Archivo de la etiqueta: Christopher Brooker

Mario Barrios obtiene una decisión unánime contra Devis Boschiero en Premier Boxing Champions en ESPN & ESPN Deportes de Sun National Bank Center en Trenton, Nueva Jersey

Eddie Ramirez gana por decisión unánime sobre Jessie Roman
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos
Crédito: David Nadkarni / Premier campeones de boxeo
TRENTON, Nueva Jersey (Julio 10, 2016) – Contendiente invicto de peso súper pluma en ascenso Mario Barrios (16-0, 8 KOs) derrotó al ex retador al título Boschiero cotización (39-5-1, 21 KOs) por decisión unánime (120-107 X 3) en el evento principal de 12 rondas de Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en ESPN & ESPN Deportes de Sun National Bank Center en Trenton, Nueva Jersey.
Desde la campana inicial, Barrios se afirmó como el agresor, aterrizando su jab a voluntad y encontrando su distancia temprano.
Barrios dijo, “Inicialmente, mi plan de juego era trabajar el jab y ver qué abriría (Boschiero) arriba. Pero a medida que pasaban las rondas, no parecía que fuera a venir a mí. Simplemente no parecía querer ninguna acción.”
Un peso súper pluma muy alto de más de seis pies, Barrios, de 21 años, resultó difícil para el fornido Boschiero alcanzar. Sin embargo, cerca del final de la segunda ronda, el experimentado italiano encontró una rara apertura y conectó varios golpes que pusieron brevemente a Barrios sobre sus talones.
En la tercera ronda, Barrios recuperó el control y se deslizó durante las rondas intermedias, en gran parte debido a la vacilación de Boschiero en comprometerse.
“Fue bastante frustrante. Salí a montar un espectáculo para los fans, y desafortunadamente parecía que mi oponente solo estaba tratando de sobrevivir,” said Barrios. “Puedo intentar presionar la pelea todo lo que quiera, pero si no quiere pelear, no va a suceder.”
Boschiero, que desafió por un título mundial en 2011, adicional, “Tuve problemas para encontrar mi rango esta noche. Fue más difícil de golpear de lo que esperaba.”
En la ronda 12, Barrios anotó la única caída de la pelea, pero Boschiero pudo volver a ponerse de pie y aprovechó los segundos finales de la pelea para ejecutar su mejor combinación de la noche..
“Llegué a él en la ronda final,” dijo Boschiero. “Pero las oportunidades estaban ahí cuando no lo estaban en rondas anteriores.”
Barrios victorioso dijo, “Esta fue mi primera pelea de 12 asaltos, y se sintió bien tener la experiencia, Solo quería una acción más intensa. Pero un evento principal de ESPN lleva mi carrera al siguiente nivel. Solo espero mi oportunidad por el título.”
La cobertura televisiva comenzó con un prospecto invicto Eddie Ramírez (14-0, 9 KOs) derrotando cómodamente al contendiente californiano Jessie romana (20-3, 9 KOs) por decisión unánime (98-92, 99-91 X 2) en un enfrentamiento superligero de 10 asaltos.
Ramírez, un campeón de los Guantes de Oro de Chicago, se instaló temprano y controló el combate desde el principio. Ramirez dijo, “Sentí que tenía el control y que me golpeaban mucho menos que a él.”
En el tercer cuadro, los luchadores encerrados para un emocionante intercambio en las cuerdas, Ramírez aterrizando el más duro de los golpes.
Un romano frustrado dijo, “Estaba aterrizando muchas combinaciones, pero nunca me lastimó.”
Ramírez abrió el cuarto asalto con una furiosa ráfaga., pero Roman se defendió con un duro gancho de izquierda propio, impactante Ramirez.
“Me atrapó con un par de ganchos limpios cuando dejé caer mi defensa.,” reconoció Ramírez. “Eso fue mi culpa, pero nada que me duela mucho.”
Las etapas intermedias de la pelea vieron a Ramirez, el luchador más ocupado más preciso, distanciarse constantemente de los jueces’ cuadros de mando.
“Estaba preparado para esta noche porque tenía un campo de entrenamiento muy largo.,” dijo Ramírez. “Estoy listo para pelear desde mediados de junio. Estaba en muy buena forma.”
Roman no parecía un juego y admitió, “Gaseé un poco al final. No he peleado en un año y creo que algunas de mis luchas esta noche se debieron a eso.. Mi tiempo también se había desviado un poco.”
Roman no se rindió, aterrizar una andanada de disparos cerca del final de la novena ronda, recordando a Ramírez que estaba en una pelea. Sin embargo, era muy poco y demasiado tarde para que Ramírez avanzara hacia una cómoda victoria.
Ramirez concluyó, “”Pelear en ESPN es como un sueño hecho realidad. Como amateur, Siempre me imaginé en esta red. Entonces esto se siente como un gran logro, y me voy con muchos nuevos fans esta noche.”
# # #
La tarjeta fue promovida por Promociones del Rey.
Para más información visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, @Boxer_Barrios, @ReyesBoxing, @ESPNBoxing y @Swanson_Comm y hazte fan en Facebook en Destacados disponibles para empotrar en PBC en ESPN es patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Mario Barrios vs. Devis Boschiero PBC en ESPN & Pesos Oficiales de ESPN Deportes & Pesar-en Fotos

Pesos de Trenton, Nueva Jersey
Haga clic en AQUÍ para fotos de Dave Nadkarni /
Liga de Campeones de Boxeo

TRENTON, Nueva Jersey (Julio 8. 2016) –
Mario Barrios 130 – Boschiero cotización 130
Eddie Ramírez 142 – Jessie romana 141
Tyrone Crawley 139 – Alejandro Charneco 140
Darryl Bunting 165 – Kyle Kurtz 167
Christopher Brooker 169 – Gabriel Pham 168
Tito Williams 124 – Jovany Fuentes 125
Zhankosh Turarov 151 – Daniel Souza Santos 150
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por Promociones del Rey, tienen un precio de $75, $55, $39 y $24, sin incluir cargos aplicables, y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse AQUÍ, en la taquilla del Centro Nacional de Sun Banco o llamando 609-656-3234.

Mario Barrios, Boschiero cotización, Eddie Ramírez & Cotizaciones Jessie Roman Media Workout & Fotos

PBC en ESPN & ESPN Deportes Begins Mañana, Julio 9 en
9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT desde Sun National Bank Center en
Trenton, Nueva Jersey
Haga clic en AQUÍ para fotos de Dave Nadkarni /
Liga de Campeones de Boxeo
TRENTON, Nueva Jersey (Julio 8. 2016) – Contendiente en ascenso invicto Mario Barrios, ex retador Boschiero cotización, el invicto prospecto Eddie Ramírez y contendiente californiano Jessie romana organizó un entrenamiento de medios Jueves mientras se preparaban para suLiga de Campeones de Boxeo en ESPN y ESPN Deportes enfrentamientos que tendrán lugar este sábado, Julio 9 de Sun National Bank Center en Trenton, Nueva Jersey.
La cobertura televisada comienza en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT y presenta a Barrios enfrentándose a Boschiero en una eliminatoria por el título superpluma de 12 asaltos, mientras que Ramírez y Roman se enfrentan en una batalla superligera de 10 asaltos.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por Promociones del Rey, tienen un precio de $75, $55, $39 y $24, sin incluir cargos aplicables, y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse AQUÍ, en la taquilla del Centro Nacional de Sun Banco o llamando 609-656-3234.
Los combatientes se ejercitaron en el Sun National Bank Center para los medios mientras se acercaban a sus combates en horario estelar., con la oportunidad de acercarse más a la contienda por el título mundial. Esto es lo que los combatientes tenían que decir Jueves:
“La capacitación ha sido grande. Entrenamos en Las Vegas para una gran parte de este campamento.. Tuvimos algunas buenas carreras en 7,500 pies de elevación y me siento muy preparado para Sábado.
“Boschiero es un luchador duro con mucha experiencia. Ha recorrido la distancia muchas veces y estoy listo para enfrentar la mejor versión de él. en sábado.
“Ser cabeza de cartel en ESPN y ESPN Deportes es una bendición. Crecí viendo las peleas en ESPN y saber que soy el evento principal es un sueño hecho realidad.”
“Tuvimos un muy buen campo de entrenamiento. Todo salió bien y tuve un gran combate.. No podría haber pedido un mejor campamento.
“Barrios es un muy buen prospecto y muy alto para el peso. Veremos que tiene en sábado. Estamos preparados para todo y el plan es ponerlo a prueba durante toda la pelea..
“Estoy muy orgulloso de estar peleando en ESPN y espero darle al público estadounidense una gran pelea.. Estoy dando un paso a la vez. Sábado no será una pelea fácil. Que gane el mejor hombre.”
“Esta es una gran oportunidad. Es realmente un sueño hecho realidad. Cuando era joven. Me imaginé pelear en ESPN y ahora aquí estoy. Estoy listo y ansioso por subir al ring y pelear. Estoy en peso y listo para empezar.
“Formación fue muy bien. He estado listo para luchar durante semanas. Roman tiene un historial decente y la gente me dice que es un buen luchador, pero no he visto nada de él.”
“Mi padre falleció en mayo y esa es mi motivación para esta pelea.. Me inició en el boxeo desde que tenía seis años hasta que tuve 22.
“No sé mucho de Ramírez aparte de que está invicto y tiene mucho poder. Estamos preparados mental y físicamente para él..
“Esta es una gran oportunidad para pelear en ESPN.. Es una gran exposición. Mantente atento a mi, Me convertiré en campeón mundial.”
Para más información visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, @Boxer_Barrios, @ReyesBoxing, @ESPNBoxing y @Swanson_Comm y hazte fan en Facebook en Destacados disponibles para empotrar en PBC en ESPN es patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

El prospecto invicto Eddie Ramirez se enfrenta a Jessie Roman de California en un enfrentamiento superligero en Premier Boxing Champions por ESPN & ESPN Deportes Sábado, Julio 9 de Sun National Bank Center en Trenton, Nueva Jersey

Más! Los luchadores de Filadelfia Tyrone Brunson y Christopher Brooker aparecieron en combates separados en una emocionante noche de acción!
TRENTON, Nueva Jersey (Julio 7, 2016) – prospecto invicto Eddie Ramírez (13-0, 9 KOs) se enfrentará al contendiente californiano Jessie romana (20-2, 9 KOs) en un enfrentamiento superligero de 10 asaltos en Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en ESPN y ESPN Deportes Sábado, Julio 9 de Sun National Bank Center en Trenton, Nueva Jersey.
La cobertura televisada comienza en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT y es titular de un contendiente en ascenso invicto Mario Barrios asumir el ex retador del título Boschiero cotización en una eliminatoria por el título de 130 libras.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por Promociones del Rey, tienen un precio de $75, $55, $39 y $24, sin incluir cargos aplicables, y están a la venta. Las entradas se pueden comprar aquí, en la taquilla del Centro Nacional de Sun Banco o llamando 609-656-3234
La acción adicional presenta a Filadelfia Tyrone Brunson (22-6-1, 21 KOs) luchando contra Maryland Joshua Okine (28-7-1, 17 KOs) en un concurso de peso mediano de ocho asaltos, 25-prospecto años de edad Christopher Brooker (9-1, 5 KOs) teniendo al invicto Gabriel Pham (6-0, 2 KOs) en ocho rondas de acción de peso súper mediano, Nacido en Kazajstán Zhankosh Turarov (18-0, 13 KOs) en una pelea de ocho asaltos de peso welter contra Brasil Daniel Souza Santos (15-10, 12 KOs) y el invicto prospecto Tito Williams (5-0, 2 KOs) contra Puerto Rico de Jovany Fuentes (7-7, 6 KOs) en una pelea de peso súper pluma de seis asaltos.
Completando la noche de peleas está el invicto prospecto de Filadelfia Tyrone Crawley (5-0) enfrentándose a Puerto Rico Alejandro Charneco (4-2, 4 KOs) in a six-round junior welterweight fight and New Jersey’s Darryl Bunting (1-0-1) against St. Louis-native Kyle Kurtz in four-rounds of middleweight action.
A Chicago campeón de los Guantes de Oro, Ramírez noqueado a siete de sus primeros nueve oponentes profesionales y recogió cinco victorias en 2015 incluyendo una decisión sobre el ex campeón mundial Cristóbal Cruz. The 23-year-old debuted in 2016 with a second round stoppage of Osumanu Akaba in April.
Fighting out of Santa Ana, California, Roman turned pro in 2009, one year after his older brother Jose began fighting professionally. Invicto en su primera 16 peleas como profesional, the 25-year-old has won three fights in a row, including a dominant decision victory in his last outing against veteran Hector Serrano.
Para más información visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, @Boxer_Barrios, @ReyesBoxing, @ESPNBoxing y @Swanson_Comm y hazte fan en Facebook en Destacados disponibles para empotrar en PBC en ESPN es patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Brooker decisions Aikens; Cintron decisions Flores in front of big crowd in Philadelphia

Plus video comments from the two winners

Para publicación inmediata
Filadelfia, Pensilvania (Mayo 7, 2016)– Christopher Brooker won a 8-round unanimous decision over Antowyan Aikens that headlined a 10-bout card at a nearly sold-out 2300 Arena en el sur de Filadelfia.
La tarjeta fue promovida por Promociones del Rey
En la primera ronda, both guys were cut from an accidental headbutt. Brooker over the left eye and Aikens over the right. En la tercera ronda, Brooker scored a knockdown when he landed a left hook that sent Aikens to the canvas. Aikens was not hurt as he jumped right up and argued with referee Shawn Clark that it should have been ruled a slip. Brooker continued to get the best of the action as he pushed the pace and he took the bout by scores of 80-71 y 79-72 dos veces para subir a su marca 9-1. Aikens of Atlantic City is 12-2.
Kermit Cintron pounded out a 6-round unanimous decision over Eduardo Flores in a junior middleweight bout.
Cintron was systematic with his punches and worked well to the body and head. Flores was a game opponent who tried and got in a few decent shots of his own.
Al final, Cintron a former world champion making his first start in 27-months, fought well and got some needed rounds in and won all cards by 60-54 puntuaciones.
Cintron de lectura, PA es ahora 36-5-2. Flores es 23-21-3.
Naim Nelson won a 6-round unanimous decision over Carlos Velasquez in a junior welterweight bout.
Nelson of Philadelphia won all cards 60-54 y es ahora 13-1, 1 NC. Velasquez of Managua, Nicaragua es 24-24-2.
Scott Kelleher thrilled the crowd with a three-round beatdown of Terrell James in a scheduled four round junior welterweight bout.
Kelleher landed hard power shots over the first two rounds as he dived up his punches between the body and head. Kelleher landed some vicious body shots in round three and assaulted James with a hard flurry in the corner until referee Blair Talmidge stopped the bout at 2:23 de la tercera ronda.
Kelleher of Philadelphia is 5-0 con tres nocauts. James of Philadelphia is 1-4-1.
Erik Primavera won a 6-round split decision over Justin Johnson in a junior middleweight bout.
Spring controlled the bout, yet somehow Johnson took a card 59-55. That was overruled by 60-54 y 59-55 scores in favor of Spring.
Primavera de lectura, Pensilvania. es ahora 7-1. Johnson of Pittsburgh is 6-12-4.

Aaron Brooks made a successful pro debut with a 4-round unanimous decision over Ryan Bivins in a battle of Philadelphia based super middleweights.

En la tercera ronda, Brooks landed a couple of right hands that hurt Bivins and his glove ultimately touched the canvas for a knockdown. En la cuarta ronda, another right hand hurt Bivins and he went down on a slow reaction.
Brooks won by scores of 40-34 dos veces y 39-36. Bivins falls to 0-2-1.
Tomás Velásquez scored a thudding second round stoppage over Grashino Yancy in a scheduled four round junior lightweight bout.
Velasquez landed a perfect left hook to the head that sent Yancy down in the corner. he could not beat referee Shawn Clark’s count at 1:39 de la segunda ronda.
Velásquez, 131.4 libra de Filadelfia es 5-0 con cuatro knockouts. Yancy, 131.2 libras de Staten Island, NY es 1-1.
Tyrone Crawley Jr. pounded out a 4-round unanimous decision over Korey Sloane in a lightweight bout.

Crawley of Philadelphia won by 40-36 tallies on all cards and is now 5-0. Sloane of Philadelphia is 2-9-2.

Emmanuel locura scored a stoppage after round one of his scheduled 4-round featherweight bout with Bryan Perez.

Perez injured his hand and the bout was stopped in the corner.

Folly of Philadelphia is 7-0 con cinco knockouts. Pérez de Carolina, PR es 2-4-1.

Amir Shabazz won a 4-round unanimous decision over Tahlik Taylor in a Lightweight bout.

Shabazz scored a knockdown in round one from a right hand.

Shabazz, 174.4 libras de Filadelfia ganaron por marcadores de 39-36 en todas las tarjetas y ahora 4-0. Taylor, 174.9 libras de Freeport, NY es ahora 1-4.

Christopher Brooker
Christopher Brooker
Kermit Cintron
Kermit Cintron

Former world champion Kermit Cintron takes on Eduardo Flores this Friday night at the 2300 Arena en Filadelfia

Christopher Brooker – Antowyan Aikens in Super Middleweight main event

Weigh-in este jueves at Chickie’s & Pete’s in South Philadelphia at 6 Primer ministro
Para publicación inmediata
Filadelfia, Pensilvania (Mayo 4, 2016)–ESTE VIERNES noche, 6 de mayo, a terrific night of boxing returns the 2300 Arena en el sur de Filadelfia as King’s Promotions presents a ten-bout card.
En el evento principal, rising super middleweight Christopher Brooker (8-1, 5 KOs) adquiere Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1. 1 KO) en un combate programado a ocho rondas.
En la pelea co-estelar a seis asaltos, former IBF Welterweight champion, Kermit Cintron (35-5-2, 28 Nocáuts) is coming full circle when he takes on Eduardo Flores (23-20-3, 15 Nocáuts) in a junior middleweight bout.
Cintron, who for most of the last decade was a heralded prospect, turned world champion, is reuniting with the team started him to his journey.
Everything has been great for this camp and I got excellent sparring and I am ready to go,” Said Cintron.
La lectura, Pennsylvania native is happy to fighting just forty-five minutes away from his hometown. He will making his first appearance in theCity of Brotherly Lovein fifteen years.

Fighting in Philly is exciting. I will have lots of family, friends from school and other friends be able to drive and see the fight. It is a great opportunity for them to watch me live. It’s been a long time but I am looking forward to it.

Most of Cintron’s fights in the past decade have been high-profile fights that have been seen in on premium cable television. Cintron is taking this stage of his career one fight at a time.
It is all up to my promoter Marshall Kauffman and King’s Promotions. When he says that I am ready for a bigger fight, that is when we will move to that. I am just trying to get my feet wet again. I am excited for this opportunity and to be back with Marshall. Marshall and Joe Pastore trained me to get to the top. Now Joe is training me and Marshall is promoting me and I am happy to be back with them. I am just trying to get back to being my old self again. I have been working on walking my opponents down.
This fight is ticketed for 154 libra, but Cintron has eyes on welterweight glory again.
We will slowly work our way down and see how my body feels. This will be at 154. The next fight, I am looking at 150-151 and then hopefully 147.
In Flores, Cintron is fighting an experienced foe who has been in the ring with former world champion Carlos Baldomir plus a bevy of contenders and prospects.
I really do not know much on him other then he has fought a bunch of good fighters and he is from Ecuador. I just expect me to be my old self and if that is the case, a knockout should be happening el viernes.”
In a six-round super lightweight bout, Naim Nelson (12-1, 1 NC, 1 KO) batallas Carlos Velásquez (24-23-2, 15 Nocáuts) de Managua, Nicaragua.
In a six-round super welterweight bout, Erik Primavera (6-1,1 KO) de la Lectura, PA luchará Justin Johnson (6-11-4) de Pittsburgh, Pensilvania.
En los combates de cuatro redondos:
Scott Kelleher (4-0, 2 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia luchará Terrell James (1-3-1) de Filadelfia, Pensilvania. in a super lightweight fight.
Tyrone Crawley Jr. (4-0) de Filadelfia se enfrentarán con Korey Sloane (2-8-2) of Philadelphia in lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (3-0, 1 KO) peleas de Filadelfia Taylik Taylor (1-3) de Freeport, Nueva York. en un asunto de peso semipesado.
Aaron Brooks de Filadelfia, hará su debut profesional contra Ryan Bivins (0-1-1) of Philadelphia in super middleweight bout.

Tomás Velásquez (4-0, 3 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA luchará Grashino Yancy (1-0) de Staten Island, New York in a super featherweight bout.

Emmanuel locura (6-0, 4 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA will take Bryan Pérez Nevarez(2-3-1, 1 KO) de Carolina, PR in a bantamweight contest.

Las entradas para esta gran noche de boxeo tienen un precio de $100 para Ringside, $75 for Premium, $50 for Reserved and $35 for Standing room and can be purchased Haciendo clic aquí

VIDEO: Christopher Brooker and Antowyan Aikens joint interview before their Super Middleweight showdown THIS FRIDAY NIGHT at the 2300 Arena en Filadelfia

Weigh-in this Thursday at Chickie’s & Pete’s in South Philadelphia at 6 Primer ministro

Para publicación inmediata
Filadelfia, Pensilvania (Mayo 3, 2016)–THIS Friday night, 6 de mayo, a terrific night of boxing returns the 2300 Arena en el sur de Filadelfia as King’s Promotions presents a ten-bout card.
En el evento principal, rising super middleweight Christopher Brooker (8-1, 5 KOs) adquiere Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1. 1 KO) en un combate programado a ocho rondas.
This past Friday night in Atlantic City, the Brooker of Philadelphia and Aikens of Atlantic City met for an impromptu face off and they are both ready for this important battle. The two spoke face to face to each other and below, here is what they had to say.
Christopher Brooker and Antowyan Aikens talk about their May 6 confrontación
Christopher Brooker and Antowyan Aikens talk about their May 6 confrontación
En la pelea co-estelar a seis asaltos, former world welterweight champion, Kermit Cintron (35-5-2, 28 Nocáuts) de la Lectura, PA will be back in action when he takes on Eduardo Flores (23-20-3, 15 Nocáuts) de Quito, Ecuador in a jr. combate de peso medio.
In a six-round super lightweight bout, Naim Nelson (12-1, 1 NC, 1 KO) batallas Carlos Velásquez (24-23-2, 15 Nocáuts) de Managua, Nicaragua.
In a six-round super welterweight bout, Erik Primavera (6-1,1 KO) de la Lectura, PA luchará Justin Johnson (6-11-4) de Pittsburgh, Pensilvania.
En los combates de cuatro redondos:
Scott Kelleher (4-0, 2 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia luchará Robert Ramos (1-4, 1 KO) de Allentown, Pensilvania. in a super lightweight fight.
Tyrone Crawley Jr. (4-0) de Filadelfia se enfrentarán con Korey Sloane (2-8-2) of Philadelphia in lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (3-0, 1 KO) peleas de Filadelfia Taylik Taylor (1-3) de Freeport, Nueva York. en un asunto de peso semipesado.
Aaron Brooks de Filadelfia, hará su debut profesional contra Ryan Bivins (0-1-1) of Philadelphia in super middleweight bout.
Tomás Velásquez (4-0, 3 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA luchará Grashino Yancy (1-0) de Staten Island, New York in a super featherweight bout.
Emmanuel locura (6-0, 4 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA will take on an opponent to be announced in a bantamweight contest.
Las entradas para esta gran noche de boxeo tienen un precio de $100 para Ringside, $75 for Premium, $50 for Reserved and $35 for Standing room and can be purchased Haciendo clic aquí
The weigh-in will take place this Thursday at Chickie’s & Pete’s at 6 Primer ministro.
Chickie’s & Pete’s is located at 1526 Packer Avenue in Philadelphia.

Christopher Brooker & Antowyan Aikens meet Face to Face before their big showdown this Friday, Mayo 6 al 2300 Arena en Filadelfia

Para publicación inmediata
Filadelfia, Pensilvania (Mayo 2, 2016)–THIS Friday noche, 6 de mayo, a terrific night of boxing returns the 2300 Arena en el sur de Filadelfia as King’s Promotions presents a ten-bout card.
En el evento principal, rising super middleweight Christopher Brooker (8-1, 5 KOs) adquiere Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1. 1 KO) en un combate programado a ocho rondas.
This past Friday night in Atlantic City, the Brooker of Philadelphia and Aikens of Atlantic City met for an impromptu face off and they are both ready for this important battle.
En la pelea co-estelar a seis asaltos, former world welterweight champion, Kermit Cintron (35-5-2, 28 Nocáuts) de la Lectura, PA will be back in action when he takes on Eduardo Flores (23-20-3, 15 Nocáuts) de Quito, Ecuador in a jr. combate de peso medio.

In a six-round super lightweight bout, Naim Nelson (12-1, 1 NC, 1 KO) batallas Carlos Velásquez (24-23-2, 15 Nocáuts) de Managua, Nicaragua.

In a six-round super welterweight bout, Erik Primavera (6-1,1 KO) de la Lectura, PA luchará Justin Johnson (6-11-4) de Pittsburgh, Pensilvania.
En los combates de cuatro redondos:
Scott Kelleher (4-0, 2 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia luchará Robert Ramos (1-4, 1 KO) de Allentown, PA en una pelea de peso súper ligero.
Tyrone Crawley Jr. (4-0) de Filadelfia se enfrentarán con Korey Sloane (2-8-2) of Philadelphia in lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (3-0, 1 KO) peleas de Filadelfia Taylik Taylor (1-3) de Freeport, NY in a light heavyweight affair.
Aaron Brooks de Filadelfia, hará su debut profesional contra Ryan Bivins (0-1-1) of Philadelphia in super middleweight bout.

Tomás Velásquez (4-0, 3 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA luchará Grashino Yancy (1-0) de Staten Island, New York in a super featherweight bout.

Emmanuel locura (6-0, 4 Nocáuts) de Filadelfia, PA will take on an opponent to be announced in a bantamweight contest.

Las entradas para esta gran noche de boxeo tienen un precio de $100 para Ringside, $75 for Premium, $50 for Reserved and $35 for Standing room and can be purchased Haciendo clic aquí

GH3 Promotions Lopez, Fomentar, Odom and Frometa shine this past Friday night in Atlantic City

Nutley, Nueva Jersey (Febrero 24, 2016)This past Friday night at Historic Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City four members of the GH3 Promotional banner, put on great performances and three of those were televised live on ShoBox: La Nueva Generación that was seen on SHOWTIME®.
En el evento principal, Supergallo, Adán López (15-0) remained undefeated as he scored an emphatic unanimous decision Mario Munoz to retain the WBA Fedlatin title.
Jerry Odom (13-2-1) continued to establish himself as one of the most exciting fighters in the super middleweight division with a 8-round draw with previously unblemished Ronald Ellis.
Ligero O'Shaquie adoptivo (10-1, 7 Nocáuts) scored a beatdown over previously undefeated Lavisas Williams by scoring a 7th round stoppage in an scheduled 8-round bout.
En un combate no televisado-, welter Héctor Frómeta (2-0) fue a 2-0 with a 4-round unanimous decision over Jordan Rosario.
We are very proud of our fighters that fought el viernes noche,” dijo el CEO de GH3 Promotions, Vito Mielnicki.
Adam put on a very solid performance against a tough fighter from Mexico. He is a couple fights away from fighting for a world title. We feel when that time comes, he will not only be competitive but he has the talent to win a title and be a player for many years to come.
As for Jerry Odom, he fought a great fight and it was very close. Once again his fight was filled with action and he earned another opportunity to compete against anybody at 168 libra. He shows the heart of a fighter and doesn’t turn down anybody. He will be back in another good fight in the next couple months.
O’Shaquie showed everyone that his fight in November was just a bad night. He has a ton of ability and he put on a great performance. He is back on track and we still envision huge things for him.”
“Frometa is a prospect that has great natural ability and he will be stepping up the opposition with each fight. He comes from the Cuban amateur system, and he fits into what GH3 Promotions is about and that is developing fighters and have them prepared to fight big fights when the are ready.”
Promociones GH3 características invicto de peso medio Antoine Douglas, De peso medio estupendo Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, invicto supergallo Adán López, así como Boxcino 2015 Jr. Campeón mediano John Thompson, Jr., de peso welter invicto Héctor Frómeta, Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, Semipesado Lavarn Harvell, Jr. Ligera O'Shanique adoptivo & Supermediano Andrew Hernández al Promociones GH3 estable.



Unbeaten Ronald Ellis and Jerry Odom Box to Majority Draw,
O’Shaquie Foster Scores TKO Over Previously Undefeated Lavisas Williams, Christopher Brooker and John Magda Fight to Controversial Split Draw

Replay Catch Lunes, Febrero. 22, en 10:30 p.m. Y/PT por SHO EXTREME®

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para descargar fotos

Crédito de la imagen: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME®

ATLANTIC CITY (Febrero. 20, 2016) - Adam “Mantequilla” Lopez (15-0, 7 KOs), de San Antonio, Texas, remained unbeaten and took another step toward becoming a full-fledged contender by winning a hard-fought unanimous 10-round decision over previously undefeated Mario “Yayo” Muñoz (16-1-1, 10 KOs), de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, en Viernes deevento principal en ShoBox: La Nueva Generación vivir TIEMPO DE LA FUNCIONdesde Adrian Phillips Ballroom in Historic Boardwalk Hall.


“Lopez punched harder and controlled the tempo," ShoBox analista experto Steve Farhood dicho. “He overcame the problem with his right eye and now he’s 3-0 with three undefeated fighters on ShoBox, so he’s indeed a prospect to watch.”


The highly regarded Lopez, making his third ShoBox appearance and main event debut, survived a nasty cut over his right eye to win by the scores of 98-92 dos veces y 97-93. No hubo caídas.


“This was my toughest fight as a pro and I think I proved a lot,'', Dijo López, who entered the ring as the WBA No. 8 contender at 122 libra. “I showed I could fight through a lot of adversity. The cut in my eye was definitely a factor for my performance in a couple of rounds, but I put the pedal to the medal and got through it. I landed the more telling shots.


“This is the kind of fight I can learn from. Fighting through the cut and all the head butts, and still persevering. These are the kinds of fights that make fighters better. You don’t learn a thing by blowing guys out.


“Muñoz was a good fighter and landed some tight shots on me, but I was definitely the better fighter and there was no question I would get the decision. I thought I might stop him in the eighth or ninth, but it didn’t happen.’’


There was little known about Muñoz going into Viernes, but the mystery man from Mexico who was making his United States debut and first start outside of Mexico performed well and showed solid skills and ability.


“I’m very disappointed in the decision,’’ Muñoz said. “I’m a better fighter than he is. I landed more combinations. My face is unmarked, look at his. He hurt me more from his low blows and head butts than he did with his punches. I’d love to fight him again.’’

With the defeat, Muñoz became the 142nd boxer on ShoBox to suffer his first defeat. Two fights earlier, Lavisas “Red Williams (8-1-1, 3 KOs), de Rochester, N.Y., se convirtió en el 141st ShoBox boxer to suffer his initial setback when he lost by seventh round TKO to O'Shaquie "Agua Hielo" de Foster (10-1, 7 KOs), de naranja, Texas.

Fomentar, un ex boxeador amateur, rebounded from a poor outing in hisShoBox debut to register a seventh-round TKO over Williams. Foster dropped the outclassed southpaw four times. After the final knockdown in the seventh, la pelea se detuvo a las 52 segundos en la ronda.


In the co-feature of a ShoBox quadrupleheader, invicto súper mediano Ronald “Flatline” Ellis (12-0-1, 10 KOs), de Lynn, Misa., and Washington D.C.’s Jerry "The King Hijo" Odom (13-2-1, 12 KOs) fought to a hard-fought eight-round majority draw. A close, competitive contest throughout was scored 78-74 for Ellis and 76-76 una pieza.


En la lucha de apertura de la transmisión por televisión, John “Madman” Magda (11-0-1, 7 KOs), de Rutherford, N.Y., and Philadelphia’s Christopher “Ice Cold” Brooker (7-1-1, 5 KOs) fought to a disputed eight-round split draw in a super middleweight matchup that most felt Brooker won. At the finish, one judge had it for Magda (77-74), one had it for Brooker (78-74) and one had it even at 76-all.


“I thought that was a terrible decision,'' Dijo Farhood. “The judges were all over the place. I think Brooker did enough to win. He was the more aggressive fighter and landed the bigger punches. I was very surprised by the result that it was a draw.


Ellis, a five-year-pro who hurt his right hand at the end of the third, was pleased with his overall performance, not so much the result.


“I think I did a good job esta noche,’’ said Ellis, the older brother of welterweight prospect Rashidi Ellis who’d won four straight by knockout, including a second-round TKO over Jas Phipps in his last start last Agosto. 29. “I started strong and I showed that I belong here, in a nationally televised show. I’m happy with what I did.


“I showed esta noche that I can counter a busy fighter. Puedo recibir un golpe. I can also be a boxer-puncher. Odom tried to do his thing at the beginning, but he just couldn’t do it with me. I followed my trainer’s advice. I punched, I stood back. I used my left hook. I think I really hurt him a couple times.


“I won that fight. I’m sure. Primero, I banged with him and then I showed my boxing. It was easy in there, I won that fight. El nunca me hizo daño. I’ll be back. You will be seeing a lot of me in the future.”


Odom, un aficionado superior y 2012 Campeón Nacional de los Guantes de Oro en 178 pounds who was looking to turn it around after losing two of his last three, was content with the decision although he felt he’d won his first fight in seven months.

“I can’t be disappointed with the decision because I fought my heart out.’’ Odom said. “I know I hurt him. He hurt me a bit in the second, but I got back on my feet and I kept on going.

“I feel I pulled it out in the last rounds. I worked the body, I think I did some damage. Ellis looked hurt.

“I mean no disrespect, but I felt I definitely did enough to win, but the judges saw it differently.”

Said Farhood: “Ellis-Odom was a strange fight. At times it was a brawl, and at times it was a boxing match. A veces, one fighter came forward and at times the other fighter came forward. I thought Odom did enough in the last couple of rounds to salvage a draw and it turns out that is what the judges scored, a draw. Así, I think the judges got it right on that fight.”

Foster decked Williams in the second, third, fourth and seventh rounds. Three of the knockdowns appeared to result from a push, but Williams’ gloves touched the canvas each time so they went into the books as knockdowns.

“I think it was a great win for Foster, because he looked so bad when he fought on ShoBox last time outdoor in Las Vegas,'' Dijo Farhood. “And this kind he showed the kind of skills that enable him to be a good amateur. He showed the kind of skills that will make him a legitimate prospect as a pro. It was a very good win for him. He showed speed. He showed his movement, his boxing abilities and he scored four knockdowns, and you can’t ask for much better than that.”


“This is a huge relief for me,’’ Foster said. "Me siento genial. I think people saw a glimpse of the kind of fighter I can be esta noche. That wasn’t me in my first ShoBox lucha. I don’t know if I froze under the lights or if I lost because of the cold weather outside, but I wasn’t nearly as confident for that fight as I was esta noche and it affected my performance.


“I had a tremendous training camp, my best camp ever, which played a big part in my confidence esta noche. I thank God for the opportunity to fight on national television again and I’m already looking forward to the next time.’’

The previously undefeated Williams confessed he was unable to his rhythm. “For some reason, I just could not get loose. I had a cold, but I won’t take anything away from Foster. He knocked me down, but I actually thought he pushed me down most of those times.

“I learned something esta noche. I can’t do what I did. I can’t wait on my opponent. I have to attack first. I’ll be will be back.”

There were no knockdowns in the Brooker-Magda battle. One judge scored it for southpaw and local favorite going in, Magda 77-74, one had it 78-74 for Brooker and one had it 76-76 even.


After a few rounds of solid back-and-forth exchanges, Brooker seemed to dominate in the eyes of everyone but the judges. La ShoBoxannouncers had Brooker a close but clear winner and the fans booed the decision. According to SHO STATS, Brooked outpunched and outlanded Magda by a significant margin. Brooker landed 152 de 481 golpes (32 por ciento) while Magda connected on 78 F 268 (29 por ciento).

Brooker was visibly upset with the verdict.


“I don’t train eight hours a day, seven days a week to get this kind of decision. That was not a draw, I clearly won the fight,'', Dijo. “I don’t want to take away from Magda. He’s strong fighter and he countered well, but I showed everybody that hard work beats talent any day.

“I won this fight. I was the aggressor. I threw some big punches. My right was key. In the beginning Magda was fast, but I placed my punches and I know I did enough to win the fight.’’


“I feel OK, but this was a tough fight,” said Magda. “He stayed on me and pressed forward, which we knew he would. But he was stronger than I thought. I’ll have to watch the tape again, but I thought I landed the more effective punches.’’


La ShoBox quadrupleheader esta semana será retransmitido de la siguiente manera:



Lunes, Febrero. 22, 10:30 p.m. Y/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Viernes de four-fight telecast will be available at SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning today, Sábado, Febrero. 20.


Barry Tompkins llamó al ShoBox la acción desde el ringside, con Farhood y el ex campeón del mundo Raúl Márquez calidad de expertos analistas. El productor ejecutivo fue Gordon Hall con Richard Gaughanproducir y Rick Phillips dirigente.