タグのアーカイブ: チャールズ·マーティン

New Heavyweight Champ Charles Martin Says: ‘My Time to Shine Will Come!’

Brand new IBF Heavyweight Champion “プリンス” チャールズ·マーティン (23-0-1, 21 戦績) should be on cloud nine.
In just his seventh year of boxing and slightly over third as a professional, Martin already finds himself the sixth southpaw to have ever won a heavyweight championship after scoring a TKO 3 over Ukrainian top contender Vyacheslav Glazkov last Saturday night, 1月 16, at the Barclay’s Center in New York.
Winning any world title is an amazing accomplishment that most never reach in decades of boxing. Add in that Martin took out the 2008 Olympic Super Heavyweight bronze medalist to become the second current American heavyweight champion in a suddenly rejuvenated division.
“それは良い感じ,” admits Martin. “I wanted to do it fast. I couldn’t wait,” he explains of his quick ascension. “Some things they say take time but when you’re really determined to do something, you’ll do it as soon as possible.
With his place already assured in the boxing history books and several lucrative possible showdowns on the near horizon, why isn’t Martin the happiest man on the planet?
It was the way he won.
I have an empty feeling right now,” said the 29-year-old champion. “I was in front of so many people and it was my time to shine on Showtime and show the world my skills. I felt that he had no power and said to myself that he would be easy work. I knew I was going to have a great night. I was going to KO him and then everyone would love mebut it didn’t happen like that.
Glazkov stopped fighting in round three due to torn ACL in his knee and Martin was declared the winner of the then-vacant title by way of injury-induced TKO.
I wanted to win the belt my way,” continued the disappointed Martin. “He would have got knocked out eventually. It was coming to him. I never even got to use my uppercut on him, but it’s all good.
Humble and extremely likeable, Martin remained polite, post-fight and expressed his condolences to the disappointed Glazkov. しかしながら, since that night, Glazkov has gone on to say he hadfigured Martin outand that the championship would have certainly been his had he not been injured.
Oh my goodness, I’m trying to stay humble about the situation, but that’s so crazy what he said,” マーティンは言いました. “If he really thinks that, he’s tripping. Things were about to get a lot worse for him. あなたに約束します, once he started slowing down, my combinations would have started to come out. I was throwing the one/two because he was getting out of the way pretty good in the first few rounds. I was just getting started. I thought I would box him for a while and then start going at him and whip his butt. I promise you I could have. That injury saved him. It broke my heart that I didn’t get to do what I wanted. How does that happen? I was having fun.
Martin says his team and friends and relatives have been good to remind him the abbreviated ending was out of his control. He also says he’ll take a quick vacation and then get right back to work.
So what comes next for the new American heavyweight champion?
Tyson Fury or Deontay Wilder. I want them both. I want all the best. That’s the next move. My time to shine will come. I’m a world champion now and I can say that the belt is in the right hands. I’m not going to sit around. I want to fight.
Martin also says that is Britain’s world champ, タイソン·フューリー, ever points his taunting antics at him, he won’t mind.
It’s good for boxing for him to do that kind of stuff. 私はすきです. それはすべてビジネスです. At the end of the day he has no crazy beef with anybody. Nobody choked anybody’s mother. It’s just boxing. You got to get attention somehow. He makes people want to see a fight. We’re in the entertainment and hurt business. It’s definitely a real fight in the ring though. It’s a non-personal thing that very gets personal once they step in the ring with me. That’s two guyslivelihood in there. That’s our income for our families.

ワイルドナイト: デオンテイ・ワイルダーがアルトゥール・シュピルカを壊滅的にKOしWBC世界ヘビー級王座を維持

土曜日 SHOWTIME ON® バークレイズ·センターから
ショータイムチャンピオンシップボクシングをお見逃しなく® リプレイ
この月曜日 アット 10 午後. アンド/SHOWTIME EXTREME上のPt®
クリック ここに ステファニートラップ/ SHOWTIMEから写真をダウンロードするには
クリック ここに Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment から写真をダウンロードするには
ニューヨーク (ヤン. 17, 2016) – アメリカのヘビー級世界チャンピオン デオンテイ·ワイルダー ポーランドの挑戦者を9ラウンドKOで破り、WBCタイトルを3度目防衛した アーサー·ピン 土曜日 夜, の前でSHOWTIMEでライブします 12,668 ブルックリンのバークレイズ・センターのファン, N.Y.. ビデオハイライト: HTTP://s.sho.com/1Rtg0ac
WBAとWBO世界ヘビー級チャンピオンのタイソン・フューリーとワイルダーの必須挑戦者アレクサンダー・ポベトキンがリングサイドで見守る中, ワイルダー (36-0, 35 戦績) 彼のノックアウトにまたしても感動した 35 中の相手 36 戦い.
接戦となったが、シュピルカが左ワイドを放ちながら、あごに残忍な右シュートを放った。 2:24第9ラウンドの. シュピルカさんは仰向けに倒れ、しばらくキャンバス上で意識を失った後、質問に答えて大丈夫だと述べた. ピン (20-2, 15 戦績) 会話をしながら四肢を動かしていた, しかし、予防措置として彼は担架でルーテル病院に運ばれました。.
“彼はうまくやっている,” シュピルカのトレーナー、ロニー・シールズ氏は語った。. “彼は目覚めていて、自分がどこにいるのかを正確に知っています. 彼は病院に行きたくなかった, でも彼は予防措置として行くつもりだ. 後悔するよりは安全です。”
ワイルダーにとって違いはパワーだった, 着陸した6フィート7爆撃機 42 サウスポー相手に対するパワーショットの割合. 30歳の彼は、シュピルカが大丈夫かどうかを確認する前に、勝利を手短に祝った。.
“私は彼に、彼は素晴らしい候補者だと言いました,” ワイルダーは言った. “彼は全力を尽くすために来た. 彼はブルックリンのために全力を尽くした. 私はいつも二つの祈りを捧げます. 私はチームの祈りを言います、そして私は個人の祈りを言います. 男性を傷つけて家族のもとに帰れなくしたくない. リングに上がるたびに私たちは命を危険にさらします. 彼は間違いなく私の祈りの中にいます、そして彼が元気であることを願っています.
“確かにずるい奴だったな,” ワイルダー氏は続けた. “サウスポーとは対戦したことがない 3年間で. 彼はタフな競争相手でした, でも君は世界タイトルを目指して戦っているんだ. それは簡単なことではありません. こんなに時間がかかったとは驚きです, しかし、私たちは持っていました 12 すべてが美しいわけではありません。”
フューリー, 率直な英国統一世界チャンピオン, 試合後リングに上がり、統一大作でワイルダーと戦いたいと主張した.
“いつでも, どこでも, どこにでも. 勝った後はあなたの裏庭で戦うよ (ウラジミール) またしてもクリチコ。”
ワイルダー, 約10年ぶりのアメリカ人ヘビー級チャンピオン, フューリーのふざけた行為を一蹴し、間違いなくボクシングで行われる最大の戦いの一つである対決に彼は十分対応できると約束した.
“フューリーが単なるインチキ者であることは誰もが知っています,” ワイルダーは言った. “これは単なる行為です. 誰も怖くない. 私たちはあなたの裏庭に行きます. これは単なる行為です – あなたは本物の格闘家ではありません. 遊びません. これはプロレスじゃないよ. あなたが私と一緒にそのリングに足を踏み入れたら、私はあなたに洗礼を授けることを約束します.
“次は彼と戦いたいです, 残念ながら, 他にも期限がある義務があります. タイソンとデートする, あなたに約束します。”
ショータイムチャンピオンシップボクシング開幕戦で, チャールズ·マーティン IBF世界ヘビー級王座を獲得したとき、 ヴャチェスラフグラズコフ 3回戦で右膝を負傷し続行不可能となった. 試合は3ラウンドTKO勝ちとなった (1:50) グラスコフが主審のアール・ブラウンに試合を続行できないと告げた後、.
マーティン (23-0-1, 21 戦績), 戦いを通して誰が攻撃者だったのか, ボクシング史上6人目のサウスポーヘビー級チャンピオンとなり、現在のアメリカヘビー級タイトルリストとしては2人目となる.
Glazkov (21-1-1, 13 戦績) 3回目の早い段階で滑ってしまい、立ち上がった時には不安そうに見えた. これまで無敗だったウクライナ人は戦い続けた, しかし彼はパンチを放っている間に再びキャンバスに落ちた. リプレイの結果、右膝の負傷は滑落によるもので、マーティンの連続シュートによるものではなかったことが確認された. 戦いの後, リングサイドの医師ジェラルド・ベルロッタは、ショータイムスポーツの記者ジム・グレイに対し、負傷は右前十字靭帯断裂だったと認めた.
“まだ戦いたかった,” マーティンは言いました. “私たちは訓練を受け 12 ラウンドが進むにつれて僕らは強くなるつもりだった. 彼はちょっと足首をひねっただけだ, のように見えました. でも、私が彼の体を殴るたびに、彼の足は飛んでいた. ボクシングです,. それはサッカーによる怪我でした. 彼には申し訳ない. 彼が戦いを続けられなかったのは残念だ.
“タイトルを統一したい. 私たちは喧嘩すらしなかった 今夜. もう一人戦闘機が欲しい. タイソン・フューリーが欲しいです。”
“これが私のベルトだったはずです,” グラズコフは言った. “私はすでに彼に理解してもらいました. 滑って右膝に激痛を感じ、力が抜けるのを感じた. 私は非常に怒っています. 回復したら再戦したいです。”

非テレビ放映のアクションで, ブルックリンの アダムKownacki (13-0, 10 戦績) エキサイティングで圧倒的な勝利で地元の観衆を興奮させた ダニー·ケリー (9-2-1, 8 戦績). ポーランド生まれのファイターは、正確なフックと破壊的なアッパーカットを使用して、数十点の差で満場一致の決定を獲得しました。 80-72 二回と 79-73.
無敗のノートルダム大卒業生 マイク·リー (16-0, 10 戦績) クルーザー級の試合で立ち止まった時は鋭かった ジョセフ・ガードナー (11-9-1, 1 KO) 43 ラウンド3に秒. リーは第3ラウンドで相手を2度落とし、第4ラウンドで試合を終えた。.
イワンゴラブ (10-0, 8 戦績) 爆発した フアン·ロドリゲス (12-4, 5 戦績) 第1ラウンドでTKO勝利を収めた. ブルックリンでトレーニング中のウクライナ生まれの格闘家は、ロドリゲスをダウンさせる巨大な右オーバーハンドを繰り出し、主審に試合を止めさせた。 2:41 ラウンドへ.
無敗のポーランドミドル級 マチェイSulecki (22-0, 7 戦績) 圧倒的なベテラン
デリックフィンドリー (22-18-1, 14 戦績) 停止しても完璧を保つ 1:29 第七ラウンドへ. 無敗の見通しを持つ楽しい戦いで ボティッシャー・オビドフ (4-0-1, 1 KO) ~に関して僅差の全会一致の決定を下した ラミル・ガジエフ (1-1, 1 KO) 3人のジャッジ全員が試合を採点した 39-37.
ライトヘビー級の見通し カルロスGongora (4-0, 3 戦績) 最終的に止まるまでに3回のノックダウンを獲得した デリック・アドキンス (1-1-1, 1 KO) ラウンド4で. 最後の一撃は破壊的なボディショットで戦いに終止符を打った 1:58 ラウンドへ.
ブルックリンの ジュリアン・ソーサ (4-0-1, 2 戦績) 停止に向かう途中での圧倒的なパフォーマンスで出席した多くのファンを興奮させた ブライアン・ティモンズ (3-7, 3 戦績) アット 1:48 第2ラウンドに.
土曜日の SHOWTIME選手権ボクシング​​のテレビ放送は、オンエアを再します 月曜日, ヤン. 18 アット 10 午後. アンド/SHOWTIME EXTREME の PT でオンデマンドで利用できるようになります 今週の日曜日.
Jim Gray氏のレポート実況とマウロRanalloは殿堂入りのアナリスト、アルバーンスタインと元世界チャンピオンのポール・マリナッジでSHOWTIME選手権ボクシング​​のアクションと呼ばれます. スペイン語, アレハンドロ・ルナは、色のコメンテーターとして元世界チャンピオンのラウルマルケスとブローバイブローと呼ばれます.
このイベントはディベラ・エンターテインメントがウォリアーズ・ボクシングおよびスフェリス・ノックアウト・プロモーションと協力して宣伝し、コロナが後援した。. SHOWTIME選手権ボクシング​​のエグゼクティブプロデューサーは、デイヴィッド・ディンキンズジュニアで. ボブダンフィーが演出と.
バークレイズ センターの BROOKLYN BOXING™ プログラミング プラットフォームは AARP によって提供されます. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

デオンテイ·ワイルダーVS. アルトゥール・シュピルカ最終記者会見の言葉 & PHOTOS

“お腹が空きました. 私は決意しています. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016.
My actions will speak for themselves.” – ワイルダー
“私は勝つためにしたくありません; I want to win in spectacular fashion.” – ピン

クリック ここに ステファニートラップ/ SHOWTIMEからの写真のために®
クリック ここに エド·ディラーから写真/ディベラエンターテイメント
BROOKLYN (1月 14, 2016) – A dramatic fight week continued 木曜日 as WBC Heavyweight World Champion デオンテイ·ワイルダー and bruising Polish contender Artur Szpilka participated inthe final press conference before they enter the ring this 土曜日, 1月 16 バークレイズ・センターからSHOWTIMEに住んで.
ショータイムチャンピオンシップボクシング® テレビ放送はで始まり 10 午後. アンド/7 午後. PT with unbeatensチャールズ·マーティン Vyacheslav Glazkov fighting for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship.
ライブイベントのチケット, ウォリアーズボクシング​​とSferisノックアウトプロモーションに関連してディベラエンターテイメントによって促進されます, 始める $25, 適用される手数料を含みません, そして現在販売されて. チケットは訪問してオンラインで購入することができます www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.comまたは呼び出すことによって、 1-800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスでご利用いただけます. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます
ここでは、参加者が言っていたものです 木曜日:
I’m so happy to be here in the ‘Big Apple.It’s been over 115 years since there’s been a heavyweight title fight in Brooklyn and you’ve invited your ‘country friendto end that streak.
Everything has happened at the right time in my life. Even the people I’ve met in my career have come at the right time. I still think about the first time I met Lennox Lewis and he took the time out to talk to me and he showed me different techniques. 決して忘れません.
Lennox was one of those guys that set the standard. He’s a hard act to follow. But I love a challenge. Everybody has had struggles coming up. Now my children are my motivation and that’s what has made me strong physically and mentally.
Here we are in 2016, with a young champion trying to follow in the footsteps of a great champion to become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
People who know me know that if I say I’m going to do something, I’m doing it. お腹が空きました. I am determined. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016. I don’t say things just to sound good. My actions will speak for themselves.
“これは素晴らしいカードです. Two heavyweight title fights in one night. It doesn’t get much better than that. The heavyweight division is exciting again. Having someone like me, it’s only going to get better.
I take pride in what I do and what I have. I’m very honored to have the WBC belt. I even have the belt tattooed on my body. It’s not going anywhere. But there are more belts that I want. It’s going to be a long journey and a tough path to fulfill. But I’m that man.
When people say the heavyweight champion of the world, I want one person to be recognized. I wish my opponent and all future opponents good luck, cause they’re going to need it.
We’re not looking past Artur Szpilka. Things happen due to adrenaline and excitement, but I’m very confident about what I’m going to do 土曜日 夜. He wants to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. You know he’s coming to make history.
“これは厳しい戦いになるだろう, but a fun fight. Everyone who sees this fight, they’re going to get their money’s worth. それは素晴らしいショーになるだろう. 私は待つことができません. Waiting is the hardest part of boxing.
I’m so happy to fight in front of so many great Polish fans. I want to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. I want to do it.
“私にはプレッシャーはありません. The pressure is on Deontay because I just want to be a world champion, 彼はすでにあります.
I’m not just here to get my paycheck. 私を知っている皆さん, knows I come to fight. 私は勝つためにしたくありません; I want to win in spectacular fashion.
I have a bunch of friends coming in from Chicago but the next 48 hours will be mostly relaxing. I have a couple small training sessions with Ronnie (シールズ) でもそれだけです.
I know you have to have a great respect for your opponent and I used to have respect for him. But after what he has said about me, I have a problem. You have to prove it in the ring. He has to do it in the ring, not outside the ring. He can say whatever he wants, but we will see it in the ring.
I will fight hard and after the fight you will hear ‘The New Heavyweight Champion of the World.’ “
I’m so thankful to be in this position. Everyone who put this together and got me here, I owe them everything. I want to thank my mom for making me a strong guy. We went through everything together. We’ve seen it all.
It’s starting to get real. I can feel my aggression coming out. I’m a Taurus, I’m a bull. I get mean when it’s time to fight. That’s what I want to bring into the ring 土曜日 夜. Controlled aggression.
I’m a nice person but when it’s time to go, I have an angry heart.
I train for every fight like a title fight. Mentally there was nothing to gear up for. I’m strong mentally. I’ve been running up in the mountains and doing a lot of rounds.
We’re in great shape after being in one camp for eight weeks and then taking a week off before we got back to it. It was a great training camp.
I’m happy and excited. 私はこの戦いを楽しみにしています 土曜日 and taking what’s mine.
I’m so sick of talking about what Glazkov does well, I just want to see if he can do it well against me.
Thank you everyone who supports me and loves boxing. これは私にとって大きなチャンスであります. 私は今 100 パーセント準備. This will be a good fight and I hope everyone is watching.
“良い感じ. とてもハードにトレーニングしました. 私はこの戦いのために非常に準備ができています. Everything is in place for me to become world champion.
Charles is a big guy. He’s a lefty but he hasn’t fought good opponents. He’s a big strong guy, but it’s the heavyweight division. Everyone is strong. これは良い戦いになるだろう.
All of my past fights have helped me get ready for this one. ベルト全部欲しい. This is the first step towards my dream.
レノックスルイス, Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion
I’m looking forward to the fights 土曜日. There are four great heavyweights that I’m excited to see. I’m happy that my WBC belt is looked after so well.
The heavyweight division is wide open right now. Now it’s time for the guys who were standing by the wayside to show that they want to be the next undisputed champion.
ルーDiBella, ベラエンターテイメントの社長
This is going to be a huge event at Barclays Center 土曜日 夜. There are still some tickets available, but you better run and get them. We just opened up some more tickets today. We could have a record crowd for boxing at Barclays Center and that’s the power of the heavyweight division and the power of boxing when you deliver a great product to people.
There are two terrific fights in one night. They will be the first heavyweight title fights in Brooklyn in 115 年. We knew we were going to have Deontay Wilder taking on Artur Szpilka. We didn’t initially expect it, but now we have a title fight for a vacant belt as a co-feature. It really makes it a special night.
ステファン·エスピノーザ, エグゼクティブ·バイス·プレジデント & ゼネラルマネージャー, ショウタイムスポーツ®
SHOWTIME Sports was born on March 10, 1986 with its first telecast of a sporting event, which happened to feature a spectacular 11目-round knockout by “素晴らしい” マービンハグラー. This is SHOWTIME’s 30anniversary and we’ll be celebrating all year long.
In keeping with our heavyweight theme, we are featuring our long history with Evander Holyfield and airing some of his biggest fights. Holyfield has fought with us 18 回, the most of any other fighter. If there is a current fighter who can break that record, it’s Deontay Wilder. He’s fought eight times and we’ve seen the progression of his skills.
I can’t think of a better way to kick off our year than with this doubleheader of heavyweight title fights. For each of these four fighters on this SHOWTIME card, 土曜日 night represents a lifetime of work and their dream of being heavyweight champion. I’m convinced we’re going to have two memorable fights that will add to the great history of SHOWTIME.
We have such confidence in this card we’re doing something unprecedented. Not only is it a part of our Free Preview Weekend, but we’re putting the entire telecast on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel. There’s no excuse for anyone to miss it.
BRETT YORMARK, バークレイズ·センターの最高経営責任者(CEO)
Barclays Center is in the big event business and it doesn’t get any bigger than hosting two heavyweight world championship fights 土曜日 夜. Brooklyn has a great history with heavyweights but it’s been a long time. Deontay is the perfect person to bring this tradition back to Brooklyn. 彼は自信を持ってます, tenacious and has a big personality. He’s made to fight in Brooklyn.
Wilder versus Artur Szpilka is the matchup Brooklyn has been waiting for. The Fort Greene section of Brooklyn has a tremendous Polish population and Artur will have a big rooting section 土曜日 夜.
This will be our sixteenth event and I expect 2016 to be our biggest year ever. This is certainly an exciting way to kick off boxing at Barclays for 2016.
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バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromand @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter


クリック ここに For YouTube Link To Footage Of Near-Brawl Between The Heavyweights During Photo-Op
Heavyweights Meet Face-To-Face During Visit To
The New World Trade Center Before They Meet In The Ring
土曜日, 1月 16 バークレイズ·センターで
ショウタイムでライブ (10 午後. アンド/7 午後. PT)
クリック ここに ステファニートラップ/ SHOWTIMEからの写真のために
BROOKLYN, NY (1月 13, 2016) – WBCヘビー級世界チャンピオン デオンテイ·ワイルダー and Polish contender アーサー·ピン continued their fight-week activities Wednesday, staring each other down for the first time at 4 World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.
上の 土曜日, 1月16日 the two men meet in a battle for Wilder’s heavyweight world title live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. テレビ放映カバレッジはで始まります 10 午後. アンド/7 午後. PTと無敗の特徴 チャールズ·マーティン ヴャチェスラフグラズコフ battling for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship.
Wilder and Szpilka posed for photos on the 57 floor of 4 World Trade Center. 向かいに 4 World Trade Center is theheavyweight champion of Manhattan skyscrapers”, One World Trade Center- スタンディング 1,776 フィート.
As the event came to a close, Wilder and Szpilka exchanged shoves and verbal jabs and they had to be separated by their respective teams. They will go face-to-face again 明日 afternoon at the final press conference before 土曜日の championship showdown.
ライブイベントのチケット, ウォリアーズボクシング​​とSferisノックアウトプロモーションに関連してディベラエンターテイメントによって促進されます, 始める $25, 適用される手数料を含みません, そして現在販売されて. チケットは訪問してオンラインで購入することができます www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.comまたは呼び出すことによって、 1-800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスでご利用いただけます. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます.
より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,WWW.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています.
ライブイベントのチケット, 始める $25, 適用される手数料を含みません, そして現在販売されて. チケットは訪問してオンラインで購入することができます www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.comまたは呼び出すことによって、 1-800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスでご利用いただけます. Purchase before January 1 および受信 10 パーセント割引. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます.


クリック ここに ステファニートラップ/ SHOWTIMEからの写真のために

クリック ここに エド·ディラーから写真/ディベラエンターテイメント

BROOKLYN (1月 12, 2016) – A huge fight week featuring the first two heavyweight world title fights in Brooklyn in 115 years kicked off 火曜日 with media workouts at world famous Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn.


この 土曜日, 1月 16 バークレイズセンターで, WBCヘビー級世界チャンピオンデオンテイ·ワイルダー will make the third defense of his title against Polish bruiser アーサー·ピン while unbeaten heavyweights チャールズ·マーティン ヴャチェスラフグラズコフ battle for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship. The doubleheader will air live on SHOWTIME® アット 10 午後. アンド/7 午後. PT.


ライブイベントのチケット, ウォリアーズボクシング​​とSferisノックアウトプロモーションに関連してディベラエンターテイメントによって促進されます, 始める $25, 適用される手数料を含みません, そして現在販売されて. チケットは訪問してオンラインで購入することができますwww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.comまたは呼び出すことによって、 1-800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスでご利用いただけます. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます


にも出席 火曜日の workout were local favorites and featured undercard fighters ジュリアン・ソーサ (3-0-1, 1 KO), イワンゴラブ (9-0, 7 戦績) と アマンダセラーノ (26-1-1, 19 戦績),who will fight Erika Kalderas (11-1, 4 戦績) in a vacant WBO Female Featherweight World Title fight 土曜日 夜.


ここでは戦闘機が言っていたものです 火曜日:




I’m just happy to be here in New York. There’s so much great history, 特にヘビー級で, in this city so I’m really happy about the opportunity. It’s the media capital of the word and I get to fight at Barclays Center. It’s an exciting time.


“2016 is going to be a huge year for Deontay Wilder. The fans are going to be very excited and impressed with what I do this year. 遊んでるんじゃないよ. My goal is to be the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and whoever has those belts is going to have to deal with me.


We’re on a mission. Everything that has happened has been planned. Everything seems to happen at the right time in my career and my life. I was meant to do this. Boxing was my calling in life.


I consider myself the most athletic heavyweight in the division today. I’ve surrounded myself with good people and they’ve helped me get to this place where I am now. I’m happy for it.


I’m from Tuscaloosa just like the Alabama Crimson Tide and they call Tuscaloosa ‘Home of the Champions.There’s no better place to be a champion and I’m very proud of the National Champs.


I’m happy that Szpilka got this opportunity. I’m sure he’s excited and overwhelmed. Most fighters don’t get this kind of chance. At the end of the day though, he’s never faced a fighter like me.


I’m mobile and agile. My accuracy and my power is the best out there. Artur Szpilka is in for a world of pain.


“2016 私の年である. 私が言っていることの意味は. I feel it inside of me. Szpilka says he’s ready but he’s just trying to promote himself. I really mean what I say.


This is big for me. Being in New York and making history, that’s a dream come true. I’ve been looking to come to Brooklyn for a long time to display my talent. Barclays Center needs a face and I’m looking to make it a home away from home.




I want to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. 準備できました. This is important for Poland and my Polish fans.


Wilder is very tough. He’s tall and strong. This is boxing. He’s human. I know I can beat him. He makes mistakes and I know what I have to do. 私は彼を知っています. I’ve studied him and I see what he does badly.


“私は待つことができない. This is so important because the Polish people have supported me so well. I know I will be a hero after the fight. I know it and I believe it. Only four days.


This opportunity to fight for a title and on SHOWTIME is something great. I’m here to make history.




Getting to this point is very exciting but it will feel even sweeter when I walk out of that ring with the belt 土曜日. Heavyweight boxing is back.


I’m going to go out there on my A-game. I’m going to box and I’m going to show off my power for everyone.


We want to go in there and figure this guy out. We’re going to break through the barrier and end up on the other side a world champion.


I’ve been doing my normal work in camp. We had some great sparring that got me ready for 土曜日 夜.


I’m not one to talk except when the media brings it out of me, but I definitely prefer to let my hands do the talking.


“私は本当に良い感じ. 準備できました. My body is coming back stronger after training in Big Bear, カリフォルニア州.


This is the heavyweight division. One punch can change anything. I’m coming to be the IBF World Champion.




I’m only going to pay attention to what’s going on in the ring. If I relax I will be successful.


I would like to take care of this bout and then work on unifying all the titles.


My opponent has some skills but I have faced the better opposition. Power alone does not win a fight.


I was always more successful fighting the bigger guys, so I am not worried about his size.


My sparring partners were all perfect in preparing me for this fight. I am very confident in my preparation and it will show 土曜日 夜.


I’ve seen some video of him. He’s definitely a tall guy. I’ve prepared especially for my opponent and anything he can do in the ring.




I don’t care who I’m fighting. あのベルトが欲しい. No one is going to take it away from me. I’m promising a night of fireworks.


“私は誰と戦いますよ. I’m a fighter at heart. I want all the world titles. I want to be an undisputed champion. Whoever they put in front me, I’m taking down.


It’s an honor to fight at Barclays Center. I’m so thankful to have this opportunity. 2016 is going to be the year of Latino boxing.


I’m thankful for everyone who has supported me and if you stay with me I promise you’ll never be disappointed.




“これは私にとって絶好の機会です 土曜日 night and I’m really looking forward to fighting on a big stage like at Barclays Center.


I have big goals in this sport and I know that every single fight is very important to do your best. I’ve trained very hard to get into this position and I’m not going to let it slip by me.


No matter who is put in front of me, I want to excite the fans. I’m going to come forward and get the knockout.




I’m very excited to fight on such a big card at Barclays Center. It’s the first heavyweight title fights in Brooklyn in 115 years and I’m proud to be a part of that night.


I think I’m going to have to box this guy. Everyone wants to win by knockout and if all goes to plan, that’s what we’ll see.


# # #


バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter


Szpilka Challenges WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder

This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME® ブルックリンのバークレイズ・センターから

クリック ここに 時計に, 共有または埋め込みこのビデオ:HTTP://s.sho.com/1ZgecWD


フォトクレジット: ステファニートラップ/ SHOWTIME


Polish heavyweight challenger アーサー·ピン is a reformed man – both in and out of the ring – since joining renowned trainer ロニー·シールズ at his gym in Houston. ピン, who was in a “soccer gang” in his native Poland, started working with Shields after suffering the only loss of his career in 2014 and together the team has rallied to score knockouts in all three of their fights. Check out this video to hear Szpilka and Shields explain their plan to make history 今週の土曜日 when they challenge undefeated knockout artist and WBC Heavyweight World Champion デオンテイ·ワイルダー 生き続ける ショータイム (10 午後. ET / 7 p.m. PT) から バークレイズ·センター ブルックリン.


# # #


ワイルダー対. ピン, ワイルダーのWBCヘビー級タイトルを賭けた12ラウンドの試合が行われる 土曜日, ヤン. 16 ブルックリンのバークレイズ·センターで, N.Y., ディベラ エンターテイメントがウォリアーズ ボクシングおよびスフェリス ノックアウト プロモーションと提携して宣伝し、コロナが後援しています。. ショータイムチャンピオンシップボクシングの開幕Ò ダブルヘッダー, チャールズ・マーティンとヴャチェスラフ・グラスコフが空位のIBF世界ヘビー級王座をかけて戦うことになる. このイベントはSHOWTIMEで生放送されますÒ (10 午後. ET / 7 p.m. アンド) セカンダリオーディオプログラミング経由でスペイン語でも利用可能になります (SAP).


バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sportsツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter .


Thank you very much and welcome to the, final conference call for the SHOWTIME Championship Boxing show, 1月 16 of this new year at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, ニューヨーク. The show will begin at 10 午後. アンド/7 午後. ショウタイムでPT. 世界選手権ですよ, heavyweight championship doubleheader.
These are the first two heavyweight title fights in over 100 years in Brooklyn on the same night, 115 years since the last heavyweight title fight in Brooklyn. And there’ll be two on the same night on 1月 16 ショウタイムで.
The first bout will be for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship between Charles Martin and the highest ranked contender in the IBF, former Olympic Bronze Medalist, ヴャチェスラフ “Czar” Glazkov. The main event will be Deontay Wilder, the Heavyweight Champion of the World of the WBC who is defending his title against the very colorful and exciting Artur Szpilka.
We’re going to start with Stephen Espinoza, the man who runs SHOWTIME Boxing and who has put together this great card for us.
ありがとう, ルー. As some of you know, 2016 represents the 30th anniversary of SHOWTIME Championship Boxing. The very first fight at SHOWTIME was telecast on March 10, 1986 and featured Marvelous Marvin Hagler versus John Mugabi. We’ve had a variety of high-profile fighters and fights since.
To kick off our 30th anniversary year, I can’t think of a better way to do it than at Barclays Center in Brooklyn with a doubleheader of heavyweight title fights. There is going to be some explosive action. We have some really entertaining, interesting personalities. 実際には, I can’t wait to see what the rest of this all holds.
L. ディベラ
I’m going to start with the man who is the leading available contender in the IBF, and he is going to fighting Charles Martin for the IBF Heavyweight Championship. Czar Glazkov, 21-0-1, 13 KOs from the Ukraine originally, now fighting out of Fort Lauderdale, フロリダ州. He’s a 2007 Silver Medalist at the World Amateur Boxing Championship and a 2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist at Super Heavyweight.
Manager extraordinaire, Egis Klimas is on the call, and he will do the translating for Czar Glazkov. Czar is promoted by Main Events and Kathy Duva of Main Events will be co-promoting this fight with us.
こんにちは, 皆. This is Egis, manager of Vyacheslav Glazkov. We’re very happy to have a title shot, the world title of the IBF. We wanted to thank our promoter Main Events for doing such a good job for bringing Glazkov to this opportunity. I am very fortunate to represent Mr. Glazkov. I’ve been doing it for four years, and this is a big shot for him to become the world champion.
I would like to introduce to you, Vyascheslav Glazkov, the contender for the IBF Title.
Vyaschelav Glazkov
はい. こんにちは, 皆. This is Vyacheslav Glazkov. This is a great opportunity for me and a really good chance for me to win the World Championship.
L. ディベラ
チャールズ·マーティン, 22-0-1 ととも​​に 20 戦績, born in St. ルイ, ミズーリ州, now from Carson, カリフォルニア州. Charles is a huge physical specimen at 6’5″. The 29-year-old knockout artist was an accomplished amateur. 彼は優勝した 2012 National PAL Championship. Charles is something of an unknown commodity to a lot of people. He is the number three-ranked IBF contender and is looking forward to his opportunity and what he thinks is going to be a knockout win against Vyacheslav Glazkov.
チャールズ, あなたはいくつかの単語を言いたいです, お願いします?
はい. I’m so thankful to be in this position and blessed to get a world title shot, and that’s what all boxers dream of. It’s finally becoming a reality to me. I’m not going to let anything stand in front of me of receiving this IBF title. So I will be prepared on 1月16日.
I’m up in high altitude right now. I’m in the snow. I’m running in the snow. I’m getting it, grinding with it, and it’s going to all show in the rings.
L. ディベラ
ありがとう, チャールズ. Charles is promoted by Warriors Boxing in Florida, so they will also be a co-promoter of this title fight.
I would open it up now to questions for Vyacheslav Glazkov and Charles Martin.
Can you take me through the decision-making process of dropping out of your fight with Dominic Breazeale in December?
℃. マーティン
I’m glad you asked that because I wanted to do both of the fights. My team is the one that talked me out of it. I was up here making plans to do both. 彼らはまるで, はい, はい, ええと, that’s right, that’s right. With the conversation with my coaches, I’m like, I can do this fight. I can get this another way. Then I’m lined up right here.
My manager and everybody else, they’re like, “ヘイ, this is a world title opportunity. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. You fight for a world title. So we’re pulling out. You’re going to back to camp and get this belt.I guess after a while it sunk in and it started to make sense. そして私は言った, “ヘイ, ええと, なんでも. Let’s just do it.Because anything could happen.
You could get cut or something, any kind of crazy stuff that could have pulled me out of this fight. But I guarantee I was going to knock Dominic out. That’s automatic, 私の言っていることが分かるよね? 私たちはお互いを知っていますか. I would have knocked him out, 確かに.
You’re talking about Breazeale, who you know?
℃. マーティン
はい, ドミニク·ブリーズエール. I would have knocked him out.
When you did make that decision to withdraw from the fight, did you stay straight through in camp. Did you at least take a couple of days off? Did you do anything over the holidays? Or did you just basically stay in camp and just work all the way through it?
℃. マーティン
はい, 一週間休みを取りました. I took that week off and then we got back to camp. I started back training when I was in L.A.. I live in North Hollywood, so we have a gym right there. These guys they sponsor me and I got a gym right there. Me and my coaches got in there and we were hitting pads and we’re doing workouts, doing pushups and callisthenic-type of movements.
Then we got right back up here into the high altitude, 一. We are in Big Bear right now. We’ve been here for a few weeks now. We’ve been up here grinding, 一. We’re getting it in. 私は完璧な体調です. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. 私は戦う準備ができています.
When you look at the record of Glazkov, does it make you think to yourself, I better really get rid of this guy because I cannot leave it in the hands of the judges?
℃. マーティン
I don’t even take the time to think about those kind of things because he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. I’m no Cunningham. I’m no Tor Hamer. I’m none of these guys that he fought.
I’m totally a different fighter than he’s ever seen. So come fight night, I’m ready to prove it to the whole wide world. I’m ready to be that superstar. We train like superstars. If you’re going to train mediocre, you’ll be mediocre, and that’s what I see out of a lot of fighters, 大物, 特に. But we train to be a superstar and that’s what you guys are going to see.
Has everything changed in the mindsets for a fighter like yourself after Klitschko’s loss?
℃. マーティン
It was going to open up eventually. Klitschko had a very good run. His whole career was outstanding. He’s an awesome fighter. But it’s our time now. There are new fighters on the map. We had big plans to knock him out as well. We wanted to knock him out and become superstars overnight. Everybody got the dream.
It’s here now, 一. I get to fight for the IBF World Title. I can’t believe it. Every day I wake up. I think I’m freaking blessed. I’m fighting for a world title. This is crazy. Sometimes it doesn’t even sound right, but it’s real. So I’m going to seize the moment, 間違いなく.
ザ·. Glazkov
よく, I think right now the heavyweights are going to be very interesting because of all the titles getting a split around. There is going to be more champions, and that’s what the fan always like because for many years it was all one person. I’m looking forward to see what is going to be happening in the heavyweight division.
This is for both fighters. I just want to know if one of you, unless there is a draw, wins this title next weekend, are you anxious to unify with either the WBC champion or with Tyson Fury?
ザ·. Glazkov
はい, もちろん. This is the dream of every fighter to get all the titles because I truly believe the real champion is whoever is holding all four titles.
℃. マーティン
はい, 全部欲しい. As soon as I get this belt, 統一したい. I want everything. I want all the hardware. Look out for “プリンス” チャールズ·マーティン. I’m here to make a statement and you guys are going to see, ついに. I’ve been under wraps a long time but now the world can see me display my skill. はい, I can’t wait to unify. I want everything.
チャールズ, do you think that Glazkov is a pretty decent step up in competition on paper from who else you fought? I’d like your assessment of him as a boxer and what you think he brings to the table.
℃. マーティン
はい. He’s definitely a step up on paper. His resume reads well. 彼は良い戦闘機だ. He’s technical, keeping his hands up and stuff like that, has a pretty nice hook. But I got to give you the ups and the downs. He’s a little guy. I’m massive, 強い, パワフル, とらえどころのない. He’s definitely going to be in there for the hardest fight of his life that he’ll ever have.
Czar, you heard what Charles said. He called you a little guy. I’d like your reaction to and what you think of Martin technically. Have you seen tape on him? What do you think of him as a fighter?
ザ·. Glazkov
I respect all of my opponents. Anybody who steps into the ring is doing a very good job. As far as him as a boxer, 私が何を言うことができます? He’s a big dude. 彼はサウスポーです. I soak up all of his videos. He’s not the standard guy. He’s not a normal guy, but that’s why I’m picking up my sparring partners. That’s why I’m working and preparing for the fighting.
Czar, What’s your prediction for this fight?
ザ·. Glazkov
I’m not going to be saying that I’m going to knock him out. I’m not going to be aiming to knock him out. I’m just going to be fighting and showing everybody my good skills with boxing. If it’s a knockout coming, it’s going to come.
L. ディベラ
これは重要な戦いだ. There is a belt at stake. There is an Olympic Medalist fighting a massive American heavyweight, as Charles accurately described himself, and also extremely charismatic and English-speaking American heavyweight that this fight can bring in major new player to the forefront in the heavyweight division. So it’s a very significant fight.
I thank you guys for joining us, and we’ll see you next week.
Now we’re going to move on to the main event of the evening, Deontay Wilder’s third defense of his WBC Heavyweight Championship of the World against Artur Szpilka, who is promoted by Warriors Boxing. If you’ve been following this promotion or listened to our first call, you’ll know that Artur’s English has gotten much better and he’s never at a loss for words nor is he at a loss for confidence.
I know that Deontay is looking forward to fighting a guy that’s looking to bring the fight and is this confident in his own skills and his ability.
アルトゥール, would you like to say a few words to start?
A. ピン
Welcome to everybody. The new heavyweight champion is here. わかるでしょ. I wait for questions.
L. ディベラ
よく, the man who believes he is going to be the new heavyweight champion just said a couple of words. Now we’re going to go to the Heavyweight Champion, undefeated Deontay Wilder.
Good evening everyone. Happy New Year. We’re headed into a new year. It’s going to be a hell of a year this year for not only myself but a lot of other fighters as well. There are a lot of things going on in the heavyweight division. The division is definitely alive, and I’m looking to claim it all.
I wish all the heavyweights in the division good luck on their up and coming journeys. And I definitely wish my opponent good luck on becoming the first Polish champion. That is something that has been a hard task to complete for many Polish guys.
He’s not the first to come. It’s going to be difficult for him as well, but I wish him luck. He should be proud that he made it this far, and got this opportunity. So I’m looking forward to 1月 16, to conquering the world.
How’s training going, Deontay? How’s camp been? How’s your training? Same question for Artur.
D. ワイルダー
Camp has been wonderful. We’ve had a lot of wonderful guys that come in camp. I’ve always been in shape. That’s always been my motto, that I’m never out of shape. To not have fought a southpaw 3年間で, and to have a great camp like I’ve had, クレイジーだった.
It reminded me of why I enjoy and love fighting southpaws. I definitely had fun in this camp. 対戦楽しみにしてます. I really am. This is my statement year, the start of the year. I’m looking forward to make a statement on Szpilka’s face.
A. ピン
すべてが素晴らしいです. Everything is fine. 正直に言うと, I cannot wait to start this whole commotion. Especially I am waiting for the moment that I will be able, 初めて, to look in Deontay’s eyes, and be in the middle of this whole fight week preparation, and fight week craziness.
For each fighter, what is difficult about preparing for the other guy? For Deontay, how different is it facing a southpaw, especially one that kind of fights out of a crouch? And for Szpilka, how difficult is it to prepare for someone who is so tall, and with such reach?
D. ワイルダー
It’s different levels of what you look at as difficult. Southpaws are my fun people to fight. ええと, southpaws are people that pressure me. They are the ones I enjoy the most in sparring and actual fights and stuff like that.
There’s nothing, difficult about the southpaw, other than you’re switching sides with fighters. What you’re used to seeing is just backwards. それはそれです. Everything else is all about your feel, your determination, your IQ in the ring, and what you’re able to do with your ability.
I could put everything I got in the bank on my abilities and skill and will, and what I’m capable of doing in the ring. There’s no other heavyweight in the division like me, especially when it comes into the athletic department. I’m the most athletic heavyweight in the division.
There comes a point in time where it’s enough talking and it’s time to fight, which is what we’re doing now. We’re in the last few couple of words here, and a couple of more days. Then it’ll be time to fight. その方法, every fighter has something to say about what they’re going to do.
There comes a time when you have to put forth the action, and actually see whether you’re really just talking to promote yourself, just to sell yourself, or to build your confidence, or build confidence around you, the people that you have inside, or are you the real deal. And I’m pretty sure that I can put every penny on it that I’m the real deal, and what I talk about, I put full action in.
What I’m saying I’m going to, 私はそれをやる. Everybody that knows me personally knows that if Deontay says he’s going to do something, it’s going to be done. So it’s exciting times, と私は待つことができません. 本当にできません. I’m in love with boxing. I’m in love with the sport. 私が戦って愛して. I love every bit of it and this is just a part of it.
This is the part I hate, just the waiting. And I’ll be so anxious to beat somebody up, just look at their face. This is the part that I hatethe waiting part. 私は戦いのために準備ができています. 私は戦う準備ができています. Training is enough. I could have taken off that last little week of training, I didn’t need it.
準備できました. I didn’t need the last week of training. I didn’t need the last week of strength training. そんなの要らないよ. These guys could have went home. If I wasn’t paying my sparring partners, I would have sent them home.
But I don’t believe in giving out free money, so they had to stay and they had to sparnot to the point that they didn’t give me no work, because they gave me great work. It’s just to the point where I am super-ready. I’m just done, レディー.
私はそれを楽しみにしています, and I hope everybody is and everyone who is going to be attending this fight, who all’s going to be attending it or watching it on TV. They’re in for a treat. They’re in for a huge treat, just to start the year off.
I’m excited about the new year, that we get to start it off, make a statement. I want this fight to be already the fight of the year, and this is just the beginning of the year. So that’s what excitement I’m trying to bring to this fight. I’m trying to bring a severe knockout.
I want to get back to my knockout days. My hands were still out of all this time, last year my hand was about 85% when I defended my title. Now it’s, looking back, strong as ever. It’s back to 100%, and I’m looking to go back to where I used to befour rounds or under.
A. ピン
For now I’m just ready to step into the ring. I also like to fight taller fighters. All the time when I’m spending time in Houston with my trainer, this is what we train for. I understand the training is not the actual fight. But I always liked the taller fighters.
Whatever Deontay is saying just makes no sense. I don’t believe in his words, and I will be able to prove it in the ring on the 16th. しかし、今のところ, it’s just talk by Deontay.
Everybody was just really looking forward to 2016’s Klitschko against Wilder. How disappointed were you when Klitschko just didn’t show up?
D. ワイルダー
I was very disappointed that Klitschko didn’t show up and do the things that we expected of him and what he was capable of doing. It could be many reasons why that Klitschko didn’t show up, because that wasn’t him as a fighter. Klitschko as a person, his body was there, しかし格闘家として, something was missing. That isn’tt what we’re used to seeing out of Wladimir Klitschko.
I think Father Time has knocked on his door, and he don’t want to let him in yet. しかし, I think it’s knocking at his door, and that fight proved it.
There’s talk of a rematch, and I’m going to see the second time around. So some people are still in daze of belief, because they can’t believe what they’ve seen.
Just like my career, 何度も, people make excuses for me. They say different things; even criticize me because they can’t understand why I’m able to do what I do, and how I do it when I do it. そう, it’s the same thing as Klitschko. So we’re going to see the second time around, was this real?
Does it mean extra to you to be fighting in such a new arena in the borough of Brooklyn?
D. ワイルダー
I’m very happy and honored to be able to be able to fight in Brooklyn. Barclays Center as well with so much rich heavyweight history throughout the state of New York. I’m so looking forward to finally putting my name down in history.
I definitely want to come in in the new year, and not only put history down, but in a great fashion; make a great statement to all the others that are in the division. This is a fine time for me. 2016 is going to be a starting time as well, so just making the whole division back and exciting again.
It’s definitely an exciting time and I’m just happy to be a part of it, and bringing that excitement truly back to the heavyweight division. I may be a country boy, but I don’t think the city’s ready for this boy right here.
My first question is to Szpilka. Where are you guys at right now with the drug testing?
A. ピン
I’m still waiting. I’m still waiting. 理由はわかりません.
D. ワイルダー
Well I don’t know what he’s talking about. I just went to LabCorp yesterday and got blood drawn for the fight. So this is a championship fight. You’re not going to have a championship fight without being drug-tested. 期間. So whether the test is happening before the fight, or whether the test happens after the fight, there will be a drug test.
Is this camp different compared to all the other camps that you guys went through?
D. ワイルダー
This camp has been one of the most fun camps for the simple fact that I haven’t been involved with a southpaw in like three years. To get my brain back in functioning how to defeat a southpaw, it has been fun. I can’t say challenging, because I had too much fun doing it.
I can’t wait to show you everything that I have to offer. Just as I developing my skill, I develop everything I’ve learned over the years, and apply them in the ring.
私は前に言ったように, I keep saying that I want it to be embedded in you guysbrains that 2016 belongs to Deontay Wilder, where he will unify the division. There hasn’t been one since 1999. That was Lennox Lewis. Now I must make history. I can’t let any man get in my way from that.
If any man feels that I’m just talk, like Szpilka says, he thinks I’m just talk. There’s never been anything I said that I haven’t done. But we’ve seen him, 何度も, トーク. We’ve recently seen him say the same shit he’s talking about now. And what happened? He ended up becoming the loser.
Everything I’ve said I’ve backed up. That’s why I’m still the champ. That’s why I am a winner. And the thing about it, じぶんの 10,000 hours is coming upof training is coming up (理解できない). So now I’m coming up four complete fighters now. I understand my abilities and skills inside that ring, and those 10,000 hours is definitely approaching.
I’m looking forward to the world embracing me, and to continue being the heavyweight champ of the world, soon to be the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
A. ピン
Just like I said before, and just like Deontay said before, I also could have skipped the last week of training. Everything is done. Everything is prepared. Right now it’s just waiting. So we’re going to find out who is who on 1月 16.
I wonder what you think about the fact that you’re fighting in Deontay’s home country, but chances are you’re going to be the one that everybody’s cheering for?
A. ピン
There is no doubt that my crowd, the Polish crowd, will be predominant on 1月 16 in Barclays Center. They will be like additional gloves in the ring for me. They’re going to carry me to be a winner, to be a champion, something special. I’m going to fight also for them.
What would it mean to you to become the first Polish heavyweight to win a world title?
This is the most important part of this fight for me, not even to become a world champion. It’s not about that. It’s about to be part of the history; becoming the first Polish heavyweight champion; to be the one when, even after I’m going to be dead, people are going to say, ああ, this was the Szpilka guy, the guy who was the first Polish heavyweight champion. This is what I want to do, and this is what I’m going to prove to everybody on1月 16.
L. ディベラ
Well thank you, アルトゥール, そしてありがとうございました, Deontay. That’ll be our last question. もう一度, the Showtime telecast will begin at 10:00 アンド/7:00 PT. But there are tickets still available at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, and we urge people to come out.
This is a rare opportunity to see the heavyweight champion of the world defend his title, and to see another heavyweight championship contestedtwo heavyweight title fights in one night, バークレイズ·センター, 1月 16, on SHOWTIME Championship Boxing.
Tickets again are at Ticketmaster.com, by calling Ticketmaster; Barclays Center.com; by going to Barclays Center box office. We hope to see you in Brooklyn. Deontay and Artur, we’ll see you next week in Brooklyn, and we look forward to a great event on 1月 16. Thank you all for joining us.
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バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter


ワイルダーが次にタイトルを防衛する 土曜日, ヤン. 16,
ショウタイムでライブ® ブルックリンのバークレイズ・センターから

スポーツエミー賞® 受賞歴のある作家 マーク·クリーゲル 無敗のWBC世界チャンピオンとニューヨークで対戦 デオンテイ·ワイルダー, アメリカのヘビー級チャンピオンは、階級に一歩ずつ足跡を残してヘビー級の歴史への道を続けようとしている.


「私はヘビー級の選手たちとは違うファイターだ」. 私の運動能力, リング上での私の動き方, 私のスピード, 私が持っている力, 私のぎこちないスタイル. もっと言う必要がありますか? 彼らは私がこれについて非常に真剣であることを知っています. 誰も戦いたくない [私に], 彼らは結果がどうなるかをすでに知っています。」


ワイルダーは自分がノーであることを証明する決意をしている. 1 世界中. 彼の現在の焦点は、ポーランドの格闘家に対する3度目のタイトル防衛です。 アーサー·ピン, しかし、彼はタイトル統一に関する絶え間ないおしゃべりを否定しません.


"戦い続ける, 遅かれ早かれ祝う. 戦い続ける, 勝ち続ける, 男たちをノックアウトし続ける. そういうことをやり続けると, あなたを拒否することはできません, 如何しても. 私はタイトルを統一すると思います…その部門を統一する強力なアメリカのヘビー級を獲得したら, 全てのタイトルを保持するために, その時が本当のスターダムが来ると感じる時だ. 部門を一本化したら, 劇的な変化になると思います。」



ビデオ/写真クレジット: ショータイム


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ワイルダー対. ピン, ワイルダーのWBCヘビー級タイトルを賭けた12ラウンドの試合が行われる 土曜日, ヤン. 16 ブルックリンのバークレイズ·センターで, N.Y., ディベラ エンターテイメントがウォリアーズ ボクシングおよびスフェリス ノックアウト プロモーションと提携して宣伝し、コロナが後援しています。. ショータイムチャンピオンシップボクシングの開幕Òダブルヘッダー, チャールズ・マーティンとヴャチェスラフ・グラスコフが空位のIBF世界ヘビー級王座をかけて戦うことになる. このイベントはSHOWTIMEで生放送されますÒ(10 午後. アンド/7 午後. アンド) セカンダリオーディオプログラミング経由でスペイン語でも利用可能になります (SAP).


バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter,@WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになりますwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter .

アクション満載の夜のアンダーカード アトラクションが土曜日にバークレイズ センターにやって来ます, 1月 16

さらに無敗のノートルダム大ミョウバン、マイク・リー &
2 つのヘビー級世界タイトル戦が主役のエキサイティングな夜!
BROOKLYN (12月 30, 2015) – バークレイズ センターでは、一晩中激しい事前アクションが行われます。土曜日, 1月 16 2つのヘビー級世界タイトル戦が生中継されるイベントで ショータイム (10 午後. アンド/7 午後. アンド).
積み重ねられた前座カードには人気の元世界チャンピオンが登場します アマンダセラーノ (26-1-1, 19 戦績) 故郷でガーナと戦っている ヘレン・ジョセフ (12-3-1, 7 戦績) ノートルダム大出身で無敗ながらWBO世界フェザー級王座を賭けた10ラウンドの試合に臨んだ マイク·リー (15-0, 9 戦績) リングイン、対戦相手は未定、無敗のポーランドヘビー級とのクルーザー級8ラウンド戦 アダムKownacki (12-0, 10 戦績) 顔 ダニー·ケリー (9-1-1, 8 戦績) 8ラウンドの試合で.
無敗のWBCヘビー級世界チャンピオン Deontay “ブロンズ爆撃機” ワイルダー ポーランドの格闘家相手にタイトル3度目の防衛を果たす アーサー·ピン のメインイベントで ショウタイム選手権ボクシングダブルヘッダー. もっと, 無敗の挑戦者 チャールズ·マーティン ヴャチェスラフグラズコフ ブルックリンでの最初のヘビー級タイトルマッチで、空位のIBF世界王座を賭けた共同目玉戦で戦うことになる 115 年.
ライブイベントのチケット, ウォリアーズボクシング​​とSferisノックアウトプロモーションに関連してディベラエンターテイメントによって促進されます, 始める $25, 適用される手数料を含みません, そして現在販売されて. チケットは訪問してオンラインで購入することができます www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.comまたは呼び出すことによって、 1-800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスでご利用いただけます. 購入前に 1月 1および受信 10 パーセント割引. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます.
シュピルカとグラズコフという国際的な才能がすでに揃っているカードに, 無敗のポーランドミドル級
マチェイ・スレツキ (21-0, 6 戦績) ガーナと対戦する アイザック・トルジロ・セロム (21-5-1, 14 戦績) ブルックリンを拠点とするウクライナの有望選手ながら10ラウンドの試合で イワンゴラブ (9-0, 7 戦績) 8ラウンドのウェルター級アトラクションに出場し、同じウクライナ人 ラミル・ガジエフ (1-0, 1 KO), 現在ボカラトンに住んでいます, フロリダ州。, ジョン・デビッド・ジャクソンとのトレーニング, 顔 Botirsher Obidov (3-0-1, 1 KO)キシミーの, フロリダ州。, 4ラウンドのミドル級スクラップで.
地元の雰囲気を加えてカードを締めくくるのは、ブルックリン出身の 2 人です. 二十六歳 カルロスGongora (3-0, 2 戦績) エクアドル出身の19歳のメキシコ人選手が6ラウンドのライトヘビー級戦に出場 ジュリアン・ソーサ (3-0-1, 1 KO) ジュニアウェルター級4回戦に出場予定.
ジュニアライト級とライト級の元世界チャンピオン, セラーノは故郷ブルックリンで彼女をすでに人気ファイターにした伝説に、3つ目の世界タイトルベルトを加えることを目指す. ニューヨークゴールデングローブチャンピオン, 彼女はプロに転向した 2009 そして初戦では無敗だった 15 戦い. 27歳の彼は2019年にアルゼンチンへ旅行した。 2014 マリア・エレナ・マデルナを6ラウンドKOで破り、ライト級世界タイトルを獲得. 今回, 彼女は勝ちたいと思っているので、自宅で戦えるという利点があるだろう 13 に連勝する 1月 16 彼女が26歳のジョセフと対戦したとき.
ノートルダムの評判の高いメンドーサ・カレッジ・オブ・ビジネスの誇り高き卒業生, リーはプロボクシングのキャリアを始めたとき、人があまり行かない道を選んだ。 2010. シカゴ出身の彼は、ファイティング・アイリッシュの巨大な同窓生ネットワークを活性化させ、全米で人気を博している。. 彼は教室にいるときと同じようにリングでも上手だった, 完璧なスポーツをする 15-0 2回の中断勝利を含む記録 2015. 28歳の彼は、バークレイズ・センターでのデビュー戦で忠実なサポーターのためにショーを披露しようとしている.
ニューヨーク・ゴールデン・グラブ賞を2度受賞, カウナッキは大きかった 2015, マウレンゾ・スミスとランディ・イーストンのノックアウトを含む4勝を挙げた. ロムザ生まれ, ポーランド, 26歳の彼は今、ブルックリンを家と呼んでいる. 彼にはワシントンDC出身の24歳のケリーが反対している。, 3試合連続で勝ったのは誰ですか.
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バークレイズ・センターのBROOKLYNボクシング​​™プログラミングプラットフォームは、AARPによって提示されています. より多くの情報をご覧ください www.SHO.com/Sports ツイッター@SHOSportsに従ってください, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromと@Swanson_CommやFacebookでのファンになりますwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/