Arkivji Tag: Don King Productions

Bermane "B. Prodott’ Stiverne Proud to be 1st Haitian & Quebecer Heavyweight Champion tad-Dinja


LAS VEGAS (Jannar 12, 2015) – Għalkemm huwa għex fil Las Vegas għall-aħħar għaxar snin, Bermane “B. Prodott” Stiverne (24-1, 21 Kos) huwa estremament kburija li tkun l-ewwel fid-dinja champion heavyweight minn Ħaiti nattiv tiegħu, kif ukoll l-ewwel mill-Provinċja tal-Quebec biex iżomm dak it-titolu coveted.

Illum, Stiverne huwa mudell fil-Ħaiti indiġeni tiegħu, kif ukoll fit-tieni dar tiegħu, Quebec, fejn hu mħarrġa għal ħafna snin bħala dilettanti u professjonali, minbarra ġlieda kontra f'Montreal darbtejn bħala pro.

Stiverne jagħmel l-ewwel difiża tal-Kunsill Dinji Boxing tiegħu (WBC) titolu heavyweight, li huwa maqbud f'Mejju li għadda ma 'sitt round eliminatorja tekniku impressjonanti ta' postijiet perikolużi Chris Arreola (35-4), din is-Sibt lejl (Jan. 17) kontra undefeated, isfidant mandatorja Deontay “Il Bomber Bronż” Wilder (32-0, 32 Kos), ventilazzjoni live fuq Showtime Kampjonat Boxing (10 p.m. U/7 p.m. PT) minn MGM Grand fil Las Vegas. Stiverne-Wilder hija wkoll ventilazzjoni live fil-Kanada fuq TVA Isport.

Imwieled fil-Ħaiti bħala l-iżgħar tifel u 11th ta 13 tfal, “B. Prodott” mċaqalqa mal-familja tiegħu fl-età ta ' 10 għal Miami, fejn, Ironikament, kien bullied fl-iskola. Hu risistemati f'Montreal, Quebec, spiss jmorru quddiem u lura bejn hemmhekk u Miami, qabel ma tgħaddi għall Las Vegas fl 2004.


I’ve lived here in the United States since 1988,” Stiverne Dirita. “My ġenituri mċaqilqa għal Miami u mbagħad quddiem u lura bejn Miami u Montreal. Wara l-iskola, meta I kien anzjani, Mort Las Vegas biex isegwu karriera boxing tiegħi.


“I jirrappreżentaw il-pajjiż I twieled fl, Ħaiti, u mbagħad Quebec, imma I wkoll imħabba l-Istati Uniti. Iżda, ewwel, Jien mill Ħaiti u nixtieq li tagħti tama għal dawk Haitians li ma jkollhomx lott. Irrid li jispiraw lin-nies hemmhekk mill-kiri lilhom jafu ma jimpurtax fejn inti twelidt, li l-ħolm isir realtà tista bhalu għandha għalija. M'hemmx ħafna opportunitajiet hemmhekk u nispera Haitians jsegwu ħolm tagħhom bħal I ma.”


(L) WBC champion heavyweight Bermane Stiverne u l-maniġer tiegħu Camille Estephan

“Naf kif kburi Bermane huwa li tkun l-ewwel Guy Ħaiti u l-ewwel minn Quebec li jkun champion heavyweight tad-dinja,” Maniġer Stiverne tal- Camille Estephan miżjud. “Huwa verament ifisser id-dinja lilu. Quebec huwa hotbed għall boxing u t-tqassim heavyweight huwa x-xempju tal-boksing. Imxejna ppruvat li u imsikkta dawk li jgħidu boxing hija tmut. In-numru rekord ta 'midja kredenzjali jitlob għal din il-ġlieda f'livell internazzjonali huwa crazy.”

“B. Prodott” tal Stiverne!

For further information visit, jew isegwu fuq Twittereotmvd uBStiverne.


1-17-15 LH

LAS VEGAS (Jan 9, 2015) – As we near the epic return of world championship heavyweight action in the United States, WBC Heavyweight Champion tad-Dinja Gold Cup (24-1-1, 21 Kos) and unbeaten knockout specialist Deontay Wilder (32-0, 32 Kos) are deep in training camp for their championship showdown on SHOWTIME®.


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Read below for what the fighters have to say about how training is going, what their place in heavyweight history is and what the fans can expect to see on Jan. 17 fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena fil Las Vegas:


Q: Where have you been training? Who have you been training with? How has training been going?


Gold Cup: I am in Vegas training at the Mayweather Gym. I have had many sparring partners, seven total and they have been alternating since it has been a very long camp. I began training camp in August because we didn’t even know when this fight was going to happen so we had to be ready for any time and we did better than ever. It has been a long, long training camp and I am in the best shape I have ever been in.


I plan to go in the ring between 238 u 242 liri. We thought about going lower but I am a super heavyweight and that is the weight where I am best.

Deontay Wilder: Camp has been great. It’s been a long hard road but we’re here now. I had my whole team which was excellentJay Deas, Mark Breland, Russ Anber, Cuz Hill and my strength coach Peter Khoury, so it couldn’t have been any better.

Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage as the main event at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


BS: Fighting at the MGM Grand is a dream come true. I have been dreaming of becoming a champion my whole life. When I think of the MGM I think of all the history and I want to write a new chapter.

DW: I’m super excited about fighting on the big stage. The bigger the better! The more attention and people watching, the more I like it. We’ve been working towards this for a long time, and I am glad we have gotten to this level.


Q: If you could meet any heavyweight champ who would it be? Is there a heavyweight that you would say you emulate?

BS: Muhammad – he was the greatest, he called himself “The Greatest” before he even knew he was The Greatest. He worked hard every single day to fulfill it and that is what I do. No corners cut.

DW: I’ve never patterned myself after any other heavyweight, but if I could meet one from the past it would be Joe Louis. He’s part of my nickname. He was the ‘Brown Bomber’ and since I’m from Alabama like he was and I won the Bronze medal at the Olympics, I’m the ‘Bronze Bomber.’

Q: How do you feel about being in the biggest heavyweight title fight in the United States in a decade?


BS: The Heavyweight Champion is what it’s all about. It’s the King of the Jungle. It is the Champion of all the Champions. I am happy to bring it back. Boxing is alive and well.

DW: It’s time for the heavyweight division to be important again and I’m the guy to do it, so I can’t wait.


Q: Which heavyweights inspired you or did you admire on your climb to this point?


BS: Iron Mike Tyson and James Toney – I really admire the way they fought. I loved Iron Mike’s explosiveness and speed and his fast hands. Tyson could hurt you with any punch at any angle and that is my forte. When I hit somebody, I see it in their eyes and their legs and I feel their pain.

DW: My daughter is my inspiration. I always admired guys like Muhammad Ali and Larry Holmes though.

Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting for the WBC title that has been held by so many of the greatest including Muhammad Ali?

BS: The WBC heavyweight belt has been held by many great champions. It’s the biggest prize out there.

DW: A lot of great champions have held the WBC title belt, so it’s the big one and I’m honored and excited to be fighting for it.


Q: How important is it for you to represent your home country in this fight? Do you feel any additional pressure because of it?

BS: I am blessed to have been born in Haiti and lived in Quebec, Canada and now Las Vegas and I like to think of myself as an inspiration to kids in Haiti that have suffered so much – just like me. I want them to know that if they work hard they can achieve their dreams.

DW: Like I said, I am honored and excited. A lot of greats have held the belt and I am ready to make history and be one of the greats. Representing the U.S. in a heavyweight fight, bringing it back home, it’s an honor.

Q: What do you think of your opponent, does anything he does concern you?

BS: I think Wilder is a clown. Wilder thinks this is the WWE. He acts like it’s the WWE. This is for real. It is going to hurt very bad.

DW: I have no thoughts about Bermane Stiverne. I’m just ready to fight and leave it all out in the ring.

Q: What should the fans expect on Jan. 17? Do you have a prediction?

BS: On Jan. 17 I will hurt Wilder and I will knock him out and it will be a lasting image in peoples’ minds for a very long time.

DW: Fans should expect a great night of boxing and everyone will see Jan. 17. -. Be there or tune in on TV if you can’t. You don’t want to miss it!

# # #


Showtime Sports® will present KOLLHA AĊĊESS: STIVERNE VS. WILDER tonight,Il-ġimgħa, Jan. 9 fi 10:45 p.m. ET / PT fuq Showtime.
"LURA GħAL GLORY": STIVERNE VS. WILDER, ġlieda 12-round għall WBC Heavyweight Kampjonat qed iseħħ Stiverne ta IS-SIBT, Jan. 17 fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena fil Las Vegas, huwa ko-promossi mill Don King Productions u Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden. In the 12-round co-feature, unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz tiddefendi kontra Ġesù Ruiz u undefeated Amir I jissodisfa Fidel Maldonado Jr. fi 10-round bout super ħfief. L-avveniment se jseħħ fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena fil Las Vegas, Nev., u se arja live fuq Showtime® (10:00 p.m. U/ 7:00 p.m. PT). L-telecast se tkun ukoll disponibbli fil-lingwa Spanjola permezz programmazzjoni awdjo sekondarja (SAP). Bouts preliminari se tixxandar live fuq Showtime ESTREM (8:00 p.m. U/PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent).


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