标记档案: 马萨诸塞州

亚历山大·洛佩斯继续战斗 “海湾之战” 争取再获得一次世界冠军机会

这个星期六 昆西的夜晚, 嘛
亚历山大·洛佩斯 (L) 为再夺一个世界冠军而奋斗
(照片由 Takfoto.com 提供)

昆西, 质量. (七月 31, 2017) – 周六 夜晚, 八月 5, 三届世界冠军挑战赛 亚历山大·洛佩斯 (17-4-2, 1 KO) 正在挑战前世界超轻量级冠军 丽莎·加兰 (15-7-1, 8 科斯) 在为期八轮的联合赛事中 “海湾之战” 卡, 主要是为了更好地定位自己,争取最终的世界冠军头衔.

“海湾之战” 卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 将在昆西滨海湾体育中心举行, 马萨诸塞州.
前新英格兰. 次中量级冠军 德里克·西尔维拉 (12-1, 6 科斯), 塞勒姆战斗 (嘛), 将满足前世界冠军挑战者 迈克尔· “冷血” 克拉克 (44-16-1, 18 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件.
波兰人洛佩斯 (17-4-2, 1 KO), 马什菲尔德的战斗 (嘛), 是一名 37 岁的律师,在布罗克顿执业 (嘛). 她失去了一双空缺的世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 波兰超次中量级冠军争夺战, 瑞典人在瑞典. 去年九月, 洛佩斯在 10 回合判定中落败 埃娃·皮亚特科夫斯卡 (9-1) 在波兰; 她在瑞典放弃了 10 轮多数决定 米凯拉·劳伦 (22-3) 在 2014. 在 2013, 洛佩斯在罗德岛州以 10 回合一致判定输给 托里·纳尔逊 (6-0-3) 为空缺的国际拳击协会 (IBA) 世界次中量级冠军.
洛佩斯的亮点’ 8 半年职业生涯, 迄今, 是她10轮完全封杀 (100-90 X 3) 决定胜利, 七月 30, 2016, 到 西尔维娅·萨格巴多斯 (13-6) 普利茅斯 (嘛) 争夺空缺的WBC银牌女子次中量级王冠. 洛佩斯还击败过世界冠军 伊冯·雷斯卡利李嘉欣.
洛佩斯 vs. 加兰对冠军争夺战的影响. “我想为自己再一次争取世界冠军做好准备,” 洛佩斯说. “我仍在学习每一场战斗,但我还没有达到我的平台期. 加兰经验丰富, 只要我还在战斗,她就一直存在. 我不能输掉这场战斗, 但我一直把这件事记在心里. 我需要像她这样经验丰富的对手来推动我, 学习新东西, 我总是喜欢在家里打架.
“这里很难战斗 (我们。) 为了世界冠军. 您几乎总是需要出国旅行. 由于需要钱包,我们在这里受到限制 (让卫冕冠军来到美国) 以及美国发起人的制裁费用. 女子拳击在欧洲更受欢迎, 墨西哥和南美洲部分地区. 但我的表现非常好,与新英格兰的发起人关系也很好, 谁把我放在他们的名片上.
“我认为女子拳击也许, 只是也许, 如果这种趋势持续下去,将会开始改变,因为像这样的战士 克拉丽莎·希尔兹 凯蒂·泰勒, 在奥运会上成名的女拳击手, 继续专业化. 阿曼达·塞拉诺 在电视上获得了一些良好的战斗曝光度, 太. 我们不得不去参加世界冠军争夺战,但是, hopefully, 事情正在变得更好。”
其他顶级NE. 拳击手们也将在行动 八月. 5, 包括伊拉克战争老兵 克里斯·特雷蒂 (23-4, 19 科斯), 昆西的, 谁广场抵销 尼克·拉文 (4-5, 4 科斯), 谢尔顿的 (CT) 在八回合比赛中争夺空缺的新英格兰轻量级冠军. Traietti 也是 “海湾之战”.
多切斯特队在六轮比赛中进行底牌战斗 (嘛) 次中量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-2, 2 科斯) VS. 诺沃克的 (CT) 沙卡摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯), 昆西的不败美国. 海军陆战队退伍军人 布兰登蒙特拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达轻重量级 “钱” 迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯), 爱尔兰籍昆西初中量级 帕迪·欧文 (3-0, 2 科斯) VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯 (0-4). 霍尔布鲁克, MA量级 迈克·欧汉, JR. (1-0) 接手多切斯特的 (嘛) 丹尼尔·阿玛罗 (0-2-1) 在四轮比赛中.
门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $50.00 (一般取) 和 $40.00 (站在房间), 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com.
门开处 6:45 P.M., 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.
Tufankjian Auto Group和Tobin Scientific是主要活动赞助商; 其他赞助商包括 The Chantey, 杰克·坎贝尔电气, 汉考克酒馆, 布伦南的烟店, JN Phillips Auto Glass 和警长 Michael Bellotti.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

德里克·席尔维拉弥补了损失的时间 “海湾之战”

星期六 夜晚, 八月 5, 在昆西, 嘛
昆西, 质量. (七月 18, 2017) – 前新英格兰. 次中量级冠军 德里克·西尔维拉 正在努力弥补失去的时间, 3 从夏天开始,环已经闲置了 ½ 年 2013 直到今年四月, 当他准备成为八月份的头条新闻时 5 “海湾之战” 卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 昆西滨海湾运动中心, 马萨诸塞州.
西尔韦拉 (12-1, 6 科斯), 塞勒姆战斗 (嘛), 将面对前世界冠军挑战者 迈克尔· “冷血” 克拉克 (44-16-1, 18 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件.
31岁的西尔维拉因右肘骨刺长期征战. 他接受了手术,后来前往拉斯维加斯的训练营参加了一场比赛, 可惜, 跌倒了. 然后, 作为搬家公司的工人, 他从台阶上摔下来, 导致他的左臀部盂唇撕裂. 这花了一个非常令人沮丧的时间 1 他的保险公司花了 ½ 年时间才最终批准手术, 随后, 当然, 通过漫长的治疗计划.
“一个漫长的过程,” 西尔维拉说. “看着大家打架而我却无能为力,这真是太难受了. 我什至不得不看着人们为新英格兰冠军而战,我在拳击场上从未输过,但由于我无法战斗而无法保住。”
西尔维拉是一位荣获荣誉的新英格兰业余拳击手,拥有超过 300 火柴, 包括连续六场中央弥撒 (洛厄尔) 金手套冠军和两次新英格兰冠军 (他一年后输给了现任世界初中量级冠军 德米特里安德拉德), 以及多枚洛基·马西亚诺锦标赛金牌,以及他在银手套和青少年奥运会上赢得的金牌.
现在 31 并与过去作斗争 20 岁月, 西尔维拉渴望在更大的规模上证明自己, 开始 八月. 5 与克拉克. “他对我来说是一个很好的考验,可以与我过去的情况进行比较,” 西尔维拉评论他的老对手. “克拉克是一位经验丰富的老兵. 他上场的时候我经常看他 竞争者 (电视实景表演). 我当时的陪练伙伴是 (已故) 杰夫·弗拉扎, 谁也在 竞争者. 很高兴看到我在哪里.
“我从小就是一名拳击手. 我有一双大腿, 强壮的上半身, 和良好的脚法. 我小时候踢足球. 我缺乏力量. 过去几年我一直在努力发挥自己的力量. 现在, 我是一个拳击手,冲床. 这场斗争, 我将从拳击开始 – 我的耐力会在那里 – 然后我会在后面的几轮比赛中击败他. 我想看起来不错,但又不想被他有力的右手击中。”
西尔维拉拥有新英格兰最大的球迷基础之一, 大部分来自北岸 (波士顿) 社区, 德里克知道他们会全力支持他 八月. 5. “我的粉丝去旅行,” 他坚持说. “昆西距离北岸不太远, 肯定比快活林更近 (Mashantucket, CT), 我在那里有很多粉丝. 我的粉丝太强大了; 这么大声而且有点疯狂。”.
NE 的许多其他最好和最受欢迎的职业拳击手也将参加比赛 八月. 5. 三届世界冠军挑战者之间的八回合较量, 次中量级 亚历山大·洛佩斯 (17-4-2, 1 KO), 马什菲尔德 (嘛), 和前世界超轻量级冠军 丽莎·加兰 (15-7-1, 8 科斯) 由于其对获胜者潜在的世界冠军争夺战的影响,已被提升为联合专题.
昆西战斗机 克里斯·特雷蒂 (23-4, 19 科斯) 面孔 尼克·拉文 (4-5, 4 科斯), 谢尔顿的 (CT) 在八回合比赛中争夺空缺的新英格兰轻量级冠军. Traietti 也是 “海湾之战”, 除了是前世界拳击理事会成员 (WBC) 美国轻量级冠军名单, 大学毕业生和伊拉克战争老兵.
多切斯特队在六轮比赛中进行底牌战斗 (嘛) 次中量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-2, 2 科斯) VS. 诺沃克的 (CT) 沙卡·摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯), 昆西的不败美国. 海军陆战队退伍军人 布兰登蒙特拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达轻重量级 “钱” 迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯), 爱尔兰本地人和昆西初中量级 帕迪·欧文 (3-0, 2 科斯) VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯 (0-4). 霍尔布鲁克, MA量级 迈克·欧汉, JR. (1-0) 接手多切斯特的 (嘛) 丹尼尔·阿玛罗 (0-2-1) 在四轮比赛中.

门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $50.00 (一般取) 和 $40.00 (站在房间), 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com.
门开处 6:45 P.M., 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.
Tufankjian Auto Group和Tobin Scientific是主要活动赞助商; 其他赞助商包括 The Chantey, 杰克坎贝尔电气和汉考克酒馆.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Irvin Gonzalez captures UBF All-Americas Featherweight Title

Sonya Lamonakis & Laura Ramsey fight to UBF World Heavyweight title draw
New England’s Future 3Results from Worcester, 嘛
伍斯特, 质量. (六月 11, 2017) – Boxing returned to DCU Arena (展厅) 首次 在 11 岁月 and Worcester’s newest budding star, 欧文·冈萨雷斯, entertained the hometown crowd, capturing the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) Featherweight Championship, last night in theNew England’s Future 3” 主要事件.
New England’s Future 3was presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 2处世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉. RPE will return to the DCU Center on October 28 for its final installment of “新英格兰的未来” series in 2017.
In the co-featured attraction, popular New York City heavyweight SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis, by way of Greece and Turners Falls, 嘛, 面对 LauraLady RamRamsey in a female battle of former world champions for the vacant UBF World title,
The 21-year-old Gonzalez (7-0, 6 科斯) was fighting in his first scheduled eight-round bout, 针对 Raul Lopez (10-32-1, 5 科斯), 布朗克斯 (纽约). The two fighters came out fast in a firefight, both throwing leather from all angles, although neither was hurt in the opening round. The pace picked up even more in the second as both fighters landed solid shots.
Fighting in the third round for the first time in his young professional career, Gonzalez turned up the heat, ripping effective combination to the head and body of Lopez, who responded by pounding Gonzalez on the ropes.
Gonzalez dropped Lopez early in the fourth with a strong right to the chin, followed by a brawling fifth round, and the action slowed slightly in the sixth. 冈萨雷斯, who took control in the final two rounds, 第一次去远方, taking a hard-fought eight-round unanimous decision (79-73 X 2, 76-75).
He was definitely the toughest I’ve fought,” 冈萨雷斯的斗争后说. “I still have to work on things in the gym. I didn’t go to the body like I did in my last few fights. I was head-hunting tonight. The dude was tough, I had to out-box him. I hurt my left hand late in the later rounds and stayed southpaw.
I definitely learned a lot. My conditioning was there and I went eight strong rounds. 我感觉很好, I could go another eight rounds. Fighting at home was good, I have a big fan-base here. I hope to be back here in October 28.”
Lamonakis (10-2-3, 1 KO), a former IBO world champion, and past GBU world titlist Ramsey (108-1, 5 科斯) went toe-to-toe from the opening bell for 10 竞争的, non-stop rounds, ending in a 10-round draw by three judges’ 分数 95-95.
Undefeated Worcester heavyweight 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (5-0, 3 科斯) unloaded on an over-matched ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-9), dropping the Floridian three times in the second round until referee 利奥·格斯特尔 mercifully waved off the fight at the end of the second.
Former No. 1 USA amateur boxer 鲍比·哈里斯三世, the son of multiple national amateur champion and retired pro heavyweight, 鲍比·哈里斯, made his long-awaited pro debut. Fighting out of Worcester, Harris overcame early roughhouse tactics by Brazilian light heavyweight 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达, 沃本, 嘛, to earn a four-round “停业” 决定.
In a rematch of a fight this past April, 安东尼奥·费尔南德斯查韦斯 (8-32-4, 2 科斯), 布罗克顿 (嘛), defeated Worcester welterweight 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-2, 5 科斯), by way of a six-round majority decision, to even their rivalry at 1-1.
南桥, MA量级 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (2-0) and his Lawrence, MA对手, 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-6), turned in an entertaining performance as Pagan won a four-round majority decision, despite him being decked in the final round.
劳伦斯, MA量级 阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (3-0, 3 科斯) needed only 41-second to stop New York City’s Zach Johnson (0-2). Sosa dropped Johnson in the first 10 seconds and again moments later, after which referee Gerstel halted the action.
斯普林菲尔德, MA量级 起重机 “双重影响” 惠特利 (2-0), the son of a retired professional boxer, 提高到 2-0 with a four-round unanimous decision over veteran Connecticut fighter 沙卡·摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯).
Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan (0-0-1) and Brazilian super middleweight 索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-8-1) opened the night fighting a four-round majority draw.
(winners listed first each fight)
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (7-0, 6 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 76-75)
Raul Lopez (10-3-1, 5 科斯), 布朗克斯, 纽约
(Gonzalez won vacant UBF All-Americas featherweight title)
Sonya Lamonakis (10-2-3 (1 KO), 纽约, NY by way of Greece
D10 (95-95, 95-95, 95-95)
Laura Ramsey (10-7-1 (5 科斯), 温特黑文, FL
布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (5-0, 3 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO2 (2:35)
Christopher Boykins (1-9, 0 科斯), 奥兰多, FL
鲍比·哈里斯三世 (1-0), 伍斯特, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
罗德里戈·阿尔梅达 (1-7, 0 科斯), 沃本, 嘛
Neal Sullivan (0-0-1), 伍斯特, 嘛
D4 (37-39, 38-38, 38-38)
索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-8-1), 弗雷明汉, 嘛
德里克·惠特利 (2-0, 0 科斯), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-36, 39-37, 38-37)
沙卡·摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯), 诺沃克, CT
安东尼奥·费尔南德斯查韦斯 (8-32-4, 2 科斯), 布罗克, 嘛
WDEC6 (58-56, 58-56, 57-57)
安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-2, 5 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (3-0, 3 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
WTKO1 (0:41)
Zach Johnson (0-2), 纽约, 纽约
威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan) (2-0, 0 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WDEC4 (38-37, 38-37, 38-38)
安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-6, 0 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, 金里维拉_

Heavyweight Sonya Lamonakis Takes on Laura Ramsey for vacant UBF World Championship

New England’s Future 36月10日 在伍斯特, 嘛
伍斯特, 质量. (六月 1, 2017) – Popular heavyweight SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis 发生在 LauraLady RamRamsey 空置通用拳击联合会 (UBF) World title, 周六 夜晚, 六月 10, 在八轮 “New England’s Future 3co-feature at the DCU Center (展厅) 在伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州.
New England’s Future 3” 由 Rivera Promotions Entertainment 主办 (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 二科世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉.
不败的前景 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (6-0, 6 科斯), 21, headlines at home in his first scheduled eight-round bout, 与 Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 科斯), 布朗克斯 (纽约), for the vacant UBF All-American super featherweight championship.
I am excited to be able to have our first world championship boxing match on our ‘New England’s 3’ 拳击事件,” promoter Jose Rivera commented. “It’s special because it’s a women’s World Heavyweight title fight with veterans like Sonya and Laura, who also have some hostilities towards one another. They’ve both earned this opportunity to fight for the UBF Women’s World Heavyweight Championship. I expect fireworks and know fans will be in for a treat.
Pro boxing returns to the DCU Center for the first time 在 11 岁月, when promoter Jose Antonio Rivera defeated 亚历杭德罗·加西亚, 通过12轮一致决定, 对于世界拳击协会 (WBA) 世界超次中量级冠军.
Born in Greece, Lamonakis (10-2-2, 1 KO), who grew-up in Turners Falls (嘛), is a teacher in New York City. She is a Springfield College graduate and has two Master’s Degrees. “I’m honored to be fighting in the first world title fight in Worcester since Jose Rivera,” Lamonakis said. “I’m from Massachusetts and I fought twice at Mechanics Hall (在伍斯特, including her pro debut in 2010). I heard Jose was promoting shows in Worcester, so I called to say I’d like to fight for a world title on one of his cards. I think he saw me fight before and he quickly agreed.
This is still a make-dominates sport. I tell young girls to box as a side job. I have two Master’s Degrees and I’m a full-time teacher in New York. Boxing is my hobby. Very few women can make enough money boxing to make a good living. I don’t know if it’s because I was born in Greece and boxing is in my blood, but I love this sport and that’s what keeps me going. I guess I was born to fight. I enjoy getting in the ring. I’ve gotten a lot from boxing and now I’m giving back to amateurs in New York City as president of a youth organization.
Lamonakis; is a former International Boxing Organization World and New York State female heavyweight champion. Her opponent, Ramsey (10-7, 科斯), as a two-time world title challenger is hoping the third time is the charm for her. They have history together and this fight nearly happened a few years ago.
I beat her daughter (Alysia Williams-Stevenson) in my second pro fight,” Lamonakis explained. “She said she’s see me and now, seven years later, we’re fighting. She’s a little older than me and I needed more fights before I fought her. We were supposed to fight a few years ago in Aruba but a hurricane cancelled the show.
In an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction, 彭布罗克 (嘛) 球迷喜爱 维尼 “美国噩梦” 故事 (16-1-1, 15 科斯) meets Brazilian knockout specialist Marcelo LeonardoQueizada” 达席尔瓦 (22-4, 17 科斯).
战斗在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Worcester welterweight 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-1, 5 科斯) VS. TBA, 劳伦斯 (嘛) 初中量级 阿德里安 “零陵香豆” 索萨 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. Buffalo’s 杰克·格雷迪 (0-5-1), 伍斯特轻量级 安迪诺Ranse (1-0) VS. 沃本 (嘛) 吉尔万·桑托斯 (0-3), 斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 超次中量级 起重机 “双重影响” 惠特利 (1-0) VS. 诺沃克 (CT) 老将 沙卡·摩尔 (12-22-3, 2 科斯), Worcester’s pro-debuting 鲍比·哈里斯三世 VS. 沃本 (嘛) 超中量级 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达 (1-6), 南桥 (嘛) 初中量级 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (1-0) VS. Lawrence’s 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-5), 伍斯特的 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达州 ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) at a 205-pound catchweight, 哈特福德的 (CT) 里奇 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 巴西人 内森·舒尔特 (0-2) at a 180-pound catchweight, and Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan VS. 弗雷明汉 (嘛) 超中量级 索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-8).
门票, 售价 $75.00 (马戏团) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 正在发售,可在 DCU 中心售票处购买, www.dcu.centerworcester.com, 通过联系何塞·里维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉
门开处 6 P.M., 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
赞助商包括伦德格伦本田, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Budding star Irvin Gonzalez Starting to make waves in Super featherweight division

New England’s Future 36月10日 在伍斯特, 嘛

伍斯特, 质量. (五月 24, 2017) – New England’s top prospect with 10 pro fights of less, undefeated hometown favorite 欧文·冈萨雷斯, is on a fast track going into his June 10 headline fight in the third installment of the “新英格兰的未来” 系列, 在DCU中心 (展厅) 在伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州.

New England’s Future 3” 由 Rivera Promotions Entertainment 主办 (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 二科世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉.
The 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 科斯) 发生在 Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 科斯), 布朗克斯 (纽约), in an eight-round main event for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All-American super featherweight championship.
Pro boxing returns to the DCU Center for the first time 在 11 岁月, 具有讽刺意味的, when promoter Jose Antonio Rivera defeated 亚历杭德罗·加西亚, 通过12轮一致决定, 对于世界拳击协会 (WBA) 世界超次中量级冠军.
I am excited to watch Irvin’s boxing career flourish,” promoter Jose Rivera remarked. “He has all the tools to become a world champion. Fighting for the UBF championship will be the first of many and I am glad that we are able to give him this opportunity. I see big things for Irvin and I hope fans come out 星期六 夜晚, 六月 10, to support him and the other local boxers.”.
“这对我来说是一个很好的机会,” 冈萨雷斯说. “I’m blessed to be fighting in Worcester for my first title. It’s not a big title but it’s like taking baby steps to a world title. Since I started boxing at the Boys & 女孩俱乐部, I always wanted to be like Jose, a three-time world champion. 现在, it’s my turn, and I’m fighting again in my city.
Gonzalez has a perfect pro record: six rights, six wins by knockout. 然而, he’s only had fought a grand total of eight rounds, 和六月 10 he’s in a scheduled eight-round match. The well-spoken youngster isn’t concerned with the step up in rounds and opposition.
I’ve been asked about that by a lot of media, trainers and other fighters,” 他解释. “I’ve always trained like it’s for a world title fight, 12 发, so I’m not worried about going into deep water. I’m in magnificent shape, three weeks before the fight, and even in the amateurs I’ve always gotten stronger as the fight went along. In sparring, I get stronger, so going eight isn’t a problem for me.
I don’t really know much about my opponent. He won a few national titles but hasn’t fought too often. I’ll see what he brings into the ring and then adjust. I know I’m taller.
Gonzalez learned a lot when he was a sparring partner for 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯 in Florida that was supposed to be a six-week training camp that ended after three weeks due to Rigondeauxfight being cancelled.
I learned a lot about different training methods that I now use,” Irvin continued. “His techniques are phenomenal. I was around a world champion, two-time Olympic gold medalist and I saw his work ethic. After all he’s accomplished, he still has a great work ethic, and I learned from him that a fighter need continue working like he does until the day it’s all over. It’s not all about money, it’s having fun every day, doing what we love.
Former world female heavyweight champions SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 KO), the New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (嘛), 和 LauraLady RamRamsey (10-7, 5 科斯) battle for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title in the eight-round co-featured event.
彭布罗克 (嘛) 重量级 维尼 “美国噩梦” 故事 (16-1-1, 15 科斯) meets invading Brazilian knockout artist Marcelo LeonardoQueizada” 达席尔瓦 (22-4, 17 科斯) in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction.
也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Worcester welterweight 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-1, 5 科斯) VS. TBA, 劳伦斯 (嘛) 初中量级 阿德里安 “零陵香豆” 索萨 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. Buffalo’s 杰克·格雷迪 (0-5-1), 新天堂 (CT) featherweight Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 科斯) VS. Georgia’s 加布里埃尔·布拉克斯顿 (2-18, 1 KO), 伍斯特轻量级 安迪诺Ranse (1-0) VS. 沃本 (嘛) 吉尔万·桑托斯 (0-3), 斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 超次中量级 起重机 “双重影响” 惠特利 (1-0) VS. 诺沃克 (CT) 老将 沙卡·摩尔 (12-22-3, 2 科斯), Worcester’s pro-debuting 鲍比·哈里斯三世 VS. 沃本 (嘛) 超中量级 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达 (1-6), 南桥 (嘛) 初中量级 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (1-0) VS. Lawrence’s 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-5), 伍斯特的 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达州 ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) at a 205-pound catchweight, 哈特福德的 (CT) 里奇 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 巴西人 内森·舒尔特 (0-2) at a 180-pound catchweight, and Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan VS. 弗雷明汉 (嘛) 超 middleweight Saul Almeida (0-8).
门票, 售价 $75.00 (马戏团) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 正在发售,可在 DCU 中心售票处购买, www.dcu.centerworcester.com,
通过联系何塞·里维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉
门开处 6 P.M., 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
赞助商包括伦德格伦本田, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Undefeated hometown prospect Irvin Gonzalez to headline June 10; New England’s Future series continues in Worcester, 嘛

Heavyweight Sonya Lamonakis to
Fight for vacant UBF World title
伍斯特, 质量. (五月 10, 2017, 2017) – Undefeated rising super featherweight prospect 欧文·冈萨雷斯 will headline the third installment of the “新英格兰的未来” 系列, 星期六 夜晚, 六月 10, as professional boxing returns for the first time 在 11 岁月 to the DCU Center (展厅) 在伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州.
New England’s Future 3” 由 Rivera Promotions Entertainment 主办 (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 二科世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉.
Arguably the top New England prospect, the 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 科斯) is continuing Worcester’s rich boxing tradition, which dates back nearly a century. 一 2015 ñ. 和. 金手套冠军, Gonzalez has knocked out all six of his pro opponents, four in the opening round, the other two in the second. Gonzalez will fight Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 科斯), 布朗克斯 (纽约), in an eight-round match for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) East Regional super featherweight championship.
Former International Boxing Organization (IBO heavyweight world champion, SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 KO), will face TBA in the eight-round co-feature for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title. Lamonakis is a New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (嘛) and graduated from Springfield (嘛) College. She is a native of Greece and a four-time New York Golden Gloves champion.
I am excited that we will be having our ‘New England’s Future 3boxing event at the DCU Center,” 发起人何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉说. “The last time there was boxing at the DCU was when I fought for and won the WBA Junior Middleweight world title. It was an electric night with the fight televised live on Showtime. I am hoping we can bring the same kind of excitement with our action- packed lineup of young and hungry up-and-coming boxers.
We have two UBF title fights on the line with Sonya Lamonakis fighting for the female UBF Heavyweight World Title and Worcester’s own Irving Gonzalez, in only his seventh pro fight, fighting for the UBF 126-pound division East Regional championship. I’m also excited to have five Worcester boxers on our event at the DCU and I hope our Worcester fan-base comes out to support them. I am looking forward to seeing another great night of action-packed boxing.
Powerhouse fighter 维尼 “美国噩梦” 故事 (16-1-1, 15 科斯), 彭布罗克的战斗 (嘛), returns in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction against TBA.
也争取在undercard, 所有四个轮较量, are Worcester welterweight 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-1, 5 科斯) VS. Baltimore’s 凯文· “The ScarecrowWomack, JR. (7-14-3, 5 科斯), 劳伦斯 (嘛) 初中量级 阿德里安 “零陵香豆” 索萨 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. 拉斯维加斯’ Johnny Frazier (2-3-0-4, 2 科斯), 新天堂 (CT) featherweight Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 科斯) VS. Georgia’s 加布里埃尔·布拉克斯顿 (2-18, 1 KO), 伍斯特轻量级 安迪诺Ranse (1-0) VS. 沃本 (嘛) 吉尔万·桑托斯 (0-3), 斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 超次中量级 起重机 “双重影响” 惠特利 (1-0) VS. 诺沃克 (CT) 老将 沙卡·摩尔 (12-22-3, 2 科斯), 伍斯特的 鲍比·哈里斯三世 VS. 巴西 内森·舒尔特 in a battle of pro-debuting super middleweights, 南桥 (嘛) 初中量级 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (1-0) VS. Lawrence’s 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-5), Worcester heavyweight 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达州 ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) and Hartford’s (CT) 里奇 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. Michigan’s Michael Shipp (1-4, 1 KO) fighting at a 180-pound catch-weight.
门票, 售价 $75.00 (马戏团) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 正在发售,可在 DCU 中心售票处购买, www.dcu.centerworcester.com, 通过联系何塞·里维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉
门开处 6 P.M., 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
赞助商包括伦德格伦本田, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Vinnie Carita stops Gilberto Matheus Domingos In one round of body punches

Matt Remillard returns with impressive decision Over tough Augustine Mauras
Vinnie Carita punished Gilberto Matheus Domingos
(所有图片均由艾米丽·哈尼拍摄 / 里维拉促销娱乐)
伍斯特, 质量. (四月 2, 2017) – Popular Massachusetts heavyweight 维尼 “美国噩梦” 故事 was too much for former South American champion Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos 在昨晚的 “New England’s Future 2main event at Worcester Palladium. A capacity crowd of 1,700 rocked the vintage venue from start to finish.
New England’s Future 2was presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 二科世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 媒人 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉. Rivera announced thatNew England’s Future 3” 将要举行 6月10日 在都柏林城市大学中心, 展厅, 在伍斯特.
故事 (16-1-1, 15 科斯), 彭布罗克的战斗 (嘛), unleashed a relentless body attack on his Brazilian foe, Domingos (22-7, 20 科斯), who was unable to answer the bell for the second round due to damaged ribs.
I was hoping to get in more rounds but unfortunately I didn’t get ’em 今晚,” 故事 (pictured to the right) 评论. “Based on his record, I thought he’d be more competitive, but that fell short. I keep stepping up (quality of his opponents) but they haven’t lasted with me.
马特·雷米拉德 (ř) was home once again in the ring.
The feel-good story of the evening was the long awaited return of Manchester (CT) 轻量级 马特 “夏普射手” 雷米拉德 (24-1, 13 科斯), who was incarcerated five years and hadn’t fought in six. Remillard pounded his opponent, 奥古斯丁 “无情” 莫拉 (6-2-3 3 科斯), whose toughness showed throughout the contest as Remillard pounded his Lawrence (嘛) opponent to the body and head en route to a eight-round unanimous decision (80-71, 79-72, 78-73) 在共同特征. Mauras was deducted a point in the fourth round for headbutting.
I was a little rusty but I got better as the fight went on,” Remillard said. “He’s a tough kid who was slippery inside. If the fight went a little longer, I think I would have gotten him out of there.
Worcester heavyweight 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) 保持不败, 掉落 “钱” 迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯) four times in the opening round, the last coming on the end of a vicious left-hook, resulting in referee 迈克·瑞恩 immediatelty stopped the contest without counting.
多切斯特 (嘛) 重量级 DonnieBig Nasty” 帕尔默 (9-1-1, 8 科斯) 被超越 Bobby Favors (1-4, 1 KO), 克利夫兰, on his way to a first-round technical knockout win. Palmer has comeback from being shot in the stomach last summer by his sister’s abusive boyfriend. He recently served as a sparring partner for 弗拉基米尔克里琴科.
Hartford junior welterweight 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (3-0, 2 科斯), 一 2016 新英格兰金手套冠军, continued to impress with a third-round technical knockout victory over battled-tested upstate New Yorker 布赖恩 “砖头” 亚伯拉罕 (6-25-1, 6 科斯).
Hot junior welterweight prospect “奇妙” Mykquan威廉姆斯 (6-0, 4 科斯), the 18-year-old high school senior from Manchester (CT), lived up to his nickname with an explosive first-round knockout of Mexican veteran fighter 以色列 “虎” 罗哈斯 (10-16, 3 科斯).
Three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion 埃尔维斯·菲格罗亚 (1-0, 1 KO), from New Haven (CT), turned in a strong professional debut, stopping Brazilian super middleweight Devision Ribiero (0-4), who was unable to continue after two rounds.
伍斯特次中量级 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (6-1, 5 科斯) cruised to a four-round unanimous decision over a game Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 科斯), 布罗克顿 (嘛).
劳伦斯 (嘛) 轻量级前景 阿德里安 “零陵香豆” 索萨 (2-0, 2 科斯), thre 2015 新的… England Golden Gloves champion, 淘汰 奥斯卡·迪亚兹 (0-11), 哈特福德, 中途首轮.
Pro-debuting 路易斯 “Pancho” 圣地亚哥 (0-0-1), 在斯普林菲尔德战斗 (嘛), 和 亚历克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2-1), 劳伦斯 (嘛), fought to a hard-fought four-round draw.
Springfield junior middleweight 起重机 “双重影响” jjjas (10-16, 3 惠特利 (1-0) won his pro debut in an entertaining opener with a four-round unanimous decision over 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-5), 劳伦斯.
MAIN EVENT – 的cruiserweights
维尼·卡丽塔 (16-1-1, 15 科斯), 彭布罗克, 嘛
WTKO1 (3:00)
吉尔伯托马修斯多明戈斯 (22-7, 20 科斯), 圣保罗, 巴西
共同特征 – 轻量级
马特·雷米拉德 (24-1, 13 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT
WDEC8 (80-71, 79-72, 78-73)
Augustine Mauras (6-2-3, 3 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (4-0, 2 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (2:54)
迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯), 冬季公园, FL
唐尼·帕尔默 (9-1-1, 8 科斯), 多切斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (2:06)
Bobby Favors (1-5, 1 KO), 克利夫兰, OH
埃尔维斯·菲格罗亚 (1-0, 1KO), 新天堂, CT
WTKO2 (3:00)
Devision Ribiero (0-4), 坦帕, FL
JUNIOR middleweights的
德里克·惠特利 (1-0), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-5), 劳伦斯, 嘛
Andy Gonzales (6-1, 5 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 39-37)
Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-31-4, 2 科斯), 布罗克, 嘛
阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (2-0, 2 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛
WKO1 (1:34)
奥斯卡·迪亚兹 (0-11), 哈特福德, CT
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (2-0, 1 KO), 东哈特福德, CT
布赖恩·亚伯拉罕 (6-24-1, 6 KO
Mykquan威廉姆斯 (6-0, 4 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT
WKO1 (2:05)
以色列罗哈斯 (10-16, 3 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 索诺拉, 墨西哥
Luis Santiago (0-0-1), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
D4 (40-36, 36-40, 38-38)
亚历克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2-1), 劳伦斯, 嘛
Sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


伍斯特, 质量. (三月 31, 2017) – 里维拉促销娱乐 (RPE) held the official weigh today at Ballot Box for 明天 晚上的 “New England’s Future 2show at Worcester Palladium.
Below are the official weights and pictures by Emily Harney:
MAIN EVENT – 的cruiserweights (8)
(L) 维尼·卡丽塔 (15-1-1 (14 科斯), 彭布罗克, 嘛 195.2 磅.
(ř) 吉尔伯托马修斯多明戈斯 (22-6, 20 科斯), 圣保罗, 巴西 196 磅.
共同特征 – 轻量级 (8)
(ř) 马特·雷米拉德 (23-1, 13 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT 136.8 磅.
(L) Augustine Mauras (6-1-3, 3 科斯), 劳伦斯, 嘛 138 磅.
权重股 (4)
布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (3-0, 1 KO), 伍斯特, 嘛 199 磅.
迈克·索耶 (7-7, 5 科斯), 冬季公园, FL 200 磅.
唐尼·帕尔默 (8-1-1, 7 科斯), 多切斯特, 嘛 275 磅.
Bobby Favors (0-5), 辛辛那提, OH 377 磅.
超级middleweights (4)
埃尔维斯·菲格罗亚 (对于首次亮相), 新天堂, CT 167 磅.
Devision Ribiero (0-3), 坦帕, FL 167 磅.
JUNIOR middleweights的 (4)
德里克·惠特利 (对于首次亮相), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛 152 磅.
安东尼·埃弗雷特 (1-4), 劳伦斯, 嘛 155 磅.
welterweights的 (4)
安迪·冈萨雷斯 (5-1, 5 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛 151.4 磅.
Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 科斯), 布罗克, 嘛 151.4 磅.
阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (1-0, 1 KO), 劳伦斯, 嘛 145 磅.
奥斯卡·迪亚兹 (0-10), 哈特福德, CT 143 磅.
JUNIOR的welterweights (6)
安东尼劳雷亚诺 (2-0, 1 KO), 东哈特福德, CT 138 磅.
布赖恩·亚伯拉罕 (6-24-1, 6 KO 141 磅.
JUNIOR的welterweights (4)
Mykquan威廉姆斯 (5-0, 3 科斯), 曼彻斯特, CT 141 磅.
以色列罗哈斯 (10-15, 3 科斯), 阿夸普列塔, 索诺拉, 墨西哥 141 磅.
羽量级 (4)
Luis Santiago (对于首次亮相), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛 127 磅.
亚历克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2), 劳伦斯, 嘛 133 磅.
门票, 售价 $65.00 (马戏团) 和 $35.00 (一般取), 有售,并提供购买的 www.ThePalladium.net 或钯票房 (只是一般入学), 或通过联系圣何塞维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何战机. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
赞助商包括伦德格伦本田, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.

马特 “夏普射手” Remillard’s Ring comeback no April Fool’s Joke

New England’s Future 2”, 四月 1 在伍斯特

马特·雷米拉德 (中心) is prepared to make up for lost time
(艾米丽·哈尼摄 / Team Remillard)
伍斯特, 质量. (三月 20, 2017) – The long trip back begins April 1ST马特 “夏普射手” 雷米拉德, 12 years to the day from his professional debut, 在 “New England’s Future 2show at the Palladium in Worcester, 马萨诸塞州.
雷米拉德 (23-1, 13 科斯), fighting out of Manchester, 康涅狄格, hasn’t boxed for the six years, 由于他正在服五年徒刑. He takes on Lawrence (嘛) 轻量级 奥古斯丁 “无情” 莫拉 (6-1-3, 3 科斯) 在八轮合作中. If their tense, near volatile stare-down at a recent press conference is a true indication, Remillard vs. Mauras is not going the distance, to put things mildly.
New England’s Future 2″ 由 Rivera Promotions Entertainment 主办 (RPE), 由三度退休的人拥有和经营, 二科世界冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 和他的儿子, 安东尼 (A.J.) 里维拉.
I am excited to have a boxer of Remillard’s caliber on our ‘New England’s Future 2’ 拳击事件,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera remarked. “He has a tough match against August time Mauras for his first fight back. Knowing Remillard, 虽然, he wouldn’t have it any other way. I want to thank Matt, 保罗Cichon (头教练) and their team for trusting Rivera Promotions Entertainment for Matt’s first boxing match back from his long layoff.
Remillard is a former World Boxing Council (WBC) 美国 & Youth World, 北美拳击联合会 (NABF) 和世界拳击组织 (WBO) 羽量级冠军. His lone pro loss came in his last fight, 三月 23, 2011 in Atlantic City to then rising star 米奇·加西亚 (24-0), when Remillard retired after 11 发. He won’t make excuses; 然而, he never should have taken the fight with Garcia, facing the impending court case that sent him to prison and working with a new head trainer he’d only met two weeks prior to the fight.
I’m confident I can get back to where I was in about a year,” the 30-year-old Remillard said. “A dream come true would be a rematch with Garcia, at any weight, but I have to earn that shot. Everybody wants a rematch with the guy who gave you the first loss. It seldom happens but, 否则, in time I believe there will be other big fights out there for me.
I’m fighting an opponent who fought by buddy, Chip Perez, 三次 (0-2-1), so I’m familiar with his style. He doesn’t back down. I don’t expect him to back down against meuntil he feels my power. I’m going to take out those five years that I was away on him. I’ve been through so much the last six year but I’m most comfortable in the gym. The past is past and this is my last run. Paul and I have a lot of unfinished business to take care of.
Seventeen years ago, Chicon first met Remillard at the Manchester PAL gym, but he made the 13-year-old aspiring boxer earn his opportunity to be trained. Paul made Matt clean the bathrooms, take care of spit buckets, 等. before he started training him.
When he returned to the gym a few months back, I saw that his work ethic hadn’t faded,” Cichon commented. “I don’t believe he’s really that far away from where he was six years ago. He was idle five years but his first day back he sparred 12 发. He stayed in good physical shape and is hungrier than ever. He thinks he has something to prove after his last fight, but he really doesn’t have anything to prove to me or anybody else. He is fighting a tough kid but Matt’s going to be victorious. I think in four or five more fights he’ll be back where he was in boxing.
彭布罗克 (嘛) 重量级 维尼 “美国噩梦” 故事 (15-1-1, 14 KOs will headline against Brazilian KO specialist Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos (22-6, 20 科斯), the former South American light heavyweight champion, 在八轮的主要事件.
多切斯特 (嘛) 重量级 DonnieBig Nasty” 帕尔默 (8-1-1, 7 科斯) faces unbeaten Quian Davis (4-0-2, 2 科斯), of Mays Landing (新泽西州), 在四回合回合.
2016 新英格兰金手套冠军 安东尼劳雷亚诺 (2-0, 1 KO), 战东哈特福德的出 (CT), meets Schenectady (纽约) 老将 布赖恩 “砖头” 亚伯拉罕 (6-23-1, 6 科斯) 在六轮比赛.
Fighting on the undercard in four round bouts are Worcester cruiserweight 布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (3-0, 1 KO) VS. Mexican invader Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorall (19-23, 12 科斯), 伍斯特轻量级 安迪诺Ranse (1-0) VS. Mike Hellenfinger (0-2), 哈里斯堡 (PA), 三届美国拳击全国冠军 埃尔维斯·菲格罗亚, 纽黑文 (CT) 首次亮相职业联赛. Brazilian super middleweight Devision Robiero (0-3), 伍斯特次中量级 安迪·冈萨雷斯 (5-1, 5 科斯) VS. 布罗克的 Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 科斯), 2014 两者都不. 金手套冠军, Lawrence junior welterweight 阿德里安·索萨(Adrian Sosa) (2-0, 1 KO) VS. TBA), Worcester’s pro-debuting super middleweights Neal Sullivan VS. 内森·舒尔特, 斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 超次中量级 德里克·惠特利 VS. 安东尼·埃弗雷特 (104), 劳伦斯, pro-debuting Springfield featherweight 路易斯 “Pancho” 圣地亚哥 VS. 亚历克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2), 劳伦斯, and unbeaten Manchester (CT) 初中量级 “奇妙” Mykqyan Williams (5-0, 3 K0S) VS. TBA。.
门票, 售价 $65.00 (马戏团) 和 $35.00 (一般取), 有售,并提供购买的 www.ThePalladium.net 或钯票房 (只是一般入学), 或通过联系圣何塞维拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何战机. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
赞助商包括伦德格伦本田, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship
2017 New England Golden Gloves Team Champion – 新英格兰西部
(pictures courtesy of Jeffrey Freeman / KO Digest)
LOWELL, 质量. (三月 3, 2017) – Western New England won its fourth consecutive New England Tournament of Champions open class team title last night in the grand finale of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, 在历史悠久的洛厄尔纪念剧院.
Western NE had seven individual winners to earn the Bill Hoar Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Team. Northern New England finished second with three individual winners and Central New England had two.
“再次,” 新英格兰金手套执行董事 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo) 说, “it was a great tournament with so many good, competitive matches. We had the biggest crowd of the season turnout for the finals. The draw was done by computer, so the marches were nice and fair. I really liked the way these boxers were matched. The fans here in Lowell have been appreciated for a long time watching good fights and we plan to keep that rich tradition going.
Western New England bantamweight Nathan Martinez, who defeated Joseph Valdez on points last night, was named the recipient of the Thomas Costello Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Boxer.
Norther New England lightweight Liz Leddy won her sixth All-New England title with a close points win over Kelsay Kaiser, while three-time National Golden Gloves champion 拉希迪埃利斯 (新英格兰中部), 谁是否. 2 rated lightweight in the United States, took a decision against defending N.E. 冠军 Lyndsay Kyajohnian.
Western New England light heavyweight Elivis Figueroa captured his third All-New England crown. His teammate, 汉普顿米勒 (如下图所示), 停 肖恩·加布里埃尔 in the second round to win the Rocky Marciano Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Heavyweight Boxer.
Last night’s open-class winners qualified to be members of Team New England at the National Golden Gloves Championships for men in Lafayette, 路易斯安那州 (五月) and women in Ft. 劳德代尔堡, 佛罗里达 (七月).
New England will be sending a strong team to the National Golden Gloves,” Russo added. “We may only have three female boxers going to The Nationals, but each one of them have won national tournaments. Anyone of the male boxers on Team New England could win at The Nationals. I think Elvis (菲格罗亚), Yarmarco (古斯曼) 和 Josnie升 (卡斯特罗). I will offer the Team New England head coaching position to 路易斯·罗萨 from the winning Western New England team. We’ll also be brining Carlos Garcia (veteran coach from Worcester), who will be inducted into the National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame.)
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship went towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship, 除了支持本地运动员和地区的体育场馆, 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部, 汤厨房, 无家可归者收容所, 癌症基金, 奖学金和许多其他重大慈善事业.
两者都不. open class finals results below:
Central N.E. (CNE), Northern N.E. (北北东), 南北. (斯尼), 西方NO (西北部地区)
Open Division
飞锤 (114 磅。)
Felix Perilla (新天堂, CT / 西北部地区)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jose Ferrer, JR. (新贝德福德, 嘛 / 斯尼)
Nathan Martinez (New Britain, CT / 西北部地区)
WPTS3 (5-0)
约瑟夫·巴尔德斯 (Amherst, NH / CNE)
轻量级 (132 磅。)
Dayshon Smith (西黑文, CT / 西北部地区)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Brandon Higgins (North Chelmsford, 嘛 / CNE)
轻量化 (141 LBS。)
Efrain Nieves (新天堂, CT / 西北部地区)
WRSC1 (0:40)
Jesus Ablan (Babson Park, 嘛 / 北北东)
welterweights的 (152 磅。)
Josnell Castro (波特兰, ME / 北北东)
WPTS3 (5-0)
泽维尔维加 (劳伦斯, 嘛 / CNE)
middleweights的 (165 磅。)
Yarmarco Guzman (梅休因, 嘛 / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Sasha Lamour (波特兰, ME / 北北东)
轻重量级 (178 磅。)
埃尔维斯·菲格罗亚 (新天堂, CT / 西北部地区)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Taylor Mears (波士顿, 嘛 / CNE)
权重股 (201 磅。)
汉普顿米勒 (沃特伯里, ME / 西北部地区)
WRSC2 (1:14)
肖恩·加布里埃尔 (Middleboro, 嘛 / 斯尼)
超重 (201+ 磅。)
Fernely费利克斯 (丹伯里, CT / 西北部地区)
WPTS3 (3-2)
蒂姆·哈特菲尔德 (普罗维登斯, RI / 斯尼)
飞锤 (112 磅。)
Jen Amato (基恩, NH / 北北东)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Alissa Dias (波士顿, 嘛 / CNE)
轻量级 (132 磅。)
Liz Leddy (波特兰, ME / 北北东)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Kelsay Kaiser (Waterford, CT / 西北部地区)
轻量化 – (141 磅。)
Rashida埃利斯 (林恩, 嘛 / CNE)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Lyndsay Kyajohnian (Gorham, ME / 北北东)
新英格兰金手套执行董事: 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo)
参赛者总监: 拉玛略(Art Ramalho)
官员首长: 劳里·珀塞尔(Laurie Purcell)
环播音员: 约翰·维纳
地点: 洛厄尔纪念剧院, 50 梅里马克街, 洛厄尔, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @LowellGloves