Tag Archives: IBF

“The Call Terfynol” Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 2, 2016 ARENA TAURON, KRAKOW, POLAND YN FYW AR DAL-PER-BARN

KRAKOW, Gwlad Pwyl (Mawrth 31, 2016) — Y gynhadledd i'r wasg olaf ar gyfer Dydd Sadwrn hwn “The Call Terfynol” digwyddiad talu-i-wylio, gan ddechrau am 2:00 p.m. A / 11:00 a.m. PT, ei gynnal heddiw. Isod mae diffoddwyr’ dyfyniadau.
Bydd Integrated Sports Media yn dosbarthu'r cerdyn yng Ngogledd America i'w weld yn fyw arno cebl, lloeren acrhyngrwyd talu-fesul-weld drwy yn y galw, DirecTV, Rhwydwaith DYSGL, a Vubiquity yn yr Unol Daleithiau, yn ogystal â teledu Rogers, Bell TV, Shaw PPV a SaskTel yng Nghanada, am Awgrymodd prisiau manwerthu o ddim ond $29.95. Cysylltwch â'ch cebl lleol neu ddarparwr lloeren am fwy o wybodaeth. Yn ogystal,, mae'r ymladd ar gael yng Ngogledd America i'w brynu ar-lein yn www.GFL.tv ac www.Eversport.TV (Sylwebaeth Bwylaidd yn unig), a thrwy'r FITE.TV ap (neu ewch i http://www.fite.tv/v/adamekvsmolina am fwy o wybodaeth) ar gyfer Android ac iOS.
Disgwylir i bedwar gael eu darlledu'n fyw ar PPV o Tauron Arena yn Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl. Gall dwy ymladd eraill yn cael eu dangos, amser yn caniatáu.
“The Call Terfynol” yn cael ei hyrwyddo yng Ngwlad Pwyl gan Polsat, fel rhan o'r gyfres Noson Bocsio Polsat, yn ychwanegol at Main Events a Don King Productions.
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK: “Rydw i wedi cael gwersyll gwych, partneriaid sparring gwych a thîm gwych o'm cwmpas. Achos (Chycki – Hyfforddwr corfforol Adamek), hyfforddwr Roger Bloodworth – gwnaeth y dynion hyn waith gwych yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf. Fel y dywedodd Eric, ‘Nid ydym yn ymwneud â siarad yr hyn y byddwn yn ei wneud, rydym yn barod i'w wneud mewn gwirionedd.’ Mae Molina yn hoffi ei gymysgu, yn hoffi taflu dyrnu, ac nid oes arno ofn. Rhaid i hyn fod yn frwydr wych oherwydd hynny. Does dim beth ar ôl ymladd Molina drosof. Dyma'r frwydr a fydd yn penderfynu fy nyfodol. Mae ennill yn golygu fy mod ar y trywydd iawn am ymladd mawr, mae colli yn golygu na allaf ei wneud bellach. Yr hyn rwy'n ei wybod yw fy mod wedi paratoi'n well o lawer ar gyfer yr ymladd hwn nag yr oeddwn ar gyfer pyliau Glazkov a Szpilka. Ond, wrth gwrs, bydd yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn y cylch yn gwirio ein geiriau.”
ERIC “Drymiwr Boy” MOLINA: “Am y tro cyntaf yn fy ngyrfa cefais 70 diwrnodau i baratoi; digynsail yn yr adran pwysau trwm. Beth ydw i'n ei wybod am Adamek? Mae'n rhyfelwr ac mae pobl yng Ngwlad Pwyl yn disgwyl pethau gwych ganddo oherwydd ei fod yn chwedl focsio o Wlad Pwyl. Ynof fi, bydd yn cael cyfle i ymladd yn erbyn un o'r pwysau trwm gorau yn yr adran a byddwn ni i gyd yn gwybod lle rydyn ni'n sefyll. Rwy'n hyderus iawn, nid yn unig y byddaf yn ennill y rhyfel hwn ar ddydd Sadwrn, ond hefyd o fod y pwysau trwm Mecsicanaidd-Americanaidd cyntaf yn y dyfodol. Bydd pobl yn cael gwerth eu harian ar ddydd Sadwrn. Gallaf warantu hynny. Mae gan WBC ac IBF sgôr uchel o Adamek, y ddau sefydliad mwyaf gweithgar ym myd bocsio. Bydd enillydd Saturday’s yn sedd y gyrrwr ar gyfer ymladd mawr yn y dyfodol.”
MICHAL CIESLAK: “Roeddwn i hefyd yn meddwl eich bod chi'n fwy. A gobeithiaf hefyd mai popeth yr ydych yn ei ddweud am ba mor dda oedd eich gwersyll hyfforddi yw'r gwir. Gallaf addo ichi y byddaf yn barod am bopeth. Rydw i yn siâp gorau fy mywyd a byddaf yn profi hynny ar ddydd Sadwrn. Palacios, byddwch yn barod i ymladd! Ni allaf aros mwyach i gynnal sioe fawr.”
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS: “Mae am fy nhrin fel carreg gamu ond y broblem gyda hynny yw nad wyf yn garreg gamu i unrhyw un. Rwy'n graig! Rydych chi am fy curo, rhaid i chi fy lladd. A gyda llaw, Roeddwn i'n meddwl bod Cieślak yn fwy. Ni allwch farnu beth y gallaf neu na allaf ei wneud dim ond oherwydd fy mod wedi cael fy bwrw allan gan Kudryashov yn fy ymladd diwethaf. Mae'n golygu dim. Yn gyntaf oll, mae'n digwydd mewn bocsio ac yn bwysicach fyth, nid oes ganddo unrhyw beth i'w wneud â'r hyn rydw i'n barod i'w wneud nawr gyda fy nhîm newydd a “Oer” Wilson ar fy ochr. Gwyliwch: Mae'r Amser Dewin yn dod eto.”
Prif Ddigwyddiad — Pencampwriaeth Pwysau Trwm Rhyng-gyfandirol gwag yr IBF (12)
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK (50-4, 30 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr y Byd 2 Adran, Jersey City, NJ, UDA
ERIC “Drymiwr Boy” MOLINA (24-3, 18 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Raymondville, Texas, UDA
Cyd-Nodwedd — Mordeithiau (10)
MICHAL CIESLAK (11-0, 7 Kos), Radom, Gwlad Pwyl
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS (23-3, 14 Kos), 2-Heriwr Teitl Byd Amser, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Heavyweights (10)
ANDRZEJ WAWRZYK (31-1, 17 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl
MARCIN REKOWSKI (17-2, 14 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr Pwysau Trwm Gwlad Pwyl, Kaliska Koscierskie, Gwlad Pwyl
Mordeithiau (10)
MATTHEW “Meistr” MASTERNAK (36-4, 26 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr Ewropeaidd, Wroclaw, Gwlad Pwyl
ERIC “perygl” CAEAU (24-3, 16 Kos), Ardmore, Oklahoma, UDA
Welterweights (10)
RAFAEL “Calon ddewr” JACKIEWICZ (48-14-2, 22 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Minsk Mazowiecki, Gwlad Pwyl
MICHAL SYROWATKA (13-1, 4 Kos), Elc, Gwlad Pwyl
Pencampwriaeth Pwysau Ysgafn Undeb Bocsio Ewropeaidd Benywaidd (8)
EWA BRODNICKA (10-0. 2 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Warsaw, Gwlad Pwyl
ANITA TORTI (9-5, 3 Kos), Challenger, Milan, Yr Eidal
CYHOEDDWYR PPV: English – Bob Alexander a Glen Johnson, Pwyleg – Andrzej Kostyra / Albert Sosnowski, Mateusz Borek (gwesteiwr & cyfweliadau), Sale Przemek (barnwr ar yr awyr)
Prif Ddigwyddiad — Pencampwriaeth Pwysau Trwm Rhyng-gyfandirol gwag yr IBF (12)
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK (50-4, 30 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr y Byd 2 Adran, Jersey City, New Jersey, UDA
ERIC “Drymiwr Boy” MOLINA (24-3, 18 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Raymondville, Texas, UDA
Proffiliau ymladdwyr trwy garedigrwydd Boxing World Weekly, cyfres cylchgrawn bocsio newydd sbon sy'n cael ei dosbarthu ledled y byd gan Protocol Sports Marketing
Cyd-Nodwedd — Mordeithiau (10)
MICHAL CIESLAK (11-0, 7 Kos), Radom, Gwlad Pwyl
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS (23-3, 14 Kos), 2-Heriwr Teitl Byd Amser, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Heavyweights (10)
ANDRZEJ WAWRZYK (31-1, 17 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl
MARCIN REKOWSKI (17-2, 14 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr Pwysau Trwm Gwlad Pwyl, Kaliska Koscierskie, Gwlad Pwyl
Mordeithiau (10)
MATTHEW “Meistr” MASTERNAK (36-4, 26 Kos), Cyn Bencampwr Ewropeaidd, Wroclaw, Gwlad Pwyl
ERIC “perygl” CAEAU (24-3, 16 Kos), Ardmore, Oklahoma, UDA
Welterweights (10)
RAFAEL “Calon ddewr” JACKIEWICZ (48-14-2, 22 Kos), Challenger Teitl y Byd, Minsk Mazowiecki, Gwlad Pwyl
MICHAL SYROWATKA (13-1, 4 Kos), Elc, Gwlad Pwyl
Pencampwriaeth Pwysau Ysgafn Undeb Bocsio Ewropeaidd Benywaidd (8)
EWA BRODNICKA (10-0. 2 Kos), Hyrwyddwr, Warsaw, Gwlad Pwyl
ANITA TORTI (9-5, 3 Kos), Challenger, Milan, Yr Eidal
PRYD: Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 2, 20162:00 p.m. A / 11:00 a.m. PT
BLE: Arena Tauron, Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl
HYRWYDDWR: Polsat (yng Ngwlad Pwyl), fel rhan o'r gyfres Noson Bocsio Polsat, Main Events and Don King Productions
PPV: Bydd Integrated Sports Media yn dosbarthu'r cerdyn yng Ngogledd America ar sail talu-i-olwg i'w weld yn fyw arno cebl, lloeren ac rhyngrwyd talu-fesul-weld drwy yn y galw, DirecTV, Rhwydwaith DYSGL, a Vubiquity yn yr Unol Daleithiau, yn ogystal â teledu Rogers, Bell TV, Shaw PPV a SaskTel yng Nghanada, am Awgrymodd prisiau manwerthu o ddim ond $29.95. Cysylltwch â'ch cebl lleol neu ddarparwr lloeren am fwy o wybodaeth. Yn ogystal,, mae'r ymladd ar gael yng Ngogledd America i'w brynu ar-lein yn www.GFL.tv ac www.Eversport.TV (Sylwebaeth Bwylaidd yn unig), a thrwy'r FITE.TV ap (neu ewch i http://www.fite.tv/v/adamekvsmolina am fwy o wybodaeth) ar gyfer Android ac iOS.
CYHOEDDWYR PPV: English – Bob Alexander a Glen Johnson, Pwyleg – Andrzej Kostyra / Albert Sosnowski, Mateusz Borek (gwesteiwr & cyfweliadau), Sale Przemek (barnwr ar yr awyr)

King’s Promotions signs former world champion Kermit Cintron

READING, PA (Mawrth 28, 2016)–Marshall Kauffman’s Hyrwyddo Brenin is proud to announce the signing of of former IBF Welterweight champion Kermit CINTRON.
CINTRON Darllen, Mae gan PA cofnod o 35-5-2 gyda 28 knockouts.
Cintron won his first twenty-four bout and established himself as one of the most feared welterweight’s in the world.
Of those twenty-four wins were stoppages over Said Ouali (7-0), Omar Davila (12-2), Ian Mackilop (14-1), Elio Ortiz (25-6) and Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
After coming up short against WBO world champion Antonio Margarito, Cintron stopped David Estrada (18-2), which set up a title opportunity against Mark Suarez.
Ar Hydref 28, 2006, Cintron stopped Suarez in five founds ton win the title in Palm Beach, Florida.
Cintron made two defenses of his crown with stoppages over Walter Matthysse (26-1) and Jesse Feliciano, before losing to Margarito for a second time.
Ers hynny, Cintron has posted many quality wins over the likes of Lovemore N’dou (46-10-1), Juliano Ramos (15-2), Antwone Smith (20-2-1), Jonathan Batista (14-1) and his last bout, which took place on March 15, 2014,when won a ten round unanimous decision over Ronald Cruz (20-2).
I am very happy to add Kermit to the King’s Promotions stable,” Dywedodd Marshall Kauffman o Promotions Brenin. “Kermit and I have a long history together and we did some special things when I trained him. I am glad Kermit has come back home and now as a promoter, we feel we can get Kermit back into some big opportunities and get him in position to become world champion again.
I am excited to finally sign with a promoter,” meddai'r CINTRON. ” I have had some offers but this is more exciting. This is the best thing for me in my career because Marshall trained and managed me. He knows me personally and he knows what I need in my career and I think its a great match. I am focusing on staying busy and getting another crack at a title, and I know Marshall will do the job in getting me the right fights and I will get that title shot.

undercard Solid cyhoeddi ar gyfer Ebrill. 2nd Adamek vs. Molina PPV byw o Wlad Pwyl

KRAKOW, Gwlad Pwyl (Mawrth 23, 2016) – A solid, undercard difyr wedi cael ei gyhoeddi ar gyfer “The Call Terfynol,” yn cynnwys bencampwr byd dau-adran Tomasz “Goral” Adamek erbyn cyn Challenger teitl y byd Eric “Drymiwr Boy” Molina, ddarlledu yn fyw Ebrill 2 ar talu-fesul-weld yng Ngogledd America o Tauron Arena yn Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl.
Adamek (50-4, 30 Kos), ymladd allan o Jersey City, NJ, a gelyn hawddgar peryglus Molina (24-3, 18 Kos) Bydd frwydr yn y prif ddigwyddiad 12-rownd ar gyfer Ffederasiwn Bocsio Rhyngwladol wag (IBF) teitl pwysau trwm Rhyng-Continental.
Bydd Cyfryngau Chwaraeon Integredig dosbarthu'r cerdyn yn drigolion Gogledd America ar talu-fesul-weld ar gyfer gwylio fyw yn 2 p.m. A/ 11 a.m. PT ar cebl, lloeren ac rhyngrwyd talu-fesul-weld drwy yn y galw, DirecTV, Rhwydwaith DYSGL, a Vubiquity yn yr Unol Daleithiau, yn ogystal â teledu Rogers, Bell TV, Shaw PPV a SaskTel yng Nghanada, am Awgrymodd prisiau manwerthu o ddim ond $29.95. Cysylltwch â'ch cebl lleol neu ddarparwr lloeren am fwy o wybodaeth. Yn ogystal,, mae'r ymladd ar gael yng Ngogledd America i'w brynu ar-lein yn www.GFL.tv a thrwy'r FITE.TV app ar gyfer y ddau Android a iOS. Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yng Ngwlad Pwyl gan Polsat, fel rhan o'r gyfres Noson Bocsio Polsat, yn ogystal â Main Digwyddiadau a Don Brenin Productions.
“Nid yn unig y bydd angerddol selogion ymladd Pwyl yng Ngogledd America yn cael cyfle i wylio rhai o ymladdwyr top Gwlad Pwyl, gan gynnwys gellid dadlau ei holl-amser gorau yn Adamek, ond cefnogwyr bocsio America a Chanada, yn gyffredinol, Bydd yn gallu gwylio'r cerdyn llawn gyda gystadleuol, ymladd hynod ddifyr,” llywydd Cyfryngau Chwaraeon Integredig Doug Jacobs Dywedodd. “Rydym yn gyffrous i allu i ddod â'r cerdyn aruthrol i Ogledd America ac yn credu y bydd gwylwyr fwynhau prynhawn o weithredu bocsio cofiadwy.”
y Ebrill. 2nd bydd telecast tele-talu-i-wylio hefyd yn cynnwys tair pwl 10 rownd yn arddangos tri heriwr teitl byd arall. Mae'r digwyddiad cyd-nodwedd yn cyd-fynd â gobaith pwysau mordeithio Pwylaidd heb ei drin Michael Cieslak (11-0, 7 Kos) erbyn dau-amser teitl y byd cystadleuydd Francisco “The Wizard” Palacios (23-3, 14 Kos). Palacios, sy'n ymladd allan o Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Aeth y pellter cyflawn ddwywaith yn ei pâr o deitl y byd yn ymladd gyda pencampwr cruiserweight CLlC Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.
Mae pâr o heavyweights Pwylaidd sgwâr i ffwrdd mewn gêm 10-rownd a drefnwyd fel Andrzej Wawrzyk (31-1, 17 Kos), y mae eu colled unigol fel gweithiwr proffesiynol oedd pencampwr y byd Alexander Povetkin mewn 2013 frwydr teitl y byd, yn cyfarfod cyn-bencampwr Pwyleg Marcin Rekowski (17-2, 14 Kos).
Mae bout cruiserweight radd flaenaf ychwanegol ar tap fel cyn titlist Ewropeaidd Mateusz “Meistr” Masternak (36-4, 26 Kos) yn cymryd ar Oklahoma yn ofidus meddwl Eric “perygl” caeau (24-3, 16 Kos). Masternak, contender fyd arall o Wlad Pwyl, yn cael ei rhestru ymhlith y brig 20 gan bob un o'r pedwar corff sancsiynau mawr (WBA #10, IBF #14, WBO #15 a WBC #18). Cyn-bencampwr Ieuenctid CLlC, Masternak dal y teitl cruiserweight Ewropeaidd yn 2012, a phencampwriaeth Arian Rhyngwladol WBC flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach. Yn 2014, colli Masternak benderfyniad hollt 12-rownd mewn WBA ymladd teitl cruiserweight Interim, ond y llynedd iddo stopio Ailton Carlos Nascimento i ddal y goron WBA wag Rhyng-Continental.
Fields yn hen-brofi frwydr cael bencampwr byd drechu Kelvin Davis a bu'n ymladd contenders top megis Ola Afolabi, yunier Dorticos ac Ilunga Kabu.
Gall dwy ymladd eraill yn cael eu dangos, amser yn caniatáu. pencampwr Ewropeaidd Dau-amser Rafal “Calon ddewr” Jackiewicz (48-14-2, 22 Kos) yn wynebu pwysau welter Pwyleg Michal Syrowatka (13-1, 4 Kos) mewn rematch 10-rownd eu brwydr fis Rhagfyr diwethaf y mae Jackiewicz, Pwyleg Challenger teitl y byd arall, ennill trwy guro technegol pedwaredd rownd. Mewn ymladd teitl ysgafn benywaidd 10 rownd Ewropeaidd, amddiffyn pencampwr unbeaten Ewa Brodnicka (10-0, 2 Kos), Gwlad Pwyl, cwrdd pencampwr Eidaleg Torti cofnod (9-5, 3 Kos).


Brooklyn, NY (Mawrth 16, 2016)Even the very best in the business experience setbacks and get faced with choice time. Can I learn from my mistake and turn a negative into a positive?
Alex Miskirtchian found himself enjoying his momentum up the featherweight ladder before he hit a pothole in the road last summer. The Georgia-born fighter with a 26-4-1 mark got caught by vet Cornelius Lock and had to assess himself.

He did so, and licked his wounds and got back to work. The Belgium resident, who has mostly fought in his home-land, rebounded with a win in December and is being rewarded for his perseverance with an IBF intercontinental championship opportunity.

Miskirtchian, promoted by Brooklyn’s Dmitriy Salita, will fight Vireol Simion on Mawrth 18, for a crack at that crown.

Alex is fighting for a title but more importantly for a chance to come back to the top of the division,” Dywedodd Word.

He learned from his US experience, against Lock, took a break and came back with extra motivation to again make a world title run. I believe Alex will put on one of his best performances in this upcoming fight. He has a great team with manager Alain Vanackère and I believe the result will be a positive one on March 18th.”

The fight against the 19-1 Romanian Viorel will unfold in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, so Miskirtchian will need to fight his best brand of boxing that evening. His promoter, Word, has faith in him.

Salita Promotions boxers are making more and more noise, around the world,” the promoter said. “I am proud of our growth and of the efforts of the fine athletes like Miskirtchian who fight for Salita Promotions!”


Cyflwyniad Encore o Showtime BOCSIO INTERNATIONAL®

Airs Immediately Following Heno Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO® Telecast

Cliciwch YMA For Photos Credit Matchroom Boxing

NEW YORK (Chwefror. 27, 2016) – IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton unified the super bantamweight division with a split decision victory over WBA titlist Scott Quigg Dydd Sadwrn on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL from Manchester, Lloegr.


An encore presentation of Dydd Sadwrn telecast will re-air later this evening immediately following the live Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO® telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruz a chyn titlist Kiko Martinez. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT.


The long-awaited matchup of unbeaten champions got off to a slow and tactical start, but Belfast native Frampton (22-0, 14 Kos) established himself as the aggressor and worked his jab to pocket the early rounds. Quigg didn’t come alive until after the seventh, when trainer Joe Gallagher warned his charge that he was likely down big on the judges’ scorecards.


QUIGG (31-1-2) pounded the body and was the aggressor in rounds eight through 11, but it was too little, too late for the Lancashire, England native. Frampton won the 12fed and walked away the unified champion by scores of 115-113 for Quigg, ond 116-112 twice for Frampton.


“I couldn’t believe it was a split,” Frampton said. “I don’t know what that lad was watching, but as long as I got my hand raised at the end of the fight, that’s the main thing.


“We have a great rivalry, and it was a great fight at the end. The start wasn’t great, but of course I would do it again. I’m happy to campaign at super bantamweight, but if a big fight comes calling at featherweight – Santa Cruz, Selby, any of these guys – I’m ready for them.”


Quigg admitted he should have pushed the action in the early rounds, but still thought he did enough to get the decision.


“I felt comfortable,” Quigg said. “The judges must have been counting his punches as scoring, but I thought I was blocking them. I should have started faster. I felt comfortable and I thought I was winning the rounds because he wasn’t winning clear. I’m not going to complain. Rwyf am rematch. Maybe next time I’ll start a bit earlier.”



Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® Live Ar 5:30 p.m. A/PT

From Manchester Arena In Manchester, Lloegr;

Encore Presentation Dydd Sadwrn Evening On SHOWTIME®


Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Lluniau. Credyd: Matchroom Bocsio


Undefeated 122-pound world champions Carl Frampton (IBF) ac Scott QUIGG (WBA) had to be separated at their final press conference on Thursday in Manchester, Lloegr, as they faced-off for the long-awaited super bantamweight unification showdown this Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror. 27 yn Manchester Arena.


The unification between Frampton (21-0, 14 Kos), of Belfast, Iwerddon, and Quigg (32-0-2, 23 Kos), of Lancashire, United Kingdom will be televised live on SHO EITHAFOL yn 5:30 p.m. A/PT.


After jarring over who deserves the home dressing room at the sold-out, 21,000 seat Manchester Arena, the 122-pound rivals had to be separated by Hall of Famer Barry McGuigan and promoter Eddie Hearn.


“It’s going to be a great fight, one for the ages,"Meddai Frampton, the IBF champion. “I’ll win. It doesn’t matter how, KO or clear points decision.”


“I’m going to prove I’m the best super bantamweight,” said Quigg, the WBA titlist. “I’m going to win by knockout.”


Y Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® offrwm y Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from Showtime Chwaraeon® gwesteiwrBarry Tompkins, dadansoddwr Steve Farhood and special guest and WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME® immediately following Dydd Sadwrnbyw Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO® telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruz a chyn titlist Kiko Martinez. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT.


Here’s what Frampton, Quigg and their trainers and promoters had to say in Manchester on Thursday:

CARL Frampton:

“I’m better in every department, plaen a syml.


“Because of the magnitude of this fight, everything had to be perfect. I’ve done everything right this time,"


“This means so much; there is a lot at stake. It’s more than titles – it’s pride and bragging rights. It’s proving who is the best. Reputation is a big deal, so there is so much on the line.


“I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win. I’ve punching power to KO him in any round and I’ve the boxing brain to win on points.


“I’ve spent 17 weeks in camp, the longest ever. I missed my son’s first steps and both my kids’ birthdays. I did that because this could be my toughest fight. I’m not going to let Scott Quigg make all that be for nothing.”


“It’s going to be a great fight, one for the ages. I’ll win. It doesn’t matter how, KO or clear points decision.


On the home-team dressing room:

“I’m contractually the A-side. It’s a question of principle.”



“Nobody does what I do in terms of dedication to the sport. I’ll win because of boxing brain and ability.


“It’ll mean everything to win. Since the age of 15, all I have done is eat, sleep and train.


"Dydd Sadwrn is my moment of destiny and, yn credu i mi, Byddaf yn ennill y frwydr hon. I’ve put in too much for anyone to stop me.”


“Tune in for a great fight. I’m going to prove I’m the best super bantamweight. I’m going to win by knockout.


On the home-team dressing room:

“It’s my arena, I’m the home fighter. I want the home dressing room.”


SHANE McGuigan, Hyfforddwr Frampton yn:

“They are two legitimate, world class fighters and there is maybe only 2 percent difference at the top level – Carl has that extra percent.


“As a trainer you are only as good as your fighters and I’m lucky to have Carl.”


JOE GALLAGHER, Quigg’s Trainer

"Mae e'n (Shane McGuigan) was a nutritionist a few years ago who asked to help Gerry Storey. He’s only famous because of his dad.


“They are underestimating Scott’s boxing brain and being disrespectful throughout the build-up.”


BARRY McGuigan, Frampton’s Promoter

“There has never been a bigger super bantamweight fight of this magnitude in Europe. It’s got a Barrera-Morales feel to hit and is going to be a magnificent occasion.


“I think Carl will have too much for him, but it has the potential to be a great fight.”


EDDIE HEARN, Quigg’s Promoter

“It’s bigger than Froch vs. Groves, because it is a global event.


“I’m proud to have made the fight happen. This can ignite the sport and keep it alive.


“The atmosphere and passion will eclipse all that has gone before. It just doesn’t get any bigger than this.


“I can’t see anything other than a great fight. With two fighters this talented, so much on the line and so much passion from teams and fans, you’re going to get something very special.”


We’ve been chasing these boys for years… Scott is in for a big, big shock.” – Carl Frampton


“I’ve always wanted the chance to prove I’m the best…I can win on points, but I will knock out Carl Frampton. – Scott Quigg



Cliciwch YMA For Photos From Matchroom Boxing


Undefeated 122-pound world champions Carl Frampton (IBF) ac Scott QUIGG (WBA) held media workouts ar ddydd Mawrth ym Manceinion, Lloegr, as they finalize preparation for their long-awaited super bantamweight unification showdown this Dydd Sadwrn, Chwefror. 27 ynManchester Arena.


The massive unification between Frampton (21-0, 14 Kos), of Belfast, Iwerddon, and Quigg (32-0-2, 23 Kos), of Lancashire, United Kingdom will be televised live on SHO EITHAFOL yn 5:30 p.m. A/PT.


Y Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® offrwm y Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from Chwaraeon Showtime®dadansoddwyr Barry Tompkins, Steve Farhood and guest analyst and WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs.

An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME® immediately following Dydd Sadwrn byw Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO®telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruza chyn titlist Kiko Martinez.


Here’s what Frampton and Quigg had to say as they approachDydd Sadwrn frwydr:


CARL Frampton:

“I have wanted this fight for a long, amser hir. I thrive on the big occasions and there are not many bigger than a domestic super fight.


“I won my world title on a massive stage, Scott Quigg was handed his title after a draw. He has fought on big cards but not as a bill-topper and I genuinely don’t know if he will be able to handle this level of pressure. I’m going to use all of my experience to outbox, outfight and outgun Scott Quigg.


“We’ve been chasing these boys for years. They didn’t want it, end of story. Then all it took was one below par performance from me to convince his team that they should finally take the fight. If that first round in my last fight is what they’re basing their hopes of victory on then Scott is in for a big, big shock.


“I’ve had the best training camp of my career, I’m in the shape of my life and I’m going to become the unified Super Bantamweight World Champion.


“First and foremost I’m doing this for my family. I have two beautiful kids and both Christine (Frampton) and I want the best for them, that’s what drives me and makes me so focused on being the best in the world.


“I am 100 percent dedicated to the sport of boxing, I spend twelve-weeks in training camp in London away from home, only getting to go home a handful of times and I do this so I can be the best I possibly can.


“People have said Quigg trains like a machine. I can tell you I train every bit as hard if not harder, but I’m no machine. I don’t need to be programmed in order to perform.


“Shane (McGuigan) is a brilliant coach, I’ve been saying it all along. But now people are sitting up and taking notice. Shane and I work hard on tactics and techniques when we approach every fight, but we both know that if tactics need tweaking mid fight I can think my way through a contest. Scott Quigg can’t.”



“This is the perfect time now for this fight. We’re both world champions, we’re both undefeated, and I believe this is the perfect time for me to go out there and do a job on him.


“It’s a fight I’ve wanted for a long time. It’s a fight that’s been brewing for a long time. Seeing Carl sign on the dotted line meant that I was one step closer to achieving everything I’ve worked towards; becoming the best.


“I’ve always wanted the chance to prove I’m the best. Now the fight’s been made, I’m one million per cent confident that I’m going win in spectacular fashion. I can win on points, but I will knock out Carl Frampton.


“No-one expected me to get Kiko out of there early. If I’d have stopped him late or won on points, then Carl had already done that, so the only way I could get credit or show people what I am capable of was KO him early.


“With Carl and his performance in the States, they handpicked (Alejandro) Gonzalez from a list of opponents because they thought that he would be the easiest one. They wanted to go over there and look good in his U.S. debut so the Americans would rave about him – and he nearly came unstuck.


“We respect each other as fighters. You don’t become a world champion by chance, there’s a lot of hard work and a lot of talent involved. But they are in for a shock because they think I can only fight one way. They don’t think I can’t adapt and I’ll just come steaming forward. Maybe I will do that, but if I do come steaming forward, it’s because I am going to KO him.


“People are saying now that because I’ve been knocking guys out quite early that I’ve been going out for the stoppages, but that’s not the case. I’ve been going out and I’ve been boxing.


“If I land clean on any super bantamweight or featherweight in the world, I will knock them out. Felly, it’s about just making sure I pick the right time and I open the gaps. And when the gaps are there then I’ll take them.


“I don’t take any notice of whether I’ve got the crowd behind me or whether it is behind my opponent, but I know for a fact that he takes comfort from having a lot of support. When he’s taken away from that, he shows his vulnerabilities. I think that will affect him.


“The Irish are very passionate about the sport and they know their boxing inside-out. They get behind their man and they will create a great atmosphere. The atmosphere is going to go off even more because we’re both at the top of our game and there’s a lot riding on this. There’s a lot of pride at stake – it’s going to be electric.”


“I got into boxing to become world champion. I’ve done that and now I’ve set new goals to reach greater heights because I want to challenge myself every day.


“Ricky Hatton became a crossover star and was a hit in the US. He took 40,000 Brits to Las Vegas and became a global star. That’s the next goal that I’ve set for myself and I can make it if I keep working hard, maintain my dedication and focus.


“Getting this fight now on SHOWTIME in the U.S. is the first step. I’ll go out and do a job on Carl, win in a spectacular fashion and that’s going to give me a boost for my profile in the U.S.


“I am not going to give the WBA belt up. Rwyf am i frwydro yn erbyn y gorau. Guillermo Rigondeaux is next because that’s what the WBA have ordered.


“My focus is on beating Carl. We’ll look at fighting the best out there after that. I’ve always said, ‘I’m out to fight the best and beat the best.’ So, I’m obviously going to fight Rigondeaux. I’m not scared of fighting him. I’m not shying away from the challenge. I thrive on that sort of task and fighting Rigondeaux – who’s rightly so ranked No. 1 in the division because of what he’s achieved – would be a huge challenge. I honestly believe that if the time comes and we fight, I can beat him.”


SHANE McGuigan, Hyfforddwr Frampton yn:

“There is a lot of debate about who hits harder between Frampton and Quigg. I know Carl Frampton is the hardest punching Super Bantamweight in the world.


“One thing you can’t argue about is who has the better pedigree and who has the better boxing brain. Carl wins hands down in both departments and he is going to show this in brutal and clinical fashion.


“Carl can box off the back foot, he can fight on the front foot and he has devastating one-punch power.”


BARRY McGuigan, Frampton’s Promoter:

“Carl is always so cool when the heat is on him, he steps up to the plate and delivers.


“Even in his last fight when he didn’t get off to a great start, Carl still managed to pull himself together and do what was needed to get the win.


“He’s a natural born winner. I had to work very hard just to be able to compete at world level. I think the same can be said of Scott Quigg, but for Carl it comes more naturally. Couple this with his incredible work ethic and that is why Carl Frampton is the best in the world.”


Darlledu'n fyw ar HBO®

NEW YORK, NY (Chwefror 9, 2016) - Roc Cenedl Chwaraeon yn falch o gyhoeddi bod Dau-Time Pencampwr y Byd a top-graddio ymladdwr Andre Ward punt-am-bunt (28-0, 15 Kos) yn dychwelyd i'r cylch ar Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 26, to begin his assault on the light heavyweight division when he takes on undefeated and number one rated IBF light heavyweight contender Sullivan Barrera (17-0, 12 Kos) in a 12-round bout at Oracle Arena in Ward’s hometown of Oakland, California. The event will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® yn dechrau am 9:45 p.m. A/PT.


Tocynnau Pris $300, $150, $100, $50 ac $25, heb gynnwys taliadau a threthi gwasanaeth perthnasol, go on sale Tuesday, Chwefror. 9 yn 5:00 PM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, ar-lein yn Ticketmaster.com ac yn codi tâl ar y ffôn ar (800) 745-3000.


“I don’t really have much to say other than this. Ar Fawrth 26, it will be very simple. I’ll be in a new weight class against a tough opponent but I’m coming with the same approach,"Meddai Ward. “I’ll be in great shape and ready for battle. Sullivan Barrera has had a lot to say lately and I love it. He’s going to have an opportunity to back up every word that he has spoken. These are the type of challenges I like and on March 26, it’s go time.”


“We as a team had a tough choice to make – crash the party by taking out Ward first or wait for the mandatory and take out Kovalev,” said Barrera. “We decided that the time is now. Ward will fall first and then we will go after the belts.”


“Having cleaned out the super middleweight division, Andre’s next challenge is to become the best light heavyweight in the world, and that challenge begins with the IBF’s number one rated contender in Sullivan Barrera,"Meddai David Itskowitch, COO of Boxing Roc Nation Sports. “With both fighters having their sights set on an eventually showdown with Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey Kovalev, there’s a lot on the line in this fight, but only one man will move on. Mawrth 26 is a night of boxing that no fan should miss.”


“I’m excited to be on Team Ward as we enter the light heavyweight division. No weapons formed against us shall prosper,” said James Prince, Ward’s manager.


Ar Mawrth 26, before a hometown crowd, pound for pound star Andre Ward returns to HBO in his light heavyweight debut against undefeated Sullivan Barrera” said Peter Nelson, Is-lywydd Gweithredol, Chwaraeon HBO. “With a perfect record dating back to the age of 12 mlwydd oed, Andre has risen to every challenge as both an amateur and a professional, including world titles and an Olympic gold medal. Nawr, he takes on Barrera, one of the toughest challengers as Ward moves up the scale. Boxing fans won’t want to miss it.


Yn adnabyddus am ei gymeriad a chyfanrwydd cryf y tu allan i'r cylch a greddf ei rhyfelwr yn y tu mewn iddo, Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, gan ddiweddu gyda medal aur yn yr adran pwysau trwm golau ar y 2004 Gemau Olympaidd yn Athen. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold since 1996, Ymunodd Ward pobl fel Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard a Oscar De La Hoya. Trodd yn broffesiynol ar Ragfyr 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 27 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. Ar ôl dod yn Bencampwr y Byd Canol Ring Magazine a WBA Super, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Fighter y Flwyddyn (ESPN, Illustrated Chwaraeon, Ring Magazine a Chymdeithas Awduron Bocsio America), cyhoeddwyd bod Ward llofnodi cytundeb hyrwyddol unigryw gyda Roc Cenedl Chwaraeon ym mis Ionawr 2015, agor pennod newydd yn ei yrfa focsio storied. Mae'r cynnyrch Ardal Bae dychwelyd i'r cylch ar Fehefin 20, 2015 yn y Oracle Arena o flaen ei gefnogwyr dref enedigol yn Oakland, California a sgoriodd Knockout nawfed rownd dros Paul Smith, continuing his unbeaten streak which dates back to when he was a 13-year-old amateur. Ward yn ddiweddar camu o flaen y camera ar gyfer rôl hollol wahanol, a part in the New Line/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Warner Bros. feature “Creed.” Fellow Bay Area natives, cyfarwyddwr Ryan Coogler a seren y ffilm Michael B. Jordan, cyrraedd allan i Ward fel y gallai roi ei arbenigedd ar gyfer y ffilm. Yn ogystal â gweithio o flaen y camera gyda Ward, Treuliodd Jordan amser yn y gampfa cartref Ward yn barod ar gyfer ei rôl fel fab Apollo Creed yn. Now it’s time for Ward to get back to his day job when he faces the undefeated Barrera on Mawrth 26.


Born in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Barrera had an impressive amateur run with a record of 285-27. Fel amatur, he was able to earn World Amateur Championships in Germany, Cuba, Venezuela and Central America. During his amateur career he also defeated former Light Heavyweight World Champions Chad Dawson and Beibut Shumenov. Following his defection from Cuba, where he was a member of the country’s national team, Barrera made his professional debut in 2009 with a first round technical knockout win over Anthony Adorno in his adopted hometown of Miami, Florida. He would go on to knockout the first five opponents he faced in his professional career in either the first or second round. Barrera made his television debut in January of 2015 with his appearance on ESPN’sDydd Gwener Ymladd nos, when he scored a fourth round knockout win over former Super Middleweight World Champion Jeff Lacy. Barrera quietly rose through the ratings of the light heavyweight division until he was afforded the opportunity to fight former Light Heavyweight World Title Challenger Karo Murat to become the IBF’s number one rated light heavyweight contender. Barrera seized the opportunity, knocking out Murat in the fifth round on December 12, 2015 in his HBO Latino Boxing debut at the Civic Auditorium in Glendale, California. Sullivan is trained by legendary trainer, Abel Sanchez, who is best known for his work with middleweight champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin. When he is not at The Summit in Big Bear Lake, California training with Sanchez, Barrera resides in Miami, Florida.


Ward vs. Barrera, a 12-round fight which is presented by Roc Nation Sports in association with Main Events, yn digwydd Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 26, 2016 yn Oracle Arena yn Oakland, California and will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing beginning at 9:45 p.m. A/PT. Follow the conversation using #WardBarrera.


Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.rocnation.com. Dilynwch Roc Nation ar Twitter a Instagramrocnation ac ar Facebook ar www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Sampson Boxing Wins Right to Promote McJoe Arroyo vs. Jerwin Ancajas IBF Super Flyweight Championship Fight


A purse bid procedure was held today in the IBF offices in New Jersey and promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing has won the right to promote the IBF Super Flyweight Champion McJoe Arroyo’s first mandatory defense, against Jerwin Ancajas
Sampson Boxing now has 15 days to submit the executed contracts (no later than Chwefror 17, 2016) and the fight must take place within 90 diwrnod or by Mai 2, 2016. Lewkowicz says Ancajashome country of the Philippines is the probable location for the fight.
Arroyo (17-0, 8 Kos), from Fajardo, Puerto Rico, is a 30-year-old southpaw. He won the championship last July with a 10-round technical decision over Arthur Villanueva. Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Kos), nicknamed “Boy Pretty” is a 24-year-old southpaw.

New Heavyweight Champ Charles Martin Says: ‘My Time to Shine Will Come!’

Brand new IBF Heavyweight Champion “Prince” Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 Kos) should be on cloud nine.
In just his seventh year of boxing and slightly over third as a professional, Martin already finds himself the sixth southpaw to have ever won a heavyweight championship after scoring a TKO 3 over Ukrainian top contender Vyacheslav Glazkov last Saturday night, Ionawr 16, at the Barclay’s Center in New York.
Winning any world title is an amazing accomplishment that most never reach in decades of boxing. Add in that Martin took out the 2008 Olympic Super Heavyweight bronze medalist to become the second current American heavyweight champion in a suddenly rejuvenated division.
“Mae'n teimlo'n dda,” admits Martin. “I wanted to do it fast. I couldn’t wait,” he explains of his quick ascension. “Some things they say take time but when you’re really determined to do something, you’ll do it as soon as possible.
With his place already assured in the boxing history books and several lucrative possible showdowns on the near horizon, why isn’t Martin the happiest man on the planet?
It was the way he won.
I have an empty feeling right now,” said the 29-year-old champion. “I was in front of so many people and it was my time to shine on Showtime and show the world my skills. I felt that he had no power and said to myself that he would be easy work. I knew I was going to have a great night. I was going to KO him and then everyone would love mebut it didn’t happen like that.
Glazkov stopped fighting in round three due to torn ACL in his knee and Martin was declared the winner of the then-vacant title by way of injury-induced TKO.
I wanted to win the belt my way,” continued the disappointed Martin. “He would have got knocked out eventually. It was coming to him. I never even got to use my uppercut on him, but it’s all good.
Humble and extremely likeable, Martin remained polite, post-fight and expressed his condolences to the disappointed Glazkov. Fodd bynnag, since that night, Glazkov has gone on to say he hadfigured Martin outand that the championship would have certainly been his had he not been injured.
Oh my goodness, I’m trying to stay humble about the situation, but that’s so crazy what he said,” Dywedodd Martin. “If he really thinks that, he’s tripping. Things were about to get a lot worse for him. Rwy'n addo i chi, once he started slowing down, my combinations would have started to come out. I was throwing the one/two because he was getting out of the way pretty good in the first few rounds. I was just getting started. I thought I would box him for a while and then start going at him and whip his butt. I promise you I could have. That injury saved him. It broke my heart that I didn’t get to do what I wanted. How does that happen? I was having fun.
Martin says his team and friends and relatives have been good to remind him the abbreviated ending was out of his control. He also says he’ll take a quick vacation and then get right back to work.
So what comes next for the new American heavyweight champion?
Tyson Fury or Deontay Wilder. I want them both. I want all the best. That’s the next move. My time to shine will come. I’m a world champion now and I can say that the belt is in the right hands. I’m not going to sit around. I want to fight.
Martin also says that is Britain’s world champ, Tyson Fury, ever points his taunting antics at him, he won’t mind.
It’s good for boxing for him to do that kind of stuff. Rwy'n hoffi bod. It’s all business. At the end of the day he has no crazy beef with anybody. Nobody choked anybody’s mother. It’s just boxing. You got to get attention somehow. He makes people want to see a fight. We’re in the entertainment and hurt business. It’s definitely a real fight in the ring though. It’s a non-personal thing that very gets personal once they step in the ring with me. That’s two guyslivelihood in there. That’s our income for our families.