Tag Archives: Jessie Vargas

Adrien Broner & Dyfyniadau Gwersyll Hyfforddi Unigryw Gervonta Davis & Lluniau



Broner & Gwersyll Hyfforddi Davis Talk, Matchups i ddod & Mwy Ymlaen Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 21 Showdowns Live on SHOWTIME o Ganolfan Barclays yn Brooklyn

Cliciwch YMA ar gyfer Lluniau gan Jose Pineiro / SHOWTIME

TRAETH PALM GORLLEWIN, FL (Ebrill 11, 2018) – bencampwr byd Pedwar-adran Adrien Broner a chyn-bencampwr diguro Gervonta “Tank” Davis rhannu diweddariadau o'u gwersyll hyfforddi yn West Palm Beach, Florida wrth iddyn nhw baratoi ar gyfer eu priod sioeau dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 21 yn fyw ar Showtime o Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO.




Pennawd digwyddiad Premier Champions Boxing yw Adrien Broner brwydro cyn-bencampwr pwysau pwysau'r byd Jessie Vargas mewn pwl 12 rownd. Mae'r telecast Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO yn dechrau am 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT a nodweddion Davis cwrdd Iesu Cuellar wrth iddyn nhw sgwario ar gyfer Pencampwriaeth y Byd Pwysau Pwysau Plu 130 pwys WBA ynghyd â chyn-bencampwr y byd heb ei drin Jermall Charlo gwrthdaro â churo unwaith Hugo Centeno Jr. ar gyfer teitl y byd 160 pwys dros dro.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Mayweather Promotions, Adloniant DiBella a Hyrwyddiadau TGB, yn dechrau am $50 a gellir ei brynu yn ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com neu drwy ffonio 800-745-3000. Gellir prynu tocynnau hefyd yn Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yng Nghanolfan Barclays. Gostyngiadau grwpiau ar gael drwy ffonio 844-BKLYN-GP.




Mae Broner a Davis yn rhannu gwersyll yn West Palm Beach am y tro cyntaf o dan arweiniad y prif hyfforddwr Kevin Cunningham, cyn-Sant. Swyddog heddlu Louis sydd wedi gweithio gyda chyn-bencampwyr y byd Devon Alexander a Cory Spinks.




Dyma beth mae'r diffoddwyr, ynghyd â'r hyfforddwr Cunningham, roedd yn rhaid dweud am wersyll, Ebrill 21 ac yn fwy:



Ar newid hyfforddwyr…

“Roeddwn i'n teimlo ei bod hi'n bryd newid. Rwy'n clywed pobl yn dweud, ‘Disgwylir i chi newid ond dydych chi ddim, dyna pam rydych yn y pen draw yn yr un smotiau drosodd a throsodd ’. Felly, Mae'n rhaid i mi newid rhywbeth i gael canlyniad gwahanol. Dyna pam roedd yn rhaid i mi gamu y tu allan i'r bocs a mynd amdani.




“Roedd yn rhaid i mi newid pethau. Roedd yn rhaid i mi ychwanegu at fy repertoire oherwydd fy mod i'n cael popeth y gallaf ei wneud o'r hyn rydw i'n ei wneud ond rydw i'n dal i ddod yn fyr ar gyfer yr ymladdfeydd hyn rydw i fod i fod yn eu hennill. Felly, roedd hi'n amser newid.




“Wrth edrych yn ôl ar fy holl orchfygiad, yr unig gosb go iawn rydw i wedi'i chymryd yn y gamp hon oedd yn erbyn [Marcos] Maidana-Ges i ên wedi torri. Yn ymladd Shawn Porter, roedd yn drech na mi ac yn y Mikey [Garcia] frwydr, dim ond gweithio allan fi. Felly, mae'n bryd ychwanegu at fy nhîm a dyna pam y cefais yr hyfforddwr Kevin Cunningham. Mae'n mynd i ddod â'r gorau o Adrien Broner allan.”


Ar pam y dewisodd Kevin Cunningham?

“Rydw i wedi adnabod Coach Cunningham ers fy nyddiau amatur. Roedden ni'n arfer mynd i fyny i St.. Louis trwy'r amser ac ymladd yn ei dwrnameintiau, ar ei sioeau. Rwyf hyd yn oed wedi ymladd dros St.. Louis yn Nhwrnamaint Ringside. Roedd yn brofiad gwych.






“Rydw i wedi adnabod Coach Cunningham ers amser maith. Ef yw'r fargen go iawn Nid yw'n mynd i B.S.. fi. Mae'n mynd i fy nghadw ar flaenau fy nhraed. Dwi angen hynny.





“Mae yna hyfforddwyr sy'n newid pan fydd eu diffoddwyr yn cyrraedd lefelau penodol. Maen nhw'n dal i hyfforddi, ond nid ydyn nhw'n darparu'r strwythur sydd ei angen ar yr ymladdwr. Pan oeddwn yn ymladd yn 130, 135, Hyfforddwr Mike [Stafford] bydd wrth fy nrws yn gweiddi ‘Codwch eich casgen. Mae'n rhaid i ni redeg. Mae'n rhaid i ni hyfforddi. Codwch! Codwch!’ Ond aeth amser heibio a newidiodd pethau.






“Peidiodd yr hyfforddwr Mike â bod yn hyfforddwr a dechrau bod yn fwy o ffrind. Roeddwn i angen iddo barhau i fod yn hyfforddwr i mi. Dwi angen rhywun i gadw fi'n unol. Peidiwch â mynd i mi anghywir, bydd bob amser fel ffigwr tad ond o ran hyfforddi a fy ngyrfa. Roeddwn i angen newid.”


Ar wersyll hyfforddi…

“Rwy'n hapus iawn gyda'r gwersyll hwn. Dyna'r unig beth yr oeddwn ei angen. Rwy'n dal i fyny gyda chwsg, bwyta'n dda. Mae'r hyfforddiant ynysig yn dda iawn. Rwy'n caru popeth am y gwersyll hwn.






“Mae hyfforddiant ar fy mhen fy hun yn dda iawn i mi. Dywedais wrth bawb nad oeddent yn dod i Florida gyda mi, y byddaf yn eu gweld i gyd ar ôl yr ymladd ac os ydyn nhw wir yn fy ngharu i, byddan nhw'n deall y sefyllfa a byddan nhw'n cŵl ag ef.





“Fe wnes i wersyll gyda'r Hyfforddwr Kevin o'r blaen pan ymladdodd Dyfnaint Alexander â Timothy Bradley. Ac rydw i wedi gweld y ffordd y mae. Cawsom ein dadleuon ac roedd yn fy ngwthio allan bron bob dydd, ond roeddwn i ddim ond yn colli'r strwythur a dyna sydd ei angen arnaf.”


Ar sut roedd yn teimlo ar ôl colli i Mikey Garcia…

“Roeddwn i wedi cynhyrfu. Ar ddiwedd y dydd, does neb yn trwsio fy mhroblemau ond fi. Gallaf ofalu am bawb pan fydd ganddynt broblem, ond does neb yn datrys fy mhroblemau. Mae yna un neu ddau o bobl yno i mi ond ar ddiwedd y dydd, Dywedais wrthyf fy hun bod yn rhaid i mi gael fy mywyd a fy ngyrfa at ei gilydd.”


Gan fyfyrio ar ei yrfa…

“Dechreuais fy ngyrfa yn ifanc. Enillais deitlau mewn pedwar dosbarth pwysau. Rwyf wedi cyflawni llawer ac mae mwy eto i ddod. Roedd gen i lawer o ymladd ar ôl i'w wneud.”



Ar pam y penderfynodd wneud gwersyll hyfforddi gyda Kevin Cunningham…

“Roeddwn i mewn gwirionedd yn mynd i fynd i Colorado i hyfforddi, ond fe wnaeth Adrien fy ngwahodd i ddod i lawr yma i West Palm Beach i edrych ar y gwersyll. Dywedodd y dylwn ddod i Florida i hyfforddi gydag ef a Kevin. Felly des i lawr, Gwelais drefn Kevin ac roeddwn i wir yn ei hoffi.





“Roedd yna lawer o wrthdyniadau yn Baltimore ac rwy'n credu eu bod yn broblem i mi. Roedd angen i mi sythu fy mhen a chanolbwyntio ar y pethau y mae'n rhaid i mi weithio arnyn nhw. Roedd hi'n amser gosod fy ngwersyll yn rhywle arall.





“Roeddwn i angen newid ar ôl fy ymladd diwethaf. Rwy'n siomi fy hun. Dysgais i fod yn ymladdwr gwahanol, yn fwy cyfrifol. Rwy'n siomi eraill, ond yn meddwl fy mod yn siomi fy hun yn fwy na dim.”

Ar ôl dod yn un o'r hyrwyddwyr ieuengaf ym myd bocsio…

“Roeddwn i'n un o hyrwyddwyr ieuengaf y byd ym myd bocsio. Nid fy mod i ddim yn barod amdani. Roeddwn i mor ifanc a digwyddodd mor gyflym. Roedd yn rhaid i mi addasu iddo. Byw hyd at yr hype. Roedd yn anodd.”


Ar ei wrthwynebydd, Iesu Cuellar…

“Nid wyf mewn gwirionedd yn ymchwilio i fy ngwrthwynebwyr - neu ymladdwyr eraill heblaw'r rhai rwy'n eu hoffi. Dwi jyst yn hyfforddi'n galed ac yn ymladd pwy sydd o fy mlaen. Rwy'n gwybod ychydig amdano [Iesu Cuellar]. Gwn y gall daro, nad yw’n mynd yn ôl i lawr a’i fod yn wrthwynebydd caled. Rwy’n credu mai ef yw fy ngwrthwynebydd caletaf hyd yn hyn. Ar Ebrill 21, cawn weld a yw'n barod. Rwy'n gwybod yn sicr y byddaf.”

Ar fywyd yn y gwersyll hyfforddi pan nad yn y gampfa…
“Mae gennym dŷ mawr a ddarparodd yr hyfforddwr ar ein cyfer. Rydyn ni i gyd yn byw gyda'n gilydd-Adrien a minnau. Rydyn ni'n mynd i nofio ac i'r ffilmiau. Rydyn ni'n ymlacio. Ni sy'n gyfrifol. Dim Traeth y De, dim clybio. Dim ond hyfforddi'n galed.”

Ar ei berthynas ag Adrien Broner…

“Yr hyn nad yw pobl yn ei wybod yw fy mod i wedi bod o gwmpas Adrien ers pan oeddwn i'n iau. Edrychais i fyny ato. Pan ddaeth Adrien ar y sîn, roedd yn hynod o finiog a chyflym. Rwy'n ei gofio. Arferai ddod i'r twrnameintiau amatur.





“Mae Adrien fel brawd mawr i mi. Rydyn ni'n union fel brawd bach, brawd mawr. Rydym yn gystadleuol iawn. Nid ydym yn ei ddweud ond rydym bob amser eisiau rhagori ar ein gilydd. Er enghraifft,, Rwy'n rhedeg yn gyflymach nag y mae fel arfer, ond weithiau mae'n curo fi. Yesterday he ran so fast I could not catch him. So today, I took the lead and ran even faster. We push each other to our best.

On his plans for the future

I want to win more belts. I want to become a big star in boxing. I am going to put my work in the gym, put on a great performance in the ring and get back on track to become a world champion again.





Being a world champion again is just a step closer towards my goal: I want to be a pay-per-view star. I want to be able to fight on pay-per-view against the big fighters and do big numbers.



Ar ei berthynas ag Adrien Broner…

I’ve known Adrian Broner for a very long time. I think I’ve known him since he was like eight years old and 60 bunnoedd. He’s always been an extremely talented fighter. When he was a kid he was one of the most talented kids. He has always had boatloads of talent.


On Broner’s shortcomings as a fighter

I think sometimes, he could be a little more focused and have a little more discipline in a lot of the different things he’s doing. I think he’s trying to turn the corner and get things moving in the right direction.


On what caused Broner to come up short in recent big fights at higher weights

There are several things that could cause him to lose focus and come up a little short in some of the major fights. Some of it is the focus but there needs to be a little more discipline in terms of the training aspect and more structure. I think that’s what we’re working on here.


On what he can do to improve Broner’s game

I think coming over here with me, he’s finding a lot more structure in the training aspect. It’s a totally different training program that I have him doing. I think that he’s ready for some new leadership. He’s ready to be a little more disciplined in his profession and I think it’s going to show on the 21st.


On why this time will be different

I’ve heard from him like everybody has, but this time Broner really has done everything possible to rectify the situations that needed to be straightened out to help him propel his career and get back moving in the right directionand it’s not just his boxing career; it’s also as a personhis personal lifeand I’m here to help him out with that. He’s really working hard to get it right this time.


On his history and background as a trainer and how it applies here

I’m known to be a stern and disciplined trainer, hyfforddwr, and teacher. I’ve got a military and police background, so I don’t play a lot of games. We’re serious and we’re about business. When Broner made the decision to come with me, I knew that he was ready to take his career seriously because he knows what it’s like being here with me. He has to be about business, he has to be serious, and he has to be focused and disciplined. He made the choice to have me take over his training and take the lead as his head trainer and that’s what he’s getting when he’s dealing with me.


On how he and Broner came together

A couple of weeks after the Mikey Garcia fight, he called me and he told me he was thinking about making some changes and that he wanted me to consider being his guide and taking the lead as head trainer. He asked me what I thought about that and I said, ‘You know what you’re getting when you come to me and if you’re going to be serious and focused about this, I’ll give you all I’ve got.And he said, ‘I’m serious.We started training together before camp started and I just saw a different look in his eyes. Ever since camp started he’s been nothing but hard work, ymroddiad, and focus.


On if he had any fears about their partnership

I told him upfront what I expected and what we needed to do and how things had to go. I told him that if he wasn’t ready to adhere to what I’m expecting, he shouldn’t waste his time or mine. He has done everything I’ve asked of him. Everything and more. He’s going to show that he’s ready to get himself together. He’s going to show the world onApril 21 that he’s rededicated himself, he’s ready to reclaim the thrown.


# # #





Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad www.SHO.com/Sports, ac www.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, neu ddod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsac www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.Noddir PBC gan Corona, Finest Beer.

James DeGale, Hugo Centeno Jr. & Nathaniel Gallimore Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Photos Ahead of Upcoming Matchups Live on SHOWTIME


DeGale Rematches Caleb Truax Plus Gallimore Faces Julian Williams Saturday, Ebrill 7 o Westy Hard Rock & Casino, Las Vegas & Centeno Jr. Meets Jermall Charlo Saturday, Ebrill 21 gan Barclays Center yn Brooklyn in Events Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Cliciwch YMA i Lluniau o Scott Hirano / Showtime

Cliciwch YMA for Photos from Chris Farina/Maywweather Promotions

(Photos to be uploaded shortly)

LOS ANGELES (Mawrth 29, 2018) – Fighters training in the Los Angeles-area and competing in upcoming Premier Boxing Champions events on April 7 and April 21 hosted a media workout Thursday as they prepare to enter the ring live on SHOWTIME.




Former super middleweight world champion James DeGale and super welterweight contender Nathaniel Gallimore participated in the workout ahead of their respective matchups on Saturday, Ebrill 7 from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.




Canol contender Hugo Centeno Jr. also worked out for media before he enters the ring on Saturday, Ebrill 21 gan Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO ™.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast on Saturday, Ebrill 7 Nodweddion DeGale in a super middleweight world title rematch against Caleb Truax ac Gallimore wynebu Julian Williams in a super welterweight world title eliminator. Mae'r telecast yn dechrau am 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and is headlined by a 154-pound title unification between Erislandy Lara ac Jarrett Hurd.




y mis Ebrill 21 event features Centeno Jr. wynebu Jermall Charlo for the Interim WBC Middleweight Title. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by a showdown between Adrien Broner ac Jessie Vargas.




Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from Wild Card Boxing Club:






“Gwersyll hyfforddi wedi bod yn wych. I rushed back from my shoulder injury in my last fight. I couldn’t believe I lost my title and I could only blame myself. I’m lucky to have this chance to make it right and regain my title.




I’m injury-free now and physically ready for this fight. Yn bwysicaf oll, I’m mentally ready for this challenge and I can’t wait to get in the ring.




I learned that you can’t rush fitness. I had a reconstructive surgery and I came back far too quick. I learned my lesson the hard way. Now I have to get it back the hard way.




Fighting in Las Vegas is another dream come true. So many great fights have been there and I just can’t wait. The atmosphere and the vibe will be special. I’m going to put on a fantastic performance and regain my title.




Caleb Truax is not on my level. I’m miles above him. Ar Ebrill 7 I’m going to show everyone why and show everyone what I’m all about.




As soon as the doctor said that some athletes come back after six months from my injury, I was determined to fight in 2017. Everyone can see that I was slow in the ring. I was ashamed of my performance. It was embarrassing and I’m looking to erase that onApril 7.




I’ve watched the first fight with Truax a couple of times but it’s very tough because I know that’s not me in there. For the past six weeks I’ve felt so much better. My jab is sharp again and everyone will see that when I become a two-time world champion.




Truax has tasted what it’s like to be a world champion. He’s going to be hungry and have that burning desire to beat me. Ar ddiwedd y dydd, I’m just too good for him and I’m going to prove it. I have to make a statement.






I’m feeling great right now. The rib injury was somewhat a blessing in disguise. It gave me a training camp for my training camp. Once I came back from the injury I was already in great shape. I feel great and I’m not depleted whatsoever. Rwy'n 100 percent mentally ready for this fight.




I was disappointed at first because I wanted this fight to happen so badly. I had a chance to regroup and talk with my team and they put me on the right direction. I’ve had a great camp and I believe everything happens for a reason.




I don’t pay attention to anything people are saying about Charlo. I’m staying focused because I know that this fight can change my whole career. I’m ready to win.




Charlo is a strong fighter. A lot of fighters stand in front of him but he’s also a great boxer. I feel like I have those same attributes that he has. It’s going to be a chess match and a great fight.




We have to see who the smarter fighter is on April 21. I know Charlo says he’s going to knock me out in one round, I’m not planning to let him do that. If I get my opportunity, I’m going to take it and I’m going to hurt him.




I learned from my loss that I can’t underestimate anyone in this sport. I’ve stayed in the ring and worked the whole time since the loss and it’s shown. Getting that big knockout over Immanuwel Aleem was a great moment and has helped catapult me back to the top of this division.




This is the kind of fight I’ve looked forward to since I was seven years old. I’m just a kid from a small town trying to make his dream come true. Now the moment is finally here.






I’m not worried about the IBF belt right now. I’m worried about Julian ‘J-PebblesWilliams on April 7. I see a lot of things from Williams. I see fear and I don’t think he’s totally there mentally. He should have taken harder fights before this one. This is the wrong fight for him.





I’ve had seven knockouts in a row and this is going to be eight. It’s nice to stay active and be able to jump on an opportunity like this when it presents itself.




It’s always important to put on a good show for the fans. I’m a showman. I give the fans what they want. All action.





It doesn’t matter where I fight, I’ll be ready. I’m excited to go back to Las Vegas. This is my third time fighting there and I’m planning on making it 3-0.





This is a new training camp. I’m working in Los Angeles with John Pullman and Buddy McGirt. The weather is good out here and I think everything is going in my favor. I love the atmosphere out here.

Four-Division Champion Adrien Broner to Face Former Champion Jessie Vargas in Main Event of SHOWTIME Tripleheader Saturday, Ebrill 21 O Barclays Center yn Brooklyn & Cyflwynir gan Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier

Vargas Replaces Injured Omar Figueroa for Broner Showdown

Undefeated Former Champion Jermall Charlo Battles

Once-Beaten Hugo Centeno Jr. for Interim

160-Pound World Championship


Former Champions Gervonta Davis and Jesus Cuellar

Square-Off in a 130-Pound World Championship Bout

Tocynnau ar Werth Dydd Mercher, Mawrth 7 yn 10 a.m. A!




BROOKLYN (Mawrth 5, 2018) – Four-division champion Adrien Broner will battle former welterweight world champion Jessie Vargas in the 12-round main event of a SHOWTIME tripleheader on Saturday, Ebrill 21 in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO ™.







Former champion Omar Figueroa suffered a shoulder injury in training that forced him to withdraw from his previously scheduled showdown against Broner.







Undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashes with once-beaten Hugo Rye, Jr. for the interim 160-pound world title in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-feature. Also featured on the telecast, sy'n dechrau ar 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT, are former champions Gervonta “Tank” Davis ac Iesu Cuellar as they square off for the WBA 130-pound Super World Championship.






Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Mayweather Promotions, Adloniant DiBella a Hyrwyddiadau TGB, start at at $50, mynd ar werth Dydd Mercher, Mawrth 7 yn 10 a.m. A, a gellir ei brynu yn ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com neu drwy ffonio 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting Dydd Iau, Mawrth 8 am hanner dydd. Gostyngiadau grwpiau ar gael drwy ffonio 844-BKLYN-GP.







“The April 21 card features Adrien Broner, Jermall Charlo and Gervonta Davis – three of boxing’s “must-see” attractionsin highly competitive matchups against top contenders,"Meddai Stephen Espinoza, Llywydd, Chwaraeon & Rhaglennu digwyddiad, Rhwydweithiau Showtime Inc. “Adrien Broner is once again proving that he’s willing to take on the toughest available opponent in consensus top-10 welterweight Jessie Vargas. Hugo Centeno Jr. represents another tough challenge for knockout artist Jermall Charlo as he continues his quest to become a two-division champion. Gervonta Davis vs.. Jesus Cuellar is another great matchup, with two power-punchers facing off for the 130-pound world title.”






Broner (33-3, 24 Kos) is one of the most gifted boxers in the sport, having won world titles in four different weight classes by the age of 28. The Cincinnati, Ohio native has won championships at 130, 135, 140 ac 147 pounds while facing top competition across the various divisions. Yn ei frwydr olaf, Broner lost a unanimous decision to Mikey Garcia on Gorffennaf 29 at Barclays Center after previously defeating Adrian Granados earlier last year.






“I’m feeling really good and I’m excited that this is an even bigger fight than Figueroa,” said Broner. “I had to switch up some sparring partners but everything is going great in camp. We’re fighting at 144 bunnoedd, so he’ll have a slight weight advantage, but it won’t matter. I’m going to be in great shape for this fight. Coach Kevin Cunningham is my head coach for this camp, but I did not fire Mike Stafford. I just added to my camp, because I needed the help. I know what I have to do at the end of the day to get back on top where I belong.”






Vargas (28-2, 10 Kos), a 28-year-old former welterweight champion who was born in Los Angeles and now lives in Las Vegas, is always up for a challenge. His only two losses have come in welterweight title matches against pound-for-pound greats. He lost a controversial fight to Timothy Bradley, Jr. and dropped a unanimous decision Manny Pacquiao in a world title defense. Vargas won the welterweight title with a TKO victory over Sadam Ali in 2016 prior to the Pacquiao fight. Vargas is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Aaron Herrera in December as he works toward another world title opportunity.






“This is a fight that should garner a lot of attention from boxing fans and they deserve a fight like this,” said Vargas. “We are two entertaining fighters who come in and give it their all. This is a fight that will have a lot of fireworks. I respect Broner and his skills, but he’s very beatable. The fight was presented to me and I didn’t think twice about taking it.. We as fighters and entertainers have to give the fans what they want. We had a fantastic fight ar ddydd Sadwrn in Brooklyn and we’ll have another one in April. I will have my hand raised and let everyone know I’m still a danger to anyone I face.”






Charlo (26-0, 20 Kos) enillodd ei deitl pwysau welter super gyda knockout dominyddol Cornelius Bundrage mewn 2015 ac yn y diwedd ennill y fraint o gynnal deitl y byd yn yr un dosbarth pwysau (154 bunnoedd) fel ei frawd dau wely ar ôl Jermell ennill teitl yn 2016. Ar ôl llwyddo i amddiffyn ei deitl 154-punt dair gwaith, Charlo of Houston, Texas, made the move to 160 pounds with the goal of becoming a d-division world champion. In his debut at 160-pounds, the 27-year-old scored a TKO victory over Jorge Sebastian Heiland at Barclays Center on Gorffennaf 29. Charlo vs. Centeno was originally scheduled for March 3 before being rescheduled due to a rib injury suffered by Centeno.






“I really love fighting in Brooklyn and at Barclays Center,” said Charlo. “The fans in Brooklyn always show me a lot of love. Ers fy frwydr diwethaf rwyf wedi cael cyfle i weithio ar fy amynedd ac yn gweithio ar welliannau i fy gêm. Before the injury to Centeno, I was having the best camp of my life. Mae gen i'r un teimlad bod gen cyn i mi ennill fy teitl byd cyntaf. Rwyf am fod yn bencampwr ar 160 yn fwy nag a wnes y tro cyntaf yn 154. Centeno yn ymladdwr anodd. He’ll be a hard test but he’s someone who isn’t at my level. Dydw i ddim yn cymryd unrhyw beth i ffwrdd oddi wrtho. But he’s just another fighter that’s in my way.”






Mae'r 26-mlwydd-oed Centeno (26-1, 14 Kos) ddal sylw pawb pan sgoriodd knockout trawiadol o Immanuwel Aleem yn ei frwydr olaf ar Awst. 25. Roedd yn ddigon i sbardun Centeno mewn i deitl Canol ymryson. Centeno o Oxnard, Calif., successfully rebounded from a tough TKO loss to Maiej Sulecki on June 18, 2016 gyda buddugoliaeth dros Ronald Montes cyn ei gêm yn erbyn Aleem. Centeno expects to be 100 percent healed and ready for the challenge by fight night.






“Rwy'n edrych ymlaen am y cyfle,” said Centeno. “I was really devastated when we had to reschedule the fight, but I know I have to be 100 percent for this challenge. I think my last outing had a lot to do with me getting this fight. It helped to put me in this position. Charlo yn ymladdwr gwych gyda llawer o dalent. Rwy'n teimlo fel yr ydym wedi cerfluniau tebyg. Mae'n mynd i fod yn frwydr ddiddorol. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn mynd i ddod i lawr i pwy yw'r ymladdwr callach y noson honno ac sydd wedi mwy ar ôl yn y tanc tuag at ddiwedd. Mae hwn yn newid bywydau, Gallai gyrfa sy'n newid ymladd i mi sy'n arwain at bethau mwy a gwell. Im 'yn dod i ennill.”







Davis (19-0, 18 Kos) is a proof that dynamite can come in a 130-pound package. Mae'r 23-mlwydd-oed, o Baltimore, fought three times last year and ended all of his fights by stoppage. He won the 130-pound world title with a TKO victory over Jose Pedraza in a star-making performance at Barclays Center on Jan. 14, 2017. He traveled to London for his first title defense and stopped Liam Walsh by TKO on his home turf to retain the title on Mai 21, and most recently scored a knockout victory over Francisco Fonseca on Awst. 26 on the Mayweather vs. McGregor PPV undercard. Davis look to recapture a title in the 130-pound division after failing to make weight prior to the Fonseca fight.







“I’m the most exciting and skilled fighter on television and in 2018 I plan to show it,"Meddai Davis. "Ar Ebrill 21 I’ll be back in the ring, yn byw ar Showtime. Jesus Cuellar is arguably my toughest opponent to date. He is rough and tough, but I’m looking forward to the challenge. I’m more than happy to be fighting at Barclays Center where I won my first world title. Brooklyn is very close to Baltimore, so all of my people will be there to witness me become a world champion again.”






Cuellar (28-2, 21 Kos) is seeking to win a world title in a second weight class when he takes on Davis. A native of Buenos Aires, Yr Ariannin, the 31-year-old Cuellar won a featherweight world title with a TKO victory against Vic Darchinyan on June 6, 2015. Six months later he made a successful defense by winning a unanimous decision against Jonathan Oquendo before losing the belt to Abner Mares by split decision on December 10, 2016.






“The time I’ve had off since the Mares fight has refreshed me for this new opportunity,"Meddai Cuellar. “It took a lot out of my body to make 126 pounds for all of those years. Now I feel fresher and hungrier than ever before. I’ve been offered fights against lesser opponents in the last year but I’ve preferred to wait a little longer so that I can get a chance to fight the best. Gervonta Davis is one of the best in the world, so he’s the one I want to face and beat. Davis has never faced a fighter like me and he will see me at my very best on Ebrill 21."


# # #


Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, neu ddod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions ac www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Noddir PBC gan Corona, Finest Beer.

Former Welterweight World Champion Jessie Vargas Drops Aaron Herrera on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory in the Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 &BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Calif.

Jamal James Delivers Vicious Body Shot for
Third Round Knockout of Diego Chaves
John Molina Jr. Rises from Knockdown to Stop Ivan Redkach In
Round Four of Super Lightweight Slugfest
Wale Omotoso Wins by Unanimous Decision Over
Freddy Hernandez
Cliciwch YMA for Photos from Peter Young/
Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier – (Photos to be added shortly)
LANCASTER, MEGIS. (Rhagfyr 16, 2017) – Former welterweight world championJessie Vargas (28-2, 10 Kos) returned to drop and defeat Aaron Herrera (24-8-1, 15 Kos)by unanimous decision in the main event of a special Dydd Gwener night edition of Premier Boxing Champions DYDD MAWRTH TRAED-TO-TRAED ar FS1 a Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio on FOX Deportes from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California.
I’m very happy to be back after a long layoff,” Said Vargas. “It was a long time off and I felt the ring rust. I stayed patient and tried to stick to my distance. The inconsistencies affected me more than I thought it would and Herrera kept pushing the fight.
I was setting him up and waiting for him to punch before attacking him. I expect more in my next performance and I’m disappointed I didn’t finish him, but a win is a win. We’ll get back to the drawing board. I showed I have the power with the knockdown, I just have to finish it off next time.
Vargas was effective early and often, landing a strong lead left hook to the head of Herrera at the end of round one before controlling the second round with series of combinations. Herrera slowly increased his output as the fight went on, but was never able to slow down the attack of Vargas.
Midway through round six, Vargas sent Herrera to the canvas with a left hook that initially stunned him and a combination that put him down. Herrera rose to the canvas but continued to be picked apart by the skilled and composed Vargas.
I felt relaxed in the ring,” Said Vargas. “I was trying finish him with the hook. His head movement threw me off and kept him in the fight. We have to keep improving and look better in the next fight.
Ar ôl 10 rowndiau, Vargas earned a unanimous decision by the score of 100-89 three times in his first fight mewn 13 mis as he seeks another title in the welterweight division.
I’m ready for anyone,” Said Vargas. “I’m going to start preparing yfory for anyone. I’m looking forward to facing Keith Thurman, the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson winner, or Danny Garcia. I’m back and I’m ready to stay busy and get back in the ring as soon as possible to reach my goals.
The co-main event saw once-beaten welterweight Jamal James (22-1, 10 Kos) earn a third-round knockout over veteran contender Diego Chaves (26-3-1, 22 Kos) with a sensational left hook to the body that gave James the most impressive victory of his career to date.
James used his jab and significant height advantage from the outset in an attempt to set up combinations, while Chaves looked to attack the body and close the distance. Both fighters traded attacks early, but it was James who broke through first with a barrage in the third round.
After stunning Chaves with a right hand, James went on the attack as his opponent stopped throwing punches. He took full advantage of the opportunity by perfectly placing the left hook to the body that sent Chaves down and eventually counted out by referee Tom Taylor.
In an action-packed super lightweight showdown, John Molina Jr. (30-7, 24 Kos) delivered a fourth round stoppage of Ivan Redkach (20-3-1, 16 Kos) after both men hit the canvas in the first three rounds.
“Roedd yn frwydr fawr,” Said Molina. “Oeddwn i'n fach yn rhydlyd, but it’s not an excuse, Redkach was a really tough guy. We got the job done and never gave up. A fight is a fight, it’s not over until it’s over.
Both men came out looking to throw power punches from the start, and it was Redkach who struck first, pinning Molina in the corner in round two before dropping him with a combination. Molina was able to drastically change the tide of the fight in round three fight a perfect right hand that landed flush as Redkach was already off balance and sent him to the canvas.
Redkach was able to survive the round, but Molina connected again in round four with a right hand that stunned Redkach and a clubbing left hook that put him down again. This knockdown prompted referee Eddie Hernandez to wave off the bout 1:27 into the fourth round, giving Molina a big victory with his family watching ringside.
You always dig deep with your family watching,” Said Molina. “You never want to lose in front of your family. I’m always going to fight until the very end. I had a tough opponent in front of me but I did what I had to to get the victory.
The opening bout of the telecast saw Wale Omotoso (27-3, 21 Kos) score a unanimous decision victory over Freddy Hernandez (34-9, 22 Kos) in a 10-round welterweight contest.
Hernandez had success early in the fight, hitting Omotoso with counter left hands consistently and using his range effectively. As the fight wore on Omotoso increased his pressure and broke through in round eight with a straight right hand that stunned Hernandez.
Omotoso was unable to score a knockdown, but had success throughout the final three rounds on his way to earning the decision by scores of 96-94, 97-93 ac 100-90.
# # #
Fans gallu byw ffrydio'r y ymladd ar FOX GO Chwaraeon, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar ben-desg yn FOXSportsGO.com a thrwy y siop app, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku. Yn ogystal,, pob rhaglen hefyd ar gael ar FOX Sports ar SiriusXM sianel 83 ar radio lloeren ac ar y app SiriusXM.
Dilynwch ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ASwanson_Comm a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, acwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Uchafbwyntiau ar gael yn www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina a hyrwyddwyd gan TGB Promotions.

Rising Prospects Enter the Ring as 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas & 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez Compete in Separate Bouts on Friday, Rhagfyr 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Calif.

Mwy! Once-Beaten Prospect Marcos Hernandez
Faces Mexico’s Oscar Mora in Undercard Attraction
LANCASTER, MEGIS. (Rhagfyr 13, 2017) – A stacked night of action will feature 2016 U.S. Olympaidd Karlos Balderas ac 2016 Enillydd medal Efydd Olympaidd Misael Rodriguez entering the ringing in separate undercard matchups this Dydd Gwener, Rhagfyr 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California.
Y Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier event is headlined by former welterweight champion Jessie Vargas taking on hard-hitting veteran Aaron Herrera in a 10-round showdown. Televised coverage on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and features a welterweight matchup between rugged veteran Diego Chaves and rising contender Jamal James, plus a super lightweight bout betweenJohn Molina Jr. ac Ivan Redkach. The telecast begins with exciting welterweight Wale Omotoso (26-3, 21 Kos) wynebu Freddy Hernandez (34-8, 22 Kos) in a 10-round contest.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan TGB Promotions, begin at $30 ac ar werth yn awr. To purchase tickets visit the Pioneer Event Center’s website:www.uavpec.com. Y cyntaf 300 fans who bring a toy to donate to the Holiday Toy Drive will receive a free t-shirt and five dollars off of general admission tickets. The Holiday Toy Drive will benefit the Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Service in Palmdale, Calif.
Balderas (2-0, 2 KO) will enter the ring for a lightweight fight against Mexico’s Carlo Flores (4-7-1, 3 Kos) while Rodriguez (5-0, 3 Kos) takes on Cuba’s Yunier Calzada(6-2-1, 1 KO) in a six round super middleweight contest.
Additional undercard action will see once-beaten prospect Marcos Hernandez (10-1, 2 Kos) cymryd ar Oscar Mora (7-4, 6 Kos) in an eight round junior middleweight affair.
Rounding out the night of fights are a trio of prospects as unbeaten Alejandro Guerrero yn cyfarfod Phillip Percy in a four-round super featherweight contest, while undefeated Efren Lopez brwydrau Tyler Marshall in a four-round junior welterweight bout and once-beaten Luis Coria wynebau Leonardo Torres in a junior lightweight matchup.
Fighting out of Santa Maria, California, the 21-year-old Balderas is the son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States to give their children a better life. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarterfinals. He made his pro debut back in April, forcing Michael Thomas to retire after one round and followed that up with a first round stoppage of Eder Fajardo in July.
At last year’s Rio games, the 23-year-old Rodriguez overcame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. The Chihuahua native and his teammates had to resort to begging on public buses and streets in Mexico to raise money to compete in international boxing tournaments. He completed his road to the medal stand by defeating Egypt’s Hosam Bakr Abdin to clinch a medal in the middleweight division. Rodriguez mad his pro debut in April with a dominant decision victory over Brian True and has continued his winning ways with more victories so far in 2017.
# # #
Fans gallu byw ffrydio'r y ymladd ar FOX GO Chwaraeon, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar ben-desg yn FOXSportsGO.com a thrwy y siop app, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku. Yn ogystal,, pob rhaglen hefyd ar gael ar FOX Sports ar SiriusXM sianel 83 ar radio lloeren ac ar y app SiriusXM.
Dilynwch ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ASwanson_Comm a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, acwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Uchafbwyntiau ar gael yn www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes cael ei noddi gan Corona Ychwanegol, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Jessie Vargas Returns To Take On Aaron Herrera in Welterweight Clash on Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes December 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Calif.

Mwy! Rugged Veteran Diego Chaves Battles Welterweight Contender Jamal James in Co-Main Event Showdown
Also in Action! Super Lightweights John Molina Jr. & Ivan Redkach Square-Off & Featherweights Stephen Fulton and Adam Lopez Meet In A Battle of Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects
Tocynnau Ar Werth Yn Awr!
LANCASTER, MEGIS. – (Tachwedd 17, 2017) – Former welterweight champion Jessie Vargas returns to the ring to take on hard-hitting veteran Aaron Herrera in the 10-round main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions DYDD MAWRTH TRAED-TO-TRAED ar FS1 a Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio ar Deportes FOX Rhagfyr 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California with televised coverage starting at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT.
Promoted by TGB Promotions, the show will also feature a 10-round welterweight showdown between rugged veteran Diego Chaves and rising contender Jamal James yn y digwyddiad cyd-brif. Additional televised action will see hard hitters John Molina Jr. ac Ivan Redkach squaring off in 10-rounds of super lightweight action and unbeaten featherweight prospects Stephen Fulton (11-0, 5 Kos) ac Adam Lopez (8-0, 3 Kos) battling in an eight-round match.
This is one of those high energy shows that promises action from top to bottom. Jesse Vargas is one of the toughest welterweights in the sport. He always comes to fight and doesn’t disappoint,” Dywedodd Tom Brown, Llywydd TGB Promotions. “His match against Herrera should provide the kind of action and entertainment that his fans have come to expect from him. Jamal James is stepping up to another level and will be tested by Diego Chaves, a rugged veteran who has been in against some of the best in the division. And you know that Molina and Redkach are going to trade shots. It promises to be entertaining for the fans at Pioneer Event Center and those tuned in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Tickets for the live event begin at $30 ac ar werth yn awr. To purchase tickets visit the Pioneer Event Center’s website: www.uavpec.com.
Vargas (27-2, 10 Kos) is returning to the ring for the first time mewn 13 misafter dropping a 12-round decision in a welterweight title defense against Manny Pacquiao on Nov. 5, 2016. The 28-year-old Vargas, who was born in Los Angeles and now lives in Las Vegas, won the welterweight title with a technical knockout victory over Sadam Ali on March 5, 2016. His only other loss came against former welterweight champion Timothy Bradley and he owns victories over the likes of Antonio DeMarco, Josesito Lopez, Aron Martinez and Wale Omotoso.
Every fighter is dangerous and if I give Herrera the chance, he’ll knock my head off,” Said Vargas. “But I come into every fight with bad intentions and I’m in a position where I know exactly what it takes to get where I want to go. I have a lot of opportunities ahead of me, but first, I have to show the fans that I’m back and look exciting while doing that. Herrera is going to give me his best, but I feel that I have the speed, the experience and the game plan to overcome anything he brings to the table.
Herrera (33-7-1, 22 Kos) has already fought four times in 2017 including his most recent outing, a stoppage of Israel Toala in July. The 28-year-old from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico lost to Brandon Rios via knockout on Mehefin 11 in a FS1 and FOX Deportes main event at Pioneer Events Center, where he will face Vargas.
I’m going against a really good fighter, but he doesn’t punch very hard,” meddai'r Herrera. “I will go bombs away from the first round. He can’t hurt me. I’m confident I will win this fight. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i mi. I’ve got to start faster than I did against Brandon Rios and I can’t take anything for granted. The fans will get a great fight and definitely be winners on fight night.
Chaves (26-2-1, 22 Kos) is a tough veteran who has faced some of this generation’s best welterweights, including current unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman. The 31-year-old from Buenos Aires, Yr Ariannin, has won three straight fights since battling to a draw against former welterweight champion Timothy Bradley in 2014 including his most recent triumph, a knockout victory over Jean Carlos Prada on Mehefin 17.
James (21-1, 9 Kos) is on the comeback trail after suffering the first loss of his career to Yordenis Ugas via unanimous decision on Aug. 12, 2016. The 29-year-old James of Minneapolis, Minnesota bounced back from that loss with a unanimous decision victory over Jo Jo Dan on Gorffennaf 15. James has fought on FS1 and FOX Deportes his last four times in the ring and has recorded three wins in that stretch. Chaves represents a major challenge for James in his attempt to climb the welterweight ladder as he looks to add another name to his list of victories that includes Wale Omotoso, Javier Molina and Juan Carlo Abreu.
RedK (20-3-1, 16 Kos) and Molina (29-7, 23 Kos) are both coming off losses and will look to go through each other to regain top contender status. The 31-year-old Redkach, who was born in Ukraine and now lives in Los Angeles, is coming off a split decision loss in a FS1 and FOX Deportes main event to Argenis Mendez in his last fight on Mai 2. Molina, 34, had one of the best performance of his career in June 2016 when he defeated Ruslan Provodnikov by unanimous decision. The Covina, Calif. native earned a shot at Terrence Crawford in December that saw him lose by TKO in the eighth round.
# # #
Fans gallu byw ffrydio'r y ymladd ar FOX GO Chwaraeon, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar ben-desg yn FOXSportsGO.com a thrwy y siop app, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku. Yn ogystal,, pob rhaglen hefyd ar gael ar FOX Sports ar SiriusXM sianel 83 ar radio lloeren ac ar y app SiriusXM.
Dilynwch ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ASwanson_Comm a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, ac www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Uchafbwyntiau ar gael yn www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes cael ei noddi gan Corona Ychwanegol, Finest Beer.

Night With Boxing LegendsNVBHOF Charity Fundraiser Photos

Honoring Boxing’s History and Supporting Boxing’s Future
Datganiad i'r Wasg
I'w Ryddhau ar Unwaith
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View on Instagram
LAS VEGAS, NV (Tachwedd 7, 2016) – Mae hyn yn y gorffennol Dydd Gwener y Nevada Boxing Hall of Famehosted a Pre-Fight Fundraiser, that took place after the Manny Pacquiao vs. Jessie Vargas pwyso i mewn. Champs from the past and present showed up to meet and greet with fans. The event took place at Ferraro’s Italian Restaurant ac Wine Bar, one of Las Vegashighly recommended restaurants. All money raised will be donated to local boxing organizations. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.NVBHOF.com.

FNU Combat Sports Show For November 3, 2016

Tom, Tony and Rich get back to action this week to discuss upcoming fight cards, including two big MMA events: UFC Fight Night Dos Anjos vs. Ferguson and Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Davis. We preview both events and talk about the matchups. We then move to the boxing schedule where there are multiple belts on the line this week all over the globe. We spend a bit of time discussing the big Manny Pacquiao bout against Jessie Vargas. Is Manny fighting for the right reasons? Does he have enough left in the tank? We’ll know the answer Saturday night. Rich also breaks down his suspicions about vocal UFC fighters trending toward starting some type of powerful fighters union. Could the astronomical selling price of the UFC actually be the main handicap for the new owners? Did putting such a high premium on the UFC unintentionally give griping fighters more incentive to sue the company? Only time will tell.


Attendees Announced for Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame Pre-Fight Fundraiser

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View on Instagram
Night With Boxing LegendsNVBHOF Charity Fundraiser
LAS VEGAS, NV (Tachwedd 2, 2016)Attendees for the Tachwedd 4, 2016, Nevada Boxing Hall of FamePre-Fight Fundraiser, taking place after the Manny Pacquiao vs. Jessie Vargas pwyso i mewn, have been announced.
The Pre-Fight Night with Boxing Legends fundraiser dinner will take place at Ferraro’s Italian Restaurant ac Wine Bar, located close to the Thomas & Mack Center. Ferraro’s will provide great food, cocktails & a beautiful atmosphere. Two tickets to the Manny Pacquiao vs. Jesse Vargas fight will be auctioned off at the event. All proceeds will go to help boxing organizations in Las Vegas. Don’t miss your chance to support a great cause and meet several Boxing Legends in this intimate setting.
Each ticket, Pris $75 will include several selections of Ferraro’s Family Recipes of appetizers and one Beer or Wine cocktail.
Below is the list of boxing icons scheduled to present:
Badou Jack Current WBC Super-Middleweight World Champion
Joel Casamayor Former Super-Featherweight and Lightweight World Champion
James “QuickTillis Former Heavyweight World Title Challenger
Mike McCallumFormer Light Middleweight, Middleweight and Light Heavyweight Champion
Shawn PorterFormer Welterweight World Champion
Layla McCarterMultiple Division Women’s World Champion
Jorge LinaresCurrent WBC/WBA Lightweight World Champion
Rances “Blast Kid” BarthelemyCurrent IBF Lightweight World Champion
Sharif “Y Llew” BogereFormer Lightweight World Title Challenger
Shumenov BeibuCurrent WBA Cruiserweight World Champion
Leon SpinksFormer 2-time Heavyweight World Champion
Christy MartinFormer Women’s Super-Welterweight World Champion
Mark ‘Too Sharp’ JohnsonFormer Multiple Division World Champion
Jeremy J-Flash NicholsUndefeated Rising Start and Welterweight Sensation
Devin HaneyUndefeated Rising Star and Featherweight Sensation
Ashley TheophaneFormer Super-Lightweight World Title Challenger
Caleb “Dwylo melys” PlanhigionUndefeated Rising Start and Middleweight Sensation
Kevin NewmanUndefeated Rising Start and Super-Middleweight Sensation
Mikayla NebelWomen’s Bantamweight Boxer
‘KingDavid SampleFormer Lightweight World Title Challenger
Skipper KelpFormer Welterweight World Title Contender
Wythnosau TonyWorld Renowned Boxing Referee
Kenny BaylessWorld Renowned Boxing Referee
Space is limited so be sure to get your tickets in advance to secure access. Please print your confirmation of purchase and bring it to the door for entry. Your purchase helps support the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, a non-profit organization. Once your tickets are purchased, there are no refunds. All media members planning to attend please contact Jon Hait yn jhshark@aol.com.
PWY: Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, boxing champs and professionals
BETH: Pre-fight fundraiser after the Manny Pacquiao vs. Jesse Vargas weight-in
WHY: Fundraising event to help charitable boxing organizations
PRYD: Tachwedd 4, 2016 o 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
BLE: Ferraro’s Italian Restaurant and Wine Bar
Lleoliad: 4480 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas, TX 89169 +

Tocynnau $75 –

For Media Credentials Contact: For Information And Sponsorship Opportunities Contact:
Media Coordinator Jon Hait Chief Executive Officer Michelle Corrales-Lewis
Ffôn: (702) 277-1020 Ffôn: 702-3-NVBHOF (702-368-2463)



Prospect Developmental Series Celebrates 15 Years With A Four-Fight Telecast This Dydd Gwener, Gorffennaf 22, Yn fyw ar Showtime® (10 p.m. A/PT)

Take A Look At The History Behind ShoBox:


NEW YORK (Gorffennaf 19, 2016) – Acclaimed Chwaraeon Showtime®prospect developmental series ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newyddyn dathlu ei 15fed anniversary this Dydd Gwener, Gorffennaf 22 with a quintessential four-fight telecast, byw ar Showtime® yn 10 p.m. A/PT.


Since its inception in 2001, ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd has been dedicated to promoting competitive fights pitting promising boxers in the toughest fights of their career. ShoBox has carved out its identity by matching top talent against each other.


“This is certainly an accomplishment for the series, but we wouldn’t be here for 15 years without the fighters,"Meddai Neuadd Gordon, Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd. “The credit should go to the young men who are willing to step up and take risks early in their career.


“As we’ve seen over the last 15 flynyddoedd, matching fighters tough at a young age escalates their career development, and we’re thrilled to provide the platform to introduce viewers to these talented fighters. I’d also like to thank the promoters, managers and trainers who are willing to test their fighters at an early stage. Working together with a diverse roster of promotional companies is vital for the advancement of the sport as we aim to find yfory stars today.”


Ar ôl 15 years and 67 future world champions, below are some remarkable ShoBox facts and figures:


  • 67 fighters who fought on the series have gone on to become world champions (cliciwch YMA for full list)


  • Gorffennaf 22 is the 219fed ShoBox telecast. That means that, ar gyfartaledd, fans have seen a future world champion on nearly one out of every three shows


  • An additional 75 fighters who appeared on ShoBox have fought for a world title


  • 150 fighters have suffered their first loss on the developmental series


  • There have been 96 matchups of undefeated fighters


  • There have been a total of 484 bouts aired on the series. The percentage of decisions and stoppages is about 50/50.


  • The list of graduates who have won world titles includes: Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Tyson Fury, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Badou Jack, Gary Russell Jr, Jermall Charlo, Jermell Charlo, Ward Andre, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Dyfnaint Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams ac yn fwy.


  • Eight fighters won a world title in the fight immediately following an appearance on ShoBox: Joan Guzman, Robert Guerrero, Chad Dawson, Dyfnaint Alexander, Ward Andre, Rico Ramos, Jhonatan Romero and Demetrius Andrade.


  • There have been 11 fighters who lost on ShoBox and went on to become world titlists: Luis COLLAZO, Robert Guerrero, Eric Aiken, David Diaz, Isaac Hlatshwayo, Cornelius Bundrage, Rodrigo Guerrero, Ishe Smith, Gamaliel Diaz, Mickey Bey, and Badou Jack.


  • 22 U.S. Olympians have fought on ShoBox


  • There have been ShoBox yn dangos yn 71 different cities, 26 different states, and eight different countries. The leading site for has been Santa Ynez, Calif., gyda 33 shows. Second is Las Vegas with 19.


  • Gary Russell Jr. was the first fighter to turn pro on ShoBox


  • Y cyntaf ShoBox show came at 5 p.m. ar ddydd Sadwrn, Gorffennaf 21, 2001, at Bally’s in Atlantic City. The first fight was John Molnar (18-1-1) scoring an eight-round technical decision over Victor Rosado (17-2-1). Yn y prif ddigwyddiad, lightweight Leo Dorin (17-0) stopped Martin O’Malley (17-0) in the ninth round. Six months later, Dorin won the WBA lightweight crown, becoming the first ShoBoxfighter to win a world title


  • Steve Farhood’s Best Fighters (in no order): Timothy Bradley, Robert Guerrero, Lucian Bute, Joan Guzman, Diego Corrales, Ricky Hatton, Chad Dawson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Ward Andre, Carl Froch, Paul Williams


  • Farhood has worked all 219 ShoBox telecasts


Undefeated top 10-ranked super bantamweight Adam “Mantequilla” Lopez (15-0, 7 Kos) faces Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 Kos) yn y prif ddigwyddiad 10-rownd. In an eight-round co-feature, Jerry Odom (13-2-1, 12 Kos) faces Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 Kos) in a matchup of super middleweights. Mae dau wyth-rownderi, bydd rownd allan y telecast pedwar-frwydr: O'Shaquie Foster (10-1, 7 Kos) meets Rolando Chinea (12-1-1, 6 Kos) in a lightweight scrap and undefeated Khiary Gray-Pitts (13-0, 10 Kos), of Worcester, Offeren., will be opposed by once-beaten Ian Green (9-1, 7 Kos) in the super welterweight opener.


Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event from Foxwoods Resort Casino are priced at $45, $75 ac $150 and can be purchased by phone from the Foxwoods Resort Casino at 800.200.2882 neu ar-lein yn www.foxwoods.com.


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gyda Steve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez will serve as expert analysts. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gyda Rich Gaughan cynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.