Tag Archives: heavyweight

After Sensational Victory over Donovan Dennis, The Sky is Now the Limit for Heavyweight Slugger Jarrell ‘Big Baby’ Miller


Promoter Greg Cohen of Greg Cohen Promotions says he could not be happier with the performance turned in last Friday night by the fighter he co-promotes (with Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions), undefeated heavyweight slugger Jarrell “Magnus infantem” Miller.
Miller, nunc 16-0-1, 14 KOs, showed both his frightening power and excellent boxing skills while scoring a brutal TKO 7 over an extremely game Donovan Dennis. Fighting in the co-main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: The New Generation from the Casino Del Sol in Tucson, Arizona, Miller made believers out of many by displaying depth and ring intelligence to go with his sledgehammer fists.
Jarrell showed he’s not just a big puncher,” Greg dixit Cohen. “He showed the ability to change up his game plan during a fight. That’s very important at the higher levels of the division. He nearly took Dennishead off in the first round, but when he saw that somehow he was going to survive for a while, he switched up to boxing and re-established his dominance that way. It was exactly what he should have done in there.
Miller, who won the NABA Heavyweight Championship with the victory, is now in line for an even higher-profile showdown with a rated contender.
Jarrell is a force to be reckoned with and with his power, skill, athleticism and charisma, he can become a worldwide star and be the man to restore the heavyweight division to its glory of yesteryear,” permansit Cohen. “People love him and can’t enough of him!”
Cohen says that even though Miller called out the champions of the division after the victory, the probable next step will be a top-ten fighter in one of the sanctioning organizations.
We believe he can beat any of the champions right now, hodie. But to get him there we will have to next focus on someone rated above him and take their spot by force. But I have every confidence we are less than a year away from getting Jarrell the world title shot he wants more than anything.

New Heavyweight Champ Charles Martin Says: ‘My Time to Shine Will Come!’

Brand new IBF Heavyweight Champion “Princeps” Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 KOs) should be on cloud nine.
In just his seventh year of boxing and slightly over third as a professional, Martin already finds himself the sixth southpaw to have ever won a heavyweight championship after scoring a TKO 3 over Ukrainian top contender Vyacheslav Glazkov last Saturday night, January 16, at the Barclay’s Center in New York.
Winning any world title is an amazing accomplishment that most never reach in decades of boxing. Add in that Martin took out the 2008 Olympic Super Heavyweight bronze medalist to become the second current American heavyweight champion in a suddenly rejuvenated division.
“Sentit bonum,” admits Martin. “I wanted to do it fast. I couldn’t wait,” he explains of his quick ascension. “Some things they say take time but when you’re really determined to do something, you’ll do it as soon as possible.
With his place already assured in the boxing history books and several lucrative possible showdowns on the near horizon, why isn’t Martin the happiest man on the planet?
It was the way he won.
I have an empty feeling right now,” said the 29-year-old champion. “I was in front of so many people and it was my time to shine on Showtime and show the world my skills. I felt that he had no power and said to myself that he would be easy work. I knew I was going to have a great night. I was going to KO him and then everyone would love mebut it didn’t happen like that.
Glazkov stopped fighting in round three due to torn ACL in his knee and Martin was declared the winner of the then-vacant title by way of injury-induced TKO.
I wanted to win the belt my way,” continued the disappointed Martin. “He would have got knocked out eventually. It was coming to him. I never even got to use my uppercut on him, but it’s all good.
Humble and extremely likeable, Martin remained polite, post-fight and expressed his condolences to the disappointed Glazkov. Autem, since that night, Glazkov has gone on to say he hadfigured Martin outand that the championship would have certainly been his had he not been injured.
Oh my goodness, I’m trying to stay humble about the situation, but that’s so crazy what he said,” eundem Martinum. “If he really thinks that, he’s tripping. Things were about to get a lot worse for him. Amen dico vobis:, once he started slowing down, my combinations would have started to come out. I was throwing the one/two because he was getting out of the way pretty good in the first few rounds. I was just getting started. I thought I would box him for a while and then start going at him and whip his butt. I promise you I could have. That injury saved him. It broke my heart that I didn’t get to do what I wanted. How does that happen? I was having fun.
Martin says his team and friends and relatives have been good to remind him the abbreviated ending was out of his control. He also says he’ll take a quick vacation and then get right back to work.
So what comes next for the new American heavyweight champion?
Tyson Fury or Deontay Wilder. I want them both. I want all the best. That’s the next move. My time to shine will come. I’m a world champion now and I can say that the belt is in the right hands. I’m not going to sit around. I want to fight.
Martin also says that is Britain’s world champ, Tyson Erinys, ever points his taunting antics at him, he won’t mind.
It’s good for boxing for him to do that kind of stuff. Placet. It’s all business. At the end of the day he has no crazy beef with anybody. Nobody choked anybody’s mother. It’s just boxing. You got to get attention somehow. He makes people want to see a fight. We’re in the entertainment and hurt business. It’s definitely a real fight in the ring though. It’s a non-personal thing that very gets personal once they step in the ring with me. That’s two guyslivelihood in there. That’s our income for our families.

“Bronco” BILLY WRIGHT: “Nemo potest negare quod Ive 'meruit aequom est pugnare pro Deontay Wilder WBC title”

Las Vegas (December 7, 2015) – WBC Latino et FECARBOX heavyweight fortissimus, Billy Bronco Wright (49-4, 38 KOs), is willing and able to step up and challenge Deontay Wilder (35-0, 34 KOs) pro mundi title. Currently aestimavit #20 per WBC, Bronco Billy Wright est currently equitantes XX-pugna cum amoeni LINEA 17 venit per viam quae victoriis knockout.
Si Wilder, qui est currently vultus pro an adversarium his scheduled January 16, 2016date, profecti sunt ut referrent hoc certamen, esset contra ludum adversarius in Wright, who hasn’t lost a fight since 1998. Apud 31 primum circum knockouts Jove ad officium pincernatus, Billy sentit habet sese quae capit ut regnique possessione deturbandum statueret Wilder.
“Nemo potest negare quod Ive 'meruit aequom est pugnare pro Deontay Wilder WBC title,” dixit Bronco Billy Wright. “Fui in summo gradu 20 with the WBC for the last three years. This is the American Dream for a fighter like myself who’s been waiting patiently to get an opportunity to fight for a world championship. Ego paratus sum et ad hoc debitum redditum provocatio.”
“Hoc ne ipsi accideret, non est cur certaminis,” dixit Wright scriptor agentis Ivaylo Gotzev. “Ex eo die, Billy fecit REVERSIO usque adhuc, he’s made a believer out of me with everything that he’s accomplished. This is America where everyone should have an opportunity to fulfill their dreams, that’s what makes this country great. The man is active having just fought last month. Age should not be a factor. Si quiverit pugnare Hopkins George Bernard Foreman et ad championship level in novissimo annorum, then the networks should not have a double standard when it comes to Bronco Billy. He wants to raise the bar and become the oldest heavyweight champ in boxing history. He currently holds two WBC belts which makes him more than qualified. There should be no discrimination in this matter. Billy est paratos ad pugnam Wilder nunc!”

Re'zin FF Announces torneamentum brackets, Ho- die octavo ad LUDUS Matchups Heavyweight 29 atque 31

Fighters comment on the highly-anticipated tournament that will award its winner a $300,000 grand prize

TOKYO, JAPAN (Nov. 30, 2015) -A Abstinens Ducentis ad determinare torneamentum brackets et primum matchups RIZIN pugnante pro Maximo-PRIX 2015 octo viri, Heavyweight torneamentum fient decursu biduum – December 29 ac Decembrem 31and will award its winner a grand prize of $300,000, was held today in Tokyo.

Pharetra Nunc Heavyweight Champion Mark Godbeer, qui horarium certare torneamentum, was forced to withdraw due to a neck injury sustained in training. BAMMA will announce a replacement fighter for the tournament soon.

Prior ad ducendum, Praesidem Nobuyuki Sakakibara dictum, "Hoc erit torneamentum CALEO RIZIN. Fighters ab extremis terrae regione oculi sublimium repraesentare honore, ac velut adgnoscere concupiscunt uti boost tribunal curriculo facere sibi nomen collegeris torneamentum. Media pars his fere nesciunt nec qui hodie athletarum, sed cum primum K-I in calce off 1993, nemo adhuc sciente Branko Cikatić aut Mike Bernardo. Et bellatorum qui excedunt fores aperire novam spem. "

The seven contestants slated for tournament action appeared at the press conference. Each drew an envelope numbered one through seven, and those who drew numbers one through four received the opportunity to choose their respective places in the tournament draw.

The first stage tournament matchups will be as follows:

Bout # 1: Lawal vs BAMMA fighter
Bout # 2: Aukstuolis vs Cappelozza,
Bout # 3 Ishii vs Prochazka,
Bout # 4: Reljic vs Nemkov.

A tournament reserve bout between Valentine Moldovsky and Yuta Uchida was also announced during the press conference.

Pugnator Quotes:

– 1st Pick = “Rex Mo” Lawal – lego Slot A

"Ego sum honorari ad pugnandum RIZIN. PRODO mea incensus sum adepto consequat ante nisl ullamcorper magna Italica. Libenter numero excipere poterit. Im semper numerum unum. Ego me loco alia excipient, qui stat iuxta me tempus ut contereret electos meos opus est. "

“"Ego non habent adversarios currently, Sed pharetra Nunc scio vere quia ego mittam vobis a pugnatore. Sed infeliciter qui venit mos adepto melior confregerunt sic praeparari. Puto Ishii fecit acri electionem vitando me et heredibus meis bracket. Ei bonum. "

"Ut sit amet pretium! Lorem emat racemum glacies crepito, quidam in veste candida introierit, et videte, et ite in fasciculum Disney movies. Quo ego vado partes, et emite talenta auri accessiones sunt. "
– 2Pick nd = Tall Theodore (Bushido Europa Champion) – lego C Slot

"Gratias ago occasionem dari. At hoc gradu elit, quis tibi paratos ad pugnam ut non cuivis erit aduersarium. Credo in me et ego paratos ad pugnam quis. "

"Nam me, auctorem fieri maior pecunia. Pecunia ex sequentibus esset verus pugil. Animus est placitam exorare torneamentum. "

"Quod ego credo, quod ipse. Pugnabo repraesentare regionis modica. Adversarius meus has feras mirum, sed tamen non est cur ego amitteret. Dabo benedictionem et egredimini ad spectaculum victoria.”

– 3rd Pick = Goran Reljic (Priores KSW Light Heavyweight Champion) – lego Slot G

"Ego non curo qui pugnat me. Quo pugnaturus erat hedum somnium eleifend, Nunc vivo ego viderim, on New Year meae finis meus optimus effectus Eve. "

"Placet matchup. Ive 'been meditanti Sambo mundi fortissimus Blagoi Ivanov et sum familiarior cum Sambo pugna style. Scio sit amet magna, sed in promptu habet quicquam offerre Bonum certamen erit. "

"Advena sum et peregrinus a pueritia somnium. Focused in itinere continuato sum somnii auctorem fieri Japan. Quid cogitabo equidem tibi pecuniam quondam mei finis. "

– 4Pick th = Satoshi Ishii (Beijing Olympia Aurum Judo medalist) – lego Slot E

"Bonum Praeparatio. Non sentiunt certamine pugna, proelio NYE solum rumpit. "

"Consilium dimidia praemium pecunia ad obsidendam in ludis et cetera datum."

"Quod bonum offer recusare non potui. An MMA torneamentum, Bonum adversarios, bonum praemium pecunia. Non multum immorari cupimus conciliare torneamentum quia ludus mos motum animi, sic uno proelio dolor tempus. "

– 5Pick th = Bruno Cappelozza (Truncatis proelium 100kg Champion) – lego Slot D

"Non mehercules hodie sciat pugnantium, sic ego eligam aduersarium spe felicis. "

"Quod genus vitae magna pecunia loquar commuto faciem meam et atavi mei, Aeculanensis. Et factus est vir spurius. Duabus illis rationibus boni erit ingens fecit mihi.”

"Fuit eleifend somnium pugnare. Nescio plura de adversario meo, sed certe ut pugnet utrumque paratus excitantis. Existimo ergo hoc bonum esse certamen. '

– 6Pick th = Vadim Nemkov (MMA Union Heavyweight Champion) – lego Slot H

"Ero repraesentans Sambo. Velim ut pulchritudinem Sambo artemque Sambo.”

– 7Pick th = Jiri Prochazka (GCF Bohemica Light Heavyweight Champion) – Slot delectus F "Ego sum valde concitatus clauderetur in regionibus alienis artibus posse demonstrare natus Samurai. Non fraudabo te ".

"Omnes hic est lentus. Quoniam ego in patria pugnatura ventus, conflictu meo erit colligens operam. Vellem hanc provocationem ad proxima occasione uti magnum. '

"Ita multum pecuniae nescio mauris. Credo quod deinde pecuniae. Ita ut nunc, focus meum dare superbis RIZIN omnes facultates meas, quas elegerant me participem facere. "

General Manager Nobuhiko Takada Tulit tortor post extractionem, "Ego sum Sententia a familiar, commoda tamen tense aeris ius now. Iustus sum commotus Nativitate testantibus astris futura. Spero Ishii potest in via qua nos faciet Italica fans superbis. Ishii primum expletionem adibam, ut aureum illud numisma, sed ex eo non vidistis aliquam praestantes MMA. Spero equidem maximus potest consequi perfectum occasionem cursu.”

Trey Lippe-Morrison Thomas in nihilum redigit Bobby 90 seconds!

Miami, CALLIDE (November 14, 2015) - Resurgens heavyweight sensatio Trey Lippe-of Morrison Tulsa, Hostiliter itinere versus OK fit divisio Heavyweight scoring ludio ludius in calamitosos 80 secundo knockout Bobby Thome ad Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, CALLIDE.
Pugnans cum fabuloso ante lanistae vendidit ex turbis in angulo Freddie Roach, Cicero, vir Lippe legati de Spiritu bell. Itaque contulit se in alterius spes fans knockout, Morrison Lippe-coniuncta cum duro ius Thomas uncinus pomorum’ trans capite minutis stantia ad ostium, Thomas missis ad mentis carbasus obscurata. Referendarius coepi numerare ante Enniam Naeviam Thomas non fuit in loco permanere, edici bout off at 1:20.
"Ego amare aestimatus sum cum me politis opus Freddie Roach,"Lippe-Morrison post dominant perficientur. "Non habemus hic vere amateur curriculo ita mecum eruditio curvo est."
Oralem Morrison, qui nunc est 10-0 ex his omnibus uincit knockout, sed effectum non placet insists aucupati knockouts.
"Credere vel non, Etenim quia non gunning knockouts venis gaudeo sed nisl placere. Im manentibus condimentum ut pugil freddie sub vigilantia est consilium meum de amet gradum. "
Tony Holden, promotor Lippe-Morrison, pugnacem stardom credit in via.
"Trey quasi propugnatrix et futuris pugnavit incredibili fiducia. Ille tantum cohibenti 12 luventius Thalna praetor ut a professio et justum effodisset pugnator, quæ ingressæ sunt cum quinque circumeunt duo divisione mundi fortissimus in Beibut Shumenov. Nos Ive 'been trying impetro Trey rounds per audierit vocem iurantis testisque elit sed prosequitur et angue abhorrentes guys in tantam efficerent vastitatem modo. "
In actione undercard, conservus invicto heavyweight Kenzie Witt of Horizon, CALLIDE, laceratum an infigo secundo circuitu knockout Jordanis Brown. Witt, qui hocce prosequendo, 6-0-1 apud 5 Knockouts sequi victoria, est Lippe-Morrison frater et filius late heavyweight fortissimus Tommy Morrison.


Los Angeles (Oct. 23, 2015)Two heavyweight titans will close out the 2015 boxing year with a bang on December 19, as former world title contender Bryant “By-By” Jennings (19-1, 10 KOs) takes on recently crowned WBA Interim Heavyweight belt holder Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz(23-0, 20 KOs) in a XII-rotundus patrocinium certamen. Hic scilicet eventus simul fieri convertentes Stone Obstinatus Casino, Veronae, Novi Eboraci et erit post Vivamus televised vivunt hbo Tenebris.
To headline an HBO event and fighting a former world title contender like Jennings is what I have been preparing my whole career for,” said Luis Ortiz. “I know that after this fight people will know that I deserve a shot at becoming the ‘Heavyweight Champion of the World.I think Jennings doesn’t even know what he’s stepping in to on the 19, I’m coming to make a statement. This fight is going to be an exciting stepping stone to achieve my dream.
With a mix of speed, power and amateur pedigree that is second-to-none, Luis Ortiz has quickly established himself as a force in the heavyweight division,” dixit Oscar De Hoya, President and CEO of Golden Boy Promotions. “Luis is so hungry to continue his rise in the division that he has agreed to fight an enormously talented opponent in Bryant Jennings just two months after Luisdestruction of Matias Vidondo to win the WBA Interim title. Boxing fans looking for a premiere heavyweight fight should make sure to tune in to HBO’s Boxing After Dark on December 19th.”
It’s my pleasure to bring another great heavyweight showdown to the boxing fans with Bryant Jennings taking on an undefeated fighter like Luis Ortiz. The fans know that I have always, and will continue, to put on real competitive fights,” dixit Gary Shaw.
Shaw continued, “Jennings is a true professional who remains in phenomenal shape throughout the year. He showed in his last fight versus Klitschko that he belongs with the elite heavyweights and understands the challenges that lie ahead. Ortiz, who brings a high knockout ratio to the ring, will have his hands full, and Jennings is nothing like the fighter he just fought, whom he knocked out in the third round. Ortiz has never faced a challenge of a Philadelphia fighter like Bryant Jennings and he’s going to find out real quick that this is another level. Jennings is ready to continue his quest to become heavyweight champion with VADA testing agreed to by both promotional companies for this fight.
I’m excited to be getting back in the ring against Luis Ortiz, another big heavyweight,” said Bryant Jennings. “He’s coming off an impressive win and he thinks he’s at the top of his game. These are the typical type of opponents I like to showcase my skills against. I’ve come a long way since my last fight against Klitschko, and I have continued to train with a fierce intensity. When you suffer defeat for the first time you learn things about yourself you never knew. I’ve improved a great deal on all aspects of my game both mentally and physically. The world will see a great fight when I square off against Ortiz, quod possum Promittere tibi. Peius 'exsisto agitantem WBA revertar in patriam et ad cingulum Philly.”
“Haec illic est pugnata inter duo aequis uiribus gesta heavyweights, et quod semper habet puritatem suam mystique,” dixit Peter Nelson, vice president of programming for HBO Sports. “Jennings has proven to have heart in equal scale to what Ortiz has shown in power. On December 19, videbimus bellum volentibus.”
We’re looking forward to hosting another exciting night of boxing at Turning Stone with HBO, Golden Boy Promotions and Gary Shaw Productions,” dixit Ray Halbritter, Gens et gens Oneida repraesentativa CEO Enterprises. “In tribus annis, weve hosted 16 nationally-televised fights, conveniunt nostris distinguens quod destinatio pro SUMMUS mundi-genus caestu.”
Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz had amassed nearly 350 wins before making his way to the United States to chase championship gold as a professional. Unbeaten in 25 finibus, the 36-year-old southpaw holds a knockout win over Monte Barrett and in June needed less than a round to dispatch Byron Polley. Ortiz was last seen on the undercard of Golovkin vs. Lemieux as part of the pay-per-view live telecast defeating Matias Ariel Vivdondo by third round knockout and gaining the WBA Interim Heavyweight World Title.
Hailed as one of the best heavyweight boxers in the sport, Bryant Jennings has faced some of the most feared fighters in the sport. In 2014 alone, Jennings defeated Mike Perez via split decision in July and Artur Szpilka via technical knockout in January. In 2013, Jennings passed his first career tested when he defeated Andrey Fedosov via sixth-round knockout in June. Novissime, Jennings was seen in the ring against the heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko in April, suffering his first defeat since his professional debut in 2010. Autem, the titan is looking for redemption and another shot at world title stardom when he faces Ortiz for the WBA Interim Heavyweight Title.
Jennings vs. Ortiz est a XII-rotundus heavyweight bout certamen pro WBA Interim Heavyweight Title praesentatum instituere aurei Boy Promotions in consociatione cum Gary Shaw Productions. At ianuae 6:00 p.m., et HBO Boxing After Dark telecast incipit at live 10:15 p.m. ATQUE/PT.
Host eventus, Conversus autem Oneida Nationis Stone Obstinatus Casino pergit ad se distinguit a SUMMUS quod destinatio pro blockbuster pyctas. The December 19 pugna notabis Conversus Stone Obstinatus Casino scriptor 16th-nationally televised pugilatu eventus in minus quam duos annos, ARENATIO obstinatus quod a knockout tualias pro televised pugnat. Aliquam Upstate New York, quattuor-season conveniunt offert destination mundi-genus ludum et hospitii, consideraverit-amoeni accommodations, a confundo of diversa popinae, luxuria spas nightlife et plures options.
Professio media sufficientia ad postulans December 19 Abdo pugnaretur debet contact Kelly, Et conversus ad Stone Obstinatus Casino Public Relations Manager (315) 366.9291 aut kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Tickets will go on sale in early November. Additional ticket information will be announced soon.
Pro magis notitia, visit www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com,www.hbo.com/boxing atque www.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, HBOBoxing, Facebook fan atTurningStone fieretwww.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-Productions,www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing or www.facebook.com/Conversus Niger Toner. Visita nos in InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, turningstone.

Antonio Tarver refellit defecerunt medicamento test

TAMPA (Oct. 19, 2015) – Quinque-tempus mundi fortissimus Antonius “Magicae Man” Tarver (31-6-1, 22 KOs) vehementer improbat praecessi of his defecit New Jersey Boxing Commissionis medicamento test capta prior ad XII-rotundus ducatur cum duo-tempus IBF fortissimusSteve “USS” Cunningham hanc quoque olim August 14th in Newark.
A report claims Tarver tested positive for synthetic testosterone. He categorically denies taking any banned substance before his fight with Cunningham. “Nescio meus quia non accipiam iniuriae positive urinam tentavit sample,” Dixit tarver. “Vel test contaminata, or mixed-up with another sample. We believe in the process and I will fully comply. Further analysis will prove I’m 100-percent innocent because I’ve done nothing wrong.

Team Tarver consumpta Labor Day pascens profugo & at in aliis salus Army Tampa


TEAM tarver (L-R) – Jamil Thompson, Antonio Tarver, Angela Mitchell, Orlando Fernandez et Eboney De Costa.
Photo Gallery Inferius
TAMPA (September 10, 2015) — Team Tarver, per quinque dies saeculi et mundi fortissimus Heavyweight contender Antonius “Magica Man” Tarver (31-6-1, 22 KOs), hanc quoque olim consumpta Labor Day servire magis quam 150 profugo, debiles et inparem sibi luctatum populo, loci militum veteranorum, at salutare Army in Tampa.
“Ego vere similis communitatis ministerium cum nuper habuimus facere sentio amo ego constitui differentiam hominum fortunae minus quam me vivere,” Dixit tarver. “To know that my team seems to be enjoying it just as well makes this even more special for me. I really appreciate them for taking part every time they’re called upon. Non possum expectare velitis donec crescant et propter nostram Turcia Giveaway Nativitatis Toy Coegi in Tampa / Orlando. If any non-profit organizations or potential sponsors are willing to join Team Tarver, please don’t hesitate to visit my web-site at OfficialAntonioTarver.com as we continue to make a difference where it counts.
Team Tarver scriptor postero conposito munus erit prior ad Gratiarum actio Turcia Giveaway.
Nam Romae compertum,, sponsorship inquirit vel donationem facere, please email officialteamtarver @gmail.com aut accedere ad eius websitewww.OfficialAntonioTarver.com.


Travis Kauffman refert 1st circuitu interitum super Carmack

Reading, PA (August 18, 2015)–Praeterito Veneris nocte in Prudential Center inNewark, New Jersey, Heavyweight CONCERTATOR Travis Kauffman (29-1, 21 KO scriptor) scored a first round stoppage over Richard Carmack in Kauffman’s first fight in 19 mensibus.

Kauffman expositis perfecta hamo ex southpaw mile quod misit ad Carmack 2:07.

Quae facta est a card IRCA headlined Tarver ab Antonio pugna pugilum priori magis finita Cunningham ducatur Steve.

“Non putavi indurabitur quasi ferire voluit fecit Carmack. I went out there with the mindset of going some rounds to work off ring rust. As soon as he hit me with a right hand, Ego autem sciebam quia voluit Dominus et corroborasset illum adepto velox. The gameplan that we worked on was to go to the body and once I dropped him, Ego cognovit factum,” dixit Kauffman.

Kauffman debetur tergum in September 18 ad Claridge in Atlantic City.

“Morer nihil morandum ratus, cum iam in gym paratus sum et Naazim Richard promovent et maioribus proeliis dad. I expect this fight to be another tune up and then I will be ready for a much bigger fight.

Photo by Joe Tarlecky


Click HIC Ex Ed Diller for Photos / DiBella Entertainment
NEWARK, NJ (August 15, 2015) – Heavyweights Antonius “Magicae Man” Tarver (31-6, 22 KOs) atque Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 KOs) ducatur in pelagus pugnat sententia eventum scissura hac nocte Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) dens in Center in Novo Prudential, New Jersey.
Both and Cunningham Tarver fragoribus consistent pace per IRCA, exchanging vapulet aequaliter in mane rounds. Tarver caught Cunningham in the fourth round with a sneaky right cross that wobbled the younger fighter who quickly regained his composure and finished out the round. The back and forth action, quod sibi relictum Cunningham defrutum et tumida circum oculos,, ducunt ad ducatur cum ustulo of iudices 115-113 Cunningham, 115-114 Et tarver 114-114.
In foramen IRCA de telecast, S poland Krzysztof Glowacki (24-0, 15 KOs) an laceratum 11th technical knockout circuitu victoria super Germania scriptor Marco Huck (38-2-1, 26 KOs) in exercitu magno tedeat vidit Glowacki capere s Huck cruiserweight title. Ita sperabam enim maxime cruiserweight Huck metando novum record title munimina a 14th defensam hac nocte,. Utraque pugnatores molientes US debut ianuam cuiusdam turba 5,843, quorum plures erant perpolitarum et civibus German vivens stateside.
In dare potest et cruiserweight bout, Glowacki egressus fortis in mane rounds verberans Huck virtute et velocitas in inside. Huck started to find his rhythm in the middle rounds and out of nowhere put Glowacki on the canvas in the sixth with a punishing left hook to the temple. Glowacki recovered quickly and was able to finish the round. Occupatus virorum remansit in reliquum anni postea rounds cum decumanis Obsequenter gratiam Huck per finem 10th. Autem, Glowacki egrediebátur 11th et sero in rotunda Huck put in carbasus duris sinistram ius compositum. Huck beat comitem habet, nisi ut Glowacki jump on protinus hunc, coniectis series pugnis coactus referendarius prohibere pugnaretur 2:39 in the round. Glowacki shocked the boxing world with a devastating 11th technical knockout of the 8-1 profecto erit in pugna aspectu Huck se tractatu perturbatione rerum anno.
Antonio Tarver
“Sciebam non sunt et medici ducatus et educatus in defensione mea. Conjecerim eo durior erat pugnis et fessus non est. Ego erat in potestate tempo, custodierit figito ramque, ei quoque sentio amo ego outboxed.
“Et non poterant adire ad corpus noceret mihi. Sed non quid ego fecerim in miseránte faciendum. Non contentus Venimus et omnino ducatur.”
Steve Cunningham
“Ante hominem semper sum pugnam, et hanc decisionem, et non invenient me pilam murmurationis.
“Erubescam et ego non habeo quod cum quadrigis et congrega nos loqui de genere faciendum.”
Glowacki of Krysztof
“Nunc ad me US venalicium, et circa mundi fans partis dicit cruiserweight respiciunt habiturus.
“Cum per dirutam sexto et ego nesciebam ubi essem ipse recipere me totum in circuitu. Ego adhuc non bene audire. Dum licet ad angulum unum et audiens quod remanserat in undecimo minute per munitiones accedere me habuisse noveram.
“Ego quidem cauendum semper PROBUS me bullies et ibi quaerebat Huck. Sic ad eum attulerunt,. In omnibus volo ago fans adiumentorum Poloniae me undique gentium. Custodiuimus “credentes” vicimus et hoc titulo quam. Hoc maximum nocte animam meam.”
Was unavailable quotes. Utrumque Glowacki et Huck raptus fueris Rutgers University nosocomíum pre-cautionary observatione.