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PBC на FOX & FOX Deportes Хедлайнер от световния шампион в полутежка категория Лео Санта Круз, поемайки мексиканския Рафаел Ривера тази събота вечер от Microsoft Theatre в L.A. На живо в Лос Анджелис

КликнетеТУК за снимки от Luis Mejia / TGB Promotions

Лос Анджелис(Февруари 13, 2019) – Бойци, състезаващи се в съботния Premier Boxing Champions на FOX и FOX Deportes, взеха участие в медийна тренировка в сряда, когато наближиха съответните си демонстрации тази събота вечер в Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис.
Билети за шоуто, , която е възложена TGB Промоции и Ringstar Sports, са в продажба сега, и могат да бъдат закупени от AXS.com.
Тренировката в сряда включваше мексикански претендентРафаел Ривера, кой ще се бие със световния шампион на WBA в полутежка категорияЛео Santa Cruz в основното събитие.
Освен това в сряда в боксовия клуб City of Angels бяха непобедени бивши шампиониOmar Фигероаи трудно удряJohn Molina Jr., които се бият в супер леки екшъни, и непобедена перспективаДони Маршал, който е изправен пред непобедениСебастиан Фундорав двубой в супер полусредна категория, който започва телевизионно излъчване в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Неизследван 2016 U.S. ОлимпиецKarlos Balderasсъщо присъстваше, докато се състезава в двубой за телевизионна люлка.
Бойците ще се изправят лице в лице на пресконференция в четвъртък, на която ще присъства бившият двукратен световен шампион и любимец на Южна Калифорния Фернандо Варгас. Ето какво бойците имат да кажат сряда:
“Когато получих тази възможност, Аз не мисля, два пъти. Тренирах и бях готов и исках това предизвикателство. Тук съм, за да се възползвам максимално от него.
“Както винаги казвам на феновете си, бъдете готови за страхотна битка. Търся да направя това много вълнуващо и интересно. Коланът се връща с мен в Тихуана.
“Никога не търся нокаута, но все пак успях да ги взема. Аз съм готов, така че се надявам той също да е готов да даде страхотна битка на феновете.
“Това е голямо предизвикателство за мен. Идвам за световната титла. Искам да докажа колко съм добър и да стана световен шампион за феновете си в Тихуана.
“Обичам да се изправям срещу най-добрите бойци там. Лео е боец, който нанася много удари. Виждали сме го и сме го изучавали. Но не мисля, че е много бърз. Аз съм по-бърз от него и трябва да се възползвам от това. Трябва да му се противопоставя, когато той влезе и да ми свърши работата.”
ОМАР Фигероа
“Очаквам да се върна силен срещу Молина. Моят стил е винаги да влизам там за нокаут и да правя страхотно шоу на феновете. Колкото по-скоро го измъкнем оттам, по-добре.
“Знаем, че Джон Молина е корав боец. Той е бил там с едни от най-добрите в света и им е създавал проблеми. Очакваме той да донесе страхотна битка.
“Виждали сме молина преди и затрудняват нещата за определени бойци. Ще се опитам да превърна битката в мой стил на битка и ще видим дали той се задължава. След като почувства силата, той може да избере да боксира.
“Не мисля, че това е минало шест кръга. Уверен съм в това. Ще бъдем готови за всичко, което Молина носи.
“Правих много изцеление физически, умствено и духовно. Търся да покажа в събота, че съм събрал всичко заедно.”
“Чувствам се развълнуван и уверен. Може би твърде самоуверен, но съм готов. Свършихме си работата във фитнеса и сега сме готови за битката.
“Трябва да очаквам най-добрата версия на Омар Фигероа. Той е умно дете. Не знам дали се опитва веднага да ме примами във война. Не знам какъв е неговият план за игра, но ще разберем в събота.
“Феновете трябва да се настроят за FOX и FOX Deportes през февруари 16. Това ще бъде война и вярвам, че ще откраднем шоуто.
“Това не е първото ми обикаляне срещу обучен боец ​​на Джоел Диас. Правих го преди с Руслан Проводников и сега е моя работа да победя Фигероа.
“Не съм засегнат от това, че ме смятат за аутсайдера. Всяка една от моите битки, феновете правят пари. Мисля, че Проводников бях 11-1. Когато станете ветеран в спорта, спираш да се тревожиш за подобни неща. Разговорите са евтини.
“За мен е заложено много. Не чувствам натиск, но там е заложено много. Всяка битка в кариерата ми има какво да доказвам и събота не е по-различна.”
“Това е първата ми голяма възможност и съм готов да се възползвам напълно. Ще покажа на всички къде съм.
“Ще го взема, както идва на ринга. Имаме план за игра, но аз съм създател на ринга. Създавам в движение. Ще се впиша там, където мога, и ще продължа с потока на битката.
“Единственото предизвикателство, което виждам, е височината му. Очевидно е много висок на шест фута седем инча. Ние знаем какво трябва да направим, за да го съборим. Дори наистина не виждам височината като предизвикателство, защото непрекъснато спарирам с тежки тежести.
“Аз съм 10-0, но започнах да се боксувам едва когато бях 20, около 10 Преди години. Нямам време като млади перспективи, които искат да си поиграят, Искам да се бия с всеки, с когото мога в момента.”
“Чувствам се развълнуван и притеснен да се върна на ринга. Готов съм физически и психически. Знам, че опонентът ми няма да е готов за жегата, която ще му хвърля.
“Тази година гледам да съм заета. Искам да се върна на ринга през април, ако всичко върви добре в събота. След тази битка ще се преместя в Лос Анджелис и ще добавя треньора Роберто Алкасар към моя отбор. Той има много опит в големи битки и мисля, че ще бъде от голяма помощ. Наистина разбирам ясно на какво се опитва да ме научи.
“Още веднъж ще покажа на всички, че съм истинската сделка. Ще докажа защо тези бойци не могат да се справят в битка с мен. Тази година е всичко за мен.”
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Лео Санта Круз срещу. Рафаел Ривера е висш шампион по бокс на FOX и FOX Deportes, който ще види световния шампион в пероЛео Santa Cruzпоемете МексикоРафаел Ривера в основното събитие събота, Февруари 16 от Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис.
Телевизионното покритие започва в 20:00. ET / 5 p.m. PT и се отличава с непобеден бивш шампионOmar Фигероабори трудно потегляJohn Molina Jr. и съвпадение между непобедени перспективиСебастиен ФундораиДони Маршал. Изгряваща перспектива и 2016 U.S. ОлимпиецKarlos Balderasще се състезават в суинг мач, който ще се излъчва на живо, ако времето позволява.
За повече информация: посещениеwww.premierboxingchampions.comHT
 иwww.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar и @Swanson_Comm или станете фен във Facebook наwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

LEO SANTA CRUZ ЛОС АНДЖЕЛЕС МЕДИА РАБОТНИ ЦИТАТИ & СНИМКИ – Шампионът на WBA в полутежка категория Санта Круз се противопоставя на мексиканския Рафаел Ривера в основното събитие на премиерските шампиони по бокс на FOX & FOX Deportes събота, Февруари 16 от Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис

Шампионът на WBA в полутежка категория Санта Круз се противопоставя на мексиканския Рафаел Ривера в основното събитие на премиерските шампиони по бокс на FOX & FOX Deportes събота, Февруари 16 от Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис

Кликнете ТУК за снимки от Luis Mejia / TGB Promotions

Лос Анджелис (Февруари 5, 2019) – WBA перо World Champion Лео Santa Cruz, един от Лос Анджелис’ най-популярните боксови звезди, беше домакин на медийна тренировка във Fortune Gym в Холивуд във вторник, когато приближава първоначалния си бой срещуРафаел Ривера това заглавие на Premier Boxing Champions във FOX и FOX Deportes събота, Февруари 16 в Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис.

Билети за шоуто, , която е възложена TGB Промоции и Ringstar Sports, са в продажба сега, и могат да бъдат закупени от AXS.com.

Santa Cruz, към който се присъедини баща му и треньор Хосе Санта Круз, показа уменията, които са го направили атракция, която не може да пропусне. Първоначално Санта Круз трябваше да се изправи срещу Мигел Флорес, но той беше заменен от Ривера, след като Флорес получи травма по време на тренировка.

Ето какво трябваше да кажат участниците в тренировката във вторник в Холивуд:

LEO Санта Круз

“Поддържахме тренировъчния лагер въпреки смяната на противника. Винаги тренираме еднакво, без значение кой е противникът.

“Ние подкрепяме бойци, които имат всеки различен вид стил, защото противникът винаги можеше да внесе нещо ново на ринга. Баща ми ми казва винаги да съм подготвен за всякакъв стил. Готови сме за всичко, което съперникът вкара на ринга.

“Винаги поддържам форма, независимо дали тренирам във фитнеса за битка или не. Когато ни се обадят и ни кажат каква е битката, винаги сме готови.

“Знам, че Ривера се е борил с някои добри противници като Джоузеф Диас и Жоет Гонсалес, и той измина дистанцията с тях. Водил им е тежки битки. Той показа, че е корав боец, който ще остави всичко на ринга.

“Това няма да е лесна битка. Ривера е по-твърд, отколкото хората са му приписвали в миналото. Това ме мотивира да се опитам да го нокаутирам първи. Ако имам възможност за това, Отивам за него. Най-важното обаче, е да излезеш оттам с победата.

“Понякога, когато баща ми преживява тежки дни, борейки се с рака, Искам да си остана у дома с него, но той ми казва да отида на фитнес и да тренирам усилено. Затова му казвам, че ще работим усилено за него. И двамата се мотивираме.

“(WBC перо Champion) Гари Ръсел Jr. е битката, която искам. Той ме победи в аматьорите, но в плюсовете, които получавам 12 кръга. Мисля, че мога да го победя.”

JOSE Санта Круз, Бащата на Лео & Треньор

“Не се притеснявахме твърде много за смяната на противника. Не мисля, че има голяма разлика. Лео ще бъде в най-добрия си вид и готов за всеки, който влезе в този пръстен.

“Не оставихме промяната да повлияе на нашата рутина. Продължихме същата подготовка, както винаги, така че Лео е готов да се бие. Ние уважаваме твърде много всеки съперник, за да изоставаме в кондицията.

“Мисля, че това ще бъде добра битка. Лео винаги е много състезателен и всеки път, когато може да спечели битка, знае, че това ще е голямо за кариерата му.

“В момента Лео е на 30 години и мисля, че ще бъде пенсиониран от 35. Остава му много да постигне в този спорт и нашият отбор ще продължи да го настоява да бъде най-доброто, което може.”

РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports

“От горе до долу това е просто страхотна карта. Това ще бъде действие до петите в центъра на Лос Анджелис. На живо. Това е достъпен билет в $30, и това ви дава шанса да видите една от звездите на спорта на сляп фест.

“Лео Санта Круз винаги носи страхотни екшъни и драма, когато излезе на ринга. Трябва да сте на ръба на мястото си по време на битка на Лео Санта Круз и очаквам не по-малко следващата събота вечер. Рафаел Ривера няма какво да губи в тази битка, и това е рецептата за огромен разбор.

“Боксът в Microsoft Theatre улови. Тази битка през януари между Caleb Plant и Jose Uzcategui имаше страхотна атмосфера и това е просто красиво място за гледане на битките. Театърът на Microsoft се превръща в закрито „военно поле’ на бокса.”

TOM BROWN, Председател на TGB Промоции

“Рафаел Ривера проведе страхотна битка срещу Джоузеф Диас-младши, и той се върна срещу Joet Gonzalez и загуби решение за разделяне, но той наистина спечели тази битка. Ривера трябва да има само една загуба в записа си.

“Ривера влиза в тази битка със същата гранитна брадичка, която показа на всички срещу Диас. Той беше подготвен и готов, когато дойде призивът за тази битка. Той е чудесен заместител. По-добре Лео да е готов и да не го приема лекомислено.”

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Лео Санта Круз срещу. Рафаел Ривера е Висш шампион по бокс на FOX и FOX
Събитие от Депортс, което ще види световен шампион в полутежка категория Лео Santa Cruz поеме
Мексико Рафаел Ривера в основното събитие събота, Февруари 16 от Microsoft Theatre в L.A.. На живо в Лос Анджелис.

Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT и се отличава с непобеден бивш шампион Omar Фигероа бори трудно потегля John Molina Jr. и съвпадение между непобедени перспективи Себастиен Фундора и Дони Маршал.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
и www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar и @Swanson_Comm или станете фен във Facebook на www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Undefeated Welterweight Champion Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran López in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday, Януари 26 от Barclays Center в Бруклин

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / TGB Промоции

BROOKLYN (Януари 23, 2019) – As fight week begins for the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event of 2019, полусредна категория световен шампион Keith Търман и претендент ветеран Josesito López took part in a media workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn on Wednesday before they headline action this Saturday, Януари 26 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features additional participants from Wednesday’s workout including rising Polish heavyweight contenderAdam Kownacki и бивш претендент титла Gerald Washington, who meet in a 10-round attraction, and hard-hitting featherweights Клаудио Marrero и Tugstsogt Nyambayar, who meet in a 12-round showdown.

Wednesday’s event also saw unbeaten Brooklyn prospect Chris Colbert, who takes on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes that begin at 6 p.m. И / 3 ч. PT.

Билети за шоуто, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Ето какво бойците имат да кажат сряда:

КИЙТ Търман

We’re back in Brooklyn, it’s been a long time and I’m happy. I feel slim and trim. Everything is great headed into Saturday.

I had a lot of ups and downs, but once we got into camp, we did what we had to do. We slowly improved each day and now we’re ready. Беше бавно начало, but we’re going to be finishing strong on Saturday.

When I’m outside of the ring, I’m not the jealous type watching other people perform. But I feel better when I’m here living out my dream. These past weeks, I have just felt so good. I feel fantastic and ready to perform. I’m going to be an active fighter and one of the best welterweights in the world today.

My ranking, my ‘0’ and my accomplishments haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve been out of sight and out of mind for a little, но аз съм назад с предприятието. You can’t block a star from shining. We’re in the galaxy and shining bright.

I’m definitely interested in a big unification fight with Errol Spence Jr. When I first met Errol at MGM Grand years ago, I told him that it’s nice to meet him and I can’t wait to get in there and scrap it out. I’m humble, but I’m also honest. I’m a man of my word. It doesn’t matter how many years ago that I said it, but from that day to this day, it’s a true statement.


I’m confident in my abilities. Talk is cheap to me. What other people say makes no difference to me. I’ve come here to do a job and I’m going to do it.

I know that I have a tough task ahead of me, but I also know that I can do it. I can pass this test. I’m ready for it. We’ve prepared right and everything is lined up. We worked hard for 10 weeks and now it’s time.

It’s hard to say if Keith will be my toughest opponent, but he definitely has a great resume and is a great champion. I’ve fought some great guys but I’m taking this as the most important fight of my career.

I think that since I started working with Robert Garcia, all of my skills are on par with Keith Thurman. Най-важното, I’m a much smarter fighter than I’ve ever been. I’m always going to be courageous in the ring, but we’ve developed a game plan where I take less unnecessary risks.

The most important thing in my game plan is for me to dictate the pace. I need to control the ring throughout the fight. I’m prepared for however he brings the fight.

ADAM Kownacka

It’s going to be a sea of red and white on Saturday. The Polish fans are unbelievable and I can’t wait to go out there and get a knockout for them.

I think I’ve improved my speed heading into this fight. Чувствам се страхотно. It’s been a long camp leading up to this huge card. I have to come out at my top condition. I made a slight statement against Charles Martin, and I’m going to make a bigger one against Gerald Washington.

I definitely want to outdo the performances of Deontay Wilder and my friend Jarrell Miller against Washington. I want to have bragging rights. I want that knockout.

Washington has fought contenders, good fighters and a guy I lost to in the amateurs in Nagy Aguilera. He’s proven that he’s game, and I’m expecting the best version of him. Ще бъда готов.

Boxing is a skill, not a bodybuilding contest. I proved my conditioning last fight by throwing 70 удря кръгло. I’m in ever better shape right and I feel great.


We know where we want to be and we know this is a stepping stone to getting back there. I have to take the hard road and this is it. We’re prepared, we’re ready and I’m looking forward to January 26.

Any of the top heavyweights would be great to fight, но аз съм го вземе една битка в даден момент. This is going to be an action-packed fight.

I have the total package. We’ll see everything I learned from my last fights and see if it makes a difference now.

I know that Kownacki is going to come forward. I know what kind of fighter he is. I didn’t come here to lose. I came here to win and get back on the right track and into contention to win the heavyweight title.

“Стилове правят боеве. I was doing very well in the Deontay Wilder fight, similar to what Tyson Fury was doing. This is a different type of fight. You’re going to see my skills come to life to contain this man.


We went through a very serious, 10-week camp because we know that we’re here to fight a very strong fighter. I’ve taken everything to the fullest each day with intense work in training camp. Аз съм готов.

We respect our opponent, but he’s coming to our weight division. I’ve been making this weight ever since I was a pro. В последния си двубой, he was dropped by Oscar Escandon, who’s a very good fighter, but he’s a smaller guy.

We believe that this is the beginning of something beautiful. I’m going to be at the top of the rankings after this fight. We believe that winning this fight is going to take us back to the top level.

I understand that this is my time to shine. I’m more focused and dedicated than I’ve ever been and it’s going to show in the ring on Saturday night.


I feel good and strong. I’ve had a great camp and I’m ready for Saturday night. I’m going to give a great show for the fans in my Brooklyn debut.

I put everything into camp and I’m going to show it in the ring on Saturday night. I’m here to win and show off my athleticism. I believe I can do everything in the ring.

Claudio Marrero is a good tough contender who’s been at this level for quite some time. He’s a good boxer who can punch, so we prepared for everything. He may have more pro experience, but I believe I have more boxing experience than Marrero. I’ve seen everything throughout the world.

Now it’s just a matter of cultivating my skills and experience into becoming a world championship fighter. In this fight, I’m going to dictate the style of the fight. It’s going to go down on my terms.


I’m going to go out there and dominate like I always do. I don’t have any resolutions for 2019. I’m just going to do the same thing and keep being great.

New year, same me. I’m out here chasing greatness. I’m looking to keep winning and work my way to a world title. I’m not just talk, I’m the real deal.

I don’t believe that you can be rushed into a world title fight. Аз съм готов. I don’t care if I’m considered a prospect for a contender, I’m just going to show everyone that I’m no fluke. I do this differently.

I always fight for a cause and this time I’ve got my hair dyed pink for breast cancer awareness. It’s for my mom and all of the other survivors and people going through this.

# # #

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito López on Saturday, Януари 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

Предаването започва 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Claudio Marrero and Tugstsogt Nyambayar.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 p.m. И / 3 ч. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, още 2016 U.S. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо борбите в приложението FOX Sports, на английски или испански език чрез емисии лисицата или FOX Deportes. Боевете са достъпни на настолен компютър на FOXSports.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
и www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, Януари 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, Януари 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event

BROOKLYN (Януари 22, 2019) – Непобеден нараства перспектива Стивън Фултън и претендент в полусредна категория Miguel Cruz will step into action in separate undercard attractions on Saturday, Януари 26 as part of an exciting night presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

Cross (17-1, 11 Нокаута) will take on Colombia’s Luis Florez (24-11, 20 Нокаута) in a six or eight round welterweight attraction while Fulton (14-0, 6 Нокаута) faces Colombia’sMarlon Olea (13-3, 12 Нокаута) in an eight-round super bantamweight showdown.

The event is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Билети за шоуто, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Rounding out the card are a trio of unbeaten prospects as Clarksburg, МерилендMark Duncan competes in a four-round middleweight fight against Daniel Flores, Landover, Мериленд Tyrek Irby (5-0, 2 Нокаута) придобива Jonathan Figueroa in a four-round welterweight attraction and Майкъл Тийл от St. Petersburg, Florida steps into the ring for a four-round battle against Jacob Landin.

The 24-year-old Fulton fights out of Philadelphia and will be making his Barclays Center debut when he steps into the ring Saturday night. Fulton has defeated previously unbeaten fighters in five of his last eight contests and most recently vanquished his most experienced opponent to date in German Meraz last September.

Fighting out of Lake Mary, Флорида, Cruz returns to action after losing an exciting duel against Josesito Lopez last April. A member of the Puerto Rican national team as an amateur, the 28-year-old owns victories over then unbeaten fighters in Alex Martin and Samuel Figueroa.

# # #

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, Януари 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

Предаването започва 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 p.m. И / 3 ч. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, още 2016 U.S. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо борбите в приложението FOX Sports, на английски или испански език чрез емисии лисицата или FOX Deportes. Боевете са достъпни на работния плот на FOXSports.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
и www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


I’m going to show everyone the full package of skills I bring and enjoy every second of it,” – Търман

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Thurman Talks Ring Return & More Before Title Defense Against Josesito Lopez Saturday, Януари 26 в

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event

От Barclays Center в Бруклин

КликнетеТУК for Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions

ST. PETERSBURG, FL.(Януари 17, 2019) – Welterweight world championKeith “One Time” Търманdiscussed his anticipated return to the ring as he nears his showdown againstJosesito Lopezthat headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, January 26 from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.

PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action begins at8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PTand features unbeaten Polish heavyweightAdam Kownacki battling former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus unbeaten featherweight contenderTugstsogt Nyambayar като на трудно потегляКлаудио Marrero в 12-кръг на мач.

Tickets for the show, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 и може да бъде закупен на адресticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Thurman will return to action on January 26 from a long injury layoff after his most recent fight saw him unify welterweight titles by defeating Danny Garcia in March 2017 в Barclays Center. Here is what Thurman had to say about his return, Josesito Lopez and more from his training camp at the St. Pete Boxing Club in St. Petersburg, Флорида:

How has training camp been going? Have there been any adjustments because of the injury?

Training camp has been going well. It was a little bit of a slow start after so many months out of the ring, but I’m feeling great as we get closer to the fight. I’m starting to feel more and more like a world-class athlete again. It’s a good feeling working this hard and it reminds me what it’ll take to continue being the champion.

Do you anticipate any ring rust? Do you think it will be more difficult to feel like yourself physically in the ring, or mentally trusting the injury is healed?

I don’t think ring rust will be an issue. The only thing that even if this may not be the best Keith Thurman that people have ever seen, we’re focused on getting better and much stronger with each fight. But make no mistake, people will see one of the best welterweights in the world on January 26 at Barclays Center.

When did you start to feel like you were turning the corner physically? Were you ever worried you wouldn’t be healthy enough to fight?

You always have to be a little worried about new injuries. There’s nothing wrong with your car until the day it decides to break down. So at the end of the day, it’s always in the back of my mind. I run a lot of miles, so I wonder about my knees. I wonder about my shoulders also. Athletes and their bodies go through a lot of things. But here I go getting right back into things and I’m totally ready to showcase my talents on January 26.

What kind of challenges does Josesito pose? What makes him a difficult opponent for you coming off a layoff?

Josesito is experienced. He’s a busy fighter with good reach. He likes to mix it up and force his opponents to fight. He also has a new coach in Robert Garcia now, and I know he has a lot of confidence in his abilities. Josesito has been through ups and downs in his career, but he’s back on an upswing at the moment. Then he pinpointed me and called me out. So I’m looking forward to the challenge.

What are you looking to show in this fight? How do you control your emotions and make sure you don’t press too much?

I’m going to show my versatility in the ring. I’m going to show Josesito what it’s like to be in the ring with me. He might think it’s just all about my power, but I’ll show him what none of his sparring partners could. I’m going to show everyone the full package of skills I bring and enjoy every second of it.

How do you see this fight looking stylistically?

I like to let my opponent show me how the fight is going to go. I’ve thought many times that my opponents would do something specific, but then they do something totally different in the moment.

I’m just prepared for any version of Josesito. I’m ready for him to come at me with punches in bunches, but I’m also ready if he wants to try box more and work behind his jab. I don’t think there’s anything that he’s going to do that I won’t be able to dominate. I’m going to move, trade on the inside, whatever it takes and we’ll see which road to victory looks the easiest.

#          #          #


Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, Януари 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC.

The broadcast begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 p.m. И / 3 ч. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, още 2016 U.S. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku.

For more information: посещениеwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage иwww.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Welterweight World Champion Thurman Defends Title Against Veteran Contender Josesito Lopez; Undefeated Adam Kownacki Battles Gerald Washington Saturday, Януари 26 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / TGB Промоции

BROOKLYN (Декември 22, 2018) – Unbeaten welterweight champion Keith Търман and veteran welterweight Josesito Lopez, plus Brooklyn’s undefeated heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki, hosted a press conference Saturday night to discuss their fights on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes taking place Saturday, Януари 26 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will see Kownacki battle former title challenger Gerald Washington in a 10-round contest and unbeaten featherweight contender Tugstgogt Nyambayar поеме Клаудио Marrero to open the telecast, all leading up to the Thurman vs, Lopez main event.

Билети за шоуто, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Here is what the fighters had to say Saturday before going face-to-face in the Barclays Center interview room, prior to the PBC on FOX fight night in Brooklyn:

КИЙТ ТърманI feel great physically. We’re working really hard and just getting back into everything we did before the injury. It feels tremendous and I’m so happy to be able to do this back in Brooklyn. Януари 26, you will see the return of the number one welterweight in the world. I need to come back and stay active and healthy. I’m going to remind everyone this year why I’m one of the baddest men on the planet. В края на деня, I’m here to make a statement that ‘One Time’ се завръща. I have one belt, and I’m missing one belt. I’m going to re-establish my own accomplishments this year, then go from there. We’re taking it one fight at a time. Right now my eyes are set on Josesito Lopez.

I’m a world-class fighter. I’ve fought through injuries my whole career. A real fighter ends up getting addicted to the game. There’s nothing better in this life than being under those lights and being part of the action. My legacy is not over. Unification against Danny Garcia was not enough for me. В края на краищата, I’m just waiting to be presented with a man who is better than me. There might not be one, but I’m not afraid to let my ‘0’ go. “I need fights like this against a guy like Josesito Lopez. He’s going to be there and give the fans a great fight. He’s coming to take me out. He looked like he was in shape a month ago when I first saw him. “It’s been a long time and I’m truly honored to be back. It’s been hard for me to not be in the ring while I wait for the elbow to recover. I’m so happy to be back.

JOSESITO LOPEZI’m really excited to be here tonight. Keith Thurman is a world-class, elite fighter and I’m going to make the most of this opportunity. I’ve been in this position before and I’ve never shied away from big battles. This is another big one and I’m going to be ready for it and become world champion.

I’m sure Keith Thurman is as strong and skilled as anyone I’ve ever faced. He’s undefeated for a reason. I give him his respect for that. I’m preparing for him to be the best fighter I’ve ever faced. We’re both experienced fighters who have fought world class competition. I’ve faced my share of tough heavy punchers. I’ve pretty much seen it all. Come January 26, we’re going into deep waters and we’ll see how each of us reacts.

No matter how active Thurman has been, the importance of this opportunity doesn’t change. If anything we might see a better and healthier Keith Thurman than we’ve seen in years. I’m expecting the best Keith Thurman there is. I’m going in against one of the toughest welterweights out there. I don’t need anyone to believe in me but myself. I’m going to give it my all to come out with that title.

ADAM Kownacka “Януари 26 is going to be a great night. Всеки път, когато се борим, it’s very exciting. I throw a lot of punches and bring the pressure. Gerald Washington is going to be a tough test, but if I get through him, I’m even closer to a title shot. That’s the ultimate goal.

It’s a little bit of a fairytale story. I was just a little kid from Brooklyn wearing the Golden Gloves and now I’m fighting at Barclays Center. It’s a whole new environment. Hopefully next year I’m the main event. That’s the goal and it’s going to be a dream come true. I have to keep working hard to achieve it.

I think when I fought Iago Kiladze, he was also a runner who could box. I managed the ring very well with him so I’m looking to do the same with Washington and punish the body. The taller they are the harder they fall. Gerald Washington is a tough exam. He’s a former title challenger and I know he’s going to bringing his A-game. My goal is to become the heavyweight champion of the world and in order to do that I have to get by Washington. That’s what I plan on doing.

# # #

Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо борбите в приложението FOX Sports, на английски или испански език чрез емисии лисицата или FOX Deportes. Боевете са достъпни на настолен компютър на FOXSports.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. За повече информация:

посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez Live in Primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes събота, Януари 26 От Barclays Center в Бруклин

Също така в действие! Unbeaten Adam Kownacki Faces Gerald Washington in Heavyweight Attraction & Unbeaten Featherweight Contender Tugstgogt Nyambayar Battles Claudio Marrero

Билети в продажба сега!

BROOKLYN (Декември 18, 2018) – Undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith “One Time” Thurman returns to the ring after a lengthy injury layoff to defend his title against veteran Josesito Lopez в събота, Януари 26 live in primetime in the main event o Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will see a co-feature featuring fast-rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki as he clashes with former title challenger Gerald Washington in a 10-round battle and unbeaten featherweight contender Tugstgogt Nyambayar битки Клаудио Marrero to open the telecast.

Tickets for the show begin at $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com,или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

“There is a high level of anticipation and intrigue surrounding the ring return of welterweight champion Keith Thurman, and Josesito Lopez will certainly provide some answers about where Thurman is after nearly two years out of the ring,’’ said Tom Brown, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Adam Kownacki and Gerald Washington have the opportunity to show exactly where they stand in the resurgent heavyweight division. Both of them are big heavyweights who love to throw power shots. Nyambayar and Marrero are guaranteed to add fireworks to an already thrilling show. It’s the kind of night that will have fans on the edge of their seats.’’

“I speak for boxing fans everywhere when I say we are eagerly anticipating Keith Thurman’s return to the ring,” said Brett Yormark, Главен изпълнителен директор на Global BSE. “He has experienced great success at Barclays Center, so it’s fitting that he will lead off a strong year of BROOKLYN BOXING programming in 2019. I also look forward to seeing local favorite Adam Kownacki, who always comes with a strong contingent of loud fans.”

Търман (28-0, 22 Нокаута) made a steady rise through the welterweight ranks and reached the pinnacle with hard-fought victories over Shawn Porter and Danny Garcia at Barclays Center,the latter of which earned him a WBC crown in addition to his WBA title. But a string of injuries has sidelined him for nearly two years, calling into question his place amongst the 147-pound elites. The 30-year-old Thurman, who is still the reigning WBA welterweight champion, is looking to regain his top-tier status in the division starting with Lopez.

Търман, who lives and trains in Clearwater, Флорида, enters the ring for the first time since a split decision victory Garcia on March 4, 2017.

“I’m extremely excited to step back into the ring,’’ said Thurman. “It’s a little nerve-wracking considering the time off and because I want to have a tremendous performance. I want to speak more with my hands more than my words and quiet the naysayers who think that Keith Thurman has lost his passion and skills in boxing. I believe I’m the best welterweight in the division and in the world and I hope to showcase that on January 26 with a knockout. The best fights in the welterweight division have involved Keith Thurman and that will continue to be the case. I’m looking forward to having a tremendous year and showing why I’m number one.”

The 34-year-old Lopez(36-7, 19 Нокаута) is looking to thwart Thurman’s plans to regain his lofty position in the 147-pound division. Nicknamed “The Riverside Rocky’’ because of his all-action style, the Riverside, California-native has stepped into the ring against some of the best boxers of this generation. He has rattled off three straight victories since suffering a TKO loss to former welterweight champion Andre Berto in 2015. Lopez is coming off a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Miguel Cruz on April 28 live on FOX.

“I’m approaching this fight leaving no stone unturned as I prepare to take that world championship,’’Lopez said. “I’ve set up training camp with altitude, chasing chickens,chopping woodreally into putting in the work. Overall the layoff will affect him and there could be a little hesitation, but we’ll see come fight night. The improvements that I’ve made with Robert Garcia the last couple of years will come into play. They’ve strengthened my qualities and I can’t wait to show it to the world.”

Kownacki (18-0, 14 Нокаута) has risen through the heavyweight ranks with a tough-as-nails brawling style that produced a string of knockout victories and exciting showdowns. His knockout streak ended at four in his last fight when he scored a unanimous decision victory over former heavyweight champion Charles Martin on Sepember 8. Kownacki, който е роден в Ломжа, Poland and now lives in Brooklyn, will be fighting at Barclays Center for a third straight time and the eighth time overall.

“Living in Brooklyn this is like a home game for me,” said Kownacki.” I’ve had some of my best performances at Barclays Center and I can’t wait to step into the ring against Gerald Washington and showcase myself on PBC on FOX. There is nothing better to start off the year than with a knockout and that’s what I plan on doing on January 26 в Barclays Center. I hope all my fans will come out like they always do and have the arena in white and red.’’

Вашингтон (19-2-1, 12 Нокаута) is a 6-foot-6 heavyweight who has been able to use his athletic ability to power his way past most of the opponents he faces. That athleticism will pose a challenge to Kownacki, who could be facing the toughest fight of his career.The 36-year-old Washington of Vallejo, California is a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran who has challenged Deontay Wilder for his championship. He is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in his last fight on June 10.

“I can’t wait to show everything I’ve been working on,’’ said Washington, “Boxing is a sport of truth. It brings the truth to light and it exposed my truth and what I needed to work on. You have to be able to adjust and be comfortable in every situation. You have to be ready for what’s to come. I’m expecting a hard fight from him. He’s a bruiser. He’s tough and he loves to fight. He’s in his hometown and he’s ready and he’s going to bring it, but I’m ready to position myself to fight again for a world title.’’

Плащане (10-0, 9Нокаута) has made a rapid ascent through the talent-laden featherweight division with precision and power. The 26-year-old Nyambayar, who is from Ulan-Bator Mongolia and now lives in Carson, Калифорния, won a silver medal in the 2012 London Olympics as a member of the Mongolian boxing team. He scored a KO victory over Oscar Escandon in his last fight on May 26.

Marrero (23-2, 17Нокаута), a 29-year-old southpaw from Santo Domingo, Доминиканската република, is coming off a stunning KO victory over Jorge Lara in his last fight on April 28.Marrero two losses have come against former featherweight champion Jesus Cuellar in 2013 and Jesus Rojas in 2015. A victory over Nyambayar will putMarrero in position to fight for a world title again.w

Jermall Charlo to Battle Matt Korobov for WBC Interim Middleweight Championship Live in Primetime on FOX & FOX Sports

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Декември 22 от Barclays Center в Бруклин

BROOKLYN (Декември 17, 2018) – Средната категория Мат Коробов has stepped up to challenge Jermall Charlo for the WBC Interim Middleweight Championship live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes on Saturday, Декември 22 от Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Korobov is replacing Willie Monroe, Jr., who was removed from the main event after he tested positive for a banned substance by VADA under the WBC Clean Boxing Program. The WBC is conducting further investigation into the matter.

Korobov was due to fight on the undercard and had been training to fight December 22. He willingly stepped forward when the call came for a replacement for Monroe.

I was well prepared for Willie Monroe, който е левичар, so there won’t be that much difference facing Korobov,” Саид Charlo. “There is a size difference. He’s taller than Monroe, but I’ll just have to adjust my game plan. The best fighters in the world are the ones who are able to make the best adjustments. Beating Korobov is going to make the victory that much sweeter due to this adversity. That means the celebration is going to be sweeter as well. He was fighting on the undercard, so he’s prepared. But now fighting for the title in the top spot is going to make him fight harder. Харесва ми. He’s a much better opponent on paper than Willie Monroe Jr.

I was training to fight on this card so I am physically and mentally ready to fight,” каза Коробов. “It doesn’t matter that I am taking this fight on a week’s notice because I have been preparing for this moment my entire life. I will make a few adjustments for Charlo and make the most of this opportunity. Не го пропускай. Make sure you tune-in to FOX for a great fight.

The Charlo vs. Korobov bout is part of a blockbuster PBC on FOX show that features the Charlo Twins defending their world titles and a heavyweight showdown between Dominic Breazeale and Carlos Negron beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Jermall Charlo, who won a coin toss with his brother, will close the show in a 12-round WBC middleweight championship bout against Korobov, while Jermell Charlo will battle Tony Harrison in defense of the WBC Super Welterweight World Title.

Korobov (28-1, 14 Нокаута), who was originally scheduled to face Colombia’s Juan De Angel, has an outstanding resume that includes a unanimous decision victory over current super middleweight world champion Jose Uzcategui in 2014. His lone loss came against Andy Lee in a middleweight championship fight in 2014. Korobov was ahead on all three judgesscorecards when he was caught by a right hand from Lee that resulted in a sixth round TKO loss.

The 35-year-old southpaw is from Orotukan, Russia and now lives in St. Petersburg, Флорида. As an amateur he won the European Championships in 2006 by defeating reigning undisputed cruiserweight champion Oleksandr Usyk. Той е бил член на 2008 Russian Olympic boxing team and finished his amateur career with a record of 300-12. He enters this fight with four straight victories, having most recently scored a unanimous decision over Jonathan Batista.

Билети за шоуто, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени в ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting Saturday, Октомври 27 at noon ET.

Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

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Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez Live in Primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes събота, Януари 26

От Barclays Center в Бруклин

Също така в действие! Unbeaten Adam Kownacki Faces Gerald Washington in Heavyweight Attraction

Билети в продажба сега!

BROOKLYN (Декември 12, 2018) – Undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith “One Time” Търман returns to the ring after a lengthy injury layoff to defend his title against veteran Josesito Lopez в събота, Януари 26 live in primetime in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will see a co-feature featuring fast-rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki as he clashes with former title challenger Gerald Washington в 10-кръг битка. Tickets for the show begin at $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000.

Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

There is a high level of anticipation and intrigue surrounding the ring return of welterweight champion Keith Thurman, and Josesito Lopez will certainly provide some answers about where Thurman is after nearly two years out of the ring,” каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Adam Kownacki and Gerald Washington have the opportunity to show exactly where they stand in the resurgent heavyweight division. Both of them are big heavyweights who love to throw power shots. It’s the kind of night that will have fans on the edge of their seats.

I speak for boxing fans everywhere when I say we are eagerly anticipating Keith Thurman’s return to the ring,” каза Брет Yormark, Главен изпълнителен директор на Global BSE. “He has experienced great success at Barclays Center, so it’s fitting that he will lead off a strong year of BROOKLYN BOXING programming in 2019. I also look forward to seeing local favorite Adam Kownacki, who always comes with a strong contingent of loud fans.

Търман (28-0, 22 Нокаута) made a steady rise through the welterweight ranks and reached the pinnacle with hard-fought victories over Shawn Porter and Danny Garcia at Barclays Center, the latter of which earned him a WBC crown in addition to his WBA title. But a string of injuries, including surgery and rehabilitation on his elbow, has sidelined him for nearly two years, calling into question his place amongst the 147-pound elites.

The 30-year-old Thurman, who is still the reigning WBA welterweight champion, is looking to regain his top-tier status in the division starting with Lopez. Търман, who lives and trains in Clearwater, Флорида, enters the ring for the first time since a split decision victory over Garcia on March 4, 2017.

I’m extremely excited to step back into the ring,” Саид Търман. “It’s a little nerve wracking considering the time off and because I want to have a tremendous performance. I want to speak more with my hands more than my words and quiet the naysayers who think that Keith Thurman has lost his passion and skills in boxing. I believe I’m the best welterweight in the division and in the world and I hope to showcase that on January 26 with a knockout. The best fights in the welterweight division have involved Keith Thurman and that will continue to be the case. I’m looking forward to having a tremendous year and showing why I’m number one.

The 34-year-old Lopez (36-7, 19 Нокаута) is looking to thwart Thurman’s plans to regain his lofty position in the 147-pound division. Прозвището “The Riverside Rockybecause of his all-action style, the Riverside, California-native has stepped into the ring against some of the best boxers of this generation. He has rattled off three straight victories since suffering a TKO loss to former welterweight champion Andre Berto in 2015.

Lopez is coming off a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Miguel Cruz on April 28 live on FOX. “I’m approaching this fight as leaving no stone unturned as I prepare to take that world championship,” Лопес каза. “I’ve set up training camp with altitude, chasing chickens, chopping woodreally into putting in the work. Overall the layoff will affect him and there could be a little hesitation, but we’ll see come fight night. The improvements that I’ve made with Robert Garcia the last couple of years will come into play. They’ve strengthened my qualities and I can’t wait to show it to the world.

Kownacki (18-0, 14 Нокаута) has risen through the heavyweight ranks with a tough-as-nails brawling style that produced a string of knockout victories and exciting showdowns. His knockout streak ended at four in his last fight when he scored a unanimous decision victory over former heavyweight champion Charles Martin on September. 8.

Kownacki, който е роден в Ломжа, Poland and now lives in Brooklyn, will be fighting at Barclays Center for a third straight time and the eighth time overall.

Living in Brooklyn this is like a home game for me,” said Kownacki.I’ve had some of my best performances at Barclays Center and I can’t wait to step into the ring against Gerald Washington and showcase myself on PBC on FOX. There is nothing better to start off the year than with a knockout and that’s what I plan on doing on January 26 в Barclays Center. I hope all my fans will come out like they always do and have the arena in white and red.

Вашингтон (19-2-1, 12 Нокаута) is a 6-foot-6 heavyweight who has been able to use his athletic ability to power his way past most of the opponents he faces. That athleticism will pose a challenge to Kownacki, who could be facing the toughest fight of his career. The 36-year-old Washington of Vallejo, California is a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran who has challenged Deontay Wilder for his championship. He is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in his last fight on June 10.

I can’t wait to show everything I’ve been working on,” каза, че Вашингтон, “Boxing is a sport of truth. It brings the truth to light and it exposed my truth and what I needed to work on. You have to be able to adjust and be comfortable in every situation. You have to be ready for what’s to come. I’m expecting a hard fight from him. He’s a bruiser. He’s tough and he loves to fight. He’s in his hometown and he’s ready and he’s going to bring it, but I’m ready to position myself to fight again for a world title.

# # #

Middleweight Contender Willie Monroe Jr. Talks Upcoming Showdown Against Jermall Charlo Saturday, Декември 22 in Premier Boxing
Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action from Barclays Center in
Brooklyn I’m in my stable now and I’m ready to come flying out of the
gate on December 22,” – Монро

ROCHESTER,NY. (Декември 4, 2018) – Middleweight contender and former title challenger Willie Monroe Jr. discussed his upcoming contest against WBC Interim Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo as he prepares to enter the ring in Premier Boxing Champions action Saturday, Декември 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

With fight night approaching, Monroe is hard at work in his hometown of Rochester,Ню Йорк. Along with his coach Timothy Nolan, Monroe believes he is on track to deliver a great performance against an unbeaten opponent.

Everything in camp right now is on point and moving forward,” said Monroe.We’re getting the work we need each day. We know how to run a camp smoothly. If I can’t tell anything is wrong, then it’s going great.

A veteran of two middleweight world title contests against Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders, Monroe has had his eye on a Charlo matchup to once again prove himself against an elite middleweight.

I’ve always watched Jermall’s fights because I have an eye on anyone around my weight class,” said Monroe. “Over the last year or so I’ve started to think I’m really going to get this fight and I’m excited about it coming to fruition on December 22.

He’s considered one of the top middleweights and it makes this a great match. This time I’m going to have a full training camp like I didn’t get to have for Golovkin and Saunders and it’s going to help me.

While he doesn’t possess the prodigious knockout power of his opponent, Monroe is more than confident that his other ring attributes will make up for that difference.

We’re both at the top of the division and you don’t get this far without having a lot of physical ability,” said Monroe. “This fight isn’t about who’s the fastest and strongest though, it’s about how we’re going to execute. I’m not focused on who hits harder but who hits smarter. That’s always going to determine who wins a boxing match.

Boxing is about intelligence first and everything follows after that. Will I be able to execute and make Jermall uncomfortable? We’ll see what happens on fight night. I’m going to be ready though. I’m in my stable now and I’m ready to come flying out of the gate on December 22.

Charlo was serving as color commentator for Monroe’s August fight on FS1 and since then the two have gone face-to-face at two separate press events leading up to fight night. With fight week looming, Monroe believes the frequent face time will make an even more exciting fight.

I’m definitely more eager to fight from seeing Jermall over and over again,” said Monroe. “The little things that you pick up in person tend to make you want to fight even more. You see the opponent and you build it up more in your head and use it for motivation. I think it’s going to make it even more entertaining when we finally get in there.

Tickets for the show, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, започват в $50 and are on sale now. Билети могат да бъдат закупени вticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Televised coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features Jermell Charlo defending his WBC super welterweight world title against Tony Harrison, in addition to the Charlo vs. Monroe showdown. Televised action also features a heavyweight showdown between Dominic Breazeale and Carlos Negron.

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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku.

For more information: посещениеwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage иwww.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.