Tag Archives: כעוויווייט

צוויי-צייַט וועלט מייַסטער Kermit סינטראָן צו נעמען אויף דזשארזש סאָסאַ אין צוגעגעבן וועלטערווייט אַטראַקשאַן אויף דינסטאג, פעברואַר 13 ביי די סאַנדז בעטהלעהעם געשעעניש צענטער

סינטראָן טאַרגאַטינג אַמיר כאַן
אָפן de Alba באַטאַלז קאַרלאָס פּאַדיללאַ אין הויפּט געשעעניש אויף
מיקאַל Fox נעמט אויף ריקאַרדאָ גאַרסיאַ אין גלויבנס-הויפּט געשעעניש
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, מיכאל קאָפפיע, וואַן סאַנטשעז, & Martino דזשולעס אין קאַמף
כעוויווייט קאַנטענדער דזשאָו האַנקס נעמט אויף ניק גויוואַס

בעטהלעהעם, פּאַ (יאַנואַר 23, 2018) – צוויי-צייַט וועלט וועלטערווייט מייַסטער,Kermit סינטראָן has been added to an already deep card when he takes on דזשארזש סאָסאַ in a ten-round bout on דינסטיק, פעברואר 13 בייַ די סאַנדז בעטהלעהעם געשעעניש צענטער.

שוין מודיע זענען געווען צוויי אַכט-קייַלעכיק גלויבנס-הויפּט געשעענישן featuring פראַנק דע אַלבאַ(22-2-2, 9 קאָס) גענומען אויף קאַרלאָס פּאַדיללאַ (16-6-1, 10 קאָס) ווי געזונט ווי מיקאַל Fox(15-0, 4 קאָס) באַטלינג ריקאַרדאָ גאַרסיאַ (14-1, 9 קאָ ס) אין אַ יבער לייטווייט באַוט.
די קאָרט איז פּראָמאָטעד דורך מלך ס פּראָמאָטיאָנס.
סינטראָן פון לייענען, פּאַ האט אַ רעקאָרד פון 39-6-3 מיט 30 קאָס.
די 38 year-old Cintron is a 18 יאָר פאַכמאַן וואס וואַן זיין ערשטער 23 פייץ (20 דורך סטאַפּידזש) דורך דעפעאַטינג די לייקס פון לעאן פּירסאַן (9-1-1), האט געזאגט אָואַלי (7-0), אָמאַר דאַווילאַ (12-2), יאַן מאַקקיללאָפּ (14-1), לויס ראָסאַדאָ (29-5), עליאָ אָרטיז (25-6), & טעדי ריד (22-5-1).
אויף אפריל 23, 2005, Cintron was stopped by Antonio Margarito in his bid to win the WBO Welterweight title.

Cintron scored two wins, וואָס ינקלודעד אַ 10 קייַלעכיק סטאַפּידזש איבער קאַנטענדער דוד עסטראַדאַ (18-2) איידער סטאָפּפּינג מארק סואַרעז אין זעקס-ראָונדס צו כאַפּן די יבף וועלטערווייט טיטל אויף אקטאבער 28, 2006 אין פּאַלם ביטש, פלאָרידאַ.
Cintron made two defenses of the crown which was highlighted by a two-round destruction over Walter Matthysse (26-1), איידער ווייל סטאַפּט דורך מאַרגאַריטאָ אין זייער רעמאַטטש.
Cintron then sandwiched wins over Lovemore Ndou (46-10-1), Alfredo אַנגולאָ (15-0) און דזשוליאַנאָ ראַמאָס (15-2) אַרום אַ ציען מיט סערגיאָ מאַרטינעז (44-1-1) איידער דראַפּינג פיגהץ מיט וועלט טשאַמפּיאָנס Paul ווילליאַמס און קאַרלאָס מאַלינאַ.
אין זיין לעצט באַוט, סינטראָן איז געווען סטאַפּט אין פינף קייַלעכיק דורך Tyrone ברונסאָן.
די “פיללי קאַמף פון די יאר” קאַנדידאַט געזען סינטראָן כעזשבן צוויי קנאָקקדאָוונס אין קייַלעכיק פיר, אָבער ברונסאָן געקומען צוריק צו פאַלן סינטראָן דרייַ מאָל אין קייַלעכיק פינף.
This is a fight to comeback to get back where I need to be. After the Brunson fight, it was back to the drawing board. this fight will start to get me back to the top one more time,” האט געזאגט סינטראָן.
“אין סאָסאַ, איך איז געווען אַ בראָדקאַסטער פֿאַר זייַן לעצטע קאַמף, און אין די קורץ קאַמף, I did not see anything special. I been working hard, און געטינג גוט צוגעגרייט און איך וועט זיין גרייט צו קעמפן.”
סינטראָן ווייסט מיט אַ שטאַרק ווייַזונג און זיין פאַכמאַן נעמענ זיכ ווידער, אַז ער קענען באַקומען אין אַ גרויס קאַמף, און סינטראָן האט עמעצער אין גייַסט.
“איך זען אַז אַמיר כאַן איז קומענדיק צוריק, און איך אַז איז אַ קאַמף וואָס איך ווילן.”

סאָסאַ פון פֿילאַדעלפֿיע האט אַ רעקאָרד פון 15-11-1 מיט 15 קנאָקקאָוץ.
די 31 יאָר-אַלט איז אַ זיבן יאָר פאַכמאַן וואס איז באקאנט צו נעמען אויף שפּיץ פאַרמעסט אַזאַ ווי ימאַניואַל טיילער, Ray ראָבינסאָן, טאמעס לאַמאַננאַ, און אין זיין לעצטע באַוט ווען ער איז געווען סטאַפּט דורך ונדעפעאַטעד שפּיץ-ויסקוק דזשאַראָן Ennis אויף דעצעמבער 1, 2017 אין פילאדעלפיע.
אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק באַוט, כעוויווייט קאַנטענדער דזשאָו האַנקס (22-2, 14 קאָס) פון נעוואַרק, נדזש וועט קעמפן ניק גויוואַס (14-9-2, 9 קאָס) פון טאָפּעקאַ, קאַנסאַס.
אין זעקס-קייַלעכיק באָוץ:
Colby מאַדיסאָן (5-0-1, 4 קאָס) פון אָווינגס מיללס, מארילאנד וועט קעמפן
דאַנטע סעלבי (2-3-1) פון פֿילאַדעלפֿיע אין אַ כעוויווייט באַוט.
בלייק Mansfield (5-1-1, 3 קאָס) פון בורלינגטאָן, נק וועט קעמפן דאַרריל בונטינג (3-2-2, 1 קאָ) פון אַסבורי פּאַרק, נדזש אין אַ מידדלעוועיגהט טילט.
טשיאַסע נעלסאָן (6-1, 3 קאָס) פון Mansfield, טאַקע וועט קעמפן ווינסענט דזשעננינגס (5-4-1, 4 קאָס) פון גראַנד ראַפּידס, מי אין אַ פעאַטהערוועיגהט שלאַכט.
אין פיר-קייַלעכיק באָוץ:
מיכאל קאָפפיע (1-0, 1 קאָ) וועט נעמען אויף פּראָ דעבוטינג ניקוי קלאַרק פון דזשערזי סיטי, נדזש אין אַ כעוויווייט באַוט.
Martino דזשולעס (2-0) פון אַללענטאָוון, פּאַ וועט קעמפן מאַליק לאָפטען (1-0, 1 קאָ) פון סויטלאַנד, מד אין אַ פעאַטהערוועיגהט באַוט.

וואַן סאַנטשעז (4-0, 1 קאָ) פון אַללענטאָוון, פּאַ וועט נעמען אויף סערגיאָ Aguilar (2-6, 2 קאָס) פון האָמעסטעאַד, FL אין אַ פעאַטהערוועיגהט באַוט.
טיקקעץ פֿאַר די לעבן געשעעניש, וואָס איז פּראָמאָטעד דורך מלך ס פּראָמאָטיאָנס, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $50, $75 און $100, ניט כולל אָנווענדלעך דינען טשאַרדזשאַז און טאַקסיז און ביסט אויף פאַרקויף איצט. טיקקעץ זענען בנימצא אין www.ticketmaster.com. צו באַשולדיקונג דורך טעלעפאָנירן רופן טיקיטמאַסטער בייַ (800) 745-3000.


Shohjahon Ergashev Shines While Jesse Hernandez Edges Ernesto Garza In Co-Featured Bouts


כאַפּן די ריפּליי מאָנטיק בייַ 10 פּ.ם. און/פּט אויף שאָוטיים עקסטרעם


דריקט דאָ צו אָפּלאָדירן פאָטאָס; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


VERONA, נ.י.. (Jan. 13, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields dominated previously undefeated Tori Nelson en route to a 10-round unanimous decision in the main event of שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן פרייַטיק on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino.




Shields controlled from opening to closing bell, sweeping 100-90 on all three judges’ scorecards in the first 10-round distance fight of her career. די 2012 און 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist out-landed Nelson 225-81 with her total punches, 186-70 in powers shots, and connected at a 44 percent clip with her power shots compared to just 20 percent for Nelson.




“I landed every shot that I thought possible to land,” Shields said. “She was tough, she wasn’t a pushover. She put on a good fight.”




Shields advanced to 5-0 with two knockouts in what was likely her final fight in the super middleweight division. The 22-year-old now has her sights set on the middleweight division where she will eventually target undefeated and Unified Women’s Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer, who was ringside פרייַטיק אין Verona.




“I have to drop down and see how I feel (ערשטער),” Shields said. “I think I could make 160 easy, I’m going to be bigger and stronger than any girl.




“Hammer just wants to scope. I think she’s pretty scared to be honest. She is more worried about me than I am about her. I’m going to kick Hammer’s ass. People think Hammer is more skilled than me so I can’t wait to show her that she’s not.”




האַמער, who is expected to fight in a co-featured bout on the next Shields card, was interviewed by SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood and expressed excitement to make her U.S. debut and eventually face the American champion.




“It’s a great combination me and her on the same card,” Hammer said. “I can’t wait to show the fans who Christina Hammer is. That will be the best fight ever. It will be the game-changer for female boxing. It’s our time to shine.




“I’m long-time world champion and I have more experience. I have longer reach, I’m tall, I have good footwork and better technique than her. I feel the energy, and I can’t wait to fight against her.”




The former world champion Nelson (17-1-3, 2 קאָס) became the 173rd undefeated fighter to suffer their first professional loss on שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן.




“I’m not happy because I didn’t win, but other than that I thought I executed pretty well,” said the 41-year-old Nelson. “I gave her a better fight than she was expecting.




“No disrespect to Claressa, she doesn’t have great power. She has great speed and she overwhelms you with a lot of punches. My movement threw her off like I knew it would but knowing she was the champion, I needed to just push a little bit more.”




אין די שאָבאָקס גלויבנס-שטריך, Jesse Hernandez narrowly defeated Ernesto Garza via split-decision in an action-packed fight that was scored 95-94 הערנאַנדעז, 95-93 Garza, 97-93 הערנאַנדעז.




After a close first round, Garza floored Hernandez with a flush left hand to the nose in the closing moments of the second round. Hernandez recovered, and while the middle rounds featured tremendous back-and-forth action, Hernandez seemingly had no trouble walking down Garza, who’s punches seemed to lack any real power. Garza (9-3, 5 קאָס) found a second wind and seemed to pick up the eighth and ninth rounds until Hernandez roared back in an excellent 10טה and final round that featured 178 גאַנץ פּאַנטשיז.




הערנאַנדעז (11-1, 7 קאָס) לאַנדיד 50 percent of his power punches and connected on 40 percent of his punches compared to just 28 percent for Garza, however he threw just 719 total punches compared to more than 1,000 by Garza.


“I think it should have been a unanimous decision,” Hernandez said. “I’ve always been a slow starter and I feel like I lost the first two rounds, especially with the knockdown. But I won pretty much every round after that, I maybe lost three rounds.




“I’m not completely happy with my performance. I have to control my distance and my range a little bit better. I need to go back to the gym and work on those things. Before the summer comes I hope to have another fight and I hope it’s on SHOWTIME.




“I give Garza a lot of credit for getting in the ring and knocking me down. He hung in there for 10 rounds even after I caught him with some good shots. He was able to withstand those shots, but all that said, I still think it should have been a unanimous decision.”




Garza countered that sentiment.




“I thought it was a bogus decision,” Garza said. “I don’t understand that last judge’s card. I was happy with everything that I did. I executed well and did everything I needed to do to win the fight.




“I’m really disappointed with the outcome. I felt that I won. צו מיר, I won a majority of the rounds and I knocked him down. I know knocking your opponent down usually leads to you winning the fight.”




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev handed Sonny Fredrickson the first loss of his career with an impressive third round TKO in the opening bout of the שאָבאָקס טעלאַקאַסט.




The win over the top-10 ranked Fredrickson extended Ergashev’s perfect record to 12-0 מיט 12 קנאָקקאָוץ.




The 26-year-old pressed the action from the beginning, negating Fredrickson’s five-inch reach advantage with a steady diet of well-timed, crisp punches. Ergashev landed a wide left to the head that stumbled Fredrickson in the opening minute of the third and continued to tee-off as his opponent wobbled against the ropes With Fredrickson (18-1, 12 קאָס) unable to defend himself and eating a series of brutal lefts, referee Benjy Esteves stepped in to stop the bout at 1:58 פון די דריט.




All of Ergashev’s 61 connects in the bout were power shots, and he connected on 77 percent of his power punches in the third and final round.




“The ref saved him,” Ergashev said. “If he let him stay on his feet any longer I would have knocked him out. He couldn’t handle my power.




“At this stage of my career, I am in the best shape of my life and the best I have felt. This is my time right now, especially because I am training with Rick (Phillips) און (Javan) צוקער (Hill Steward). That’s what leads to all of my knockout power.




“I’m ready for whatever comes next. I’m ready for more fights in the U.S., and I want to keep getting more exposure to show off my skills. I’m ready to fight anybody in America.”




פרעדריקקסאָן, who became the 172 fighter to suffer his professional loss on the prospect developmental series, suffered a jaw injury in the bout and was unavailable for comment.




פרייטיק ס tripleheader will replay on מאָנטיק, Jan. 15 בייַ 10 פּ.ם. און/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.




Barry Tompkins called the שאָבאָקס קאַמף פון רינגסידע מיט סטיוו פאַרהאָאָד און געוועזענער וועלט מייַסטער ראַול Marquez געדינט ווי מומחה אַנאַליס. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, אָדער ווערן אַ פאָכער אויף Facebook ביי www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Russian Heavyweight Apti Davtaev Remains Undefeated on Shields vs. Nelson Undercard at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Several entertaining fights highlighted the untelevised undercard for two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields defense of her WBC and IBF titles against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York tonight.
In the main supporting bout, Detroit via Kurchaloi, רוסלאַנד, heavyweight Apti Davtaev had a successful United States fighting debut by scoring a six-round unanimous decision over Philadelphia’s Garrett “די ולטימאַטע וואַרריאָר” ווילסאָן.
Wilson didn’t make it easy. Fighting out of a crouch, the heavily muscled, but much shorter Wilson came up with enough wild haymakers to make the entire fight very interesting. Davtaev appears to have a heavy right hand, which he dropped onto the hard head of Wilson often enough to earn the close, but deserved nod. Davtaev warrants credit for going to war whenever one of Wilson’s looping swings connected.
Davtaev (איצט 14-0-1, 13 קאָס) loses his perfect KO percentage, but walks away with a hard-fought victory over a foe who came to win. Wilson is now (18-14-1, 9 קאָס).
די סקאָרז זענען 58-56 from all three judges.
An accidental headbutt brought an abbreviated end to the six-round super lightweight return of Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan’s Bakhtiyar Eyubov.
In against Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 קאָס), the exciting slugger Eyubov (13-0, 11 קאָס) was advancing behind active head movement and a tight shell when his head collided with the retreating Chalmers’. The cut that resulted was ruled too severe and the fight was ruled a No Decision at 1:59 פון די עפענונג קייַלעכיק.
In a wild women’s light heavyweight brawl featuring fists flying from every direction, wrestling holds and several MMA-style takedowns, FranchonThe Heavy Hitting DivaCrews-Dezurn won a unanimous six-round decision over TiffanyThe TerminatorWoodard.
Crews-Dezurn, איצט 3-1, 1 קאָ, פון באַלטימאָרע, מאַרילאַנד, had too many weapons for Wilson, North Carolina’s Woodard (איצט 4-10-3, 3 קאָס), so Woodard tried and succeeded to make things ugly. What followed was a wild punch-out featuring elbows and headlocks and takedowns that left both on the canvas more than once.
Woodard took a lot of hard leather and deserves credit for her toughness. Crews-Dezurn showed class in not taking the bait for most of the fight. She did lose a point in the sixth for a sneaky revenge takedown.
די סקאָרז זענען 59-53, 59-54 און 59-54.
Detroit via Magnitogorsk, Russia’s Alexey Zubov outworked a determined Lamont “אויך גלאַט” Capers of Hawley, Pennsylvania, on his way to a six-round majority decision.
An entertaining fight between hard-nosed cruiserweights, Zubov was cut over the right eye and took some good punches, but simply outworked the more selective Capers. Zubov showed his often-superior conditioning and worked behind an educated jab, while Capers was content to lay on the ropes and land hard pot shots often enough to keep it interesting.
A score of 57-57 draw was over-ruled by scores 59-56 און 58-56 for the tough Russian. מיט די נצחון, Zubov moves his record to 17-1, 9 קאָס. Capers falls to 8-11-3.


לעבן אין 10 פּ.ם. און/PT from Turning Stone Resort Casino

“I’m going to go after her in the first round and get her out of there.” – Claressa Shields



“I’m going to shock the world.” – Tori Nelson



דריקט דאָ To Download Weigh-In Photos; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME




VERONA, נ.י.. (Jan. 11, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields and undefeated IBF mandatory challenger Tori Nelson made weight אויף דאנערשטיג for their 10-round WBC and IBF Super Middleweight World Championship showdownמאָרגן/פרייַטיק, יאַנואַר 12 אין די הויפּט געשעעניש פון שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10 פּ.ם. און/פּט) פון טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, נ.י..




The 22-year-old two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields (4-0, 2 קאָס) will face her second consecutive undefeated opponent in the former world champion Nelson (17-0-3, 2 קאָס).




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 קאָס) will meet fellow unbeaten and top-10 ranked סאַני פרעדריקקסאָן (18-0, 12 קאָס), פון Toledo, אָהיאָ, in the telecast opener. The 26-year-old Ergashev, a former six-year member of the Uzbek national team, and the current WBA No. 9 ranked Fredrickson will contest an eight-round super lightweight bout.




אין די גלויבנס-שטריך פון דעם שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן טריפּלעהעאַדער, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 קאָס), who is coming off consecutive victories over undefeated opponents, will take on former National Golden Gloves Gold Medalist Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 קאָס; 1-3 ווסב) in a 10-round super bantamweight bout between two all-action fighters.




טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, are currently on sale for $75 for the first two rows of ringside, $65 for remaining ringside seats and all others priced at $49 און $37, plus any applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased in person or by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 800.771.7711 אָדער אָנליין בייַ טיקקעטמאַסטער.



באַאַמטער ווייץ:



Claressa Shields vs. Tori Nelson – 10-round WBC and IBF Super Middleweight World Title Bout



שיעלדס: 167 פונט


נעלסאָן: 164 ¾ מנים



Jesse Hernandez vs. Ernesto Garza – 10-round Super Bantamweight Bout


הערנאַנדעז: 122 ½ פונט


Garza: 122 ½ פונט




Shohjahon Ergashev vs. Sonny Fredrickson – Eight-round Super Lightweight Bout


Ergashev: 140 פונט


פרעדריקקסאָן: 141 פונט


לעצט קוואָטעס:






“Tori brings a lot more aggression, a lot more fight than a lot of my previous opponents. אויף פּאַפּיר, she has the best resume of any opponent I’ve faced and can put up a better fight.




“Everybody underestimates me because of my size. My frame looks like I’m a 140 but really I’m a 168. Everyone goes into a fight thinking they can win, but once that right hand lands everything changes. I’m going to go after her in the first round and get her out of there like Nikki Adler.




“I expect my opponent to apply pressure, and to use some dirty tactics. She has more experience, but not that much when you speak of her amateur experience.




“She’s confident and she believes in herself. She thinks I haven’t earned my place yet. She doesn’t think I throw hard punches. Speed is power. She doesn’t get that.




“This has been a hard camp, I really pushed myself. I usually do six weeks, this time I did eight weeks. I hadn’t fought since August so I wanted to give myself an extra two weeks so I knew I was in perfect shape.




“There’s no doubt that I start the year with a win, but I see this as a competitive fight. I’m going to have to earn the win but I believe I can KO her by the sixth, seventh round.”







“I know I’m the underdog, but I’ve dropped nine people. She hasn’t scored one knockdown yet as a pro. When Claressa turned pro, I knew I’d have to face her eventually.




“A win is what I came for. I expect nothing different. I hope it would expose female boxing and not only open doors for me, but other female boxers coming up after me.




“I feel it’s more entertaining to watch a female fight. When women get dropped, they get right back up and go after it again. When men get knocked down, they start hiding because they don’t want to get hit again. So I think we should get paid just as much as the men.




“I’m blessed to be here, but I’m not a winner until I complete what I came here to do. And that’s win. The odds are definitely against me, but I’m going to shock the world.




“I want to take her into the deep waters. We don’t think she can beat us in a 10-round fight.




“They’re not going to give me anything. I have to be a dog and go in there and win this fight. I’ve always been aggressive. Why change anything for her?"







“I’m just trying to get closer to a title fight. Moving up the rankings is the main goal right now, and I’m on the right path. A win here in a 10-round fight would be huge for my career.




“Being an all-around fighter is something I’m working on. But you can’t become a well-rounded fighter until you get the experience and the fights and that’s what I’m working on doing right now. I want to get more rounds in and progress.




“Fighting a southpaw is not a problem for me. I can switch my stance, but it’s not something I think about or plan. It just happens naturally in a fight.




“I’ve always believed in myself, even when I took time off. I believed that I could get back into it and get to a top level. The wins over two undefeated fighters did a lot for my confidence. I knew I could do it, but it showed others I belong and that I can compete at the top level.”







“I like to bring the pressure, and he’s a pressure fighter too. We’ll see who backs up once we start throwing punches.




“I like to face fighters who come forward like him so I think everything will work for me. I plan on applying the pressure, getting him tired in the latter rounds, and taking him out.




“He tends to switch, but I think that’s when he gets off-balance. He won’t bring anything I haven’t seen before.




“I’m fighting at my natural weight class this time. My last fight on שאָבאָקס (against undefeated Jon Fernandez) I was fighting a much higher weight.




“I don’t think his height and reach will give me any issues. I’ve been working with a lot of guys in the gym who have similar size and style. We’re ready for anything.




“A win would be a great step for me and my career. All the doors would open up for us.”







“I love training here because of the fact that it’s a different atmosphere here in the States. It’s a real professional setup, I feel that my skills and my technique have gotten a lot better training here with Sugar Hill.




“I know that he is an experienced fighter. He’s undefeated and he’s coming to fight. It’s a big opportunity for both of us.




“I’m very honored to be on SHOWTIME and happy to be getting this kind of national exposure. A win would cement me as one of the best junior welterweight prospects in the world.




“I’ve gotten a lot better training at the Kronk Boxing Gym in Detroit. Last training camp was an introduction to the American style of boxing and this camp really improved my technique and tactics with the intense sparring.




"איך בין 11-0 מיט 11 קנאָקקאָוץ. I’m a puncher and I want to knock him out, but I’ve trained for the distance. I’ve trained to knock somebody out in the first round and the eighth round.




“This is a big step-up in opposition, but I’ve had over 200 amateur fights against some of the best amateur boxers in the world. I’ve beaten Olympic medalists and very accomplished amateur fighters.”







“I’ve been waiting for this exposure for a long time. I’ve been trying to get on TV for the last two or three years, so this is a huge deal for me. Hopefully a win bumps me up into the top 5 and gives me a title shot at the end of this year or the beginning of next year.




“We spar a lot with Robert (יסטער). It’s back-and-forth action. We grew up together and learn a lot from each other. I give him some pointers here and there and he does the same for me.




“I don’t know too much about my opponent. I know he’s a lefty and he has a strong punch. He’s a good match for me. He wants to keep coming forward and land big shots so I’ll be able to outbox him pretty easily.




“I don’t think nerves will be factor. I’ve fought on Andre Ward’s card, I’ve been in big fights before.




“I’m going to knock him out after the third round. I’m going to say, היי, get him out of here.




“After this fight, fans will start learning my name. I think they’ll want to see me have a shot at the 140 pound title.”




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בערי טאָמפּקינס וועט רופן די שאָבאָקס action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analyst. די יגזעקיאַטיוו פּראָדוצירער איז גארדאן האַלל מיט ריטשארד גאַוגהאַן פּראַדוסינג און ריק Phillips דיירעקטינג.




פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, אָדער ווערן אַ פאָכער אויף Facebook ביי www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Unified World Champion To Defend Titles Against Undefeated Challenger Tori Nelson Friday, Jan. 12, in Main Event On SHOWTIME



דריקט דאָ for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME



Flint, מיר. (יאַנואַר 11, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields spoke to media at a workout session in her hometown of Flint, מיטש., before she departed to Verona, נ.י.. to defend her 168-pound titles against undefeated IBF mandatory challenger Tori Nelson מאָרגן נאַכט, פרייַטיק, Jan. 12 לעבן אויף שאָוטיים.




Shields will weigh in this afternoon prior to מאָרגן נאַכט ס שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן telecast from Turning Stone Resort Casino. די טעלאַקאַסט הייבט ביי 10 פּ.ם. און/PT and features the battle of two undefeated 140-pound prospects Shohjahon Ergashev און סאַני פרעדריקקסאָן און Jesse Hernandez מאכן זיין שאָבאָקס return against Ernesto Garza.




טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, are currently on sale for $75 for the first two rows of ringside, $65 for remaining ringside seats and all others priced at $49 און $37, plus any applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased in person or by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 800.771.7711 אָדער אָנליין בייַ טיקקעטמאַסטער.




Here is what the 22-year old Shields had to say from her hometown gym, The Berston Field House:







"איך פילן גרויס. I really pushed myself this camp. It was a longer camp than usual so I’ve had ample time to get ready. Tori nelson has been doing a lot of trash talking but I’m going to show her that she may be 17-0, but she’s never fought a girl like me before.



“I may only have 4 professional fights to my name, but I have plenty of amateur experience. I’ve fought girls that are 16-0, I don’t see anywhere on her record where she’s fought an undefeated fighter of that caliber.



“I’ve prepared for this fight the same way that I always do. I haven’t done anything special. I focus on myself, not my opponents.




“In the 6th or 7th round, Nelson goes down.



“Once I beat Nelson, I do want to fight Christina Hammer, but I’m taking it one fight at a time. I’d like to fight at least one time at 154 pounds before taking on Hammer.”



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פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, אָדער ווערן אַ פאָכער אויף Facebook ביי www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.




וועגן שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן



זינט זייַן ינסעפּשאַן אין יולי 2001, די קריטיקאַלי אַקליימד שאָוטיים באַקסינג סעריע, שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן האט פיטשערד יונג טאַלאַנט מאַטשט האַרט. די שאָבאָקס פֿילאָסאָפֿיע איז צו טעלעוויסע יקסייטינג, מאַסע-וואוילגעפעלן און קאַמפּעטיטיוו שוועבעלעך בשעת פּראַוויידינג אַ פּראָווינג ערד פֿאַר גרייט פּראַספּעקץ באשלאסן צו קעמפן פֿאַר אַ וועלט טיטל. עטלעכע פון ​​די גראָוינג רשימה פון די 73 פייטערז וואס האָבן ארויס אויף שאָבאָקס און אַוואַנסירטע צו גאַרנער וועלט טיטלען כולל: ערראָל ספּענסע קינג, אַנדרע קעסטקינד, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער, עריסלאַנדי לאַראַ, שאָן פּאָרטער, גערי רוססעלל קינג, לאַמאָנט פּעטערסאָן, גויללערמאָ ריגאָנדעאַוקס, נאָניטאָ דאָנאַירע, דעוואָן אלכסנדר, קאַרל פראָטש, ראבערט Guerrero, טימאטעאוס בראַדליי, דזשעסי Vargas, וואַן מאַנועל לאָפּעז, טשאַד דאָסאַן, פּאַוליע מאַליגנאַגגי, ריקי האַטטאָן, קעלי פּאַווליק, פאולוס ווילליאַמס און מער.



About Turning Stone Resort Casino



Host of the January 12 געשעעניש, Turning Stone Resort Casino is an award-winning destination resort, which continues to distinguish itself as a premier venue for fight-of-the-year level boxing. The January event will mark Turning Stone’s 24th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a leading destination for nationally-televised combat sports. Turning Stone features world-class amenities including four hotels, מער ווי 20 signature restaurants and dining options, two spas, an all-new 125,000 square foot Las Vegas style gaming floor, a cabaret-style Showroom, אַ 5,000 seat arena, five golf courses, several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues with live entertainment every weekend.

Russian Heavyweight Crusher Apti Davtaev Looking to Impress in his American Debut This Friday at Turning Stone Resort Casino

Undefeated heavyweight KO artist Apti Davtaev will make his long-awaited American debut דעם פרייטיק night on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” שיעלדס (4-0, 2 קאָס) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 קאָס) בייַ די טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, ניו יארק.

A recent signing of Salita Promotions, Davtaev (13-0-1, 13 קאָס), from Kurchaloi, רוסלאַנד, will take on Philadelphia-based veteran Garrett “די ולטימאַטע וואַרריאָר” ווילסאָן (18-13-1, 9 קאָס) in an eight-round showcase.
Standing an imposing 6 ‘5and already having won the WBC Slovenian title in just his tenth pro fight, Davtaev moved from his training base in Grozny to Detroit to work with well-respected Javan SugarHill Steward at the Kronk Gym.
I loved training in Detroit with SugarHill Steward,” said Davtaev. “I feel my skills are going to a new level and I look forward to showing them off on January 12. I know Wilson is experienced and has fought some very good fighters, but I am in great shape and ready to put on a show!”
Not looking to waste any time, the 28-year-old Davtaev says he’ll be looking fornamesin the big man’s division of boxing after this fight.
My goals are to stay active and fight the better names in the division this year,” ער האט. “I look forward to showing the boxing fans my skills and challenging the big names. The fans in New York can expect to see a new contender in the heavyweight division.
Steward, nephew of the great Emanuel Steward and quickly building a strong reputation of his own, says that Davtaev has what it takes.
Apti is a strong, coordinated, big heavyweight who will be ready to compete very soon with the other contenders in the division. I am very impressed with his ability to learn and to transfer what he’s learned into sparring. I am excited to see Apti in action January 12 for his American debut. I expect to see an exciting knockout!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 פּ.ם. און/פּט).
Also featured on the January 12 טעלאַקאַסט, Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 קאָס) will face fellow undefeated and top-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 קאָס) פון Toledo, אָהיאָ. אין די גלויבנס-שטריך, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 קאָס) will take on Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 קאָס; 1-3 ווסב) אין אַ 10-קייַלעכיק סופּער באַנטאַמוועיגהט באַוט.

טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, are currently on sale for $75 for the first two rows of ringside, $65 for remaining ringside seats and all others priced at $49 און $37, plus any applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased in person or by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at800.771.7711 אָדער אָנליין בייַ טיקקעטמאַסטער.

פנו קאָמבאַט ספורט ווייַזן “פעסט” עדי טשאַמבערס אינטערוויו

דעם וואָך טאָם, Tony and Rich catch up with Professional Boxer “פעסט” עדי טשאַמבערס. צומ באַדויערן, אַ רעקאָרדינג גליטש לינקס אונדז אָן דער ערשטער העלפט פון די בראָדקאַסט הייַנט בייַ נאַכט ווו מיר האט אַ גרויס דיסקוסיע וועגן וואָס טשאַמבערס ממלא אין זייַן קאַריערע אַזוי ווייַט. מיר האבן ראַטעווען די גאנצע עדי אינטערוויו, כאָטש. רייַך אַפּאָלאָגיזעס פֿאַר די פערט גלויבנס-באַלעבאָס (טאָם די קאַץ) פֿאַר זייַן קעסיידערדיק ינטעראַפּשאַנז אין די פרי געגאנגען. זיי געדולדיג, כאָטש, folks. דאס איז איינער פון די בעסטער ינטערוויוז מיר 'ווע באגלייט אין אַ לאַנג צייַט, און עדי איז אַ פאַקטיש קלאַס אַקט. עס איז כדאי צו די הערן און וועט מיסטאָמע זיין דער ערשטער פון פילע טשאַץ מיט טשאַמבערס מיר וועט מסתּמא האָבן אין דער צוקונפֿט.


EDDIE טשיימבערז אינטערוויו


Is USA Boxing Nationals Champion Jared Anderson America’s next great heavyweight?

קאָלאָראַדאָ ספּרינגס, קאָלאָראַדאָ (דעצעמבער 21, 2017) – Christmas came early for Jared Anderson, who not only won the heavyweight title at the recent USA Boxing National Championships, the 18-year-old also captured the Most Outstanding Boxer Award in the Elite Division.
Seeded No. 7 in an eight-boxer field at The Nationals, Anderson, in order, defeated No. 2 Jesus Flores אין די עפן קייַלעכיק, 5-0, edged No. 3 Adrian Tillman אין די סעמיפיינאַלז, 3-2, and upset five-time national champion Cam F. Awesome, 5-0, אין די טשאַמפּיאַנשיפּ לעצט.
In USA Boxing’s most recently listed heavyweight ratings (נאוועמבער. 17, 2017), Tillman and Awesome are ranked No. 1 און 2, ריספּעקטיוולי, Flores is No. 5, and Anderson is unranked.
I think that’s going to change,” Anderson noted. “Winning the heavyweight title and Most Outstanding Boxing Award meant the world to me. Maybe some people had never heard of me, but I’ve been boxing since I was eight, and I’ve faced a lot of different styles.
I had a vendetta going with Tillman and, instead of boxing, I tried to take his head off. Simple work allowed me to beat Awesome. He is a good fighter. Cam does what he wants in the ringthrows jabs, sits there and builds up pointsand intimidates some opponents. I took the fight to him. Not wild, כאָטש, because he’d have been there in the ring, calm and smiling, and I would have lost. I used my jab more than anything against him.
One of 11 siblings in two households, Anderson is another USA Boxing success story. Growing up in Toledo, אָהיאָ, Anderson was constantly getting into trouble in school and boxing eventually saved him. His mother convinced her son to meet a local boxing coach, who introduced Jared to boxing, drilling discipline into him, something Jared desperately needed at that point in his young life.
Boxing in Toledo has also aided his overall development in boxing. “We push each other,” Anderson explained. “We support each other and perfect our crafts. There’s a lot of support here at all the gyms in Toledo.
Anderson represented Team USA at this past August’s 2017 Bradenburg Cup in Frankfurt, דייַטשלאַנד, at which Anderson won the heavyweight title, as well as the Most Outstanding Boxer Award, which should have been a warning for other leading U.S. כעוויווייץ.
As a young boxer, Anderson admired three legends who were all products of USA Boxing, יוז. Olympians and Olympic medal winners: 1. צוקער Ray לעאָנאַרד – “פעסט הענט, גיכקייַט, a phenomenal boxer.” 2. עוואַנדער האָליפיעלד – “A warrior who could bang or box. Moved up successfully from cruiserweight to heavyweight.” 3.מוכאַמאַד עלי — “Not just because he was a great boxer, but more so because of his life.
רעכט איצט, Anderson stand 6′ 2 and weighs 200 לבס., but he’s only 18 and should continue growing even larger. לעסאָף, he wants to be heavyweight champion of the world, but Jared does have a plan.
I want to stay as active as possible next year, competing in tournaments, and turn pro but not until after the (2020) אָלימפּיקס,” Anderson concluded. “I’m not turning pro until after the (2020) אָלימפּיקס. I want to win a gold medal, turn pro and win the world heavyweight title, so I can move my mother out of the ‘hood.
Remember the name, boxing fans, Jared Anderson has the potential to be America’s next great heavyweight.
טוויטטער: @וסאַבאָקסינג
ינסטאַגראַם: @וסאַבאָקסינג
פאַסעבאָאָק: /וסאַבאָקסינג
ABOUT USA BOXING: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

עוואַנדער האָליפיעלד & Luis Collazo Ring 8’s Special Guest Speakers

דינסטיק, נאוועמבער. 21 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, ניו יאָרק
נייַ יארק (נאָוועמבער 15, 2017)) – האַלל פון פאַמער Evander “פאַקטיש דיל” Holyfield and former world welterweight champion לויס קאָללאַזאָ will be special guest speakers at Ring 8’s next monthly meeting,דינסטיק נאַכט, נאָוועמבער 21, at O’Neill’s Restaurant (64-21 53רד Drive) in Maspeth, ניו יארק,
Because a large crowd is expected, only Ring 8 members will be allowed to attend this meeting, but membership may be obtained at the door for those interested in joining Ring 8.
Evander Holyfield is one of the few living legends in our sport,” רינג 8 פּרעזידענט דזשאַק הירש האט. “אַזוי, you can imagine how thrilled we are to have him as a guest speaker. We had planned to present Holyfield with the Ring 8 Legends Award at our holiday banquet, but a lucrative business opportunity will prohibit him from being there that afternoon. אַנשטאָט, we will present him with that award at O’Neil’s. It says a lot about Evander that he adjusted his schedule to remain in New York to attend our meeting.
Luis Collazo is a terrific fighter in his own right, having been a former world champion. His career seems to be on an upswing once again and we are anxious to hear about his future plans.
Holyfield has retired as a boxer with an outstanding 44-10-2 (29 קאָס), but this past year he has operated a New York City-based promotional company, Real Deal Boxing. A U.S. אָלימפּיאַן, Holyfield is the only unified world cruiserweight champion, as well as a four-time heavyweight champion of the world.
He had a 16-7-2 record in world title fights and won 19 פון 30 fights with two draws against past or present world champions, defeating a Who’s Who list of all-time greats such as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, דזשארזש Foreman, לערי האָלמעס, רידדיקק באָו און מייק טיסאָן (צוויי מאָל), צווישן די מער נאָוטאַבאַלז.
Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of Queens, קאָללאַזאָ (37-7. 20 קאָס) captured the World Boxing Association (וובאַ) welterweight world title on April 2, 2005, winning a 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and defending champion דזשאָסע אַנטאָניאָ ריוועראַ אין Worcester, מאַססאַטשוסעטץ.
The 26-year-old Collazo, who has also defeated world champions Miguel Angel Gonzalez און וויקטאָר אָרטיז, remains a world title contender having upset 21-1 Sammy וואַסקעז in his last action by way of a sixth-round knockout last February.
וועגן קלינגען 8: רינג 8 געווארן די אַכט סאַבסידיערי פון וואָס איז געווען דעמאָלט באַוווסט ווי דער נאַציאָנאַלער וועטעראַן באָקסערס אַססאָסיאַטיאָן – פונ דאַנעט, קלינגען 8 – און הייַנט די אָרגאַניזאַציע ס דעוויז בלייבט: באָקסערס העלפּינג באָקסערס.
קלינגען 8 איז גאָר באגאנגען צו סופּפּאָרטינג ווייניקער מאַזלדיק מענטשן אין דער באַקסינג קהל וואס זאל דאַרפן הילף אין טערמינען פון פּייינג דינגען, מעדיציניש הוצאות, אָדער וועלכער דזשוסטיפיאַבלע דאַרפֿן.
גיין אויף שורה צו www.Ring8ny.com פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן קלינגען 8, די גרעסטע גרופּע פון ​​זייַן מין אין די פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן מיט מער ווי 350 מיטגלידער. אַננואַל מיטגלידערשאַפֿט דועס איז בלויז $30.00 און יעדער מיטגליד איז ענטייטאַלד צו אַ באַפיי מיטאָג בייַ קלינגען 8 כוידעשלעך מיטינגז, עקסקלודינג יולי און אויגוסט. כל אַקטיוו באָקסערס, ליבהאָבער און פאַכמאַן, מיט אַ קראַנט באַקסינג דערלויבעניש אָדער בוך זענען ענטייטאַלד צו אַ פּאָזיטיוו קלינגען 8 יאָריק מיטגלידערשאַפֿט. געסט פון רינג 8 מיטגלידער זענען באַגריסונג בייַ אַ פּרייַז פון בלויז $7.00 פּער מענטש.

Prince Ranch Boxing Partners up with Pro Fighter Group to Assist in Helping Guide the Career of WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder

פאָטאָ קרעדיט – Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
לאַס וועגאַס, נוו (נאָוועמבער 8, 2017)פּרינס ראַנטש באָקסינג (PRB) is happy to announce that they have partnered up with Pro Fighter Group (PFG), the management company that guides the career of undefeated WBC Heavyweight Champion, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער (39-0, 38 קאָס). PRB will work closely with PFG as Wilder takes his career to new heights.
Deontay Wilder is one of the best heavyweight champions America has seen in decades,” האט גרעג האַננעלי, president of Prince Ranch Boxing. “Here at Prince Ranch Boxing, our goal is to associate ourselves with the best people in the sport, and the folks at Pro Fighter Group are wonderful to work with. It’s an honor to be allied with such a tremendous fighter like Wilder
After his stunning first round knockout against גאָלד קאַפּ (25-3-1, 21 קאָס), Wilder was adamant about his quest to fight Anthony Joshua (20-0, 20 קאָס), who holds the WBA, IBF and IBO belts, and unify the titles.