Tag Arsip: HBO

Nu Mongoose Geus landed

Willie Monroe JR. di Los Angeles pikeun Saptu sacara Judul bout Middleweight jadi televised dina HBO World Championship Boxing® di 10 PM et/PT

WBA jumlah-dua rengking contender Willie “Nu Mongoose” Monroe JR. datang di LAX jeung timnya pikeun Saptu sacara Fight judul Middleweight ngalawan Gennady Golovkin nu bakal lumangsung di Forum di Gondang, California jeung bakal televised dina HBO World Championship Boxing® awal di 10 PM et/PT
Photo Kredit: Banner / promosi

GENNADY “GGG” Golovkin – Willie Monroe JR. International Media Konférénsi Call Transcript

Salasa, Mei 5, 2015
Bernie Bahrmasel: Halo, jeung wilujeng sumping ka Call Media Konferensi Internasional pikeun Middleweight Championship of the World salaku tinju superstar Gennady “GGG” Golovkin defends WBA nya, IBO jeung Judul WBC Interim ngalawan nomer dua rengking nangtang Willie “Nu Mongoose” Monroe Jr, Nyetél for gigireun Saptu peuting, 16 Méi di The “Hebat” Forum di Los Angeles, jeung telecast hirup di Amérika Sarikat dina HBO World Championship tinju di 10 p.m. Sabeulah wetan.

Urang ningali jumlah overwhelming dipikaresep dina ieu acara, nu ogé bisa perdana HBO of gancang-rising béntang Romawi “Chocolatito” Gonzalez defending judul flyweight junior WBC ngalawan nomer dua rengking nangtang, Edgar Sosa.

Minggu ayeuna, urang bakal dikabaran tarung minggu jadwal media éksténsif kajadian Los Angeles wewengkon. Pikeun media, lamun can rengse jadi, mangga panawaran pikeun kredensial di MagnaMedia.com.

Ngahijikeun urang kahiji dina télépon ti camp latihan di Big Bear Lake, California bakal Gennady, palatih-dunya renowned nya, Abel Sanchez, jeung sutradara menata of K2 promosi, Tom Loeffler. Saterusna dina télépon, urang bakal ngagabung ku Willie Monroe Jr, ti camp latihan di usum Haven, Florida, jeung promotor nya, kapala Banner promosi, Artie Pelullo babarengan jeung palatih-Na Tony Morgan.

Ieu ayeuna pelesir mah ngahurungkeun télépon leuwih ka Tom Loeffler of K2 promosi, anu bakal ngawanohkeun Gennady Golovkin jeung Abel Sanchez pikeun muka koméntar maranéhanana. Lajengkeun, Tom.

Tom Loeffler: Hatur nuhun, Bernie. Urang geus gumbira di bringing Gennady deui ka wewengkon Los Angeles. Urang geus gotten respon gede ti fans jeung sales tiket. Gennady ngabogaan 19-fight knockout tilas bade ayeuna, jeung nyadiakeun loba pikagumbiraeun di ring jeung aya geus loba telepon pikeun manéhna meunang balik deui ka ring. Urang nempo tarung dina Saptu peuting jeung urang sigana jadi yearning keur sababaraha pikagumbiraeun, jeung éta naon Gennady jaminan di ring, jeung urang boga co-pitur gede jeung “Chocolatito” Gonzales ngalawan Edgar Sosa. Chocolatito sacara nyieun debut HBO nya, ogé, jeung saha atuh loba fans di L.A nu. wewengkon ogé gumbira nempo Chocolatito di ring.

Jeung Willie Monroe nyaéta jumlah dua dipeunteun contender jeung penah gaya pisan unconventional jeung jurus southpaw sarta gerakan di ring, jadi Jigana ieu gé jadi jelas gede gaya.

Jeung nu, Kuring hayang ngawanohkeun Abel Sanchez ti-Na Summit Pelatihan Camp di Big Bear Lake.

Abel Sanchez: Baraya. Wilujeng énjing, guys. Urang ditéang maju ka-naon kitu sapuluh poé ti ayeuna poé sabelas ti ayeuna, putting dina acara sejen hebat. Simkuring untung boga lalaki ngora di Willie Monroe anu kuring apal akang datang ka tarung jeung nyadiakeun urang jeung nu fight seru urang geus teu kungsi. Sumur, sabenerna minggu pamungkas ieu teu jadi seru minangka salah ieu nu keur jalan jadi, jadi mudahan Willie di bentuk gede. Saha atuh anu Tony urang meunang manéhna siap, jadi we ditéang maju ka Saptu peuting ieu.

Tom Loeffler: Terus kuring oge hayang ngawanohkeun WBA, Jawara Interim WBC, IBO Middleweight Jawara, 32-0 jeung 29 knockouts, Gennady “GGG” Golovkin.

Gennady Golovkin: Wilujeng énjing. A sababaraha minggu saméméh tarung jeung aku siap, Abdi ngaraos séhat. Kalawan loba harepanana, Willie bakal siap tarung sabab urang bakal boga fight kuat jeung kinerja alus pikeun fans. Geus aya janji hiji drama show big. Kuring ngaharepkeun manéhna geus siap oge. Hatur nuhun ka tim mah, fans jeung media keur sakabeh support maranéhanana jeung ka HBO.

Q. Baraya, guys. Hatur nuhun nyokot waktu ngalakonan panggero. Patarosan mah keur Gennady. May Anjeun 16 fight asalna di hiji waktu metot, katuhu dina heels of Mayweather / Pacquiao, gelut nu loba jelema-I wani nyebutkeun paling jalma ceuk eta teu Fitur action cukup pikeun liking maranéhanana. Naha anjeun lalajo tarung? Jeung, naon anu anjeun mikir Mayweather / Pacquiao?

Gennady Golovkin: Nuhun. Everybody hayang gelut pikeun lima taun. Jigana Floyd sacara teuing pinter. Ieu gaya Floyd sacara; manéhna teu mawa loba teuing nembak. Floyd sacara teuing pinter, manéhna hiji petinju gede, manéhna nomer hiji di dunya.

Q. Jeung naon kira Pacquiao? Naon anu anjeun mikir kinerja nya?

Gennady Golovkin: Pacquiao, Jigana manéhna leungiteun kadali tarung. Manehna teu bisa ngalakukeun nanaon ngalawan Floyd. Pacquiao pisan alus, tapi ieu gelut pisan pinter pikeun Floyd.

Q. Dengekeun, Kuring mah nempo katukang Willie Monroe, nu teu tangtu jadi bijaksana. I nyangka anjeun geus teuing Sarbini pikeun manéhna, sanajan. Janten, naon ngeunaan fight saterusna, Anjeun ngalawan Floyd Mayweather di 154 kilogram? abdi percanten ka anjeun, tiasa waé, nu lawan logis gigireun nguji Floyd Mayweather.

Gennady Golovkin: Tangtosna, geus gelut ngimpi mah. Kalawan atra, Floyd, manéhna téh jawara gede, jeung saeutik bit gaya beda. Floyd, manéhna hiji guy pinter. Manéhna teu loba gerak. Pikeun gaya mah, saeutik saeutik beda, Mah kawas drama show, Mah kawas fight nyata, kawas fight deukeut. Kuring hayang némbongkeun, show big; drama show big!

Q. Jeung bakal mawa nu drama show gedé lamun éta pikeun meunangkeun tarung jeung Floyd Mayweather?

Gennady Golovkin: Leres pisan.

Q. Alus teuing. Great jawaban. Abdi ngahargaan éta. Sing salamet.

Q. Patarosan pikeun Abel. Abel, kumaha Anjeun nungkulan sagala patarosan ieu ngeunaan anu saterusna? Kami kakara ngalaman hiji-anu saterusna pikeun Gennady lamun manéhna tarung dina May 16, bodo anu meureun salah sahiji guys panggancangna anjeun geus kungsi perang. Kumaha anjeun nungkulan ieu? Jeung, kumaha Anjeun tetep GGG ngumpul di tugas dina leungeun? Teu obrolan ngeunaan Canelo, jeung teu obrolan ngeunaan Floyd jeung sagalana sejenna, 16 Méi nyaéta kahiji.

Abel Sanchez: Sumur, untungna we boga professional nyata dina Gennady Golovkin dina gim, jadi patarosan ngeunaan saha bae nu sejenna nu ukur dina tipe ieu telepon. Dina gim, ceuk urang solely fokus kana Willie Monroe. Willie Monroe nu keur jalan jadi tangtangan tangguh, jeung urang keur teu nyanghareup manéhna ku cara nu mana wae sabab lamun urang nyokot titajong dieu, sakabeh jalma ngaran nu sejenna mangrupakeun bisu.

Janten, Golovkin ieu concentrating dina Willie Monroe, kajaba tangtu maranehna nanyakeun saperti ieu di telepon media, tapi aya nu teu ragu dina pikiran kuring nu urang gé siap, mental jeung fisik, pikeun 16 Méi.

Q. Hiji pertanyaan nu leuwih, lamun kitu mah. Catetan nu digabungkeun tina lima lawan panungtungan pikeun Gennady nyaéta 165 ngéléhkeun, ngan 15 karugian. Di mana Anjeun bakal nunda Willie Monroe di-antara maranéhanana pejuang? Kumaha anu anjeun meunteun manéhna antara lima Gennady pamungkas perang?

Abel Sanchez: Jigana sajauh kaahlian jeung sajauh pangabisa di ring, ceuk urang meunang jadi di luhur tilu, jeung meureun dua top. Pangalaman, meureun teu cukup salaku ngalaman salaku guys séjén, tapi Willie geus kabuktian dina gelut leuwih badag, nu Boxcino Pasanggiri misalna, yén manéhna bisa nélépon dirina di ring, jadi manéhna nepi aya, kawas ceuk, hiji, dua, atawa tilu. A pisan, pisan, bajoang pohara alus.

Q: Wilujeng énjing, gentlemen. Kuring kakara boga dua patarosan gancang. Gennady, urang nyaho reputasi jeung neruskeun jeung kahayang anjeun tarung, tapi anjeun terus meunang kritik for henteu nyokot gelut ditangtoskeun tanpa urang bener putting ngalepatkeun dina jalma anu geus satuju tarung anjeun. Kumaha carana sangkan nu make aran lamun urang nyebutkeun yén ngeunaan Anjeun?

Gennady Golovkin: Kuring ngarasa gede. Kuring ngarasa alus ayeuna. Fight ieu téh bener penting pikeun karir mah, jeung everybody, pikeun jalma mah, pikeun tim mah. Thank you very much for mah urang. Ieu pohara penting keur kuring, ieu tarung jeung Willie, ayeuna mah fokus dihurungkeun Willie Monroe sabab manéhna hiji jawara gede, manéhna hiji nangtang gede keur kuring jeung manéhna bisa jadi jawara saterusna. Unggal fight penting keur kuring.

Q. Jeung pajoang ngalawan Willie Monroe, manéhna southpaw a, jeung urang geus katempo pisan ceuk nu hayang nyanghareupan nu tipe lawan, anu southpaw a. Naon anu anjeun ngaharepkeun nu kinerja ieu bakal mintonkeun ka urang ningali anjeun ngeunaan gaya Anjeun, jeung jalan Anjeun ngalawan?

Gennady Golovkin: I hayang gelut southpaw a alatan kuring hayang némbongkeun everybody mah bisa ngéléhkeun gaya nu mana wae nu, henteu masalah. Saha bae, guy kuat, guy jangkung, guy pondok, ngan sasaha. Kuring pisan cemas. Ieu tes gedé pikeun kuring. Kuring jadi inget loba pejuang, kawas Canelo, Dimasak, jeung loba juara gede geus manggihan masalah southpaws. Naha teu nguji sorangan.

Q. Abel, Gennady jenis dijawab Patarosan ieu ngeunaan nanya, tapi naon atuh nebak ti sudut pandang hiji palatih sacara, naon anu anjeun tempo Willie Monroe bringing ka tabel nu Gennady can katempo dina jalan nepi?

Abel Sanchez: A loba gerak jeung slickness jeung lamun Gennady gelut a southpaw di mangsa nu bakal datang éta leuwih alus disusun pikeun gaya.

Willie nyaeta bajoang dibuktikeun jeung alus dina, kawas ceuk dina Boxcino Pasanggiri, jadi ayeuna teh teu kawas urang geus pajoang a guy éta dina nu geus kungsi geus dina kaayaan kawas ieu. Bédana téh manéhna keur jalan nuju di ngalawan Golovkin jeung Golovkin jigana mawa ieu guys turun ka tingkat nu maranéhanana geus teu pira pikeun manéhna, tapi lamun Willie brings game A nya, Jigana urang geus nempo lima atawa genep rounds tangguh, terus manteng bakal nu nu meunang leuwih dina bak.

Q. Gennady, Kuring teu apal anjeun teu bisa maksakeun nu middleweights séjén pikeun meunangkeun dina ring jeung anjeun; sadaya Anjeun bisa ngalakukeun mah sakadar ngahibur. Anjeun ngarasa jenis obligated sanajan pikeun mawa division middleweight ayeuna? Siga, anjeun geus bodo boga dulur nu keur jalan neuteup ka salaku hiji middleweight nu bakal tarung everyone.

Gennady Golovkin: Nuhun. Kuring hayang ngalawan ka ngahijikeun judul. Kanggo abdi, éta pohara penting anu Kang nomer hiji; anu sae di dunya di division middleweight.

Q. Nuhun. Ieu pertanyaan pikeun Tom. Ceuk anjeun dina intro Anjeun nu mikir fans anu yearning keur sababaraha pikagumbiraeun sanggeus naon anu kajadian Saptu. Salaku promoter a, aya nu mana wae nu sieun a backlash di bisnis? Jeung naon atuh nebak bakal ngawula ka salaku nurutan-up salaku Gennady ieu poised jadi meureun nyanghareupan saterusna tinju, meureun manéhna bisa néwak sababaraha fans kawin silang. Bakal jadi nu harder ka ayeuna?

Tom Loeffler: Ku teu sangka aya gé jadi backlash a. Jigana bakal nyieun fans ngahargaan gaya Gennady sacara leuwih basa aranjeunna nempo naon sabenerna manéhna brings kana cingcin jeung anakna. Manéhna sok nyoba-Abel kareta manéhna dina gaya pikeun nyadiakeun pikagumbiraeun, pikeun nyadiakeun nilai pikeun fans, sarta ngarasa aya nu fans bakal ngahargaan tinimbang ngabogaan meuli ieu tarung dina bayar-per-view, maranehna bakal meunangkeun nempo eta dina HBO, jeung maranehna bakal tempo hiji show entertaining jeung Chocolatito salaku co-pitur, jeung Gennady, jeung Willie Monroe JR. dina acara utama. Jigana éta a matchup gede gaya, sarta ngarasa aya éta gé jadi tangtangan lamun ningali Gennady ngajaga tilas knockout nya hirup jeung éta naon fans geus bener datang ka ngahargaan.

Maranéhanana nyaho unggal waktu maranéhanana datang nempo Gennady ngalawan live, unggal waktu manéhna perang, naha éta Danny Geale, atawa naha éta Marco Antonio Gumilar di StubHub Center taun ka tukang. Maksad abdi, maranehna geus katempo tarung seru, sarta ngarasa Anjeun bakal ningali tipe sarua fight, jeung matchup metot nu datang Saptu ieu dina 16 May di The Forum.

Q. Alright. Abel, Patarosan sarua?

Abel Sanchez: Jigana urang ngahutang ka fans pikeun nyadiakeun hiburan. Kuring geus ngomong ti mimiti mah hayang Gennady jadi jenis guy nu kasampak maju ka ninggalkeun imah / karya awal dina Saptu peuting pikeun bisa lalajo kabéh pre-barang di tarung nempo leuwih ngeunaan Gennady. Kuring hayang manéhna jadi nu jenis individual jero ring, teu jadi loba di luar cingcin, tapi kuring mikir yén urang geus meunang ka titik nu ayeuna.

Willie presents tes saterusna. Kalawan loba harepanana, sanggeus Willie, lamun sagalana mana oge dina 16 nu, jeung Willie cooperates, urang bisa boga ngaran badag, tapi ayeuna éta Willie di hareupeun rahayat kami, jeung urang geus bade ditunda pintonan nu, atawa Gennady sacara bade ditunda pintonan nu pikeun mastikeun yén fans dileungitkeun jeung seuri dina beungeut maranéhanana jeung hoping pikeun manggihan sabot gelut deui.

Q. Andy Lee ngalawan Kid Coklat robah jadi draw a. Anjeun saena Miguel Cotto, nu nu ngan jenis kaluar aya néangan nu fight big. Ulah hayang cicing di middleweight sabab anjeun geus ceuk nu bakal lungsur turun, jeung kalawan nyata gelut gedé nu Jigana lamun urang sadaya bisa snap ramo urang jeung make lumangsung nyaéta anjeun jeung Mayweather? Bakal Anjeun mindahkeun turun saeutik saeutik dina beurat nyekel atawa bakal we nempo anjeun pindah nepi, meureun, balik judul middleweight super?

Gennady Golovkin: Nuhun. Ayeuna, fokus mah dina 160. Tujuan mah ka tahan kabéh belts. Leres pisan, Kuring ngaharepkeun pikeun gelut gedé jeung Miguel sabab manehna geus judul WBC, Kuring geus beubeur interim WBC, sarta tangtu kuring hayang gelut unifikasi jeung Andy Lee. Jigana manéhna siap jeung, tangtosna, fight ngimpi mah ngalawan Floyd.

Q. Good isuk dina Basisir Kulon, everybody. Tom, Patarosan ieu keur anjeun, jeung éta saeutik tina nurutan-up ngeunaan pakasaban promoter di hudang Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. Jeung fans sederhana, meureun, grumbling ngeunaan kurangna action, ulah Anjeun mikir yén ieu net-win atawa net-plus a sakabéh pikeun cabang olahraga tinju jeung perhatian pisan dina perang nu? Jeung, teu nu robah pendekatan Anjeun dua minggu dina hudang media ieu onslaught pisan jeung perhatian ka tinju?

Tom Loeffler: Jigana paparan ka tinju ieu net-win for eta. Jigana fans bisa geus kuciwa nu mayar loba duit ka sabenerna nempo live, atawa meureun di view bayar-per-; éta di mana Anjeun bener nempo disappointment tina fans. Tapi, Émutan abdi, deui, lamun ningali si nu bakal kakeunaan cabang olahraga tinju sarta saterusna maranéhanana nuturkeun-up dua minggu ka hareup atawa komo hiji minggu saterusna. Anjeun saena Canelo datang nepi sabtu minggu ieu, oge dina HBO, terus dua minggu engke anjeun geus Gennady datang deui ka ring, wae euy nyieun leuwih apresiasi pikeun maranéhanana fans anu kakeunaan olahraga pikeun ngabogaan hiji fight seru di ring.

Q. Jeung dina nurutan-up, kumaha anjeun mangpaatkeun, for urangna keur kecap hade, nu perhatian jeung pastikeun maranéhanana geus masih kira-kira dua minggu ka hareup pikeun nempo naon we dina telepon eta kabeh apal bakal jadi kontes pohara béda jeung kacida entertaining?

Tom Loeffler: Sumur, urang ngan nyoba ditunda nempokeun pangalusna. Lamun Gennady perang taun ka tukang di StubHub, urang tadi Nonito Donaire, jeung Nicholas Walters salaku co-pitur, jeung jeung gelut ieu urang boga “Chocolatito” Gonzales ngalawan Edgar Sosa, ogé minangka co-pitur, jadi we saukur nyoba nyadiakeun nilai pikeun fans. Maranéhanana geus direspon ku meuli tiket jeung Gennady geus gelut jual pangbadagna kungsi di StubHub Center, jeung aya geus loba juara anu geus aya saméméh perang, jeung ratings-Na terus ngagambarkeun nu.

Jadi ayeuna teh ngan kemasan nilai pikeun fans, jeung éta saukur deui urang ngahargaan cabang olahraga tinju nu kakeunaan eta sarta saterusna maranéhanana kabéh geus rasa leuwih alus lamun anjeun boga hiji bajoang seru nu asup ka ring, jeung di sawatara titik maranéhanana bakal milih naha maranéhanana meuli tiket atawa Ngepaskeun ka gaya beda.

Sarta ngarasa aya kabuktian Gennady sacara yén manéhna nyadiakeun pikagumbiraeun jeung unggal waktu si tunes atawa mundut tiket ka fight nya, maranehna sok datang jauh jeung rasa pikagumbiraeun, sarta manéhna brings loba fans ka olahraga, fans anyar nu geus kungsi sabenerna geus ka hiji patandingan tinju saméméh nu datang ka StubHub, atawa sabot perang di New York di Madison Square Garden. Maranéhanana datang husus pikeun nempo Gennady jeung nu napas hawa seger pikeun fans tinju.

Q. Oké. Patarosan gancang pikeun anjeun, Abel, kahiji. Gennady ngabogaan salah sahiji pangalusna persentase knockout babandingan dina game tinju ayeuna. Patarosan kuring pikeun anjeun kadang manéhna teu meunang kiridit keur footwork alus teuing nya. Aya nanaon sejenna, husus, nu geus kapanggih, atawa nu tos Anjeun jenis diasah di fight camp sareng anjeunna ieu sababaraha minggu pamungkas saméméh gelut jeung Willie Monroe?

Abel Sanchez: Sumur, unggal camp latihan nu urang balik kana we sisihkan sababaraha hal anu urang geus bade konsentrasi dina for gelut tangtu we geus datang nepi. Pikeun Willie, urang boga sababaraha hal anu urang geus dipake dina pikeun merangan sababaraha nya, teu ngan gerakan, tapi ogé cara manéhna nyoba jadi slick.

Janten, mugia alesan nu mudahan di sapuluh, dua belas gelut, we katutupan loba wewengkon anu kudu ditutupan pikeun ngaronjatkeun game-Na. Gennady éta, saurang murid ti game. Gennady mikanyaah diajar hal anyar, Gennady sacara sok Mayar perhatian, jadi eta gampang pikeun mintonkeun manéhna hal jeung nanya pikeun manéhna pikeun ngalakukeun hiji hal jeung manéhna repeats eta. Max jeung I, nya adi Max jeung kuring bakal ngobrol ngeunaan naon nya nu hayang we manéhna ngalakonan terus Gennady executes eta cara urang hayang.

Untungna, pikeun camp ieu urang tadi dua pohara alus mitra sparring di Julius Jackson jeung Raymond Gatica nu disadiakeun urang kanvas nu keur Gennady prakna sababaraha hal anu urang geus nyoba pikeun ngaronjatkeun dina for gelut ieu.

Q. Ieu nanaon beda ayeuna pajoang a southpaw nu ngarasa jiga nu geus jenis ningkatkeun atawa berpungsi dina saeutik leuwih?

Abel Sanchez: Oh, leres pisan. Willie Monroe teu a southpaw standar. Anjeunna pisan slick. Manéhna geus roda pohara alus, ku kituna nu keur jalan jadi prosés nyoba motong manéhna off jeung practicing nu di gim pikeun bisa motong manéhna off jeung meta ka kaayaan, jadi manéhna dipigawé eta kacida alusna. Ceuk urang diadaptasi kacida alusna naon we hayang for gelut husus dina ieu, sajaba hal anu kami ngalakonan di jaman baheula. Jadi we ditéang maju ka peuting gede.

Q. Oké. Patarosan kuring ka anjeun téh, nya eta hiji frustrating saeutik pikeun anjeun sakapeung, Kuring teu apal Anjeun ngalawan opat kali sataun, bisa leuwih atawa kurang, méré atawa nyokot, Anjeun coba cicing aktip. Nya eta frustrating pikeun anjeun sakapeung lamun ngamimitian nempo sababaraha ieu guys kawas Miguel Cotto, manéhna bisa-tur Anjeun hoyong nyoba pikeun meunangkeun tarung sababaraha ieu guys bener alus, sarta kadangkala éta hésé pikeun anjeun? Kumaha anjeun terus fokus nyaho nu hayang gelut sababaraha ieu juara bener gede, jeung éta saeutik hésé pikeun anjeun?

Kuring teu apal nu nyebutkeun kadang anjeun geus jadi pejuang Méksiko, jeung jadi Kaula asumsina nu Anjeun hoyong emulate hebat pisan maranéhanana.

Gennady Golovkin: I jenis ngan nempo kaayaan mah ayeuna salaku ngan Abdi siap. Nyaho anjeun geus bener, leres pisan, kitu acan mah fokus. Fokus mah dina anu nomer hiji di division middleweight. Henteu masalah sabaraha gelut per taun, lima, genep, Abdi émut, kawas Chavez Sr., loba juara gede, unggal bulan kadua manéhna gelut gedé. Kanggo abdi, ayeuna Kaula siap tarung big, Abdi siap. Kuring teu apal kuring geus ngan meureun pasangan taun, meureun tilu taun, meureun opat taun, Kuring siap genep gelut per taun. Kuring siap sasaha.

Q. Nyaéta Chavez Méksiko bajoang paporit Anjeun?

Gennady Golovkin: Nuhun. Chavez, Sr. nyaeta. Abdi bogoh juara gede ti Méksiko. Mah kawas gaya Chavez Sr. sacara, kawas pindah, jeung strategi, abdi resep ieu. Mah kawas gaya alatan manéhna bakal tarung jeung sasaha kapan. Ngan bisa jadi lima, genep, tujuh kali per taun. Sarua pikeun kuring, Abdi siap.

Q. Janten, nyaeta naha anjeun nyoba ngalawan salaku mindeng Anjeun ngalakukeun?

Gennady Golovkin: Leres pisan, nuhun.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Urang geus bade mungkus nepi sisi Gennady Golovkin sacara. Tom, upami Anjeun hoyong nyieun sawatara koméntar nutup, jeung nyaritakeun media mana pamiarsa maranéhanana bisa meunangkeun tiket?

Tom Loeffler: Leres pisan. Deui urang keur sagala gumbira ngeunaan Gennady datang deui ka Southern California 16 Méi ngalawan Willie Monroe JR. Éta gé jadi di The “Hebat” Forum. Ieu wangunan gede éta kajadian leuwih alus ti ieu direnovasi. Geus saperti sajarah gede gelut legendaris keur lumangsung aya jeung ayeuna jeung fight kartu ieu datang ka LA. wewengkon, Jigana urang gé nempo turnout gede. Urang dibanderol tiket pikeun fans dimimitian di $30 jeung maranehna aya di TheForum.com, sarta ogé dina TicketMaster.com. Fight pamungkas Gennady di LA dijual kaluar, jadi we mamatahan fans meuli tiket maranéhanana awal ngarah teu ngajalankeun kana masalah anu sarua pamungkas basa aya no tiket sadia.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Abel, ulah rék méré media sababaraha koméntar nutup samemeh urang meunangkeun deui ka latihan?

Abel Sanchez: Leres pisan. Kuring remen hatur eta pikeun pangrojong maranéhanana jeung telepon maranéhanana jeung patarosan maranéhanana. Pastikeun Anjeun Ngepaskeun di tur tingal fight sejen gede ti Gennady dina jalan ka superstardom.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Nuhun pisan loba, Abel. Gennady, nu mana wae nu koméntar leuwih samemeh indit deui ka latihan ayeuna?

Gennady Golovkin: Hatur nuhun pisan, everybody. Thank you very much for nu ngadukung. Thank you very much for perhatian. Ieu téh bener penting pikeun tim mah, pikeun karir mah, jeung geus aya janji pintonan gede, kajadian gede, ngan ngabagéakeun mah Big Drama Témbongkeun. Hatur nuhun.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Nuhun pisan loba, Gennady. Nuhun pisan loba, Abel. Dina waktu ieu keur media, geus pelesir mah pikeun ngawanohkeun Artie Pelullo ti Banner promosi, anu bakal ngawanohkeun Team Monroe. Lajengkeun, Artie.

Artie Pelullo: Baraya, guys. Halo. Isuk nu sae pikeun everybody. Kuring nebak pernyataan lawang nu Abdi hoyong nyieun nyaéta Abdi hoyong hatur Gennady Golovkin jeung Tom Loeffler pikeun méré Willie Monroe kasempetan ieu. Sakumaha urang sadaya nyaho, Willie nyaéta nomer dua di dunya, jeung alesan naha urang geus di dieu téh alatan kumaha ogé manéhna di 2014 ku unggul opat gelut sakaligus, kaasup turnamén nu ESPN geus kamampuh jeung tetempoan ka ditunda disebut Boxcino. Terus Willie datang deui terus meunang kaputusan unanimous sanggeus unggul pasanggiri ngalawan Bryan Vera, nu ayeuna geus nahan manéhna di status ka tangtangan nu middleweight pangalusna di dunya, jeung eta nu keur jalan jadi gelut pisan metot.

Ieu gelut nu urang percaya we bisa meunang. Kalolobaan jalma teu mikir Willie bisa meunang tarung, tapi kuring; éta naha urang nyandak eta. Jeung eta nu keur jalan jadi gelut terrific, sarta ngarasa Gennady anu bade jadi dina keur gelut hésé pisan jeung bajoang pohara alus anu bisa ngalakukeun hal anu taya sahijieun nu nu perang Gennady geus dipigawé saméméh.

Janten, Kuring kakara rek ngomong hatur nuhun ka Gennady sabab éta gelut sukarela, jeung cenah manéhna hayang ngalawan a guy tangguh anu southpaw sarta ieu téh southpaw pangalusna kaluar aya. Jeung Tom Loeffler hiji guy pohara alus, babaturan ours jeung tambang, teu ours, tambang, jeung geus bisa nyieun deal ieu rada gancang.

Kuring hayang hatur HBO for oge putting tarung dina sabab Peter Nelson anu mundut gelut pikeun HBO sadar yen ieu bade jadi hiji patandingan pisan compelling, jeung deui terus ka pernyataan lawang mah. Kuring hayang hatur everybody. Bernie, Anjeun keur ngalakonan pakasaban alus, terus ayeuna naon Bernie. Sangkaan abdi, mana ieu-anu Willie di garis?

Willie Monroe JR.: Nuhun, Abdi di dieu.

Artie Pellulo: Lajengkeun, Willie.

Willie Monroe Jr: Kuring ngan bersyukur. Aku bersyukur pikeun kasempetan. Atuh ka Banner promosi pikeun putting kuring di posisi tarung pikeun jawara dunya middleweight ngalawan middleweight greatest di dunya dina waktu ieu, jeung aku rahayu. Janten, hatur nuhun ka Banner promosi, jeung ESPN Boxcino jeung HBO. Hatur nuhun.

Artie Pellulo: Tony, Rék ngomong sababaraha kecap?

Tony Morgan: Nuhun. Kumaha sadaya ngalakonan? Kuring kakara rek ngomong urang keur bungah boga kasempetan. Atuh ka Tom Loeffler, Spanduk promosi, HBO pikeun méré urang kasempetan ieu ngalakukeun naon we ngalakukeun. Hatur nuhun.

Q. Baraya, Willie. Dina qur'an muka Anjeun, Anjeun disebut Gennady Golovkin, nyebutkeun Anjeun kukituna bersyukur tarung pikeun jawara middleweight ngalawan bajoang katelah middleweight greatest waktu-Na. Kuring kakara hayang nyaho lamun percaya Gennady nyaéta middleweight pangalusna kaluar aya ayeuna.

Willie Monroe Jr: Maksad abdi, naon ceuk urang dipigawé nyaéta manéhna kabuktian dirina. Jeung ceuk urang dipikawanoh lega minangka middleweight pangalusna kaluar aya, jadi teu bisa ngajawab eta, jeung kalawan nyata, Kuring nepi aya kira-kira dua atawa nomer tilu, ku kituna naha kuring ngahatur nuhun for gelut ieu. Janten, Kuring teu bisa rendang lalaki turun. I moal diuk nepi dieu jeung rendang manéhna turun sabab sakali mah meunang, saterusna mah bakal jadi chopping sorangan.

Q. Bener. Oké. Awewe nu percaya aya nu mana wae nu fight nu geus kungsi, ngarah kana ieu, anu bisa nyiapkeun anjeun? Maksad abdi, kalawan nyata, Gennady sacara leuwih hade tinimbang dulur anjeun geus perang, tapi aya gaya nu tangtu nu tos Anjeun Nyanghareupan nu prepares Anjeun pikeun naon nyangka Saptu saterusna?

Willie Monroe Jr: Jigana sakabeh karir mah ti amateurs sadaya jalan nepi ka ayeuna geus nyiapkeun kuring keur kasempetan ieu. Maksudna mah kuring kungsi 142 gelut amatir, Aku jawara nasional tilu kalina.

I perang di Boxcino-atuh hartina, Gennady nyaéta saeutik saeutik tina campuran dulur mah perang di Boxcino sadaya jalan nepi ka Bryan Vera. Jadi kuring rasa ieu téh pinnacle nu, jeung éta pakasaban mah nuju di jeung ulah naon atuh pangalusna.

Q. Baraya, guys. Hatur nuhun nyokot waktu ngalakonan panggero. Ngahargaan eta. Patarosan pikeun palatih Tony Morgan. Tony, Anjeun aya di warta anyar, a misstep slight eta Sigana mah. Kuring mah yakin kaayaan jeung specifics, tapi Kaula wondering geus aya geus nu mana wae nu interupsi dina latihan, sarta ngabogaan hal nu dimaksud di sadaya, jeung kumaha éta hubungan sareng anjeun guys? Jeung, kumaha urang latihan bade?

Tony Morgan: Sampurna. Urang teu boga masalah wae. Sagalana aya dina tangan attorneys mah jeung kaayaan mah. Kaayaan di dieu saukur latihan camp jeung that's-we're bade ngaliwatan jeung ngalakukeun naon we ngalakukeun, teras nahan potongan teka babarengan, jeung ngajawab teka nu taya sahijieun jigana bisa ngalakukeun.

Q.: Baraya, Tony. Ieu ogé nu nanya keur palatih nu. Urang sadaya rasa nu ieu tarung bakal ngeunaan laju versus power, jeung daya nu aya di sisi Gennady, kalawan nyata, jeung laju, nu sakuduna nyegah manéhna Knockout punches-Na bakal sakuduna jadi nomer hiji hal pangpentingna pikeun bajoang Anjeun, pikeun Willie. Kumaha anjeun tempo tarung? Urang salah? Urang katuhu? Méré urang saeutik saeutik, a glimpse naon bisa we nyangka ti Willie di ieu tarung.

Tony Morgan: Jigana fight bakal sabenerna jadi dimeunangkeun ku intelijen ring. Jigana naon we mawa kana tabél hal Gennady sacara kungsi katempo jeung réalistis teu bisa nyiapkeun. Maksad abdi, aya sih ngan hiji Willie Monroe. Aya dua guys, meureun tilu nu meniru gaya nya eta pisan gancang, pisan hese dihartikeun.

Willie geus loba knockouts dina amateurs, teu nyebutkeun Willie sok mana aya jadi puncher big, tapi kuring mikir urang bade heran sabab éta jeung Bryan Vera. Jigana nu keur jalan jadi kejutan gedé pikeun loba jelema, teu pikeun urang, tapi keur everybody sejenna.

Q.: Jeung hiji pertanyaan nu leuwih, waktu ieu keur Willie. Sadaya ceramah maranéhanana, sakabeh jalma bets kira-kira Las Vegas sarta sakumna dunya ti 60:1 ka 80:1 pikeun Golovkin nyaéta material papan ngan buletin pikeun anjeun? Awewe nu kudu motivasi tambahan? Anjeun make motivasi salaku tambahan ieu atawa nu Anjeun ngan ngadorong ieu sadaya informasi ngeunaan Anjeun keur dasarna-anjeun dasarna leungit geus samemeh indit ka ring? Anjeun ngan teu nengetan eta?

Willie Monroe JR.: Maksad abdi, sanggeus tarung leuwih, jeung aku jawara WBA anyar, Kuring bakal nitah anjeun guys carita saeutik, jeung mere Anjeun guys a wawasan saeutik dina kahirupan pribadi mah, tapi kuring nyebutkeun yén ngomong ieu. Kuring geus geus underdog saprak kuring dikandung dina kandungan indung mah, jeung mean I nu hartina; kitu acan majas. Maksud kuring nu hartina.

Janten, keur hiji underdog naon atuh relish sabab maranéhanana anu moments mana kuring naek ka kasempetan jeung ulah-kadang kuring kaget sorangan jeung kumaha alus atuh, jadi kuring ngaraos di unsur mah. Lamun ieu paporit nu, mangka Abdi jadi saeutik hariwang, tapi keur underdog nyaeta naon sabenerna mah relish sabab motivates keur maneh naon atuh kudu ngalakonan.

Everybody bedana. Sababaraha urang perlu wanti jeung ka nu maranéhanana geus pangalusna, jadi anu pangalusna, jeung sababaraha urang kudu ka nu teu bisa ngalakukeun hal eta, ngarah bisa balik kaluar aya jeung ngabuktikeun yén maranéhanana bisa. Jeung aku salah sahiji jalma jalma nu bakal sok néangan ngabuktikeun jalma salah.

Q. Alright. Janten, of course this is the biggest fight of your career and being the fact that boxing has probably been in the best shape that it’s been in quite a while, how do you feel about being part of boxing’s future, going forward?

Willie Monroe JR.: It’s a blessing. This is something that we’ve said since I turned pro. My trainer’s always said I will resurrect boxing; I will bring back the true essence of boxing and being articulate, inside as well as outside of the ring.

Well now, I think the timing is perfect. Maksad abdi, it’s a blessing for me. Aku rahayu, and I’m elated to have this opportunity and this is just the beginning.

Dina ahir poé, it’s all about what I do. Maksad abdi, it doesn’t matter the pedigree or where you come from or what the name is, éta sadaya ngeunaan kumaha panawaran sorangan jeung naon eusina di ring jeung naon eusina di camp latihan ngarah nepi ka tarung. Janten, Nyaan coba teu hirup off naon dad mah mamang mah teu. Kaula nyieun warisan sorangan, jeung katuhu sorangan, jeung dina ayeuna, Kuring geus dijieun salajengna ti duanana geus.

Janten, éta bener euweuh for keur maneh kuring jeung kudu kuring.

Q. Alright. Hatur nuhun nyokot mah nyebut. Patarosan ieu keur Willie. Ti nempo anjeun, anjeun petinju a, a guy pisan slick, jeung loba skill téhnis. Nu kasampak nepi ka? Anu anjeun pola gaya Anjeun saatos, dina watesan sakumaha bajoang a?

Willie Monroe JR.: Dua pejuang paporit mah, pejuang Premier nu juara, Roy Jones, Jr, jeung Gula Ray Leonard. Saha bae nu ieu gancang sarta pohara hese dihartikeun jeung bisa ngalakukeun hal fisik nu pejuang séjén euy, teu bisa narik ati, jeung ulah eta saperti dina hiji fashion geulis. Maranéhanana nyaéta guys mah kasampak nepi ka.

Hector “Macho” Camacho Sr., Pernell Whitaker, sakabéh jalma guys nu éta husus, fisik jeung mental husus. Jadi maranéhanana anu guys mah kawas lalajo sadaya waktu jeung emulate.

Q. Hatur nuhun pisan, jeung hi, everybody. Willie, ieu katuhu saméméh anjeun bade ka camp latihan, anjeun dina jeung sorangan jeung Gerry Cooney. Ceuk anjeun anjeun yakin pisan ngeunaan ieu tarung. Kumaha teu camp latihan indit jeung kumaha anjeun ngarasa?

Willie Monroe JR: Latihan camp sacara alus. Latihan camp sacara gede. Kuring leuwih percaya diri ayeuna urang keur di bentuk TipTop, tapi aya maksud sagalana alus. Sagala anu alus. Ieu gelut mah geus hayang. Ieu gelut ceuk kuring hayang katuhu sanggeus Boxcino.

A loba jelema nu insinuating nu oh, Anjeun kudu lalaki mayar loba duit. Maksad abdi, ieu téh gelut mah dipénta. Lamun sakabeh blog jeung wawancara beda, maranehna ngajak kuring naon middleweight Rék ngalawan? Ceuk Gennady Golovkin. Maksad abdi, manéhna anu pangalusna. Janten, Anjeun boh balik teuas atawa balik.

Janten, Maksad abdi, sagalana sacara alus. Camp nu agung. Kaula ngabogaan fun. Maksad abdi, ngan nanya ka diri anu palatih mah, mangka anjeun nyaho kumaha alus latihan camp akang. Kuring meunang nu palatih pangalusna di dunya.

Q. Oké, jeung hayu urang tempo, hayu urang balik ka upsets, Leon Spinks leuwih Muhammad Ali, Anak gaul Douglas leuwih Mike Tyson. Ieu bener bade nyawang sabab GGG geus pasti di luhur dua atawa tilu pound pikeun pound di dunya. Lamun meunang tarung, eta nu keur jalan jadi salah sahiji upsets pangbadagna leuwih pamungkas 30 tahun kapayun. Kumaha anjeun nempo eta?

Willie Monroe JR.: I kasampak di eta cara nu sarua, jeung anjeun kudu. Maksad abdi, kasampak naon manéhna dilakonan minangka bajoang a; 19 knockouts lempeng. Manéhna nyieun debut American di 2012, jeung ceuk urang knocked kaluar everybody sahingga jauh. Jeung atuh hartina kawas naha teu bakal Anjeun hoyong candak nu cloak of invincibility ti si? Jeung, Maksad abdi, Kuring hiji nu bisa ngalakukeun hal eta.

Tapi, Maksad abdi, sakali cingcin bel, jeung dina 16 May taya sahijieun bisa meunangkeun aya gelut jeung manéhna, taya sahijieun bisa meunangkeun aya gelut jeung keur kuring, éta sadaya ngeunaan naon we panawaran jeung naon we ngaluyukeun ka peuting nu jeung meureun anu pangalusna man win.

Q. Anjeun ngagaduhan eta. Patarosan Final. Anu anjeun kuciwa dina fight big peuting séjén, Mayweather jeung Pacquiao?

Willie Monroe JR.: Teu bener sabab mah emang ieu bade jadi jiga nu. Hayu urang salah sahiji jalma stylistically matchups mana Anjeun ngan jenis nyaho naon nu keur jalan lumangsung, jeung aku bungah ayeuna teh dipigawé jeung kalawan temat, jadi jelema bisa ngeureunkeun ngawangkong.

Q. Hatur nuhun pisan. Ieu pertanyaan pikeun Tony. Tony, Kuring mah bade nanya méré jauh mana wae nu Rahasia latihan Anjeun saencan tarung, tapi anjeun teu nyebut-aya nu nyebut di lead up nu Anjeun keur bade bringing hal beda tarung. Hayu atuh nunda dina istilah ieu. Dina ningali lawan Golovkin sacara saméméhna, teu Anjeun ngaidentipikasi mana wae kasalahan nu mikir Willie bisa ngabenerkeun dina ieu tarung?

Tony Morgan: Aya rasa nu Golovkin ngajadikeun loba kasalahan. Jigana manéhna beatable. Jigana wae guy sacara beatable lamun mawa rencana katuhu kana tabél, tapi hehehehe, we’re going to capitalize on his mistakes and I don’t want to say we’re going to expose him because he is a great fighter, but we’re going to expose Willie. We’re going to expose what Willie really is, and what he’s really capable of doing.

Q. And Tony, on your follow-up to the question, and that’s a great answer. The question was actually aimed at Golovkin’s opponents and their mistakes that you might be able now to avoid? Janten, have you looked and seen that the Geale’s and the Murray’s and the Macklin’s of the world, did they do anything that you think you and Willie can avoid?

Tony Morgan: One hundred percent, all of them are pretty much all flat-footed and all of them stand in front of Golovkin. Sooner or later, he gets people to stand in front of him. I don’t think he’s going to be able to capitalize on anything that he’s used to doing because he’s never fought anybody the caliber of Willie Monroe.

I’m not saying that we beat everybody who is out there. We don’t have a name like he does, but the style that Willie presents is a style that’s imitated by no one, nyaan.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Artie, we’re going to go ahead and wrap up the call if you want to make your closing comments and have Tony and Willie join you, that would be fantastic.

Artie Pelullo: Sure. Dengekeun, sakali deui, I want to thank everybody for giving Willie the opportunity. I think Tony and Willie said it right, and we all know that it’s going to be a great fight. We’re going to win the fight, and that’s how much confidence we have in Willie’s ability. But if it wasn’t for Tom Loeffler and Gennady Golovkin and HBO giving Willie this opportunity, we wouldn’t be here.

Janten, I want to say thank you to everybody. We’re going to be out there off all week, so there’s a lot going on. Willie will be available to do interviews one on one, there’ll be an open workout, and just want to thank everybody for having us and it’s going to be a great show. It’s going to be a very good fight. It’s going to be much more than people realize what Willie can do, and it’s going to be a great show, and I think that Gennady Golovkin knows that, and I think he’s taking it very seriously.

Janten, sakali deui, hatur nuhun, everybody, and I’ll turn it over to Willie and then Tony. Lajengkeun, Willie.

Willie Monroe JR.: I’m just thankful for this opportunity and like Artie eluded to, you have to thank GGG and his camp for taking this fight and for giving Willie an opportunity, myself, Willie Monroe, an opportunity to tango with the best, and I’m happy, so thanks Tom Loeffler, thanks team GGG. And an even bigger thanks to my team for believing in me and putting in the work the last seven weeks. May 16th is show time.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Lajengkeun, Tony.

Tony Morgan: I just want to say thanks for all the support, thanks for GGG’s team for allowing us to get this opportunity, thanks for Artie, and Banner Promotions, and we’re going to go out and do what we do. We win, that’s what we do, so I just want to say thanks and thanks for the interview and appreciate the publicity.

Bernie Bahrmasel: Nuhun pisan loba, gentlemen. Deui, this is going to be a tremendous fight. This is the best middleweight in the world against a fighter who’s truly earned this opportunity to fight him. And we look forward to seeing all the media in Los Angeles next week, and we look forward to everybody watching the fight on May 16th on HBO. Nuhun pisan loba, everyone.

Gennady Golovkin vs. Willie Monroe is a 12-round middleweight world championship bout presented by K2 Promotions and GGG Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and the Forum. The fight will take place Saturday, Mei 16 di Forum di Gondang, SAPERTOS. Lawang kabuka di 4:30 p.m. PT and the first bout starts at 4:45 p.m. PT., the HBO World Championship Boxing telecast begins at 10:00 p.m. Et / PT.

Golovkin, 32-0 (29KO sacara) will be defending his World Boxing Association, International Boxing Organization and “Interim” World Boxing Council Middleweight World Titles against #2 ranked challenger Monroe,
19-1-0 (6KO sacara).

Co-featured on the telecast is 12-round junior flyweight matchup between World Boxing Council Champion ROMAN “Chocolatito” GONZALEZ, 42-0 (36KO sacara) jeung #2 ranked challenger and former world champion EDGAR SOSA, 51-8-0 (30KO sacara).

Advance tickets, dibanderol di $300, $200, $100, $60 jeung $30, are now on-sale through Ticketmaster (Ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000) and the Forum Box Office.

GOLOVKIN vs. MONROE is presented by K2 Promotions and GGG Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and the Forum.

Co-featured on the telecast is an outstanding Junior Flyweight matchup between World Boxing Council Champion ROMAN “Chocolatito” GONZALEZ and #2 ranked challenger and former world champion EDGAR SOSA.

GONZALEZ vs. SOSA is presented by K2 Promotions and Teiken Promotions in association with Zanfer Promotions.

Media Sosial: Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.K2Promos.com,www.GGGBoxing.com, www.Banner-Promotions.com, www.FabulousForum.com jeungwww.HBO.com/boxing.

Follow on Twitter at Gennady Golovkin GGGBoxing, Willie Monroe JR.WillieMonroeJr, Roman Gonzalez @ChocolatitoBox, Edgar Sosa@EdgarSosaChamp, Tom Loeffler / K2 promosi @ TomLoeffler1, Spanduk promosi BannerBoxing, Forum theForum jeung HBO tinju HBOBoxingand become a fan on Facebook www.facebook.com/GGGBoxing,www.facebook.com/WilieMonroeJrFanPage,
www.facebook / BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/TheForum jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Use the hashtags #GolovkinMonroe and #GonzalezSosa to join the conversation on Twitter.



New Jersey (Mei 5, 2015) – Saatos HBO World Championship tinju had one of their highest rated shows since 2012 with the Klitschko vs. Jennings championship bout on April 25th, Gary Shaw feels his fighters, Bryant Jennings (19-1, 10 KOs) jeung Francisco Santana (22-4-1, 11 KOs), can make quick comebacks to the big stage.


There is no doubt in my mind that Bryant Jennings and Francisco Santana are fighters the fans want see,” ceuk Gary Shaw. “The viewership that HBO had on April 25th was fantastic and I believe Jennings and Santana had a lot to do with those high ratings. Jennings because of his activity on social media. Santana because he has a tremendous amount of Latin fans that support him. Jeung nu keur ceuk, I believe both fighters, will be back on the big stage in the future.


Bryant Jennings gained a ton of respect for his gallant effort against Klitschko, in which he went the distance, giving Wladimir his toughest fight in recent years, proving he was deserving of a title shot. Francisco Santana, who also went the distance with Sadam Ali, showed remarkable heart as he fought hard in every round, giving the fans their money’s worth.


Bryant Jennings proved he’s an elite heavyweight contender with his performance against Klitschko,” Gary Shaw terus. “Santana is a Mexican warrior and both fighters gained a lot of fans that night. Both fighters pressed the action, taking the fight to their opponents, bringing excitement to the bout. Many in attendance felt the scores for both Jennings and Santana were not reflective of their fights. It was a lot closer then what the judges scorecards read. Jennings and Santana both love being HBO fighters. I have plans to bring them back to HBO.



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Network’s Distinctive And Award-Winning “Epilogue” Episode Focuses

The Spotlight On The Unpredictable Drama Of Fight Week


Click On The Image Below To Watch A Clip Lift: http://s.sho.com/1JmrDZ3


The fourth and final installment of Di jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO-Epilog–premieres Saptu ieu immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delayed telecast at 9 p.m. AND/PT. In this clip, witness Mayweather and Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach arguing just moments before the fight. And tune in Saptu ieu to witness all the drama and intensity immediately before and after last Saturday’s historic showdown.

Provodnikov popular at Mayweather – Pacquiao

Pikeun Geura Release

Philadelphia, Pa (Mei 4, 2015)This past weekend in Las Vegas, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao fought in what was the most anticipated bout in a generation. Several big name fighters were in attendance, but the one who appealed most to the hundreds of thousands of fans who flocked Sin City for the fight was “Nu Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov.
Provodnikov posed for hundreds of pictures and signed countless autographs. He also participated inRadio Rowwhere he talked on a plethora radio stations from around the country.
Provodnikov was also spotted and recognized byA-Listcelebrities who actually asked to take their pictures with the Jr. Welterweight star at the HBO/Showtime pre-fight,red carpet party.


Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Chris Farina / Top dina réngking

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Klik IEUH For Photos From Will Hart/HBO


“Anjeunna [Manny Pacquiao] is a hell of a fighter. I take my hat off to him. Now I see why he’s one of the guys that are at the pinnacle of the sport of boxing.


I knew he was going to push it and win some rounds. He had some moments in the fight, but I kept him on the outside, I was a smart fighter. I wasn’t getting hit with a lot of shots until I sat in the pocket, that’s when he would land a lot of shots.


“Urang teu naon tadi urang pigawé ieu peuting and I’m truly blessed.


I’m a calculated fighter, he’s a tough competitor.


I have to take it off to my dad, without him I wouldn’t be where I’m at.


He’s a very awkward fighter, so I had to take my time and watch him close.


“Sadaya 47 fights before I got to this fight played a major key in my career.


Manny Pacquiao is a true champion and we both did our best ieu peuting.


When the history books are written, this fight will have been worth the wait.


I have one more fight. My last fight is in September and then it’s time for me to hang it up. I’m almost 40 years old now. I’ve been in the sport 19 years and have been a champion for 18 taun, I’m truly truly blessed.




“Ieu gelut alus; Teu sangka meunang tarung.


He didn’t do anything. He was always moving outside.


I got him many times, I saw his punches.


He was moving around too much, it wasn’t easy throwing punches at him. If he would’ve stayed in one place then I could’ve thrown punches.


I was cutting him and countering. I wanted to fight.


I was able to handle his power; he’s not strong like previous opponents like [Aom] Margarito.


I thought I was up in the fight, so that’s why I didn’t attack harder in the 11th jeung 12th rounds.


He’s not bigger than me, it’s not about the size. The size doesn’t matter. I’ve fought guys bigger than him and had no problem.



* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao was a 12-round welterweight world championship unification bout promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., and sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Juli 24 jeung Mexico, Hirup ka Percaya eta. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast was co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® jeung HBO mapay-Per-Témbongkeun® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Olahraga,www.hbo.com/boxing jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook diwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH Pikeun Photos Ti Idris Erba / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Chris Farina / Top dina réngking

Klik IEUH For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (April 30, 2015) – Undefeated WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Singa jalu “Lindu” Santa Cruz, WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko, their opponents and non-televised fighters participated Kemis in the undercard final press conference before their respective fights taking place this Saturday, Mei 2, live on pay-per-view at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


In pay-per-view fights before Floyd “Duit” Mayweather meets Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao in their epic welterweight championship unificiation showdown, the Mexican star Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 KOs) will take on fellow Mexican countryman Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 KOs) in a 10-round featherweight contest and Ukraine’s Lomachenko(3-1, 1 KO) bakal membela ngalawan Puerto Rico sacara Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 KOs).


The pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® jeung HBO mapay-Per-Témbongkeun® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Also appearing at the press conference were boxers fighting on the non-televised portion of the card: Promising unbeaten Chris “Young King” Pearson (11-0, 9 KOs), anu meets Ceuk El Harrak (12-2, 7 KOs) dina middleweight 10 buleud bout; keras nganiaya Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 KOs), who’ll face fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 KOs) in a 10-rounder for the NABO, USBA and NABF Super Middleweight titles, power-punching Andrew “Sudjiman” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs), who will be opposed by Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 KOs) in a cruiserweight eight-rounder and undefeated super middleweight Brad Solomon (24-0, 9 KOs), anu meets Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 KOs) in a 10-round scrap.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Kemis at the Copperfield Theater at the MGM Grand:

Leo Santa Cruz

I’m more than excited to be on this undercard. This is the biggest card I could have been on. I want to show the whole world who I am.


I prepared very hard for this fight, like I always do. It’s going to be a historic night and I’m happy to be a part of that history.


I know that everybody is here for Mayweather and Pacquiao but there will still be millions seeing me fight and I want to show them who Leo Santa Cruz is so that I can get a lot more fans.


“”I’m still young and there are many more fights to come. The fights the fans want, we’re going to give it to them. I know those fights are going to happen.


I want to look spectacular and I want to get Cayetano out of there really fast. Sometimes these kind of fighters are the ones who give you the hardest fights because they come hungrier and have nothing to lose.


Seeing my family here and having them in the arena on fight night is a huge motivation for me. I feel happier and more relaxed and I’m ready.


I never underestimate a fighter. Any fighter in the ring is dangerous. I hope that Cayetano is ready so that we can give the fans a great show.


I know that Leo Santa Cruz is a strong, difficult fighter but he also has weaknesses and that is what we prepared for, to give him a surprise.

I’m a man that takes challenges and I’ve been preparing very hard, I’m always prepared for these types of fights. I’m very prepared and I feel very strongly that I will win.

I came here for the opportunity to beat Leo Santa Cruz and for the opportunity to participate in such a grand event that is Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.

I’m very happy and very grateful and very excited to get into the ring. It’s a huge commitment, the entire world will be watching me but that is why I accepted the fight, I know that if I beat him, bigger and better opportunities will come my way.

I’m not nervous because it’s not the first time that I’ve faced a tough opponent. I’ve never faced a world champion but I’ve faced opponents that throw hard punches, so I’m not nervous, I’m excited.



This is an opportunity to show everyone what I’m capable of doing and for millions of viewers to see that I can do it.


The best fighters get the best opportunities in the ring, there are a lot of great fighters getting those opportunities including myself.


It’s always a good feeling when people are saying good things about you.


I’m very excited to be involved in a bout such as this one, Mei 2 will be a big show shown around the world. I’m very happy to be in the opening bout for this huge fight.


I’m looking forward to this big fight dina dinten saptu. It’s a blessing to participate in this type of press conference and come Saptu, Mah bakal meunang! I’m sure of it. I will be champion.

All of the attention toward Vasyl Lomachenko gives me motivation. I’ve been a fighter and a boxer since I was young and it’s added motivation to come out on top this weekend.


I know that Lomachenko is a good and technical fighter but it doesn’t compare to my hunger and drive to be world champion.

I wanted to take the opportunity during my speech at the press conference to let everyone know that I can here to fight. It’s going to be a hard fought battle and I’m very confident that I’ll win and become the champion this Saturday.


Leonard ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather promosi

I am so excited to be here today to discuss the great undercard which will be the lead-in to our long awaited, history making event taking place this Saturday night.


The lead-in fight for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will be a very exciting fight featuring Leo Santa Cruz and Jose Cayetano.


Leo Santa Cruz is one of the classiest gentleman in the sport. He’s a very fan-friendly fighter and a Mexican warrior. He represents Mexico very well.


BOB ARUM, Galéri Kinérja Promoter, Top dina réngking

I know that every fighter deems it a tremendous honor to be part of this great event. We hope and believe that we will be presenting to the public through Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank, the best of boxing and the best fighters.


Vasyl Lomachenko is considered to be the greatest amateur fighter of all time. Ayeuna, he looks for the same type of success he had as an amateur in the professional ranks. But this will be a very competitive fight, because Gamalier Rodriguez is a Puerto Rican who comes to fight and believes that he can upset Vasyl.


A lot of the young men up here believe they are the next big thing in boxing, and many will be. But I know that Vasyl Lomachenko will be a big superstar in the sport of boxing.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mangrupa 12 buleud dunya welterweight jawara unifikasi bout diwanohkeun ku Mayweather promosi jeung Top réngking Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 jeung Mexico, Hirup ka Percaya eta.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Olahraga,www.hbo.com/boxing jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



Ieu Saptu, Mei 2, Hirup dina Pay-Per-Témbongkeun

Klik IEUH Pikeun Photos Ti Idris Erba / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Chris Farina / Top dina réngking

Klik IEUH For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME


Las Vegas (April 29, 2015) - Floyd "Money" Mayweather jeung Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao faced off for only the third time Rebo during the final press conference for their long-awaited welterweight world championship unification fight this Saptu, Mei 2, di hermansah Grand Taman sarena, hirup dina bayaran-per-view.


The last time the boxing superstars met face-to-face was at the Los Angeles press conference to formally announce the mega-fight on Maret 11. The first time they were photographed up close and personal came at a Miami Heat basketball game in January.


In the most eagerly awaited showdown in years – and the richest fight in boxing historythe undefeated and universally recognized No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs), an 11-time world champion in five weight divisions, will take on the fighting pride of the Philippines, Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs), the only boxer to capture world titles in eight weight classes.


Here is what the fighters and executives said Rebo at the KÀ Theatre at the MGM Grand:


“The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time. When the fight gets here I will go out there and do what I do best and that’s go out and fight.


“From the beginning of my career, I’ve always had a game plan. It’s just like chess. We make calculated moves in the ring and outside the ring. I got with the right team and surrounded myself with the right chess pieces.


“I’m a lot wiser than I once was. This fight sells itself. Our ultimate goal was to get to this point, whether it was Manny or another fighter.


“I don’t take anything away from Manny Pacquiao. He’s a solid fighter; a solid competitor and it will be an intriguing matchup come Saturday.


“Everything takes time, it’s all about timing. I’m glad that we had patience and didn’t rush. The time is now, this is the right time for this fight.


“I want to thank all the writers for being here. Some have been around since I was 10-years-old, some have been here for my 19 years in this sport. I’m thankful for all the writers, whether the stories were good stories or bad, you guys kept me relevant for 19 taun.


“This fight is about one fighter who is at the top fighting another fighter who is at the top. It’s about giving you guys excitement. We don’t know how this fight is going to play out, but I believe in my skills. I believe I am going to be victorious.


“When I went to training camp I worked extremely hard to win this fight and I’m pretty sure Manny did the same. That’s why this is an intriguing matchup.”


“I don’t have a prediction, but I’m excited. I’m confident and I feel for the first time that I’m ready for the fight.

"I’m so happy because that feeling and that focus that I had many years ago, geus balik deui. I’m confident and relaxed.

“My love and eagerness for this fight has made me especially interested.

“I would like to invite everyone to witness the great fight between Floyd and I this Saturday.

“I want to be an example and inspiration to people.

“Before I became a boxer, I used to sleep on the street. I can’t believe that I am in this position. The boy who didn’t have food and slept on the street can have this life.

“On Saturday our goal is to make the fans happy with our performance. Both of us will work very hard to entertain the fans and give a good fight.

“I hope that both Floyd and I do our best on Saturday and to put our name in boxing history.

“The most important thing I hope for is that after the fight I can talk with Floyd about being an inspiration to people all around the world.”

Floyd Mayweather SR., Rama Mayweather sacara & Palatih


“Whatever happens on Saturday, it’s going to be one-sided. Pacquiao is going to sleep.


“I’m a trainer, I know what’s going on with fighters. Pacquiao doesn’t have it.


“Everybody can say what they want to say. I’ve said it before, Pacquiao can’t punch. I’m not worried about it. I’m going to have Floyd walk him down.”


Freddie ROACH, Pacquiao sacara palatih

“When this fight was announced, Manny’s training level went way up. He’s really excited about this fight.


“I think we will win a decision and outpoint this guy. If the knockout comes then that will be a bonus.

“I think Manny likes to be the underdog. We like pulling upsets and doing things we’re not supposed to do. Manny is going to be that guy.

“We will put a lot of pressure on Floyd. Manny likes to exchange and with his hand speed, this fight will go in our favor.

“Manny is reckless, but that’s his style. He tries to win fights and people enjoy his fights. He gives it his all and sometimes you get knocked out, that’s part of boxing.”


Leonard ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather promosi


“The worldwide attention and interest in this event has been unbelievable and Floyd and Manny deserve it.


“Las Vegas has a rich history of hosting the biggest and best fights in the sport. Over the years Floyd Mayweather has made the MGM his home. This will be his 11th consecutive fight at MGM Grand and the 14th in his career.


“There are two great fighters that will be fighting on Saturday night and the focus needs to be on the fighters, no one else. The focus is on the fighters on Saturday night.


“On May 2, Floyd faces another huge challenge in fellow world champion Manny Pacquiao, in a fight that the whole world is waiting to see. Once again Floyd is out to prove that he is The Best Ever and I know he will on Saturday night.”


BOB ARUM, Galéri Kinérja Promoter, Top dina réngking


“This is a great promotion with two great fighters. I hope that this fight will help elevate the rest of boxing. I think based on the interest in this fight, there has been increased interest in boxing as well, and that’s great.


“People have spent a lot of time during this event watching Manny train, but more importantly, watching Freddie teach. It’s great to see two guys on the same wavelength, working on the strategy and then working it out in the ring.”


Ken HERSHMAN, Presiden, HBO Olahraga


“The journey to this fight has been a remarkable one. In addition to the great writing and reporting that all the media has been doing, HBO has been putting on terrific programs for fight fans to enjoy and bring them closer to the sport.


“One important note for everyone, please order the pay-per-view Saturday night early, or if possible today or tomorrow. We expect that the ordering systems will be overwhelmed. Oge, there will be two undercard events starting at 9 p.m. Et / 6 p.m. PT and those events can end at any time. We want to make sure that no one misses any of the main event. Tune-in and tune-in early.”


Stephen ESPINOZA, Eksekutif Wawakil Présidén jeung Manager General, SHOWTIME Olahraga


“This event is about two world-class athletes, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, who have been working for weeks and weeks, all of their lives really, to get to this precise moment.


“These two fighters have worked their entire lives to get to this moment.


“Floyd and Manny have great teams. Floyd will be the first one to tell you that his team deserves a lot of the credit for his success and I’ve heard Manny say very similar things.


“What makes this event so special and so historic, is that we have two once-in-a-generation athletes who will be meeting in the ring in about 72 jam. We are so proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a highly anticipated event.”


Richard badai, Présidén Hiburan & Olahraga pikeun hermansah Resorts International


“It is an honor for the MGM Resorts to house this highly anticipated event. Sports fans around the world will have the unique opportunity to watch two of boxing’s top champions, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, as they go toe-to-toe at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.


“Excitement for this event has resonated throughout our MGM Resorts properties and the entire Las Vegas community.


“We have created additional programming at the resorts including closed circuit viewing that gives fans the chance to experience MGM’s great championship fights.


“We just want to thank everybody involved in this great event. We’re excited, we’re proud and we can’t wait for Saturday night.”


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mangrupa 12 buleud dunya welterweight jawara unifikasi bout diwanohkeun ku Mayweather promosi jeung Top réngking Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions –Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere July 24 jeung Mexico, Hirup ka Percaya eta. The three-fight pay-per-view telecast is co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® jeung HBO mapay-Per-Témbongkeun® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Young Stars Complement Epic Welterweight Championship Showdown
Between Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao

Las Vegas (April 27, 2015) – A full lineup of present and future boxing stars is set to entertain the MGM Grand Garden Arena crowd in pay-per-view and non-televised action before the history-making welterweight showdown between Floyd “Duit” Mayweather jeung Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao dina Saptu, Mei 2.


The pay-per-view undercard is topped by a pair of fights featuring two of boxing’s most talented and exciting stars as WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Singa jalu “Lindu” Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 KOs) faces Mexican brawler Jose Cayetano (17-3, 8 KOs) and WBO Featherweight World Champion Vasyl Lomachenko (3-1, 1 KO) takes on Puerto Rican contender Gamalier Rodriguez (25-2-3, 17 KOs).


Nu bayar-per-view telecast bakal sobat dihasilkeun sarta co-disebarkeun ku HBO bayaran-per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Exciting non-televised bouts round out the action in the arena as top undefeated prospects look to keep their perfect records intact.


The slick and undefeated Chris “Sweet” Pearson (11-0, 9 KOs) meets Ceuk El Harrak (12-2, 7 KOs) in a 10-round middleweight bout and heavy-fisted Jesse Hart (16-0, 13 KOs) takes on fellow unbeaten Mike Jimenez (17-0, 11 KOs) in a 10-rounder or the NABO, USBA and NABF Super Middleweight titles.


An undefeated knockout artist looking to make it 10-for-10, Andrew “Sudjiman” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs) rupa Anthony Caputo Smith (15-4, 10 KOs) in an eight- rounds cruiserweight match.


Kicking off the night of fights is undefeated contender Brad Solomon (24-0, 9 KOs), who’ll be opposed by Adrian Rene Granados (13-3, 9 KOs) dina 10 buleud super middleweight bout.


Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to bringing some of boxing’s most exciting current and future stars to the fans on the biggest night in our sport’s history,” Ngadawuh Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather promosi. “Whether you are watching on pay-per-view or in the arena, you are in store for an electric night of fights.


Each undercard match could be a main event on another card,” ceuk Galéri Kinérja promoter Bob Arum tina Top dina réngking. “Fans can watch the exciting action as a warm-up to the most anticipated fight in decades.


As ngumumkeun saméméhna, 26-taun Santa Cruz will be making his second appearance on a Floyd Mayweather pay-per-view undercard. The fan-friendly two-division world champion has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. Born in Huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico but fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz won his first world title in 2012. Dina 2013 he won his super bantamweight title.


Fighting out of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Cayetano ngahurungkeun pro di 2009 and sprinted to a 10-0 record before dropping a narrow split decision to Ruben Tamayo in 2011. He most recently dropped a decision to Enrique Bernache in February after defeating Dennis Contreras and Eden Marquez in his previous two starts. He hopes to make a grand impression in his U.S. perdana dinaMei 2.


Arguably the greatest amateur boxer of all-time, with two Olympic gold medals and two Amateur National Championships, 27-taun Lomachenko has already made a great impact in the professional ranks. He won his world title with a majority decision over Gary Russell Jr. taun kamari. Making the second defense of his 126-pound title, the fighter out of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine will be going for his third straight win overall when he battles Rodriguez.


An accomplished veteran from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Rodriguez gets an opportunity on boxing’s biggest stage when he battles Lomachenko. The 28-year-old has not lost a fight since 2009 sarta ngabogaan 17 consecutive victories since a technical draw in 2010. He won twice in 2014, picking up a unanimous decision victory over Orlando Cruz and a second round TKO over Martin Cardona.


Pajoang kaluar ti Philadelphia, Hart was an accomplished amateur who was a 2012 AS. Olympic alternate after earning a U.S. National Championship and a National Golden Gloves Championship. The 25-year-old will fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the first time since his professional debut in 2005 when he stopped Manuel Eastman in the first round. Waktos ayeuna, he will look to remain undefeated and catapult himself to contender status.


Undefeated and facing the biggest challenge of his career, nu umurna 27 taun Jimenez will make his Las Vegas debut on Mei 2. Having already delivered a second round knockout over Kevin Engel in 2015 the fighter out of Chicago will look to impress on the biggest stage of his career against Hart.


A three-time National Golden Gloves Champion, Solomon fights out of Lafayette, Louisiana and is aiming to maintain his perfect record.. The 31-year-old picked up victories in 2014 over Eduardo Flores, Freddy Hernandez and Arman Ovsepyan. Solomon takes on the 25-year-old Granados out of Cicero, Illionis.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mangrupa 12 buleud dunya welterweight jawara unifikasi bout diwanohkeun ku Mayweather promosi jeung Top réngking Inc., and is sponsored by Tecate con caracter, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions -Terminator Genisys, in theaters July 1st, Paramount Pictures & Skydance Productions present MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION, in theaters & IMAX July 31st, The Weinstein Company and the new movie Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, in theaters everywhere Juli 24jeung Mexico, Hirup ka Percaya eta. Nu bayar-per-view telecast bakal sobat dihasilkeun sarta co-disebarkeun ku HBO bayaran-per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Olahraga,www.hbo.com/boxing jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook diwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



SHOWTIME Sports Offering More Than A Dozen Hours of First-Run Shoulder Programming Including Documentary Series INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO


YORK ÉNGGAL (April 24, 2015) - Showtime Networks Nyarita. and parent company BPS Corporation have scheduled a broad range of programming and promotion across the Company’s diverse portfolio of media platforms in anticipation of the showdown between Floyd Mayweather jeung Manny Pacquiao on Saturday, Mei 2.


SHOWTIME Olahraga® is anchoring the charge with 13½ hours of first-run shoulder programming, including its acclaimed documentary series Di jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO, classic fights and a comprehensive offering of digital assets.


Salaku tambahan, nu CBS Television Network will run promotional spots in primetime and late-night programming throughout fight week. This will be supplemented with marketing support and editorial coverage from CBS Sports Digital, significant coverage across CBS Sports Radio and a dozen CBS Radio stations throughout the country, and a robust schedule of shoulder programming and marketing support on BPS Olahraga Network.


“The Company is uniquely positioned to support an event of this magnitude with media assets across virtually every medium,"Ceuk Stephen Espinoza, Eksekutif Wawakil Présidén jeung Manager General, SHOWTIME Olahraga. “We’re grateful for the company-wide support and look forward to an all-encompassing push leading to May 2 leading into this milestone sports event.”



Di jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO delivers a unique perspective of the pound-for-pound champion Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the marquee event. The four-part documentary series from SHOWTIME Sports includes the Sports Emmy Award-winning “Epilogue” which shines the spotlight on Fight Week and takes viewers inside the ropes on Fight Night. A full schedule of the four-part series is detailed below.

CBS Television Network will run Mayweather vs. Pacquiao promos during primetime and late-night throughout Fight Week.


CBS owned and operated television stations throughout the country have been actively engaged in coverage of the event since theMaret 11 kick-off press conference in Los Angeles. These affiliate stations, located in the nation’s top markets, will have access to all the news and footage of fight week through the distribution network of CBS Newspath.


BPS Olahraga Network will provide live Fight Week coverage from Las Vegas, including the official Weigh-In on Jumaah, Mei 1 (6 p.m. AND), as well as immediate reaction and analysis following the fight and the post-fight press conference. During the week leading up to the bout, the Network also will air encore presentations of classic Mayweather fights and Di jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO episodes.


CBS Sports Digital has launched a landing page at CBSSports.com, a one-stop shop for everything Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. The ‘Tier 1’ support from CBS Sports Digital includes static homepage promotions, additional marketing and significant editorial coverage on all digital platforms, including breaking news, commentary and placement of live event streams.


CBS Radio is backing Mei 2 with stations from 10 of the country’s top markets broadcasting live from MGM Grand, including WFAN in New York, KROQ-FM in Los Angeles, KRLD-FM in Dallas and WIP-FM in Philadelphia. Sajaba ti, CBS Sports Radio’s nationally syndicated “The Doug Gottlieb Show” and (Scott) “Ferrall On The Bench” will be in Las Vegas for Fight Week. “The Doug Gottlieb Show” is simulcast on CBS Sports Network on Jumaah, Mei 1.


CBS Radio coverage also includes a special broadcast hosted by WFAN’s No. 1 morning show personalities Boomer and Carton dina dinten saptu prior to the fight from 6-8 p.m. AND. The program is available on WFAN, CBS Sports Radio, and select CBS Radio stations nationwide. The special also will be simulcast for television on CBS Sports Network.


CBS Local Digital Media has created a comprehensive array of online audio, video and editorial features to promote the fight which can be experienced across a variety of digital and mobile platforms.


#MayPac:Daily is a daily online show hosted by SHOWTIME Sports personality Mauro Ranallo. The series will deliver the buzz of Fight Week in Las Vegas with special guests from sports and entertainment, insider analysis and more. Taped live from the casino floor at MGM Grand, #MayPac:Daily will be posted nightlySalasaJumaah dina http://www.sho.com/sho/sports/home jeung Youtube.com/shosports.


Sajaba ti, the SHOWTIME Sports digital team is working closely with SnapChat to deliver exclusive content, launching a new boxing blog on TUMBLR called Pound for Pound, and working with Twitter on a unique feature capturing the years of social conversation leading to #MayPac.


Classic Floyd Mayweather fights are being offered across the premium network’s portals, including nightly on SHOWTIME EXTREME, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME. Those platforms will also offer the media workouts of Mayweather and Pacquiao and the live stream of the final press conference. Fans can tune-in to the final stare-down between the fighters on Jumaah, Mei 1 when SHOWTIME airs WEIGH-IN LIVE: MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO.


SHOWTIME Sports also delivers a host of short-form content available across multiple platforms, including original music videos, Mayweather greatest hits, a Spanish web analysis and more.


Below is a sampling of select SHOWTIME programs and air times:

    • Episode 2 premieres Saptu, April 25, di 7:30 p.m. AND/PT dina SHOWTIME.
    • Episode 3 premieres Rebo, April 29 di 10 p.m. AND/PT dina SHOWTIME
    • Epilogue premieres Saptu, Mei 9
  • WEIGH-IN LIVE: MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO: Jumaah, Mei 1 di 6 ET/3 PT, hirup dina SHOWTIME
  • Undur hirup: MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO:Saptu, Mei 2 di 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT, hirup dina SHOWTIME



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Showtime Jaringan Nyarita. (SNI), cabangna wholly-milik tina BPS Corporation, owns and operates the premium television networks SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, as well as the multiplex channels SHOWTIME 2™, SHOWTIME® SHOWCASE, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME BEYOND®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME WOMEN®, SHOWTIME FAMILY ZONE® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ XTRA. SNI also offers SHOWTIME HD™, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ HD, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, FLIX ON DEMAND® and THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ ON DEMAND, and the network’s authentication service SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. SNI ogé manages Zoo Networks ™, joint venture antara SNI jeung Institusi Zoo, nu nawarkeun Zoo Channel ™. Sadaya SNI Wéb nyadiakeun sora Enhanced ngagunakeun Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI markets and distributes sports and entertainment events for exhibition to subscribers on a pay-per-view basis through SHOWTIME PPV®.