Tag Archives: Meino


Lewiston, Meino (Gruodis 14, 2016) -Nauja Anglija Kovų (NEF) grįžta į „Androscoggin Bank Colisee“ Vasaris 11, 2017 su kitu mišraus kovos menų renginiu, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA.” Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bout to the card. Aleksas Walker (2-1) makes her return to Lewiston to take on the debuting Katie Baker (0-0) in a strawweight matchup.


24-year-old Alex Walker has appeared twice previously in the NEF cage. Walker debuted in the spring of 2015 į “NEF 17against Randi Beth Boyington (1-3). She returned earlier this year to defeat Nicole Burgess (0-1) with a third-round armbar. This past summer, she captured her first regional title on a fight card in Vermont. Walker is a member of Team Kaze based in Lancaster, Naujasis Hampšyras.


I can’t wait to get back to work in the NEF cage,” exclaimed Walker. “2017 is going to be a good year and I am looking forward to entertaining the great fans in Maine! I can’t think of a better way to start the year. The two times I have fought in Maine, they were both FOTN, looking to Threepeat!”


Katie Baker, an 18-year-old from Gardiner, Meino, might be new to the NEF cage, but she is well-known within martial arts circles in the Pine Tree State. Baker began training in combat sports at the age of five. She won the Isshinryu World Karate Championship in 2009 ir 2013, and has been a practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for seven years, regularly taking part in local tournaments. Anksčiau šiais metais, Baker began competing in amateur boxing. She currently trains with Young’s MMA in Bangor, Meino.


I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to square off against Alex Walker at ‘NEF 27,'said Baker. “I have a high level of respect for Alex and her accomplishments. We’re not taking her lightly, and this is going to be a hell of a fight for my debut.


Kitas NEF renginys, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA” vyksta Šeštadienis, Vasaris 11, 2017 į 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra parduoti dabar www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


Lewiston, Meino (Gruodis 13, 2016) -Nauja Anglija Kovų (NEF) grįžta į „Androscoggin Bank Colisee“ Vasaris 11, 2017 su kitu mišraus kovos menų renginiu, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA.” Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bout to the card. Angela Young (1-2) returns to the NEF cage to take on Christine Brothwell (0-2) muselių svorio kategorijoje.


Jaunas, the wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young, made her MMA debut in the fall of 2015. Somehow finding the time to fight while being a fulltime mother and working overnight as a registered nurse, Young would compete three times in just an eight-month period. Laimėti ar prarasti, she has been known to put on “nakties kova” performances, including Young’s last bout with Kylie O’Hearn (1-2) į “NEF 23” in Hyannis, Massachusetts this past May.


I’ve taken some time off from the cage since my last fight, but I’ve never stopped training,” said Young when reached for comment. “Young’s is growing, and team training has been elevated to a higher standard because of the new talent. I’m looking forward to stepping back in the NEF cage in February. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while, and you better believe I’m coming for a win.


Like her opponent, Brothwell is a registered nurse. She is based in New Hampshire and is a member of team Bucket Brigade in Nashua. While she will be making her NEF debut on Vasaris 11, Brothwell is no stranger to the MMA cage. She has competed twice previously and she promises a memorable fight for both Young and the fans in Lewiston.


I fully respect my opponent, her abilities and training, but I train with the best in New England,” stated Brothwell. “Laimėti ar prarasti, you will always remember the time you fought me. This won’t just be the best female fight on the card, it’s going to be fight of the night.


Kitas NEF renginys, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA” vyksta Šeštadienis, Vasaris 11, 2017 į 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra parduoti dabar www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.



Lewiston, Meino (Gruodis 7, 2016) -Nauja Anglija Kovų (NEF) grįžta į „Androscoggin Bank Colisee“ Vasaris 11, 2017 su kitu mišraus kovos menų renginiu, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA.” Anksčiau šiandien, kovos skatinimas paskelbė, kad prie kortelės pridėtas profesionalų konkursas. Ras “Rasquatch” Hyltonas (0-0) bus padaryti savo profesinę debiutavo prieš Mikrofonas “Ūsai” Hansen (5-4) į sunkiasvorių divizijoje.


Dabar legendinis Hyltono kilimas per NEF mėgėjų sunkiasvorių diviziono gretas yra viena iš pagrindinių 2016. 6’6″ ir iškilęs virš MMA narvo viršaus, Hyltonas nukerta įspūdingą figūrą. Vienintelis įspūdingesnis dalykas nei Hyltono dydis ir išvaizda gali būti jo sportiniai sugebėjimai. Derlingas puolėjas, Hyltonas visus tris varžovus šiais metais baigė nokautu arba techniniu nokautu.


“Rasquatch,” ar kaip kai kurie sirgaliai jį vadina “Jamaikos „Shamrock“,” tikrai pradėjo kilstelėti antakius, kai Matt Glover išmušė ritės galvą (1-1) praėjusį pavasarį. Tada, praėjusį mėnesį ne “NEF 26,” Hyltonas daužė itin kietą Keviną Smithą (3-3) iki kruvinos minkštimo. Iš karto po šio dominuojančio pasirodymo Hyltono treneriai „First Class MMA“ ir „Dragon Fire Martial Arts“ pajuto, kad jam tinkamas laikas peršokti į profesionalų gretas..


“Esu labai dėkinga, kad savo šeimos ir draugų akivaizdoje kovojau su Mike'o Hanseno ūgio vyru,” - tarė Hyltonas. “Kaip pirmasis profesionalus kovotojas, išėjęs iš „Dragon Fire“ kovos menų ir pirmosios klasės MMA, ir Shihano Andy Campbello nurodymu, Jonas “Pirmarūšis” Raio ir mano komanda, mes ruošiamės man eiti į karą, nes tai yra tai, ką Mike'as visada atneša į narvą.”


Buvęs Meino valstijos sunkiųjų imtynių čempionas iš Mountain Valley vidurinės mokyklos, Mike'as Hansenas niekada nevengė kovoti su didesniu už jį. Iš tikrųjų, Hansen, kuris taip pat varžosi lengvojo ir vidutinio svorio divizionuose, įgijo šiek tiek a reputaciją “milžiniškas žudikas.”


Anksčiau šiais metais, Hansenas pateikė žymiai didesnį Jesse Baughmaną (0-2) pirmame ture “NEF 22.” Po to įspūdingo pasirodymo jis beveik išmušė daug didesnius „Brendan Battles“ (1-1) dešine ranka “NEF 23.” Šį rudenį Hansenas atidavė beveik pusę pėdos Mattui Andrikutui (2-1) ir pirmame raunde pateikė savo didesnį varžovą. Iš tikrųjų, Hyltono dydžio pranašumas vaidins nedaug reikšmės šios kovos rezultatuose, jei Hansenas turėtų ką pasakyti apie tai.


“Aš super excited už šioje kovoje,” - sušuko Hansenas. “Man patinka būti šių „super kovų“ dalimi.’ Aš žinau, kad Rasui už nugaros yra puiki stovykla ir jis ateis 100% paruoštas. Iš Raio nesitikėsiu nieko mažiau, bet jaučiu, kad mano patirtis ir ramybė narve bus mano geriausias turtas ir tai nėra kažkas, dėl ko jis galėtų treniruotis į 10 savaičių. Vasario 11 d eisime į karą, todėl tikėkis būtent to.”


Kitas NEF renginys, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA” vyksta Šeštadienis, Vasaris 11, 2017 į 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra parduoti dabar www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."





UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Lewiston, Meino (Gruodis 6, 2016) -Nauja Anglija Kovų (NEF) grįžta į „Androscoggin Bank Colisee“ Vasaris 11, 2017 su kitu mišraus kovos menų renginiu, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA.” Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the first amateur fight confirmed for the card. Henris Clark (3-2) planuojama į veidą Alex Clark (3-2) esant 140 svarų catchweight.


Henry Clark fights out of the Choi Institute in Portland, Meino. With wins over the likes of Sheldon Bang (2-2) and Fred Lear (4-2), Henry earned a shot at the NEF Amateur Bantamweight Title earlier this year. The finish of the bout was mired in controversy as Henry contended that the referee stoppage resulting in a technical knockout victory for Johnny Crafts (4-1) was actually the result of an illegal eye poke suffered by Clark.


I’m coming into to this fight with an iron will and a desire for violence,” declared Henry Clark. “After my last loss, I can guarantee it will not go that way for me again. I’m the best 135-pounder in Maine, and I’m here to prove that. After I take what I want from Alex, there’s only one place for me to go and that’s a championship fight. I look forward to facing the challenges Alex will bring.


Alex Clark is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Meino. He recently returned to the NEF cage after an extended leave of nearly three years from active competition. Į “NEF 26” praėjusį mėnesį, Alex lost a hard-fought battle against Florida’s Shawn Lunghi (2-0). He will be looking to bounce back from that loss atNEF 27,and he promises an exciting contest for fight fans.


I’m super excited about this fight,” said Alex Clark. “Henry is a tough guy with absolutely no quit in him. He’s not afraid to stand and exchange and has good BJJ to back it up. This is an awesome matchup between a couple of strong willed warriors, but I think my strength and athleticism is going to be the difference. Styles make fights and there’s no doubt that this one will be a crowd pleaser.


Kitas NEF renginys, “NEF 27: RESURGENCIJA” vyksta Šeštadienis, Vasaris 11, 2017 į 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra parduoti dabar www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."



Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 21, 2016) – Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) pristato savo kitą mišrių kovos menų renginį, “NEF 26: PRIVALUMAS,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Anksčiau šiandien, NEF executives announced the full fight card for the event which will be the fight promotion’s grand finale for 2016.


Į pagrindinį renginį, “The” Ryanas Sandersas (10-8) susitiks Jon Lemke (5-6) in a professional lightweight bout. It will be Sandersfirst fight in Lewiston since November 2014. Much has been made of the fact that Sanders and Lemke are former teammates. The bout is considered adream matchby Maine fight fans, especially those from the Bangor-area familiar with the rivalry between Sanderscamp Young’s MMA and Lemke’s camp Team Irish.


The co-main event of the evening will feature an interesting “treneris vs.. treneris” mūšis. “Grūdintas 2.0” Derek Shorey (4-7), head of the Shatterproof Combat Club, is scheduled to face Ruthless MMA & Boxing founder Joshas Parkeris (4-8) in a professional featherweight contest. Shorey is coming off a big win in Rhode Island earlier this fall, while Parker will be returning to the MMA cage after spending the last three years competing as a boxer.


Rounding out the professional portion of the card will be undefeated prospect Aaronas “Nepaliaujamas” Lacey (3-0) ir Tayloras Trahanas (6-6) į lengvas bijau. Lacey and Trahan both submitted their respective opponents atNEF 25” praėjusį mėnesį. Many local followers of the sport feel that Lacey is just a handful of wins away from getting the call to the major league of the sport. Trahan will be looking to play the role of spoiler while also avenging the loss of his Team Link teammate John Santos (3-5) to Lacey in Bangor this past August.


The amateur portion of the card will be headlined by a heavyweight title fight between Nikas “The Guardian” Gulliver (3-0) ir Antklodė DeCastro (2-2). DeCastro stepped up to the plate to face Gulliver when no other heavyweight in the region would do so. Gulliver has been on a path of destruction, ripping through three opponents in a combined two minutes.


Two women’s fights are on tap forNEF 26.JessicaThe Black WidowBorga (2-2) returns from Florida to meet Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Brianne Genschel (0-0). Genschel’s First Class MMA teammate “Holivudo” Ona Sparrell (1-1) will also be in action against Fernanda Araujo (4-4-2).


Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner’s The Academy in Portland, Maine will send two new fighters to the cage atNEF 26.Chad Pierce (0-0) will debut against Shatterproof’s Lyman Curtis (0-0), o Phil Chiasson (0-0) atitinka Rik Seymour (0-0) of 3Ronin Athletics. Both bouts will take place in the 155-pound lightweight division.


The fullNEF 26” Kova skyriaus (keistis ir tvirtinimas Kovinis sportas tarnybos Meino):





155 Ryanas Sandersas 10-8 (Young’s) vs Jon Lemke 5-6 (Komanda Airijos)


145 Joshas Parkeris 4-8 (Negailestingas) vs Derek Shorey 4-7 (Shatterproof)


145 Aaronas Lacey 3-0 (Young’s) vs Taylor Trahan 6-6 (Komanda Nuoroda)



265*PAVADINIMAS Nickas Gulliveris 3-0 (Pirmarūšis) vs Yorgan DeCastro 2-2 (SSSF)

265 Kevin Smith 3-2 (Young’s) vs Ras Hylton 2-0 (Pirmarūšis)


210 Mike Swan 0-0 (Choi) vs Joe Krech 0-2 (Nepriklausomas)


185 Nash Roy 2-2 (Young’s) vs Chris Smith 1-0 (Berserkers)


170 Darren Ducharme 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Tom Burgess 2-0 (Berserkers)


155 Kenas Dunn 0-3 (Nepriklausomas) vs Angelo Rizitello 0-1 (Shatterproof)


155 Chad Pierce 0-0 (Academy) vs Lyman Curtis 0-0 (Shatterproof)


155 Phil Chiasson 0-0 (Academy) vs Rik Seymour 0-0 (3Ronin Atletiškas)


145 Alex Clark 3-1 (Young’s) vs Shawn Lunghi 1-0 (S. Tampa Jiu Jitsu/MMA)


145 Hannah Sparell 1-1 (Pirmarūšis) vs Fernanda Araujo 4-4-2 (Besiginantis kraštas)


135 Brianne Genschel 0-0 (First Class/Foundry) vs Jessica Borga 2-2 (Čempionų)


135 Fredas Lyras 3-2 (Young’s) vs Robby Fraser 1-1 (S. Tampa Jiu Jitsu/MMA)


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovosir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."



UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 10, 2016) – Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) pristato savo kitą mišrių kovos menų renginį, “NEF 26: PRIVALUMAS,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Anksčiau šiandien, NEF executives announced the addition of an amateur featherweight women’s bout to the fight card. “Holivudo” Ona Sparrell (1-1) susitiks “Žiaurus” Fernanda Araujo (4-4-2) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.


Hannah Sparrell made her NEF cage debut in September 2015 with a unanimous decision victory over Kira Innocenti (0-1). She returned to the cage last spring at “NEF 22” in a losing effort against Angela Young (1-2). Tai bijau, a back and forth battle, has been one of the most memorable this year in NEF and could be in the running for “Kova Metų” honors as well. Sparrell is a member of First Class MMA based out of Brunswick, Meino.


I’m super excited to be stepping into the NEF cage once again on November 19th,” said Sparrell. “For months, I have had friends, supporters and fans asking me when my next bout will be. I am happy to have a solid answer for them. Though I lost my fight to Angela during NEF 22, I left there with my head held high, a newly recognized confidence, and a hunger to get in the cage once again.


Fernanda has a solid, and well rounded MMA career. Her experience and comfort level in the cage gives me a determination to train hard, give her a good fight, and feel the sense of empowerment of having my hand raised after the hard fought rounds!”


Fernanda Araujo is also a veteran of the NEF cage. Į 2012, she debuted in Lewiston against Maria Rios (2-3) in what turned out to be a bloody brawl. While she lost the bout via technical knockout in the second round, Araujo impressed the Maine crowd with her gutsy performance.


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 6, 2016) – Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) pristato savo kitą mišrių kovos menų renginį, “NEF 26: PRIVALUMAS,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Anksčiau šiandien, NEF executives announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight women’s bout to the fight card. JessicaThe Black WidowBorga (2-2) returns to Maine to take on Brianne Genschel (0-0) ne kova svorio 135 svarų.


Borga made her NEF cage debut last month against Rachael Joyce (2-0). She traveled more than 1500 miles from Lakeland, Florida for the fight. While Borga was on the losing end of a unanimous decision to Joyce, she realizes that the most important part of her amateur career is gaining experience through taking tough fights.


I’m not slowing down anytime soon,” said Borga, “and love to take on any challenges and get better each fight. The more experience the better! So thankful for the girls that are stepping up to fight! I’m ready to put on an amazing show.


Brianne Genschel, while making her in-cage debut at “NEF 26,” is a longtime practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) in which she holds a black belt. She is a BJJ instructor at The Foundry in Farmington, Meino. Genschel also trains with, and will represent, First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Meino. Like her opponent, she promises an exciting fight for the fans on Lapkritis 19.


I’m really looking forward to stepping into the cage for my first fight with NEF, and especially against such an established opponent,” said Genschel. “I can’t wait to represent my teams- Foundry BJJ and First Class MMA. I have been training hard for this opportunity, and promise to put on a good show and leave it all in the cage!”


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 5, 2016) – Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) pristato savo kitą mišrių kovos menų renginį, “NEF 26: PRIVALUMAS,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Anksčiau šiandien, NEF executives announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the fight card. Aaronas “Nepaliaujamas” Lacey (3-0) has signed on to face Tayloras Trahanas (6-6) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.


Lacey is riding high on a three-fight win streak to start his professional career. He will be looking for his fourth win in a short seven-month period. It would seem that the Young’s MMA featherweight is on the fast track to the next level of the sport. Lacey knows that to get there he will have to continue to face, and defeat, tough veterans like Trahan.


Taylor is a seasoned veteran who has competed against the best New England has to offer for a long time,” said Lacey. “He has a vast amount of experience that is going to be hard to surmount. Aš darau, tačiau, believe I have a strong set of skills that can cause him a lot of problems. This one is going to be a scrap! Kas žino, maybe another fight of the night!”


Trahan is the definition of veteran. He has competed on the regional mixed-martial-arts scene since 2009. Praeitą mėnesį, Trahan made his debut in the NEF MMA cage, defeating Matt Denning (3-4) via first-round submission. It put an end to a five-fight skid that Trahan had been on. He will look to make it two in a row on Lapkritis 19 against Lacey.


I’m looking forward to returning to Lewiston to fight for NEF,” said Trahan. “I’m hoping to put on a good show for everyone and come out with the win.


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovosir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 4, 2016) – Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) pristato savo kitą mišrių kovos menų renginį, “NEF 26: PRIVALUMAS,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Anksčiau šiandien, NEF executives announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the fight card. Joshas Parkeris (4-8) imsis“Grūdintas 2.0” Derek Shorey (4-7) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.


Parker is the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based in Benton, Meino. A regular in the NEF MMA cage during the early days of the promotion, Parker has spent the last several years competing in the boxing ring. He battled Elias Leland to a draw last November in a boxing bout at “NEF XX.” Parker predicts a finish in his long-awaited return to cage competition.


I want to thank NEF for the opportunity and Derek for taking the fight,” Sakė Parkeris. “Man malonu grįžti į narvą. I feel like I have a lot to prove. I will show up this time and I will finish this fightdon’t miss it!”


Derek Shorey, founder of the Shatterproof Combat Club at the Outlet in Dexter, Meino, is coming off a huge win in Rhode Island just over a week ago. It was the spark Shorey had been looking for after dropping his last four in a row in the NEF cage. Admittedly, Shorey is filled with both fear and excitement coming into the fight with Parker.


This is a fight that has scared the crap out of me in the past,” declared Shorey. “Jis didelis, strong 145er that has good movement and boxing. Standing and trading could end horribly for either of us. His strength may be enough to keep my slams in check and I’m not a jits expert, so he can probably power out of whatever I throw at him. It’s a puzzle I’m both excited and terrified to tackle.


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovosir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."




Lewiston, Meino (Spalis 3, 2016) – Anksčiau šiandien, Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) executives announced the main event of “NEF 26: SUPREMACY.“The” Ryanas Sandersas (11-8) susidurs Jon Lemke (5-6) in a lightweight bout at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 19.


At one time, Sanders and Lemke were teammates at Marcus Davis’s Team Irish gym in Brewer, Meino. That all changed when Sanders left and joined cross-town rival Young’s MMA in Bangor.


I’m very happy to be fighting back in Lewiston,” said Sanders. “I’m thankful that Jon took this fight seeing how several top-ten lightweights turned it down. But that’s why I like Jon, he’s a fighter’s fighter and he never backs down from a tough fight. Su Cela dit, I look forward to developing a game plan that’ll shut down his strengths and have my hand raised at the end of the night.


The bout will be Sanderssecond since returning to the NEF fold. Sanders defeated Derrick Kennington (11-8) paskutinis rugpjūtis “NEF Presents Dana White: Lookinfor a Fight.” He recently inked a multi-fight developmental deal with NEF.


Ryan Sanders and NEF go way back,” stated Sanderscoach Chris Young when asked about Sandersrecent signing of an NEF developmental deal. “Ryan fought on several NEF shows, including headlining ‘NEF I.’ Taip, it’s only fitting that Ryan has finally found his way home. A hard working athlete deserves a hard working promotion and I believe NEF is the perfect vehicle to give Ryan that last push into the next level.


Lemke will be coming into the fight hungry for a win. His last victory in the NEF cage will have been almost a year to the day when he defeated Matt Denning (3-4) Lewiston ne “NEF XX.” Lemke is coming off a loss to NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Champion Devin Powell (8-1) this past August in Bangor.


What a great opportunity I have been presented by New England Fights to fight Ryan Sanders,” sakė Lemke. “Ryan has been in, and done well, with the very best of New England. He is a well-rounded fighter and will challenge me in all areas. I very much look forward to this challenge and know that there will be fireworks for sure in this fight.


The opening bell on Saturday, Lapkritis 19 yra nustatytas 7 p.m. Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne www.TheColisee.com arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovosir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."