Tag Archives: Luis Nery

Manny Pacquiao robovih Keith Thurman, KI SPLIT SKLEP za zajemanje welterweight naslov svetovnega prvaka v Premier boksarske prvake NA FOX ŠPORTNI pay-per-VIEW osrednji dogodek v soboto zvečer IZ MGM Grand garden Arena v Las Vegasu

Yordenis ugas Pokrovi Omar Figueroa s soglasno odločitvijo; Sergey Lipinets zapora Jayar Inson v dveh krogih & Luis Nery udarci iz Juan Carlos Payano v devetem krogu v Pay-Per-View Undercard

Caleb RASTLIN PRIDRŽUJEMO SUPER srednji NASLOV s tretjimi OKROGLA Knockout MIKE LEE V FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT Osrednji dogodek PRED pay-per-view

Efe Ajagba porazov Ali Eren Demirezen s soglasno odločitvijo v Clash of neporažen heavyweights na FOX

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Stewart Cookovi / FOX Sports
geslo: f0xb0x

Kliknite TUKAJ za Pacquiao vs. Thurman & TUKAJ za obrat vs. Lee Fotografije iz Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing prvakov

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promocije

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Julij 21, 2019) – Boks je le osem-delitev svetovni prvak, Senator Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao padla Keith “One Time” Thurman v prvem krogu in osvojil tesno odločitev, po delih, da zaslužijo welterweight naslov svetovnega prvaka v glavni dogodek O Boxing prvakov na FOX Sports Pay-Per-View dogodek v soboto zvečer iz MGM Grand Garden Areni v Las Vegasu.

“Bilo je zabavno,” Said Pacquiao. “Moj nasprotnik je dober borec in bokser. Bil je močan. Nisem te vrste boksar, ki govori veliko; smo samo spodbujanje boja. Mislim, da je to storil po svojih najboljših močeh, in sem po svojih najboljših močeh. Mislim, da smo naredili ventilatorjev srečna nocoj, ker je bil dober boj.”

razprodajo množica od 14,356 dobil obravnavati velikega delovanja od začetka, kot je bil razburljiv prvi krog zaokrožil s Pacquiao spustite Thurman je prvič v svoji karieri z ravno desno roko pozno v krogu.

“Vedel sem, da je preblizu,” Said Thurman. “Dobil je rasklapanje, da je imel zagon v prvem krogu.”

Thurman se prebili v drugi krog, a še vedno ima težave z desno roko Pacquiao je, kot prihodnost Dvorana Famer ga vrgel uspešno kot udarec in moči prebijala skozi boju. Thurman prilagodi v srednjem krogih in začel, da bi poskušali duši Pacquiao in ga spustimo, ob uspehu, ko je bil sposoben, da bi dobili svoje kombinacije off pred nasprotnikom.

Kljub kri lije iz nosu iz okrogle štiri na, Thurman je uspelo pristati močne kombinacije na Pacquiao za večino v drugi polovici leta boja, vendar nikoli ni mogla prizadeti Pacquiao ali dosegel rasklapanje za svojo lastno.

“Želim si, da bi imel malo več moči, da gredo palec na nogi,” Said Thurman. “Počutil sem se, kot da je že malo utrujen, vendar pa je imel izkušnje v ringu. Moja naprava in moja proizvodnja je bila tik za Manny Pacquiao je. Rada bi se revanš.”

v krogu 10, Pacquiao je pristal močno levo kljuko za telo, ki jasno poškodoval Thurman in ga prisilili, da preživijo veliko preostanek okrogle backpedaling. V CompuBox rezultati so pokazatelj tesne narave boja, z Thurman iz pristanek Pacquiao 210 da 195, medtem ko je bil Pacquiao širša metanje 686 luknjači za 571 od Thurman.

“Res ljubezen ventilatorje,” Said Pacquiao. “Najlepša hvala za prihod tukaj in priča boja. Prepričan sem, da bi bili srečni danes, ker so videli dober boj. Čeprav Thurman izgubil, je to storil po svojih najboljših močeh. Ni lahka nasprotnik. On je dober boksar in da je močna. Pravkar sem blagoslovljen nocoj.”

Oglejte si krog 10 Vrhunec TUKAJ

Pacquiao je imela veliko prednost v Jabs pristal, priključitev na 82 da Thurman je 18. The 192 moč udarcev s Thurman pristali najbolj je bila pri 43 Pacquiao bori, da je CompuBox bager. Okrogla-by-round, obe borci ločimo le z več kot pet iztovorjenih udarcev v krogih dveh, sedem in devet.

Po 12 krogi, sodniki dosegli split odločitev, z eno sodnik točkovanja boja 114-113 za Thurman, ovrže z dvema sodniki ga točkovanja 115-112 za Pacquiao, ki so ujeti svetovno prvenstvo v WBA welterweight na 40 let star.

“Dobiš blagoslove in lekcije,” Said Thurman. “Nocoj je bil blagoslov in lekcija. Hvala vsem, in hvala Manny Pacquiao.”

“Mislim (Boril se bom) naslednje leto,” Said Pacquiao. “Jaz bom šel nazaj na Filipinih in delo in potem bo odločitev. Upam, da se na (Errol) Spence vs. (Shawn) Porter boj 28. septembra.”

Sodelovanje Glavni dogodek meni pay-per-videli top bojevnik Yordenis ugas (24-4, 11 Kos) spusti prej Neutaban Omar Figueroa (28-1-1, 19 Kos) na poti do soglasne odločitve v svojem WBC welterweight naslov eliminatorja.

Ugas got off za dober začetek, povezovanje na ravni desno roko, ki je poslala Figueroa v vrvi, ki je imel na to, da ni udaril platno, vendar dovolj, da je sodnik Russell Mora to odločilo na rasklapanje.

“Boj igral, kako sem mislil, da bi,” Said ugas. “Sem prišel ven močna in Figueroa je bila težka, kot tudi. To je podobno kot v boj vse pričakovane. Sem prišel ven na vrhu.”

Oglejte si vrhunec rasklapanje TUKAJ

Figueroa opomogel in je lahko, da bi bilo za rundo, kjer je nadaljeval svojo strategijo, ki bi predlagal, da bi poskušali boli ugas na notranji. Ugas mogel nadzorovati, da je ukrepanje na notranji, pristanek številne uppercuts za omamljanje Figueroa. Vendar, notranji boj privedla do ugas odšteje točko, s strani sodnika v krogu petih za gospodarstvo.

“Ugas borili pametne boj,” Said Figueroa. “On me je zadušil na notranji in držite. Mislil sem, da so bili rezultati so preširoka. mu, da je bil po in deluje ves čas. Počutil sem se, kot da je delal le zadnji 30 sekund krogu, ampak mislim, da je bilo vse, kar je.

“Nisem imel nobenih težav s svojo velikostjo. Mislil sem, da sem sposoben narediti svojo stvar, ampak ko me je gospodarstvo nisem mogel dobiti moje dejanje dogaja.”

Kljub temu, in je opozoril kasneje v boju za doseganje nizkih udarcev, Ugas prevladujejo boja po CompuBox, iz pristanek Figueroa 229 da 131 in povezovanje z 28% njegovih udarcev, da Figueroa je 22%.

“Vedel sem, Figueroa je korenjak, zato nisem želel izgubljati svojo energijo poskuša, da ga zgodaj,” Said ugas. “Bil sem pripravljen iti 12 krogov.”

Po 12 krogi, vsi trije sodniki dosegel boj enaka, 119-107 v korist ugas, ki je postal obvezen za zmagovalca Errol Spence Jr.. vs. Shawn Porter naslov welterweight poenotenje.

“Zelo sem vesel, da se v tem položaju v boju za naslov WBC znova,” Said ugas. “Bom pripravljen za zmagovalca Errol Spence Jr.. vs. Shawn Porter.”

Dodatni ukrepi videl nekdanji svetovni prvak Sergey Lipinets (16-1, 12 Kos) dosegel vrhunec-reel Knockout proti človek Jaya (18-3, 12 Kos) v drugem krogu svojih welterweight matchup.

Lipinets bila sprva predvidena za boj John Molina Jr., Pred Molina potegnil iz boja petek zjutraj zaradi poškodbe hrbta. človek, ki je bil predviden za boj na ne-televizijskem undercard, stopil na izziv.

“Ko sem prvič slišal novico o Molina, Vedel sem, da sem si želel, da še vedno boriti na razstavi te velikosti,” Said Lipinets. “Kar zadeva boj proti Ljevak, Imel sem toliko amaterskih dvobojev v moji Kickboxing karieri, da sem imel težave prilagajanje. Bilo je samo vprašanje časa. Prav tako sem sparred z veliko southpaws, kot so Victor Ortiz vsej moji karieri, tako da sem bil prijetno s spremembo borec.”

V zameno zgodaj v drugem krogu, Lipinets pristal čisto levo kljuko za Inson glavo, tarča je filipinski-borec na platnu. Čeprav Inson dobil na noge, Sodnik Jay NADY pomahala off dvoboj 57 sekund v krogu.

“Sem udaril in mi je zdrsnilo, da je bilo videti slabše,” Said Inson. “Ko sem vstal, sem mislil, da sem v redu in skušali dvigniti svoje roke in pokazati sodnika.”

“Joe Goossen je izjemen trener in mi je pravkar povedal, da delo iz različnih smeri, s katerimi se sooča Ljevak,” Said Lipinets. “Pravkar sem prepričan, da blokira svoje udarce s svojimi komolci. To je bil le prilagajanje sem moral narediti in je končal deluje čisto v redu.”

Oglejte si Lipinets KO Označi TUKAJ

Odprtje pay-per-view dvoboj videl neporažen nekdanji prvak Luis Nery (30-0, 24 Kos) dostaviti deveti vsestransko izbijanje nekdanjega bantamweight prvaka Juan Carlos Payano (21-3, 9 Kos).

“Nisem bil zares pozoren na to, kako dolgo boj se dogaja, Sem bil ravno v ritmu, saj se je na,” Said Nery. “Sem moral trdo delati, da prideš do njega, ker je dober boksar. Dlje je šlo, bolje sem se počutil. Sem dal udarcev skupaj tudi, ko sem šel.”

V hitrem tempu dvoboju nekdanjih prvakov, Payano imel uspeh zgodaj Boks agresivno Nery, premika nazaj, da se prepreči njegov napad in pristanek svoje dejanje zoper Knockout umetnika. Payano ven pristal ali je celo udarcev pristal za vsako od prvih šestih krogih dvoboja.

“Sem vojak in sem želel, da se dogaja in boriti vsakič, ko je prišel naprej,” Said Payano. “Moj trener me je želel ostati za mojim udarec malo bolj.”

Kot boj zrasel v srednje krogih, Nery začela povečevati prekršek in je lahko pristanejo moči posnetkov, ki upočasni sposobnost Payano je polje od zunaj. Nery boli Payano zgodaj v krogu sedmih, sčasoma dominira krog, iz pristanek svojega nasprotnika 22 da 7.

“Bil je zelo zapleten borec na začetku, on je veteran, tako da sem moral poskusiti prilagoditi svojemu slogu, da vidite, kako sem lahko dobil v,” Said Nery. “V petem ali šestem krogu sem začel polastiti boju in potem levo kljuko prišel v telesu, ki je bil uničujoč.”

“Med izmenjavami je bilo Nery je drugi strel, ki je bil že v,” Said Payano. “Popravili smo vprašanje, nato pa, da telo je streljal od nikoder in me je udaril v rebra, ki sem ga imel pred zdrobljen leti proti Raushee Warren.”

Okrogla osem videl Nery še naprej, da bi prekinil Payano navzdol, predvsem pristanek velik levo roko na sredini skozi krog, ki je povzročil kri pour iz nosu Payano je. Med izmenjavo v deveti-krogu, Payano pristal poguben levo kljuko z rebri, ki postavljajo Payano navzdol. Bil je ne more povrniti, in sodnik Vic Drakulich ustavila borbo 1:43 v krogu.

“Hotel sem ga ven zgodaj,” Said Nery. “Toda ta je pokazala, da imam izkušnje, da gredo v kasnejših krogih in še vedno bo moj nasprotnik. Pokazal sem, da imam dobre obrambe in lahko prilagodite.”

Oglejte si Nery je Knockout TUKAJ

Osrednji dogodek FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX in FOX Deportes videl IBF super srednji svetovni prvak Caleb “Sweethands” Rastlin (19-0, 11 Kos) ohrani svoj naslov s prevladujočim tretje krogu Knockout nad prej neporažen Mike Lee (21-1, 11 Kos).

“Šlo je točno, kako sem načrtoval, da bi šel,” omenjena rastlina. “Absolutno. Sem vam povedal vse teden je bilo ne dogaja, da gredo 12 krogi in sem zaljubljen v mojo besedo in sem poskušal narediti, da. Upam, da vama je imel dober čas.”

Obrat dobil off za hiter zagon, pada Lee z levo kljuko pozno v prvem krogu. Nepremagan izzivalec je uspelo, da si opomore in preživeti krog, vendar je bilo težko pritisniti, da bi za roko hitrosti prednostjo Plant.

Si lahko ogledate prvi rasklapanje elektrarne TUKAJ

“Mislim, da imam visok boks IQ in to počnem na zelo visoki ravni,” omenjena rastlina. “Tako je bilo samo v tem, prilagoditev. On je velik, močan fant in je samo prišel sem, da ga je njegov all.”

Lee pogledal zaračunati v trdo proti rastlin in uporabi svojo velikost in moč, da zemljišča, velik strel in spremeniti zagon boju. Obrat je bil oster in izogibati se ponavljajo prave roke, da Lee je bil napadajo z.

“Hitrost je bila razlika, on je hitro in zelo natančno,” Said Lee. “Sem imel nekaj uspeha s svojimi pravih rokah, vendar ni mogel biti v skladu z njo.”

V krogu treh, Obrat pristal začaran pravico kavelj zgodaj v krogu, da je dal Lee navzdol drugič. Po levi kavelj prikazal povezavo in pošiljanje Lee dol drugič, Sodnik Robert Byrd je odločilo, da je prišel iz pritiskom in nadaljeval boj enkrat Lee dobil na noge.

Obrat je njegov nasprotnik poškodoval in nadaljeval, da pritisnete naprej, na koncu pristali še levo kljuko, da je dal Lee navzdol, tokrat silijo sodnika val off dvoboj 1:29 v krogu.

Oglejte si vrhunce TKO elektrarne TUKAJ

“Sem imel težavo z zaustavitvi, da je sodnik za delo in sem ga spoštoval,” Said Lee.

Po boju, Benavidez je vprašal o možnosti združevanja boju proti zmagovalcu pravkar napovedala Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Srednja kategorija prvenstvo boj.

“Oh ja, moremo zagotovo poenotiti,” omenjena rastlina. “Mi ni težko, da bi dobili v roke. Mi ni težko, da bi boj z. Daj no glej me. Veš, moj svetovalec.”

Odprtje bout na FOX in FOX Deportes videl cartoon Ajagba (11-0, 9 Kos) rezultat soglasno odločitev nad Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 Kos) v 10 krogu bitki neporažen heavyweights. To je bilo prvič, da sta neporažen borci iz 2016 Olimpijske igre se soočajo off kot profesionalci.

Najdete polno premagovanju poudarke TUKAJ

Ajagba uporablja svoj udarec in višino učinkovito celotnem boju, pristanek 10 od 45 Jabs na krogu, podvojitev težji povprečje. Vendar, koleno, poškodba in natančno prebijanje iz Demirezen prisiljeni Ajagba iti razdaljo prvič kot pro.

“To je bil prvi borec, da mi bo razdaljo,” Said Ajagba. “Bil je močan in bi lahko moje udarcev. Moj trener mi je pravkar povedal, da bo z mojim udarec in ostati v sredini obroča.

“Sem si poškodoval komolec zgodaj, tako da nisem mogel streljati mojo desno roko, kot sem si želel. Ampak ne bom uporabljal, da kot izgovor. Kot visok človek sem moral uporabiti udarec in, če je šlo za razdaljo, to je bil moj najboljši način za zmago.”

Demirezen mislil zdravstvu bi moral biti bližje in menil, da bi morali njegov nastop so ga bolj kot izgube odločitev pridobivajo. Demirezen je pravzaprav bolj natančno luknjanje, pristanek 26% njegovih udarcev na 22% od Ajagba.

“Ne strinjam se z rezultati, zlasti 99-91” Said Demirezen. “Bilo je veliko bližje. Menim, da na minimum, je bilo žrebanje. Vedel sem, da sem imel, da ga knock out in da lahko Knockout lažje kot zmago s točkami. Mislil sem, da je dobra predstava, ampak ne morem narediti bolje. Želel bi boj na zunaj ZDA. znova.”

dejavnost Ajagba je od začetka do konca je bil impresiven, ko je vrgel 877 Bilančna luknjači, pristanek 191. Čeprav Demirezen ni bil daleč zadaj s 149 udarcev pristal, je le pristal Ajagba v treh krogih.

Po 10 krogov delovanja vsi trije sodniki dosegel boj v prid Ajagba, jih mnogo 99-91 Dvakrat 97-93.


Pacquiao vs.. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julij 8, 2019) – Keith “One Time” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julij 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs.. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, zaračuna po telefonu na 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Showtime” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julij 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 od 22 nasprotniki.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th okrogla. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Said Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesus Soto Karass, December 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Said Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, April 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornija: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Said Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, December 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 trikrat) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Said Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Marec 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, padla “Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Said Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julij 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Said Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junij 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, na vseh treh sodnikov’ kartice. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Said Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Marec 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Said Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Januar 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Said Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Julij 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julij 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Januar).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Said Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Seveda, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs.. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julij 8, 2019) – Keith “One Time” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julij 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs.. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, zaračuna po telefonu na 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Showtime” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julij 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 od 22 nasprotniki.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th okrogla. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Said Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesus Soto Karass, December 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Said Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, April 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornija: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Said Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, December 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 trikrat) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Said Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Marec 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, padla “Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Said Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julij 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Said Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junij 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, na vseh treh sodnikov’ kartice. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Said Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Marec 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Said Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Januar 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Said Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Julij 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julij 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Januar).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Said Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Seveda, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs.. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julij 8, 2019) – Keith “One Time” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julij 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs.. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, zaračuna po telefonu na 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Showtime” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julij 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 od 22 nasprotniki.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th okrogla. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Said Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesus Soto Karass, December 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Said Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, April 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornija: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Said Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, December 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 trikrat) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Said Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Marec 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, padla “Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Said Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julij 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Said Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junij 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, na vseh treh sodnikov’ kartice. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Said Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Marec 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Said Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Januar 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Said Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Julij 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julij 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Januar).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Said Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Seveda, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs.. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julij 8, 2019) – Keith “One Time” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julij 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs.. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, zaračuna po telefonu na 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Showtime” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julij 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 od 22 nasprotniki.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th okrogla. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Said Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesus Soto Karass, December 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Said Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, April 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornija: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Said Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, December 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 trikrat) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Said Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Marec 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, padla “Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Said Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julij 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Said Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junij 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, na vseh treh sodnikov’ kartice. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Said Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Marec 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Said Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Januar 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Said Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Julij 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julij 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Januar).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Said Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Seveda, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# #



Unbeaten Former Champion Omar Figueroa Jr. Tangles with Top Contender Yordenis Ugás in WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator

Hard-Hitting Former Champion Sergey Lipinets Clashes Against Rugged Veteran John Molina Jr. in Welterweight Duel

Former Champions Collide When Unbeaten Brawler Luis Nery Battles Crafty Juan Carlo Payano in Bantamweight Showdown Na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

LAS VEGAS (Junij 6, 2019) – Undefeated former world champion Omar “The Panterita” Figueroa Jr. prevzame Yordenis Ugás in a 12-round WBC welterweight title eliminator highlighting a loaded undercard in support of the Manny Pacquaio vs. Keith Thurman battle for welterweight supremacy that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, Julij 20 iz MGM Grand Garden Areni v Las Vegasu.

The action also features hard-hitting former world champion Sergey Lipinets going toe-to-toe against rugged veteran John “Gladiator” Molina, Jr. in a 10-round welterweight match. The show opens with former world champions squaring-off as undefeated power-puncher Luis “Pantera” Nery takes on slick-boxing Juan Carlos Payano in a 12-round bantamweight bout at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

The stacked card is the perfect accompaniment for the summer’s biggest fight, which will pit boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “Pac Man” Pacquiao against undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith “One Time” Thurman in a powerhouse 147-pound showdown in the main event. This high-stakes match will firmly give the winner a claim for the top spot in one of boxing’s deepest and most talented divisions.

Vstopnice za dogodek, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, zaračuna po telefonu na 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

MP Promotions is proud to be co-presenting this all-action undercard with PBC and FOX Sports,” said Sean Gibbons, President of MP Promotions. “It will be a historic night of boxing, spanning many platforms and this is the type of PPV undercard that is jam packed with top-flight boxers. When you look at the fighters involved in supporting what is the best biggest fight of the year – Pacquiao vs.. Thurman – you can be assured that the night will be filled with non-stop action.

Figueroa (28-0-1, 19 Kos) is a come forward boxer-puncher who’s yet to meet an opponent who could slow down his relentless style. The 29-year-old from Weslaco, Texas, is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Molina Jr. in February on FOX. A former lightweight world champion, Figueroa owns victories over former world champions including Robert Guerrero, Ricky Burns and Antonio DeMarco.

I’m excited for this fight against a talented Olympian who’s very skilled,” Said Figueroa. “I know he will be moving around the ring a lot, so I’m going to have to move with him and chase him all night. I’m going to have to be in really good shape and work hard on my conditioning. This fight has definitely raised the stakes for me, so I know I have to be ready. I’m going to have a good camp and come in with excellent preparation for July 20.

The 32-year-old Ugás (23-4, 11 Kos) has been one of the busiest welterweight contenders in boxing the last two years, fighting three times in both 2017 in 2018. Ugás, who is from Santiago, Cuba and now lives in Miami, Florida, was on an eight-fight win streak before losing a narrow split-decision to Shawn Porter in a world title fight on FOX in March.

I’m very excited to be on the biggest card of the year,” said Ugás. “Omar Figueroa Jr. is a tremendous fighter, and that’s the style I like to face. I’m an all-action fighter and the fans are going to be in for a full course meal before the actual main event. That I can promise. You don’t want to miss this event and you don’t want to miss this war. I’m grateful to FOX Sports and PBC for including me in an event of this magnitude.

The 30-year-old Lipinets (15-1, 11 Kos) made a successful debut at 147-pounds in March with a TKO victory over former two-division champion Lamont Peterson in a PBC on FS1 fight that is an early Fight of the Year frontrunner. Lipinets, who was born in Kazakhstan, grew up in Russia and now lives in Los Angeles, has only one loss on his record. He lost his 140-pound belt in a 2018 showdown against four-division champion Mikey Garcia.

There’s no slowing down in my march to get that welterweight championship belt,” Said Lipinets. “Kot vedno, I’m fighting a guy that is very dangerous and tough to the last bell. My title shot is right around the corner. I’m very excited to be part of a show like this and I’m grateful for these opportunities in my career and I promise that I’ll earn my keep. I’m looking forward to becoming a two-time world champion.

Molina (30-8, 24 Kos) is coming off a close unanimous decision loss to Omar Figueroa Jr. v februarju. A tough veteran brawler, Molina, of West Covina, California, has been in the ring with some of the top boxers at lightweight, junior welterweight and welterweight. Over his 13-year career he’s been involved in multiple Fight of the Year contenders while picking up victories over Ruslan Provodnikov, Mickey Bey, Hank Lundy and Ivan Redkach.

It’s going to be another barnburner like every one of my fights,” Said Molina. “My opponent is tough and durable, so I know it is going to be another exciting fight for my fans. There’s no surprises at this stage of the game for me. This is going to be a huge night from top to bottom and I can’t wait.

Nery (29-0, 23 Kos) is a power puncher and has stopped his last 10 opponents and 14 za njegov zadnji 15. He scored a TKO victory over Shinsuke Yamanaka for the world bantamweight title in 2018. The 24-year-old southpaw from Tijuana, Mexico is coming off a dominant stoppage victory over McJoe Arroyo on the March PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I am thrilled to be back on a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event and to be fighting on a card with my friend, Senator Manny Pacquiao,” Said Nery. “To fight in Las Vegas has been a dream of mine since I turned professional. All the great Mexican fighters have fought in the fight capital of the world. My fight against Juan Carlos Payano is the last step to me getting my shot at the WBC championship and getting my belt back. Viva Mexico!”

Payano (21-2, 9 Kos) is coming off a unanimous decision victory over then-unbeaten Damien Vazquez in October on FS1. It was a bounce back victory from his loss to Naoya Inoue in a world title match last October. The only other loss in the career of the 35-year-old from La Vega, Dominican Republic came in another world title match, when he dropped a majority decision to Rau’shee Warren in 2016, after previously beating Warren for the title in 2015.

Manny Pacquiao has been my favorite fighter since I’ve been a pro and I’m very excited to be fighting on this pay-per-view,” Said Payano. “I even nicknamed myself ‘Baby Pacquiao,’ so this is a special honor. Fighting Luis Nery is also a great opportunity for me. Luis is a very hungry, strong fighter looking to regain his championship status. Na žalost, he is not going to do that with me. I’m sure he will be ready and come for war, and so will I.

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Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Sobota, Marec 16 From AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Texas

Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

Blockbuster Event to Feature Unbeaten Former 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez, Undefeated Former Bantamweight Champion Luis Nery & Fan Favorite Chris Arreola In Separate Bouts on Four-Fight Pay-Per-View Card

ARLINGTON, TX. (Februar 14, 2019) – Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol “Resnica” Spence Jr. defends his title against undefeated four-division champion Mikey Garcia in a highly anticipated and historic showdown for pound-for-pound supremacy that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Marec 16 from AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Texas.

The four-fight pay-per-view card will also see unbeaten former super middleweight world champion David Benavidez taking on veteran contender J'Leon Ljubezen in a 10-round showdown, undefeated former 118-pound champion Luis Nery bori nekdanjega prvaka McJoe Arroyo in a 10-round attraction and fan-favorite Chris “Nightmare” Arreola facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin for 10-rounds of action.

Tickets for this showdown, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, so na prodaj zdaj, and can be purchased at SeatGeek.com, uradni ponudnik vstopnic AT&T stadion.

Spence and Garcia will go face-to-face on Saturday, Februar 16 at a press conference in Los Angeles that will air live on FOX from the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 4:30 p.m. IN / 1:30 p.m. PT. The press conference is open to ticket holders for the Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera featherweight championship fight.

V torek, Februar 19, Spence and Garcia will square off at a press conference from
AT&T Stadium where they will finally go toe-to-toe on March 16.

Garcia is stepping up two weight classes from his last fight to challenge Spence for the welterweight title in Spence’s backyard, not far from the Dallas suburb of DeSoto where Spence grew up a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. Garcia will be fighting in Texas for the ninth time as a pro and figures to be buoyed by the large contingent of Mexican and Mexican-American fans that will be in attendance.

His task has historical parallels to the paths taken by great fighters like Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, who all moved up multiple weight classes to challenge all-time great welterweights. Mosley and Pacquiao were both successful in moving up from lightweight to defeat Oscar De La Hoya, while Marquez’s rise to welterweight was halted in a decision loss to Floyd Mayweather.

Spence is a power-punching welterweight who has stopped his last 11 opponents heading into this intriguing matchup against the brilliant tactician that Garcia has established himself as. With a clash of two superb boxers in the prime of their careers and squarely in the top-five of the mythical pound-for-pound rankings, the winner can stake a claim as the best boxer in the sport today.

“Errol Spence Jr. vs. Mikey Garcia is a matchup of two highly-skilled and accomplished fighters in a true blockbuster showdown,” je dejal Tom Brown, Predsednik TGB Promocije. “Fans will get to see the hometown hero Spence against the Mexican-American superstar Garcia with huge contingents of fans uplifting them to put on a performance to match the moment. Combined with a jam-packed pay-per-view undercard of action fights, this has all the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“Spence vs. Garcia is an event that transcends boxing and is a coronation that will crown the new ‘King of Boxing,'” said Richard Schaefer, Chairman and CEO of Ringstar Sports. “In addition to the main event, fight fans will be treated to a spectacular night of boxing featuring three of the most exciting Mexican fighters in the sport in David Benavidez, Luis Nery and Chris Arreola. This is exactly what a pay-per-view card is and should be all about: entertainment and non-stop action from the first bell to the last!”

We are proud to host a boxing match of this magnitude with Errol Spence Jr. and Mikey Garcia,” said Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jones. “AT&T Stadium was built to house the greatest sporting events on the planet, and we feel we have another incredible boxing event on the horizon with this matchup in our building on March 16.

Spence (24-0, 21 Kos) is no stranger to big stadium events as he won the IBF title by traveling to England to take on then-champion Kell Brook at Bramhall Lane soccer stadium on May 27, 2017. In front of a raucous crowd of over 27,000 loyal Brook supporters, the 28-year-old Spence stopped Brook in round 11 to wrest away the title.

This will be Spence’s third defense of the title. After beating Brook, he successfully defended it with an eighth-round stoppage of two-division champion Lamont Peterson and then knocked out mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in the first round in his last fight at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas, near his hometown of Desoto, Texas on June 16. Spence turned pro shortly after representing the U.S. pri 2012 London Olympics with much promise and rose to the championship ranks with wins over former champion Chris Algieri and veteran contenders Leonard Bundu, Alejandro Barrera and Chris van Heerden.

I can’t wait for March 16th. It doesn’t get bigger than this,” je dejal Spence. “Fighting at AT&T Stadium in my hometown is a dream come true. If I beat Mikey Garcia the way I plan on beating him, I will be the guy in the sport. This is my year and Mikey isn’t going to stop me. I am training like this is the biggest fight of my life and I want to put on a great show for the fans and win convincingly.

Garcia (39-0, 30 Kos) is striving to put together a legendary career and is aggressively pursuing that goal. He has won world championships at featherweight, junior lahki, lightweight and junior welterweight. He now eyes a welterweight title against the consensus class of the division in Spence. Fighting out of Moreno Valley, California, Garcia unified the IBF and WBC Lightweight World Championships in his last bout by scoring unanimous decision victory over Robert Easter, Jr. julija 28.

The 31-year-old first reached the championship ranks by blitzing through the featherweight and junior lightweight division, defeating Orlando Salido, Juan Manuel Lopez, Roman Martinez and Juan Carlos Burgos to establish himself as a star in the sport. Garcia has been on a fast track since ending a nearly 2-1/2-year hiatus with a knockout victory over Elios Rojas in 2016. After the victory over Rojas, Garcia scored a KO victory over Dejan Zlaticanin for the WBC lightweight championship in January 2017, before defeating four-division champion Adrien Broner in July and then captured a title at 140-pounds by dropping and defeating Sergey Lipinets last March.

In my career I’ve always sought to fight the best in boxing and this fight against Errol Spence Jr. is just that,” Said Garcia. “I want to be known as one of the all-time greats and what better way to do that than to win a welterweight title and become a five-division world champion. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Errol and what he’s accomplished, but I fully expect to leave the ring at AT&T Stadium with the welterweight world title. This is a match that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time and I plan on giving the fans a performance they’ll never forget.

The 22-year-old Benavidez (20-0, 17 Kos) became the youngest fighter to ever win a super middleweight title in 2017 when he defeated Ronald Gavril at just 20-years-old. Boj od Phoenix, Benavidez’s older brother Jose is also a pro fighter who challenged Terrence Crawford last year. Benavidez most recently won a rematch against Gavril last February, and as WBCChampion in Recesshe will look to reclaim his belt against the winner of the Anthony Dirrell vs. Avni Yildirim bout for the vacant title on February 23.

Born in Detroit but fighting out of Las Vegas, Ljubezen (24-2-1, 13 Kos) has long been amongst the top contenders at super middleweight and most recently lost a decision to Peter Quillin in August. The 31-year-old had been previously unbeaten in seven bouts heading into the contest against Quillin.

Currently riding a nine-fight knockout streak, Nery (28-0, 24 Kos) will look to get one step closer to a fight to regain a bantamweight title when he steps into the ring March 16. The 24-year-old from Tijuana, Mexico twice traveled to Japan and stopped Shinsuke Yamanaka in WBC title fights. V 2018 he stopped Jason Canoy and Renson Robles heading into his U.S. debut against Arroyo.

A 2008 Olympian for his home country of Puerto Rico, Arroyo (18-2. 8 Kos) captured a 115-pound championship with a technical decision over Arthur Villanueva in their 2015 clash. After dropping decisions against Rau’shee Warren and Jerwin Ancajas, the 33-year-old most recently defeated Sander Diaz last June.

An exciting brawler inside the ring, Arreola (37-5-1, 32 Kos) is well-known for challenging the best heavyweights in the sport throughout his career, and for becoming a popular attraction in and around his native Los Angeles for his fighting style and persona. The 37-year-old faced the likes of Vitali Klitschko, Tomasz Adamek, and Bermane Stiverne, before challenging Deontay Wilder for his title in 2016. After a brief retirement, Arreola returned to stop Maurenzo Smith last December.

Unbeaten and fighting out of Louisville, Augustin (17-0-1, 12 Kos) will face his toughest and most experienced test to date in Arreola. Rodil se je na Haitiju, Augustin turned pro in 2014 and has steadily climbed up the heavyweight rankings.

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in www.foxdeportes.com, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite naš oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

About AT&T stadion:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, the $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, čez 300 luxury suites, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, the 2010 NBA All Star Game, the 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, the 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, koncerti, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. Za več informacij, pojdi na www.attstadium.com.