Архивы: Лас-Вегас

Бывший чемпион мира Ише Смит Сражения Захватывающие Претендент Тони Харрисон в 154 фунтов Clash, что Headlines Премьер бокса чемпионов на Отказов в прямом эфире на пятницу, Мая 11 от города Сэма в Лас-Вегас

Больше! Топ Претендент Эндрю Табить Лица Кайода

В Cruiserweight Аттракцион в Co-Main Event

Билеты поступят в продажу понедельник, Апреля 23 на 12 p.m. PT

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 20, 2018) – Бывший супер полусреднем весе Он “Сахар Шей” Кузнец сразятся топ 154 фунтов соперника Тони Харрисон в 10-раундовом матче в том, что заголовки Премьер боксу на Отказов в пятницу, Мая 11 от города Сэма в Лас-Вегас.

В со-главном событии, главным претендентом Эндрю “Зверь” Табити встретится Латиф Кайоде в привлечении в тяжелом 10-раундовом. Смит и Табити, как жители Лас-Вегас, будет бороться на своей родной земле и, глядя произвести впечатление на своих поклонников родного города.

Билеты на мероприятия, который продвигается Мэйвезер Promotions, начинаются в $25, в продаже понедельник, Апреля 23 на 12 p.m. PT и будет доступен в www.samstownlv.com/entertain.

“Мэйуэзер Акции была напряженный год до сих пор и импульс не замедляется с 11 мая в городе эфире Сэма вокруг угла,” сказал Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции. “Это место, безусловно, один из локальных свойств, которыми мы наслаждаемся работать с и сделали это наш дом в течение последних нескольких лет.”

“Я с нетерпением жду встречи Ише Смит вернулся на ринг после звездной производительности, который он надевал против Джулиана Уильямса, чтобы закрыть 2017. Я знаю, что он физически и морально готов взять на себя Тони Харрисон и не разочарует. Эндрю Табити молодой талантливый боец, который находится на пути, чтобы иметь светлое будущее. Он будет смотреть, чтобы построить на его безупречную запись в андеркарте против Кайода 11 мая.”

39-летний Смит (29-9, 12 КО) стал первым в Лас-Вегасе родился боксер, чтобы выиграть чемпионат мира, когда он победил Бандрейдж для супер титул в полусреднем по решению большинства в 2013. Он потерял титул разделенным решением Карлос Молина в своем следующем поединке до получения очередной титульный бой против Эрисланди Лара в 2014, что он потерял потерял решением. Смит в последнее время упал конкурентоспособный конкурс на отскок против Джулиана Уильямса в прошлом ноябре.

“Я выбрал именно там, где я кончил от моего последнего боя. Я вернулся в лагерь. Я не брал время от времени моего последнего боя,” Смит сказал,. “Это будет второй бой подряд, где я несу в карете силы и кондиционирования. Я связываю свои силы & кондиционирования тренер, который играл главную роль в моей последней производительностью является одним из лучших в моей карьере. Это был не вопрос, прежде чем я имел дату я вернулся работать со своей командой. Я чувствую себя моложе, Я прекрасно себя чувствую – Я современный Benjamin Button. Я чувствовал себя прекрасно в своем последнем бою, и я буду продолжать, чтобы привести его.

“Я не чувствую, что я приближаюсь 40, Я на самом деле чувствую себя моложе и в лучшей форме в моей жизни. Этот лагерь Я сосредоточен на не оставляя ничего в судьи руки, как в последний раз. Я не могу позволить другой плохой вызов против меня. Это время для меня, чтобы сделать заявление, доминировать, и получить этот парень. Я не знаю много о моей противника, но я собираюсь заставить его драться мой бой.”

Харрисон (26-2, 21 КО) является тяжелым рукой 154 фунтов соперника из Детройта, Мичиган, который поставил вместе две сильные победы, так как страдает потерей KO в единый супер полусреднем весе Джарретт Hurd в 2017. Харрисон совсем недавно одержал победу нокаутом над Джордж Соса фев. 17 в Эль-Пасо.

“Это время для меня, чтобы вернуться в петлю. Это жесткая борьба с Ишем, который сходит хорошую работу для себя против Джулиана Уильямса,” Харрисон сказал. “Я давно хотел бороться Ишем с тех пор мои первых дней как про, и это именно тот бой, который мне нужен. Это, безусловно, будет хорошим.

“Ише почти 40 лет, но это не имеет никакого значения для меня. Ише был чемпионом мира, и для того, чтобы я стал чемпионом мира, Я должен пройти через один. Это трудная задача, и там, безусловно, не так, что я слегка принимая Иш. Я в конечном итоге конкурент, и есть не борьба в мире, который я бы не взять. Я готов положить все это на линии в этой борьбе, и это то, что делает все это стоит, когда я получаю победу.”

Табити (15-0, 12 КО) использовал свою силу удара, чтобы сделать устойчивый подъем вверх по лестнице в тяжелом весе. 28-летний, родился в Чикаго, и сейчас живет в Лас-Вегасе, сделал важный шаг вперед в своем последнем бою, когда он одержал внушительную победу единогласным решением над бывшим чемпионом мира Стив Каннингем на август. 26. Победа над ветераном Kayode будет дополнительно укрепить свою позицию среди главных соперников в тяжелом.

“Мой последний бой я показал всем, что я умный боксер,” Табити сказал. “Я думаю, что многие парни ожидают, что я просто пойти в кольцо и стук парней, но я чувствую, что это важно, чтобы показать, что я разносторонний. Я могу боксировать с вами, или я могу использовать свою власть и получить парень из.

“Этот лагерь, моя цель состоит в том, чтобы сосредоточить внимание на ориентацию тела плюс с помощью IQ я получил от моего последнего лагеря и борьбы. Этот парень старше, он сходит две потери, он находится на пути к выходу, но я не могу игнорировать его. Мой последний противник был намного старше, так что я собираюсь взять инструменты и опыт, и все это вместе, чтобы принести поклонникам большую производительность.”

35-летний Kayode (21-2, 16 КО) ищет, чтобы оправиться от потери спина к спине, в том числе единогласного решения потери Кит Тапиа в своем последнем бою сентября. 23. Kayode, родился в городе Лагос, Нигерия и в настоящее время живет в Голливуде, Калифорния, упал до тяжелого веса после матча против тяжеловеса Луиса Ортис был объявлен не конкурса из-за Ортис неудачей его после боя теста на наркотики для повышения эффективности лекарственных средств в 2014. Его последняя победа была единогласным решением судей против Ник Kisner в 2015. Это открыло путь для выстрела в тяжелом титул чемпиона мира позже в этом году, который он проиграл нокаутом Дениса Лебедева.

“Табити не имеют никакого опыта по сравнению со мной, и его противниками были менее грозным,” сказал Kayode. “Я покажу ему, почему я нахожусь в совершенно другом классе истребителей!”

# # #

Премьер бокс чемпионы на Отказах будет доступно транслироваться в прямом эфире с помощью нового сервиса подпрыгивать по подписке видео по требованию Коричневый сахар, который имеет обширный и единственный в своем роде библиотеку знаковых черных фильмов, а также отказы оригинальных программ и сериалов. Коричневый сахар доступно на Apple TV, Год, Amazon каналы, Amazon Огонь ТВ, Amazon Kindle, Android и Apple, смартфоны и планшеты и веб-браузеры через BrownSugar.com. Коричневый сахар также имеет возможности Google Chromecast, которые позволяют видео для воспроизведения на телевизорах непосредственно с мобильных устройств и планшетов для потребителей с устройствами Android и IOS. Существует бесплатный первоначальный испытательный период для абонентов с розничной ценой $ 3,99 / месяц в последующий период.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите: www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.mayweatherpromotions.com Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, , и @Swanson_Comm , Вступить в группу на Facebook на: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions и www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Следуйте разговор с помощью #PBConBounce. PBC на Отказов спонсируется Corona: Finest Beer.

Отказов является наиболее быстро растущим афро-американским (А.А.) Сеть по телевидению и транслируется по широковещательным сигналам местных телевизионных станций и соответствующему кабель каретки. Сеть имеет программирования сочетание оригинальной и вне сети серии, театральные фильмы, Скидки, живые виды спорта и более. Отказов вырос быть доступен в более чем 94 миллионы домов по всей территории Соединенных Штатов и 93% всех афро-американских телевизионных домов, в том числе все телевизионных рынков сверху АА. Среди основателей Отказов знаковых американских деятелей Мартин Лютер Кинг, III и посол Эндрю Янг.

Для местного расположения канала, визит BounceTV.com.


James DeGale Earns Back IBF Super Middleweight World Championship With Unanimous Decision In Rematch With Caleb Truax



Julian Williams Wins IBF 154-Pound Eliminator with Decision Over Nathaniel Gallimore In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Открывалка




Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Стефани Трапп / Showtime





ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 7, 2018) – Jarrett Hurd unified the 154-pound division with a 12-round split-decision victory over Erislandy Lara in an all-action fight Saturday on SHOWTIME before a sold-out crowd of 2,579 at The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.





Херд (22-0, 15 КО), who entered as IBF Champion, dethroned WBA Champion in just the seventh unification in division history. The difference in the Fight of the Year candidate was a short left hook that floored Lara in the final minute of the fight. Had the 27-year-old Hurd not scored the knockdown, the fight would have been ruled a majority draw.





“It was a tough one, but I went out there and did exactly what I said I was going to do – fight all 12 rounds and get the victory,- сказал Херд. “I didn’t feel like that (I needed the knockdown). I feel like I was in control the whole fight, applying the pressure.





“I don’t think it had anything to do with age. I think it was me and the game plan we had to apply the pressure.”





Following the thrilling bout, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Hurd if he’d like to face WBC 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo, кто был у ринга, to further unify the division.





“’Swift’ isn’t ducking anyone,” Hurd responded. “I’m No. 1 сейчас. We’re calling the shots.”





Hurd applied relentless pressure from the opening round, pressing forward against the crafty southpaw. He pounded the body, yet often neglected defense and ate punishing counter shots for 11 раундов. But the difference for Lara (25-3-2, 14 КО), who was making the seventh defense of his title, was the brutal 12й круглый. With blood seeping from a swollen right eye, Hurd connected on a short left hook that floored Lara for the first time in nearly five years.





“Besides the last round, I thought I was winning this fight easily,” Lara said. “That’s not to decide the fight. Я выиграл бой. One punch in a fight doesn’t determine the fight.





“Это был великий бой для фанатов. I stood there, fought and it was fun. I thought I clearly won the fight. Once again a decision goes against me, but h​ey we just have to do the rematch.





Entering the fight, Charlo was the consensus No. 1 fighter at 154-pounds. He stated his case for a chance to unify against Hurd.





“I’m down. Пошли. We want that work,” Charlo told SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host Brian Custer. “I feel Hurd only took the fight with Lara because he realized the harder fight is with Jermell Charlo.





“We’ve been there before with Lara. I know what he possesses. Hurd has to get his defense together because he cannot get hit like that by me. Lara doesn’t move like he used to. If he moves like he used to he wins that fight.”


James DeGale earned back the IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a unanimous decision in a rematch with Caleb Truax, taking back the title he lost last December in the near-universal upset of the year.





The 12-round championship affair was scored 117-110 и 114-113 дважды. DeGale, who was deducted a point in the 10й for pushing, won the championship rounds – 11 и 12 – on all three judges’ scorecards to win the decision.





“Two-time world champion. Это здорово,"Сказал DeGale. “But full credit to Caleb – he shows he can mix it with the top fighters.





“I’m just happy that I’m a two time world champion and I got my IBF world title back. Я вернулся, Team Chunky, we’re back. Two-and-a-half years I had it and I lost it to Caleb. He embarrassed me, but we’re back.”





DeGale (24-2-1, 14 КО) overcame a massive cut from an accidental head butt in the third, which was mistakenly ruled as the result of a punch from referee Robert Byrd.





“I couldn’t see from my right eye, DeGale said. “I like Robert Byrd (судья), but today he was a bit wrong. I couldn’t see. But I’m just glad I got through it. I showed some heart. В мой последний бой, I was like a weak little kid.”





DeGale connected on 37 percent of his power shots compared to 28 percent for Truax. He now returns to London a world champion with some massive potential fights in the future.





“I want to be busy,"Сказал DeGale. “I have a couple years left in this sport.”





Truax (29-4-2, 18 КО), who fought for the first time as a world champion, was disappointed and advocated for a rematch after the scores were announced.





“I thought I did enough to win the fight, but I also thought I was pretty flat and didn’t get my shots off like I wanted,” Truax said. “I was just a little bit flat. I felt really good coming in but I just couldn’t get my shots off like the last fight. Он не меня не повредит, Но что есть, то есть.





“I gave him a rematch straight away so why not do it again.”





In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader, Julian Williams scored a career-best win, defeating Nathaniel Gallimore via majority decision in an IBF Junior Middleweight World Title eliminator. Уильямс, who edge Gallimore 116-112, 117-110, 114-114, is now in position to challenge Jarrett Hurd.





Уильямс (25-1-1, 15 КО) set the pace with a strong left jab in the opening rounds of the fight, keeping Gallimore at bay and the action on the outside. That changed around the fifth round as Williams abandoned the jab and the fight moved to the inside. Williams had his best round in the 11й, connecting on a massive left hand that set up a barrage of combos that nearly had Gallimore out on his feet. Gallimore (20-2-1, 17 КО) survived the round, and Williams wasn’t able the finish him in the 12й, but it was clear Williams deserved the decision.





“I wasn’t surprised a judge had a draw,»Сказал Уильямс. “Sometimes when you’re fighting real close like that, it is hard for judges to score. I knew I won. Once I heard 116-112 и 117-111, I knew I won because I knew he didn’t win eight rounds.





He is a strong fighter, but I knew he was going to do what he did. Start strong early, but I knew he wasn’t strong after six rounds.





The hits to the body was all in the game plan. You have to go to the body in a 12 round fight.”





Williams connected on 50 percent of his power shots and landed 37 процентов от его общего количества выстрелов.






“I didn’t really think I won the fight,” Gallimore admitted. “I just let too many early rounds go. I just gave him too many rounds. I had him hurt a couple of times, but he was tough. I should have done more combinations. I will look at the fight and review it, and will make adjustments.”





Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingи www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos for 154-Pound World Title Unification This Saturday, Апреля 7 Live On SHOWTIME® from Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас

You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. Сейчас, you’re all talk.” – Эрисланди Лара

I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.” – Джарретт Херд

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Трапп / SHOWTIME

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 5, 2018) – чемпионы мира Эрисланди Лара и Джарретт Херд went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference for their 154-pound world title unification this Saturday, Апреля 7 жить на SHOWTIME® from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




WBA Champion Lara and IBF Champion Hurd will meet for just the sixth unification bout in division history in a fight that will help define the future of the 154-pound class. The winner of Lara-Hurd will join Hall of Famers Terry Norris, Феликс Тринидад, Oscar De La Hoya and Winky Wright, as well as Canelo Alvarez, as the only fighters to unify 154-pound titles.




Thursday’s press conference also featured IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Калеб Труа и бывший чемпион Джеймс DeGale, who meet in an immediate rematch of what was the near-universal upset of the year in 2017. In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Телепередача на 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, super welterweight contenders Джулиан Уильямс и Натаниэль Gallimore will face off in an IBF 154-pound world title eliminator.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Vanity Nightclub at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Лас-Вегас:


Эрисланди Лара




Everyone knows I love to fight his style. I’ve fought better and taller fighters than him and you’ve seen me dominate them. It’s going to be nothing different on Saturday night.




I want him to come forward. That’s what I’m prepared for. I’m going to give him a lessonon Saturday night.




I have to give Hurd credit for taking the fight. It’s been hard to get fighters in the ring with me. There’s no need to talk because on Saturday we will find out everything we need to know.




Everyone here talking from Hurd’s team can’t get in the ring with him. It’s different once you’re in the ring with me. You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. Сейчас, you’re all talk.




I’m absolutely ready for this fight. This is going to be a great battle for the fans on SHOWTIME. I’m excited to get in the ring and finally unify the decision. I’m preparing to make history.




I haven’t watched much video on Hurd, but as we saw from the Trout fight, he’s very hittable. Приходи в субботу вечером, he better have worked on some defense or it won’t last very long.




I don’t want to hear anything about Jermell Charlo, because Jarrett Hurd is the one who stepped up. On Sunday, Charlo can sign the contract and we can get ready to rumble.


Джарретт Херд




Lara has been the longest reigning champion and he was on top when I first turned pro. We’ve studied him a lot. I didn’t get into this sport to be anything but number one. Lara is the top guy, but after Saturday night, it’s going to be me.





“Это был отличный тренировочный лагерь. We’re well prepared. This is the fight I’ve been asking for. After I beat Tony Harrison, Erislandy Lara had some words on Twitter for me. So I’ve wanted the fight since then. Somebody has to pay for that.




This fight is coming at the right time for me because my confidence is very high right now. He’s a little older so I’ll be the younger and fresher fighter. I just feel like it’s my time. I’m going to be relentless. I’m not stopping until I get what I want.




Lara is a veteran with a lot of experience. He knows how to win rounds and he can make you look bad no matter how good you are. I’m going to use my own awkward style and do what I do best.




With my power and skill set, I can stop any fighter in the division. That definitely includes Erislandy Lara.




Lara has great discipline in his game plan. No matter if he’s up on the cards or down or anything, he’s not going to switch it up. It’s hard to break a fighter when they’re disciplined like that. We have a plan for everything though and we’re confident that we’ll come up with something that will get us the victory.




Lara is a guy who can’t take pressure fighters well. I have some of the best pressure in the game. Я моложе, сильнее, taller and longer. He’s not going to be able to run for 12 раундов.




Nobody wanted to fight this guy. I stepped up to the table because I know what I can do. He’s living the ‘American Dream’, but my dream has just begun. Saturday night I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.






I’m honored to be here with these great fighters and back on SHOWTIME. Training camp was perfect for this fight. This is the longest camp I’ve had in my career and the most focused I’ve been.




I just want to go out there and silence people who said it was a fluke the first time I won. I want to prove that I belong at the top of the division. I’m going to put on a good show for the fans and retain my title.




We’ve had four months to prepare for James DeGale. Normally I have six to eight weeks, so it was nice to have a drawn out and specific training camp. We really focused on the conditioning and making sure I’m reaching my peak.




I’ve been through a lot in this sport. I’ve fought top guys in big fights but it finally came together last December. It meant a lot to me and now I’m prepared to put on an even better performance. I know DeGale is going to be hungry so I have to be ready for him.




I had a great camp this fight. I knew we were going to have a rematch so I was right back in the gym in a couple of weeks. My trainer put together a great plan to help me improve and prepare for what DeGale is going to improve on. I’ll be ready for him to be 100 процентов.




I just want to get to Saturday night and put on another great performance to retain my belt. I’m going to give it my all to bring that belt back home to Minnesota.


Джеймс DeGale




My last performance was horrendous. It was shocking and embarrassing. I’m not going to make excuses about my shoulder and what went wrong. В ночь на субботу, I will be a two-time world champion. я обещаю вам, что.




I’ve boxed at the top level my whole life and put on some good performances. I know what was wrong with me and why I performed how I did in the first fight. I’m going to put it to rest when I become a world champion again.




It’s been a long, difficult training camp. I had a gray cloud above my head the last couple of months, but I’m ready to go become a world champion again on Saturday.




This time has turned me into a beast. I’ve had to take everything even more seriously than before. I might have gotten a bit complacent being a champion those last few years. I’ve locked myself down and I’m ready to go.




“я бы сказал 90 percent of the loss was because of what I didn’t do. I looked past him. I came back too quick from the injury, but he still had to get in there and take my belt. There’s no disrespect to Caleb, but I’ve fought the very best of the division and come out on top. The real James DeGale will be back on Saturday.




It’s going to be a dominant performance on Saturday. If I don’t beat Truax and beat him easily I can’t get to the level that I want. I know that’s what is coming. No excuses.


Джулиан Уильямс




We had a really good camp. I didn’t want to get into the trash talk this camp. He’s a solid fighter and I don’t underestimate anyone. But he seems like a bully. You can’t bully me. He’s obsessed with me on social media. I just have to focus on what he can do as a fighter.




He’s a nobody who wants some attention. I’m going to give him lots of attention on Saturday night. I’m going to shut this guy up.




He’s going to lose every single round and probably get stopped late. Every time he gets pushed he loses, gets a draw or gets knocked down. I’m drowning him in deep waters.




I’m calm right now but also anxious to show everyone what I have. I know I’m a world class fighter, I just have to go do it. I’m making sure I stay patient right now.




He lost to a journeyman, got a draw with a journeyman and got dropped by a journeyman. There’s nothing else to say. I’m taking him out on Saturday.






Saturday night is judgment day and it starts with ‘J-Pebbles’. It’s going to be a night to remember for me.




It’s going to be a spectacular fight. I’m going to demolish him in grand fashion. He’s never faced anyone like me before. When I touch him, это конец.




You better worry about what’s going to happen to you on Saturday night. It’s going to be nasty. This fight is going to show everyone who I am in this division.




I had the best training camp of my entire career. We covered all the bases. Saturdaynight I’m going to wipe the smile off his face. You think Charlo hits hard? You’re going to see on Saturday night.




This opportunity is huge. The division is mine for the taking. I study my opponents and I stalk them in the ring. Everyone will see what’s going to happen on Saturday.


Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции




This is a great card from top to bottom. We have none other than the longest reigning 154-pound world champion, Эрисланди Лара, taking on one of the toughest tests of his career in the very exciting, young and hungry world champion Jarrett Hurd.




The co-main event is another important fight with a rematch featuring Caleb Truax, who will be looking to hold on to the belt he took from James DeGale last year, while DeGale will look to get back to where he was before they met last December.




The show opens up with a high-octane 154-pound title eliminator with Julian Williams and Nathaniel Gallimore. This is the fight that could really steal the show. The winner of this fight will no doubt have their eye on the winner of Saturday’s main event.




These are some of the best fights that can be made in each weight class. We can’t wait for everyone to see these fighters put it all on the line on Saturday night.

# # #




Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Fight Week Media Workout Quotes & Фото

World Champions Square-Off in 154-Pound Title Unification that Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING TripleheaderSaturday, Апреля 7 от Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас

Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Трапп / SHOWTIME

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 4, 2018) – чемпионы мира Эрисланди Лара и Джарретт Херд began fight week with a media workout in Las Vegas Wednesday before their 154-pound world title unification that headlines action this Saturday, Апреля 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





Also in attendance Wednesday was super middleweight world champion Калеб Труа, who rematches former champion Джеймс DeGale in the co-featured attraction. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT with a 154-pound title eliminator between Джулиан Уильямс и Натаниэль Gallimore, who were also at the Mayweather Boxing Club Wednesday for the media workout.





Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.





Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать среду:


Эрисланди Лара





Everything in training went how it was supposed to. We did our job and now it’s time to fight. I did everything in the gym that I needed to prepare for anything that Hurd can bring.





All of my opponents are taller than me. His size means nothing to me. I have the experience and I’m the best boxer in the division. He’s never seen anything like me.





He has to beat me to get the top spot in this division. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen.





I’ve earned everything in this sport the hard way. I’ve fought the tough fights for no money. I think everyone knows how talented I am and that I belong up there with the best in the sport.





I don’t watch film in training camp. A fighter can look one way on video, but totally different in the ring. He has to prepare for what I’m doing. I’m not worried about what he brings. I saw a little bit of his fight against Trout while I was warming up to fight Terrell Gausha, but that’s about it.


Джарретт Херд





There was something in me that always wanted this fight. Once I defended my title against Austin Trout, I was quick to get on top of this opportunity.





“Это будет трудный бой. Lara is the type of fighter who has a lot of experience. It won’t be easy so I have to be well prepared and on top of my game come Saturday night.





We’ve been in the gym working a lot on our hand movement and footwork. I took too many punches against Trout and I knew what it was going to take to make those improvements.





Every fight is the most important fight of my career because I’m protecting this undefeated record. This is going to be a tough fight but I promise I’m going to give it my all and bring it to Lara all night long.





Being back in Vegas and back at Hard Rock where I beat Frank Galarza to really get this whole journey started means a lot to me. I’m planning to give everyone a great show just like I always do.





No matter what kind of fight he brings; I’m going to stick to my game plan. He has to fight at my pace. No matter what he comes with, I’m going to be in charge in the ring.





It’s always going to be fireworks when I’m in the ring. I have a fan-friendly style. В конце концов,, you don’t have to worry about Lara running away, because I’m going to be in his face for 12 раунды.”







I think DeGale has been making excuses. He couldn’t stop talking about how great his shoulder felt heading into our first fight. Then right after the fight he said he felt fine. Now I guess he came back too early. He was in a tough fight not too long ago, so we’ll see how he is on Saturday night.






I’m prepared for a better James DeGale. I took his belt and I know he’s going to come back hungry. I expect him to give it his all to get it back. He’ll be in top form.





“Насколько я знаю, I’m still an underdog for this fight. A lot of people think I was a fluke the first time around, so it’s up to me to prove them wrong. I’m ready to silence the critics and silence DeGale.





I felt like I was going to win the whole time, but a lot of people said it was one of the biggest upsets in British boxing history. It still hasn’t really sunk in. Nothing has really changed. I’m a busier man but I still keep it really low key.





Boxing isn’t a huge sport in Minneapolis because it’s such a great sports scene. Hopefully my win on Saturday and Jamal James on April 13 on PBC on FS1 will get some more kids into the gyms.





There were plenty of things that I had to improve on after the first fight. I’ve had four months to really dig down and prepare for this fight. I’ve known the rematch was coming and I’ve been able to get ready.


Джулиан Уильямс





I had a really good camp. I really was just focused on getting better and moving forward in my career. I got a lot of great rounds in with some quality fighters and it was a really productive camp.





I love fighting in Las Vegas. The electricity is always there and the fans are always welcoming. I love putting on a show for these fans.





I think Gallimore has performed decently against the competition he’s had. He got beat by a journeyman and had a draw with another journeyman. He seems to have gotten hot at the right time, but we’ll see if he brings it on Saturday night.





He’s backing himself into a corner. He has to back up those words he’s saying. Overall I think he’s a solid fighter, a good test and it should be an entertaining fight.





He said he’s going to knock me out, but that’s really the only way he could possibly win. One lucky punch. That’s all he’s banking on. I’m going to out class him and out dog him.





I’ve always known I had guts, I’ve always known I’m a really good fighter with all the tools to become a world champion. I didn’t need to learn anything about myself after the loss, I just had to correct some things and move forward.







“Прямо сейчас я чувствую себя прекрасно, I’m ready for the world to see the improved ‘Nate The Great’. I treat every fight like a world championship fight. Julian Williams has nothing for me. He has to worry about what I bring to the table. В ночь на субботу, it’s going to be judgement day. The truth will come out.





“Этот бой очень много значит для меня. This is what I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid. This is my chance to become great. I’m going to show the world I’m a different beast in the 154-pound division.





I’m bringing total domination for this fight. I don’t care what he’s training for. He could be training on Mars. He has to get up to my level. I’m tearing him apart.





I’m taking this fight so seriously. Julian Williams is quiet now, but he was loud before he fought Jermall Charlo. He has to figure out who he is. I’m going to show the whole world.






The game plan is to show off my whole arsenal. We’ve covered everything in the gym. I’m a different animal. Everyone in this division better look out for me. They’re going to have to crown me real soon.




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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Тони Лопес, Младший. планирует вернуться в легчайший вес, победив непобедимого проспекта “Baby-Столкнувшись убийца” Макс Орнелас

MAX Орнелас против. ТОНИ ЛОПЕС
Вакантный чемпион США по версии WBA NABA в легчайшем весе
Суббота ночь, Апреля 20, 2018 ● ● Кокс павильон Лас-Вегас, Невада
Апреля 20 в прямом эфире beIN Sports из Cox Pavilion в Лас-Вегасе




ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 4, 2018) – Мексиканский легчайший вес Тони Лопес, Младший. (13-3, 4 КО) считает впечатляющую победу 20 апреля над своим Роем Джонсом-младшим., Boxing Promotions (RJJ) stablemate, непобедимый перспективный игрок в легчайшем весе “Baby-Столкнувшись убийца” Макс Орнелас (10-0-1, 4 КО), вернем его в игру.


Орнелас против. Лопес, Младший., Представленные Акции RJJ бокса, будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на Бейн Спорт, начиная с 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT, из павильона Кокса Университета Невады в кампусе Лас-Вегаса.





Вакантное место Всемирной боксерской ассоциации (WBA) Североамериканская ассоциация бокса (Также) На кону будет стоять титул чемпиона США в легчайшем весе в восьмираундовом главном событии..





Второкурсник UNLV, живущий в Лас-Вегасе., 19-летний Орнелас вошел в рейтинг Всемирной боксерской ассоциации (WBA) в нет. 14 в мире. “У меня было несколько боев, в которых моя роль менялась., и я дрался в своем родном городе на глазах у своих фанатов, друзья и семья,” Жительница Далласа Лопес, Младший. рассказал о борьбе с Орнеласом на дороге. “Я хотел устроить шоу, а они кричали как сумасшедшие перед первым звонком.. Как только бой начался, хотя, я их не видел и не слышал. Были только я и мой противник. Я несколько раз дрался в Лас-Вегасе, и мне комфортно с ним драться. (Орнелас) там. Я понимаю, что это часть моей работы, требование, несмотря на то, что дрался с ним в его родном городе. Мне нравится давление.”





Лопес, Младший. родился в Мексике, но он прожил почти всю свою жизнь в Техасе. Его отец,Тони Лопес, Sr., бывший боец ​​из Мексики, который привел своего сына в бокс, когда ему было шесть лет.. Сейчас, Лопес, Младший. борется за Рой Джонс, Младший.





“Это сюрреалистично,” суровый левша признался. “Я борюсь за живую легенду, возможно, один из величайших боксеров всех времен. Он знает меня, он видел, как я дерусь. Для меня большая честь носить его снаряжение, не только как его фанат, но представлять свою компанию. Это одна из самых крутых вещей в этом бизнесе.”





Орнеласа также продвигает RJJ Boxing Promotions, и они вместе сражались на двух картах RJJ.. Они знакомы друг с другом и, если стили действительно делают бои отличными, это может мгновенно стать классикой.





“Он (Максимум) очень чистый боец, по книгам, не желая попадать в передряги,” 24-летний Лопес рассказал о своем сопернике. “Он шагает и движется, не хочу трахаться или обмениваться. Ему нравится драться на улице, используя его размер и длину. Он быстр, но у него мало силы. Это удар, а не удар для него. У него много дыр, а я более опытный боец., Я планирую обнажить некоторые из этих дыр.





“Еще в мае 2016, Я дрался и непобедимый противник, Джерри Кокран (11-0-1), и я знал, что это прослушивание для Роя и RJJ. Я выступил в режиме полной атаки, потому что хотел сделать заявление.. ((Лопес нокаутировал нашего Кокрана во втором раунде.) На этот раз я хочу сделать еще одно заявление, сражаясь так же, как в начале своей карьеры..





“Я быстрее, сильнее и лучше двигает головой, чем он. Я еще молод, но у меня больше жизненного опыта, чем у него (Орнелас). Я все еще молод, только 24, но у меня больше опыта, чем у него, в этом бою. Я дрался с бывшим чемпионом мира (Рико Рамос). Я часть новой команды, и мои товарищи по команде FHG Gloves Джон Вера, который только что боролся за титул чемпиона мира, и Эдвин Васкес. Впечатляющая победа вернет меня в участие в большом субботнем вечернем бою за еще более крупный титул.”





Непобедимый Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) США в полусреднем весе Джимми “Quiet Storm” Уильямс (14-0-1, 5 КО), бывший футболист колледжа из Нью-Хейвена, Коннектикут, путается с Хьюстоном Маркиз Тейлор (8-1, 0 КО) в восемь круглых, совместное мероприятие..





Широко разрекламированный уроженец Узбекистана Эльнур Абдураимов, в настоящее время борются в Лас-Вегас, сделает себя профессионалом в четырех/шестираундовом бою против соперника, который будет определен, открытие телевизионного сегмента карты. Абдураимов стал бронзовым призёром соревнований. 2015 Чемпионат мира среди любителей, а также золото на 2015 Чемпионат Азии по боксу среди любителей.





Австралийский суперсредний вес и бывший претендент на титул чемпиона мира, Томми “Titan” Браун(35-7-2, 13 КО), лица Карлос Эрнандес (15-17, 12 КО), Пуэрто-Рико, в восемь-раундовом поединке.





2016 Серебряный призер чемпионата мира среди юниоров Дерек Джионта делает это для меня и других бойцов., Младший. (6-0, 5 КО), 17-летняя сенсация из Стоктона, ТАКОЙ КАК, сразится с уроженцем Мексики Александр Рочин(5-1, 3 КО), боевые действия из Оклахома-Сити, в шесть круглых матча.





Также в шестираундовых боях примут участие суперлегковесы из Лас-Вегаса. Кевин Джонсон (4-0, 4 КО) против. TBA, и непобедимый Рой Джонс протеже Shady Gamhour (6-0, 5 КО), шведское среднее сейчас живет в Jones’ родном городе Пенсакола, Флорида, будет протестирован мексиканцем Эрасмо Гарсия (5-2, 3 КО).





Профессиональный дебют в юниорском легком весе в Лас-Вегасе Хайме Гомес и Иван Ortiz (1-0-1, 1 KO), Лос-Анджелесе, сразятся в четырехраундовом раунде.






Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.





Билеты по цене $100.00 Ринга, $40.00 Зарезервировано Рабочий & $25.00 Общий Доступ, и доступны для покупки в Интернете по адресу HTTP://www.unlvtickets.com/eventInfo/spe/687/ornelas-vs-lopez/Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.





Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT, первый бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.


Веб-сайты: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com HTTP://www.beinsports.com/us

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Julian Williams Training Camp Notes

Super Welterweight Contender Takes on Nathaniel Gallimore Saturday, Апреля 7 in 154-Pound Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас

СЕНТ-ЧАРЛЬЗ, ТАКОЙ КАК (Март 30, 2018) – Топ супер полусреднем весе Джулиан “J-Rock” Уильямс will look to put himself closer to another world title shot when he faces Натаниэль Gallimore in a 154-pound world title eliminator Saturday, Апреля 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Лас-Вегас.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Эрисланди Лара, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Джарретт Херд in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and also features super middleweight world champion Калеб Труа in a rematch against former champion Джеймс DeGale.




The 12-round IBF title eliminator gives Williams a chance to earn a second world title fight, while it would be Gallimore’s first shot at the title. Gallimore has been outspoken in his belief that he will stop Williams, but Williams has chosen to not let the words affect him and focus on the task at hand.




I have no reaction to the talk coming from Gallimore,” сказал Уильямс. “He’s trying to draw attention to himself and doing it in a classless way. If he wants a back-and-forth, he’s going to be talking to himself.




He seems like he’s a strong fighter, but you never really know until you step in the ring with a guy. He’s on a hot streak, he’s a big puncher and obviously he has a lot of confidence. We thought this would be a good test and I think it’s going to be a great fight for the fans.




Williams is currently finishing up training camp at the SNAC gym in San Carlos, California with trainer Stephen Edwards. In addition to work in the first part of training in Philadelphia with DeCarlo Perez and Jaron Ennis, he has sparred with the likes of Peter Quillin, Prenice Brewer and Joey Spencer in California.




I’ve been coming out to California for parts of camp since 2014 and it’s really just something that gives me a bit of a spark heading into the fight,” сказал Уильямс. “There are some elevation and recovery aspects of training that we can do out here. It’s also a good way to get away from things and really dig to another level.




Williams has been on the road back to title contention after dropping his first title shot to Jermall Charlo in 2016. Williams knew that he did not need to revamp his entire game and has recovered with victories over former champion Ishe Smith and Joshua Conley leading into this fight.




I thought I was doing well in the Charlo fight so I never pushed the panic button after it didn’t go my way,” сказал Уильямс. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The plan was always to improve each fight and each day in camp, so that’s what we’re still doing. We’ll see on April 7 if it’s enough.




With an opponent who enters this fight on a seven-fight knockout streak, Williams knows he will have to use all of his physical and mental skills to pull out the victory.




It’s going to be up to me what this fight looks like,” сказал Уильямс. “In the ring you have to be mature. I can’t get drawn into the kind of fight that he wants. If I stay focused, I should dominate him.




I’m never going to look past anybody. I know that there’s nothing I can do in my future in this sport if I don’t beat Gallimore. I’m ready to go in there and look impressive on April 7.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.


# # #




Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Hard-Hitting Alfredo Angulo Takes on Former Champion Sergio Mora in Super Middleweight Clash & Unbeaten Emanuel Medina Battles Saul Corral in Undercard Attractions on Saturday April 7 От Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас


Premier Boxing Champions Event Headlined by Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd 154-Pound World Title Unification




ЛАС-ВЕГАС – (Март 30, 2018) – The always exciting Альфред “Собака” Ангуло squares off against former world champion Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора in an eight-round super middleweight battle while unbeaten Emanuel Medina (13-0, 9 КО) бои Сол Коррал (27-10, 18 КО) in an eight-round welterweight clash as part of undercard action Saturday, Апреля 7 at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Лас-Вегас.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Эрисланди Лара, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Джарретт Херд in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Со-главное событие увидит Калеб Труа will defend his 168-pound title against Джеймс DeGale в матче-реванше. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и особенности Джулиан Уильямс и Натаниэль Gallimore meeting in a 154-pound world title eliminator.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.




The action continues as Ava Knight (14-2-4, 5 КО) соответствует Mayela Perez (19-21, 10 КО) in six-round flyweight bout and Ahmed Mahmood (7-0-1, 3 КО) берет на себя Sharone Carter (8-2, 2 КО) in an eight-round featherweight match.




Ангуло (24-6, 20 КО), a rugged veteran with a resume that includes battles with world champions like Erislandy Lara and Saul “Канело” Альварес, is looking to rebound from a knockout loss to Freddy Hernandez in his last fight. Angulo was born in Mexicali, Mexico but lives and trains in California.




Мора (28-5-2, 9 КО) is a former 154-pound champion who has clashed with some of the biggest names in boxing during his career, including Shane Mosley, Vernon Forrest and Daniel Jacobs. In his last fight the 37-year-old Mora of Los Angeles lost by TKO to Jacobs in a middleweight championship rematch.



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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Caleb Truax Training Camp Quotes & Фото


Super Middleweight World Champion Rematches Former Champion James DeGale Saturday, Апреля 7 Live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Лас-Вегасе





Нажмите ВОТ for Training Camp Photos from John Doman


OSSEO, Миннесота (Март 27, 2018) – IBF в суперсреднем весе мира Калеб “Золотой” Truax shocked the boxing world when he defeated then champion Джеймс DeGale last December in London to claim his world title. Сейчас, Truax prepares for an equally difficult task as he is set to defend the title in a rematch against DeGale Saturday, Апреля 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Эрисланди Лара, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Джарретт Херд in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и особенности Джулиан Уильямс и Натаниэль Gallimore meeting in a 154-pound world title eliminator.




The Osseo, Minnesota-native was a significant underdog when he went on the road to the U.K. to challenge DeGale in his return from a shoulder injury. Truax was able to overcome his perceived disadvantages by seemingly catching DeGale off-guard and under prepared, something that he believes could happen again on April 7.




I think DeGale overlooked me last time and I think he’s doing it again this time,” Саид Truax. “I see him already talking about fighting David Benavidez and George Groves. Did he not learn his lesson the first time?





I think his injury talk is an excuse as well. He said his arm and shoulder felt fine heading into and immediately after the fight last December. I don’t believe any of that injury talk. It means nothing to me.




Truax put his small hometown in Minnesota on the boxing map with his championship-winning victory, but hasn’t let any newfound recognition change his routine or demeanor.





The reaction here in Minnesota has been fantastic ever since I returned from London,” Саид Truax. “Everybody at home has shown me so much love. I’ve definitely been busier than I used to be, and I suppose that comes with the territory, but I still stay pretty low-key. I have my routine and I love just being with my two-year-old daughter and the rest of my family and friends. Overall I’ve just tried to stay true to who I am and live the same lifestyle.





A graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in Sociology, Truax is currently carrying the mantle for the Minnesota boxing scene and hopes that his victory can inspire it to grow. Truax is just the third Minnesota-born fighter to win a world title.





Me capturing this world title has been huge for our boxing community here,” Саид Truax. “I was the first guy since Will Grigsby in the 2000s to do it. There haven’t been many champions from here and people are excited to have another homegrown champion again. Hopefully this will get more people around here into gyms and the sport of boxing.






Truax is now deep into training to prove that he has staying power as a champion by defeating DeGale for a second time.





The great thing about the last fight is that I came out of it with no injuries,” Саид Truax. “I was back in the gym before Christmas. Normally I only have about six weeks to prepare for an opponent. But this time around, we knew who we were coming back for and had a long time to prepare.





We’re working on adjustments that we expect he’s making and things he’s probably doing to get better. We’ll see what he comes up with on fight night but it’ll be up to me to counter.





With more time in training camp to prepare, the champion will look to improve on his impressive first performance and make another statement to the boxing world.





I plan on applying pressure and seeing how he reacts,” Саид Truax. “If he doesn’t’ регулировать, then I don’t see it going any different than the first fight. I’m real confident I’m going to stop James DeGale this time.





Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.


Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.
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Лас-Вегас (Март 26, 2018) – Трехкратный чемпион мира Джесси Варгас подтвердил, что он появится, есть стенд и провести Знакомства & Приветствуйте со своими болельщиками на Las Vegas Convention Center для 4-го издания Коробка Вентилятор Экспо который состоится
суббота мая 5, 2018 от 10Я до 5 вечера, во время уик-энда Синко де Майо.
Варгас снова появится на выставке в этом году, где он будет запускать и представлять свой новый “Джесси Варгас Текила Фирменная Бутылка” товары. Варгас будет подписывать перчатки, фотографии, а также будет иметь товары для любителей наслаждаться. Любители бокса также будут иметь большую возможность делать снимки с этой звездой бокса. Варгас также будет участвовать в мега-бою против Адриена Бронера на 21 апреля в Barclays Center в Бруклине, Нью-Йорк. Бой будет жить на Showtime бокса, Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов “PBC” и совместно продвигается Мэйвезер Акции и Dibella Entertainment.

Варгас является мексиканским американским боксером-профессионала, который является экс-чемпионом мира веса, проведя WBA (регулярное) и IBO супер легкие названия в 2014 и WBO в полусреднем титул в 2016.
Варгас присоединяется, Дэвид Бенавидес, Хосе Бенавидес, Заб Джуда, Шеннон Бриггс, Баду Джека, Келли Павлик, Эрик Моралес и Фернандо Варгас среди первых обязательств перед Box Fan Expo в этом году.

Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Многие звезды бокса присутствовали три последние Выставки, такие как Флойд Мэйвезер, Майк Тайсон, Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Марко Антонио Баррера, Рой Джонс-младший, Маркос Майдана, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Vinny Pazienza, Майки Гарсия , Mia St.Johns, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Леон Спинкс, Дэнни Джейкобс, Авенир Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брэндон Риос и многие другие…
Экспоненты, такие как бокс передач, одежда, новое оборудование, энергетические напитки, алкоголь, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, согласующие органы и другие компании, которые желают принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник, СМИ и бокс промышленности.
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Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и Приветствуйте бокса суперзвезд сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды спорта и другие боксерские Знаменитости на своем стенде. Местный, болельщики будут испытывать различные виды деятельности от Автограф сессий, Фотосессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, а также возможность приобрести товары и памятные вещи из своей будки, а также многое другое… Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!
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В течение следующих нескольких недель, предшествующих Событию, будут еженедельные обновления на многих звездах, которые совершающие их появление на боксерском Expo. И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы принять участие и заказать стенд, связаться Box Fan Expo:
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Erislandy Lara vs. Расшифровка стенограммы конференц-связи Джарретта Херда для СМИ & Audio Recording

Леонард Эллерб
Здравствуйте, все. Thank you for joining our call today. We’re very excited. What a great card we have come April the 7й от Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Лас-Вегасе. В главном событии, we have Erislandy Lara versus Jarrett Hurd in an outstanding unification fight which will determine supremacy at the 154-weight class.
В со-главном событии, we have a great rematch of a fight that saw Caleb Truax wrestle the IBF Super Middleweight Championship away from James DeGale. That’s going to be a terrific fight also.
В первом бою, we have Julian Williams taking on Nathaniel Gallimore in what will be a very, very entertaining fight as an IBF Junior Middleweight Elimination Bout.
Our card is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions. Tickets are still on sale at AXS.com and it starts as cheap as $50. Снова, this will be a terrific card led by none other thanI’m going to introduce the man who’s totally responsible for putting all this together, none other than Stephen Espinoza.
Стивен Эспиноза
Благодаря, Леонард. Хорошо, the hits keep coming here at SHOWTIME, coming off of a huge March schedule highlighted by the two big time heavyweight title fights. April on SHOWTIME will feature two stellar cards from Mayweather Promotions.
The first on April 7 is a high-quality tripleheader, three competitively matched fights with world title implications and our main event, Lara versus Hurd, a unification fight, featuring two of the top three consensus in the world at 154 фунты. Sort of the natural evolution of what has been an unofficial super welterweight tournament over the last year, year and a half on SHOWTIME.
В 2017, SHOWTIME televised eight matchups featuring all of the top five ranked super welterweight champions and challengers in that unofficial tournament. Now we get the natural results of that, a unification fight which happens to be only the sixth unification fight in the history of the 154-pound division.
Эрисланди Лара, he’s the WBA champ, the longest reigning champion at 154 фунты. He won the WBA title on SHOWTIME in 2014 and he’s now making his sixth defense. С записью 25-2-2, he could easily make the case that he could be undefeated certainly. The loss to Paul Williams was very controversial and a very close split decision loss to Canelo. So we very well could have an undefeated fighter.
Jarrett Hurd is the IBF champion. He made the first defense of his title on SHOWTIME in October. He has scored seven consecutive KOs as his level of bout position has dramatically increased and, на самом деле, he really has burst on the scene lately. His first televised fight was on SHOBOX in 2015, a KO of Frank Galarza, and he’s been on a roll ever since.
Этот бой, this main event, Lara versus Hurd, is one of five matchups of top five contenders, top five ranked fighters, on the SHOWTIME schedule just in the first half of this year. So we look forward to a great fight, a great card on April 7th.
L. Эллерб
Спасибо, Стивен. I would like to introduce the IBF world champion. What an outstanding young fighter. He’s from my hometown. He lives and trains out of Accokeek, Мэриленд. Always in exciting fights and we expect nothing different come April the 7th. He’s undefeated with a record of 21-0, с 15 КО. He’s coming off of career-defining TKO victory over Austin Trout. Ladies and gentlemen, the IBF Junior Middleweight Champion, “Быстро” Джарретт Херд.
Джарретт Херд
Подготовка идет хорошо. We’re getting prepared. This is a fight that I wanted just as bad as any and I’m glad we can make it happen. I just can’t wait to put on a show.
L. Эллерб
Большой. Хорошо. Следующий, we have Erislandy “Американская мечта” Lara with a record of 25 и 2 с 14 КО. И снова, as Stephen mentioned earlier, Lara is the longest reigning champion at 154. A tremendous boxer, real slick, real smooth. He’s been in there with all the top guys in the weight class and again, he’ll be looking to put on another great performance come April the 7th. Так, дамы и господа, Эрисланди Лара.
Эрисланди Лара
First I want to thank everyone on the call. Самое главное, I’d like to thank SHOWTIME for putting on a great fight, thank Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and my whole team. Come April 7, I’ll be ready to fight and ready to put on a show.
For Stephen, I’m just wondering if you could give your thought process as to what made you decide to make a matchup between Erislandy Lara and Hurd as opposed to either of those guys against Charlo.
S. Эспиноза
I think it was really the style matchup. When we sat down and looked at them, they’re three exciting fighters, three great champions, but the matchup that was really intriguing because of the styles was Lara versus Hurd.
Erislandy has never shied away from any challenge. Jarrett was very vocal about wanting to unify. And the combination of their styles, where they are in their careers, it seemed like an intriguing matchup.
Do you believe that the winner of the fight would then look to fight Charlo?
S. Эспиноза
Абсолютно. And Jermell is game. He’s on board. He’s on board for it. He was recently on SHOWTIME and he indicated he wants the winner. He wants the winner next.
Джарретт, what was it about this matchup that made you want it more?
J. Херд
Хорошо, I knew both fights will eventually happen. But I feel like the fight with Erislandy Lara will give me more credibility and will put me in position at number one. I wanted to be top guy in my division and now I feel like I am the top guy in my division.
Этот бой, I want it over the fight with Jermell Charlo, even though the fight with Jermell Charlo is more anticipated and people wantmaybe because of our styles, but I wanted this fight because I feel like it will put me to better position in the 154 разделение.
Do you feel like at 27 years old you’re now in your prime and that basically whether it’s Erislandy Lara, or anybody else in the weight class that Jarrett Hurd’s punching power can take care of them?
J. Херд
I feel like my powerI have the power that’s deceptive and it doesn’t look as hard on TV or while you’re in there until you feel it. It’s a total different story.
I feel like my power can stop anyone, put anyone down. But on April 7th, the knockout streak, I’ll stop another guy and I plan on continuing to keep doing.
Are you ready for a much different kind of style in an experienced fighter like Lara? How do you deal with that kind of skill?
J. Херд
Лара, he’s been the longest reigning champion at 154. Я воюю в 154 all my life, so we’ve been watching him since I turned professional and the style Lara presents we’ve been training for this long before this training camp. He’s a great champion but Lara has always been on top and we always study and the game plan we got is perfect and this is why we wanted the fight. It’s no secret how badly I wanted this fight.
Конечно, I’m not going to stay in there and try to box with Lara because Lara is an expert on what he does. Lara is not going to stand there toe-to-toe with me because of my size, inside game and my power. So it’s going to be a cat and mouse game and I just can’t wait to show you guys that outcome.
I wonder if Lara could give me his perspective on where he thinks Jarrett Hurd falls in the weight class and whether or not he feels like he is going to have to outbox him or maybe he can mix it up with him a bit.
И. Лара
I’m ready to go for April 7th. Джарретт Херд, as everyone knows, he’s a big, сильный боец, but pretty basic. He can try to fight, kind of like a Mexican strong style and those are styles that I’d like to fight.
So come April 7й, we hope he’s prepared. I’m prepared and want to put on a great fight for the fans and for the writers and for everyone else.
Was this a fight that Erislandy wanted or would he have preferred a Charlo unification?
И. Лара
As everyone knows, I was the one who wanted this fight. He won his title in February, I wanted to fight him in October and his team said he wasn’t ready to fight me in October. They wanted him to be prepared to fight another southpaw and prepare for me.
Так, as the pressure mounted, Jarrett Hurd decided just to fight. So I’m happy he stepped up to the plate but as everyone knows, I want his belt and I want the other belts in this division as well.
Джарретт, how do you feel Erislandy compares to Trout in the sense of how much better he might be and how much of a step-up in competition it is for you?
J. Херд
I feel like Lara has a little bit better foot movement than Trout. And one thing about Trout, he took chances in my fight. He stayed there with me. I don’t think Lara is going to take that many chances. He’s a very disciplined fighter.
So whatever works for him, he’s going to stick to exactly what he’s working for. He’s never going to change it no matter how hot on the scorecard he is or not, he’s going to stick to his game plan and I think he’s much more disciplined and a little sharper than Trout.
How much do you feel that it helped you to fight Trout to get ready for this fight?
J. Херд
It definitely helped me, not only to fight Trout, but just going to two training camps with southpaws. I only fought three southpaws in my career before Trout. So now I have a lot of experience with them. So going into this fight I wanted to kind of go into two or three camps before I face Lara and I think it helped me.
Erislandy said that you fight like a Mexican. How much of a compliment do you take that as?
J. Херд
Mexicans are fighters, один. I take it as a compliment. When you describe a Mexican fighter, you stay toe-to-toe and that’s what the fans like to see. Конечно, that’s not my only style. Everyone sees I can switch it up with my fight with Frank Galarza back in Las Vegas and it all depends on what I have to bring out that night. Я могу сделать все это.
Эрисланди, what do you think of how Hurd fought in the Trout fight?
И. Лара
I watched the Trout fight in the locker room and as I was preparing for my fight, so I couldn’t watch that carefully but from what I saw in the fight, I thought Trout was winning the fight and as the fight wore on, очевидно, Trout’s legs weren’t there and he hadn’t fought in 17 months and he’s also a fighter who’s on the back-end of his career, and had lost already several times.
But I thought Trout was actually doing a good job in the fight and, как я и сказал, Hurd is a guy who likes to take it up a notch after six, seven rounds and I like to take it up a notch or two after six, seven rounds. Так, это будет великий бой. And come April 7, I’m just ready to rumble.
Based on what you just said, do you feel that maybe too much has been made of the Trout win?
И. Лара
People are going to have their take on the Trout fight but, there is no fighter at 154 или 160 or anywhere around this weight division that has my style and my boxing ability and my smarts, and that’s the reason I’ve made it this far.
Trout was out 17 месяцы. He is an older guy. He’s been defeated several times and he is a former world champ but he’s also had a loser mentality.
It’s a lot different when you’re fighting a winner and you’re fighting the guy who also dominated Trout and put him on the deck and let him off the hook in the 12th. It’s an exciting fight and we’re excited to put on a great fight.
How important is it for you, if you’re able to beat Jarrett Hurd, that you go and fight Jermell Charlo and you in effect clean out the 154-pound division?
И. Лара
I said it before and I’m going to say it again. I’m going to clean out the division and that has been my plan from the beginning and I’m going to stick to my plan. I don’t care who the champions are. I don’t care what their names are or where they’re from. I’m going to clean up the division and it starts April 7.
Do you view Hurd as a tougher fight than Charlo or vice versa?
И. Лара
I don’t look at them any different. They’re both to me kind of the same fighter. They both come up to the ring with a purpose and they’re trying to win. Но в конце дня, I’m the best fighter in this division. It’s been proven over years. So whether it was Hurd first, Charlo first, it didn’t matter. I’m just ready to rumble.
L. Эллерб
I would also like to touch on that. With all due respect to Trout, Jarrett Hurd ain’t Austin Trout. Я имею в виду, this kid is the real deal. I try to look back in the history of this particular division and I can’t think of a fighter who was as big and physical and applies the kind of pressureespecially mental pressurethat he puts on guys in a very, very long time. Это будет огромная борьба, an excellent matchup, contrasting styles and I’m really, really excited to see this bout.
You said before in the past that you start off slow in your fights on purpose even to the point of taking a blow or two from your opponent. What’s your thinking behind strategy like that?
J. Херд
I’m just feeling my opponent out. You don’t want to go out there and not know what he’s capable of. So you just don’t want to go out there and take that many chances without seeing what the guy’s got. Так, I just use the first round to see what he has and take it from there, make the adjustments.
Do you think people recognize your size and your power? Do they underestimate your ability to fight inside?
J. Херд
A hundred percent. I don’t think now, but I think they did before. Me being a taller, longer, rangier guy they expect me to be on the outside and I know I surprised a lot of people when I start to fight inside, that close. I watched a lot of James Toney. So that’s where I kind of get it from.
Стивен, you said this fight was chosen and put together based on the styles of these fighters. Is it that you recognized the last four opponents that Hurd’s faced were two orthodox fighters and also two southpaw fighters that he put on a great performance against?
S. Эспиноза
Хорошо, it was more looking for an entertaining fight. It’s sort of the classic matador-and-bull type of fight. You’ve got a really aggressive hard-punching, молодой, strong champion and you’ve got, another champion who’s known as one of the most skilled fighters in any division. So it’s sort of the unstoppable force immovable object coming together; which style is going to win out?
So it really wasn’t as much looking at past opponents as it was, what might be the most exciting fight. And not to say that Jermell isn’t an exciting fighter, слишком, потому что, that is definitely something that’s very, very possible in the near future.
So it was just, which one could come first, which one would come next, and I think the clash of styles is what attracted us to this matchup first.
L. Эллерб
Sometimes when people referred to Lara, they just mostly speak about his boxing skill. But Lara can also crack, слишком. So those out there who sleep on Lara’s power are sadly mistaken. I’ve sat ringside, first row a couple of his fights and especially the Canelo fight and I’ve seen firsthand what his power looks like. And if anybody’s sleeping on his power, they are sadly mistaken.
Jarrett do you think those recent fights are the fights that prepared you going into this fight against Lara?
J. Херд
Да, I feel more though that my career period has prepared me for this fight. I didn’t come up the easy route. So I didn’t have a big amateur career. A lot of people didn’t want to give me a chance. I had to go out there and take them. My performances I put on when I got the opportunity each and every time on TV, I went out there and did what I was supposed to.
Так, I feel like just my career, период, and all I’ve been through prepared me for this fight, not just those fights on TV, but those little fights.
You say that you want to go ahead and walk opponents down and try to get rid of them, put the more pressure on. Is that the case?
Джарретт Херд:
It depends. Like during the Austin Trout fight. He did lack a little power, so I was willing to take some to get some in. I was willing to take some chances but, it all depends on, как ты сказал, if they all lack a little power. Are you willing to take those chances?
Like my fight with Oscar Molina, he can crack a little more than Tony Harrison, so I was kind of a little more head movement and little less willing to go into there without being cautious.
Все зависит. But like I said man it’s crazy because people define me by my last two fights as that’s my style. I was the guy that always was the kind of puncher and fought from his back foot until guys started to compare me and look at my size. I didn’t even realize I was that big of a fighter until I got on the stage with some of these guys. So my last two fights are the only fights that I have fought that way in my career, coming forward and then pressure, because I knew eventually I would have to come into a fight with a guy like Lara. We’ve been working on it, but I could switch it up. I can do whatever. It all depends on my opponent that night and y’all just going to have to wait and see.
Эрисланди, are there any concerns about him getting stronger as the fight goes on and also how he’s able to take punches from people and actually take their power?
И. Лара
I keep seeing people refer to his height or how big he is, but Williams was taller and bigger than him. Canelo was and is stronger than him, and they couldn’t deal with me.
So I’m not worried about what he has to bring today. I’m worried about what I have to do in that ring. I’m focused. Я готов, and there’s no question in my mind I know I can knock him out. Если он безрассудно, he’s going to get knocked down. And if not, then he’s going to get beat up.
He’s going to have to make that decision on April 7 whether he’s willing to go through the fire or if he’s just willing just to lose a decision. It’s up to him. He’s going to have to decide that on April 7.
Do you think that those past fights have given you any kind of preparation or anything for this fight coming? Or do you feel that you’re totally different from when you fought Paul Williams and when you fought Canelo, физически?
И. Лара
I don’t look for one specific fight. I don’t look at last fight or the last four fights because my whole life, I’ve been preparing for this, since Cuba.
I didn’t have shoes until I was 5 лет. I was preparing for this. I was born to be a fighter. It was during my whole amateur career, 350 plus amateur fights, several world championships across the amateurs. Now my whole pro-career, I fought the top guys, I’ve beat the top guys, and that’s what’s prepared me for this fight and prepared me to fight whoever is available in the division.
So I’m ready to go and I’m ready to fight.
Леонард, with Mayweather Promotions, are you guys planning to put more and more fights together, not just with your own fighters but working with SHOWTIME to put on just top-quality fights, период?
L. Эллерб
We’re very excited to promote all these big events, working along with SHOWTIME and expect to see more of it in the next couple of months.
We’ve outlined our next few big events that we have and expect more of that in the fall of this year. All we’re looking to do is put on the biggest and best events and make them for the fans.
What is Erislandy’s take on sometimes people not appreciating the sweet science and his boxing ability?
И. Лара
This is a sport. Boxing is hit and don’t get hit. That’s the way it was taught from the beginning of time. It’s a sweet science and all fights are different. Styles are different. Styles obviously make fights.
Some guys are willing to take more risk than others and that sometimes dictates the action in a fight. My main focus is to win every fight and win clearly. That’s my job.
Erislandy are you the only fighter in the division that could put Jermell Charlo in his place?
И. Лара
One hundred percent yes. And from my experiences of hundreds of rounds of sparring, Jermell Charlo won’t fight Erislandy Lara next when we get done with Hurd. Only time will tell.
Джарретт, do you see any weakness in Erislandy Lara?
J. Херд
Well you all will have to see that on fight night. Not to give away too much of the game plan, но, как я и сказал, Lara’s toughest fights are when guys put pressure on him. And that’s what we’re going to do.
Леонард, you talked about Jarrett’s versatility and how you’ve done some research on this weight class and his size. But in your time, have you seen a guy with his relative inexperience to someone like Lara expressing the confidence that he has done and also just rising so quickly against quality opposition like this?
L. Эллерб
Не, I think it’s a tremendous asset. Confidence is everything in this sport. He has a strong belief in his skill set and his ability to go out there and get it done.
Очевидно, this is the biggest and toughest challenge to date with Lara being a great champion who has fought on the big stage and has fought a number of great fighters. But again, those contrasting styles and Jarrett having the ability and the confidence to bring that to the table I think is going to make a big, big difference.
Because it’s one thing with sitting on the outside and watching guys fight on TV, but it’s a whole different ballgame when you got a light heavyweight walking you down and putting that kind of mental pressure on you. But Lara’s built for this kind of thing because he’s seen any and every kind of style out there.
So these are the reasons why I think it’s a great, great matchup because again, I think that Jarrett is going to bring out the best in Lara and I think vice-versa, Lara is going to bring the best out in Jarrett. Период.
When it comes to Lara, we’ve seen him on the big stage before. He’s a tremendous boxer. He’s actually, in my eyes, the best boxer that’s out there. Tremendous foot movement, движение головы, coming from that great Cuban school of boxing, he’s a real deal.
But again, you got this young, жесткий, hungry lion that had the mindset that he doesn’t care what Lara has done in the past because Lara has never fought nobody like Jarrett Hurd, and vice-versa.
That’s what makes this an intriguing matchup. Come April 7, I expect this fight probably might end in a knockout.
What is your assessment of Jarrett Hurd compared to the guys you faced in your career?
И. Лара
I don’t compare fighters. I look at him as a young, hungry kid who’s got desire. He wants to be great. He’s going to come forward and he’s going to come ready to fight. If he doesn’t come forward, then I’ll be ready to fight, слишком, however it plays out. But I’m ready for everything he brings to the table.
When was the last time, Эрисланди, that someone outright predicted that they were going to knock you out as he has done?
И. Лара
Every fighter wants to knock you out when you get in that ring. Paul Williams wanted to knock me out. Канело, Лопатки, plus he keeps mentioning how it’s going to be Angulo and this and that.
Хорошо, Angulo connected on me twice, but don’t forget how that fight finished. I ended Angulo’s career. I ruined his career and I put him out of the top level of boxing.
If Jarrett Hurd thinks he’s going to come like that, I’m going to end his career too, на 27 лет. So come April 7, I’m hoping he puts that pressure so I could ruin his career for all the talking that he’s been doing.
Джарретт? What did you think of what he just said?
J. Херд
Я имею в виду, here’s the thing, we all know that Lara has the experience. He’s seen every style from right-handed to the southpaw. Anything you give him, he’s seen it all. But he has not experienced what I’m about to give him.
It’s not about the styles that you’ve seen; it’s about what you’re about to experience. So this is a whole different ballgame. You get in there to fight with Jarrett Hurd and you’ll see how that all ends.
I speak from the heart and I say what I feel. I’m not just out here talking just to talk. I’m putting in the work. Where my chance is going and where I see this fight playing out, there’s no way that Lara is going to come out of top.
What makes you different from Angulo? А также, does it give you a little bit of an edge that he is a little bit older now than he was then?
J. Херд
Не, we never play that old card. You’ve seen Lara’s performances. He’s still in great shape. Age is not factor. I hate guys saying the same thing with Austin Trout. They say age is starting to show.
We’re not going to play the age card. We see that Lara is still a great fighter. He’s the longest reigning champion for a reason and age shouldn’t play a part.
As far as the past Angulo thing, nothing to take away from Angulo. Он великий боец,, he’s done great things, but I’m much faster than Angulo, much sharp than Angulo, hit harder than Angulo and I’m a much bigger guy.
So physically, when I’m in there, on him in the ring, he’s going to feel it. He couldn’t take the pressure and the style from Angulo. He’s going to be in long night when he fights me.
L. Эллерб
Хорошо. Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard from both fighters. Снова, we have a tremendous lineup, great tripleheader live on SHOWTIME, April the 7th, 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, от Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Лас-Вегасе. Lara versus Hurd, Truax versus DeGale, Julian Williams versus Nathaniel Gallimore. What a tremendous tripleheader, жить на SHOWTIME.
We want to thank everyone for joining us on the call. Have a wonderful day.
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