Tag Archives: Marcus Browne

PETER QUILLIN porrot PATXI ZERAFA VIA bosgarren Kopako final-zortzirenetarako PREMIER BOXING Champions NBC aurrera FOXWOODS Resort Casino IN Mashantucket, CONNECTICUT

Garaipena ditu abian All-Brooklyn Battle Daniel Jacobs With geroago aurten
Jermall Charlo irabazi du Junior Middleweight World Izenburua Cornelio Bundrage ren hirugarren txandan geldiaraztea With
Izar Marcus Browne gelditzen txapeldun ohia Gabriel Campillo 55 Segundotan txanda bakar batean
Egin klik hemen argazkiak Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions From
Egin klik hemen argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia
Mashantucket, CT (September 12, 2015) – Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 22 Kos) errondan Michael Zerafa (17-2, 9 Kos) larunbat arratsaldean bosgarren txandan Foxwoods Resort Casino Mashantucket ere, Connecticut on Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC.
Quillin eta Zerafa trukatu power punches afera zehar, underdog batera Zerafa Quillin gelditu bere ibilbideak hainbat plano handi lurreratzea. Bosgarren txandan, Quillin bertatik eskuineko eskua indartsu bat Zerafa konektatuta eta bidalitako zilipurdika beheko Epaileak Arthur Mercante Jr. bezala zion. haizatuko-off borrokaren. Quillin lehorreratu 47 bere boterea punches eta ehuneko out-lehorreratu Zerafa 54-38, CompuBox per.
Zerafa eraztuna irten ohean egiten zen eta Backus Ospitalera eraman Norwich, Connecticut kautelazko neurri gisa. Quillin en post-borroka prentsaurrekoan zehar, zuen Zerafa telefonoa jarri zen, Nork esan du ados zela. Zerafa izan da probak jasaten, katuarekin eskaneatzea normala da, eta zantzu guztiak dira litekeena dela dio ospitalera gauean kaleratu.
Quillin garaipen ezartzen guztiak-Brooklyn middleweight munduko titulua borroka bat Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs behinean ezarri ospatuko den abenduaren honetan. Jacobs ringside zen PBC NBC hedatzeko taldearen baitan eta borrokaren ostean elkarrizketatua etorkizuneko talka buruzko bere pentsamenduak partekatzeko.
Gertaera co-nagusia boladan izar batean Jermall “Hitman” Charlo (22-0, 17 Kos) eraitsi Cornelius “K9” Behean Rage (35-6, 19 Kos)lau aldiz ibilbidea en hirugarren txandan ETEN bat middleweight junior munduko titulua irabazteko 25 urte at.
Charlo atera zen tiroka, behera joka Bundrage lehen txandan overhand zorrotz. Horretan jarraitu zuen ezkerretik zuzen bigarren txandan hori berriro bidaliko Bundrage mihise batean. Charlo hasi Bundrage amaitu punches barrage bat hirugarren txandan mat zilipurdika. Final flurry bat txandan berandu jarri Bundrage mat buruzko laugarren aldiz, galdetu Epaileak Johnny Callas borroka gelditzeko.
Charlo anaia bikiak eta ikaskide boladan boxeolari Jermell poztu egin zuen bere txokoan batera eta bi besarkatu berehala Jermall garaipena gainean. Charlo out-lehorreratu Bundrage 33-20 Hiru txandatan zehar, CompuBox per.
Heavyweight bout argi batean, 2012 U.S. Igotzen izar Olympian eta partidarik galdu gabe “Sir” Marcus Browne (16-0, 12 Kos) gelditu ohia munduko txapeldun Gabriel Campillo (25-8-1, 12 Kos) 55 Lehen txandan sartu segundotan, plano sorta bat piztu gorputzaren postuan dagoela Campillo behera birritan ondoren.
“Zaila da horrelako emanaldi bat ospatzeko, batez ere, norbaitek ohatila batean utzita. Zoritxarrez, jokoaren parte da. Otoitz egitera besterik ez dut hobeto lortzen zuen eta etxera lortzen Australia seguru eta soinu.
I made a bad mistake in my past when I fought Miranda. I learned that you have to give every guy credit.
“Zer da garrantzitsua, Danny Jacobs prest nagoela. Now it’s time for Brooklyn to see me and Danny Jacobs. We’ve waited for a long time for it.
“Gustatzen Danny fan handi bat naiz, zeren bere. Negozio Baina kontua da, zoritxarrez,.
“[Jacobs] Egin ahal izango dugu hementxe off hartu trajea dela eta eskularruak horiek jarri nahi baduzu. Lets egin ezazu oraintxe.
I’m back in camp on Monday. I’m getting ready for Danny Jacobs.
“Oraintxe champ egin zuen, Challenger naiz. Posizio hori izan nahi dut. Me motibatzen ditu. Nor ziren esan ez lukete egin da haurrekin guztientzat dut borrokatzeko.”
DANIEL JACOBS, Middleweight Munduko txapelduna den Quillin hartu espero da Abendua 5.
“Ni Brownsville from Brooklyn dut. Inoiz ran dut eta inoiz ez dut egingo.
Abendua 5 Barclays Centerren. Txapelduna naiz eta Challenger zuen.
“Ez dakit nola nahiz eta behera joan da, baina borroka handi bat izango da.
“Boxeoa kirol, Ezin duzu lagun gehiegi egin.
“Brooklyn dela denbora luze batean izan borrokak handienetako bat izango da.
“Mover naiz, Botere puncher bat naiz eta boxeoa IQ altua daukat. Arazoak ditu mugitzeko duten mutilak, eta unean ezin dut uste.
“Hau [borroka] behar nuen motibazioa guztia…zer beste motibazio egin zure ipurdia gimnasioa, eta prestatu behar duzu?
“Niri deitu dute "Miracle Man '. Da sekretua ez da motibazio daukat onena Ezin dut izan ahal izateko. Halako Abendua 5, Brooklyn da izar berri bat izan da.”
“Munduko txapelduna naiz. Honez guztiak Jainkoak emandako. Ezin nuen ezer hobeto eskatu. Ondo sentitzen naiz.
“Sekula jarri duzu txakur bat pen batean lehoi batekin. I zen zer ari nintzen joan egiten ez zuen joan esan nion.
“Hau etorkizuna da. Nago boxeo etorkizuna.
“Ikasi dut eta prest geratu naiz. K-9 got cut and I stayed ready. When I turned pro seven years ago, Ez nekien hau posible izango litzateke.
“Prest nengoen 12 erronda, eta prest izan zen, banekien 12 erronda.
“Azkenik Nik egin da txapelketan egoerara. To munduko txapeldun gisa sailkatu ahal, historia da.
“Borrokaren joan zehazki nola pentsatu dugu lukeena. Zakarra zen lortzean eta prest nengoen horretarako. Besterik Denboraren materia bat izan zen. Da munduko onena sentimendua It.
“Are hobea izan nahi dut. Nire titulua defendatu nahi dut, eta denek nola ona ni naizela erakusteko.”
“Batzuk irabazi duzu, batzuk galduko dituzu. Arazoa zen, Nik ez aktiboak. Nintzen han borrokalari ona duten aktiboa izan da, eta gose.
“Zaharragoa naiz eta aktibo egoteko mutil gazte hauekin jarraituko dute. Ez naiz inora. Aktibo egoteko punches datozen ikusi behar dut.”
“Nire performance betiko zen guztiontzat adierazpen bat heavyweight zatiketa argitan – kontuz. Hemen gaude!
“Zuzen zutik izan zen, eta nire entrenatzaile esan zion hit jab zuzen polit batekin. Bota dut 1-2 eta, ondoren, jarraitu dut.
“Nire denbora hartu nuen, eta besterik gabe utzi da etorri.
“Nire entrenatzaile Gary Stark esan zidan besoak inguruan etortzen eta hori da, zer egin nuen. Ikusten duzu.”
# # #
PBC NBC on DiBella aisialdia sustatu zuen
Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.dbe1.cometa www.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, KidChocolate @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT EtaSwanson_Comm,


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia
BROOKLYN (September 8, 2015) – Mundu txapeldun ohia Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, Australian middleweight Michael Zerafa, 2012 U.S. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne eta Staten Island-en Gary Stark Jr.. parte hartu zuten Gleason en Gimnasioa Brooklyn Asteartea at media entrenamendu batean dagozkien showdowns aurretik Larunbata, September 12 Foxwoods Resort Casino Mashantucket at, Connecticut.
Quillin eta Zerafa 12-txandan middleweight Showdown aurpegi-off duten titularrak Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC Telebistaz estaldura hasieran ekin 4 p.m. ETA/1 p.m. Super welterweight artean munduko titulua borrokaldi batekin PT Cornelius “K-9” Behean Rageeta Jermall Charlo. Browne izango da munduko txapeldun ohia hartu Gabriel Campillo 10-txandan heavyweight afera argi batean azaldu daiteke NBC katearen zati agertzen dira, Stark Jr. bitartean. hartzen Anthony Napunyi super luma ekintzaren sei-txandetan.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $150, $85 eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.ticketmaster.com eta www.foxwoods.com edo Foxwoods bisitatuz’ Lehiatila. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
Hemen da borrokalari asteartean esan behar izan:
“Nintzen Zerafa kontatzeko aurrean-off dugun bere oinetakoak ere ez dut izan aurretik eta nola sentitzen ezagutzen dut. No disrespect. Ez du me kontatu zuen lortu ezer galtzeko, Ezagutzen dut. Ona bilatzen borroka honetan eta zer izan dut lan gimnasioan egiten kezkatuta nago.
“Jipoitu zorte zuen Australia ezagutzen dut, baina jipoitu dut onena mundu osoan zehar. Ez du bere patioa izan eta berak erabiltzen den erosotasuna duten joan.
“Oraindik une batean gaude orain non nire talentua erakusteko maila honetan behar dut. NBC erakusketa handia da. Dugu, beraz, jende askok ikus daiteke eta, horretarako, datozen urteetan iraungo du zerbait eraikitzeko.
“Inork ez daki nire bizitza osoan I altxatu zen Grand Rapids, Michigan besterik Floyd Mayweather bezala eta izan zen benetan, nire inspirazio handienetako bat. Egun berean, borrokan hurbilena da hura bezala egingo bere undercard borrokan lortu dut, bertan beti izan dut egin. Titular nire NBC ekitaldi egin nahi dut, oraindik lortu, eta espero dut jendeak nola gogor Floyd inspiratutako eta lan egin izan dut non gauden lortu.
“Daniel Jacobs borrokan posibilitatea hunkituta nago. Zuen deituz for denbora luzez, eta eserleku orain alderantzikatu dira, txapeldun delako eta ez naiz. Edozein izanik ere motibatu naiz gerriko, baina aukera munduko onenetariko bat borrokatzeko eta nire talentua erakusteko nahi dut eta erakusteko Brooklyn erregea naiz.”
“Izan da, eskarmentu ona U.S datozen. Nire lehen aldiz. Adrenalina asko da, eta ez daukat borrokaren gertuago dugun bezala, eta besterik ez naiz aurrera begira onenetariko bat borrokan munduan.
“Honez eta zirraragarria borroka izango da hura emateko nire absolutua guztiak noa. Badakigu nik borroka gogor bat izango da, eta gure taldeak oso gogor entrenatu du. Joko plan handi bat daukagu ​​eta bertan gure onena jaurtiketa eman goaz.
“Ez nekien gehiegi Quillin buruz askoz denean borrokaren onartu nuen baina Amerikan onenetariko bat da ezagutzen dugun nik borroka gogor bat izango da, beraz, eta, gerra bat egiteko goaz. Dena utziko dugu mahai gainean eta hobeto gizona izango irabazteko.
“Pisu honetan ondo sentitzen naiz. Indartsu eta smarter nire gorputza estres txikiagoarekin naiz. Naiz sentitzen eta oso seguru piztuta.
“Galtzeak egin du hobeto me a, tougher eta indartsuagoa borrokalaria. Ez dago ezer borroka honetan galtzen, Dena irabazten dut.”
“Zorion jarrera hori izan naiz, eta aurrera egiten dit borroka honetan sartzea eta ikuskizun handi bat jarriz.
“Dena planaren barruan dago. Besterik ez dut hartu borroka bat aldi berean eta orain hemen gaude posizioa handi bat.
“Prestakuntza camp handia izan. Guztia on dugu lan eta estalitako txoko guztiak behar ditugu. Charles Foster eta Lennox Allenekin sparring handia izan da eta nik ahaztuak zidaten lefty prest.
“Campillo beteranoa da eta han izan zuen joan. Besterik ez duzu haren bila, eta laguntza eman zion, egindako. Nire erabilera erabili noa, nire abiadura, Nire indar nire ahalmena. Hori guztia lortuko me irabazi du.
“Beraz, aukera hau eskertzen dut eta besterik errendimendu hobea batean han nago, aldi bakoitzean jarriz jarraitu nahi dut.”
“Handia sentitzen dut, Honez camp oso ona. Etxean haurra tougher bedeinkazio guztiak da. I berpiztu naiz sentitzen dut.
“Duela gutxi borrokatu dut eta lehen borroka hori atzera jitters batzuk egon ziren. Laugarren borroka horretan txandan ek benetan berriro nahi dut. Handia da bat 'Kid Txokolatea egon’ Ikuskizuna. Gogoan dut lehen hasi zen, izan zen nire ikuskizun batzuk he, txokolateak bota Epaileak. Orain begiratu non da orain.
“Nire lan egiteko izenburu tiro bat bidean nabil. Nire taldeak bultzatzen me oso gogorra. Denek me sinesten eta hori da big. Boxing konfiantza guztia. Beti izan dut konfiantza tona.
“Zahar me back ikusiko dugu Biribilean Larunbata Arratsalde. Hain handia da Biribilean berriro izango da.”
Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.dbe1.cometa www.nbcsports.com / boxeoa,TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, KidChocolate @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT EtaSwanson_Comm,


Nabarmenduak PREMIER BOXING NBC bout Champions IN
AT 4 P.m. ETA/1 P.m. PT
Ekintza zezen plazan hasten da 1 p.m. ETA!
Mashantucket, Conn. (Abuztua 31, 2015) – Some of the top prospects from the Northeast including undefeated super featherweight Bryant “Pee Wee” Cross (15-0, 8 Kos) izango pilatuta undercard batean aurkeztu beharko Larunbata, September 12 Foxwoods Resort Casino Mashantucket bizi, Lehenengo bout hasita batera CT 1 p.m. ETA.
The September 12 Premier Boxing Champions on NBC card is headlined by undefeated middleweight star Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) hartzea Michael “Pretty Boy” Zerafa (17-1, 9 Kos) in a 10-round middleweight bout with world title implications on the line for former world champion Quillin. Super welterweight munduko txapeldun Cornelius “K-9” Behean Rage (34-5, 19 Kos) will defend his title against undefeated rising star Jermall Charlo (21-0, 16 Kos) co-nagusia gertatuz gero. Live estaldura hasten da 4 p.m. ETA/1 p.m. PT NBC on.
Aldez aurretik iragarri nabarmendu undercard bouts zati gisa, boxeo etorkizun irtenbideak bik euren boladan Erregistro jarri beharko lerro gisa 2012 U.S. Olympian eta oso-touted argi heavyweight “Sir” Marcus Browne (15-0, 11 Kos), Mundu txapeldun ohia bere gain hartu du Gabriel Campillo (25-7-1, 12 Kos), eta boladan middleweight Hugo “The Boss” Centeno (22-0, 12 Kos) cumple Polonian Lukas Maciec (22-2-1, 5 Kos).
The Browne edo Centeno borroka amaituko swing NBC du bout bat bezala bi programatutako telebistaz bouts emaitza dauden.
Ez telebistaz undercard zati Fighting New England ordezkari goi irtenbideak dira, New York eta Washington D.C.
The Undefeated super luma Cross, Port Chester kanpo borrokan, NY, marraren gainean bere erregistro perfektua jartzen zortzi biribilak bout batean.
Popular New York City super luma Gary Stark Jr.. (24-3, 8 Kos) bere bere Comeback Afrikako txapeldun ohia aurkako erasoan da bigarren garaipenaren egingo gunning Anthony Napunyi (15-15, 6 Kos) Sei-txandan partidu batean.
Washington D.C. super luma Antonio Russell (3-0, 2 Kos), Mundu super luma txapeldun indarreko anaia eta 2008 U.S. Olympian Gary Russell, Jr.., sei-biribilak bout a boladan super bantamweight munduko txapeldun berriz ere lehian Shelly “Shelito bidea” Vincent (14-0, 1 KO) plazak off ohia Gazte txapelduna aurka Bretainia “Pretty Girl” Cross (10-6-2, 2 Kos) Zortzi-txandan ez-titulua borroka batean.
Undercard on Era borrokan lau txandan matchup batean Elmont da, NY super featherweight Titus Williams (1-0), a 2013 New York Golden eskularruak txapeldun, hartzea Benjamin Burgos (2-12-1), eta lau txandan luma bout bat protagonista Timmy Ramos (1-0, 1 KO) Framingham of, MA.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $150, $85 eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.ticketmaster.com eta www.foxwoods.com edo Foxwoods bisitatuz’ Lehiatila. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingcghampions.batera, www.dbe1.com etawww.nbcnbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, KidChocolate, @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT Eta Swanson_Comm, Facebook fan bihurtu at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing Txapeldunen,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment eta www.Facebook.com/NBCSports.

Campillo eta Cuello paradisuan Prestakuntza

Sampson Boxing ezartzen Prestakuntza Camp U.S ere. Virgin Uharteak
Two Madrid-based fighters have traveled to a newly established 340 Irla St paradisua ere Boxing / Sampson Boxing prestakuntza camp. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Uharteak, beren próximas borrokak prestatzeko.
Sampson Boxing berezko argia antzinako mundu heavyweight txapelduna eta IBF # 13-hauek Gabriel “Ederra Boy” Campillo (25-7-1, 12 Kos) eta WBC # 11-hauek Luciano Leonel “Printze Txikia” Lepoan (35-3, 17 Kos) gogor ari dira lanean bertan 340 Boxing Gym St. Thomas, Antonio Matias Entrenatzaile Gonzalez eta bi mundu-hauek bertakoek USVI, John “Dah Rock” eta Julius “Chef” Jackson.
On Larunbata, September 12 Foxwoods Resort Mashantucket at, Connecticut, (eta NBC bizi) Campillo boladan aurre egingo “Sir” Marcus Browne (15-0, 11 Kos) Staten Island, New York, Peter Quillin du undercard vs on. Michael Zerafa gertaera.
Eta an Asteartea, September 22, Hollywood Hollywood Palladium, California, (eta AEB FOX Kirol bizi 1) Cuello boladan Philadelphian Julian aurre egingo “J-Rock” Williams (20-0-1, 12 Kos) the WBC Continental Ameriketan super welterweight izenburua.
“Gure eskuzabala babesle eskerrak eman nahi dut, Cardow Bitxigileak, Beren honetan prestakuntza paradisuan camp ezartzeko laguntza,'” esan Lewkowicz. “Gainera, nire bazkide baloratzen eskerrak eman Virgin Island hasi nahi dut, 340 Boxing. Bi borrokalari dira lan bikaina lortzean Jackson Brothers eta euren taldearekin, eta bere borrokak forma fantastikoa izango da.”
Campilloko eta Cuello mundu txapeldun ohia Sergio kudeatzen dituzte “Wonder” Martinez.
Sampson Boxing orain Une Las Vegas prestakuntza kanpamentuetan mantentzen, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Virgin Uharteak eta Cebu City camp osoa, Filipinetan, Jonel for “Kid Pacquiao” Dapidran.
SAMPSON boxeoa buruz

Matchmaker eta orientatzaile gisa oso arrakastatsua run ondoren, Sampson Lewkowicz piztuta baino sustapen profesionala boxeoa alde urtarrilean 2008.

Sampson Boxing ditu munduko sustapen enpresek ospetsuenetako bat bihurtu da, munduko borrokalari onena eta gehien itxaropentsua contenders gazte askoren izenean.

Sampson Boxing sustapen guztiak Ipar eta Hego Amerika baino bazkide ditu, Afrika, Asia, Zeelanda Berria, Australia, Europa eta Erdialdeko Amerikan eta Sampson Boxing gertaerak izan dira, besteak beste, estreinaldia sareak HBO gisa telebistaz, Showtime, ESPN, VS. eta hainbat nazioarteko sareak.


On berehalako
Ezaugarri bout NBC bizi
AT FOXWOODS Resort Casino mashantucket, CONNECTICUT
Mashantucket, CT (Abuztua 21, 2015) – Undefeated light heavyweight rising star “Sir” Marcus Browne (15-0, 11 Kos) egingo munduko txapeldun ohia hartu Gabriel Campillo (25-7-1, 12 Kos) boladan middleweight bitartean Hugo “The Boss” Centeno(22-0, 12 Kos) borroketan Polonian Lukas Maciec (22-2-1, 5 Kos) nabarmendu undercard on bouts baitan Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC gertaera Larunbata, September 12 Foxwoods Resort Casino Mashantucket bertatik, CT.
The September 12 card is headlined by undefeated middleweight star Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) hartzea Michael Zerafa (17-1, 9 Kos) in a 12-round middleweight matchup, while super welterweight world champion Cornelius “K-9” Behean Rage (34-5, 19 Kos) defends against undefeated rising star Jermall Charlo (21-0, 16 Kos) co-nagusia gertatuz gero. Live estaldura hasten da 4 p.m. ETA/1 p.m. PT NBC on.
Undercard, hau da, ezarritako off alboratzen at 1 p.m. ETA, gora eta etorkizuneko distiratsuena ko gazte bi izango ditu boxeoa guztiak euren boladan erregistro jarriz marraren gainean ere Browne eta Centeno euren bereizi matchups 10-txandan lehiatuko dira.
A 2012 U.S. Olympian, Browne has been very impressive since making his pro debut in November 2011.The 24-year-old Staten Island-native is coming off his two most impressive victories to date this year. Maiatzean, Browne nagusi Cornelio White (21-3) gorako 10 Barclays Center Brooklyn erronda. Aurretik, apirilean, Browne duenean ikusgarria seigarren integrala iraunkorrak contender Aaron Pryor Jr. baino TKO bat. Browne bere izen bota goiko borrokalariak nahasketa 175lb batean sartu da bilatzen. zatiketa, eta munduko txapeldun ohia Campillo aurka erakustaldia ikusgarria hori bakarrik egin nahi.
Campillo da 3-1 Bere azken lau bouts, Aurretik unetan gertatu Thomas Williams Jr. baino gehiago GELDITU ETEN irabazi handi bat barne. (17-0) iazko abuztuan. 36 urte ditu The Beibut Shumenov garaipen jabea, Hugo Hernan Garay eta Mirzet Bajrektarevic datak itzuli karrera bat baino gehiago 2002. Borrokalari Madrilgo out The, Espainia daki hori bada zuen exekuzio bat egin heavyweight izenburua argi bat dago joan, ezin zuen galera beste horrenbeste ordaindu.
Oxnard, California’s Centeno has long been one of boxing’s top prospects with victories over Ayi Bruce, Keandre LEATHERWOOD, Angel Osuna and Gerardo Ibarra. Bere azken borroka batean, he faced his stiffest test to date against James De La Rosa and passed with flying colors, scoring a spectacular fifth-round knockout. Ready to make his move on the middleweight elite, Centeno will take on the 26-year-old Maciec out of Lubin, Polonian. Maciec enters the bout on a five-fight win streak, including victories over Lanardo Tyner and previously unbeaten fighters Jussi Koivula and Sasu Karapetyan. Maciec da 15-1-1 Bere azken urtean 17 bouts eta munduko partaidea duten 160lb du goialdean zuen erakusteko prest. zatiketa denean bere U.S egiten zuen. debut.
The Browne edo Centeno borroka amaituko swing NBC du bout bat bezala bi programatutako telebistaz bouts emaitza dauden.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $150, $85 eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.ticketmaster.com eta www.foxwoods.com edo Foxwoods bisitatuz’ Lehiatila. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingcghampions.batera, www.dbe1.com etawww.nbcnbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, KidChocolate, @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT Eta Swanson_Comm, Facebook fan bihurtu at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing Txapeldunen,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment eta www.Facebook.com/NBCSports.




Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak For

Argazkia Kreditu: Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (April 12, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions on NBC returned with two exciting bouts Larunbata night as Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 Kos) garaitu Lamont Peterson (33-3-1, 17 Kos) by majority decision and “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2-1, 24 Kos) eta Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) fought to a split draw at Barclays Center.


The evening’s second main event saw the undefeated Garcia stalk the lightning quick Peterson around the ring while consistently attacking Peterson’s body. Peterson moved well in the first half of the fight, but did not begin engaging offensively until the later rounds.


The two exchanged blows throughout a raucous twelfth round that stirred the crowd of 12,300 at Barclays Center into a frenzy. The judges tallies ended at 115-113 for Garcia twice and one score of 114-114.


“Handia sentitzen dut. I prepared for a war. He was moving a lot. I thought it was close, not going to lie,” esan zuen Garcia. “It was definitely close the whole way through. I did enough to win and I’m happy with my performance.


[On going up in weight] “I feel like I have to go up. It’s affecting my performance, but I feel like I did a great job.


I did my part. I’m not calling it a robbery but it was a good fight,” Said Peterson. “I don’t expect an easy journey for me to get where I’m going. Handia sentitzen dut. That’s probably the least contact I’ve ever had in a fight.


In the first main event, Quillin scored a huge knockdown in the first round and followed it up by putting Lee on the canvas in round three. Lee made adjustments as the fight went on and began to box Quillin effectively, even putting him down in the seventh round.


Lee and Quillin landed almost the same percentage of punches with Lee connecting on 38 percent and Quillin on 39 ehuneko. One judge scored the bout 113-112 for Lee with another scoring the bout 113-112 for Quillin and the final had a score of 113-113.


There’s a reason why judges are judges. They see it their way. I respect the decision,” Said Quillin.


[On being knocked down] “There’s a first time for everything. I’m very thankful that I was able to get back up and keep fighting. I took a year off and I was able to go 12-rounds and I could have kept going.


“Gogorra borroka bat izan zen. He dropped me early because I was being lazy. I got my momentum late in the fight and I boxed consistently. I understand why with two knockdowns people felt he won the decision. I could have done better Gaur gauean. If my next fight is Peter Quillin.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and sponsored by Corona.


Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com eta www.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports eta www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Jarraitu #PremierBoxingChampions eta #BKBoxing erabiliz elkarrizketan.

PREMIER BOXING NBC final prentsaurrekoan komatxorik CHAMPIONS & ARGAZKIAK

Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak For

Argazkia Kreditu: Ed Diller / DiBella aisialdia

BROOKLYN (April 9, 2015) – As Larunbata en fight night rapidly approaches, Borrokalari lehian larunbateko on Premier Boxing Champions on NBC night of fights held a final press conference Thursday at the Edison Ballroom New Yorken.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) begira Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) eta partidarik galdu gabe Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). PBC bigarren zatikako NBC on hasten 8:30 p.m. ETA.


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 eta $50, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salmenta now.Tickets on dira eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.cometa American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Thursday’s press conference:




I’ve been working on fighting hard, but also smart. I’m going to go in there and dictate the pace and I’m always looking for the knockout. If I can’t knock him out then I’ll be ready to go 12 erronda.


It’s always hard making weight, but I’m on weight now. Right now I’m growing into my prime and my body is getting bigger and it’ll be time soon for me to go up in weight.


I’m looking at this as a very big fight. So I’m going in there mentally and physically ready. He’s coming to fight and I’m coming to fight. Larunbata is going to be about who can make the right adjustments.


I love Brooklyn. This is my fourth fight here and I’ve heard that the tickets for this fight are selling faster than any other fight they’ve held here. So I must be doing something right in Brooklyn. The atmosphere is great at Barclays Center.


I’ve always felt that I’m one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. I’ve won a lot of big fights with a lot of great fighters, and my goal is just continue winning one fight at a time.



Danny’s talk makes no difference to me. I think I’m even more confident than him and I’ll get the victory Larunbata night and that will be that.


The stakes are high. This can definitely push me to the next level in this boxing game. I’ve been at the top for a while but there’s a difference between being at the top and being an elite fighter. I think this will solidify me as an elite fighter.


I looked at a few of Danny’s fights but nothing really stood out to me. I know Danny is a counterpuncher, that’s what he does. We’ve come up with a game plan to stop that.


I’m a different person than the other guys Danny has fought. I’m a different person with a different style. I trust myself to make adjustments in the ring.


This fight will be different than either of our fights with Matthysse. It’s two different fights and styles make fights. There will be different results. I had to prepare for Danny Garcia and Danny Garcia had to prepare for me.


There’s no pressure fighting on this big card, but I know what it brings. This brings more exposure and I want to use that exposure in the right way. I know I’m looked up to as a role model and I just want to use this exposure.


This will put a big spotlight on boxing and I’m happy to be a part of it.


“Borrokatzeko prest nago, I’ve prepared well and I’m ready to put on a show.




I’m eager to fight and ready to go. I’m feeling very dangerous right now.


My ring generalship is one thing, but overall I feel like I have a good idea of what I want to do in the ring. Peter has an idea too, but it’s more moment to moment for him, which can be good as well, when you improvise. I’m more of a guy who will set you up and work to a plan.


Coming back and winning a fight really strengthens your resolve. You know in your mind that at any time, you have a chance of winning. I never plan to be behind but it happens. This time I plan to lead from the front.


Peter is offensive, which leaves openings. He might be cautious for a while because both of us know that we might pay the price of being offensive. Eventually we’ll exchange and it will be explosive one way of the other.


I’m a southpaw puncher who can box and I’ve never been in a dull fight. I have a ‘never say dieattitude and I’m not someone who is just going to go out there and play it safe. I’ll risk it all to win.


My confidence is very high. I’m the champion of the world and there’s no higher station than that in boxing. I’m the champion and he’ll have to come and take my title.




Everyone tune in on April 11 because we’re going to do more than just try to take that belt, we’re going to take that belt because that’s what we do.


Andy is the champion of the world but this is the second time I’ve been the challenger to a world champion. I’ve been here before. I know he’s a newly crowned champion so I have nothing bad to say about him.


Andy’s greatest strength is that he lost twice and was able to come back and make himself look very good.


This is a totally different caliber fight than either of us has had. I’m not any of those fighters that he’s faced. I can’t go in there and try to fight like a Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


I’m only concerned about working hard, which I’ve done every day leading up to this fight. So I have no concerns at all.


I’m motivated period. My heart is built on motivation in all things. Talking to media, being on NBC, fighting for the belt and being a positive person. I’m thankful that every day I can put out a positive story about myself.

LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak


We have a great night of boxing from beginning to end, you will be hearing a lot more from these young fighters.


If you want to see everything, get there to Barclays Center at 5 p.m.


We’re very thrilled that this is going to be televised in primetime on NBC. PBC NBC on. It has a nice ring to it.


The first main event of the evening features Andy Lee, middleweight champion and the fighting pride of Limerick. He is a warrior, he’s at the most confident point of his career and he’s going to need to be because he’s fighting an undefeated champion.


Peter Quillin makes Brooklyn his home. It’s his third fight at Barclays Center and he has a perfect record of 31-0. He’s going to try to take Andy’s belt, baina ez da erraza izango.


The bout that will close the show is one of the most eagerly anticipated bouts in all of boxing. Lamont Peterson is noted for being one of the most technically sound boxers in the game and he has an outstanding record to a back it up.


Danny Garcia really embodies what it means to be a Philadelphia fighter. He’s a tough guy with an undefeated record. He’s going to look to keep that record perfect against Lamont Peterson.


JON MILLER, Lehendakaria, Programazioa, NBC Sports & NBCSN


On behalf of NBC Sports we’re thrilled to be a part of this and to be in our own backyard. We couldn’t pick a better venue than Barclays Center. The card put together is spectacular. There are great fights once again and we’re excited about the progress that this new property has taken for us.


I think one of the most unique things about Larunbat honetan night is that it’s going to make history in television because three of the most venerable and outstanding sports television personalities will be working together for the first time as Al Michaels will be our host, Marv Albert will be doing play-by-play and for the first time ever they will be joined by Bob Costas.


These three iconic figures have worked Olympics and Super Bowls but it’s the first time they’ve ever worked together on one event and that is a tribute to what the entire has put together in delivering this great card.


BRETT YORMARK, Barclays Center zuzendari nagusia


Larunbat honetan marks a historic moment for Barclays Center as we host our 11garrenprofessional boxing event and our first Premier Boxing Champions event.


When you combine the talent in the ring, the production of the show and the iconic broadcasting team of Al Michael, Bob Costas and Marv Albert plus boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard this will be one of the best fight nights that New York has hosted in decades.


Signifying the magnitude of the event, tickets have sold faster than at any other boxing show Barclays Center has hosted.


At Barclays Center, we have not only served as a launch pad for many local boxerscareers, but have relished in the role of becoming the home for Champions.


Argazkia Kreditu: Angela Cranford/Barclays Center

BROOKLYN (April 7, 2015) – Fighters lehian larunbateko on Premier Boxing Champions on NBC night of fights participated in a media workout today at Barclays Center in anticipation of their upcoming bouts.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) begira Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) eta partidarik galdu gabe Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). PBC bigarren zatikako NBC on hasten 8:30 p.m. ETA.


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 eta $50, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salmenta now.Tickets on dira eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.cometa American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Asteartea en Entrenamendu:




I just want to give the fans a great fight. I want them to see the best Danny Garcia. Egunaren amaieran,, this is the fight the fans want to see. My main focus is putting on a great show for the fans.


I’ve faced a lot of skillful boxers in my career and I’m still undefeated. That should tell the fans around the world who has more skill. Halako April 11 when he’s feeling these two bombs on his face he’s going to forget about his skill.


I just want to give fans a great fight. I’m not too worried about the ‘0’ on my record. I fight hard to protect it but my main focus is to go in there and get the job done one fight at a time.


Everything I’ve done in my career is for a reason. Now I’m here on NBC fighting on this big playing field. This is great for boxing and a breath of fresh air for the sport.


I just want to be confident and humble at the same time. I want the fans to love me because I’m being myself. It’s very important for a young champion.


I’m going to try to dictate the pace, be smart, move my head, use my feet and land good punches. I can’t try to chase him down.


I used to love other great Puerto Rican boxers like Felix Trinidad, Miguel Cotto and Hector Camacho. I feel like I’m definitely working my way up into the ranks with them and following their footsteps.


I have to be smart in the ring. I have to go in there and be Danny Garcia. I’m here because I’m a smart fighter. Everyone knows that. Botere daukat. I’m going to find my opening and capitalize on his mistakes.





This is just another fight for me. I’m not worried about being the main event. Maite dut borrokatzeko. As long as I’m fighting I’m happy.


A lot of people see us fight and see us take punches, but that’s just the easy part. The sacrifice in the gym and putting my body through punishment is the rough part.


I’m not trying to prove anyone wrong, but this fight is important to me and I want to win it. I want to be the top guy and that means beating the top guy.


People talk about him beating Matthysse and Matthysse beating me, but anyone who knows about boxing knows that doesn’t mean anything. Halako Larunbata night I will prove to everyone that I’m a better fighter than Danny Garcia.


Angel Garcia has his opinion on this fight, and I respect it. He can go on record and say anything he wants, but if he says Danny Garcia is stronger than me, I’ll tell you that’s a lie.


We’re not worried about Danny’s power. A lot of people have asked me about that but I’m not worried. Danny Garcia had a split decision with Kendall Holt, who I knocked out. No one seems to mention that.


I’m comfortable with whatever way this fight goes. I’m almost guaranteeing the win.


I don’t think they’re taking me lightly. Egunaren amaieran,, Garcia knows this is a fight and he knows he hasn’t fought anyone like me. I’m expecting a big victory Larunbata Gau.


You never know what you’re going to see with me. Whatever I feel like I need to do to win, that’s what I’ll do. Prest nago 100 ehuneko. I’m in shape for 30 rounds and I’ll be ready for anything. ”




We’ve made unbelievable progress in the last year on my skills and everything has really just clicked for me and my team and now we’re seeing the results in the ring.


I’m very proud to be an Irishman from Limerick defending his world championship in New York, it doesn’t get much better than that.


There’s been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders since winning the world-title. It’s what I always wanted to do and I’ve been touted as a champion for years and if I never got it I would have been disappointed. Now the monkey is off my back and I can just box and show people who I am.


We’ve made physical and tactical improvements in the gym since the last fight and hopefully they’ll show up in the ring larunbatean.


I think this could be a technical fight or it could be a bit of a fire fight. It’s going to be a little of both at times. There will be moments where we’re looking at each other, figuring each other out, but once we exchange it could be explosive.


Quillin is sure of himself, but he has to be, I have the same mentality. You have to be to compete in this sport.


Fighting at home like Quillin is larunbatean, brings a different kind of pressure to the table, it’s the pressure of expectations and people you know coming to the fights. That’s also pressure and I know all about that.


I haven’t needed to build up my confidence for this fight. It’s not time to think. It’s time to do what I’ve been doing every day in the gym.




I never trailed in a fight and came back and won like Lee. I’ve just won all the time right out of the gate. Those other guys aren’t ‘Kid Chocolateso I think that’s why this fight was made.


It’s a big fight for him and a big fight for me. He’s a smart fighter when he’s in trouble so I have to watch out for that. Most importantly I just need to be true to myself.


A lot of people had Lee as the underdog in his last fight but he came out and did great. That’s the thing about boxing; one punch can change the fight.


I’m getting paid for 12 rounds so I’m preparing for 12 rounds but if I can get him out of there early I will.


My whole life has been struggles and I’ve had to overcome every single one of those struggles. This is going to be no different from that.


Being a father of course made me more inspired and watching my uncle pass has made me more motivated than ever to accomplish everything I want.


When I gave up the belt I learned that I can be a bigger man and make tough decisions like that all of the time. People think losing is easy, but winning all the time is a different kind of pressure.




I am the best young prospect in the game. I’m on the borderline of contender status and I believe I’m one fight away from being a contender.


I’m a little bit of a mix style-wise. Boxeolari bat naiz, I can punch and I can fight if I have to.


The fight I learned the most from was with Emanuel Lartey, he was undefeated along with me and it was my first real fight and first time going the distance.


I see myself fighting all the top guys in the welterweight division. I see myself with Keith Thurman, Amir Khan and any top welterweight.


I’m going to look good as always larunbatean Gau, It’s going to be fantastic and I’m going to come out with the victory.




I’m just blessed to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the eighth time in front of my hometown fans.


I love performing in in Brooklyn. The fans here are fantastic and they know when I get in the ring they’re going to see something special.


I have a tough opponent in front of me. Honez bizi zuen, very lanky fighter but we’ve trained very hard and I’m ready for anything he’s got.


Larunbata is going to be a great night for Team Browne, Staten Island and all of my fans. Don’t blink cause you might miss it!”


Luis Collazo


I’ve spent some time with the family, regrouping and making sure I still have the same passion for this sport. I’m excited to be back and I jumped at the opportunity to be on this card.


This is what I live for. Boxing nire bizitza da.


After the Khan fight I took about a month off and then I went straight to the gym. I couldn’t go out like I did against Khan. Aitzakiarik, but it was time to go back to the drawing board and stay motivated throughout the whole year.


The fans can expect the same excitement I always bring. I’m more motivated now and hopefully after this fight I can get a big fight and give the fans what they want.




I have the same mindset going into every fight. I train to fight my fight and make adjustments when get in there.


I feel strong and I feel capable of whatever needs to be done.


I’ve only been boxing for four years so I’m still learning a lot of boxing technique in camp plus working three or four days a week with my strength and conditioning coach.


Fans can expect a good show and a big win out me larunbatean.”


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak For

Argazkia Kreditu: NYSE / Valerie Caviness

Klikatu HEMEN for Replay Of The Ceremony

BROOKLYN (April 6, 2015) – Fighters Andy Lee, Peter Quillin, Marcus Browne eta Heather Hardy, who are fighting larunbatean night on the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) NBC Barclays Center Brooklyn ikuskizun on, NYSE ixteak Bell® gaur eraztunketa parte hartu du. Fighters ziren barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark fitxatu, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak Lou DiBella, Swanson Komunikazioak presidentea Kelly Swanson, Barclays Center Chief Komunikazio arduraduna Barry Baum, eta HAYMON Boxing presidenteordea Komunikazio Tim Smith zeremonia.


Click to see photos and a replay from today’s ceremony at NYSE.


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 eta $50, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


# # #


Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,

www.BarclaysCenter.com eta www.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports eta

www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Jarraitu #PremierBoxingChampions eta #BKBoxing erabiliz elkarrizketan.


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak deskargatu

Argazkia Kreditu: Rouse Photography Group

Washington D.C. (March 26, 2015) – A little more than two weeks in advance of his highly anticipated bout at Barclays Center Brooklyn, Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) anfitrioi media Bald Eagle Recreation Center Washington, D.C. Lamont, Bere anaia Anthony eta Lamont prestatzaile, Barry Hunter, took some time out of their training schedule to discuss Lamont’s Premier Boxing Champions aurkako Showdown Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) on April 11.


Jarraian mesedez gertaera komatxorik nabarmenak aurkitu, zein izan zen inprimatu bertaratu, emititu eta media online eskualde osoko saltokietan:


Lamont Peterson, Super arin Munduko txapelduna


“Plana besterik dago eta borrokatzeko zion izan liteke. Nola borrokatu aukeratu dut edozein izanda, Bezala ezin dut irabazi sentitzen dut. Izan dut azkarrago oinak, baina horiek erabili ahal izango dut beste gauza batzuk ere egin. Dut aurrera joan ahal. Beti ez daukat be going to atzeraka. Joko plana egingo dut makila, baina ez dakigu joko plana zer da oraintxe.


“Nire mentalitate ditu beti Biribilean, batez ere, berandu hasi errondak. Zure gorputza asko eskatu duzu eraztun horretan, eta asko aldiz doa zer den badaki horri. Beraz, zure nortasuna betiko ateratzen, eta uste dut hori non beste borrokalari baino gehiago distira I. Geroago erronda naizenean normalean borroka baino gehiago hartu dira. Denbora asko nahi dut erronda gehiago joan ahal izan genuen.


“Zale borroka hau ikusi nahi izan ziurtatu du gertatu dela nahi nuen. Inoiz ez dut benetan deitu izenak edo hurrengo nor nahi dut buruz hitz. Zuen esku uzten dut zale eta hedabideen aurrean daude borrokak asko zale hori ez da inoiz gertatuko ikusi nahi duten delako. Egunaren amaieran,, Zaleek naiz borrokan eta komunikabideetan, beraz, zergatik ez borrokatu borrokatu duten me nahi dute?


“Besterik ez naiz Gauzak ez dut ondo hartu eta exekutatu bila, eta orduan eramateko gauza Garcia du ondo eta behartu zion ez du eta maizago gauzak egiteko nabil. Ez dut aurreko edozein bere borroka bat begiratu eta uste gurea da, era horretan joan.


“Borrokalaria hobea naiz. Behin betiko da zuen kontra-puncher eta ziurtatu egin begira ari gara hori ez get countered dugu modu beste batzuk izan dira.


“Gorabeherak kanpamenduan egon dira. Batzuetan denbora atzera tira eta lasaitu da, baina batzuetan gogor lan egiteko ordua da. Oro har handia sentitzen dut. Jende asko esan hau, baina hori nire onena prestakuntza camp inoiz izan eta zoriontsu non nago oraintxe naiz. Borrokatzeko prest nago.


“Hau niretzat borroka handiena da. Honen ondoren ez dago ezer utzi pisua klasean egin. Gustatuko litzaidake gora hurrengo borroka honen ondoren.”


Barry Hunter, Peterson Trainer


“Lamont borrokalaria oso polifazetikoa da. Ring aldiz ehunka He. Kutxa ahal zuen. Bai barrutik eta kanpotik borrokatu ahal zuen. Strategize ahal zuen, baina ezin zuen, halaber, oso erasokorra izan.


“Danny ona borrokalaria da. Ez du bat edo bi gauza handia, baina gauza asko ez zuen ondo. Duten arren, hura ikusi dugu ustiatu ahal izango dugu uste dugu gauza batzuk daude eta han joan asmo hacerlo batera goaz. Oro har, uste dut Lamont borrokalaria hobea da.


“Ez dago izen handi gutxi batzuk besterik at utzi 140, Besteek mugitu du arte 147. Beraz Lamont en pentsatzeko bidea zen bide bakarra borroka hau egin zentzua at 140 zen bada zuen Danny Garcia aurre izan. Hau izan zen zaleen emanez buruz gehiago zer ikusi nahi dute. Hau da, fans emateko free borroka handi bat berriro telebista nazionaletan joan.


“NBC kirol sare egia da. NBA dute, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS eta hori izan zen kirol bakarra falta boxeo zen. Sare guztietan erabili izan Boxing eta mitikoen borrokalari borroka mitikoaren izan zuten. Ez zen beti gerrikoa buruz bai. Gero gauzak aldatu, baina hau aukera bat boxeo ekartzea atzealdean egia zale ematen digu.”


Anthony Peterson

“Ez nago urduri borroka honetan behaketa buruz. Besterik ez naiz atzera eseri eta ikustera joan. Lamont ren beraz, prest.


“Danny aparteko borrokalaria da. Bere DNA da, baina Lamont hain bideratuta konfidantza zuen irabazteko joan naiz.


“Ikasi Lamont me babesteko kaleetan borrokatzeko.”


# # #

Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, tasatuak $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 eta $50, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.



Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com eta www.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports eta www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Jarraitu #PremierBoxingChampions eta #BKBoxing erabiliz elkarrizketan.