Arkivji Tag: Fernando Montiel

Chasing Billions” – premieres on Spike Friday, Marzu 25 fi 11:00pm ET/PT

In this Spike original special, Chasing Billions follows boxing superstar and super lightweight world champion Adrien Broner along with top contender and Floyd Mayweather protégé, Ashley Theophane, as they prepare for their highly anticipated showdown on Il-ġimgħa, April 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington D.C. Spike’s coverage of the PBC will go on as planned il-ġimgħa d-dieħla lejl fil 9:00pm ET/PT.
The special will delve into the escalating tension emanating from the rivalry between the outspoken and engaging Broner and the legendary boxing icon Mayweather.
Matul is-snin, this complicated relationship has run the gamut from respectful to overtly contentious. While Mayweather may see this as a fight between mentee, Theophane, against Bronerthe hard-hitting Broner emphatically has stated that I’m not fighting Theophane, I’m fighting Floyd!”
The rivals and their respective entourages come face-to-face in a heated and colorful press conference that showcases the simmering tension between both camps. The storyline plays throughout the show as viewers see how Broner has emulated the legendary Mayweather in and out of the ring to become a world champion and his own successful brand. With full access to both the Broner and Theophane camps and exclusive interviews, “Chasing Billionswill provide an inside look that is must-see TV for any boxing fan.


Victor Ortiz, Andre Berto, Jorge Lara & Kwotazzjonijiet Fernando Montiel Konferenza Stampa & Ritratti

PBC fuq FOX & FOX Sports IS-SIBT, April 30
Mill StubHub Center fi Carson, Calif.
8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT
Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti
Photo Kreditu: Arnold Turner / Premier Boxing Champions
LOS ANGELES (Marzu 23, 2016) – Ex ċampjins tad-dinja welterweight“Vicious” Victor Ortiz u Oħra “Il-kruha” Berto, flimkien ma 'konkorrent featherweight undefeated Jorge Lara u eks champion dinja Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel, żammet konferenza stampa fil-Los Angeles l-Erbgħa biex jiddiskutu tagħhom Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq FOX & FOX Sports showdowns li jseħħu IS-SIBT, April 30 minn StubHub Center fil Carson, Calif.
Il tripleheader ta 'azzjoni primetime li tibda fl- 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT wkoll karatteristiċi Showdown heavyweight dawl eċċitanti bejn Edwin “La Bomba” Rodriguez u Thomas “Top Dog” Williams Jr.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $209, $105, $53 u $27, miżjuda b'taxxi applikabbli, miżati u ħlasijiet ta 'servizz, u huma għall-bejgħ disponibbli għax-xiri issa u online fuq
-Ġellieda li saret qorti fil-Kamra conga fil L.A. Live u tkellem dwar Matchups rispettivi tagħhom. Ortiz u Berto titħabbilx fi rematch ħafna antiċipat tagħhom 2011 battalja, mirbuħa minn Ortiz, filwaqt li l-jogħlew Lara u eks champion Montiel jiltaqa fi ġlieda toroq li jistgħu iniedu r-rebbieħ fis allegazzjoni titlu f'diviżjoni featherweight f'munzelli.
Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-parteċipanti kellhom jgħidu l-Erbgħa:
“Dan żgur huwa l-kapitolu li jmiss tal-karriera boxing tiegħi u nixtieq li tieħu vantaġġ sħiħ minnu. Jien b'saħħithom u jien żgħażagħ u jien xorta kapaċi li tiġbed il-grillu.
“Kulħadd qal I kien "tadam jista’ li kellu l-ebda negozju li jkun fiċ-ċirku ma 'Berto-ewwel darba. Kelli mmur biex Connecticut biex tikseb ċinturin tiegħi u rispett tiegħi.
“Stajt ġġieldu ħafna gwerer. Stajt ġiet fil-battalji. I kissru xedaq tiegħi u polz tiegħi, dan huwa tliet snin hemm dritt. Iżda se tiegħi biex ġlieda wasslitni lura. Il-boksing aktar I jaraw, aktar taqlib għamel miegħi. I do not think il welterweights oħra huma fuq livell tiegħi.
“Berto blames lili għal niżla tiegħu. Jidhirlu hu għandu ċ-ċans dan iż-żmien. Dejjem ħolma tajba li jkollhom.
“Jien ma jmur id-distanza din id-darba. Jien ser fis 100 mil fis-siegħa, throttle miftuħ kollu.
“2011 kienet waħda Heck ta 'sena. Il ripetut huwa li ġejjin fuq April 30 għaliex nixtieq kampjonat mondjali ieħor. Berto huwa gwerriera tremend; I ser jagħtih dik. I ser tkun lesta u naf hu se jkunu wisq.”
Berto OĦRA
“Jien eċċitati dwar dan wieħed. April 30 se tkun bil-lejl tremend. I wegħda li.
“Il-ġlieda lura fil 2011, hu ltqajna me. Huwa ma dak li kellu jagħmel biex tirbaħ. Imma din id-darba jien ser fil estremament iffokat u lesta li tieħu dak kollu li ħassejtni huwa ħa mill me li bil-lejl.
“I marru l-iskola. I fallew it-test u issa għandi l-opportunità li ass li.
“Hu qal li mhux se jmorru l-bogħod aħħar darba, imma jien xorta ma u I ma kienx taħriġ għall-kapaċitajiet sħaħ tiegħi.
“qawwa tiegħi u l-veloċità għad hemm. Ninsab kuntenta f'din il-ġlieda daħal dwar minħabba li għaddej biex tkun lejl kbira għall-fannijiet.
“Jien ma dwar tmexxija ħalq tiegħi u qal Jittieħed biss għall-medja. Jien ser jappoġġjawh fiċ-ċirku.
“Stajt ltqajna biex juru Victor xi rispett għaliex huwa taħbit lili l-ewwel darba. Jien big fuq huma rispettuż. I-rigward Victor u l-istorja ta 'ġellieda Messikani, dawn jitqiegħdu demm tagħhom, għaraq u tiċrit fil hemmhekk.
“Dan huwa dak li hu mitlub għall. So I tixtieq li tagħmel ċert li jaf liema hu jkollna nnifsu ġo. Din mhix l-istess sitwazzjoni kif l-aħħar darba. Allura aħna ser tara fil-ċirku. Come fuq April 30 u tara lili jimmaniġġjaw dan in-negozju.”
“Huwa ta 'unur li jkunu jistgħu jiġġieldu fuq karta bħal din. Ninsab verament eċċitati dwar li jidħlu fil-ċirku fuq April 30.
“Naf li dan mhux se jkun ġlieda faċli. Montiel huwa ġlied jitwettqu ħafna u huwa għalhekk li għandna qed tipprepara lilna nfusna diliġenti ħafna għal din il-ġlieda. Aħna ħerqana biex l-isfida li huwa jippreżenta.
“Għandi l-rispett fid-dinja Fernando Montiel. Huwa kien champion tad-dinja kbira li huwa ferm stabbilit fil-karriera tiegħu. I trid tkun fl-aħjar tiegħi biex jiksbu l-rebħa.
“Jekk jien kapaċi li tirbaħ il-ġlieda allura nixtieq għall-ġlieda kontra r-rebbieħ ta 'Ġesù Cuellar vs. Abner Mares f'dak ġlieda titolu. Iżda l-ewwel u qabel kollox, Għandi biex tinkiseb din ir-rebħa kbira.
“Titlifx din il-ġlieda. Aħna qed tmur biex jagħtuh tagħna kollu u li għaddej biex tkun matchup tremend. Jien ser jagħtuh tiegħi kollu li tkun rebbieħa.”
Fernando Montiel
“Huwa ta 'unur u pjaċir li tkun parti ta' din il-karta aqwa. ġlieda tiegħi ma 'Lara hija se tikseb l-ċirku sħun għall-bqija tal-karta.
“Lara se jiġu ppreparati eżatt bħal myself. Hu ġellied kbir. Hu undefeated u naf hu għaddej biex iġibu l-aħjar tiegħu.
“Naf li Jorge Lara hija ġellied tajba ħafna, hu aggressivi. I know jekk jien tagħmel żball jista 'jkun lejl twil għalija.
“I know I jkollhom jiddependu fuq l-esperjenza tiegħi biex toħroġ rebbieħa. Nistenna kemm aħna biex battalja. Jista 'jkun hemm xi knockdowns. Huwa ser tkun ġlieda divertenti għall-fannijiet.
“Jien thankful ħafna għall-opportunità u nispera li kulħadd toħroġ għaliex jien ippjanar fuq tagħmel din ġlieda terrific.”
Għal aktar tagħrif żur, /-homepage u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto,LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes USwanson_Comm u isiru fan fuq Facebook, Segwi l-konverżazzjoni użu #PBConFOX. PBC dwar FOX hija sponsorjata mill Corona, ifjen Birra.

Long-Awaited Victor Ortiz & Andre Berto Rematch Set for Primetime Saturday, April 30 As Premier Boxing Champions On FOX & FOX Deportes Comes To StubHub Center In Carson, Calif.

Aktar! Highly Anticipated Light Heavyweight Showdown Between
Edwin Rodriguez & Thomas Williams Jr.
& Former Multiple Division Champion Fernando Montiel Takes On Unbeaten Jorge Lara In Featherweight Action
Kopertura televiżjoni Jibda Fuq 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT
Biljetti Fit-Bejgħ Issa!
CARSON, CALIF. (Marzu 17, 2016) – Ex ċampjins tad-dinja welterweight “Vicious” Victor Ortiz (31-5-2, 24 Kos) u Oħra “Il-kruha” Berto (30-4, 23 Kos) will meet again in a 12-round welterweight rematch in primetime on Saturday, April 30 bħala Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq FOX u FOX Sports comes to StubHub Center in Carson, Calif.
Kopertura televiżjoni jibda fil 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT and features two exciting undercard attractions. Light heavyweight sluggers Edwin “La Bomba” Rodriguez (28-1, 19 Kos)u Thomas “Top Dog” Williams Jr. (19-1, 13 Kos)meet in a 10-round brawl plus former three-division world champion Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-5-2, 39 Kos) faces unbeaten Mexican brawler Jorge Lara (27-0-2, 19 Kos) in a 10-round featherweight battle.
Ortiz and Berto first faced off in their 2011 welterweight world title barnburner that garnered significant Fight of the Year buzz. The bout saw both men hit the canvas twice, including a thrilling round six in which each fighter was knocked down. Fl-aħħar, Ortiz walked away with a unanimous decision. A victory in the rematch will propel the winner to the forefront of the world title picture in this stacked with talent division.
I know I’m in for another war,” Said Ortiz. “I’ve always been open to a rematch because Berto has a big mouth and something to prove. After our fight, he went on a losing streak, because I gave his opponents a blueprint on how to beat him. My losses have been unfortunate, but I wouldn’t want to come up against me at this stage in the game. My name is Victor and that’s no coincidence.
This is the fight the people have been waiting for and it’s time to give it to them,” Said Berto. “I am in a good place mentally, physically and spiritually. I’ve never wanted my story to be perfect, that’s boring. Life is filled with ups and downs and I’ve embraced them all in my career. Everything I’ve been through has turned me into a savage. It’s time to close this chapter once and for all. I want his head!”
The undercard bouts are sure to feature exciting two-way action as the experienced veterans Rodriguez and Montiel look to hold-off rising contenders in Williams Jr. and Lara.
This is a very big fight for the light heavyweight division,” Said Rodriguez. “Thomas brings it, imma hekk do I. You can expect fireworks from the opening bell as we are both looking to put on a sensational performance. That being said, the light heavyweight championship is right around the corner, and there is nothing that is going to stop me from getting there.
I’m thrilled to be fighting on this card,” Williams qal. “When they called me about this fight, I said, ‘I love it, let’s make it happen.I think that it’s going to be a really exciting and fan-friendly matchup. Edwin is a strong fighter who I know is going to be prepared to bring it on fight night, and I’ll make sure I’m ready to do the same.
It’s a pleasure to be on this fight card and I promise an exciting night for the fans,” Said Montiel. “I came up short in my last fight, but I am determined to become a world champion in a new weight class. I always come to fight and I will be throwing punches non-stop until I’m victorious on April 30.
I’m blessed to be back in the ring as part of this great night of fights,” Said Lara. “My dream is to be a world champion, and to do that I have to beat fighters like Montiel. I-rigward avversarju tiegħi, but right now he is on my way and nothing is going to stop me.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $209, $105, $53, u $27, miżjuda b'taxxi applikabbli, miżati u ħlasijiet ta 'servizz, huma għall-bejgħ issa u huma disponibbli għax-xiri online fuq
PBC on FOX in primetime debuted on Jannar 23 and featured a thrilling three-fight card that was topped by undefeated star Danny Garcia conquering former world champion Robert Guerrero to claim a welterweight world title in a back-and-forth brawl. Another exciting contest in the welterweight division is sure to thrill those watching at home and the Southern California boxing fans in attendance.
We are proud to be bringing this long awaited rematch to the StubHub Center and the Los Angeles boxing fans,” qal Tom Brown ta Promozzjonijiet TGB. “Victor Ortiz and Andre Berto battled back in 2011, and their meeting on April 30 will take care of unfinished business.
After the overwhelming success of the return to boxing on FOX in January, after an almost 20 year absence, FOX Sports and FOX Deportes are thrilled to present the second Premier Boxing Champions fight on April 30,” qal David Nathanson, FOX Sports Kap tal-Operazzjonijiet tan-Negozju.
StubHub Center is excited to host this welterweight bout on IS-SIBT, April 30,” said Katie Pandolfo, General Manager of StubHub Center. “We look forward to an exciting rematch and an electric atmosphere at the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States.
Ġellied eċċitanti li qatt shies bogħod minn azzjoni, Ortiz returned to the ring in December 2015 one year after injuring his hand during a third round stoppage of Manuel Perez. The 29-year-old stopped Gilberto Sanchez Leon in his last bout for his second victory in a row. Ortiz was a 147-pound world champion when he defeated Berto in 2011 li jitwaqqaf Showdown ma 'Floyd Mayweather. Il Kansas nattivi qatta 'żmien fl-aħħar snin għal film rwoli fil-films bħal “Southpaw” u “3 Expendables” but is now fully focused on a return to the pinnacle of the welterweight division.
Berto is a former amateur standout and Olympian for his native Haiti. He challenged now-retired pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather in September. The offensive-minded Berto always makes for sensational scraps as his 2012 slugfest with Robert Guerrero was another Fight of the Year candidate. The 32-year-old thrilled in his PBC debut last March when he stopped Josesito Lopez in the sixth round of their welterweight showdown.
Dilettant mwettqa li rebaħ 2006 Golden Ingwanti nazzjonali midalja tad-deheb u 2005 U.S. Kampjonat Nazzjonali midalja tad-deheb, the 30-year-old Rodriguez enters this fight a winner of his last four fights. Imwieled fl-Repubblika Dominikana iżda ġlied barra mill Worcester, Massachusetts, Rodriguez’s only loss came to the undefeated Andre Ward in 2013. He owns impressive victories over previously unbeaten fighters Will Rosinsky, Jason Escalera, Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna, Craig Baker and Michael Seals. Against Seals, fil bout aktar reċenti tiegħu fuq Novembru 13, Edwin rose from the canvas to score a devastating third-round TKO in what was a ‘Fight of the Year’ kandidat.
Williams Jr., a 28-year-old from Fort Washington, Maryland, was introduced to boxing by his father, a former pro fighter. A dynamite puncher, Williams Jr. has registered seven of his 13 knockouts in the first round. Madankollu, the southpaw has also proven his endurance with unanimous decision victories over warriors like Michael Gbenga, Yusaf Mack and Otis Griffin. Most recently he earned two victories, including a second-round TKO over world-ranked contender Umberto Savigne last November.
The veteran Montiel won his first world title in 2000 fuq Isidro Garcia u marru fuq li jkollhom titolu rebbieħa prestazzjonijiet aktar minn Pedro Alzacar, Ivan Hernandez, Z Tappijiet, CISO Morales u Hozumi Hasegawa. Imwieled fl Sinaloa, Messiku, Montiel rode an eight-fight win streak heading into his October world title shot against Lee Selby. Montiel’s aggressive style frustrated Selby but it was not enough for him to grab a title in his fourth weight class.
Ilu ma jitlef minn Guadalajara, Jalisco, Messiku, Lara magħmula U.S tiegħu. debut on March 7, 2015 bl-ewwel rawnd ta 'waqfien Mario Macias fil Las Vegas. The 25-year-old has ended seven of his last nine opponents early including experienced contenders Jovanny Soto, Jairo Hernandez u Oscar Ibarra. He looks to rebound from a technical draw in his last outing after the fight was stopped in six rounds due to numerous cuts Lara had received from accidental headbutts.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur, / homepage isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto,LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes USwanson_Comm u isiru fan fuq Facebook, Segwi l-konverżazzjoni użu #PBConFOX. PBC dwar FOX hija sponsorjata mill Corona, ifjen Birra.


NEW YORK (Frar. 24, 2016)—After extensive discussions between DiBella Entertainment, Showtime Networks and Mohegan Sun, l- Marzu 12 boxing event has been canceled.


Following the injury to Keith Thurman and the postponement of the Thurman vs. Porter bout, we evaluated several options for salvaging the card, but various factors, including scheduling and programming issues, prevented the parties involved from doing so.


The featherweight bout between fellow three-division world champions Abner Mares and Fernando Montiel will remain paired with the Thurman vs. Porter welterweight world championship event, which is being rescheduled for a later date on CBS. The other bouts on the card will be rescheduled on a date or dates to be announced.


Every effort was made to move forward with the remainder of this excellent card, despite the tight time frame,” qal Lou DiBella, President tal DiBella Entertainment. “Madankollu, scheduling conflicts and other factors forced us to make the unfortunate decision to cancel the entire event. There are a number of attractive fights on the table and we look forward to presenting all of them to the fans as soon as possible.


Tickets purchased for the Marzu 12 event will be refunded at the point of purchase.


DiBella Entertainment, Mohegan Sun and Showtime Evaluating Options to Continue with the Remainder of the Marzu 12 Karta tal-Ġlieda
NEW YORK (Frar. 22, 2016)–Undefeated world champion Keith Thurman sustained an injury as a result of a car accident that has forced his Marzu 12 welterweight title defense against Shawn Porter to be postponed. The announcement was made today by promoter Lou DiBella, president of DiBella Entertainment. According to his doctors, Thurman’s injuries are not considered serious and he is expected to be cleared to resume training in the coming weeks. Thurman vs. Porter was the main event of a scheduled two-fight card to be broadcast in prime time on CBS. This fight and the network broadcast will now be rescheduled for a later date.
DiBella Entertainment, Mohegan Sun and Showtime are evaluating the option of continuing with the remainder of the fight card on IS-SIBT, Marzu 12 with a transition of television coverage to SHOWTIME. Complete details are forthcoming.
While it’s unfortunate that we must temporarily postpone this marquee matchup, a main event of the magnitude of Thurman vs. Porter requires both fighters be healthy and at their best.said DiBella. “Keith is anxious to resume training as soon he is able and both he and Shawn are looking forward to a new fight date.


Former Champion Porter Challenges Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman In Exciting Primetime Matchup IS-SIBT, Marzu 12

Live On CBS (8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT)

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Frar 19, 2016) – Welterweight star “Showtime” Shawn Porteropened up his training camp to media Il-Ħamis at Porter Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas as he prepares for his primetime showdown with welterweight world champion Keith “One Time” Thurman fuq IS-SIBT, Marzu 12 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS presented by Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) from Mohegan Sun Resort in Connecticut.


Azzjoni fuq it-televiżjoni jibda fil 8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT with an all-action showdown between former multiple division world champions Mares Abner u Fernando Montiel.


Porter worked out for media along with his father and trainer, Ken Porter as he looks to become a welterweight world champion for the second time. Porter defeated multiple-division champion Adrien Broner in a primetime PBC main event last year and is looking to again find success under the bright lights.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li huwa promoss permezz DiBella Entertainment, huma pprezzati għal

$300, $150, $75 u $35 (plus miżati applikabbli) and are on sale now through

Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster customers may log on to; sejħa (800) 745

3000; or visit any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets are also available at the Mohegan Sun

Uffiċċju Box.


Here is what Porter and his father had to say Il-Ħamis:



On training camp…


“Training camp is going great. It’s been hard work as always and nothing really different specifically for this fight. Obviously it is always a different game plan for a different fighter but that’s about it.


“I’m not making too many adjustments from my previous fight, just taking what I learn from each fight and take those learning experiences with you. Going into this fight we will definitely have some of our past experiences show up.


“It is getting closer. I feel it every day. It’s approaching and the excitement is brewing. The closer it gets the more excited and more focused that I get.

On being perceived as the underdog…


“I do not feel like I am coming in as the underdog. In order to be the champion, inti għandek li tħabbat il-champion. That is my outlook on this fight, not only to outpoint him but to make it very decisive and dominate the fight.


”My motivation is to prove the doubters wrong.


“I have faced a tougher opposition than Keith Thurman. I feel like that may work most to my advantage. I think that there will come points in this fight where I will put him up against things that he has never been up against. It is all about how he reacts to what I throw at him.


“My plan is to go in there and shake him up, make him uncomfortable and carry the fight just like that.


“I am ready and whatever Thurman has to bring. Jien lest għall 12 rawnds, I’m ready to knock him out. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win. Jien lest.

On sparring with Thurman…


“We expect what we saw in sparring with him to show up in the fight. He moved around a lot when we sparred. There weren’t very many clean shots landed by either of us, but I know from sparring with him that I have to be aggressive and that I have to cutoff the ring.


“I would say that for the majority of this fight it is probably going to be me as the aggressor. He likes to bully guys at the beginning of the fight to wear them down to feel himself out.. We’re expecting him to move a lot more against me.


“We’re going to be aggressive, we’re going to be smart, we’re looking beyond this fight.

“In my last fight I didn’t get hit very much and I am taking that same mindset and defense into this fight.

On being the next Floyd Mayweather Jr…


“I am expecting to beat Keith and be the guy that everyone looks at.


“When you go up against someone at a high level like this, you go up and you show out.


“As far as Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, I think those faces are going away. The welterweight class is exciting and there’s going to be a new face on the top of that ranking. I’d like that face to be me.


“I don’t make any predictions; I just know I am going to win.


“I have been waiting for this fight since 2013. I had just gotten my title then and I could see the way his career was moving that there was a collision course. We didn’t know how long this fight would take to happen or when it would happen, but we knew it was coming.


“When I was told this fight was happening all I could think was ‘Ok, let’s do it’ and it took some time to make the fight happen but when we finally did our faceoff, it felt great to look him in the eyes and let him know ‘I’m coming after you.’


“For me to fight Keith it has always been something that was a part of my career, all business not personal. It was just something that I needed to do to get to where I want to be.


“Keith Thurman is a good fighter. Nothing really sticks out to me as something I should worry about. He’s a good athlete and a good boxer, but he is very beatable, he just hasn’t been beat yet.


“You’re only as good as you’re last competition. If you look at the Kell Brook fight, I was not as good as I should’ve been. Since then I am very good, but still I feel that you are only as good as your last fight until you prove otherwise.


“It is and isn’t personal. For Keith to be considered one of the top dogs in this weight class, it is personal to me to beat him and reign over him. Other than that, it is all business.”



On being his son’s trainer…

“Because I have the history of working with a lot of top-level amateurs who have moved on to the professional level, I think that Shawn sees that in me as an edge.”


On his history with Keith Thurman…


“Naf lilu tajjeb ħafna. I’ve had opportunities to work with him in the amateurs. I’ve had opportunities to work with him in the pros. I’ve worked in his corner in an amateur fight before, I’ve worked in his corner in a pro fight.


“Keith knows Shawn, they’ve sparred about 30 rawnds. He knows speed and won’t come in the ring trying to land a significant shot from the beginning. If he’s throwing that punch, he’s probably running the other direction at the same time.


“I would challenge [Thurman] to come in the ring and fight, but I know he’s going to fight. I know he will try to outbox us and try to land a slick and unexpected punch. Anyone can land a shot on you, that happens, but it’s what you do after the punch that counts.


“We’re looking forward to trading punches, boxing with him, slugging with him. We’re looking for a fight.”

On what it will take to win this fight…


At this point in time, there’s going to be a lot of adjustments that have to be made, and I can’t just determine what it’s going to take to do it, but I know it’s going to take everything – speed, quickness, qawwa, aggressiveness, kondizzjonament, making adjustments mentallyit’s an intellectual fight.


# # #


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at, u


Keith Thurman and Shawn Porter Face Off in Welterweight Blockbuster
Fil Main Event tal Showtime kampjonat boxing® fuq CBS
Ippreżentat mill Premier Champions Boxing
Live On CBS At 8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT
NEW YORK (Frar. 3, 2016)Former three-division world champions Mares Abner u Fernando Montiel will square off in all-action co-feature on Saturday, Marzu 12, live on CBS at 8:30 p.m. U / 5:30 p.m. PT.
In the main event of the first primetime boxing presentation on CBS in nearly 40 snin, welterweight knockout artist Keith Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Championship against former titlist Shawn Porter in a matchup of two elite fighters in boxing’s glamour division.
L-avveniment, promoted by DiBella Entertainment from Mohegan Sun Casino Resortin Connecticut, is produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for the CBS Television Network, both divisions of the CBS Corporation.
Ommijiet (29-2-1, 15 Kos) and Montiel (54-5-2, 39 Kos) are two of the most accomplished and entertaining Mexican boxers in the sport today. Mares compiled a staggering resume over the past five years while earning titles at 118, 122 u 126 liri. Montiel is one of the most skilled boxers of his generation having won championships at 112, 115 u 118 pounds over a 17-year career.
I’m ready to get back in the ring and have the boxing world see the monster that the Mares and Robert Garcia partnership is creating,” imsemmija Mares Abner. “I’m a tough fighter. I’ve made some adjustments and I will show my warrior spirit and skill on March 12. It’s time to go to work.
I have been wanting to fight Abner Mares for many years,” Said Montiel. “They say that styles make fights and Abner Maresstyle is tailor made for me. My last fight was a close decision against one of the best featherweights in the world in Lee Selby. I need to make every fight count and on March 12 Abner Mares will be my next step to another world title!”
Abner Mares and Fernando Montiel are both proud warriors,” qal Lou DiBella, President tal DiBella Entertainment. “Both are coming off tough, competitive fights and both must win to once again realize championship dreams. This will be a throw down, entertaining battle.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live huma pprezzati għal $300, $150, $75 u $35 (plus miżati applikabbli) and are on sale now through Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster customers may log on to; sejħa (800) 745-3000; or visit any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets are also be available at the Mohegan Sun Box Office.
Imwieled fl Guadalajara, Jalisco, Messiku u l-ġlieda out ta Downey, Calif., Mares won his first title in 2011 when he beat Joseph Agbeko to win the bantamweight crown. He continued his rise up the pound-for-pound list with wins over Anselmo Moreno and Daniel Ponce De Leon to win world titles at super bantamweight and featherweight. The 30-year-old won three straight fights leading to a massive showdown with Leo Santa Cruz last August. Mares showed the same explosiveness that made him a multiple division world champion in a thrilling Fight of the Year candidate that he lost by decision. The always-exciting Mares will enter the ring for the first time under the tutelage of renowned trainer Robert Garcia and strength coach Luis Garcia as he looks to work his way towards another world title.
The veteran Montiel won his first world title in 2000 over Isidro Garcia and went on to have title-winning performances over Pedro Alzacar, Ivan Hernandez, Z Tappijiet, CISO Morales u Hozumi Hasegawa. Imwieled fl Sinaloa, Messiku, Montiel rode an eight-fight win streak heading into his October world title shot against Lee Selby. Montiel’s aggressive style frustrated Selby but it was not enough for him to grab a title in his fourth weight class. The 36-year-old has an opportunity to get back in the mix for a world title with a victory over Mares.
Netwerks Showtime Inc. (SNI), sussidjarja għalkollox proprjetà ta 'CBS Korporazzjoni, tippossjedi u tmexxi n-netwerks tat-televiżjoni premium Showtime®, Il-film CHANNEL ™ u FLIX®, u toffri wkoll Showtime On Demand®, Il-film CHANNEL ™ FUQ DOMANDA u FLIX On Demand®, u l-awtentikazzjoni ta 'servizz ghaċ SHOWTIME tan-netwerk®. Showtime Digital Inc, sussidjarja kompletament proprjetà ta 'SNI, topera s-servizz streaming stand alone Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS u fornituri telco, u bħala servizz streaming stand-alone permezz Apple®, Sena®, Amazon and Google. Konsumaturi jistgħu wkoll tabbona għal Showtime permezz Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI jamministra wkoll Networks Smithsonian, joint venture bejn SNI u l-Istituzzjoni Smithsonian, li joffri Smithsonian Channel, u joffri Smithsonian Dinja permezz SN LLC Diġitali. SNI swieq u tiddistribwixxi l-isports u avvenimenti ta 'divertiment għal wirja lill-abbonati fuq bażi ta' pay per view permezz SHOWTIME PPV. Għal aktar informazzjoni, mur
Għal aktar tagħrif żur u, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,


LEE SELBY WINS deċiżjoni unanima
KONTRA Fernando Montiel
Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti
Kreditu: Lucas Noonan / PBC
Ikklikkja HERE Għal Jenfasizza Ġlieda
GLENDALE, IL. (Ottubru 14, 2015) -Tal tonight Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq ESPN karta ġlieda dehru brawler Messikani Aron Martinez (20-4-1, 4 Kos) jinqabad deċiżjoni unanima (97-93, 97-93, 96-94) rebħa fuq eks champion tad-dinja Devon Alexander “L-Kbir” (26-4, 14 Kos). Fil-battalja 10-round, jintefqu aktar fuq ġewwa, Martinez irnexxielu joħorġu rebbieħa.
Il opener televiżjoni jitpoggew ta '12-round, azzjoni ppakkjati battalja bħala Lee Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) magħmula U.S tiegħu. DEBUT u assigurati deċiżjoni unanima (116-112, 118-110, 119-109) jirbaħ fuq ex-tliet diviżjoni champion dinja Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-5-2, 39 Kos).
Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-ġellieda kellhom jgħidu dwar prestazzjonijiet tagħhom tonight:
“Xtaqt li nkun intelliġenti u aggressiva fil hemm tonight, u dan huwa dak li għamilt.
“Huwa kien ġejjin fil fast simili aħna kienu jafu kien se. Aħna kien jaf li kien se tressaq. I biss ma setgħux jiksbu shots tiegħi off bħal jien ridt li.
“Telf konsekuttivi huma iebsa, imma jien mhux faċilment skoraġġuti. I biss ħtieġa li jinġabru flimkien u mbagħad aħna ser tara xi jmiss. Jien xorta meqjus wieħed mill-aħjar.”
“Jien il-Guy itqal. Stajt dejjem iġġieled fil 147 lbs. Dan huwa l-piż naturali tiegħi u jien sparred kontra guys ferm ikbar f'dawn laħħar ġimgħat ta 'kamp ta' taħriġ. I kienet qed tiffaċċja fast 180 LBS ġellieda fil-kamp ta biex jitlesta għall dan.
“Aħna segwiti tonight pjan ta 'logħba tagħna. I jagħtu (Alexander) props għall wieqfa fil hemm miegħi.
“Il-ġlieda kontra fuq karta PBC fuq ESPN huwa l-aħjar it-tip ta 'opportunità għalija. I ser tuża din il-ġlieda biex jiksbu ċans ieħor kbir bħal I ltqajna tonight.
“I ser ġlieda min dawn jitqiegħdu quddiem lili. Jien dejjem l underdog, imma I iħaddnu dan minħabba li mentalità imbuttat lili biex jaħdmu aktar.”
“Jab tiegħi, jilħqu u veloċità kienu tiegħi vantaġġi akbar tonight. Dan kien kif I ltqajna l-win.
“Il-qatgħat I kellna fil-karriera tiegħi waslu kontra ġellieda iqsar bħal (Montiel). Meta I ltqajna maqtugħa tonight fil-6 round kien l-istess ħaġa. I qabad butt ras.
“I kien onestament diżappuntat fl tonight prestazzjoni tiegħi. Sibt l-rebħa u kien sensazzjoni kbira li tikseb l-ewwel wieħed tiegħi fuq Istati Uniti. ħamrija. Iżda l-fannijiet ma tara lili fl-aqwa tiegħi, u parti kbira ta 'dan kien l-esperjenza Montiel ta. Hu qlubija kbira.”
Fernando Montiel
“Ħsibt li kien ġlieda ħafna eqreb minn l-imħallfin kellhom fuq il-iscorecard.
“I jintefqu l-ewwel ftit rawnds stennija għalih li ġejjin fil lili so I tista 'counterpunch. Imma hu ma kienx involut me so I saret l-aggressur u ressqet il-ġlieda lilu.
“Kien unur għall-ġlieda kontra fuq din il-karta PBC hawn fil Arizona. I onestament naħseb I jistħoqqilhom rematch. Irrid li jiġġieldu lilu mill-ġdid.”
# # #
Il-karta ġiet promossa mir Promozzjonijiet Pros Ring.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at u Segwi l-konverżazzjoni użu #PBConESPN.


Kopertura Fuq ESPN Jibda Fuq 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. MT / PT
GLENDALE, IL. (Ottubru 12, 2015) – Ġellieda televiżjoni fuq il- Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq ESPN karta ġlieda iseħħu dan l-erbgħa fil Glendale, AZ ħa ż-żmien barra mill-iskedi busy tagħhom li jospita workout media fi Triq Ċentrali Boxing Gym.
Devon Alexander “L-Kbir” (26-3, 14 Kos) se tieħu fuq ttestjati battalja Messikani Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Kos) fil-bout headlining fil Gila River Arena. Kopertura televiżjoni huwa slated li jibda fil 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. MT / PT mal-U.S. debutt ta featherweight champion dinja Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Kos) kif hu jieħu fuq ex tliet diviżjoni champion dinjaFernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Kos).
Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-ġellieda kellhom jgħidu fl-antiċipazzjoni ta 'bouts tagħhom:
“Dan kamp ġie kollha dwar jkollna affarijiet dritt. I kellha tagħmel ċert mentalità tiegħi kien dritt. Jitilfu mhijiex għażla aktar. Fil telf tiegħi għal Amir (Khan), ma kienx xi ħaġa li hu neċessarjament għamilt biex jagħmlu me jitilfu. T-telf kollu li stajt kellhom I think I setgħet daqstant faċilment rebaħ dawk tissielet. Din hija logħba mentali, u I ma kienx hemm mentalment għal dawk tissielet.
“I kellhom jeħles mill-distrazzjonijiet madwar camp li kienu qed iżommu lili milli jiffoka kompletament fuq il-ħidma fuq naħa u kemm hu importanti boxing huwa għalija. I kellhom jiffukaw u mbagħad jerġa 'jiffoka fuq kemm dan ifisser għalija. Kulħadd jeħtieġ li reprogram ruħhom darba fil-waqt biex jgħinek tiftakar x'hemm importanti.
“Naf Aron Martinez li jkun ser jiġi ġlieda. Jaf rekord tiegħi u li stajt imsawta wħud mill-aqwa. Hekk hu jaf li għaddej biex tkun iebsa għalih, u jien ċert hu ser iġibu l-aħjar tiegħu fil-ring miegħu, iżda mhux se jkun biżżejjed. Meta jien iffukat bħal dan ħadd ma jista 'taħbit me.”
“Stil tiegħi huwa għall-ġlieda kontra u nisperaw hu stands u l-iskambji miegħi, imma jekk ma għandna pjan logħba tajba għall-kaxxa lilu. Nafu hu Boxer hekk jien pretty żgur li hu li aħna ser tara.
“Għandi biex jieħu kura ta 'Alexander. I tixtieq li tagħti ġlieda tajba u mbagħad mur fuq tissielet akbar. Ninsab hawn biex jiġġieldu min dawn jitqiegħdu quddiem lili. Jien lest għall-ġlieda kontra xi ħadd.
“Persuna waħda I ma jkunux sodisfatti wieħed li ma naħsibx I rebaħ il-ġlieda Robert Guerrero, iżda li l-passat. Nemmen I taħbit lilu, imma hija boxing u jien lest għall-ġlieda kontra mod tip differenti ta 'ġlied.
“Huwa ħass tajba knock stabbiliti Guerrero għaliex kulħadd tissottovaluta qawwa tiegħi. I ġġieldu ħafna guys qawwija u ħadthom ħassew puntelli tiegħi. Aħna ferrovija li kaxxa jew kummerċjali daqqa.”
“Ninsab verament eċċitati. Dan huwa l-ewwel difiża titlu dinja tiegħi u huwa kontra sfida iebsa li guys aktar ma tieħu. Mhuwiex rebħa faċli, speċjalment miegħi jkollhom jiġu barranin.
“I għażilt foe formidabbli u jekk I taħbit Guy bħalu u ħarsa tajba, għandu jgħolli l-profil lejl tiegħi.
“I ma verament jistudja l-ġellieda, I biss tixtieq tkun taf ftit dwar l-istil tagħhom. Montiel tista 'tagħmel kemm, he doesn’t have a typical style. I like to keep it simple because you don’t want to prepare for one thing and then have your opponent come out doing something different.
“Montiel huwa zgħir big imma jien kont qed ma 'lottijiet ta' punċers tajba. Stajt imsawta bosta guys unbeaten u I jkollhom tagħbijiet ta 'esperjenza għall-età żgħira tiegħi.
“Jien użati biex joħorġu hawn għal kampijiet ta 'taħriġ u safejn ma jkollhomx l-vantaġġ sapporters lokali, Stajt rebaħ titli fil folol ostili quddiem u għalhekk mhux se tkun problema.
“I think jien hemm mal-aqwa fid-diviżjoni. Irrid għall-ġlieda kontra l-guys fuq u naħseb jekk niġi rebħa kbira u ħarsa tajba hawn, I ser tkun fit-taħlita.
“B'dawn tissielet qegħdin fuq T.V. ħielsa, aktar nies jiksbu biex tara lili u l-profil tiegħi se jinbidlu malajr sakemm I do dak li jien kapaċi.”
Fernando Montiel
“I onestament nemmen li (Selby) għażel il-Guy ħażin għall-ġlieda kontra. I kellna tħejjija kbira għal din il-ġlieda. Ix-xogħol kollu ġiet stabbilita fil. Huwa biss għażlu l-Guy ħażin jiddebuttaw Istati Uniti tiegħu kontra.
“I kien kuntent ħafna meta smajt li konna se ġlieda fil Arizona. Hemm ħafna Messikani hawn, so I know I ser ikollhom ħafna ta 'nies lura lili nhar l-Erbgħa. Huwa ser jkun kbir għall-ġlieda kontra hawnhekk.
“I ċertament ma nħossx bħal età għandha xejn x'jaqsmu ma 'din il-ġlieda. Ħares lejja. Jien lest li tmur.”
# # #
Biljetti għall-avveniment, li tippromovi l-Promozzjonijiet Pros Ring, huma pprezzati għal $200, $100, $50 u $25 għall-ammissjoni ġenerali, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq
Għal aktar tagħrif żur fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at u Segwi l-konverżazzjoni użu #PBConESPN.


Premier Champions Boxing Fuq ESPN headlined Billi
Welterweights Devon Alexander vs. Aron Martinez
9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT
GLENDALE, IL. (Ottubru 7, 2015) – Konkorrent eċċitanti Ivan Redkach (18-1, 14 Kos) ritorni lejn battalja Erick Martinez (11-2-1, 5 Kos) fi 10-round bout ħfief fuqL-Erbgħa, Ottubru 14 minn Gila Xmara Arena fil Glendale, Arizona.
Il Ottubru 14 Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq ESPN avveniment huwa headlined mill-eks champion tad-dinja Devon Alexander “L-Kbir” (26-3, 14 Kos) tieħu fuq ttestjati battalja Messikani Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Kos). Kopertura televiżjoni jibda fil 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT mal-U.S. debutt ta featherweight champion dinja Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Kos) kif hu jieħu fuq ex tliet diviżjoni champion dinja Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Kos).
Biljetti għall-avveniment, li tippromovi l-Promozzjonijiet Pros Ring, huma pprezzati għal $200, $100, $50 u $25 għall-ammissjoni ġenerali, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq
Aktar azzjoni undercard fosos flyweight undefeated 18-il sena Damien “Zokkor” Vazquez (7-0, 3 Kos) minn Thornton, Colorado kontra Messikani Francisco Lapizco(7-1, 2 Kos) fi bout sitt round, 2012 Medalist Olimpiku Silver Tugstsogt Nyambayar(3-0, 3 Kos) tal-Mongolja fil-bout bantamweight super kontra s-Messiku Ricardo Proana (11-2, 9 Kos) u Phoenix Alexis Santiago (19-3-1, 8 Kos) kif hu jieħu fuq Messikani Gustavo Molina (10-8, 4 Kos) fi tmien round bout bantamweight super.
It-tundjar l-azzjoni hija 30-il sena Lionell Thompson (15-3, 9 Kos) minn Buffalo kif hu jieħu fuq Kentucky nattivi Thomas HANSHAW (6-6, 4 Kos) fi bout cruiserweight tmien round, plus prospetti undefeated middleweight super Kevin Newman “It-Tieni Coming” (3-0-1, 1 KO) ġlieda kontra minn Las Vegas u David Benevidez (9-0, 8 Kos) ta 'Phoenix fil bouts undercard separati.
Imwieled fl-Ukraina imma ġlieda kontra barra ta 'Los Angeles, Redkach beda boxing fl-età ta 'sitt poġġiet flimkien karriera impressjonanti peress tidwir pro 2009. Il-29-il sena tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Tony Luis, Sergey Gulyakevich u Yakubu Amidu. Huwa se jkun jopponi għalih l-Zamudio 24-il sena minn Sinaloa, Messiku.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at u Segwi l-konverżazzjoni użu #PBConESPN.