Tag Archives: Massachusetts

'LEDAŘ’ JOHN Scullyová povolily přijímat MURPHYS BOXING'S WARRIOR Kód AWARD května 10 Springfield, MASSACHUSETTS AT NOVA VS. LOZANO

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Pátek, MARCH 10TH ve Springfieldu, MASSACHUSETTS AT

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Vstupenky v prodeji AT WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

Boston, Massachusetts (Květen 1, 2019):

Murphys Boxing s potěšením oznamuje, že příští příjemce Cenu Code Warrior Bude New England boxerské legendy, 'Ledař’ John Scully.

Hartford, Connecticut založil Scully byl jedním z nejoblíbenějších bojovníků v této oblasti v průběhu roku 1990 a odešel 38-11 v profesionální kariéru v světle heavyweight divize, která zahrnovala náročné pro světový titul proti Henry Maske v Německu.

Po jeho profesionální kariéry, 'Ledař’ dosaženo sláva volání rebroadcasts z bojů za ESPN Classic stejně jako psaní populární sloupek v britském časopise, Boxing News.

Avšak Scully dosáhla jeho největší úspěch jako trenér byl pomocný v pomáhání přijmout bojovníky, jako je Jose Antonio Rivera a Chad Dawson na světových titulů.

Scullyová je nyní společně trenér ruského, Nyní Kanaďan založil, neporažený světlo heavyweight mistr světa, Artur Beterbiev, který obhajuje svůj titul v sobotu v Kalifornii žít dál ESPN.

Kromě své práce jako trenér působí jako vášnivý zastánce a mistr práv a blaho vysloužilých bojovníků.

“Jsem nesmírně poctěn, že jim tato uznání a Cením Murphys Box pro uvažování o mně.”, říká 51 letý Connecticut rezidentní.

“Je to zejména zvláštní tím, že přijde do města Springfield, kde jsem strávil většinu svého amatérského boxu kariérní přípravy na staré Central City nabídkou na X pod trenérem Johnem Tynan. Těším se na velký večer.”

Murphys Boxing zakladatel, Ken Casey vysvětluje rozhodnutí podpoře, aby jmenovali Scullyovou jako poslední příjemce ocenění pojmenované po jednom z podpisových písní Dropkick Murphys se, „The Warrior Code“, který je poctou jinému New England boxu hrdina, Micky Ward.

„John Scully je ztělesněním Award zákoníku o Warrior.“, říká Casey.

“Johnova kariéru v boxu, od bytí prvotřídní bojovník ke své práci jako analytik k jeho úspěchu jako trenér, je inspirativní. Ukazuje mladých bojovníků existuje příležitost pro ně v tomto sportu poté, co jejich v ring kariéra je u konce. Tím, že se zpět jako trenér a rádce, on také představuje most od New England v minulé historii boxu až po současnost. Murphys Boxing je ctí uznat a oslavit Johna Scullyové mnoho úspěchů ve sportu.”

Scully bude třetí Vítěze zavedené letos Murphys boxu oslavit ty bojovníky, kteří přispěli na bohatou a rozmanitou historii boxu v Nové Anglii. Scully se připojí 2019 Mezinárodní síň slávy inductee, Tony DeMarco a zdobené Massachusetts’ amatér, Mike D'Žárovka který obdržel první ocenění na Murphys boxerské poslední akci v Melrose, Massachusetts letos v březnu.

Představení Cenu Code Murphys boxerské je Warrior se bude konat v průběhu Murphys Box je UFC Boj průsmyk debut událost příští pátek, 10.května, který je k dispozici NABA Super muší šampion, Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 KO) proti. Mario Lozano Ezequiel Sayal (18-2-1, 9 KO) v 10 kolo Hlavní událostí stejně jako zabalené undercard neporažené bojovníky z Murphys boxu stáje včetně WBC jihoamerické Middleweight Champion, Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KO), NABF Jr. Super muší Champion, William Foster III (9-0, 6 KO), Venezuelan Olympian, Arcon Luis Diaz (6-0, 6 KO), Boston založen amatérský standout, James Perella (2-0, 2 KO) a další.

Nova vs.. Lozano a Warriorův Code Award Prezentace se koná příští pátek, 10. v MGM Springfieldu ve Springfieldu May, Massachusetts (1 MGM Way). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. Vstupenky jsou již v prodeji v: www.murphysboxing.com. Akci bude možno sledovat živě na UFC Fight průsmyku u www.ufc.tv

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Greg Vendetti, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, Arcon Luis Diaz, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. a další!

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com

Pro pověření žádostí o května 10 nebo mluvit s některým z bojovníků na našem seznamu pro pokrytí – e-mail info@murphysboxing.com a budeme ji připojit!

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Vstupenky v prodeji AT WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

Boston, Massachusetts (Duben 17, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is proud to announce that the debut event in their new partnership with UFC Boj průsmyk se bude konat dne Pátek, Květen 10, 2019 ve Springfieldu, Massachusetts at MGM Springfield.

V hlavní události, neporažený NABA Super muší Champion, Abraham Nova(14-0, 10 KO) will return in a 10 round super featherweight bout against an opponent to be announced.

Nova, který pochází z blízkého Albany, New York, recently entered the WBA Top 10 žebříček and will be making his highly anticipated 2019 debut pod Murphys Boxing praporem. After an amateur career that saw ‘Supergo 167-11 and win multiple national titles, Nova has been on the fast track as a professional having fought an unheard of 11 times in the past two years.

I truly feel I am ready to take on anyone in the Top 10.”, explains the confident young fighter who just celebrated his 25th birthday in January.

I hope to be in position for a mandatory shot at the WBA world title by the end of the year. I am staying focused, having a great training camp and I intend to make a statement to the rest of the division on May 10th.

In dual co-features, two undefeated boxers from the Murphys Boxing stable will see action on the card that will stream live exclusively on UFC Fight Pass, the world’s largest subscription service for combat sports.

NABF Jr. Featherweight Champion, William Foster III (9-0, 6 KO), who fought 5 časy v 2018, will enter the ring for the second time this year against an opponent to be named in a 6 round junior featherweight bout. At pouze 25 let, the New Haven, Connecticut resident, whose older brother is Murphys Boxing’s own undefeated NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Charles Foster, is fast becoming one of New England’s most talked about prospects displaying the rare combination of power and speed only seen in elite level fighters.

Power punching prospect, Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KO) převezme Argentiny Ezequiel Damien Bonelli (23-6, 20 KO) An 8 round middleweight zápas. The 2x Olympian from Ecuador won the WBC Jižní Ameriky Middleweight Název this past February in his native country against then undefeated Jesus Aviles with a highlight reel KO.

Gongora, who is on the cusp of a world ranking, is in talks for his national television debut this summer and is hoping a big win against a fellow power puncher like Bonelli will seal the deal.

In keeping with the event’s international spirit, Murphys Boxing latest signing, Arcon Luis Diaz (6-0, 6 KO), an undefeated Olympian from Venezuela will return to action against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 KO) v 6 round welterweight zápas. Diaz who made his east coast debut last month against Zach Ramsey, podíval senzační, dropping the usually durable veteran multiple times before scoring a second round stoppage to continue his KO streak.

Představující oblast Boston, James Perella (2-0, 2 KO), who turned professional last month on Murphys Boxing’s St. Patrika Clash and followed up his knockout debut just two weeks later on Murphy’s Mayhem at Melrose karta, will look to make it 3 straight KOs when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 4 round welterweight zápas.

Zaokrouhlování z karty budou dvě Springfield vlastní, lehká váha, Calixto Cruz (1-0) a welterweight DJ Whitley (4-1-1) who will both appear in separate 4 round contests against opponents to be named.

We’re incredibly excited to make our debut on UFC Fight Pass. Dana (White) is a good friend and we’re thankful that he’s taken notice of the incredible roster of fighters that Murphys Boxing currently has.”, says Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey.

We’re excited to have a platform for combat sports fans around the world to experience the thriving boxing scene we have created here in New England and to introduce them to several fighters, like Abraham Nova, who we feel will be world champions. To promote the first ever boxing event to be held at an incredible venue like MGM Springfield and to have it air live as our debut on UFC Fight Pass is going to make for a historic night for Murphys Boxing.

Murphys Boxing’s UFC Fight Pass Debut takes place on Friday, 10. v MGM Springfieldu ve Springfieldu May, Massachusetts (1 MGM Way, Springfield, MA. 01103). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. Vstupenky jsou již v prodeji v: www.murphysboxing.com and www.mgmspringfield/
zábava. The entire event will stream live on UFC Fight Pass at www.ufc.tv.

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan, Greg Vendetti a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Diaz Arcon a další.

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC Fight Pass is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Od spuštění v roce 2013, Fight Pass is now available in more than 200 země a území. Fight Pass provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC Fight Pass Prelims; žít smíšených bojových umění a bojových sportů z celého světa; Původní série a historické programování; Speciální funkce; behind-the-scenes obsahu; hloubkové rozhovory; a up-to-the minutových zpráv o světě bojových sportů. Fight Pass subscribers also have 24/7 Přístup k největším světovým knihovny boj, představovat více než 17,000 záchvaty z desítek bojuje sportovním organizacím, stejně jako každý boj v historii UFC. Fight fans can access Fight Pass on personal computers, iOS a Android mobilní zařízení, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Rok, Samsung chytrých televizích, LG chytrých televizích, and Sony TVs.

Pro více informací navštivte: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass


MGM Springfield covers three city blocks in the heart of downtown Springfield, Hmota. Igniting a cultural and economic renaissance in a historic New England city, the resort, which combines new construction with revived historic buildings, offers more than 125,000 square feet of gaming space, a 250-room boutique hotel on Main Street, superior spa services, diverse retail and inspired dining headlined by award-winning Chef Michael Mina’s Cal Mare. MGM Springfield also features the seven-screen Regal luxury cinema complex, bowling lanes, a seasonal skating rink and outdoor marketplace displaying local art, events and talent. MGM Springfield opened on August 24, 2018.

Pro více informací navštivte: www.mgmspringfield.com


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Vstupenky v prodeji AT WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

Tony DeMarco at his statue dedication in Boston’s North End.

Boston, Massachusetts (Březen 22, 2019):

Coming off the heels of the sold out 4th Annual St. Patrika Clash which has amassed over 225,000 online views, Murphys Boxing is proud to announce the creation of the Cenu Code Warrior to celebrate the achievements of New England’s most legendary boxers.

The award’s first recipients will be 2019 Mezinárodní Boxing Síň slávy branec,Tony DeMarco and one of Massachusettsmost decorated amateur boxers, Mike D'Žárovka.

Both fighters will be presented with their awards next Pátek, March 29th at the Murphys Boxing event at Memorial Hall v Melrose, Massachusetts.

Na 87 let, Tony DeMarco holds the distinction of being boxing’s oldest living world champion and has been a beloved figure in the Boston sports world for over half a century.

Known as ‘Nardo’, the Boston fighter of Italian descent, turned pro unbelievably just a few years after the end of World War II. V 14 year career, DeMarco went 52-12-1 while fighting during boxing’s golden age. His legendary battles with Hall of Famers like Carmen Basilio a Kid Gavilin made DeMarco a star and he won the welterweight world title v 1955 proti Johnny Saxton at the original Boston Garden in a fight that was voted one of Boston’s Top 10 Sports Moments.

DeMarco, who still can be found ringside at Murphys Boxing events and whose statue resides in Boston’s North End where he still lives, will receive the long overdue honor of joining the International Boxing Hall of Fame as a 2019 inductee this June.

“Murphys Boxing has always been very welcoming to me and my family.”, explains DeMarco.

“They have a true respect for boxing’s history. It’s an honor to be given their first ever award just months before entering the International Boxing Hall of Fame. I am looking forward to the evening.”

Joining DeMarco will be Melrose’s own, Mike D'Žárovka, who is considered one of the most successful amateurs ever to come out of the state of Massachusetts.

D’Ampolo was a New England Golden Gloves Champion, a 3x New England AAU Champ, a 2x Eastern Regional Champion and participated in the 1984 Olympijských soudůbarely missing a spot on the legendary 1984 USA Olympic Team with his weight class ultimately being represented by none other than Evander Holyfield.

On advice from his father, D’Ampolo made the decision to not enter the professional ranks and went onto become a successful businessman with his company, M&L Transit Systems based out of his hometown of Melrose, Massachusetts.

I’m humbled. Back when we were fighting, there wasn’t much recognition or credit given to amateurs.”, says D’Ampolo.

“I used to be in the paper back then but it’s been a long time and I’m just very grateful to Murphys Boxing for remembering and honoring me here in my hometown.

Murphys Boxing zakladatel, Ken Casey explains the promotion’s decision to name Demarco and D’Ampolo as the first two recipients of the award named after one of the Dropkick Murphy’s signature songs, „The Warrior Code“, který je poctou jinému New England boxu hrdina, Micky Ward.

“The idea stemmed from Tony DeMarco finally being inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame. We wanted to celebrate Tony at one of our local shows before his big day and in talking we realized their were so many other retired New England based fighters both professional and amateur that, like Tony, deserved more recognition.”

The Warrior’s Code Award is a way for us to honor those locally who have come before us and given so much to the sport we love. Boston and beyond has such a rich boxing history, it’s important for Murphys Boxing to respect and honor that as well as educate a new generation about these warriors that have paved the way.”

Představení Murphys Boxing’s 1st Annual Warrior’s Code Award will take place during the Murphys Boxing “Mayhem in Melrose” event next Friday, March 29th which features the return of Stoneham’s Greg Vendetti (20-3-1, 12 KO) proti. Manny Woods (16-8-1, 6 KO) v 10 round main event as well as a packed undercard of Massachusetts based fighters including:

Quincy’s Ryan Kielczweski (29-4, 11 KO) proti. Nick Otieno (31-15, 13 KO).

Holbrook’s Mike Ohan Jr. (8-0, 5 KO) proti. Shaka Moore (12-23-3, 2 KO).

South Boston’s Joe Farina (5-1, 3 KO) proti. Carlos Galindo (1-8).

Mansfield’s James Perella (1-0, 1 KO) proti. Andre Belcarris (0-5).

Medford’s Joe Gagliardi Jr. (1-0) proti. TBA.

In addition two international fighters will take on Massachusetts natives

Venezeula’s Luis Arcon (5-0, 5 KO) proti. Springfield’s Zack Ramsey (8-6, 4 KO).

Irsko je Craig O’Brien (9-1, 1 KO) proti. Brockton’s Antonio Fernandez (9-35-4).

Vendetti vs. Woods and The Warrior’s Code Award Presentation takes place next Saturday, March 29h at Memorial Hall in Melrose, Massachusetts (590 Main Street). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. Vstupenky jsou již v prodeji v: www.murphysboxing.com


1/26 – William Foster III (9-0) UD over Angel Suarez
*Foster defended his NABF Jr. Super Featherweight Title

2/9 – Carlos Gongora (15-0) KO 5 over Jesus Aviles
*Gongora won the WBC South American Middleweight Title

3/16 – Mark DeLuca (23-1) UD over Jimmy Williams
*DeLuca defended his NABA Super Welterweight Title
Charles Foster (18-0) KO 9 over Mike Jiminez
*Foster defended his NABA Light Heavyweight Title
Gary O’Sullivan (30-3) KO 6 over Khiary Gray
Niall Kennedy (13-0-1) KO 1 over Mike Marrone

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, Abraham Nova, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. a další!

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com


Fan-friendly, FREE Facebook platform with nearly 5.2 million views to feature live access from sold-out House of Blues in the shadows of Fenway Park.

Online: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/


NEW YORK (Březen 12, 2019) – For the second-straight year, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Běží Everlast has something for everyone as the fan-friendly and completely FREE platform celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys and Murphys Boxing. Music fans and fight enthusiasts from across the nation and around the globe can catch the Dropkick Murphys in concert and an outstanding card with international appeal on Saturdayvia any device where Facebook is availablebrought to fans by the promotion born out of the Dropkick Murphys popular Celtic punk band.

The free, interactive serieswhich has entertained almost 5.2 million fans since its platform premiere in May of 2017 – visits the shadows of Fenway once again to continue its March schedule. The three-show March is part of a 2019 first quarter that showcases an outstanding six-card lineup featuring six different promotions and spanning four cities, which began with three February shows and two March shows already that combined for more than 860,000 pohledy.

This is my favorite day of the year,” řekl Ken Casey, Dropkick Murphys Frontman and President and Founder, Murphys Boxing. “We have a sold-out venue and an excellent boxing card, and Facebook will give our fans around the world a live look inside on the Dropkick Murphys, Murphys Boxing and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channels.

In Saturday’s the main event, NABA Champion Mark DeLuca (22-1, 13 KO) bere na Jimmy Williams (16-1-1, 5 KO) in an all-New England battle of super welterweights. Also seeing action will be NABA light heavyweight titleholder CharlesPodporovat (17-0, 8 KO), putting his unblemished mark on the line against battle-tested Chicago native Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 KO). The stacked card will also see top-tier middleweight contender and Irish favorite Gary “Špice” O'Sullivan(29-3, 20 KO) take on popular New Englander Khiary Gray (16-4, 12 KO). Mezitím, Irish nationals clash as Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 KO) takes on undefeated John Joyce (7-0, 4 KO) and undefeated heavyweight Niall Kennedy (12-0-1, 7 KO) is also scheduled to make an appearance, representing The Emerald Isle on its celebrated weekend.

“St. Paddy’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys is becoming one of our favorite FIGHTNIGHT LIVE traditions, but Saturday’s card may be the finest in the history of our platform in terms of title fights and quality matchups from top to bottom,” řekl Mark Fratto, Hlavní a ředitel pro rozvoj podnikání, Linacre Media. “Combine that lineup with a live set from Ken Casey and the Dropkick Murphys, it’s unbeatable, and since the House of Blues is sold-out, we’ll get you inside and up close with Facebook.

Nyní ve své druhé sezóně, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly Facebook platform that – kromě jiných aspektů – je hrdá na real-time rozhovorech mezi bojových komentátorů a diváci. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE se představila více než 515 bojovníci a 16 povýšení v průběhu 31 přímé přenosy událostí z 18 různých městech od května 2017, a při tom, interaktivní platforma přinesla loajální zájmu boje fanoušků z celých Spojených státech a po celém světě, včetně významných publiku v Mexiku, Spojené království a jiných částech Evropy, a dokonce i fanoušci v Jižní Americe, Asie a Austrálie.

Od května 2017, the numbers on the 30-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 167,483 pohledy na události and almost 5.2 milión celkový počet zhlédnutí pro povolení. Vzhledem k tomu, Sept. 2018, přehlídky Season II mají v průměru více než 269,000 pohledy.

Sept. 2018 “Kings boxu v úterý večer Boje” (594,447) z Sands v Betlémě, the Dec. 2018 “Queens and Kings of Queens Card” (379,758) v New Yorku, listopadu. 2018 “Hard Bití Showtime Collaboration” (372,662), the Dec. 2018 “Roy Jones Jr. Texas Throwdown” (318,886), Oct. 2018 “Hard Bití Philly speciál” (297,545), Oct. 2018 hodinový Bareknuckle “Freeview” (292,253), listopadu. 2018 “Titans v hlavním městě” (256,871), Sept. 2017 “Real deal Promotions: Empire State” od kasina Resorts World (225,000), the Feb. 2019 “Raging Babe Philly Special” (203,000) and the August 2017 CES “Super sobotu” od Foxwoods (203,000) všechny přihlášené 200,000 nebo více pohledů, and collectively the 30-show series has seen a total of more than 5,191,976 pohledy napříč všemi zařízeními.

Kromě počtu surových sledovanosti, plně-interactive, fan-friendly inscenace viděli víc než 419,000 Kolektivní živé rozmístit své závazky (víc než 13,000 na výstavě), včetně více než 324,000 “záliby” nebo “miluje,” almost 56,000 comments and more than 18,000 akcie.

Sept. 2018 “Kings boxu v úterý večer Boje” z Sands v Betlémě vytvořil nový bar s 594,447 pohledy a září. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader provádí sérii až tři čtvrtiny-a-milion názory na něco přes čtyři měsíce. Sept. 2017 Karta pila DiBella víc než 40,000 interakce prohlížeče včetně téměř 39,000 “záliby” nebo “miluje” a March 17, 2018, Murphyho “St. Patrika Clash” nastavit novou značkou vysoké vody pro sdílí s 2,182.

Stránka FIGHTNIGHT LIVE na Facebook má více než 87,000 Fanoušci a více než 94,000 následovníci.

Vytvořil a produkoval Linacre média z New Yorku, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series nabízí profesionální hlasatelé, více úhlů kamery, televizní grafiky, replaye a behind-the-scenes přístup a rozhovory. Streamované pořady jsou k dispozici na celém světě všude tam, kde je k dispozici Facebook. Tato iniciativa umožňuje nejen fanoušky z celého světa naladit, ale také poskytuje up-and-nadcházející bojovníci globální platformu, aby předvedli své schopnosti, dává promotory přístupné “vysílání” řešení a dává sponzoruje schopnost dosáhnout masové publikum prostřednictvím značkového obsahu.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring 2019 datum bude oficiálně oznámeno v nadcházejících týdnech.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE je k dispozici na internetové adrese: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/

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USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: John “Quietman” Ruiz

From the projects to owning boxing’s ultimate crown

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Březen 12, 2019) – From the projects to owning arguably the most respected individual title in sports, John “Quietman” Ruiz remains the only Latino to capture the coveted world heavyweight title.

Ruiz, 47, is a proud Puerto-Rican American boxer who grew-up in a Chelsea, Massachusetts. The two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) šampion těžké váhy, defeated USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Famer Evander Holyfield in the second of their three title fights, to secure for the first time, the world heavyweight crown.

Zdobené amatérský boxer, Ruiz compiled a 50-5 záznam, similar to his final pro record of 44-9-1 (30 KO) mezi 1992-2010, including gold- medal performances at the All-New England Championships, USA Boxing National Championships and the Los Angeles Olympic Festival, which elevated him to the No. 1 light heavyweight position in the United States ratings.

Ruiz was also an outstanding all-around athlete at Chelsea High, particularly in football, in which he was an all-star. He started boxing at the age of seven, eventually developing his skills at the Somerville Boxing Club.

Boxing was the only sport I figured I’d have a good chance of succeeding,” Ruiz (pictured here on far left) explained why he pursued boxing as opposed to football or another team sport. “The other sports you had to go to college, and I didn’t have the grades.

Ruiz never looked back and no boxer ever got more out of their God-given skills than him. After winning his first tournament (PAL in New Jersey), he became part of the USA Team that traveled to Sweden to compete in a dual-meet.

Outside of Puerto Rico (he lived there for 6-7 years in his early youth),” Ruiz remembered fondly. “I had never traveled outside of the United States. USA Boxing gave me an opportunity to travel there, Austrálie, Italy and all over the United States. Even more than how those experiences prepared me for the pro ranks, it gave me a taste of life experience, traveling to places I never would have been able to go to on my own. Amateur boxing also gave me structure and confidence in myself for when I turned pro. I also met so many different people, fighters and coaches, from all over the world.

In addition to his aforementioned victory at the Los Angles Olympic Festival, which qualified him as a Team USA member to compete in the World Championships in Australia (hotový 6th ve světě), perhaps the highlight of his amateur career was defeating Torsten May, the 1992 Olympic gold medal winner from Germany, at a dual meet in Florida.

My association with John goes back to 1990,” přidán Al Valenti, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “I was thrilled that a local kid was honing his skills in the boxing ring. John made an incredible impact on the National Amateur boxing scene in the early nineties; making it all the way to the Olympic Trials in Worcester (MA). Having been involved in the trials was extra special for me because John was such a great competitor and good kid. Boxing history will have a place for John Ruiz, not many survived 36 rounds with Evander. Being the first Latino World Heavyweight Champion was quite an accomplishment for “Quietman”.

Ruiz turned pro August 20, 1992, winning a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Parker. During his pro career, he defeated top contemporary names such as Holyfield,James Thunder, Jerry Ballard, Fernely Felix, Kirk Johnson, Fres Oquendo, Andrew Golota a Jameel McCline.

History was made March 3, 2013 v Las Vegas, when he became only the second fighter to drop Holyfield en route to his WBA title-winning fight by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, earning him instant notoriety as the first Latino to hold the coveted world heavyweight title belt.

John Ruiz met President George W. Bush in the White House after becoming the first Latino to become world heavyweight boxing champion (Picture courtesy of the Boston Herald)

I’m very proud to have accomplished that,” pokračoval, “but my main goal was to provide for my family and I always maintained that goal. Most fighters don’t succeed, but at the end of the day, that’s what pushed me. I don’t really think about being the only Latino to win the world heavyweight title, ale, when I hear people talk about it today, Myslím si, že, wow, I’m still the only Latino to do that.

Several years ago, Ruiz opened a gym (Quietman Sports Gym) in Medford, MA, not too far from where he grew up in Chelsea and trained in Somerville. It has been a registered club member by USA Boxing since 2012, ale, co je důležitější, it’s Ruizway of giving back to amateur boxing.

I felt there was a need to help more kids and give them an opportunity to get out of the house and do something productive and fun,” Ruiz commented. “They all have a chance to work on self confidence and one could possibly become world champion. I feel obligated to help kids because I remember years ago when I was in the same position. They need guidance. If I didn’t have all the support I did growing up, I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did. I want to help kids understand how to accomplishment their goals.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Vytvořeno k celoživotnímu prosazování, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.

USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem.. Členům je udělen přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Asociací absolventů, včetně každoročního přijetí síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte na alumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 za rok členský příspěvek. Noví členové obdrží tričko, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.

Dnes, John lives in Palm City, Florida. He’s a correctional officer for the Martin County Sheriff Department. “Winning the world title twice as a pro was awesome,” Ruiz concluded, “but I definitely enjoyed the amateurs more than the pros, even though I would have loved to have represented the USA in the Olympics. USA Boxing opened up my mind to different things, taking me off the streets of Chelsea to made me feel……special.

John Ruiz has always preached, “Follow Your Dreams!” and he’s still doing that today.

INFORMACE: www.usaboxing.orgCvrlikání: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumn iInstagram: @USABoxing Facebook: /USABoxing


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Boston (Březen 4, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is excited to announce that undefeated, Irish heavyweight, Niall Kenneda (12-0-1, 8 KO) byl přidán do The 4th Annual St. Patrika Clash která se koná Sobota, March 16th v Boston, Massachusetts na House of Blues.

One of Murphys Boxing’s most popular fighters, ‘Boom Boom’, is coming off a dominant unanimous decision win this past October when he took the ‘O’ from fellow undefeated heavyweight, Brendan Barrett in a fight broadcast on DAZN.

Kennedy’s 2019 debut will fittingly take place at this year’s St. Patrika Clash, his third time appearing at the annual event, and he knows firsthand the excitement and energy that comes with it.

I won the Massachusetts State Heavyweight Title on the Murphys Paddys Day show in 2017 and it was an amazing experience. The atmosphere is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed at a boxing event. I’m looking forward to being part of it again.

Kennedy, despite hailing from Gorey, Ireland where he works full time as a policeman, bojoval 10 z jeho 13 professional fights in the New England area and actually considers Boston his boxing home.

I’m blessed with the support that I have received from the people of Boston and Massachusetts in general. I have a large family connection in the state who bring out massive support so when it comes to boxing homes, Boston is my first boxing home.

As for 2019, Kennedy is dead set on upping the competition and even has his eyes on a fellow unbeaten heavyweight who like himself is creating a buzz in a boxing crazed east coast city.

My goal is always to improve with each fight. I want to be world ranked and fight the top names in the division but I know if that’s going to happen, 2019 has to be a huge year for me. There’s a lot of fighters I want to share the ring with but right now I think myself vs Philadelphia’s Darmani Rock is a fight that should and will happen.

Murphys Boxing zakladatel, Ken Casey agrees that 2019 will be a breakout year for Kennedy and that his addition to the St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes the event to a whole new level.

Niall is one of our most popular fighters and he has huge fights on the horizon. We want to keep him active this year so he can be at his best for what lies ahead. Having an Irish heavyweight on a St. Patrick’s Day show puts this card over the top as one of the best Murphys Boxing has ever done.

The Saint Patrick’s Day Clash will truly be an Irish heavy affair as Kennedy joins a card that has fellow Murphys Boxing stablemate, Cork, Irsko je Gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivan (29-3, 20 KO) in a risky fight against Khiary Gray (16-4, 12 KO) as well as the much anticipated all Irish welterweight showdown between Cork, Irsko je John Joyce (7-0, 4 KO) and Lucan, Irsko je Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 KO).

Headlining the annual event will be NABA Junior Middleweight Champion, Massachusetts ' Mark DeLuca (22-1, 13 KO) who will put his title, and his top 10 world ranking, on the line against Connecticut’s Jimmy Williams (16-1-1, 5 KO).

V co-hlavní události, neporažený NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Connecticut’sCharles Foster (17-0, 8 KO) will take on once beaten, Chicago power puncher, Mike Jiminez (22-1-2, 14 KO).

Murphys Boxing’s 4th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes place on Saturday, March 16th in Boston, Massachusetts at the House of Blues (15 Lansdowne Street). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. The night will also feature a specialin ringacoustic performance by The Dropkick Murphys. Limited tickets are on sale now at:


For group sales and VIP ticket information contact Mike Bloom atmbloom@murphysboxing.com


1/26 – William Foster III (9-0, 6 KO) UD over Angel Suarez
*Foster defended his NABF Jr. Super Featherweight Title

2/9 – Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KO) KO 5 over Jesus Aviles
*Gongora won the WBC South American Middleweight Title


3/16/19 – Boston, MA. St. Patrika Clash
3/29/19 – Melrose, MA. Vendetti proti. Woods

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Abraham Nova, Mike Ohan Jr. a další!

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com






Vstupenky v prodeji AT WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

Boston, Massachusetts (Únor 26, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is proud to announce the return of junior middleweight contender and fan favorite, Greg Vendetti (20-3-1, 12 KO) kdo bude mít na Manny Woods (16-8-1, 6 KO) v pátek, March 29th at Memorial Hall v Melrose, Massachusetts v 10 round bout.

Vendetti, who last summer pulled off a massive upset against former world title challenger,Yoshihiro Kamegai na ESPN2, found himself in the Top 10 rankings and was offered the chance to fight France’s Michel Soro pro WBA Interim Super Welterweight Championship in Paris this past December.

‘The Villain’, who was on an incredible 16 fight winning streak, came up short in his first shot at a title but is looking to get back in the winning column in front of his hometown fans at Memorial Hall in a tough match up against upset specialist, Manny Woods.

“Přes ztrátu, 2018 was an amazing year for me. Bojoval jsem 5 times and I had the biggest win of my career as a B-side against Kamegai which landed me in the Top 10. We were offered the Soro fight for the Interim world title and even though I felt like my body needed some time off, you can’t say no to that kind of opportunity. You never know when or if it will come again.”, explains the Stoneham, Massachusetts native.

It was a rough camp. I trained too hard. My body was falling apart. As for the fight, it was an ugly knockout but that’s part of the game. I’m proud of how I handled it. No shame. No embarrassment. I wasn’t phased by it. Of course I wasn’t happy about it but my first thought was what do we do to get better? The fight showed me I have to get sharper. Continue to be aggressive but be smarter and more tactical about it. It was only one battle in a long war.

As for taking on a seasoned veteran like Woods when he could have easily asked for a tune up, Vendetti shows the attitude that has made him such a fan favorite.

I like to fight and wanted to be in a real fight in my return. Knocking out a ham and egger in the first round isn’t enjoyable for me or the fans. It’s a waste of a camp and a weight cut not to mention you don’t learn anything. Woods is a durable, legit guy who is coming to win. That’s what I need and want.

And after going 50/50 against against world class opposition last year, would Vendetti be willing to take on a top 10 fighter again in 2019?

“100%. I want to make a statement against Woods then keep improving with each fight. I don’t want to take any steps back with the opposition. Everything forward. As long as I’m healthy, I will fight anyone in the division.

V co-hlavní události, fellow Murphys Boxing stablemate and Massachusetts fan favorite, Ryan Kielczweski (29-4, 11 KO) will take on an opponent to be named in an 8 round contest in the lightweight division.

‘The Polish Princeis coming off his show stealing back and forth battle with Tommy Coyle at TD Garden in Boston this past October on the undercard of the Demetrius Andrade WBO world middleweight title fight.

Despite dropping the decision, Kielczweski, who hails from Quincy, Massachusetts, showed world class talent and massive heart in an all out war that had the arena crowd on it’s feet.

Also featured on the card will be the most recent addition to Murphys Boxing’s growing roster, Mike Ohan Jr. (8-0, 5 KO).

The son of a popular New England area professional fighter in the 1990s, Ohan Jr. followed in his father’s footsteps going 82-10 in the amateurs and picking up multiple New England Golden rukavice tituly.

Fighting a remarkable 8 časy v 2 years and upping the competition level in each outing, including a unanimous decision over veteran, Daniel Stropní in his last fight, Ohan has been on the fast track as a professional. The impressive win lead to the young fighter, who hails from Holbrook, Massachusetts, being offered a contract with Murphys Boxing.

I am beyond excited to be a part of the Murphys Boxing family.”, says Ohan, Jr. who will fight an opponent to be named in a 6 round bout on the card.

Being with such an active promotional company will give me the opportunity to grow as a fighter and showcase my skills as I move towards my dream of one day being a world champion.

In addition to the three headlining local favorites, the card will feature a 4 round super lightweight women’s bout between Jillian DiAuto (1-1, 1 KO) a Sarah Click (0-1-1), as well as the east coast debut of Venezuelan super lightweight sensation, Luis Arcon (5-0, 5 KO) who will take on an opponent to be named in a 6 round bout.

3 more undercard bouts will be announced shortly to kick off the night at the beloved throwback venue which has become a mainstay of Murphys Boxing.

Memorial Hall is my favorite fight venue.”, says Ken Casey, zakladatel Murphys Boxing.

It gets incredibly loud in there when Greg fights and with the bowl seating, it feels like a mini coliseum.

Vendetti, who will be making his 7th appearance at the always sold out venue, couldn’t agree more with his promoter.

It’s intense. I really do feel like a gladiator fighting in a coliseum when I’m at Memorial Hall and for a gladiator there’s only two optionsvictory or death.

Vendetti vs. Woods takes place on Saturday, March 29h at Memorial Hall in Melrose, Massachusetts (590 Main Street). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. Vstupenky jsou již v prodeji v: www.murphysboxing.com


1/26 – William Foster III (9-0, 6 KO) UD over Angel Suarez
*Foster defended his NABF Jr. Super Featherweight Title

2/9 – Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KO) KO 5 over Jesus Aviles
*Gongora won the WBC South American Middleweight Title


3/16/19 – Boston, MA. St. Patrika Clash
3/29/19 – Melrose, MA. Vendetti vs. Woods

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, Abraham Nova, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. a další!

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com





Vstupenky v předprodeji DNES ZDE!

Boston (Únor 4, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is proud to announce their 4th Annual St. Patrika Clash se bude konat dne Sobota, March 16th znovu na House of Blues v Boston.

Headlining the stacked card will be Whitman, Massachusetts’ Mark DeLuca (22-1, 13 KO). The current NABA Super Welterweight Champion, is ranked #10 in the world by the WBA and will defend his title against Connecticut’s Jimmy Williams (16-1-1, 5 KO) in an all New England 10 round battle.

DeLuca is coming off the highest profile win of his career this past October when he fought on the undercard of Demetrius Andrade je world title fight at TD Garden which was shown worldwide on DAZN. DeLuca won a unanimous decision in what was an immediate rematch of the only blemish on his record, a split decision loss to Walter Wright, considered by most in attendance to be a robbery. Now DeLuca finds himself, not only one of the most popular fighters in New England, but also in contention for a world title shot later this year.

Being in the Top 10 nyní, I know that I’m only a phone call away from a life changing opportunity.”, explains the former Marine turned title contender.

I’m always in the gym. I’m staying focused. I know I need a good performance against Williams to keep that opportunity alive.

Having already headlined a Murphys Boxing event on St. Patrika, DeLuca is well aware that it isn’t the average boxing card.

“St. Patrika. Boston. Dropkick Murphys. What more can you say? The atmosphere is electric.

V co-hlavní události, one of boxing’s favorite characters, Gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivan (29-3, 20 KO) will make his return to Boston, where he has amassed a huge following, to take on Worcester, Massachusetts’ Khiary Gray (16-4, 12 KO) in what promises to be an action packed 8 round battle.

The Cork, Ireland native who is promoted by Murphys Boxing in association with Golden Boy Promotions has moved down to the junior middleweight division where he is looking to make a splash in 2019 after finishing last year with a unanimous decision victory in his home country against the 40 fight veteran, Gabor Gorbics.

Boston is a home away from home for me.”, says the outspoken, handlebar mustached slugger who has fought in the New England area 10 doba.

Murphys Boxing Saint Patrick’s Day events are not to be missed. The crowd is insane and I’m coming to give them what they wanna seea fight!”

The night will also feature a who’s who of New England’s hottest young contenders and prospects.

Murphys Boxing’s Charles Foster (17-0, 8 KO) will put his NABA Light Heavyweight Championship title on the line in a 10 round bout against Chicago’s Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 KO).

The New Haven, Connecticut based Foster is a world ranked contender (#10 v WBA) and is fresh off a national television appearance last year when he beat the previously undefeated, Alvin Varmall, Jr. na Showtime. He will face one of his toughest challenges yet against the dangerous, power punching, Jimenez whose only loss came to two-time world title challenger, Jesse Hart.

Ctít, Massachusetts’ favorite son, Travis Mazac Gambardella (5-0-2, 2 KO), who trains out of the popular, KnuckleHeadz Gym in Ventura, Kalifornie, will return home to try and extend his undefeated record against fellow Boston area fighter, Maceo Crowder (2-2, 1 KO) v 6 round middleweight contest.

South Boston’s Joe Farina (4-1, 3 KO), who last fought against Gambardella, dropping a razor close majority decision on the undercard of Demetrius Andrade’s middleweight title fight at TD Garden, will look to get back in the winning column in a four round welterweight rematch against New Jersey’s Steve Moore (1-6, 1 KO) who lost a split decision to Farina last year.

In keeping with the holiday’s theme, there will be an all Irish grudge match when Lucan, Irsko je John Joyce (7-0, 4 KO) travels to America to take on Cork, Irsko je Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 KO), who is now based in New York City, An 8 round welterweight clash that has Irish pride on the line.

The night will be kicked off by the highly anticipated professional debut of Mansfield, Massachusetts welterweight, James Perella. The decorated amateur fighter will turn proagainst Woburn, Massachusetts’ Bruno Dias (0-5) v 4 round contest.

“St. Patrick’s Day Clash is my favorite promotion of the year and one that our fighters and fans really look forward to.”, explains, Murphys Boxing founder and Dropkick Murphys frontman, Ken Casey.

The atmosphere that’s created when you put boxing on in a general admission, standing room only concert venue, let alone on St. Patrick’s Day in Boston, creates a unique and intense experience.

As for the incredibly busy and successful year the promotional company is coming off of, Casey, who will also play 4 consecutive shows with Dropkick Murphys the same week at the same venue, is even more excited about what the new year holds.

“2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing but with contenders like Mark DeLuca and Charles Foster in the position for world title shots later this year and a slew of undefeated prospects on the verge of world rankings, not to mention multiple cards already planned, 2019 will take Murphys Boxing to a whole new level.

Murphys Boxing’s 4th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Clash takes place on Saturday, March 16th in Boston, Massachusetts at the House of Blues (15 Lansdowne Street). Dveře otevřené v 7 hodin. The night will also feature a specialin ringacoustic performance by The Dropkick Murphys. Vstupenky jsou již v prodeji v:


For group sales and VIP ticket information contact Mike Bloom atmbloom@murphysboxing.com


2/9/19 – Quito, Ekvádor Carlos Gongora proti. Jesus Aviles (WBC Latino Silver)
3/16/19 – Boston, MA. St. Patrika Clash
3/29/19 – Melrose, MA. Greg Vendetti & Ryan Kielczweski Return!

O Murphys Boxing

Murphys Boxing byl založen Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey v 2014. Za pouhých 5 krátkých let, Murphys Box stala přední boxu promotor v oblasti Nové Anglie a je jedním z nejžhavějších mladých akcích v této zemi. 2018 byl breakout rok pro Murphys boxu, protože vzal svou první stíhačku na světový titul. Spolu s prvním šampionem podpoře své, několik Murphys boxerské bojovníky zajištěn titul mistra světa příležitostí a celonárodně vysílané boje v 2018. Murphys Boxing do uzavření jejich banner rok společně podporovat záchvat WBO Middleweight Championship mezi Demetrius Andrade a Walter Kautondokwa před více než 10,000 Fanoušci v TD Garden, legendární domov Boston Celtics, který byl vysílán v mezinárodním měřítku na DAZN. Murphys boxerské Současná soupiska prvky world umístila kandidáty jako Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary Spike’ O'Sullivan a vyhlídky jako Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. a další!

Pro více informací navštivte: www.murphysboxing.com

Granite Chin Promotion presents Thanksgiving Eve showChampionship Boxing at The Armory

This Wednesday at National Guard Armory in Dorchester, MA

QUINCY, Hmota. (Listopad 19, 2018) – A major change has been made to this Wednesday night’s (Listopad. 21) “Championship Boxing at The Armory” karta, presented by Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) on Thanksgiving Eve, at the National Guard Armory (70 Victory Road) in Dorchester, Massachusetts.




The originally scheduled headliner, three-time world title challenger Aleksandra Magziak Lopes (18-4-3, 1 KO), withdrew when she accepted a world title shot Dec. 8 v Carson, Kalifornie, against undisputed World welterweight champion Cecelia “První dáma” Braekhus (34-0, 9 KO) in the main event on HBO.




Many of New England’s most talented and popular boxers will still be in action this Wednesday evening. GCP co-promoter Chris Traietti (26-4, 21 KO), fighting out of Quincy (MA), will defend his New England cruiserweight title against challenger Nick Lavin (5-9, 4 KO), of Shelton (CT), in the new eight-round main event.




The 33-year-old Traietti, an Iraq War veteran and college graduate, defeated the heavy-handed Lavin by way of an eight-round unanimous decision August 5, 2017 for the N.E. název.




As disheartening as it was to lose Aleks on this show,” Traietti said, “we are thrilled she’s getting a career defining opportunity on HBO. She’s worked hard for the opportunity and we wish her the best of luck December 8th.




We shuffled some of the bouts around and moved my fight to the main event. Minule jsme bojovali, Nick showed up and gave me eight tough rounds. I have no doubt he’s going to deliver a similar performance. Celkově, we are excited about this card as it features a mix of local veterans and prospects. Fans are in for a fun night that will be action packed.




V šesti kole ko-vybavený události na, former N.E. welterweight mistr Derek “The SurgeonSilveira (14-2, 7 KO), fighting out of Salem, MA, faces Mexican veteran FrancisoEl MonoMedel (12-15, 8 KO), who has been a gatekeeper for NE’s top prospects over the past few years.




Claremont, NH favorite Ricky Ford (3-1-1, 1 KO) will be shooting for his fourth consecutive when he meets Saul Almeida, of Woburn, in a four-round middleweight match.




2017 Rocky Marciano Tournament Champion Henry Gedney (1-0), a promising super middleweight prospect from Gloucester, MA, is matched versus Francisco Neto (0-1), of Woburn, ve čtyřech kole záchvatu a.




Pembroke, MA cruiserweight VinnieAmerican DreamCarita (18-1-1, 17 KO), a court officer in Brockton, MA and Pembroke, MA resident, takes on 61-fight veteran Steve “The SpoilerWalker, the former Mid-West middleweight titlist, in a scheduled eight-round fight.




Undefeated New York junior welterweight prospect Ray Jay Bermudez (4-0, 2 KO) throws-down with Bruno Dias (0-4), of Woburn (MA), ve čtyřech všestranný.




Prozřetelnost (RI) middleweight Anthony Concepcion (1-0, 1 KO), trained by World Boxing Organization (WBO) Mistr světa middleweight Demetriových “Boo Boo” Andrade, squares off with former Pacific Coast lightweight champion Roberto “The Old” Valenzuela in the four-round opener.




Všechny boje a bojovníci se mohou změnit.




Lístky, cena na $60.00 ringside and $40.00 k stání, are available to purchase on line at





Dveře otevřené na 6 p.m. ET with the first bout scheduled at 6:30 p.m. A.



Cvrlikání: @Granite_Chin