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“It’s time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here” – Deontay Wilder

Wilder Shares His Thoughts With Below The Belt Host Brendan Schaub As He Prepares To Face Fury December 1 Live On SHOWTIME PPV®

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down with SHOWTIME Sports correspondent Brendan Schaub as part of a wide-ranging interview providing a glimpse into the mindset of the undefeated champion as he prepares for the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 години. The 6-foot-7 Wilder meets 6-foot-9 lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury December 1 живеят на SHOWTIME PPV® от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.




Обърквам, who is America’s only true heavyweight champion since 2007, discusses everything from his career-defining win over Luis Ortiz and his incredible knockout power, to the pressures of being the heavyweight champion of the world and his love for his family in the candid 35-minute interview from a double-decker bus in Los Angeles.




The Tuscaloosa, Ala. роден, обаче, had the most to say about his upcoming battle with Fury. “Throughout my whole career, guys always said I only had one hand,” Wilder explains to Schaub as they head to Los Angeles International Airport following Monday’s media day in Santa Monica. “But when you get in the ring, it’s going to be different. The game plan is going to go out the window, like Mike Tyson said.




“This is the moment in time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here,” Wilder passionately continues. “And you think I’m going to let this Gypsy come in here and mess up all those plans for me? I don’t think so.”




The heavyweight showdown headlines the December 1 SHOWTIME PPV на живо от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Обърквам, who has knocked out all seven challengers of his title, will attempt to make his eighth WBC Heavyweight defense. In the third fight of his comeback, Fury has the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion.







Introducing undefeated Heavyweight Sensation James “Звярът” Wilson

Golden Boy entersBeast Mode or No Mode
Jared Shaw managed Heavyweight recently inked promotional deal with Golden Boy Promotions

Los Angeles, КАТО. (Ноември 8, 2018)In an age where heavyweight boxing is once again a hot division. The question is still asked, who will be that next Mike Tyson like knockout artist? Or has sports like football and basketball taken the best big men away from boxing?




Enter James “Звярът” Wilson.




Wilson has all the attributes of the above mentioned qualities. A terrific athlete, who was in an NFL training camp with a background in fighting that displays ferocious power.




Wilson, who just signed with Golden Boy Promotions, има запис на 8-0 със седем нокаути, but his story begins over 20 years ago in the streets of Los Angeles.




Wilson was going through hard times and was homeless between the ages of 13 и 15, where he was sleeping in motels, park benches, and showering in those parks. Wilson had a scrape with the law, and that changed his life….for the better.




I was locked up and then placed in a group. That actually got me to have structure and placed me on the right track. I did well in school and started playing sports and now I had positive options in my life,” said Wilson.




Wilson became the Los Angeles Times High School Football Player of the year, as well as a three-time all-city Track & Field athlete, which earned him a scholarship to Concord University in West Virginia.




Wilson, who graduated with a degree in sociology, then went on to play professional football in of all places, Полша.




After that he earned a training camp invite with the Chicago Bears. However he chose to follow another athletic passion.




I started doing Kenpo-Karate, Muay-Thai and Kickboxing.Wilson had a professional Kickboxing record of 16-2-1 where he competed in top organizations such as K-1 and Glory.



След това, Wilson tried his hand at MMA and racked up an impressive 5-2 record and fought for the highly regarded Bellator Fighting Championships.




Still not satisfied, Wilson started boxing.




Wilson again traveled the globe and began his punching for pay career in New Zealand.




I knew a promoter in New Zealand, and I was able to fight every week there. That sped up my process and development. I came back to Los Angeles, and was able to get four more wins.




При 7-0, Wilson then met longtime boxing industry player, Jared Shaw.




Shaw saw videos of Wilson on his Instagram account, and reached out to the undefeated heavyweight.




Jared contacted me, and met at the gym, and he had the same vision for me that I had, and the rest is history.




I saw James as a diamond in the rough,” said Shaw. “He has the combination and speed and power that you do not see in the heavyweight division. He has that “то” factor that I saw with Kimbo Slice. I was fortunate enough to have signed Kimbo off of the fights that were seen on Youtube. When Kimbo entered a room, you felt presence and energy. I see a lot of the same qualities in terms of James being that type of an attraction. Anybody who mistaken’s James for a football player or a Mixed Martial Artist will surely have their hands full in the boxing ring. This is a blue-chip athlete, ” said Shaw, who grew up in the sport as his father Gary Shaw has been one of the top promoters in the world for the past three decades.






Shaw’s 1st job was to get James with the right trainer. Enter Justin Fortune.




I have known Justin for a long time. Both as a strength and conditioning coach and as a trainer. Most would know him at the side of Manny Pacquiao, but perhaps most people don’t know that Justin was a heavyweight prospect who fought Lennox Lewis. What I like most about this pairing is Justin was a shorter heavyweight as well, but a powerful puncher. His years of experience is what is going to help James accelerate his growth in the sport. As a team, we have a goal to bring a world championship back to Los Angeles and in a timely fashion,” continued Shaw.




Shaw’s next move was to find the right promoter for Wilson to sign with, and the duo found one of the biggest companies in the world that was interested.




A lot of promoters were looking at me. I met with Golden Boy, and they saw my talent and vision and I feel that they will make it happen for me, and take me to the Heavyweight championship of the world,” said Wilson.




Shaw spoke highly of the marriage between fighter and promoter.



It is the perfect situation. Golden Boy Promotions is one of the leaders in our sport when it comes to promotion companies. In this situation, it worked out that you have a great prospect from Los Angeles fighting from a world renowned company based in Los Angeles. Right now Golden Boy is at the top of the sport. They promote arguably the top fighter in the world in Canelo Alvarez, and they were able to secure him an unprecedented deal with DAZN. We look forward to the opportunities that will come for James, and to showcase Jamesextraordinary set of skills. I have the 100% confidence in Oscar (De La Hoya), Eric (Гомес) and Robert (Diaz) to lead James to the Heavyweight championship of the world, and help maximize his earnings potential. Los Angeles has never had a Heavyweight champion, so it makes perfect sense that the 1st one will be with a complete Los Angeles based team with James, Justin, Golden Boy and myself. ”




What I would like people to know about James is that inside the ropes, he is a Beast and Human Highlight Film, so Don’t Blink. But outside of the ring, he is an incredible father to his three boys. A tremendous motivational speaker, and a positive role model to the inner-cities and the rest of the world. He is big on community and helping the youth. Especially those that are bullied.




Wilson speaks to a lot of youngsters about Anti-Bullying. “I do a lot of speaking and seminars for anti-bullying. I go to a lot of schools and foster homes and tell them my story. I think I can be someone for kids to look up to and let them know that they have a future despite whatever circumstance they are in. I tell kids that your hands are weapons, your mouth is a weapon, and the only place for fighting is inside of a ring.




When asked who he wants to fight and what his goals are in the sport, Wilson said, “I am not looking to fight anyone individual specifically, I am looking to fight all of them. Най-важното, I am here to give the fans something to watch. Е 365 days of “Звяр” сезон. It’s Beast Mode or No Mode.




To Follow James Wilson, кликване:


Тренировъчният лагер почти завършен; Уверена и натежала Клареса Щитове, готова за Хана Ранкин DAZN Showdown на ноември 17

Суперзвездата на жените и двудивизионната световна шампионка Клареса Шийлдс е във Флорида с треньора Джон Дейвид Джаксън, довършвайки подготовката за нейния разбор с Глазгоу, Шотландската Hannahh Rankin в събота, Ноември 17, в Kansas Star Arena и казино в Mulvane, Канзас.




Шийлдс (6-0, 2 Нокаута) ще защитава световното си първенство в средна категория на IBF и WBA, и търсете да добавите свободното заглавие на WBC, срещу Ранкин (5-2, 1 KO) в 10-рундния съвместен двубой за стабилния партньор на Salita Promotions Jarrell Miller в тежка категория срещу румънеца Богдан Дину.




И двете битки, заедно с бившия световен шампион Брандън Риос, който поема брат на Канело, Рамон Алварес, в супер полусредна категория на 10 кръга и бивш двукратен претендент за световната титла в средна категория Габриел Росадо срещу бития веднъж претендент Луис Ариас, ще се излъчва на живо по DAZN.




23-годишни щитове, бивш двукратен олимпийски златен медалист, възвърна интереса си към женския бокс и се превърна в любимец на рейтингите си за националните си телевизионни подвизи. Горд родом от Флинт, Мичиган, Shields смесва нейните нахални изявления за величие с истински и непрекъснати усилия да вдъхновява спортистките и да оказва помощ на членовете на домашната си общност.




Първоначално Shields трябваше да се изправи срещу WBC и WBO Световната шампионка в средна категория Кристина Хамър през ноември 17, но двубоят беше отложен, след като Хамър се оттегли поради медицински причини.


Промяната на противниците от Hammer на Rankin повлия ли на тренировката ви?




Не тренирам за опонентите си, Просто натискам, за да извлека най-доброто от мен, физически и психически. Ако съм най-добрият „аз“,’Не трябва да се притеснявам кой е съперникът. Смяната на противниците изобщо не ме притесни; най-лошото в този лагер за мен бяха просто всички промени в датите - непрекъснато трябваше да фокусирам ума си върху темпото и времето на тренировка в зависимост от датата на битката. Нямам търпение да вляза на ринга!


Били сте се в супер средна категория 168 и наскоро в средна категория 160 паунда. Как е вашето обучение, диета и всякакви други усилия, различни за полагане 160?




Обучението винаги е трудно и аз непрекъснато се уча. В този лагер имах напълно различна диета - истинска промяна и положителна за мен. Обединих се с Perfecting Athlete за ежедневното ми хранене, и се чувствам страхотно. Винаги съм се опитвал да се храня здравословно, но тези хора са професионалисти и са по-образовани в тази област от мен самия. Имам тази вълшебна напитка, която кара стомаха ми да се усмихва - обичам го! Това е диня, смесена със зелен зеленчук. Няма да ви казвам какъв е зеленчукът, но го пия всеки ден, и се чувствам СТРАХОТНО.


Вашите зрителски номера са много силни. Защо мислите, че хората са привлечени от вас?




Вярвам, че хората са привлечени от това колко съм истински и честен, в и извън ринга. Казвам това, което имам предвид и имам предвид това, което казвам. Твърд съм, но имам и мека страна. И мисля, че хората са привлечени от това как се бия — не само говоря добра игра, но и се боря с моите a– изключване също! аз давам 1000% всеки път - искам да променя играта и да въведа изцяло ново поколение фенове в женския бокс и бокса като цяло.


Какво знаете за опонента си Хана Ранкин?




Знам, че моят противник Ранкин е много корав и решен да бъде световен шампион. Харесвам нейното шофиране, Харесвам сърцето й. Знам, че тя е била на ринга като спаринг партньор за много шампиони, едната е Кристина Хамър. Така че Ранкин е видял някои добри бойци. Но едно е сигурно - тя никога не е виждала боец ​​като мен. И тъй като Хамър не можеше да се бие поради нейното медицинско състояние, в много отношения следващото най-добро нещо е да се биете и да биете спаринг партньора си и да оставите Ранкин да каже на Хамър за какво се занимава, когато се върне!


Какво трябва да се направи, за да се реши кризата с водата във Флинт?



За разрешаване на кремъчната криза с водата, Мисля, че хората трябва да продължат да дават вода и да я държат в новините, че има град в Америка, където, невероятно, Гражданите на САЩ нямат чиста вода. И дано президентът или нашият губернатор направят нещо, за да поправят всички тръби.


Каква е тайната да станеш най-добрият от най-добрите във всеки спорт?




Вярвам, че тайната започва с вярването в себе си, да бъдеш посветен, работим усилено и просто винаги се стремим да бъдем по-добри. Чувствам се най-големият ми критик, когато тренирам и боксирам. Трудно е да гледам филм за моите битки, защото въпреки че го правя 97 Нещата са правилни, просто не мога да понасям 3 неща, които правя погрешно. Аз съм човек, който се стреми да извлече пълния си потенциал. Необходими са смелости, за да бъдеш страхотен. Нищо няма да попречи на постигането на целите ми, което включва да бъдеш GWOAT и да създаваш равенство за всички жени бойци, що се отнася до парите, възможности и покритие, което мъжете получават.






WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Battles Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Saturday, December 1On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Премиер боксови Champions


Лос Анджелис (Ноември 5, 2018) – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Дионтей Уайлдър held a jam-packed media day Monday in Los Angeles where he discussed his blockbuster matchup against lineal heavyweight champion Тайсън Fury ще се проведе събота, Декември 1 на SHOWTIME PPV® от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.




Wilder arrived in Los Angeles, along with trainer Jay Deas, to show off his skills in front of media at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica. The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 години, Wilder срещу. Fury tests the raw power of the 6-foot-7 Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of the 6-foot-9 Fury.




Билети за събитието, което се популяризира от BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, са в продажба сега. Цените на билетите започват от $75, plus applicable fees and are available via AXS.com. Wilder срещу. Яростта ще се произвежда и разпространява от SHOWTIME PPV.




Here is what Wilder and Deas had to say Thursday at media day, where Wilder was joined by his girlfriend Telli Swift and their eight-month-old daughter Kaorii:


Дионтей WILDER




I feel like I’m at my very best right now. Умствено, physically and emotionally I’m ready to go. Всичко е перфектно. I just want to get in the ring and show action. Tyson Fury doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into.




As a true champion, I know how to adjust to any fighter that’s in front of me. My experience facing fighters of all styles has prepared me for this special fight.




I’ve had tremendous sparring. Every day I’m making adjustments and getting myself right so I can get my timing and style exactly how it needs to be. If the fight was this weekend, Deontay Wilder is ready to go.




Luis Ortiz was the most avoided fighter in the heavyweight division and I understand why he had never gotten the title shot before. I’m the type of fighter who gives people opportunities and he was the fighter I needed to face to prove to the world what I’m all about.




This is not a game for me. Everyone has heard about what it’s like to be in the ring with me, but until you’re in there, you don’t know for sure that what you’ve been hearing is for real. Аз съм най-добрият в света. I don’t think any heavyweight has been through what I’ve been through.




I’m training for a certain type of mission. As a fighter I have to have the mindset that I must be ready for anything. След това, once it’s time for the bell to ring, I become ‘The Bronze Bomber’.




Fury has height just like me and he also brings an awkward style like myself. He’s rangy, mobile and he believes he’s the best in the world. You’ll get two giants who are athletic and move around the ring like no one else in this sport.




They say that I have the power and he has the boxing skills. We’ll see on December 1. It’s a puncher versus a boxer. I think the puncher is going to box his lights out, and then I’m going to knock his lights out.




I don’t watch too much film or study guys past getting their style down and seeing how they use their styles. My trainers watch film and use that knowledge to give me advice throughout the fight. I find that my opponents fight differently depending on who they’re facing, so I can’t dwell too much on watching past fights.


JAY хубаво, Trainer Уайлдър




Tyson Fury is kind of like a Rubik’s cube. But a Rubik’s cube can be solved. Fury is a very versatile fighter who can move, he can box and fight from lots of distances. He’s the total package as a fighter and on top of that he’s strong-willed mentally.




We have our hands full, but I know that Deontay Wilder is the guy to handle Tyson Fury. Deontay is the the right guy to take over boxing and this is the first step in that.




Deontay has had a fantastic camp and we’ve had really good sparring partners. Fury is a tall fighter, but it’s really the athleticism that makes him what he is. We believe we’re better off finding more athletic guys who are slightly shorter than Fury, rather than someone his height who is a statue.




Fortunately Deontay has always been a focused fighter, so keeping him right mentally I don’t think will ever be a problem. Deontay can handle any chaos around him better than anyone I’ve seen. When he says he’s the man for this job, he really means it.




The tough thing with preparing for Tyson Fury is that even he doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do in there. He can fight lefty, righty, dirty or clean. We’re working on being prepared for all of these things and more.




Both guys are very athletic and very awkward style-wise, but once this fight combusts, it’s going to be phenomenal. You don’t want to blink or go to the bathroom, the pretzel can wait, because you’re going to want to catch every second of it.


# # #




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Lineal Heavyweight Champion opens up ahead of his fight against Deontay Wilder December 1 на SHOWTIME PPV®.

If mental illness can bring someone as big as me, as strong as me… to my knees, then it can bring anybody to their knees” – Fury

Photo Credit: SHOWTIME

Catch the full interview: https://s.sho.com/2OmqAAq

КАКВО: Lineal heavyweight champion Тайсън Fury opened up to SHOWTIME Sports® говорител Mauro Ranallo about his years-long struggle with mental health in what Ranallo deemed the most important interview of his career. The two sat down in Big Bear, California where Fury has been training for his December 1 showdown against WBC Heavyweight World Champion Дионтей Уайлдър живеят на SHOWTIME PPV®.



Ярост, who shocked the world in 2015 with a unanimous decision victory over former world champion Владимир Кличко, details his swift rise to the upper echelon of the heavyweight division, all while battling crippling depression and anxiety that diminished his love of the sport. He recounts his apathy toward boxing leading up to the Klitschko fight and the downward spiral he endured following his historic win.



Following his win over Klitschko, Fury would fail to face his mandatory challengers and attempted to combat his mental struggles with alcohol and drugs, eventually ballooning to 400 паунда. The self-proclaimed “Gypsy King” hit a turning point in October of 2017, when he began to seek help for depression and anxiety and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, which Ranallo also suffers from.



Ranallo’s battle with mental illness was recently chronicled in the SHOWTIME documentary BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N’ ROLLER, where the combat sports announcer showcases his struggles and advocates for the shattering of stigmas surrounding mental illness. Like Ranallo, Fury aims to raise awareness of his own struggles and encourage others to seek help.



“It was like having a fight in my own mind,- каза Фюри. "[Mental illness] is a silent killer. It is almost like carbon monoxide poisoning because you can’t see it. My calling card is to spread the word on mental health.”



Fury’s journey back to stardom began with back-to-back wins in his first two fights this past summer. He knocked out Sefer Seferi in June of 2018, and followed suit with a unanimous decision win over Francesco Pianeta in August. His August victory culminated with an in-ring confrontation with Wilder, where the two announced their upcoming heavyweight blockbuster fight.



The heavyweight showdown headlines the December 1 SHOWTIME PPV на живо от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Обърквам, who has knocked out all seven challengers of his title, will attempt to make his eighth WBC Heavyweight defense. In the third fight of his comeback, Fury has the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion.

Клареса Шийлдс за жени да защитава шампионата на IBF и WBA в средна категория и иска да добави пояс на WBC срещу шотландката Хана Ранкин, На живо по DAZN през ноември 17

В събота, Ноември 17, в Kansas Star Arena и казино в Mulvane, Канзас, суперзвезда двудивизионна световна шампионка за жени Клареса Шийлдс от Флинт, Мичиган, ще защити своето световно първенство в средна категория по IBF и WBA и ще се опита да добави вакантната титла на WBC срещу Hannahh Rankin от Глазгоу, Шотландия.




10-кръглите щитове (6-0, 2 Нокаута), и Ранкин (5-2, 1 KO) битката ще послужи като съвместен двубой за родения в Бруклин претендент в тежка категория на Джарел Милър срещу WMA в руската игра Богдан Дину.




Тези две битки ще бъдат излъчени на живо по DAZN, заедно с бившия световен шампион Брандън Риос, който поема брат на Канело, Рамон Алварес, в супер полусредна категория на 10 кръга и бивш двукратен претендент за световната титла в средна категория Габриел Росадо срещу бития веднъж претендент Луис Ариас.




Първоначално Shields трябваше да се изправи срещу WBC и WBO Световната шампионка в средна категория Кристина Хамър през ноември 17, но двубоят беше отложен, след като Хамър се оттегли поради медицински причини. Хамър е обявен за шампион в почивка по време на възстановяването си. Двамата шампиони се очаква да се бият през първата четвърт на 2019.




„Клареса е атлет веднъж в поколението, който надхвърля спорта,- каза нейният промоутър, Дмитрий Salita. „Тя ще направи още една стъпка в целта си да постигне статут на GWOAT, докато прави първата защита на световните си титли в средна категория срещу квалифицираната и издръжлива Хана Ранкин.“




Добросъвестна женска суперзвезда и любимец на телевизионните рейтинги, 23-годишният "T-Rex" Shields е двукратен олимпийски златен медалист и вече световен шампион в две тежести. В четвъртия си професионален бой, тя спечели шампионата на IBF и WBC в супер средна категория през август 2017 с доминираща спирка на германката Ники Адлер. След това, през юни тази година и само в шестата й професионална битка, тя падна до 160 лири и спечели титлите на IBF и WBA в средна категория с вълнуващо единодушно решение над Хана Габриелс.




"Толкова съм развълнуван, че мога да дам на феновете си още един шанс да ме видят да защитавам първенството си тази година и да имам възможност да спечеля титлата в средна категория на WBC на 17 ноември", каза Шийлдс. „Оценявам усилията на Salita Promotions, моят мениджър Марк Тафет, и Matchroom Boxing, за да организираме тази битка толкова бързо. Ще бъда в отлична форма и ще осигуря страхотно представяне. "




„Искам да благодаря на Salita Promotions и Matchroom Boxing, че предостави на Claressa още един шанс за битка тази година и възможност да постигне трето световно първенство в средна категория,- каза Марк Тафет, управител на Клареса Шийлдс. „Клареса е гладна и мотивирана да направи страхотно представяне на ноември 17 на DAZN. Claressa has lofty goals and I have no doubt that she’s going to achieve every one of them, including fighting and defeating Christina Hammer early next year. I expect Shields vs Rankin to be an action-packed fight that fans will enjoy tremendously.




28-year-old Rankin put in an impressive and brave performance while losing a challenge for Alicia Napoleon’s WBA Super Middleweight Championship in August of this year. Преди това, she picked up the WBC Silver Middleweight Championship with a dominant victory over Finland’s Sanna Turunen in June.




“I’m excited about the fight and proud to be representing Scotland on such a big stage,” said Rankin. “In boxing, nothing is impossible and on November 17, it will be just us in there when the bell rings and I think it’s going to be one hell of a fight.”


Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Battles WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Saturday, Декември 1 On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Октомври 25, 2018) – Lineal heavyweight champion Тайсън Fury hosted a Los Angeles media day Thursday at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica as he prepares to take on WBC Heavyweight Champion Дионтей Уайлдър Събота, Декември 1 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles on SHOWTIME PPV®.




Ярост, who is training in Big Bear, arrived nearby by helicopter for the media workout to discuss the showdown with Wilder before jumping into the ring to show off the skills that made him an IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight champion.




Билети за събитието, което се популяризира от BombZquad Enterprises и Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, са в продажба сега. Цените на билетите започват от $75, plus applicable fees and are available viaAXS.com. Wilder срещу. Яростта ще се произвежда и разпространява от SHOWTIME PPV.




Fury was working out in shorts from Oddball, a company that donates all of its proceeds to research to fight testicular cancer, a cause Fury has championed. Here is what Fury and his trainer, Ben Davison, had to say Thursday from Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica:


Тайсън Фюри




This is an important fight for boxing, because it’s two undefeated champions facing off. There have been people not getting in the ring with top guys for whatever reason, but here you have two fighters stepping up and onto the line.




It’s a pretty easy fight to analyze, Deontay Wilder needs to connect with that big right hand and knock me out, and I need to not let him do that. I need to do whatever I can to get out the way of that right hand, and make him worry about defending my punches.




I already became a unified champion; I’ve crossed the bridge into the very upper echelon of the sport. This time I’m back and I’m here for good.




I’m back to reclaim my throne. Even though I’ve had the tune-up fights, I feel like this is my true comeback fight.




I’m used to being in hostile, solitary environments for training camp. For the Wladimir Klitschko fight I was in Holland, in a forest 10 miles away from any shop or town. I thrive in the condition in Big Bear.




There have been no distractions training up in Big Bear. It’s perfect. There’s nothing but a few bears and rattle snakes. That’s it as far as distractions.




I have a great up-and-coming trainer and he’s going to have me ready for the challenge.




I wear these funky shorts in public a lot and I wore them today because they represent a company called Oddballs, and every penny spent on these pants goes to research to fight testicular cancer. A friend of mine went through it recently, and I want to spread awareness for him and this cause.


BEN DAVISON, Треньор Fury е




I have a great sense of Tyson Fury and can feel what he needs when he wakes up each day and walks into the gym. Our relationship has really gelled these last 12 месеца.




It’s going to be an action-packed fight that’s for sure. Both men are violent freaks of nature to be honest with you. It’s going to be an epic battle.




I think physically alone you can see how far Tyson Fury has come. That takes a lot of willpower and dedication. He’s put a lot of work in just physically, and that’s really just a slice of what he’s shown in the gym.




All heavyweights can punch, if any one of them hit you on the chin, you’re going to have problems. It’s not the power of Wilder that we’re focusing on, it’s the agility, speed and awkwardness that he brings. We’re studying his habits and watching every little thing that he does in the ring.




It takes fights like these to bring the best out of Tyson Fury. He’s a fighter who raises his game to what’s in front of him.




# # #




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За незабавно освобождаване
‘GravediggerBuries ‘Badwaterfor FFC Title
‘AK-47Vanderford Remains Undefeated With KO at FFC 32
Шелтън Грейвс (наляво) wins FFC Heavyweight Title by keeping Carl Seumanutafa (надясно) against the ropes.
Снимка с любезното съдействие: Сергей Баранов/Final Fight Championship



Las Vegas, NV, (Октомври. 20, 2018)Sometimes things in life are simply quick and painless. Most of the fights at FFC 32 обаче, were actually quick and painful. Нокаута, let’s be honest, usually are quite painful.




Friday night’s Main Event was one of the only fights at FFC 32 (which was an all-MMA event) that did not end in a knockout. Shelton “Gravedigger” Graves (9-3-0) defeated CarlBadwater” Севманутафа (11-9-0) с единодушно решение (49-46, 49-46, 49-46) to win the vacant FFC MMA Heavyweight Championship Title.




Graves did a great job of avoiding standing toe-to-toe with the knockout artist, Севманутафа, spending most of the fight pressing the heavy-handed Samoan (Севманутафа) up against the ropes and using knees to the body and a series of quick uppercuts to frustrate his opponent. Стратегията работи, as Seumanutafa was frustrated with the constant pressure, which allowed Graves to keep him on the ropes and against the turnbuckle, taking away any opportunity for a Seumanutafa trademark knockout.




In the Co-Main Event, Undefeated Welterweight, Austin “АКО 47” Вандерфорд (6-0-0), kept his unblemished record in tact when he rocked EmilsonThe Amazonian Warrior” Freitas (7-3-0) with a nice left hand to the temple at the 1:38 марка на първи кръг. Vanderford wins by KO for only the second time in his professional career.




Previously unbeaten Light Heavyweight, Ivan Erslan (6-1-0), was trying to stay undefeated as a professional but his opponent, Branko Busick (3-1-0) had other ideas. Busick sent Erslan to the canvas at the 4:41 mark of the second round with a solid left hand to the chin and it was all she wrote for Erslan. Busick picks up the first KO victory of his young career.




In the Lightweight division, както е обещано, it was agrapplers paradisefor as long as it lastedAnd it didn’t last very long. Brandon “KibaRicetti (9-2-0) submitted AdamSmash” Ковач (11-10-0) by Arm Triangle at the 4:26 mark of the very first round. If you’re keeping score, all nine of Ricetti’s wins have come by submission.




FFC 32 се състоя в постоянното му жилище, “Fight Dome”, който се намира в Рио Лас Вегас на Caesars Entertainment. Събитието беше излъчено в цялата страна по CBS Sports Network.

пълен “FFC 32” MMA резултати по-долу:


Официалните резултати





Шелтън Грейвс (9-3-0), Baltimore, MD

Победа с единодушно решение, 5 Rds. (49-46, 49-46, 49-46)

Carl “Badwater” Севманутафа (11-9-0), Сан Франциско, КАТО

(Graves wins FFC Heavyweight Title)





Остин Вандерфорд (6-0-0), Портланд, OR

Win by KO (Пунш), 1:38 Rd. 1

Едмилсън Фрейтас (7-3-0), Manaus, Амазонка, Бразилия




LIGHT гиганти

Branko Busick (3-1-0), Steubenville, OH

Win by KO (Пунш), 4:41 Rd. 2

Ivan Erslan (6-1-0), Zagreb, Хърватия


Brandon Ricetti (9-2-0), Момче, КАТО

Win by Submission (Arm Triangle), 4:26 Rd. 1

Adam Smith (11-10-0), Spokane, WA





Brady Hiestand (1-0-0), Spokane, WA

Победа с единодушно решение, 3 Rds. (29-26, 29-26, 29-26)

Corey Conway (0-1-0), Las Vegas, NV


(Октомври 18, 2018) Британският претендент за IBF номер 5 в тежка категория Хюи Фюри внася последните щрихи в „мъчителен“ тренировъчен лагер и, с екипа си, ще пристигне в София, България, тази събота.



На Събота, Октомври 27, Ярост (21-1, 11 Нокаута) ще се изправят Kubrat “The Cobra” Pulev (25-1, 13 Нокаута) в елиминационен двубой от 12 рунда на Арена Армиец в родния град на Пулев - София. Победителят тази вечер ще стане първият в линията срещу шампиона Anthony Joshua.




Събитието, озаглавен „пожар & Ярост”Ще бъде представен от Епичните спортове и развлечения на Ивайло Гоцев и Джон Вирт, заедно с промотора на Фюри, Hennessey Sports, и ще бъде излъчен на живо във Великобритания по Channel 5.




„Обещах да победя Пулев в собствения му двор и това ще направя,- каза уверен Фюри. „Никой друг не искаше тази тежка битка. Това е така, защото те не са бъдещи шампиони. Знам какво е необходимо и какво трябва да направите, за да станете мъж. Не ме интересува дали ще се бия с Пулев в собствената му къща. Той е по пътя ми към това, което искам, и той трябва да си върви. "




Фюри и баща/треньор Питър Фюри са го натискали до краен предел в своята фитнес зала в Манчестър, тренировка два пъти на ден, шест дни в седмицата до три часа на сесия. Но Фюри, настоящият британски шампион в тежка категория BBBofC, казва, че цялата работа скоро ще си заслужава.




„Всичко ще си струва, когато ръката ми е вдигната,“, Продължи той. „В момента няма дупки в играта ми. Аз съм на върха на занаята си и след като Пулев е елиминиран, Ще дойда за Антъни Джошуа. Изглеждаше уязвим в последната си битка. Аз съм този, който ще се възползва от тези уязвимости!"




Въпреки върховното му доверие, победата над Пулев няма да бъде лесен подвиг за 24-годишния Фюри. 37-годишният Пулев е един от най-популярните спортисти в цяла България, и бивш двукратен европейски и IBF международен шампион в тежка категория. Единствената загуба в кариерата на Пулев беше предизвикателство за безспорния шампионат в тежка категория срещу Владимир Кличко в 2014. На Великобритания Дилиан Уайт и американци Jarell Miller и Dominic Breazeale всички отказаха да се изправят срещу Пулев, преди Фюри да приеме.




„След като вляза право в родния град на Пулев и го извеждам, нещо, което никой друг в тежка категория дори не би посмял да опита, всички ще говорят за мен и Антъни Джошуа. Нямам търпение да свърша тази работа и да продължа към световното първенство. "


After Homecoming win, Heavyweight Contender Andrey Fedosov eyeing big fights

PHILADELPHIA, PENN / CHICAGO, ILL. (Октомври 17, 2018)-After a 10-round unanimous decision over tough Joey Dawejko this past Saturday in Ekaterinburg, Русия, 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight champion Andrey Fedosov is back on track in his effort to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world.




Fedosov, who made his first start in his home country in over 10 години, defeated the former world amateur champion by shutout scores of 100-90 on two scorecards, и 98-92 on a the third card.




Fedosov registered his 2nd win in less than four months.




С тази победа, на 32 year-old Fedosov improved to 31-3 с 25 нокаута, and now will will look for marquee bouts against the best in the division.




I am very excited about the future,” Саид Fedosov. “I have a brand new team with Journeyman Management with Andrew Zak and Alex Vaysfeld. We are looking to go to the top. I am already back in the gym training for the next fight, and I am willing to fight anyone.




We are very proud of Andrey for his win on Saturday. We are looking towards the future with big fights,” said Manager, Andrew Zak.




Andrey is definitely one of the best heavyweights in the world, and to beat a tough competitor like Dawejko shows that he is now ready to take on the elite of the heavyweight division. I will sit down with my partner Bobby Hitz and Andrey’s manager, Andrew Zak, and seek out the best and biggest fights for him,” каза Артър Pelullo , Президентът на Банер Промоции.




It was a great win against a very capable and durable heavyweight. If you are not on top of your game, Dawejko can beat anyone out there. We look forward to bigger opportunities for Andrey,” said Bobby Hitz of Hitz Boxing.





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