Tag Archives: pluma

Eric Hunter in London, Ready to Take Selby’s IBF Featherweight Title This Saturday


Upcoming world title challenger Eric “The Outlaw’ Hunter is in London and feeling more motivated now than ever to take the title away from Welsh champion Lee Selby.
A proud Philadelphia fighter, Caçador (21-3, 11 KOs) will face Selby (22-1, 8 KOs) in a 12-round battle this Sábado, Abril 9, for Selby’s IBF World Featherweight Championship at The O2 in London. The bout will serve as the featured fight before undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Charles Martin defends his belt against fellow unbeaten Anthony Joshua. Extensive highlights of Hunter vs. Selby will be shown on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL®, prior to live coverage of Martin-Joshua (Vivo no canal Showtime® em 5 p.m. E/2 p.m. PT).
I wasn’t invited to the open workout yesterday,” said Hunter. “They had an open workout for Selby and didn’t have one for me. I’m kind of irritated about that. It’s not even fair to the fans, você sabe? I’m sure that a lot of fans wanted to see who their man is fighting. I have no choice but to use it as fuel for even more motivation.
The 29-year-old Hunter, in Europe for the first time, says he doesn’t mind travelling to win this championship. De fato, despite being an underdog via the odds makers, Hunter says his victory won’t be an upset. “I won’t call it an upset when I win. I’m the better fighter. And it doesn’t bother me to come here. All the great ones had to do it. Quero ser grande, so I have to do this. As long as they don’t cheat me with the judges, I’m ok.
Hunter says his victory will be the culmination of his lifelong dream. “It would mean everything. It would right my wrongs. All those who doubted me. All my failures and letdowns on the way here. It will turn all my negatives into positives.


Acima: Emmanuel Sanchez lands a shot on Daniel Pineda at “Bellator 149” em fevereiro. 19, 2016

SANTA MONICA (Março 29, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce that it has retained the services of 25-year-old talent Emmanuel Sanchez (13-2), having re-signed the exciting fighter to a multi-year, extensão de contrato multi-luta.


Sanchez boasts a 6-1 record under the Bellator banner, with his only loss coming in the form of a decision at the hands of former featherweight champion Pat Curran (21-7). The exciting product from the famed Roufusport Team earned his contract extension after winning three fights in a row against Henry Corrales (12-2), Justin Lawrence (8-3) e Daniel Pineda (21-12) all in under five months.


“El Matador’s” fight against Pineda kicked off action for the record breaking “Bellator 149: Shamrock vs. Gracie” event that was watched by over 3.5 milhão de espectadores. You can watch the enthralling action by clicking on the image below.


VIDEO: Click above to re-watch the epic battle from Bellator 149


Sanchez trains under the tutelage of highly regarded coach Duke Roufus alongside former WWE superstar CM Punk and other talented MMA fighters the likes of Ben Askren and Anthony Pettis. Earlier this month, Roufus shed light on a positive story involving an MMA fighter and a motor vehicle, when he announced that Sanchez had used his “Bellator 149” purse to buy a new car for his mother.

Um FU Aberto para o Presidente do UFC Dana “Effing” White!


Por: Ricos Bergeron

Todos aqueles que me conhecem pessoalmente diriam que sou um indivíduo suave, até você me cruzar seriamente, como, por exemplo, se vocês tornar-se objeto de um relatório investigativo em que estou trabalhando, ou me processe por $25 milhão. Às vezes, posso interpretar essas coisas como um sinal de que você não quer que eu realmente descubra quem você é e o que você faz a portas fechadas para ferrar com as pessoas que trabalham duro.

Esta semana, um certo indivíduo que nem me deixa segui-lo no Twitter (https://twitter.com/danawhite) me irritou a ponto de eu só pensar em uma coisa para fazer. Porque estou oficialmente na lista negra de todas as formas possíveis pela chefia do UFC, e ainda tive ordens de restrição colocadas contra o meu contato direto com os Fertittas e QUALQUER lutador do UFC, minha melhor opção é publicar uma diatribe drástica aqui. Vou chamar de “ABRIR FU” para Dana “Effing” White.

Eu tenho certeza Sr.. White não atenderá minhas ligações ou se submeterá a uma entrevista individual comigo. Assim, Vou ter que me contentar com um FU escrito…e um FU multicamadas e multifuncionais.

FU, Dana “Effing” White… para muitos, muitas razões…muitos para uma pequena postagem no blog fazer justiça, mas vamos apenas dizer acima de tudo FU….

Pelo que você ACHA que sabe sobre Holly Holm…

Ei, Dana, você quer falar sobre o seu “maldito” reality show “Procurando por uma luta????” Eu estava na verdade procurando uma luta quando eu assisti aquilo velha realidade “show de merda” quando você deveria boxear Tito Ortiz, mas ele magicamente desistiu no último minuto.

Agora, vocês, DANA “EFFING” BRANCO, estão contando a Holly Holm sobre uma decisão VOCÊ acha que ela não pensou o suficiente??? E agora você age como alguém chateado com seus Wheaties porque você tem duas vitórias frustradas no UFC 196 para contornar e descobrir como dar sentido de alguma forma.

Vaia “maldito” hoo, camarada.

Bem-vindo a como as coisas às vezes não saem como planejado no mundo das lutas, seu idiota ingrato.

Você quer ser um “maldito” Promotor, Dana “maldito” White???

Holly Holm foi a campeã dos pesos-galo do UFC quando permitiu o seu empresário (não Dana “maldito” White) para negociar a luta Tate em seu nome, e ela sabia (e seu gerente de longa data sabia, muito) o que ela estava fazendo e o que ela queria. E adivinha “maldito” o que, Dana? Ela queria lutar.

Desculpa, Dana “Effing” White, mas Holly não queria se sentar em uma “maldito” lateral esperando por Ronda Rousey para acabar com ela “maldito” ROADHOUSE REMAKE!

Holly queria ir trabalhar… mas, infelizmente, ela tem que trabalhar para um chefe que não tem ideia de como é entrar no escritório DELA e lidar com sua carga de trabalho diária com tanta tenacidade, classe, dignidade e graça.

E eu acho que ela parece um pouco diferente de você, Dana, com nenhum “maldito” arrepende-se de tudo por colocar seu absoluto tudo naquela luta e simplesmente ser pega em sua área de fraqueza em uma batalha onde provavelmente teria vencido uma luta de três rounds. Talvez se VOCÊ fosse um lutador, Dana, você pode entender todo esse conceito. Talvez perder neste caso só a torne melhor, mais forte, e mais durável como um artista de artes marciais mistas. Quem se importa se isso a torna menos comercializável aos seus olhos? O que você realmente sabe, de qualquer maneira?

AO MENOS DE VOCÊ, Dana “Effing” White, Holly realmente respeita Miesha Tate e pensou que seria um desafio lutar contra ela. Sim, ela perdeu, mas caramba, ela estava absolutamente certa sobre ser um desafio. Acho que a luta será uma das maiores da história do MMA feminino.

Agora, por que você não abre o seu “maldito” olhos, Dana, assista a luta novamente, e pare de reclamar sobre o que deveria ter acontecido naquela jaula que você nunca lutou em si mesmo.

Seja grato por ter um campeão que acabou de pagar $92,000 na luta pagar (antes dos bônus) para tirar o cinturão da sua organização da garota que você QUERIA GANHAR (e pago $500,000 apenas para estar lá). Pode não ser o que você esperava, mas a ansiedade que você sente é o que você MERECE sentir por ser um idiota dos lutadores que construíram o UFC.

Minhas maiores dúvidas sobre este assunto para Dana são: Por que você é tão tendencioso, idiota torto que não se dá ao trabalho de dar a Miesha a hora do dia PARA TODO SEU TRABALHO DURO? Por que você não pode dar crédito a quem é devido…em ambos os lados dessa luta? Por que você não pode fechar o “ef” sobre o que você acha que Holly ou sua gerência deveriam ter ou poderiam ter esperado?

Não é sua função olhar para trás 20/20 retrospectiva e agir como se Holly e seu empresário devessem ter feito tudo de Nostradamus nessa luta, quando você obviamente não viu essa merda chegando, ou, seu idiota cabeça-redonda.

Fighters “maldito” luta, Dana. Isso é o que eles “maldito” Faz, que você deve saber, já que tenho certeza que você costumava ser um “maldito” gerente de lutadores de MMA você mesmo. Sim, isso foi há muitas luas, mas como você pôde esquecer?

Os lutadores não sentam em suas bundas em jatos corporativos e ficam em pódios na frente da imprensa o dia todo para ganhar o “maldito” salários insignificantes que sua organização paga para a maioria deles. A maioria dos lutadores simplesmente não pode esperar que uma merda aconteça ou que alguém “digno” o suficiente em seus olhos para intensificar e lutar contra eles.

Alguns lutadores precisam alimentar seus filhos. Todos eles precisam pagar suas contas e tudo o mais envolvido em campos de treinamento, despesas diárias, viagens e quaisquer custos, o seguro médico não cobre quando eles têm que lidar com lesões persistentes. Seu negócio Reebok de merda tornou virtualmente impossível conseguir qualquer outro patrocinador externo para ajudar a pagar por algo assim para muitos lutadores, Dana.

Bem-vindo a se vender e esquecer de onde você veio, Dana. Você costumava se preocupar mais com lutadores. Agora você age como se lutar em uma gaiola fosse como fazer qualquer outra 9-5 trabalho. Não é. É “maldito” trabalho duro.

Assim, sim, Holly escolheu lutar em vez de esperar que Rousey estivesse pronto para a revanche. E você acha que ela precisa da sua opinião agora que tudo não saiu como planejado para vocês dois?

FU, Dana.

Ela dói muito mais do que você, e eu posso garantir que.

Ó…e…a propósito…lutadores são muito mais responsáveis ​​pelo crescimento e sucesso da organização UFC / Zuffa do que você jamais foi. E isso é conversa real, sua vadia rica com um pau no cu porque você nunca foi boa o suficiente em sua vida para ter sua própria luta oficial.

Assim, Supere o complexo de Deus e aprenda a respeitar TODOS os seus lutadores, não apenas aqueles que você deseja ver vencedores, porque você pode pensar que pode trabalhar melhor com eles ou que eles moverão a organização em uma direção melhor. Respeite o esforço, o sacrifício e a dor que TODOS os seus lutadores passam todos os dias para chegar aonde chegaram. Aquele cinto que você colocou na cintura de Miesha foi GANHADO, e você nunca pensa que é “maldito” legal chamar o fato de Holly Holm ter tido a coragem de enfrentar Miesha Tate “um erro.”

Soa oco, especialmente quando considero que entregar a vocês um microfone para falar sobre MMA foi O maior erro que o esporte já cometeu, período! Qualquer um que tentasse derrubar um ex-campeão dessa forma em sua própria organização não merece ser reconhecido como o presidente dessa organização.

Você não tem ideia de como é realmente lutar, e sua crítica a Holly Holm me diz que você nunca conseguirá entender a mentalidade que a levou a lutar contra a Tate e não esperar um ano ocioso por Ronda “maldito” Rousey para estar pronto para aparecer em um de seus preciosos shows.

Assim, FU Dana White por tratar seu ex-campeão como se ela fosse uma idiota que não sabe como controlar sua própria carreira sem você bater em seu estúpido, cabeça careca para isso. Holly está bem sem o seu conselho, e ela confia em seu gerente, que pode ser algo com o qual você não está familiarizado, mas para outras pessoas é realmente uma realidade de fazer negócios com pessoas legítimas.


FU, Dana por ser uma embaixadora pobre para o esporte, desrespeitando lutadores que sangram (e às vezes sofrem lesões ao longo da vida) para você e o esporte, e totalmente subestimando e não conseguindo entender o que é realmente necessário para ser um lutador profissional que realmente compete contra outros lutadores…

Você se lembra dos dias em que você teve que se contentar em ser um humilde instrutor de boxe porque seu treinador de boxe Boston deu um tapa forte na sua orelha uma vez? Você nunca teve uma única luta competitiva em sua vida, Dana “maldito” White, e isso é um FATO DOCUMENTADO!

Você já olhou para trás, para aqueles dias antes de os Fertittas alimentados com colher de prata ajudá-lo a agarrar seu ganancioso, egoísta, burro egoísta na posição de PEÇA BOCA OFICIAL DO UFC?

Você se lembra daqueles “peludo” dias quando você explodiu $40 milhões de fundos da Fertitta para perpetrar o “Zuffa Myth” enquanto reivindicava o crédito pela chefia do UFC legitimando sozinho o esporte e regulamentando-o tudo por seu “maldito” eus? Como se nem um único FIGHTER ou qualquer outro profissional da indústria que foi o pioneiro do MMA antes de você mergulhar suas patinhas gananciosas nele tivesse algo a ver com isso?

Sua mãe lembra daqueles “poderia ter sido um candidato” dias, Dana..quando você pensou que poderia ter uma luta real com outro ser humano. Sua própria mãe lembra, embora você e um de seus amigos desprezíveis tentassem silenciá-la, BASH HER ONLINE, e até mesmo a lista negra LIVRO, muito.

Você se lembra dos dias em que mesmo Floyd Mayweather, Jr. pensei que você era legal, de volta quando seu motorista diário era um “maldito” Honda, Dana? Floyd lembra. Ele te conhecia muito antes você poderia se dar ao luxo de estourar o salário anual de uma pessoa normal com uma única mão de pôquer.

Você está em um lugar diferente agora, Dana “maldito” White, e é um lugar delirante. Como no planeta distante em que você vive, as pessoas realmente acreditam em VOCÊ realmente, honestamente, verdadeiramente “maldito” sabe o que é REALMENTE ser um “maldito” lutador? Você realmente acredita que VOCÊ, de alguma forma, poderia realmente conhecer esse sentimento?


Você sabe o que é UM LUTADOR, você não, Dana? Um lutador é um homem ou mulher que tem a coragem de entrar voluntariamente em um combate desarmado contra outro homem ou mulher de verdade, em vez de apenas criticar os garotos e garotas que têm a coragem de realmente enfrentar outro ser humano, sabendo e internalizar que o objetivo aceito é destruir fisicamente uns aos outros.

Um lutador, em termos mais simples, é “aquele que luta.” E vamos ser claros sobre um “maldito” coisa, Dana “maldito” White, Eu conheço lutadores, e VOCÊS não são lutadores.

Você não é nada como um lutador, Dana “maldito” White, e você nunca “maldito” será. Você é muito fraco, tanto fisicamente quanto mentalmente. Até vermos você passar por um acampamento de treinamento de seis semanas e, em seguida, entrar na jaula contra alguém e chutar a bunda dele, não deveríamos ter que ouvir uma maldita “poderia,” “Deveria ter,” ou “ia” da sua boca de milho sobre o que você acha do desempenho de qualquer lutador em particular ou do processo de tomada de decisão. Essas pessoas têm a coragem de fazer o que você NUNCA fará sozinho, e você deve respeitar isso.

FU Dana White…Por não reconhecer lutadores de verdade como Miesha Tate e Nate Diaz que persistem em qualquer coisa e NUNCA parecem ganhar seu RESPEITO FINAL….

Nate Diaz intensificou a luta contra Conor McGregor por um motivo. Ele não tinha nada a perder, e ele não se intimidou nem um pouco. Ele apareceu na televisão com a Fox Sports 1 em uma tela dividida com Conor antes da luta dos médios e brincou que seu inimigo já havia sido sufocado antes, “por dois coxos.” Diaz também teve o instinto perfeito para acrescentar, com humor, que as derrotas por estrangulamento de McGregor aconteceram, “tipo uma semana atrás.”

Diaz venceu Conor no jogo de conversa de merda muito antes de dar um tapa nele e colocar o estrangulamento em seu pescoço na gaiola. A mídia criada por aquela luta freakshow pode ter impedido a ascensão desenfreada de seu grande, negrito, campeão dragão de seis cabeças, mas criou um novo monstro ao mesmo tempo. E ele odeia Reebok, carrancuda, juramento, Besteira de Stockton-F $ # king BEAST que não se importa com o que os outros pensam sobre o que ele faz ou diz.

Você pode pensar que Diaz e sua atitude são “ruim para os negócios,” mas acho que a vitória dele foi a melhor coisa que poderia acontecer a todos vocês punks presunçosos que comandam o UFC. Isso prova de uma vez por todas que você não controla o universo do MMA.

Nate Diaz ficou sem respeito e crédito por ser um pioneiro do MMA e um bom soldado do UFC por muito tempo. A amargura fermentou e ferveu dentro dele, e eu amei cada segundo dele deixando isso derramar em entrevistas pós-luta depois que ele sufocou Conor até que o cara irlandês bateu no “ef” saiu e deixou Dana White babando em um estupor ao pensar em ter que parabenizar um homem que se tornou mais um inimigo mortal do que um membro do grande “equipe.”

Mais poder para Nate e todos os loucos, abrasivo, na sua cara o irmão Diaz digita lá no UFC que vai lutar com Dana “maldito” O fogo extravagante de White com ainda mais bravata e conversa impetuosa de sua autoria. Eles sempre podem dizer, “Eu aprendi observando você, Baldfather!”

Quanto a Miesha Tate, ela merece verdadeiro respeito e admiração por ser campeã agora, depois de se levantar do tatame duas vezes em face de perdas extenuantes para Rousey. Parabéns a Tate por continuar sua carreira e se concentrar incansavelmente em conseguir superar o armlock de Rousey de uma vez por todas.

Embora Miesha nunca tenha resolvido esse dilema de submissão de Rousey, tentar a todo custo conseguir outra chance no cinturão rendeu frutos no UFC 196. Sua atitude de nunca desistir a levou a uma oportunidade única na vida, e ela capitalizou sobre isso. Agora, Dana, você realmente tem que pagar a esta jovem o que a maioria de seus fãs diriam que ela valia há muito tempo.

E agora você simplesmente tem que tratar Tate com um pouco de reverência e apreciação pela primeira vez em sua vida ingrata, Dana “maldito” White. Eu sei que deve doer tanto para você dar a esta jovem o crédito pelo qual ela trabalhou tão incrivelmente, porque talvez ela tocou em um nervo quando ela te chamou no passado por ser o verdadeiro idiota e desrespeitoso que você realmente é. Ela estava certa, e você estava errado sobre como ela realmente é ótima em lutar. Então novamente, você também não estava ERRADO sobre as mulheres lutando na gaiola, período?

Assim, você NÃO quer ser um lutador, Senhor. White? Em seguida, afaste-se e deixe as pessoas que querem ser lutadoras irem lutar por você para que você possa viajar ao redor do mundo em seu jato e agir como se soubesse o que “ef” sobre a qual você está falando quando está na frente de um microfone para descrever os verdadeiros atletas do esporte e o que eles fazem para ganhar a vida nas artes marciais mistas.

A frase de Dana que mais se destaca para mim como um BS completo em todo esse desastre é esta:

“Ele é um cara velho do boxe que pensa que é inteligente e não é,”White disse de Fresquez [Gerente de Holm]. “Eu me sinto mal por Holly porque não sei se ela realmente sabe o que perdeu.”

Eu só tenho mais dois “maldito” perguntas para você Dana “maldito” White…

1.) O que te faz pensar que está realmente em qualquer “maldito” posição para SEMPRE saber ou entender o que Holly Holm perdeu na outra noite? Além de algumas mãos de pôquer ruins e muito respeito, a única coisa que você já perdeu é sua mente.

2.) Sua citação indireta sobre o empresário de Holm não descreve seu próprio caráter de merda muito melhor do que o do Sr.. Fresco?

E…apenas no caso de depois de ler tudo isso, alguém ainda precisa de mais um motivo para ter rixa com o Baldfather:


Watch The Replay Of The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® DoubleheaderAmanhã/Domingo em 9 a.m. E/PT no Showtime®,
Segunda-feira, Fevereiro. 29, em 10 p.m. E/PT em SHO EXTREME®
Clique AQUI Para Fotos
Crédito da foto: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
ANAHEIM, Califa. (Fevereiro. 27, 2016) – Leão “Terremoto” Santa Cruz defended his WBA Featherweight World Championship in convincing fashion no sábado noite, knocking down Kiko “Sensación” Martinez twice in the first round, then ending it on a barrage of punches as the fight was called at 2:09 in the fifth round in the main event of a Showtime Championship Boxing doubleheader at Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.
Na co-metragem sobre ALTURA DE COMEÇAR, 29-anos Hugo Ruiz (36-3, 31 KOs), Los Mochis, Sinaloa, México, regained his WBC Super Bantamweight World Title with a devastating early knockdown with just 51 seconds into the 12-round fight against 23-year-old Julho Ceja (30-2, 27 KOs) of Atizapan De Zaragoza, México, in a highly anticipated rematch of their August fight won by Ceja.
Fighting just 10 miles west of his hometown of La Habra and before 7,780 enthusiastic fans, the 27-year-old Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 KOs) continued to establish himself as the King of Southern California as he punished the game 29-year-old Martinez (35-7, 26 KOs) of Alicante, Valencia, Espanha, com 570 total punches in just five rounds. Havia 1,038 total punches thrown during the fight.
The fans love it when two fighters go toe-to-toe,” Santa Cruz told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray after the fight. “I wanted to give the fans a great fight. I knew I could hurt him with a right hand. He’s a fighter and when he’s knocked down, he’s going to come back. In the fifth round I knew I had to finish him off and I did.
Santa Cruz continued, “We were going toe-to-toe from the beginning. He’s was throwing good punches I was throwing out good punches and the crowd was loving it. Then my dad told me to slow down and be smarter so we started boxing.
Santa Cruz wasted no time getting the upper hand as the opening bell rung. He knocked Martinez out twice in the first round; the first just 23 seconds into the fight and the second on a devastating right hand at two minutes into the round prompting SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING play-by-play announcer Mauro Ranallo to tell expert analyst Al Bernstein: “We may be able to get to Disneyland before the end of the night.
Martinez fell into a groove in the third and fourth rounds, but got into trouble two minutes into the fifth round as Santa Cruz had him up against the ropes connecting on numerous body shots, uppercuts and combinations before referee Raul Caiz Sr. signaled the end of the fight for Santa Cruz’s second straight world title defense in Southern California.
Martinez said that Santa Cruz, “started to move a lot and he broke my strategy and he fought a great fight. The second round I was getting looser and I was starting to feel much better.
He was like a bull coming forward really strong,” Santa Cruz added. “He has definitely been one of the strongest fighters I’ve been in the ring with yet.
Towards the end I said, ‘this is it, this is my opportunity to take him down. If I don’t finish him right here, it’s going to make it a really tough fight.So I said I was going at it with my all and thankfully it turned out the way that it did.
Santa Cruz, making his second defense after capturing the world title from Abner Mares back in August, said someday he wants to break the records for most punches thrown in a fight. “I wanted to throw as many punches as I can so the fans could get a good show.
Santa Cruz is now eyeing a future potential matchup with IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton em 126 pounds or Gary Russell. “I’m up for anyone,” ele disse. “I want the rematch with (Abner) Mães. Since Frampton won, if he’s ready to go up in weight, I’m ready for him. I challenge him to a fight whenever he’s ready.
In a rematch of the WBC Super Bantamweight World Title he lost last August, the new 122-pound champion Ruiz improved his record to 5-0 in rematches (com cinco knockouts) as he delivered a stunning first-round knockout against Ceja, who injured his right ankle on a powerful clean right just seconds into the fight sending him to the canvas.
Ceja got up slowly but was battered with a fury of punches and knocked out again with just 51 seconds into the fight ending the affair.
I was very prepared to knock him out, but I was prepared to go 12 rounds hoje à noite also if I had to,” said Ruiz, who was teary and emotional following the victory. “I was happy to knock him out in the first round. I’m looking for the best fighters and the best money out there.
Said SHOWTIME analyst Paulie Malignaggi: “I’ve never seen a first-round KO that soon in a fight of this much importance.Added SHOWTIME’s Bernstein: “The right hand was the weapon of choice for Ruiz, and he got the job done. What a moment of redemption for Ruiz!”
Sobrancelha, who beat Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August to win the world title, was hurt from the first series of Ruiz punches and never recovered in the intense first round.
Ceja was taken to nearby UC Irvine Hospital and diagnosed with a fractured right ankle.
I saw that he got hurt with the first punch and I saw his leg wobbling and so I said, ‘Let’s finish’,” Ruiz disse. “And I did in that round.
Mais cedo Sábado a partir de Manchester, Inglaterra, em Showtime Boxing INTERNATIONAL, IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton unified the super bantamweight division with a split decision victory over WBA titlist Scott QUIGG.
The long-awaited matchup of unbeaten champions got off to a slow and tactical start, but Belfast native Frampton (22-0, 14 KOs) established himself as the aggressor and worked his jab to pocket the early rounds. Quigg didn’t come alive until after the seventh, when trainer Joe Gallagher warned his charge that he was likely down big on the judges’ scorecards.
QUIGG (31-1-2) pounded the body and was the aggressor in rounds eight through 11, but it was too little, too late for the Lancashire, England native. Frampton won the 12th and walked away the unified champion by scores of 115-113 for Quigg, mas 116-112 twice for Frampton.
O doubleheader Showtime Championship Boxing vai voltar ao ar nesta semana, como segue:
Amanhã, Domingo, Fevereiro. 28, 3 a.m. E/12 a.m. PT SHOW EXTREME
Amanhã, Domingo, Fevereiro. 28, 9 am ET/PT SHOWTIME
Segunda-feira, Fevereiro. 29, 10 p.m. E/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME
Sábado -dois lutam transmissão estará disponível no canal Showtime ON DEMAND início amanhã, Domingo, Fevereiro. 28.
Brian Custer sediou a cerimônia SHOWTIME, com Mauro Ranallo chamando a ação, Hall of Fame analista Al Bernstein e ex-campeão do mundo duas vezes Paulie Malignaggicomentando e Jim Gray relatando. No simulcast Espanhola, Alejandro Luna chamou o golpe por golpe e ex-campeão do mundo Raul Marquez atuou como comentarista. O produtor executivo do canal Showtime Championship Boxing foi David Dinkins Jr. com Bob Dunphy direção.
# # #
Santa Cruz vs. Martinez, was 12-round bout for Santa Cruz’s WBA Featherweight Title taking place on Saturday, Fevereiro. 27 no Honda Center em Anaheim, Calif., promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Sampson Boxing Promotions and sponsored by Corona. Na co-metragem, Julio Ceja and Hugo Ruiz met in a super bantamweight world title rematch for the WBC belt. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast aired live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) and was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).
Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Vivo no canal Showtime® Em 10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT

Clique AQUI Para Fotos

Crédito: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

ANAHEIM, CALIFÓRNIA. (Fevereiro 25, 2016) - Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruze Kiko “Sensacion” Martinez foi cara a cara Quinta-feira at the final press conference before their featherweight world title showdown on Saturday, Fevereiro. 27 vivo no canal Showtime® (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.


Também estiveram presentes Quinta-feira foram Julho Ceja e Hugo Ruiz, who will enter the ring in a super bantamweight world title rematch as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast beginning at 10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT.


The previously announced opening bout between undefeated heavyweights Gerald Washington (16-0-1, 11 KOs) and Oscar Rivas (18-0, 13 KOs) has been cancelled due to Rivas being unable to pass a mandatory eye-exam.


Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, which is promoted by TGB promotions, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations, chamando 800-745-3000 of by stopping by the Honda Center Box Office.


All of the televised fighters in the now doubleheader have promised to live up to their all-action styles and will provide great drama for fans no sábado night at Honda Center. Santa Cruz will be making the first defense of his featherweight world title while Ceja puts his 122-pound title on the line after earning the vacant belt with a fifth round stoppage of Ruiz in an exciting back-and-forth fight in August.


Aqui está o que os lutadores tinham a dizer Quinta-feira:




“Headlining a televised card has been my childhood dream. I could have never imagined I was going to get this far. And Here I am, on my second main event, defending my title on a premium network. I’m so psyched. I cannot believe it.


“The first time I put the gloves on, I knew that I had found my craft, and I also knew that it was not going to be an easy road. I knew that I had to work hard to become a champion. Assim, I trained the hardest and I fought the hardest, and with my father by my side I got here, where I’m at today. I owe him everything.


“I remember watching all the great Mexican Champions and day dreaming about being like them one day. It felt unreachable. I thought it was impossible to get where they were. But I worked hard, really hard from the beginning.


“The most important thing is that the fans leave happy and get their money’s worth. I’m glad that Kiko has come prepared because we’re ready for a great fight.


“People are saying that I should walk through Kiko Martinez, but I don’t listen to that. I look at Kiko the same way I look at any other opponent. When we step inside the ring, we are equals.


"No fim do dia, the winner will be the fighter who has prepared more and who has imposed his will on the other man.





“I have faced much stronger boxers than Leo and come Sábado, all of those who did bet on me for this fight, I am going to make you a lot of money.


“I am excited and proud to know that Sergio Martinez will be present no sábado supporting me. His guidance and presence


“My trainer could not be here, but we have not taken one day off in training camp and I have been pushed to my limit to prepare me for this fight. I’m thankful to Robert Garcia for being in my corner no sábado.


“I know this is a great opportunity to fight Leo Santa Cruz and I will make the most of it. I’m going to leave everything inside the ring so that the fight fans enjoy a great championship matchup.


“I feel that Leo Santa Cruz is a great fighter, he has beat some incredible fighters. He’s a great athlete and boxer. Sometimes people will try to make him out to be more than he actually is but they are mistaken with what they see in me. I am not to be mistaken as the underdog here.





“As Hugo mentioned, we have both trained even harder than last time and we’re more prepared physically and mentally.


“I’m going to give everybody a great fight just like last time. I’m walking into the ring knowing my opponent very well. We’ve been to war. I know what to expect from him. I know about his punch and I know how to counter it.


“I’m going to be alert and ready. I’ll be a little more intelligent, because I know that he’s coming well prepared and he’s coming for the world title, but he’s not going to get it.

“There are going to be no surprises in this fight. Hugo Ruiz said that he was training harder this time. But I am too. I’ve trained very hard.


“The key for me to win this fight is to keep my hands up and to not give him one inch. I cannot be careless. I’ll be strategic and use my wisdom. I cannot come in with my hands down because I know I’ll pay for it. But nothing to worry about, we have rectified those issues in training camp. Estou pronto. He’s not taking my belt away from me.


“I’m glad that he says he is better prepared this time because I am better than ever. My team has been instrumental in preparing me for this matchup.


“The winner will be the man who is more prepared physically and mentally. But the real winner will be the fans at Honda Center because this is an amazing card and we’re going to put on an amazing fight.”





“If you liked the first fight between us, then you are going to love this one.


“I’m excited to be fighting once again in Southern California. I’ve trained very hard and I have prepared myself for this world title opportunity.


“I’m looking forward to putting on a grand show for all my fans no sábado noite. "



JOSE SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz’ Father & Treinador


I hear Kiko has a great trainer on his corner. Robert Garcia is really good, but I have news for Kiko, his trainer is not going to fight for him.

Once a fighter steps into the ring, he’s alone in there. There are no trainers and no great promoters that can fight for him.”


“Kiko speaks about this prestigious trainer and thinks that by mentioning him, he is going to intimidate us. He has something else coming. The trainer won’t fight for Kiko. Roberto Garcia has trained my son and knows Leo very well but that does not give Kiko the upper hand.”


TOM BROWN, Head of TGB Promotions


“Southern California favorite Leo Santa Cruz returns to bring his action style to the ring. He will be opposed by a tough former world champion in Kiko Martinez who is sure to make this a tremendous fight.


“The first fight between Ceja and Ruiz was a true back and forth war. Should this pick up right where it left off, we will have a great fight to start the telecast.


“I’m looking forward to a great night no sábado night in front of the fantastic Southern California boxing fans.”



TIM RYAN, Chefe executivo & President of Honda Center


“I’m so thankful to everyone for helping to bring boxing back to Orange County. It’s hard to believe that Julio Cesar Chavez fought here in 1996, because it seems like yesterday.


“We have a great arena and a great fan base that loves boxing here in Orange County. O cartão no sábado is wonderful. I know these guys will be ready and I’m looking forward to an action-packed night on the 27th.


CHRIS DEBLASIO, Vice-Presidente, Sports Communication Showtime Networks


“This is a fight fan’s fight card and we are looking forward to some explosive action. I think everyone knows that the lighter weight classes, especially at the championship level, produce exciting fights. My favorite examples include the epic series between Israel Vazquez and Rafael Marquez, which are available on SHOWTIME platforms and should wet your appetite for what we will see no sábado noite. "


Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Clique AQUI Para Fotos
Crédito: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
LOS ANGELES (Fevereiro. 24, 2016) – O ex-campeão do mundo Kiko “Sensacion” Martinez (35-6-0, 26 KOs) participated in a media workout Wednesday at the City of Angels Boxing Club in Los Angeles as he prepares to face undefeated WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz (31-0-1, 17 KOs) no sábado, Fevereiro. 27 vivo no canal Showtime® (7 p.m. PT/10 p.m. E) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.
In the co-feature Mexican warrior Julio Ceja (30-1, 27 KOs) meets Hugo Ruiz 35-3, 31 KOs) in a long-awaited Super Bantamweight World Title rematch and undefeated heavyweight Gerald Washington (16-0-1, 11 KOs) will face unbeaten Oscar Rivas (18-0, 13 KOs). Both Ceja and Washington joined Martinez to give the media a preview of what’s to come no sábado.
Martinez spoke about the adjustments he’s made as his trainer Gabriel Sarmiento was unable to obtain a Visa in time to travel to the United States and will not be able to serve in his corner come Sábado. Martinez is confident that renowned Southern California trainer Robert García will be able to lead him to a world title no sábadonoite.
Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, which is promoted by TGB promotions, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations, chamando 800-745-3000 of by stopping by the Honda Center Box Office.
Aqui está o que os lutadores tinham a dizer quarta-feira:
I’m very happy to have Robert Garcia in my corner. He has led so many fighters to world titles. I’m excited and I’m anxious to get things going. I’m ready to collaborate and I think we’ll do great things Sábado.
The people who doubt that I will take this title only make me stronger and more dangerous.
Training camp has been extremely tough with lots of demands due to facing a champion like Leo Santa Cruz because he’s an excellent boxer who I admire. I have completely devoted myself to training for this fight.
No Sábado everyone will get to see the best Kiko Martinez. I am going to be bringing the pressure and giving you all a great fight with power punches to disarm Santa Cruz and take the title.
I hope that fans will change their mindset of seeing me as the underdog and support me because I am here to show something else.
I am very happy to be here and have the opportunity to fight in the United States again.
I love this California weather, it reminds me of the weather of El Canario where I was training and I am feeling great.
“Estou pronto. Now all there is left is to wait. We’ve got the weigh-in ahead of us and I’ve already made weight. I will be working up a sweat just to remain active and distracted because I am ready to jump in the ring and start the best fight of my life.
I have won a world title in the United States and became a world champ here and I am expecting to become the world champ here once again. That fight was how I became known here, now this fight will be the biggest fight of my career.
I’ve been studying [Santa Cruz] for quite some time now, since I’ve been waiting to fight him previously, now it has come to this point in this time of my life. I have grown and learned so much since then that I truly feel that I have learned from my mistakes and grown to the best of my life yet.
Luckily [trainer Gabriel Sarmiento] has been training me up until this point. We’re on the same team and we have each other’s backs and he is still fully supportive. I have him in my heart and I know that he will be supporting me all the way.
I am not worried about what anyone is saying. All I want is to get in the ring comeSábado and demonstrate that Leo and I will put on a huge fight and the audience will not be bored for a single minute.
We have had a long and very intense camp. We are prepared and know what is on the line here because we know that Hugo comes at it with everything he’s got. This is a prestigious opportunity that I have been presented with and we can forecast that it will be an all-or-nothing fight.
This will be a toe-to-toe fight because we both know each other’s strengths and having fought before we know this rematch will be explosive.
From the second we knew there would be a rematch, we immediately started training. We knew going in to this again that it will be a tough fight and this one will be better than the first. It will be more dangerous and more of a fight than the last because of what the rematch represents.
I have trained very hard because I know what is on the line and I am not going to allow Ruiz to take that title from be so easily. It is going to be an all-out battle.
Hugo has reach and height on me but all I know is that once I hear that bell, none of that matters. There’s a reason why they call me the champ and I am confident in my skill to show that.
I am looking to show up and give the fans an entertaining show. I will be looking for a fight all throughout and keep it exciting for the fans who are coming out to see a good fight.
I devoted my life to becoming the champion and my life dream was always to be a champ, so this is something that I will fight to the end for.
I became a champ here in the United States and now that I am blessed with the opportunity to get a rematch here. I’m ready to take full advantage of this chance to give it 100 percent.
I grew up boxing and boxing was always my passion as a kid. I used to go to the local Boys & Girls Club as a kid and I’ve been in love with it since. It’s always been a part of me and I’m glad I can do it again and take over this division.
There are lot’s similarities in football and boxing. You watch film, break your opponent down. We take everything from sparring and practice and take them out to the game.
“Esta vai ser uma grande luta. It’s always a good battle when you have two undefeated fighters. It’s going to be a night full of action. I look forward to the action. I love stepping up and facing top-flight competition.
Rivas has an extensive amateur background. Ele é um grande, strong guy who likes the knockout. He’s going to go for it. I’m prepared for a fight like that. I know the pressure is coming. We’ve worked hard since my last fight.
The jab is the key for everything. It opens up all the other shots and keeps the opponent off balance. I’m going to hammer him with it. It’s a major tool.
It’s a great honor to be fighting here in Los Angeles. My whole life has taken place in this state and everyone who has supported me is coming together no sábado to see it all in action.
Heavyweight boxing is always exciting. We’re the hardest hitters in the game. I can’t wait to show everyone the hard work I’ve put in and give a great performance.
I’m going to be smart and disciplined in the ring. But you also have to have a strong will and have the determination to keep moving forward. You have to step to the guy and apply the pressure.
My height and reach is always to my advantage but it’s not that. It’s the legs, the mind, the combinations. It’s everything.
You will see a smart and aggressive style from me no sábado and I’m going to take that into the next level of my career.
# # #
Santa Cruz vs. Martinez, a 12-round bout for Santa Cruz’s WBA Featherweight Title taking place on Saturday, Fevereiro. 27 no Honda Center em Anaheim, Calif., is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Sampson Boxing Promotions. Na co-metragem, Julio Ceja and Hugo Ruiz will meet in super bantamweight world title rematch for the WBC belt and opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, Gerald Washington will face Oscar Rivas in a 10-round heavyweight bout. The tripleheader will air live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) and will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).
Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Undefeated Santa Cruz Defends Featherweight World Title Against
Former Champ Kiko Martinez Sábado, Fevereiro 27 Vivo no canal Showtime®
From Honda Center In Anaheim, Califa.

Clique AQUI Para Photos From Scott Hirano / Showtime
ANAHEIM, CALIFÓRNIA. (Fevereiro 18, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Leão “Terremoto” Santa Cruz held an open media workout Thursday at Who’s Next Boxing Academy in La Puente, Calif., as he prepares for his first title defense against Kiko “Sensaciden” Martinez Sábado, Fevereiro 27 viverALTURA DE COMEÇAR from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.
Santa Cruz vs. Martinez headlines a Showtime Championship Boxing® tripleheader that features Mexican warriors Julho Ceja e Hugo Ruiz meeting in an awaited super bantamweight world title rematch plus heavyweights Gerald “The Black Rooster” Washington e Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas will put their unblemished records on the line in a 10-round matchup. The action begins at 10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT.

Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela TGB Promoções, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.

Santa Cruz worked out alongside his father and trainer, Jose Santa Cruz, for the media in attendance and spoke about his upcoming bout and more. The workout also featured a surprise performance from Martin Castillo and a five-piece band that included a tuba and an accordion. Santa Cruz jumped rope and went through drills while traditional Mexican folk music called Corrido filled the Southern California gym.
Here is what Santa Cruz and his father had to say Thursday:
I always train to make a statement. I want to go out there and show everyone that I’m really good and I deserve to be considered one of the best.
I fight for my family. Since I was small, this is what I’ve wanted to do to help my family. I wanted to work hard and give my family a better future.
Martinez is a strong fighter who comes forward and always puts pressure on you. He never backs down and always comes to fight. That’s what we like about this matchupit makes for a more intense fight.
We’re going to give the fans an entertaining show. The fans are the ones who are going to win at the end of the night. I’m going to go out there and try to knock him out by the end of the third round.
I think he’s going to be the aggressor because he’s shorter and has to fight that way. But I’m going to go forward and be the aggressor too. If that’s not working, I’ll box him. We’re going to do what we need to do to win the fight.
I see Carl Frampton vs. Scott Quigg as a 50-50 luta. It’s a tough fight for both of them. I think whoever catches the other guy first will get the victory. They both can hit and they both have great skills. It could go either way.
It’s a very interesting fight between Frampton and Quigg. They’ve both been possible opponents for me and I hope that I do well that night and face the winner of that fight. Eu não me importo quem é, I want to fight them.
I’m willing to fight whoever. I want the winner of Frampton-Quigg. If not then Lee Selby, Gary Russell Jr., Jesus Cuellar or anyone in the division. Hopefully next it will be one of those fighters.
My fighting style is to always go forward and throw a lot of punches. I just want to entertain the fans. I fight for them and I try to send them home happy. I want to go in there and fight in a war.
I’m going to fight all of the top guys. I’m still young and I know if I keep working hard and taking care of the guy in front of me, I’ll get all of those fights.
We’re working on our distance and learning new things every day in camp. I don’t want to change too much, since I’m undefeated. I’m going to be prepared mentally and physically to get the win.
We’re working hard all the time. We know what we have to do in the ring to win the fight. My last fight our strategy was to brawl but we adjusted it and moved more and we were able to get the victory.
On his recent foray into boxing promotion: Being a promoter is difficult. It’s very hard. You’re always busy, so right now I’m focused on my boxing career. I’m letting my brothers and my family take care of it now. I’m not there 100 percent yet but I like to give my opinion. It’s something I’d like to do after I retire.
Leo is very well prepared as he always is. Nós sempre treinar 100 percent and we are ready.
The team is ready to fight. We have one week left to rest and put some finishing touches on this camp.
We’re going to fight Martinez with our style. We’re going to do whatever we need to do to win the fight. Leo is going to take the fight to him and try to counteract whatever style Martinez brings.
“Vai ser uma luta boa. Whichever style Martinez brings, we’re going to out-maneuver him and make it a good fight. I see Leo winning a decision at least if not a knockout.

Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports



Challenger Vows To Take Advantage Of Unexpected Opportunity, Ceja-Ruiz II In Co-Main Sábado, Fevereiro. 27, Vivo no canal Showtime® From Honda Center In Anaheim, Califa.

Showtime Championship Boxing® Tripleheader Begins With
Unbeaten Heavyweights Gerald Washington vs. Oscar Rivas

Bilhetes à venda EMPRESA!

Clique AQUI For Martinez Training Photos From Sampson Boxing Promotions

ANAHEIM, Califa. (Fevereiro. 16, 2016) – Spain’s Kiko “Sensación” Martinez is a soft-spoken, hard-hitting former IBF Super Bantamweight World Champion and a three-time European champion at 122 libras. He’s a come-forward, comes-to-win, aggressive-minded slugger who makes for exciting fights and has been in with excellent opposition.


The ultimate road warrior, the 5-foot-5, 29-year-old Martinez has fought more than one-third of his fights outside his native Spain, where he has tussled 26 vezes. He’s also fought four times in Ireland, three times in England, three times in Northern Ireland and one time each in Japan, Argentina, France and South Africa.


So don’t expect Martinez (35-6, 26 KOs) to be in awe of the surroundings in his second start in the United States when he challenges unbeaten, defending featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz (31-0-1, 17 KOs) em Sábado, Fevereiro. 27, no evento principal de um Showtime Championship Boxing tripleheader viver ALTURA DE COMEÇAR (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.


Martinez won his U.S. debut and the IBF 122-pound crown with a sixth-round TKO overJhonatan Romero em agosto. 17, 2013. “That was a great night for me,’’ Martinez said. “I’m confident of another great performance on Feb. 27.''


A winner of three in a row in his homeland, including a fourth-round TKO over Miguel Gonzalez último Dezembro. 12, Martinez aims to make amends after losing three high-profile fights in recent years to super bantamweight world champions – twice to Carl Frampton(IBF) and once to Scott QUIGG (WBA).


Martinez gets an opportunity against Santa Cruz in a fight he never saw coming.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting Leo Santa Cruz, but getting this fight was a total surprise because I already had a fight scheduled,’’ said Martinez, who trains at his friend and manager, former world super middleweight champion Sergio Martinez’ gym in Spain. “I had been scheduled to fight for the European title. When this opportunity came up, I decided to give up the European title to come to America.


“I was very happy and very emotional when I heard about this fight. It was one of the best days of my life when I agreed to fight Santa Cruz. Agora, more boxing fans will get to see me. I will not take one step back. I will come forward the whole fight.


“I’m thankful to SHOWTIME and I’m excited for the challenge. It’s a huge fight in the United States and a great opportunity. Some people don’t think I can fight because I lost to those guys [Frampton and Quigg], but they are wrong. I am as determined as ever. I’m going to fight a great fight and come out with a victory.’’


While respectful of the champion, Martinez is no stranger to fighting on foreign soil and is poised to pull off a stunner.


“I will surprise many people who don’t believe in me,'' Disse ele. “I’m working so hard for this fight. People doubting me has me even more motivated. They will see on Feb. 27 and everyone will change their minds.


“I love fighting in my opponent’s backyard. That is not a problem for me at all. People who know boxing know I will give everything to this sport. I want to give great shows and entertain people. I’m coming forward and throwing punches and I don’t give up.


“I’m going to give 100 percent and it’s going to be a tremendous fight. I have a ton of respect for Leo Santa Cruz. He’s a world champion and a great fighter who’s clearly one of the very best featherweights in the world and a Top 10 pound-for-pound lutador. I am very conscious of that point.


“Leo and I are true warriors so this will be a brutal war. But I have what it takes. I’ve been working very hard with my longtime trainer, Gaby Sarmiento, and I will be victorious.’’


A lifelong resident of Spain, Martinez was born in Granada, Espanha, and resides in Alicante. He has two sisters and two brothers but is the only one in the family who boxes professionally. He turned to boxing as a young teenager.


“I started in boxing because when I was about 13 I was smaller and other kids bullied me all the time. So I began looking for a way to learn to defend myself,'' Disse ele. “Once I decided to start boxing and dedicated myself to it I fell in love with the sport.’’


Como amador, Martinez went 47-2 and won a Spanish national amateur championship, but he had no international amateur experience. “I had a good amateur career but never thought about the Olympics,'' Disse ele. “My mind was always on being a pro fighter.’’


A dangerous puncher who’s at his best when he pressures his opponents and wears them down, Martinez turned pro in June 2004. He was victorious in his initial 17 lutas, winning all but three by knockout.


Martinez met Sergio Martinez [no relation] about nine years ago. “I met Sergio in the gym in Spain that he used to train himself in and we became good friends. When I started boxing I looked up to Julio Cesar Chavez and I am now a big fan of Marcos Maidana. I like to fight like him.


“But I’ve always had a special relationship with Sergio, who inspired me because he came from poverty like me. He has taught me so much. It’s like looking into a mirror because he knows where I came from. He’s taught me so much inside and outside the ring. We were very poor growing up and my father worked very hard.’’


Se triunfante, Kiko Martinez says “I would like to stay at this weight because I feel much stronger. But I would definitely love a rematch with Frampton or Quigg.’’


Regarding the Frampton-Quigg 122-pound world title unification that also takes place onFevereiro. 27 (em Manchester, Inglaterra, viver SHOWTIME EXTREME®), Martinez didn’t hesitate when picking a winner.


“Frampton will win against Quigg,’’ Martinez said. “He’s the more complete boxer. He is stronger as well.”


No Fevereiro. 27 co-feature on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, hard-hitting Mexican warriors Julho Ceja (30-1, 27 KOs) e Hugo Ruiz (35-3, 31 KOs) will box in a rematch of an exciting, two-way slugfest for the WBC 122-pound world title that Ceja won from Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August


Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight between undefeated heavyweights Gerald Washington (16-0-1, 11 KOs) de Vallejo, Calif., and Montreal-based Colombian Oscar Rivas (18-0, 13 KOs).


Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela TGB Promoções, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.


Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports



Showtime Championship Boxing® Tripleheader Headlined By
Unbeaten Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Against
Former World Champ Kiko Martinez
ANAHEIM, CALIFÓRNIA. (Fevereiro 12, 2016) – Invicto 2012 U.S. Olímpico Michael Hunter (10-0, 7 KOs), médios contendor Paul Mendez (20-2-2, 10 KOs) and exciting featherweight contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero (19-1, 14 KOs) will compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Sábado, Fevereiro 27 from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader featuring undefeated three-division world champion Leão “Terremoto” Santa Cruz making his first featherweight world title defense against former world champion Kiko Martinez.In the co-feature bout, Mexican warriors Julho Ceja e Hugo Ruiz will meet again in an awaited super bantamweight world title rematch and opening the telecast, pesos pesados Gerald “The Black Rooster” Washington e Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas will put their unblemished records on the line in a 10-round matchup. The telecast will air live on SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) and will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).
Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela TGB Promoções, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Hunter will compete in an eight-round cruiserweight bout while Mendez will enter the ring in a 10-round middleweight affair against Joshua Okine (22-4, 15 KOs). Marrero takes on Jonathan Arellano (16-6-2, 4 KOs) in a 10-round featherweight attraction.
The action continues with 27-year-old Ceferino Rodriguez (20-1, 11 KOs) of Spain in an eight-round welterweight bout against Mexico’s Ernesto Ortiz (10-3, 7 KOs) plus 29-year-old South Korean brawler Min Wook Kim (14-1, 11 KOs) in a super lightweight contest against Mexico’s Jose Luis Rodriguez (14-6, 9 KOs).
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten 25-year-old Los Angeles-native Anthony Flores (9-0, 5 KOs) in an eight-round super lightweight bout against Daniel Nava (7-3-2, 3 KOs) while Leo Santa Cruz’s cousin,Antonio Santa Cruz (1-2, 1 KO) enters the ring in a four-round bantamweight fight against California’s Jorge Perez (2-0, 1 KO) and undefeated Mexican Rei Vargas (25-0, 20 KOs) em ação pluma.
Desde que se tornou profissional em início de 2013 após os Jogos Olímpicos de Londres, a 27-year-old Hunter, lutando fora de Las Vegas, NV, continuou a brilhar. With four victories in 2015, the last three by knockout, he will be looking to march again into the win column to kick off his 2016 campanha.
Fighting out of Delano, Califórnia, the 26-year-old Mendez looks for his seventh straight victory when he gets in the ring on Fevereiro 27. Ele vem para essa luta fora de vitórias sobre David Alonso Lopez, Santiago Perez, Raul Casarez, Andrik Saralegui and Ernesto Berrospe twice. He takes on the experienced Okine, who was born in Ghana but who fights out of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Depois de ganhar uma medalha de prata no 2007 Jogos Pan-Americanos, além de vários outros elogios amadores, Marrero da República Dominicana ganhou o primeiro 14 passeios de sua carreira profissional. The 26-year-old brings a five-fight winning streak to the ring and in his most recent bout he delivered a sensational one-punch knockout victory over former world champion Rico Ramos. Marrero takes on the 28-year-old Arrellano out of Commerce, Califórnia.
Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Clique AQUI To Watch The Full First Fight Via
Premier Boxing Champions YouTube
Clique AQUI For Photos From Their First Fight From
Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxe dos Campeões
ANAHEIM, Califa. (Fevereiro 9, 2016) – Hard-hitting Mexican warriors Julho Ceja (30-1, 27 KOs) e Hugo Ruiz(35-3, 31 KOs) engaged in a memorable back-and-forth battle for the WBC 122-pound world title last August and they are eager to meet in the ring again to deliver another explosive fight. The eagerly awaited return bout is part of a tripleheader on ALTURA DE COMEÇAR CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® vivo no canal Showtime® (10 p.m. E/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Califa.
Headlining the event is undefeated featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz in his first title defense against former champ Kiko Martinez. Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight betweenundefeatedheavyweights Gerald Washington e Oscar Rivas.
Ceja recovered from a third-round knockdown to claim world title glory with a fifth-round stoppage of Ruiz, and he has promised once again to leave the fans thrilled.
One thing I can tell you, is that this fight will be as exciting as the first one,” said Ceja. “You don’t want to miss it. War is coming.
When Ceja and Ruiz clashed in Los Angeles last August, it was the U.S. debut for both and was also on a card headlined by Santa Cruz.
I knew it was a big step up in my career to get a fight in the U.S.,said Ruiz, “It was very emotional to be fighting in front of so many Mexican fans on such an important card.
In an excellent two-way matchup contested in the middle of the ring, Ceja and Ruiz combined to throw 373 power punches in just five rounds, with Ceja benefiting from a 96-67 advantage in power punches landed. It was the sharp-shooting Ruiz who struck the first big blow of the match however, as he caught a lunging Ceja with a perfect left hook that put him down with just under a minute left in the third round.
He definitely hurt me with that punch,” said Ceja. “I went straight into his hand and to the floor. But thanks to my great conditioning, I recovered fast. I train in the altitude in Mexico and that gives me the strength to fight 15 rounds. I’m working just as hard this camp.
I feel like I have the advantage in speed and power,” said Ruiz. “I was looking for the knockout from the beginning and I will do that again on Fevereiro 27.”
Showing little effect from the knockdown, Ceja made it through the third and had a solid fourth round against the lanky Ruiz. He began to work effectively inside the long reach of Ruiz and buzz him with left hooks and uppercuts. It was a perfectly timed left hook with 58 seconds remaining in the fifth round that put Ruiz down. Ruiz made it to his feet, but Ceja continued to batter him with both hands until the referee, Raul Caiz Sr., stepped in and stopped the fight at 2:34 na rodada.
Ceja came into the fight very aggressively and he put just the right amount of pressure on me,” said Ruiz. “This defeat is behind me now, but I did gain experience from the defeat that I will take into this fight.
Both men know that there is plenty of work to be done in training camp.
There is no way to get into a comfort zone against Ruiz,” said Ceja. “Just because I beat him, it doesn’t make this fight easier. He’s smart, experienced and he won’t make the same mistakes again. He’s a guy who works distances perfectly and knows when to attack. We made mistakes in the first fight that we’re going to fix.
I’m working on my defense and on putting more pressure on him throughout this fight,” said Ruiz. “I have to be aware of his left hand. The hook hurt me last time so I have been working on getting my right hand up to block it. I have to use my skills to be victorious.
With a world title on the line once again, expect similar fireworks when these two proud Mexican sluggers share the ring in Anaheim.
I want all my Mexican fans to come out and watch this fight, you will not regret it,” said Ceja. “I want to keep my belt for a long time and I want the fans to remember my name.
This is going to be another very explosive fight,” said Ruiz. “Expect a lot of punches, but this time I will be walking out a world champion.
Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, que é promovido pela TGB Promoções, custam $27, $54, $104 e $199 and are on sale now via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/Sports siga no TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports. Suanta Cruz vs. Martinez is sponsored by Corona Extra, A cerveja mais fina.