Tag Archives: DiBella aisialdia


“Ez du axola zer dator mahaira zuen, 10 aste borroka hau camp bat izango dugu eta erabat prest egon beharko dugu.”
– Daniel Jacobs
Danny koko- handia ekarri borroka honetan espero dut. Nik ez dut nabarituko da, baina aurretik, bere kokots itxura oso handi.” – Peter Quillin
LARUNBATA, DEC. 5, SHOWTIME gainean bizi®
Barclays CENTER IN Brooklyn
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Rosie Cohe / Showtime aurrera egiteko
Sarrerak salgai orain!!!
NEW YORK, N.Y.. (Oct. 7, 2015) –WBA Middleweight Munduko txapelduna Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Kos)eta antzinako munduko txapelduna Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Kos)t prentsa asteazkenean hitzaldi batean parte hartu du Planet Hollywood Times SquareNew Yorken formalki iragarriko beren oso aurreikusi Abendu. 5 ekitaldi nagusia ShowdownSHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa bizi SHOWTIMEbatetik Barclays Center Brooklyn.
Brooklyn Showdown for undercard laster jakinaraziko da.
Azpitik dago zer borrokalari eta zuzendarien gaur esan behar izan:
“Niri aukera handi bat da. Hau Brooklyn aukera handi bat da. Ez zen denbora hobea gertatu. I izan zion deituz, bi urtez, baina garai hartan, eraiki eta gure karrerak blossom hartu behar izan zela.
“Zale egunaren amaieran irabazleak izango dira. Matchup hau ekintza-kit guztiak dira izango. Matchup oso interesgarria da.
“Eskertzen dut Pedrori desafioa onartu eta niretzat aukera emanez karrera aldatzen borroka bat izatea.
“Uste dut nire denbora da orain. Nire inguruan hype ez zen perspectiva gisa ezagutzen dut. Pertsonak beren niri buruzko iritziak, baina uste duten gizon bat bezala ez dut heldua dauden une honetan I orokorra. Naiz nire lehen urtean.
“Niretzat, Borroka honetan Brooklyn den guztia esan nahi du. Hau hiriaren lodi-skinned zela borrokan planteatu da. Beti zeure burua defendatzeko izan duzu. Hemen datozen borrokalari handia izatearen harrotasuna dugula eta zorioneko nahikoa txapeldun duten ondarea jarraitzeko izango naiz.
“Bezalako borroka honetan esanahi asko ditu sentitzen dut, Ez New Yorken besterik, baina boxeoa kirol oro har. Jende asko dira eskatu borroka hau, eta orain dela hemen, arreta kopuru handia inguratzen ikusiko duzu.
“Uste dut gazteria boxeoa kirol dena da. Quillin zaharragoa den arren ni baino, esperientzia hori eta botere hori eraztun sartu zuen izango ekarriko ditu. Ezer kirol honetan gertatuko.
“Nago, hala nola borroka partikular honen zalea, Borroka hau da harrigarria borroka bat izango da.
“Peter bat area flaws Just delako, atzera ditzakeen gauza bat-zulatu knockout batekin, beraz, beti dagoela prestatuta.
“Pedro flaws dira gora kargatzen zuela bere plano gehiegi, bere oinak motela da eta ez da egoskor. I joko plana exekutatu ahal bada uste dut Phenomenal emaitza izango da.
“Peter onartu dugu Brooklyn berezko bat bezala, baina etorri borrokatzeko gau osoan ikusi ahal izango duzu, Brooklyn-jaio txapeldun.
“Ez du axola zer dator mahaira zuen, 10 aste borroka hau camp bat izango dugu eta erabat prest egon beharko dugu.
“Dieta zorrotza izan dut, Ez dut txokolatea jateko. Baina ondoren abendua 5garren, Cookie Monster izan noa, ez galdu.”
“Borroka hau guztia esan zidan:. Bi mutil da Brooklyn borrokarako It. Biak ari gara eraikinean babes handia izan du, eta borroka hau benetan pertsona inspiratzen da.
“New Yorken duzu inoiz bi mutil boxeo koadroko maila honetan off ikusteko elkarren aurka. Asko esan nahi du, eta borroka hau oso hunkituta nago.
“Danny koko- handia ekarri borroka honetan espero dut. Nik ez dut nabarituko da, baina aurretik, bere kokots itxura oso handi, beraz, hori da orain bilatzen ari gara.
“Brooklyn semea banintz bezala sentitzen naiz. Naiz Michigan arren, hiri hau hartu me beren bat banintz bezala ere. Ikusiko duzu zer Las Vegas Floyd Mayweather egin, hori zer Brooklyn niretzat.
“Hau tipo ona vs da. Ona lasaia borrokatzeko eta boxeoa kirol ona da. Banoa bonbak bota. Ez da fakturak buruzko da. Da pertsona borrokan ari naiz izaerari buruz It. Hau dela onena ekartzea Peter Quillin irten borroka mota da.
“Bizimodua oso osasuntsua eta tren I eramaten denean ere ez naiz borroka bat prestatzen ari dira. Neure burua ahalik eta gazte gisa mantentzeko I.
“Uztailaren laugarren ikusteko Abenduan ere ari zara. Elurra batzuk urtzen ari gara.”
BRETT YORMARK, Barclays Center zuzendari nagusia
“Noiz uste dut Barclays Center of orain, Benetan ospakizun handia enpresa gara.
“Noiz uste gainerako buruz I 2015, bi daten nire egutegian han izan ziren eta horietako bat Battle for Brooklyn abian da Abendu. 5. Bi jaun hona Barclays Center zati dira. Honek bere etxean Etxetik da. Ez dago tokirik ez da hobea beraientzat izango da lortzean.
“Ziur jarri ikuskizun handi bat dugu Brooklyn zaleek egin nahi dut. Ilusioa zale guztiei ikusteko gaude Abendu. 5.”
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak
“Barclays Center boxeo etxera eta leku handia bat boxeoa ikustera oraintxe bihurtu da.
“Hitzematen dut, hau da urteko undercard izango. Honez urtearen undercard interesgarrienak izango da. Talde zure sarrera orain.
“Showtime garatu du gizon gazte horiek biak. Bi txapeldun Hauek bai beren izenak egin Showtime borrokalari gisa. Borroka hau behar bezala egingo Showtime urtean amaituko.
“Ezagutzen dut gizon gazte horiek, bai haurrekin zirenetik. Gizonen emanaldirik eta egia kreditu bat kirola dira. Mutil hauek beti ahaztuak batera, bakoitzak borrokalari gisa beste errespetatuko dute, baina ez dago haien pieza biak onena dira benetako sinesmena da.
“Hartu adiskidetasuna guztiak eta bota leihotik. Hau da gaizto izango da. Hau da brutal izango da. Ez dago boxeo izango da, baina mutil hauek bonbak jaurti behar. Ezin dute beraiek lagundu, hori da egiten hain handia horiek.
“Honen irabazlea Superstar bat izan daiteke.
“Borroka hau da, nor herrian gizona da erakusteko. Irabazleak Brooklyn jabea izango. Oraindik Brooklyn gizona bada, Oraindik gizona. Hau urte hautagai borroka bat izango da, Zalantzarik gabe,.
“Espero dut bai gizon jaisteko. Zale izango dute beren oinak denbora guztian izan. Hau ezin galdu berdinarekin bat datorren bi txapeldun eta nahi duten eta garaipena behar mutil arteko borroka bat da.”
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Exekutiboa presidenteordea & Zuzendari Nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak
“Gaude thrilled dbe eta Barclays Center izango dira lanean, ekitaldi honetan. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, Eskuineko Jauregian eta une egokian.
“Brett [Yormark] Barclays Center du aktibatuta boxeoa etxean ekialdeko kostan sartu.
“Harrotasuna kopuru handi bat hartu dugu bi gizon gazte horiek ere, dena direlako dela kirola eskubidea.
“Ipuin zoragarri gizon gazteak oso ezberdinak dira. Nik biak gainditu dute odds sinestezina. Haien errepideak eraman zituen, bata bestearen. Gogorra izango da, nork nahi horiek bi gazteen handia eta boxeolariak handia daudelako root digu aukeratzeko.”
# # #
Barclays Centerren BROOKLYN BOXING ™ programazio plataforma EPEGE aurkeztu da. Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment etawww.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.


SHOWTIME gainean bizi® AT 9 P.m. ETA/6 P.m. PT
General Tickets On Sale Asteartea, Urria 6 At 10 a.m. ETA
BROOKLYN (September 30, 2015) – Brooklyn-en borrokalariak gehien zirraragarria eta talentu handiko bi arteko Showdown oso aurreikusi batean, WBA Middleweight Munduko txapelduna Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Kos)egingo munduko txapeldun ohia hartu Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Kos)on Larunbata, Abendua 5 Barclays Center Brooklyn bizi on SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT).
“Inolako zalantzarik gabe, hau da, borrokak handienetako Brooklyn inoiz ikusi bat izango da,” Said Jacobs. “Peter eta I joan atzera denbora luzez, baina hau negozioa da. Txapelduna naiz eta Challenger zuen. Ahal dudan guztia egin, irabazi noa Abendua 5 eta munduari erakutsi duten onena Brooklyn eskaintzen ditu nago.”
“Zaleek denbora luzez itxaron dute borroka hau, eta orain, azkenik, hemen,” Said Quillin. “Gimnasioan itzuli nintzenastelehenean aurkako nire borroka ondoren [Michael] Zerafa prestatzen Abendua 5. Ezagutzen dut, ez dago hainbeste jokoan for me -a gerriko eta Brooklyn bragging eskubideen. Honez Gau bat niretzat eta Brooklyn guztientzat gogoratzen izango da.”
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako, etan hasiko $50, Ez aplikagarri tasak barne, eta salgai daude Asteartea, Urria 6 at 10 a.m. ETA eta online eros daitezke bisitatuzwww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com edo telefono honetara deituta 1-800-745-3000. Sarrerak, gainera, American Express leihatilan egongo dira eskuragarri Barclays Center hasieran Asteazkena, Urria 7 at 12 p.m., sarrerak ez dira oraindik dago eskuragarri.
Bi borrokalari indartsua hauek dute talka egiteko zorian izan da hainbat urtez, Quillin gertatu da WBO Middleweight txapelduna eta Jacobs itzuli zen lanean contender status bidean egindako eserita urte bat baino gehiago, minbiziaren ondorioz ondoren datazio.
Quillin bere gerriko uko ondorioz bere semea jaio eta bere osaba hil bitartean, Jacobs jarraitu zuen sailkapenean igotzen eta bere munduko titulua irabazi knockout batekin abuztuan 2014 Eneritz Fletcher Brooklyn baino gehiago. Borrokalari bakoitzak knockout garaipenekin irabazi du azken bi hilabeteetan, eta bi boxeolariak izango dute beren munduko titulua irabazi duen emanaldi gune bueltatuko dira aurrez aurre Barclays Centerren dute.
“Hau can not miss da, middleweights onena bi arteko pick'em borroka munduan,” esan zuen Lou DiBella, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak. “Hau da, benetan Brooklyn batailaren, bai Danny eta Peter su artifizialak sortu nahi gau bat lehergai aurkitu boterea edukitzea batekin. Showtime egingo benetan bukatzen 2015 danba…edo horietako asko.”
“Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin bi fede oneko middleweight izarren matchup berezia da, Bere ibilbidean prime bakoitzak,” esan zuen Stephen Espinoza, Exekutiboa presidenteordea eta zuzendari nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak. “Da gisa berdinarekin bat datorren zatiketa aurkituko duzu bezala, eta karrera-definitzeko bai gizonen aldeko borrokan egon nabarmentzen da. Biribilean ekintzaren eta giroa Barclays Centerren izango gaua oso gogoangarria izan dadin espero dugu. Boxeo zale, ez du lortu hori baino hobeto edozein.”
“Hau azken Brooklyn matchup da,” esan zuen Brett Yormark, Barclays Center zuzendari nagusia.
“Miraria Man vs. Kid Txokolatea munduko titulu bat baino gehiago da, Hau Brooklyn bragging eskubide eta aintza buruz da. Plazatik prest dago Abendua 5.”
An izango Barclays Centerren borrokatzeko bosgarren aldiz inspirazio figura, Brooklyn-en Jacobs bere txapelduna errepidea amaitu denean Fletcher garaitu zuen middleweight titulua lortzeko. In 2011, bitartean Biribilean txapelketan lortu, minbizia bere bizitza arriskuan eta mantendu berarentzat izan aldean 19 hilabete. Itzuli zenean, bildu zuen non utzi zuen, eta ez du geroztik galdu. 28 urte ditu, datozen mundu txapeldun ohia Sergio Mora bigarren ETEN borobil baten off abuztuan.
Quillin lortzen Biribilean itzuli izana postuan Michael Zerafa ondoren lehenago Hil honetan jarraitu behar du bere middleweight munduko txapelduna Andy Lee aurka berdinketa gogor borrokatu apirilean. Middleweight gerriko bat irabazi zuen saioa 2012 Bere nabarmendua bobina batekin, Hassan N'Dam aurka Sei knockdown eraispen lehen boxeo txarteleko barclays Center ostatutako. Chicagon jaio, Grand Rapids planteatu, Michigan, baina Brooklyn bizi diren, 31 urteko joan contenders sendoa Fernando Guerrero aurka titulua defendatzen duten, Gabriel Rosado eta Lukas Konecny. Orain, “Kid Chocolate” Itxura munduko bigarren aldiz txapeldun bihurtu.
Barclays Centerren BROOKLYN BOXING ™ programazio plataforma EPEGE aurkeztu da. Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment eta www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

Undefeated Radivoje Kalajdzic goiburua "Bonbak Away 4″

October 10 Fight Poster.jpg
On berehalako
Lakeland, FL (September 17, 2015) - Undefeated argi heavyweight Radivoje "Hot Rod" Kalajdzic egingo titular Mad Osotasuna borrokatzea Kirolak’ "Bonbak Away 4" Larunbata, Urria 10 Florida Orange Event Center Lakeland at.
To "Bonbak Away 4" daude Sarrerak $30 onarpen orokorrerako eta $60 VIP for. Eskuragarri dira at orain Madbombsaway4.bpt.me edo Atomic Tatuajeak bisitatzen Lakeland eta Bulldog Boxing arabera & Tampa Fitness. VIP txartela titularrak guztiak 21 urtetik gorako garagardoa doan jasoko Brew zentroa bertatik. Ateak irekita 6:30 pm irekiz kanpai zain 7. Ekitaldi nagusia Aurretik, American Idol finalista Jeremy Rosado ereserkia abestu beharko.
Bosniako jaio, Kalajdzic St mugitu da. Petersburgo, FL 1998 eta bere etxean, geroztik deitu du. "Hot Rod" gisa besterik ezagunenak, 24 urte ditu, bere debuta profesional batean 2011 Karrera amateur labur baten ondoren eta ezer apartekoa labur izan. Talentu jainko-eman gaitasuna askorekin boxeolari-puncher, Kalajdzic da 19-0 batera 12 knockout irabazi eta contender ohia Otis Griffin baita Lionel Thompson garaipen ikusgarria dauka.
Kalajdzic aurkari bati aurre egingo gutxira izendatu behar eta bout elkartea aurkezten da DiBella aisialdia batekin.
"Thrilled Hot Rod guretzat borrokan izan behar gara ", esan zuen Joey Mad Osotasuna borrokatzea Kirolen Orduña. "Aurretik aurre zion behaketa plazerra izan ditut eta zuen talentu asko lortu. Ez da zuen erronka bat eta horrek berarekin gommendatzen egiteko beldur eta nire matchmaker da DiBella aisialdia batekin lan kalitate aurkari bat aurkitzeko zion hitz egiten dugun bezala. Hot Rod zirraragarria txartel hau, eta zalantzarik gabe, merezi onarpen prezioa gain handi bat da. "
WAUCHULA, FL en Ruben "Chino" Ozuna ziurrenik hard-nosed beteranoa Bobby Hill asetzeko Mississippi arratsaldean ekitaldi erdi-nagusian. Ozuna, 4-1, fan errespetatzen estilo eta aldekoak zion bultzatzera lehiaketa arin horretarako talde handi bat egingo dute. Boxeoa benetako gogorra mutil bat, Hill zehar gora borrokalari zenbaki bat aurrean bere 28 borrokatzeko karrera.
Miami jaiotzez Armando «Jaun" Alvarez ipintzen ditu 7-0 Ledger-lerroan denean ikaskide Sunshine State pugilist Juan Jacksonville Aguirre cumple junior middleweight lehiaketa bat egon zen.
Cruiserweight Paul "Pay Per View" Parker Toledoko, OH eraztuna itzultzen erakarpen bout berezi batean aurkari zehazteke baten aurka. Parker azken bi garaipen ETEN bidez iritsi zen etsaiak aurka konbinatuko batekin 12-1 record baina ekainaren TKO Vyacheslav Shabranskyy porrota errebotea bila ari da.
Lau txandan undercard bouts, Rafael "Junito" Rivera Tampa aurpegiak Orlando en Cleveland McClean, Quincy, FL Leonardo Kenon plazetan off Georgia jaiotzez Greg Faust eta jaioterrian gogoko Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming Lakeland bere talentuak versus Randy Louisiana Heddrick probatu du aurka. Tori "Ankerra-" Ramirez, Christina Swanson-Campfort, Michael Guillen, "King" Kenmon Evans eta Ricky "Cowboy" Tomlinson guztiak agertuko dira aurka aurkariei iragarri behar da.
Bouts guztiak alda daitezkeela.
Informazio osagarria laster egongo da eta zaleek jarraitzeko gai Mad Osotasuna bisitatuz https://www.facebook.com / MadIntegrityFightSports.


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia

Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions From

BROOKLYN (Maiatza 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on Spikereturned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center ostiralean night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. Ekitaldi nagusian, Amir “King” Khan (31-3, 19 Kos) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 Kos) eta Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 Kos) in the televised opener.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances Gaur gauean:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin Gaur gauean.


Chris gave it his all Gaur gauean. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (Pacquiao) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (Mayweather) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that Gaur gauean. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. Etsita nago, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.




I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. After the fifth round, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success Gaur gauean was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. Hala ere, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance Gaur gauean.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight Gaur gauean. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot Gaur gauean, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


# # #

The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com eta www.spike.com/shows/premier-boxeo-Txapeldun, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingeta www.Facebook.com/Spike.


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions From

Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia

Klikatu HEMEN For Barclays Center TV Interview With Amir Khan

BROOKLYN (Maiatza 27, 2015) – Fight week activities for Premier Boxing Championson Spike -jarraitu Asteazkena as fighters participated in the final press conference and media workouts at Barclays Center before they enter the ring on Friday, Maiatza 29.


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, tasatuak $250, $150, $75, eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


Hemen da parte-hartzaileek esan nahi izan zuen Asteazkena:




I really believe that I have the movement, the skills and the technique to beat Chris Algieri and look spectacular doing it.


Algieri has been in the ring with big names before so we know that’s not going to scare him and he won’t get nervous. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings to the table.


This is going to be an entertaining fight because of our styles. We both like to throw a lot of punches and there will be a lot of movement. This will be a more skillful fight and I think the fans will enjoy what they see.


I’ve always wanted to fight here at Barclays Center and I really am excited to put on a great performance for all the New Yorkers.


Virgil Hunter has been great for me as a fighter and he’s helped me really understand the sport of boxing. I’ve worked on my technique and my defense and really just everything.


Training camp for me has been really good. I’m focused on my opponent and I’m not going to make any mistakes. It’s going to be a great performance from me ostiralean.”




This is going to be a great fight with two fast-paced boxers. It’s going to be very exciting for everyone watching.


Working down in Florida with John David Jackson really refreshed a lot of things in boxing for me. I got to see new things and try new things. I learned a lot.


The only thing that matters is proving something to myself and I do feel like I have to prove something. I wasn’t happy with my last performance at all. I know I belong here at the elite level and it’s time for me to prove it.


I like to challenge myself and this is a great opportunity. I’m ready for this, I will challenge anybody in the welterweight division.


I feel very comfortable being here in New York and I’m happy to be back at Barclays Center.




For me it is an honor to be here in Brooklyn. This will be a great night for all of my fans.


I hope my opponent doesn’t have any excuses ostiralean, because I’m going to knock him out.


Everyone here is going to see a great performance and I can’t wait to get in the ring.


I’m a strong fighter and I am looking forward to showing everyone what I am capable of.




I’m very thankful to be here and I look forward to a great fight. I promise it’s going to be a war.


I’m an exciting fighter who always comes to fight. This is my time and I will not disappoint.


Fighting in New York is a great opportunity. I want people to see that Costa Rica has great fighters.


I know I have a tough opponent, but he has never faced anyone like me. I’m going to give it my all and I hope he does the same.




I feel like having a daughter has given me the kick in the rear that really has me focused on what I want to do, which is becoming a world champion. I want to give her a better life than I ever had.


My intensity and focus has never been higher. The fun part of boxing is back again.


I told my daughter that ‘daddy is going to give you the world.So I guess I need to become a world champion to give her the world. Her first word might be ‘champ.'


I’m so thankful to all the people at Barclays Center that allow me to continue to show off my talent and skills in this beautiful building.


Fighting on this Premier Boxing Champions card is really special and amazing. When I went to the Olympics in 2012 we stayed in Bolton and worked out at Amir Khan’s gym, now it comes full circle.


Fans can expect to see ‘spizazzfrom me. That’s a word I came up with back in my amateur days. I’m here to bring that ‘spizazz’ Atzera, if you want to know what that is you have to buy a ticket for Ostirala gau.”




I don’t look past what is in front of me. I have a really tough challenge in front of me ostiralean. I know she has an incredible desire to win and I’m ready for that.


I’m a pretty aggressive fighter but I’ve been known to box. I go in there and make adjustments but I’m not afraid to throw punches.


There was a really unfinished feeling after my last fight, I was disappointed. I expected more from my opponent. I wanted to put on a show for fans to remember.


I definitely want to make up for my last fight this time and I feel like my opponent is on the same page with me about where we need to go to take this sport further.



# # #

Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boxeo-Txapeldun, www.barclayscenter.com etawww.dbe1.com. Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri eta www.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Ed Diller From / DiBella aisialdia

BROOKLYN (Maiatza 26, 2015) – Fight week for Ostirala en Premier Boxing Champions on Spike event kicked off today with Amir Khan (30-3, 19 Kos)eta Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 Kos) hosting a photo opportunity at Brooklyn Bridge Park before they square-off at Barclays Center on Maiatza 29.


Coverage on Spike begins at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT with an exciting showdown betweenJavier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) eta Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos).


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, tasatuak $250, $150, $75, eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri
www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


Here is what Khan and Algieri had to say about training camp, each other and more:




Algieri is a fighter that has a lot of skills and assets. His range and height give him good advantages against opponents but I believe with my speed, movement and style it will be too much for him.


Each day me and Virgil Hunter are getting stronger and we have built a really good rapport. It takes time to get that but he understands my style even more now and what works for me so we’re only going to keep growing.


My aim since I was a kid and got into this sport was to be the very best. I fulfilled a dream when I got to the Olympics at 17 and brought back a silver medal. Later I became a world champion and then unified the light-welterweight division. My goal now is to fight the very best at 147 pounds and make my mark on this division too.


I was away in training camp when my daughter turned one last week. It’s hard to be away from her but as a fighter those are the sacrifices you have to make. Everything I do is for her and I can’t wait to see her and spend time with her after this fight. Her birthday celebrations have been put on hold until after the fight!


I’m really looking forward to returning to New York and fighting at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. I have good memories of this city because it’s the place where I had my first fight on US soil against Paulie Malignaggi in 2010 and also where I got married. I’m out to make it another good time this weekend.




I know that it gets said all the time, but this was truly the best and most intense training camp of my life. Working with John David Jackson has truly been a blessing. He has brought out the best Chris Algieri there is. You are going to see a whole new fighter come Ostirala Gau.


I am excited to be back in New York and excited to show the world what I am really made of ostiralean Gau. We are just a few days away from the fight and I am so anxious to get in there and get to work.


Amir is a tough fighter there is no doubt about that, but I am very confident in my ability and the game plan that coach has come up with for me.


You are going to see two proven champions in a high intensity and high level fight, laying everything on the line come Ostirala gau.”

# # #

The Ostirala, Maiatza 29 edizioa Premier Boxing Champions on Spike ezaugarriak Amir Khan (30-3, 19 Kos)eta Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 Kos) squaring off in a 12-round welterweight battle and the 12-round junior lightweight battle between Javier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) eta Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos).


This event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing with live coverage beginning on Spike at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT.

Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boxeo-Txapeldun, www.barclayscenter.com etawww.dbe1.com. Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri eta www.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.

Support KeisherFireMcLeod-Wells in her Next Title Championship Fight.

New Legend Boxing and DiBella Entertainment continue their support of Women’s Boxing at Resorts World Casino onLarunbata, Maiatza 30, 2015. 

Gleason’s very own World Champion KeisherFireMcLeod-Wells will be featured in a title bout for the vacant NYS Title super flyweight title.


Fire has a professional boxing record of 7 garaipen eta 2 galerak.


The address is 110-00 ROCKAWAY BLVD, 43rd Ave. Jamaica, NY 11420.


Ateak zabalik 6:00 pm and the first bout starts at 7:00 pmsharp.


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The event will be a sell out so order your tickets early.

Buy the tickets through Gleason’s Gym and you will be supporting Fire.

Deia 718 797 2872 or Email info@gleasonsgym.net






BEGINNING AT 9:00 P.m. ETA/6:00 P.m. PT

Gehiago, Undercard Action Featuring

Staten Island’s 2012 Olympian Marcus Browne Battling Cornelius White

& Brooklyn’s Heather Hardy Facing Noemi Bosques

BROOKLYN (Maiatza 21, 2015) – An electric showdown between Javier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) eta Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) will open up the Premier Boxing Champions on Spike telecast taking place Ostirala, Maiatza 29 Barclays Centerren.


The 12-round junior lightweight bout between Fortuna and Vasquez will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan eta Chris Algieri. The Spike telecast begins at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT.


Undercard action will also feature a slew of exciting local prospects competing in tough fights. 2012 U.S. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne (14-0, 11 Kos) of Staten Island will take on the experienced Cornelius White (21-2, 16 Kos) batean 10 round light heavyweight bout while Heather “Bero” Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) aurpegiak Noemi Basoak (8-2-2) in eight rounds of featherweight action.


Also on the card are Wesley Ferrer (8-0, 5 Kos) hartzea Jose Miguel Castro (4-2, 2 Kos) in a six round lightweight attraction, Noel Murphy (1-0) borrokalari Michael Black(0-1) in four rounds of welterweight action, Adam Kownacki (9-0, 9 Kos) off squaring aurka Ytalo Bermudez Perea (5-1-1, 3 Kos) in an eight round heavyweight fight and the eight round cruiserweight battle between Keith Tapia (14-0, 9 Kos) eta Leo Pla (5-4-2, 2 Kos).


Rounding out the action is the professional debut of Chris Colbert as he battles Marquis Pierce (1-5) in a four round featherweight bout and Luis Franco (12-1-1, 8 Kos) hartzea Guillermo Sanchez (15-15-1, 6 Kos).


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, tasatuak $250, $150, $75, eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25 urteko Fortune (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio eta Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Maiatza 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from Costa Rica. The San Jose-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


As he approaches his record ninth appearance at Barclays Center, du 2012 U.S. Olympian Browne (13-0, 10 Kos) da sinonimotzat hartzen boxeoa Meka berrienak. Profesional gisa Unbeaten, with six knockouts at Barclays Center, Staten Island Native erakutsi du zenbat bere patioa maite zuen borrokan, most recently scoring a sixth round stoppage over Aaron Pryor Jr. at Barclays Center in April. The 24-year-old faces the 34-year-old White (21-3, 16 Kos) from Houston.


Dagoeneko lehen inoiz profesionala emakumezkoak boxeo Partidu irabazlea Barclays Centerren,Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) itzultzen on Maiatza 29 looking to bounce back from a frustrating no contest on April 11. Bere aurreko Barclays Center at garaipena ekainean iritsi zen 2014 denean zatitu Jackie Trivilino baino gehiago erabaki bat jaso zuen. Her most recent victory was a dominant unanimous decision against Elizabeth Anderson in December 2014. Begiratzen du, momentu horretan jarraitzea Maiatza 29 when she faces the 32-year-old Bosques out of Saint Petersburg, Florida.


An accomplished amateur out of Brooklyn, Ferrer owns a 2012 New York Amateur Boxing Championship and a 2013 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Championship. The 22-year-old has already won twice in 2015, scoring a second round TKO over Bryan Timmons in April. He prepares to face the 27-year-old Castro out of Carolina, Puerto Rico.


A 20-year-old prospect out of Woodlawn, New York, Murphy turned pro in November of last year with a unanimous decision over Anthony Smith. He returns to the ring on Maiatza 29Borrokatu Black out of Las Vegas.


Originally from Lomza, Polonian, baina Brooklyn kanpo borrokan, Kownacki da 2006 eta 2009 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Champion. The 26-year-old delivered a first round knockout in April over Randy Easton and returns to the ring in his adopted hometown looking for his 10garren professional victory. He faces the 21-year-old 2012 Olympian Pereafrom Ecuador.


An undefeated prospect from Santurce, Puerto Rico, Tapia aims to build on his previous two outings, which both ended in first round knockouts. The 24-year-old will battle with the 33-year-old Pla Wichita daudelarik, Kansas.


Making his professional debut on Maiatza 29, Brooklyn propioa Colbert will face off against the 25-year-old Pierce out of Newark, New Jersey.


An accomplished amateur who represented Cuba in the 2004 Olinpiadak, Franco won a Junior World Championship in 2003. The 33-year-old, who now fights out of Miami, will take on the 26-year-old Sanchez out of Buffalo, New York.


# # #

Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boxeo-Txapeldun, www.barclayscenter.com etawww.dbe1.com. Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/AmirKhanThePage,www.Facebook.com/ChrisAlgieri eta www.Facebook.com/Spike. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.


Klikatu HEMEN For Photos From Carly Gillis Photography

BOSTON (Maiatza 20, 2015) – Fighters took part in a media workout at The Ring Boxing Club in Boston Wednesday to kick off fight week for larunbat honetan Premier Boxing Champions on NBC card at Agganis Arena that is headlined byAndre Dirrell vs. James DeGale with coverage starting at 4:30 p.m. ETA/1:30 p.m. PT.


Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia sustatutako elkartea Murphys Boxing batera, tasatuak $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 eta $35, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.


See here what the participants had to say Wednesday:




I always knew my day would come. I put in the work, I love this sport so I give it what I owe.


I’m happy to get a shot at another title. I’m not going to take it for granted. I’m going to put in my work and perform to the best of my ability and that will make me a world champion.


I’m glad to be getting in there with somebody who believes he can win. I want someone who will test me like I’ll test them. That’s a real championship fight.


I’m much hungrier than I was early in my career and I’m more focused mentally. With age comes wisdom. Everything I went through is all a blessing.


My goals are set and I’m going to accomplish every one.




Dirrell’s team is trying to get in my head. They must be scared. I’m wound up and I’m ready.


I’m obsessed with making history. It’s what drives me to work so hard in the gym and succeed in the ring.


It’s been a 16-week camp come fight night, so it’s been a long time. My body and mind feel ready to fight, I am so sharp and in a very good place.


He’s a tricky, talented, confident fighterhe believes in his ability. He said that he would not get beaten again in his career, and I am sure he believes that 100 ehuneko. So you have two very confident fighters going into the ring larunbatean.


I’m going to show everybody who I am. I’m driven to become the first Olympic gold medalist from the U.K. to win a world title and I’m doing it for my country.




It’s an extremely important fight because it’s so close to my home.


I’m excited to be fighting on NBC. This is a great opportunity for me to be back at the elite level.


It’s important for me to get this win and get into a big fight against the best. I know I have to look impressive and that’s what I plan on.



I was disappointed in my fight with Paulie Malignaggi dropping out but there are always positives and one of them is that I’m now fighting in my hometown of Boston.


I do a lot of work in and out of the ring to prepare for a fight. I’m full focused now on fighting Chris Gilbert.


I want to thank all the people who helped get me onto this card, including Murphys Boxing, I promise I’m going to put on a show come Larunbata.”




This is a huge opportunity for me. I’ve known about Danny since I started boxing and I’ve even been on a few cards with him.


Danny has been the top New England fighter in my division and you always want to compare your skills with somebody like him.


I was in Vermont and I’m always in top shape prepared to get a call to fight and this here is that big opportunity.


GARY “Spike” O'Sullivan


This is absolutely awesome fighting here and it’s a very important fight for me to go win.


When I knock out my opponent larunbatean, I want to be the number one contender in the division and fight all the big names.



It’s awesome fighting in Boston in front of my home crowd with all of my friends, family and friends in attendance.


Fighting on the undercard of this huge event with so many great fights makes the experience even better and one I’ll never forget.


# # #

The Larunbata, Maiatza 23 edition of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC ezaugarriak Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) etaJames DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a 12-round super middleweight showdown and Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) vs.Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) in 10-round light heavyweight match up. Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 p.m. ETA/1:30 p.m. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 pm. ETA / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. ETA/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. ETA/4:00 p.m. PT.

Informazio gehiago www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com etawww.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing on jarraitu, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys eta www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC





BROOKLYN (Maiatza 15, 2015) – An exciting junior lightweight battle between Javier Fortuna eta Bryan Vasquez will now open the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) Spike on telecast on Ostirala, Maiatza 29 live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn beginning at9:00 p.m. ETA/6:00 p.m. PT.


Fortuna vs. Vasquez, which was originally scheduled to take place Maiatza 23, replaces the bout between Paulie Malignaggi and Danny O’Connor as Malignaggi suffered a severe cut above his eye in training camp. The 12-round brawl will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan eta Chris Algieri.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25 urteko Fortune (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio eta Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Maiatza 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from the island of Costa Rica. The San Juan-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


O’Connor will now fight in his hometown of Boston on Larunbata, Maiatza 23 on the undercard of the PBC NBC on event from Boston University’s Agganis Arena.



# # #


Tickets for the live event on Maiatza 29 Barclays Centerren, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, tasatuak $250, $150, $75 eta $45, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak eskuragarri www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com eta American Express leihatiletan barclays Etxean. To telefono bidez kobratzen, deitu Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Talde txarteletan, izanez gero, deitu 800-GROUP-BK.