Tag Archives: London

Khan kraljuje – Topples Soloninkini, Zdaj Oči Dodatno Naslov izzivov



Bradford je senzacionalno Bantamweight možnost Tasif Khan zavarovano svojo prvo prvenstvo Pohvala, Naslov International Masters Bantamweight, ko je premagal Gruzije Mikheil Soloninkini s soglasno odločitvijo točk na emblematične York Hall v Londonu prejšnji soboto zvečer.


Kaj res naredi ta dosežek še toliko bolj posebna je, da je Khan vrnil le na obroču v januarju letos, po dveletnem sobotnega od športa.


Po vrnitvi v januarju Khan dosegel odločilen prvi krog zaustavitvi zmago, preko izkušena madžarske Richard Vörös, v borbi, ki je prav tako potekala na York Hall.


Khan sledilo, da je zmagal z enako impresivno prvem krogu zaustavitvi zmago, preko Češke republike Ladislav Miko, Šest tednov kasneje v Liverpoolu.


Zadnja sobota, medtem ko se zdi, vsi ostali so se priprave za Mayweather-Pacquiao super boj, Khan je bil sodeluje v največjem boju kariere do danes.


Desno od temno Khan boxed lepo izza trdnih udarec držati nekoliko bolj izkušeni sovražnika na zadnjo nogo.


Z vmesna točka Khan začel počasen tempo, medtem ko še naprej ohraniti popolno pritisk na Soloninkini.


Na sredi šestega kroga, Med precej Grozničav izmenjavo Khan je bil malce počasen vzgajajo svoje rokavice, ki je odprla vrata za Soloninkini, ki naj razporek z velikim pravico poslati Khan na platnu.


Po ponovnem zagonu Soloninkini, ko je v težko v poskusu, da bi dokončali še vedno rahlo maje nogami Khan, nameno in Bradford fant je ostal miren in zbrani, medtem ko je hiper gruzijski naprej naj meče velike bombe.


Med številnimi teh spopadih Khan smiselno zgrabil držite, dokler sodnik Lee Murtagh izdala odmor naročila. Ta taktika dovoljeno Khan malo časa, da se očisti glavo.


Soloninkini še naprej trdo prizadevali za zadnjih treh krogih, Vendar Kan je eden resno kul karakter, je pravkar dobil izza udarec in samo navaden pakirana svojo pot izven nevarnosti, vsakič, ko gruzijski naredila odločno plenilec.


Po desetih krogih prvega razreda boks iz Khan, sodniki Ken Curtis 99-94, Obie Garnett 98-90 in Matt Hamilton 98-91, vse dosegel v korist novega mednarodnega Masters Champion Tasif Khan.


Govoril iz svojega doma prej Khan je govoril o boju kot tudi namignil na nadaljnje prvenstvo pohodu v bližnji prihodnosti.


"Ja, Sem osvojil svoj prvi naslov.


To je bilo moje sanje, saj sem bil še otrok, zmagovalni naslov, upajmo, da bo to prvi od mnogih, naprej in navzgor.


Rekel, da ne želim vzeti pomen čemer International Masters prvak, da je kot zmagovalni naslov svetovnega prvaka se mi, da je noč.


Imel sem težak dve leti in pol, Prišel sem skozi njo, dobil nazaj boj letos in zdaj imajo pas, ja res sem ponosen na to, kar sem dosegla.


Bil sem popolnoma v redu, ki prihajajo v boju, Usposabljanje je šlo dobro, Sem odšel z Nadeem Siddique enega od mojih trenerjev, on je profesionalni sam. Imel sem dober trening kamp v tujini, odšel v Grčijo,


Prišel v boju briljantno, delajo mojega udarec, z mojo udari bolj, kot sem se počutil sem imel dobre možnosti, Sem bila ugotovitev, da je precej udobno biti pošten, Sem ga najti precej preprosto z udarec.


Bil je trd otrok, vzel nekaj dobrih posnetkov na telo, Ugotovil sem, da bi ga lahko hodi dol, potem mislim, da je bodisi tretji ali četrti krog sem preobremenjenih mojo desno roko, Počutil sem se v času, ko sem moral poškodovani ramo, Poskušal sem, da ga ne pokažejo, ampak kot krogih šel na jaz boril, da mečejo velike posnetkov.


To ni bil boli, je to storil omejila me na mojih posnetkov, kot je boj šla na, ampak mislim, da imam malo samozadovoljni in mu dal priložnost, da me ujame z dobro mrežo, to me ni bolelo sploh, vendar je bilo videti, da je krog skozi, ker sem zmagal vsak krog, vendar to rundo, I boxed pameten in ostal na daljavo, ko sem lahko, in drugih časih pustil sam udarec iz.


Če sem iskren, imam občutek, da bi ga lahko ustavili, z vsem pritiskom in da je odločila, da bo samo polje svojo pot skozi.


Res sem hvaležen mojih oboževalcev, kot vedno, potujejo navzdol v London v številkah, če bo šlo vse dobro, čeprav bo moj naslednji boj bo veliko bližje domu, morda celo Bradford, vendar sem vedno hvaležen mojih oboževalcev, tudi tiste, ki ne morejo potovati, da gledajo me boj v Londonu ali Liverpool.


Od prvega dne sem imel dobro podporo, na odlični lokaciji fan, ampak boj proč ves čas, zaradi česar je težko za vsakogar, da se pri vsakem boju, tako da jaz bi res rad, da narediš nekaj velikega v Bradfordu, ali pa vsaj bolj lokalno in pesti, da bomo dobili veliko naslov na tej razstavi.


Rad bi se zahvalil vsem mojo ekipo, Martin Stainsby, Bee, Junior Witter, River (Gianluca Di Caro), Johnny Eames in vse tiste, ki delujejo v ozadju scene, Ne morem pozabiti omeniti moja gospa, ona postavlja v vse trdo delo in postavlja z mano, ko sem na dieti in mojo družino, ki so bili vsi tako spodbudno.


Preden sem pozabil želim narediti komentar, Sem bil boks od starosti desetih, Naredil sem moj um, ko so leta minevala na to sem želel res kaj v Boxing, Nisem imel nobenega namena, samo, ki sestavljajo številke, Nisem imel nobene izbire, Želim delati dobro in osvojiti naslove, Rad bi dal Bradfordu na zemljevidu, osvojitev naslova International Masters me je dal v pravo smer, kot tak želim posvetiti zmago mojemu starejšemu bratu Tahir Khan, ker če ne bi bilo njega me je obrnjena v pravo smer, on bi da me fit in me v telovadnici, on je prva oseba, ki me je popolnoma podpirajo v boksu, že od nekdaj tam za mene in on je tisti, ki je vse to mogoče.


Kot sem rekel, če ne bi bilo Tahirja, Jaz ne bi bil v boksu in ne bi imel te International Masters pas, hvala za vse Tahir, Res cenim vse, kar ste storili zame.


Jaz bi rad povedal velik hvala mojim sponzorjem, Kingsland Poslovni Recovery v Bradfordu, Broadway Odvetniki v Oldham, Kesser Jewelers v Bradford in Vyomax dopolnitvami iz Manchestra, ti si bil briljanten že za mano, tako da se lahko osredotočijo na moj boks.


Na koncu bi rad povedal ogromno zahvaljujoč Mark Lyons in Billy James-Elliott, ki mi je dal priložnost za boj za naslov na njihovi oddaji. "






Boj poročilo: Ozgul in Khan Secure naslovov v York Hall Thriller

Poročilo: Gianluca (River) Di Caro

Sprijaznimo se, z zneskom stolpce posvečen Mayweather-Pacquiao je v zadnjih nekaj tednih, si lahko zlahka odpuščeno, misleč, da ni bilo nobenih drugih boksarske dogodkov ki so se zgodili na maj 2nd.

Dobro, tam je bil še en boj kartice, in sem zadovoljen, da povem, da sem bil v tem primeru - Mark Lyons in Billy James-Elliott napredoval Lords dogodka Ring na emblematične York Hall v Londonu.


OK, sicer York Hall v Bethnal Green nima nikjer v bližini pečat, da so na tak mega boju v MGM Grand v Las Vegasu, vendar ko gre za dramo in razburjenje, Žal si ne more premagati mali dvorani boks, še posebej, ko je na York Hall.


Ko je bil napovedan dogodek je bil zaradi funkcijo štirinajst napade, vendar takoj po tem, ko je bil maj-Pac napovedal bile znatno število Deluje odpovedan, kot borci želel biti ringu v Vegasu, nato pa v zadnjih naberejo nadaljnjih bojev so bili off kartice, zaradi poškodb, zapušča sedem kartice boj kažejo na noč, ali pa je bilo to.


Kartica je bila dodatno zmanjšana na dan, po enem od bojev je bila odpovedana iz varnostnih razlogov - zaradi razlike 5kg v teži med obema debitant borci - in če to ni bilo dovolj slabo nasprotnik Manny Muhammad je, Rafael Snow ni uspelo obrniti navzgor, zapusti le pet dvobojev na noč.


Najprej se je bilo šest obel med Liverpool temelji ruščina vroče pričakovanje David Agadzhanyan, proti Češke republike Josef Redlich, ki je stopil v zadnjem trenutku rešiti dvoboj, Sledijo se Gane Isaac Owusu prisiljeni izvlecite zaradi bolezni.


Trajalo je Agadzhanyan le štirideset pet sekund, da pošljete Redlich na platnu prvič in približno še enkrat enako, da bi ga dal na tla še drugič.


Redlich je bil navaden outclassed zato ne preseneča, da ko je šel navzdol za tretji čas, da sodnik Ken Curtis odločil, da prekine z stvari na dveh minuto in petindvajset sekund znamke.


Videl sem Agadzhanyan v akciji nekajkrat, vključno odlično zmago nad takrat nepotolčen Daniel Bazo nazaj v marcu, tako da je bil res veseli, da ga vidim v akciji proti Owusu, težko brezkompromisno nekdanji ganski prvak in Commonwealth naslov eliminator challenger, ampak, da bomo morali počakati do konca tega meseca, ko je prestavljen dvoboj poteka v Liverpoolu.


Sledilo je WBF Inter-Continental prvak Paul Economides, v ne-prvenstvo šestih vsestranska, proti drugi pozno zamenjavo, Češke republike Petr Gyna, po nekdanji britanski Champ Andy Bell izvlečete teden pred in nato originalni nadomestni izvlečete le dva dni pred predstavo.


Economides je še en razred akt, tako da ni presenetljivo, da je bil Gyna na platnu v samo tridesetih sekundah, o ponovnem zagonu Gyna se odločili, da je napad najboljša obramba, Vendar pa pri sprejemanju boja za ECONOMIDES igral naravnost v roke, dobesedno, kot ga Economides kaznuje z velikim pravice, ki je poslal češki navzdol na platnu za drugi in končni čas, po eni minuti in petindvajsetih druge znamke.


Zaključil obe pretepi začetne zgodaj in živo TV oddaja ni posledica začeti, dokler 9pm, predlagatelji niso imeli druge izbire, kot da imajo precej dolgo interval pred naslednjo dvoboj, šest okrogla luč Težji tekmovanje med Champions TKO nepotolčen Hackney temelji turščina možnost Onder Ozgul in zabavljač sam Jody Meikle.


Skozi prvih štirih krogih Ozgul samo hodil Meikle navzdol, najemnin OPP masivnih pravih rokah na vseh možnih priložnosti, Meikle je tako težka, kot prihajajo in zdelo vsebina absorbirajo kazen izbočenim, ki jih je človek poimenovan "Mali Mike" turški navijači.


Kdaj joker, Meikle začela kazen je bil ob, veselo igrajo na množici, kakor tudi razburja svojega nasprotnika, s potegom obraze in predvidevaš, da ni bilo moč v turški fantje posnetkov, Vendar pa dejstvo, da je Meikle omiljeni svoje smešen, jasno pokazala, da so bile Ozgul shots dejansko želeni učinek.


Meikle omiljeni igrivost njegovih taktik še v peti, kot Ozgul okrepila svoje napade, dajanje še več moči v svojih posnetkov.


Že od začetka šestega je bilo jasno, da je bil Ozgul odločen še kaznovanje Meikle, podpiranjem scunthorpe človeka na vrvi pred najemnin rip z velikimi dvojnimi izroči sunkov vetra, od katerih je eden, treskav body shot, dobesedno potrkal veter iz Meikle in ga prisili, da sprejmejo za eno koleno.


Po ponovnem zagonu Ozgul šel za zaključek, Tokrat Meikle šel obrambni, pravšnji za igranje za množice, videti do končnega zvona.


Po šestih zelo zabavnih krogov sodnik Ken Curtis dosegel dvoboj 60-53 v korist Ozgul.


I temeljito uživala boja, Vem, da to ni bil klasičen, ampak fant oh fant je bil zelo zabaven.


Četrti bout noči videti Bradford je Tasif Khan v akciji prvenstvu prvič, proti Gruzije Mihaila Soloninkini, za naziv bantamweight International Masters Silver.


Khan je začela hitro, boks lepo izza udarec Bradford mož držal nekoliko bolj izkušeni sovražnika na zadnjo nogo za večino dvoboja.


Z vmesna točka Khan upočasnil tempo nekoliko, hkrati ohranjanje pritiska na Soloninkini, Vendar pa na sredi šestega, med rutinsko zamenjavo Khan je bil malce počasen vzgajajo svoje rokavice, zapusti odprtino za gruzijsko da naj razporek z velikim pravice, tarča Khan na platnu.


Po ponovnem zagonu Soloninkini odšli polni v napadu, Khan je ostal miren in dobil za njegovo udarec znova, gruzijski bilo dobro hyped in nadaljeval, da pridejo naprej hitrostjo pred metanje velike bombe.


V teh spopadih Khan smiselno zgrabil držite, dokler sodnik Lee Murtagh izdala odmor naročila. Ta taktika je delal in Khan je uspelo počistiti svojo glavo dovolj, da vključite nadzor zadnji krog k sebi.


Khan je imel polne roke dela za zadnjih treh krogih, čeprav, saj je imel Soloninkini bit med zobe in se je težko potiskanje, Vendar Khan je kul lik in zdelo vsebino na okence zadnjo nogo vsakič, ko gruzijski dosežen trden plenilec.


Po desetih krogih odličnega boksa, sodniki zdravstvu prebrati – Ken Curtis 99-94, Obie Garnett 98-90 in Matt Hamilton 98-91, vse v korist Tasif Khan.


Jennifer Burton, severni regiji sekretar Malta Boxing komisije, predstavil znano modro International Masters pas do zmagovitega Tasif Khan.


Moram reči, da sem temeljito uživali boja, čeprav je bil precej enostranski za veliko časa, sprijaznimo se, da to ni izjava o kakovosti Soloninkini, saj je njegov rodovnik dobro znana, ta fant je trd oreh, da bi prekinil, kot je izkazal s tem da sprejme Jamie Williams razdaljo, ko so se borili za bronasto Masters nazaj v marcu, kakor tudi borili senzacionalno Charlie Edwards nekaj tednov pozneje, ampak mojem mnenju enostranskost boja kot tudi rezultat pokaže, kako dober Tasif Khan borili.


Krovni Boj noči vidi revanš med Champions TKO nepotolčen Hackney temelji turške možnosti Siar Ozgul, yep brat omenjenega Onder, proti Nottinghamu Matt Scriven in tem času je bilo na prvenstvu na progi - naslov MBC International Velterska kategorija.


Ko ti dve prvi borili, nazaj v oktobru lani, bila je ven in ven vojni, Ozgul zmagal ampak krogi so bili tako blizu, da bi lahko bil zelo drugačen rezultat.


Borba se je začela na zelo podoben način njihovega showdown oktobra, niti človek, ki želi priznati nobenega razloga, however just before the end of the first round Ozgul let rip with a massive right to Scriven’s body, which forced the Nottingham man to cover up to see the round to it’s conclusion.


The shot to the body must have really hurt Scriven as he seemed more intent on defense, rather than full on attack, from the start of the second, a pattern that remained for the rest of the bout.


Ozgul made most of the running throughout, however Scriven more than held his own during the many skirmishes that ensued, although have to admit he was a little more cautious than during the opening round.


After ten rounds of superb boxing the judges scorecards were read out – Lee Murtagh and Matt Hamilton scored the bout 100-90 and Obie Garnett 100-88 all in favour of Siar Ozgul.


This was followed by the presentation of the MBC International belt to Siar Ozgul by his fellow Champions TKO gym mate and the current MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne Marston.


All in all I thoroughly enjoyed the event, especially the final three bouts, however I was a bit disappointed that some of the planned fights, such as those featuring Iain Weaver, Antonio Counihan, Mark Prince, George Hillyard and the aforementioned Marianne Marston, failed to materialize, because to my mind if they had taken place I feel this almost certainly would have been one of the best shows at York Hall this year, as it was it still was a highly enjoyable and entertaining evening of pugilistic action and a fitting prelude to the May-Pac fight, which promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott arranged for the boxers, their teams and attendees of the event to watch live via satellite at a private function room.


Khan-Soloninkini Battle For Title Supremacy In London This Saturday



Bradford’s exciting Bantamweight prospect TASIF KHAN is set to challenge for his first title to soboto, when he takes on Georgian #1 ranked MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI, for the vacant International Masters Silver Bantamweight Championship, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event at the iconic York Hall, in Bethnal Green, London on May 2nd.


Khan earned the title shot with a pair of sensational first round stoppage wins earlier this year, following his return from a two year sabbatical from the sport.


In January this year, Khan dispatched Hungarian #2 ranked Richard Voros in just one minute and five seconds of the first round at the York Hall, then two months later followed up with an almost identical stoppage victory, this time in one minute and fifteen seconds of the first round, over the Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool.


Originally Khan was to face Patrik Bartos, however the Czech lad was TKO’d by Andrew Cain, on the undercard of Derry Mathews WBA title fight, at the Echo Arena, a couple of weeks ago.


Bartos’ replacement, Mihail Soloninkini, has been quite a regular figure on the UK scene, having fought here four times in the past year, including an unsuccessful challenge for the International Masters Bronze title, which he lost out on points to Jamie Williams back in March.


Speaking from his home earlier, Khan appeared unperturbed with the late change of opponent.


“It’s a shame, I had been preparing for Patrik Bartos, but what can I say he got stopped and has a twenty eight day suspension, these things happen.


I would have preferred if we’d known earlier who was going to replace Patrik, but three potential opponents backed out last week and then a fourth that had been proposed got knocked back by the MBC as not suitable.


Luckily though this new lad agreed terms v torek and now the fight is set and ready to go, Komaj čakam.


I’m not expecting it to be a quick finish like the past two fights, they were four and six rounders, this time I’ll have to pace myself just in case I have to go the full ten rounds, but if the chance comes, I’ll take him out early.


Trainings been great, always is, Jaz sem pripravljen in raring iti, can’t wait.


My fans are great so far this year they’ve come out in force to support me in London and Liverpool and Saturday they’ll be back in London again, I can’t thank them enough, they’re a great bunch that really get behind me, making plenty of noise, letting me know that they’re there, they’re really are brilliant and I’ll thank them the best way I know, winning the title.


Jaz bi rad povedal velik hvala mojim sponzorjem, Kingsland Poslovni Recovery v Bradfordu, Broadway Odvetniki v Oldham, Kesser Jewelers v Bradford in Vyomax dopolnitvami iz Manchestra, ti si bil briljanten že za mano, tako da se lahko osredotočijo na moj boks.


Finally I have just been told that Mark and Billy (Promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott) have arranged a function room so that everyone can watch the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight live after my fight, so if you haven’t got tickets yet, you know what to do, either call me or get down to York Hall v soboto as there are still some tickets available. »


Tasif Khan versus Mikheil Soloninkini, for the vacant International Masters Bantamweight Championship, co-headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available direct from Tasif on 07756 311857, or at the venue on the night or pre-book on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645


Tickets for the after event private viewing of the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight live via satellite, that cost just £10, will be available for purchase at York Hall on the Saturday night.









6698 – Tasif Khan in action against Richard Voros at York Hall in January.



Please feel free to use all photos suppliedphoto credit is not required but should you do so, please credit – Gianluca (River) Di Caro

Championship Boxing At York Hall Followed By Mayweather-Pacquiao Live Via Satellite This Saturday.

Have you got your tickets for the Boxing event of the Century yet? If the answer is no, then promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott may just have the perfect alternative lined-up for Boxing fans – a night of Championship Boxing at York Hall, in Bethnal Green, followed by MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO live by satellite from Las Vegas.


Kicking off the whole night of pugilistic action, sees a full card of Boxing at the famous Home Of Boxing in the Capital, including two Championship Battles.


Hackney, London based Turkish unbeaten star SIAR OZGUL makes his first tilt at a title when he takes on Nottingham’s MATT SCRIVEN for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship.


Main support sees Bradford’s sensational TASIF KHAN challenge for the International Masters Bantamweight crown, against Georgian #1 MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI


Heading up the support for the two Championship bouts sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion PAUL ECONOMIDES take on Nottingham’s GARFIELD MUSHORE in a non-championship six rounder.


Champions TKO’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect ONDER OZGUL takes on the highly entertaining JODY MEIKLE, from Scunthorpe, v šestih vsestranska.


Making his first visit to the Capital City will be Liverpool based unbeaten Russian star DAVID AGADZHANYAN, who will take on Czech Republic’s JOSEF REDLICH in a six round contest.


Former American Basketball Star, turned professional Boxer, MANNY MUHAMMAD will also be in action against a yet to be named opponent.


Making their debuts on the night are exciting young local talents ANDY CONA and DANIEL MENDES in action against each other.


Once the action is over at York Hall, then the lucky boxing fans attending the event can either go to the free after party at Spearmint Rhino, or go direct to the function rooms to watch the entire build up and of course the main event of the night MAYWEATHER – PACQUIAO


The cost for this whole night of Boxing heaven, believe it or not is just £45 or £75, as the cost for standard seats for the boxing at York Hall are £35 (Standard seated) in £ 65 (Ringu) and the cost for attending the function room to watch the Big Fight Live is just £10 extra (payable on the night)


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available on the night, or to ensure a seat buy on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

Ozgul-Scriven II – Title On The Line For May 2nd York Hall Rematch

Back in October last year unbeaten Hackney based Turk Siar Ozgul and late replacement opponent Matt Scriven campaigned in one of the closest, vsi ukrepi, battles of the year.


It was a true small hall classic that really deserved at least to be nominated for the accolade of ‘Fight of The Year’, if not be the outright winner, however that was not to be as somehow it managed to slip under the radar of the majority of the British media.


On Saturday May 2nd, these magnificent warriors will once again enter the arena, ob York Hall v Bethnal Green, London, this time in a ten round contest and with the added incentive of a Championship being on the linethe vacant MBC International Welterweight title – on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event.


The October Ozgul-Scriven Battle Boyale was reminiscent of the first of the Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights that took place in 2002/3, without doubt one of the all time greatest trilogy of fights this sport has ever witnessed.


If Ozgul-Scriven II matches the intensity and drama of their first encounter, we could well have another action filled bout, one that equals any of the Ward-Gatti fights, right here in our own back yard, something no boxing fan, or British sports writer should miss.


To give an idea of just how sensational their first showdown was, here’s the write up on the bout from the published report by the Canadian Sports Channel fightnetwork.com.


“Fifth bout of the night see London based Turk Siar Ozgul in action against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Kaj boj, without doubt the fight of the night, as both protagonists went to war.


Ozgul came out hard and strong, initially putting the Nottingham man on the back foot, however Scriven soon started to exert his authority and then the fireworks really began.


By the third round the non stop action started to take it’s toll on the Turkish youngster, which allowed Scriven to land some sensational power shots of his own.


Zadnji krog je bil keks, Ozgul backed Scriven into a corner and let rip with massive right hands, one of which sent Scriven’s mouth guard flying into the crowd ringside.


Once the errant mouth guard was retrieved and the bout restarted it was Scriven who went hard on the attack, one such attack late on in the round see Scriven land a massive right that shook Ozgul to the core, Ozgul sensibly went on the defensive for the remaining seconds to see his way to securing his fifth win.


Referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout 39-37 v korist Ozgul, pravilna razsodbo brez dvoma, but one that really doesn’t express how great this fight was or how close each and every round was.”


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available direct from Siar at the Champions TKO Gym in Hackneycall Mehmet on 07825 618018 – on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

Haywood Set For Pepper Showdown On May 2nd

Champions TKO’s Jerome Haywood is set to face Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event, which takes place at York Hall in Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.


Jerome will be making his return to York Hall, the scene of his successful professional debut in October last year, where he scored a well earned points victory over Rolandas Cesna.


Nazaj v oktobru, after a slightly hesitant start, Haywood soon settled down and took the fight to his more experienced opponent, pressuring the big Lithuanian with stiff jabs and heavy rights to the body.


Haywood’s work to the body began to take a toll on Cesna, so much so that by mid way through the third Cesna was clearly struggling to cope with the constant punishment to his ribs.


In the fourth Haywood stepped up the pressure even further, which in turn forced Cesna to cover up to protect his bruised and battered ribcage.


After four excellent rounds Referee Alf Sprung scored the bout 40-38 in favour of Haywood.


Haywood’s opponent on May 2nd is Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper, who will be making his first visit to the famous home of boxing in the Capital City.


Following a training session, under the watchful eyes of his coach Brian O’Shaughnessy at the Champions TKO gym in Hackney, Haywood spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with Matthew Pepper.


“Glad to be fighting again, it’s been six months since my debut fight.


Po mojem zadnjem boju, I was hoping to get out again as soon as possible and I should have, I was due to fight in March, but had to pull out of that one as I came down with a bug about a week or so before I was due to fight.


My first fight, yeah I enjoyed that, I was well prepared for it, he was tough but nothing I couldn’t handle.


I don’t know too much about Matthew (Pepper), but we’ve been working hard in the gym, so hopefully I’ll put a good performance in for my fans, who I can’t thank enough for their fantastic support.”


Jerome Haywood versus Matthew Pepper features on the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) so na voljo neposredno iz katerega koli od boksarjev, ki sodelujejo, on-line nawww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645


Turkish Prospect Ozgul Set For London Showdown With Miekle On May 2nd


Champions TKO Gym’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect Onder Ozgul is set to make his fifth professional outing in just over a weeks time, when he takes on the highly entertaining Jody Meikle, from Scunthorpe, in a six round contest, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event at York Hall in London on Saturday 2nd Maj 2015.

Ozgul, has built quite a reputation, as a seriously tough and uncompromising boxer, over the past year or so, following top class victories over the likes of Lithuania’s Dmitrij Kalinovskij, Bighton’s Iain Jackson, Lithuania’s Remigijus Ziausys and most recently over the Czech Republic’s big punching Karel Horejsek.

With a boxing style and approach uncannily similar to that of a certain ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Ozgul’s Turkish fans have nicknamed their man ‘Little Mike’, a name that the British fans that have seen him in action have started to adopt too.

That aside, Ozgul’s resolve could be mightily tested by Miekle, who last time out scored a good solid draw against Portsmouth bruiser Sam Couzens, no surprise there as the Lincolnshire man not only likes a good old fashioned toe-to-toe slug fest, but also has a very entertaining mischievous streak.

Speaking at the famed Champions TKO Gym in Hackney, Ozgul spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with the man they call ‘The Entertainer’.

“I’m happy I am fighting a six rounder, I’d be happy if it was an eight, I train for twelve rounds, so six is easy for me.


The way we look at it is if you can run a marathon, then running a half marathon is easy, that’s why we work so hard in the gym, so it is easy in the ring.


My last fight I trained hard, I trained for twelve rounds then too, the opponent was strong and durable but it was still an easy fight for me.


It will be the same next week, I will be ready for whatever Jody Meikle brings, I’ve been told Jody is tough, good that means we’ll have a very good fight.


I’m really happy that my brother Siar has got a title fight on May 2nd and even happier that I will be fighting on the undercard of his title fight and hope that everyone comes out and gives us both their full support.


I want to thank my sponsors and all those fans that come and support me and my brother (Super Welterweight Siar Ozgul), Thank you for supporting us, maja 2nd you’ll not be disappointed, I will be fighting at my best.”


Onder Ozgul versus Jody Meikle features on the undercard of Siar Ozgul – Matt Scriven MBC International Welterweight title fight that headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2ndMaj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) so na voljo neposredno iz katerega koli od boksarjev, ki sodelujejo, on-line nawww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

Boxing’s most avoided world champion Guillermo Rigondeaux heading to UK next month To publically confront Scott Quigg

CORK, Slovenija (April 12, 2015) – Unified super bantamweight world champion Bill “Jackal” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), arguably the most avoided reigning world title holder in modern boxing history, will travel to London next month in order to publicly confront his mandatory challenger, Scott QUIGG (30-0-2, 22 Kos), the World Boxing Association (WBA) “redno” 122-pound delitev titlist.


A month ago in an unusual move, Rigondeaux’ Vodja Gary Hyde formally petitioned the WBA to enforce a mandatory title fight between his WBA Super champion and Quigg. Hyde is awaiting the WBA’s decision. Rigondeaux is also the World Boxing Organization (WBO) in Ring revije super bantamweight prvak.


A reigning world champion hasn’t been avoided by other world champions and top contenders like Rigondeux has for the past two years since, morda, junior srednji Sergio Martinez, or possibly all the way back to middleweight Mike McCallum.


The top three super bantamweights in the world outside of RigondeauxInternational Boxing Federation (IBF) in svetovni boksarski svet (WBC) prvaki, Carl Frampton in Leo Santa Cruz, zaporedju, plus Quigghave avoided the Cuban great like the plaque. Once Santa Cruzpromoter at the time, Oscar de la Hoya, announced that a Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz had to happen, Santa Cruz’ powerful adviser, Al HAYMON, exercised a contract option and bought him out to avoid a fight with ‘Rigo.Frampton’s promoter, Barry McGuigan, has proclaimed his fighter, not Rigondeaux, as the No. 1 super featherweight in the world. McGuigan, čeprav, is interested in Frampton fighting Quigg in a U.K. showdown, rather than a world mega-fight for three of the four major sanctioning world titles. Kot “redno” WBA champion, Quigg is Rigondeaux’ obvezna challenger, še, he apparently wants no part of the two-time Olympic gold medalist because his promoter, Barry Hearn, not only hasn’t pushed the issue, he’s in negotiations with McGuigan for Frampton to fight Quigg.


Former world super bantamweight champions Nonito Doniare, after he lost a unification fight to Rigondeaux two years ago, in Abner Mares chose to move up one division to fight as featherweights. And now Donaire reports that his manager was contacted by a Quigg representative to discuss a Donaire-Quigg fight in England.


Another two-time Olympic gold medalist, WBO 126-pound champion Vasyl Lomachenko, continually insists that “Line” has to move up in weight for a fight to happen despite him having no problems making 126.


“QUIGG, Santa Cruz and Frampton have showed no desire to challenge Rigondeaux,” Hyde je rekel. “These three fighters are trying to fool the public into believing that fight Ne. 1 guy in the world is not important. While they are lining their pockets with ridiculous amounts of cash for fighting below par opponents, Rigondeaux is forced to wait around until some Asian opponent steps up. This is a sport in which we are accustomed to seeing the best fighting the best but, in the super bantamweight division, it’s the best versus the rest.


Rigondeaux will travel to Manchester to fight Quigg, Belfast to fight Frampton, or Las Vegas to fight Santa Cruz. None of these so-called world champions, čeprav, will consider fighting the acknowledged world super bantamweight champion. They’re all much more content to hold onto their belts than beating The Man in their weight class.


Next month, Hyde reports, Rigondeaux will travel to the United Kingdom in a bold attempt to embarrass Quigg into fighting him. “I don’t like traveling overseas unless I have a fight lined up,” Rigondeaux explained, “but I will travel to England in May to publicly call out Scott Quigg. If he turns down the chance to fight our WBA mandatory, he will be remembered for that instead of being known as a great fighter. While I’m in the UK, I will also go to Belfast to checkout Carl Frampton to ask if he wants to prove himself against the best in his division.


Understanding that the top super bantamweight action is currently in Europe, noting a record purse ($2.2 million USD) offered for a Frampton vs. Quigg fight, Rigondeaux is considering a major change in the not too distant future, moving his base from Miami to the UK, if that’s what it takes for him to get in on the action.


Hyde also manages former WBO middleweight champion and current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Ne. 1 obvezna bojevnik Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), former WBA Interim cruiserweight champion Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-2, 14 Kos) and Georgian super lightweight Levan “Volk” Ghvamichava (14-1-1, 11 Kos) , as well as top prospects such as Cuban super bantamweight Mark Forest (2-0, 2 Kos), Irish heavyweight Z Sheehan and Bulgarian light heavyweight Blagoy Naydenov.



Sledite Hyde na Twitterju na @ NoWhere2Hyde in prijatelj ga je nawww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?Fref = ts.

Speight delighted to secure Home Advantage



26 year old “The Genius” Jamie Speight has a wish come true on 16th Maj 2015 when he co-headlines the massive Goodwin Boxing “Master Class” bill at York Hall defending his Southern Area Featherweight title against Ian Bailey.


“I am over the moon at signing with Steve Goodwin” said Jamie “With everything he has done for me so far I could not be happier. This is the first time in years I have not had to go on the road and be the away fighter and have waited to be promoted as the home fighter for so long”.


Speight has had an up and down career but being sent as the away fighter meant that to Speight he never had the rub of the green or the advantage given to other fighters. Only two years ago Speight took Josh Warrington the distance in Warrington’s back yard and then subsequently lost a contentious decision to Lewis Pettitt once again in the opponent’s corner.


Maj 2014 and Speight once again was in the opponents corner when he stopped Craig Whyatt to win this belt he is now defending but now the time has come for Speight to enjoy home advantage.


“I just want a fair crack of the whip and with Steve now in control of my career I know I will get that. I need to win this title as the next day I am flying with the Goodwin team to Turkey for a training camp and that needs to be a celebration.” Speight added “My aim is the British title at Featherweight and provided I keep winning Steve has promised he will deliver that to me.”


“This is a tough fight. Ian Bailey does not receive the credit he deserves. Like myself Ian has taken short notice fights and yet stops people with winning records. We have given him 2 months notice so he can prepare as well as myself and may the best man win.”


The Speight v Bailey clash is one of four 50/50 intriguing Southern Area title fights on the bill with tri masters titles as well making this one of the best non TV shows seen in London for a long time.


Adam Dingsdale defends his Southern Area Lightweight title against Prizefighter finalist Michael “Chunky” Devine.


Philip “Quicksilver” Bowes (9-1) challenges for the Light-Welterweight version against the unbeaten former Prizefighter Champion Johnny Coyle whilst Johnny Garton makes his second defence of the Welterweight version against former English title challenger Martin Welsh.


The charismatic Danny Connor competes for the International Masters Lightweight title whilst Hampshire’s “Dangerous” Danny Goode fights for the Masters Super Middleweight Title. Adam Salman completes the trio of Masters title bouts when he competes for the Light Welterweight version.


Two of Ricky Hatton’s “Upton Clan” Paul and Anthony continue their rise to the top with 6 round contests.


The exciting Light Middleweight Joey Vaughan (1-0) has his first contest since signing with the Goodwin’s whilst the show sees the eagerly awaited debuts of Andrew Joicey (Welterweight) and Mwenya Chisanga (Light-Welterweight).


Jamie Arlain (1-0) also has his first contest after a long year break from the sport and after signing with the Goodwin’s whilst exciting unfefeated Light-Middleweight John Cash (4-0) has a six round contest.


The card is completed with Ben Hall (6 krogi) Dean Byrne (4 krogi) and David Leo (4 krogi) all facing selected opposition.


Tickets are available from any of the boxers directly or on line at www.iboxingtickets.com


Marston: Jaz sem si zastavila Big Win maja 2. - Povej O'Connell Prihajam Za Her naslova Naprej

Britanski #1 in vladajoči MBC International Super Bantamweight prvakinja Marianne Marston naj bi se vrnili k York Hall v londonskem East Endu, prizorišče njenega senzacionalno prvenstva varovalno zmago nad Marianne Gulyás pozno lani, čez nekaj tednov, kjer se bodo soočile še treba imenom nasprotnika na Mark Lyons & Billy Elliott spodbujati gospodov ring dogodek v soboto 2nd Maj 2015.


Nazaj na oktober Marston povsem prevladujejo tožbo zoper takratnega Hungarian #1, Evropski #3 in Svetovna #31 uvrstila Gulyas za zagotovitev prostega naslov MBC International Super Bantamweight.


Od začetka do konca, da je madež British Ljevak, da je boj za njeno veliko veliko bolj izkušenega nasprotnika, agresivno gredo naprej, izkorišča svoje ostre Jabs in zbadanja lefts za velik učinek.


Celotnem Marston je zdelo, da bi lahko izbrali sleče nasprotnika na voljo, pri tem zapustil Gulyás nobene druge možnosti, kot da brani na umik.


Med borbo, ki se je odvijala na blazen tempo, Gulyas obiskal platno nič manj kot sedemkrat, vendar samo dva izmed njih so bili kot knockdowns z roko Alf vzmetena, ki je pomahala ostale off kot zdrsi ali potisne.


Po desetih utripajočih krogih boks, Sodniki Ben Doughty (UK) in Matt Hamilton (Južna Afrika) dosegel dvoboj 100-89 medtem ko sodnik Lee Murtagh (UK) scorecard prebrati 99-88 vse v korist Marston.


Odlična nedosegljivi zmago povzpele Marston do uvrstitve, kakor tudi zaslužili ji naslov svetovnega prvaka strel, proti vladajoči Wiba prvak, Avstralec Shannon O'Connell, ki bo potekal konec tega poletja.


Vendar pa je prihajajoči dvoboj, ki je Marston trenutno osredotoča na, saj je jasno, ko je govoril prej.


"Jaz sem resnično veselimo spet boj, posebej nazaj York Hall.


To je skoraj šest mesecev, odkar sem osvojila naslov, Moram ven veliko prej, letos priznati, da sem upal, da bo, ampak za enega ali drugega razloga, ki preprosto ni zgodilo.


Če bi imel jaz bi imel tako branil naslov MBC ali so se borili za WBU evropskega naslova je še enkrat, vendar s Svetovno Naslov boj prihaja to poletje je bilo odločeno, da namesto, da ves pritisk, ki prihaja z naslovno boju, mi bi našli nasprotnika s podobnim slogom do Shannon (Sedanji Wiba svetovni prvak Shannon O'Connell) boriti maja 2nd tako da bi se lahko to uporabi kot resno testiranje suhem teku, kot na primer.


Vem, da sem zmagal vsak krog proti Marianna (Gulyas) ampak njen stil je zelo drugačen od Shannon je, Na srečo, čeprav moj glavni sparring partner je Ian Napa, Ian je tako izkušen in lahko polje v vsakem slogu, kar je super, saj vemo, lahko ustrezno pripravijo tako Shannon in mojo maja 2nd Nasprotnik.


Ian je sijajno, ima nekdo, ki je bil tam, storili in ima majico da dokaže, Resnično verjamem, da je njegov prispevek k mojim pripravkov, ki naredi vse razlike, Mislim, on je dobil tako britanskih in evropskih naslovov, dvakrat pa tudi borili za številne naslove, tako da res ne ve, kaj je potrebno.


Prav tako pomaga, da imam zelo izkušeno ekipo okoli mene, moj trener Brian O'Shaughnessy res me je kupil na, Zdaj, namesto da bi bolj ali manj enodimenzionalni v mojem pristopu sem zdaj v celoti zaokrožen in lahko polje v vsakem slogu, tudi na zadnjo nogo, kar je nekaj, kar sem vedno našel težko narediti.


Vas moti, ko ste sparing ljudi, kot Ian (Napa), Sunny (Edwards) Ian Bailey ves čas, morate biti sposobni prilagoditi, zato nekatere hvalo mora iti z njimi tudi.


Res sem užival da je MBC Mednarodni prvak, zmagovalni naziv me je prizadela na tak pozitiven način, ga ni mogoče razložiti, ampak to je, kot da sem drugačen borec zdaj, Mogoče, da je samo zaupanje vedoč, da lahko grem deset krogov s Svetovno uvrstila borec in ne samo držite moje, vendar jih premagal.


Zdaj imam to uporabiti v mojo korist, najprej moram premagati kdor je bom se borijo na maj 2nd in potem seveda Shannon, ko sem mu za njen naslov.


Vem, da sem to rekel pred, toda ko je moja kariera konča, Rad bi se spomnil, kot boksar, ki je imel dobre sposobnosti, Pravilno Champion, ne nekdo, ki samo coasted skozi njihovo kariero.


Želim prave borbe, pomembnih bojev, verjemite mi, ne iščem na maj 2nd pri čemer je toplo gor ali kaj podobnega, Želim, da bi ogromen izjavo o maja 2nd, Želim Shannon skrbeti za Marianne, ki ji bodo soočili to poletje, Hočem, da veš, da sem prišel, da bi njen naziv od nje. "


Marianne Marston, zoper treba še napovedala nasprotnika, lastnosti Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) so na voljo neposredno iz Marianne ali katerokoli boksarji sodelujejo, iz Ringtone Gym v Euston, London, on-line nawww.mariannemarston.com in www.tkoboxoffice.com ali pokličite 07960 850645