Arkivji Tag: Productions Shaw Gary

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV kklassifikati WBA #10 IN DIVIŻJONI DAWL Heavyweight


HOUSTON, TEXAS (Marzu 19, 2015)Productions Shaw Gary u Promozzjonijiet Savarese’ undefeated-Dawl Heavyweight bomber, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Kos), issa hija kklassifikati #10 mill- WBA.
A ġellied li għandha s-setgħa fil-żewġ idejn, B-52 is eager to continue his climb up the WBA rankings with more explosive performances. His mission is to knock everyone out.


“Jien thankful ħafna li promoturi tiegħi Gary Shaw u Lou Savarese għall jkollna me ratata fil-WBA,” Said Bektemirov. “I’ve worked very hard to get to this position and I don’t plan on slowing down. I want to be known as the man who likes to drop bombs on my opponents. For these reasons I’m known as B-52. I’m ready wreck the Light-Heavyweight division and knock everyone out.


Gilberto Mendoza Sr. u Jr. and the rest of the WBA ratings committee are to be applauded for recognizing the talent of B-52,” qal Gary Shaw. “Huwa għandu l-talent, work ethic and desire to become the next great Russian champion. Lou and I are working diligently on his next fight and were hoping he’ll be back in the ring very soon.


“Stajt qal li qabel u jien ser ngħid mill-ġdid, B-52 tfakkarni ta Mike Tyson,” Lou Savarese iddikjarat. “Ġejjin minn Guy li ġġieldu Tyson, Naf qawwa prima meta nara dan, and Bektemirov can punch with both hands. His knockouts are brutal and everyone who’s seen him fight, knows he’s special. This is the begging of a great run and I couldn’t be happier that he’s ranked with the WBA.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV qatriet BOMBI FUQ JOHNSON Ittejjeb LI 15-0 MA eliminatorja 1ST ROUND

HOUSTON, TEXAS (Marzu 16, 2015) – Dan passat Il-ġimgħa lejl fil- “Battalja fuq l-Mainland” card which took place at the Charles Doyle Convention Center in Texas City, TX, Bomber Light-Heavyweight, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Kos) overpowered James Johnson (28-45-4, 17 Kos), waqfien tal-veteran fil-rawnd 1 ta bout 6-round tagħhom skedata. A plethora of powerful body blows by B-52 led to a big straight right hand that landed flush on the head of Johnson, li wasslet għall-bout ma titwaqqaf.


Ko-promossi mill Productions Shaw Gary u Promozzjonijiet Savarese, B-52 is on a mission to take over the Light Heavyweight division. With tremendous power in both hands and great footwork, Bektemirov jemmen fil-kapaċità tiegħu biex issir champion tad-dinja ġurnata waħda.


“Ma 'kull ġlieda jien jkollna aħjar,” qal B-52, “I’m blessed to have power in both of my hands so I can knock you out with either one. Ronnie Shields, li huwa wieħed mill-ħarrieġa aħjar fil boxing, tkun me taħdem fuq jiċċaqilqu my head u ta 'difiża. Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have promised to keep me busy so I’m going to get back in the gym as soon as possible to start perfecting my craft. I can’t wait to get back in the ring and start dropping bombs, Stil B-52.”


“Lou u I huma eċċitati ħafna dwar-B 52 u l-ħila tiegħu li eliminatorja avversarji ma 'jew idejn,” Gary Shaw qal. “Aħna rridu li tikseb lura lilu fil-ċirku kemm jista 'jkun malajr. Nemmen li għandna l Sergey Kovalev jmiss u bi ftit jirbaħ aktar, Bektemirov se jkun iħabbtu fuq il-bieb ta 'kulħadd fl-għaxar top tal-organizzazzjonijiet kollha tas-sanzjonar.


“I iżommu javżak kulħadd dan kid tista 'tmur.” iddikjarat Lou Savarese. “B-52 possesses that raw power that you look for in a fighter. He’s knocking people out with right hooks, ganċijiet xellug, uppercuts, you name it he’s doing it. Ronnie Shields is working on his defense so he’ll become the full package. Bektemirov will be back in the ring soon.


Bektemirov 184 lbs – Johnson 186 lbs


HOUSTON, TEXAS (Frar 13, 2015) – Zgħir qawwa Russu, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (14-0, 11 Kos) u l-avversarju tiegħu James Johnson (28-44-4, 17 Kos) tagħmel piż għal jmiss bout 6-round tagħhom fuq il-“Battalja fuq l-Mainland” card li jseħħu fil- Charles Doyle Konvenzjoni Center in Texas City, TX on Marzu 13, 2015. Bektemirov tipped the scale at 184 lbs. filwaqt Johnson jintiżnu fi 186 lbs. Productions Shaw Gary u Promozzjonijiet Savarese co-promote B-52.


“Battalja ta 'l-Mainland” biljetti pprezzati $35 (ammissjoni ġenerali), $75 (Sedili Tabella) u $100 (Ringside) huma għall-bejgħ issa u jistgħu jinxtraw billi ċċempel (713) 658-0229 jew online fuq The Charles Doyle Conventions Center is located at 2010 5th Ave N, Texas City, TX, 77590.

184 – 186



HOUSTON, TEXAS (Frar 12, 2015)Co-promoters Productions Shaw Gary u Promozzjonijiet Savarese huma kuntenti li jħabbar l- 2015 debutt ta 'Light-Heavyweight zgħir power Russu, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (14-0, 11 Kos). The undefeated slugger will face James Johnson (28-44-4, 17 Kos) fi bout 6-round fil- “Battalja fuq l-Mainland” card li jseħħu fil- Charles Doyle Konvenzjoni Center fil Texas City, TX fuq Marzu 13, 2015.


Bektemiorov, li s knocked out sitta tal-aħħar tmien avversarji tiegħu, is looking to keep the momentum going with a spectacular performance. His mindset is to come out guns blazing and go for the knockout early.


“Trainer tiegħi Ronnie Shields tkun me taħdem fuq lott ta 'affarijiet differenti, iżda huwa ma tipprova tbiddel istil tiegħi,” Said Bektemirov. “He wants me to stay aggressive without being reckless. Jien lest li bombi qatra, għalhekk l-isem tiegħi B-52. Jekk il-ġlieda tmur l-distanza, I’ll make sure that my opponent takes a lot of punishment. I want to thank Gary and Lou for coming together to take my career to the next level. Kollox jibda din il-ġimgħa fil Texas City.”


“Ninsab kuntenta ħafna minn dak li jien smigħ dwar sessjonijiet sparring B-52 ta,” qal Gary Shaw. “HES zgħir tremend ma footwork tajba. Ma trainer veteran simili Ronnie tarki jiggwidaw l-kantuniera, I tara lilu jiżviluppaw fi ġlied kbir.”


“Dan kid tista 'tmur,” Lou Savarese iddikjarat. “I know we got something special Bektemirov. His name “B-52” serves him well because he really does drop bombs. I’ve seen him take out a lot of dudes in the gym. I can’t wait to see him get to work din il-ġimgħa.”


“Battalja ta 'l-Mainland” biljetti pprezzati $35 (ammissjoni ġenerali), $75 (Sedili Tabella) u $100 (Ringside) huma għall-bejgħ issa u jistgħu jinxtraw billi ċċempel (713) 658-0229 jew online fuq The Charles Doyle Conventions Center is located at 2010 5th Ave N, Texas City, TX, 77590.

Klitschko – Jennings Konferenza Press Photos & Quotes Mill Madison Square Garden

Photo Kreditu, Will Hart / Klitschko Grupp ta 'Tmexxija

New York City (Frar 4, 2015) – IBF / WBA / WBO / IBO u “Il Magazine Ring” Dinja Heavyweight Champion Wladimir Klitschko and top rated challenger BRYANT Jennings flimkien ma 'timijiet rispettivi tagħhom li saret il-konferenza' Kick Off Press għal sett battalja ħafna antiċipat tagħhom għall- IS-SIBT, April 25 fi Madison Square Garden, “Ħafna Famuż Arena-Dinja.”


“PROSPETTI Champion” Se tixxandar Live fuq HBO Dinja tal-Futbol Boxing li tibda fl 10:00 p.m. U/PT fl-Istati Uniti u l-RTL fil-Ġermanja fost l-aktar minn 150 pajjiżi li se telecast l-avveniment.


Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet K2 u Klitschko Grupp ta 'Tmexxija f'assoċjazzjoni ma ' Productions Shaw Gary, biljetti pprezzati għal $1000, $600, $300, $200 u $100 jistgħu jiġu mixtrija permezz tal-Uffiċċju Madison Square Garden Kaxxa, u


Wladimir Klitschko

“Let us, Bryant u lili, divertiment int fuq April 25 hawn fi New York fil Madison Square Garden. I tara kif l-atti Bryant Jennings. I tara kif hu mixjiet, Nara kif hu shakes idejn, I tara kif hu jitkellem, u hu għandu l-kwalitajiet ta 'Rocky Balboa minn Philadelphia.”


“Grazzi għall HBO. Eventwalment inti emmnet fil lili. Jien lura fuq network tiegħek u jien kuntent dwar dan. Like Sinatra qal, "Jekk inti tista 'tagħmel dan hawn, inti tista 'tagħmel dan kullimkien. Avveniment Dritt, post dritt u l-belt dritt. I ġġieldu hawn għall-ewwel darba 15 snin ilu u jien hekk kuntenti li jiġu lura hawn u l-ġlieda.”


BRYANT Jennings:

“Dan huwa. I like to thank everyone involved with this promotion and my city of Philadelphia. It took a long time to make this fight happen and through it all I stayed calm. I commend my team for allowing me to be the athlete that I am while these negotiations were going on. Fuq April 25 istorja definittivament se jsiru u se tkun magħmula minni. One of us has to lose and it isn’t going to be me. Biżżejjed ta 'l-jitkellem, Jien lest għall-ġlieda kontra.”


Bernd jekk dawn / CEO, Ġestjoni Interim:

“Dan huwa 27-ġlieda titolu dinja Wladimir ta, kien 15 snin ilu meta l-ewwel ġġieldu hawn. Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil Joel Fisher u t-tim terrific tiegħu hawn fuq Madison Square Garden, dan il-post tassew hija d-dar ta 'ċampjins heavyweight u aħna eċċitati ħafna li jkollhom dan l-avveniment hawn. I d wkoll simili biex nirringrazzja imsieħba xandir tagħna HBO u RTL mingħajrhom ikun possibbli avvenimenti bħal dan.


TOM Loeffler / Promozzjonijiet K2:

“Dan huwa Promozzjonijiet K2’ tmien avveniment fil Madison Square Garden u aħna qed onorat li jaħdmu mat-tim pendenti hawn. Imxejna diġà mibjugħ matul 5,000 biljetti li huwa biss rispons inkredibbli li tħabbar dan l-avveniment.”


GARY SHAW / Productions Shaw Gary:

“Madison Square Garden huwa l-Mecca tal-boksing, l-ċirku huwa fil-Hall of Fame, dan huwa dak boxing heavyweight hija kollha madwar. 25 years ago on February 11, 1990, Buster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson. Nemmen fuq April 25 istorja se jkun għal darb'oħra jsiru għal heavyweight Amerikani biex jagħmlu xi ħaġa spettakolari, iżda din id-darba minflok ma barranin, se jkun hawn fl-Istati Uniti fil-Madison Square Garden. Nemmen Bryant Jennings se jsiru l-ċampjin heavyweight unifikata tad-dinja fuq April 25.”


JAMES PRINCE, Manager ta 'Jennings:

“Din hija ħolma realtà għalina u aħna ma tistax tistenna. There are a lot of doubters out there right now and they believe there is no way Bryant Jennings is going to be able to deliver a victory on April 25. I would like for you all to show up because Bryant Jennings is going to show out, u aħna għandu jkun champion.”


FRED JENKINS, Trainer tal Jennings:

“I do jafu l-pedigree ta 'fejn Bryant Jennings ġej minn, huwa għaddej biex jagħtuh kollu hu ltqajna. This is a one sided fight and I believe its going to be all Bryant “By-Sa” Jennings.”




SANTA YNEZ, CALIFORNIA (Jannar 9, 2015) Tonight at the Chumash Casino in Santa Ynez, California, Productions Shaw Gary presented his final show as a promotional company on ESPN “Il-ġimgħa Tissielet Night”. In the 12-round main event, Darleys Perez (32-1, 20 Kos) won an impressive unanimous decision as he defended his WBA Interim Lightweight Championship against Jonathan Maicelo (21-2, 12 Kos). Perez vs. Maicelo was a promoted in association with Thompson Boxing Promotions.


In the early rounds, Jonathan Maicelo was using lateral movement to set up his punches, but Darleys Perez was timing him every time he jumped in. Maicelo to his demise was going straight back after every combination and Perez was making him pay. As the fight entered the later rounds, Perez had control of the fight and was up on the scorecards. Perez was timing his punches well and landed some very clean shots that had Maicelo off balance. Perez caught Maicelo jumping in and sent him to the canvas in round eleven. In round twelve, Perez closed the show as he landed a plethora of hard shots to close out the round. Maicelo, gave a gallant effort in defeat. Scorecards read 118-109, 118-108, 120-107 in favor of Perez.


I was prepared for a tough fight,” said Darleys Perez. “Maicelo is an incredible competitor. It took me a few rounds to settle into a rhythm, but once I did, I was able to land whatever I wanted. After a few rounds, I was able to time his movements and connect with a variety of punches. I want to be the best in the lightweight division. That’s what drives me. I put my heart and soul into every fight and I’m going to keep preparing the same way.


I did my best tonight but was up against a better man in Darleys Perez.” Said Maicelo. “He did a good job of using his reach to keep me off balance. It was very difficult to land my shots. He’s a great champion and I take my hat off to him. I still want to fight and see if I can work my way back to the top. This is not the end of my career. I know I can get back in there and compete at a high level.



In the 10-round co-main event, Santa Barbara’s welterweight contender, Francisco Santana (22-3-1, 11 Kos) didn’t need much time to finish off his opponent, Kendal Mena (20-0, 11 Kos) tar-Repubblika Dominikana. While the taller Mena was trying to establish his distance and jab, Santana, the local hero, landed a left hook that dropped him in the begging of the round. As soon as Mena got up off the canvas, Santana landed a right hook, left hook combo that put Mena down for good at the 1:43 mark of round one. Bl-rebħa, Santana captures the WBA International Welterweight Championship.


My trainer had a great game plan going into this fight,” said Francisco Santana. “Once I saw an opening in his defense I knew I could land my left hook. This was great exposure for me and I’m very please I was able to get the knockout on national television. I want to thank Gary Shaw for this opportunity and I look forward to the future with him moving forward with RocNation. I’m ready to challenge any of the top welterweights in the division.


Tonight everyone showed up and gave it their best and the fans go to witness a great night of boxing.” qal Gary Shaw. “Perez is a very tough fighter and I see him taking over the lightweight division. Santana showed he has what it takes to be something special in the welterweight division and he’ll be in a very big fight in the near future. I’m ready to start the next chapter of my legacy with RocNation and I’m very energized with what the future holds for all my fighters.




6-Round Super-Bantamweight Bout

Roman Morales (19-0, 10 Kos) vs. Ernesto Guerrero (15-14, 10 Kos)

San Andro, California’s undefeated Super-Bantamweight prospect, Roman Morales extending on his winning streak with an impressive 3rd round knockout. After a slow start, Morales landed a left hook to the body in round three dropping Guerrero to the canvas. The referee gave Guerrero the full 10 count and the bout was stopped at the 1:05 mark of the round.


6-Round Heavyweight Bout

Jarrell Miller (11-0-1, 9 Kos) vs. Aaron Kinch (5-4-2, 1 KO)

Brooklyn New York’s Jarrell Miller battered Newark, New Jersey’s Aaron Kinch over six rounds en route to a lopsided unanimous decision. Even though Miller landed a plethora of power shots throughout the fight, Kinch survived, making it to the final bell giving the fans a spirited effort. Scorecards read 60-54 darbtejn u 60-53 in favor of Miller.


6-Round Flyweight Female Attraction

Maria Suarez (8-1-1) vs. Jolene Blackshear (9-5, 4 Kos)

Santa Maria, California’s Maggie Suarez won a close majority decision against a very tough Jolene Blackshear. Suarez used her superior boxing skills to squeak out the victory. Jolene had her moments but it wasn’t enough as Suarez landed at a higher percentage in most of the rounds. Scorecards read 57-57, 58-56 for Maggie


4-Round welterweight Bout

Manuel Romero (1-2-2) vs. Carlos Gonzalez (1-6)

Santa Maria California’s Manuel Romero made quick work of Carlos Gonzales. Round one was all Romero as he came out guns blazing. Fil round tnejn, Romero landed a barrage of punches and the referee halted the bout at the 2:16 mark of the round two.


4-Round Jr. Flyweight Female Attraction

Poula Estrada (2-0) vs. Kayana Rain (0-1)

Palmdale, California’s Poula Estrada did enough to pull off a close victory against a game Kayana Rain, who hails from Los Angeles. . The taller Estrada used a good jab and movement to negate the pressure style of Rain. Although Rain landed some good power shots, Estrada landed the cleaner blows throughout the fight. Scorecards read 38-38, 39-37 for Estrada.