tough fight. He’s fighting an established light heavyweight like myself. I’m a two-time champion of the world and he’s going to find out what I’m about.
I just told him welcome to the division. He’s going to find out the hard way. I’m going to give him a rude introduction to the division and show him how a world champion does it.
This is an interesting fight with two world class fighters. I’m going to leave here with the victory در روز شنبه شب.
It’s already a big fight with Badou Jack, but to be part of this event, it’s truly historic. It’s a special feeling.
Right now I’m just excited to be here in front of the fans. I can’t wait to put on a showروز شنبه شب. I’m going to knock Nathan Cleverly out.
This is the best camp I’ve had of my career. I have an amazing team and we’ve worked well together. I’m ready to get in the ring.
This is the biggest stage you can be on. All my my teammates have been training hard and the whole Mayweather Promotions stable is ready to fight.
I’m very excited and I’m thankful to everyone that came out here today. This is a great chance for me to shine.
It’s wonderful to share this card with my Mayweather Promotions stable. We work hard and we’re really up and training hard for this opportunity.
Steve Cunningham has done a great job in his career, but it’s time for a new face of the American cruiserweights. I’m getting the victory, that’s all there is.
I feel a lot younger than my age. I feel great and I’m ready to rock. I do my talking in the ring and I can’t wait to get in there.
It’s great to be on this stage. It’s my first time on a pay-per-view and it’s amazing. This is a huge fight and it’s a blessing to be there.
I don’t make predictions but I come to fight and I come to win. You have a young fighter coming to take me down but I’m going to show him what I know.
# # #
MAYWEATHER مقابل. مک گرگور
Mayweather فلوید در مقابل. کونور مک گرگور است فوق العاده سبک وزن 12-دور رقابت که چاله بوکسور افسانه ای می ودر برابر تمام وقت MMA بزرگ مک گرگور در رویداد اصلی از چهار مبارزه پرداخت به ازای هر مشاهده یک رویداد بی سابقه ای بوکس. Mayweather در مقابل. McGregor will take place روز شنبه, اوت. 26 در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT در T-Mobile آرنا در لاس وگاس. The event is produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV, promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.

Topps Chronicles Mayweather-McGregor Bout from Training to Winner


One of the most anticipated fights arrives این شنبه when boxing champ Floyd Mayweather and UFC title holder Conor McGregor face off in the boxing ring – and Topps will chronicle the entire event.

تاپ, the exclusive trading card partner of the UFC, has produced a limited edition trading card set featuring the road to the super-fight, which is exclusively available on Topps.com. Each set contains 20 cards showcasing the lead-up to the fight with the out-of-this-world press conferences, intense training sessions and unforgettable moments. The sets ($24.99) are available for just one week and Topps will print only the number of sets purchased.

Topps will also separately issue match preview cards later this week, showcasing images from the weigh-in.

To wrap up the whirlwind affair, a Topps collectible trading card of the winner between Mayweather and McGregor will be released در روز دوشنبه.

The only place to find these exclusive items is on Topps.com.