Таг Арцхивес: Irvin Gonzalez


УЛАЗНИЦЕ сада на продају!!
ПРОВИДЕНЦЕ, РИ (Новембар 10, 2017) Featherweight Contender and Hometown Hero, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 КО је), провиђења, Rhode Island battles undefeated Philippinesbased contender JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 КО је) in the 10-round main event on Петак, Децембар 1 at The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, it was announced today by Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing.
Улазнице за ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V са почетком у $45 су Now On Sale и могу се купити преко www.TheRealDealBoxing. са и www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Провиђење, РИ, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 п.м. И са првим звоно на7:00 п.м. И. The event will be telecast live on CBS Sports Network.
We’re very excited to announce this outstanding featherweight clash between Toka Kahn-Clary and John Vincente Moralde,” said Holyfield. “The winner of this fight will have a great opportunity to continue his path towards a world title opportunity and these high stakes are exactly what will bring out the best in each fighter.
This is clearly the toughest match of each fighter’s professional career and we anticipate an excellent fight for fans in the arena and those watching on CBS Sports Network.
На октобра 19, Кан-Клари, ранкед #14 in the world by the World Boxing Association, made an emphatic return to battle with a blistering second round knockout of then undefeated David Berna in Atlanta, Georgia in front of a packed house and a nationally televised audience in Atlanta, Georgia as Holyfield celebrated his 55th birthday in his hometown.
The victory also earned Kahn-Clary the WBA-NABA Featherweight Title.
This will be Kahn-Clary’s first fight in Providence since his professional debut in June 2012. The 25-year-old will be making his fourth start of 2017 with prior victories this year against Angel Luna and Francisco Medel.
Just 23-years-old, Moralde will be fighting for the first time in the United States. Holder of the WBC Asian Boxing Council Featherweight Title, Moralde is coming off a third-round stoppage of Philip Parcon on February 28, 2017 in General Santos City, Филипини.
The heavy handed Moralde is on a three-bout knockout streak, two of which came in the first round.
Co-featured on the outstanding card and also making his U.S. debut is Undefeated Italian Cruiserweight Contender FABIOStone CrusherTURCHI, (12-0-0, 9 КО је), of Florence, Italy in an eight-round clash.
In a six-round featherweight clash, popular, undefeated Worcester, MA native IRVIN GONZALEZ, (7-0-0, 6 КО је) битака ERNESTO GARZA, (9-2-0, 5 КО је), of Saginaw, МИ.
The heavy-handed Gonzalez started his professional career with six knockouts, all of which took place in the first two rounds. Most recently the 21-year-old won an eight round unanimous decision over Raul Lopez on June 10, 2017.
Riding a modest two-bout winning streak, the 29-year-old Garza returns to action following a six round unanimous decision over Edward Kakembo on August 25, 2017 in Warren, МИ.
Junior welterweights will see action in a scheduled eight rounder with NICK DELOMBA, (11-2-0, 2 КО је), Цранстон, R.I., суочава офа против LOUIS CRUZ, (12-3-0, 6 КО је), од Бронк, Њујорк.
The 27-year-old DeLomba looks to move back into the win column after a very hard fought 10-round decision loss to Jimmy Williams on April 7, 2017 in Lincoln, Р.И.
The upset minded Cruz heads to Providence following the biggest win of his career, a ninth-round stoppage of local favorite Anthony Karperis on July 28, 2017, у Хунтингтон, Њујорк.
In an eight-round junior middleweight battle, JEREMY ‘J FlashNICHOLS, (7-1-1, 2 КО је), Лас Вегас, NV clashes with Worcester, MA native ANDY GONZALEZ, (6-2-0, 5 КО је).
Nichols looks towards the win column following the first loss on his record, a hard-fought majority decision to undefeated Peter Dobson on June 24, 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky.
Gonzalez is also looking for a return to the win column losing a six-round majority decision to Antonio Chaves Fernandez on June 10, 2017 у свом родном граду.
Also featured on the card in separate bouts will be Lynn, MA knockout artist, Јуниор велтер KHIRY ‘TNTTODD, (6-0-0, 5 КО је), and junior lightweight TIMMY RAMOS, (4-0-1, 4 КО је, од Фрамингхам, Мр.
Further details on this exciting card will be announced shortly.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, Medical Arts Radiology
([хттп://ввв.medicalartsradiology.com)/]ввв.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum ([хттп://www.venum.com)/]ввв.venum.com).

Бивши национални аматерски шампион Бобби Харрис ИИИ избацио се из сенке коју је његов отац бацио уз малу помоћ пријатеља

Октобар 28 у Ворцестер, Мр
(Л-Р) – предњи: Бобби Харрис ИИИ држи Бобби Харрис ИВ-а и А.Ј.. Ривера; задњи: Бобби Харрис и Јосе Антонио Ривера
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Октобар 2, 2017) – Локална перспектива Боби “БХ3” Харрис ИИИ је спреман за пробој сенки које је бацио његов отац, пензионисани професионални боксер Бобби Харрис, почевши Субота ноћ, Октобар 28, у четвртом и последњем 2017 наставак популарне професионалне боксерске серије, “Нев Енгланд Будућност”, у ДЦУ Центер (Изложбена сала) у Ворцестер, Масачусетс.
“Нев Енгланд’с Футуре 4” представља Ривера Промотионс Ентертаинмент (РПЕ), које је у власништву и којим управљају пензионери три пута, два подела светски шампион Хосе Антонио Ривера и његов син, Антхонее (А.Ј.) Ривера.
“БХ3” и А.Ј.. одрасли заједно у теретанама као синови професионалних бораца. Сањали су о томе да се успеју у боксу, која се остварила “БХ3” растућа перспектива, А.Ј. председник и проводаџија за РПЕ. Povremeno, мада, оно што се испоставило може бити донекле надреално за обојицу младића.
“Одрастао сам у боксу,” Бобби Харрис ИИИ је објаснио. “Отац ме је увек водио у теретану и његове борбе. Мој ујак, Адам Харрис, was also a pro boxer. My father and Jose were super close, me and A.J. grew-up as brothers. The same blood couldn’t make us any closer. It’s me and AJ. My first amateur fight was when I was 13. А.Ј. used to run and workout with me. I’d go to his house after school and sleep over on weekends. We planned our lives together in boxing; my job is to fight and A.J. promotes and makes matches.
I remember growing up with Bobby as my brother,” А.Ј. додао. “We did everything together: ran, trained, sparred and pushed each other to our greatest limits. He’s grown so much over the years. His natural ability, mixed with years of experience, and Bobby growing into a man will surely lead to him being world champion one day. I’m truly proud and excited to see our childhood plan unfold.
“БХ3” only had about 40 amateur matches but the large majority were at the national level. He is a two-time national amateur champion, including a gold-medal performance in the USA National Championships, and as a member of Team USA, he was rated No. 1 у У.С, и не. 2 у свету.
The 21-year-old decided to turn pro earlier this year, rather than wait for a shot at the Olympics, after discussing his options with his father, as well as Jose and A.J. Ривера, plus his head trainer, Роцки Гонзалез. Worcester boxers such as Jermaine Ortiz и Irvin Gonzalez turning pro, along with the arrival of now 8-month-old Bobby Harris IV, were key factors in his decision to become a professional boxer. “I didn’t want to waste another year,” Bobby admitted. “Turning pro now will get me into rankings earlier. The time was right
Bobby’s father was a 4-time national amateur champion as a super heavyweight who compiled a 20-2-1 (13 КОс) pro record between 1993 и 1999. Данас, he is an important member of his son’s corner, but he did leave a shadow cast over his son, especially across New England.
People will always compare me with my dad, у прстену, али, as good as he was, it’s a great honor to be his son,” Bobby Harris III remarked. “It’s been nothing but good for me. He trained with fighters like (Оскар) Де Ла Хоиа, (Shane) Mosley, (Евандер) Холифиелд and so many other great fighters. We are different, мада. and now I’m establishing my own identity. The sport has changed so much since he fought. Back then it was mostly two guys beating each other up, not as much of a performance. I like to put on a good performance and have people say, ‘He’s cool, а кад се опет бори. Тата ми је рекао како се бокс данас разликује од оног када се борио. Сада, маркетинг је толико важан за борце, а велико излагање је путем друштвених медија.
“Мој отац је био тешкаш, Сићи ћу до 154 (Јуниор средњој. Он је толико већи, виши и тежи од мене, па нас раздваја борба у различитим категоријама тежине. Ја сам борац другог стила, сувише. Активнији сам од њега. Да нас људи не би збуњивали током разговора, Смислио сам „БХ3’ као моја персона. Различити смо у рингу и ван њега.”
“Познајем Малог Боббија (како га ја зовем) пошто је рођен,” Јосе Ривера је приметио. “Он ме зове, Тио (ујаче) Хозе, и волим га као члана своје породице. Срећан сам и поносан што видим како мали Бобби иде према својим сновима и циљевима на свој начин и под својим условима. Не бих желео другачије. Мој син, А.Ј., и срећан сам што можемо да користимо нашу компанију РПЕ да бисмо могли да помогнемо малом Бобију да оствари своје снове и циљеве. Ворчестер – а ускоро и остатак света – знаће да је БХ3 време!”
“БХ3” окренуо се за ову прошлост Јун 10, у свом родном граду Ворцестеру, доневши једногласну одлуку у четири круга (40-36 Кс 3) преко незгодног противника, Родриго Алмеида, који су изгледа били више заинтересовани за опстанак, често фрустрирајуће “БХ3” уз његово стално држање.
“Срећан сам како је прошла та борба јер сам толико тога научио,” Прокоментарисао је Боби. “Била сам тако узбуђена због силне хипе око свог професионалног дебија, и био сам у гомили покушавајући да испаднем. Научио сам да морам да одвојим време, забави се, комбинације бацања и да ће доћи до нокаута. Тата је волео да боцка, Волим да ударам и трчим као ‘Шећер’ Зрак (Леонард). Моја прва професионална борба заправо нисам био ја. Ја сам матадор, али могу да се борим као бик ако ми се укаже прилика. Могу да променим ствари, али заборавио сам да се забавим у свом професионалном дебију.”
“БХ3” планира излазак из очеве сенке у његовом октобру. 28тх борба против Њујорчана Трои Омер “КО уметник” уметник (3-7-1, 2 КОс), такмичио се у уловној тежини од 164 килограма, у окршају од четири рунде.
Бивши амерички ВБУ и северноамерички првак ИБУ у најтежој категорији Винние “Америцан Нигхтмаре” Лице (16-1-1, 15 КОс), борећи се из Пемброкеа (Мр), суочиће се са противником који ће бити одређен у главном догађају од осам рунди.
Бивши изазивач наслова УФЦ тешкаша Габријел “Напао је” Гонзага дебитоваће у професионалном боксу у мечу од четири кола против Вашингтона. тешка категорија Аландо Пугх (1-10-1, 1 КО).
The “Нев Енгланд’с Футуре 4” ундерцард садржи многе најбоље и најпопуларније Н.Е.. борци, укључујући 2016 НИ. Голден Гловес шампион Антхони Лауреано (4-0, 2 КОс), перспективни полутешкаш из Источног Хартфорда (ЦТ), који се суочава са Цлифтоном Расхад Тхамес-ом (3-2-1), из Оклахома Цити-а, у мечу са шест рунди.
Остале борбе под картама, све четворокотаче, укључити 2014 НИ. Голден Гловес шампион Адриан “Тонка” Соса (4-0, 3 КОс), бори из оближње Лавренце (Мр), вс. ветеран Норвалк (ЦТ) велтер категорија Схакха Мооре (12-23-3, 2 КОс), Нови рај (ЦТ) Едвин сото (10-2-2, 4 КОс) вс. Антхони Еверетт (1-6). од Лавренце, на тежини од 150 килограма, троструки првак САД-а у боксу елвис Фигуероа, (2-0, 1 КО), Нев Хавен (ЦТ), вс. Антхони Бовман (11-63-2, 3 КОс). рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера (3-0, 2 КОс), из Хартфорда (ЦТ), вс. Хансен Цастилло (0-2), на тежини од 180 килограма, соутхбридге (Мр) Јуниор велтер Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган (2-0) вс. Осцар Диаз (0-12), из Хартфорда, и Данбури (ЦТ) Јуниор велтер омар Бордои, Јр. (2-0) вс. Алан Бееман (0-15), провиђења.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $75.00 (Рингсиде) и $45.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и доступни за куповину на благајни ДЦУ Центра, ввв.дцу.центерворцестер.цом, контактирањем Јосеа Ривере (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера
Врата се отварају у 6:30 п.м., Први боут 7:00 п.м. И.
Спонзори укључују Лундгрен Хонда, Цхампионсофхеалтх.усна.цом, и америчке пирамиде.
Део прихода иде у корист Ворцестер латино долара за научнике.
Твиттер: @РивераПромоЕнт @јосериверацхамп @КингРивера_

Irvin Gonzalez captures UBF All-Americas Featherweight Title

Sonya Lamonakis & Laura Ramsey fight to UBF World Heavyweight title draw
New England’s Future 3Results from Worcester, Мр
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Јун 11, 2017) – Boxing returned to DCU Arena (Изложбена сала) по први пут у 11 године and Worcester’s newest budding star, Irvin Gonzalez, entertained the hometown crowd, capturing the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (УБФ) Featherweight Championship, синоћ у “New England’s Future 3” Главни догађај.
New England’s Future 3was presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЕ), које је у власништву и којим управљају пензионери три пута, два-подела светски првак Хосе Антонио Ривера и његов син, Антхонее (А.Ј.) Ривера. RPE will return to the DCU Center on October 28тх for its final installment of “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series in 2017.
In the co-featured attraction, popular New York City heavyweight SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis, by way of Greece and Turners Falls, Мр, суочио LauraLady RamRamsey in a female battle of former world champions for the vacant UBF World title,
The 21-year-old Gonzalez (7-0, 6 КОс) was fighting in his first scheduled eight-round bout, против Raul Lopez (10-32-1, 5 КОс), од Бронк (НИ). The two fighters came out fast in a firefight, both throwing leather from all angles, although neither was hurt in the opening round. The pace picked up even more in the second as both fighters landed solid shots.
Fighting in the third round for the first time in his young professional career, Gonzalez turned up the heat, ripping effective combination to the head and body of Lopez, who responded by pounding Gonzalez on the ropes.
Gonzalez dropped Lopez early in the fourth with a strong right to the chin, followed by a brawling fifth round, and the action slowed slightly in the sixth. Гонзалез, who took control in the final two rounds, went the distance for the first time, taking a hard-fought eight-round unanimous decision (79-73 Кс 2, 76-75).
He was definitely the toughest I’ve fought,” Gonzalez said after the fight. “I still have to work on things in the gym. I didn’t go to the body like I did in my last few fights. I was head-hunting tonight. The dude was tough, I had to out-box him. I hurt my left hand late in the later rounds and stayed southpaw.
I definitely learned a lot. My conditioning was there and I went eight strong rounds. И феел гоод, I could go another eight rounds. Fighting at home was good, I have a big fan-base here. I hope to be back here in October 28тх.”
Lamonakis (10-2-3, 1 КО), a former IBO world champion, and past GBU world titlist Ramsey (108-1, 5 КОс) went toe-to-toe from the opening bell for 10 конкурентан, non-stop rounds, ending in a 10-round draw by three judgesscores of 95-95.
Undefeated Worcester heavyweight Bryan Daniels (5-0, 3 КОс) unloaded on an over-matched ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-9), dropping the Floridian three times in the second round until referee Leo Gerstel mercifully waved off the fight at the end of the second.
Former No. 1 USA amateur boxer Боби Харис ИИИ, the son of multiple national amateur champion and retired pro heavyweight, Бобби Харрис, made his long-awaited pro debut. Fighting out of Worcester, Harris overcame early roughhouse tactics by Brazilian light heavyweight Родриго Алмеида, од Вобурн, Мр, to earn a four-round “isključiti” одлука.
In a rematch of a fight this past April, Antonio Chaves Fernandez (8-32-4, 2 КОс), of Brockton (Мр), defeated Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-2, 5 КОс), by way of a six-round majority decision, to even their rivalry at 1-1.
соутхбридге, MA welterweight Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган (2-0) and his Lawrence, MA opponent, Антхони Еверетт (1-6), turned in an entertaining performance as Pagan won a four-round majority decision, despite him being decked in the final round.
Лоренц, MA welterweight Adrian Sosa (3-0, 3 КОс) needed only 41-second to stop New York City’s Zach Johnson (0-2). Sosa dropped Johnson in the first 10 seconds and again moments later, after which referee Gerstel halted the action.
спрингфиелд, MA welterweight Кран “Импацт” вхитлеи (2-0), the son of a retired professional boxer, побољшан на 2-0 with a four-round unanimous decision over veteran Connecticut fighter Shaka Moore (12-23-3, 2 КОс).
Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan (0-0-1) and Brazilian super middleweight Савле Алмеида (0-8-1) opened the night fighting a four-round majority draw.
Комплетни резултати испод:
(winners listed first each fight)
Irvin Gonzalez (7-0, 6 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 76-75)
Raul Lopez (10-3-1, 5 КОс), бронк, НИ
(Gonzalez won vacant UBF All-Americas featherweight title)
Sonya Lamonakis (10-2-3 (1 КО), Њујорк, NY by way of Greece
D10 (95-95, 95-95, 95-95)
Laura Ramsey (10-7-1 (5 КОс), winter Хавен, Флорида
Bryan Daniels (5-0, 3 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
WTKO2 (2:35)
Christopher Boykins (1-9, 0 КОс), Орландо, Флорида
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Боби Харис ИИИ (1-0), Ворчестер, Мр
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Родриго Алмеида (1-7, 0 КОс), Woburn, Мр
Neal Sullivan (0-0-1), Ворчестер, Мр
D4 (37-39, 38-38, 38-38)
Савле Алмеида (0-8-1), Framingham, Мр
Derrick Whitley (2-0, 0 КОс), спрингфиелд, Мр
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 39-37, 38-37)
Shaka Moore (12-23-3, 2 КОс), Norwalk, ЦТ
Antonio Chaves Fernandez (8-32-4, 2 КОс), Brockton, Мр
ВДЕЦ6 (58-56, 58-56, 57-57)
Andy Gonzalez (6-2, 5 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
Adrian Sosa (3-0, 3 КОс), Лоренц, Мр
ВТКО1 (0:41)
Zach Johnson (0-2), Њујорк, НИ
Wilfredo Pagan (2-0, 0 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
ВДЕЦ4 (38-37, 38-37, 38-38)
Антхони Еверетт (1-6, 0 КОс), Лоренц, Мр
Твиттер: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, KingRivera_

Heavyweight Sonya Lamonakis Takes on Laura Ramsey for vacant UBF World Championship

New England’s Future 3June 10th у Ворцестер, Мр
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Јун 1, 2017) – Popular heavyweight SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis поприма LauraLady RamRamsey за упражњено Универсал Бокинг Федератион (УБФ) World title, у суботу ноћ, Јун 10, у осам рунди “New England’s Future 3co-feature at the DCU Center (Изложбена сала) у Ворцестер, Масачусетс.
New England’s Future 3” представља Ривера Промотионс Ентертаинмент (РПЕ), које је у власништву и којим управљају пензионери три пута, два подела светски шампион Хосе Антонио Ривера и његов син, Антхонее (А.Ј.) Ривера.
Undefeated prospect Irvin Gonzalez (6-0, 6 КОс), 21, headlines at home in his first scheduled eight-round bout, наспрам Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 КОс), од Бронк (НИ), for the vacant UBF All-American super featherweight championship.
I am excited to be able to have our first world championship boxing match on our ‘New England’s 3’ бокс догађај,” promoter Jose Rivera commented. “It’s special because it’s a women’s World Heavyweight title fight with veterans like Sonya and Laura, who also have some hostilities towards one another. They’ve both earned this opportunity to fight for the UBF Women’s World Heavyweight Championship. I expect fireworks and know fans will be in for a treat.
Pro boxing returns to the DCU Center for the first time у 11 године, when promoter Jose Antonio Rivera defeated Алејандро Гарциа, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, for the World Boxing Association (ВБА) World super welterweight title.
Born in Greece, Lamonakis (10-2-2, 1 КО), who grew-up in Turners Falls (Мр), is a teacher in New York City. She is a Springfield College graduate and has two Master’s Degrees. “I’m honored to be fighting in the first world title fight in Worcester since Jose Rivera,” Lamonakis said. “I’m from Massachusetts and I fought twice at Mechanics Hall (у Ворцестер, including her pro debut in 2010). I heard Jose was promoting shows in Worcester, so I called to say I’d like to fight for a world title on one of his cards. I think he saw me fight before and he quickly agreed.
This is still a make-dominates sport. I tell young girls to box as a side job. I have two Master’s Degrees and I’m a full-time teacher in New York. Boxing is my hobby. Very few women can make enough money boxing to make a good living. I don’t know if it’s because I was born in Greece and boxing is in my blood, but I love this sport and that’s what keeps me going. I guess I was born to fight. I enjoy getting in the ring. I’ve gotten a lot from boxing and now I’m giving back to amateurs in New York City as president of a youth organization.
Lamonakis; is a former International Boxing Organization World and New York State female heavyweight champion. Her opponent, Ramsey (10-7, КОс), as a two-time world title challenger is hoping the third time is the charm for her. They have history together and this fight nearly happened a few years ago.
I beat her daughter (Alysia Williams-Stevenson) in my second pro fight,” Lamonakis explained. “She said she’s see me and now, seven years later, we’re fighting. She’s a little older than me and I needed more fights before I fought her. We were supposed to fight a few years ago in Aruba but a hurricane cancelled the show.
In an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction, Pembroke (Мр) fan favorite Винние “Америцан Нигхтмаре” Лице (16-1-1, 15 КОс) meets Brazilian knockout specialist Marcelo LeonardoQueizadaDa Silva (22-4, 17 КОс).
Борила на ундерцард, све у четири округла налетима, are Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 КОс) вс. ТБА, Лоренц (Мр) Јуниор велтер Адриан “Тонка” Соса (2-0, 2 КОс) вс. Buffalo’s Џек Грејди (0-5-1), Ворчестер перо андино Рансе (1-0) вс. Woburn (Мр) Gilvan Santos (0-3), спрингфиелд (Мр) Јуниор средњој Кран “Импацт” вхитлеи (1-0) вс. Norwalk (ЦТ) ветеран Shaka Moore (12-22-3, 2 КОс), Worcester’s pro-debuting Боби Харис ИИИ вс. Woburn (Мр) супер средњој категорији Родриго Алмеида (1-6), соутхбридге (Мр) Јуниор велтер Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган (1-0) вс. Lawrence’s Антхони Еверетт (1-5), Worcester’s Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 КОс) вс. Florida’s ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) at a 205-pound catchweight, Hartford’s (ЦТ) Richie “Морнар Попај” Ривера (1-0, 1 КО) вс. Бразилски Nathan Schulte (0-2) at a 180-pound catchweight, and Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan вс. Framingham (Мр) супер средњој категорији Савле Алмеида (0-8).
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $75.00 (Рингсиде) и $45.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и доступни за куповину на благајни ДЦУ Центра, ввв.дцу.центерворцестер.цом, контактирањем Јосеа Ривере (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера
Врата се отварају у 6 п.м., Први боут 7 п.м. И.
Спонзори укључују Лундгрен Хонда, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
Твиттер: @РивераПромоЕнт @јосериверацхамп @КингРивера_

Budding star Irvin Gonzalez Starting to make waves in Super featherweight division

New England’s Future 3June 10th у Ворцестер, Мр

ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Мај 24, 2017) – New England’s top prospect with 10 pro fights of less, undefeated hometown favorite Irvin Gonzalez, is on a fast track going into his June 10тх headline fight in the third installment of the “Нев Енгланд Будућност” серија, у ДЦУ Центер (Изложбена сала) у Ворцестер, Масачусетс.

New England’s Future 3” представља Ривера Промотионс Ентертаинмент (РПЕ), које је у власништву и којим управљају пензионери три пута, два подела светски шампион Хосе Антонио Ривера и његов син, Антхонее (А.Ј.) Ривера.
The 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 КОс) поприма Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 КОс), од Бронк (НИ), in an eight-round main event for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (УБФ) All-American super featherweight championship.
Pro boxing returns to the DCU Center for the first time у 11 године, иронично, when promoter Jose Antonio Rivera defeated Алејандро Гарциа, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, for the World Boxing Association (ВБА) World super welterweight title.
I am excited to watch Irvin’s boxing career flourish,” promoter Jose Rivera remarked. “He has all the tools to become a world champion. Fighting for the UBF championship will be the first of many and I am glad that we are able to give him this opportunity. I see big things for Irvin and I hope fans come out Субота ноћ, Јун 10тх, to support him and the other local boxers.”.
“Ово је велика прилика за мене,” Гонзалес је рекао. “I’m blessed to be fighting in Worcester for my first title. It’s not a big title but it’s like taking baby steps to a world title. Since I started boxing at the Boys & Гирлс Цлуб, I always wanted to be like Jose, a three-time world champion. Сада, it’s my turn, and I’m fighting again in my city.
Gonzalez has a perfect pro record: six rights, six wins by knockout. Међутим, he’s only had fought a grand total of eight rounds, and June 10тх he’s in a scheduled eight-round match. The well-spoken youngster isn’t concerned with the step up in rounds and opposition.
I’ve been asked about that by a lot of media, trainers and other fighters,” he explained. “I’ve always trained like it’s for a world title fight, 12 метака, so I’m not worried about going into deep water. I’m in magnificent shape, three weeks before the fight, and even in the amateurs I’ve always gotten stronger as the fight went along. In sparring, I get stronger, so going eight isn’t a problem for me.
I don’t really know much about my opponent. He won a few national titles but hasn’t fought too often. I’ll see what he brings into the ring and then adjust. I know I’m taller.
Gonzalez learned a lot when he was a sparring partner for Гуиллермо Ригондеаук in Florida that was supposed to be a six-week training camp that ended after three weeks due to Rigondeauxfight being cancelled.
I learned a lot about different training methods that I now use,” Irvin continued. “His techniques are phenomenal. I was around a world champion, two-time Olympic gold medalist and I saw his work ethic. After all he’s accomplished, he still has a great work ethic, and I learned from him that a fighter need continue working like he does until the day it’s all over. It’s not all about money, it’s having fun every day, doing what we love.
Former world female heavyweight champions SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 КО), the New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (Мр), и LauraLady RamRamsey (10-7, 5 КОс) battle for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title in the eight-round co-featured event.
Pembroke (Мр) Цруисервеигхт Винние “Америцан Нигхтмаре” Лице (16-1-1, 15 КОс) meets invading Brazilian knockout artist Marcelo LeonardoQueizadaDa Silva (22-4, 17 КОс) in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction.
Also fighting on the undercard, све у четири округла налетима, are Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 КОс) вс. ТБА, Лоренц (Мр) Јуниор велтер Адриан “Тонка” Соса (2-0, 2 КОс) вс. Buffalo’s Џек Грејди (0-5-1), Нови рај (ЦТ) веома лака ствар Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 КОс) вс. Georgia’s Габријел Брактон (2-18, 1 КО), Ворчестер перо андино Рансе (1-0) вс. Woburn (Мр) Gilvan Santos (0-3), спрингфиелд (Мр) Јуниор средњој Кран “Импацт” вхитлеи (1-0) вс. Norwalk (ЦТ) ветеран Shaka Moore (12-22-3, 2 КОс), Worcester’s pro-debuting Боби Харис ИИИ вс. Woburn (Мр) супер средњој категорији Родриго Алмеида (1-6), соутхбридге (Мр) Јуниор велтер Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган (1-0) вс. Lawrence’s Антхони Еверетт (1-5), Worcester’s Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 КОс) вс. Florida’s ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) at a 205-pound catchweight, Hartford’s (ЦТ) Richie “Морнар Попај” Ривера (1-0, 1 КО) вс. Бразилски Nathan Schulte (0-2) at a 180-pound catchweight, and Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan вс. Framingham (Мр) super middleweight Saul Almeida (0-8).
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $75.00 (Рингсиде) и $45.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и доступни за куповину на благајни ДЦУ Центра, ввв.дцу.центерворцестер.цом,
контактирањем Јосеа Ривере (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера
Врата се отварају у 6 п.м., Први боут 7 п.м. И.
Спонзори укључују Лундгрен Хонда, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
Твиттер: @РивераПромоЕнт @јосериверацхамп @КингРивера_

Undefeated hometown prospect Irvin Gonzalez to headline June 10; New England’s Future series continues in Worcester, Мр

Heavyweight Sonya Lamonakis to
Fight for vacant UBF World title
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Мај 10, 2017, 2017) – Undefeated rising super featherweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez will headline the third installment of the “Нев Енгланд Будућност” серија, Субота ноћ, Јун 10, as professional boxing returns for the first time у 11 године to the DCU Center (Изложбена сала) у Ворцестер, Масачусетс.
New England’s Future 3” представља Ривера Промотионс Ентертаинмент (РПЕ), које је у власништву и којим управљају пензионери три пута, два подела светски шампион Хосе Антонио Ривера и његов син, Антхонее (А.Ј.) Ривера.
Arguably the top New England prospect, the 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 КОс) is continuing Worcester’s rich boxing tradition, which dates back nearly a century. A 2015 Н. И. Голден Гловес шампион, Gonzalez has knocked out all six of his pro opponents, four in the opening round, the other two in the second. Gonzalez will fight Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 КОс), од Бронк (НИ), in an eight-round match for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (УБФ) East Regional super featherweight championship.
Former International Boxing Organization (IBO heavyweight world champion, SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 КО), will face TBA in the eight-round co-feature for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title. Lamonakis is a New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (Мр) and graduated from Springfield (Мр) College. She is a native of Greece and a four-time New York Golden Gloves champion.
I am excited that we will be having our ‘New England’s Future 3boxing event at the DCU Center,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “The last time there was boxing at the DCU was when I fought for and won the WBA Junior Middleweight world title. It was an electric night with the fight televised live on Showtime. I am hoping we can bring the same kind of excitement with our action- packed lineup of young and hungry up-and-coming boxers.
We have two UBF title fights on the line with Sonya Lamonakis fighting for the female UBF Heavyweight World Title and Worcester’s own Irving Gonzalez, in only his seventh pro fight, fighting for the UBF 126-pound division East Regional championship. I’m also excited to have five Worcester boxers on our event at the DCU and I hope our Worcester fan-base comes out to support them. I am looking forward to seeing another great night of action-packed boxing.
Powerhouse fighter Винние “Америцан Нигхтмаре” Лице (16-1-1, 15 КОс), борећи се из Пемброкеа (Мр), returns in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction against TBA.
Also fighting on the undercard, све у четири округла налетима, are Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 КОс) вс. Baltimore’s Кевин “The ScarecrowWomack, Јр. (7-14-3, 5 КОс), Лоренц (Мр) Јуниор велтер Адриан “Тонка” Соса (2-0, 2 КОс) вс. Лас Вегас’ Johnny Frazier (2-3-0-4, 2 КОс), Нови рај (ЦТ) веома лака ствар Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 КОс) вс. Georgia’s Габријел Брактон (2-18, 1 КО), Ворчестер перо андино Рансе (1-0) вс. Woburn (Мр) Gilvan Santos (0-3), спрингфиелд (Мр) Јуниор средњој Кран “Импацт” вхитлеи (1-0) вс. Norwalk (ЦТ) ветеран Shaka Moore (12-22-3, 2 КОс), Worcester’s Боби Харис ИИИ вс. Бразилу Nathan Schulte in a battle of pro-debuting super middleweights, соутхбридге (Мр) Јуниор велтер Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган (1-0) вс. Lawrence’s Антхони Еверетт (1-5), Worcester heavyweight Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 КОс) вс. Florida’s ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) and Hartford’s (ЦТ) Richie “Морнар Попај” Ривера (1-0, 1 КО) вс. Michigan’s Michael Shipp (1-4, 1 КО) fighting at a 180-pound catch-weight.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $75.00 (Рингсиде) и $45.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и доступни за куповину на благајни ДЦУ Центра, ввв.дцу.центерворцестер.цом, контактирањем Јосеа Ривере (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера
Врата се отварају у 6 п.м., Први боут 7 п.м. И.
Спонзори укључују Лундгрен Хонда, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
Твиттер: @РивераПромоЕнт @јосериверацхамп @КингРивера_

Top Prospect Irvin Gonzalez remains perfect Stops Israel Rojas in second round

(Л) – Irvin Gonzalez
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Јануар 20, 2017) – Boxing returned to Worcester last night (Четвртак) for the first time in more than five years to the delight of a capacity crowd of 2,100 passionate fans at the Palladium.
The inaugural event of the “Нев Енгланд Будућност” серија, представили Ривера Промоције Ентертаинмент, Изабран 10 ацтион-пацкед туче, highlighted by rising Worcester featherweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez (5-0, 5 КОс).
The support we received from the sold out crowd was exciting for our first show,” саид промотер Хосе Антонио Ривера, the former 3-time, 2-подела светски шампион. “We working on our second show in March, наравно, right here in Worcester.
The 20-year-old Gonzalez was absolutely relentless in the main event, fright rom the opening bell, throwing a barrage of unanswered punches from every conceivable angle, repeatedly hurting his Mexican foe, Израел “Тигар” Рамос (9-15, 3 КОс), including a late first-round knockdown. Gonzalez didn’t let up in the second, firing crisp punches, until Rojas hit the canvas early in the second frame and referee Steve Clark had seen enough, stopping the one-sided fight.
Gonzalez is continuing the rich Worcester boxing tradition. “I’m always relentless,” Gonzalez said with a smile. “It was great fighting in the main event at home. I heard the crowd and really appreciated their support. I hurt him early and I almost took him out in the first round with a body punch. I finished him off with a right in the second. None of my fights have gone the distance, but I prepared to go the full six tonight, if needed.
Gonzalez takes off Недеља o report to undefeated Гуиллермо Ригондеаук’ training camp in Miami, where he’ll work with the reigning WBA super bantamweight world champion and 2-time Olympic gold medalist.
Непоражен Зрак “базука” Gracewski (5-0, 3 КОс), fighting out of Springfield (Мр), was on a search-and-destroy mission in the co-feature against Worcester super middleweight Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 КО), who was dropped three times before referee Kevin Hope halted the fight.
Хартфорд про-дебитовао рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера was good to the finish, albeit only two rounds, in a fight contested at a 185-pound catchweight against Philadelphian Davonte Hopkins (0-3). Ривера, ко је био 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament winner, punished Hopkins, finally dropping him in the second round, after which his corner threw in the towel.
In an evenly matched junior featherweight bout, родни град омиљена андино Рансе‘s pro debut resulted in a hard earned victory, by way of a four-round unanimous decision, over Lowell’s (Мр) раније непоражен Џонатан Перес (2-1-1, 2 КОс)
Unbeaten Haitian heavyweight Jean PierreKid CreoleAugstin (7-0-1, 3 КОс) pounded game Mexican foe Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-22, 12 КОс) from the opening bell en route to a shutout six-round unanimous decision.
East Hartford prospect Антхони Лауреано (2-0, 1 КО), a 2016 Нова Енглеска Златни Рукавице шампион, finished off winless welterweight Rafael Francis (0-9) with a debilitating body shot early in the second round.
In his pro debut, popular Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez, a local barber, spotted his opponent, 392-фунта Bobby Favors (0-4), скоро 60 pounds but Favors was unable to continue after the first round.
соутхбридге, Мр Вилфредо “Суцаро” паган turned in a memorable pro debut, winning a four-round majority decision over Alexander Picot (1-2-1 (0 КОс), contested at a 145-pound catchweight.
The second-oldest pro fighter in Massachusetts history, 49-годишњакиња “Ирски” Chuck Shearns (3-1, 2 КОс), of nearby Auburn, MA., ended his boxing career in style with an opening-round technical knockout victory over Philadelphia junior middleweight Shavonte Dixon (0-2).
Team Shearns celebrates after his retirement fight
У.С. Маринац Brandon Montella, fighting out of Saugus, MA., поправио свој рекорд у 6-0 (5 КОс), as his light heavyweight Mexican veteran Роберто “Стари” Валензуела (69-74-2, 56 КОс) suffered an injury early in the second round.
Комплетни резултати испод:
Маин Евент –Featherweights
Irvin Gonzalez (5-0, 5 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
WTKO2 (1:28)
Israel Rojas (9-15, 3 КОс), Aqua Prieta, Сонора, Мексико
Цо-Феатуре – Super Middleweights
Ray Graceski (5-0, 3 КОс), спрингфиелд, Мр
ВТКО1 (1:32)
Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 КО), Ворчестер, Мр
Jean Pierre Augstin (8-0-1, 3 КОс), Лоренц, Мр
ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-23, 12 КОс), Aqua Prieta, Сонора, Мексико
Felix Martinez (1-0, 1 КО), Ворчестер, Мр
ВТКО1 (3:00)
Bobby Favors (0-4), Cincinnati, ОХ
(185-фунта) Цатцхвеигхт
Рицхард Ривера (1-0, 1 КО), Хартфорд, ЦТ
WTKO2 (2:48)
Davonte Hopkins (0-3), Филаделфија, ПА
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Brandon Montella (6-0, 5 КОс), Saugus, Мр
WTKO2 (0:50)
Роберто Валензуела (69-74-2, 56 КОс), Aqua Prieta, Сонора, Мексико
Chuck Shearns (3-1, 2 КОс), Auburn, Мр
ВТКО1 (2:19)
Shavonte Dixon (0-2), Филаделфија, ПА
(145-фунта) CATCHWEIGHT
Wilfredo Pagan (1-0, 0 КОс), соутхбридге, Мр
ВДЕЦ4 (39-37, 39-37, 38-38)
Alexander Picot (1-2-1, 0 КОс), Cidra, Порторико
Антхони Лауреано (2-0, 1 КО), East Hartford, ЦТ
ВКО2 (0:24)
Rafael Francis (0-9), Dorchester, Мр
андино Рансе 1-0, 0 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
ВДЕЦ4 (40-36, 39-37, 39-37)
Џонатан Перес (2-1-1, 2 КОс), Ловелл, Мр
SPONSORS: Тешке категорије – Lundgren Honda, Атти. Michael H. Erlich, Атти. Марија П. Ривера-Кото, USANA Health Services; LightweightsTKO Auto Repair, Атти. Stephen W. Debs.
Твиттер: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, @KingRivera_
ABOUT RIVERA PROMOTIONS ENTERTAINMENT (РПЕ): Основан у 2016, Rivera Promotions Entertainment is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-време, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio “Галло” Ривера – along with his son, Антхонее “AJ” Ривера, whose collective goal is to bring boxing back to Worcester on a consistent basis, providing boxers a platform and fans a full entertainment experience.

Prospect Irvin Gonzalez continuing Worcester boxing tradition Jan 19th

Inaugural “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series event in Worcester
ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Јануар 11, 2017) – Fast rising featherweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez (4-0, 4 КОс) will continue Worcester’s rich boxing tradition Четвртакноћ, Јануар 19, headlining the inaugural “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series event against Mexican invader Израел “Тигар” Rojas (9-14, 3 КОс), at the Worcester Palladium.
Ривера Промотионс Забава (РПЕ), is promoting the first professional boxing show in the Central Massachusetts city in more than five years.
(photo by Cristian Nunez)
Worcester’s boxing tradition started close to a century ago with Canadian import Lou Brouillard, a two-division world champion and Hall of Famer, 1928 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Leo Sawicki, and more recently, између осталог, pro and amateur standouts such as multiple national amateur champion Бобби Харрис, Сеан “The Irish ExpressSean Fitzgerald и Едвин Родригез.
Arguably the greatest Worcester fighter in the past 50 years is three-time, два-подела светски првак Jose Antonio “Галло” Ривера, who is promoting “Нев Енгланд Будућност” with his son, Антхонее.I have seen Irvin train and fight since he was in the Junior Olympics,” Rivera said. “I am very proud of him because he was able to discover on his own that he was getting in his own way. He was always a talented fighter but, at times in the ring, he was inconsistent and it cost him a few fights. As he got older, he boxed more talented boxers and looked good against them. He started believing in himself more and it showed in his training. His abilities and confidence grew and that got him all the way to the Olympic Trials. I feel he has the skills to become world champion in the future. The sky is the limit for this young man and I am proud to have him fighting on our show.
Гонзалез, a 2015 Нова Енглеска Златни Рукавице шампион, will be headlining his first show in his first scheduled six-round bout. “Fighting in my hometown in the main event means a lot to me because,” Gonzalez admitted. “I’ve grown up in this city, fighting my whole life, and of people who’ve supported me will be watching me fight for the first time as a pro. Ја сам узбуђен. I’m comfortable fighting here in Worcester and I want to showcase the boxing talent we have in Worcester.
Gonzalez qualified for the 2016 Olympic Trials but he was eliminated, not due to a loss in the ring, for missing weight. He decided not to wait four years for another Olympic shot, turning pro this past March with a first-round stoppage of Gilvan Santos at Foxwoods Resort Casino. In four pro fights to date, Gonzalez has four knockouts and only one was extended into the second round.
I was always told that I had a pro boxing style,” the well-spoken, handsome Gonzalez continued, “but we didn’t immediately decide to turn pro until the time was right. I had some stoppages as an amateur but, као професионалац, I’ve been going more to the body. I do have heavy hands. I don’t go into a fight looking for a knockout. I just let ’em come but I’ve prepared to go six rounds if needed for this fight. I’ve been sparring eight rounds with different guys coming in fresh.
In addition to being a prize fighter, the 20-year-old Gonzalez works at a bank and he also owns and operates New England Boxing gym with his father, former boxer Irvin Gonzalez, where the youngster serves as a personal trainer.
In the six-round co-feature Springfield (Мр) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Reinaldo “базука” Грацески (4-0, 2 КОс) faces Worcester’s Ralph Johnson (2-9, 1 КО).
Fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Worcester junior lightweight андино Рансе in his pro debut vs. Lowell’s (Мр) Џонатан Перес (2-0-1, 2 КОс), pro-debuting Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez вс. Bobby Favor (0-3), Hartford’s (ЦТ) pro-debuting light heavyweight рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера вс. Brockton’s (Мр) Davonte Hopkins (0-2), pro-debuting Southbridge (Мр) боксер Wilfredo Pagan вс. Alexander Picot (1-1-1, 0 КОс) at a 145-pound catchweight, pro-debuting Springfield (Мр) junior featherweight Луис “Pancho” Сантиаго вс, Jonathan Ramos (0-2), 2016 НИ. Голден Гловес шампион Антхони Лауреано (1-0), of East Haven (ЦТ), вс. Boston junior welterweight Rafael Francis (0-8), Auburn (Мр) Јуниор средњој “Ирски” Chuck Shearns (2-1, 1 КО), the 49-year-old hanging up his gloves after his fight with Shavonte Dixon (0-1), оф Пхиладелпхиа, Saugus (Мр) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Brandon Montella (5-0, 4 КОс) вс. Roberto El Viejo” Валензуела (69-73-2, 56 КОс) and unbeaten Lawrence (Мр) тешка категорија Jean Pierre Augstin (7-0-1, 3 КОс) вс. Jose HymbertoOlympicoCorral (19-22, 12 КОс).
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $65.00 (Рингсиде), $45.00 (preferred seating) и $35.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и који се могу купити у ввв.ТхеПалладиум.нет или Паладијум благајнама (само општи пријем), или ако контактирате Јосе Ривера (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера (антхонееривера@гмаил.цом/774.272.2269) of any of the fighters. A portion of the proceeds will go to Why Me & Sherry’s House.
Major event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Атти. Michael H. Erlich, Атти. Марија П. Rivera-Cotto and USANA Health Services. Other sponsors are TKO Auto Repair and Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
Твиттер: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp

49-year-old pro boxer “Ирски” Chuck Shearns Hanging up gloves January 19th

REMINDER: The deadline to apply for a media credential is Јан. 12тх

ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Јануар 5, 2017) – Auburn (Мр) Јуниор средњој “Ирски” Chuck Shearns will become the second-oldest professional fighter in Massachusetts boxing history у четвртак ноћ, Јануар 19, in his farewell performance at the Worcester Palladium, marking the first pro boxing event in Worcester, located in Central Mass., in more than five years.
Конститутивна “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series event is being presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (РПЕ), which is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-време, 2-подела светски шампион Jose Antonio “Галло” Ривера – и његов син, Антхонее “AJ” Ривера.
Rising junior lightweight prospect, 2015 Нова Енглеска Златни Рукавице шампион Irvin Gonzalez (4-0, 4 КОс), will be fighting at home in the 6-round main event against Mexican invader Oscar Eduardo Quezada (2-1, 1 КО), while Springfield (Мр) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Reinaldo “базука” Грацески (4-0, 2 КОс) meets Worcester’s Ralph Johnson (2-9, 1 КО) in the six-round co-feature.
The 49-year-old Shearns (2-1, 1 КО), who is the general manager of Lundgren Honda in Auburn, ће преузети Shavonte Dixon (0-1), оф Пхиладелпхиа, у окршају од четири рунде. The state record, set in 2011 by then 53-year-old Joe Siciliano, is safe because Jan. 19тх will definitely be Shearnslast fight.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for all boxers in terms of what they go through to be able to perform at their best in the ring,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “Chuck is doing it at 49 година стар! That takes a lot of sacrifice and courage to put your body through that rugged training. I wish him the best and I am glad I can provide him with the opportunity to be able to say goodbye to boxing on his own terms.
Shearns made his amateur debut at the age of 29, 10 years later he made his professional debut. “I grew up watching boxing with my father (Јохн), who boxed in the Navy, and my grandfather (Јохн),” Shearns explained. “My grandfather was a club fighter, тако, boxing was in my blood. I only had four amateur fights and one day I metFitzy,” who is now one of my closest friends. (Sean Fitzgerald, one of Worcester’s all-time best boxers, who is Shearnshead trainer.) I told him I wanted one pro fight and asked him to train me.
Зашто, мада, у доби од 49 does he still put himself through such extensive training, while working fulltime during the holiday season, to fight an opponent half his age?
Boxing was the ultimate hobby for me and I just got carried away with it,” Shearns admitted. “I’m a novelty, not a real pro boxer. I’m fighting Јануар 19тх because I was given this opportunity and decided to accept it but, поштено, I’m sure that this it! Maybe I just wanted a chance to go out with a win because I lost my last one? Не знам. Sometimes I wake up asking myself, ‘What am I doing?’ And ‘Fitzyis working me so hard for this fightI don’t know if it’s my age or whatbut I’ve hated every minute of it. I lost my father in March. He was always in my corner and this fight I’ll have RIP on my trunks in his honor.
Lately, Shearnstypical day has been, добро, in a word, unordinary, to say the least. He reports to work at 5 а.м., exercises and runs on the treadmill for an hour in a small gym at work, catches up withFitzyat Anytime Fitness to hit the heavy and speed bags, and after workFitzytrains Shearns at Camp Get Right.
Shearns has the complete support of his family and co-workers, who will all be at the Worcester Palladium supporting him Јан. 19. “My wife (Karen) and two daughters (Kayla and Olivia) have always been there for me,” Shearns noted. “My wife supports me and has jokingly said, ‘We’re getting divorced if you lose this fight.I’ve worked at Lundgren Honda for about 20 years and most of the 100-plus employees there will be at my fight. I did want to fight one more time before I turn 50. When Jose asked me to fight, how could I pass up this final opportunity?”
Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts are Worcester junior lightweight андино Рансе in his pro debut vs. Lowell’s (Мр) Џонатан Перес (2-0-1, 2 КОс), pro-debuting Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez вс. Dorchester’s (Мр) Brian Richardson (0-8), Hartford’s (ЦТ) pro-debuting light heavyweight рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера вс. Brockton’s (Мр) Huston Crayton (1-8, 0 КОс), pro-debuting Southbridge (Мр) боксер Wilfredo Pagan вс. Puerto Rican Alexander Picot (1-1-1, 0 КОс) at a 145-pound catchweight, pro-debuting Springfield (Мр) junior featherweight Луис “Pancho” Сантиаго вс, Mexican Jonathan Ramos (1-2, 0 КОс), 2016 N.W. Голден Гловес шампион Антхони Лауреано (1-0), of East Haven (ЦТ), вс. Boston junior welterweight Rafael Francis (0-8), Saugus (Мр) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Brandon Montella (5-0, 4 КОс) вс. Mexican veteran Roberto El Viejo” Валензуела (69-73-2, 56 КОс) and unbeaten Lawrence (Мр) тешка категорија Jean Pierre Augstin (7-0-1, 3 КОс).
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $65.00 (Рингсиде), $45.00 (preferred seating) и $35.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и који се могу купити у ввв.ТхеПалладиум.нет или Паладијум благајнама (само општи пријем), или ако контактирате Јосе Ривера (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера (антхонееривера@гмаил.цом/774.272.2269) of any of the fighters. A portion of the proceeds will go to Why Me & Sherry’s House.
Major event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Атти. Michael H. Erlich, Атти. Марија П. Rivera-Cotto and USANA Health Services. Other sponsors are TKO Auto Repair and Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
Твиттер: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp
Inaugural “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series event in Worcester

Professional Boxing returns Jan. 19 to Worcester Junior lightweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez headlines Inaugural “Нев Енгланд Будућност” series event

ВОРЦЕСТЕР,, Маса. (Децембар 29, 2016) — Ривера Промотионс Забава (РПЕ) held a press conference yesterday to formally announce its inaugural show, “Нев Енгланд Будућност,” Thursday night, Јануар 19, at the Worcester Palladium. It will mark the first professional boxing event in Worcester, located in Central Mass., за пет година.
Rivera Promotions Entertainment is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-време, 2-подела светски шампион Jose Antonio “Галло” Ривераalong with his son, Антхонее “AJ” Ривера, whose collective goal is to bring boxing back to Worcester on a consistent basis, providing boxers a platform and fans a full entertainment experience.
It’s all about the fighters,” RPE CEO Jose Antonio Rivera said. “I’m in a unique position as a promoter because of my boxing background. I hard it is for local fighters to get fights, which is why we have so many with less than six pro fights and five pro debuts fighters on this card. They are why we’re here today. I never had a press conference until I was much more established in my career. This is about them showcasing their skills.
After my son graduated from Johnson Wales University with a degree in Sports Management, he told me he was ready to form Rivera Promotions Entertainment, as we had discussed, and promote shows. I lost a lot of money promoting a show in 2008, so I told him to put a plan together first and within a week he did. He had gotten his feet wet in the business as an intern for a boxing promoter. We went over the plan ad decided that we can do this. We’re not signing fighters, одмах, we’re helping them build their careers. We do a lot of hard work behind the scenes that the public doesn’t see; the fighters work in the gym. I’m really excited about January 19тх. Irvin Gonzalez is a future world champion.
Улазнице, по цени од $65.00 (Рингсиде), $45.00 (preferred seating) и $35.00 (Генерално пријем), су у продаји и који се могу купити у ввв.ТхеПалладиум.нет или Паладијум благајнама (само општи пријем), или ако контактирате Јосе Ривера (елгаллојар@гмаил.цом/508.864.6954), , АЈ Ривера (антхонееривера@гмаил.цом/774.272.2269) of any of the fighters. A portion of the proceeds will go to Why Me & Sherry’s House.
We appreciate the support being given to us and the fighters who give their blood, sweat and tears for you,” RPE president A.J. Rivera added. “I got into the business side of boxing as an intern working for CES. In Worcester, we have 11 active fighters, all on the rise, and to bring boxing back to Worcester is special, Teamwork makes dreams work. I also want to note that none of these fighters turned down a single opponent we offered.
Promising junior lightweight prospect, 2015 Нова Енглеска Златни Рукавице шампион Irvin Gonzalez (4-0, 4 КОс), fighting out of Worcester, will be showcased in the 6-round main event against Mexican invader Oscar Eduardo Quezada (2-1, 1 КО).
I’m very excited to be fighting in my hometown for the first time as a pro,” Gonzalez commented. “I fought here as an amateur but that’s not the same as fighting in the main event and my first 6-rounder. Don’t take your eyes off the ring when I fight. Ја ћу бити 5-0 with five knockouts on Јануар 19тх.”
У 6-колу сарадњи функције, Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Reinaldo “базука” Грацески (4-0, 2 КОс), of nearby Springfield (Мр), faces Worcester’s Ralph Johnson (2-9, 1 КО).
Fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts are Worcester junior lightweight андино Рансе in his pro debut vs. Lowell’s (Мр) Џонатан Перес (2-0-1, 2 КОс), 49-year-old Auburn (Мр) Јуниор средњој “Ирски” Chuck Shearns (2-1, 1 КО) in his retirement fight vs. Philadelphian Shavonte Dixon (0-1), pro-debuting Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez вс. Dorchester’s (Мр) Brian Richardson (0-8), Hartford’s (ЦТ) pro-debuting light heavyweight рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера вс. Brockton’s (Мр) Huston Crayton (1-8, 0 КОс), pro-debuting Southbridge (Мр) боксер Wilfredo Pagan вс. Puerto Rican Alexander Picot (1-1-1, 0 КОс) at a 145-pound catchweight, pro-debuting Springfield (Мр) junior featherweight Луис “Pancho” Сантиаго вс, Mexican Jonathan Ramos (1-2, 0 КОс), 2016 N.W. Голден Гловес шампион Антхони Лауреано (1-0), of East Haven (ЦТ), вс. Boston junior welterweight Rafael Francis (0-8), Saugus (Мр) Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Brandon Montella (5-0, 4 КОс) вс. Mexican veteran Roberto El Viejo” Валензуела (69-73-2, 56 КОс) and unbeaten Lawrence (Мр) тешка категорија Jean Pierre Augstin (7-0-1, 3 КОс) вс. ТБА.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Major event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Атти. Michael H. Erlich, Атти. Марија П. Rivera-Cotto and USANA Health Services. Other sponsors are TKO Auto Repair and Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
Твиттер: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp