Tag Archives: Massachusetts

“dolje & Prljavo” službeni rezultati Melrosea, MA


Jeovanis Barraza odlazi u 23-1 u svojoj SAD-a. debi

 “Dolje & Dirty” službeni rezultati Melrosea, Massachusetts

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Jeovanis Barraza (R) bilo previše za Jorgea Martina Garciju

(slike Emily Harney/Fightography)

SALEM, Misa. (Listopad 30, 2021) – kolumbijski prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji Jeovanis “i ja"Barraza (22-1, 15 Kos) pobijedio argentinskog juga Jorgea “Tomatita” Martina Garciju (13-7-1, 6 Kos) jednoglasnom odlukom u 8 rundi za osvajanje upražnjene titule ABF Continental Americas u super velter kategoriji u naslovnici sinoćnjeg "Down & Prljava” kartica, predstavio Reyes Boxing Club u Melrose Memorial Hallu u Melroseu, Massachusetts.

“Dolje & Prljavo,” Jedina tekuća profesionalna boksačka serija u Novoj Engleskoj, prenosi uživo i ekskluzivno nathrowdownsports.com.

“Trud svih boraca, B dostava od strane promotivnog tima, jer smo krenuli sat vremena kasnije,”, komentirao je promotor Michael Reyes. “Glavni događaj je bio prekrasan, 8 teške borbe za naslov. Garcia ima jedno pakleno srce. On je prvak. 'Ja' je rekao njegov posao. Vidio je neke stvari na kojima treba raditi, a o kojima smo razgovarali u teretani. Sveukupno, bilo je to sjajno iskustvo.”

Kolumbija i Argentina ljuti su rivali u sportu poput južnoameričke verzije, doduše u boksu, Boston Red Soxa i New York Yankeesa.

Oba borca ​​na glavnom turniru debitirali su u Sjedinjenim Državama. Vještiji Barraza testiran je od strane žilavog, odredio je Garcia, ali Barrazini blistavi udarci u tijelo dosljedno su postavljali njegove snažne udarce u glavu.

U šestom kolu, Barrazin stalni pritisak i učinkovite kombinacije na kraju su iscrpile umornog Garciu, koji je dva puta sletio na platno, ali nije htio ostati dolje. Sedma runda bila je vježba udaranja za Barrazu, koji je Garciu udarao svime osim kuhinjskim sudoperom. Unatoč žestokom tjelesnom napadu koji je Garciju bacio na koljena, ponovno se uzdigao i nekako preživio do samog kraja.

“Bila je to stvarno dobra borba,“, rekao je Barraza nakon svoje borbe. "On (Garcia) bio je jači nego što sam mislio da će biti. Velika vijest je da se prvi put borim ovdje u Sjedinjenim Državama i odlazim s pojasom za titulu.”

Barraza, koji je ubacio gotovo shutout (80-69, 80-69, 79-70), prikupio još jedan naslovni pojas i, što je još važnije, izašao iz borbe neokrznut i oštar za svoj Nov. 13th obračun u Anaheimu (KAO ŠTO) s Alexis Rocha (17-1, 11 Kos) u prilogu u emisiji DAZN, predstavio Golden Boy Promotions, a na čelu s Jamie Munguia vs. Gabriel Rosato.

“Ne moram ništa mijenjati,“, primijetio je Barraza. “Mogu nastaviti trenirati za ovu borbu, posebno sparing, jer mogu nastaviti s istim momcima s kojima sam sparingirao za ovu borbu.”

U suradnji opremljenog događaja, ABF Atlantic prvak srednje kategorije Anthony “Big Daddy” Hines (7-0, 4 Kos) uspješno je napravio svoju prvu obranu naslova koji je osvojio prošlog lipnja, protiv Fidela Monterrosa Munoza (39-26-1, 31 Kos), bivši kolumbijski prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji.

Borbe iz bostonskog okruga Dorchester, Hines je izašao ubadajući i bočno se krećući tijekom prve dvije runde protiv kolumbijskog nokautera, ubrzavši ritam u trećem, u kojem je Hines jakom desnicom oborio Munoza. Munoz je tvrdio da je nezakonito udaren iza glave u četvrtoj i borba je privremeno zaustavljena kako bi ga liječnik pregledao. Akcija se nastavila nakon par minuta. Borba je odgođena u petoj rundi zbog slučajnog udarca glavom koji je poslao Munoza na špil i Hinesa koji je pretrpio najveću štetu u nečemu što je bila loša borba.

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Anthony Hines ostao je neporažen i zadržao svoj ABF Atlantic pojas naslova

Također se bori izvan Dorchestera, lagani Jonathan DePina (5-1, 4 Kos) iscrpio hrabru Stacey Anderson (0-8), na kraju ga odbacivši u trećoj rundi, DePina je razbio svog protivnika kontra pravom za prvo rušenje. Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije to je bilo sve što je napisala za Andersona, koji je bio zarobljen u neutralnom kutu, i tučen dok nije zauvijek pao.

Popularni Lowell (MA) borac Gabriel “Menace” Morales (3-0, 2 Kos), stolar po zanatu, pokazao sve u svojoj kutiji s alatom na oduševljenje svog glasnog, entuzijastična baza obožavatelja, zaustavljajući kalfa Pablo DeSouza (0-24) u drugom krugu. Prirodna lagana, Morales u poluteškoj kategoriji DeSouza, prvi lijevim krošeom u drugom, ubrzo je uslijedila desnica koja ga je ponovno poslala na strunjaču. DeSouza je stao prije nego što je sučevo odbrojavanje pogodilo 10, ali očito nije mogao nastaviti.

Alejandro “El Abusador” Paulino, neporaženi izgledni kandidat za laku kategoriju Dominikanske Republike (4-0, 4 Kos), boreći se iz New Londona (CT), deklasirao puno iskusnijeg borca ​​u Italiji rođenog Christiana “El Ninju” Danila Guida (8-20, 6 Kos). Paulino je na kraju prve runde udario Guida i zaključio nastup u drugoj, decking Guida još tri puta, posljednji sa savršeno izvedenim aperkatom s istekom vremena za tehnički nokaut.

Dallasov teškaš Vercell Webster (2-4-1, 2 Kos) uzrujao prethodno Dennisa Venturu (4-1, 3 Kos) putem a 4th-okrugli tehnički nokaut. Webster je ispustio Venturu izravnim udarcem u sljepoočnicu u prvoj rundi, a Ventura se nikad nije oporavio. Isti hitac u glavu, sletio u isti (Crvena) kutak, opet decked Ventura. Pobijedio je grofa, ali sutkinji Melissi Kelly nije se svidio način na koji je Ventura odgovorio, a ona je prekinula borbu.

Otvaranje akcije, Providence teškaš Sean Bey poboljšao se na 3-0 (3 Kos) kada je debitantski pro-Brandon Grundy bio teško hendikepiran zbog ozljede desne ruke zadobijene sredinom prve runde. Nakon što ga je liječnik prstena pregledao, borba se nakratko nastavila dok je Bey zadavao niz neodgovorenih udaraca Grundyju zarobljenom na užadi, sve dok sudac Kevin Hope nije odmahnuo s borbe 2:24 Oznaka krugu.

Službeni rezultati u nastavku:

Službeni rezultati


Jeovanis Barraza (23-1, 15 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbija

WDEC8 (8069, 80-69, 79-70)

Jorge Martin Garcia (13-8-1, 6 Kos), General Lavalle, Buenos Ajres, Argentina

(Barraza je osvojio naslov ABF Continental Americas u supervelter kategoriji)


Anthony Hines (8-0, 4 Kos), Dorchester, MA

WDEC6 (58-54, 57-55, 57-54)

Fidel Monterrosa Munoz (39-27-1, 31 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbija

(Hines je zadržao naslov ABF Atlantic prvaka u srednjoj kategoriji)


Vercell Webster (1-4-1, 1 KO), Dallas, TX

WTKO4 (0 :37)

Dennis Ventura (4-0, 3 Kos), Lynn, MA

Sean Bey (3-0, 3 Kos), Promisao, RI

WTKO1 (2:24)

Brandon Grundy (0-1), Megehee, AR


Gabriel Morales (3-0, 2 Kos), Lowell, MA

WTKO2 (2:24)

Paulo DeSouza (0-24), Woburn, MA


Jonathan DePina (6-1, 4 Kos), Dorchester, MA

WTKO3 (1:03)

Stacey Anderson (0-8), Albuquerque, NM


Alexandro Paulino (5-0, 5 Kos), Novi London, CT putem Dominikanske Republike

WTKO2 (2:58)

Christian Danilo Guido (8-21, 6 Kos), Tigre, Buenos Ajres, Argentina putem Italije


Website: www.ReyesBoxingClubwww.AFightingChanceinc.org

Cvrkut: @boxing_inc

Instagram: @ReyesBoxing, @FightingChance501c3

LinkedIn: @MichaelReyes

Facebook: /MichaelReyes, /ReyesBoxingInc, #FightingChance501c3

Reyes Boxing’s “Down & Dirty” pro boxing series to debut in Massachusetts This Friday night streaming live on PPV

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SALEM, Misa. (Listopad 25, 2021) — This past August in Portland, Mejn, Reyes Boxing launched “Down & Prljavo,” the only ongoing professional boxing series in New England, and it will make its Massachusetts debut this Friday night (Listopada. 29) at Melrose Memorial Hall in Melrose, Massachusetts.

The second installment of “Down & Prljavo,” presented by Reyes Boxing, will be headlined this Friday evening by Colombian Welterweight Champion Jeovanis “Meque” Barraza (22-1, 15 Kos) making his United States debut against Jorge “Tomatito” Martin Garcia (13-7-1, 6 Kos) in the 8-round main event between for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Super Welterweight Championship.

All the action will be streamed live and exclusively on pay-per-view at https://throwdownsports.com/programs/reyes-boxing-10-29-21, s početkom u 6:30 poslije podne. I / 3:30 poslije podne. PT, za $29.95.

Reyes was a standout amateur boxer in Massachusetts, finishing with a 60-4 rekord, when he gave up boxing and enrolled in Norwich University, where he graduated in 2001 majoring in business and economics. He then spent six years as a U.S. Marine in military intelligence. After his military discharge, Reyes became a certified fitness and personal trainer, opening Reyes Boxing Club 2 ½ years ago in Salem, Massachusetts.

“I started managing some fighters I was training,” Reyes explained, “but realized about 1 ½ years ago that I needed to be a promoter to put fighters I trained on cards. ‘Down & Dirty’ is boxing, at least to me, and I wanted to let people know where we are at and what we’re doing.
“I feel New England has a big talent pool, but over the years it has dwindled. But it’s still here! We have boxers here who bring boxing back to where it was when people knew who New England fighters were. Our series is centered around young, talented fighters on the way up. We want to help them step up to the next level by giving them this platform. We’re streaming out shows live and working on a television partner.”
Reyes Boxing’s plan for 2022 is to promote shows in Maine, Rod Ajland, Connecticut, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

“We’ve signed some local prospects and some veterans as well,” Reyes added. “I grew up watching Tuesday Night Fights and my dream is for this series to develop over the next few years into a weekly series on a major network.”

Boston lightweight prospect Jonathan Depina (5-1, 3 Kos) faces Gonzalo Carlos Deller (9-14, 7 Kos) in the 6-round co-featured event for the vacant ABF Mid-Atlantic Lightweight Championship.

ABF Atlantic prvak srednje kategorije Anthony “Big Daddy” Hines, fighting out of nearby Dorchester (a Boston district) makes his first defense versus challenger Fidel Montero Muñoz, a former Colombian Light Heavyweight Champion, u okršaju od 8 rundi.

Također se bore na undercard, all in 4-rounders, is Lynn (MA) heavyweight Dennis Ventura (4-0, 3 Kos) vs, Vercell Webster (1-4-1, 1 KO), of Mississippi, New York super lightweight Brandon Idrogo (4-1, 4 Kos) vs. Virginian Stacey Anderson (0-7), undefeated New London (CT) lightweight prospect Alejandro “El Abusador” Paolino (4-0, 4 Kos) vs. Italian-born, Argentina resident Christian “El Nija” Danilo Guido (8-20, 6 Kos), Promisao (RI) heavyweight Sean Bey (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Utah’s pro-debuting Brandon Grundy, and Dracut (MA) lightweight Gabriel Morales )(2-0, 1 KO) vs. TBA.

Kartica je podložan promjenama.

Ulaznice se po cijeni od $75.00 (Opći Prijem), $90.00 (Reserved), $125.00 (Ring) a $250.00 VIP (dedicated server on stage) and available for purchase online at https://throwdownsports.com/programs/reyes-boxing-10-29-21
or directly from any of the participating boxers on this show. Limited tickets will be available at the door while they last.

Vrata se otvaraju u 6 poslije podne. I, Prvi nastup na 6:30 poslije podne. I.

22-1 Jeovanis “Meque” Barraza to headline “Down & Dirty” International pro boxing event

SALEM, Misa. (Listopad 20, 2021) — The second installment of “Down & Prljavo,” the only ongoing professional boxing series in New England, will be Friday night, Listopad 29th, at Melrose Memorial Hall in Melrose, Massachusetts.

“Dolje & Prljavo,” presented by Reyes Boxing, will be headlined by an 8-round main event between Jeovanis “Meque” Barraza (22-1, 15 Kos) and Jorge “Tomatito” Martin Garcia (13-7-1, 6 Kos) for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Super Welterweight Championship.
All the action will be streamed live and exclusively on pay-per-view at https://throwdownsports.com/programs/reyes-boxing-10-29-21, s početkom u 6:30 poslije podne. I / 3:30 poslije podne. PT, za $29.95.

“We have a great, young pool of talent in challenging fights on this show,” Reyes Boxing promoter Michael Reyes said. “Our “Down & Dirty” series going on in New England. This is our first show in Massachusetts. Naš 2022 plan is to have series shows in all six New England states. We have some fighters preparing to advance to the next level of competition, as well as young local fighters gaining invaluable experience.”

The reigning Colombian Welterweight Champion, Barraza’s lone loss as a pro was to then pro-debuting Gabriel Maestre two years ago in Colombia to 2-time Venezuelan Olympian Gabriel Maestre, koji je sada 4-0 and the WBA Interim World Welterweight Champion. This will mark Barraza’s first fight outside of his native Colombia.

Garcia, a shifty southpaw, will be fighting outside of his native Argentina for the first time as a prizefighter. He has become a South American gatekeeper in the welterweight division.
Promising Boston lightweight Jonathan Depina (5-1, 3 Kos) meets Gonzalo Carlos Dallera (9-14, 7 Kos) in the 6-round co-featured event for the vacant ABF Mid-Atlantic Lightweight Championship. Depina has rebounded from his lone loss as a pro this past May, a 6-round decision in the Dominican Republic to pro-debuting Dominican Felix Batista San Juan.

ABF Atlantic prvak srednje kategorije Anthony “Big Daddy” Hines, fighting out of nearby Dorchester (a Boston district) will take on challenger Fidel Monterrosa Munuz, a former Colombian Light Heavyweight Champion, in an 8-round fight. Hines will make his first title defense of the title he won this past June with a 6-round majority decision over Gustavo Sandoval. The heavy-handed Dallera represents a step up in terms of quality opposition for 33-year-old Hines.

Također se bore na undercard, all in 4-rounders, is Lynn (MA) heavyweight Dennis Ventura (4-0, 3 Kos) vs, Vercell Webster (1-4-1, 1 KO), of Mississippi, New York super lightweight Brandon Idrogo (4-1, 4 Kos) vs. Virginian Stacey Anderson (0-7), undefeated New London (CT) lightweight prospect Alejandro “El Abusador” Paolino (4-0, 4 Kos) vs. Italian-born, Argentina resident Christian “El Nija” Danilo Guido (8-20, 6 Kos), Promisao (RI) heavyweight Sean Bey (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Utah’s pro-debuting Brandon Grundy, and Dracut (MA) lightweight Gabriel Morales )(2-0, 1 KO) vs. TBA.

Kartica je podložan promjenama.

Ulaznice se po cijeni od $75.00 (Opći Prijem), $90.00 (Reserved), $125.00 (Ring) a $250.00 VIP (dedicated server on stage) and available for purchase online at https://throwdownsports.com/programs/reyes-boxing-10-29-21 or directly from any of the participating boxers on this show. Limited tickets will be available at the door while they last

Vrata se otvaraju u 6 poslije podne. I, Prvi nastup na 6:30 poslije podne. I.

Website: www.ReyesBoxingClub, www.AFightingChanceinc.org
Cvrkut: @boxing_inc
Instagram: @ReyesBoxing, @FightingChance501c3
LinkedIn: @MichaelReyes
Facebook: /MichaelReyes, /ReyesBoxingInc, #FightingChance501c3

2nd “Fight Night” charity event Presented by Punch4Parkinsons

DEDHAM, Misa. (Listopad 13, 2021) – The second “Fight Night,” a charity boxing event presented by Punch4Parkinsons, održat će se u subotu navečer, Listopad 23rd, at Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, Massachusetts.

Regular people, not professional or amateur boxers, will lace-up their gloves to support Punch4Parkinsons’ fight against Parkinson’s disease. A memorable night will include numerous boxing exhibitions, each a scheduled 3-round (1:30 per round) match.

“Through our charity ‘Fight Night’ we are able to support local boxing gyms with rock steady programs,” Punch4Parkinsons founder/president Ryan Roach explained, “as well as one-on-one and small group boxing lessons. We cover 100-percent of Parkinson’s fighters’ gym memberships. We now have more than 100 Parkinson’s fighters, mostly in New England, but we do have some fighters in Florida and Texas.
“One of our fighters recently went to the doctor and she had dropped 20 points on the Parkinson’s scale. She attributes this to the boxing we provide her three times a week.”

Last year’s “Fight Night” charity event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Limited tickets priced at $200.00 (ring, row 1), $175.00 (ring, row 2), $165.00 (ring, row 2), a $75.00 (standing room) and available for purchase by going online at www.punch4parkinsons.com or contacting one of the participating fighters.

Those unable to attend but interested in making a donation can do so by going online at www.punch4parkinsons.com.

Vrata se otvaraju u 7 pm. ET with the first match slated for 7:30 poslije podne. I.

WEB STRANICA: punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /punch4parkinsons
TWITTER: @punch4parkinsons, @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @punch4parkinsons, @RyanRoach82

Undefeated super featherweight prospect Daniel Bailey shipping up to Boston for first time

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BOSTON (Rujan 16, 2021) – Undefeated super featherweight Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos) is a young, military man who will be in Boston for the first time. Rather than sightseeing, iako, he’s all business as he prepares for his September 25th fight on “Fight Night On The Charles IIIat Mosley’s On The Charles in the Boston suburb of Dedham, Massachusetts.

Vertex Promotions, which will promoted “Fight Night On The Charles II” on Friday night, Sedam. 24, also presents “Fight Night On The Charles at Moseley’s III,” as well as the USA Boxing-sanctioned amateur card, 2021 New England Championships, Saturday afternoon, all at “Mosley’s On The Charles.”

Bejli (7-0, 4 Kos), who fights out of Miami by way of Tampa (Florida), will make his New England debut against an opponent to be finalized in a 4-round bout. A 4-time U.S. Army and 2012 Ringside National champion, Bailey is the cousin of multiple world champion Randall Bailey.

Most would think this Army veteran would try to visit Bunker Hill, Lexington and Concord where the Revolutionary War started, or any of the other many historic attractions for tourists in Boston. Forget that he’s not even attending Friday night’s show, never mind visit the nearby city.

“After the weigh-in (Friday afternoon),” the 25-year-old Bailey said, “I’ll be resting in my room until Saturday. I don’t take anyone lightly. But I am excited to be fighting there for the first time and I’m ready to perform for the crowd. This trip is all business, I’m not on vacation.”

This will mark the active fighter’s sixth fight in 2021, possibly the most for any American fighter during the pandemic. In his last fight this past July in Miami, Bailey won a 4-round unanimous decision against Mike Fowler.

“I’m a man on a mission,” Bailey explained. “I want to end the year with a 10-0, 7 knockouts record. I’ve put pressure on myself because I want to look great while winning. I’m a lot surer of myself as a professional than I was as an amateur. I’m still the same kid I was the first time I walked into the gym at an 11-year-old. I always put in overtime work that I’m not asked to do.”

Saturday night’s card will be headlined by undefeated welterweight prospect Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 Kos) od Lovre (MA), in an 8-round bout against Danny “Venado” Flores (15-24-1, 8 Kos).

In the 6-round co-featured event, undefeated welterweight prospect James “The Slim Reaper” Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), fighting out of Mansfield, Massachusetts, takes on Mexican veteran Isias Martin Cardona Gonzales (26-22, 18 Kos). Perella is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion.

Another promising prospect, Weymouth, MA junior welterweight Eric “Gladiator” Goff (3-0, 2 Kos), and Dorchester (MA) featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), a 2016 prvak Rocky Marciano turnir, will be in action in 4-round bouts versus TBAs.

Lynn (MA) light heavyweight James Perkins (5-0-1, 4 Kos) takes on Trevor Ollison (0-2-1), while pro-debuting Marcus Davidson is matched against fellow Kansan Austin Reed Ward (0-8) in a pair 4-rounders.

Undefeated ABF American West and NBA Continental champion, 23-year-old Albany (NY) welterweight RayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (13-0, 10 Kos) will headline Friday evening’s show in the 8-round lightweight match versus Uganda-native Philip “The Hunter” Adyaka (7-15, 4 Kos), who is fighting out of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Cards are subject to change.

Tickets for both shows are on sale for $95.00 (row 1), $85.00 (2ND row), $65.00 (3rd row), $55.00 (stajanje) a $45.00 (standing room). Contact any of the competing fighters to purchase tickets, limited availability at the door.

Vrata će se otvoriti u 7 pm. ET with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:30 poslije podne. ET on both evenings.

Saturday afternoon’s (2-5 poslije podne. ET.) amateur show will require a separate admission ($20.00 po osobi) on sale at the door.

Vertex Promotions presents Back-to-Back Boxing “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II & III” September 24 & 25 in Dedham, MA

BOSTON (Rujan 13, 2021) – Due to fighter demand, Vertex Promotions has added a show on Friday night, Rujan 24, the night before its previously announced “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II,” on Saturday night, Rujan 25, at Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, Massachusetts.

“Fight Night On The Charles at Mosley’s II & III”, as well as a USA Boxing-sanctioned amateur card Saturday afternoon (Sedam. 25) – 2021 New England Championshipsat the same venue, will all be hosted by Vertex Promotions.

“Coming off our successful first show on July 31st,” Vertex promoter Dave Clark said. “we decided to promote another show on September 25th at Moseley’s. There’s a lot of local talent in this region and we want to try to keep them as active as we can, but we were contacted by some many boxers who wanted to compete on our September 25th card that we are promoting back-to-back shows on consecutive nights at the same venue, Mosley On The Charles. We’re excited about ‘Fight Night on the Charles at Mosley’s II & III’ and look forward to the rare challenge of promoting two nights in a row at Mosley’s”

Undefeated ABF American West and NBA Continental champion, 23-year-old Albany (NY) welterweight RayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (13-0, 10 Kos) was scheduled to headline the originally announced Sept. 25th predstava, but he has been moved to Friday night’s main event in the 8-round lightweight match versus Uganda-native Philip “The Hunter” Adyaka (7-15, 4 Kos), who is fighting out of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
The 8-round, co-featured event finds California bantamweight Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 Kos), the former ABF Continental Americas Super Flyweight Champion, fighting and opponent to be determined. This fight will mark the first for Santomauro east of Las Vegas.
Rising prospect Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan (7-0, 7 Kos) puts his perfect pro record on the line in a 6-round Special Middleweight Attraction against Rakim Johnson (6-13-1, 5 Kos). Representing Weymouth, MA, Hogan is the reigning New Hampshire super welterweight champion, as well as a 2019 New England Golden Gloves gold medalist.

Worcester heavyweight Bryan Daniels, a 2-time New England Golden Gloves champion, faces Larry “Hit Man” Pryor (14-24, 8 Kos) in a 6-round bout, while Providence (RI) middleweight Anthony Conception (7-0-1, 6 Kos) meets Lenwood “Mr. Composure” Dozier (10-26-3, 5 Kos) in a 6-rounder.

Also scheduled to fight on the undercard, each in 4-round matches, is Malden, MA light heavyweight Alex Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Tomi Archambault (1-13, 1 KO), New Bedford, MA middleweight Drew “Tomahawk” Dwelly (2-2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Lashawn Alcocks (1-10), a 2019 Irish Elite Championship gold medalist Thomas O’Toole will make his pro debut vs. TBA.

Saturday night’s card will be headlined by undefeated welterweight prospect Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 Kos) od Lovre (MA), in an 8-round bout versus his Mexican opponent, Danny “Venado” Flores (15-24-1, 8 Kos).

Undefeated welterweight prospect James “The Slim Reaper” Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), fighting out of Mansfield, Massachusetts, throws down with another Mexican fighter, Isias Martin Cardona Gonzales (26-22, 18 Kos), in the 6-round co-featured event. The highly popular Perella is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion. The popular fighter returns in the 6-round co-featured event.

Undefeated super featherweight Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos), fighting out of Tampa (Florida), will make his New England debut against TBA in a 4-rounder. A 4-time U.S. Army and 2012 Ringside National champion, Bailey is the cousin of multiple world champion Randall Bailey.
Another promising prospect, Weymouth, MA junior welterweight Eric “Gladiator” Goff (3-0, 2 Kos), and Dorchester (MA) featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), a 2016 prvak Rocky Marciano turnir, will be in action in 4-round bouts versus TBAs.
Lynn (MA) light heavyweight James Perkins (5-0-1, 4 Kos) takes on Trevor Ollison (0-2-1) in a 4-rounder.
Cards are subject to change.

Tickets for both shows are on sale for $95.00 (row 1), $85.00 (2ND row), $65.00 (3rd row), $55.00 (stajanje) a $45.00 (standing room). Contact any of the competing fighters to purchase tickets, limited availability at the door.

Vrata će se otvoriti u 7 pm. ET with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:30 poslije podne. ET on both evenings.

Saturday afternoon’s (2-5 pm. ET.) amateur show will require a separate admission ($20.00 po osobi) on sale at the door.

Undefeated RayJay Bermudez headlines “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II” September 25 in Dedham, MA

RayJay Bermudez

BOSTON (Kolovoz 25, 2021) – Vertex Promotions has announced its second event, “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II,” on Saturday night, Rujan 25, at Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, Massachusetts.

A few of the same fighters from Vertex Promotions’ first show, Srpanj 31st at the same venue, will be in action again.

“We were very happy with the first show on July 31st,” Vertex promoter Dave Clark rekla. “Everyone there really had a great time. This show will be great as well. There’s a lot of local talent and we want to try to keep them as active as we can give fans around here a great night out.”
Undefeated ABF American West and NBA Continental champion, 23-year-old Albany (NY) velter kategorija RayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (13-0, 10 Kos) will headline the show once again in the 8-round main event,

Neporaženi velter mogućnost James “The Slim Reaper” Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), fighting out of Mansfield, Massachusetts, is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion. The popular fighter returns in the 6-round co-featured event.

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James “The Slim Reaper” Perella

(picture by Emily Harney / Fightography

Neporaženi super pero Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos), fighting out of Tampa (Florida), and unbeaten Lawrence (MA) junior velter Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 Kos) are slated to be in 6-round bouts. Bailey is a 4-time U.S. Army and 2012 Ringside National champion, as well as the cousin of multiple world champion Randall Bailey.

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Daniel Bailey

Dorchester (MA) perolaka kategorija Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), a 2016 prvak Rocky Marciano turnir, and Lynn (MA) light heavyweight James Perkins (5-0-1, 4 Kos) are scheduled to be in 4-rounders.

Other returning fighters from Vertex Promotions’ inaugural event include Boston welterweight James Murrin (1-0), Malden (MA) mlađi lagana Alex Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) in 4-round matches.

Opponents will soon be announced. Fighters subject to change.

Tickets will go on sale soon for $95.00 (row 1), $85.00 (2ND row), $65.00 (3rd row), $55.00 (stajanje) a $45.00 (standing room).
Vrata će se otvoriti u 7 pm. ET with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:30 poslije podne. I.


Boxing saved the life of Two-Division World Champion “El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Lipanj 4, 2020) – Like many boxers, Svjetski prvak dva podjela “El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera credits boxing for saving his life.

“Absolutely,” Rivera agreed. “After my mom passed away when I was 10 godina star, I gave up on life and my decision-making reflected that: hanging around with the wrong crowd including gang members, consuming alcohol between the ages of 10 and 15. I was definitely going in the wrong direction.

“I never thought I had a future until I started boxing. It’s hard to say what I’d be doing if I had never boxed, but by the way I was living, I’d probably be in jail or dead by now.”

Born in Philadelphia, Rivera lived in Puerto Rico and Springfield, MA, prior to him moving to Worcester, MA, where he met a man who helped change his lifeCarlos Garcia, who was in charge of a special boxing program at the Worcester Boys & djevojke Klub.

Rivera had started boxing at the age of 14 ½ in a basement with his friendFelix Lopez.  He had fallen in love with boxing after watchingRoberto Duran upset“Sugar” Ray Leonard in their first fight. The young Puerto Rican-American specifically used his amateur boxing experience to prepare for the professional ranks. Garcia, who is in the National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame, put him in a novice match after only one amateur fight in order to put Rivera on the fast track, because he understood that Rivera dreamed of becoming a world champion as a professional. Rivera finished with a 35-15 amaterski rekord, highlighted by a bronze medal performance at the PAL Nationals.

“I never had big amateur aspirations but, naravno, I wanted to win every fight I competed in,” Rivera said. “Once I didn’t qualify for the Olympic Trials, my plan was to turn pro. I didn’t know how much the amateurs would groom me to be a successful professional boxer. I’m glad I listened to my coaches, otherwise I would have turned pro earlier, because I would get frustrated with the politics of the amateurs. I hated losing, but I hated losing even more when I knew that I should have won. After three years together (with Garcia) in the amateurs and gaining a great wealth of experience traveling all over New England, the country and even fighting in Canada, I saw all types of styles and talented boxers that helped me as a pro. Carlos is like a father figure to me and during all of our training and travels, he was always in my head, building me up to become a good boxer, but also to help me become a better man.”

Studenog 7, 1992, Rivera made his pro debut, premlaćivanjaFrancisco Mercedes in the second round. He went on to win his first 23 pro botovi, including the Massachusetts State welterweight title in 1995. His first pro loss was to veteran Philadelphia fighterWillie Wise (20-3-4), who won a controversial 10-round split decision at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Rivera had proven that he was more than a prospect in his first loss, losing a close decision (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) to an opponent that upset Mexican iconJulio Cesar Chavez (102-3-2) only three years later.

Showing the same resiliency that stayed with Rivera his entire career, two fights later Rivera stoppedGilberto Flores in two rounds to capture the International Boxing Organization (IBO) world welterweight championship. Rivera extended his new win streak to seven, before losing back to back fights. Four fights later, iako, Rivera registered his first statement victory in 2001, premlaćivanjaFrankie Randall (55-10-1) u 10th round to retain his North American Boxing Association (Također) crown in his first defense.

Now promoted by legendary Don King, Rivera traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in September 2003 to Germany, where few Americans were able to win. Rivera proved early that he meant business, dropping previously undefeatedMichel Trabant in the second round en route to winning a 12-round majority decision for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA).  His reign, međutim, didn’t last long. In his first defense, Rivera lost a 12-round split decision at home in Worcester to challengerLuis Collazo (24-1)

Rivera moved up one weight class for his next fight, showing the resiliency that was a staple during his career for his next fight, also at home, against WBA junior middleweight World championAlexandro Garcia (25-1).

In his next fight and first defense of his third world title, Rivera was stopped for the first time in his pro career, by new champTravis Simms (24-0), and then he was knocked out byDaniel Santos (24-0) in round eight of their WBA junior middleweight title eliminator.

Rivera retired in 2008 only to make a comeback in 2001, after which he retired again until returning for two fights in Worcester to complete his pro career with 50 borbe, the last coming at the age of 46.

“Jose’s USA Boxing experiences shaped him into the man of character he is today, unutar i izvan ringa,", Rekao jeChris tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “He took the road less traveled for a world champion, and in doing so he showcased his toughness and perseverance that made him a great example for today’s USA Boxers.”

SAD Boks Alumni Association

Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotnog, obostrano korisnih odnosa između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.

SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Članovi imaju pristup za široku paletu posebnih događaja čiji je domaćin bio Alumni Association, uključujući njegova godišnja SAD Boks Alumni udruga Hall of Fame recepciji.

Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati naalumni@usaboxing.org za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.

Rivera was a true working world champion. Few world champions also had full-time jobs during their title reigns. Rivera used vacation time, as well as personal and sick days, when he went to training camp for some of his major fights.

“I always had a good work ethic growing up,” he explained. “When I moved to Worcester at 16 godina star, I lived by myself: school, work, and then to the Boys & Girls Club to train. I kept the same work ethic I had at 19 when I turned pro. I became a father at 20, so providing for my family was essential. Although it was hard, I knew boxing wasn’t going to last forever, and I was lucky enough to find a good job working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Courts. It made for long days when I was training, especially when I was fighting for or defending my world championships. In the end, iako, keeping my job was the best decision I could have made for me and my family.”

Rivera. who was an Associate Court Officer for years and promoted last year to Assistant Chief Court Officer, is still involved in boxing. He and his oldest sonA.J. Rivera, own and operate a boxing promotional company, Rivera Promotions Entertainment, to give young fighters in his area opportunities to fight more often and at home. Jose occasionally drops by the Boys & Girls Club to visit his former coaches, Garcia andRocky Gonzalez, to support their young talent. He also goes to his friendKendrick Ball’s gym, Camp Be Right, to give young fighters there a few tips and to keep in shape (not for another comeback).

Jose Antonio Rivera will be best known for his toughness and determination, which led him into a different life, including three world championships and a wonderful life he never would have enjoyed.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  Misija SAD-boksu moraju biti omogućiti sportašima i trenerima SAD-a za postizanje održive konkurentske izvrsnosti, razviti karakter, podržavaju sport boks, te promicati i razvijati olimpijski stil boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama. Odgovornost SAD boksu nije samo proizvoditi olimpijsko zlato, ali i nadgledati i upravljati svaki aspekt amaterskog boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama.

Unhappy birthday coming up for undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz

WORCESTER, Misa. (Travanj 15, 2020) – Even in his wildest dreams, undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World lightweight championJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz (13-0, 7 Kos) never could have ever imagined that his 24th rođendan, later this month, would fall smack in the middle of a worldwide health pandemic

When he turns 24 travnja 28th, Ortiz figured he’d be preparing for training camp with a spring fight date set, likely defending his WBC Youth World title of fighting for a regional belt of some sort.

He certainly didn’t think boxing would be banned around the world, gyms closed by a state mandate, and people wearing facemasks and plastic gloves like they’re in a Sci-Fi movie. A, to boot, his job as a licensed carpenter ended closed shop last Friday. Like everybody else in the Bay State.

Ortiz is basically self-quarantined at home, although he’s still running, trening, eating well and doing everything else to maintain decent shape. Not elite boxing shape, iako, which simply isn’t possible under these restrictive and trying times.

Instead of sparring, he’s shadow boxing, jumping rope has replaced pad-work with his trainersRocky Gonzalez aCarlos Garcia, and now his living room serves as histeretana.

Times have been dramatically altered, doista, even celebrating birthdays, which Jamaine fully understands and accepts.

“I don’t think my birthday will be any different,” Ortiz said. “I usually spend it alone with my mother and daughter (4-year-old Amira) and this year probably won’t be any different. I won’t be able to get in a whole bunch of sparring rounds that I usually ask for (smijeha) as presents from some of my friends.“

Srećom, iako, Ortiz was able to fight this past February 28 in his first action in six months, headlining a CES Boxing-promoted card at home in Worcester, Massachusetts, in which he registered an impressive second-round stoppage of Mexican knockout specialist“Loco” Luis Ronaldo Castillo (22-6, 17 Kos), a former WBC FECOMBOX lightweight champion.

Ortiz, presently rated No. 16 by the North American Boxing Federation (NABF), aspires to attend medical school after he hangs up his gloves for good, to become a doctor/researcher. He reads a lot about medicine, especially holistic treatments, and he believes that he may have already had the coronavirus.

“Five weeks before my last fight,” he explained, “I was in the hospital with a temperature of 104.5. Just about everybody I knew was sick, my grandmother had pneumonia. I never really get sick. I had a flu shot for seven years without an issue. I developed a cough, too. I felt like I was going to die. I can’t say with certainty I had coronavirus (there was no test available then), but I feel like I may have had it.”

Ortiz will be ready for the night the ring bell will finally sound again. “I hope to be fighting again in July or August, ali, no matter when boxing returns, I’ll be ready to go.

“This is a serious, contagious disease. People should use common sense: wash your hands, stay separated by six feet, and stay at home, especially the elderly and people with respiratory problems. Don’t take any unnecessary risks or panic, either. This isn’t the end of the world!"

Decorated U.S. amateur boxer Angel Gonzalez, Jr. to make pro debut on “Fight Night In Framingham” card

Fighting Life charity event,

 Ožujak 20th at Sheraton Hotel

FRAMINGHAM, Misa. (Ožujak 4, 2020) – The long-awaited professional debut of decorated amateurAngel Gonzalez, Jr. will take place Friday night, Ožujak 20, on the “Fight Night In Framingham” card, presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP), at Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts.

“Fight Night In Framingham”, the first pro boxing event ever in Framingham, is being held for the benefit ofFighting Lifean after-school youth boxing and academic empowerment program, available 100-percent free of charge, to students beginning in elementary school through high school education.

Gonzalez hasn’t fought in three years, since he moved from his native Hartford, CT to Florida. “It took me a while to settle in after I moved to Florida,” Gonzalez explained. “I’ve been going to a gym and now I’m on track and coming back to turn pro. I have the talent for bigger and better things.”

The 26-year-olldf super flyweight had a 45-6 amaterski rekord, highlighted by three New England Golden Gloves, two Ringside National and 2014 National PAL championships.

The problem for Gonzalez, iako, is finding appropriate opponents, especially where he was a standout amateur. Right now, he’s still without a signed opponent, largely because there are so few 115-pound boxers in America outside of California and the Southwest. “Most super flyweights are from Mexico, Japan, or other foreign countries,” Gonzalez said. “It doesn’t matter to me who I fight. I can slug or box, depending on my opponent. If he’s taller, I’ll fight on the inside; if shorter, I’ll box from the outside. I’ll adjust to my opponent. My best punch is my right. It’s solid and deadly.”

“I’ve offered this fight to guys with 5 za 10 fights and after consideration,” promoterChuck Shearns explained, “they have declined to fight Angel. These lower weight classes can be hard enough to match, never mind against Angel. What you find is that these smaller guys need to step up their competition earlier than other weight classes, because it’s simply a smaller pool of fighters. We will see what Angel has very early in his career.”

Two unbeaten pro “graduates” of the Fighting Life Boxing Program, super featherweightsTimmy Ramos (5-0-2, 5 Kos) aNelson “Chino” Perez (2-0, 2 Kos), će biti u akciji, odnosno,  in the main event and co-featured event.

Ramos, fighting out of Framingham, was a two-time New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. He is in the 6-round, main event against superCarlos Marrero, III (2-3-1), od Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Perez, who comes from nearby Marlboro, MA, is another New England Golden Gloves champion, who will be fighting Indianapolis lightweightDeWayne Mudrost (7-52-2, 3 Kos) in the 6-round. supredstavljeni događaj. Perez faces

Boston heavyweightTracey Johnson (4-7-6), whose brother is past Olympian and reigning WBO super middleweight championDemetrius Andrade, licaLarry “Hitman” Pryor (11-22-5, 5 Kos) in a 6-round bout.

Albania-born super middleweightKastriot “Slaughterhouse” Xhema, fighting out of Greenwich, CT, makes his pro boxing debut against Framingham favorite, Brazilian-bornŠaul "Pauk" Almeida (0-10-3, 20-11 u MMA) in a 4-round battle of mixed-martial-arts fighters.

Revere, MA super middleweight Jarel “Sandman” Pemberton (3-0, 1 KO), also a past New England Golden Gloves champion, lica Leandro Silva (2-3, 2 Kos) in a 4-rounder.

Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round matches, is Southbridge, MA welterweightWilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan (6-1, 3 Kos) vs.Tyrone “Hands of Stone” Luckey (9-12-4, 7 Kos),  Worcester, MA super featherweightAndino Ranse (1-1) vsHenry Garcia (0-5-1), of New Bedford, MA.

Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.

Cijene ulaznica su $75,.00 ring (redaka 1-3), $60.00 (sjedi), $45.00 standing room, and VIP tables (od 10) za $1000.00 and may be purchasedOVDJE, at UpperKuts gym, or from any of the local fighters on the card.

Vrata se otvaraju u 6:30 poslije podne. I, Prva borba na 7 poslije podne. I.

Street Light Ventures is the presenting sponsor. Other sponsors include Bernardi Auto Group, East Coast Herbalist, Tecate, Ashwood Advisors LLC and A Affordable Insurance.



Cvrkut: @ShearnsBoxing, @UpperKutsBoxing@sheratonframingham

Instagram: @ShearnsBoxingPromotions, @Upperkuts_boxing_club, @sheratonframingham