Tag Archives: light težka

Championship Boxing At York Hall Followed By Mayweather-Pacquiao Live Via Satellite This Saturday.

Have you got your tickets for the Boxing event of the Century yet? If the answer is no, then promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott may just have the perfect alternative lined-up for Boxing fans – a night of Championship Boxing at York Hall, in Bethnal Green, followed by MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO live by satellite from Las Vegas.


Kicking off the whole night of pugilistic action, sees a full card of Boxing at the famous Home Of Boxing in the Capital, including two Championship Battles.


Hackney, London based Turkish unbeaten star SIAR OZGUL makes his first tilt at a title when he takes on Nottingham’s MATT SCRIVEN for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship.


Main support sees Bradford’s sensational TASIF KHAN challenge for the International Masters Bantamweight crown, against Georgian #1 MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI


Heading up the support for the two Championship bouts sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion PAUL ECONOMIDES take on Nottingham’s GARFIELD MUSHORE in a non-championship six rounder.


Champions TKO’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect ONDER OZGUL takes on the highly entertaining JODY MEIKLE, from Scunthorpe, v šestih vsestranska.


Making his first visit to the Capital City will be Liverpool based unbeaten Russian star DAVID AGADZHANYAN, who will take on Czech Republic’s JOSEF REDLICH in a six round contest.


Former American Basketball Star, turned professional Boxer, MANNY MUHAMMAD will also be in action against a yet to be named opponent.


Making their debuts on the night are exciting young local talents ANDY CONA and DANIEL MENDES in action against each other.


Once the action is over at York Hall, then the lucky boxing fans attending the event can either go to the free after party at Spearmint Rhino, or go direct to the function rooms to watch the entire build up and of course the main event of the night MAYWEATHER – PACQUIAO


The cost for this whole night of Boxing heaven, believe it or not is just £45 or £75, as the cost for standard seats for the boxing at York Hall are £35 (Standard seated) in £ 65 (Ringu) and the cost for attending the function room to watch the Big Fight Live is just £10 extra (payable on the night)


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available on the night, or to ensure a seat buy on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645




Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos

Credit: Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing prvakov

CHICAGO (April 25, 2015) – Premier boksarski prvaki je nevihto zavzel ChicagoPetek noč z navdušujočo borbeno karto, na kateri so tri navdušujoče borbe Spike iz paviljona UIC.


Razstavljen je bil televizijski odpirač Roberto “Threat” Garcia (37-3, 23 Kos) pridobiti zmago v soglasju z osmimi krogi James Stevenson (22-2, 15 Kos). Prvi glavni dogodek žage Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (29-2, 26 Kos) v 12thzmaga z okroglim nokautom nad trdo nosom Caleb “Golden” Truax (25-2-2, 15 Kos). Predstavljen je bil drugi glavni dogodek v noči Badou Jack “Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 Kos) zasluži večinsko odločitev Anthony “Dog” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos).


Spodaj so komentarji televizijskih borcev, ko so razpravljali o svojih nastopih nocoj:




“Nocoj se je boril v veliki borbi.


“Hočem revanš.”




“Nocoj sem bil v odlični formi in verjel sem vase. Vsi pogovori z Dirrellom in njegovim taborom me niso nikoli prijeli.


“Nič, kar mi je storil nocoj, me ni motilo. On je dober borec, in nisem se boril za popoln boj, vendar sem dobil zmago.


“Vedel sem, da me ne morejo oropati. Mislil sem, da sem jasno zmagal. Močno sem začel kariero, vendar sem se osredotočil na svojo ekipo in se vrnil na sled.


“Blagor je biti član PBC. Vrnitev boksa v začetni čas je za šport neverjetna. Prvotno sploh nisem iz te države, vendar imam tukaj veliko oboževalcev in ta serija mi bo le pomagala pridobiti več.


“Naprej želim Georgea Grovesa.”




“Bil sem v ogromni formi za ta boj. Vedel sem, da sem pripravljen iti 12 krogi. On je veteran, ko gre za boj na progi, zato sem moral biti pripravljen.


“Na koncu šeste runde sem ga udaril z desnico, zaradi katere se je spotaknil v vrvi. Tisti trenutek nisem bil prepričan, če ga je res poškodoval, ali če je samo igral opossum. Kotiček mi je dal vedeti, kdaj sem ga res poškodoval in sem izkoristil prednost.


“Ni imel toliko, kot sem mislil, da bi lahko. Vesela sem, da se je tako izkazalo, toda na to sem bil pripravljen, če bi.


“Fizično je bil močnejši, kot sem mislil, da bi bil, ampak nocoj me ni nikoli resnično poškodoval.


“PBC je neverjetna prodajalna za nas boksarje. Upam, da bom lahko še naprej gojil svojo blagovno znamko in postal zvezda znotraj boksa in zunaj njega.


“Dokazal sem, da sem najboljši v tej diviziji. Hočem kogar koli Al (HAYMON) pravi naslednji.”




“Hotel sem pritisniti nanj, vendar nisem mogel udariti tako, kot bi želel. Njegovo gibanje je bilo super in zame je bila samo noč.


“Nisem mogel, da bi me angažiral in mislim, da je zmagal v boju.


“Bilo je nekaj dobrih posnetkov, ki so me zbadali, toda nobenih strelov, ki bi me res tako zelo prizadeli. Ni bilo uničujočih udarcev ali česar koli. Borec vedno želi nadaljevati naprej, vendar je ref opravil svoje delo.


“PBC je fantastičen za privabljanje priložnostnih navijačev, ki sicer ne bi gledali naših bojev. To je resnično prelomno. Po takem boju upam, da se bo vse več oboževalcev še naprej ujemalo.


“Grem nazaj v telovadnico, da bom opravil trdo delo. Upajmo, da se bom vrnil na drugo kartico PBC proti komu, Warriors in Al (HAYMON) recimo.”




“Počutila sem se, kot da Stevenson samo poskuša preživeti, ker sem poskušal zmagati. Lahko bi rekel, da ga moji udarci mučijo. Slišal sem ga, kako zelo močno diha.


“Samo nocoj sem se hotel vrniti k temu. Moja zadnja borba je bila pred skoraj devetimi meseci tukaj na istem prizorišču. Ta boj sem moral spraviti pod pas, da sem nadaljeval vožnjo in nadaljeval z delom proti cilju.


“Običajno moram preganjati fante, s katerimi se borim. Tudi z luknjami kot (Anthony) Margarito, na koncu jih moram loviti. Vzel sem vso to prejšnjo izkušnjo in jo uporabil nocoj. V bistvu se mi je zdelo, da gre za sparing seanso.


“PBC je neverjetna priložnost za borce, kot sem jaz, in nameravam ga še naprej izkoristiti.


“Za seboj imam odlično ekipo in samo nas zanima, da gremo naprej. Vendar sem pripravljen na velik korak. Naslednjič želim Shawna Porterja. Zavezal sem se, da se bom boril proti njemu, in nameravam se držati tega.”




“Nič, kar je počel, me res ni dobil. Dejstvo je,, Ta boj sem vodil teden in pol prej. Iskreno sem mislil, da sem ga potegnil. Vsi vemo, kdo je nocoj res zmagal.


“Zahajal sem v žleb, toda potem me je začel boleti hrbet in to me je nekoliko potegnilo iz tega.


“PBC daje borcem, kot sem jaz, priložnost, da pokažem svoje sposobnosti toliko več ljudem, kot smo jih vajeni.


“Pripravljen sem za vse, ki uživajo v mojem težnem razredu. Takoj se vrnem v telovadnico in bom pripravljena na vse, kar je naslednje.”


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Kartico so soorganizirali Warriors Boxing in Mayweather Promotions. Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-prvaki, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo in @SpikeTV in postani oboževalec na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions in www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Promocije Ritehook se vračajo v Mississippi maj 2!

Maj 2 Boj Poster.jpg


Vstopnica vključuje boj v živo in boj Mayweather-Pacquiao!


Biloxi, GOSPA (April 24, 2015) - Ritehook Promotions v povezavi z Reved Entertainment in Pier6 Promotions bo predstavil edinstven večer boksa, v katerem bodo predstavljeni boji v živo in boj stoletja med Floydom Mayweatherjem in Mannyjem Pacquiaom Sobota, Maj 2 v igralnici Hard Rock v Biloxiju, GOSPA.


Vstopnice za ta poseben večer se začnejo ob $35 in so na voljo na spletnem mestu Ticketmaster.com, Box Rock Office ali kličete 228-217-5555. Vsi imetniki vstopnic so povabljeni, da ostanejo na Hard Rocku, ki sledijo borbam v živo in gledajo Mayweather-Pacquiao na 35-palčnem zaslonu.


V glavnem primeru zvečer, visoko odkrito Radivoje "Hod Rod" Kalajdžić tvega popoln rekord 52 borba veterana Williama Johnsona v šesterokrožnem tekmovanju v lahki težki kategoriji.


Rojen v Bosni in trenutno prebiva v Sankt Peterburgu, FL, Poklicna knjiga Kalajdžića je 17-0 s 11 zmage, ki prihajajo z nokautom. Nadarjeni 23-letnik ima prepričljive zmage nad dobro cenjeno Lionell Thompson, Sprejem Woods, Samson Onyango in spojlerja Otis Griffin in Larry Pryor.


Pozdravljeni s Sardisa, MS in se je v Biloxiju boril štirikrat, Johnson ni znan le domačinom, ampak ima veliko izkušenj. Od obračanja pro 11 Pred leti, Johnson je v škatli 226 krogov, medtem ko se sooča z impresivnim seznamom sovražnikov, vključno s Sergejem Kovalevom, Drugi Berto, John Duddy, Joe Greene, Donovan George, Andre Dirrell in Medzhid Bektemirov. V 2007, Johnson je dosegel največjo zmago v karieri, izklopi se torej 16-0 Darryl Salmon v šestih krogih.


V sočasno pokaže borbi večera, Manny "upirajte se" Woods je videti, da bo tremi poravnal, ko se bo spopadel z nasprotnikom, ki ga je treba napovedati. Sankt Peterburg je Woods 12-3-1 s štirimi nokauti in je v štirih zadnjih petih dvobojih zmagovalec.


MMA težka zvezda Tony Johnson Jr. iz Nashvilla, TN bo zapustil osmerokotnik in po srečanju storil kvantni skok znotraj kvadrata 48 v štirih krogih se je boril veteran Marvin Hunt. Johnson, ki je 1-0 kot boksar, zmagal na tekmi MMA pred dvema tednoma kot del Bellatorjeve karte.


V undercard delovanja, priljubljena domačina Mike Bissett in Tom Howard, skupaj z nepremaganima Joeyjem Bryantom in Cameronom Springerjem se bodo vsi pojavili v ločenih bojih.


»Maj 2nd bo padel kot eden najpomembnejših datumov v zgodovini boksa,"Je dejal William Hunter iz Ritehook Promotions. "Smo edini drugi promotor v Ameriki, ki tisto noč vodi kartico. Za manj kot strošek plačila na ogled, dajemo našim lastnikom vstopnic v živo bore z dobrimi obeti in tekmo Mayweather-Pacquiao pod eno streho. Ni boljšega mesta za to next Saturday

Za več informacij, pojdite na Ritehookpromotions.com.

Ozgul-Scriven II – Title On The Line For May 2nd York Hall Rematch

Back in October last year unbeaten Hackney based Turk Siar Ozgul and late replacement opponent Matt Scriven campaigned in one of the closest, vsi ukrepi, battles of the year.


It was a true small hall classic that really deserved at least to be nominated for the accolade of ‘Fight of The Year’, if not be the outright winner, however that was not to be as somehow it managed to slip under the radar of the majority of the British media.


On Saturday May 2nd, these magnificent warriors will once again enter the arena, ob York Hall v Bethnal Green, London, this time in a ten round contest and with the added incentive of a Championship being on the linethe vacant MBC International Welterweight title – on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event.


The October Ozgul-Scriven Battle Boyale was reminiscent of the first of the Mickey Ward-Arturo Gatti trilogy of fights that took place in 2002/3, without doubt one of the all time greatest trilogy of fights this sport has ever witnessed.


If Ozgul-Scriven II matches the intensity and drama of their first encounter, we could well have another action filled bout, one that equals any of the Ward-Gatti fights, right here in our own back yard, something no boxing fan, or British sports writer should miss.


To give an idea of just how sensational their first showdown was, here’s the write up on the bout from the published report by the Canadian Sports Channel fightnetwork.com.


“Fifth bout of the night see London based Turk Siar Ozgul in action against Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Kaj boj, without doubt the fight of the night, as both protagonists went to war.


Ozgul came out hard and strong, initially putting the Nottingham man on the back foot, however Scriven soon started to exert his authority and then the fireworks really began.


By the third round the non stop action started to take it’s toll on the Turkish youngster, which allowed Scriven to land some sensational power shots of his own.


Zadnji krog je bil keks, Ozgul backed Scriven into a corner and let rip with massive right hands, one of which sent Scriven’s mouth guard flying into the crowd ringside.


Once the errant mouth guard was retrieved and the bout restarted it was Scriven who went hard on the attack, one such attack late on in the round see Scriven land a massive right that shook Ozgul to the core, Ozgul sensibly went on the defensive for the remaining seconds to see his way to securing his fifth win.


Referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout 39-37 v korist Ozgul, pravilna razsodbo brez dvoma, but one that really doesn’t express how great this fight was or how close each and every round was.”


Siar Ozgul versus Matt Scriven, for the vacant MBC International Welterweight Championship, headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) are available direct from Siar at the Champions TKO Gym in Hackneycall Mehmet on 07825 618018 – on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645

PREMIER BOKS CHAMPIONS ON Spike FINAL novinarski konferenci Citati & FOTOGRAFIJE

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije

Photo Credit: Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing prvakov

CHICAGO (April 22, 2015) – Fight week officially kicked-off Wednesday in Chicago as fighters on the Premier Boxing prvakov na Spike fight card participated in the final press conference before entering the ring on Friday, April 24 na UIC Pavilion.


The night of fights features Anthony “Dog” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 Kos) bori Badou Jack “Ripper” (18-1, 12 Kos) in Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 Kos) prevzema Caleb “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 Kos). The televised action on Spike begins at 9 ET/8 CT.


Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga Warriors boksarske in Mayweather Promotions, ki so hkrati spodbujati, stanejo $151, $101, $51, in $31, ne vključno z ustreznimi stroški storitev, in so v prodaji sedaj. Zaračunati po telefonu z večjo kreditno kartico, pokličite na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 ali UIC Pavilion Box Office na (312) 413-5740. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi www.ticketmaster.com ali z obiskom urada za UIC Pavilion Box (Četrtek ali Petek 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


Tukaj je tisto, kar tiskovne udeleženci konference imeli za povedati:




I’m a better fighter now because I’m working harder. You have to work harder to stay at this level. Now everybody is gunning for you because you have what they want.


I’m glad that because of this platform, everybody knows what I’ve been through now. People can see that anything is possible. Going through something like defeating cancer has helped me achieve my dreams.


Badou Jack is a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought a guy like me.


V petek night I just have to hope that Jack doesn’t run. I want him to stand in there with me and we’ll see who’s better. I’m going to test his chin like nobody else has.




I had the best training camp I’ve ever had and I’m ready to bring the title back to Las Vegas.


I don’t do the social media trash talking, I save it for the ring and v petek I’m going to show the world why I deserve to be world champion.


I respect Anthony Dirrell for winning the fight against cancer. I lost two of my amateur trainers to that disease and I’ll be dedicating this fight to them.


His team likes to bark and talk a lot of trash but they can’t fight for him. Tako kot Petek night it’s just going to be the two of us in the ring.


I don’t bark, I don’t talk trash, I let my fists do the talking.


Opportunities like this don’t always come around and I will make sure I don’t let this one slip away.




Fighting here in Chicago serves as extra motivation for me. I’ve always been the guy fans favored at Barclays Center, and I may have gotten a little spoiled. So I’m excited to be the guy that people want to see lose. Truax will probably have a larger crowd supporting him, and those fans will motivate me to be stronger and fight better v petek.


People love a great story. I’m extremely proud of my story and for having beat cancer, but let’s not forget about my skill set.


Truax can say he’s tired of hearing about ‘The Miracle Manall he wants, but he shouldn’t be thinking about my cancer when we get in the ring. He should just fear me. I’m going to be a cancer to him once we start fighting.


I’m not saying I’m going to knock him out. I’m just saying I’m going to win because that’s what I came to do. I’ll take a win however I can get it.




This is a huge fight and a huge opportunity for me. It’s a career-changer and life-changer for my career in boxing. I’ve got to be smart in this fight.


I couldn’t be in any better shape right now. Physically I’m mature at 31-years-old. This is the right spot for me and a great opportunity.


I want to thank all of my fans and you should expect to see a lot of people from Minnesota coming down to see me. It’s going to be great to celebrate with all of them.


# # #


Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-prvaki, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo in @SpikeTV in postani oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions inwww.Facebook.com/Spike.

Haywood Set For Pepper Showdown On May 2nd

Champions TKO’s Jerome Haywood is set to face Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event, which takes place at York Hall in Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.


Jerome will be making his return to York Hall, the scene of his successful professional debut in October last year, where he scored a well earned points victory over Rolandas Cesna.


Nazaj v oktobru, after a slightly hesitant start, Haywood soon settled down and took the fight to his more experienced opponent, pressuring the big Lithuanian with stiff jabs and heavy rights to the body.


Haywood’s work to the body began to take a toll on Cesna, so much so that by mid way through the third Cesna was clearly struggling to cope with the constant punishment to his ribs.


In the fourth Haywood stepped up the pressure even further, which in turn forced Cesna to cover up to protect his bruised and battered ribcage.


After four excellent rounds Referee Alf Sprung scored the bout 40-38 in favour of Haywood.


Haywood’s opponent on May 2nd is Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper, who will be making his first visit to the famous home of boxing in the Capital City.


Following a training session, under the watchful eyes of his coach Brian O’Shaughnessy at the Champions TKO gym in Hackney, Haywood spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with Matthew Pepper.


“Glad to be fighting again, it’s been six months since my debut fight.


Po mojem zadnjem boju, I was hoping to get out again as soon as possible and I should have, I was due to fight in March, but had to pull out of that one as I came down with a bug about a week or so before I was due to fight.


My first fight, yeah I enjoyed that, I was well prepared for it, he was tough but nothing I couldn’t handle.


I don’t know too much about Matthew (Pepper), but we’ve been working hard in the gym, so hopefully I’ll put a good performance in for my fans, who I can’t thank enough for their fantastic support.”


Jerome Haywood versus Matthew Pepper features on the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2nd Maj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Vstopnice ceno £ 35 (Standardna sedežev) in £ 65 (Ringu) so na voljo neposredno iz katerega koli od boksarjev, ki sodelujejo, on-line nawww.tkoboxoffice.com or call the TKO ticket line on 07960 850645



CHICAGO (April 21, 2015) – International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Joe “Pride of WhalesCalzaghe has been added to the broadcast team as a special analyst for the Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na Spike TV April 24 fight card taking place at Chicago’s UIC Pavilion.

Before retiring in 2009, Calzaghe set the record as the longest continuously reigning world champion in the history of boxing, making more than 21 defenses of his super middleweight title along the way. When Calzaghe finally hung up the gloves he had amassed an astonishing unblemished record of 46-0, 32 KOs that featured notable wins over Mikkel Kessler, Bernard Hopkins and Roy Jones Jr.

Calzaghe will enter the booth for Spike TV to help analyze the first main event of the evening featuring Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 Kos) saj se sooča Caleb “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 Kos), followed by the second televised bout of the evening between Anthony “Dog” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 Kos) in challenger Badou Jack “Ripper” (18-1, 12 Kos).

# # #

Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga Warriors boksarske in Mayweather Promotions, ki so hkrati spodbujati, stanejo $151, $101, $51, in $31, ne vključno z ustreznimi stroški storitev, in so v prodaji sedaj. Zaračunati po telefonu z večjo kreditno kartico, pokličite na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 ali UIC Pavilion Box Office na (312) 413-5740. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi www.ticketmaster.com ali z obiskom urada za UIC Pavilion Box (Četrtek ali Petek 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Televiziji ukrepi na Spike TV začne ob 9 p.m. IN in 8 p.m. PT (odloži na zahodni obali).

Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-prvaki, sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo in @SpikeTV in postani oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions inwww.Facebook.com/Spike.

Turkish Prospect Ozgul Set For London Showdown With Miekle On May 2nd


Champions TKO Gym’s unbeaten Light Heavyweight prospect Onder Ozgul is set to make his fifth professional outing in just over a weeks time, when he takes on the highly entertaining Jody Meikle, from Scunthorpe, in a six round contest, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys Promotions LORDS OF THE RING event at York Hall in London on Saturday 2nd Maj 2015.

Ozgul, has built quite a reputation, as a seriously tough and uncompromising boxer, over the past year or so, following top class victories over the likes of Lithuania’s Dmitrij Kalinovskij, Bighton’s Iain Jackson, Lithuania’s Remigijus Ziausys and most recently over the Czech Republic’s big punching Karel Horejsek.

With a boxing style and approach uncannily similar to that of a certain ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Ozgul’s Turkish fans have nicknamed their man ‘Little Mike’, a name that the British fans that have seen him in action have started to adopt too.

That aside, Ozgul’s resolve could be mightily tested by Miekle, who last time out scored a good solid draw against Portsmouth bruiser Sam Couzens, no surprise there as the Lincolnshire man not only likes a good old fashioned toe-to-toe slug fest, but also has a very entertaining mischievous streak.

Speaking at the famed Champions TKO Gym in Hackney, Ozgul spoke briefly about the upcoming showdown with the man they call ‘The Entertainer’.

“I’m happy I am fighting a six rounder, I’d be happy if it was an eight, I train for twelve rounds, so six is easy for me.


The way we look at it is if you can run a marathon, then running a half marathon is easy, that’s why we work so hard in the gym, so it is easy in the ring.


My last fight I trained hard, I trained for twelve rounds then too, the opponent was strong and durable but it was still an easy fight for me.


It will be the same next week, I will be ready for whatever Jody Meikle brings, I’ve been told Jody is tough, good that means we’ll have a very good fight.


I’m really happy that my brother Siar has got a title fight on May 2nd and even happier that I will be fighting on the undercard of his title fight and hope that everyone comes out and gives us both their full support.


I want to thank my sponsors and all those fans that come and support me and my brother (Super Welterweight Siar Ozgul), Thank you for supporting us, maja 2nd you’ll not be disappointed, I will be fighting at my best.”


Onder Ozgul versus Jody Meikle features on the undercard of Siar Ozgul – Matt Scriven MBC International Welterweight title fight that headlines the Mark Lyons & Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys Promocije gospodov ring dogodka, ki poteka na York Hall v Bethnal Green, London soboto 2ndMaj 2015.

Kaznovanje za ta dogodek bo zagotovljena courtesy Malti Boxing komisije (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

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ADONIS STEVENSON služi hrano po juhi kuhinja v Quebec

Svetloba Težji Champ brani proti Sakio bika

V prvih Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) Dogodek Na CBS

To soboto, April 4, pri 3 p.m. IN/Opoldne PT


Quebec, QUEBEC (Marec 31, 2015) – To soboto popoldne, April 4, hard-hitting svetlobe težji svetovni prvak Adonis “Superman” Stevenson (25-1, 21 Kos) načrtuje, da bo jed iz veliko kazen, ko brani zoper nekdanjega super srednji svetovnega prvaka Sakio “Scorpion” Taurus (32-6-3, 21 Kos) v glavni dogodek predstavitve prvencem Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) o CBS Televizijsko omrežje (3 p.m. IN/Opoldne PT) iz Pepsi Coliseum v Quebec Cityju.


Danes, vseeno, v kar je postalo tradicija pred njegovimi bojev na Pepsi Coliseum, Stevenson postrežejo hrano na House Lauberivière, lokalno zavetišče in juha kuhinjo za brezdomce moške in ženske. Poleg serviranje hrane, Stevenson in njegova ekipa je tudi dal proč vstopnice, Podpisan plakati in pozirala fotografije z ljudmi v zavetišču in nekaj njegovih domačim navijačem.


V Sobota Druga glavna o CBS, obetaven neporažen light težka Artur Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Kos) dobi na preizkušnji, ko se sooča nekdanji svetlo težji svetovni prvak Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 Kos) v 10 krogu dvoboja z.


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PBC o CBS, headlined s svetlobnim težjega svetovno prvenstvo boj med Stevenson in bika, spodbuja Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) in Videotron in v povezavi s mise-O-Jeu predstavila. Vstopnice so v prodaji sedaj na blagajni Pepsi Coliseum v Quebecu, s klicem (418) 691-7211 ali (800) 900-7469, na spletni strani www.billetech.com, v telovadnici (514) 383-0666 in prvak Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Cene vstopnic se gibljejo od $25 da $250 na tla.



HOUSTON, TEXAS (Marec 31, 2015)Bombs will be flying once again when Gary Shaw Productions in Savarese Promotions’ undefeated Light-Heavyweight slugger, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Kos), naredi svojo pot nazaj v ring proti Michael Gbenga (20-18, 20 Kos). Bektemirov vs. Gbenga, 8-round bout, bo potekala Sobota, April 18, at College Park Center located on the campus of the University of Texas Arlington on the undercard of Crawford-Dulorme.


Ranked #10 ga WBA, Bektemirov bo iskal drugo zmago proti Gbenga, as he looks to climb up the Light-Heavyweight rankings while keeping his undefeated record intact. His mission, kot vedno, je, da se njegov nasprotnik od tam zgodaj.


“Iščem, da išče in uniči vse v svoji poti,” Said Medzhid Bektemirov. “Moj trener Ronnie Shields has me working on a variety of different combinations that I feel is making me a better fighter. I’m in the gym everyday working extremely hard on everything. Now that I’m ranked in the WBA, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My co-promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have assured me a big fight if I continue to win. I know Gbenga has a lot of power, vendar menim, moje luknjači bo bolj eksploziven in se bom gunning za Knockout od zvona otvoritveni. Jaz sem pripravljen za padec bombe!”


“Lou in sem se početje naše najboljše, da B-52 zaposlen,” je dejal Gary Shaw. “This will be his second fight in a little over a month and we want him on the fast track to a world title. Our goal is to move him up wisely against opponents that will prepare him for the next level. He keeps knocking everyone out so we have to keep him fighting as much as possible.


“Zelo sem vesel, da je bil Gary Shaw uspelo priti B-52 na tej kartici,” je dejal Lou Savarese. “Bektemirov is thrilled to be fighting so soon after a spectacular performance in his last fight which took place last month. I like what Ronnie Shields is doing with him. He’s improving with each fight and that’s what Gary and I are looking for. We want B-52 ready for the next level.