ស្លាក​ប​ណ្ណ​សារ: លោក Juan Carlos Payano

Undefeated ‘Korican KidLogan Yoon to Face Former Two-Time World Champion Juan Carlos Salgado at ‘Rumble at the Rock’ ថ្ងៃសុក្រនេះនៅសណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូនៅហូលីវូដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា

Fast-rising Hawaiian welterweight prospect LoganKorican KidYoon (10-0, 10 លើក) says he’s expecting a big 2018.
The 19-year-old phenom from Honolulu will face Mexican former two-time world champion Juan Carlos Salgado (27-7-1, 16 លើក) in a 10-round battle for the IBF Youth Welterweight World Championship in one of the supporting bouts of នេះ​កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ “រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ Hard Rock នៅសណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូនៅហូលីវូដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា.
In the night’s 12-round main event, ផ្លូវ. លោក Louis’ ស្ទីហ្វុន “Showstopper” វ័យ​ក្មេង (17-0-3, 7 លើក) will face Reymart “GenSan Assassin” បំណែក (18-0, 16 លើក) ពីទីក្រុង General Santos, Philippines for the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Championship. In the 10-round co-main event, former WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 លើក) will fight against undefeated Philippine “វេទមន្ត” លោក Mike Plania (14-0, 7 លើក).
“រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ត្រូវបានបង្ហាញដោយ Kris Lawrence និង The Heavyweight Factory. សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $255, $130, $80 និង $55. កៅអីទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានកក់និងមាននៅគ្រប់សាខារបស់ Ticketmaster, លើ​ប​ណ្តា​ញ www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com ឬគិតថ្លៃតាមទូរស័ព្ទ: 1-800-745-3000. អាចគិតថ្លៃបន្ថែម.
The young knockout artist Yoon, trained by his father George, was an
eight-time Hawaii State champion, an Adidas national and Ringside national champion and a junior Olympic bronze medalist.
Training went awesome,” លោក​ថ្លែង​ថា​:. “We had no problems. ក្នុង​ពេល​ឥឡូវ​នេះ, we’re putting on finishing toucheslast pound or two.
Yoon got his unique nickname from a family member as a child.
Korican Kid is a nickname my aunt gave me. There’s a Korean part of me and a Puerto Rican part. My dad is 100-percent Korean and my mom is Portuguese and Puerto Rican.
While he doesn’t know much about upcoming foe Salgado, Yoon says he’s confident he’ll be notching his eleventh pro victory.
I know he is a former champ and has some experience against top guys. He’s right-handed. He’s a pretty busy fighter, but I’ll be able to keep up with him. I just don’t see how he can do anything to me with my age and physicality advantages. I won’t look for my 11លើក​ទី straight KO, but if it comes, I’ll take it.
Yoon says he realized his natural power early on in his boxing life. “After my second amateur fight, I realized that when I hit people, they react and start backing up. I can see it in them: the fear.
The father and son duo still live in Hawaii, but travel to train at their promoter’s Heavyweight Factory Gym in Miami.
It’s awesome. It’s almost like a dream,” លោក​ថ្លែង​ថា​:. “I have Riddick Bowe in the gym every day mentoring me and, once in a while, we have Evander Holyfield when he’s not busy on trips. My manager and promoters are the best and treat me like someone. I love them. I love the atmosphere.
A young KO artist making a name for himself quickly with a strong promotional team behind him. Yoon, a deeply religious man, says he’s looking forward to a big year.
I’m ready to make some big moves. I know my manager, Henry Rivalta, is going to put me into fights with better opponents. I just have to make sure we train hard and put in the work, and I will come out on top.

អតីតម្ចាស់ជើងឯកពិភពលោកផាយយ៉ាណូនឹងត្រូវប្រឈមមុខនឹងការផ្តួលផ្លេនៀនៅ Co-Main ក្នុងកម្មវិធី“ Rumble at the Rock”’ ថ្ងៃសុក្រនេះនៅសណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូនៅហូលីវូដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា

អតីតម្ចាស់ខ្សែក្រវាត់ Want World Super Bantamweight របស់ជូអានកាឡូសប៉ាយ៉ាណូប្រកួត ១០ ជុំជាមួយហ្វីលីពីនដែលមិនធ្លាប់ចាញ់ “វេទមន្ត” Mike Plania ត្រូវបានតំឡើងឋានៈជាសហមេព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅ នេះ​កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ “រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ Hard Rock នៅសណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូនៅហូលីវូដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា.
Payano (19-1, 9 លើក) ទល់​នឹង. ផ្លាយ៉ា (14-0, 7 លើក) នឹងធ្វើជាប្រធានគាំទ្រការប្រកួតដណ្តើមខ្សែក្រវាត់ពិភពលោកទម្ងន់ស្រាលទម្ងន់ស្រាលពិភពលោក WBA ចំនួន ១២ ជុំរវាងក្រុម St.. លោក Louis’ ស្ទីហ្វុន “Showstopper” វ័យ​ក្មេង (17-0-3, 7 លើក) និងរីម៉ាត “GenSan Assassin” បំណែក (18-0, 16 លើក) ពីទីក្រុង General Santos, ប្រទេស​ហ្វីលីពីន.
“រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ត្រូវបានបង្ហាញដោយ Kris Lawrence និង The Heavyweight Factory. សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $255, $130, $80 និង $55. កៅអីទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានកក់និងមាននៅគ្រប់សាខារបស់ Ticketmaster, លើ​ប​ណ្តា​ញ www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com ឬគិតថ្លៃតាមទូរស័ព្ទ: 1-800-745-3000. អាចគិតថ្លៃបន្ថែម.
ផៅផៅយ៉ាណូអាយុ ៣៣ ឆ្នាំ, ដើមកំណើតនៃសាធារណរដ្ឋដូមីនិក, ដែល​បច្ចុប្បន្ន​រស់​នៅ​ក្នុង​ក្រុង​ម៉ៃ​អា​មី, គឺនៅក្នុងការប្រកួតលើកទី ៣ នៃបេសកកម្មរបស់គាត់ដើម្បីដណ្តើមយកជើងឯកពិភពលោករបស់គាត់ឡើងវិញ. គាត់បានកត់ត្រាជ័យជម្នះដ៏រឹងមាំចំនួនពីរចាប់តាំងពីការបំបែកការប្រកួតជាគូជាមួយស្តេចមាន់ជល់ Rau'shee Warren. ជ័យជម្នះលើផ្លេនៀដែលមិនដែលចាញ់នឹងធ្វើឱ្យគាត់ឈានមួយជំហាន.
ផ្លាយ៉ាអាយុ ២១ ឆ្នាំគឺជាទំនិញដែលភាគច្រើនមិនស្គាល់នៅអាមេរិកខាងជើង, ដូចដែលគាត់មិនដែលប្រយុទ្ធនៅផ្នែកម្ខាងនៃសមុទ្រនេះ. បច្ចុប្បន្នគាត់រស់នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងម៉ៃអាមីហើយកំពុងសម្លឹងរកមើលដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យផាយណូជាឈ្មោះធំដំបូងបង្អស់លើប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេបរបស់គាត់. បច្ចុប្បន្នគាត់កំពុងជិះស្គី KO ប្រយុទ្ធបីដង.
“នេះគឺជាការប្រកួតដ៏ធំធេងដែលមានជាប់ទាក់ទងនឹងការប្រកួតជើងឯកពិភពលោកសម្រាប់អ្នកឈ្នះ,” Henry Rivalta បាននិយាយ, នាយករោងចក្រប្រដាល់សម្រាប់រោងចក្រធុនធ្ងន់. “Juan Carlos បាននិយាយថាគាត់មិនចង់ឱ្យការប្រកួតងាយស្រួលក្នុងដំណើរឆ្ពោះទៅរកខ្សែក្រវាត់របស់គាត់ឡើងវិញទេ, ហើយ Plania ដែលមិនស្គាល់ចាញ់នឹងក្លាយជាការប្រកួតដ៏លំបាកមួយ. ផ្លេនៀនឹងសម្លឹងរកការសម្តែងនៅអាមេរិកតាមរយៈការផ្តួលជើងឯកពិភពលោកនាពេលថ្មីៗនេះ. គាត់នឹងប្តេជ្ញាយ៉ាងខ្លាំងក្នុងការរកគ្រាប់បាល់ជ័យជម្នះដ៏ធំនេះ. ខ្ញុំរំភើបណាស់ដែលឃើញអ្វីដែលមាននៅលើសង្វៀន នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ.”
“រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ត្រូវបានឧបត្ថម្ភដោយមោទនភាពដោយ Armero Tequila. ភ្ញៀវពិសេសដែលរំពឹងទុកសម្រាប់ល្ងាចនេះរួមមានអតីតម្ចាស់ខ្សែក្រវាត់ទម្ងន់ធ្ងន់រ៉ាដឌីក “ប៉ាធំ” Bowe និង Evander “នេះ​ឥឡូវនេះ​ពិត​ប្រាកដ” Holyfield. នៅ​យប់​ប្រយុទ្ធ, មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ហាដរ៉ុកនឹងបើកទ្វាររបស់ខ្លួននៅ 6 p.m. ជា​មួយ​នឹង​ការ​ប្រកួត​លើក​ដំបូង​ចាប់​ផ្តើ​ម​នៅ 7 p.m.សណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូមានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅ 1 ផ្លូវ Seminole នៅ​ក្នុង​ហូ​លី​វូ​ដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា.
មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ហាដរ៉ុកគឺជាកន្លែងសាងសង់ថ្មីដែលមានកៅអីអង្គុយចំនួន ៣៥០០ ដែលមានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅជ្រុងពាយ័ព្យនៃសណ្ឋាគារសឺមីណូលហាដរ៉ុក & កាស៊ីណូ, ហូ​លី​វូ​ដ. ជាផ្នែកមួយនៃអេ $1.5 ការពង្រីកទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិរាប់ពាន់លាន, អតីតសង្វៀនហាដរ៉ុកផ្ទាល់នឹងត្រូវរុះរើហើយជំនួសដោយកន្លែងទំនើបចំនួន ៦.៥០០ ដែលមានកន្លែងអង្គុយនៅក្នុងរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធល្ខោន, គ្រោងនឹងបើក 2019. ក្នុងពេលបណ្តោះអាសន្ន, កាលវិភាគនៃការប្រគុំតន្ត្រីពេញលេញ, កម្មវិធីកំប្លែងនិងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ផ្សេងទៀតនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅនៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ Hard Rock. Seminole Hard Rock បានរៀបចំនូវសកម្មភាពតន្ត្រីដ៏ក្តៅបំផុតមួយចំនួនដូចជា John Legend, លោក Bruce Springsteen, លោក Eric Clapton, ម៉ាកអាន់តូនី, ប៊ីលីយ៉ូអែល, Andrea Bocelli, Tim McGraw និង Carlos Santana; កំពូលតារាកំប្លែងរួមទាំង Kevin Hart, Tracy Morgan, គ្រីសរ៉ុក, George Lopez និង Robin Williams ចុង; ក៏ដូចជាព្រឹត្តិការណ៍កីឡាធំ ៗ និងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍របស់តារាកីឡាធំ ៗ, ពីការប្រកួតយូអេហ្វស៊ីទៅកាឡាសប្បុរសធម៌សម្រាប់ជេសថេល័រ, Alonzo កាន់ទុក្ខ, Dwyane Wade និងអ្វីៗជាច្រើនទៀត. សំរាប់​ព​ត៌​មាន​បន្ថែម, សូម​ទស្សនា www.myhrl.com.

Stephon វ័យក្មេង: ‘Team Gaballo Not Thinking Enough About What’s Going to Happen to Him

ផ្លូវ. Louis Bantamweight Young to Face Reymart Gaballo for WBA Interim World Championship on ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​មិនា 23, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & កាស៊ីណូ, ហូ​លី​វូ​ដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា
Perennial 118-lb contender Stephon “Showstopper” Young is finishing up his 13-week training camp in Miami while wondering if his opponent knows what he’s truly in for next week.
នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​មិនា 23, in the Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & កាស៊ីណូនៅហូលីវូដ, ទីតាំងនៅ Fla ។, WBA #4-rated Young (17-0-3, 7 លើក) from St. Louis will face WBA #5 Reymart “GenSan Assassin” បំណែក (18-0, 16 លើក) ពីទីក្រុង General Santos, ប្រទេស​ហ្វីលីពីន, in a 12-round battle for the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Championship.
Young vs. Gaballo headlines promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory’s “រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក,” an 11-bout night of world-class professional boxing. In the 10-round co-main, former WBA Super World Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 លើក) ចំណាយ​ពេល​នៅ​លើ “វេទមន្ត” លោក Mike Plania (14-0, 7 លើក) ពីទីក្រុង General Santos, ប្រទេស​ហ្វីលីពីន.
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $255, $130, $80 និង $55. កៅអីទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានកក់និងមាននៅគ្រប់សាខារបស់ Ticketmaster, លើ​ប​ណ្តា​ញ www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com ឬគិតថ្លៃតាមទូរស័ព្ទ: 1-800-745-3000. អាចគិតថ្លៃបន្ថែម.
29-year-old southpaw Young says that while Gaballo obviously has some strength to have such a high KO percentage, he is too green to be in the ring with a fighter at his level and experience.
“ដើម្បី​ឱ្យ​មាន​ភាព​ស្មោះ​ត្រង់, ខ្ញុំ​បាន​យក​អ្វី​ពី​គាត់, but they should have stepped him up with a different opponent first and not thrown him in with a guy like me,” បាន​ឱ្យ​ដឹង​ថា​ក្មេង. “I feel he’s not ready yet and that will show កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ​ក្រោយ. He should have had two or three more fights, but I feel like just because it’s for a title, they are rushing toward it. It’s a good opportunity for him, but they’re not thinking enough about what’s going to happen to him. I will be bringing everything I’ve got that night.
វ័យ​ក្មេង, who still lives in St. Louis but travels to Miami for camp, says coming up the hard way in boxing and then meeting up with his current team will make all the difference កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ​ក្រោយ.
When I turned pro, I didn’t get signed right off the bat with a big-time promoter,” លោក​ថ្លែង​ថា​:. “I went and fought in people’s backyards and proved myself. I was given nothing, but I knew my time would come. I stayed focused and continued to train. I’ve been with my coach, Herman Caicedo, now for two years and I’m a totally different fighter. I want to thank my team, my promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory for giving me this opportunity, my manager Henry Rivalta for always believing in me and my coach Herman Caicedo for getting me in the best shape I’ve ever been.
For Young, lifting the belt over his head កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ​ក្រោយ will be a dream come true.
“ការ​ឈ្នះ​ការ​ប្រកួត​នេះ​មាន​ន័យ​ថា​អ្វី​គ្រប់​យ៉ាង. It’s a big accomplishment and nothing can keep me from my dreams. នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី ខែ​មិនា 23, I will be champion.
“រអ៊ូរទាំនៅរ៉ុក” ត្រូវបានឧបត្ថម្ភដោយមោទនភាពដោយ Armero Tequila. Special guests expected that evening include former heavyweight champions Riddick “ប៉ាធំ” Bowe និង Evander “នេះ​ឥឡូវនេះ​ពិត​ប្រាកដ” Holyfield. នៅ​យប់​ប្រយុទ្ធ, មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ហាដរ៉ុកនឹងបើកទ្វាររបស់ខ្លួននៅ 6 p.m. ជា​មួយ​នឹង​ការ​ប្រកួត​លើក​ដំបូង​ចាប់​ផ្តើ​ម​នៅ 7 p.m. សណ្ឋាគារ Seminole Hard Rock & កាស៊ីណូមានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅ 1 ផ្លូវ Seminole នៅ​ក្នុង​ហូ​លី​វូ​ដ, រដ្ឋ​ផ្ល​រី​ដា.

Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alexis Santiago In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

Ladarius Miller Tops Jamel Herring in Exciting Battle of Lightweight Contenders Tuesday Night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
សូម​ចុច ទីនេះ for Photos from Andy Samuelson/
Premier Boxing ChampionPhotos to be added shortly
សូម​ចុច ទីនេះ for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
Las Vegas (ខែ​សីហា 22, 2017) – អតីត​ម្ចាស់​ជើង​ឯក​ពិភពលោក លោក Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 លើក) scored an impressive decision victory over កីឡាករ Alexis ទីក្រុង Santiago (24-5-1, 8 លើក) នៅ​ក្នុង​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​ដ៏​សំខាន់​នៃ​ការនាយក​រដ្ឋ​ម​ន្រ្តី​ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ TOE​-ដើម្បី​-toe នៅ​លើ FS1 និង ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Championsនៅ​លើ បាន Fox កីឡា, កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano set the pace early, closing the distance with Santiago and delivering consistent flurries of punches. Santiago was unable to keep Payano from charging forward early and seemed focused on landing a big counter.
The fight was defined by its rough nature and constant fighting on the inside. This led to a cut above Payano’s left eye after round three, but his corner was able to manage it and the cut was never a problem.
I felt like I was winning every single round,” said Payano. “There were small moments on the inside that I gave away but I think I did the better work each round.
Santiago had moments in the fight and landed big right hands late in the fourth and fifth rounds that got Payano’s attention, but the former champion was able to throw back with high volume and regain control of the fight.
The strategy was to wear him down and then really try to walk him down and take him out,” said Payano. “Santiago was a little too tough for his own good so I kept some distance at times and controlled the fight.
I felt the long layoff when I got in there,” said Santiago. “I was a little tight and I loaded up too much instead of using my speed.
Even when Santiago was able to corner Payano, the slippery fighter was able to fight his way off the ropes and turn the tide back in his favor. After the end of 10 rounds of super bantamweight action all three judgessaw the fight in Payano’s favor by scores of 100-90 និង 99-91 ពីរ​ដង.
I want my titles back,” said Payano. “I don’t care who is holding which titles at 118 និង 122 ផោន. I’ll fight anyone and show I’m still a champion.
I thought the fight was a little closer,” said Santiago. “He did more work than me but I thought I had good moments. I wanted to box him a little more but I couldn’t find my range so I just tried to close down the gaps. We just have to go back to the drawing board and stay more active. I want to get a tune-up fight then get right back to fighting top guys.
The co-main event saw once-beaten Ladarius រោងម៉ាស៊ីនកិនស្រូវ (14-1, 4 លើក) score a unanimous decision victory over 2012 U.S. កីឡាករ​អូឡាំពិក Jamel Herring (16-2, 9 លើក) in their 10-round lightweight bout.
The southpaws began the fight carefully, with Miller looking to establish his jab while Herring showed great movement early and tried to catch Miller in the pocket. The exchanges picked up in round two, although both men were still primarily throwing one punch at a time.
I know I out-jabbed him,” said Miller. “When we jabbed each other, I thought my jab was stronger than his. I gave him two different styles. There were times where I walked him down and times where I boxed him.
Miller began to pick up the aggressiveness in round three, following up his jab with a straight left hand over the top that snapped Herring’s head. Herring continued to focus on his movement and mixed-in good body work several times to finish off exchanges.
In round five Herring began to plant himself inside and looked to counter Miller, but was unable to do enough clean work to get the attention of the judges as Miller continued to throw back with left hands and movement that occasionally frustrated Herring.
“ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​វា​ជា​ការ​ប្រកួត​យ៉ាង​ជិត​ស្និទ្ធ,” តាម​លោក Herring. “I thought when I came forward and pressed the fight he started retreating and moving.
Both men squared-off in the center of the ring for the final three rounds, as each looked to deliver a shot that would seal the fight in their favor. The flurry of action led to judgesdisagreements on all three of the final action-packed rounds.
In the end it was Miller’s consistent work throughout the fight that got him the nod from all three judges by scores of 98-92 និង 97-93 ពីរ​ដង.
I thought 97-93 was the right score,” said Miller. “I took it easy in round nine and felt him out in the first two rounds. But the rest of the fight I felt like I dominated. It’s a process. I’m just climbing the ladder right now. I want to get another test and fight more strong fighters. I want to be on the biggest stages. I’m ready for the step up.
I thought I landed some heavy shots in there and was more aggressive,” តាម​លោក Herring. “Obviously the judges saw it differently. I’ll get back with my team and see what’s next, but I did think I won the fight. I thought I won the last two rounds and pulled it out.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. លើស​ពី​នេះ​ទៀត, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
សំរាប់​ព​ត៌​មាន​បន្ថែម: ដំណើរ​ទស្សនកិច្ច www បាន.premierboxingchampions.com, ស្វែងរក http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / គេ​ហ​ទំព័រ និង www.foxdeportes.com. សូម​អនុវត្ត​នៅ​លើ Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes និង @Swanson_Comm និង​ក្លាយ​​​ទៅ​ជា​អ្នក​គាំទ្រ​មួយ​នៅ​លើ​ហ្វេ​ស​ប៊ុ​ក​ក្នុង www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www បាន.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesមួយd www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, ស្រាបៀរល្អបំផុត.

Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Returns to Take On Alexis Santiago in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ, ខែ​សីហា 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
ច្រើន​ទៀត! Once Beaten Lightweights Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller
Square-Off in Co-Main Event
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​ការ​លក់ នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ស្អែក!
Las Vegas (ខែ​សីហា 8, 2017) – អតីត​ម្ចាស់​ជើង​ឯក​ពិភពលោក លោក Juan Carlos Payano (18-1, 9 លើក) នឹង​ប្រឈម​មុខ​នឹង កីឡាករ Alexis ទីក្រុង Santiago (21-4-1, 8 លើក) in a 10-round bantamweight matchup that headlines នាយក​រដ្ឋ​ម​ន្រ្តី​ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ TOE​-ដើម្បី​-toe នៅ​លើ FS1 និង ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions នៅ​លើ បាន Fox កីឡា ខែ​សីហា 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano versus Santiago replaces the previously announced main event that featured a lightweight match between Mickey Bey and Anthony Peterson that was cancelled after Bey was injured in training.
I am excited to be back in the ring and on the way back to the top,” said Payano. “I don’t plan to allow anything to derail me from being champion again. I’m ready to put on a great performance and get the big fights that I want. I’m looking forward to once again reigning supreme in this division. I’m never in a boring fight so you won’t want to miss it on ខែ​សីហា 22!”
I’ve been staying steady with training camp and everything has been really smooth,” said Santiago. “After my last fight I took a few months off to let my body heal and I feel much better going into this fight. My opponent is tough and aggressive. He’s a former world champion but I feel that I have what it takes to win. This fight is happening during the biggest fight week in boxing and I couldn’t be happier. I’m just staying focused on doing what I have to do to get in the ring and get that win.
គ្រប​ដ​ណ្ត​ប់​តាម​ទូរទស្សន៍​ចាប់​ផ្តើ​ម​នៅ 9 p.m. និង/6 p.m. PT as part of an exciting week of events presented by Mayweather Promotions and leading up to the Mayweather vs. McGregor showdown កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សៅរ៍.
នេះ ខែ​សីហា 22 show will also feature a showdown between once-beaten lightweights Jamel Herring (16-1, 9 លើក) និង Ladarius រោងម៉ាស៊ីនកិនស្រូវ (13-1, 4 លើក), who will meet in a 10-round match.
I was so excited when I got the news that I got this opportunity,” តាម​លោក Herring. “This is a huge stage for me to be on and it is an honor. I’ve been training alongside some great guys in camp to make sure I am in top shape and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m familiar with Ladarius from when I trained in the Mayweather Boxing Club a couple years ago. I don’t underestimate him, but I’ve been in the ring with tough vets and I think I’ve got what it takes.
I think a lot of people have doubted me in the past, but lately I feel like I am finally getting the recognition I knew I deserved,” said Miller. “My team has been great in encouraging me to stay consistent. I had to make a lot of changes to help me evolve as a fighter physically and mentally. I feel mentally locked in right now and my last few fights have showed my hungry wont-back-down side and on ខែ​សីហា 22 the fans just better be ready to see ‘Memphis.I’ve seen my opponents resume and all I can say is, this is going to be a good olbrawl.
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​សម្រាប់​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​ផ្ទាល់, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $125, $100, $75 និង $50 និង​មាន​នៅ​លើ​ការ​លក់ នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ស្អែក, ខែ​សីហា 9. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
This is an incredible event to kick-off the biggest fight week in the history of boxing,” តាម​លោក​លី​អូ​ណា Ellerbe, នាយក​ប្រតិបត្តិ​នៃ​កម្មវិធី​ផ្តល់​ជូន Mayweather បាន. “We are proud to announce that some of Mayweather Promotionstop prospects will be featured on their own FS1 and FOX Deportes card, giving the fans nonstop action and excitement for the whole week. We have a great lineup in-store with former world champion Juan Carlos Payano taking on Alexis Santiago in the main event and Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller in the co-feature. It is truly going to be an action filled night of boxing.
The two-time Dominican Olympian Payano began his path towards another world title with a stoppage of Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January, after first becoming a champion via a technical decision over Anselmo Moreno in September 2014. The accomplished amateur won gold at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean games with victories over McJoe Arroyo and Yoandris Salinas. He defeated Jundy Maraon, Jose Silveria and Luis Maldonado on the way to his title shot and engaged in a pair of exciting fights with Rau’shee Warren that saw him defend his title in August 2015 and lose in June 2016.
ចាប់​តាំង​ពី​ពេល​មួយ​ដែល​គាំទ្រ 2009, the 26-year-old Santiago had won ten consecutive bouts before dropping a decision to Jose Cayetano in his last contest. The Phoenix-native defeated Gustavo Molina, Javier Gallo and Antonio Tostado Garcia in 2015 and and has also taken down once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez. He will make his 2017 debut against one of his most experienced foes to date in Payano.
An amateur standout who won a 2012 Amateur National Championship the same year as his Olympic run, Herring fights out of Cincinnati and is originally from Coram, ញូ​វ​យ៉​ក. The 31-year-old won his first 15 pro fights including triumphs over Luis Eduardo Florez, Yakubu Amidu and Hector Velasquez. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Herring bounced back from his first defeat and stopped experienced contender Art Hovhannisyan in February.
ចាប់​តាំង​ពី​ពេល​មួយ​ដែល​គាំទ្រ 2014, Miller won his first nine pro fights as he used his speed and skills to out box opponents. Originally from Memphis but now living and training in Las Vegas, Miller has won four fights in a row, including three by stoppage. His last bout saw Miller fight to the eighth round for the first time in his career and impressively stop the then once-beaten Jesus Gutierrez in the final frame.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. លើស​ពី​នេះ​ទៀត, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
សំរាប់​ព​ត៌​មាន​បន្ថែម: ដំណើរ​ទស្សនកិច្ច www បាន.premierboxingchampions.com, ស្វែងរក http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / គេ​ហ​ទំព័រ និង www.foxdeportes.com. សូម​អនុវត្ត​នៅ​លើ Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes និង @Swanson_Comm និង​ក្លាយ​​​ទៅ​ជា​អ្នក​គាំទ្រ​មួយ​នៅ​លើ​ហ្វេ​ស​ប៊ុ​ក​ក្នុង www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www បាន.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes មួយទី www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, ស្រាបៀរល្អបំផុត.

Former World Champion Mickey Bey Returns to Take On Once-Beaten Contender Anthony Peterson in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ, ខែ​សីហា 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
ច្រើន​ទៀត! Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Battles
Alexis Santiago in Bantamweight Showdown
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​ការ​លក់ ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​សីហា 4 នៅ 12 p.m. ក្រុម​ហ៊ុន PT!
Las Vegas (ខែ​សីហា 2, 2017) – Former lightweight world champion វេ​លា​បី (22-2-1, 10 លើក) will face once-beaten contender លោក Anthony Peterson បាន (37-1, 24 លើក) in a 10-round lightweight matchup that headlines នាយក​រដ្ឋ​ម​ន្រ្តី​ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ TOE​-ដើម្បី​-toe នៅ​លើ FS1 និង ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions នៅ​លើ បាន Fox កីឡា ខែ​សីហា 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas in Las Vegas.
គ្រប​ដ​ណ្ត​ប់​តាម​ទូរទស្សន៍​ចាប់​ផ្តើ​ម​នៅ 9 p.m. និង/6 p.m. PT as part of an exciting week of events presented by Mayweather Promotions and leading up to the Mayweather vs. McGregor showdown កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សៅរ៍.
It’s been over a year since I was in the ring and I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on my career as a fighter and as a man,” said Bey. “I realize what’s important now and how I can protect my legacy as a fighter. I’ve put in more work fir this fight than I have for any other and I’m ready to let my performance speak for me. I’m focusing on my mental toughness and my ring IQ and I’m looking to put on a perfect performance on ខែ​សីហា 22.”
I’m just happy to be back in the ring and fighting again,” តាម​លោក Peterson បាន. “I’ve known Mickey Bey for years and he’s a good friend of mine. But business is business and on ខែ​សីហា 22 I will be all business when I step into the ring.
នេះ ខែ​សីហា 22 show will feature a showdown between former world champion លោក Juan Carlos Payano (18-1, 9 លើក) និង​ទីក្រុង Phoenix កីឡាករ Alexis ទីក្រុង Santiago (21-4-1, 8 លើក) នៅ 10 rounds of bantamweight action.
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​សម្រាប់​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​ផ្ទាល់, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $125, $100, $75 និង $50 និង​មាន​នៅ​លើ​ការ​លក់ ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​សីហា 4 នៅ 12 p.m. ក្រុម​ហ៊ុន PT. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
This is an incredible event to kick-off the biggest fight week in the history of boxing,” តាម​លោក​លី​អូ​ណា Ellerbe, នាយក​ប្រតិបត្តិ​នៃ​កម្មវិធី​ផ្តល់​ជូន Mayweather បាន. “We are proud to announce that some of Mayweather Promotionstop prospects will be featured on their own FS1 and FOX Deportes card, giving the fans nonstop action and excitement for the whole week. We have a great lineup in store with Mickey Bey and Anthony Peterson in the main event, and former world champion Juan Carlos Payano taking on Alexis Santiago in the co-feature. It is truly going to be an action filled night of boxing.
Originally from Cleveland but fighting out of Las Vegas, Bey steps back into the ring after challenging unbeaten two-division champion Rances Barthelemy last June. Bey won his world title in 2014 with a decision victory over long reigning champion Miguel Vasquez. He vacated his title due to injuries but returned in December 2015 to defeat previously unbeaten Naim Nelson by decision and earn his most recent title fight. Bey’s previous victories include triumphs over Alan Herrera, Carlos Cardenas and Hector Velazquez.
The brother of current welterweight titlist Lamont Peterson, Anthony enters this fight the winner of his last seven bouts, including a dominant decision over once-beaten Samuel Neequaye last April. The fighter out of Washington, D.C., was unbeaten in his first 30 pro fights before dropping a title eliminator to Brandon Rios in 2010. He returns to the ring looking to take out a former champion on his way to another shot at a title.
The two-time Dominican Olympian Payano began his path towards another world title with a stoppage of Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January, after first becoming a champion via a technical decision over Anselmo Moreno in September 2014. The accomplished amateur won gold at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean games with victories over McJoe Arroyo and Yoandris Salinas. He defeated Jundy Maraon, Jose Silveria and Luis Maldonado on the way to his title shot and engaged in a pair of exciting fights with Rau’shee Warren that saw him defend his title in August 2015 and lose in June 2016.
ចាប់​តាំង​ពី​ពេល​មួយ​ដែល​គាំទ្រ 2009, the 26-year-old Santiago had won ten consecutive bouts before dropping a decision to Jose Cayetano in his last contest. The Phoenix-native defeated Gustavo Molina, Javier Gallo and Antonio Tostado Garcia in 2015 and and has also taken down once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez. He will make his 2017 debut against one of his most experienced foes to date in Payano.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. លើស​ពី​នេះ​ទៀត, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
សំរាប់​ព​ត៌​មាន​បន្ថែម: ដំណើរ​ទស្សនកិច្ច www បាន.premierboxingchampions.com, ស្វែងរក http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / គេ​ហ​ទំព័រ និង www.foxdeportes.com. សូម​អនុវត្ត​នៅ​លើ Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes និង @Swanson_Comm និង​ក្លាយ​​​ទៅ​ជា​អ្នក​គាំទ្រ​មួយ​នៅ​លើ​ហ្វេ​ស​ប៊ុ​ក​ក្នុង www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www បាន.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesមួយd www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, ស្រាបៀរល្អបំផុត.

World-Class Dominican Boxers Payano, Marrero and Vicente Sign Long-Term Agreements with King Kong Boxing Management


Well-known Florida-based manager/trainer Herman Caicedo proudly announces the signing of three of his world-class Dominican fighters, former WBA Super World Bantamweight Champion and WBA #2, ស្ថាប័ន WBC #11 contender Juan Carlos Payano, ខ្សែ​ក្រវាត់ WBA #3 featherweight ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero, and well-respected featherweight contender YenifelThe Lightning” លោក Vicente, to multi-year managerial agreements with Jay Jimenez of King Kong Boxing Management.
The deal frees Caicedo, who formerly held both duties with the three fighters since their amateur days, to focus solely on training, while Jimenez takes the reins over furthering their careers in the professional boxing business.
32-year-old southpaw Payano (18-1, 9 លើក) won the WBA strap in September 2014 by stopping long-time world champion Anselmo Moreno. He then defeated and lost a rematch to Ohio’s Rau’shee Warren. He was last seen scoring a TKO 7 over Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January of this year.
King Kong Boxing exploded on the scene with (former interim WBA Heavyweight Champion) Luis Ortiz and has fast-tracked the careers of several Cuban fighters,” said Payano. “I am very happy to be working with Jay Jimenez. And my trainer Herman has always been very honest with us and protected us from the sharks in boxing. Through his philosophy of hard work and dedication, I became a world champion. I am happy he will now be able to concentrate on training, which he is the best in the world at.
Marrero (21-1, 15 លើក) will face Peru’s Carlos Zambrano for his interim WBA World Championship, as well as the IBO World Championship, នៅ​លើ ខែ​កុម្ភៈ 24 in Palm Springs, កា​លី​ហ្វ​ញ៉ា.
Joining the King Kong team is great, but as we see it, we have been part of this team for some time,” said Marrero. “Jay has always helped us with anything we needed. It’s just official now. King Kong Boxing Management is looking to bring more superstar elite fighters to boxing’s forefront, through aggressive marketing and strategic alliances with top promoters in the business.
លោក Vicente (30-3-2, 22 លើក) is one of the world’s most exciting fighters. Currently riding a five-fight winning streak, the power-punching 30-year-old is a television favorite for his all-action fighting style.
Herman has done a great job with my training and my career,” បាន​ឱ្យ​ដឹង​ថា​លោក Vicente. “He has worked very hard for me and all his fighters. Now he will get some expert help from King Kong Boxing Management. I am looking forward to a very bright future working with these two great men.

Payano, Marrero and Yenifel Vicente are superstar, elite-level fighters,” said Jimenez. “Payano is a former champion, Marrero a soon to be champion and Vicente on a fast track to becoming a champion as well. This is exactly what King Kong Boxing is interested in signing: the very best. I have no doubt that Payano will once again become champion this year. Working with Herman is easy and inspiring. He brings the same approach to his training that I do to management. He is professional, វៃ​ឆ្លាត, and a no-nonsense worker.

I am very sad and ecstatic at the same time,” said Caicedo. “I have been a trainer/ manager for over 23 years and believe that the only way to develop a champion is to avoid the distractions in boxing, such as when some managers change coaches like they change underwear. ជា​អកុសល, most of the time fighters don’t have a say due to financial restraints or influence the manager might have. I did away with that as much as possible by doing most of the managing myself. King Kong Boxing is, ដោយ​ឆ្ងាយ, the best management team in the business. These three fighters are special to me because we debuted as pros and became champions together. But I have zero doubt I made the right decision for the guyscareer and future. I want to thank Jay from King Kong Boxing for the trusting in me to work with his fighters over the past few years and for having the vision in the signing of his newest additions.

Mexico’s Jose Alfredo Rodriguez Determined to Win Second World Championship on January 29 Against ‘Pretty BoyAncajas

ម៉ិ​ក​ស៊ិ​ក‘s Jose AlfredoToritoRodriguez is promising fireworks in his upcoming world title challenge.
នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​អាទិត្យ, ខែ​មករា 29, 2017, at the Studio City Casino in Macao, ប្រទេស​ចិន, Rodriguez បាន (32-4, 19 លើក), ពី​ទីក្រុង Mazatlan, Sinaloa, will attempt to win his second world championship by challenging Cavite City, ប្រទេស​ហ្វីលីពីន’ IBF World Super Flyweight Champion Jerwin “ប្រុស​ស្អាត” Ancajas (25-1-1, 16 លើក) ជាង 12 ជុំ.
The former interim WBA Light Flyweight Champion Rodriguez says he’s determined to get back where he belongs in boxing.
I took two years off of boxing and missed being a champion. I came back last year on a mission to win another title and that’s what I’m going to do,” តាម​លោក Rodriguez បាន. “Nothing can stop me. When I am given the proper time to prepare, I am one of the world’s best. That is what I will show against Ancajas.
The southpaw Ancajas won his title in September of last year with a unanimous decision over McJoe Arroyo. The fight against Rodriguez will be his first defense.
Rodriguez’s manager José A. Acevedo of Free Agent Boxing Management, says his fighter is getting top-level training for this showdown.
Torito is working with his great trainer, Gil Gastelum, at Big Time Boxing in Port St. លូ​ស៊ី, Florida and Caicedo Sport Training Center in Miami,” said Acevedo. “And more importantly, he is sparring with some excellent fighters to get ready, including former world champ Juan Carlos Payano, WBA-NABA Bantamweight Champ Stephon Young and upcoming featherweight title challenger Claudio Marrero amongst others. This is the best I’ve ever seen him look. He is very determined to win this championship. Thanks to Manny Pacquiao and Sean Gibbons for this terrific opportunity.
Ancajas is a good fighter and I respect him, but there is nothing that can save his title from me,” continued Rodriguez. I thank him for this opportunity, វា​ជា​សុបិន​មួយ​ដែល​បាន​ក្លាយ​​​ជា​ការ​ពិត, but he’s going home an ex-champ. I am going to be an unbeatable force that night.


ឥណទាន​រូបថត: Ryan Hafey / នាយក​រដ្ឋ​ម​ន្រ្តី​ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions
Las Vegas, NV បាន (ខែ​មករា 20, 2017)Erislandy ឡា​រ៉ា, the WBA/IBO 154-pound champion, scored two knockouts in his match against លោក Yuri Foreman in Miami on Premier Championship Boxing នៅ​លើ ទូរទស្សន៍​កើនឡើង last Friday night. One in the ring to retain his world titles and another in the ratings. An average of 547,000 ទស្សនិកជន, ដោយ​មាន​ទស្សនិកជន​កំពូល​នៃ 707,000, tuned in to watch Lara land a devastating uppercut that knocked out former world champion Foreman in the fourth round.
Spike TV’s viewership ratings for Lara vs. Foreman scored 11% higher than their last Friday night telecast, which showcased ដា​នី Jacobs បាន ទល់​នឹង កីឡាករ Sergio ម៉ូ​រ៉ា. Look for Erislandy Lara to return to the ring sometime before summer.
I want to thank Spike TV and everyone involved with the promotion for giving me the opportunity to fight in Miami, in front of all my fans.” Erislandy ឡា​រ៉ា​បាន​និយាយ​ថា​:. “The last time I fought in Miami I got the knockout and that’s exactly what I wanted to do in this fight. I accomplished that goal and the fans got to see someone go down. Everyone loves the knockout. I’m happy to have delivered a positive rating for Spike TV. I can’t wait to return to the ring.

Erislandy Lara Training Camp Quotes & រូបថត

Super Welterweight World Champion Battles Former Champion Yuri Foreman in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike
ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​មករា 13 ឧទ្យាន​ប្រណាំង​ពី Hialeah & កាស៊ីណូ​នៅ Miami
សូម​ចុច ទីនេះ for Photos from Hosanna Rull/Team Lara/
នាយក​រដ្ឋ​ម​ន្រ្តី​ប្រដាល់​ជើងឯក Champions
ក្រុង​ម៉ៃ​អា​មី (ខែ​មករា 12, 2017) – ម្ចាស់​ជើង​ឯក​ពិភពលោក​ខ្សែ​ក្រវាត់​ទម្ងន់​មធ្យម​ជាន់​ខ្ពស់ Erislandy ឡា​រ៉ា is primed and ready for his world title defense against former world champion លោក Yuri Foreman នេះ ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ, ខែ​មករា 13 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike from Hialeah Park Racing and Casino in Miami.
Additional action on Spike features former world champion លោក Anthony Dirrell and Hungary’s Norbert Nemesapati, who meet in a 10-round super middleweight bout. គ្រប​ដ​ណ្ត​ប់​តាម​ទូរទស្សន៍​ចាប់​ផ្តើ​ម​នៅ 9 p.m. និង/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated prospects លោក Miguel Cruz បាន, who attended today’s press conference,និង លោក Alex លោក​ម៉ា​ទី​ន នៅ​ក្នុង​សកម្មភាព​ខ្សែ​ក្រវាត់​ទម្ងន់​មធ្យម.
សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​សម្រាប់​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​ផ្ទាល់, ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាន​ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ​ដោយ​ក្រុម Warriors កីឡា​ប្រដាល់, ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​លក់​ក្នុង​តម្លៃ $25, $35, $50, $75, $100 និង $125, មិន​រាប់​បញ្ចូល​ថ្លៃ​ចំណាយ​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ, ហើយ​ឥឡូវ​នេះ​គឺ​មាន​នៅ​លើ​ការ​លក់. សំបុត្រ​ចូល​ទស្សនា​អាច​ត្រូវ​បាន​ទិញ​លើ​ប​ណ្តា​ញ www.myticketforce.com ដោយ​ការ​ចុច ទីនេះ, តាម​ទូរស័ព្ទ​នៅ (877) 840-0457 ឬ​នៅ​ក្នុង​ទ្រុង​កាស៊ីណូ Hialeah ឧទ្យាន.
Here is what Lara had to say about Foreman, training camp with Ronnie Shields and more:
On his recent training camp
We just wrapped up about a week and we got some good rest during fight week. Training camp has been very productive. I’m comfortable with my weight and I feel strong going into this fight. My strength and conditioning is right where I want it. Ronnie and I are always polishing up on the things I do well. សរុប, it’s been a great camp.
On facing former world champion Yuri Foreman
I’m grateful to Yuri Foreman for accepting this fight. I know he’s hungry to get back in the ring. He wants to prove that he’s still relevant in the super welterweight division. He’s a former world champion who knows what it’s like to win at the elite level. I’m not looking past Yuri Forman, but I’m very confident I’ll be victorious. I feel I’m going to be the superior fighter when we both step in the ring នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ស្អែក យប់​។”
On returning to Miami to fight in front of a large Cuban community
My last fight here was amazing and the fan support was unbelievable. I got the knockout and I’m hoping to do the same again. If I see my opponent hurt, I’ll be looking to take him out. I love my Cuban countrymen and all their support, as well as my American fans. Miami is like a second home to me and I can’t wait to give the fans a great show.
On the state of the super welterweight division
The division, នៅ​ក្នុង​គំនិត​របស់​ខ្ញុំ, is the most talented division in boxing. Everyone at the top is looking to cement their legacy in boxing history and everyone is spectacular. In the future, we will all have to face each other at some point. ដូច្នេះ, expect some unification bout to be presented, and may the best man rise to the top. I know I’m ready to fight everyone, but first I must get past Foreman.
On fighting in the main event on Spike
Fighting on Spike, ជា​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​ដ៏​សំខាន់, is going to fantastic. The exposure is wonderful for any athlete competing on their network. Boxing is a great sport, and Spike TV is helping us gain more fans with their viewers. The PBC is doing an excellent job. I’m very happy to be fighting on network television.
សម្រាប់​ដំណើរ​ទស្សនកិច្ច​ព​ត៌​មាន​បន្ថែម www.premierboxingchampions.com និង www.spike.com/shows/អ្នក​ប្រដាល់​ម្ចាស់​ជើង​ឯក​-លោក​នាយក​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី​-. សូម​អនុវត្ត​នៅ​លើ Twitter @PremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @YForeman, AnthonyDirrell, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @WarriorsBoxingProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC នៅលើ Spike ត្រូវបានឧបត្ថម្ភដោយ Corona បន្ថែម, ស្រាបៀរល្អបំផុត.