标记档案: 伦敦

痴迷狂vs. 泰森·富里纽约新闻发布会语录 & 照片

为期三天的国际新闻之旅将于 12 月前在纽约继续进行,气氛连续第二天爆发 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军赛在 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播 ®



点击 这里 对于照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里


纽约 (十月 2, 2018) – 德昂泰·维尔德 vs. 泰森·弗瑞国际新闻发布会在无畏海号的飞行甲板上继续进行, 空气 & 周二,太空博物馆和重量级巨头们在 12 月到来之前,不失时机地再次近距离接触彼此 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军对决在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播.




拳手们在布鲁克林篮网队 Beats Drumline 的带领下走上舞台,立即面对面对峙. 就像前一天在伦敦一样, 6英尺7英寸的维尔德和6英尺9英寸的富里在新闻发布会中途不得不分开,当时富里命令维尔德摘下墨镜,这样他就能看到自己的眼睛. 观看一场对抗 这里. 观看周二新闻发布会的完整内容, 访问 SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道: https://s.sho.com/2xJsF4f



怀尔德VS. 愤怒, 美国最大的重量级赛事. 自从迈克·泰森-伦诺克斯·刘易斯 2002, 测试维尔德的原始力量与弗瑞无与伦比的体型和机动性. 此后美国唯一的重量级冠军 2007, 怀尔德有 39 在击倒 40 专业的战斗, 包括在所有七次卫冕中都被淘汰. 富里是前IBF选手, WBA和WBO重量级世界拳王,至今保持不败战绩 27 职业拳击比赛并拥有拳击界令人垂涎的直系重量级冠军头衔.



门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 明天/周三发售, 十月 3 在 12 P.M. PT. 门票价格从 $75, 再加上适用的费用, 并可通过 AXS.com.




怀尔德VS. Fury 国际新闻发布会于周三在洛杉矶 The Novo By Microsoft 结束. 住在洛杉矶市中心.




以下是今天在无畏海举行的活动的简短引述, 空气 & 纽约太空博物馆:




“这场比赛对重量级拳手来说意味着一切. 这个部门曾经处于黑暗的地方. 很多人认为这个部门很无聊,没有娱乐性,而且没有足够的伟大战士. 你知道, 人们总是回顾过去并说, ‘黄金岁月在哪里?? 它去哪儿了?’而如今的时代不同了……我们让这项运动在重量级比赛中重获新生。.




“我们都知道,对我来说,它伴随着力量和击倒对手. 这就是我所做的. 我激励你们来观看重量级拳击比赛. 因为你们在重量级比赛中看到的是淘汰赛. 我每次都会这样做. 就像我以前说过的, 当我说我答应你时, 我向你保证我会打败吉普赛国王, 还有. 木材RRRRRR!”




“我是把他带回来的人. 当他陷入黑暗的时候,我是那个鼓励他的人. 我告诉他了, “你能做到的。”我鼓励他回来. 这一刻我向他发起了挑战. 我希望他有信心. 我想让他有能量. 如你看到的, 这就是神经. 这就是所有的神经. 因为他知道会发生什么. 他知道他的脸会被打碎. 他知道他的身体会躺在人行道上. 让他燃烧掉这股能量. 很有趣. 因为当我们进入拳击场时,他将独自一人,他的举止也会改变. 他的举止将会改变. 他现在很紧张. 他不知道该怎么办.




“不要给人们虚假的承诺. 我出生于虚假的承诺,没有任何免费的东西. 我保证我会击倒你. 我说它, 相信并接受它,它就是我的. 我不需要表现出那么多的能量, 婴儿。”





“即使是德昂泰·维尔德也知道坐在伟大人物面前. 为什么我要打败这个流浪汉是因为他不会拳击. 他是个大摇摆人,他击倒了一些流浪汉. 他曾在 40 打架, 35 他们中的一些人曾经反对过番茄罐头,但却无法反击. 所以实际上他只打过五场比赛. 如果他认为一个五战新手会把那些大风车中的一个落在我的下巴上, 然后他可以再思考. 当他感受到一点力量并在脸上猛击几下后,他的屁股就会掉下来. 这就是将会发生的事情: 大约在第五或第六轮时,我将开始以上手右侧落地,然后下楼到身体处. 然后八点左右, 九 10, 冠军赛结束后欢迎来到我的世界. 他只曾 12 在他的职业生涯中只轮过一次, 我去过 12 回合冠军距离很多, 多次.




“我经验丰富,克服重重困难回来了. 我今天在这里击败了很多人, 很多问题. 我怎么能让这个小意大利面打败我? 我该怎么做? 他们称我为吉普赛国王可不是无缘无故的. 我来纽约和洛杉矶参加所有这些新闻发布会并不是为了让这个瘦小的矮子感到尴尬. 我要把他的火花打掉.




“我是一个大, 胖的, 有胡子的男人可以像地狱一样战斗. 你不需要看到这个脂肪. 我们都知道我是灾难大师. 我们都知道我的肚子很胖. 但如果你被一个胖子殴打,你的处境就会更糟.




“我不想要德昂泰·维尔德金腰带. 我想要泰森·福里腰带. 我想要限量版 WBC 腰带. 泰森·富里只有一个!




“你正在执行自杀任务. 你知道我是个疯狂的人. 我要让这个流浪汉戒掉. 我要让他辞职. 我要让他看看与真正的男人战斗是什么感觉. 真正的世界冠军. 他是否知道他们不只是赠送直系冠军腰带? 这个人从未击败过世界冠军. 他和一些流浪汉打斗 [Bermane] 没人听说过的斯蒂文.




“你已经知道你已经输掉了这场战斗. 你现在很紧张,因为所有的压力都在你身上。”





“十二月. 1 在斯台普斯中心的地板上,距离炸弹很远. 你将会看到力量, 以及不败时的狂怒, 世界上最难的拳击和最令人恐惧的重量级人物, WBC冠军, 青铜轰炸机德翁泰·维尔德对阵无所畏惧的吉普赛国王, 不败的世界线性重量级冠军.




“进行如此规模的战斗并没有什么魔力. 所需要的只是每个冠军都想要战斗. 十二月 1 世界上三个最好的重量级人物中的两个正在互相争斗, 获胜者可以走开说, ‘我就是那个男人!’除非另有证明. 这就是这一切的全部内容. 随着重量级人物的走, 所以去拳击. 重量级拳王正在走向伟大的目标. 十二月 1 你将看到一场影响几代人的重量级战斗。”




“重量级冠军争夺战有一些不可否认的独特之处. 不仅在拳击领域独一无二, 但在体育运动中却是独一无二的. 有一种神秘感, 神话般的品质. 拳击界的重量级冠军一直都是英雄人物; 几乎是超级英雄. 有一种感觉, 重量级冠军争夺战中的嗡嗡声在所有运动中都是独一无二的. 这场战斗肯定有一种独特的感觉, 还有. 我们有两个最高的人, 重量级中最大的男子 – 6 英尺 9 英寸和 6 英尺 7 英寸; 两个巨大的数字.




“德昂泰·维尔德: 40 打架, 39 科斯, 最具有破坏性的方式. 他不仅是当今拳击界最难打的拳手之一, 但现代拳击史. 泰森·富里当然拥有独特的技能. 你不会看到身高 6 英尺 9 英寸的运动员像泰森·富里那样移动. 他拥有一套独特的运动技能. 在 NBA 之外,这个星球上没有第二个身高 6 英尺 9 的运动员更具运动能力. 这是一场令人着迷的个性冲突,也是一场令人着迷的风格冲突,我们很高兴在 SHOWTIME 按次付费节目中为您呈现。”

痴迷狂vs. 泰森·富里伦敦新闻发布会语录 & 照片

牛逼两位传奇人物在 12 月之前的国际新闻发布会上相互言语攻击,人们的期望不断高涨 1 WBC 重量级冠军头衔在 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播 ®

点击 这里 对于照片; 马克·罗宾逊/SHOWTIME

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里

伦敦 (十月 1, 2018) – 德昂泰·维尔德 vs. 泰森·富里的新闻发布会一开始就充满战斗性,两位重量级拳王周一在伦敦面对面交锋, 在十二月之前互相言语攻击 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军对决在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播.




在来来回回的叫声中, 当维尔德拒绝接受富里的挑战并参加陪练时,身高6英尺7英寸的维尔德和身高6英尺9英寸的富里不得不分开.




“我想感受力量,” 富里对维尔德说道. “你会感受到愤怒, 我想感受阿拉巴马州的猛烈撞击。”




“我要让你见识一下我的全部力量”, 维尔德反驳道. “这不是游戏!” 观看对抗 这里




观看周一新闻发布会的完整内容, 访问 SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道: https://s.sho.com/2Qf3mgW



怀尔德VS. 富里以无与伦比的体型和机动性来测试维尔德的原始力量. 此后美国唯一的重量级冠军 2007, 怀尔德有 39 在击倒 40 专业的战斗, 包括在所有七次卫冕中都被淘汰. 富里是前IBF选手, WBA和WBO重量级世界拳王,至今保持不败战绩 27 职业拳击比赛并拥有拳击界令人垂涎的直系重量级冠军头衔.



门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 周三发售, 十月 3 在 12 P.M. PT. 门票价格从 $75, 再加上适用的费用, 并可通过 AXS.com.




期待美国最大的重量级赛事. 自从迈克·泰森-伦诺克斯·刘易斯 2002, 维尔德 vs. 愤怒国际新闻发布会周二在无畏海继续进行, 空气 & 纽约太空博物馆将于周三在洛杉矶闭幕.




以下是今天在伦敦 BT 体育总部举行的活动的简短引述:




“我相信我所说的每一句话. 当我说我要把一个人打晕并告诉他可以躺在哪里以及如何躺下时, 它来了. 我只关心毁灭性的淘汰赛, 我就是做这个的. 有对我没有压力. 你只需要在那里见证它.




“他有两个月的时间来准备. 他已经瘦了很多,但他还需要再瘦一点. 他已经知道自己会被淘汰. 他可以大喊大叫, 他可以自我提升,但他需要听取我的建议并说出来, 相信它, 收到它. 他会感受到从未有过的痛苦.




“有些人甚至认为我不应该在这个时候与Fury战斗. 他们是否想再看一场比赛,或者认为他现在还没有准备好, 我们不能靠别人的意见生活. 当你来看德昂泰·怀尔德的比赛时, 你只是来看一件事,那就是我把某人击倒. 你们都在看 41ST 即将被淘汰的人.




“这些滑稽动作不会对我不利. 我不是 (Wladimir) 克里琴科, 这是德昂泰·维尔德.




“我绝对认为我是No. 1 重量级世界. 如果我不觉得自己是最好的,我就不会在这里. 我不担心任何其他战士或他们在说什么或他们如何炒作自己. 我已经知道我就是那个角色. 您所要做的就是收听. 我要把他放进烤箱做松饼。”





“我不是任何人的挑战者. 我是世界重量级直系冠军. 这意味着我是最好的. 精英冠军. 这是两个冠军的碰撞, 这是平权冠军 vs. 冠军.




“我什么都不品尝. 我唯一喜欢的就是把 Deontay Wilder 的牙齿打碎. 今天,媒体们齐聚一堂,见证了两个不败巨人之间我们这一代人最激烈的对决, 男孩,你要打架吗. 您将会享受到真正的享受, 不用担心这个. 我没有心情在擂台上跳舞. 没有一个 15 地球上的石头人可以击败泰森·福里.




“我一点也不担心我这几年没有打架. 如果你能战斗, 你可以战斗. 我选择了这场战斗. 我对弗兰克说, 让我打这场仗. 我本来可以和另一个人战斗 10 流浪汉也赢得了他们. 没有人强迫我与德翁泰·维尔德战斗, 我选择他是因为我相信他很容易接触。”




“我会站在他面前,证明我会做什么. 我每周七天打他的脸,周日打两次. 如果我们打架 30 时, 我会赢 30 次”。





“重量级已经很久没有出现过这样的两位巨头了. 两位冠军正处于比赛巅峰, 在他们的部门中处于领先地位,愿意互相争斗. 这不是火箭科学的战斗. Deontay 花了很多时间试图与另一个不想打架的英格兰人打架. 当富里重新回到擂台并恢复到现在的状态时, 雪莉 (芬克尔) 和弗兰克 (养兔场) 我们能够很快地进行这场战斗.




“当两个伟大的冠军想要打架时, 战斗发生了. 这就是为什么十二月 1 正在发生. 我们将立即知道谁是地球上最好的重量级人物,直到事实证明并非如此. 这场比赛的胜利者将成为地球上最好的重量级选手.




“富里是一个有趣的人,他必须克服很多逆境. 我认为他应该为自己的生活井然有序并能够扭转局面而感到自豪. 他在过去六个月中所做的事情非常出色. 12 月 1 日他被淘汰后,我仍然很钦佩他。”





“我对我们的挑战者只有尊重, 愤怒. 当我对付克里琴科时, 我们认为富里没有机会对抗他. 他证明我错了. 他不会两次证明我错了.




“我们没有选择与泰森战斗,因为我们认为他很容易, 我们相信他是最好的. 我们想争取最好的, 并且只有最好的. 我们尊重你,因为你的同胞不想打仗,尽管他有一大笔钱可以打仗. 当它被提出时, 他说不. 我赞扬你立即介入。”





“这是两个最好的重量级选手,因为他们愿意一起登上擂台. 这就是伟大的战士所做的. 十二月我们会看到一些特别的事情 1. 我认为这将是一场没人预料到的战斗. 这不会是猫捉老鼠的故事, 这将是一场战争. 泰森有战士的心态. 他并不想通过合同来逃避, 通过后门方法. 他想要这场战斗,而雪莉和我共同努力实现了这一目标. 你不会错过它. 这将是很长一段时间以来最好的重量级比赛之一.




“富里正在前往另一个人的后院,就像他去德国带克里琴科上学时所做的那样. 他将夺走德昂泰的腰带,这是一场你不容错过的战斗。”





“这是一场吸引美国并将继续吸引美国的战斗. 我们有两个神话般的人物,这就是人们喜欢重量级的原因; 他们几乎是超级英雄. 尤其, 这两个人是重量级中最大的两个人,我的意思是在身体意义上以及他们的个性上. 在纸上, 在环, 在新闻发布会上, 这是一场非凡的对决。”


迪尔菲尔德海滩, FL (六月 6, 2018)—Martin Murray is one very upset fighter.

Murray was scheduled to fight for the WBO Middleweight Championship at the O2 Arena in London, England on June 23, 但冠军比利·乔·桑德斯已经退出了战斗受伤的第二次.


“我不喜欢桑德斯,”加西亚说,. “我不害怕穆雷. 我愿意冒险我的标题,并来到伦敦之前,他的家乡球迷打穆雷. 让我们继续!”

桑德斯推迟原定四月 14 穆雷打,因为一个所谓的手伤的. 现在他拉出六月斗争,因为涉嫌腿筋受伤的.

“我的经理, 李霍利迪, 今天告诉我,我的子, 唐金, 已经达到了沃伦的团队如何进行这项斗争. 我有一个“具有带和将前往”的态度,并准备在必要时对其进行备份明天.

“没有更多的抱怨比利·乔和他的借口. 如果你想在六月打 23, 然后采取行动,要么闭嘴. 否则, 那么你只是比利·乔·具有不同的借口“。



圣迭戈, CALIF. – 五月 5, 2018 –托尼·贝柳 打进了他在大卫·海耶2日淘汰赛在最后 14 个月的前明星 “信条” 在前世界冠军在伦敦O2体育场在伦敦一战拿下了第五轮停工.




史诗复赛现场显示并专门研究美国对娱乐的AWE-A和财富 www.klowdtv.com




海耶得很早,落在一对夫妇的右手. 之后,它是所有贝柳的一大途径, 在三个圆形, 柳打进了两个击倒怪物. 从一个巨大的计数器右手第一个来到. 过了一会儿, it was a smashing left hook to the jaw that sentThe Hayemaker” 到画布上.




Bellew continued to dominate, and in round five, Bellew landed another head turning left hook that sent Haye to the deck for a third time. Bellew ended the fight by landed two hard punches on the ropes, 和布特是在停止 2:14.




Bellew of Liverpool is now 30-2-1 同 20 击倒. Haye of London is 28-4.


John Ryder stopped Jamie Cox in round two of their scheduled twelve-round super middleweight bout.




Ryder landed a right to head that Cox went down after a delayed reaction. Cox got up just as referee Ian-John Lewis reached the count of 10 and the bout was called at 50 seconds in round 2.




Ryder of Islington is now 26-4 同 14 击倒. Cox of Swindon is 25-2.


埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 won the IBF Bantamweight title with a 12 round domination of Paul Butler.




第一轮, Rodriguez landed a perfect left hook that deposited Butler on the canvas. Seconds later it was a flurry of shots to the head that put Butler down again. 在第三轮, Butler began to bleed from the nose.




Rodriguez coasted home by boxing and moving for which Butler had no answer for the skilled Rodriguez.




Butler was ineligible to win the vacant title as he checked in 3 1/2 pounds over the 118 磅的限制.




Rodriguez of Puerto Rico won by scores of 120-106 两次, 118-108, 并且现在 18-0. Butler Ellesmere Port is 26-2.




2016 Olympic Silver Medal Winner, 乔·乔伊斯 stopped Lenroy Thomas in round 2 of their scheduled 12-round heavyweight bout.




At the end of round one, Joyce landed a left to the body that sent Thomas down at the bell. 在第二轮, Joyce landed two crushing rights rights that sent Thomas down. Joyce ended things with a flush left hook to chin that sent Thomas slowly to his knees. 托马斯没打 10 计数, 和布特是在停止 2:36.




普尼的乔伊斯 4-0 同 4 击倒. 牙买加的托马斯 22-5-1.


约书亚Buatsi 保持完美通过在预定的八轮轻重量级回合的五轮停止斯特凡·奎瓦斯.




Buatsi为主打,然后降落伤害奎瓦斯在一个巨大的组合 50 五个圆形秒.




Buatsi, 178.4 克罗伊登磅现 6-0 同 4 击倒. 奎瓦斯, 175 图卢兹磅, 法国 8-2-3.


詹姆斯·丁尼生 躲过了第二个回合击倒, 回来后通过第五轮停工之前击败不败马丁ĴWard在一个了不起的动感十足的超羽量级较量.




在第二轮, 沃德下降丁尼生与运算的左钩拳的身体. 在第三轮, 丁尼生开始从他的鼻子流血.




潮水在第四轮转向时,丁尼生又开始疼了病房, 与第五轮, 丁尼生登陆大 3 冲组合发送沃德到画布. 过了一会儿, 丁尼生降落冲洗勾拳发送沃德蔓延到画布, 和布特是在停止 2:24.




都柏林的丁尼生是现在 22-2 同 18 击倒. 布伦特伍德的病房现在是 19-1-2.





拼牌也将直播通过KlowdTV在AWE通道流. 访问www.klowdtv.com 了解更多信息.



AWE to Air Live Bellew v. Haye II, 周六, May 5th



The Highly Anticipated Rematch between Tony Bellew and David Haye to air Live and Exclusively on AWE



圣迭戈, CALIF. – 四月 12, 2018 -Paul Butler gets the chance to become two-time IBF World Bantamweight champion when he tackles undefeated Emmanuel Rodriguez at The O2 in London on May 5, live on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.




Butler’s clash with Rodriguez is part of a huge night of action in Greenwich as Heavyweight rivals Tony Bellew and David Haye clash in a hotly-anticipated rematch.




Butler landed the IBF strap in April 2014 by taking it from Stuart Hall in Newcastle before vacating the strap to move down to Super-Flyweight in March 2015 to challenge IBF champion Zolani Tete.




The ‘Baby Faced Assassinreturned to 118lbs and back into title contention when he comfortably saw off Hall in a rematch in Liverpool in September, and is rated at four in the IBF, one spot behind top-rated Rodriguez.




不败者 25 year old visitor is hotly-rated having raced to 17-0 in the paid ranks with 12 wins inside the distance, a rise all the more impressive following an amateur background that was stunted by a car accident.




Rodriguez’s trip to London is his first outside the Americas since turning pro and his first over the championship distance, and Butler intends to make the trip a miserable one for the Puerto Rican and reclaim his title.




I’m very excited for this,” said Butler. “It’s the reason we came over to Eddie in the first place, I knew he would deliver the big fights for me. We’re just four weeks away. It’s a big test but I’m confident.




It’s an honor to contest the IBF title again. I want to win it back then hopefully defend which I didn’t have the chance to do last time.




It sounded a good idea at the time to vacate but looking back now I should have kept hold of the belt. I should have worked on my strength and conditioning, filled out and defended my title. I’ve definitely got some unfinished business with thisit would be brilliant to go out there and win it again.




It’s a tougher test the last time I won the title, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ve improved myself. He’s touted to be this next big superstar, but how many of them come over here and get turned on their heads?




I never used to look at my opponents, but since I’ve linked up with Joe he’s always sending me little clips. He looks a good kid, he likes to work at midrange but in truth I don’t want to say too much about what he does and doesn’t do well.




I don’t care how big and tough he iswe both have two arms, two legs, he’s from Puerto Rico and I’m from Ellesmere Port so let’s get it on. I can see this being a very good fight, we both like to go body to head, head to body but I’ll come out being the two-time IBF World Bantamweight champion.




Super-Middleweights John Ryder and Jamie Cox clash in a crucial clash in the 168lbs division and Martin J. Ward defends his European Super-Featherweight title against James Tennyson.




Expected start time is 3 PM ET / 12 PM PT.





Visitwww.klowdtv.com for additional information.




门票销售 这个星期五

LOS ANGELES – Bellator is pleased to announce its anticipated return to London for Bellator 200星期五, 五月 25. The landmark event will emanate from The SSE Arena, Wembley and will air on Paramount Network.


The first two fights, of what promises to be one of the most exciting event in company history, features middleweight champion 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (15-1) defending his crown against Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2) and the return of London’s own 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (12-0), 谁需要对 大卫的“穴居人”Rickels (19-4, 2 NC). Additional main card bouts will be announced shortly.


Tickets for the event will be available to the general public on 星期五, 三月 2 在上交所体育馆, 温布利票房 (0844 815 0815), Tick​​etmaster.com, ssearena.co.ukaxs.com. A special SSE pre-sale will take place 星期三, 二月 28, while all other pre-sales, including Bellator Nation, will begin 星期四, 三月 1.


“Bellator continues to place a huge emphasis on its expansion into markets around the globe and creating a strong presence in the U.K. is a very important part of that,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “Our fans are going to be excited about the card we put together for this monumental event, as Bellator 200 will be one of our greatest to date.”


Quietly flying under the radar as Bellator’s current longest-reigning champion, Rafael Carvalho receives his toughest challenge to date when he meets Mousasi in London. A product of Rio de Janeiro, 巴西, Carvalho joined the Bellator roster in 2014, garnering the attention of fans who tuned into Bellator 125 by emphatically finishing Brian Rogers in the first round. The run hasn’t stopped there, as the 31-year-old has gone onto defeat 乔·希林, 阿莱西奥Sakara, 梅尔文Manhoef (2X) and Brandon Halsey, tying the record for most title defenses in the division’s history in the process.


Gegard Mousasi impressed in his promotional debut over former Bellator middleweight champion 亚历山大Shlemenko, a win that pushed his current unbeaten streak to six fights. “捕梦网,” 目前在荷兰接受训练, holds one of the most impressive resumes in all of the sport, at one time winning the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles. With victories against some of the sport’s best, including Chris Weidman, 维托尔贝尔福, 乌利亚大厅, 丹·亨德森, “贾卡雷”苏萨, Mark Hunt and Ovince Saint-Preux, the Judo black belt will now set his sights on Bellator gold when he enters the cage on May 25.


There are few fighters who in such a short span of time have provided the type of highlight-reel entertainment that Michael Page has. 现在, “MVP” returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since 2016, a year that saw Page go viral for his perfectly-timed flying knee finish against 40-fight-veteran “Cyborg” Santos and the well-orchestrated celebration that included the toss of a Pokéball. 2017 saw Page successfully enter the realm of boxing, where he won his debut via TKO. 在 Bellator 200, the London native will make his ninth appearance for Bellator, going unbeaten and finishing his opponent in the opening frame on five occasions.


David Rickels has competed under the Bellator banner more times than anyone in promotional history with 19 and will extend the record when he returns to 170-pounds for the first time since the Bellator Season Six Welterweight Tournament in 2012. The fighting pride of Derby, Kansas is coming off a unanimous decision victory against 亚当Piccolot 在去年12月, improving his current winning streak to two. Never one to shy away from a scrap, this matchup should produce fireworks when “The Caveman’s” style clashes with the unorthodox swagger of “MVP.”


更新 Bellator 200 战卡:

量级世界冠军布特: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (15-1) VS. Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2)

重量级主卡布特: 迈克尔页 (12-0) VS. 大卫Rickels (19-4, 2 NC)



Jessica McCaskill Gets Her Wish to Face Katie Taylor: Social Media Challenges Turn to Women’s Super Fight on December 13 在伦敦

Christmas comes a little early this year for hard-punching Warriors Boxing lightweight Jessica ‘CasKILLAMcCaskill.

All year, she and manager/trainer Rick Ramos have been expressing their wish, via social media, to face Irish gold medalist turned professional world champion Katie Taylor.
星期三, 十二月 13, they will get their wish, as Chicago-based McCaskill (5-1, 3 科斯) will challenge Taylor (7-0, 4 科斯) for her WBA Lightweight Championship at York Hall in London, 英国, and live before a massive audience on Sky Sports.
I’m relieved. I’ve been working toward this fight for a long time,” said McCaskill, 额定 #2 在世界上 135 lbs and #1 in the United States in women’s boxing. “We have been training for this fight since my last fight because we knew it was coming and we’ve definitely bumped up the intensity.
Before turning professional a year ago, the popular Taylor, from Bray, won lightweight gold at the 2012 London Olympics, as well as an impressive assortment of world and European amateur championships. Known as the Irish athlete of her entire generation, Taylor is regarded as a superstar in the UK because of her aggressive and crowd-pleasing style.
I’ve never watched a full fight of hers,” professed McCaskill. “I’ve seen some highlights. I see mistakes she makes, but it’s not so much what I see in her. It’s what I see in all her opponents. They’ve all been scared of her. I am not. You won’t see any fear in me. Everybody else was terrified to engage her. They just showed up. I’ll be fighting to the last bell.
Much of the credit for landing the fight must go to Ramos, who doggedly pursued Taylor and her promoter, Eddie Hearn of Matchroom Boxing, on social media.
I felt like offended about comments Katie and Eddie made about how no one wants to fight her,” explained Ramos. “I remember thinking, ‘well, NO ONE called Jessica. We would love to fight Katie!’ That kind of started everything. Eddie Hearn finally did contact me via Instagram and things started getting real. I was happy that my social-media tactic worked!”
McCaskill, who also works full-time in Regulatory and Reporting at R.J. O’Brien & Associates investment bank in Chicago, says she’s not intimidated about stepping into Taylor’s home field for this fight. 事实上, she’s expecting a number of her fans to be there as well.
It’s funny because of my job and my previous investment banking job, I have a lot of contacts and friends over there who are excited to show up for me. My company I work for has a branch that is three miles from the venue. I’ll be expecting a lot of fans there for me as well that night. It would be incredible to headline over there and to break her undefeated record and get my first world title in one night in front of them. 我不能等!”
在推出 2003, 勇士拳击在一个简单的工作理念,把最好的拳击手在世界上争取球迷, 与之匹配的有竞争力的较量, 并在这样做有助于重新建立拳击运动的新一代.
随着一系列成功支付每视图显示叫好又叫座,其信用, 勇士的商业模式正在奇迹的运动,是非常需要创新和能源,该公司带来的表.
当它归结为它虽然, 促销公司是唯一不如战斗机和战斗它促进. 勇士拳击已交付各条战线, 以优异的较量,如拉拉 - 莫利纳, 岛 - 彼得森, 亚伯拉罕 - 米兰达I和II, 米兰达 - 帕夫利克, 米兰达 - 绿, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 布里格斯, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 克里琴科, 乌兰戈,哈顿, 乌兰戈,贝利, 卡约 - Maidana的和易卜拉欣莫夫 - 霍利菲尔德.
有关勇士拳击的更多信息, 访问他们的网站 www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Billy Joe Saunders vs Willie Monroe, JR. WBO World Middleweight Title Bout to be Streamed LIVE THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON on Banner Promotions Network Youtube Channel

Exclusive stream in the United States & Canada to begin at 5:30 PM ET
费城. 霸。(九月 13, 2017)–这个星期六 下午, WBO World Middleweight champion Billy Joe Saunders will take on number-2 ranked Willie Monroe Jr. at The Copper Box Arena in London.
Banner Promotions is pleased to announce the fight will be streamed live exclusively in the United States & Canada on the Banner Promotions Network Youtube page 在开始5:30 AND / 2:30 PT, with the Saunders – 梦露JR. fight beginning at 6:30 PM ET.
We are happy to be able to bring the fans in the United States & Canada this very important title bout. With the interest in the fight and the ramifications for the winner to be in line to fight the Canelo AlvarezGennady Golovkin winner, we expect a big audience on Youtube to view this fight,” 说横幅促销总统, 阿蒂Pelullo.
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的 and Twitter BannerBoxing.

威利·梦露, JR. Media Day Quotes, Pictures and Videos

费城. Pa./Rochester, 纽约 (八月. 31, 2017) – 刚刚过去的这个 星期二 at the Rochester Fight Factory, 威利·梦露, JR. met a throng of media personel during his media day workout in advance of his 9月16日 showdown with WBO World Middleweight Champion Billy Joe Saunders at the Copper Box Arena in London, 英国.
Monroe held court and analyzed many topics regarding the fight and his career as he gets ready for his 2nd world title opportunity.
Below are quotes, video interviews and images from the event, which included a visit from Rochester Deputy Mayor Cedric Alexander.
I am battle tested, and I have gone through this and gave a good account of myself against Golovkin. 这次, I am going to enjoy the moment a little more. I am enjoying the process.

Nothing is given to you, so I have to go take it.

I give people from my city hope.

The one thing that Golovkin and Canelo need, I am going to get my hands on, so they will have to see me.

Saunders is a little mouthy. I am a humble guy. It has me motivated, 而来 9月16日, he will have heck to pay.

I want my rematch with Triple-G, but I think Canelo is the more skilled fighter. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. I appreciate both of them for fighting each other.

I might feel like boxing his ears off, or I may want to get him out of there.

My application to boxing, shows that I am strongrt then these guys.
威利·梦露, Jr roundtable interview
威利·梦露, Jr roundtable interview
威利·梦露, JR 1 上 1 面试
威利·梦露, JR 1 上 1 面试

关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的 and Twitter BannerBoxing.



伦敦 (JULY 17, 2017)–WBO中量级世界冠军 比利·乔·桑德斯 will make the second defense of his crown against New York’s 威利·梦露JR.星期六, 9月16日 at London’s Copper Box Arena, live on BT Sport and BoxNation.

Hatfield’s Saunders (24-0, 12 科斯) defeated Irish hero Andy Lee to take the WBO strap in a close and absorbing fight back in December 2015 that saw the undefeated star floor the former Champion twice in the third round and go on to claim a majority decision from the judges.

A series of injuries led to a frustrating 2016 for Saunders, but he eventually defended his belt last December against Artur Akavov in Glasgow. Saunders was not at his best, but outpointed the game Russian. He was due to take on Avtandil Khurtsidze before the Georgian’s arrest in June.

梦露JR (21-2, 6 科斯) has a second chance at winning a World Title after a sixth round stoppage loss against IBF, WBA and WBC Middleweight World Champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin back in 2015. Since then the 30-year-old has won two decisions over John Thompson and Gabriel Rosado and holds a number five World ranking with the WBO.

I am happy for this World Title opportunity,” said Monroe Jr. “I’m always in the gym and I’m ready to go now; I live the life. I can’t wait to show up and show out in London. Saunders is a good fighter and a worthy World Champion but I’m coming for that belt.

I gave a good account of myself against Golovkin, but I will admit that I got caught up in the moment. Billy Joe has had a lot of luxuries throughout his career that I haven’t had. All of his fights have been here in his own backyard, he hasn’t had to go into the Lion’s Den to prove himself. He calls me mentally weak but we’ll see on 9月16日.”

Willie is a good fighter and a good boxer,” said Saunders. “This is his big chance and he isn’t coming over here just to make up the numbers. He has been in with some of the best fighters in the World including Golovkin where he came up short.

I think it is going to be a very close fight but I already have the mental edge over him. He said he was done against Golovkin and that’s not what a warrior would do. I’d rather get knocked out cold than quit. I haven’t had the chance to show my true skill and talent as of yet as a pro. I can’t afford to overlook him and I’ll be in the best shape of my life on 9月16日. 我 100% going to get the win.

Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions said: “I am very happy for Willie; this is a great opportunity. A lot of things had to fall into place for Willie to get this fight. Saunders is a great fighter, and this should be a terrific event. I want to thank tthe WBO as well as Frank Warren and Billy Joe Saunders for this opportunity.
Press Conference Video Highlights courtesy of BT Sports

桑德斯’ promoter Frank Warren said: “Bill will have to be at the very top of his game to get the win on 9月16日. The winner of this fight will have the missing piece on the Middleweight jigsaw, Canelo and Golovkin both want that WBO belt.

If Bill comes through this fight we are pushing hard for the winner of Canelo vs. 戈洛夫金. If Golovkin wins I hope we can do that fight in December, if Canelo wins it could be in the New Year. Bill has to go out there and prove a point, there is a lot on the line.

Ilford Light-Heavyweight knockout king Anthony Yarde and teenage Heavyweight sensation Daniel Dubois will feature on an action-packed undercard. Yarde picked up the WBO European strap with a first round KO win over Richard Baranyi last time out at the Copper Box Arena while 19 year-old Dubois claimed the WBC World Youth Heavyweight belt in only his fourth contest.

Full undercard details will be announced shortly.

Tickets for Saunders v Monroe Jr priced at £40, £50, £70, £100, £150, £200 and £300 (VIP/Hospitality) are available from: