Tag Archives: Las Vegas

Tops Chronicles Mayweather-McGregor Bout van opleiding tot wenner


Een van die mees verwagte gevegte kom Saterdag wanneer die bokskampioen Floyd Mayweather en die UFC-titelhouer Conor McGregor mekaar in die boksring aandurf – en Topps sal die hele byeenkoms beskrywe.

Tops, die eksklusiewe handelskaartvennoot van die UFC, het 'n beperkte uitgawe-handelskaartstel vervaardig wat die pad na die supergeveg bevat, wat eksklusief op Topps.com beskikbaar is. Elke stel bevat 20 kaarte wat die aanloop tot die stryd met die buite-hierdie-wêreld perskonferensies wys, intense oefensessies en onvergeetlike oomblikke. Die stelle ($24.99) is vir net een week beskikbaar en Topps sal slegs die aantal stelle wat gekoop is, druk.

Topps sal ook later hierdie week afsonderlik wedstrydvoorskoukaarte uitreik, beelde van die inweeg vertoon.

Om die warrelwind aangeleentheid af te sluit, 'n Topps-versamelbare handelskaart van die wenner tussen Mayweather en McGregor sal vrygestel word Maandag.

Die enigste plek om hierdie eksklusiewe items te vind, is op Topps.com.



Grammy® Benoemde en multi-platinum globale kunstenaar Demi Lovato om die volkslied te sing

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NEW YORK - Augustus 21, 2017 - Sean Combs en Mark Wahlberg verdubbel die komende SHOWTIME PPV-wedstryd tussen pond-vir-pond bokskoning Floyd "Money" Mayweather en UFC-kampioen "The Notorious" Conor McGregor. Showtime Sport® het 'n nuwe video vrygestel waar supersterre Combs en Wahlberg hul vorige Mayweather vs. Pacquiao weddenskap. Hierdie keer gaan hulle dubbel-of-niks, met Combs wat weer op Mayweather wed en Wahlberg wat sy geld op McGregor neersit. Om te kyk en te deelDie Bet 2 met Sean Combs en Mark Wahlberg, gaan: http://s.sho.com/2vhklVa. Om skakel af te laai vir uitsending: https://we.tl/ZY8QNHt41n.


Vandag, Showtime® het ook aangekondig dat sanger-liedjieskrywer Demi Lovato onderteken het om die volkslied tydens die hoofgeleentheid te sing. Lovato is 'n Grammy-genomineerde kunstenaar met meer as ses biljoen wêreldwye enkelstrome en nege platinum- en multi-platinum-enkelspelers agter haar naam. Sy het onlangs vrygelaat Jammer nie jammer, wat vinnig een van 2017 se grootste treffers geword het.


Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor is 'n 12-ronde, superweltergewig-wedstryd wat die legendariese bokser Mayweather teen die MMA-groot McGregor van alle tye in die hoofbyeenkoms van 'n ongekende betaal-per-kyk-bokskaart van vier gevegte pak.. Mayweather vs. McGregor vind plaas opSaterdag, Augustus 26 by 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT by T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Die geleentheid word regstreeks vervaardig en versprei deur SHOWTIME PPV en bevorder deur Mayweather Promotions. Die uitsending sal ook in Spaans beskikbaar wees met behulp van sekondêre klankprogrammering (SAP).

Uitsaai- en aanlyn-snitbeperkings: Nuusafsetpunte word vrygelaat om die Sean Combs- en Mark Wahlberg-snit op uitsaai- en digitale platforms te gebruik. Uitsaaipunte moet verwys na MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGOR en SHOWTIME PPV mondelings. Digitale afsetpunte moet verwys na MAYWEATHER vs. MCGREGOR en SHOWTIME PPV in die meegaande kopie of grafies oor die beeldmateriaal.

Vir meer inligting besoek www.SHO.com/Sports en www.mgmgrand.com, volg op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @diddie, @mark_wahlberg @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, en @Swanson_Comm of word 'n fan op Facebook by www.Facebok.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, enwww.Facebook.com/UFC. Jy kan ook die storielyn @puffdaddy op Snapchat volg.


Mayweather vs. McGregor ** In-Diepte Preview en Analise **

Deur: Tony Penecale

Veg of Farce? Toe Floyd Mayweather Jr. afgetree in 2015 met miljoene dollars in sy sak en 'n onbesmette 49-0 rekord, daar was 'n stortvloed bespiegelings oor of hy ooit na die ring sou terugkeer. ’n Gewilde idee was sy ego, saam met sy flambojante leefstyl, sal nie toelaat dat Mayweather lank wegbly nie. Wanneer een van die jong weltergewig vooruitsigte–moontlik Keith Thurman of Errol Spence–konsensus geword het #1 weltergewig in die wêreld, Mayweather sou jeuk om terug te kom en sy troon terug te eis.


Egter, dit het geblyk 'n boks buitestander te wees wat Mayweather terug in die ring getrek het, in die persoon van die brutale en kranige UFC-ster, Conor "The Notorious" McGregor. Bekend vir sy treffende vermoë en vreeslose houding, McGregor het boks se geldkoning uitgeroep en hom teruggejaag met 'n High Noon-kragmeting in Las Vegas.


Kan hierdie Mixed Martial Arts-kampioen suksesvol sy boksdebuut maak en een van die beste boksers in die geskiedenis verslaan? Of sal Mayweather bewys dat daar 'n verskil is om 'n voortreflike doelskieter in 'n gevegskunsomgewing te wees as in 'n bokswedstryd? Veg of Farce? Ons sal uitvind in hierdie Las Vegas "Superfight"!




Mayweather: Ouderdom: 40 jaar oud

Rekord: 49-0 (26 Uitklophoue)

Hoogte: 5'8"

Gewig: 146 * * Gewig vir die laaste bout (9-12-15)

Bereik: 72"


McGregor: Ouderdom: 29 jaar oud

Rekord: Pro Boxing-debuut (21-3 Plaasmoorde rekord)

Hoogte: 5'9 "

Gewig: 145 ** Gewig vir die laaste bout (11-12-16) **MMA uit

Bereik: 74"


RING prestasies



1996 Olimpiese brons medalje

WBC Super Veergewig Kampioen ('98-'02)

WBC liggewig-kampioen ('02-'04)

Ring Tydskrif Liggewig Kampioen ('02-'04)

WBC Junior weltergewigkampioen ('05-'06)

IBF-weltergewigkampioen (’06)

WBC-weltergewigkampioen ('06-'07)

WBC Junior middelgewig-kampioen (’07)

WBA Middelgewig Kampioen Junior (’12)

WBC-weltergewigkampioen ('11-'15)

WBO Welterweight Kampioen (’15)

Ring Tydskrif weltergewigkampioen ('06-'07)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-pond #1 Boxer ('05-'07, '12-'15)



Cage Warriors Fighting Championship (CWFC)

Veergewig Kampioen (’12)

Liggewig Kampioen (’12)


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)

Veergewig Kampioen (’15)

Liggewig Kampioen (’16)





'n Suiwer bokser met buitengewone vinnigheid en instinkte wat alles goed doen met 'n arsenaal wat 'n klap insluit, akkurate regterhand, en linkerhaak wat verdubbel en verdriedubbel kan word met geweldige effek. Gebruik fynbewegings om teenstanders te vries en ponsbane oop te maak. Druk sy ken goed agter sy skouer om met stampe te rol. Selfs op die toue, hy is 'n moeilike teiken om 'n stewige hou op te kry. Hy het nie groot slaankrag nie. Die meeste van sy onderbrekingsoorwinnings kom daarvan om sy teenstanders uit te slaan en uit te klas terwyl hy selde skoon uitklophoue behaal het.



McGregor boks vanuit 'n suidpoot-houding, lig op sy voete en met behulp van laterale beweging, op soek na openinge vir sy donderende linkerhand. Terwyl hulle onder gemengde gevegskuns reëls meeding, McGregor het dikwels wegskramte en worsteling vermy, eerder om sy spoed en krag vanuit 'n treffende houding te gebruik, dikwels met vernietigende gevolge.





* Ervaring – Boks is sedert sy kinderdae in Mayweather se bloed. Het 'n uitgebreide amateurloopbaan voltooi deur die bronsmedalje in die '96 Olimpiese Spele te wen. Hy het die afgelope tyd suksesvol op kampioenskapsvlak meegeding 19 jaar, alle style in die gesig staar en te verslaan.


* Kondisionering – Mayweather is ’n fiksheidsfreak met ’n wonderlike werksetiek wanneer dit by opleiding kom. Min vegters druk hulself soveel as Mayweather in die gimnasium, doen selfs middernagtelike opleidingsessies. Dit is duidelik in die ring wanneer sy stamina hom in die laat rondes dra.


* Ring Generaalskap – Mayweather ken elke duim van die ring en hoe om 'n geveg te beheer. Hy weet wanneer om aan te val, wanneer om te boks, wanneer om die hitte te verhoog, en wanneer om te kus. Mayweather besit die ring wanneer hy daar is. Selfs die seldsame kere wanneer hy in gevegte verstom was, hy kon vinnig tot rus kom en die dreigement onderdruk.



* Vreesloos – McGregor is ’n baie selfversekerde en braaf vegter. Hy het geen vrees getoon teen sommige gevaarlike MMA-vegters nie en het geen probleme gehad om hulle uit te tart nie, sy hande laat val, en dan sy dapper optrede te ondersteun.


* Onortodoks – Nie net is McGregor 'n suidpoot nie, hy is 'n uiters onortodokse suidpoot. Hy kom aggressief op sy tone in en skiet sy slae uit alle hoeke, hoofsaaklik sy handtekening linkerhand. Hy sal dit reguit of in 'n lusvormige manier van 'n afstand af gooi, en selfs in 'n kort kap mode terwyl in naby.


* Power – McGregor se treffende vaardighede en krag is in die UFC geprys en hy word wyd erken as een van die top-aanvallers in die wêreld van gemengde gevegskuns. Hy dra donderende krag in sy linkerhand en het uitklophoue in behaal 18 van sy 21 oorwinnings.





* Veroudering – Mayweather het dalk 'n onberispelike rekord, maar Father Time is nog nooit verslaan nie. Mayweather was meer platvoet in onlangse gevegte en hy is nou verby 40 jaar oud. Hy was nie so skerp in sy laaste paar wedstryde nie en is tevrede om teenstanders te neutraliseer en uit te wys.


* Onaktiwiteit – Dit is Mayweather se eerste geveg in byna twee jaar. Sedert sy oorwinning oor Oscar De la Hoya in Mei 2007, Mayweather het net 'n totaal van geveg 11 keer.


* Ponskrag – Die meeste van Mayweather se oorwinnings het gekom van 'n opeenhoping van vuishoue. Die gewone resultaat is dat die skeidsregter of opponerende hoek die geveg stop om verdere straf te voorkom. Nieteenstaande sy plofbare uitklophou van Victor Ortiz, dit is skaars om te sien dat Mayweather 'n wedstryd met een vuishou voltooi, dateer uit sy dae as 'n 130 lb bokser.



* Bokservaring – Ten spyte daarvan dat hy in gemengde gevegskuns meegeding het en ’n reputasie as ’n dominante doelskieter gehad het, daar is 'n groot gaping in die tegniek en vaardigheidsvlak van professionele boks, en McGregor is duidelik 'n beginner wanneer dit by tradisionele boks kom.


* Maklik om te slaan – Deur sy loopbaan in gemengde gevegskuns, verdediging was nooit McGregor se sterk punt nie en hy het 'n aantal skoon slae in sommige van daardie gevegte geneem. Berigte van sommige van sy sparringsessies het opgeduik wat sê dat McGregor se verdediging 'n aanspreeklikheid kan wees.


* Instinkte – McGregor het nie tradisionele boksinstinkte nie weens sy gebrek aan deelname aan die sport. Dinge wat natuurlik vir Mayweather en ander opgeleide boksers kom, sal nie so natuurlik kom nie “Mystic Mac,” en hy sal moet konsentreer en fokus daarop om nie sy bene of elmboë te gebruik soos hy in die gemengde gevegskunswêreld sou doen nie.





(09-12-15) Mayweather het van sy geskiedkundige oorwinning oor Manny Pacquiao gekom toe hy teen die verlepte Andre Berto afgereken het.. Die geveg was 'n teleurstelling met Mayweather wat maklik na 'n eenparige besluit oorwinning in wat aangekondig is as sy uittrede-wedstryd.



Dit is McGregor se professionele boksdebuut.


3 Beste vertonings



* Diego Corrales (1/20/01) – Kenners was verskeur oor wie om in hierdie een te kies, met baie wat na Corrales leun om met KO te wen. Mayweather het hom nooit in die geveg toegelaat nie, het hom vyf keer platgeslaan voordat die geveg in die 10de ronde gestaak is.


* Arturo Gatti (6/25/05) – Hoewel Mayweather ’n stewige weddery-gunsteling was, baie het verwag dat Gatti dinge vir Mayweather moeilik sou maak. Dit het nooit gebeur nie, want Mayweather het Gatti in die 1ste rondte onderdruk en 'n strawwe loesing toegedien voordat Gatti se hoek die geveg gestop het na ses eensydige rondtes.


* Ricky Hatton (12/8/07) – Hatton was onoorwonne toe hy aan die geveg deelgeneem het en het 'n wedstrydplan van konstante druk opgestel om Mayweather uit te dra. Na 'n paar ongemaklike rondtes, Mayweather kon sy reeks vind en oorneem, Hatton twee keer in die 10de ronde te vloer en 'n stilstand afgedwing.



* Eddie Alvarez (11/12/16 - UFC 205) – Word beskou as die mees dominante en volledige oorwinning in McGregor se loopbaan. Hy het sy voetwerk gebruik om Alvarez op 'n afstand te hou en takedowns te vermy. McGregor het Alvarez gestraf, hom twee keer vroeg platgeslaan, en hom dan uittart in die 2nd rond met sy hande agter sy rug. Kort daarna, 'n kombinasie van vier vure het Alvarez in 'n nederlaag verpletter.


* José Aldo (12/12/15 - UFC 194) – ’n Spoelteller-linkerhand van McGregor was al wat nodig was om Aldo uit te slaan, om hom op sy gesig te laat val en die oorwinning in 'n ongelooflike aan te teken 13 sekondes.


* Diego Brandao (07/19/14 - UFC 46) – McGregor het vroeg ’n afslaan behaal en toe sy linkerhand begin land. Vier minute in, McGregor kon die ring afsny en Brandao met 'n linkerhand vloer, dwing a 1st ronde stilstand.



KEYS oorwinning



* Moenie dat McGregor enige selfvertroue kry nie


* Gebruik uitstekende bokservaring om hoeke te skep


* Time McGregor jaag en land reguit regterhande



* Verander sy aanval na die kop en lyf

* Dwing Mayweather teen die toue en maak die afstand toe


* Rof Mayweather op en dwing hom om kalmte te verloor




* Waarom word dit met streng boksreëls betwis? Eenvoudige antwoord is geld. Om mee te ding deur boksreëls te gebruik, die wedstryd sal onder die Mayweather Promotions "Money Team"-vaandel wees. Die geld van die lewendige hek, advertensies, betaal-per-kyk-inkomste, ens. sal gaan na die vegter se take-home pay. Om te kompeteer onder reëls vir gemengde gevegskuns sal dan onder die UFC-vaandel val waar Dana White sekerlik 'n groot deel van die geld sal hou.

* Sal die 8oz handskoene 'n impak hê? McGregor het aan gemengde gevegskuns deelgeneem met vingerlose 4oz-handskoene. Die oorspronklike plan was om 10oz bokshandskoene te gebruik, maar daar is ooreengekom om eerder 8oz handskoene te gebruik. Dit bevoordeel Mayweather steeds, want hy is gewoond daaraan om swaarder handskoene te gebruik.


*Wie het die meeste om te verloor? Mayweather, sonder twyfel. Buite McGregor se span, sy mees lojale aanhangers, en beginnergeveg-aanhangers, meeste kenners verwag 'n oorheersende Mayweather-oorwinning. Die kans word in sy guns in 'n tradisionele bokswedstryd gestapel. As McGregor in 'n kort geveg verloor, dit is 'n morele oorwinning en 'n skewe verlies, al het sy ego gekneus, sou verwag word gegewe hul onderskeie ervaring. As Mayweather verloor of sukkel in 'n afsluiting, omstrede oorwinning, sy nalatenskap sou onherstelbaar aangetas word.


* Wat gebeur as McGregor MMA-aanvalle gebruik? Mayweather en sy span is deeglik wanneer hulle 'n gevegskontrak opstel. Sy kontrak toe hy teen Manny Pacquiao geveg het, het gelyk soos 'n Herman Melville-roman. As McGregor enige onwettige martial arts taktiek probeer, hy sal sekerlik 'n groot stuk verbeur, indien nie almal nie, van wat na raming minstens 'n betaaldag van $75 miljoen dollar is.


* Sal Mayweather meer aggressief veg? Oor die afgelope dekade, Mayweather het sy bestaan ​​gemaak deur sy verdedigings- en teenslaanvermoëns te gebruik om sy gevaarlike teenstanders te neutraliseer en op punte te wen. Hy lyk skaars soos die briljante vegter wat teenstanders vroeg in sy loopbaan verblind en oorweldig het. Terwyl hy nog vroeg 'n Mayweatheresque verdedigingstrategie sal gebruik, die openings wat McGregor bied en die begeerte om sy teëstander van braggadocios te verneder, sal daartoe lei dat Mayweather meer op sy vuiste sit en soek na kraggeleenthede vir die kop en lyf.


* Sal die geveg lelik word? Nie een vegter is bang om die arrogante skurkrol te speel of om die reëls 'n bietjie te buig nie. In sparringsessies, McGregor is gesien hoe hy pakslae na die agterkop kry en stoot. Mayweather is gekritiseer omdat hy Victor Ortiz met 'n vuishou uitgeslaan het toe Ortiz probeer om verskoning vra vir 'n oortreding. Die teenwoordigheid op Mayweather se span van Roger Mayweather en Leonard Ellerbe as brandbare elemente dra by tot die potensiaal vir drama. ’n Lelike geveg wat eindig met enige vegter wat gediskwalifiseer is, is nie ter sprake nie. Skeidsregter Robert Byrd sal sy hande vol hê om die aksie te beheer as foute begin voorkom.


* Wat gebeur volgende? As die geveg vermaaklik blyk te wees, naby, of omstrede, 'n rematch is moontlik. As McGregor die ontsteltenis afhaal, Mayweather sal beslis 'n herwedstryd versoek. As die geveg 'n noue Mayweather-oorwinning is, sy reputasie kan genoeg geskaad word dat hy 'n herwedstryd aanvra. As die geveg eindig met 'n oorheersende Mayweather-oorwinning, McGregor kan 'n ryker man en 'n groter crossover-ster teruggaan na die UFC. Mayweather beloof om weer uit te tree, maar waarskynlik net totdat hy weer uitgedaag word vir die volgende ultraryk geveg. Hy het ook te kenne gegee dat hy McGregor in die UFC Octagon kan uitdaag, al het hy op 'n onlangse konferensie aan verslaggewers gesê dit sal sy laaste wees “veg.”




Dit sal 'n hewige en elektriese atmosfeer wees soos die vegters die ring binnegaan, en dit sal opbou na 'n crescendo tydens 'n intense staar af. Soos Robert Byrd deur die instruksies gaan, McGregor sal in Mayweather se gesig inspring en probeer om te begin kapitaliseer op die intimidasiefaktor. Mayweather, normaalweg selfversekerd en ontspanne, sal reageer met 'n ysige glans.


McGregor sal uit sy hoek spring vir ronde een, beweeg vorentoe op sy tone en swaai sy arms op 'n onortodokse manier. Mayweather sal aan sy linkerkant beweeg weg van McGregor se kraghand as McGregor die aksie druk en vorentoe beweeg met 'n paar wilde linkerhande. McGregor sal nog 'n wilde links gooi wat te kort skiet en dan probeer om Mayweather in die toue te bult en hom met linkerhande knyp.. Mayweather sal teen die toue beklink en McGregor sal aan die binnekant probeer skeur, gebruik sy skouers as 'n wapen, wat die eerste waarskuwing van Robert Byrd regverdig. Soos die klok lui 'n slordige einde 1st ronde, McGregor sal saam met Mayweather kaak terwyl hulle na hul onderskeie hoeke terugstap.


Vir die eerste helfte van die 2nd ronde, die patroon sal voortgaan met Mayweather wat matador speel vir McGregor se bulstormloop en wilde linkerhande. Sowat 'n minuut in die strofe, terwyl McGregor nog een van sy vorderings begin, Mayweather sal na links draai en 'n spoel regterhand land, veroorsaak dat die sweet van McGregor se kop afspuit. Mayweather sal sy voete sit, rol sy skouers, en vuur nog 'n een-twee kombinasie in die middel af, maak 'n steek met sy steek en gooi nog 'n regterhand, wat weer spoel land.


Begin in die 3rd ronde, Mayweather sal sy oorheersing begin beweer. McGregor sal begin besef dat die beste boksvermoë in die wêreld van gemengde gevegskuns nie sukses in die bokswêreld waarborg nie. Die vinnigste NFL-lynspeler is steeds uit sy liga wanneer hy teen Usain Bolt gejaag het. Mayweather se natuurlike vermoë en ervaring sal skyn as hy na goeddunke met regte hande begin land, en McGregor sal die effekte wys met swelling en verkleuring onder sy linkeroog.


Die ongelykheid tussen talent en ervaring sal duidelik wees soos die wedstryd vorder in die 4ste en 5ste rondes. Mayweather sal gemaklik wees om in die sak te staan ​​en McGregor na willekeur met regte hande te slaan. Terwyl die regterhand sy hou van keuse teen sy suidpoot-teenstander sal wees, Mayweather sal ook voorloop met verskeie linkerboontjies, land sy pakslae uit 'n duiselingwekkende verskeidenheid van hoeke. Die einde van die 5ste rond sal 'n vinnig-vermoeiende McGregor op sy stoel sien sak


Die 6ste rondte sal 'n straf saak wees, soortgelyk aan Mayweather s'n 2005 disseksie van Arturo Gatti. Mayweather sal die huis vir sy regterhande gevind het en sal voortgaan om hulle skerp te land. Hy sal ook die steek steek, so wanneer McGregor op die vals byt en wegdraai om sy ken te beskerm, Mayweather sal die pons na die liggaam dryf voordat hy oor die bokant na die kop terugkom. ’n Linkerbo-snit sal McGregor se knieë knyp en nog ’n regterhand by die klok sal hom laat wankel, stuur hom terug na sy hoek.


Terwyl McGregor op sy stoel sit, sy linkeroog amper toe geswel, en bloed wat uit sy neus vloei, sy hoek sal besluit om hul vegter van bykomende straf te red en die geveg te stop. Mayweather sal uit sy stoel opstaan ​​en hom verheug oor sy oorwinning.


Die wenner deur 6ste ronde TKO is FLOYD “MONEY” MAYWEATHER JR!!!!


Mayweather vs. McGregor Conference Call Recordings



Former World Champion Shawn Porter Withdraws from Bout With Thomas Durlorme Scheduled for Mayweather vs. McGregor Preliminary Bouts on FOX & Fox Sports

Welterweight Contender Yordenis Ugas Replaces Porter & Will Face Former Title Challenger Dulorme
Saterdag, Augustus. 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
FOX & FOX Deportes Begins Live at 7 namiddag. EN/4 namiddag. PT
Four-Fight SHOWTIME PPV Telecast Begins at 9 namiddag. EN/PT
LAS VEGAS (Augustus 17, 2017) – Former world champion and top welterweight contender “Showtime” Shawn Porter has pulled out of the welterweight battle against former title challenger Thomas Dulorme that headlines the Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary bouts presented by Mayweather Promotions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saterdag, Augustus. 26 van T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Porter withdrew from the match due to personal reasons, which included a death in his family.
Top welterweight challenger and 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Yordenis Ugas (19-3, 9 Uitklophoue) will replace Porter and now take on Dulorme (24-2, 18 Uitklophoue) in the main preliminary bout on FOX and FOX Deportes.
On behalf of Mayweather Promotions we send our prayers and deepest condolences to the Porter family,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Uitvoerende hoof van Mayweather Promotions. “In boxing we have to deal with curveballs that constantly come at us. Thomas Dulorme has been training hard and is ready to face Yordenis Ugas. Ugas is a tough competitor that shouldn’t be overlooked, and Dulorme is ready. The fight fans are definitely in for an outstanding show between Dulorme and Ugas come Augustus. 26.”
I have been training for this fight for a several weeks now, I knew at the-time Porter was going to be a tough challenger so I took training camp extremely serious,” Said Dulorme. “Fighting on a card this big, you cannot doubt anyone in front of you. My new opponent doesn’t change much. All I can do is continue to stay focused and listen to my team and bring the best fight I can.
It’s an honor to be fighting on one of the biggest boxing cards in history and fighting in the same ring as one of the most famous boxers in the world – Floyd Mayweather,” Ugas said. “This is the type of fight that I’ve been looking forward to having since I came back last year after being off for almost three years. This will be my fifth fight in a year. And this is the second fight that I’ve taken on short notice this year. But it doesn’t bother me because I’m always training. Dulorme is a tremendous fighter. He’s very aggressive and very technical. He’s going to get my very best as I know I will get the very best from him. It’s really an honor to fight a quality opponent on a card like this.
Saterdag se coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 namiddag. EN/3 namiddag. PT. Prelims op FOX en FOX Deportes begin om 7 namiddag. EN/4 namiddag. PT and leads directly into the Mayweather vs. McGregor event that will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV beginning at9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT.
The action on FOX and FOX Deportes will include a 10-round battle between unbeaten prospects Juan Heraldez (12-0, 8 Uitklophoue) en Jose Miguel Borrego (13-0, 12 Uitklophoue).
Representing Puerto Rico, by way of French Guiana, Dulorme last fought in January when he stopped Brian Jones in the sixth-round to pick up his second straight win after the 27-year-old had previously challenged Terrence Crawford for a vacant world title in 2015. Prior to his title opportunity, Dulorme picked up impressive victories over Hank Lundy, Karim Mayfield and DeMarcus Corley. He will look to make a statement on his way to another world title opportunity with a win against Ugas.
Ugas will enter the ring for the third time in six months when he faces Dulorme on Augustus. 26. The 31-year-old Ugas, a bronze medal winner for the Cuban team in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, has been on an impressive four-fight roll that started last year when he scored a decision victory over then unbeaten Jamal James and followed it up by stopping then unbeaten Bryant Perrella in the fourth round. Ugas continued to take down contenders in 2017 as he defeated Levan Ghvamichava by decision on Februarie. 2 before stepping in at the last minute two months later to stop Nelson Lara.
Vir meer inligting: besoek http://www.foxsports.com/press pass / tuisblad, www.foxdeportes.com en www.t-mobilearena.com. Volg op Twitter @MayweatherPromo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes EnSwanson_Comm en word 'n fan op Facebook by www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesand www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Floyd Mayweather Las Vegas Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Mayweather vs. McGregor SHOWTIME PPV Event Saterdag, Augustus. 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
Meer! Gervonta Davis, Badou Jack & Andrew Tabiti Quotes & Photos Ahead of Showdowns on PPV Undercard
Klik HIER vir Foto's van Ester Lin / Showtime
Klik HIER vir Foto's van Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
(Foto's sal binnekort bygevoeg word)
LAS VEGAS (Augustus 10, 2017) – Floyd “Geld” Mayweather opened up the Mayweather Boxing Club on Thursday for a media workout ahead of his highly anticipated matchup against UFC champion Conor McGregor op Saterdag, Augustus. 26 in the headlining attraction of a SHOWTIME PPV event from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Joining Mayweather at the media workout were a trio of fighters competing under the Mayweather Promotions banner who enter the ring in undercard attractions on SHOWTIME PPV.
America’s youngest world champion, Gervonta “Tank” Davis will make the second defense of his world title against unbeaten challenger Francisco Fonseca while former world champion Badou Jack “Die Ripper” is set to challenge 175-pound titleholderNathan Slim in his debut at light heavyweight.
The PPV event begins at 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT with undefeated rising cruiserweight contender Andrew “The Beast” Tabiti taking ontwo-time world champion Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham in 'n 10-ronde bout.
Hier is wat die deelnemers moes Donderdag sê:
FLOYD Mayweather
I’ve been here before and I know what it takes. It’s my same old routine but I’m older now so I have to let the body rest a lot more. Met ouderdom kom wysheid. When I was a lot younger I would just train and train and never let myself recuperate. When I come back from resting I come back rejuvenated and with a lot more spark.
This isn’t just a fight; this is an event. We both owe the fans and everyone tuning in a lot of excitement. That’s what we’re there to give them.
I know I’m going to face a warrior. It’s not for me to worry about what he does on a day-to-day basis. I have to worry about what I have to go out there and do. I have to execute the game plan. I’m not going to overlook him. That’s why I’m in here working extremely hard.
When it’s all said and done it comes down to the two competitors. My dad can give me a brilliant game plan but he can’t get in there and fight for me. Same for Conor and his team. It doesn’t matter who the crowd’s rooting for, it’s two men in there.
This training camp has been a lot different. I’ve spent some time in Miami and in Los Angeles training. I’ve been pushed really hard by the young guys in camp. I don’t need to post every workout video because I’ve been around this sport a long time and everyone knows what I can do.
On paper we know he’s taller and has a long reach. He has youth on his side. People say that he has power on his side. I know that ring IQ and experience are in my favor. I have the fight knowledge on my side. We both have advantages.
I know he’s going to come out and try to switch stances. He’ll come out southpaw then go the other way. But all that does is burn energy. Then I’m going to give him a look and give him some knowledge, and we’ll see what happens.
Conor feels it’s not going to go past four rounds and I don’t think it’s going the distance. We’re both confident in our skills and we’ll see who gets it done.
My opponent is always confident, but it’s different being in there with Floyd Mayweather. They realize that this is real. But for me, it’s just another day. That’s the mentality that has allowed me to stay undefeated.
It’s been great to be in a position as a promoter to give knowledge to young fighters. It’s one of my ultimate goals to take a young fighter and make them a household name. I want to take fighters to the next level.
I’m feeling great. Being in the same ring and on the undercard of Floyd’s fight is amazing. I’ve worked hard to get to this point and I’m ready to put on a great show on Augustus 26.
Training has been sharp. I’ve been stopping a lot of guys in training. I can’t wait to get in the ring and give the fans a big knockout.
Being on this card has been a big motivation in training. It feels great and I’m truly blessed to be in this position. I think the excitement that this card brings will be great for the sport of boxing. I’m ready to shine.
I know I have a tough undefeated opponent who’s going to come in and try to take my belt and I have to take care of business. He has some decent power so I think it’s going to be an exciting fight.
I’ve accomplished a lot at a young age. It’s all because of the hard work that I’ve put in for my entire life. I don’t complain, I just keep working every day.
I’m ready to take full advantage of this chance I have. It’s just one step on a long road I see to the top of this sport.
JACK Badou
Everything is great in training camp. I’ve been in training for about seven weeks getting ready for this matchup. I’m excited and happy to be a part of such a big event.
I think this weight is going to be better for me. I’m going to have more power. I’ll be more athletic and style-wise I prefer to fight bigger guys. I can use my speed, but I also like to go inside and break my opponent down. It’s harder if I have to chase them, but the big guys are going to be right there.
Cleverly has a high work rate and he’s very tough. He’s going to come to fight. That’s what we want. It’s a good first fight for me at this weight.
I’m excited to work hard these next two weeks and get to fight night. He’s been in some good fights but I’m different than anyone he’s faced. I’ll show how my skills translate to light heavyweight.
It’s really a blessing to be in this position. I’m happy because a lot of other fighters don’t get to be on this stage. I’m so thankful to my whole team. I won’t let the fans down and onAugustus 26, I’m coming to steal the show.
I’ve done everything right to get to this point. It’s an honor to be in this position. I just have to take care of business.
This is a huge deal to me. Floyd Mayweather is the biggest star in boxing and to be a part of everything that’s going on is a dream come true.
I was really happy when I found out that I’d be fighting on this card. There aren’t really words for how blessed I am to be in this position.
“Hierdie stryd beteken baie vir my. This is a chance for me to become the American face of cruiserweights just like Steve Cunningham was. I’m taking this very seriously and I have great respect for Steve Cunningham, but this is my time to take it.
I’m ready to be a fresh face in the cruiserweight division. I’m going to give it everything I have. I’m humbled by this experience and I’m going to take advantage of it.
I can’t wait to open the show. There’s a little added pressure being at the beginning of the PPV but I’m going to embrace it and put on a great performance.
LEONARD Ellerbe, Uitvoerende hoof van Mayweather Promotions
Floyd is a lot wiser now. He’s gotten smarter with age. He’s a young man who has an incredible vision and I have a great deal of respect for everything he’s done.
The older you get, the harder it is to get things going in training. It’s taken Floyd a while to get in a groove, but he’s in a groove now.
All of these records being broken are because of Floyd Mayweather. He’s been innovative and he always thinks outside the box. That’s why he’s had such tremendous success.
We’ve been able to generate a great deal of interest in new avenues and bring Floyd to even more casual fans because of the boxing and MMA worlds colliding. This is going to be one of the biggest nights in sports entertainment history.
Both guys are looking to knock each other out. I believe Conor McGregor when he says that he’s looking to knock Floyd out in the first four rounds. He hasn’t shown me anything to make me think differently. Floyd usually just goes and does his thing, but with some things that have happened recently, I think Floyd really wants to get him out of there.
# # #
Mayweather vs. McGREGOR
Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor is 'n 12-ronde super-weltergewig-wedstryd wat die legendariese bokser Mayweather teen die MMA-groot McGregor van alle tye in die hoofbyeenkoms van 'n ongekende betaal-per-kyk-boksbyeenkoms van vier gevegte pak.. Mayweather vs. McGregor vind plaas op Saterdag, Augustus 26 by 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT by T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Die geleentheid word regstreeks vervaardig en versprei deur SHOWTIME PPV en bevorder deur Mayweather Promotions.
Vir meer inligting besoek www.sho.com/sports en www.t-mobilearena.com, volg op Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, en @Swanson_Comm of word 'n fan op Facebook by www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.Facebook.com/SHOSports en www.Facebook.com/UFC

Exciting Former World Champion Shawn Porter Meets Former Title Challenger Thomas Dulorme in Welterweight Battle That Headlines Mayweather vs. McGregor Preliminary Bouts on FOX & Fox Sports

Meer! A Battle Between Unbeaten Prospects Juan Heraldez &
Jose Miguel Borrego in the Co-Feature
Saterdag, Augustus 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
FOX & FOX Deportes Begins Live at 7 namiddag. EN/4 namiddag. PT
Four-Fight SHOWTIME PPV Telecast Begins at 9 namiddag. EN/PT
LAS VEGAS (Augustus, 10, 2017) – Former world champion and top welterweight contender “Showtime” Shawn Porter (27-2-1, 17 Uitklophoue) will take on former title challenger Thomas Dulorme (24-2, 18 Uitklophoue) in a 10-round showdown that headlines Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary bouts presented by Mayweather Promotions live on FOX en Fox Sports Saterdag, Augustus. 26 van T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
As always I’m just excited to get in the ring and perform,” Said Porter. “I think fighting on network television again will be awesome and a huge opportunity for me. And to do it before one of the most anticipated sporting events ever is even more exciting. I feel like I’ve earned this spot and I’m ready to give the people the appetizer they deserve! ‘ShowtimeShawn Porter never disappoints and I will prove that again on August 26.
I’m thankful for this opportunity on Augustus 26,” Said Dulorme. “I have been blessed with great fans and my last fight helped me to gain a little more recognition, but I am just getting started. I had a great performance back in January with a TKO victory, and this fight I plan to bring that same mindset into the ring. I am ready to win and to fight on Floyd Mayweather’s card is a blessing. I have a great team behind me and I am confident. I know my opponent is tough, but he’s just the opponent I need to really show everyone that I am even tougher.
Saterdag se coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 namiddag. EN/3 namiddag. PT. Prelims op FOX en FOX Deportes begin om 7 namiddag. EN/4 namiddag. PT and leads directly into the Mayweather vs. McGregor event that willbe produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV beginning at9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT.
Action on FOX and FOX Deportes will include a 10-round super lightweight bout between unbeaten prospects Juan Heraldez (12-0, 8 Uitklophoue) en Jose Miguel Borrego (13-0, 12 Uitklophoue).
After my last fight, I gained a lot of inspiration to show more to my fans,” Said Heraldez. “I’m bringing the best Juan Heraldez to this fight. My last few performances have been great, and I’ve shown that I can have the power to knock my opponents out. I’m familiar with my opponent, but truthfully he’s not a factor and on fight night my 0 will not go.
This is a great chance for me to continue to show that I have the skills to be a future world champion,” het Borrego gesê. “I’m going to leave everything in the ring and put on a great show for the fans like I always do. I respect my opponent and I think this will be a great fight, but I will end the night victorious.
The fans are in for a show,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Uitvoerende hoof van Mayweather Promotions. “Not only do we have an amazing lineup of fights on our PPV telecast, we have a stacked undercard and plan to give the fans more. More fights, more access. We plan to get the fans excitement brewing with matchups like Dulorme vs. Porter and Heraldez vs. Borrego all on network TV. These are some even matchups and we are happy to have FOX and FOX Deportes on board to showcase this talent ahead of the grand finale that is, Mayweather vs. McGregor.
A physically gifted fighter who had a strong amateur career, Porter became the WBC’s number one contender with a stoppage of Andre Berto in April after a close loss to unified champion Keith Thurman in June 2016 that garnered unanimous Fight of the Year consideration. The 29-year-old won a welterweight world title when he defeated Devon Alexander in 2013 in Brooklyn before defending the title with a dominant stoppage of Paulie Malignaggi. Die Akron, Ohio-native now lives and trains in Las Vegas and he bounced back from a previous defeat to Kell Brook to knockout Erick Bone and earn a unanimous over four-division world champion Adrien Broner in 2015.
Representing Puerto Rico, by way of French Guiana, Dulorme last fought in January when he stopped Brian Jones in the sixth-round to pick up his second straight win after the 27-year-old had previously challenged Terrence Crawford for a vacant world title in 2015. Prior to his title opportunity, Dulorme picked up impressive victories over Hank Lundy, Karim Mayfield and DeMarcus Corley. He will look to make a big statement on his way to another world title opportunity with a win against Porter.
Unbeaten and fighting out of Las Vegas under the Mayweather Promotions banner, Heraldez is unbeaten since turning pro in 2009, including a successful 2017 debut that saw him go eight rounds for the first time as he dropped Alfonso Olvera on his way to a unanimous decision. The 27-year-old earned five victories from 2015 deur 2016 and will have an opportunity to make a statement against his toughest opponent to date onAugustus 26.
Op net 19-jaar-oue, Borrego has burst onto the scene displaying big knockout power as he made his U.S. debut in February with a first round stoppage and followed it by stopping John Delperdang in the seventh-round of a televised contest this April. Fighting out of Aguascalientes, Mexiko, Borrego most recently scored a fourth-round stoppage of once-beaten Kevin Watts in June and enters this contest on an 11-fight knockout streak.
The undercard bouts in the arena will kick-off with 2016 Great Britain Olympian Savannah Marshall making her pro debut in a four-round super middleweight attraction. The 26-year-old from Hartlepool, England was an Amateur World Champion, a Commonwealth Games gold medalist and the only boxer to have ever defeated two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields.
Vir meer inligting: besoek http://www.foxsports.com/press pass / tuisblad, www.foxdeportes.com en www.t-mobilearena.com. Volg op Twitter @MayweatherPromo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes EnSwanson_Comm en word 'n fan op Facebook by www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes'nd www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Badou Jack Challenges 175-Pound Champ Nathan Cleverly & Undefeated Andrew Tabiti Takes on Two-Time World Champion Steve Cunningham In Trio Of High-Stakes Matchups Preceding
Mayweather vs. McGregor Main Event
Saterdag, Augustus. 26 Live on SHOWTIME PPV at 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT
From T-Mobile Arena In Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (Augustus 10, 2017) – Two world championship fights including a title defense by America’s youngest world champion are part of the trio of high stakes matchups on the Mayweather vs. McGregor SHOWTIME PPV undercard on Saterdag, Augustus. 26 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Die SHOWTIME PPV-byeenkoms met vier gevegte, begin regstreeks by 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT, is headlined by the unprecedented super welterweight matchup between boxing’s undefeated all-time great Floyd Mayweather and UFC superstar Conor McGregor. In die mede-featured bout, onoorwonne stygende ster Gervonta “Tank” Davis will make the second defense of his IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship against undefeated challenger Francisco Fonseca as the 22-year-old looks to continue his reign as the youngest current champion from the U.S.
WBA Light Heavyweight Titlist Nathan Slim will defend his title against former 168-pound world champion Badou Jack “Die Ripper”, who is stepping up in weight and into this world title tilt.
The pay-per-view telecast will open with undefeated rising cruiserweight contenderAndrew “The Beast” Tabiti taking ontwo-time world champion Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham in a 10-round bout for the USBA cruiserweight title.
What a night this will be for fight fans,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Uitvoerende hoof van Mayweather Promotions. “Not only will they witness a first of its kind main event, but they will also see two incredible world title fights, as Mayweather Promotionsvery own current and former world champions go head-to-head in separate bouts. Gervonta Davis is nothing short of pure boxing talent with dynamite power. Former super middleweight world champion Badou Jack is making his light heavyweight debut, and looking to take the title away from a tough and experienced Nathan Cleverly. Maar eers, Andrew “The Beast” Tabiti will open the pay-per-view telecast with what I expect to be a magnificent performance. This diverse card is an epic, international affair stacked with talent. Make sure you don’t miss the biggest event the sport has ever seen.
This undercard includes three meaningful matches featuring fighters we’ve seen develop over the years on SHOWTIME,” sê Stephen Espinoza, Uitvoerende vise-president en Algemene Bestuurder, Showtime Sport. “Gervonta Davis has fast-tracked himself to stardom on this network, we’ve seen Badou Jack develop from prospect to champion, and we’re now witnessing similar growth with Andrew Tabiti. We’re excited to watch them compete in tough, competitive matchups on this global stage.
Gervonta Davis vs. Francisco Fonseca – IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship
One of the fastest-rising young stars in the sport, Davis (18-0, 17 Uitklophoue) became the youngest reigning champion from the U.S. when he knocked out Jose Pedraza in January to capture the IBF 130-pound crown. The 22-year-old made his first title defense in style when he went to London and stopped Liam Walsh in May. Both bouts aired live on SHOWTIME. Representing Baltimore, Davis won the 2012 National Golden Gloves championship and scored knockouts in his first eight fights after turning pro in 2013. He enters this matchup on a streak of nine-straight fights that have ended with a knockout victory.
I’m really excited to fight as the co-main event on the biggest card in combat sports history,” het Davis gesê. “I plan to put on a great show for everyone in attendance in Las Vegas and for those who purchase the PPV. I want to thank my team for this incredible opportunity. I’m ready for Floyd Mayweather to pass his torch to me. To my fans, I appreciate all of you. Support me and I’ll fight for you!”
Fighting out of San Ramon, Costa Rica, Fonseca (19-0-1, 13 Uitklophoue) gewen het 19 straight fights after turning pro with a majority draw in 2013. Fonseca quickly established himself as one of the top fighters from his country with victory after victory, including a fourth-round knockout of Luis Gonzlaez to capture a regional 130-pound belt last August. The 23-year-old will make his U.S. debut when he faces Davis and he enters this contest having won his last five bouts inside of the distance. Fonseca began his 2017 with a third round knockout of Eliecer Lanzas in March and is trained by two-time world champion Ivan Calderon.
I am super grateful for this great opportunity,” said Fonseca. “The dream of every young boxer is to fight for the world title and this opportunity comes at the best moment of my career and in the biggest in the history of this sport. I will beat Gervonta Davis and I will shock the world that night.
Nathan Cleverly vs. Badou Jack – WBA Light Heavyweight World Championship
A two-time world champion at light heavyweight, Cleverly (30-3, 16 Uitklophoue) bounced back from a defeat to Andrzej Fonfara in a 2015 Fight of the Year contender to defeat hometown champ Juergen Braehmer last October to pick up his WBA title. Cleverly’s previous title reign saw him take down the likes of Tony Bellew, Nadjib Mohammedi, Shawn Hawk and Tommy Karpency before dropping a contest to Sergey Kovalev. The Wales resident will make his fourth start in the U.S., having won two of his first three contests stateside.
This is a fight I have wanted ever since Badou Jack moved to light heavyweight and I’m delighted to fight in Vegas on an event like this,” Said Slim. “I’ve trained long and hard for this fight and I’m ready to be let off the leash. This is the biggest fight of my career so far and I’m going to do a number on Badou Jack on Augustus 26.”
Now fighting in the 175-pound division, Jack’s final fight at 168 pounds came in a title unification on SHOWTIME in January against James DeGale. Jack (21-1-2, 12 Uitklophoue) shook off an early knockdown to floor DeGale in the final round in a close majority draw in which both fighters retained their belts. Die 2008 Olympian from Gambia won his world title in 2015 by defeating then unbeaten Anthony Dirrell and defended the belt against current champion George Groves and former champion Lucian Bute. The 33-year-old is unbeaten in his last six bouts as he seeks a world title in a second weight class.
I’m thankful for this opportunity and I’m excited about getting another shot at a world title,” sê Jack. “To be a part of this event and fighting on this card is historic. Nothing beats it. I’m excited to get back in the ring. I’m getting ready to take that belt, and win a title in my second weight class. The biggest difference between past training camps and preparing for this fight is the fact that I was training to get the weight down, now I’m training to build muscle and perfect my boxing strategy. This will be a tough fight, but I don’t see any issues getting through it. I feel confident and fans can expect a win by knockout or decision. He’s not leaving with that belt. It’s staying right here in Las Vegas.
Andrew Tabiti vs. Steve Cunningham – 10 Round Cruiserweight Bout
Originally from Chicago but fighting out of Las Vegas, Tabiti (14-0, 12 Uitklophoue) recorded victories against previously unbeaten fighters Keith Tapia and Quantis Graves in his last two outingsboth on ShoBox: Die nuwe generasieas he works to solidify himself as a contender in the red hot cruiserweight division. The 27-year-old turned pro in 2013 after amassing a solid 32-6 amateur record and scored knockout victories in his first 10 gevegte. He’ll battle his most experienced opponent to date when he faces the multiple-time champion Cunningham.
I’ve always been dedicated when it comes to training and this camp has been no different,” said Tabiti. “I know I am fighting a veteran who has a lot of experience, so I can’t slack on my conditioning and training. He’s tough and he’s only been stopped once and that was when he moved up in weight to heavyweight, so it would be a big statement for me to stop him. This fight is a test for me. Anytime you get in the ring you never really know how things will pan out, but I have a great team. To the fans, expect a victory and a great fight on August 26th because I am going to make sure I come out on top.
Wat die groot stryd stad Philadelphia, Cunningham (29-8-1, 13 Uitklophoue) returned to action in March with a victory over Felipe Romero after an exciting challenge of cruiserweight champion Krzysztof Glowacki in April 2016. Twice a world champion as a cruiserweight, verslaan hy Krzysztof Wlodarczyk in 2006 to capture his belt before successfully defending his title against Marco Huck via a twelfth-round TKO. Hy het 'n wêreldkampioen weer in 2010 toe hy gestop Troy Ross in die vyfde ronde. The experienced veteran also owns victories over previously unbeaten fighters Amir Mansour and Natu Visinia and scored a knockdown of Tyson Fury in a losing effort during their 2013 einde.
This is one of the biggest cards of the decade and its mind blowing to be a part of it,” Said Cunningham. “I have to top it off with a victory. Taking on a good, undefeated young prospect is a challenge in itself, but a victory will prove age is just a number. Hard work is a part of my everyday life.
# # #
Mayweather vs. McGREGOR
Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor is 'n 12-ronde super-weltergewig-wedstryd wat die legendariese bokser Mayweather teen die MMA-groot McGregor van alle tye in die hoofbyeenkoms van 'n ongekende betaal-per-kyk-boksbyeenkoms van vier gevegte pak.. Mayweather vs. McGregor vind plaas op Saterdag, Augustus 26 by 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT by T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Die geleentheid word regstreeks vervaardig en versprei deur SHOWTIME PPV en bevorder deur Mayweather Promotions.
Vir meer inligting besoek www.sho.com/sports en www.t-mobilearena.com, volg op Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, en @Swanson_Comm of word 'n fan op Facebook by www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.Facebook.com/SHOSports en www.Facebook.com/UFC

Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Returns to Take On Alexis Santiago in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

Dinsdag, Augustus 22 van Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
Meer! Once Beaten Lightweights Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller
Square-Off in Co-Main Event
Kaartjies op Koop Môre!
LAS VEGAS (Augustus 8, 2017) – Voormalige wêreldkampioen Juan Carlos Payano (18-1, 9 Uitklophoue) sal in die gesig staar Alexis Santiago (21-4-1, 8 Uitklophoue) in a 10-round bantamweight matchup that headlines Premier Boxing Champions TOE-tot-toon DINSDAE op FS1 en Boxing Champions op Fox Sports Augustus 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano versus Santiago replaces the previously announced main event that featured a lightweight match between Mickey Bey and Anthony Peterson that was cancelled after Bey was injured in training.
I am excited to be back in the ring and on the way back to the top,” said Payano. “I don’t plan to allow anything to derail me from being champion again. I’m ready to put on a great performance and get the big fights that I want. I’m looking forward to once again reigning supreme in this division. I’m never in a boring fight so you won’t want to miss it on Augustus 22!”
I’ve been staying steady with training camp and everything has been really smooth,” said Santiago. “After my last fight I took a few months off to let my body heal and I feel much better going into this fight. My opponent is tough and aggressive. He’s a former world champion but I feel that I have what it takes to win. This fight is happening during the biggest fight week in boxing and I couldn’t be happier. I’m just staying focused on doing what I have to do to get in the ring and get that win.
Televisie dekking begin by 9 namiddag. EN/6 namiddag. PT as part of an exciting week of events presented by Mayweather Promotions and leading up to the Mayweather vs. McGregor showdown Saterdag.
Die Augustus 22 show will also feature a showdown between once-beaten lightweights Jamel Herring (16-1, 9 Uitklophoue) en Ladarius Miller (13-1, 4 Uitklophoue), who will meet in a 10-round match.
I was so excited when I got the news that I got this opportunity,” Said Herring. “This is a huge stage for me to be on and it is an honor. I’ve been training alongside some great guys in camp to make sure I am in top shape and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m familiar with Ladarius from when I trained in the Mayweather Boxing Club a couple years ago. I don’t underestimate him, but I’ve been in the ring with tough vets and I think I’ve got what it takes.
I think a lot of people have doubted me in the past, but lately I feel like I am finally getting the recognition I knew I deserved,” said Miller. “My team has been great in encouraging me to stay consistent. I had to make a lot of changes to help me evolve as a fighter physically and mentally. I feel mentally locked in right now and my last few fights have showed my hungry wont-back-down side and on Augustus 22 the fans just better be ready to see ‘Memphis.I’ve seen my opponents resume and all I can say is, this is going to be a good olbrawl.
Kaartjies vir die lewende gebeurtenis, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, word geprys teen $125, $100, $75 en $50 en is te koop môre, Augustus 9. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
This is an incredible event to kick-off the biggest fight week in the history of boxing,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Uitvoerende hoof van Mayweather Promotions. “We are proud to announce that some of Mayweather Promotionstop prospects will be featured on their own FS1 and FOX Deportes card, giving the fans nonstop action and excitement for the whole week. We have a great lineup in-store with former world champion Juan Carlos Payano taking on Alexis Santiago in the main event and Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller in the co-feature. It is truly going to be an action filled night of boxing.
The two-time Dominican Olympian Payano began his path towards another world title with a stoppage of Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January, after first becoming a champion via a technical decision over Anselmo Moreno in September 2014. The accomplished amateur won gold at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean games with victories over McJoe Arroyo and Yoandris Salinas. He defeated Jundy Maraon, Jose Silveria and Luis Maldonado on the way to his title shot and engaged in a pair of exciting fights with Rau’shee Warren that saw him defend his title in August 2015 and lose in June 2016.
A pro sedert 2009, the 26-year-old Santiago had won ten consecutive bouts before dropping a decision to Jose Cayetano in his last contest. The Phoenix-native defeated Gustavo Molina, Javier Gallo and Antonio Tostado Garcia in 2015 and and has also taken down once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez. He will make his 2017 debut against one of his most experienced foes to date in Payano.
An amateur standout who won a 2012 Amateur National Championship the same year as his Olympic run, Herring fights out of Cincinnati and is originally from Coram, New York. The 31-year-old won his first 15 pro fights including triumphs over Luis Eduardo Florez, Yakubu Amidu and Hector Velasquez. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Herring bounced back from his first defeat and stopped experienced contender Art Hovhannisyan in February.
A pro sedert 2014, Miller won his first nine pro fights as he used his speed and skills to out box opponents. Originally from Memphis but now living and training in Las Vegas, Miller has won four fights in a row, including three by stoppage. His last bout saw Miller fight to the eighth round for the first time in his career and impressively stop the then once-beaten Jesus Gutierrez in the final frame.
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Aanhangers kan leef stroom die gevegte op FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Die gevegte is beskikbaar op die lessenaar by FOXSportsGO.com en deur die App Store, of verbind toestelle insluitend Apple TV, Android TV, vuur TV, Xbox One en Roku. Daarbenewens, alle programme is ook beskikbaar op FOX Sports op SiriusXM kanaal 83 op satelliet-radio's en op die SiriusXM app.
Vir meer inligting: besoek www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/press pass / tuisblad en www.foxdeportes.com. Volg op TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes EnSwanson_Comm en word 'n fan op Facebook by www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes 'nnd www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Sport word geborg deur Corona Extra, beste Beer.

Closed Circuit Tickets Available Now for Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor Showdown Saturday, Augustus. 26

Closed Circuit Locations Available at MGM Resorts International Properties Along The Strip
LAS VEGAS (Augustus 2, 2017) – Closed circuit tickets for the blockbuster summer matchup between Floyd Mayweather en Conor McGregor are available ahead of theSaterdag, Augustus. 26 Showtime PPV® event taking place at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Kaartjies vir die Mayweather vs. McGregor closed circuit telecast at ARIA Resort & Casino, Bellagio Resort & Casino, MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, New York-New York Hotel & Casino, Luxor Hotel and Casino and Excalibur Hotel & Casino are priced at $150, not including applicable fees and are now on sale. Party Packages including food & beverage options also are available at select viewing locations beginning at $99. To purchase closed circuit package tickets at ARIA, Bellagio and MGM Grand call 855-329-2260. Tickets for all other locations may be purchased online at ticketmaster.com, in-person at any MGM Resorts International Box Office or by phone with a major credit card at 1-800-745-3000.