Tag Archives: HBO

Camp тэмдэглэл / Фото: Брайант Женнингс Кличко хаанчлалын төгсгөл хүртэл хайж байна

Фото Credit, Эдвард Жэксон / Багийн Женнингс


Хьюстон, TX (Дөрөвдүгээр 9, 2015)Gary Шоу Productions гийн ялагдашгүй хүнд жингийн өрсөлдөгч, Брайант “Гэхэд тус” Женнингс (19-0, 10 Kos), Түүний удахгүй болох тулаанд бэлтгэх сургалтын баазад сүүлчийн долоо хоногийн орж байна Владимир Кличко (63-3, 53 Kos). Женнингс, Хэн Филадельфи нь hails, хүнд жингийн хуваах Кличко-ийн хаанчлал төгсгөл хайж байна.


Кличко VS. Женнингс, Владимир-ын WBA нь 12 дугуй дайралт хийвэл, WBO, IBF болон IBO Дэлхийн хүнд жингийн нэр, нь газар авч болно “Дэлхийн хамгийн алдартай Arena”, Madison Square Garden, тухай Дөрөвдүгээр 25, 2015. Үйл явдал дээр Live телевизээр болно HBO дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Boxing® эхлэн 10:00 p.m. БОЛОН/PT Германд Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс, RTL-д.


Хьюстон сургалт нд, АНУ-ын Техасын…

“Энэ нь гэрээсээ хол авч, Philly сургалт ирдэг л бидний анхаарлыг сарниулдаг үнэхээр сайхан. Би ч анхаарлаа хандуулах боловч Хьюстон энд гарч Боксын чадахгүй байна. Би гарч Энд миний бүх баг орж, хол нунтаглах байна.”


Владимир Кличко нь удахгүй болох түүний matchup дээр…

“Энэ нь боксын хүнд жингийн тухайд Энэ уулын дээд юм. Та Кличко тэмцэх дараа нь ямар ч илүү авч чадахгүй. Гэж хэлж байгаа нь, Би хүнд жингийн аварга гэж Кличко-ийн хаанчлал эцсийн бэлэн байна. Тэрээр өмнө нь ялж байсан юм, тэр дахин ялагдаж болно. Би дээд дээр ирж, Америкт гэртээ эдгээр бүс авчирч athleticism, ур чадвар байгаа гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.”


Madison Square Garden нь тэмцэх тухай….

“Хүн бүр боксын түүхэнд гүн үндэс дүүрэн байдаг Garden мэддэг. Би ялалт нь өөрийн түүхийг хийх хайж байна Дөрөвдүгээр сарын 25-ны. Энэ нь ч миний гурав дахь дараалсан тэмцэл байх болно, би фен суурь тус бүр аялалынх нь өссөн байна мэдрэх. Би Philly төлөөлж байх болно гэдгийг мэдэж байгаа, би энэ талаар сэтгэл хангалуун байна. Би өдөр доош тоолж байна, би суртал маш их талархаж байна, Gary Шоу, Антонио Леонард, мөн миний менежерЖеймс хунтайж Энэ болгох нь бодит тэмцэх.”


Маргааш их АНУ-ын хүнд жингийн аварга болох боломж нд…

“Кличко эсрэг нэг ялалт нь мэдээж АНУ-ын хүнд жингийн алдрыг нь буцаан авчрах болно. Кличко маш олон жилийн турш дээд хаанчлав байна, Тиймээс гэр цол авчрах асар их амжилт байх болно. Кличко миний карьерын хувьд олон үүд хаалгаа нээж байна сэнтийнээс нь буулгах аргаа би өөрөө агшинд relishing үзнэ үү.”

Танилцуулсан K2 урамшуулал болон Кличко Management Group хамтран Gary Шоу Productions, тийз үнэтэй $1000, $600, $300, $200 болон $100 Madison Square Garden Box Office дамжуулан худалдан авч болно, www.TheGarden.com болон www.Ticketmaster.com.

Boxcino 2015 Semi-finals quotes


Филадельфи (Дөрөвдүгээр 8, 2015)-Энэ Баасан Элс Казино амралтын Бетлехемд шөнө, Boxcino 2015 semifinals will take place in both the heavyweight and jr. middleweight divisions. All eight fighters have been training hard for this great opportunity that will be broadcasted live on ESPN Friday Night Fights beginning at 9 ET PM.
All Boxcino bouts are scheduled for eight rounds.
Below are quotes from all eight competitors as fight week commences.


JR. Middleweights

Жон Томпсон (15-1, 5 К.О-ийн)-“Сургалтын их байна. Been working really hard in Virginia under Kay Koroma. I am looking forward to both the semifinals and the finals to see what kind of doors open up for me.


Stanyslav Skorokhod (9-0, 7 К.О-ийн) –-” I am very confident and have once again had a very good training camp at Wild Card Boxing Gym. I have done great work with Marvin Somodio, Ernie Zavala, and my conditioning coach Jordan Feramisco! ”



Вито Gasparyan (15-3-5, 8 К.О-ийн)–“Бүх зүйл сайн байна. Би бэлэн байна. I have had great sparring with Ruslan Provodnikov and Frankie Gomez. Brandon is my friend. I look at him like my brother but Friday is business. We will get in the ring and do my thing. We have a perfect game plan and ready to do my thing. This time there will be no ring rust


Брэндон Адамс (16-1, 11 К.О-ийн)--“I am looking forward to fight Vito to show him how much I have grown since the last time we worked together. I am looking forward to showing the world that I have learned new tricks. ”



Донован Деннис (11-1, 9 К.О-ийн)--“I am ready and am better shape then my last fight. Би явахад бэлэн байна. I don’t know too much about Razvan other than he is a taller guy. I train for what my coaches tell me to do.


Razvan Cojanu (13-1, 7 К.О-ийн) — “Бүх зүйл сайхан байна. Dennis is a good fighter and I am excited to fight him. I changed some of my training and had a lot of southpaw sparring.

Lenroy Томас (19-3, 9 К.О-ийн)–“Сургалтын сайн явж байна. Би явахад бэлэн байна. He is a strong opponent. He is coming to fight and so am I. It will be an interesting night.


Андрей Fedosov (26-3, 21 К.О-ийн)--“I am looking forward to Дөрөвдүгээр сар 10. I will be ready to give the fans another great fight and I am looking forward to the finals!”


Undercard дээр, Грег Жексон (5-1-1, 2 К.О-ийн) Филадельфи-ийн талаар авч болно Curtis Мортон (2-4-2) Harlem нь, NY in a six-round welterweight bout.


Мөн усан оргилуур (10-1, 4 К.О-ийн) St-ийн. Луис, MO тэмцэлдэх болно Jon Bolden (6-10-1, 5 К.О-ийн) Brooklyn-ийн, NY in a six-round heavyweight bout.


Eric Newell (7-3-2, 5 К.О-ийн) Бетлехемийн, ТХГН-ийн тулалдах болно Brandon Spencer (2-8-1, 1 К.О) Атланта-ийн, GA in four-round heavyweight bout.


Рики Нано Бетлехемийн, PA will make his pro debut against Pat Kehoe (1-1) Унших, PA in a four-round welterweight bout.


Mike Liberto Бетлехемийн, PA will make his pro debut against Darnell Hayes (0-1) of Myerstown, Гэрэл хүнд жингийн дайралт хийвэл нь ТХГН-ийн.
This event starts at 7цаг. Тасалбарын үнэ нь $100, $75, $50. Тасалбарыг дараах хаягаас худалдан авах боломжтой www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000 and at the box office at the Sands Bethlehem Event Center.

Итгэмжлэлд нь, Холбоо барих: Марк нь Abrams marc@banner-promotions.com

Хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн тугийн нийгмийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн Баннер сурталчилгааны болон # Boxcino2015 шинэчлэлийг дагаарай:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @ Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing



Фото зээл – David Infante @787Films / Багийн Dulorme

Пуэрто Рико (Дөрөвдүгээр 8, 2015)Gary Шоу Productions шилдэг өрсөлдөгч, Puerto Rican sensationТомас Dulorme (22-1, 14 К.О-ийн), is just 9 pounds over the weight limit of 140 кг. for his Бямба гариг, 18-р сарын эсрэг Showdown “2014 Оны шилдэг Fighter” and former lightweight world champion, Теренс Crawford (25-0, 17 Kos).

I’m very happy with everything that is happening in the training camp,” said an excited Thomas Dulorme. Chef Tom Gonzalez has done a great job with my nutrition. I’m eating good, healthy food and we can see the results in comparison to my recent fights. Since campaigning at 140 кг, I’ve never been so close to making weight as I am now with less than two weeks to go. I’m feeling incredibly strong and the food I’m eating has made a tremendous difference in a positive way”.


Dulorme is very focused for this fight and it’s evident with his weight being right where it’s supposed to be at this stage in camp.said Promoter Gary Шоу. “I’ve been assured from his team that he’s going to be peaking on fight night. I can’t wait to see him shine against Crawford.

Dulorme Team is composed of Puerto Rican trainers, Энтони Otero, Феликс Бөө мөргөл Pintor болон Oscar Seary, better known as Don Khan. The team newest addition is Jose ‘Kike’ Роза, a former Olympian boxer (Монреалийн 1976) that as a boxing trainer has worked with former world champion Nelson Dieppa, Хуучин дэлхийн нэр өрсөлдөгч, Wilfredo Rivera, болон Esteban Pizarro, бусдын дунд.

The addition of ‘Kikehas been very good for the team because it throws more experience and motivation to all group members,” гэж хэлсэн Dulorme-ийн зөвлөх Richy Миранда, president of ADM (Artists менежмент Designs). “His knowledge have been tested in training, and we guarantee that the group is doing really good. Puerto Rico will have a new world champion who will be representing all the Latinos for long time”.


The Crawford vs Dulorme bout will be for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title on Бямба гариг, 18-р сарын, at theCollege Park Center located at the University of Texas, Арлингтон. The bout will be televised live as part of a split-site doubleheader on HBO beginning at 9:45 p.m. БОЛОН/PT.


Топ Rank® дэмжиж, Gary Шоу Productions хамтран, Хөвгүүд мастер Урамшуулал ба Tecate, tickets to the Crawford-Dulorme are on sale now. Үнэлэгдсэн $200, $100, $60, $40 болон $25, дээр нэмэх нь холбогдох төлбөр, тийз коллеж Park төв хайрцаг газар худалдан авч болно, Онлайн ньwww.utatickets.com буюу www.utacollegpark.com эсвэл утсаар (817) 272-9595.


Тэмцэлд нь шинэчлэл явах www.toprank.com, буюу www.hbo.com/boxing, Facebook дээр ньfacebook.com/trboxing, facebook.com/trboxeo, facebook.com/GaryShawProductions буюуfacebook.com/hboboxing, мөн үед Twitter дээр twitter.com/trboxing, twitter.com/trboxeo,twitter.com/GaryShawBoxing буюу twitter.com/hboboxing. Use the Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme to join the conversation on Twitter.



LOS ANGELES (Дөрөвдүгээр 7) – The sure-fire ‘Fight of the Yearcandidate between former World Champions Лукас “Ла Maquina” Matthysse болон “Сибирийн Rocky” Руслан Provodnikov, just got more exciting as world class prospects got added to the non-televised undercard of the split site doubleheader live on HBO Boxing After Dark ® on Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 18 at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.


In the non-televised co-main event of the night, exciting undefeated Brazilian prospect Патрик Teixeira (24-0, 20 Kos) will compete in a 10-round super welterweight bout against the hard-punching contender Patrick Allotey (30-1, 24 Kos) Аккра нь, Гана улс. Дараа нь, Tuapse, ОХУ-ын Fedor “Knockout ManPapazov (16-1-0, 10 Kos) will fight in an eight-round lightweight match. Вашингтон, D.C.’s standout undefeated fighter, Lamont Roach Jr. (6-0, 3 Kos) is scheduled to fight in a six-round lightweight fight. Vitor Jones De Olivera (8-0, 5 К.О-ийн) of Salvador, Brazil will face Guillermo Санчес (15-14-1, 6 Kos) Buffalo нь, New York in a six-round lightweight bout. Мөн, from New York, Эдди “E-Boy” Gomez (17-1, 10 Kos) Bronx нь, is scheduled for a 10-round super welterweight bout against Жонатан Батиста (14-5, 7 Kos) of San Pedro de Macoris, Доминиканы Бүгд Найрамдах Улс. Opening up the night, Vitaly Kopylenko(24-1-0, 14 Kos) of Kiev, Украйн, авах болно LekanLucky 13Byfield (6-7-2, 1 Kos) Атланта-ийн, Гүрж, нь найман дугуй middleweight тэмцэлд.


Due to the unprecedented demand to see this surefire “Оны шилдэг тэмцэх” candidate ringside seats sold out in only 15 минут – and the entire event is now near sellout with Turning Stone Resort Casino releasing the last group of tickets in the $35 болон $25 үнийн хүрээ. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 315-361-7469 or online at Ticketmaster.com.


Оноос хойш мэргэжлийн 2009, the 24-year old Patrick Teixeira, wants to follow in the steps of the Brazilian three time world champion Acelino “Голтой” Freitas, түүний карьерийн дэлхийн аварга байлдан дагуулж өөрийн түүхийг бичих. Хамгийн сүүлд, Teixeira хоёр дахь шатанд дээрх Лопез доош нь тогшиж, гурав дахь шатанд хасагдах замаар тэмцлийг ялалт WBO Latino Супер Welterweight аваргын төлөө Ulises Дэвид Лопез зодож. Онд 2012, Тэр мөрөөр хийгдсэн руу очих үед залуу Бразилийн од толгой эргэж эхэлсэн байна, Morelos, Мексик, найм дахь дугуй техникийн хасагдах дамжуулан Омар Vasquez ялсан. Одоо, Teixeira супер welterweight хэлтсийг байлдан дагуулж, дэлхийн аварга болох тухай санаа юм.


Welterweight contender Patrick Allotey, Аккра нь, Ghana is a tough fighter who has kept his undefeated status since his professional debut in 2007 until his most recent bout against Charles Manyuchi in March 2014 for the WBC International Welterweight Title. Along his professional journey and his impressive record of 30-1, 24, the hard puncher has won and defended the WBC International Silver Welterweight Title and will be looking for redemption when he faces the tough Patrick Teixeira on Дөрөвдүгээр 18.


Tuapse, Russia’s FedorKnockout ManPapazov, is looking to make an impression in his first fight of 2015 тухай Дөрөвдүгээр 18. An exciting fighter since his professional debut in 2009, Papazov had a five-year undefeated streak until he faced eventual Boxcino 2014 lightweight champion Petr Petrov in February of 2014. Since then the Russian fighter has had two straight wins, a technical knockout win over Miguel Angel Mendoza and a unanimous victory over Felix Lora.


Undefeated newcomer, Lamont Roach Jr. is quickly becoming an exciting one-to-watch in the boxing community. Hailing from Washington D.C., Roach Jr, scored a knockdown and dominating a four-round decision over Puerto Rico’s Alexander Charneco in his Нийтэлсэн 6. эцсийн. Онд January 20, the east coast native started off the year with an exciting fourth round technical knockout win over Herbert Quartey. Одоо, the 19-year-old is looking to continue his winning streak when he fights on Дөрөвдүгээр 18.


Exciting newcomer, Vitor Jones De Olivera of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil has remained undefeated since his professional debut in 2012. He is the nephew of former five-time world champion and Brazilian legend, Acelino “Голтой” Freitas. De Olivera will be making his second appearance at Turning Stone Resort Casino when he faces Guillermo Sanchez on Дөрөвдүгээр 18. De Olivera was last seen at the resort in January when he met Michael Doyle, winning the bout via first round knockout.


At just 26-years-old, Guillermo Sanchez has already accumulated a total of 30 fights in his short career. Turning professional in 2007 the fighter quickly made a name for himself in the sport, winning most of his bouts via knockout and keeping his undefeated status until 2009. 2015 has already turned into a busy year for the lightweight contender, facing Michael Doyle in January winning the bout via unanimous decision and winning his second fight of the year via first round knockout against Pablo Batres in February. The fighter will be looking to continue his winning streak onДөрөвдүгээр 18 when he goes up against the undefeated Vitor Jones De Olivera.


22-year-old EddieE-BoyGomez is a hungry fighter, eager to not just get the victory, but to do it in spectacular fashion. Нь 17-1 record which includes victories over previously unbeaten Daquan Arnett, Terrell Gausham Luis Arias and Daquan Arnett. Хамгийн сүүлд, Gomez faced James Winchester at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center and won the bout via unanimous decision. Now the fighter is looking to continue his winning streak when he faces Jonathan Batista on Дөрөвдүгээр 18.


Dominican Republic native, Jonathan Batista has had an impressive career since he turned professional in 2010. Winning every bout from 2010 нь 2013 the fighter is will be looking to add a victory when he faces Eddie Gomez at Turning Stone Resort Casino.


Vitaliy Kopylenko is an exciting fighter out of Kiev, Ukraine who has been making a name for himself in the middleweight division. He was undefeated from 2008 нь 2014 and has held the World Boxing Federation Intercontinental Middleweight Titile and the EBU-EE Middleweight Title. Дээр Дөрөвдүгээр 18, Kopylenko returns to the resort for the second time since his loss to eventual Boxcino 2014 middleweight champion Willie Monroe Jr. and will be looking to impress fans and critics as he takes on Lekan Byfield. Kopylenko is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Sherzod Rahimov onНаймдугаар 24.


Fighting out of Atlanta, Гүрж, LekanLucky 13” Byfield is a tough fighter known for going the distance in his bouts. Дээр Дөрөвдүгээр 18 the relative newcomer will be returning to Turning Stone Resort Casino for the second time in his career. Byfield, most recently fought Brandon Adams at the resort in January and will be looking for redemption when he faces Vitaliy Kopylenko.




Matthysse сүсэг. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions in association with Arano Box Promotions and is sponsored by Corona Extra, Мексик, Гэхэд итгэхэд л аж төрж байна! мөн Khortytsa архи. Хаалга нь одоогоор нээлттэй төлөвлөсөн 6:00 p.m. БОЛОН төлөвлөгдсөн эхний дайралт хийвэл нь 6:50 p.m. БОЛОН and the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast will being at9:45 p.m. БОЛОН/PT.


Итгэмжлэх жуух бичгээ нь хүссэн мэргэжлийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл 18-р сарын тэмцэл Келли Abdo хандах хэрэгтэй, Чулуун дээр Resort Casino Олон нийттэй харилцах менежер эргэх 315.366.9291 буюуkelly.abdo@turningstone.com.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, айлчлал www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing болон www.turningstone.com Twitter дээр дагана дээр GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Turning чулуун мөн үед Facebook дээр фен болох Алтан Boy FacebookХуудас, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing буюуwww.facebook.com/Принтерийн хор Хар Turning and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Баннер боксын, @ Turning чулуу болон ruslanprovod.




SANTA BARBARA, Зэрэг (Дөрөвдүгээр 7, 2015)Gary Шоу Productions нэмэгдэж од, welterweight Francisco “Эзлэх хувь” Santana (22-3-1, 10 Kos), is riding a 10-fight winning streak going into his highly anticipated clash with undefeated 2008 U.S. Олимпод, Порт “Дэлхийн гол дүрүүд нь хүүхэд” Байна (21-0, 13 Kos). Santana gives his thoughts on this match-up, his training camp and fighting at Madison Square Garden on the undercard of Кличко VS. Женнингс. doubleheader дээр амьд телевизээр болно HBO дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын эхлэн 10:00 p.m. БОЛОН/PT.


Training camp update

Training camp is going as planned. I’ve added a few new things that will be on display Дөрөвдүгээр сарын 25-ны. Right now it’s about sharpening up the tools that got me here. There is nothing that needs to be changed. I’ve been active so I know I’ll be ready to showcase my talents on HBO come fight night.


Reflects on his journey to Madison Square Garden

It’s been a hard fought journey to get where I’m at today. After suffering a few losses I decided I was going to dedicate my life to this sport and give it my all. With a lot of hard work and support from my promoter Gary Shaw, I’m now fighting on the biggest stage at the most prestigious venue in boxing. Madison Square Garden is where every fighter dreams they can fight. It’s my time to show the world I’m on the championship level.


Relationship with Trainer JosephHossJanik

When you have the right trainer in your corner, it’s truly a blessing. Hoss is the man and he always tells me like it is. If I’m not doing something right he’ll let me know right away, he doesn’t beat around the bush. I’m on a ten fight winning streak and he has a lot to do with it. You couldn’t ask for a better man in the corner.


Sparring at Wild Card Boxing Gym

When you walk into the Wild Card gym you know going in its going to be a rugged day of sparring. The gym is filled with world champions and top prospects. You can’t replicate the work you get there.


On his matchup with Sadam Ali

Sadam Ali is a world class fighter with elite boxing skills, but I feel my style will give him problems. He puts his punches together well and he made a strong statement in his last fight against Abregu. A win against Ali will propel me into a world title fight. Believe me when I say I’m going to bring it on Дөрөвдүгээр сарын 25-ны, it’s going to be a brutal war!”


Сүсэг Sadam Али. Francisco Santana is a 10-round welterweight bout presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Gary Shaw Productions. HBO Дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах боксын telecast эхэлдэг 10:00 p.m. БОЛОН/PT.


Владимир Кличко ба. Брайант Женнингс Мэдисон Square Garden хамтран K2 Урамшуулал, Гари Шоу Урамшуулал танилцуулсан байна.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, айлчлал www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.garyshawproductions.com, болон www.hbo.com/boxing, GoldenBoyBoxing үед Twitter дээр дагана, GaryShawBoxing БолонHBOBoxing, Facebook дээр нь фен болох Алтан Boy Facebook хуудас, Gary Shaw Productions Facebook Page, буюу www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing мөн InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing болонHBOboxing дээр биднийг очих.

* * * VIDEO бөгөөд дохио авах байрлуулах * * * Түүнийг MAYWEATHER VS. Мэнни PACQUIAO Тэмцээний албан ёсны ХУДАЛДААНЫ ажиллуулж VIDEO LINK

Албан ёсны Арилжааны холбоост Энд дарна уу

Богино холбоос: HTTP://s.sho.com/1bU4liB

Зээлийн: Естер Лин / сүсэг Mayweather. Pacquiao

Сар хүрэхгүй хугацаанд 11 удаагийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн хоорондын түүхэн Showdown хүртэл явах нь, таван хэлтэс дэлхийн аварга Floyd “Мөнгө” Mayweather мөн найман хэлтэс дэлхийн аварга Мэнни “Pac-Man” Pacquiao, Mayweather сүсэг нь хамтын маркетингийн баг. Pacquiao дэмжих төлөх бүрийн үзэл үйл touting өнөөдөр арилжааны цэг гаргасан.


Энэ нь арилжааны — Гуравдугаар сарын орой нь Лос-Анжелес хотын студид аль аль нь prizefighters нь зураг авалт 11 — Mayweather урамшуулал хооронд бүтээлч хамтын ажиллагаа юм, Топ Чансаа, Showtime PPV® болон HBO Pay-, нэг View®. 30 дахь цэг таамаглалыг, энэ удаа-д-а-амьдралынхаа үйл явдлын их хэмжээг харуулж байна. Энэ нь ирэх дөрвөн долоо хоногт явагдана түрэмгий олон хэвлэл мэдээллийн маркетингийн кампанит ажилд нь амин сүнс нь болж. сүсэг ерөнхий Mayweather. Pacquiao маркетингийн кампанит ажил нь цалин-бүрийн үзэл үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчийн дэмжлэг урьд өмнө байгаагүй түвшинд хүлээн авах төлөвтэй байна.


баатарлаг Showdown явагддаг Бямба гариг, May 2 MGM Grand Garden Arena-аас болон хамтран боловсруулж, HBO гэхэд амьд хамтран тарааж болно Pay-View Нэг болон Showtime ОХХ. амьд төлөх бүрийн үзэл telecast эхэлдэг 9:00 p.m. Ба / 6:00 p.m. PT.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу WWW.mayweatherpromotions.com, WWW.toprank.com, www.hbo.com/Боксын,www.SHO.com/Sports, болон www.mgmgrand.com болонfloydmayweather нь Twitter дээр дагана, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, HBOboxing, SHOSports БолонSwanson_Comm, мөн үед Facebook дээр фен болох www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.Ком / TopRankMannyPacquiao WWW.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, WWW.facebook.com/TRBoxing,

www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing болон facebook.com/ShoBoxing.

ТОМАС DULORME сургалтын бааз дахь ер бусын ХАРАХ


Фото зээл – David Infante @787Films / Багийн Dulorme


Пуэрто Рико (Дөрөвдүгээр 2, 2015)Top junior welterweight contender Томас Dulorme (22-1, 14 К.О-ийн) Пуэрто Рико авсан, Пуэрто-Рико сургагч багш нар удирдан түүний баг хамт, Энтони "Gallero’ Knoll болон Феликс Бөө мөргөл Pintor, are feeling highly confident about their world title bout against Теренс "Бад’ Crawford (25-0, 17 Kos), хэн байсан 2014 Оны шилдэг боксчин’ , хуучин WBO Хөнгөн дэлхийн аварга. The Crawford vs Dulorme bout will be for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title on Бямба гариг, 18-р сарын, үед Коллежийн Park төв located at the Техас мужийн их сургууль, Арлингтон. The bout will be televised live as part of a split-site doubleheader on HBOэхлэн 9:45 p.m. БОЛОН/PT.


Dulorme дээр Пуэрто Рико хүмүүсийн төлөө тэмцэж…

There is no better feeling than to train in my country. It gives me so much confidence and being at home motivates me even more because I get to see the people which I represent with pride and honor. We want to show the world that Puerto Rico will continue to produce more world champions”.


Сургагч багш нар нь түүний шинэ багтай ажиллах Dulorme…

I have complete trust in my team’s game plan to defeat Crawford. I like the mix of dynamics between my trainers which combine the new and old school styles of boxing. Pintor хуучин сургууль бөгөөд Otero тоглолт нь цэвэр оюун ухааныг авчирдаг. Тэд аль аль нь маш сургалтын бааз болж таарсан ямар хувь нэмэр оруулж байна”.
Нь сөнөөгч болон matchup гэж Terrance Кроуфорд дээр Dulorme…

Crawford is one of the best fighters in the world. He’s been awarded “Оны шилдэг Fighter” by many media outlets because he had a tremendous year in 2014. He’s moving up in weight where he’s entering into uncharted territory though. I feel I have the advantage being that I’ve fought at this weight several times. I’m the bigger man and I plan to impose my will on him.


“Би Dulorme болон сургагч багш нар нь өөрийн шинэ баг маш их баяртай байна,” гэж хэлсэн Gary Шоу. “The fact that he’s training at home in Puerto Rico makes me feel good because I know his countrymen are there supporting his every move. We are only a few weeks away from fight night and I’m confident I’m going to be the promoter of a new world champion. The people of Puerto Rico will have a huge star they can call their own.
“Энэ нь бидэнд хамтдаа ирж, түүний карьерийн хамгийн том тулаанд Dulorme бэлтгэхэд туслах нь мөрөөдөл биелсэн юм.” гэж хэлсэн Dulorme-ийн хамтран сургагч багш Энтони Otero. “Би Dulorme хамтран ажиллаж эхний өдрөөс эхлэн, Би тэмцэлд бэлтгэл их зам дээр байх учиртай байжээ гэдгийг мэдэж байсан, энэ өдрийг хүртэл ийм зүйл болох нь батлагдсан”.

“Dulorme маш сайн нөхцөлд байна,” заасан Феликс Бөө мөргөл Pintor, хэн гаруй ажиллаж байна 60 зэрэг домогт сөнөөгч дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн bouts Вилфредо Gomez, Hector "Macho’ Камачо, Эдвин "Chapo’ Rosary, Иван Калдерон, Паул Williams, Карлос Santos, бусдын дунд. “Замаас Тэр сургалт, боксын хийж байна, Би энэ талаар урьдаас харж 18-р сарын, Пуэрто-Рикогийн шинэ дэлхийн аварга болно.”

Richy Миранда, Dulorme-ийн зөвлөх, ADM ерөнхийлөгч (Artists менежмент Designs) Тус компани тайлбар, “Бид туршлагатай, өндөр үйлдсэн чанарын багийг сонгохдоо маш их сонголт байсан. Сургалтын бааз үед өдөр бүр, уур амьсгал маш эерэг бөгөөд ажил нь бүх хүлээлтийг давсан байна хийж байгаа. Dulorme Crawford ялж, түүний өмнө бүх Пуэрто-Рико аварга эгнээнд нэгдэх болно гэдэг нь эргэлзээгүй юм.”


Топ Rank® дэмжиж, Gary Шоу Productions хамтран, Хөвгүүд мастер Урамшуулал ба Tecate, tickets to the Crawford-Dulorme are on sale now. Үнэлэгдсэн $200, $100, $60, $40 болон $25, дээр нэмэх нь холбогдох төлбөр, тийз коллеж Park төв хайрцаг газар худалдан авч болно, Онлайн нь www.utatickets.com буюуwww.utacollegpark.com эсвэл утсаар (817) 272-9595.


Тэмцэлд нь шинэчлэл явах www.toprank.com, буюу www.hbo.com/boxing, Facebook дээр нь facebook.com/trboxing,facebook.com/trboxeo, facebook.com/GaryShawProductions буюу facebook.com/hboboxing, мөн үед Twitter дээрtwitter.com/trboxing, twitter.com/trboxeo, twitter.com/GaryShawBoxing буюу twitter.com/hboboxing. Use the Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme to join the conversation on Twitter.

Mayweather-Pacquiao Лас Вегас руу аялал ялалт

Флойд Mayweather хооронд megafight нь Лас-Вегаст хоёр, хоёр тасалбар аялах түрүүлэх боломжтой байсан дараарай, Jr., болон Дээр Мэнни Pacquiao May 2 at the MGM Grand. гран при шагнал хүртсэн тэмцэлд хоёр билет авах болно, Лас Вегас зурвас болон а суух байр нь гурван шөнө $700 Нэг хүнд ногдох тэтгэмж аялал жуулчлалын.


Хоёр дахь газар ялагч нь хүлээн авах болно $1000 үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч Sting, гуравдугаар байр ялагч нь тоног төхөөрөмж багц олгоно нь $300 АНУ-ын боксын хувцас багц.


Зүгээр л нэг нь $10 санал болгож буй хандив, Та зууны түрүүнд тусламж, дэмжлэг тэмцлийг гэрчлэх бидний sweepstakes оруулж болно АНУ-ын Боксын , АНУ-ын’ яг тэр үед хамгийн шилдэг олимпийн загварын боксчид.


Хандив шаардлагатай биш боловч орох бөгөөд энэ нь ялах магадлалыг тань нэмэгдүүлж байх болно, насан туршдаа туршлагын нэг удаа энэ ялах таны боломж санаж байхгүй бол. Enter now and enter often. The sweepstakes will end onДөрөвдүгээр 15, 2015.


Дарна уу энд sweepstakes оруулах.


Үзнэ үү Албан ёсны журам дэлгэрэнгүй, including eligibility and entry deadlines. Void where prohibited. No purchase or donation is necessary to enter or win.

Matthysse – Provodnikov Conference call Transcript

Operator: Welcome to the Matthysse Provodnikov conference call. I will now turn it over to Marc Abrams.

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Сайн байна уу, хүн бүр, welcome to this great conference call for this tremendous fight that’s going to happen on Saturday, April 18th at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, Нью-Йорк. The fight will come on air at 9:45 as part of a split site double header with Terence Crawford taking on Thomas Dulorme. On the call for the first part of the call will be Team Provodnikov, Banner Promotions present Artie Pelullo, the Siberian Rocky himself Ruslan Provodnikov, along with his manager Vadim Kornilov who will train–ultimately will translate, Hall of Fame promoter Freddie Roach, and also Kelly Abdo and Heidi Strong from Turning Stone are also on the call. Let me turn it over to Artie Pelullo–Artie?

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Сайн байна уу, hello, хүн бүр, this is Artie Pelullo from Banner Promotions. Good afternooneverybody on this call knows that this is one of the great fights of the year for us, for our sport, and I just wanted tothe first thing I want to say is thank Eric Gomez from Golden Boy, and Oscar for helping us put this fight together. It was very easy to do. Эрик, Лукас, болон–I’m sorry, Lucas Matthysse and Ruslan Provodnikov, excuse me, both wanted this fight. Тэгэхээр, it was very easy to put together. Eric and I literally did the deal in maybe 30 буюу 40 minutes and this is how one of the great fights of 2015 got made, very easily, but two guys who wanted to fight and two promotional companies who work together in the co-promotion. And we’re doing this event equally together and it’s going to be an exciting night for boxing. I believe it’s going to be Corrales Castillo one, which I had a good fortune of promoting with Bob Arum and Gary Shaw. That’s what I think of the fight. Both guys don’t know how to do anything but put on TV friendly and fan friendly fights. Before I get into anything else with the show, I’d just like to turn it over to Kelly from Turning Stone who is the PR Manager who would like to say a few words on behalf of or host, Turning Stone Resort & Casino who went out of their way to make sure that they landed this fight because they’re really into the boxing business. They’re really fight site friendly. And they’re really into going out of their way to put on a spectacular live event at their location. Тэгэхээр, Келли, why don’t you take it from here and say what you’d like to say about Turning Stone.

Хатагтай. Келли Abdo: Бүх эрх, баярлалаа, Artie–hello, хүн бүр, it’s Kelly Abdo from Turning Stone Resort Casino. And as Artie mentioned, we’re really excited to be hosting this epic fight and to have everyone here. We’re all really looking forward to it and we have a week’s worth of events lined up that we’re really excited to host.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Баярлалаа, Келли–one thing I need to mention, залуусаа, to everybody on the call and ladies and ladies and gentlemen, the reason why the fight is at Turning Stone is because Ed Allmann and Heidi Strong. They wanted the fight. They were aggressive about the fight. They realized what this kind of fight could mean because it could be a historic event because of two great punchers and two great exciting styles. I know Oscar is going to talk about Lucas, but I just like to say that he is a great fighter and I know his manager slash promoter for 20 жил, Mario Arana and he’s an exceptional young man. Тэгэхээр, it’s going to be a terrific fight on their side. As far as Ruslan’s concerned, in my opinion there’s none better. We’ve been together since his very beginning, since his first fight. It’s been my privilege to work with him. He’s a true athlete. He’s very focused on his job. He’s extremely focused on being a promotional. The VADA, the Anti-Doping Test is always something that he demands and insists on. He doesn’t believe athletes should be anything but legitimate and 100 percent legal. And his manager is Vadim who I have been working with for several years. We have a lot of fighters together. And he’s just good people, focused on the job–never an issue about who. It’s always when are we fighting? Let’s make the best fights possible. And also now Freddie Roach is on the call with us, as you know. Everybody knows Freddie. And his career changed Ruslan when he went to Freddie. The truth of it is, when he went to Freddie, got in that gym, was around world-class guys, the quality of the people he was working with changed and the development of his career was tenfold. Тэгэхээр, after saying all of that I want to thank everybody. I’d like to introduce Freddie right now. Тэгээд, as you know, Freddie is training also training the great Manny Pacquiao, but I’d like to have Freddie say a few words on behalf of Ruslan and the show–Фредди?

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Хөөе, баярлалаа, Artie. Ruslan is doing really well and he’s in a really good shape for this fight. He knows just how to fight and he’s a good fighter and I look forward to it, and on paper it looks like one of the best this year. Тэгэхээр, it’s going to be a tremendous show and I don’t think you want to miss this on.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, thanks, Фредди, and now I’d like to introduce to you all Ruslan Provodnikov, the Siberian Rocky, хэн, as I’ve said I’ve had the good fortune of meeting him and Vadim seven years ago when I went to Moscow for the first time and signed Ruslan to an exclusive contract. Тэгээд, boy, did I not know how lucky I was at the time–Руслан Provodnikov, gentlemen and ladies–Руслан Provodnikov.

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: How are you? Сайн байна уу.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, that’s good. He can say more than one word.

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: I just woke up getting ready to go to training. I’m happy to hear everybody.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, Vadim, would you like to say a few words?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: Мэдээж–Artie, thank you for the great introduction and, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, we’re here. Руслан–he’s eating as we’re doing this. I’m sorryhe’ll be more talkative in about two, three minutes, but I’m glad that this all worked out. It’s a great fight that everybody is looking forward to. Тэгээд, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, Баннер сурталчилгаа, Алтан Boy, Оскар Де Ла Hoya, Artie Pelullo, you guys did a great job and I appreciate, and you working together to put this fight together. It’s very easy to make, and I think this is the way it should be. This is way the business should be, is the best fighting, the best, and the promoters working together–баярлалаа.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа, Vadim, and I guess now it’s back to you for questions and answer, залуусаа, for Marc? How does it go from here?

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Maggie?

Operator: The lines are now open for questions. If you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one. Our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Маш их баярлалаа–hello?

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Go ahead, Тэгээд. We can hear you.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: За, баярлалаа, Artie–баярлалаа, залуусаа–my first question, Vadim, could you ask, respond, what does he believe the impact will be if any in the fact that Freddie–because of the Pacquiao training camp–is not going to actually be in the corner, even though he’s training him in the gym?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: Everything is all right. This is not the first time that Freddie was not in the corner. For me what’s important is that Freddie is with me throughout the camp and we’re working together as a team to come up with the right strategy and, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, get ready for this fight. It’s not a big deal. Та мэдэх, Marvin Somodio is Freddie’s right hand guy is going to be there for me and I know that Marvin knows what I need to do in the wrong. And that’s all that’s important, but for me this is not a problem.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: За, Фредди, Та энд байна?

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Тийм ээ.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Фредди, I know you always like to be with your fighters on fight night. Obviously that’s a big part of training a guy. Can you speak to the reason you won’t be there? Is it the matter of just because of the serious nature of the Pacquiao training camp? I understand you’ve also had some problems with your back. What’s your take on the reasons that you can’t make it to Turning Stone for the fight.

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Тиймээ, because the Pacquiao fight is very important right now and Ruslan is very important also. I work with him every day in the gym. He and Marvin have a good rapport together. Marvin knows what to do. He’s a very good trainer. Even after a fight when we went to Denver by himself without me and they came through. They understand what I want and just because I’m not there doesn’tRuslan will still fight his fight and Marvin will make the adjustments along the way. There will be no problem whatsoever. It’s not the first or last time this has happened in my life.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Фредди, when you think about the fight on paper between these guys, I think pretty much every boxing fan looks at this and just says, “Хөөх, there is no chance. This can’t be, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, potentially the fight of the year, or a very memorable action packed fight. Can you just give me your take on the match up?

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Тийм ээ, it’s the greatest match up in the world. Энэ бол–you’ve got two guys that love to fight, two guys that are great punches. It’s going to be a very exciting fight. Энэ бол баттай юм, and it’s the best fight and the best is what we need. This is what’s going on in boxing right now and that’s why everything is really happening in boxing bigger than ever at this point because of fights like this.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Vadim, could you ask Ruslan to also give your response to his take on the match up? There are so many boxing fans who are super excited about this just because of the action style that Ruslan as well as Lucas to the ring.

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: I expect the same as all the fans. Та мэдэх, this is a very exciting match up. This is going to be a great fight and I think that for me it’s no less than to all the people watching. Та мэдэх, for me it’s exciting as well and these types of fights are what’s important because for me the fight and the money as I’ve said many times, they’re not number one. Number one is I want my fights to be part of history, and I think this is one of those fights that is destined to be part of history. And that’s what I want to give my fans. That’s what I want to give my people back home is these fights that people will remember because not all the fights that a World Title fights are remembered. But the fights thatthe type of fight that can happen between Matthysse and I areis a fight that’s definitely going to be remembered forever.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Бүх эрх, маш их баярлалаа, залуусаа–appreciate your time.

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа.

Operator: Бүх эрх, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Ноён. Майкл Вудс: Хөөе, залуусаа, thanks for making the timemy question is for Ruslan. Руслан, I presume that you believe going into the fight you are betting than Matthysse. How are you better than Mattyssee?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: За, first of all I never said that I’m better than him or that I’m better than anyone else because it’s not for me to judge. All I can say is that I know that I can beat anybody and it’s all about my will. And I know that if I give everything that I have in the ring, and I give everything that I have in training, I can beat anybody. It’s all about my character and all I’m willing to give. I can’t judge who is better or who is not better, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх? And I know his team are saying a lot of things and they’re saying, “Та мэдэх, we’re going to knock them out. We’re smarter, we’re better, we’re better boxers.I don’t want to say any of that. I’m a lot more political than that. Та мэдэх, talk is cheap. Та мэдэх, there’s a Russian saying that says, “Don’t say I won until you win,” you know basically. And I’m not going to talk. Та мэдэх, I’m going to my talking in the ring and I think that I can be better than anybody if I deserve it and I give it all in training.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Good stuff–Би дуртай. Question is for Freddie–Фредди, I’m not asking for your game plan, but I am asking how you believe Ruslan is better than Matthysse on paper going into the fight.

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Гэж би боддог, тиймээ, he is, I think he’s a good puncher, but Matthysse is very strong also. I mean this isboth guys are very dangerous. I told Ruslan if you hurt this guy, don’t just talk in because he has tremendous power. Don’t let him get lucky. Тэгэхээр, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, we have a pretty good game plan down. We know what do I think and how to do it I think. And so, probably we had a great training camp.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Бүх эрх, good stuffthanks, залуусаа, Би талархаж байна.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Distino Lois Jr. from Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: Маш их баярлалаа–thank you for the invitation, Би талархаж байна. The question to Ruslan is, Руслан, харамсалтай нь–this is Distino Lois Jr., Black Star News, Манхэттэн–you suffered a setback with your loss to Chris Algieri. Do you consider this fight with Lucas Matthysse a redemption, a door opener if victorious so that you can take advantage of the vacancies of the 140 pounders because now, Мэдээж, we are aware of the fact that Danny Garcia and Lamont Peterson, two of your future opponents, have moved up to 143 catch-weight fight for the 11th. Тэгэхээр, now the victory over Matthysse would be a door opener for you. Is that how you feel?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: I definitely know that there’s a lot of different things going on at 140 Яг одоо, but for me right now I’m thinking about April 18th, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх? Та мэдэх, I’m thinking about this fight and I know that once I win this fight it will open a lot of doors for me. Гэвч, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, once the fight is over we can sit down and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions about what’s next.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: I seelet me just also clarify the question that was asked. So you know, neither one of those two guys are giving up their title. They’re fighting at 143 кг. Тэгэхээр, neither one of them would have to be at risk of losing their title, which I find very interesting that neither one of them would fight for their title so they could give up their title to the winner. Тэгэхээр, nobody is giving up their titles in that fight. What they’re doing is they made an agreement not to put their titles on the line, which is a big difference in what your question was originally about, эрхэм ээ.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: За, туйлын, but I question Danny Garcia and you said he was having trouble making the weight. That’s why he agreed–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title–.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: –To, нь–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title, but anyway–.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –That’s nothe should give up the title, but that’s not what’s going on–.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –What’s going on is they’re not fighting on weight, so neither one of them are at risk to lose their title–.

Ноён. Distino Lois Jr.: –Эрх, I’m aware of that. Маш их баярлалаа. Руслан, without giving out any trade secrets with your Hall of Fame Freddie Roach trainer, how are you all prepared for Matthysse, being that Matthysse has already shown some flaws of being knocked down twice by Molina and once by Danny Garcia? Тэгэхээр, what are you doing to make sure that yours is the final punch?

Ноён. Marc Abrams: I guess next question?

Operator: Бүх эрх, our next question comes from the line of Briggs Seekins from Bleacher Report. Your line is live.

Ноён. Briggs Seekins: Тиймээ, hi, Руслан–I’m wondering is there a sense where mentally it’s a little bit easier to relax in training camp when you know you’re playing a guy who is going to give you the kind of fight you want and not be, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, an evasive sort of fighter like Algieri, but a guy who is going to, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, like you say, give you a fight that makes history and also give you the kind of fight that you like to fight?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: For me training camp is training camp. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible in training camp. Би хөнгөн хэнийг авч чадахгүй байна, but to answer your question, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, walking into a ring with a fighter that I know will fight me definitely I can do a lot better than a fighter who will just run.

Ноён. Briggs Seekins: Их, баярлалаа–and Artie I didI want to thank you for calling out the situation at 140 with the titles. It’s a little discouraging to see them not treated the way that a lot of us grew up seeing titles treated.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Yup, you’re right, болон, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, what’s going on is purely that they don’t want to have anything at risk. It’s a dangerous fight for both guys, but not for like Provodnikov and Matthysse. They’re putting it all on the line because they’re still fighting at 12 удаа. Энэ бол 140 кг. There is no title because we don’t have one, and I’m telling you both these kids would put their titles out if they had, but they wouldn’t be avoiding fighting for the title because then they don’t want to take a chance at losing it. That’s what’s going on. That’s exactly what’s happening.

Ноён. Briggs Seekins: Тиймээ, туйлын–all right, good luck, Руслан.

Ноён. Marc Abrams: I guess we’ll take one more for Ruslan.

Operator: Our last question comes from the line of Chris Gunzz with 15rounds.com. Your line is live.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Руслан, he is a huge puncher as a few different guys brought up already. Do you think he’s going to be the biggest puncher you’ve faced and do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to handle that power? Have you ever had the experience of getting hit by a guy who carries a massive punch like that, and do you feelany questions on whether you’ll be able to take it on the night?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: The question is about Matthysse being the biggest puncher that Ruslan has faced, correct?

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Тийм ээ, and if he has any questions of whether he’ll be able to take it.

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: Looking at his record, he seems to be one of the biggest punchers of this decade, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх? He’s probably one of the biggest punchers right now. Does it bother menot at all. It only makes me more excited because I know that this is going to be a real fight and I know that either, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, I take him or he takes me. And it’s going to be toe to toe it’s going to be a real fight. For me that’s only a positive.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: And I appreciate that even more that you realize you’re facing someone dangerous, and you want to face him anyway and you don’t mind it. I love the balls you’re showing in that, and final question for Freddie. Is it a plan to jump on him early, Фредди, because he did show that vulnerability in the Molina fight? Is Freddie still there? I heard someone hang up in the phone call, but is Freddie still there?

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Би энд байна. Тиймээ, I’m still here.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Is it a focus in training camp to try to jump on him early seeing that the vulnerability was shown in the Molina fight early on?

Ноён. Фредди Roach: За, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, we can. I mean we know how this guy fights. I mean I think he is the bigger punch, and we’re a little bit better than he is, but I mean, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, he’s got his strong points also. Тэгэхээр, it makes for an exciting fight. Ruslan is a very good fighter. Руслан, I saw him learn how to fight Manny Pacquiao on his own. He used to be Manny’s sparing partner. And that’s when I first really got interested in him because he’s so capable. He learns very quickly and he’s a great shooter.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: One of the best ever–Би талархаж байна, Фредди. Good luck on April 18th and good luck on May too.

Ноён. Фредди Roach: Маш их баярлалаа.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, was that it, залуусаа?

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Энэ бол–I’m going to turn it over to Golden Boy and Team Matthysse in a minute. I guess final comments from I guess first Artie and then Ruslan.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, I just want to say thank you for everybody for joining the call. There’s really not much to say. As Dan Rafael and all the other reporters and Mr. Woods who got on the phone, everybody knows that this is the most TV friendly and fan friendly fight. The networks were all overboth of them bid on the fight. Тэгэхээр, it’s going to be a great night for boxing, a great night for our fans. And I just want to thank everybody, Руслан, Фредди, and Vadim for helping promote the fight, нь–it’s likeit doesn’t take a lot of promoting to promote this event because everybody knows it’s going to be a terrific event. I want to thank everybody for coming on board–баярлалаа. Now I’d like to introduce my co-promoter and my partner in the show, and everybody knows who this is, one of the great fighters of our time who has turned out to be quite the promoter himself, good people. He has a nice staff. Like I said earlier, a lot of people say a lot of different things. It literally has been no misses to work with Oscar and his staff. It was very smooth and it’s been a joy and a pleasure, and like Eric Gomez and I say there will be future events that we’ll be working. Now I’d like to turn it over to Oscar De La Hoya. He’s the founder and president of Golden Boy and one of the great personalities in our sport. It’s my pleasure to work with him, Оскарын?

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: Artie, sorry to interrupt. Ruslan is leaving. Тэгэхээр, we’re good to go. He wanted to say a couple of things–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –Өө, I’m sorryI went too fast, excuse me. I’m sorry, Руслан. Say something. I apologize.

Ноён. Руслан Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: I just want to say that I want to thank Artie Pelullo personally, Баннер сурталчилгаа. I want to thank my whole team for making this happen. Энэ нь маш их тэмцэл болох гэж байна. I want to thank HBO for making this happen. I’ve been loyal to them and they’ve been loyal to me and that’s very important to me and we’ve done great things together and there’s great things to come. Тэгэхээр, I appreciate this and I want to say one thing to the fans. I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for. And now from me, Artie, good luck with–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –Sure–.

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: –I want to give the word to Oscar De La Hoya and the rest of his team, and I bet for the next 30 minutes you guys are going to hear a lot of–Matthysse is going to knock Provodnikov out and all of that, but I just want to say that Provodnikov has never been on his knees. Тэгэхээр, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, they’re talking about knockouts a lot, but they should be expecting a knock out on their team. Good luck to you guys and I appreciate the promotions. Ruslan says all the best of health to Matthysse and his team–баярлалаа.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Баярлалаа, Vadim–.

Ноён. Vadim Kornilov: –Thanks again–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –За, since II apologize, залуусаа, I went a little bit too fast. Тэгэхээр, Оскарын, you’re up. I don’t have to say it again. Everybody knows what we think of you–Оскар Де Ла Hoya–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Маш их баярлалаа–we really appreciate it and Artie already mentioned this fight needs no promotion. We are just thrilled that the best network is going to be televising this event. These are the types of events that obviously belong on HBO Championship Boxing and we are just thrilled and excited to be part of it. I also want to take the opportunity to thank Corona Extra, also Mexico Live it to Believe it, and Corsair Vodka, which are the sponsors of the events. They have been doing a tremendous, tremendous job with all of the Marketing and the grassroots Marketing. Тэгэхээр, come April 18th the whole world will know the best 140 pounders will be fighting on that night. It is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter who hails from Argentina. We all know Argentinean fighters are strong fighters who are smart fighters who come to give the fight fans a spectacular show and when you’re going to see Lucas and Provodnikov in that same ring April 18th, weyou’re guaranteed fireworks. Тэгэхээр, it is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter with a record of 36 болон 3 болон 32 накоут. They call him La Máquina, and that is Lucas Matthysse. [Foreign Language Spoken]–Лукас. [Foreign Language Spoken], Лукас.

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: I’ll translate for Lucas. He said, hi, good afternoon, хүн бүр–I’m calling from my training camp in Junin and I’ve very excited for this fight and to be fighting once again in the United States.

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа, gracias, and we’ll now open it up for questions from the mediagracias.

Operator: As a reminder, if you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one, and our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Маш их баярлалаа–my question for LucasI asked Ruslan this in his portion of the callyou have a fight here where I think pretty much every boxing fan, media is anxiously waiting what they think would be the fight of the year. I would like to hear from Lucas about his thoughts about the really high expectations for this fight to be, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, extremely, extremely exciting and entertaining.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Тийм ээ, Би байна, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, I’m just excited. I’m excited to be fighting a caliber of fighter like Ruslan. It’s two, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, fighters at the top of their game fighting each other. I had many good, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, replies on it, especially in Argentina. A lot of people are looking forward to the fight and I’m just excited to be fighting again at this level and fighting a guy like Ruslan.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Эрик, could you ask Lucas, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, in April last year he knocked out John Molina. It got voted as the Fight of the Year by the Boxing Writers. Does he think that it has the chance ofto be another fight of the year? Is that something he ever thinks about? I know he’s probably happy that they got the Fight of the Year for last year. He could make it two in a row potentially.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: За, I mean for last year’s fight I’ve got to give credit to John Molina because he came to fight and he allowed me to perform in a way that made it Fight of the Year. If Ruslan comes forward and is aggressive and does the same thing, Дараа нь, Хэрэв тийм бол, I’m going to seize that opportunity and try to take advantage of that and make it an exciting fight. I think personally it could be a great fight. Гэвч, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, it takes two.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Exactly, thank you for that, Эрик–one question for you, Оскарын.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Би энд байна.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Хөөе, Оскарын, good to talk to you. I know for the last number of months you have preached very regularly about your desire to try to make the best fights you possibly can do as the leader of Golden Boy Promotions. I’d like to know from your point of view, is this sort of basically the kind of fight you had talked about when you said those words that this is the expectations that you have to make this caliber of a fight on a regular basis?

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: За, these are exactly the fights that the fans want to see, whether there’s a title on the line or no title, or where it takes place. Та мэдэх, these are the fights that the fans deserve and I’ve been an advocate of staging the best fights possible for the fans and come April 18th I don’t know for sure, but I have a good hunch that this fight might be the Fight of the Year.

Ноён. Дан Рафаэль: Бүх эрх, thank you for that, Оскарын–appreciate it. Маш их баярлалаа, залуусаа, look forward to this one.

Operator: Бүх эрх, our next question comes from the line of Daniel [үл ойлгогдох] [00:35:22] Deportiva [sp]. Your line is live.

Ноён. Даниел: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Даниел: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Тиймээ, he asked me about this fight, why wasn’t it staged in Los Angeles or in Las Vegas? Why New York, болон, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, simplethe venues were not available and Ihe asked me if, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, this fight being such an exciting and anticipated fight, I mean how do I feel? This is what Golden Boy is all about and I’m just really happy to be working with Artie Pelullo and Eric was very instrumental in making this fight happen, and we feel very, very optimistic that I mean this fight is going be action packed from the first battle and Iand it might even be better than the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.

Ноён. Даниел: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: За, so the question was, do you knoware you aware that, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, Freddie Roach will not be working in the corner of Ruslan on the night of the fight. And Lucas said, “Хийж чадахгүй, not reallyI didn’t know.

Ноён. Даниел: Gracias.

Operator: Бүх эрх, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Ноён. Майкл Вудс: Сайн байна уу, залуусаа, thanks for taking the time. My question is for Ruslan. Руслан, on the first portion of the call someone referenced you saying something along the lines of you believe you are going to knock Provodnikov out. But I didn’t see that. I’m not sure what outlet that was said to. Can you reiterate that? Can you talk about that and clarify it for me what was said there?

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Хийж чадахгүй, he said they weren’t exactly those words, but he said how long. It’s a tough fight and he’s going tohe’s ready to fight. He’s ready for a tough fight, and if the opportunity presents itself so that the fight could end early, obviously I’m going to take advantage of it. But I’m ready to fight a tough fight and it’s going to be a tough fight.

Ноён. Майкл Вудс: Баярлалаа–this question is for Oscar. Оскарын, you’ve repeatedly said you want the best fighting the best. That’s going to be the stamp that Golden Boy wishes to put on its fight. I am wondering, is there a certain class of athlete and human being who wants to accept the challenge of the best fighting the best, and are you going to maybe target those types of fighters and only sign those types of fighters to Golden Boy moving forward?

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: За, that’s up to the fighter. I mean I can’t fight for the fighter. Та мэдэх, they go up to the ring and they perform, гэхдээ, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, we at Golden Boy want to make the best match ups possible, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, obviously keeping in mind that, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, that the fans always come first and, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, this fight here with Lucas and Provodnikov, I mean this iseverybody is writing about how this is going to be the Fight of the Year and we feel proud to be working with Artie Pelullo and making this happen.

Ноён. Майкл Вудс: Тиймээ, and the fan buzz for this on Twitter is amazing I would say. Could you give us a hint maybe, a little bit of a tease about maybe some other types of fist fights that maybe you’re trying to make, or want to make for the rest of this year?

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: За, this isthat’s calls for another conference call. Тэгэхээр, we’re going to focus here on Lucas. Тэгэхээр, we’ll have a call about that shortly, my man.

Ноён. Майкл Вудс: Бүх эрх, thanksappreciate it, залуусаа–be well.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Take care, Майкл.

Operator: Бүх эрх, next question comes from the line of Disino Lois Jr. with Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: Маш их баярлалаа–gracias–[Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Хөөе, Эрик, can you translate that in English too? I speak a little Italian, but no Spanish.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: Өө, you want me to say it in English too?

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Тиймээ, I want to hear what’sI told you, I speak a little Italian, but no Spanishsorry, залуусаа.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: За, I can do both if you want me to. I don’t know.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Тэгэхээр, the question was, Лукас, do you see this as an opportunity of more doors opening at 140 so that you can be the top fighter at 140? Obviously there’s still Danny Garcia and Lamonte, but everybody knows they’re fighting at a catch-weight. Is this kind of like the changing of the guard and it’s going to open up the doors so you can be the top fighter at 140? Лукас, [Foreign Language Spoken], Лукас?

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Тийм ээ, Мэдээж хэрэг, I mean obviously with this fight here, we’re the ones that are fighting at the weight class–.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: –Whatever reason Danny and Lamonte, they’re notthey’re fighting outside of the weight class. Тийм ээ, this is the fight that’s going to open up opportunities for the winner. It’s the fight that’s going to open up bigger and better things, and that’s what I’m looking forward to. That’s what motivates me.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: Лукас, [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Are you preparing for this questionare you preparing for this fight which obviously promises to be a fight in a phone booth? Are you preparing so you’re not hit and not dropped like you have, like you did get dropped with Danny and your last fight with Molina, Лукас?

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: За, it’s all in the preparation. It’s all in the preparation and I’ve had–.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: –And I’ve had a very, very good preparation and obviously we’ve worked on things so that that won’t happen during the fight, but it’s all in the preparation and I’ve had one of the best preparations for this fight.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа–gracias, Лукас–my last question will be to Oscar De La Hoya. Оскарын–I’ll do it in English. Is this your dream come true, Оскарын, that all of the fights that you wanted to put together are little by little coming true, and at the same time you are spreading the wealth because you are going up to Verona, Нью-Йорк. A lot of people have told me, where the heck is Verona, Нью-Йорк, but it is a fight town. Тэгэхээр, are you doing this to spread the wealth of boxing and to make it more palatable for those who cannot come into the Las Vegas and the California’s and whatever?

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: За, it, I’m happy to be part of a year where boxing will be shown and on the main stage. Та мэдэх, we feel that boxing in 2015 is going to transcend–.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: –And boxing is justit’s just getting started. I mean with the Mayweather Pacquiao fight happening–.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: –With Canelo fighting and this fight here, I mean this is what the fans want to see and we’re just excited to be part of it. Тэгээд, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, to take it down to Verona, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, the ticket sales are just a great indication of–.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: –Эрх–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: –Та мэдэх, that Verona is a fight town and–.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: –Exactly–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: –Тиймээ, the arenas weren’t available in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. Тэгэхээр, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, we didn’t take a risk of taking it to Verona. I mean we obviously alreadyPelullo knew first hand what type of fans there are in Verona, Нью-Йорк. Тэгэхээр, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, obviously he wasn’t wrong. I mean this is almost a sell out event so we’re excited to be part of it.

Ноён. Disino Lois Jr.: Маш их баярлалаа–God bless all of you and [Foreign Language Spoken]. Маш их баярлалаа, Би талархаж байна.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Gracias.

Operator: Бүх эрх, next question comes from the lines of Chris Gunzz with15rounds.com. Your line is live.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Лукас, Би тэр мэдэж байгаа–it was my opinion that it was Fight of the Year last year, you versus John Molina. And you know how hard John Molina hits. You faced him. When you were sent film of Ruslan, you know that he carries a punch. How do you assess through film when you compare what you might feel from him, that what you already felt from John Molina? Who do you think has bigger one-punch power?

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Лукас, [Foreign Language Spoken]. Лукас?

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Тийм ээ, Хэрэв тийм бол, okay–тиймээ, тиймээ, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, obviously it’s hard to compare because, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, I haven’t fought against Ruslan. But they’re different styles. They’re different styles. Molina was a little sneaky. Ruslan is a very, very different style. Obviously the object of it is not to get hit, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, in this fight but I’m preparing. I’ll be ready for it.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Тэгээд, as a guy who faced that kind of power and had to get up, cross the canvas, and you pulled out a victory in that great fight, do you ever have any questions that if Ruslan does prove to carry bigger power, will you be able to get up? Do you ever question that?

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Лукас Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan. Тэгэхээр, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going to get dropped. But when Molina dropped me, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх, if the punch was a little bit behind my head. I’m not making excuses, but I’m not going to get dropped. I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan and that’s not what I’m thinking about.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: He’s pretty tough, and one question for Cuty Barrera, Lucas did show and he has shown that he can jab and he can move a little bit. He does have a little bit more to his game than Ruslan does. Is it a game plan to show movement because Ruslan does admit that he has problems with movers? Is it a plan to try to move a little bit?

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: He’s talking in robot I think. I don’t know what he’s saying. [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Does Lucas want to answer that? Is he trying to involve a little bit more movement to the fight?

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: I don’t now what’s going on.

Ноён. Эрик Gomez: Тиймээ, гэж тэр хэлэв, мэдэх вэ? I think I understood him saying they’re working on the jab. He’s working on the jab a little bit, but he doesn’t want to give up too much information.

Ноён. Chris Gunzz: Maybe he’s coming as a robot. He’s going to be had to beat if he does. And one quick question for Oscar. Оскарын, when you finished laughing out loud, what did you end up saying through text or phone call to Gary Russell on Saturday night? I’m just playing. I’m just playing. I don’t want you to answer that. I know you’re a lot more professional. I just want to commend you on the great fights that you’re putting on and the great job you’re doing at Golden Boy. I do appreciate the great job you guys are doing–баярлалаа–баярлалаа, хүн бүр.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Are we done, Marc?

Operator: We have no further questions, баярлалаа, энэ үед.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: За, Ингэснээр, Би боддог, Оскарын, I want to thank you. Эрик, Лукас Matthysse, Руслан, and all of the reporters on board. See everybody–Оскарын, I’d like youI’ll let you finish up with the last word. I want to see everybody at the fight and I appreciate everything that is happening with this great event–баярлалаа.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: Та бүхэнд баярлалаа–маш их баярлалаа, болон, тиймээ, there’s really not much to say. We’ll see you April 18th. I mean sure fireworks. We are all excited and we’re justit’s just a pleasure to be working with Artie Pelullo and his staff and everybody involved. Тэгэхээр, watch it live on HBO Championship Boxing. There’s a few tickets left. Тэгэхээр, it’s sure going to be a sell out and crowd there in New York. Тэгэхээр, we’re excited and so we’ll see you soon–баярлалаа.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Оскарын, if you’re around tomorrow, Лхагва гариг, I’ll be in LA. Lunch is on me at In-N-Out Burger. Very important on the east coastwe don’t have them here.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: I’m actually inI’ll be in New York, but I’ll take you up on that at another date–баярлалаа, Artie.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: You got it. Have a good day, залуусаа–маш их баярлалаа–anything else, Marc?

Ноён. Marc Abrams: Хийж чадахгүй.

Ноён. Artie Pelullo: Бүх эрх, баярлалаа–bye bye–.

Ноён. Оскар Де Ла Hoya: –Bye–.


FACTS: Matthysse сүсэг. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Баннер сурталчилгаа, Алтан Boy урамшуулал хамтранArano Boxing мөн Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, Мексик – Гэхэд итгэхэд үүний дагуу амьдардаг! мөн Khortytsa архи. The HBO Boxing After Dark telecast begins at 9:45 p.m. ET / PT.


Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар: дөрөвдүгээр сар 18 showdown between former World Champions Lucas “Ла Maquina” Matthysse болон “Сибирийн Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov proved to be a smashing success as all ringside seats have sold-out. Limited seats are still available , $35 болон $25 and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 эсвэл онлайн Ticketmaster дээр (www.ticketmaster.com).

Professional media requesting credentials for the April 18th fight must contact Kelly Abdo, Чулуун дээр Resort Casino Олон нийттэй харилцах менежер эргэх 315.366.9291 буюуkelly.abdo@turningstone.com.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, айлчлал www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing болон www.turningstone.com Twitter дээр дагана дээр GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Turning чулуун мөн үед Facebook дээр фен болох Алтан Boy FacebookХуудас, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing буюуwww.facebook.com/Принтерийн хор Хар Turning and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Баннер боксын, @ Turning чулуу болон ruslanprovod.

Showtime SPORTS® TO Chronicle дотроо MAYWEATHER "нь жилийн хамгийн их хүсэн хүлээсэн үйл явдал сүсэг. PACQUIAO "

Дөрвөн-р хэсэг баримтат цуврал Network-ийн тусын болоод Шагнал авсан номууд-"Epilogue" Episode оруулах; Цуврал нээлтийн Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 18, Зөвхөн Showtime-нд®


(Фото Credit: Showtime)

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Гуравдугаар 27, 2015) - Showtime Спорт® үзэгчдэд онцгой боломжийг санал болгож байна Floyd "Мөнгө" Mayweather мөн нь жилийн хамгийн их хүлээгдэж буй үйл явдал "Сүсэг дотроо MAYWEATHER. PACQUIAO,Тэр өөрийн мөргөлдөөн сургалтанд navigates нь "ойр дотно дөрвөн хэсэг баримтат цуврал олон наст фунт-г фунт аварга амьдралыг chronicling Мэнни Pacquiao. Хэрэг явдал 1 дээр нээлтийн Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 18 нэн даруй амьд дараахShowtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын® Мексикийн од онцлог doubleheader Жулио Сезар Чавес JR.


Сүсэг дотроо MAYWEATHER. PACQUIAO delivers a unique perspective of the compelling and popular Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the biggest prizefight of this generation. In the fourth installment, Epilogue, Showtime Спортын тэмцэл долоо хоногийн урьдчилан таамаглах боломжгүй драма дээр тод, спортын Эмми шагналт анхаарлын төвд төвлөрч, тэмцэл шөнө олсоор дотор үзэгчдэд авдаг, мөн дайралт хийвэл дараа буюу сөнөөгч санаанд нь орж.


"Showtime боксын хамгийн том тулаан, түүний хамрах хүрээ нь өөрөө онцгойлон адислагдаж, манай үзэгчид бид хангах цорын ганц боломж гэж бодож ирсэн,"Стивен Espinoza гэж хэлсэн, Гүйцэтгэх дэд ерөнхийлөгч & Ерөнхий менежер, Showtime Спорт. “INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO зөвхөн тэмцэлд өмнө Mayweather-ийн хуаранд үзэгчид угтан байх болно, гэхдээ бас нэн даруй өмнө, энэ түүхэн тэмцэлд дараа үзэгчдэд эдгээр айхтар, хурц хором болгон цонх өгч байна. "


Showtime камер Лас-Вегас тод гэрэл сүүдэрт Mayweather-ийн бааз бэхжсэн байна. This unparalleled access allows INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. Гийн ялагдашгүй урагш ахиулдаг төгс төгөлдөр unrelenting тууштай хэрэгжүүлэх илчилдэг бол PACQUIAO Mayweather-ын баян хүнээр олон нийтийн дээр хөшгийг буцааж хальсыг нь, маргаангүй аварга.


Лос-Анжелес дахь kickoff хэвлэлийн бага хурал улаан хивсний үзэгдэл болон жинтэй-д эрчимтэй, эцсийн хонх дараа хувцас солих өрөөнд тайван сургалтын бааз нь чичрэх эхлэн, Сүсэг дотроо MAYWEATHER. PACQUIAO ямар ч өрсөлдөгч нь үйл явдлын үеэр дотоод гарч харагдах санал болгож байна.


Дөчин долоон сөнөөгч Mayweather болон бүх цагираг орлоо байна 47 have come away empty. With complete access to Mayweather and the vast entourage that surrounds and supports him, дотроо MAYWEATHER үзэгчдэд сүсэг. PACQUIAO "Мөнгө" хачиг болгодог нь юу ойлгох.


Сүсэг дотроо MAYWEATHER. PACQUIAO тохиолдолууд олон Encore илтгэл Showtime дээр Premiere, including the cable television premiere on CBS SPORTS NETWORK. All episodes of the series will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Showtime аль ч® , онлайн дээр SHO.com/Sports.


Ø Episode 1 нээлтийн Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 18 Showtime тухай, нэн даруй сүсэг Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн боксын Chavez дараах. Fonfara (10 p.m. БОЛОН/7 p.m. PT).

Ø Episode 2 нээлтийн Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 25 үед 7:30 p.m. БОЛОН/Showtime дээр ПТ

Ø Episode 3 нээлтийн Лхагва гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 29 үед 10 p.m. БОЛОН/Showtime дээр ПТ.

Ø Epilogue premieres Бямба гариг, May 9 Showtime тухай


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