Tag Archives: Justin Deloach

Domonique Dolton & Justin DeLoach Təlim Kampı Qeydləri

Super Welterweights Square-Off Cümə, Yeddi. 16 Premyer Boks Çempionlarında: Las Vegasın Cosmopolitanının İçindəki Chelsea'dən Sıçrama TV Fəaliyyətində Növbəti Tur – 9 dək. VƏ/6 dək. PT
LAS VEGAS (Sentyabr 12, 2016) – Yüksələn iddiaçılar Domonique Dolton Justin DeLoach ən əsas tədbir kimi çıxış edən yüksək qiymətləndirilən gənc döyüşçülərin əsas uyğunluğunda görüşməyə hazırlaşırlar Premier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Yeddi. 16 etibarən Chelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Sıçrama TV-də televiziya yayımı başlayır 9 dək. VƏ/6 dək. PT və keçmiş dünya çempionu ilə başlıq edir Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi bir dəfə döyülmüş rəqiblə mübarizə aparır Səmimi “Bədnam” Galarza.
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli sürülən, da başlayacaq $29 və indi satılır. Biletləri onlayn əldə etmək olar: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
Burada döyüşçüləri təlim-məşq toplanışı haqqında demək idi nə, onların 10 turlu hesablaşması və s:
Bu döyüş üçün təlim düşərgəsi necə getdi?
Domonique Dolton: “Məşq yaxşı gedir. Mənim strategiyam kondisionerə sadiq qalmaq idi. Həftədə iki dəfə üzürəm və gündəlik həyatımda yeni bir şey var. Kondisionerlə çox kömək edir. Yeni məşqçim var, Theotrice Odaları, və əla kimya sahibiyik və nəticələr mübarizə gecəsi gələcəyini göstərəcəkdir.”
Justin DeLoach: “Təlim-məşq toplanışı gözəl olmuşdur. Həqiqətən çox yaxşı bir düşərgədir. Bu mübarizə üçün etməli olduğumuz bütün fiziki və zehni işləri edirik. Başımı oyunda saxlayıram və diqqətimi cəmləşdirirəm. Bu komanda həvəskar günlərindən bəri yanımdadır.”
Rəqibiniz barədə nə düşünürsünüz və bu mübarizənin üslublu getdiyini necə görürsünüz??
DD: “Gördüklərimdən, sərt bir oğlana bənzəyir. Hərçənd eyni səviyyədə deyilik. Bir neçə məğlub olmayan oğlanla vuruşdu, amma bu mənim döyüş səviyyəmlə müqayisə olunmur. Bacarıqlarım mənim üçün danışacaq. Zəhmət çəkdim. Kütləni düşünməyəcəyəm; ringdə mənim üçün tunel görmə olacaq. Mənim üslubum boksçu-puncherdir və ehtiyac olsa içəri girməyə hazıram. Rinqdə uyğunlaşıb tənzimlənə bilərəm və bu onunla müqayisədə mənim üstünlüyümdür.”
JD: “Bu mübarizə bütün gecə davam etmir. Döyüşdə onu erkən yıxacağam. Onu araşdırırdım və Domonikeni özündən daha yaxşı tanıyıram.”
Rəqibiniz hansı problemlər yaradır?
DD: “Heç bir problem görmürəm. Hər növ oğlanla rinqdəyəm. Bir çox oğlanla ayaq-ayağa getmişəm və çox şey görmüşəm. Təcrübə üstünlüyüm var. Mənə lazım olan şey var və mən Justin DeLoach-dan fərqli bir səviyyədəyəm.”
JD: “Bunun içində problem yaşandığını hiss etmirəm. Ən böyük problemim mənəm. Məni döyə biləcək yeganə insan, mənəm. O, üzükdəki başqa bir cəsəddir. Onu orada düşünmək fikrindəyəm. Fikrimi düz tutmuşam və bu döyüş gecəsi mənə kömək edəcəkdir.”
Qalib gələ bilsəniz gələcəkdə nə axtarırsınız? Sentyabr 16?
DD: “Bu yəqin ki, diviziondakı son döyüşüm olacaq. Düşərək karyeramı 147 funt-sterlinqdə davam etdirəcəyəm. 147 kiloda daha yaxşı və daha təbii bir döyüşçü olduğuma inanıram. Mənim adlarım bu çəkidə olan oğlanlarda var, amma hələlik yalnız özümə ad çıxarmaq istəyirəm. Qələbə qazanmaq və daha yaxşı bir döyüşçü olmaq üçün axtarıram.”
JD: “Heç kimi çağırmağa ehtiyac duymuram. Ancaq bir kəməriniz varsa, o zaman sənin üçün gəlirəm. Sözsüz ki, bir başlıq çəkmək istəyirəm və hazır olduğumu düşünürəm.”
Niyə mübarizə gecəsində qalib gələcəyinə inanırsan??
DD: “Bu mübarizəni qazanacağam. Güvənim çalışdığım komandadan yüksəkdir. Əldə etdiyim işdən məmnunam. Həqiqətən çox məşq etmişəm və bacarığına inanıram. Qalib gəlmək üçün nə lazımdırsa, məndə var. Ailəm üçün bir şou verməyə hazıram. Mənfilik məni motivasiya edir, buna görə mənə qarşı olan insanlar nə gətirdiyimi döyüş gecəsi görəcəklər.”
JD: “Bu mübarizəyə sülh gətirdiyimi hiss edirəm. Sübut edəcək bir şeyim yoxdur və açıqlama verməyə çalışıram. Məndən çox itirəcəyi var. Mən yalnız Justin DeLoach ola bilərəm. Özümə meydan oxumaq üçün bu idman növündəyəm. İtki məni daha yaxşı bir döyüşçüyə çevirdi. Məni alçaltdı və çiyinlərimdən çox təzyiq aldı. Əvvəllər olduğumdan daha yaxşıyam.”
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com. Biletlərin, ziyarət: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com. TwitterPremierBoxing izləyin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo və @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq: www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin.

Həyəcanlı Rəqib Alexis Santiago Cümə günü Meksikanın Jose Cayetano-nu qəbul edir, Yeddi. 16 Premyer Boks Çempionlarında: Las Vegasın Cosmopolitanının İçindəki Chelsea'dən Sıçrama TV Fəaliyyətində Növbəti Tur – 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT

Daha! J’Leon Love vs. Dashon Johnson & Şərif Boğere vs. Luis Florez, həyəcan verici Undercard heyətinin bir hissəsi
LAS VEGAS (Sentyabr 8, 2016) – Super kilolu iddiaçı Alexis “Qunduz” Santiago (21-3-1, 8 Kos) Meksika ilə qarşılaşacaq Jose Cayetano (19-4, 9 Kos) 10 turluq bir hesablaşmada Premier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Yeddi. 16 etibarən Chelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Bounce TV-də əsas tədbirdə keçmiş dünya çempionu iştirak edəcək Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi bir dəfə döyülmüş rəqiblə mübarizə aparır Səmimi “Bədnam” Galarza. Televiziya əhatə başlayır 9 dək. VƏ/6 dək. PT və arasında super orta ağırlıqlı bir göstərici var Domonique Dolton Justin DeLoach.
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli sürülən, da başlayacaq $29 və indi satılır. Biletləri onlayn əldə etmək olar: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
Əlavə undercard hərəkəti, super orta çəkidə iddiaçıdır J'Leon Love (22-1, 12 Kos) mübarizə Dashon Johnson (21-19-3, 6 Kos) 10 raundluq qarşıdurmada və maraqlı bir rəqib Şərif “Lion” Bogere (28-1, 19 Kos) Kolumbiya’nı götürməkLuis Florez (21-4, 17 Kos) 10 dəyirmi super yüngül müsabiqədə.
Yığılmış həyəcanverici qarşılaşmalar gecəsi yüngül ağır çəkiyə sahib olacaq Lionell Thompson (16-4, 10 Kos) səkkiz raundluq bir qarşılaşmada Chicago’ya qarşı Donovan George (25-5-2, 22 Kos) üstəgəl super orta çəki Lanell “KO” Körük (16-1-1, 9 Kos) Meksika ilə mübarizə aparır Fernando Castenada (18-10, 12 Kos) səkkiz turluq bir yarışmada və məğlubiyyətsiz Juan Heraldez (10-0, 7 Kos) Meksika alaraq Reyes Sançes (28-8-2, 15 Kos) səkkiz raundda orta çəki hərəkətində.
Gecəni tamamlamaq Memfisdə doğulmuş prospektdir Ladarius Miller (10-1, 2 Kos) məğlubiyyətsiz qarşı Maynard Allison (5-0, 4 Kos) altı raundluq super yüngül qarşılaşmada və məğlubiyyətsiz Sanjar Rəhmanov (4-0-1, 3 Kos) altı raundlu orta çəki yarışında.
Ildən pro 2009, 25 yaşlı Santiago son on qarşılaşmasında məğlubiyyətsizdir və fevral ayında Erik Ruiz üzərində qələbə qazanır. Feniks vətəndaşı Gustavo Molinanı məğlub etdi, Javier Gallo və Antonio Tostado Garcia içəridə 2015 və o vaxtdan bəri itki verməyib 2012. Ən təsirli qələbələri bir dəfə döyülmüş döyüşçülər Alex Rangel və Hanzel Martinez üzərində gəldi, hər ikisini də 10 raundluq döyüşlərdə məğlub etdi. O vaxtdan bəri peşəkar mübarizə aparan 29 yaşlı Cayetanoya qarşı hazırlaşır 2009. Tijuana ilə mübarizə, Meksika, Cayetano, Leo Santa Cruz'a bir qərarını itirdi 2015 lakin son iki döyüşündə qalib gəldi.
168-manat A bir-döyülmüş iddiaçı, 28 yaşlı Sevgi Scott Sigmon'u məğlub etmək üçün tək məğlubiyyətindən geri döndü, Jason Escalera və Marcus Upshaw içəri 2015 Aprel ayında Michael Gbenga'yı dayandırmaqdan əvvəl başlamağa başlamışdı 2016. Inkster, Michigan doğma Marco Antonio Periban üzərində qələbə sahibi, statusu iddiaçı onun yolunda Derrick Findley və Lajuan Simon. Escondidodan həyəcan verici 28 yaşındakı Johnson ilə mübarizə aparır, California. Decarlo Perez və Victor Palacios üzərində ardıcıl qələbələrdən sonra bu mübarizəyə girdi.
Birincisinin qalibi 23 pro döyüşlərdə, Bogere, vətəni Uqandanı qürurla təmsil edərkən Las Vegasdan döyüşür. 27 yaşlı oyunçu Raymundo Beltran üzərində qələbə qazandı, Francisco Contreras və Manuel Levya, karyerası boyunca tarixə qayıdır 2008. Bu qarşılaşmaya beş döyüşlü qələbə seriyasında girdi və 29 yaşlı Florez'i Magangue’dan kənarlaşdıracaq, Kolumbiya, ABŞ-ı edən. bu ilin fevral ayında debüt etdi.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com. Biletlərin, ziyarət: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com. TwitterPremierBoxing izləyin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo və @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq: www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin.

Frank Galarza Camp Notes Once-Beaten Contender Battles Former World Champion Ishe Smith in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: Bounce TV Next Round

Cümə, Yeddi. 16 From The Chelsea inside
Las Vegas Cosmopolitan – 9 dək. VƏ/6 p.m.PT
LAS VEGAS (Yeddi. 6, 2016) – Brooklyn-born contender Səmimi “Bədnam” Galarza has been the embodiment of a redemption story his whole life and he will look to keep that theme going when he returns from his first pro loss to take on former world champion Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi əsas hadisə Premier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Yeddi. 16 etibarən Chelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Televised coverage begins on Bounce TV at 9 dək. VƏ/6 dək. PT və arasında super orta ağırlıqlı bir göstərici var Domonique Dolton (17-0-1, 9 Kos)və Justin DeLoach (15-1, 8 Kos).
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli sürülən, da başlayacaq $29 və indi satılır. Tickets areavailable online at: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
After being defeated by unbeaten Jarret Hurd in November 2015, Galarza is determined to reclaim his spot as a contender in the 154-pound division. Training out of the Flatbush Cops and Kids Boxing Gym in Brooklyn with longtime trainer Nirmal Lorick, Galarza has his sights set on the top of the super welterweight division.
Here is what Galarza had to say about training camp, his main event showdown, the 154-pound division and more:
What kind of problems does Ishe Smith propose and what does a victory over him do for you?
FG: I don’t anticipate having any problems with Ishe. I spar the best guys in the world and with guys who have a lot more experience than I do. I’m going to go in, do my job and make adjustments as needed.
Beating Ishe puts me exactly where I need to be. I took my first loss in Las Vegas and I wasn’t on my A-game. Fighting Ishe puts me right back after the loss. I constantly put myself to the test with top guys. Ishe is someone in my path who at this point, is in my way.
What’s your mentality following the loss in your last fight?
FG:I have lost so much in my life, so I see this loss as just a number. Boxing has everyone fooled that we need to be undefeated to be a top contender or to be great. Some of the greatest fighters have suffered losses. I am looking to be legendary and continue to fight great guys. I’m going to put my record on the line and challenge myself.
I don’t have a deep boxing background, so I’m learning on the job. I am able to overcome every obstacle. This fight isn’t about the money, this fight and my career is for me. I want to challenge myself.
Who do you see as the top fighters in the 154-pound division?
FG: The Charlo Brothers, Demetrius Andrade, Julian Williams and Erislandy Lara are the top of the division in my mind. There are a lot of good fighters in this division. At this point now, the other guys need to go, and that’s where I come into play. Someone like Ishe is an older guy and he needs to give it up and get out of the way for hungry guys like me and the rest of us. People want to see guys like us.
Who would you like to matchup with, if you can defeat Ishe Smith?
FG: I’ll face anybody. I’m not trying to fluff my record. I come off a tough loss and I’m looking to beat a former world champion. Give me the best fight and the top guys. Give me one of the Charlo brothers and I’ll fight for one of their titles. Put me in with any of these guys and I will put them to the test, if not beat them.
It’s a drive I have in me, especially lately, where I feel like I’ve been overlooked. It upsets me to be underestimated. I never turn down a fight. I have to be fearless in order to make it where I need to go. I am not a mediocre fighter. There’s a reason they call me the ‘Brooklyn Rocky.I’ve been through adversity and Ishe is in for a rude awakening. The boxing industry has me completely underestimated and at the end of the day, may the best man win.
Talk about your work outside of the ring and how you strive to inspire kids who grew up in similar situations to yourself:
FG: I have a non-profit called Youth Fighting Forward. I teach them that no matter what you go through, you can be whoever you want to be I came from nothing and I lost my parents at a young age. I don’t use that as an excuse. I refuse to be a statistic. I want to give the kids back that inspiration.
Whatever it is you love to do; you are more than capable of doing it. It is in your hands to be a success story. You are not where you came from. We have the ability to change lives. My focus is to help kids growing up who are surrounded by negativity to see a positive. I put my body to the limits and when I don’t want to work out, I push through that. I want to show the kids that they have to have discipline to get through it and one day, I will be a world champion.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com. Biletlərin, ziyarət:www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com. TwitterPremierBoxing izləyin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo və @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq: www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Ishe Smith Camp Notes

Former World Champion Takes On Once-Beaten Frank Galarza in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: Bounce TV Next Round
Cümə, Yeddi. 16 From The Chelsea inside
Las Vegas Cosmopolitan – 9 dək. VƏ/PT

LAS VEGAS (Aug. 26, 2016) – Keçmiş dünya çempionu Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi(28-8, 12 Kos) is locked in and focused on training camp as he prepares to headlinePremier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Yeddi. 16 as he takes on once-beaten contender Səmimi “Bədnam” Galarza (17-1, 11 Kos) etibarənChelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Televised coverage begins on Bounce TV at 9 dək. VƏ/PT və arasında super orta ağırlıqlı bir göstərici var
Domonique Dolton (17-0-1, 9 Kos)və
Justin DeLoach (15-1, 8 Kos).
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli sürülən, da başlayacaq $29 və indi satılır. Biletləri onlayn əldə etmək olar:www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
The Las Vegas-native will be fighting in his hometown for the 18ci time in his career when he faces Galarza. A former 154-pound titlist, Smith looks to prove that he is still amongst the championship contenders in the division with a victory on Sentyabr 16.
Here is what Smith had to say about training camp, rəqibini və daha çox:
How has this training camp been going and how does it compare to past camps?
Pretty steady, we are taking things back to the basics and correcting a lot of errors. We are focused on fixing some things and working on a few new techniques. We are going back to school and fine tuning the details. It is so hard to compete at the highest level in boxing. The champion and contender level is very challenging. I have lost a couple of close fights at this level, and won a few at this level as well.
This training camp has been good but more challenging than the past camps. I normally am the one calling the shots and taking control, but I have given all of that to my coaches and let them take the reins. I have been in this game for 16 il, 30 overall as both a professional and amateur. If I want to get where I need to be, I need to have the right team in place, and that is what I respect about my current team.
What kind of skill set does your opponent bring and how do you prepare for it?
I’m not wasting my time focusing on what Galarza does or what he has done to his opponents. My opponent is myself and executing the game plan that we put forth. A lot of people think this is a big step up for him and they usually get hungrier when given the opportunity, but I have been in there with other hungry young fighters. I am going to go out there and show him there are levels to this.
If you can get past Galarza, who would you like to fight in the 154-pound division next?
I am totally focusing on the opponent at hand. I would like to fight again this year if possible, but my main focus is Galarza. He is coming off of a loss, where he got stopped. I have been in there with everybody, and the guys I lost to were controversial decisions. I have been around the block so my main opponent on Sentyabr 16 is myself. There are levels to this game and I am going to treat this fight at such.
What does it mean to you to fight in front of your hometown fans in Las Vegas?
Whenever I can fight in front of my family, dostlar, and loved ones, it means everything to me. I have never fought at the Cosmopolitan, but have been to fights there. Headlining a fight there adds another notch to my career.
As one of the more experienced members of the Mayweather Promotions stable, have you taken on a mentor/leadership role with the young fighters in the gym?
Most definitely. I am the oldest on the team, so if I feel like guys are doing things wrong or if I think they should be going right instead of left, I definitely let them know. I am an old soul. I may not hang out every day or want to do the things they like to do, but I still give them my advice.
I hope that I help to motivate them. I want to prevent them from making some of the decisions I made that I then had to learn from. Some may think I’m being hard on them but you just have to take it as constructive criticism and keep learning.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com TwitterPremierBoxing edin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq:https://www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin.

Undefeated Super Welterweight Domonique Dolton Faces Once-Beaten Justin DeLoach in Co-Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Friday, Yeddi. 16From The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas – 9 dək. ET / PT

Chris Pearson Forced to Withdraw After Suffering Cut in Sparring
LAS VEGAS (Avqust 18, 2016) – Undefeated contender Domonique Dolton (17-0-1, 9 Kos) will take on once-beaten super welterweight Justin DeLoach (15-1, 8 Kos) in the 10-round co-main event of Premier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Sept.16 etibarən Chelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Super welterweight contender Chris Pearson was originally scheduled to face DeLoach, but was forced to withdraw after suffering a cut during training.
Televised coverage begins on Bounce TV at 9 dək. VƏ/PT və keçmiş dünya çempionu ilə başlıq edir Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi (28-8, 12 Kos)facing once-beaten contenderSəmimi “Bədnam” Galarza (17-1, 11 Kos).
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli sürülən, da başlayacaq $29 və indi satılır. Tickets areavailable online at: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
A highly regarded fighter out of the late Emanuel Steward’s Kronk Gym, the Detroit-native Dolton battled to a draw in an exciting matchup against then-unbeaten Oscar Molina last September. The 26-year-old took home victories over Victor Fonseca and Juan Carlos Rojas in 2015 and owns wins over Donatas Bondorovas, Richard Gutierrez and Jonathan Batista in his eight-year career.
In his first bout of 2016, the 22-year-old DeLoach delivered a sensational knockout over previously unbeaten Dillon Cook in his debut with new trainer and former world champion Paul Williams. DeLoach followed that up by knocking down previously unbeaten Junior Castillo twice on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 və onun ilk qazandı 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015. He enters this bout on a five-fight win streak.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com TwitterPremierBoxing edin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq:https://www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin.

Former World Champion Ishe Smith Meets Hard-Hitting Contender Frank Galarza in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Friday, Yeddi. 16 From The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Daha! Rising Super Welterweight Contenders Meet, as Once-Beaten Chris Pearson takes on Hard-Hitting Justin DeLoach
in Co-Main Event9 dək. EDT / PDT
Satış Biletlər Cümə, Aug.12 at 10 a.m. PT!
LAS VEGAS (Aug. 9, 2016) – Keçmiş dünya çempionu Ishe “Sugar Shay” Dəmirçi(28-8, 12 Kos) is set to battle once-beaten contender Səmimi “Bədnam” Galarza(17-1-2, 11 Kos) in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines Premier Boks Çempionlar: Bounce TV Next Round Cümə, Sept.16 etibarən Chelsea daxili Las Vegas Cosmopolitan.
Doors to The Chelsea will open at 4 dək. PDT with televised coverage on Bounce TV beginning at 9 dək. EDT/PDT. The fight night also features super welterweight contender Chris “Young King” Pearson (14-1, 10 Kos) alaraq Justin “Chosen One” DeLoach (15-1, 8 Kos) in a 10-round showdown.
I’m the type to always stay in good condition so I will be ready to get in on fight night,” deyən Smith. “I’m deep into training and I’m planning on delivering a great hard fight for all the fans to enjoy. I’m focused on this fight but my goal is to get the world title back.
I feel great and I’m ready for a chance to redeem myself,” Said Galarza. “I know Ishe is an experienced fighter but this is a shot for me to get back to the top level. I can’t wait to show the boxing world what I am made of.
I’m very excited to get back in the ring against a good opponent,” said DeLoach. “This has been a great year for me and it seems to keep getting better. I’m looking forward to a great fight and heading to Las Vegas to handle my business. I’m fighting for my whole city, my family and my fans. I won’t let them down!”
I’m familiar with my opponent and I’m treating this like a world title fight,” - dedi Pearson. “I feel like getting this victory will put me right at the top of the division. We’re both hungry and want to prove that we have what it takes to be world champions. I’m preparing to be at my very best because of the caliber of fight this is.
Mayweather Promotions tərəfindən irəli, tickets for the general public will go on-saleCümə, Aug. 12 at 10 a.m. PDT. Venue pre-sale begins Cümə axşamı, Avqust 11 at 10 a.m. PDT. Bilet qiymətləri da başlayacaq $29, və online mövcuddur:www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com ya da Ticketmaster vasitəsi ilə (800) 745-3000www.ticketmaster.com.
After a long career that saw him go from the world of reality television as a star on “Iddiaçı” to competing at the top level at 154 və 160 manat, Smith finally put it all together in 2010, beginning a four-fight winning streak that culminated in a decision win over Cornelius Bundrage for a super welterweight world title in 2013, becoming the first native Las Vegan to ever win a world title. He continues to seek another world title shot as he picked up victories over Cecil McCalla and Tommy Rainone in 2015.
154 kiloluq bölgüsündə A iddiaçı, Galarza won six straight fights dating back to the start of 2014 before dropping a contest to unbeaten Jarrett Hurd last November. Pro çevirdi A Brooklyn doğma 2010, Məşhur Galarza əzm onun şəxsi hekayə ilə çox ilham. The 30-year-old won seven of eight fights within the distance leading up to his last fight.
The 25-year-old Pearson bounced back from his first defeat with a dominant decision victory over Joshua Okine. The Dayton, Ohio-born product previously picked up victories over Lanardo Tyner, Janks Trotter, Steve Martinez and Said El Harrak in the last two years after an outstanding amateur career that saw him capture a National Championship in 2011.
In his first bout of 2016, the 22-year-old DeLoach delivered a sensational knockout over previously unbeaten Dillon Cook in his debut with new trainer and former world champion Paul Williams. DeLoach followed that up by knocking down previously unbeaten Junior Castillo twice on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 və onun ilk qazandı 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015. He enters this bout on a five-fight win streak.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mayweatherpromotions.com TwitterPremierBoxing edin, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , Facebook bir fan olmaq: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. #PBConBounce istifadə söhbət edin.

Top Prospects Justin DeLoach, “Çoban” Ryan Karl and Darwin Price Shine in Eight Round Decisions on Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN From the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio

Basın HERE For Photos From David Nadkarmi/Premier Boxing Champions
SAN ANTONIO (İyun 26, 2016) – Fast rising super welterweight prospect Justin DeLoach (15-1, 8 Kos) hakim Junior Castillo rolling to an eight round decision by scores of 79-71, 78-72 və 78-72 əsas hadisə Premier Boks Çempionlaron NBCSN.
Drilling Castillo to the canvas in the third and sixth DeLoach put the junior middleweight division on notice that he is looking to become a world champion in the not-to-distant future.
“Mən icrası ilə çox xoşbəxtəm, did exactly what I wanted to. I’m ready for any of the big names in the junior middleweight division. Even my friend Erickson Lubin, I’d love to fight him,”
said DeLoach.
I’m going to stay humble, stay focused, and keep working towards a world championship.
Unbeaten super lightweight Ryan “Çoban” Karl (12-0, 8Kos) continued to impress with a one-sided eight round decision over Luis Solis (14-7-4, 12 Kos).
Dropping Solid in round, Karl went past the fifth stanza for the first time in his career enroute to victory by scores of 80-71, 79-72 və 78-73.
Televiziya açacağı, Darwin Price (12-0, 11 Kos) stayed undefeated with a spirited eight round decision against the also previously undefeated Semajay Thomas, (8-1, 4 Kos) in a super lightweight scrap by scores of 80-71 (iki dəfə) və 79-72.
Dropping Thomas in the first round, Price set the tone, playing matador to Thomas’ öküz. Following the advice of his renowned trainer Ronnie Shields Price stayed on the outside, racking up points throughout the fight with a piston like jab setting up his combinations towards the wide points decision.
The event was promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions from the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio, Texas.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing edin, LeijaBattahPR, @TGBPromotions @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/NBCSports Mövcud Highlights www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Exciting Rising Prospects Justin DeLoach & Junior Castillo Battle in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Saturday, İyun 25 From The Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio

Daha! Unbeaten Super Lightweight Ryan Karl Takes On
Mexico’s Luis Solis & Undefeated Prospects Darwin Price & Semajay Thomas Square-Off in Action Packed Tripleheader
İndi satış Biletlər!
SAN ANTONIO (May 27, 2016) – Rising super welterweight prospects Justin DeLoach (14-1, 8 Kos) və Junior Castillo (10-0, 9 Kos) will meet in the eight-round main event of Premier Boks Çempionlar haqqında NBCSN Şənbə, İyun 25 from the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio.
Televiziya əhatə başlayır 11 dək. VƏ/8 dək. PT and will feature unbeaten Ryan “Çoban” Karl (11-0, 8 Kos) in an eight-round super lightweight contest against Mexico’s Luis “Muecas” Solis (14-6-4, 12 Kos) plus a showdown of unbeaten prospects when Darwin Price (12-0, 11 Kos) və Semajay Thomas (7-0, 4 Kos) compete in an eight-round super lightweight contest.
I’m thrilled to be headlining on NBCSN and to once again perform in front of the great fans in San Antonio,” said DeLoach. “I’ve got a great deal of respect for Junior Castillo but I’m putting in the work with my new trainer Paul Williams and I plan on being victorious.
I know how tough DeLoach is, but I’m well prepared to stay undefeated on June 25,” Səid Castillo. “I’m an exciting fighter and boxing fans will have another chance to see me showcase my skills. I can’t wait.
Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, fiyatlandırılır $100, $85 və $20 daha $1000 və $850 for tables, haqları, o cümlədən, və indi satılır. To purchase tickets call 210-988-8821 or visit Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, Texas 78216.
Son bout, the 22-year-old DeLoach delivered a sensational knockout over previously unbeaten Dillon Cook in his first bout with new trainer and former world champion Paul Williams. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 və onun ilk qazandı 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015. DeLoach has rebounded masterfully with four wins in a row including victories over veterans Santos Benavides and Todd Manuel.
A 2012 Olympian for his native Dominican Republic, Castillo recorded a significant victory in his last bout when he defeated previously unbeaten and highly regarded Kyrone Davis over eight rounds in April. Castillo turned pro in 2013 və onun U.S etdi. dekabrda debütü 2015 with victories over Eduardo Flores and Roland Nagy before his triumph in April.
Houston təmsil namağlup prospekti, Karl onunla sona çatdı əla həvəskar karyera 141 kiloluq bölgüsündə millət üçüncü sırada idi. The 24-year-old won six times in 2015 including an October domination of Alfonso Olvera at the Dancehall in San Antonio. Now he is primed to reach contender status as his competition improves beginning with the 24-year-old Solis of Mexico who comes in off of a fifth round knockout of Isidro Toala earlier this month.
Originally from St. Louis, Price’s road has led him to Houston where he now trains with Ronnie Shields. An exceptional athlete who was highly regarded in track and field as a teenager, the 26-year-old turned pro in 2013. His activity ramped up in 2015 as he took home four victories including a win in his first eight-round bout against Alvaro Ortiz in November.
A National Silver Gloves champion as an amateur, Thomas made it out of the roughest neighborhoods of Chicago and made his professional boxing debut in 2013. After winning his first six pro bouts, all in Chicago, the 23-year-old defeated Farkhad Sharipov in San Antonio in December 2015.
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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing edin, LeijaBattahPR, NBCSports VəSwanson_Comm və Facebook bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/NBCSports Mövcud Highlights www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Friday’s Knockout-Filled ShoBox: The New Generation To Re-Air TONIGHT At 10 dək. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Şəkil kredit: Esther Lin / Showtime

Basın HERE Foto Download


Cümə knockout-filled ShoBox: New Generation telecast will re-airbu axşam at 10 dək. VƏ/PT (West Coast təxirə) on SHOWTIME EXTREME.


Tune-in to watch Paul Williams pupil Justin DeLoach stop previously undefeated Dillon Cook in a KO of the Year contender (VIDEO:http://s.sho.com/22LV0i0), Ivan Golub shine in his ShoBox debüt, can’t-miss prospect Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk finish Nick Givhan in just 21 seconds (VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1TakSkM), and emerging star Regis “Rougarou” Prograis make quick work of veteran Aaron Herrera.


Cümə quadrupleheader is also available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® və SHOWTIME Zaman®.




Ivan Baranchyk Knocks Out Nick Givhan in 21 Seconds
– VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1TakSkM

Ivan Golub Finishes Marlon Aguas in the Sixth,
Paul Williams-Trained Justin DeLoach Stops Dillon Cook in Fourth
– VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/22LV0i0

Catch The Replay Monday, Mart 28, at 10 dək. VƏ/SHO EXTREME on PT®

Basın HERE Foto Download

Şəkil kredit: Esther Lin / Showtime®

MIAMI, Okla. (Mart 26, 2016) – On a night of knockouts, unbeaten super lightweight Regis "Rougarou" PROGRAMS (17-0, 14 Kos), Houston, scored his third consecutive dominant victory on ShoBox: New Generation, knocking out Mexico’s Aaron Herrera (21-5-1, 12 Kos) at 2:17 ilk turun Cümə əsas hadisə üzrəSHOWTIME Mayami Buffalo Run Casino, Okla.


In scheduled eight-round bouts that all ended early, Ivan "Beast" Baranchyk (10-0, 9 Kos), Brooklyn, N.Y., registered a 21-second, ilk turda nakavt üzərində Nick Givhan (16-1-1, 10 Kos), Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap, Ukraynalı ağırlıqqaldır Ivan "Volk" Golub (16-0, 10 Kos, 5-0 Ümumdünya Boks Seriyasının), Brooklyn, N.Y., scored a sixth-round TKO over Marlon Aguas (9-1, 6 Kos), Quito, Ekvador, və Justin DeLoach (14-1, 8 Kos), of Augusta, Ga., who is trained by former world champion Paul Williams, registered a fourth-round knockout over undefeated super welterweight and local favorite Dillon “White Lightning” Cook (16-1, 6 Kos).


All but Prograis and Baranchyk were making their ShoBox debat. Aşpaz, Aguas and Givhan became the 143rd, 144ci və 145ci boxers to suffer their first pro loss on the prospect developmental series.


“I can’t remember ilə 15 il of working ShoBox a show with such emphatic knockouts – and two of them being spectacular knockout of the year candidates,'' Dedi ShoBox ekspert analitik Steve Farhood.


PROGRAMS, 5-ayaq-9, 27-year-old originally from New Orleans, was fighting in his second consecutive ShoBox main event and second scheduled 10-rounder. The aggressive-minded southpaw pounded Herrera’s body from the opening bell; five of his six power punches were targeted to the Mexican’s midsection. A left hook to the body downed Herrera, who crumpled to the canvas and wasn’t able to beat the count.

“I was prepared to go 10 dolu fişəng, the last thing I was expecting was a first-round knockout,’’ said Prograis, who was making his 2016 debüt. “I’m making hard fights look easy but they’re really not. It’s all the daily work in the gym all day every day that is paying off for me. Tonight was fun. I’m very satisfied.

“I want all the fighters in my division to know one thing: I’m coming after all of you.’’

“He just got me with a great shot, it was simple as that,’’ said Herrera, who making his second start in the United States. “There’s really not that much that I can say.’’


The highly regarded Baranchyk – making his second eight-round start and second in a row on ShoBox – knocked out Givhan with a huge left hand with the first power punch of the fight. He required only two punches to finish the 17-fight veteran. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the quickest professional KO for the Belarus native. Baranchyk owns a three-second KO over Angel Figueroa etibarən 2015.


“I’m very happy,’’ Baranchyk said. “I was expecting a much longer fight. I was focused on a full fight. But knockouts are good. I know fans like knockouts.


“I’ll take a week off and then go back to the drawing board. I’m looking ahead to fighting again soon and on ShoBox again.’’


Givhan was shocked with the result.


I’m good but I am very, very disappointed,” Givhan said. “This is the lowlight of my life. For me to get knocked out by someone I know I can beat is just the worst feeling. And there’s nothing worse than for it to happen on national television.


No one expects 20-second fights. I just got caught, that’s all.

Golub, a former standout amateur from Ukraine, had to rally from the first knockdown of his career. “This was a little tougher than I expected,'' Dedi. “But it’s all about learning. I had to go through some adversity to win. You don’t know adversity until it hits you in the face.”

Golub was the more active fighter against the awkward Aguas, who was at his best when matters turned ugly. In a bizarre second round, southpaw Golub scored a questionable knockdown as Aguas hit the canvas while clinching and off-balance. Aguas bounced back seconds later to knock down Golub with a short right, sending the Ukrainian to the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I was surprised that I got knocked down, but he caught me off-balance,’’ Golub said. “Overall, I am very happy with my performance.”

Golub resumed control after the second and a series of combinations in the sixth sent a gassed Aguas falling back through the ropes in the closing seconds of the round. Aguas somehow rose to his feet to beat the count, but his trainer quickly waved off the bout when the Ecuadorian returned to the corner.

Aguas said an injury, not fatigue, was the reason his corner stopped the fight at the end of the sixth. “I hurt my right bicep in the fifth round,'' Dedi. “That’s the reason we stopped it. I wasn’t that tired.”

Verilişin açılış döyüşdə, DeLoach made Williams a winner in his training debut. With Williams looking on from his wheelchair in the corner, DeLoach, a winner of four in a row, dropped Cook with a devastating, counter-overhand right at 2:47 of the fourth that sent Cook awkwardly to the canvas in a knockout of the year candidate.


“I’m happy with my performance,’’ said DeLoach, who was the more active fighter, atma təxminən 100 more punches over the four rounds. “This was a great experience fighting a guy like this in his backyard. I enjoyed the crowd and their enthusiasm. It motivated me. I got a little lazy in parts of the second and third rounds, but I listened to my corner and picked it up on offense and got my punch count up and going again.


“Dillon was a good fighter who moved a lot. I know I have to do better cutting off the ring. He landed with a left a second before I landed that big right. This was a great win for all of us. I’m ready to do this again.’’


“Look at me, look at my shirt. It feels like I was sweating worse than when I fought,’’ said Williams, who’s pro career came to a sudden and tragic end when he was paralyzed from the waist down after a motorcycle accident in May 2012. “I am very relieved to get this one out of the way. I’m very happy for Justin and Mr. Pit (Paul’s longtime manager and trainer and DeLoach’s assistant trainer, George Williams)


"Mən OK Ben, all things considered,’’ said Cook. “He was a tough guy. I’ve never been knocked out before so I don’t exactly know how to act. I felt I was in the fight until I was caught. It’s disappointing, but this was a great learning experience for me. It can only help me in the long run.’’


A taped interview with Williams and ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood aired prior to the bout. In the discussion, Farhood asked the former two-time champ why he chose to return as a trainer for the first time since the 2012 motorcycle accident left him paralyzed. Full Interview:http://s.sho.com/1WPrJ28


Cümə four-fight telecast will re-air Bazar ertəsi at 10 dək. VƏ/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning today, Şənbə, Mart 26.


Barry Tompkins deyilən ShoBox Farhood və keçmiş dünya çempionu ilə ringe yaxın olan fəaliyyət Raul Marquez ekspert analitiklər kimi xidmət. icraçı prodüseri idi Gordon Hall ilə Richard Gaughanistehsal və Rick Phillips istiqamətverici.


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Haqqında ShoBox: New Generation
İyul ayında başladığı ildən başlayaraq 2001, tənqidi elan SHOWTIME boks seriyası, ShoBox: New Generation nümayiş gənc istedad çətin uyğunlaşdı. Müəyyən artikl ShoBox fəlsəfə maraqlı televise üçün, izdiham-xoş və rəqabətli oyunları istəyən perspektivləri üçün bir sübut torpaq təmin edərkən bir dünya adı uğrunda mübarizə üçün müəyyən. Artan siyahısına bəzi 65 yaranıb döyüşçüləri ShoBox və dünya adları sağlayamayacağını üçün inkişaf etmiş daxildir: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams və daha çox.