Tag Archives: smagsvars


WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder and lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury announced sestdien that they have agreed to a heavyweight showdown later this year. The announcement was made in Belfast immediately following’s the undefeated Fury’s shutout decision of Francesco Pianeta. VIDEO:https://s.sho.com/2vVYtlj

Wilder vs. Dusmas, a 12-round matchup for Wilder’s WBC Heavyweight World Championship, will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. A date and venue for the event will be announced shortly.

The 6-foot-7 Wilder is 40-0 ar 39 knockouts and American’s only heavyweight champion since 2007. The 6-foot-9 Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO Champion who has never been defeated in 27 profesionālās cīņas.



SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. Par SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook Un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 16, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju čempions Karls Framptons un neuzvarētais austrāliešu pretendents Lūks Džeksons ceturtdien Belfāstā stājās pretī pēdējai preses konferencē, kurā sestdien no Vindzoras parka atklāja savu pusspēļu kārtu.. Framptona pirmā WBO pagaidu jostas aizsardzība, kuru viņš ieguva aprīlī, tiešraidē tiks pārraidīta tikai uz ASV. auditoriju SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. PT. SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Gaidāms 25,000 fani Framptonas dzimtajā pilsētā būs liecinieki pirmajam boksa notikumam Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās. Atklāšanas cīkstēšanās, bijušais IBF, FBA otrajā atgriešanās cīņā pēc divarpus gadu atlaišanas WBA un WBO pasaules čempions smagajā svarā Taisons Fjūrijs sacentīsies ar divkārtējo smagsvaru titula izaicinātāju Frančesko Pianetu..




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Belfāstas, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta.




Lūk, ko cīnītāji bija teikuši Vindzoras parkā, sestdienas cīņas vieta, ceturtdien:


Carl Frampton



“Tas ir sapnis. Drīz būs realitāte cīnīties Vindzoras parkā manas kaislīgās fanu bāzes priekšā. Tas ir īpašs ne tikai man, bet arī pilsētai. Visi par to runā, un pilsētā valda kņada.




"Esmu tam gatavs. Esmu redzējis dažas lietas, ko Lūks ir teicis, un es patiesi visu šo nometni neesmu viņu vērojis. Visu cieņu, tas ir vairāk nekā Lūks Džeksons. Tas ir par mani Vindzoras parkā, un es esmu ļoti smagi trenējies. Es esmu labāks nekā biju pret Nonito Donaire.




“Es zinu diezgan daudz par Lūku. WBO viņu ļoti augstu vērtē, Es domāju, ka viņš ir stabils profesionālis. Es vienkārši uzskatu, ka esmu citā līmenī. Nav svarīgi, ko kāds saka, viss, kas notiek naktī, ir vissvarīgākais. Tas viss ir par to, kam nakts beigās tiek pacelta roka, un es uzskatu, ka tas būšu es.




“Tā kā esmu apvienojusies ar Džeimiju un viņa komandu, Es jūtos kā cits cilvēks. Es vēlētos, lai es to būtu darījis pirms gadiem. Es tagad esmu tik laimīgs, un es izbaudu boksu, un esmu gatavs uzstāties ar lielu sniegumu.




“Cilvēki man jautā (Izzobot) Varingtons un (Oscar) Valdez, tāpēc es tos pieminu, un tās ir cīņas, kuras es vēlos, bet Lūks Džeksons ir vienīgais puisis, kurš man ir domājis visu šo treniņnometni. ”


Džeimijs Mūrs, Framptona treneris



“Karls Framptons ir pilnīgs profesionālis. Acīmredzot, mēs gribējām lielu apvienošanās cīņu, bet tas vienkārši nebija iespējams. Tas, ko jūs esat sapratis, ir tas, ka tas jau ilgu laiku bija Karla sapnis, un nav svarīgi, kurš atrodas pretējā stūrī. Es saprotu, kāpēc Lūka Džeksona nometne cer, ka mēs viņu ignorējam, jo ​​tikai tā viņi var iegūt jebkādu pārliecību. Tā vienkārši nav. Statistika liecina, ka viņš ir 10 procentiem piemērotāks nekā viņš bija, kad viņš cīnījās (Nonito) Donērs.




“Karls ir labākajos gados. Bokss nav saistīts tikai ar jūsu tehniku ​​vai fizisko sagatavotību, tas ir šo divu lietu un jūsu mentalitātes apvienojums. Viņš joprojām pilnveidojas, kas ir tikai biedējoša doma. ”

Lūks Džeksons



"Sākumā, Es domāju, ka Karls mani mazliet pameta, bet es domāju, ka viņš saprot, kas ir uz spēles, un, ja viņš zaudē man, viņa karjera ir diezgan daudz beigusies.




"Mēs esam trenējušies ārkārtīgi smagi un gudri šajā nometnē, un es esmu pavadījis daudz vairāk laika kopā ar Billiju Huseinu nekā parasti. Man ir jāizcīna perfekta cīņa, un es ticu, ka es to varu.




"Pasaules tituls man būtu reāls" Rocky "stāsts. Es esmu cēlies no nekā, un manā dzīvē ir daudz jātiek galā, lai nokļūtu šajā amatā. Es ļoti lepojos ar sevi, ka esmu šeit. Mans tēvs ir 67 gadus vecs, un viņš nekad nav pametis Austrālijas valsti, un tas, ka es dodu savam tēvam iemeslu lidot pusceļā, piepilda mani ar lepnumu.




"Nav pārsteigums, ka sestdien tā būs naidīga vide. Beigās dienas, Man tikko jātiek ar to galā. Esmu mēģinājis tam garīgi sagatavoties, un mums tikai jāgaida, lai redzētu, vai tas darbojas. Es esmu gatavs nosvērt un cīnīties. ”

Billijs Huseins, Džeksona treneris



“Mums ir bijusi patiešām laba treniņnometne. Karls ir lielisks cīnītājs, tāpēc ir gods būt šeit un apmācīt Luku tik masveida cīņai. Tas mums ir milzīgs, un mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā. Austrālijas bokss šobrīd ir augstā līmenī. Mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā līdzjutējiem, kuri ir atbalstījuši Luku, un ir lieliski redzēt, kā visa Austrālija aiz viņa stāv šajā cīņā.




“Visu dzīvi esmu boksējis. Esmu piedalījies vairāk nekā simts pasaules čempionu cīņās, man kā trenerim tas nav nekas jauns, tāpēc es varu vadīt Lūku šajā visā. Viņš ir galvenais profesionālis un dara visu pareizi. Viņa treniņnometne vairāk bija domāta gudrībai, un es uzskatu, ka Karls Framptons vēro skatu uz Luku un gaida Warrington cīņu. Tikai pirms divām nedēļām viņi būvēja (Sergey) Kovaļovs cīnīties (Dmitrijs) Bivols un viņš tika piekauti, un es ticu, ka mēs darīsim to pašu. ”


Frenks Vorens



“Lūks šeit nenāk tikai ekskursijas dēļ, viņš patiešām iecienījis šo darbu. Tā ir lieliska iespēja sarūgtināt Kārli un nostādīt sevi pozīcijā vēl lielākām cīņām. Bet Karls ir īsts profesionālis, un dienas beigās viņš zina, kas šeit ir uz spēles. Viņš vēlas sniegt paziņojumu un nostāties pozīcijā iespējamai apvienošanās cīņai. Nav noslēpums, ka šeit ierodas Džošs Vāringtons - šīs cīņas uzvarētājam var notikt lielas lietas. ”




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, abonēt SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls, sekojiet Twitter vietnē @ShowtimeBoxing vai kļūstiet par ventilatoru vietnē Facebook vietnē www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums CBS Corporation, pieder un darbojas premium televīzijas tīklus Showtime®, MOVIE CHANNEL un Flix®, kā arī piedāvā Showtime On Demand®, MOVIE CHANNEL Pēc pieprasījuma, un Flix On Demand®, un ekspertu tīkla autentifikācijas pakalpojumu Showtime Anytime®. Showtime Digital Inc., pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums sni, darbojas stand-alone straumēšanas pakalpojumu Showtime®. SHOWTIME abonentiem pašlaik ir pieejams, izmantojot kabeli, DBS un telekomu sniedzēji, un kā atsevišķu straumēšanas pakalpojumu, izmantojot Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG viedie televizori, Oculus Go, Gads®, Samsung un Xbox One. Patērētāji var arī abonēt SHOWTIME, izmantojot Amazon Prime video kanālus, DirecTV Tagad, FuboTV, Hulu, Sling TV, Sony PlayStation Skats, un YouTube TV. SNI pārvalda arī Smitsona Networks, kopuzņēmums starp sni un Smitsona institūta, kas piedāvā Smithsonian Channel, un piedāvā Smithsonian Zemicaur SN Digital LLC. SNI pārdod un izplata sporta un izklaides notikumi izstādē abonentiem pamatojoties caur Showtime PPV pay-per-view. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, doties uz www.SHO.com.

Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Undefeated Canadian Heavyweight Champion Mladen ‘Monster’ Miljas to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen of Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of Canadian Heavyweight Champion Mladen “Monster” Miljas to a promotional contract.




Undefeated Miljas, a perfect 8-0, 8 Kos, stands an impressive 6’ 6” and weighs in around 240 lbs. The 25-year-old Mississauga, Ontario, native won the Canadian title last December with an upset two-round stoppage of long-time champion Dillon Carman.




Cohen, a well-established promoter in the sport, has worked with several world champions and gained a reputation for finding hidden gems like Miljas in boxing’s less-travelled areas.




“It feels great to sign with a real promoter,” said Miljas. “For a long time, I didn’t have anyone arranging my fights, so it feels really good having someone on my team now. I’d like to be active and fight every month if I can.”




Having had just 20 amatieru cīņas (17-3) and eight pro fights, Miljas is still a work in progress, despite being national champion in a country that has produced several world champions including Matthew Hilton, Donny Lalonde and George Chuvalo. Canada is also where several other champions learned to box, including Arturo Gatti and Lennox Lewis.




“I did martial arts, starting when I was four and got in a lot of fights as a kid, so it comes naturally,” he explained. “I’ve always been a hard puncher. I was that kid nobody wanted to play sports with because I played too rough. I don’t have too much in-ring experience, so I’m still learning in every fight. I get better and better, so I want to learn as much as I can in the ring and get in with a good variety of opponents.”




Cohen says he’s impressed by Miljas’ accomplishment already and sees tremendous potential in a fighter that big who can punch.




“Mladen is working hard every day to reach his full potential,” said Greg Cohen. “He’s a giant with unbelievable power and a natural gift for fighting. For a fighter with less than 30 fights in his life to take out the Canadian champ of the last four years in under two rounds, that is an amazing achievement. We are going to keep him fighting as regularly as possible and help him develop into a new force in the division. Mladen has all the gifts you need.”




“It felt amazing,” said Miljas of winning the championship. “It shows you I’m on the right track so far. I like to put myself in the underdog position. It’s good when you can overcome adversity. I like proving people wrong. Everyone expects you to lose and you go out there and win it anyway. I want to win bigger and better titles now. I want world titles now!"



SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. par SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook unSHOWTIME Sports YouTube

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 15, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju čempions Karls Framptons un smagās svara smagsvara čempions Taisons Fjūrijs publiski un plašsaziņas līdzekļu priekšā pēdējo reizi strādāja pirms attiecīgajiem šīs sestdienas mačiem., Augusts 18 dzīvo no Belfāstas, Ziemeļīrija SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls. Framptona pretinieks par WBO pagaidu svara svara titulu, nepārspēts Austrālijas pretendents Lūks Džeksons, un Frančesko Pianeta, Fjūrija sāncensis savā otrajā atgriešanās cīņā, strādāja arī trešdien tirdzniecības centrā Castle Court Belfāstā.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Vindzoras parka Belfāstā, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30 p.m. UN. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta. SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Sestdien, aptuveni 30,000 Paredzams, ka fani redzēs pirmo boksa notikumu Vindzoras parkā, āra stadions un Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājvieta.




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, abonēt SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls, sekojiet Twitter vietnē @ShowtimeBoxing vai kļūstiet par ventilatoru vietnē Facebook vietnē www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums CBS Corporation, pieder un darbojas premium televīzijas tīklus Showtime®, MOVIE CHANNEL un Flix®, kā arī piedāvā Showtime On Demand®, MOVIE CHANNEL Pēc pieprasījuma, un Flix On Demand®, un ekspertu tīkla autentifikācijas pakalpojumu Showtime Anytime®. Showtime Digital Inc., pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums sni, darbojas stand-alone straumēšanas pakalpojumu Showtime®. SHOWTIME abonentiem pašlaik ir pieejams, izmantojot kabeli, DBS un telekomu sniedzēji, un kā atsevišķu straumēšanas pakalpojumu, izmantojot Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG viedie televizori, Oculus Go, Gads®, Samsung un Xbox One. Patērētāji var arī abonēt SHOWTIME, izmantojot Amazon Prime video kanālus, DirecTV Tagad, FuboTV, Hulu, Sling TV, Sony PlayStation Skats, un YouTube TV. SNI pārvalda arī Smitsona Networks, kopuzņēmums starp sni un Smitsona institūta, kas piedāvā Smithsonian Channel, un piedāvā Smithsonian Zemicaur SN Digital LLC. SNI pārdod un izplata sporta un izklaides notikumi izstādē abonentiem pamatojoties caur Showtime PPV pay-per-view. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, doties uz www.SHO.com.



BELFAST (Augusts 14, 2018) - Lineal smagsvaru čempions Taisons Fjūrijs un bijušais divkārtējais smagā svara titula izaicinātājs Frančesko Pianeta otrdien stājās pretī Belfāstā pēdējās preses konferences laikā par savu 10 raundu smagsvaru cīņu šo sestdien no Vindzoras parka. Bijusī vienotā čempiona otrā atgriešanās cīņa tiešraidē notiks tikai ASV. auditoriju SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. PT (lūdzu, atzīmējiet jauno sākuma laiku). SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Dusmas vs. Pianeta kalpos kā galvenais atbalsts Kārļa Framptona pagaidu aizsardzībai pret spalvu svarā pret nezaudēto pretendentu Luku Džeksonu laukumā Vindzoras parkā., kur gaidīts 30,000 fani būs liecinieki pirmajam boksa notikumam Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Belfāstas, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta.




Bijušais IBF, WBA un WBO čempions Fjūrijs (26-0, 19 Kos) jūnijā atgriezās ringā un otro reizi cīnīsies mazāk nekā 75 dienas pēc gandrīz trīs gadus ilgas atlaišanas. Pirms viņa pagarinātā pārtraukuma, 6 pēdas 9 gadus vecais Fjūrijs kļuva par pasaules labāko bokseri smagajā svarā, kļūstot par pirmo cilvēku, kurš vairāk nekā vairāk nekā divus gadus uzvarēja Vladimiru Kļičko. 11 gadiem.




Planēta (35-4-1, 21 Kos), 6 pēdu 5 dienvidķepas, kas cīnās no Vācijas, divas reizes ir cīnījies par pasaules čempiona titulu smagajā svarā. Gadā Pianeta stājās pretī apvienotajam čempionam Vladimiram Kļičko 2013 gadā zaudēja, pretendējot uz sekundāro titulu pret Ruslanu Čagajevu 2015.




Lūk, ko kaujinieki teica otrdien Belfāstas viesnīcā Europa:


Tyson Fury

“Vecā Taisona Fjūrija vairs nav. Tyson Fury pirms trim gadiem un vēlāk ir pabeigts. Atzīsim, mēs visi ejam uz priekšu dzīvē ar vecumu un pieredzi, un es nevēlos kavēties pagātnē. Es vēlos dzīvot šodienai un uzlabot to, kas esmu rīt. Tagad ir klāt jaunais Taisons Fjūrijs, un mans solījums ir kārtīgi cīnīties. Vai tas ir labāk vai sliktāk nekā vecais Taisons Fjūrijs, uzzināsim sestdienas vakarā.




“Tas, ko jūs, iespējams, no manis redzēsit sestdien, ir smagsvars Cukurs Rejs Leonards. Viss mazāk ir neveiksme.




“Es vēlos vēlreiz izcīnīt pasaules čempiona titulu, tāpēc man ir jāpaaugstina sava spēle. Gandrīz trīs gadus esmu ārpus gredzena. Tā ir kalna cīņa, lai zaudētu zaudēto svaru. Tas ir bijis izaicinājums un ilgs laiks, grūta cīņa, lai atgrieztos tur, kur esmu.




“Es pētu savus smagsvarus un zinu, ka Frančesko ir cīnījies ar dažiem ļoti labiem vīriešiem. Viņam bija ļoti labs uzvaras gājiens, viņš bija 28-0 kad viņš cīnījās ar Kļičko. Es nenovērtēju par zemu Frančesko. Es zinu, ka viņš ir ļoti liels, spēcīgs puisis, un viņš zina, ja uzvarēs šajā cīņā, tad varēs turpināt cīņu (Deontay) Vailders manā vietā. Tas viss ir jāspēlē.




“Boksā smagajā svarā, ja uz desmit sekundēm novērsīsit skatienu no mērķa, jūs vairs nebūsit. Es zinu, ko gaidīt, Es sagaidu, ka viņš atnesīs savu spēli “A”, un viņš mēģinās mani izsist, jo to viņi visi dara. Cerams, viņam neveicas, un mēs rīkojam lielisku šovu un izklaidējam līdzjutējus.




“Ja es nākšu tam cauri, tad Vailderam ir iespēja cīnīties ar mani par līnijas čempionātu. Es neesmu tas, kurš saņem iespēju cīnīties ar viņu. Atzīsim, viņš nav īsti cīnījies ne ar vienu. Viņš ir 40 cīnās, un tas ir tas, kas tas ir. Mēs vispār neesam šeit, lai runātu par Vailderu. Tikpat labi nākotnē tas var būt miljons gadu, Man ir jākoncentrējas uz šo vīrieti manā priekšā. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka viņš vēlas man atņemt manu slavu.




"Es esmu upurējis visus pareizos upurus. Es ļoti labi trenējos, ēda pareizi, es labi gulēju, un man bija četri vai pieci sparinga partneri, kuri visi bija dienvidu ķepas. Ja es daru to, ko domāju, ka varu, tad es atstāšu iespaidu, sarīkot labu šovu un uzvarēt cīņā. Ja es nedaru to, ko domāju, ka varu darīt, tad es saņemšu žņaugu apmēram pēc desmit sekundēm, un tā būs, "Tiekamies vēlāk Taisons Fjūrijs un sveiks Frančesko Pianeta."




“Dienvidķepas ir daudz neveiklākas, jo divīzijā to ir mazāk. Jūs nesaņemat pārāk daudz darba ar dienvidu ķepām, izņemot gadījumus, kad cīnāties ar viņiem. Ir grūti panākt, lai dienvidu ķepas trenētos, jo visā pasaulē nav daudz smagsvara dienvidķepu. Bet man ir viens interesants fakts, katru dienvidķepu amatieri vai profesionāli, ar kuru esmu saskāries, esmu izsitis. Tas nav labi Frančesko.




“Būt divkārtējam smagā svara čempionam ir labi. Tas nav lieliski, jo ir bijis daudz. Būt trīskārtējam smagā svara čempionam, tas ir darīts agrāk. Tāpēc es domāju, ka vēlos radīt precedentu kļūt par pieckārtēju smagā svara čempionu, nezaudējot cīņu. Tas ir mans mērķis. Es vienmēr tiecos uz zvaigznēm un izvirzu lielus mērķus.




“Ja es varu sestdienas vakarā pārspēt Frančesko Pianetu, Esmu uzvarējis citu bokseri. Liels darījums. Bet ja viņš mani sita, viņš gatavojas kaut kam ļoti lielam. Viņam tas mainītu dzīvi. Es nevaru pārspēt Frančesko, tad es nekur neiešu.




"Es domāju, ka esmu lielākais smagsvars, kāds jebkad piedzimis, tāpēc man vajadzētu rīkoties ar Frančesko Pianetu. Un kurš cits ir ārā, Deontay Wilder, Anthony Joshua, visi bomži tur.




“Ir ļoti viegli atgūt visas jostas. Man jāpārvar tikai divi bomži, būtībā. Vailders un Džošua, un viss. Viņiem abiem nav smadzeņu šūnu, tāpēc tādam lieliskam bokserim kā man nevajadzētu būt pārāk grūti. ”


Bens Deivisons, Fjūrija treneris



“Ar Taisonu viss ir kārtībā. Labi, ka viņš atkal iekļūst ringā. Kopš pēdējās cīņas tas ir labs progress, un viss ir ideāli. Mēs esam gatavi sestdienas vakaram. No šī brīža jūs nevarat darīt neko vairāk.




"Kopš pēdējās cīņas viņš ir zaudējis daudz svara. Man, jūs varat sasniegt tikai noteiktu fiziskās sagatavotības līmeni, un Taisons jebkurā gadījumā darbojas ar diviem ļoti labiem dzinējiem. Par to nekad nav bijis satraukuma. ”


Frančesko Pianeta



"Es došu visu iespējamo un ar nepacietību gaidu cīņu. Man ir gods boksēties šādas auditorijas priekšā.




“Man ir augsts viedoklis par Taisonu. Mani ļoti pārsteidza viņa uzvara pār Kļičko, Es viņu vērtēju ļoti augstu. Viņš saka, ka ir izsitis katru dienvidu, ar kuru viņš jebkad ir saskāries, bet mēs redzēsim, vai viņš to var izdarīt sestdienas vakarā. ”




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Top Welterweight Contender Yordenis Ugas Faces Argentina’s Cesar Barrionuevo in 147-Pound Title Eliminator & Unbeaten Polish Heavyweight Adam Kownacki Meets Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader

Sestdiena, Septembris 8 no Barclays Center Brooklyn &
Iesniedza Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (Augusts 1, 2018) – Top 147-pound contender Yordenis ugas and Argentine slugger Cesar Barrionuevo will battle in a WBC welterweight title eliminator while unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki will face former heavyweight champion Charles Martin in a 10-round attraction as part of a tripleheader live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Septembris 8 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Galvenais notikums (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) will pit two of the division’s biggest names against each other as former 147-pound champions Danny “Ātrs” Garcia un “Showtime” Shawn Porter square off for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship. The winner of Ugas vs. Barrionuevo earns the WBC’s second mandatory position to the winner of Garcia vs. Valkāt.




Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, in association with DSG Promotions, sākas $50 un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, vai zvanot 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupu atlaides ir pieejamas, zvanot 844-BKLYN-GP.


ugas (22-3, 11 Kos), kurš dzimis Kubā, un tagad dzīvo Lasvegasā, is one of the busiest boxers in the sport and a consensus top-10 fighter in the welterweight division. Pēc zaudēt vienprātīgu lēmumu par Amir Imam in 2014, the 32-year-old Ugas took a year off from boxing, moved up to 147 pounds and came back on a tear. 12 mēnešu posmā no augusta laikā 2016 līdz augustam 2017, Ugas uzvarēja piecus taisni cīņas, klauvē pie top sāncenšiem un perspektīvas, tostarp Jamal James, Bryant Perrella, Levan Ghvamichava, Thomas Dulorme un Nelson Lara. Ugas has added two more stoppage victories in 2018, including February on SHOWTIME when he handed Ray Robinson his first defeat since a 2010 decision to Shawn Porter.




I’m very excited to be part of such a great card,” Ugas said. “This is a huge opportunity to put myself in position to fight the best fighters in the welterweight division and that’s my goal. Es nezinu daudz par manu pretinieku, but he is a power punching Argentine and I have to be 100 percent ready come September 8. This will be my second appearance on SHOWTIME


CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and I look forward to making another huge statement. I’m going to close the show in New York like my friend, Yankeescloser Aroldis Chapman.


Barrionuevo (34-3-2, 24 Kos) has devastating one-punch power and is wildly popular in his native Argentina, where he has held regional titles while stopping seven of his last nine opponents. Barrionuevo will make his U.S. debut on September 8. The 29-year-old has won 10 fights in a row and has only lost once since 2010 as he looks to follow in the footsteps of Marcos Maidana and Lucas Matthysse, elite welterweights from Argentina. Barrionuevo, kas ir ierindota Nē. 6 ar WBC pie 147 mārciņas, was previously scheduled to face Abel Ramos on Aug. 3 in Las Vegas before taking the opportunity to fight Ugas in this title eliminator.




I am proud to be fighting in the United States and fighting on SHOWTIME is a dream come true,” said Barrionuevo. “Argentine boxing has a long history of great champions from Carlos Monzon to Sergio Martinez and most recently Marcos Maidana. I am looking to become one of those great Argentine fighters of this era and it starts on September 8. I bring the power and the heart of my country with me and expect all the Argentine flags to be out at Barclays Center.


Kownacki (17-0, 14 Kos) has become a must-see attraction amongst the large contingent of Polish boxing fans in his hometown of Brooklyn and will return to fight at Barclays Center for the fifth time on September 8. The 29-year-old has steadily climbed up the rankings, having most recently knocked out then once-beaten heavyweight Iago Kiladze in Brooklyn in January. Prior to that win, the undefeated heavyweight scored a dominant stoppage of Artur Szpilka last July on Long Island in a matchup of top Polish heavyweights.




It’s exciting to be back in the ring on SHOWTIME to showcase my skills,” minētā Kownacki. “It will be another step to reach my goal of becoming the first Polish heavyweight champion. I am training hard in preparation to fight Charles Martin. It will be an amazing night in Barclays Center. I’m hoping Barclays Center will be covered in white and red.




Dzimis St. Louis, Čurkste (25-1-1, 23 Kos) captured the IBF Heavyweight World Championship in January 2016 via a third round TKO against Vyacheslav Glazkov at Barclays Center on SHOWTIME. The 32-year-old scored knockouts in 21 no viņa pirmā 23 before losing in his first title defense against Anthony Joshua in the UK. Martin trains in Big Bear, California and has since scored two knockout victories on his way towards a matchup with Kownacki that could move him closer to another shot at a belt.




I don’t want to talk about fighting, I just want to get in there and show off my skills,” teica Martin. “For this fight I asked for the toughest opponent that I could get. I’m not worried about who is in front of me. I will be ready on September 8.


# # #




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekot Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, vai kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingun www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC is sponsored by Corona, finest Beer.

Former Heavyweight Contender David ‘Nino’ Rodriguez Debuts as Television Commentator

Former heavyweight contender and noted author David “Nino” Rodriguez says he enjoyed his debut as a broadcaster on Friday night at Laredo Energy Arena in Laredo, Teksasa.




Rodriguez was honored to serve alongside play-by-play man Jim Grieshaber as color commentator for USA beIN Sports’ showing of Summer Brawl 2018, featuring Laredo-based lightweight journeyman Victor Rosas’ (10-8, 4 Kos) upset fourth-round stoppage victory over Las Vegas contender Randy Moreno (12-2, 10 Kos) and hometown KO artist Jorge Castaneda’s (10-1, 10 Kos) sixth-round stoppage of Carlos Villareal (9-3, 8 Kos) Las Vegas.




The event was presented by Ivaylo Gotzev of Epic Sports and Entertainment, Keith Veltre of Roy Jones Jr Boxing Promotions and Triple A Promotions.




“It was exhilarating to be back around the bright lights and fight atmosphere once again,” said an excited Rodriguez. “Nothing will be as stimulating as getting inside the ring, but commentating a live television production was nothing short of the next best thing. I loved breaking down the fighters and introducing my knowledge to a live audience.”




Rodriguez says he wishes to thank the event promoters who took a chance on his abilities outside the ring and says the entire show turned out perfectly.




“beIN Sports did not let the fight fans down. We had an action-packed night of slugfests in Laredo and every single fighter fought their hearts out! It was a very inspirational night of action, sitting along side Jim Grieshaber, who was kind enough to coach me through the entire process.”




Currently in the process of opening El Paso’s first Weight loss Clinic and Spa (with partner Arturo Ortiz), Rodriguez, who went 37-2, 35 KOs and once held the WBA-NABA and NABU Heavyweight Championships as a fighter, says he’d love to return as commentator in the future.




“Even though I’m no longer a fighter, I still love the beautiful sport of boxing.”


Rodriguez is the author of his autobiography, When the Lights Go Out, available through amazon.com and priced at $17.95 (paperback) un $7.95 (Kindle).


Luis Ortiz Registers Second-Round TKO of Razvan Cojanu in Co-Feature

Video: https://s.sho.com/2mPpH8r

Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Eighth-Round TKO Against Jose Roman

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.M. UN/PT Showtime EXTREME®

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT for Photos from Scott Hirmano/SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Jūlijs 28, 2018) – Mikey Garcia became the 10th lightweight champion to unify the division with a unanimous decision against Robert Easter Jr. Saturday on SHOWTIME, and immediately afterward set his sights on boxing’s best, namely Errol Spence Jr.

Full fight highlights here: https://s.sho.com/2LzlnJ6





All three judges scored the fight in favor of Garcia,118-109, 117-110, 116-111, in an electrifying fight in front of 12,560 fans at Staples Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





The four-division world champion Garcia (39-0, 30 Kos) – who was fighting in his native Southern California for the first time in seven years – keeps his 135-pound WBC title, and also claims Easter’s IBF Lightweight belt





“I’m here for the biggest challenges,” said Garcia, 30, who unified a title for the first time in his career. “I don’t know if there is anyone that is a bigger challenge than Errol Spence. I know he’s up to fight everyone so let’s make it happen. I think it can be made. I think that’s the next big fight coming up.





“I feel I have the power and the skillset to compete in any division up to welterweight. He’s the toughest guy at welterweight so I want to face him.”





Garcia scored a knock down in the third round against Easter (21-1, 14 Kos) Toledo, Ohaio, who was sent to the canvas for just the second time in his career. A strong right jab put Easter out of position, immediately followed by a devastating left hook sent Easter down with 24 seconds remaining in the round.





Garcia got better as the fight progressed. In the final four rounds Garcia out-landed Easter 95-34 in total punches and ended the fight being the more active fighter throwing 555 punches to Easter’s 507. He connected on nearly 40 percent of his power shots while Easter landed at a 24 percent clip.





“It’s a great accomplishment being here in L.A.,” Garcia said. “I was in control most of the fight, and I did what I had to do. I knew he was a tough opponent. He’s a tough warrior. He gave a great fight but I was a better fighter. I was in control of the fight and I did what I had to do to win.”





Lieldienas, who went into the Garcia locker room after the fight to congratulate his opponent, was gracious in defeat.





“Whenever we step in the ring we are both putting our lives on the line and tonight Mikey was victorious,” said Easter, who entered the fight as the longest reigning champion at 135 mārciņas. “I just couldn’t find the timing and I just couldn’t let my right hand go. He caught me with a clean shot and I went down, but I got up like a true champion.”






During an interview at the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host desk, Spence, a fellow top-five pound-for-pound great, said he would “definitely” welcome a fight with Garcia. “I feel like that’s the best fight available for me right now with Shawn [Valkāt] and Danny [Garcia] fighting in September. Keith Thurman is still recovering and needs a tune up.

Full interview here: https://s.sho.com/2veXH1T.





“He’s daring to be great, he wants to be great, he wants to move up and dethrone me and it’s not going to happen. It’s definitely going to be an easy fight. [Garcia] will be pound-for-pound No. 1 if he beats me. He has great skills but I see myself winning. I don’t really see anything that concerns me. He’s technically good, but I don’t see him hurting me at 147.”





Heavyweight southpaw Luis Ortiz (29-1, 25 Kos) returned to the ring with a resounding victory, scoring a devastating second round knockout (2:08) of former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-4, 9 Kos)





Ortiz landed 42 procenti no viņa varas šāvienu (eight of 19) while Cojanu landed just two of 13 (15%) in the short fight.





Ortiz was emotional after the fight. He told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray that just five days ago he learned doctors have found a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa, a disease his daughter suffers from.





“Thanks to God they found a cure for my daughter’s disease,” Ortiz said. “My wife told me while I was boarding the plane to get here. It’s been hard to be away from them. I’m happy I won, but it’s been really hard to be away from them.”






Both fighters were coming off losses in heavyweight world title fights. Ortiz was fighting for the first time since challenging Deontay Wilder in a 2018 Cīņa Gada kandidāta. The 6-foot-4 Ortiz wasted little time knocking out the 6-feet-7½, 269-pound Cojanu, returning for his first fight since challenging then-WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker.






“In my mind King Kong has not been defeated. I don’t feel I lost against Deontay Wilder. I want to fight [Anthony] Joshua, but he only fights boxers he’s sure he can defeat. I’m going to ask the government to put me on disability, maybe that way Joshua will fight me.”





In the telecast opener, Mario Barrios (22-0, 14 Kos) remained undefeated recording his sixth straight stoppage with an eighth-round TKO of Jose Roman (24-3-1, 14 Kos) in a scheduled 10-round welterweight match. Each of the judges, as well as SHOWTIME expert scorer Steve Farhood, scored the fight 80-70 in favor of Barrios at the time of the stoppage as Roman’s corner didn’t answer the bell for the ninth round.





San Antonio’s Barrios relied on effective body work in dominating the fight, sazināšanos 61 no viņa 133 ķermeņa šāvienu. He connected on 44 procenti no viņa varas perforatori (104/239) compared to 26 percent for Roman (34/132), who had just five body shots on the night.





"[Body work] is something I’ve been able to work on,” Barrios told Gray in the ring. “You put the body work in early and by the end of the fight they have nothing left. That worked perfectly for this fight. This was the farthest I’ve gone in a while. It was great work and I feel like I’m transitioning to the fighter that I always thought I’ve be.”





Apkārtne, who suffered a cut above his left eye in the first round, sent Roman to the canvas at 1:15 of the fourth round with a strong right that dazed Roman, then a left hook that put Roman down for the seventh time in his career. Barrios ended the round with a flurry of punches that left Roman stunned.






The 23-year-old Barrios sent Roman down again with 1:38 remaining in the eighth round. Roman survived the round, but his corner refused to answer the bell and the fight was over.





“I feel I’m ready [for a title shot)],” Barrios said. “I feel strong. I feel fast. Es esmu jauns, but whatever my managers throw at me I’m ready. If I could get it tomorrow, I’d take it.”






It was a star-studded night at Staples as current and former world champions attended the fights, including Jarrett Hurd, Errol Spence Jr., Leo Santa Cruz, Abners Mares, Gervonta Davis and Adrien Broner.






Shawn Porter was also in attendance. It was recently announced that Porter and fellow former 147-pound world title holder Danny Garcia will square off against one another for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Septiņi. 8 no Barclays Center Brooklyn, N.Y..





“I’m just a different type of athlete,” Porter told SHOWTIME’s Brian Custer. “When you talk about having the tools to become a two-time world champion; I have the tools, the athleticism, the tenacity the ring generalship. You will see all of that on Sept. 8.






“We always say that the business has to make sense [to make fights], And it sounds to me like the business has played its part. I win the WBC Championship and you’ll get Shawn Porter vs. Errol Spence.”






In streaming coverage of live undercard fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, undefeated super lightweight prospect Fabian Maidana (16-0, 12 Kos), the brother of former champion Marcos Maidana, recorded a seventh-round stoppage (2:32) against former world title challenger Andrey Klimov (19-5, 9 Kos).






Also on the live stream, 2016 Neatrodas ASV. Olympian and unbeaten prospect Karlos Balderas (6-0, 5 Kos) dominated 54-fight veteran Giovanni Caro (27-24, 21 Kos) scoring a stoppage at 2:09 of the fourth round in a scheduled six-round super featherweight bout.





Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT par SHOWTIME EXTREME.




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Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.staplescenter.com sekot Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions unwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC is sponsored by Corona, finest Beer.



Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® Tripleheader Live At 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT From Staples Center In Los Angeles, Calif.

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Scott Hirano/SHOWTIME



Mikey Garcia – 135 lbs.

Robert Lieldienu Jr. - 134 ½ kg.

Tiesnesis: Jack Reiss (Calif.); Judges: Larry Hazzard Jr. (NJ), Edward Hernandez Sr. (Calif.), Steve Weisfeld (NJ)


Luis Ortiz – 241 lbs.

Razvan Cujanu – 269 lbs.

Referee Jerry Cantu (Calif.). Judges: Max DeLuca (Calif.), Dr. Lou Moret (Calif.), Zachary Young (Calif.)



Mario Barrios – 141 ½ kg.

Jose Roman – 142 lbs.

Referee Gerard White (Calif.). Judges: Max DeLuca (Calif.), Dr. Lou Moret (Calif.), Zachary Young (Calif.)



Mikey Garcia

“All the work is done; the talking is done. Now it’s time to settle this thing in the ring.”


Robert Lieldienu Jr.

“I told Mikey there ain’t no more talking. I’m coming in shape. It’s going to be an exciting fight for all the fans that are here from my side and from his side. We’re just ready to fight and put on a great performance for LA.




“This fight is champion vs. čempions. It’s going to determine who’s the best, īstam. Tomorrow is going to be the best of the best and you’re going to see the best out of me.”


Luis Ortiz

“I’m going to do what I’ve always done in my career and even in the amateurs, and that’s just fight. It’s going to be no different. I’m going to come out punching.




“Every fight is an important fight and tomorrow night I will show what I can do. I’m going to show why I’m known as the most avoided fighter.”


Razvan Cojanu

“I’m in very good shape. Tomorrow night it’s SHOWTIME. We’re going to bring the pain.




“The secret to beating Luis Ortiz is two things. One, I cannot say because I’m in front of the cameras but the other one is the heart.”

Mario Barrios

“Everything about fighting on SHOWITME excites me. I’ve been working for this and dreaming about this day since I was a little kid. Now it’s here and I want to take full advantage of it.




“I hope the fans can expect a lot. I’m here to showcase my talents and they are going to see fireworks. I always get a lot of love from the fans when I fight in L.A.”


Jose Roman

“I have a special motivation for this fight. My cousin’s son is battling leukemia so I dedicate this fight to him. He’s only three years old. It’s really hard because I’m a father and just imagining that breaks my heart.”


# # #




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.staplescenter.com sekot Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions unwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC is sponsored by Corona, finest Beer.

WATCH NOW! THE APPROACH: Mikey GARCIA – Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight


Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight

Garcia Faces Robert Easter Jr. in Lightweight World Title Unification Bout

Šo sestdien, 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT Showtime

Foto Credit: Showtime Sports

Watch, skats & Daļa Via YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2AgFPt5

KAS: Četru nodaļa pasaules čempions Mikey Garcia explains his mindset in the final moments before a fight in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. The Approach: Mikey Garcia provides a first-person glimpse into Garcia’s psyche and unique tendencies as he prepares to enter the ring.

“The ring walk is the most special moment of a fight itself,” says Garcia. “Sometimes I get very emotional and I want to cry because it’s unbelievable that all of these people are there to support me.”

Garcia, the unbeaten WBC Lightweight World Champion, will meet IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Lieldienu Jr. in a 135-pound unification showdown rīt nakts, Jūlijs 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 Kos) returning to action to face former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-3, 9 Kos) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 Kos) ņemot on hard-hitting Jose Roman (24-2-1, 16 Kos) in a 10-round showdown.

The night kicks off with SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN at 8 p.m. UN/5 p.m. PT, as former three-division champion Abner Mares joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Los Angeles. SHOWTIME’s fifth digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 will stream on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls un SHOWTIME Bokss Facebook lapa.