Arkivji Tag: Massachusetts

Ċentrali New England (akbar Lowell) 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Second preliminary round results from Lowell

Għal Rilaxx immedjat
LOWELL, Massa. (Jannar 16, 2016) – The Central New England (akbar Lowell) preliminary-round of the 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship concluded last night at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium with 12 second-round matches in the novice class.
Knockouts (4) and shutout decisions were the theme last night as the large crowd really got into the exciting action, particularly the explosive knockout performances by Methuen (MA) middleweight Yamarco Guzman and Franklin (MA) heavyweight Jared Gately.
The quarterfinals, featuring open and novice class matches, will be held il-ġimgħa d-dieħla lejl (Jan. 22) fil Lowell Memorial Awditorju. Ara l-sħiħ 2016 schedule below as well as last night’s results.
$70 for ’70A special offer to celebrate the 70th edition of the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship is available to purchase: $70.00 season ticket (7 remaining events) in the balcony. Li tixtri jsejħu l-uffiċċju kaxxa Lowell Memorial Awditorju fil1.866.722.8881 or order online at Individual event tickets are also available to purchase for $17.00, $15.00 jew $12.00.
Rikavat mill-Karitajiet Lowell Sun Ingwanti Golden Kampjonat imorru lejn jibgħat il Ingwanti ċampjins New England Golden għall-Ingwanti Nazzjonali Golden Kampjonat (2016 in Salt Lake City, Utah), minbarra li jappoġġja atleti lokali u gyms żona, is-subien & bniet Club, kċejjen soppa, xelters bla dar, fondi kanċer, boroż ta 'studju u ħafna kawżi oħra ta' karità kbira.
Official Results
(winner listed first each match)
Novice Division
Lightweights (132 lbs.)
Jacob Solomon (Brookline, MA – Il-Ring)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Fabio D’Ambrosio (Revere, MA – Somerville Boxing)
Stephanie Khan (Brighton, MA – Il-Ring)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Jen Almeida (Wilmington, MA – Jim McNally’s)
Nathan Rosa (Lowell – West End)
WTKO3 (0:26)
Richard Tosi (Wakefield, MA – MK Boxing)
Kenny Larson (Salem, MA – Somerville Boxing)
WTKO2 (2:00)
Joshua Wood (Lowell, MA – West End)
Yamarco Guzman (Methuen, MA – Canal Street)
WTKO1 (0:43)
Cusaj Thomas (Chestnut Hill, MA – Nonantum Boxing)
Sean McDonough (Milton, MA – TNT Boxing)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Brandon Brunell (Southbridge, MA – The Club by George Foreman)
Peter Maher (Korsa, MA – Somerville Boxing)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Adrian Gedney (Gloucester, MA – Gloucester,Boxing)
Heavyweights DAWL (178 lbs.)
Justin Deflumeri, (Merrimack, NH – Nashua PAL)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Abdul Morelly (Providence, RI – Union Street Boxing)
Joseph DaSilva (Gloucester, MA – Gloucester Boxing)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Daniel McNamara (Allston, MA – Boston Boxing)
Heavyweights (201 lbs.)
Jared Gately (Franklin, MA – Peter Welch’s)
WTKO3 (0:10)
Zachary Calmus (Gloucester – Redline Fight Sports)
Ryan Brooks (Weymouth, MA – Grealish Boxing)
Floran Kacaku (Malden, MA – Redline Fight Sports)
Shane Begin (Brighton, MA – Nonantum Boxing)
WDEC3 (5-0)
James Anderson (Dorchester, MA – Dorchester Boxing Club)
70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Lowell Memorial Awditorju – 6:30 p.m. bibien miftuħa, 7:30 p.m. ewwel bout)
Ċentrali New England (akbar Lowell)
Open & Novice Quarterfinal RoundIl-ġimgħa, Jan. 22
Open & Novice Klassi semifinali, C.N.E. – Il-Ħamis, Jan. 28
Open & Novice Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 4
New England Tournament tal Champions
Novice Klassi semifinali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 11
Novice Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Frar. 18
Open Klassi semifinali – L-Erbgħa, Frar. 24
Miftuħa Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 25
Tournament Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Direttur ta 'kontestanti: Art Ramalho
Kap ta 'Uffiċjali: Lauri Purcell
ring announcer: john Vena
Post: Lowell Memorial Awditorju, 50 Merrimack St, Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves
KUNTATT: Bob Trieger, ISTAMPA Full Qorti, 978.590.0470,, @FightPublicist
ABOUT LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: Stabbilita fl 1947, Lowell Sun Charities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enrich the quality of life for children, families, and the community, offering programs that promote respect and dignity. Rooted in a tradition of care and compassion, Lowell Sun Charities was originally founded to respond to the ever-increasing challenges of the community. 2016 marks the 70th year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, Massachusetts.
Lowell Sun Charities is a community program that not only makes champions in the ring but also makes champions in life. Every year these young athletes devote themselves to a sport which teaches discipline, respect, and clean lifestyle for a chance to win a prestigious Golden Gloves Championship.


Aktar! Unbeaten Jonathan Guzman Jieħu Fuq Il Danny Aquino eċċitanti & Featherweights Ryan Kielczweski & Rafael Vasquez jikkonfliġġu
Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA!
LOWELL, MA. (Settembru 11, 2015) – Popular Massachusetts’ welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos) jieħu s Brooklyn Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos), fi rematch 10-round tagħhom 2011 bout mirbuħa minn Bracero, bħala l-avveniment ewlieni tal Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBCSN IS-SIBT, Ottubru 10 mill-Awditorju Lowell Memorial fil Lowell, Massachusetts b'kopertura fuq it-televiżjoni li tibda fl 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT.
The evening’s co-main event will feature undefeated super featherweight knockout artist Jonathan Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos) battling brawler eċċitanti Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos) fi bout 10-round u jogħlew prospett lokali Ryan “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos) jieħu l-eċċitanti Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) fi bout featherweight.
“Jien eċċitati li jiġġieldu fil-bini bi storja boxing kbira bħall-Lowell Memorial Awditorju,” qal O'Connor. “I rebaħ il-Golden Ingwanti hemm u I ma jistgħux jistennew għall-ġlieda kontra hemmhekk mill-ġdid. Jien ukoll eċċitati li jpattuha-ewwel telf tiegħi kontra Gabriel Bracero. Jien hekk lesti għal dan!”
“Din hija ġlieda enormi għalija u l-karriera tiegħi,” Said Bracero. “I biss setgħu ħasbu wieħed fil-moħħ tiegħi u li l-rebħa. Danny huwa avversarju iebsa u fuq Streak rebbieħa dritt issa. Il- "Tito aħjar’ Bracero will be there Ottubru 10. I taħbit Danny qabel u I pjan biex jagħmlu dan mill-ġdid, fil arrière tiegħu, saħansitra aktar konvinċenti. My best days are still ahead of me and you will see that come Ottubru 10.”
I’m excited for the Ottubru 10 PBC on NBC Sports Net from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium,” qal Lou DiBella, President tal DiBella Entertainment. “Tliet tissielet kollha tat-televiżjoni huma matchups super kompetittivi mal-eżiti fil dubju. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, Danny O'Connor Boston se rematch ma Gabriel Bracero Brooklyn f'tentattiv biex jpattuha telf deċiżjoni qrib. Undefeated zgħir featherweight junior Jonathan Guzman se jippruvaw iżommu rekord tiegħu perfetta kontra konkorrent perikolużi Danny Aquino. Il bout ftuħ karatteristiċi oħra 50/50-tip matchup kif Ryan Quincy tal "Il-Prinċep Pollakk’ Kielczweski tiffaċċja hard-ippanċjar, -dinja kklassifikati Rafael Vazquez minn Brooklyn.”
Il-belt ta 'Lowell huwa wieħed rikka fl-istorja boxing u hija l-Hometown ta' Massachusetts leġġenda u tlett darbiet Ġlieda tal-parteċipant Sena “Irlandiż” Micky Ward. “Huwa ta 'unur li jkollhom din il-ġlieda jiġri fil Hometown tiegħi,” qal Ward. “Danny O'Connor hija tant lest għal din l-opportunità. Huwa ffokat bħal Stajt qatt lilu qabel.”
Parti mill-istorja Lowell tal-boksing fond huma l-Hall futur tal Famers li ġġieldu fil-belt bħala dilettanti, Inklużi Rocky Marciano, Zokkor Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson &Marvellous Marvin Hagler.
“Ftuħ ta 'ġlieda kbira li Lowell huwa inkredibbli,” qal Ken Casey, Fundatur tal Murphys Boxing, “Lowell huwa tali belt ġlieda kbira u huwa Hometown Micky Ward. Għal Danny O'Connor li jkollhom l-opportunità li jpattuha-ewwel telf tiegħu fil arrière tiegħu stess ma 'fannijiet kollha tiegħu cheering lilu fuq se tkun sit biex tara.”
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $125, $85, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Student speċjali, veteran u l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti anzjani wkoll disponibbli. Għall-biljetti żjara
A Golden Nazzjonali Ingwanti champion li stinka bħala pro peress 2008, O'Connorgets ċans li jpattuha telfa tiegħu biex Bracero meta kwadru off Ottubru 10. 30-il sena huwa ġejjin off fi tliet rebħiet eliminatorja dritta fuq Michael Clark, Andrew Farmer u Chris Gilbert. Il-ġlieda kontra minn Framingham, Massachusetts, O'Connor qed tfittex li timpressjona fi ġlieda fuq terf dar tiegħu.
Bracero rebaħ disa 'dmirijietu 11 tissielet peress jisfratta O'Connor fil 2011 u jittama li jara repetizzjoni ta 'dak l-prestazzjoni fuq Ottubru 10. Il-ġlieda kontra minn Brooklyn, l 34-il sena tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Dmitry Salita, Pavel Miranda u Jermaine White. Hu se jkunu għaddejjin fit-territorju unfriendly għall-ewwel ġlieda pro tiegħu f'Massachusetts.
Sid ta 'perċentwali eliminatorja perfetta, Guzman jistenna li jibnu off ta aħħar tliet tissielet tiegħu, knockouts kollha li ġejjin fir-reġjun New England. Imwieled fl Santo Domingo, Ir-Repubblika Dominikana, l-ġlied 26-il sena minn Lawrence, Massachusetts qed tiffaċċja l-isfida aktar ħorox tal-karriera tiegħu u se tfittex li jagħmlu marka tiegħu bħala konkorrent 122-lira.
Il Aquino 25-il sena għamlet-trade mark tiegħu b'rebħa hard ġġieldu matul il Kielczweski qabel undefeated f'April u prospetti lejn New England fit-tamiet ta 'teħid down prospett unbeaten ieħor. Imwieled fil-Messiku, Aquino tissielet minn Meriden Connecticut u jippossjedi rebħiet fuq Jhon Alberto Molina u Coy Evans u se jittamaw li jagħmilha tliet jirbaħ fir-ringiela fuq Ottubru 10.
A runner-up fil- 2008 Golden Glove nazzjonali tournament, l Kielczweski 25-il sena saret ġlied staple fl-istat tiegħu ta 'Massachusetts. Mwielda u mrobbija fil Quincy, huwa marret lura mill-ewwel telfa tiegħu li jagħti l-ewwel eliminatorja round fuq Anthony Napunyi Mejju. Sfida oħra iebsa jistenna “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” kif hu jistenna li jipprova tiegħu jiswew titolu dinja.
Vazquez Brooklyn żamm skeda busy fil 2015 u se terġa 'lura għall-ħames ġlieda tiegħu din is-sena meta hu isfidi Kielczweski. Filwaqt li l-Vazquez 37-il sena hija kklassifikati ħafna fil-klassifiki dinja fuq in-numru sebgħa u qed tfittex opportunità titolu dinja, fama u glorja mhumiex prijoritajiet ewlenin tiegħu. Ma 'bint autistic u mara dijanjostikati bil-kanċer ċervikali, Vazquez tissielet għall-familja tiegħu. Getting bidu tard għall boxing, Vazquez, li tilfu żewġ ġenituri tiegħu f'età bikrija u imġarrab stint fil-ħabs bħala żgħażagħ wayward, daru pro f'Settembru 2010. Huwa minħabba li donat porzjonijiet ta 'portmonijiet tiegħu għar-riċerka awtiżmu, filwaqt li żżomm ukoll fundraisers biex jgħinu nżidu l-għarfien.
# # #
Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @DiBellaEnt, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /



Plus Undefeated Javier Fortuna Battles Bryan Vazquez

In Undercard Action

Undercard Bouts To Support Andre Dirrell vs. James DeGale

Super Middleweight Showdown

BOSTON (Mejju 8, 2015) – Heavyweights dawl Eċċitanti Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos)u Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) enter the ring on IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 in Boston as part of a special Memorial Day weekend edition of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC.


The live PBC on NBC event starts at 4:30 p.m. U/1:30 p.m. PT and goes until 6:00 pm. U / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. U/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. U/4:00 p.m. PT.


Further undercard action pits a pair of dangerous junior lightweights as Javier Fortuna(27-0-1, 20 Kos) u Bryan Vazquez (34-1, 18 Kos)do battle at Boston University’s Agganis Arena. These undercard bouts will support the super middleweight contest between Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) u James DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos).


I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity to be on this great card,” Said Rodriguez. “I will show the world and all the top light heavyweights, especially Kovalev, Stevenson and Fonfara, that I am a force to be reckoned with by taking Craig Baker’s undefeated record in an entertaining fashion.


I’m well prepared to seize the opportunity that this fight presents,” said Baker. “A win fuq Mejju 23 puts me closer to a world title fight and I’ve only dreamed of actually accomplishing something that big. I’ve seen Rodriguez in action before and he’s a good fighter, but I’m working to be in great condition so that I can put on a show for the fight fans in Boston. We’re having a great camp and making major accomplishments, things should be pretty interesting.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets will be available Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000.


Dilettant mwettqa li rebaħ 2006 Golden Ingwanti nazzjonali midalja tad-deheb u 2005 U.S. Kampjonat Nazzjonali midalja tad-deheb, l-29-il sena Rodriguez enters this fight as the winner of his last two bouts. Born in the Dominican Republic but fighting out of nearby Worcester, Massa., Rodriguez’s lone loss came to undefeated star Andre Ward in 2013 u hu tippossjedi rebħiet fuq ġellieda ilu ma jitlef qabel Will Rosinsky, Jason Escalera u Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna.


An undefeated fighter who turned pro in 2008, Baker enters this fight having stopped his last four opponents inside the distance. The 31-year-old took home victories over Anthony Greeley and Sergio Cordoba in 2014 and kicked off 2015 by knocking out Umberto Savigne. Fighting out of his hometown of Baytown, Texas, Baker will look for a big victory as he takes a step up in competition.


Undefeated and owner of a 4-0 record in 2014, 25-il sena Fortune is a prospect on the rise looking to make an impression on Mejju 23. After a split draw decision against Luis Franco in 2013, he has bounced back to win five straight fights. Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Fortuna owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Roman and Patrick Hyland.


A former world title challenger whose only loss came to Takashi Uchiyama in 2012,Vazquez comes into this fight on an impressive five fight-winning streak. The 27-year-old began his career with 29 wins and has recently added victories over Sergio Thompson, Jose Feliz Jr. and Rene Gonzalez. Fighting out of Costa Rica, Vazquez has a big chance for a signature victory on May 23.


* * *


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at,,, Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC





Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ Issa!

BOSTON (April 21, 2015) – A Memorial Day weekend showdown takes center stage when Olympic stars battle it out as 2004 Bronze medalist for the United States Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) jissodisfa 2008 Gold medalist for Great Britain James DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a super middleweight bout as Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC comes to Boston on IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 live on NBC and NBCSN.

Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 p.m. U/1:30 p.m. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 pm. U / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. U/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. U/4:00 p.m. PT.

“Jien lest għal din il-ġlieda,” Said Dirrell. “I’m so happy and honored to be fighting on NBC for a world title against a worthy opponent in James DeGale.

We are almost there, fuq Mejju 23 it’s my time to make history as the first Briton to win an Olympic gold medal and a world title,” said DeGale. “I’m excited about coming to the U.S for this fight, Boston is a great city and I will be bringing plenty of support from the UK. It’s been a frustrating period waiting for my shot but now it’s here and no one is taking it away from me.

I’m thrilled to bring Premier Boxing Champions to the Agganis Arena at Boston University on Mejju 23,” qal Lou DiBella, President tal DiBella Entertainment. “Holiday fireworks will begin IS-SIBT afternoon when America’s skilled technician and Olympic bronze medalist Andre Dirrell takes on Britain’s Olympic gold medalist James DeGale for the world super middleweight championship. The card will also feature strong co-featured and undercard bouts, including Boston, New England and Irish title contenders.

An amateur standout who won two U.S. Dilettanti Kampjonati tad-Dinja minbarra midalja Olimpika Bronż tiegħu, the 31-year-old Dirrell looks to keep up his recent win streak when he battles DeGale on Mejju 23. A winner of his last six fights, Dirrell’s only blemish on his record is a split decision loss to Carl Froch in 2009. L-ġlied barra mill Flint, Michigan holds victories over Arthur Abraham and Curtis Stevens.

Twieled f'Londra, DeGale won a Commonwealth Championship Bronze medal in 2006 and an Olympic Gold medal in 2008. The 29-year-old turned pro in 2009 u rebaħ l-ewwel tiegħu 10 starts while ending eight of those opponents within the distance. Telf biss Tiegħu daħal fis 2011 when he lost to fellow countryman George Groves by a narrow majority decision. Since then he has won 10-straight bouts including his most recent victory over Marco Antonio Periban.

PBC and DiBella Entertainment are proud to be working in association with Ken Casey and his Murphys Boxing on this event. The Dropkick Murphys front man has been on the front lines of the boxing resurgence in Boston.

Boston deserves to have big time fight cards like this. We have rabid boxing fans and a ton of talented world class fighters, many of which will be featured on Mejju 23,” said Casey.

Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets will be available Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000.

Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at,,, Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC

Mendon Twin Drive-In to show UFC 186 this Saturday night

MENDON, Massa. (April 20, 2015) – The newly renovated Mendon Twin Drive-In will be a closed circuit site for this Saturday night’s UFC 186 from historic Bell Centre in Montreal. Mendon Twin Drive-In ( tinsab fil 35 Milford St. in Mendon, MA.


Tickets may be purchased at the Mendon Twin Drive-In gate the day of the event only (gates open at 6 p.m. U), or in advance by going on line at Regular admission is $25.00 per car (maximum of six per vehicle) bi $50.00 VIP ticket per car available that includes priority parking and a weekday drive-in pass. People may watch the UFC 186 action from their car or sit at Pop’s Beer Garden.



To the first 100 cars from the Blackstone Valley area (driver’s ID required)



I’m excited to show some of the best conditioned and skilled athletes in the world live on one of the biggest screens in New England,” Mendon Twin Drive-In co-owner Dave Andelman qal.


Preliminary bouts start at 6:30 p.m. U with the main card fights commencing at10 p.m. U. World Flyweight Champion Demetrius “Mighty Mouse” Johnson (21-2-1), Do Mhux. 3 in the UFC pound-for-pound ratings, headlines the main card in a title defense against No. 8 konkorrent Kyoji Horiguchi (15-1-0).


Also fighting on the main card is middleweight Michael “The CountBisping(26-7-0) vs. CBThe DobermanDollaway (16-7-0), heavyweight dawl Fabio Maldonado (22-7-0) vs. Steve Bosse (10-1-0), John “Il Bull” Makdessi(12-3-0) vs. Shane Campbell (11-2-0) at a 160-pound catch-weight, u bantamweight Yves “Tiger” Jabouin (20-9-0) vs. Thomas “Thominhas” Almeida (18-0-0).

Follow on Twitter @Mendondrivein.


Welterweight Prospect, "Speedy’ Rashidi Ellis se ġlieda din is-Sibt għal żewġ ċinturini fil Caguas, Puerto Rico

Ex star dilettanti, "Speedy’ Rashidi Ellis ( 13-0, 10 Tal-KO ) minn Lynn, Massachusetts ser jirritorna għall-ring din is-Sibt, 14 Mar fil-Roger L. Mendoza Coliseum fil Caguas, Puerto Rico. Avversarju tiegħu se jkun Kolumbjan, Victor Gonzalez ( 12-9, 11 Tal-KO ) fi bout 8 round, iskeda għall-vacants WBA FedeCaribe, u WBC titoli welterweight Latino.
“Jien lest li jieħu dawk it-titoli lil Puerto Rico u Massachusetts. Ninsab tassew grat ma 'nies Rika tiegħi Puerto, u l-fannijiet jistgħu jistennew gwerra kontra ġellied Kolumbjan hard laqtu. It-taħriġ bl-coach tiegħi Alex Rivera kien kbir, u aħna fiduċjużi ħafna”, Rashidi ikkummenta Ellis, li tlieta li jmiss ser jingħaqdu kamp ta 'taħriġ Manny Pacquiao fiż-Gym Wild Card bħala wieħed mill-imsieħba sparring tiegħu.
L-avveniment huwa promoss permezz Promozzjonijiet Miguel Cotto u ROC Nazzjon Sports.
Fl-aħħar bout tiegħu fuq Novembru 14, Ellis outboxed, u defeated via ħames eliminatorja round, veteran tought, Joseph De los Santos ( 18-14-9 Tal-KO ) mir-Repubblika Dominikana b'mod 6 bout round fil-diviżjoni middleweight junior saret f'San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ellis, li fuq punt wieħed tal-karriera dilettanti tiegħu boxing ġiet ikklassifikata numru wieħed fil-diviżjoni welterweight (152 liri) fl-Istati Uniti, spiċċajna bi 'rekord ta' 60-11, li inkluda:
-2012 PAL Nazzjonali (Pulizija atletiċi League) Champion-Tliet time New England Golden Ingwanti Champion

-Rocky Marciano Dilettanti Boxing Tournament Champion

-Midalja tal-fidda fil-Cup Indipendenti fir-Repubblika Dominikana

Ellis ġej minn familja ta 'boxers. Brother anzjani tiegħu, Ronald “Akeem” huwa prospett undefeated middleweight super. Oħtu, Rashida, huwa 2012 Champion PAL, u popolari rebħa midalja għall-U.S. Nisa` i Boxing Team fil- 2016 Olimpjadi tas-Sajf.