Tag Archives: Las Vegas


LAS VEGAS (Marec. 7, 2017) Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation’s (TFMJF) 3rd Annual Fight-4-Fitness 5K Run, 2K Walk, Kids Fun Run, and Community Day is scheduled for this Sunday, Marec 12th Sunset Park v Las Vegasu.
Letos, Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fundacija, plans to unite runners and families within the Las Vegas community and surrounding communities in with a day filled with events geared toward the whole family. The festivities will start off with a 5K race and 2K walk, the Kids Fun Run will follow with Community Day serving as the last event of the day. The races are followed by an awards ceremony honoring the top 5K Race participants in each age category.
Fight-4-Fitness will also feature great healthy food options, vendors, a merchandise booth, kids scavenger hunt, live performances, physical activities geared toward fitness and fun, PLUS MORE! Comedian & radijska osebnost, Mike P, will host this year’s event while the event also features performances by DJ D. Miles, The Monster Kids, Prodigy Dance Group, and appearances from several Mayweather Promotionsboxing stars: Badou Jack, J'Leon Ljubezen, Alexis Santiago, Kevin Newman, Charvis Holifield, in bolj!
We’re looking forward to putting on our 3rd Fight-4-Fitness event in the Las Vegas Community,” says Nicole Craig, President of The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fundacija. “It’s vital that we get the word out about our Fight-4-Fitness event, which helps to spread health and fitness awareness in a fun interactive way, with a common goal to live longer and feel better We look forward to promoting healthy living through this event for many years to come!
Fight-4-Fitness is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Participating in the Fight-4-Fitness event can be the catalyst needed to create a vigorous, srečna, in zdravo Las Vegas skupnost. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, Družina, in sodelavci.
The 2017 event day schedule:
  • 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Participant registration/check-in
  • 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.Kids Scavenger Hunt
  • 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.5K Run & 2K Walk
  • 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Kids Fun Run
  • 11:30 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.Podelitev nagrad
  • 11:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.Dan skupnost
Registration dates and fees are listed below:
  • Marec 1st– Marec 10th: $45 5K/ $35 2K/ $15 Kids Fun Run/ $20 Dan skupnost
  • Same Day Registracija: $60 5K/ $50 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $20 Dan skupnost
The 3rd Annual Fight-4-Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, KIDS FUN RUN, & Dan skupnost sponsors to date include: Mayweather Promotions, The Money Team, Mayweather Sports, SHOWTIME, and Greenspun Media Group. Letos, a portion of registration proceeds will go toward local Las Vegas track teams, and the top 3 track teams with the highest registration participation will also be presented with a cash prize for their respective teams. First place winners will receive a donation of $5,000, 2nd place will receive a donation of $3,000 in 3rd place team will receive a donation of $2,000.
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For more information follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather and @TFMJF, Postani fan na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/FloydMayweather in www.Facebook.com/TFMJF, follow on Instagram at Instagram.com/FloydMayweather and Instagram.com/TFMJF.


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Marec 7, 2017) – 8-Svetovni prvak Thomas “Hitman” Hearns has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth to Meet & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Hearns returns once again at this years’ Expo in bo podpisal rokavice, photos and selling merchandise. Fans will also be treated to interactive games and taking pictures with The “Hitman” at his Rock Jaw booth. He joins the list of over 50 current and past World Champions boxers who have appeared at the Expo, meeting their fans in person.
Hearns bolj slavno znana kot “Hitman”, postal prvi boksar v zgodovini za zmago naslovov svetovnega prvaka v štirih divizijah. On bi postal tudi prvi borec v zgodovini osvojil pet naslovov svetovnega prvaka v petih različnih divizijah. Hearns je bil leta 2012 proglašen za borca ​​leta Ring Magazine 1980 in 1984 in je najbolj znan po svojih bojih z Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler in Roberto Duran. On je bil rekrut v Boxing Hall of Fame v 2012.
Thomas Hearns joins Kronk, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
Throughout the next two months leading up to the Event, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), who would like more information on sponsorships opportunities or reserve a Booth, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Marec 2, 2017) – Kronk boks & Sylvia Steward-Williams (Emanuel Steward’s daughter) has confirmed that they will appear and have a booth at the Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za 3rd edition of Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Ceasar Chavez jr, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Kronk Boxing will have the famous Kronk merchandise and apparel to sell to the boxing fans.
Founder of the Kronk gym and legendary trainer Emanuel Steward would have been proud of participating once again at this yearsExpo as he was one of the first to believe a Boxing Expo was long overdue and that it would be a huge success with fans and boxing industry people.
When Emanuel Steward first heard about the Box Fan Expo, he stated: “If you want to have a Boxing Expo, you got to do it big; and to do it big you need to go to Vegas. This is a boxing Fan’s dream.
The legendary Kronk Gym made famous around the world by the late Emanuel Steward who produced a string of world champions including, Lennox Lewis, Wladimir Klitschko and Hall of Famer Thomas Hearns. Kronk closed its doors afterSteward’s death on October 25th, 2012. After three years of hard work and dedication the Kronk reopen the famous gym this past Memorial Day weekend.
It took a lot of work,” said Steward-Williams, owner of Kronk Boxing/Sportswear. “It’s a labor of love, and it was my father’s legacy.

Kronk boxing joins, the WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…

Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.

Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na spletu pri: http://www.boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com

Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!

Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj mesecih pred dogodkom, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


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Spinks brothers, Michael Carbajal, Erik Morales and Salvador Sanchez are also among the greats to be honored Avgust. 12 at Caesars Palace.
LAS VEGAS – Nekdanji svetovni prvak Thomas Hearns, ki skupaj s Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvelous Marvin Hagler in Roberto Duran dominated boxing in the 1980s and became known collectively asThe Four Kings,” headlines a 14-person class of inductees into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Hall CEO/president Michelle Corrales-Lewis announced Wednesday.
Hearns was chosen in the non-Nevada resident boxer category, along with Michael Spinks, Erik Morales, Michael Carbajal, women’s boxing star Lucia Rijker and Salvador Sanchez. Elected in the Nevada resident boxer category was Ken Norton, Leon Spinks and Richie Sandoval.
Chosen in the non-boxer category were referee Davey Pearl, public relations specialist Debbie Munch, promoter Mel Greb, trainer/cut man Rafael Garcia and Nevada Athletic Commission chair Dr. Elias Ghanem.
Norton, Sanchez, Greb and Ghanem will be inducted posthumously.
The members of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame’s star-studded fifth-induction class will be honored at a gala dinner at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Sobota, Avgust. 12. Ticket will be released Thursday, February 16th at 12pm on NVBHOF.com .
We are very proud of this class of inductees, and it contains some of the greatest fighters who ever lived,” Corrales-Lewis said. “I’m looking forward to our gala dinner when we can honor these richly deserving people and allow their fans to say hello.
Hearns was one of the standouts during the 1980s and participated in a series of great bouts in Las Vegas with Leonard, Hagler and Duran. His 1985 bout with Hagler at Caesars Palace is still regarded by many as the greatest fight in boxing history.
The Spinks brothers, Michael and Leon, become the first set of brothers inducted into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame. Both won gold medals for the U.S. pri 1976 Olympics in Montreal and then went on to win world titles in the pros.
Norton, known primarily for a series of close bouts with the legendary Muhammad Ali, also competed in one of the great heavyweight title bouts ever. He lost the WBC title by a razor-thin decision to Larry Holmes in 1978, among the finest heavyweight championship fights ever held.
Pearl was among the best referees of all-time and worked more than 70 championship bouts. He was the referee for both Leon Spinks’ šokantna 1978 upset of Ali as well as for Leonard’s dramatic 14th-round knockout of Hearns in 1981.
The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame is an IRS 501 (c)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible. The Hall’s charitable contributions over the five years since its formation have helped boxers in need and boxing-related charities. Donations are welcome.
The Hall was founded in 2013 by noted boxing broadcaster Rich Marotta.
Za več informacij, phone 702-3NVBHOF, ali 702-368-2463.
Michael Carbajal Best known as the first junior flyweight to earn a $1 million purse, Carbajal won world titles at junior flyweight and flyweight. Known asLittle Hands of Stonefor his punching power, Carbajal was 49-4 s 33 Kos.
His rivalry with HumbertoPetiteGonzalez was one of the best of the early 1990s and their 1993 fight was The Ring Magazine Fight of the Year. V 2004, The Ring named Carbajal as the best junior flyweight in history.
Bil 98-10 as an amateur and won a silver medal at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Južna Koreja.
Thomas Hearns – Hearns, 58, won recognized world titles at welterweight, super welterweight, srednji, super middleweight and light heavyweight during a career in which he went 61-5-1 s 48 Kos.
He’s most remembered for his savage three-round battle with Hagler in 1985, but he participated in many of the decade’s biggest and most electric bouts. He fought in Las Vegas 16 krat, dogaja 11-4-1 z devetimi Knockouts.
Erik MoralesOne of the most exciting fighters of the early part of the 2000s, Morales is best known for his series of outstanding fights with arch rival Marco Antonio Barrera. Morales went 52-9 s 36 knockouts but is best known for his trilogy with Barrera, two of which were named Ring Fight of the year.
Morales won major world titles at super bantamweight, Peresno, super featherweight and super lightweight, becoming the first Mexican born fighter to win titles in four weight classes.
He also engaged in a spectacular trilogy with Manny Pacquiao, beating him in the first and dropping the last two.
Ken NortonThough he was the heavyweight champion before losing his belt to Larry Holmes in one of the great title bouts ever, Norton was best known for his three fights with the legendary Muhammad Ali. Norton defeated Ali in 1973 in San Diego in their first bout, breaking Ali’s jaw.
Ali won the two subsequent bouts, vključno z možnostjo 1976 match at Yankee Stadium for the title. Some observers believe Norton deserved to win all three fights.
The Holmes fight was sensational and the two men stood in the center of the ring at Caesars and slugged it out in the 15th in zadnji krog.
Lucia RijkerRijker is regarded as one of, if not the best, women boxers in history. She was 17-0 s 14 knockouts in boxing and was 37-0-1 s 25 knockouts as a kick boxer.
In her boxing career, she scored dominant wins over the likes of Jane Couch, Marcela Acuna and Chevelle Hallback.
She later appeared in the Oscar-winning film, “Million Dollar Baby.
Salvador SanchezSanchez tragically died in an auto accident in Mexico at just 23 stara leta, robbing the world of one of the elite fighters in history well before his time. Sanchez was 44-1-1 s 32 knockouts and was the lineal featherweight champion from 1980 until his death in 1982.
He won the title by knocking out Danny “Rdeča” Lopez, but is best known for a dominating eighth-round stoppage of Wilfredo Gomez. Gomez was 33-0 s 32 knockouts but was no match for Sanchez.
Richie SandovalSandoval held the bantamweight title for two years, but his career, as great as it was, is a question of what might have been. Bil je član od 1980 U.S.. Olympic boxing team, but he lost his chance at a medal when President Carter decided to boycott the Games in Moscow.
Sandoval won the first 29 fights of his pro career, racking up 17 Knockouts, and beat the great Jeff Chandler for the bantamweight belt.
But tragically, Sandoval suffered serious boxing related injuries in a 1986 bout with Gaby Canizales and was forced to retire.
Leon Spinks Spinks is most known for upsetting Muhammad Ali in 1978 in just his eighth pro fight to win the heavyweight championship. He lost the title in a rematch and failed in two other attempts to win a title. He was stopped by Larry Holmes in a heavyweight title fight in 1981 and lost a cruiserweight title challenge in Reno to Dwight Muhammad Qawi in 1986.
A colorful figure known asNeon” Leon, he was an acclaimed amateur who was 178-7 s 133 KOs and the light heavyweight gold at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal.
He finished his professional career with a 26-17-3 mark and 14 Kos.
Michael SpinksSpinks was 31-1 in his career and won both the light heavyweight and heavyweight titles. He moved up from light heavyweight to defeat Larry Holmes at the Riviera in 1985, denying Holmes the opportunity to go 49-0 and match Rocky Marcianos record.
He won the light heavyweight title in his 17th pro fight in 1981 at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas when he bested the much more experienced Eddie Mustafa Muhammad. Spinks held the light heavyweight title for four years, before giving it up to move to heavyweight to fight Holmes.
A 1976 Olimpijske zlate medalje, Spinksonly pro loss came in his final fight when he was knocked out by Mike Tyson in a bout for the undisputed heavyweight title.
Rafael Garcia – Garcia, 87, is best known for his cap he wears festooned with pins and for working as Floyd Mayweather’s hand wrapper. But he had a long career as both a cut man and a trainer and was outstanding at both. He worked with elite fighters such as Mayweather, Roberto Duran, Alexis Arguello and Wilfredo Gomez.
Dr. Elias GhanemGhanem as the long-time chairman of the Nevada Athletic Commission, and was responsible for helping it to earn the moniker, “The greatest commission in the world.
Ghanem, a physician whose patients once included Elvis Presley, played a key role in the hearings after Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield, and also was instrumental in bringing the Oscar De La Hoya-Felix Trinidad bout to Las Vegas in 1999.
Mel GrebKnown asThe father of professional boxing in Southern Nevada,” Greb was a promoter and matchmaker who first brought Muhammad Ali to Nevada. Then known as Cassius Clay, Greb promoted Ali’s seventh pro fight in 1961. That week, he introduced Ali to wrestlerGorgeous” George, and Ali patterned himself after George in many ways.
Greb died in 1996 pri 75 stara leta.
Debbie MunchCaesars Palace in Las Vegas was a legendary host for many of boxing’s biggest fights in the 1980s and early 1990s, and Munch, a public relations expert, was instrumental in it.
She was widely respected by promoters, boxers and the media and helped many journalists immeasurably with their boxing coverage.
Davey PearlPearl was small of stature, but was a giant as a referee. He worked more than 70 world title bouts, including Muhammad Ali-Leon Spinks and Sugar Ray Leonard-Thomas Hearns.
Pearl was also a highly regarded judge.


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Februar 15, 2017) – Nekdanja ženska prvakinja WBC Moja “Knockout” St. John in Christy “Premogovska hči” Martin je potrdil, da se bodo v preteklosti pojavili in si skupaj delili stojnico, da bi se srečali & Pozdravite njihove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Martin in St.John sta nekaj najbolj okrašenih in najslavnejših profesionalnih boksaric vseh časov. St John je napredoval Bob Arum, Martina pa tekmovalni promotor Don King. Oba sta nekdanja svetovna prvaka WBC, priljubljenost pa sta si pridobila z nastopom na nekaterih največjih podkartah v zgodovini boksa, ki sta jih naslovila Mike Tyson s Christy Martin in Oscar De La Hoya z Mio St.John. Poleg tega se je St.John pojavil tudi na naslovnici revije Playboy, medtem ko se je Martin pojavil na Sports illustrated.

Mia St.John je opravila nešteto dobrodelnih dejavnosti za različne organizacije. Ustanovila je “El Sabre Es Poder / Znanje je moč” opolnomočiti svojo mladino z zagotavljanjem izobraževalnega gradiva, oprema in razvoj zdravstva & Wellness programi. November 23, 2014, Mijin sin Julian, ki je bil nadarjen umetnik, preminil v starosti 24 po boju s shizofrenijo in zasvojenostjo. V 2015, Mijo je poimenoval CNN, “Bojevnik duševnega zdravja”, skupaj z osmimi drugimi navdihujočimi ljudmi.

Christy Martin pa se je od novembra borila nazaj 23, 2010 Njen mož, ki je zdaj v zaporu zaradi poskusa umora, je zabodel in ustrelil. Danes je Martin predsednik in ustanovitelj Pink Promotions, podjetje za promocijo boksa, WBC pa ga šteje za izrednega prvaka. Ustanovila je tudi neprofitno organizacijo z imenom Christy's Champs, ki podpira nasilje v družini, pa tudi druga vprašanja v družini.

St.John in Martin bosta svoje blago prodala svojim oboževalcem, kot tudi fotografij in spominkov.

Christy se skupaj z Mio pridružuje Fernandu Vargasu in Joelu Casamayorju med zgodnjimi obveznostmi letošnjega razstave Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…

Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.

Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na spletu pri: http://www.boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com

Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!

Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj mesecih pred dogodkom, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Februar 8, 2017) – Three-Time world champion Fernando Vargas has confirmed that he and his Feroz Fight Factory Gym will appear and have a booth to Meet & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu for the third edition of Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Ceasar Chavez jr, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Fernando Vargas, je upokojeni ameriški boksar mehiškega rodu in 3 Svetovni prvak, ki je osvojil bronasto medaljo kot amater na 1995 Pan American Gamesin Mar del Plata. Njegovi vzdevki vključujejo “Divji”, “Aztec Warrior” in “El Feroz”. Vargas je bil najmlajši tekmovalec, da postane svetovno svetlobe prvak v srednji kategoriji na 21 stari v zgodovini boksa let.
Some of Fernando’s notable wins include victories over former world champions Raúl Márquez, Yori Boy Campus, Ike Quartey, and over Winky Wright. His losses to Oscar De La Hoya, Félix Trinidad, Shane Mosley, and Ricardo Mayorga remain his only career defeats and he is a favorite of American cable TV giant HBO.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj mesecih pred dogodkom, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




Mikey Garcia Knocks Out Dejan Zlaticanin To Become Three-Division World Champion; VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2kGcUC9


An Encore Presentation of Sobota SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® Telecast Will Air Ponedeljek pri 10 p.m. IN/PT na Showtime EXTREME


Kliknite TUKAJ For Photos from Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


LAS VEGAS (Jan. 28, 2017) – Leo Santa Cruz reclaimed the WBA Featherweight Championship, executing a brilliant game plan to dethrone Carl Frampton in a rematch of their epic first fight in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Sobota pred 10,085 raucous fans at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


With the scores 114-114 sestavi, in 115-113 dvakrat, both fighters now own a majority decision and promised to settle the score in a trilogy.


The fight picked up where the champions left off last July in Brooklyn with tremendous action and back and forth exchanges, but it became immediately evident that Santa Cruz had adjusted his game plan. The three-division world titlist worked off the jab, fought with patience at range and picked his spots perfectly. The brawler out-boxed the boxer.


Frampton (23-1, 14 Kos) was more aggressive in the second half of the fight and attacked on the inside, but his aggression opened him up to effective counter shots from Santa Cruz (33-1-1, 18 Kos).


Santa Cruz, who has made a living with trademark aggression and high volume output, was clearly more patient in the second fight. He threw 884 luknjači, well below his division-leading average, including over 400 Jabs. Frampton, of Belfast, Severna Irska, managed to throw nearly 600 luknjači, but he connected at just 22 odstotkov.


As was the case in the first fight, the rematch was fought at times at a blistering pace, especially in the second half. Frampton and Santa Cruz combined to throw 193 punches in the final round, 90 of which were thrown by Frampton, the most he threw in any round of the fight.


“Before the fight, I said I wanted revenge and I wanted to work hard,” said the 28-year-old Santa Cruz. “I went to the gym and I worked hard and I did what I had to do.


“My head was telling me to go forward and pressure him, but my dad and corner were telling me to box him. That’s what I had to do. I always fight for the fans, vendar Nocoj I fought for myself too.”


Leading into the rematch, it became evident that Santa Cruz and Frampton were perhaps forever linked. Santa Cruz had promised to earn back his title and grant Frampton a rematch, while Frampton didn’t shy away from expressing his desire to make their rivalry a trilogy. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2jDj48u


“Of course I want the rematch,” Santa Cruz said after the fight. “I’m a man of my word and I said if I won I would give him the trilogy. Carl Frampton is a good fighter. Let’s make a third fight.”


The two-division titlist Frampton, who was the consensus 2016 Borec leta, told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray that Santa Cruz deserved the decision.


“It was a very tough fight,"Je dejal Frampton, ki se obrne 30 years old next month. “Some of the rounds were close. I really think Leo deserved it. He told me what he was going to do. The brawler was out-boxing the boxer. My fault. I’m sorry. We will have to do it again. We have to do it again.


“He was very clever and he used his reach. I think he deserved it. I’m being honest. But it was a very good fight. I think I can perform slightly better. Brez izgovorov.


“Let’s do it again. I hope he’s a man of his word and comes to Belfast. I hope he does.”



Mikey Garcia became a three-division world champion with a vicious third-round knockout of previously undefeated defending WBC Lightweight World Champion Dejan Zlaticanin in the co-main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


The rousing and definitive victory marked Garcia’s return to boxing’s elite. The Oxnard, Kaliforniji., native was an undefeated two-division champion when he entered a two-and-a-half year layoff due to promotional issues. He returned last July on SHOWTIME with an impressive performance and made a statement v soboto by capturing a title in a third weight class in just his second fight v treh letih.


Garcia (36-0, 30 Kos) kept Zlaticanin off balance and out of range with his jab, setting up powerful rights that repeatedly backed up his opponent. The 29-year-old hurt Zlaticanin with a flush right uppercut in the final minute of the third, followed by a punishing and perfectly timed right that immediately knocked the Montenegrin out cold. Zlaticanin remained on the canvas for several minutes before returning to his feet as a concerned Garcia paced the ring.


It was the first time Zlaticanin (18-1, 11 Kos), the most avoided fighter at 135 funtov, was ever hurt or knocked down.


“I’m thankful Dejan, my opponent, is okay now,” Garcia said. “We never wish any bad on anyone in this sport and I’m glad he was able to get up and be OK. I wished him a great career still, and he said thank you. I told him he’s still a champion. Once a champion, always a champion.


“He kept coming in and I saw the opportunity for the uppercut. He was hurt. When he turned back to look at me I knew he was hurt and I went for the overhand right. I saw it in his eyes. It was just the perfect time and perfect distance.


“I think the layoff allowed me to reignite my fire and my passion and bring back that love for the sport. And in that two-and-a-half year layoff I always had the support of my loyal fans.”


Garcia now sets his sites on unifying the lightweight division. WBA Lightweight World Champion Jorge Linares and former titlist Anthony Crolla will fight in a highly anticipated rematch on Marec 25 live on SHOWTIME from Manchester, Anglija. The WBC, the belt Garcia picked up v soboto, has mandated that the winner of Linares vs. Crolla II must face the winner of Zlaticanin vs. Garcia.


“I’m available to unify any titles. If we can get the organizations to come together and unify titles we would love that. Maybe move up to 140 pounds by the end of the year.”


Zlaticanin, who was the first champion in the history of Montenegro, was frustrated with his performance and inability to execute his game plan.


I was just getting ready to pick it up a little bit and I got between the ropes and then he hit me with a good, hard punch,” Zlaticanin said.


Mikey is a good fighter without a doubt. I never was able to get into the fight. I was pressuring and trying to break him down in the early rounds.



Ivan Redkach outclassed Demond Brock, utilizing effective uppercuts and body shots en route to an eighth-round knockout victory (2:30) on SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME.


Once a highly-touted prospect, REDK (20-2-1, 16 Kos) was looking to get back to his winning ways after entering 1-2-1 V svojih zadnjih štirih Deluje. He stamped his return by closing the show in impressive fashion in the eighth and final round, flooring Brock with two big left hooks with little more than one minute left in the fight. Brock (13-4-1, 4 Kos) beat the count but was on unsteady legs and defenseless against a barrage of combo shots, forcing referee Jay Nady to step in and halt the contest with just 30 seconds left on the clock.


“Zelo sem navdušena. Ne bi mogla biti srečnejša,” Redkach said. “I want to thank Team Santa Cruz. So moja družina. We had a great camp and I can’t wait to see Leo fight. I’m just so happy I won the fight.


Highly-regarded super middleweight prospect David Benavidez made quick work Sherali Mamadjanov, knocking down the previously once-beaten fighter twice en route to a second round TKO (1:04).


The 20-year-old Benavidez (17-0, 16 Kos) floored Mamadjanov (14-2, 7 Kos) with just seconds left in the first round with a vicious left hook to the stomach followed by a straight right. It was the first time the Uzbekistan native had touched the canvas in his professional career. Benavidez connected with another big left hook to the body one minute into the second, Mamadjanov got up but was clearly unsteady and Russell Mora immediately halted the contest.


The Phoenix native connected on 55 odstotkov svojih moči posnetkov, while Mamadjanov landed just one power punch.


I am a little disappointed because I wanted to give the crowd a spectacular knockout,” Benavidez said. “This is my first time fighting at MGM Grand and I will never forget it. The atmosphere here is amazing. This fight week has been the best experience of my life.


I want to continue to fight as much as I can. I want to perfect my craft, train as hard as I can and be the best that I can be.


Super lightweight prospect Josh Taylor won a hard-fought unanimous decision victory over a game Alfonso Olvera, Med strelce 79-72, 78-73 dvakrat, in the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME. Taylor, who entered the bout with a perfect record of 7-0 with seven knockouts, was extended past the fifth round for the first time in his career.


Taylor (8-0, 7 Kos) broke down Olvera (8-3-1, 3 Kos) with a steady diet of body shots, a sharp jab and effective counter punching. The 2012 Olympic representative for Scotland landed 57 percent of his power shots and 43 odstotkov svojih skupnih luknjači, while Olvera connected at just a 17 percent clip.


I wasn’t surprised he didn’t go down,” Taylor said. “I wasn’t looking for the knockout. Just wanted to get the win.


He was very awkward. I couldn’t get going like I wanted to, but I did get some shots off and felt like I hurt him at times.


Taylor’s trainer Shane McGuigan said, “I’m happy with his performance. It wasn’t his best, but he did enough to win. He is young. He is still a novice. I’m looking forward to continuing to see his progress and what he will do moving forward.


The fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions and was sponsored by Corona La Cerveza Mas Fina.



“It will be a spectacular night”

View on YouTube: http://s.sho.com/2kF4fE6

To Download, Post and Share: https://we.tl/XE3RY7BrBQ

Fight night has arrived! Watch this behind-the-scenes video from fight week in Las Vegas as Carl Frampton and Leo Santa Cruz prepare for their highly anticipated WBA Featherweight World Title fight Nocoj live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT) iz MGM Grand v Las Vegasu. In the telecast’s opening fight, the WBC Lightweight World Championship will be contested between champion Dejan Zlaticanin and the challenger Mikey Garcia.

# # #


Carl Frampton vs. Leo Santa Cruz II is a world championship rematch of the 2016 Fight of the Year candidate featherweight showdown. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action on Saturday, Jan. 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Areni v Las Vegasu. V so-glavni dogodek, lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin will meet former two-division champion Mikey Garcia in the opening bout on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT.

Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, stanejo $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 in $54, in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na www.AXS.com.

Carl Frampton vs. Leo Santa Cruz II Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos

SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS & SHOWTIME EXTREME Action This Sobota, Januar 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegasu
Kliknite TUKAJ

za (Correct) Photo Link from
Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Andy Samuelson/
Premier Boxing prvakov
LAS VEGAS (Januar 26, 2017) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Carl Frampton in nekdanji tri delitev svetovni prvak Leo Santa Cruz went face-to-face Četrtek at the final press conference before they enter the ring for their highly anticipated rematch that headlines a Premier Boxing prvakov event thisSobota, Januar 28 pri MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and live onSHOWTIME.
Televizijska pokritost SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS se začne na 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT with undefeated lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin battling former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia, who also squared-off at the final press conference before their championship showdown Sobota.
The press conference also featured fighters competing in the SHOWTIME EXTREMEportion of the card beginning at 8 p.m. IN/PT. Featherweight world champion Lee Selby brani svoj naslov proti nekdanji prvak Jonathan Victor Barros, neporažen vzhajajoča zvezda David Benavidez takes on once-beaten Sherali Mamadjonov in neporažen možnosti Josh Taylor will have highlights of his 10-round super lightweight contest featured on-air, dovoljen čas.
Santa Cruz announced at the press conference, that he will be raffling off his ring outfit, gloves and other items following the fight and plans to donate the money to a children’s cancer charity. Additional information will be posted on his social media accounts (@leosantacruz2 on Twitter and @elfamosoterremoto on Instagram).
CARL Frampton
Both Leo and myself enjoyed the fight, although more importantly, the fans enjoyed it. I have to give Leo credit for taking the rematch and making this happen.
I think with this fight, there can’t be too much that goes differently. Our styles just gel together. Leo is a tremendous fighter who I have the utmost respect for inside and outside of the ring.
Both of us fight for our families. That’s really all the motivation you need. Two young men with young kids who just want to give their children a better life. Those are the ingredients for a top quality contest.
There’s no doubt we both have what it takes to win this fight, but the way things have been going this training camp, I’m extremely confident I’ll get the win. Jaz sem navdušena za boj, but I believe that I’m going to come home victorious. This crowd that has come from overseas to support me is incredible and I’m hoping to send them home happy.
LEO Santa Cruz
“Vesel sem, da je tukaj. Since I was very small it was my dream to be the main event on a big card. I saw all of the other greats fight here and I always said that maybe one day I could fight here. Now I’ve made it, thanks to the help of my family and team.
Now that I’ve made it here, I want to make sure I shine. I want to give my best. I’m really prepared for this fight. Our first fight was great and this is going to be another tough fight.
We’ve been working on some little things in the gym. We’re going to be smarter but as a Mexican fighter, I’m going to give the fans a great fight. Every time I step into the ring, I’m trying to please the fans.
I can use my distance and box if I wanted to, but I want to brawl. I want to bring my heart to the ring and entertain the fans. I’m going to do a little bit of everything.
I’m going to be the smarter fighter and I’m going to do what I have to do to win this fight. I think this fight is going to be even better than the first fight.
I need to really fight the best fight of my career. This is a huge fight and it’s the main event in Las Vegas. This is what I dreamed of. I’m seeing the benefits of all of the hard work I’ve put in.
Carl is a great fighter with great skills. He’s very respectful and I know that he does this for his family too. When you do this for your family, you do it with heart and hunger and you leave everything in the ring.
Garcia has very good timing and power, especially with the right hand. I don’t think he’s very flexible in the ring though. That will hurt him.
This is a big fight for me and my country of Montenegro. People love me there and I think the whole country will be awake to watch this fight.
I think I’m a stronger fighter and I’ve fought just as good opposition. It will be a good fight, but I am coming for the knockout victory.
I know how dangerous Mikey Garcia is and it’s a big deal that I get to defend my title against him. When they told me about this fight, I immediately accepted because I want to fight against the best.
People might not know about me right now, but after Sobota, they will know about me forever. This is a risky fight but a win would be huge for me and my country.
I can’t think about anything but the fight. I just want to get in the ring and show everyone my skills and my heart.
If Mikey avoids fighting me in the middle I could see it going 12 krogi, but I’ll definitely be looking for the knockout if I can get it.
It’s an unbelievable feeling to be here in Las Vegas. To be one of the stars of this show is fantastic. A lot of boxers dream of being in this position and I’m living it.
I had time to experience a lot of things during my layoff that I hadn’t done before. Especially spend a lot of time with my family, but I always stayed in shape and that has kept me ready for this moment.
I think this was one of the best training camps that I’ve ever had. My focus is on lightweight and winning this title. Depending on how my body feels, I could see myself moving up to 140 pounds later this year.
This is a chance to add another chapter to my legacy. I just want to add to my legacy and the legacy of the whole Garcia boxing family. I’m going to leave my mark.
“Mi smo tu. Now that I’m back, I’m ready to take over. I’m taking on the biggest challenges available. These are opponents with the credibility that I need. These are the guys I can prove myself against. I want to take the title away from a legitimate champion.
Dejan is the most dangerous champion in the division. He has great power, but I believe in what I’ve got. We’re picking up right where we left off. Sobota night I’m going to add another title to the collection and give the fans more to enjoy.
This next stage of my career will be the biggest and best part of my career. Dejan believes he’s going to win and so do I. That’s the recipe for a great action fight.
LEE Selby
I’m happy and excited to be fighting at the mecca of boxing in Las Vegas. I turned professional in 2008 and fought in small venues. Against all odds, I’ve made it here to be defending my title on this great stage.
I know that I need to look impressive in this one. It’s a great opportunity to be showcased on a card of this magnitude. I’m looking to really build off of what I did in training.
I worked so hard throughout this camp. I’ve treated it like I’m the main event and I know that will translate in the ring.
If I can get this victory and if Frampton wins again, that’s definitely the fight I’m looking at. It’s a massive unification in the U.K. and I think boxing fans around the world would be interested in that one.
Hopefully I’ll give you all a great show v soboto noč. I’ll show my boxing and punching skills and walk out of the ring still a world champion.
DAVID Benavidez
I’ve been training very hard for this fight. It’s an opportunity to show my skills. I’ve been training for three months and I’m as ready as can be.
“To se dogaja, da je velika noč za boks. You don’t want to miss it.
I believe I have a style that’s going to entertain fans. This is another challenge that’s in front of me on the way to a world title.
I’m ready to put on a big performance Sobota noč. I hope that this will lead to bigger and better challenges for myself.
I’m very happy to be here. I’m excited to fulfill my dream to fight in Las Vegas. I’ve traveled all the way from Uzbekistan to take this fight.
I am going to leave everything in the ring in search of this victory. I want to make a name for myself and this is a great opportunity to do that.
I’m so excited to be here in Las Vegas for the first time. I’m thrilled to be on such a big undercard so early in my career.
This has been a great training camp and I’m ready to bring that work into the ring and show my skills for the fans in Las Vegas.
I’m going to bring another victory back home with me and give everyone a great showSobota noč.”
RICHARD SCHAEFER, Predsednik & CEO Ringstar šport
The goal in this promotion was to make this fight as big as it could be and I hope you enjoy it v soboto noč.
This is a card of winners. These fighters here have around 300 wins with only 30 izgube. It’s also a card of punchers, with almost 200 knockouts between these fighters. Vstopnice začeti na samo $50, which is an amazing value for this kind of card.
Sobota night will be the happiest place on earth for fight fans right here at the MGM Grand. I guarantee that Sobota night will be a spectacular night of boxing.
We want to continue to bring these great stacked cards to viewers in the United States and all around the world. If you look at the SHOWTIME boxing calendar, it is truly a great time to be a boxing fan.
This fight between Zlaticanin and Garcia could truly be a main event on almost any other card. This is two great champions fighting each other and it’s guaranteed to be exciting. This is a very dangerous fight for both fighters.
Leo always has a smile on his face, even when he gets punches. He is one of the most exciting fighters in the sport and one of the kindest guys. He really defines the word ‘entertainment.You will never see a boring fight when Leo is in the ring.
BARRY McGuigan, Nekdanji svetovni prvak, Hall of Famer and Frampton’s Manager
I’m very excited about this great night. This is going to be a sensational fight. We have great respect for Leo Santa Cruz and his family. They’re great people and they can really fight.
This is a great main event and the undercard is spectacular. I don’t think I’ve seen one like this in a long time.
“To bo težka boj, but we’re taking the belt home with us.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive VP & Generalni direktor, Showtime Šport
SHOWTIME has televised more boxing events from the MGM Grand than any other network. It became our second home. We’re glad to be back and we’ll be back many more times.
We’re thrilled to present a fight the caliber of Lee Selby vs. Yoni Barros in a world title fight on SHOWTIME EXTREME, where so many great fighters have gotten their start.
In our main event, Frampton-Santa Cruz was the 2016 Boj leta. By wide consensus Frampton was the Fighter of the Year in 2016. This fight has a chance to become a great rivalry. It reminds me in many ways of the Marco Antonio Barrera and Erik Morales at featherweight, several of which took place at MGM Grand.
The first fight was so close that there was a difference of just 13 total punches in the 12 krogi. It was so action packed that nearly 80 percent of the punches landed, were power punches. It was so close a fight, that the fighters landed within six punches of each other, v 10 za 12 krogi. That’s the definition of a close fight and we’re thrilled that these fighters agreed to a rematch so quickly.
Dejan Zlaticanin is one of the most avoided fighters at the lower weight classes. Mikey Garcia is not one who goes with the norm. Zlaticanin is the eighth consecutive opponent for Mikey who has held or fought for a world title. It’s a very special fight.
Top to bottom, this card is what this sport can be at its best. These are hard-working, professional guys who are really a credit to the sport.
RICHARD STORM, President of Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International
This weekend’s championship event marks the exciting rematch between Carl Frampton and Leo Santa Cruz. This international battle kicks off another year of sensational sports entertainment at our properties in Las Vegas.
We look forward to another Fight of the Year candidate as Frampton looks to remain undefeated while Santa Cruz looks to reclaim his belt. We look forward to seeing youSobota noč.”
Carl Frampton vs. Leo Santa Cruz 2 is a world championship rematch of the 2016 Fight of the Year candidate featherweight showdown. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action on Sobota, Januar 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Areni v Las Vegasu. V so-glavni dogodek, lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin will meet former two-division champion Mikey Garcia in the opening bout on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT.
Featherweight world champion Lee Selby will fight for the second time in the United States when he battles former world champion Jonathan Victor Barros in action on SHOWTIME EXTREME beginning at 8 p.m. IN/PT.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, stanejo $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 in $54, in so na prodaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na www.AXS.com.
Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comin www.mgmgrand.com, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports in www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.

Carl Frampton vs. Leo Santa Cruz 2 Fighter Grand Arrivals & Media Workout Quotes & Photos


SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS & SHOWTIME EXTREME Action This Sobota, Januar 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Arena v Las Vegasu

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Esther Lin / Showtime

Kliknite TUKAJ for Photos from Andy Samuelson/

Premier Boxing prvakov

LAS VEGAS (Januar 25, 2017) – Fight week officially kicked-off Sreda with fighter grand arrivals and media workouts before the Premier Boxing prvakov event this Sobota, Januar 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and live on SHOWTIME.


Headlining the SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS card and Sredinem workout were featherweight world champion Carl Frampton in nekdanji tri delitev svetovni prvak Leo Santa Cruz, who meet in a rematch of their July Fight of the Year candidate. Televiziji akcija se začne ob 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT with undefeated lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin battling former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia.


Also participating in the workout were a pair of fighters who will be featured on SHOWTIME EXTREME z začetkom ob 8 p.m. IN/PT. Featherweight world champion Lee Selby brani svoj naslov proti nekdanji prvak Jonathan Victor Barros while undefeated rising star David Benavidez takes on once-beaten Sherali Mamadjanov.


Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, stanejo $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 in $54, in so na prodaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na www.AXS.com.


Tukaj je tisto, kar so udeleženci imeli za povedati Sreda from MGM Grand:


CARL Frampton


“I think I’m going to get another win. I feel like I’ve been improving during training and I feel like I’m getting stronger and punching harder. If I have to go into the trenches again, I’m prepared to do that.


“This is my second fight at featherweight, so I think I’m getting more used to the weight. I feel more comfortable overall this time. Going into this fight, I have the psychological edge. I’m relaxed, excited and happy about boxing again.


“Leo and myself are both very motivated. I want to prove that the first fight wasn’t a fluke and that I’m a better fighter. I’m going to show that the awards I picked up last year are justified.


“I think if you look at Leo’s style, it’s exciting and it’s made him a three-weight world champion. The whole way through his career he’s fought with aggression. He has a high work-rate and he tries to bully opponents. I don’t think he’s going to do a lot different this time.


“If I can get a lead on the scorecards and make him desperate, that’s where I’m really going to capitalize.


“I believe that if I hit anyone in these weight divisions clean on the chin, they can go down and out.


“I believe that I’m going to face a very tough Leo Santa Cruz, kot vedno. This is going to be another difficult fight, but if I make the adjustments I’ve had to in the gym, I’ll win the fight more convincingly.


“It’s great to see people already out here supporting me, but there are more coming. Most people arrive Nocoj ali jutri. This is just a fraction and it’s going to be really exciting on fight night.


LEO Santa Cruz


“I’m very excited and happy to be here. I know that this is going to be another tough fight. This is what we want. We want to give the fans great fights and I think this is going to be another war. I’m looking to go in there and get my belt back.


“It’s a dream come true to be fighting back at MGM Grand. I’ve wanted to fight here since I was a kid. I never thought it would come true, but now that it is, I’m honored and excited to be fighting in the main event.


“It was very hard to lose for the first time. I was disappointed in myself and I knew I had let my fans down. I got a lot of great support thought and I felt a lot better. It motivated me to get to this fight.


“I have to be smarter in this fight. I need to be more patient. Frampton is a great counter-puncher so I think I need to counter the counter puncher. I’ll use my reach and do a little bit of everything to get the win.


“I think this will be even better than the first one. I’m more determined and hungrier this time and I think Carl Frampton is too. We’re going to come with everything we’ve got.


“I look at Carl Frampton and I see myself because I know that he is doing this for his family. To je tisto, kar počnemo. Once we get in that ring, to je vse poslovne. We respect each other outside of the ring.


“I can feel that it’s going to be a great atmosphere. This is where we want to be and these are the kinds of fights we want to be in.


“I know a lot of Irish people will be out to support Carl Frampton and I know the Mexican fans will be here to support me. That’s what I want. We both deserve support because we’re going to give a great fight for the fans.


“We want a trilogy. If I get the win, I will happily give him a third fight and make this a great rivalry that goes back-and-forth.


“Since I started boxing, I’ve been throwing a lot of punches. The kids couldn’t take my pressure and they said I destroy them like an ‘earthquake.’ That’s where ‘Terremoto’ comes from.”




“I’m very happy to be here for this huge event at MGM Grand in Las Vegas. I’m very grateful to my team for making this fight possible. We’re striving to be the best. I’m a world champion and I’m going to leave the ring a champion. Mikey can try and take away my belt, but he’s not going to be able to do.


“I’m going for a knockout. I’m the kind of fighter who is going to be aggressive. I always want to impress the fans and give them excitement.


“If Mikey stands in the pocket with me, it will be a short night. If he wants to box, it will take a little longer. But My goal is still to knock him out.


“It’s going to be hard in Las Vegas to get a decision against a Mexican icon like Mikey Garcia and this is why I’m trying to make it exciting and bring the fight to him.”




“I love to jab and use it to set up other big punches. It’s a foundation for everything, even defense. A lot of fighters don’t use it, but I could use it for an entire fight. All of those big punches can change a fight, but the jab sets everything up.


“This fight is a great opportunity for me and I’m going to take advantage of it. This is a new division for me and I believe I’m facing the toughest guy in the division. This is going to be a great division for me. I feel fast and strong and really believe you will see the best Mikey Garcia at lightweight.


“Had I been fighting during my layoff; I would probably be close to retiring by now. The time allowed me to go enjoy life and my family and come back to the sport with a new mindset and ready to work.


“There are still a lot of things that I want to accomplish in this sport. This would be my third division with a world title. I would obviously want to unify titles or go after title at 140-pounds. I’m going to do whatever it takes to elevate myself in this sport.


"To je velik boj. Dejan is going to come to win. I’m coming to take his title. It’s going to be a great show but I feel that I’m going to win a world title in my third-division.


“If I could get the winner of the Jorge Linares-Anthony Crolla rematch, and claim supremacy in the division, that would be great. I’ll go anywhere in the world to do it and I definitely want these challenges.


“I think this is going to be a great fight but I do believe that I’m going to become the new world champion v soboto noč. "


LEE Selby


“This is massive for where I came from. To build myself up to this moment is amazing and I’m excited to be here.


“I think every boxer dreams of fighting in Las Vegas, especially in the U.K. We’ve watched Floyd Mayweather fight here for years and we want to emulate that. It’s not an unrealistic dream now.


“My opponent is a big physical guy with a lot of experience. He can definitely punch and he’s going to try throw shots from an unorthodox position. Hopefully my angles will help me be successful.


“I think people have been overlooking my fight. It’s going to be a very tough battle. I don’t think it’s going to be an easy fight, but if I can come through okay it would be a massive fight against Carl Frampton next. I think it would be one of the biggest in the U.K.


“Having already fought in the U.S. is valuable because it helps me know what to expect. But fighting in Las Vegas will be different. Carl Frampton has brought a lot of fans over and we’ll see whether they cheer or boo me. Either way it’ll be a good atmosphere.


“It was hard to pick a winner between Frampton and Santa Cruz in the first fight and I was sitting ringside. I’m rooting for Carl Frampton this time so we can make that huge unification fight.


“This is a great opportunity for fans to see two international stars like Carl and myself in-person and we’ll certainly put on a great show.”


DAVID Benavidez


“I trained really hard for this fight. I have a strong, tough opponent but I’m going to go in there and prove to everybody that I can be the best.


“I’ve always wanted to prove to my older brother (unbeaten welterweight Jose) that I could do this just like him and make a name for myself in the sport. I’m looking to be part of a new generation of fighters.


“This is a good fight for me on my way to a world title shot. I’m just working hard to get better every day so that I can earn my spot in the ring with the top guys.


“I think my time is coming. If I can keep performing and taking advantage of these opportunities, my goals are in reach.


“I think I’m going to be at 168-pounds for a while. I make the weight comfortably. I’m hoping to get a world title opportunity in that weight class first.


“I just want to be an exciting fighter. I want to be a fighter that everyone gathers around the television to watch. I always want to give the fans a great fight. I think I can do that while becoming one of the best fighters in boxing.”



Carl Frampton vs. Leo Santa Cruz 2 is a world championship rematch of the 2016 Fight of the Year candidate featherweight showdown. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action on Sobota, Januar 28 iz MGM Grand Garden Areni v Las Vegasu. V so-glavni dogodek, lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin will meet former two-division champion Mikey Garcia in the opening bout on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT.


Featherweight world champion Lee Selby will fight for the second time in the United States when he battles former world champion Jonathan Victor Barros in action on SHOWTIME EXTREME beginning at 8 p.m. IN/PT


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