Tag Archives: Floyd Mayweather Jr.

FNU Sports de combat Voir: Mark Hunt poursuit l'UFC, Dana White et Brock Lesnar; Mayweather propose Conor $15 million; Penn fait son retour à l'UFC

Tom, Tony et Rich passent l’émission de cette semaine à se tenir au courant de l’actualité majeure de la semaine dans les sports de combat. Nous avons également un aperçu des combats à venir en boxe et MMA. Nous soulignons le récent procès de Mark Hunt pour un combat au cours duquel Brock Lesnar a été testé positif pour les PED et discutons de l’évaluation de Ben Rothwell sur Travis Browne en tant que “Homme putain.” Écoutez l'émission d'une heure ci-dessous.

Veazey to Conor McGregor: I’ll fight you now

Baltimore, MD (Décembre 6, 2016) – There was much talk throughout the boxing world last week when UFC superstar Conor McGregor received a boxing license from the California State Athletic Commission.

McGregor, widely considered the best mixed martial artist in the world, has been clamoring for a superfight with Floyd Mayweather. The bout would be a traditional boxing match. Talk surrounding Mayweather-McGregor received heavy criticism and it’s highly unlikely an athletic commission would sanction a five division world champion with a 49-0 record against an opponent making his debut.

Typiquement, debuting boxers face opponents that only have a few professional bouts.

Enter Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey.

Living and fighting out of Maryland, the 18-year-old had a successful amateur career and turned pro with a four round decision victory in October. A big ticket seller in his home state, Veazey is an honor student focused on being a star in and out of the ring. While many other young professional boxers would wait for a high profile fight, Veazey is ready to show McGregor he should stick to his own sport.

“The whole boxing world already knows Conor McGregor doesn’t belong in the same ring as Mayweather. I just had my pro debut and he recently got licensed so on paper, that’s an approvable fight by the athletic commission. If he does face me however, I’d prove to the world that he’s not a boxer and end the hype he’s started. He thinks he can just walk into this sport and face the best? That’s not how it works. If you really want to get in the boxing ring, I’d gladly expose you right now because boxing is no joke!"

Veazey’s next fight is scheduled for Janvier 13 in Maryland and his promoter Jake Smith of Baltimore Boxing has already discussed licensing McGregor with Maryland State Athletic Commission executives.

FNU Sports de combat Voir: UFC 205 & Bellator 164 avant-premières, Trump’s Win, Jones Suspended and Stripped of Title, Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Rematch Talks

Tom, Rich and Tony break down the week’s combat sports news, recap last week’s fight cards and look forward to the huge events happening this weekend. UFC 205 features three world title fights while Bellator makes a historic debut in Israel on Friday. Danny Garcia will also take on Samuel Vargas to headline one of Premier Boxing Championshipsfinal blockbuster cards of 2016. We start off the broadcast with some political discourse about the election of Donald Trump as the 45th United States President.




Las Vegas (Sept. 22, 2016) – Un autre mémorable petit-déjeuner des champions Titans of the Trade est dans les livres en tant que septième volet des promotions Mayweather’ cérémonie qui a eu lieu samedi, Sept. 17 à Tom Colicchios Craftsteak à l'intérieur du MGM Grand à Las Vegas. L’événement de cette année a débouché sur une matinée d’excellence, considéré comme le plus influent à ce jour, entouré de femmes puissantes et accomplies de l'industrie du sport.
Les lauréats comprenaient la première vice-présidente afro-américaine de l'histoire de la MLB, Marian Rhodes, Premier Boxing Champions Présidente des opérations de boxe Sylvia Browne-Owens, Championne du monde de boxe WBC Alicia Ashley, et les nouveaux récipiendaires de la catégorie Young Trailblazer Award: le jeune et talentueux groupe de 6 âges des frères et sœurs 8-18; La meilleure famille, et le phénomène record du saut en hauteur Vashti Cunningham.
Pour la deuxième année consécutive, le petit-déjeuner était organisé par HBO ‘Ballers‘ la star Jazmyn Simon qui a ouvert la cérémonie avec son histoire sur la façon dont elle a résisté aux épreuves de tout le travail acharné mis en auditions et “non” qui les a accompagnés avant d'aller décrocher un rôle principal dans HBO #1 série humoristique de 30 minutes.
The Finest Family a ouvert la scène en recevant le tout premier Prix ​​des jeunes pionniers. Le prix a été ajouté au programme cette année, pour célébrer les jeunes performants dans le sport & industrie du divertissement. The Finest Family nous a montré ce que l'unité et la persévérance peuvent apporter.
Nous étions autrefois sans abri, tout ce que nous voulons faire, c'est redonner et faire savoir aux familles de pousser fort. Nous acceptons maintenant un prix de Mayweather Promotions, qui croit vraiment en notre famille. Ce prix est dédié à nos parents, nous ne serions pas ici pour accepter ce prix Young Trailblazer si ce n’était pas pour eux.
“Nous combattons les mêmes batailles que tout le monde, nous nous battons ensemble en famille, et nous nous battons pour gagner. Motiver les enfants du monde entier à rester en dehors de la rue, et que nous ne nous arrêterons pas.”
Après un discours sincère, était la propre de la boxe Alicia Ashley qui a été honorée avec le Prix ​​du gant d'or, pour ses réalisations en boxe et en affaires après sa carrière. Ashley est entrée dans l'histoire en remportant le titre des super poids coq de la WCB, devenant la plus vieille championne féminine à l'âge de 48.
“C'était un grand événement, recevoir un prix aussi incroyable parmi des personnes aussi extraordinaires, Je suis honoré d'être ici avec des femmes aussi fortes et d'être le 2016 Récipiendaire du Golden Glove!”
Marian Rhodes est montée sur scène pour recevoir Le prix Titan of the Trade, avec son discours émouvant, et rappelez à tous que le changement est nécessaire.
“Al Campanis a dit un jour, Les Afro-Américains ne pouvaient pas occuper des postes dans les front-offices du baseball, la plupart des gens auraient vu cela comme une déclaration. J'ai vu ça comme une opportunité. C'était l'occasion de montrer comment j'ai été élevé, comment j'étais préparé à l'école en grandissant, qui étaient mes parents et m'a appris à être. Que ce n'est pas à propos de ma race.
Maintenant, Je suis fière d'être la femme afro-américaine la mieux classée au baseball, d'être devenu le premier vice-président afro-américain à la St. Organisation de Louis Cardinals de retour 1994 (pour une équipe qui existe depuis 1881), et occupe actuellement la position la plus élevée dans les ressources humaines de la MLB, avec les Diamondbacks de l'Arizona. Je suis un Titan du métier!
La cérémonie de clôture de grands récipiendaires exemplaires était Sylvia Browne-Owens qui a accepté Le prix méritoire, pour son intrépidité et ses réalisations, dans l'industrie de la boxe dominée par les hommes.
Je tiens à remercier Mayweather Promotions, Je suis honoré et honoré d'accepter un prix aussi prestigieux. Je suis fière de faire partie des femmes aussi puissantes de cette industrie.
J'ai été mis dans une position où je deviendrais quelqu'un, un jour. J'ai été mis derrière Al Haymon qui était le meilleur dans ce qu'il a fait. J'ai été façonné pour ne pas prendre non comme réponse et travailler dur. Ne mettez jamais de limites à ce que vous pouvez accomplir.”
La cérémonie de cette année a apporté l’unité parmi les participants. Chaque personne a été émue par ces personnages inspirants, et touché par leur parcours pour devenir un Titan!
En conjonction avec ce grand événement, ceux qui ont un fort désir de travailler et d'apporter leurs efforts au sein du sport & L'industrie du divertissement a l'opportunité de recevoir une bourse du Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondation. Ce programme est conçu pour offrir une assistance aux femmes qui s'efforcent d'avoir un impact positif, poursuivre leurs études, et bénéficier de la profession dans son ensemble. Pour demander le Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondation: Promotion de la femme dans le sport & Divertissement Bourse visite:http://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. La date limite pour postuler au printemps 2017 le semestre est Novembre 15.
# # #
Le Titans du commerce: Breakfast of Champions a été parrainé par: MGM Grand, Showtime Networks Inc., Billets à Las Vegas, FNOM, D’usse, Eau de Sababa,Artiques, Zoey Van Jones Brow Studio, Le costume d'anniversaire, Hott Cakez de Las Vegas, et Box Human Landscapers.


Cliquez ICI For Photos From From The Last Titans of the Trade Event
Las Vegas (Août. 26, 2016) – For the 7e temps consécutif, Promotions Mayweather’ staff prepares to leave its mark as the next installment of the signature event: Titans of the Trade Breakfast of Champions is set to take place on Samedi, Sept. 17 at Tom Colicchio’s Craftsteak restaurant inside the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The theme- Strength, Courage, and Glove Affairexemplifies the mission of the event: to inspire, Support, connect and build a strong community of professionals who aspire to impact the sports and entertainment industry. CliquezICI to purchase tickets to the breakfast.
Theprevious Titans of the Trade honorees included the first female coach in the NFL Dr. Seulement Welter, Floyd Mayweather’s mother Deborah Sinclair and longtime female boxing judge Patricia Jarman. The Golden Glove Award was honored to Deborah Sinclair, one of the prominent figures Floyd often attributes his extraordinarily successful career to. The Meritorious Award was presented to Patricia Jarman for her contributions to the boxing industry as a judge, parmi beaucoup d'autres réalisations. Dr. Welter culminated the event with an inspiring speech as she accepted the Titans of the Trade Award, who spoke about the power of achieving one’s goals, ne pas avoir peur d'ouvrir votre propre chemin et le lien étroit que le sport crée chez les gens de tous les horizons de la vie.
This September, the breakfast is set to return with greatness as it embodies the achievements of the esteemed professionals highlighted during the event, demonstrating that the industry is connecting, growing, and diversifying. Highlighted honorees include, La meilleure famille (also known as the Monster Kids), Alicia Ashley, Vashti Cunningham, Marian Rhodes and Sylvia Browne-Owens.
Young Trailblazers Award recipient – La meilleure famille, are a group of siblings coming from the windy city of Chicago, whose passion is to dance and entertain. The Family had been through many obstacles in life has overcome the odds from having once been homeless, to gracing the stage of national television.
Récipiendaire du Golden Glove Award – Alicia “Lisse” Ashley has broken down barriers, and her success inside the squared-circle has lad to international recognition, being televised more than 10 times worldwide. Ashley’s notable career highlights are extensive, with her most recent achievement being obtaining the 2015 WBC World Super Bantamweight World Champion title, becoming the oldest female boxer to hold a world title.
Young Trailblazers Award recipient- Vashti Cunningham has taken the world by storm after earning her first opportunity to participate in the Olympics this summer. 2016 has been a breakthrough year for her after graduating from Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas; the teenager set the new national high school record, jumped a mark equivalent to #3 in the world and World Youth Best, signed a deal with Nike, and turned professional all before the age of 18.
Titans of the Trade Award recipientMarian Rhodes works behind the scenes for the Arizona Diamondbacks and has re-developed their human resources functions while reinforcing a workplace culture where the some of best and brightest in the sports industry want to work; she implemented programs that invested in the employees throughout the organization, which resulted in the D-backs being named one of theBest Places to Work” à Phoenix, becoming the first sports organization to win such an honor.
Récipiendaire du Prix d'excellence méritoire – Sylvia Browne-Owens is the President of Boxing Operations for Haymon Sports, LLC- the creators of Premier Boxing Champions-a television series launched in 2015 that made the professional sport of boxing accessible to the public by bringing it back to national television after 30 ans. Browne-Owens is an unstoppable force that is not afraid to strive for success in a male-dominated sport and takes great pride in being acknowledged asthe woman behind the most powerful man in boxing,” Al HAYMON.
En outre, the event will be emceed by the beautiful and multi-talented star of HBO’s Ballers, Jazmyn Simon, who graces the stage for the second time and shares an inspirational story of a struggling actress who after over 200 différentes auditions ont finalement atterri sa grande coupure.
Cette année Titans du commerce: Breakfast of Champions – Strength, Courage, and Glove Affair est parrainé par:Promotions Mayweather, Showtime Networks Inc., MGM Grand, and Las Vegas Tickets.
# # #
En conjonction avec ce grand événement, ceux qui ont un fort désir de travailler et de contribuer leurs efforts au sein de l'industrie du sport et du divertissement, le Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondation offre une bourse d'études pour les femmes sur une base bi-annuelle. Ce programme est financé par les bénéfices reversés à la fondation à la suite du petit-déjeuner Titans of the Trade. Il est conçu pour offrir une assistance aux femmes ayant le potentiel d'avoir un impact positif, poursuivre leurs études, et bénéficier de la profession dans son ensemble. Pour demander le Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondation pour l'avancement des femmes dans le sport & Divertissement Bourse visite: http://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. La date limite de candidature pour le semestre est de sprint Novembre 15.




Tune-In Ce soir À 10 p.m. ET/PT sur Showtime EXTREME® To Re-Live Mayweather’s Dominating Win Over Previously Undefeated Canelo Alvarez; Watch Round 7 Maintenant:http://s.sho.com/23pPQXm


Crédit photo: Esther Lin / Showtime


NEW YORK (Mai 5, 2016) – Universally acknowledged as the most talented fighter of this generation and one of the greatest boxers in history, now-retired Floyd Mayweather will be honored during the month of May when Sports Showtime® continues its year-long salute commemorating 30 années de Showtime Championship Boxing®with “MAYWEATHER”.


The fifth round of a 12-month tribute will be highlighted by four of the most memorable and meaningful fights in Mayweather’s magnificent 19-year career – against Saul "Canelo" Alvarez, Marcos “Chino” Maidana, Manny Pacquiao et Autres Berto.


The four fights will air on “Throwback Thursdays” all month at 10 p.m. ET/PT sur SHO EXTREME et sont disponibles sur SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS® et via le service de streaming en ligne du réseau. Each fight will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of May

  • Jeudi, Mai 5: Mayweather vs. Canelo
  • Jeudi, Mai 12: Mayweather vs. Maidana I
  • Jeudi, Mai 19: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao
  • Jeudi, Mai 26: Mayweather vs. Berto


May Days


(Mayweather-Canelo, Sept. 14, 2013) In a blockbuster megaevent billed asLe One,” Mayweather won an impressive 12-round decision over previously undefeated Canelo Alvarez in the then-highest-grossing pay-per-view and most profitable boxing event of all time. For the night’s work, Mayweather collected Canelo’s WBC, WBA and Ring Magazine Super Welterweight Championships.


(Mayweather-Maidana 1, Mai 3, 2014) — Mayweather seized “The Moment” against Marcos Maidana, but it wasn’t easy. For a stirring moment – or two, in fact – it appeared the aggressive-minded Argentine might do the unthinkableand deal Mayweather his first defeat. But the supremely skilled and savvy Mayweather rallied convincingly in the bout’s second half to take a 12-round majority decision.

(Mayweather-Pacquiao, Mai 2, 2015) – Five-Division world champion Mayweather won a clear 12-round unanimous decision over Eight-Division world champion Manny Pacquiao in a record-shattering “Fight of the Century.” Regarded as one of the most anticipated sporting events of all time, Mayweather-Pacquiao demolished PPV records for buys, revenue, live gate and more. The fight nearly doubled the previous record of 2.48 million buys generated by the Mayweather-Oscar De La Hoya match in 2007 et presque triplé le record $150 millions en U.S. pay-per-view revenue generated by Mayweather-Canelo in 2013. À l'intérieur du ring, Floyd had his way throughout, winning by the scores of 118-110 et 116-112 deux fois,


(Sept. 12, 2015, Mayweather-Berto) – Mayweather went to 49-0, correspondant à l'enregistrement de la fin de champion des poids lourds Rocky Marciano, with a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Berto. In command throughout, “TBE” landed an impressive 56 pour cent (232/410) dans les coups de poing lancés et 67 pour cent de ses coups de puissance (132/196) to triumph by the scores of 120-108, 118-110 et 117-111. If this was Mayweather’s last fight, as he’s said, then the maestro manufactured yet one last masterpiece.

Chris Van Heerden brings “La chaleur” & slays “Le dragon” To win 10-round majority decision over Steve Claggett

Pour diffusion immédiate
“Knockout Night at the D” Résultats
(L-R) — Steve Claggett & Chris Van Heerden
(All pictures by Manny “Mitts” Murillo / Roy Jones Jr. Promotions de boxe)
LAS VEGAS (Avril 16, 2016) – Former IBO World welterweight champion Chris “La chaleur” Van Heerden put himself back into title contention position, winning a 10-round majority decision over Steve “Le dragon” Claggett in this evening’s main event, under the neon lights at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center(DLVEC) outdoor venue.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” série, which airs live on CBS Sports Network, est présenté par D Las Vegas and DLVEC), promue par Roy Jones Jr. (JJR) Promotions de boxe and returns Samedi soirée, Mai 21.
Van Heerden (23-1-1, 12 KOs), fighting out of Santa Monica, California by way of South Africa, used his 3-inch height advantage against Claggett (23-3-1, 16 KOs), the Canadian champion from Calgary, Alberta.
Neither fighter was hurt during the fight, in which there were continual back-and-forth exchanges of stinging combinations. Claggett battled to apply pressure in order to fight on the inside, while Van Heerden fought effectively from the outside.
The two evenly-matched welterweights patiently waited for the official announcement: 95-95 et 97-93 twice for Van Heerden.
I knew I won this fight, 120-pour cent, but I knew it was close,” Van Heerden commented. “We’re both winners ce soir because of it was so close and we entertained the crowd. Me and Claggett entertained the crowd…..we delivered. I’ve been through so much and the lord helped me get this win. I look forward to a rematch, but I want to move forward.
Undefeated California junior middleweight NeecoThe RoosterMacias (12-0, 6 KOs) had a lot to crow about in the 8-round co-feature against LimberthEl Gallito” Maquereau, Jr.(10-3, 8 KOs). Macias thoroughly dominated the action, firing non-stop shots from every conceivable angle. His unrelenting pressure enabled Macias, whose come-forward approach made him an instant fan favorite, to control the fight from start to finish for a unanimous decision.
I knew he was going to be the toughest fighter I’ve fought,” Macias said. “I give Ponce much respect. We wanted to give fans a good show.
Baltimore welterweight Malik “Iceman” Hawkins (7-0, 6 KOs) donné Errol “Spyda” Sidney (6-2-2, 2 KOs) a beating, fully displaying his arsenal of punches, hurting his gutsy opponent on several occasions. Hawkins’ aggressive style early in the fight broke-down Sidney, who was nearly finished at the end of the fourth and fifth rounds. Hawkins trapped Sidney a neutral corner at the start of the sixth round and a powerful uppercut sent Sidney down to a knee. Sidney beat referee Jay Nady‘s count but the veteran official had seen enough and he halted the bout 1:02 into the sixth.
“Nous sommes de retour,” Hawkins proclaimed after the bout. I’d give myself an 8 ½ this fight.
Las Vegas’ promising prospect Randy Moreno (2-0, 1 KO) outclassed Oregon junior lightweight Derek Barthemay (0-3) from the opening bell for a 4-round unanimous decision.
Flashy Las Vegas welterweight prospect Jérémie “J-FlashNichols (3-0, 2 KOs) constantly pounded the body of his tough Mexican opponent, Jason “GibborGavino (3-2, 2 KOs), for a 4-round shutout victory,
Las Vegas’ Sal Lopez (2-0) dropped a game Mat “Le KO Kid” Murphy (0-2), a junior lightweight from St. Louis, in the opening round on his way to an impressive one-sided win by way of a unanimous 4-round decision.
Complete results and more pictures of main event below:
JUNIOR poids moyens
Neeco Macias (12-0, 4 KOs), Palm Desert, Californie.
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 79-73)
Limberth Ponce, Jr. (10-3, 8 KOs), Rock Island, Illinois
Chris Van Heerden (24-2-1, 12 KOs), Santa Monica, Californie
WDEC10 (97-93, 97-93, 95-95)
Steve Claggett (23-4, 16 KOs), Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Malik Hawkins (7-0, 6 KOs), Baltimore, Maryland
WTKO6 (1:02)
Errol Sidney, Jr. (6-2-2, 2 KOs), La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane
Jeremy Nichols (3-0, 2 KOs), Las Vegas, Nevada
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-35)
Jason Gavino (3-2, 2 KOs), Tijuana, Mexique
JUNIOR légers
Randy Moreno (2-0, 1 KO), Las Vegas, Nevada
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Derek Bartlemay (0-3), Salem, Oregon
Sal Lopez (3-0, 0 KOs), Las Vegas, Nevada
WDEC (40-35, 40-35, 40-35)
Derick Bartlemay (0-3), Salem, Oreon
(L-R) – Chris Van Heerden & Steve Claggett
(L-R) – Chris Van Heerden & Steve Claggett
Le “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network est disponible dans tout le pays par câble local, vidéo et les fournisseurs de télécoms et par satellite DirecTV sur Canal 221 et Dish Canal Réseau 158. Pour plus d'informations, y compris un calendrier de programmation complet et comment obtenir de CBS Sports Network, aller à www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” série.
Gazouillement: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Suivez ces combattants sur Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @TheHeat001 (Van Heerden), @Limbo_1991 (Maquereau), @mhawk0_6 (Hawkins), @ej_flash562 (Nichols)
For More Information:
“Knockout Night at the D”: Bob Trieger, (978) 590-0470, bobtfcp@hotmail.com, @FightPublicist
Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and the D Las Vegas: Kara Rutkin / Alaina Curry, Kirvin Doak Communications, (702) 737-3100, krutkin@kirvindoak.com /acurry@kirvindoak.com
Roy Jones Jr. Promotions de boxe: Lisa Veltre, (702) 522-1636,lisa@royjonesjrboxing.com

“Knockout Night at the D” Undercard Announced

Ce samedi night live on
CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Avril 12, 2016) – An solid undercard showcasing promising prospects has been announced for ce samedi nuit de “Knockout Night at the D” série, présenté par D Las Vegas et Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), est promu par Roy Jones Jr. (JJR) Promotions de boxe.
welters canadien Steve “Le dragon” Claggett (23-3-1, 16 KOs) and former IBO champion Chris “La chaleur” Van Heerden (23-1-1, 12 KOs),, fighting out of his native South Africa by way of Santa Monica, Californie, square off in 12-round main event.
Samedi “Knockout Night at the D” event will air (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. ET) survivre CBS Sports Network from under the neon lights at the DLVEC outdoor venue.
Undefeated California welterweight NeecoRoosterMacias (11-0, 4 KOs) faces former Chicago Golden Gloves champion Limberth “Foudre” Maquereau, Jr. (10-2, 8 KOs), of Rock Island, Illinois, in the 8-round co-feature.
A Baltimore welterweight, invaincu Malik “Iceman” Hawkins (6-0, 5 KOs), is in the first televised bout in a six-rounder versus New OrleansErrol Sidney (6-1-2, 2 KOs). Jones signed Hawkins to a promotional contract after watching the youngster spar impressively, displaying tremendous power.
Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round fights are flashy Las Vegas welterweight Jérémie “J-FlashNichols (2-0, 2 KOs) vs. Envahisseur mexicainJason Gavino (3-1, 2 KOs), slick Las Vegas featherweight Sal Lopez (2-0) vs. TBA, dangerous Las Vegas junior featherweight Randy Moreno (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Derek Barthemay (0-2), of Eugene, Oregon, and Los Angeles heavyweight Jonathan “Johnnie” Riz (3-1-1, 3 KOs) vs. Antonio Robertson (4-5-1, 2 KOs), of Alexandria, Virginie.
Tous les combats et les combattants sont sujets à changement.
Billets, au prix de $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 Ringside, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com ouwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Les portes ouvrent à 5:00 p.m. PT avec le combat d'ouverture prévue à 6:00 p.m. PT.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network est disponible dans tout le pays par câble local, vidéo et les fournisseurs de télécoms et par satellite DirecTV sur Canal 221 et Dish Canal Réseau 158. Pour plus d'informations, y compris un calendrier de programmation complet et comment obtenir de CBS Sports Network, aller àwww.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” série.
“BATTLE BORN BOXING: THE UPRISING” – Vendredi, Avril 15, 2016
The inaugural event, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising”, aura lieu ce vendredi nuit (Avril. 15), outdoors at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center.
Le “Battle Born Boxing” series will present amateur boxing events the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional events.
Created to support amateur boxing in Nevada, “Battle Born Boxing” also provides a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Gazouillement: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Suivez ces combattants sur Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @TheHeat001 (Van Heerden), @Limbo_1991 (Maquereau), @mhawk0_6 (Hawkins), @ej_flash562 (Nichols)

“La chaleur” is on! Chris Van Heeden vs. Steve Claggett Apr. 16 live on CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas

Pour diffusion immédiate

LAS VEGAS (Avril 7, 2016) – South African welterweight Chris “La chaleur” Van Heerden is on a mission to torch his Canadian opponent Steve “Le dragon” Claggett, in their 12-round main event, tête d'affiche “Knockout Night at the D”.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” série, présenté par D Las Vegas et Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), est promu par Roy Jones Jr. (JJR) Promotions de boxe.
Le avril. 16e “Knockout Night at the D” event will air Samedinuit, Avril 16 (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. ET), survivre CBS Sports Network from under the neon lights at the DLVEC outdoor venue.
Van Heerden (23-1-1, 12 KOs), fighting out of Santa Monica (COMME), is a former International Boxing Organization (IBO) et la Fédération internationale de boxe (IBF) champion poids welter.
During his 10-year professional career, Van Heerden has defeated quality opponents such as Ramon Avila, Cecil McCalla, Ray Prix, Cosme Rivera,Mathew Hilton, et Sebastian Andres Lujan.
A win over Claggett will put my career right back to where we need it to be,” Van Heerden said. “Winning this fight is my only option! I’m predicting a win, nothing less. Fans watching me fight for the first time can expect to watch a fighter with speed and footwork. I’m a winner who is going to win this fight no matter what.
Claggett (23-3-1, 16 KOs) is the reigning Canadian Professional Boxing Council and Canadian welterweight champion. “Claggett’s strength is his cominforward aggression and that’s how he’s got most of his opponents to give up,” Van Heerden noted. “I know I’ve faced guys with more power. I’m expecting a hard fight, nothing easy, and it will be entertaining.
The 28-year-old Van Heerden moved to Santa Monica two years ago after he wiped out the top South African fighters in his weight class. He has the strong support of actor Frank Grillo, who has appeared in numerous movies, y comprisWarrior, The Grey, End of Watch, Captain America: The Winter Soldier et The Purge: Anarchy.
Frank Grillo is like a father/brother figure to me and he has been since I met him,” Van Heerden explained their relationship. He motivates me on a daily basis. I’m blessed to be around him.
Unbeaten California welterweight prospect NeecoRoosterMacias (11-0, 4 KOs), fighting out of Lancaster, COMME, prend Limberth “Foudre” Maquereau, Jr. (10-2, 8 KOs), of Rock Island, Illinois, in the 8-round co-feature. Perspective invaincu poids welter Malik “Iceman” Hawkins (6-0, 5 KOs), de Baltimore, répond Errol Sidney (6-1-2, 2 KOs), La Nouvelle-Orléans, in a 6-round bout to open the television broadcast.
The undercard also features promising Las Vegas-based prospects in four-round bouts: welters Jérémie “J-FlashNichols (2-0, 2 KOs), poids plume Sal Lopez (2-0) and junior featherweight Randy Moreno (1-0, 1 KO).
Tous les combats et les combattants sont sujets à changement.
Billets, au prix de $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 Ringside, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com ouwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Les portes ouvrent à 5:00 p.m. PT avec le combat d'ouverture prévue à 6:00 p.m. PT.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network est disponible dans tout le pays par câble local, vidéo et les fournisseurs de télécoms et par satellite DirecTV sur Canal 221 et Dish Canal Réseau 158. Pour plus d'informations, y compris un calendrier de programmation complet et comment obtenir de CBS Sports Network, aller àwww.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” série.
Gazouillement: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Suivez ces combattants sur Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @TheHeat001 (Van Heerden), @Limbo_1991 (Maquereau), @mhawk0_6 (Hawkins), @ej_flash562 (Nichols)

“Le dragon” to be unleashed April 16th Live on CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Avril 5, 2016) – Le Avril 16e10-round main event between Canadian welterweight Steve “Le dragon” Claggett and South Africa-native Chris “La chaleur” Van Heerden embodies the “Knockout Night at the D” philosophy in terms of featuring action fighters in evenly matched, entertaining bouts.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” série, présenté par D Las Vegas etDowntown Las Vegas Events Center(DLVEC), est promu par Roy Jones Jr. (JJR) Promotions de boxe.
Le avril. 16e “Knockout Night at the D” event will air Samedi nuit, Avril 16 (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. ET), survivre CBS Sports Network from under the neon lights at the DLVEC outdoor venue.
The broadcast team includes Jim “JR” Ross, Sean Wheelock et ancien champion du monde Kevin “The Flushing FlashKelley. Joe Martinez is the ring announcer.
Claggett vs. Van Heerden is a crossroads fight for both boxers with critical consequences, especially for the winner who will use it as an invaluable springboard for his boxing career.
The 26-year-old Claggett (23-3-1, 16 KOs), who is the reigning Canadian Professional Boxing Council and Canadian welterweight champion, is thrilled to be fighting in Las Vegas for the first time. “Il est un rêve devenu réalité,” il a expliqué. “I’ve trained in Las Vegas often but now it’s time to show what I can do there in a fight. A win will open many doors for me and could potentially lead to a path that will set up the rest of my boxing life. Il va sans dire, I am focused and prepared for the opportunity.
Claggett, as well as Van Heerden, are known as high-action fighters, throwing punches in bunches, and something eventually has to give. Van Heerden (23-1-1, 12 KOs), fighting out of Santa Monica (COMME), is a former International Boxing Organization (IBO) et la Fédération internationale de boxe (IBF) champion poids welter.
Van Heerden is a rangy, quick and active fighter,” Claggett said. “I have an action style but, for many years, I was strictly a pressure fighter with a good body shot. Actuellement, bien que, I have a couple of more tricks up my sleeve. His heart and durability have been shown and is to be respected. This match-up is sure to produce some good exchanges. I expect this to be a high-action fight between two hungry fighters with him coming off a loss (to unbeaten rising star Errol Spence Jr. Septembre dernier) and me coming off more than one fight falling through. This is a great match up. He is similar to the style of (Konstantin)Ponomarev (who Claggett lost an 8-round decision to last year) with range and movement. And that motivates me!”
Undefeated Lancaster, California welterweight NeecoRoosterMacias (11-0, 4 KOs) répond Limberth “Foudre” Maquereau, Jr. (10-2, 8 KOs), of Rock Island, Illinois, in the 8-round co-feature. Unbeaten Baltimore welterweight prospect Malik “Iceman” Hawkins(6-0, 5 KOs) visages Errol Sidney (6-1-2, 2 KOs), La Nouvelle-Orléans, in a 6-round bout to open the television broadcast.
The undercard also features promising Las Vegas-based prospects in four-round bouts: welters Jérémie “J FlashNichols (2-0, 2 KOs), poids plume Sal Lopez (2-0) and junior featherweight Randy Moreno (1-0, 1 KO).
Tous les combats et les combattants sont sujets à changement.
Billets, au prix de $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 Ringside, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com ou www.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Les portes ouvrent à 5:00 p.m. PT avec le combat d'ouverture prévue à 6:00 p.m. PT.
Le “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network est disponible dans tout le pays par câble local, vidéo et les fournisseurs de télécoms et par satellite DirecTV sur Canal 221 et Dish Canal Réseau 158. Pour plus d'informations, y compris un calendrier de programmation complet et comment obtenir de CBS Sports Network, aller à www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” série.
Gazouillement: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Suivez ces combattants sur Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @TheHeat001 (Van Heerden), @Limbo_1991 (Maquereau), @mhawk0_6 (Hawkins)