Archivo de la etiqueta: DiBella Entertainment

El famoso manager Stan Hoffman & Oradores invitados de junio del campeón mundial Regelio Tuur Ring 8 +

Martes, Junio 20 en el restaurante O'Neill's
En Maspeth, Nueva York
NUEVA YORK (Junio 19, 2017) – Gerente del Salón de la Fama del Boxeo del Estado de Nueva York Stan Hoffman y el ex campeón del mundo Regelio “Turbo” Ture será anillo 8 oradores invitados mañana noche (Mar., Junio 20), a partir de 7 p.m. Y, en el restaurante O'Neill's en Maspeth, Nueva York.

Este anillo 8 La reunión está patrocinada por Top Rank y DiBella Entertainment..
ACERCA DE ANILLO 8: Anillo 8 se convirtió en el octavo subsidiaria de lo que entonces se conocía como la Asociación de Boxeadores Veteranos Nacional – por lo tanto, ANILLO 8 – y hoy el lema de la organización sigue siendo: Los boxeadores Ayudar Boxers.

ANILLO 8 está totalmente comprometido a apoyar a los menos afortunados en la comunidad del boxeo que puede requerir asistencia en términos de renta que paga, gastos médicos, o lo que sea justificable necesidad.

Vaya en línea para para más información sobre ANILLO 8, el grupo más grande de su tipo en los Estados Unidos con más de 350 miembros. La cuota anual de membresía es sólo $30.00 y cada miembro tiene derecho a una cena buffet en ANILLO 8 reuniones mensuales, excepto julio y agosto. Todos los boxeadores activos, aficionados y profesionales, con una licencia de boxeo actual o un libro, tienen derecho a un anillo gratuito 8 membresía anual. Los huéspedes del Anillo 8 miembros son bienvenidos a un costo de sólo $7.00 por persona.



Matt Remillard (R) continuó su regreso anoche con una gran victoria en Foxwoods
(todas las imágenes de Emily Harney / DiBella Entertainment)

Mashantucket, Connecticut (Junio 4, 2017) – El sorprendente regreso de Mate “Sharp Shooter” Remillard continuó anoche cuando el popular peso ligero de Connecticut se detuvo Fatiou Fassinou en el Broadway Boxing cabeza de cartel celebrada en Fox Theatre, en el Foxwoods Resort Casino, en Mashantucket, Connecticut.
La Broadway Boxing la serie es promovido por DiBella Entertainment y presentado por Nissan de Queens, Relojes Azad, Optyx, y Christos Steak House.
Remillard, 30, fue el no. 2-clasificado peso pluma en el mundo en 2011, cuando perdió ante el futuro campeón mundial Mikey García (LRTD11). Luchando desde Manchester, Connecticut, La pelea de esta noche fue la primera de Remillard en su estado natal en seis años y medio., debido a que cumple una condena de cinco años de prisión. Regresó al ring el pasado mes de abril., tomar una decisión de ocho asaltos de Agustín Mauras, en Worcester, Massachusetts.
En la primera ronda, Remillard (25-1, 14 KOs) y el resbaladizo nativo de Benin, ex campeón internacional de plata del CMB Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 KOs) se conocieron ya que ambos luchadores eran cautelosos. Remillard abrió en la segunda ronda, usando su izquierda para el cuerpo, dejando caer a Fassinou en su esquina durante los últimos segundos. Remillard presionó la acción en el tercero, salpicando a Fassinou alrededor del ring con su familiar estilo de castigo, poniendo a Fassinou en su “Sharp Shooter” miras para prácticas de tiro en el cuarto. Fassinou no respondió al timbre de la quinta ronda.
“Contra un zurdo, el gancho de izquierda al hígado está ahí, un puñetazo por el que soy conocido,” Remillard comentó después de la pelea.. “Fue un poco más descuidado de lo que esperaba. Me sentí bien; Estoy 24/7 en el gimnasio. Tal vez tenga una pelea más este año para participar en algunas rondas., y luego prepárate para una gran 2018. Quiero una revancha con garcia, en 135 o 140 libra, 100-por ciento. Me debe una revancha. El tipo al que golpeó no fui yo.”
Ruslan Shamalov (L) & George Arias se convirtió en la pelea de la noche
En la pelea co-estelar, dos pesos pesados ​​de la ciudad de Nueva York, 6'5″ Ruso Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 KOs) y dominicana “Hidalgo” George Arias (7-0, 3 KOs), peleando en Brooklyn y el Bronx, respectivamente, poner sus récords invictos en la línea. Los poderosos golpes de Shamalov sacudieron el 5'11 mucho más corto” Arias en la primera ronda, pero Arias se mantuvo alejado de las cuerdas y boxeó mucho mejor en el segundo. Los dos combatientes intercambiaron bombas durante una tremenda tercera ronda y, de algun modo, el cuarto fue incluso mejor con ida y vuelta, acción sin parar. El ritmo disminuyó ligeramente en la quinta ronda., preparando el escenario para un sexto y último cuadro que no decepcionó..
Shamalov y Arias lucharon a un ritmo frenético, especialmente para pesos pesados, en una legítima ronda de seis “Pelea del Año” candidato. Arias, el líder del equipo Wash Em’ Arriba en el Bronx, ganó una decisión unánime en seis asaltos por decenas de 60-54, 59-55, y 58-56.
“Esta victoria fue enorme para mí,” dijo un Arias lleno de alegría, después de su primera pelea a seis asaltos. “Tenía un plan de juego, pero una vez me lastimó en la primera ronda, mi corazón se hizo cargo y solo luché. Me gusta pelear por la gente, así que me aferré al primero en lugar de arrodillarme.”
Mykquan Williams (R) celebró su graduación de la escuela secundaria un poco antes
Favorito de la multitud “Maravilloso” Mykquan Williams (7-0, 4 KOs) se dio a sí mismo un regalo de graduación de la escuela secundaria cuando el luchador de East Hartford derrotó al peso welter nicaragüense Ariel “La Guerra” Vásquez (13-18-2, 9 KOs) en la primera pelea de seis asaltos del primero. Williams, de 19 años, cinco veces campeón nacional amateur, es una estrella en ciernes con un tremendo potencial. Preparado más allá de sus años, Williams controló el ritmo contra su oponente zurdo probado en batalla, que es 11 años Williams’ mayor, mostrando su vasto arsenal de golpes, especialmente su combinación izquierda-derecha que aterrizó consistentemente. Williams’ manos rápidas explotaron por primera vez al final de la segunda ronda, luego recogió su asalto en el tercer, mientras navegaba hacia una decisión de blanqueada de seis asaltos, con tres recuentos de 60-54.
Williams se gradúa en Junio 20 de Prince Tech. “Ese fue un buen regalo de graduación,” Williams dijo. “La velocidad de mi mano jugó un gran factor. El era un tipo duro, especialmente para mi primera ronda de seis asaltos.”
jennifer Salinas (R) Tuve demasiado para Marquita Lee
campeón de peso pluma jennifer “La reina boliviana” Salinas (20-4, 5 KOs) derrotado Marquita Lee (3-5) por medio de una decisión unánime de seis asaltos muy reñida. Salinas, luchando fuera de la Providencia, fue el agresor durante todo, pero Lee nunca dio un paso atrás. cuadros de mando 59-55 dos veces, y 58-56, todo por Salinas.
Luchando contra un oponente mucho más experimentado y más alto de África., prometiendo Lynn, Prospecto MA Khiry “TNT” Todd (5-0, 5 KOs) ganó su quinta pelea profesional, todas por nocaut. La 2016 campeón de los Guantes de Oro de Nueva Inglaterra, Todd ganó una experiencia invaluable contra el cagey superwélter. Nicolás Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 KOs), de Togo, que se arrodilló después de ser golpeado por un uppercut furtivo en el tercer asalto. Sarouna no pudo vencer el conteo de 10 cuando Todd mejoró su récord perfecto, con un paro por TKO en el 1:32 marca.
Radzhab Butaev dejó a Abraham Alvarez en la colchoneta con graves dolores
Prospecto invicto de peso mediano ruso Radzhab “El pitón” Butaev (6-0, 4 KOs) fue demasiado para los mexicanos Abrahán “El Swift” Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 KOs). Butaev derribó temprano a Álvarez con un brutal gancho de izquierda, de la que Álvarez nunca se recuperó por completo. Una derecha brutal al hígado volvió a poner al mexicano en la lona, en un dolor obvio, como árbitro Joey Lupino inmediatamente descartó la pelea en 1:05 de la primera ronda.
Peso crucero cubano Luis “El Leon” García (15-0, 12 KOs) mantuvo intacto su récord profesional perfecto con un nocaut en el primer asalto de su oponente mexicano superado Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 KOs), luchando fuera de San Diego. Ahora viviendo en Peekskill, Nueva York, García derribó a Romero con un derechazo en los primeros segundos y nunca se rindió., herir constantemente a Romero con una serie de derechos devastadores. García cerró el espectáculo con un potente uppercut, árbitro principal Johnny Callas para detener la acción en el 1:48 marca.
Tres veces miembro de la selección puertorriqueña de boxeo José Román (4-0, 3 KOs) recorrió la distancia por primera vez contra un juego William Hill (2-3), de Detroit. El hábil puertorriqueño superwélter aplicó presión desde la campana de apertura, usando un feroz ataque corporal en Hill, que estuvo atrapado en las cuerdas durante la mayor parte de la pelea. Los jueces contaron 40-36 dos veces, y 39-37, todo por Roman por decisión unánime.
El invicto contendiente de peso pluma de DiBella Entertainment, Luis Rosa, también peleó en sábado, encabezando una cartelera en el Floyd Little Athletic Center en su ciudad natal de New Haven, Connecticut, facing Carlos Osorio, de Managua, Nicaragua. Rosa presionó a su adversario durante todo el concurso, lo desgasta con un ataque constante al cuerpo. Osorio estaba juego y tenía un jab rígido, aunque las combinaciones del favorito local en el interior ayudaron a disminuir la potencia de pegada del nicaragüense. Creer que Osorio había recibido un gran castigo., el árbitro detuvo el combate en el 1:25 marca de la sexta ronda, otorgando a Rosa la victoria por nocaut técnico. Con la victoria, Rosa mejoró a 23-0 (11 KOs), mientras que el récord de Osorio cayó a 13-7 (5 KOs).
Foxwoods resultados completos por debajo:
MAIN EVENT – Pesos ligeros
Matt Remillard (25-1, 14 KOs), Manchester, Connecticut
WTKO4 (3:00)
Fatiou Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 KOs), Cotonou, Benin
Co-estelar – PESOS PESADOS
George Arias (7-0, 3 KOs), Bronx, Nueva York
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 KOs), Brooklyn, Nueva York
Luis García (15-0, 12 KOs), Peekskill, Nueva York
WTKO1 (1:48).
Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 KOs), San Diego, TAL COMO
Los pesos medios
Radzhab Butaev (6-0, 5 KOs), Brooklyn, Nueva York
WTKO1 (1:05)
Abraham Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 KOs), El Rosario, México
Khiry Todd (5-0, 5 KOs), Lynn, Massachusetts
WKO3 (1:32)
Nicolás Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 KOs), Lome, Para llevar
José Román (4-0, 3 KOs), Bayamón, Puerto Rico
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
William Hill (2-3), Detroit, MI
Myquan Williams (7-0, 4 KOs), east Hartford, Connecticut
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Ariel Vasquez (13-18-2, 9 KOs), Managua, Nicaragua
jennifer Salinas (20-4, 5 KOs), Providencia, Rhode Island
WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 58-56)
Marquita Lee (3-5), Novato, TAL COMO
Gorjeo & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT


Mashantucket, Connecticut (Junio 2, 2017) – Todos los boxeadores ganaron peso hoy por hoy'S (Sábado, Junio 3) Broadway Boxing evento a realizarse en Fox Theatre, en el Foxwoods Resort Casino, en Mashantucket, Connecticut,
Popular Broadway Boxing la serie es promovido por DiBella Entertainment y presentado por Nissan de Queens, Relojes Azad, Optyx, y Christos Steak House, mostrará algunos de los mejores luchadores de Nueva Inglaterra.

Evento Principal – Pesos ligeros — (8)

(L) Matt Remillard (24-1, 13 KOs), Manchester, Connecticut 135 libra.

(R) Fatiou Fassinou (27-5-3, 14 KOs), Cotonou, Benin 133 libra.
Co-Feature – Pesos pesados (6)
(L) Ruslan Shamalov (4-0, 3 KOs), Brooklyn, NY a través de Rusia 233 libra.
(R) George Arias (6-0, 3 KOs), Bronx, NY pasando por República Dominicana 230 libra.
Welter (6)
(L) Myquan Williams (6-0, 4 KOs), east Hartford, Connecticut 146 libra.
(R) Ariel Vasquez (13-17-2, 9 KOs), Managua, Nicaragua 147 libra.
Mujeres súper ligeras (6)
(L) jennifer Salinas (19-4, 5 KOs), Providencia, Rhode Island 135 libra.
(R) Marquita Lee (3-4), Novato, TAL COMO 132 libra.
Super pesos welter (4)
(L) Khiry Todd (4-0, 4 KOs), Lynn, Massachusetts 149 libra.
(R) Nicolás Sarouna (12-8-1, 9 KOs), Lome, Para llevar 148 libra.
Los pesos medios (8)
(L) Radzhab Butaev (5-0, 4 KOs), Brooklyn, NY a través de Rusia 153 libra.
(R) Abraham Alvarez (20-10-1, 11 KOs), El Rosario, México 157 libra.
cruceros (6)
(L) Luis García (14-0, 11 KOs), Peekskill, NY pasando por Cuba 194 libra.
(R) Felipe Romero (19-13-1, 13 KOs), San Diego, CA a través de México 195 libra.
Super pesos welter (4)
(L) José Román (3-0, 3 KOs), Bayamón, Puerto Rico 149 libra.
(R) William Hill (2-2), Detroit, MI 148 libra.
QUÉ: “Broadway Boxing” boxeo profesional
CUÁNDO: Sábado, Junio 3, 2017
DONDE: Teatro Fox, Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mashantucket, Connecticut
PROMOTOR: DiBella Entertainment
anunciador: Dave Diamante
PUERTAS ABREN: 7:00 p.m. Y
LOS BOLETOS: Con un precio de $125, $75 y $45. Los boletos se pueden comprar en línea en,, llamando 800-200-2882, o visitando la taquilla de Foxwoods
Gorjeo & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT
Sábado, Junio 3


Sábado, Junio 3
Nueva York, Nueva York (5/22/17) – En Sábado, Junio 3, DiBella Entertainment regresará al Fox Theatre en Foxwoods Resort Casino, en Mashantucket, Connecticut, para la última y emocionante entrega de su popular Broadway Boxing serie, presentado por Nissan of Queens, Relojes Azad, Optyx, y Christos Steak House. La cartelera contará con un grupo de talentos de Nueva Inglaterra., incluida la favorita de los fans, Shelly “Camino de Shelito” Vincent en una pelea de peso pluma de atracción especial de ocho asaltos, así como el peso ligero Matt Remillard en el regreso y el prospecto de peso welter Mykquan Williams en ascenso.
“Estoy feliz de traer otra gran carta a Foxwoods, que sigue siendo un lugar fantástico para Broadway Boxing,” dijo Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment. “Los fanáticos no querrán perderse a la siempre entretenida Shelly Vincent, quien es una gran embajadora del boxeo femenino. La cartelera apilada incluirá a los favoritos locales de Nueva Inglaterra Matt Remillard, Mykquan Williams, Jonathan Figueroa, y Khiry Todd, así como el futuro campeón mundial ruso Radzhab Butaev y una batalla entre los prospectos invictos de peso pesado Ruslan Shamalov y George Arias.”
Uno de los luchadores más populares del área de Nueva Inglaterra., Shelly “Camino de Shelito” Vicente (19-1, 1 KO), nacido en New London, Connecticut, pero ahora residiendo en la Providencia, Rhode Island, competirá en Foxwoods por séptima vez, en una pelea de peso pluma de ocho asaltos. En agosto pasado, Vincent entró en territorio enemigo para desafiar a su rival Heather Hardy en la ciudad natal de su adversario, Brooklyn., Nueva York. Su partido de rencor altamente publicitado fue televisado a nivel nacional por NBC Sports Net y fue aclamado por Ring Magazine como el “Pelea femenina del año” para 2016. Vincent también fue honrado por el Salón de la Fama del Boxeo de Connecticut como su “Boxeador del Año” para 2016, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer en recibir el premio. Ella se recuperó de su única derrota con una victoria por decisión unánime en Diciembre 2, de vuelta a casa en Rhode Island. Antes de convertirse en profesional en octubre 2011, Vincent era un estado de Connecticut, Guantes de Oro de Connecticut, y campeón Nacional de los Guantes de Oro como aficionado. Dirigido por Mike Criscio y entrenado por Peter Manfredo Sr., Vincent firmó con DiBella Entertainment en 2016.
Mate “Sharp Shooter” Remillard (24-1, 13 KOs), de Hartford, Connecticut, continuará su regreso, después de una ausencia de anillo de seis años, en una pelea de peso ligero de ocho asaltos. Será su primera pelea en su estado natal desde noviembre. 2010. Un profesional desde 2005, Remillard es un ex juvenil del WBC, WBC-USNBC, Campeón de peso pluma NABF y NABO. Su única derrota llegó en marzo 2011 al invicto Mikey García, ahora el campeón mundial de peso ligero del CMB. Está entrenado por Paul Cichon, una leyenda local y líder de la comunidad, fuera del gimnasio de boxeo Manchester Ring of Champions Society. Como amateur, Remillard acumuló un récord de 115-25, y fue dos veces campeón nacional amateur sub-19 de Everlast.
Prospecto de peso welter de East Hartford altamente promocionado Mykquan Williams (6-0, 4 KOs) ha mantenido un ritmo ajetreado desde que se convirtió en profesional en abril pasado. Promocionado por DiBella Entertainment y administrado por Jackie Kallen, Williams, de 19 años, volverá a Foxwoods, donde ha construido un gran número de seguidores, por sexta vez, en su primera ronda programada de seis asaltos. Williams también es entrenado por Cichon, a quien conoce desde que era un niño y considera un padre sustituto. Su padre biológico fue asesinado cuando Mykquan tenía solo una semana.. Williams era un aficionado condecorado con un 45-13 registro, destacado por tres actuaciones medalla de oro en el Campeonato Mundial Ringside, además de ganar el Torneo PAL y los Campeonatos de los Guantes de Plata.
Los pesos pesados ​​invictos de Nueva York chocarán en sus pruebas más duras hasta la fecha, cuando ruso Ruslan Shamalov (4-0, 3 KOs) conoce dominicana George Arias (6-0, 3 KOs) en un concurso de seis asaltos.
Nacido en Cherkessk, Rusia, y ahora viviendo en Brooklyn, el 6'5″ Shamalov fue dos veces campeón amateur de MMA antes de cambiar al boxeo y participar en 30 combates amateur mientras participaba en el equipo nacional ruso. Shamalov se convirtió en profesional en octubre 2016 y es entrenado por Eduard Kravtsov de Wild Card Gym, in Los Angeles, TAL COMO. En su última pelea el Abril 5, Shamalov regresó a su casa en Rusia y registró un nocaut en el primer asalto contra Oleksandr Nesterenko en 43 segundo.
Arias nació en San Francisco de Macoris, República Dominicana, luego se mudó a la ciudad de Nueva York en 1996, a los cuatro años. Sin embargo, No fue hasta que se graduó de la escuela secundaria que Arias aprendió a boxear en Morris Park Boxing Gym cerca de su casa en el Bronx.. Ganó el torneo de los Guantes de Oro de Nueva York en 2014 luego se convirtió en profesional en octubre. Arias regresó recientemente de una pausa en el ring de 13 meses con una decisión unánime de cuatro asaltos contra Jamal Woods en Lawrenceville., Georgia, de abril 29.
Peso crucero cubano Luis García (14-0, 11 KOs), basado en Peekskill, Nueva York, verá acción en un combate a seis asaltos. Después de que le negaran una plaza en la selección olímpica cubana, a pesar de ganar en las eliminatorias olímpicas cubanas preparándose para los Juegos de Beijing, García desertó de su tierra natal y se instaló en Cork, Irlanda, donde se convirtió en profesional en septiembre 2008. Habiendo construido su récord a un perfecto 11-0 durante el proximo 26 meses, García luego se mudó a los Estados Unidos para reanudar su carrera.. En diciembre 5, 2015, García hizo su debut en Nueva York en el Barclays Center, en Brooklyn, ganando un nocaut de 63 segundos contra Willie Williams. Otro nocaut en el primer asalto siguió en su última pelea en junio. 25, 2016, en Buffalo Run Casino, en Miami, OKAY.
Prodigio amateur ruso Radzhab Butaev (5-0, 4 KOs), co-promocionado por DiBella Entertainment y Fight Promotions Inc. y gestionado por Vadim Kornilov, hará su segunda aparición en Foxwoods en un concurso de ocho rondas. En Noviembre 19, Butaev obtuvo una victoria por blanqueada en ocho asaltos contra el experimentado húngaro Gabor Gorbics para ganar el título de peso mediano junior de la NABF. En su última pelea, en Abril 5, Butaev regresó a Rusia para detener a Baxrom Payazov en un asalto. Butaev, de 22 años, nacido en Salsk, Rusia, y ahora viviendo en Los Ángeles, era un aficionado muy consumado, habiendo compilado un increíble 304-12 registro, con 164 nocauts. También participó en la Serie Mundial de Boxeo., terminando en 9-1.
Un nativo de la ciudad rica en boxeo de Bayamón, Puerto Rico, José Román (3-0, 3 KOs) hará su debut en Estados Unidos en un concurso de peso welter a cuatro asaltos. Roman comenzó a boxear en 13 años de edad acumulando un estelar 124-17 récord amateur en el camino. Se unió a la selección de Puerto Rico en 2012, ganando tres campeonatos nacionales consecutivos de 2013-2015.
Peso welter junior Jonathan Figueroa (2-1, 1 KO), de Hartford, Connecticut, peleará en un concurso de cuatro asaltos. Gestionado por Vinny Scolpino, Figueroa se convirtió en profesional en un Broadway Boxing tarjeta celebrada en Foxwoods el Septiembre 1 el año pasado. Entrenamiento en el gimnasio PAL de Hartford, Figueroa fue un 2012 Campeón de los Guantes de Oro como aficionado.
Welter Khiry Todd (3-0, 3 KOs), de Lynn, Massachusetts, hará su debut en Connecticut en un concurso de cuatro rondas. Todd, de 25 años, había 40 peleas amateur y ganó el torneo de los Guantes de Oro de Nueva Inglaterra antes de convertirse en profesional en diciembre pasado con una demolición de 42 segundos de Patrick Leal.
Las entradas para el Junio 3 Broadway Boxing evento, promovido por DiBella Entertainment y presentado por Nissan of Queens, Relojes Azad, Optyx, y Christos Steak House, tienen un precio de $125, $75 y $45. Los boletos se pueden comprar en línea en,, llamando 800-200-2882, o visitando la taquilla de Foxwoods. Las puertas abren a 7:00pm, con la primera pelea programada para 7:30pm.

Dib-Evans showdown; 2016 US Olympian Conwell pro debut tops Buffalo Run fight card April 21

Miami, OKAY (Abril 5, 2017) – World-ranked junior lightweight Billel “Babyface” Dib and former WBC Youth titlist Yuandale “Money Shot” Evans will square off in an important ten round bout Viernes, Abril 21 at the Buffalo Run Casino In Miami, OKAY.
Promoted by Holden Productions and DiBella Entertainment, the card also features the highly-anticipated pro debut of 2016 US Olympian Charles Conwell. Tickets are on sale now at the Buffalo Run Box Office or by logging onto
Hailing from Sydney, Australia, Dib has an outstanding 21-1 registro con 10 victorias por nocaut. Actualmente clasificado #7 de la OMB y #13 por la AMB, Dib impressed in his debut at the Buffalo Run Casino last December, outpointing Colombian contender Carlos Padilla over eight rounds. A victory on the 21st will move him closer to fighting for a world title.
Living and fighting out of Cleveland, Ohio, Evans is 18-1 con 14 Nocáuts. He has eight first round knockouts and captured the WBC Youth title via fifth round KO of Ruslan Berchuk in his native Russia. Defeating the highly-regarded Dib would put Evans in the picture at 130 libra.
Middleweight Charles Conwell fights for the first time as a pro against an opponent to be named in the four round co-feature. The 19-year-old represented the United States in Rio at the 2016 US Olympics and is now a member of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise” team. Named Ohio’s Amateur Athlete of the Year for his remarkable 2016, Conwell has a fan-friendly style that is expected to quickly make him a crowd favorite.
"We are pleased not only for Charles Conwell’s pro debut but also to have a quality main event between two very good fighters,"Dijo Tony Holden. “Charles is already generating buzz locally and the fans are eager to see him in action.”
Kenzie Witt-Morrison of Tulsa, OK looks to avenge a prior draw against Oklahoma City native Aaron Chavers, 7-2-1 (3 Nocáuts), in six round heavyweight rematch. The son of late heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison and half brother of fellow “Four State Franchise” member Trey Lippe-Morrison, Witt-Morrison is 10-0-2 y tiene 9 victorias por nocaut.
Undefeated welterweight JarrettThe LegacyRouse of Bartlesville, OK will face an opponent to be named. Representing the “Four State Franchise,” Rouse is a multi-sport standout, compilar una 10-0-1 registro con 4 KO’s in the ring along with a 3-0 professional record as a mixed martial artist. En diciembre 2016, he scored a career best victory by outpointing once-beaten Shadi Shawareb.
Dillon “White LightningCook was also scheduled to appear but had to withdraw due to an elbow injury.
Opponents and additional bouts will be announced shortly.


Mayweather Promotions’ Budding Superstar Risks Unblemished Record Against Undefeated, Respected IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza Sábado, Jan. 14, Desde Barclays Center en Brooklyn & En vivo por SHOWTIME
(Crédito de la imagen: Amin Peters/Mayweather Promotions)
World Champions Badou Jack and James DeGale Clash
In Super Middleweight World Title Unification in Main Event
Haga clic en AQUÍ para el campo de entrenamiento Fotos de
Liga de Campeones de Boxeo
BALTIMORE (Jan. 4, 2017) – Highly regarded Mayweather Promotions rising starGervonta “Tanque” Davis (16-0, 15 KOs) is wrapping up training for his challenge of super featherweight world champion Jose “The Sniper Pedraza (22-0, 12 KOs) in the opener of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING world championship doubleheader on Sábado, Jan. 14, desde Barclays Center en Brooklyn vivir TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION (9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT).
The 12-rounder between the unbeaten challenger (Davis) and world champion (Pedraza) will precede an eagerly awaited 168-pound world title unification showdown between WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Badou Jack (20-1-2, 12 KOs)andIBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale (23-1, 14 KOs).

Tickets for the event promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Se pueden adquirir en línea (, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.

Davis, 22, overcame a childhood filled with hardships to become a prolific amateur and has been virtually unstoppable as a professional. Como amateur (entre 2006-2012), he entered nine tournaments and came away with gold medals in all but one. He won gold in his last four tourneys, incluyendo el 2012 National Golden Gloves Championship at 123 libra.

Since going pro in February 2013, the strong, aggressive-minded southpaw has played smash-mouth against mostly outclassed opponents, ganadora 13 de su 15 knockouts inside four rounds. To many, Davis resembles a young, smaller version of Mike Tyson in the way he walks down foes, gets on the inside and unloads lethal hooks and uppercuts. He’s gone into the ninth round once and into the sixth round twice. A winner of six straight by knockout, Davis’ lone fight to go the distance came in his ninth outing, a six-round nod over German Meraz, who went down twice, en octubre 2014. Davis viene de un 0:41, first-round KO over Mario Macias last Junio 3.

Although powerful, very fast and determined, the talented Davis is taking a significant leap in class and he may enter the ring as a slight underdog to Puerto Rico’s Pedraza, 27, a solid switch-hitter with first-rate skills, el movimiento y la perforación de energía. This will be Pedraza’s third defense of the IBF 130-pound title. He’s gone the 12-round distance four times in a row and five times since his pro debut in February 2011. At 5-feet-8½, he is two-and-a-half inches taller than Davis.
Davis, the IBF’s No. 8-ranked super featherweight, who was born and resides in Baltimore, shared thoughts on his upcoming fight from the Uptown Boxing Center in Baltimore:

You’ve been a professional for less than three years, yet you’re less than two weeks away from getting a crack at a world title. What are your thoughts about that?

It’s been my goal to fight for a world title. Tengo mucha confianza. I’ve worked hard in the gym for over two months for this fight. I’ve put in the hours. I’ve had a great camp with great sparring. I’m not surprised the fight is almost here. This is perfect timing for me.

Have you done anything differently in this camp?

Maybe some little things, but not really. We take training seriously. We take all our opponents very seriously. But I have to treat it as just another fight, against another opponent. We know Pedraza is a world champion, a great fighter that comes to fight and we give him his respect as a world-class fighter. I know he’s going to be ready. He’s always ready when it’s time to get in there and do his job. But I’m prepared for him. He doesn’t know what we bring to the table.

Are you surprised you’re not favored? When was the last time you were an underdog?

I’m the underdog because he’s the world champion, that’s the reason. Aparte de eso, I feel deep inside that he’s the underdog, but that’s just my assessment. He won’t be showing me anything I haven’t already seen before.

I’ve never been the underdog in a fight, so this is a first for me.

When’s the last time you lost a fight?

I’m competitive all around and don’t like losing. I can’t remember exactly the last time I lost a fight, maybe it was three years ago. All I know for sure is that my mind entering this fight is all about winning.

Critics talk of your level of competition, or lack of. What’s your opinion of the fighters Pedraza’s successfully defended against lately?

I’m not taking anything away from Pedraza; he’s beat Stephen Smith and Edner Cherry but those guys don’t bring the power, velocidad, elusiveness and angles that I do. I’m not downgrading anybody, but they’re mostly average.

Are you looking at this as an opportunity to showcase your overall skills, durability, etcétera?

A lot of people don’t realize the skills and talent that I have. They see me just going in there like a little Tyson or someone like that. But I have all the tools. I know how to box, how to move my feet. I have good hand speed. I work my angles and things like that. I’m an overall sound fighter, un boxeador-golpeador.

I think this will be a wakeup call for boxing, a chance to show that I’m the one. But I’m not coming to be just the top guy. I want to be a superstar and bring joy and entertainment to the sport. Pedraza will bring out the best in me and I will steal the show.

How do you manage to stay in the moment, and not look back, or can you?

I’m so thankful that I am part of a strong team, and that I have such a great team. I believe we have the greatest team in boxing. They keep me grounded, enfocado. They keep me from getting distracted. We all know what the main goal is. I can’t do it all myself, my coach can’t do it all himself, my manager can’t do it all himself. We believe totally in each other as a team. I listen to everything they say.

How much is your past a motivation, or is it? When you look back at your life do you have memories or nightmares?

I believe I’ve accomplished a lot. Me just being alive today, me not being in jail or in trouble outside the ring, it’s hard from where I come from. But it’s all helped me handle situations well. I’m so used to dealing with situations. I’m older and know what’s right from wrong. There’s never any pressure when I fight. I’ve won so many fights already I know what to do when I get in the ring.

How long have you known Floyd? When did you meet him and how would you describe your relationship? What does it mean for Floyd to be your promoter?

The first time I talked to Floyd (at length) was at the Adrien Broner-Shawn Porterfight (Junio 20, 2015). Me and Adrien, we’re friends and he flew me out to Las Vegas for the fight. I worked out at the Mayweather gym and Floyd liked the way I fought, my heart. But the first time I actually met and talked to him came when one of Floyd’s press tours came to Washington, D.C.

Floyd has always had a major impact on me and my career. I grew up around him. All of us wanted to be like him. Like Tyson and Ali were to the generations of boxers before me, Floyd was our superstar. For him to bring me under his wing, to fight for him, is unbelievably great.

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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

James DeGale Media Workout Quotes & Fotos


DeGale Faces Badou Jack in Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Showdown Sábado, Enero 14 de Barclays Center en Brooklyn & En vivo por SHOWTIME

Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport

LONDRES (Diciembre 13, 2016) – FIB peso súper campeón mundial de peso medio James DeGale hosted a media workout in his hometown of London Tuesday as he prepares to face WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Badou Jack in a 168-pound world title unification showdown that headlines action on Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION.


La SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING transmisión comienza en 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT with with super featherweight world champion Jose Pedraza enfrentando al contendiente invicto Gervonta Davis.

Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Tickets are available and can be purchased online by visiting, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.

DeGale worked out and answered questions for media at the Stonebridge Boxing Club as he nears his third straight fight in the United States, this time looking to return to the UK as a unified world champion.


Here is what DeGale had to say el martes:


James DeGale


“This is the best fighting the best and this fight will prove who’s the best in the divisionand I believe I am the number one super middleweight on the planet.


“Unification fights like this are still rare, never mind the best fighting the best, and me and Jack both wanted the fight. We both want to prove who is the best and everyone is in for a treat on Enero 14.


“I’ve got the best trainer in the world in Jim McDonnell; together we won the world title and now we’re going to unify the title. I’m going to win in style and do the business in the big New York City and come away with both belts to bring back to London.


“Jack’s a serious fighter, él es un campeón del mundo, he has something I want. The winner of this will be the number in the division.


"Creciendo, Joe Calzaghe, and Prince Naseem Hamed, they’re the ones I used to watch and I’d think, ‘I can’t wait to do that.’ Calzaghe’s one of my favorite fighters. He’s a bit similar to me. He’s a southpaw, lanza muchos golpes. He’s another one who didn’t get the full credit he was due until after he retired. But that’s how boxing is.


“I’ve got to perform. My last couple of performances haven’t been vintage James DeGale. Esta es la mejor lucha contra el mejor, the champ fighting the champ: this is proper.


“I don’t get the respect. I made a bit of history. If I unify the division, going across the pond, no one’s ever done that from Britain.


“This is the one. I get love and support, I do have my fans, but it just feels like I look around at different fighters who haven’t done half what I’ve done and they get so much more recognition.


“I don’t get the credit: the full recognition, Yo no. But after this fight, people will start respecting me and knowing I’m the best.”


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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza & Super Bantamweight World Champion Amanda Serrano Represent Puerto Rico Saturday, Enero 14 Barclays Center en Brooklyn & En vivo por SHOWTIME

Only Puerto Rican-Born World Champions
Enter the Ring in Separate World Title Defenses
Entradas a la venta ahora!
BROOKLYN (Diciembre 8, 2016)-The only two Puerto Rican-born world champions in boxing are set to show their skills and heart for boxing fans in New York as Jose “Sniper” Pedraza y Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano defend their titles on Sábado, Enero 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION.
Puerto Rico has such a rich boxing history with many of the sport’s greatest champions hailing from the island,” dijo Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment. “Ahora mismo, there are only two Puerto Rican-born world champions, junior lightweight Jose Pedraza and junior featherweight Amanda Serrano, and I happen to promote them both. Enero 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn is a tremendous card all around, but it will also serve as a celebration of Puerto Rican pride and heritage to be able to watch the country’s only two world champions defend their titles on the same show.
Pedraza (22-0, 12 KOs) will defend his IBF Super Featherweight World Championship against hard-hitting unbeaten contender Gervonta Davis (16-0, 15 KOs)in the co-main event on SHOWTIME. With his victory in June 2015, Pedraza added his name to the distinguished list of Puerto Rican world champions. After losses suffered by Roman Martinez and McJoe Arroyo, he currently stands as the only remaining male champion born in Puerto Rico.
Being the only male Puerto Rican-born world champion is something that I’m very proud of,” said Pedraza. “It is also a big weight that I carry on my shoulders. I know that I have to give my best because I am not just a champion of the ring. I am a champion of my island of Puerto Rico. Knowing that all of Puerto Rico will be in there with me encourages me to give my all every time I step into the ring.
“En Enero 14 I will be facing a great boxer with a lot of talent, velocidad y potencia. Sin embargo, I will let him know what it feels like to share a ring with a real world champion. Davis will enter the ring as a young, hungry unbeaten challenger, but the only thing he will leave with is the first loss on his record.
Serrano (30-1-1, 23 KOs), a four-division world champion, will defend her WBO Super Bantamweight World Championship against former two-division world champion Yazmin Rivas (35-9-1, 10 KOs) in the SHOWTIME EXTREME main event at 7 p.m. Y/PT. The winner of the Serrano-Rivas matchup will earn the prestigious WBC Diamond championship. Serrano’s first world title victory in 2011 made her just the third Puerto Rican-born woman to win a world title.
This bout also signifies the first nationally televised women’s world title bout in nearly a decade, since Mary Jo Saunders fought Valerie Mahfood on March 30, 2007 (ESPN2).
It feels fantastic to be fighting on SHOWTIME for the first time and sharing the stage at Barclays Center with my countryman Jose Pedraza,” dijo Serrano. “Knowing that both he and I are currently the only two Puerto Rican-born world champions, Masculino o femenino, in boxing today is an honor.
As for Yazmin Rivas being a tough fight, that’s only on paper. I will prove that I am in a different league. There’s a reason why finding someone to fight me wasn’t easy. I’m the hardest hitting female fighter in boxing today. Rivas will soon know that personally.
Pedraza, of Caguas, and Serrano, de Carolina, are the latest in a long line of world class and beloved Puerto Rican champions who will look to put on impressive performances and make a mark nationally with victories in front of the friendly New York crowd. New York City boasts nearly one million Puerto Rican residents, making it the largest population of Puerto Ricans outside of Puerto Rico.
I met Amanda Serrano at this year’s Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York,” said Pedraza. “She is a kind woman and I can see that, as a champion, Serrano is dedicated and always gives her best. I am proud of her for representing our people of Puerto Rico very well. En la noche del combate, Barclays Center will shine with Luz Boricua as Amanda and I seek glory for Puerto Rico together.
To be able to defend my world title in Brooklyn, where I live, es un sueño hecho realidad,” dijo Serrano. “New York is home to so many Puerto Ricans and I am sure they will really come out in support of this great event. I am truly a fan of my people. I would like to thank Lou DiBella, the best promoter in boxing, for giving me the chance to show the world why I am the ‘Real Deal’! I would also like to thank SHOWTIME for the opportunity. Sr. Stephen Espinoza, I will not disappoint you.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a super middleweight world championship unification showdown between Badou Jack (20-1-2, 12 KOs) y James DeGale (23-1, 14 KOs), con la cobertura televisiva a partir de las 9:30 p.m. Y/6:30 p.m. PT.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Los boletos están disponibles ahora y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Boxing Stars Badou Jack, James DeGale, Jose Pedraza & Gervonta Davis Give Back Before Thanksgiving Holiday & Enero 14 Showdowns


(Crédito de la imagen: Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME)


Fighters Deliver Thanksgiving Meals at

Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn


de Barclays Center en Brooklyn

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/

DiBella Entertainment

BROOKLYN (Noviembre 22, 2016) – In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, super middleweight world champions Badou Jack y James DeGale, plus junior lightweight world champion Jose Pedraza y el retador invicto Gervonta Davis, donated and distributed Thanksgiving meals at the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn before their press conference last Wednesday to discuss their respective January 14 showdowns taking place at Barclays Center and live on SHOWTIME.


(Crédito de la imagen: Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME)


The fighters handed out 100 turkeys along with other Thanksgiving foods to help aid the organization that has provided millions of meals for people in the area. Hailing from countries all around the world, the fighters got together to give back in the borough that they will be competing in come January. To learn more about the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger visit


(Crédito de la imagen: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/DiBella Entertainment)


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Los boletos están disponibles ahora y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.


(Crédito de la imagen: Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME)


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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing @SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

(Crédito de la imagen: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions)
Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Sábado, Enero 14 de Barclays Center en Brooklyn & En vivo por SHOWTIME
Featuring Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza
Battling Undefeated Contender Gervonta Davis
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME®
Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions
BROOKLYN (Noviembre 16, 2016) – A star-studded press conference took place at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Wednesday, como Floyd Mayweather, along with several New York boxingambassadors,” signified the return of boxing to New York by announcing the super middleweight world championship unification fight featuring Badou Jack contra James DeGale que tendrá lugar Sábado, Enero 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION®.
Also announced on Wednesday and featured on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is undefeated junior lightweight world champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza taking on unbeaten rising contender Gervonta “El único” Davis.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Tickets are available starting this Viernes, Noviembre. 18 en 10 a.m. y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
The press conference signified the return of boxing to New York for the first time since a controversial insurance measure instituted by the New York State Government. Participants were on hand to discuss the exciting doubleheader on Enero 14 and celebrating the long awaited return of boxing to The Big Apple.
Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Miércoles:
I think this will be an exciting fight. I’m going to give it my all and he’s going to give it his all. This is a bigger fight than anything we’ve been a part of. He’s going to turn it up and so will I.
Now it’s me and DeGale. All the other fights are in the past. We’ve had different results against the same fighters. But none of that matters, it’s time to fight.
A real champion can take a loss and bounce back. It shows what kind of person you are. I’ve proven I’m mentally tough.
Boxing is not dead. It’s here to stay. There are some very good fights coming up. Probably even more next year.
I came from Sweden, a country that has no boxing. Now I’m here headlining in New York for a unification fight. El cielo es el limite. I always stay humble and never forget where I came from.
It’s not going to matter what people think on fight night. DeGale is definitely one of the top guys in the division. He’s a road warrior. He comes over here and fights guys in their backyards. He deserves a lot of credit. That’s why this fight is so big. We both want to be great.
I like being the underdog. If I’m the underdog in this fight, then that’s perfect for me. There won’t be any excuses when I beat him.
I just try to stay humble win after win and keep looking forward to bigger and better things. After this fight come talk to me about who is the best in the division.
I don’t want to compare myself to anyone else but I’ve had a couple of good years. Now we’re working to have two even better years.
I made a mistake and got caught in my loss. I was able to bounce back and it made me a way better fighter. It was definitely a blessing in disguise. People are still overlooking me because of it. I look at it as a good thing.
Everything happens for a reason. I’m very blessed to be here in Brooklyn. This is my second home in America. I trained at Gleason’s Gym in 2009 and now I’m headlining at Barclays Center. Es asombroso.”
James DeGale
“Esta aquí. The big one. La mejor lucha contra los mejores. Number one against number two. Badou Jack is a very good fighter. He doesn’t do anything spectacular, but he’s a compete fighter.
I have that X-factor. I’ve lost before and I’m not going to lose again. I’ve come too far in my life to lose this opportunity.
“En Enero 14, Brooklyn is in for a treat. You will not want to miss this one. Make sure you get your tickets.
My people in London can’t wait for me to fight at home. It’s coming. But first I want to take over in America.
New York is one of my favorite cities. It’s a boxing city. I watched Santa Cruz vs. Frampton and it was a wicked atmosphere. I can’t wait to be in there.
I’m very confident in my abilities. I believe I’m the best in the division and one of the best in the world. I’ve been waiting for this fight for a long time and I’m ready to get in there.
I think in the last three fights I’ve shown everything. I haven’t been getting the respect that I deserve. I’ve beaten everyone put in front of me. This is what I love to do.
I’m a natural super middleweight. I want to be in fights where people think I’m going to lose. I’ll challenge anybody.
Me and Badou Jack are two different fighters. I think I’m going to beat him wide on the scorecards or stop him.
I’m thankful to everyone here and my people from New York who I know will be supporting me on fight night.
I expect this to be a very exciting fight. I’m going to be ready for anything that Davis will bring into the ring. I’m going to take care of business.
I’m very privileged to help with this cause and to help push boxing in New York. I’m going to represent my people on Enero 14 and I’m very proud of the opportunity.
If Davis says he has to be killed to be beaten, then he’s going to have to go down.
I’m undefeated and I will remain undefeated after Enero 14. I know Davis is a strong kid, but he isn’t on my level. I am looking to dominate this fight.
Fighting at Barclays Center is really a dream come true. I know that I will have a lot of support from the Puerto Rican boxing fans and I’m going to train hard to perform for them.
I’m sorry for Davis to be signed for Mayweather, because when I take away his undefeated record, I’m going to feel like I beat Mayweather.
It feels great to fight in Brooklyn for the first time. I’ve never fought in New York and it’s tremendous. I’ll have a lot of hometown fans driving up to here for the fight.
Pedraza is a tough opponent. We’re going to work hard in camp and be ready to fight on Enero 14.
My hometown has been backing me for all of these years. En Enero 14, I get my shot. Es asombroso. I know Pedraza is a great fighter. People will say he has more experience. But I had 206 wins in the amateurs and a lot of titles.
There’s nothing Pedraza can bring to the ring that I haven’t seen before. I’ve been battle-tested inside the ring and outside the ring.
He’s going to have to kill me to retain his title. I’m coming home a champion. No hay duda al respecto.
On paper this is definitely my hardest task. We’re both great fighters. I hope he trains hard because I’m training for the fight of my life.
I’m going to steal the show on Enero 14. I’m going to get Pedraza out of there and then work to unify the division against the other champs.
Floyd Mayweather, Presidente de Mayweather Promotions
We’re back. What other better city to be in, than New York City? It was always one of my dreams to fight in New York City. I’m glad I’m in a position to put fighters out there to give the fans what they want to see. New York City is the best place for boxing.
For years and years these fighters have worked so hard and dedicated their lives to get to this point. I’m thankful for everyone who is supporting us and supporting our movement.
The only thing we’re going to do is continue to build these fighters and help these fighters get to the highest heights. So many people have helped me get to this point, where I can give back to these young fighters.
Lou DiBella is a guy I love to work with. The boxing business is about working together. Leonard works hard day in and day out to put these fighters in the best position, and I do the same. It’s all about working to get these fighters to the next level.
We’re here in New York and we want to bring boxing to New York City. This is one of the meccas of boxing. The whole state has embraced me throughout my career.
I’m very proud of Badou Jack. He’s a guy who carries himself like a gentleman. That’s what a true champion does. He’s very respectful, humble and appreciative.
Badou Jack is such a hard worker and he’s very appreciative. I remember the position he was in. He’s still very thankful and humble now that he’s in a great position in his life and career.
I’m just happy that I’m able to put fighters in a good position. They then have to take advantage of the position I put them in.
We want to continue to do fights in this arena and bring championship boxing to New York City. We want to give you great shows again and again.
LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions
This is a tremendous platform. Coming to New York is something that Floyd has been advocating for. He’s wanted to bring a big event here and come Enero 14 that’s what the fans are going to get. We have a great night of fights from top to bottom.
This is everything for Badou. This is why you lace them up when you’re a kid. This is an opportunity to be the best. He’s the best 168-pounder in the world and on Enero 14 he’ll have that platform to do it.
When it comes to unification, you don’t see too many unified champions. The best fighting the best is what it’s all about. DeGale is an Olympic gold medalist and a world champion. He’s fought some very good fighters. Badou will be making his third title defense and there is no better opponent than DeGale.
When two guys come together and they want to determine who’s the best, with everything on the line, that’s what it’s all about.
The fans can expect to see Mayweather Promotions go back to Las Vegas with two world champions. One will be a unified champion and one will be the new super featherweight world champion.
This is a great step-up for Gervonta. That’s what life is about, stepping up and taking risks. That’s why you get into the sport. He’ll have his full arsenal on display on fight night.
Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment
Fans should go out and buy their tickets once they go on sale. There is going to be a show here on Enero 14. We have lawyers and insurance people on it and we will pay what needs to be paid.
This announcement not only represents a fight announcement, but a call to action to all boxing fans. Boxing needs your help in New York. We need to change or repeal this law that has really shut us down. Even if we can get really expensive insurance for Enero 14, the small promoters and small fights and grassroots boxing have come to a standstill.
Come out to this incredible fight card on Enero 14. Jack vs. DeGale is as good as it gets. Jose Pedraza is Puerto Rico’s only champion and he’s defending against Gervonta Davis. That is a great fight. The undercard is also going to be terrific.
It also represents boxing trying to take its rightful place back. We’re not sitting back in 2017 and letting our industry be brought to a halt. We’re going ahead and announcing Enero 14. But we need everyone’s help with respect to making the necessary changes to allow our sport to thrive in this space again.
I promoted Badou early in his career and he is a terrific fighter. He does everything well. He’s active in the ring and he makes good fights, and so does DeGale. He comes forward and fights. These two guys are going to throw down. This is a fan friendly main event. With huge significance.
The opening bout features Puerto Rico’s only champion, fighting in front of New York’s huge Puerto Rican community. Gervonta Davis comes right up from Baltimore and it’s a can’t-miss fight.
BRETT Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entretenimiento
We want to reinforce our commitment to boxing. Not just from a Barclays Center perspective, but from a state perspective. Boxing is very important to the history here in New York and we want that to continue. We want to take a lead position as the sport continues to grow and thrive in the marketplace.
We have become one of the premier venues in the country for boxing. We look forward to a very successful 2017. This fight in particular is very important to us. We haven’t had a championship event here since July. Floyd being involved brings a whole different dynamic as well and we’re excited for a tremendous undercard full of Brooklynites.
Floyd has been here to the Barclays Center several times and we’re thrilled that he’s back. It’s a pleasure to welcomes Badou Jack and James DeGale to Brooklyn and I’m confident that you will like the Brooklyn crowd.
There has not been a major boxing event at Barclays Center since the Julio 30 Santa Cruz vs. Frampton card and we’re proud to take the lead on bringing boxing back to New York. We’re excited that Enero 14 will be the first major boxing card in New York in 2017. We are more committed than ever before to bringing boxing to Barclays Center.
It’s a very exciting time for the building, for the sport and it should be an electric evening for the sport.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, VP ejecutivo & Gerente General, SHOWTIME Sports
This card is unique, high quality and special. You don’t see cards like this every day. These four fighters have made a combined 14 appearances on SHOWTIME. We’re very proud of these four fighters.
To create and deliver special events, it takes commitment. When you’re committed to a cause, special things happen. We’ve done special things with Mayweather Promotions and now we have this great card coming to us.
The four young men on the stage today are some of the most talented and accomplished athletes in the sport. This is the best this sport has to offer. They’re committed to taking on other accomplished athletes. We have four of those fighters here on the televised portion and we have to salute them.
New York City has a tremendous history in boxing. It’s hosted the biggest fights in the history of the sport. Barclays Center has emerged as the biggest and most aggressive supporter of boxing on the east coast. We’re optimistic that there won’t be any holdup getting to Enero 14.
No network is as committed or as passionate about boxing as SHOWTIME is. The biggest and the best fights are on SHOWTIME. No other network is televising fights like these. Top five versus top five and champion versus champion. There is no better way to kick-off boxing in 2017 than with this great card at Barclays Center.
ERIC ADAMS, Brooklyn Borough President
Now is the call for action. We have witnessed what happens when the call for action is not personified and mobilized. Too many people pass legislation and are focused on the paper it’s written on, instead of the people who are impacted by it. It is clear that New York state is the Empire State where we build empires instead of destroying them and we are destroying the empire of boxing in New York.
If we don’t do something about this piece of legislation, then these fighters will no longer have the aspiration to fight in the state that they love. That cannot happen. New Yorkers don’t follow the agenda, we lead the agenda. We must do that to make sure this is done correctly.
We are going to mobilize and move in the right direction while protecting the fighters. We don’t want to knock out boxing in the state of New York. That cannot happen.
This is going to be a great opportunity for these fighters and for Brooklyn and we are thankful to the team at Barclays for putting these fighters on this great stage.
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Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.