Archivo de la etiqueta: Zorro

Topps Chronicles Mayweather-McGregor Bout from Training to Winner


One of the most anticipated fights arrives este sábado when boxing champ Floyd Mayweather and UFC title holder Conor McGregor face off in the boxing ring – and Topps will chronicle the entire event.

Topps, the exclusive trading card partner of the UFC, has produced a limited edition trading card set featuring the road to the super-fight, which is exclusively available on Each set contains 20 cards showcasing the lead-up to the fight with the out-of-this-world press conferences, intense training sessions and unforgettable moments. The sets ($24.99) are available for just one week and Topps will print only the number of sets purchased.

Topps will also separately issue match preview cards later this week, showcasing images from the weigh-in.

To wrap up the whirlwind affair, a Topps collectible trading card of the winner between Mayweather and McGregor will be released los lunes.

The only place to find these exclusive items is on

Sean Combs y Mark Wahlberg doblar en Mayweather vs McGREGOR SHOWTIME PPV ® EVENTO


Grammy® Nominado y multi-platino artista Global Demi Lovato para cantar el Himno Nacional

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NUEVA YORK - Agosto 21, 2017 - Sean Combs y Mark Wahlberg se doblar en la próxima pelea de Showtime PPV entre libra-por-libra del boxeo Floyd “Money” Mayweather y el campeón de UFC “The Notorious” Conor McGregor. SHOWTIME Sports® ha lanzado un nuevo vídeo en el que superestrellas peines y Wahlberg están realizando un seguimiento de su anterior Mayweather vs. apuesta Pacquiao. Esta vez va doble o nada, con peines de apuestas de nuevo en Mayweather y Wahlberg poniendo su dinero sobre McGregor. Para ver y compartirLa apuesta 2 con Sean Combs y Mark Wahlberg, ir a: Para el enlace de descarga para su difusión:


Hoy, TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION® También anunció que el cantante estadounidense Demi Lovato ha firmado para cantar el Himno Nacional durante el evento principal. Lovato es un artista nominado al Grammy con más de seis mil millones de flujos únicos globales y nueve platino y multi-platino escoge a su nombre. Recientemente ha lanzado Lo siento no lo siento, que se ha convertido rápidamente en uno de los mayores éxitos de 2017.


Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor es un 12-ronda, duelo superwelter que enfrenta al legendario boxeador Mayweather contra de todos los tiempos MMA gran McGregor en el evento principal de una tarjeta de boxeo sin precedentes de cuatro peleas de pay-per-view. Mayweather vs. McGregor se lleva a cabo enSábado, Agosto 26 en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas. El evento es producido y distribuido en vivo por SHOWTIME PPV y promovido por Mayweather. La transmisión también estará disponible en español utilizando la programación de audio secundario (SAP).

Difusión y restricciones de clip en línea: agencias de noticias son talados para utilizar el clip Sean Combs y Mark Wahlberg en la difusión y plataformas digitales. medios de difusión deben hacer referencia a Mayweather vs. McGregor y SHOWTIME PPV verbalmente. salidas digitales deben hacer referencia a Mayweather vs. McGregor y SHOWTIME PPV en la copia adjunta o gráficamente sobre el material de archivo.

Para obtener más información, visite y, siga en Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @diddy, @mark_wahlberg @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, También puede seguir la historia de @puffdaddy Snapchat.


Mayweather vs. McGregor ** In-Depth Vista previa y Análisis **

Por: Tony Penecale

Lucha o Farsa? Cuando Floyd Mayweather Jr.. se retiró en 2015 con millones de dólares en el bolsillo y una intachable 49-0 registro, hubo una avalancha de especulaciones sobre si alguna vez regresará al ring. Una idea popular era su ego, junto con su estilo de vida extravagante, Mayweather no permitiría que se mantenga alejado por mucho tiempo. Cuando uno de los prospectos de peso welter jóvenes–posiblemente Keith Thurman o Errol Spence–se convirtió en el consenso #1 de peso welter en el mundo, Mayweather picar a volver y reclamar su trono.


Sin embargo, que resultó ser una persona ajena boxeo que atrajo a Mayweather en el ring, en la persona de la estrella descarado y arrogante UFC, Conor “The Notorious” McGregor. Conocido por su capacidad de ataque y la actitud valiente, McGregor llamó rey el dinero de boxeo y le incitó a volver con un enfrentamiento ante el peligro en Las Vegas.


¿Puede este campeón de artes marciales mixtas con éxito hacer su debut en el boxeo y derrotar a uno de los mejores boxeadores de la historia? O Mayweather va a demostrar que hay una diferencia en ser un delantero de categoría en un entorno de artes marciales que en un combate de boxeo? Lucha o Farsa? Nos encontraremos en este “súper pelea” Las Vegas!




Mayweather: Edad: 40 años

Record: 49-0 (26 Knockouts)

Altura: 5'8 "

Peso: 146 * * Peso para el último combate (9-12-15)

Alcanzar: 72"


McGregor: Edad: 29 años

Record: Pro debut en el boxeo (21-3 récord de MMA)

Altura: 5'9 "

Peso: 145 ** Peso para el último combate (11-12-16) **pelea de MMA

Alcanzar: 74"





1996 Medallista de bronce olímpico

CMB peso súper campeón de peso pluma ('98 -'02)

El campeón ligero del CMB ('02 -'04)

Ring Magazine campeón de peso ligero ('02 -'04)

CMB peso welter junior campeón ('05 -'06)

Campeón de peso welter de la FIB ('06)

Campeón de peso welter del CMB ('06 -'07)

WBC superwelter campeón ('07)

AMB superwelter campeón ('12)

Campeón de peso welter del CMB ('11 -'15)

Campeón de peso welter de la OMB ('15)

Ring Magazine campeón de peso welter ('06 -'07)

Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #1 Boxer ('05 -'07, '12 -'15)



Cage Warriors Fighting Championship (CWFC)

Campeón de peso pluma ('12)

Campeón de peso ligero ('12)


Último Campeonato de Pelea (UFC)

Campeón de peso pluma ('15)

Campeón de peso ligero ('dieciséis)





Un boxeador puro con rapidez extraordinaria y los instintos que lo hace todo bien con un arsenal que incluye un pinchazo chasquido, precisa la mano derecha, y gancho de izquierda que puede ser duplicado y triplicado con tremendo efecto. Utiliza movimientos finta para congelar los opositores y carriles abiertos de perforación. Mete la barbilla muy por detrás de su hombro para rodar con golpes. Incluso contra las cuerdas, él es un objetivo difícil de conseguir un puñetazo en. Él no tiene un gran poder de golpe. La mayoría de sus victorias por detención provienen de outpunching y outclassing sus oponentes mientras que rara vez anotando nocauts limpias.



McGregor cajas de una postura de zurdo, luz sobre sus pies y usar el movimiento lateral, buscan establecer aberturas para la mano izquierda atronadora. Al competir bajo las reglas de artes marciales mixtas, McGregor menudo rechazado derribos y luchando, prefiriendo utilizar su rapidez y el poder desde una postura sorprendente, a menudo con resultados destructivos.





* Experiencia - El boxeo está en la sangre de Mayweather desde su infancia. Completó una extensa carrera amateur al ganar la medalla de bronce en los Juegos Olímpicos '96. Él ha estado compitiendo con éxito en un nivel de campeonato para el pasado 19 año, enfrentar y derrotar a todos los estilos.


* Acondicionamiento - Mayweather es un monstruo de la aptitud con una ética de trabajo increíble en lo que respecta a la formación. Pocos luchadores empujan tanto como Mayweather hace en el gimnasio, incluso haciendo sesiones de entrenamiento de la medianoche. Es evidente en el ring cuando su resistencia lo lleva en los últimos rounds.


* Anillo Generalship - Mayweather sabe cada pulgada del anillo y cómo controlar una pelea. Él sabe cuándo atacar, cuando a la caja, cuando al subir la temperatura, y cuando a la costa. Mayweather posee el anillo cuando él está ahí. Incluso las raras ocasiones en que se ha aturdidos en peleas, fue capaz de resolver rápidamente y sofocar la amenaza.



* Audaz - McGregor es un seguro de sí mismo y agitación luchador muy. Se ha mostrado ningún miedo en contra de algunos luchadores de MMA peligrosos y no ha tenido problemas burlándose de ellas, dejando caer las manos, y luego copias de seguridad de sus acciones en negrilla.


* Heterodoxo - No sólo es un zurdo McGregor, él es un zurdo muy poco ortodoxo. Él viene en forma agresiva en sus dedos de los pies y dispara sus golpes desde todos los ángulos, principalmente la mano izquierda su firma. Él va a tirar de él hacia o de una forma de bucle desde una distancia, e incluso de una forma de cortar corto tiempo en estrecha.


* Energía - de habilidades sorprendentes y poder McGregor han sido alabado en el UFC y que es ampliamente reconocido como uno de los mejores delanteros del mundo de las artes marciales mixtas. Él lleva el poder de trueno en la mano izquierda y ha anotado nocauts en 18 de su 21 victorias.





* Envejecimiento - Mayweather puede tener un historial intachable pero el padre tiempo nunca ha sido derrotado. Mayweather ha sido más de pies planos en los últimos combates y que ahora ha terminado 40 años. No ha sido tan fuerte en sus últimos combates y es contenido para neutralizar y vencer a los oponentes.


* Inactividad - Esta es la primera pelea de Mayweather en casi dos años. Desde su victoria sobre Oscar de la Hoya en de mayo de 2007, Mayweather sólo ha luchado con un total de 11 veces.


* Perforación Poder - La mayoría de victorias por detención de Mayweather han venido de una acumulación de golpes. El resultado habitual es la esquina árbitro u oponerse a detener el combate para evitar más castigo. A pesar de su nocaut explosivo de Víctor Ortiz, es raro ver a Mayweather terminar una pelea con un golpe, que se remonta a sus días como 130 lb boxeador.



* La experiencia de boxeo - A pesar de competir en las artes marciales mixtas y que tiene una reputación como delantero dominante, hay una enorme brecha en el nivel de la técnica y la habilidad de boxeo profesional, McGregor y es claramente un novato cuando se trata de boxeo tradicional.


* Fácil de golpear - A lo largo de su carrera de artes marciales mixtas, defensa nunca fue el punto fuerte de McGregor y ha adoptado una serie de golpes limpios en algunos de esos combates. Los informes de algunas de sus sesiones de entrenamiento han surgido afirmando que la defensa de McGregor podría ser un pasivo.


* instintos - McGregor no tiene instintos de boxeo tradicionales debido a su falta de participación en el deporte. Cosas que vienen naturalmente a Mayweather y otros boxeadores entrenados no vendrán tan naturalmente para “Mystic Mac,” y él tendrá que concentrarse y enfocarse en no usar las piernas o los codos como lo haría en el mundo de las artes marciales mixtas.





(09-12-15) Mayweather estaba saliendo de su histórica victoria sobre Manny Pacquiao cuando se enfrentó al desteñido Andre Berto. La pelea fue una decepción con Mayweather cabotaje fácilmente a una victoria por decisión unánime en lo que se anunció como su pelea de retiro.



Este es el debut en el boxeo profesional de McGregor.





* Diego Corrales (1/20/01) - Los expertos fueron arrancadas de a quién elegir en éste y muchos inclinándose hacia Corrales para ganar por KO. Mayweather nunca lo dejó en la pelea, derribándolo cinco veces antes de la pelea fue detenida en la 10ª ronda.


* Arturo Gatti (6/25/05) - A pesar de que Mayweather era un sólido favorito en las apuestas, muchos esperaban Gatti para hacer las cosas en bruto para Mayweather. Nunca sucedió como Mayweather derribó a Gatti en la 1ra ronda y tratado a cabo una severa paliza antes esquina de Gatti detuvo la pelea después de seis rondas de un solo lado.


* Ricky Hatton (12/8/07) - Hatton fue invicto entrando en la pelea y establecer un plan de juego de la presión constante de llevar a cabo Mayweather. Después de unas cuantas rondas incómodas, Mayweather fue capaz de encontrar su rango y hacerse cargo de, pavimentos Hatton dos veces en el décimo round y obligando a un paro.



* Eddie Alvarez (11/12/16 - UFC 205) - Considerada como la victoria más dominante y completo en la carrera de McGregor. Utilizó su juego de piernas para mantener a raya a Alvarez y evitar derribos. McGregor castigado Alvarez, derribándolo dos veces temprano, y luego burlándose de él en el 2nd redonda con las manos detrás de su espalda. Poco después, una combinación de cuatro punzón izquierda Alvarez pulverizado en la derrota.


* José Aldo (12/12/15 - UFC 194) - Un contador ras de la mano izquierda de McGregor era todo lo que necesitaba para golpear a cabo Aldo, dejándolo caer sobre su rostro y anotó la victoria en una sorprendente 13 segundo.


* Diego Brandao (07/19/14 - UFC 46) - McGregor anotó un derribo temprano y luego comenzó el aterrizaje de la mano izquierda. Cuatro minutos en, McGregor fue capaz de cortar el anillo y Brandao suelo con una mano izquierda, forzando una 1st paro ronda.






* No deje McGregor ganó ninguna confianza


* Utilizar la experiencia de boxeo de primera clase para ángulos


* juncos de tiempo McGregor y terrestres recta mano derecha



* Variar su ataque a la cabeza y el cuerpo

* Fuerza Mayweather contra las cuerdas y cerrar la distancia


* Mayweather áspera y obligarlo a perder la compostura




* ¿Por qué esta siendo disputada con las reglas estrictamente boxeo? respuesta simple es dinero. Para competir usando reglas de boxeo, la pelea estará bajo las Mayweather Promotions bandera “Equipo de dinero”. El dinero de la puerta en vivo, publicidad, pay-per-view de ingresos, etc. se destinará a sueldo neto del luchador. Para competir bajo las reglas de artes marciales mixtas que luego caen bajo la bandera de UFC, Dana White, donde sería seguro de mantener una gran parte del dinero.

* ¿Los guantes de 8 onzas tener un impacto? McGregor ha competido en las artes marciales mixtas el uso de guantes sin dedos 4oz. El plan original era utilizar 10oz los guantes de boxeo, pero se ha acordado utilizar guantes de 8 onzas en vez. Que sigue favoreciendo a Mayweather como él está acostumbrado a usar guantes más pesados.


*¿Quién tiene más que perder? Mayweather, sin duda. Fuera del equipo de McGregor, sus fans más fieles, y los aficionados novatos, la mayoría de los expertos están esperando una victoria dominante Mayweather. Las probabilidades están a su favor en un combate de boxeo tradicional. Si McGregor pierde en un combate cerca, es una victoria moral y una amplia derrota, a pesar de contusiones en su ego, sería de esperar, dada su experiencia respectiva. Si Mayweather pierde o luchas en una estrecha, controvertida victoria, su legado se empañó irreparablemente.


* ¿Qué pasa si McGregor utiliza ataques de MMA? Mayweather y su equipo son a fondo cuando se construye un contrato de la pelea. Su contrato cuando la lucha contra Manny Pacquiao parecía el equivalente de una novela de Herman Melville. Si intenta McGregor cualquier tácticas ilegales de artes marciales, seguramente perderá una gran parte, si no todos, de lo que se estima que al menos un premio de $ 75 millones de dólares.


* Se Mayweather combatir de manera más agresiva? Durante la ultima decada, Mayweather ha ganado la vida mediante su defensiva y el contragolpe habilidades para neutralizar a sus oponentes peligrosos y ganar por puntos. Apenas se parece a la brillante luchador que deslumbró y oponentes abrumados al principio de su carrera. Mientras todavía empleará una estrategia defensiva Mayweatheresque temprana, las aberturas McGregor presenta y deseo de humillar a su adversario braggadocios dará lugar a Mayweather de estar más en sus golpes y en busca de oportunidades de alimentación a la cabeza y el cuerpo.


* Será la lucha dar vuelta feo? Ninguno de los dos tiene miedo de jugar el papel de villano arrogantes ni doblar un poco las reglas. En sesiones de entrenamiento, McGregor fue visto aterrizando golpes a la parte posterior de la cabeza y empujar. Mayweather fue criticado por noquear a Víctor Ortiz con un punzón cuando Ortiz estaba tratando de disculparse por una falta. La presencia en el equipo de Roger Mayweather y Leonard Ellerbe como elementos combustibles de Mayweather se suma a la posibilidad de que el drama. Un horrible pelea que termina con cada boxeador descalificado no está fuera de la cuestión. El árbitro Robert Byrd tendrá las manos llenas controlar la acción si faltas comienzan a ocurrir.


* Lo que ocurre a continuación? Si la lucha resulta ser entretenida, cerca, o controvertido, una revancha es posible. Si McGregor se quita el malestar, Mayweather ciertamente solicitar una revancha. Si la pelea es una estrecha victoria de Mayweather, su reputación puede dañarse bastante que él solicita una revancha. Si la pelea termina con una victoria dominante Mayweather, McGregor puede volver a la UFC un hombre rico y una estrella de transición más grande. Mayweather se compromete a retirarse de nuevo, pero es probable que sólo hasta que se volvió a desafiar para la próxima pelea ultra-ricos. También insinuó que puede desafiar McGregor en el octágono de UFC, sin embargo, dijo a periodistas en una conferencia telefónica reciente que esta será su última “lucha.”




Será una atmósfera estridente y eléctrico como los combatientes entran en el anillo, y se trabajará por un crescendo durante una intensa staredown. Como Robert Byrd pasa a través de las instrucciones, McGregor se paso a la cara de Mayweather y tratar de empezar a capitalizar el factor de intimidación. Mayweather, normalmente confiado y relajado, responderá con una mirada gélida.


McGregor brotará de su esquina para una ronda, avanzar en sus dedos del pie y agitando los brazos de un modo poco ortodoxo. Mayweather se moverá hacia la izquierda lejos de la mano el poder de McGregor McGregor como presiona la acción y se desplaza con un par de manos salvajes izquierda. McGregor lanzará otra izquierda salvaje que se queda corta y luego tratar de toro Mayweather contra las cuerdas y club de él con la mano izquierda. Mayweather será hacerse con contra las cuerdas y McGregor tratará de mutilar en el interior, utilizando sus hombros como un arma, garantizando el primer aviso de Robert Byrd. Como los anillos de campana para terminar un descuidado 1st ronda, McGregor quijada con Mayweather, ya que caminar de regreso a sus respectivas esquinas.


Para la primera mitad de la 2nd ronda, el patrón continuará con Mayweather jugar a matador de toros de juncos McGregor y manos izquierdas salvajes. Alrededor de un minuto en la estrofa, McGregor como comienza otra de sus avances, Mayweather pivotará a esta izquierda y la tierra una dura derecha, haciendo que el sudor para rociar fuera de la cabeza de McGregor. Mayweather fijará sus pies, rodar sus hombros, y disparar otra combinación uno-dos por la mitad, finta su jab y lanzar otra mano derecha, que a su vez las tierras al ras.


A partir de la 3rd ronda, Mayweather comenzará a afirmar su dominio. McGregor comenzará a darse cuenta de que tienen la mejor capacidad de boxeo en el mundo de las artes marciales mixtas no garantiza el éxito en el mundo del boxeo. El linebacker más rápido NFL está todavía fuera de su alcance cuando hay que correr contra Usain Bolt. la capacidad y la experiencia natural de Mayweather brillarán como él comienza a aterrizar mano derecha a voluntad, McGregor y mostrará los efectos con hinchazón y decoloración debajo de su ojo izquierdo.


El talento y la experiencia disparidad será evidente a medida que progresa la pelea en el 4º y 5º rondas. Mayweather será cómodo de pie en el bolsillo y golpear McGregor con la mano derecha a voluntad. Mientras que la mano derecha será su golpe de elección contra su oponente zurdo, Mayweather también conducirá con varios ganchos que quedan, aterrizar sus golpes desde una vertiginosa variedad de ángulos. El final de 5º ronda verá un McGregor rápidamente fatigante caída en su taburete


La 6º ronda será un asunto de castigar, similar a la de Mayweather 2005 disección de Arturo Gatti. Mayweather se habrá encontrado la casa de sus manos derechas y continuará a ellos aterrizar bruscamente. También será una finta de la vacuna, así que cuando muerde McGregor en la falsa y se aparta para proteger la barbilla, Mayweather conducirá el golpe al cuerpo antes de volver en la parte superior en la cabeza. Un uppercut de izquierda se deformará las rodillas de McGregor y otra mano derecha en la campana lo hará tambalearse, enviándolo tambaleándose a su esquina.


Como McGregor se sienta en el taburete, Su ojo izquierdo casi cerrado hinchada, y la sangre que fluye de la nariz, su esquina decidirá para guardar su guerrero de castigo adicional y detener la lucha. Mayweather se levantará de su asiento y se regocijan en la victoria.


El ganador por 6º Nocaut técnico es Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr.!!!!


Mayweather vs. McGregor Conference Call Recordings

Floyd Mayweather, JR. CONFERENCE CALL


Former World Champion Shawn Porter Withdraws from Bout With Thomas Durlorme Scheduled for Mayweather vs. McGregor Preliminary Bouts on FOX & FOX Deportes

Welterweight Contender Yordenis Ugas Replaces Porter & Will Face Former Title Challenger Dulorme
Sábado, Agosto. 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
ZORRO & FOX Deportes Begins Live at 7 p.m. Y/4 p.m. PT
Four-Fight SHOWTIME PPV Telecast Begins at 9 p.m. Y/PT
LAS VEGAS (Agosto 17, 2017) – Former world champion and top welterweight contender “Tiempo De La Funcion” Shawn Porter has pulled out of the welterweight battle against former title challenger Thomas Dulorme that headlines the Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary bouts presented by Mayweather Promotions on FOX and FOX Deportes Sábado, Agosto. 26 de T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas.
Porter withdrew from the match due to personal reasons, which included a death in his family.
Top welterweight challenger and 2008 medallista de bronce olímpico Yordenis Ugas (19-3, 9 KOs) will replace Porter and now take on Dulorme (24-2, 18 KOs) in the main preliminary bout on FOX and FOX Deportes.
On behalf of Mayweather Promotions we send our prayers and deepest condolences to the Porter family,” dijo Leonard Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions. “In boxing we have to deal with curveballs that constantly come at us. Thomas Dulorme has been training hard and is ready to face Yordenis Ugas. Ugas is a tough competitor that shouldn’t be overlooked, and Dulorme is ready. The fight fans are definitely in for an outstanding show between Dulorme and Ugas come Agosto. 26.”
I have been training for this fight for a several weeks now, I knew at the-time Porter was going to be a tough challenger so I took training camp extremely serious,” Said Dulorme. “Fighting on a card this big, you cannot doubt anyone in front of you. My new opponent doesn’t change much. All I can do is continue to stay focused and listen to my team and bring the best fight I can.
It’s an honor to be fighting on one of the biggest boxing cards in history and fighting in the same ring as one of the most famous boxers in the world – Floyd Mayweather,” Ugas dijo. “This is the type of fight that I’ve been looking forward to having since I came back last year after being off for almost three years. This will be my fifth fight in a year. And this is the second fight that I’ve taken on short notice this year. But it doesn’t bother me because I’m always training. Dulorme is a tremendous fighter. He’s very aggressive and very technical. He’s going to get my very best as I know I will get the very best from him. It’s really an honor to fight a quality opponent on a card like this.
Sábado de coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 p.m. Y/3 p.m. PT. Preliminares en FOX y FOX Deportes comienzan a las 7 p.m. Y/4 p.m. PT and leads directly into the Mayweather vs. McGregor event that will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV beginning at9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT.
The action on FOX and FOX Deportes will include a 10-round battle between unbeaten prospects Juan HERALDEZ (12-0, 8 KOs) y Jose Miguel Borrego (13-0, 12 KOs).
Representando a Puerto Rico, by way of French Guiana, Dulorme last fought in January when he stopped Brian Jones in the sixth-round to pick up his second straight win after the 27-year-old had previously challenged Terrence Crawford for a vacant world title in 2015. Prior to his title opportunity, Dulorme picked up impressive victories over Hank Lundy, Karim Mayfield and DeMarcus Corley. He will look to make a statement on his way to another world title opportunity with a win against Ugas.
Ugas will enter the ring for the third time in six months when he faces Dulorme on Agosto. 26. The 31-year-old Ugas, a bronze medal winner for the Cuban team in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, has been on an impressive four-fight roll that started last year when he scored a decision victory over then unbeaten Jamal James and followed it up by stopping then unbeaten Bryant Perrella in the fourth round. Ugas continued to take down contenders in 2017 as he defeated Levan Ghvamichava by decision on Febrero. 2 before stepping in at the last minute dos meses despues to stop Nelson Lara.
Para obtener más información: visita / homepage, y Siga en Twitter @MayweatherPromo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes YSwanson_Comm y Hazte fan en Facebook en,

Floyd Mayweather Las Vegas Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Mayweather vs. McGregor SHOWTIME PPV Event Sábado, Agosto. 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
Más! Gervonta Davis, Badou Jack & Andrew Tabiti Quotes & Photos Ahead of Showdowns on PPV Undercard
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos de Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions
(Fotos que se añadirán en breve)
LAS VEGAS (Agosto 10, 2017) – Floyd “Dinero” Mayweather opened up the Mayweather Boxing Club on Thursday for a media workout ahead of his highly anticipated matchup against UFC champion Conor McGregor en Sábado, Agosto. 26 in the headlining attraction of a SHOWTIME PPV event from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Joining Mayweather at the media workout were a trio of fighters competing under the Mayweather Promotions banner who enter the ring in undercard attractions on SHOWTIME PPV.
America’s youngest world champion, Gervonta “Tanque” Davis will make the second defense of his world title against unbeaten challenger Francisco Fonseca mientras que el ex campeón del mundo Badou Jack “El Destripador” is set to challenge 175-pound titleholderNathan Cleverly in his debut at light heavyweight.
The PPV event begins at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising cruiserweight contender Andrés “La Bestia” Tabiti taking ontwo-time world champion Steve “USS” Cunningham en un combate a 10 asaltos.
Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Jueves:
Floyd Mayweather
I’ve been here before and I know what it takes. It’s my same old routine but I’m older now so I have to let the body rest a lot more. With age comes wisdom. When I was a lot younger I would just train and train and never let myself recuperate. When I come back from resting I come back rejuvenated and with a lot more spark.
This isn’t just a fight; this is an event. We both owe the fans and everyone tuning in a lot of excitement. That’s what we’re there to give them.
I know I’m going to face a warrior. It’s not for me to worry about what he does on a day-to-day basis. I have to worry about what I have to go out there and do. I have to execute the game plan. I’m not going to overlook him. That’s why I’m in here working extremely hard.
When it’s all said and done it comes down to the two competitors. My dad can give me a brilliant game plan but he can’t get in there and fight for me. Same for Conor and his team. It doesn’t matter who the crowd’s rooting for, it’s two men in there.
This training camp has been a lot different. I’ve spent some time in Miami and in Los Angeles training. I’ve been pushed really hard by the young guys in camp. I don’t need to post every workout video because I’ve been around this sport a long time and everyone knows what I can do.
On paper we know he’s taller and has a long reach. He has youth on his side. People say that he has power on his side. I know that ring IQ and experience are in my favor. I have the fight knowledge on my side. We both have advantages.
I know he’s going to come out and try to switch stances. He’ll come out southpaw then go the other way. But all that does is burn energy. Then I’m going to give him a look and give him some knowledge, and we’ll see what happens.
Conor feels it’s not going to go past four rounds and I don’t think it’s going the distance. We’re both confident in our skills and we’ll see who gets it done.
My opponent is always confident, but it’s different being in there with Floyd Mayweather. They realize that this is real. But for me, it’s just another day. That’s the mentality that has allowed me to stay undefeated.
It’s been great to be in a position as a promoter to give knowledge to young fighters. It’s one of my ultimate goals to take a young fighter and make them a household name. I want to take fighters to the next level.
“Me siento muy bien. Being in the same ring and on the undercard of Floyd’s fight is amazing. I’ve worked hard to get to this point and I’m ready to put on a great show on Agosto 26.
Training has been sharp. I’ve been stopping a lot of guys in training. I can’t wait to get in the ring and give the fans a big knockout.
Being on this card has been a big motivation in training. It feels great and I’m truly blessed to be in this position. I think the excitement that this card brings will be great for the sport of boxing. I’m ready to shine.
I know I have a tough undefeated opponent who’s going to come in and try to take my belt and I have to take care of business. He has some decent power so I think it’s going to be an exciting fight.
I’ve accomplished a lot at a young age. It’s all because of the hard work that I’ve put in for my entire life. I don’t complain, I just keep working every day.
I’m ready to take full advantage of this chance I have. It’s just one step on a long road I see to the top of this sport.
Everything is great in training camp. I’ve been in training for about seven weeks getting ready for this matchup. I’m excited and happy to be a part of such a big event.
I think this weight is going to be better for me. I’m going to have more power. I’ll be more athletic and style-wise I prefer to fight bigger guys. I can use my speed, but I also like to go inside and break my opponent down. It’s harder if I have to chase them, but the big guys are going to be right there.
Cleverly has a high work rate and he’s very tough. He’s going to come to fight. That’s what we want. It’s a good first fight for me at this weight.
I’m excited to work hard these next two weeks and get to fight night. He’s been in some good fights but I’m different than anyone he’s faced. I’ll show how my skills translate to light heavyweight.
It’s really a blessing to be in this position. I’m happy because a lot of other fighters don’t get to be on this stage. I’m so thankful to my whole team. I won’t let the fans down and onAgosto 26, I’m coming to steal the show.
I’ve done everything right to get to this point. It’s an honor to be in this position. I just have to take care of business.
This is a huge deal to me. Floyd Mayweather is the biggest star in boxing and to be a part of everything that’s going on is a dream come true.
I was really happy when I found out that I’d be fighting on this card. There aren’t really words for how blessed I am to be in this position.
“Esta pelea significa mucho para mí. This is a chance for me to become the American face of cruiserweights just like Steve Cunningham was. I’m taking this very seriously and I have great respect for Steve Cunningham, but this is my time to take it.
I’m ready to be a fresh face in the cruiserweight division. I’m going to give it everything I have. I’m humbled by this experience and I’m going to take advantage of it.
I can’t wait to open the show. There’s a little added pressure being at the beginning of the PPV but I’m going to embrace it and put on a great performance.
LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions
Floyd is a lot wiser now. He’s gotten smarter with age. He’s a young man who has an incredible vision and I have a great deal of respect for everything he’s done.
The older you get, the harder it is to get things going in training. It’s taken Floyd a while to get in a groove, but he’s in a groove now.
All of these records being broken are because of Floyd Mayweather. He’s been innovative and he always thinks outside the box. That’s why he’s had such tremendous success.
We’ve been able to generate a great deal of interest in new avenues and bring Floyd to even more casual fans because of the boxing and MMA worlds colliding. This is going to be one of the biggest nights in sports entertainment history.
Both guys are looking to knock each other out. I believe Conor McGregor when he says that he’s looking to knock Floyd out in the first four rounds. He hasn’t shown me anything to make me think differently. Floyd usually just goes and does his thing, but with some things that have happened recently, I think Floyd really wants to get him out of there.
# # #
Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor es un duelo súper welter a 12 asaltos que enfrenta al legendario boxeador Mayweather contra de todos los tiempos MMA gran McGregor en el evento principal de un evento de boxeo sin precedentes de cuatro peleas de pay-per-view. Mayweather vs. McGregor se lleva a cabo en Sábado, Agosto 26 en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas. El evento es producido y distribuido en vivo por SHOWTIME PPV y promovido por Mayweather.
Para obtener más información, visite y, siga en Twitter @FloydMayweather, @TheNotoriousMMA, MayweatherPromo, UFC, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,

Exciting Former World Champion Shawn Porter Meets Former Title Challenger Thomas Dulorme in Welterweight Battle That Headlines Mayweather vs. McGregor Preliminary Bouts on FOX & FOX Deportes

Más! A Battle Between Unbeaten Prospects Juan Heraldez &
Jose Miguel Borrego in the Co-Feature
Sábado, Agosto 26 From T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas
ZORRO & FOX Deportes Begins Live at 7 p.m. Y/4 p.m. PT
Four-Fight SHOWTIME PPV Telecast Begins at 9 p.m. Y/PT
LAS VEGAS (Agosto, 10, 2017) – Former world champion and top welterweight contender “Tiempo De La Funcion” Shawn Porter (27-2-1, 17 KOs) se enfrentará al ex retador al título Thomas Dulorme (24-2, 18 KOs) in a 10-round showdown that headlines Mayweather vs. McGregor preliminary bouts presented by Mayweather Promotions live on ZORRO y FOX Deportes Sábado, Agosto. 26 de T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas.
As always I’m just excited to get in the ring and perform,” dijo Porter. “I think fighting on network television again will be awesome and a huge opportunity for me. And to do it before one of the most anticipated sporting events ever is even more exciting. I feel like I’ve earned this spot and I’m ready to give the people the appetizer they deserve! ‘ShowtimeShawn Porter never disappoints and I will prove that again on August 26.
I’m thankful for this opportunity on Agosto 26,” Said Dulorme. “I have been blessed with great fans and my last fight helped me to gain a little more recognition, but I am just getting started. I had a great performance back in January with a TKO victory, and this fight I plan to bring that same mindset into the ring. I am ready to win and to fight on Floyd Mayweather’s card is a blessing. I have a great team behind me and I am confident. I know my opponent is tough, but he’s just the opponent I need to really show everyone that I am even tougher.
Sábado de coverage begins on FOX and FOX Deportes with a one-hour Prefight Show at 6 p.m. Y/3 p.m. PT. Preliminares en FOX y FOX Deportes comienzan a las 7 p.m. Y/4 p.m. PT and leads directly into the Mayweather vs. McGregor event that willbe produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV beginning at9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT.
Action on FOX and FOX Deportes will include a 10-round super lightweight bout between unbeaten prospects Juan HERALDEZ (12-0, 8 KOs) y Jose Miguel Borrego (13-0, 12 KOs).
“Después de mi última pelea, I gained a lot of inspiration to show more to my fans,” Said HERALDEZ. “I’m bringing the best Juan Heraldez to this fight. My last few performances have been great, and I’ve shown that I can have the power to knock my opponents out. Estoy familiarizado con mi oponente, but truthfully he’s not a factor and on fight night my 0 will not go.
This is a great chance for me to continue to show that I have the skills to be a future world champion,” Said Borrego. “I’m going to leave everything in the ring and put on a great show for the fans like I always do. I respect my opponent and I think this will be a great fight, but I will end the night victorious.
The fans are in for a show,” dijo Leonard Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions. “Not only do we have an amazing lineup of fights on our PPV telecast, we have a stacked undercard and plan to give the fans more. Más peleas, more access. We plan to get the fans excitement brewing with matchups like Dulorme vs. Porter and Heraldez vs. Borrego all on network TV. These are some even matchups and we are happy to have FOX and FOX Deportes on board to showcase this talent ahead of the grand finale that is, Mayweather vs. McGregor.
A physically gifted fighter who had a strong amateur career, Porter became the WBC’s number one contender with a stoppage of Andre Berto in April after a close loss to unified champion Keith Thurman in June 2016 that garnered unanimous Fight of the Year consideration. The 29-year-old won a welterweight world title when he defeated Devon Alexander in 2013 in Brooklyn before defending the title with a dominant stoppage of Paulie Malignaggi. El Akron, Ohio-native now lives and trains in Las Vegas and he bounced back from a previous defeat to Kell Brook to knockout Erick Bone and earn a unanimous over four-division world champion Adrien Broner in 2015.
Representando a Puerto Rico, by way of French Guiana, Dulorme last fought in January when he stopped Brian Jones in the sixth-round to pick up his second straight win after the 27-year-old had previously challenged Terrence Crawford for a vacant world title in 2015. Prior to his title opportunity, Dulorme picked up impressive victories over Hank Lundy, Karim Mayfield and DeMarcus Corley. He will look to make a big statement on his way to another world title opportunity with a win against Porter.
Unbeaten and fighting out of Las Vegas under the Mayweather Promotions banner, Heraldez está invicto desde que se convirtió en profesional 2009, including a successful 2017 debut that saw him go eight rounds for the first time as he dropped Alfonso Olvera on his way to a unanimous decision. The 27-year-old earned five victories from 2015 a través de 2016 and will have an opportunity to make a statement against his toughest opponent to date onAgosto 26.
Con tan sólo 19 años de edad, Borrego has burst onto the scene displaying big knockout power as he made his U.S. debut in February with a first round stoppage and followed it by stopping John Delperdang in the seventh-round of a televised contest this April. Fighting out of Aguascalientes, México, Borrego most recently scored a fourth-round stoppage of once-beaten Kevin Watts in June and enters this contest on an 11-fight knockout streak.
The undercard bouts in the arena will kick-off with 2016 Great Britain Olympian Savannah Marshall making her pro debut in a four-round super middleweight attraction. The 26-year-old from Hartlepool, England was an Amateur World Champion, a Commonwealth Games gold medalist and the only boxer to have ever defeated two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields.
Para obtener más información: visita / homepage, y Siga en Twitter @MayweatherPromo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes YSwanson_Comm y Hazte fan en Facebook en,

Welterweight Jamal James Earns Unanimous Decision Over Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Saturday Night from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island

Unbeaten Prospect Brandon Figueroa Remains Undefeated with Unanimous Decision Victory over Fatiou Fassinou
Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
(Fotos que se añadirán en breve)
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
ISLA GRANDE, Nueva York (Julio 16, 2017) – Una vez golpeado Jamal James (21-1, 9 KOs) scored a unanimous decision victory over former title challenger Jo Jo Dan (36-5, 19 KOs) enLiga de Campeones de Boxeo en FS1 y FOX Deportes acciónSábado night from thenewly-renovated NYCB LIVE, hogar del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Permanente 6'2″, James was intent on using his length to move around Dan and deliver jabs and power punches off of it it. He had success snapping the head back of Dan throughout the early rounds and built up a lead on the scorecards.
My range was working perfectly,” dijo James. “I knew he was going to be tough and he was a little tougher than I thought.
Dan got himself back into the fight after focusing on the body throughout the early rounds and was able to break through Jamesguard to land effectively. The southpaw temporarily rocked James late in the sixth round and was able to pick up some momentum for the following rounds.
I was catching him with nice clean shots, but he kept coming,” dijo James. “I knew he was going to keep coming forward. He started moving his head and made me miss a couple times. I was trying to avoid a big shot but he did get me with some body shots.
Sin embargo, James was able to stick to his game plan and had success over the final couple of rounds while fighting Dan in the trenches. Después 10 rounds of welterweight action, the judges scored the bout 99-91-, 98-92 y 97-93 all for James.
Fighting on the undercard of his older brother Omar, Brandon Figueroa (13-0, 8 KOs) used high volume punching to dominate Fatiou Fassinou (28-7-3, 15 KOs) on his way to a unanimous decision victory in their junior featherweight contest.
I knew that he was a flashy fighter that was going to have a lot of speed and movement,” , dijo Figueroa. “I tried to attack the body. He was a really tough opponent. He took all my best body shots.
Figueroa had no problem trying to stand and trade with Fassinou as his superior speed and length allowed him to consistently land first. Fassinou’s awkward style included switching stances almost nonstop throughout the bout, and made it tough for Figueroa to sit down and deliver knockout blows.
This was my first fight back in a while and I was happy to get the rust off,” dijo James. “Now I’m going to get back to work. I want to get at least one or two more fights this year and then really explode next year and set myself up to be a top contender.
A medida que la lucha continuó, Fassinou slowed down enough to where Figueroa was able to trap him in the corner and deliver powerful blows throughout the last two rounds. Fassinou ended the night on his feet but all three judges gave the bout to Figueroa by scores of 79-73 y 78-74 dos veces.
I wanted to break him down,” , dijo Figueroa. “He took my punches well. I think he won a round or two. I needed to catch my breath and I was hoping to stop him late. De cualquier manera, I got the win and I’m happy.
# # #
Los aficionados pueden transmitir en directo las peleas por Fox Sports GO, disponible en Inglés o Español a través de los alimentos o FS1 FOX Deportes. Las peleas están disponibles en la mesa en ya través de la tienda de aplicaciones, o dispositivos conectados, incluyendo el Apple TV, Android TV, TV fuego, Xbox One y Roku. Adicionalmente, todos los programas también están disponibles en Fox Sports en el canal SiriusXM 83 en las radios por satélite y en la aplicación de SiriusXM.
Para obtener más información: visita, / homepage, Siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive y @Swanson_Comm o conviértete en fan en Facebook en,, PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and was promoted by DiBella Entertainment. BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Para obtener más información, visita

Unbeaten Omar Figueroa Drops Former Champion Robert Guerrero Five Times On His Way to Third-Round TKO in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island

Unbeaten Omar Figueroa Drops Former Champion Robert Guerrero Five Times On His Way to Third-Round TKO in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island
Unbeaten Marcus Browne Scores Dominant Second-Round Stoppage of Previously Undefeated Seanie Monaghan in Light Heavyweight Battle
Adam Kownacki Remains Unbeaten With Fourth-Round TKO Over Artur Szpilka in Matchup of Polish Heavyweights
Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
ISLA GRANDE, Nueva York (Julio 15, 2017) – El invicto Omar Figueroa (27-0-1, 19 KOs) returned to the ring in emphatic fashion with a third-round stoppage of former champion Robert Guerrero (33-6-1, 18 KOs) en el evento principal de Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en ZORRO yFOX Deportes Saturday night from the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, hogar del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum. The show was the first major boxing event to take place at the Coliseum in 31 año.
The former world champion Figueroa returned to the ring after a 19-month layoff and hardly missed a beat, as he sent Guerrero to the canvas five times over the three rounds and became the first fighter to ever stop Guerrero.
We knew that it was going to be tough to accomplish but I had obviously trained to get the knockout,” said Figueroa.With my hands finally being healthy, we knew that it was actually possible.
After winning the first round on all three judges’ cuadros de mando, Guerrero continued to fight Figueroa from the inside and attempted to punish him with power shots. Sin embargo, it was Figueroa who landed the first decisive blow of the fight, a scorching left uppercut that sent Guerrero immediately to the floor.
I haven’t fought this way in a long time because I didn’t have the power in my hands,” , dijo Figueroa. “I’ll always find a way to come out on top though.
Figueroa continued to attack, putting Guerrero down for a second time with a body shot and once more with a glancing shot right before the end of the round. Guerrero looked to blitz Figueroa to start the third round and immediately had Figueroa cornered.
After the first knockdown I knew that the instinct would kick-in for him and he’d go all out,” , dijo Figueroa. “I thought it was going to be over after the first knockdown of the second round but the ref let it keep going.
I’ve been working since January so I’m going to take some time off,” continued Figueroa. “Then I’m going to get back into camp to get back to 140-pounds. I want to be back in the ring by the end of the year.
The unbeaten fighter was able to turn the tide quickly however, putting Guerrero down twice more with strong flurries before referee Ron Lipton waved off the bout 1:34 en la ronda. Después de la pelea, Guerrero was taken to Nassau University Medical Center for precautionary reasons.
El invicto 2012 U.S. Olímpico Marcus Browne (20-0, 15 KOs) continued to solidify his status as a world title contender with an electrifying stoppage of previously undefeatedSeanie Monaghan (28-1, 17 KOs) in the second-round of their light heavyweight battle.
Despite fighting in front of a friendly crowd in his native Long Island, Monaghan struggled from the start as a blistering left hand from Browne sent him to the canvas early in the first round. Monaghan was quickly in survival mode and was aided when referee Steve Willis halted the bout after deeming that Browne had connected with an accidental low blow while looking to finish his opponent.
“”I could tell that I hurt him, but I didn’t want to rush and walk into anything,” dijo Browne. “I just took my time and allowed everything to fall into place.
It was an honor for me to represent Long Island,” said Monaghan. “I knew that it was a big task tonight. Marcus is even faster than in sparring. I’ll be alright though, I’m happy that if I had to lose, it was to a guy the quality of Marcus Browne.
Monaghan was able to recover and eventually make it through the round, but Browne put his foot on the gas pedal to begin round two. Browne was able to trap Monaghan against the ropes and delivered a crushing series of body blows and chopping shots that caused Monaghan to hunch over. The onslaught eventually forced the referee to call a halt to the bout 40 segundos en la ronda.
I’m honored and blessed to be a part of this event and I just want to move upwards and onward from here,” dijo Browne. “I want a date with Adonis Stevenson next. It’s amazing to have this kind of exposure on FOX and FOX Deportes. I loved the opportunity to make new fans tonight.
Marcus has always been a fast starter,” said Monaghan. “He always comes out very fast. I thought I was ready for the speed, but he is very skilled. I think he’s going to go a long way.
In front of a large contingent of his hometown fans, Adam Kownacki (16-0, 13 KOs) put on an impressive performance against his best opposition to date by scoring a fourth-round TKO of former title challenger Arthur Pin (20-3, 15 KOs) in their heavyweight showdown.
I always knew that I had him,” dijo Kownacki. “From the first shot I hit him in the body, I knew he didn’t have enough. My pressure was too much.
The fight began with both men looking to impose their styles as Szpilka attempted to establish his jab and evade his opponent, while Kownacki tried to trap Szpilka in a corner where he could tee-off with power punches.
Despite his left eye swelling up after two rounds, Kownacki was able to take the first bit of momentum by connecting late in round three with a series of power shots that appeared to at least shake Szpilka up.
As the fourth round began Kownacki wasted no time, landing a big punch that caused blood to start pouring out of the nose of Szpilka. While the former title challenger tried to keep his distance, the heavier Kownacki was able to land a series of power punches that put Szpilka on the canvas.
I have a great trainer and a great team that has gotten me into great shape,” dijo Kownacki. “I have to give them all of the credit. Whatever he was doing, I was ready for.
While Szpilka was able to get to his feet, Kownacki continued to keep the pressure on as another series of power punches, led by a strong right hand, sent Szpilka into a heap and forced referee Artur Mercante to stop the bout 1:37 en la ronda. Kownacki landed 42 percent of his power punches in the decisive fourth round.
It took Deontay Wilder and Bryant Jennings a lot longer to get him out of there,” dijo Kownacki. “But I still have things that I’m going to go back and fix. Once I improve those aspects of my game I think that a lot of people are going to know me.
He hit me once with a good shot and after that I just never recovered,” said Szpilka. “I think it was a left hook. I’m going to rest now. This was not how I wanted this to go and I’m very disappointed.
# # #
Los aficionados pueden transmitir en directo las peleas por Fox Sports GO, disponible en Inglés o Español a través de los alimentos o FS1 FOX Deportes. Las peleas están disponibles en la mesa en ya través de la tienda de aplicaciones, o dispositivos conectados, incluyendo el Apple TV, Android TV, TV fuego, Xbox One y Roku. Adicionalmente, todos los programas también están disponibles en Fox Sports en el canal SiriusXM 83 en las radios por satélite y en la aplicación de SiriusXM.
Para obtener más información: visita, / homepage, Siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive y @Swanson_Comm o conviértete en fan en Facebook en,, PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and was promoted by DiBella Entertainment. BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Para obtener más información, visita

Premier campeones de boxeo en FOX & FOX Deportes Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

Omar Figueroa vs. Robert Guerrero, Marcus Browne vs. Seanie Monaghan & Artur Szpilka vs. Adam Kownacki Tripleheader ThisSábado, Julio 15 from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
MANHATTAN (Julio 12, 2017) – Los ex campeones del mundo Omar Figueroa y Robert Guerrero went face-to-face Wednesday at the final press conference before Sábado deLiga de Campeones de Boxeo en ZORRO y FOX Deportes tripleheader taking place at the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, hogar del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Also in attendance Wednesday and competing in televised action beginning at 8 p.m. Y/5 p.m. PT were unbeaten light heavyweights Marcus Browne y Seanie Monaghan plus Polish heavyweights Arthur Pin y Adam Kownacki.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $50 (sin incluir cargos aplicables) y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse en línea,, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla de Ticketmaster en NYCB LIVE. Los descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando 516-231-4848.
Additional action en sábado begins on FS1 and FOX Deportes at 10 p.m. Y/7 p.m. PT and will feature a welterweight matchup between Jamal James y Jo Jo Dan, además el invicto prospecto Brandon Figueroa, brother of Omar Figueroa, who was in attendance Wednesday and will face Eliezer Aquino.
Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday from Gallagher’s Steakhouse in Manhattan:
We know that Guerrero is a tough guy and it’s going to be a rough fight. We prepared really well to go 12-rounds and get the win.
I love having my brother Brandon in camp and on this card with me. It gives me an opportunity to take my mind off of my fight and focus on Brandon for a bit. It really helps me cope with everything leading up to a big fight.
Training camp was amazing. We did a lot of sparring with lefties so that my footwork is down. Other than that I was just grinding every day and trying to get better.
I’m really happy to have the team that I have. Joel Diaz and I work really well together because we have the same mentality, but he can tell me when I need to take a step back.
New York is one of the places that has held historic fights. Being on that same stage as great fighters from the past is amazing. It’s one of those things that makes you feel like you made it.
I know how hard Robert Guerrero has worked to get to this point in his career. I want to prove that I can be in the big fights that Guerrero has already had. I’ve had a long time off but I can’t wait to get it en sábado noche.
I feel like I have everything in my arsenal to make this a successful night. I’m looking to show all of the things I’ve been working with Joel Diaz on and give the fans a great fight to remember.
I’m expecting Omar to come to fight. He’s undefeated with a great record so if it’s not broken, I don’t expect him to change his style.
You have to prepare for everything for a guy as awkward as Omar. I’m going to have to make adjustments in the ring. If I can stay focused I know I can get the victory.
I’ve made a lot of improvements since the last time people saw me. There’s way too much talent in this division for me to just come forward and press. I’m in great shape and I’m ready to work behind my jab do everything I need to do to be successful in the ring.
I’m blessed to be here and have this tremendous opportunity in the main event again on FOX and FOX Deportes. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the ring but I never stopped working in the gym.
I’ve said before that I had to go to the drawing board but this time we erased everything and rewrote it. This layoff has really helped me get in great shape and I’m really excited to get in the ring. I’m ready to turn the page to the next chapter of my career and that starts with this fight.
It’s an honor to be able to work with my dad every day. It’s an incredible blessing for me to have such a loyal team. My father treats me like a man just like he always has. He makes me a better fighter every time out. He knows me like the back of his hand.
I’m ready to roll. I’m ready let my hands go and get in the ring and rumble en sábado noche. This is going to be a great night of fights.
“Esta es una gran pelea para mí. It’s a great fight against a very determined and experienced fighter. Seanie is a veteran in this sport but he’s still hungry. He has a lot to lose, como yo lo hice. We’re both going to put it on the line.
I’m excited to be part of opening up this new venue. There are a lot of different cultures that come together in Long Island and it should make for a great crowd.
I think the timing that my career has progressed has been great. I’ve been going step-by-step and I feel like I’m on a good path towards a world title.
I’m very familiar with Seanie from sparring together but I know that he’s a veteran who’s going to have a great game plan. Training camp has me ready and I’m going to be prepared to make adjustments. I’m ready to lay it all out there.
“El campo de entrenamiento ha sido excelente. I’ve been sparring a lot of lefties and getting ready for this style matchup. This is probably the longest camp I’ve ever had and I feel great. I’m on weight right now and ready for this fight. This is the best shape I’ve ever been in.
It’s very inspiring to be looking at the place that you’ll be fighting while you’re training. I do my hardest workout on the track right across the street from the Coliseum. It helps me dig deep while I’m suffering.
This is going to be an interesting matchup. Marcus and I are pretty much opposites in the ring. I’m a righty and he’s a lefty. He’s a fast-starter and I’m a strong finisher. It’s my job to turn it into a battle of wills.
I’m fully-charged physically and locked and loaded mentally heading into Sábado noche. This is the caliber of opponent I’ve been looking to face for a while and I’ll be ready when the bell rings.
This is my 29º time getting into the professional ring so I’m not concerned about the emotions that come with fighting at home. Any kind of energy that I feel, I’m going to use it for fuel in the later rounds when I need it.
I want to show that my loss was an accident and that I’m ready to put on a great show for the fans.
We will see how hard this fight will be. That is up to him, because I will be ready to put it all on the line and get this win. People want to see emotions in the ring and we will see if Kownacki is ready for me.
I have to take this fight very seriously. I am in the best shape of my career. I can’t take for granted that I’m going to go in there and knock him out immediately.
I waited a long time for this return. I broke my hand after the Deontay Wilder fight but now I am back and 100 por ciento listo para esta pelea.
Adam is like I was before. He’s working his way up this sport and he’s very hungry. I respect Adam and I wish him the best, but not en sábado noche.”
ADAM Kownacka
This is a big stage and a great challenge for me. Now it’s time for me to show that I’m ready for this. I’ve never ducked a challenge and I never will.
“Todo el trabajo duro está hecho. I feel great after a really strong training camp and now the fun part comes Sábado noche.
“Yo discutió con (top U.S. amateur) Cam impresionante, who is a good mover around the ring so he’s definitely helped prepare me for what Artur is going to bring.
It means a lot to be in a fight between two Polish heavyweights. We’re two of the best Polish heavyweights in the world and only one of us can wear the crown.
“Este es mi fiesta de presentación. Voy a hacer una declaración en sábado. I’ve been patiently waiting for this chance and now I’m going to prove that I belong.
Artur and I definitely have different styles. I’m more of a puncher and he’s more of a mover. I worked a lot in training camp on cutting off the ring.
I feel like I’ve improved a lot during this training camp. I feel very strong and confident heading into this fight. It’s really exciting to be on a card like this with my brother headlining.
I’m just going to take my career step-by-step and take it one fight at a time. Hopefully if I keep working hard and performing I can get a title shot. I just want to take every fight that I can so that I can perform in front of the fans and give them a great show.
I feel very prepared and very confident heading into this fight. This is definitely one of the best camps I’ve had. I fight a lot of heavy guys in Joel Diaz’s gym and it helped me get perfectly prepared for this fight.
I love fighting on television so that I can give fans a good show. I’m always hungry for the win and now being in New York is an added piece of motivation.
Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment
En Sábado big-time boxing returns to Long Island. Ha sido 31 years since a big boxing show on Long Island and that show was headlined by Mike Tyson. Sábado night is going to be a great night for boxing in the New York area.
This show has three terrific fights coming to us en sábado noche. I love that this card has three fights where the outcome is up in the air and they’re all-action matchups.
Artur and Adam are in something of a grudge match, with these two Polish heavyweights talking about this for over a year, and now it’s finally going to happen. This is an important heavyweight fight. The loser takes a big step back.
Marcus Browne is a young lion rising his way up the ranks at light heavyweight. Seanie has been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this. The winner of this fight is right there for a world title. These guys have been friendly in the past, but they won’t be friends en sábadonoche.
The main event is definitely a crossroads fight to some extent. I have tremendous respect for both Omar and Robert. Omar is returning to the ring against one of the most experienced and battle-tested fighters out there in Guerrero.
This is going to be a good night for Long Island and everyone who watches this in person or on FOX and FOX Deportes is going to be in for a great night of fighting.
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