Tag Archives: Charles Martin

Nodiadau Gwersyll Hyfforddi Luis Ortiz

Cystadleuydd diguro o Giwba yn Wynebu Pencampwr Pwysau Trwm CLlC Deontay Wilder Live ar SHOWTIME Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 3
gan Barclays Center yn Brooklyn & Cyflwynir gan
Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier
MIAMI (Chwefror 16, 2018) – Cystadleuydd pwysau trwm heb ei guro Luis “Mae'r Real King Kong” Ortiz o'r diwedd yn agosáu at ei gyfle teitl byd cyntaf wrth iddo baratoi i ennill Pencampwr Byd Pwysau Trwm CLlC Deontay “Mae'r Bomber Efydd” Wilder Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 3 yn fyw ar Showtime o Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO ™.
Bydd digwyddiad Pencampwyr Bocsio'r Uwch Gynghrair yn gweld cyn-bencampwr 154-punt heb ei drechu Jermall Charlo cymryd ymlaen Hugo Rye, Jr. ar gyfer teitl pwysau canol interim CLlC yn y cyd-nodwedd. Mae'r telecast Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO yn dechrau am 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT gyda'r ymgeisydd pwysau canol uwch Andre Dirrell brwydro yn galed-taro Jose Uzcategui mewn ail gêm ar gyfer teitl byd Interim 168-punt yr IBF.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan DiBella Entertainment a TGB Promotions, yn dechrau am $50 ac ar werth yn awr. Er mwyn prynu tocynnau, ymweld Ticketmaster.com, BarclaysCenter.com, neu ffoniwch 800-745-3000. Gall tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hefyd yn cael eu prynu yn y Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yn Barclays Center.
Siaradodd Ortiz ar amrywiaeth o bynciau wrth iddo fynd i'r ornest ddisgwyliedig iawn gyda Wilder. Dyma beth oedd gan Ortiz i'w ddweud o wersyll hyfforddi yn Miami:
Ar Deontay Wilder…
“Mae'n siarad gormod. Bydd yn rhaid iddo gefnogi hynny yn y cylch. Mae’n dweud ei fod yn mynd i ladd ‘King Kong.’ Mae'n mynd i fy nharo i allan. Rwyf am ei wylio yn ceisio. Dydw i ddim yn debyg i'r dynion eraill yr ymladdodd. Rwy'n ymladdwr go iawn. Anodd a gyda llawer o brofiad. Rydw i wedi bod yn ymladd ers oeddwn i 10 mlwydd oed.
“Nid yw'n fy nychryn. Mae ei sgwrs sbwriel yn gwneud i mi chwerthin. Dim ond llawer o sŵn ydyw. Rwy'n llwglyd. Rwy'n gwneud hyn ar gyfer fy nheulu. Mae'n well iddo fy nghymryd o ddifrif oherwydd mae'n mynd i gael ei hun ar y cynfas cyn iddo wybod. Dw i’n mynd i ddangos i’r byd pwy ‘King Kong’ yn.”
Ar ei wrthdaro â Wilder ar ôl ymladd olaf Ortiz…
“Dywedodd rhywun wrthyf fod Wilder yn y dorf, Gwenais. Roeddwn yn falch o'i weld. Roeddwn i'n gwybod beth oedd ei eisiau.
“Dydw i ddim y math sy'n hoffi siarad yn y sbwriel, ond rydw i wedi ei gael gyda'r dyn hwn. Mae'n siarad gormod. Mae ganddo geg fawr. Mae wedi fy sarhau ac wedi dweud gormod o bethau mud. Felly pan welais ef wrth ymyl y cylch dywedais wrtho am fynd i mewn i'r fodrwy a dweud wrth y byd unwaith ac am byth ei fod yn mynd i ymladd â mi. Dywed ei fod am frwydro yn erbyn y prif ymladdwyr. Rwy'n ymladdwr gorau. Gadewch i ni ei wneud.”
Ar brofi'n bositif am sylwedd gwaharddedig yn ystod hyfforddiant ar gyfer y frwydr gyntaf yn erbyn Wilder…
“Mae llawer o bobl yn credu ynof i ac yn fy adnabod yn dda, gwybod na fyddwn yn gwneud unrhyw beth a all beryglu fy nyfodol fel paffiwr. Mae gen i ormod yn y fantol: fy nheulu, fy mhlant a'r posibilrwydd i ddarparu ar eu cyfer.
“Roeddwn i wedi bod yn cymryd y feddyginiaeth honno ers dwy flynedd. Fy nghamgymeriad oedd peidio â datgelu’r cyffur presgripsiwn hwnnw yn y gwaith papur. Wnes i erioed feddwl bod presgripsiwn yn mynd i ddod â chymaint o drafferth i mi. Roeddwn i'n cymryd y feddyginiaeth hon i drin pwysedd gwaed uchel, ond mae'n debyg ei fod hefyd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i fynd i'r ystafell ymolchi llawer a chuddio pethau eraill. Rwy'n yfed dau galwyn o ddŵr y dydd. Rwy'n mynd i'r ystafell ymolchi llawer yn barod. Dwi byth yn rhoi dau a dau gyda'i gilydd. Rwy'n lân. Roedd y dos y daethon nhw o hyd iddo yn fy system yn rhy isel i guddio unrhyw beth o gwbl. Pe bawn i wedi gwybod, ni chaniatawyd y cyffur presgripsiwn hwn, Byddwn wedi dweud wrth fy hyfforddwr a fy meddyg.
“Rwy'n bwysau trwm nid oes angen i mi wneud pwysau. Pam ydw i'n mynd i fynd i'r drafferth o gymryd sylwedd anghyfreithlon sy'n gwneud ichi fynd i'r ystafell ymolchi yn fawr? Does gen i ddim angen. Yn syml, doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod ei fod wedi'i wahardd. Pe bawn i wedi gwybod, Byddwn wedi dweud rhywbeth wrth fy hyfforddwr neu wrth y meddygon.
“Rwy'n meddwl nad oedd y frwydr i fod ar yr adeg honno y llynedd. Chwaraeodd tynged ran. Roedd i fod i gael ei ohirio. Nawr nid oes unrhyw esgusodion.”
Ar ba mor bwysig yw'r frwydr hon iddo…
“Mae pob ymladd dwi wedi ei gael yn fy ngyrfa wedi bod yn bwysig. Yr allwedd bob amser yw osgoi meddwl ei fod yn ennill neu'n marw oherwydd gall hynny eich rhoi oddi ar y canol. Felly'r ffordd dwi'n ei weld yw bod y frwydr hon yn bwysig i mi oherwydd mae'n rhaid i mi ei hennill. Ac rydw i'n mynd i. Mae'n bencampwriaeth byd, ond i mi, dim ond diwrnod arall yn y gwaith ydyw. Fy unig nod yw ennill y frwydr hon. Win. Win. Win. Trwy ennill y frwydr hon, popeth arall yn datblygu. Rwy'n cael teitl ac rwy'n helpu fy nheulu.”
Ar yr hyn sy'n mynd i ddigwydd ar noson ymladd…
“Pan gaf yn y cylch, y cyfan y byddaf yn meddwl amdano yw'r strategaeth a luniwyd gennym yn y gampfa. Mae fy nheulu yno bob amser. Maen nhw'n mynd i bob ymladd. Dyna oedd fy addewid iddyn nhw pan fu’n rhaid i mi eu gadael ar ôl yng Nghiwba i ddod i’r Unol Daleithiau. Byddan nhw'n dod gyda mi ble bynnag yr af. Os byddaf yn nwy allan, Rwy'n edrych arnyn nhw ac maen nhw'n fy nghadw i fynd. Nhw yw fy nghymhelliant a byddant yn fy helpu i gyflawni'r fuddugoliaeth hon.”
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Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.premierboxingchampions.com,
dilynwch ni ar Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing a @Swanson_Comm neu dewch yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
ac www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC yn cael ei noddi gan Corona Ychwanegol, Finest Beer.

Deontay Wilder vs. Mae Luis Ortiz Undercard yn cynnwys Prif Gystadleuwyr, Cyn Bencampwr Pwysau Trwm, Gornestau Rhagolygon & Sêr y Dyfodol yn Codi Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 3 gan Barclays Center yn Brooklyn

Cystadleuydd Pwysau Canolog Sergey Derevyanchenko yn Ymddangos am y tro cyntaf yng Nghanolfan Barclays; 2016 U.S. Yr Olympiad Gary Antuanne Russell mewn Atyniad Ysgafn Gwych; Diwrnod Padrig vs. Kyrone Davis – 10 Rowndiau Super Welterweights
Mwy! Cyn Bencampwr Pwysau Trwm y Byd Charles Martin, Pwysau canol Willie Monroe & Rhagolygon Lleol Cynyddol Richardson Hitchins Pawb yn Mynd i'r Cylch!
BROOKLYN (Chwefror 14, 2018) – Gornest teitl pwysau trwm y byd rhwng Deontay Wilder ac Luis Ortiz yn cynnwys isgerdyn o atyniadau cyffrous sy'n cynnwys y cystadleuwyr gorau, yn gyn-bencampwr pwysau trwm, rhagolygon cyffrous a mwy oll yn dod i mewn i'r cylch Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 3 gan Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO ™.
Mae gweithredu y tu mewn i'r arena yn cynnwys cystadleuydd pwysau canol uchaf Sergey Derevyanchenko wynebu Dashon Johnson mewn ymladd wyth rownd, 2016 U.S. Olympaidd Gary Antuanne Russell mewn ornest hynod ysgafn chwe-rownd, a chyfatebiaeth 10 rownd rhwng rhagolygon pwysau welter gwych Diwrnod Patrick ac Kyrone Davis.
A 2008 Olympiad Wcreineg bellach yn ymladd allan o Brooklyn, Derevyanchenko (11-0, 9 Kos) ennill ei brif statws cystadleuydd yn yr IBF trwy atal Tureano Johnson yn y 12fed rownd eu mis Awst 2017 ornest a bydd yn wynebu Johnson o California (22-22-3, 7 Kos) wrth iddo aros am ei ergyd teitl.
Un o frodyr iau y pencampwr pwysau plu Gary Russell Jr, y Russell 21 oed (3-0, 3 Kos) cynrychioli'r U.S. yn y 2016 Gemau Olympaidd yn Rio a chyrraedd rownd yr wyth olaf. Trodd yn ddirprwy ym mis Mai y llynedd ac mae wedi sgorio tri stop yn y rownd gyntaf fel pro.
Y 25-mlwydd-oed Day (14-2-1, 6 Kos) ymladd allan o Freeport, Efrog Newydd ac yn fwyaf diweddar enillodd gystadleuaeth gyffrous dros Eric Walker diguro fis Gorffennaf diwethaf i gipio Teitl Pwysau Welter Super Continental Americas. Mae'n cymryd ar obaith arall yn edrych i neidio i statws ymgeisydd yn y 23-mlwydd-oed Davis (13-1, 5 Kos) gan Delaware sy'n mynd i mewn i'r pwl hwn ar rediad buddugol o dair ymladd.
Mae'r cerdyn yn parhau gyda chyn-bencampwr pwysau trwm y byd Charles Martin (25-1-1, 23 Kos) mewn ymladd wyth rownd, Teitl cystadleuydd cyn byd Willie Monroe Jr. (21-3, 6 Kos) mewn carwriaeth pwysau canol wyth rownd a phâr o ragolygon pwysau welter lleol yn ymladd yng Nghanolfan Barclays am y pedwerydd tro fel Richardson Hitchins (3-0, 1 KO) ac Kenny Robles (2-1, 1 KO) cystadlu mewn atyniadau chwe rownd ar wahân. Mae talgrynnu'r weithred yn obaith diguroShynggyskhan Tazhibay (5-0, 2 Kos) mewn pwl pwysau welter chwe-rownd.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan DiBella Entertainment a TGB Promotions, yn dechrau am $50 ac ar werth yn awr. Er mwyn prynu tocynnau, ymweld Ticketmaster.com, BarclaysCenter.com, neu ffoniwch 800-745-3000. Gall tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hefyd yn cael eu prynu yn y Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yn Barclays Center.
Mae digwyddiad Pencampwyr Bocsio Premier yn cael ei arwain gan y Wilder vs. Bydd Ortiz yn cyd-fynd a bydd yn gweld cyn-bencampwr 154-punt heb ei drechu Jermall Charlo cymryd ymlaen Hugo Rye, Jr. ar gyfer teitl pwysau canol interim CLlC yn y cyd-nodwedd. Mae teleddarllediad PENCAMPWR BOCSIO SHOWTIME yn cychwyn yn fyw ar SHOWTIME yn 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT gyda
cystadleuydd pwysau canol uwch uchaf Andre Dirrell brwydro yn galed-taro Jose Uzcategui mewn ail gêm ar gyfer teitl byd Interim 168-punt yr IBF.
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Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.premierboxingchampions.com,
dilynwch ni ar Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing a @Swanson_Comm neu dewch yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
ac www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC yn cael ei noddi gan Corona Ychwanegol, Finest Beer.


Photo c/o of Timothy Hernandez
Ucheldir, California (Ebrill 22, 2016)Nearly three months after an exciting victory in the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions on Fox series, Dominic “Trouble” BREAZEALE (17-0, 15 KO yn) finds himself sitting on the cusp of a shot at the world title against newly crowned IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 KO yn). What has transpired for Breazeale in the last four months, has been nothing short of the irony in how he has reached this point to possibly fight Joshua; is his fate as he sees it.

Back in December of 2015, Breazeale was scheduled to fight Charles Martin in a battle of undefeated American heavyweights. Martin then withdrew from the bout to preserve a title shot against Vyacheslav Glazkov in which he later won. Breazeale went on to fight heavyweight veteran Amir Mansour a month later and after courageously getting up from the canvas, stopped Mansour on his stool prior to the 6th round.
“Rydych yn gwybod, the incident with Martin was really disappointing as we had trained hard for that bout. To show up fight week physically and mentally prepared for the bout and then it’s all of a sudden called off, is just discouraging. But I trusted in my adviser Al Haymon and he put something together for me quickly.
Later the Mansour bout was scheduled and it was a tough fight, but I learned a lot from it. During and after the fight, I realized that I had to use basic fundamentals. He caught me with a good shot but I got off the canvas and started to box him. Only the best of best heavyweights get off the canvas and finish the fight the way I did. Mansour was never stopped before and I clearly showed I have the power needed to stop fighters, and after I broke his jaw, I don’t think he’s ever going to want to fight again,” Said Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, was then scheduled to fight Chris Arreola on April 30th and received disappointing news that Arreola had fractured his ankle and could no longer move forward with the bout. “When I first heard about it, I thought to myself not again, and I was upset that another fight was cancelled, but it was a blessing in disguise,” Dywedodd Breazeale.
Two weeks later, Anthony Joshua would obliterate Charles Martin and claim the IBF world heavyweight title. “Charles Martin got what he deserved and was totally outclassed by Anthony Joshua. Joshua did what he had to do. Martin wasn’t even developed or prepared for the bout. He was soft and slow and you can’t do that in the heavyweight division,” Said Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, who is now ranked #13 gan yr IBF, is being considered to fight Joshua in his first title defense, and he hopes that he gets a shot at the world heavyweight title and is chosen for the bout. “When I first heard that I was possibly going to fight Joshua for the title I was extremely excited. I have been thinking about this daily. This is an opportunity that every fighter dreams and hopes of. I’m sure Joshua felt the same way when he first found out he was going to fight Martin for the title. The only difference is that I am not going to lay down like Charles did and hand the belt over.
Hey Anthony Joshua! LET’S DO THIS! This a great fight for the heavyweight division and the fans. We are both 2012 Olympiaid, undefeated, and pack a punch. The United States of America versus Great Britain. I want to go back to London and finish what I didn’t in 2012. Instead of the gold medal, I want the IBF title, and I guarantee you I’m bringing it back to the United States where it belongs!,” Said Breazeale.
“Yma Comes Trouble


Cyflwyniad Encore o Showtime BOCSIO INTERNATIONAL®Airs Dydd Llun Ar 10 p.m. A/PT Ar Showtime EITHAFOL®

UCHAFBWYNTIAU FIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1S9DGSs

Cliciwch yma Ar gyfer Lluniau; Credyd Matchroom Chwaraeon


LONDON (Ebrill 9, 2016) - Anthony Joshua yw'r Pwysau Trwm Pencampwr IBF newydd o'r Byd.


Mae'r artist knockout undefeated chwythu amddiffyn pencampwr Charles Martin yn yr ail rownd i ddal y gwregys IBF ar ddydd Sadwrn o flaen torf hometown bywiog yn The O2 yn Llundain ar Showtime BOCSIO INTERNATIONAL.


Joshua, a gadwodd ei record KO perffaith mewn tact i symud ymlaen i'r 16-0 gyda 16 Kos, ennill gwregys pwysau trwm yn y nifer lleiaf o ymladd ers Michael Bentt guro Tommy Morrison mewn dim ond ei 12fed gêm pro mewn 1993.


Joshua’s one-punch KO power was evident early. After an even first, y 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist floored Martin with a straight right less than one minute into the second round. The southpaw looked stunned and slowly rose to beat the count, but was floored again with another right hand just seconds later. That was it for Martin (23-1-1, 21 Kos), a oedd wedi ennill y gwregys ym mis Ionawr o dan amgylchiadau rhyfedd ac yn awr yn berchen ar y teyrnasiad ail byrraf am bencampwr pwysau trwm.


"Rwy'n dim ond un-chwarter y ffordd yno,"Meddai Joshua., who has expressed his desire to unify the heavyweight division. “I’m not going to get too carried away because we still have work to do. Rydym wedi (David) Haye fy ngalw allan, Tyson Fury calling me out. I need to keep on pushing if I’m going to maintain at a high level.




Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® Live Ar 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT

From The O2 In London

Cliciwch YMA I Download Lluniau; Credyd: Matchroom Chwaraeon


IBF Heavyweight World Championship – 12 Rowndiau

Charles Martin – 245 Pounds

Anthony Joshua – 244 Pounds


IBF Featherweight World Championship – 12 Rowndiau

Lee Selby – 125 Pounds

Eric Hunter – 125 ¼ Pounds


NODYN: Highlight coverage of Selby vs. Hunter will air on Dydd Sadwrn hwnShowtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® telecast, preceding the live presentation of the IBF Heavyweight World Championship between unbeaten American titlist Charles Martin and fellow unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua. Martin vs. Joshua airs live on SHOWTIME® yn 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT.




“I’m always here to prove the doubters wrong. When you doubt me, that just fuels my fire.” – Charles Martin

"I’ll probably go out and try to take his head off.” – Anthony Joshua

Cliciwch YMA I Download Lluniau; Credyd: Matchroom Chwaraeon

LONDON (Ebrill 7, 2016) – IBF Heavyweight World Champion Charles Martin and unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua faced off at the final press conference on Thursday at Four Seasons Hotel in London as they near Dydd Sadwrn heavyweight showdown, live on SHOWTIME from The O2.


The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® telecast begins live at 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT ar Showtime. An encore presentation will air on SHOWTIME EXTREME® yn 8 p.m. A/PT.


Here’s what Martin and Joshua had to say at Thursday’s final press conference.



“I don’t consider this a risk. The O2 Arena, that’s my arena. I’m comfortable everywhere I go. When eyes are on me, I’m going to perform.


“I know how to move my head and be evasive. Real true analysts see the things I do. They can tell.


“I’m always here to prove the doubters wrong. When you doubt me, that just fuels my fire.


“We’re going to keep the tide rolling. We’re rolling.”



They know when it comes to these big heavy-hitters we don’t play games. We’re here to go to war. We’ve just got two generals in the ring and the best army wins.


You know what I’m like, Rwy'n ymladdwr. I’m not going to go in there and dance around and try to evade punches. I’m going to walk through two to give him five. That’s just how it goes, I’m coming for him.


I’m here to box, but at the same time I know I’m ready to swim through deep waters to get it. It’s not going to be easy, I know that for a fact, no fight is easy. That’s why I said to you I will box and hopefully it will be an easy night.


It most definitely is a risk, but at the same time let’s scrap all this 15-fight, 16-fight nonsense and let’s put men in the ring together who want it. Whoever wants it comes out on top and it’s simple as that.”


When asked if he can control his emotions: “Probably not. I’ll probably go out and try to take his head off.”


Additional Fight Week Quotes (free to use):




“I don’t know how the fans will react to me knocking him out, but that’s what is going to happen. I don’t know how the fans in London will react, but I can only be myself.


“I’m world champion, but a lot of people don’t know me. After I knock him out we’ll see where that goes.


“I’m not going to go in there respecting anybody’s power. He’s going to have to respect me and my power and deal with me and my tools. I don’t care what he’s bringing to the table.


“This is my livelihood and I get real emotional with this. If you don’t take emotion into it then how are you even going to win? I’ve got to walk my own path. When I get emotional ahead of a big fight like this, I feel that I cannot be stopped. Even if I have doubt, I always have that.


“I don’t think about where he’s been. All I care about is where he’s going. I don’t care if he’s been in deep water before, or how many rounds he’s been. I want him to remember the word ‘timber’ because I’m going to make his ass hit that canvas real hard.


“This belt is mine. He’s trying to take what’s mine, take something from me. He’s trying to steal food out of my mouth, out of my kids’ mouth, out of my family’s mouth. This is my livelihood.


“I don’t want to let this go: this is never going to end. I want to be known as the greatest southpaw heavyweight that ever put on a set of gloves.


“When I get to this point now, I can’t be stopped. I’m like Lamon Brewster versus Wladimir Klitschko when he unloaded all those shots until he couldn’t throw anymore punches. And then what did Lamon Brewster do? Knock him the (expletive) out. Just that will to win, un. You can throw whatever you want, but I’ll walk through fire to get you.


“It’s controlled aggression, er bod, because if it’s not, you’ll run into everything they throw at you. I go in there with my antennas to the ceiling and I won’t take my eyes off him until the job is done.


“Everything is just cooking in the kitchen like I am a master chef, and all of the ingredients put together make it perfect.


“Life is all about taking risks but I don’t consider this a risk because I’m confident in what I do. It’s all about just taking that first step. You’ve got to walk out on your own and you’ve got to believe in yourself. If I didn’t believe in myself I wouldn’t have made it this far. If I didn’t believe in myself I wouldn’t be Prince Charles Martin.


“The belt is absolutely in the right hands. I didn’t want to win it the way I did – that was just crazy – I don’t even really like talking about it because it wasn’t my fault. Afterwards, he walked out of the venue – he didn’t limp or get carried out, he walked. If that was me I’d have fought on and gone out on my shield. You’d have to knock me out no matter what. I don’t care if I break my hand, if I break my jaw, I am not stopping.”



“I believe I am ready to win the world title. A lot of people have said that this might be too soon for me, that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, but right now my knuckles are itchy and I just want to get in there and show the world what I can do.


“When my promoter Eddie Hearn called me up and said ‘do you want to fight Charles Martin for the world heavyweight title?’ I just said: ‘Let’s roll’.


“Opportunity knocks and you have to open the door. I have trained and prepared correctly and am ready for this. There’s no turning back. I just embrace it.


“We saw the opportunity when Martin called me out. Roeddwn yn hoffi, ‘OK Mr. IBF calling me out.’ The IBF champ calling out the British champ. I’ve got the heavyweight champion of the world calling me out saying he wants to fight me. I say cool. Let’s rock and roll.


“At the end of the day, let’s strip away the heavyweight title and let’s look at the opponent I’m facing. Charles Martin is a southpaw who can box and who can punch a bit.


“Facing a southpaw always comes with different angles and different tricks. I can’t go in recklessly because you can easily get counter punched. That’s why sparring is important and having a successful camp is important. I know I’ve done all I can to prepare myself for him.


“Let’s welcome Charles into the Lion’s den. He’s coming to The O2 – this is my stomping ground. When I fight here it’s electric and it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere, the best yet. It’s going to be interesting to see how he handles it. What a night it will be if I can lift that belt above my head.


“Sometimes you got to put talent to one side and dig deep. This is the fight game; you got to prove to yourself that when tactics aren’t working, you’ve got to dig a bit deeper, go to war and find a way to win. That’s what I thought when I fought Dillian (Whyte). Certain things weren’t working, I was rushing a bit, I wasn’t in my comfort zone, but I dug deep I found a way to win and I ended the night in a spectacular knockout.


“After I do the business with Martin, a fight with (Tyson) Fury is 10 neu 12 months awayproviding he handles his business in (Wladimir) Klitschko rematch.


“I find Fury a bit irritating to be honest. All his antics work for him, I suppose, but I can’t wait to fight him. He’s had plenty to say about me, and it’s coming from the same guy that was singing my praises when I sparred with him when I was a complete novice.


“As time goes on, it’s going to get worse for the others because my confidence will grow, I’ll train, learn and take it into the ring.


“David Haye? Bring it on. My heart tells me I am ready. I am at championship level now. After I get Martin out of the way, David is a massive name and when we’re ready to get it on it will be a huge fight.”


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Rhwydweithiau Showtime Inc. (SNI), is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of CBS Corporation, berchen ac yn rhedeg y rhwydweithiau teledu premiwm Showtime®, The Movie SIANEL ™ a FLIX®, a hefyd yn cynnig Showtime AR GALW®, The Movie SIANEL ™ AR Y GALW a FLIX AR GALW®, a dilysu gwasanaeth Showtime UNRHYW ADEG y rhwydwaith®. Showtime Digital Inc., is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of SNI, yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth ffrydio sy'n sefyll ar ei ben ei hun Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS a darparwyr telco, ac fel gwasanaeth ffrydio arunig drwy Apple®, Blwyddyn®, Amazon and Google. Gall defnyddwyr hefyd danysgrifio i Showtime drwy Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI hefyd yn rheoli Rhwydweithiau Smithsonian, menter ar y cyd rhwng SNI a'r Sefydliad Smithsonian, sy'n cynnig Smithsonian Sianel, ac yn cynnig Smithsonian Ddaear trwy SN Digidol LLC. SNI marchnadoedd ac yn dosbarthu chwaraeon a digwyddiadau adloniant ar gyfer arddangosfa i danysgrifwyr ar sail talu-fesul-farn drwy Showtime PPV. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.SHO.com.



Undefeated heavyweight contender Anthony Joshua has 15 knockouts yn ei 15 ymladd proffesiynol. Check out this video compilation from SHOWTIME Sports showcasing all of Joshua’s KOs. And tune in dydd Sadwrn to watch the 2012 British Olympic Gold Medalist challenge undefeated American titlist Charles Martin for the IBF Heavyweight World Championship, byw ar Showtime yn 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.


Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Lluniau; Credyd Matchroom Chwaraeon


LONDON (Ebrill 6, 2016) – IBF Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby and American challenger Eric Hunter participated in a final undercard press conference on Wednesday at Trinity House as they prepare to faceoff dydd Sadwrn at The O2 in London.


Highlight coverage of Selby vs. Hunter will air on Dydd Sadwrn hwnShowtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL® telecast, preceding the live presentation of the IBF Heavyweight World Championship between unbeaten American titlist Charles Martin and fellow unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua. Martin vs. Joshua air live on SHOWTIME® yn 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT.


Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) vs. Hunter (21-3, 11 Kos) is the second of five scheduled featherweight title bouts in 2016 (details below), a lineup showcasing many of the world’s best 126-pounders aiming to unifying one of boxing’s deepest divisions.


Here’s what Selby and Hunter had to say during fight week:




“I will put on a devastating and clinical performance. I am going to take the fight to him. You are going to see spiteful punches and hurtful shots, so Hunter better be ready.


“I will show why I am the IBF World Champion and show people what I can do. If he wants to stand and fight, we can fight. If he wants to box, we’ll box. I haven’t needed to show how tough I am yet and that I can grit it out, because I’ve out-boxed everyone I’ve faced. Fodd bynnag, he wants it I don’t mind. If you see me sparring every day in the gym, I just want to have a tear-up.


“You don’t win fights like thator at least, I’m instructed not to. I’m told to box all the time but when it comes down to it, I’d love to have a tear-up.


“I’ve never had the trash talking and at weigh-ins I’ve never had anyone in my face, but it won’t affect me at all. It doesn’t change my mindset one bit.


“I’ve had a little look at him, seen his style. Ei fod yn ymladdwr da, he’s awkward, switch hits, has power, so it’s going to be a tough fight.


“Eric is my No. 1 challenger and he’s there for a reason. He’s going to give me a real test but that’s what I need.


“Fighting in front of British fans is the best atmosphere in boxing. It was a dream to go out to America to defend a World title, but it’s a dream to defend it on home soil in front of 20,000.


“There have been some great fighters calling me out. Carl Frampton was talking about me after his last fight, Josh Warrington has called me out a lot of times and Leo Santa Cruz has mentioned me, hefyd. There are plenty of options but I’ve got to come through this one.


“Warrington will never get to my level. He’s done everything asked of him and won all the titles I vacated, and it’s a fight that could be made straight away if he comes through his next fight and I come through mine. Warrington talks about me a lot, and it’s a fight I would definitely be interested in and if we both win our next fights. Maybe it will happen, and it would be a big fight.”




“Selby is a runner, we know he’s a runner, he boxes and runs away. He hasn’t really fought anyone yet. He beat Evgeny Gradovich, who has not really been the same since he fought Billy Dib. He just walked forward with his hands up.


“I was rated by the IBF for the longest time. I was rated higher than Lee Selby when he fought Fernando Montiel and when he got Gradovich.


“Not to be smart or cocky, but I’d never seen him fight. I never heard of him until the Gradovich fight. And with that fight, I think Gradovich was winning but Selby got the hometown decision. He boxed well. He runs pretty well too.


“I can adjust. Gallaf ymladd. Gallaf blwch. I got better footwork. I can bang. I can do a few things that he probably can’t.


“I’m excited about fighting in front of all these people. It gives me the chance to show off my skills. They are going to see a new IBF champion.


“I don’t need to win a war of words, I’m going to show what I can do on the night. I love the London fans, I’m looking forward to coming over there and showing them what I can do.”


2016 Featherweight Title Bouts (All on SHOWTIME with the exception of Mehefin 25 “SHOWTIME BOXING on CBS”)

  • Chwefror. 27 WBA (Super) Featherweight World Championship Leo Santa Cruz vs. Kiko Martinez
  • Ebrill 9 IBF Featherweight World Championship Lee Selby vs. Eric Hunter (Uchafbwyntiau)
  • Ebrill 16 WBC Featherweight World Championship Gary Russell Jr. vs. Patrick Hyland
  • Mehefin 25 WBA (Regular) Featherweight World Championship Jesus Cuellar vs. Cesig Abner
  • Summer 2016 WBA (Super) Featherweight World Championship Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton


# # #


Rhwydweithiau Showtime Inc. (SNI), is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of CBS Corporation, berchen ac yn rhedeg y rhwydweithiau teledu premiwm Showtime®, The Movie SIANEL ™ a FLIX®, a hefyd yn cynnig Showtime AR GALW®, The Movie SIANEL ™ AR Y GALW a FLIX AR GALW®, a dilysu gwasanaeth Showtime UNRHYW ADEG y rhwydwaith®. Showtime Digital Inc., is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of SNI, yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth ffrydio sy'n sefyll ar ei ben ei hun Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS a darparwyr telco, ac fel gwasanaeth ffrydio arunig drwy Apple®, Blwyddyn®, Amazon and Google. Gall defnyddwyr hefyd danysgrifio i Showtime drwy Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI hefyd yn rheoli Rhwydweithiau Smithsonian, menter ar y cyd rhwng SNI a'r Sefydliad Smithsonian, sy'n cynnig Smithsonian Sianel, ac yn cynnig Smithsonian Ddaear trwy SN Digidol LLC. SNI marchnadoedd ac yn dosbarthu chwaraeon a digwyddiadau adloniant ar gyfer arddangosfa i danysgrifwyr ar sail talu-fesul-farn drwy Showtime PPV. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.SHO.com.


Encore Presentation At 8 P.m. A/PT Ar Showtime EITHAFOL®

NEW YORK (Mawrth 29, 2016) - Y Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL presentation of the IBF Heavyweight World Championship between undefeated American titlist Charles Martin and fellow unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua will air live on Showtime yn 5 p.m. A/2 p.m. PT arDydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 9 o The O2 yn Llundain.

An encore presentation will air later that evening on SHOWTIME EXTREME at 8 p.m. A/PT.

Y Showtime BOCSIO RHYNGWLADOL telecast will be hosted by Brian Custer with analysis from Al Bernstein ac Paulie Malignaggi. Coverage of the event will be provided by Sky Sports with the play-by-play call from Nick Halling, analysis from Jim Watt ac Carl Froch and post-fight interviews from Andy Scott.

The SHOWTIME telecast will include extensive highlights and analysis of the IBF Featherweight World Championship between defending titlist Lee Selby and American challenger Eric Hunter.

(EDITORS NOTE: Due to a change in the bout order at The O2 in London, SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL is unable to provide live coverage of this bout.)

Martin vs. Joshua is the third of four heavyweight title bouts in five months ar Showtime (see details below). The scheduled 12-round matchup is the toughest test to date for both Martin (23-0-1, 21 Kos) and Joshua (15-0, 15 Kos), two bombers who boast a combined 94 percent knockout ratio.

Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) vs. Hunter (21-3, 11 Kos) is the second of five scheduled featherweight title bouts in 2016 (details below), a lineup showcasing many of the world’s best 126-pounders aiming to unifying one of boxing’s deepest divisions.

“The heavyweight division is experiencing an incredible resurgence, and the featherweight division is rife with compelling matchups,"Meddai Stephen Espinoza, Is-lywydd Gweithredol & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports. “Martin vs. Joshua is a can’t-miss showdown between a newly minted American champion and one of the sport’s fastest-rising stars. And Selby vs. Hunter has major implications in the talent-rich division. We are proud to work with Matchroom Sport to deliver these pivotal matchups to the U.S. audience.”

“I’m the Heavyweight Champion of the World, and that’s why I have no problem traveling to England for my first title defense,” Martin said. “I only want to fight the best, and I plan on knocking Anthony Joshua out and taking his fans and the belt back with me.”

“The O2 is going to be rocking on Ebrill 9 and the U.S. fans are in for a treat when they see Charles and I clash,” Joshua said. “Credit to him for coming over after calling me out, but he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself in for. I am going to show all my power, all my speed and all my accuracy to put on the best display of my life and become the Heavyweight Champion of the World by knocking him out. I’m delighted that fans in the U.S. will be able to witness it.”

“After a great experience in my first defense in Arizona against Fernando MONTIEL, it’s nice to be back in front of my home fans at The O2 in London,” Selby said. “It’s going to be a crazy atmosphere with a 20,000 person sold-out arena. Hunter has talked a lot of trash and I’m looking forward to showing him what it’s like at the world championship level. He’s in for a shock.”

“He’s got a belt I want, and that’s all I know about him,” Hunter said. “My team knows more about him than I do. It’s their job to come up with a game plan. My job is train and get ready to perform my best. I can adjust to anything in the ring. I’m just here at the gym working my butt off to get the job done. I’m going to be more focused than I ever have been for this fight.”

The 6-foot-5 Martin won the IBF championship on Jan. 16 pan Vyacheslav Glazkov suffered a knee injury in the third round of their vacant world title fight. In capturing the IBF belt, Martin, St. Louis, Mo, became just the sixth southpaw heavyweight champion in boxing history and the second current American heavyweight titlist.

While Martin has stopped his last 13 opponents and was the aggressor against Glazkov, the undefeated champ remains virtually untested. His first title defense and initial start outside the U.S., will take place at what is expected to be a pro-Joshua arena in London that sold out in just 90 eiliad. The 29-year-old Martin, who is trained by U.S. Olympaidd Henry Tillman in Big Bear, Calif., will be Joshua’s first professional southpaw opponent.

Joshua had a standout amateur career that culminated with an Olympic Gold Medal at super heavyweight in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Since turning professional in July 2013, the 6-foot-6 Joshua has steadily climbed through the ranks.

One of boxing’s most promising prospects, Joshua is coming off consecutive victories over previously undefeated opponents. Yn ei bout diwethaf, the 26-year-old was pushed past the third round for the first time in his career. Joshua defeated Dillian Whyte via seventh-round knockout on Rhagfyr. 12. Nawr, Joshua returns to The O2, the site of his professional debut and five of his 15 pyliau proffesiynol, in a bid to join Tyson Fury as the second current reigning British heavyweight champion.

Joshua is also looking to become the sixth super heavyweight Olympic Gold Medalist to win a heavyweight world title. If successful, he will join an impressive group that includes George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Lennox Lewis acWladimir Klitschko.

Fe'i ganed yn y Barri, Cymru, Selby won his world title with a dominant technical decision over previously undefeated Evgeny Gradovich Mai 2015. The slick boxer made his first title defense in his U.S. debut last October, capturing a unanimous decision over former three-division champ Fernando Montiel.

The 29-year-old owns a slew of victories over previously unblemished fighters including Joel Brunker, Ryan Walsh, Viorel Simon, Corey McConnell acStephen Smith. He has won 18 straight since the lone blemish of his career, and six of his last eight victories came over previously undefeated opponents.

Hunter, who will take a four-fight win streak into his initial start outside the U.S., has always possessed an abundance of talent. Before turning pro, the Philadelphia native was an outstanding amateur and an alternate on the U.S. Tîm Olympaidd.

The fast-handed 29-year-old has scored some solid victories as a pro, and his biggest enemy in a nine-year career has been himself – the switch-hitter doesn’t always keep his composure in check and allows his emotions get the best of him. Two of Hunter’s three losses came by disqualification, the last coming via DQ in 2013 erbyn Mike Oliver for hitting at the break. The other came againstLuis Franco mewn 2010, when he had a point deducted in the second and was DQ’d in the eighth after repeated low blows.

If Hunter can keep his hot head from getting him in trouble, he’s confident he can upset Selby and join Leo Santa Cruz ac Gary Russell Jr. as U.S.-born world champion at 126 bunnoedd.

2016 Heavyweight Title Bouts (NODYN: all on SHOWTIME))

· Jan. 16 WBC Heavyweight World Championship Deontay Wilder vs. Arthur Pin

· Jan. 16 IBF Heavyweight World Championship Charles Martin vs. Vyacheslav Glazkov

· Ebrill 9 IBF Heavyweight World Championship Charles Martin vs. Anthony Joshua

· Mai 21 WBC Heavyweight World Championship Deontay Wilder vs. Alexander Povetkin

2016 Featherweight Title Bouts (All on SHOWTIME with the exception ofMehefin 25 “SHOWTIME BOXING on CBS”)

· Chwefror. 27 WBA (Super) Featherweight World Championship Leo Santa Cruz vs. Kiko Martinez

· Ebrill 9 IBF Featherweight World Championship Lee Selby vs. Eric Hunter

· Ebrill 16 WBC Featherweight World Championship Gary Russell Jr. vs. Patrick Hyland

· Mehefin 25 WBA (Regular) Featherweight World Championship Jesus Cuellar vs. Cesig Abner

· Summer 2016 WBA (Super) Featherweight World Championship Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton


Caption: L-R (back row): Bute; Martin, Jack, DeGale, Russell Jr, Mamau, Selby, Provodnikov, Quellar, Pedraza.

L-R (front row): Joshua, Thurman, Wilder, Gwisgwch, Povetkin.


NEW YORK (Mawrth 11, 2016)—SHOWTIME Sports ar ddydd Gwener announced seven live boxing telecasts over a 12-week span, a stacked lineup featuring nine world championship fights and 14 overall matches in boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.


The full slate of programming is free to SHOWTIME subscribers, and the presentation on CBS is the first Prime Time boxing event on CBS television network in decades.


Stephen Espinoza, Is-lywydd Gweithredol & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, also announced a summer blockbuster in the making.


“This is an incredibly exciting time in boxing, a time for emerging stars to make their mark, and for established champions to break through to the next level,” Espinoza said.


“This schedule features high level matchups with champions taking on the highest-rated contenders available, and top-ranked challengers facing one another. We are thrilled and grateful to the promoters and the fighters themselves who have worked with us these last few weeks to put together such an impressive lineup for SHOWTIME Boxing. It has to be one of the best we’ve ever assembled.


“We have seven live telecasts over a 12-week span that runs the gamut of our SHOWTIME boxing series. It includes nine world title fights, and that doesn’t count a great fight that’s just coming together today, as both Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton have now agreed to a championship matchup to be scheduled for late summer.


“All of these events are free to SHOWTIME subscribers, ac mae'r Mehefin 25 event is the first Prime Time boxing presentation on CBS television network in decades.


“Again, thanks to the fighters and promoters for not only making these great matches a reality, but for their cooperation in today’s major announcement.”

See below for details on the events that Espinoza, and the principals involved, are in the process of finalizing. Additional details on each individual event will be announced in the coming days.



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 Kos) vs. Anthony Joshua (15-0, 15 Kos) – IBF Heavyweight World Title Championship

Co-feature: Lee Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) vs. Eric Hunter (21-3, 11 Kos) – IBF Featherweight Championship

Start Time: I'w benderfynu

Lleoliad: The O2 – London

Hyrwyddwr: Rhyfelwyr Bocsio & Matchroom Chwaraeon


Dydd Gwener, Ebrill 15 - ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd

Prif Ddigwyddiad: Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos) vs. Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos) – 10-Rd Bantamweight Bout

Start Time: 10 p.m. A/PT

Lleoliad: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Hyrwyddwr: Salita Hyrwyddiadau

  • Four-fight telecast featuring at least six undefeated fighters.



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) vs. Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos) – WBC Featherweight World Championship

Cyd-Nodwedd: Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) vs. Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos) – IBF Super Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: 11 p.m. A/8 p.m. PT

Lleoliad: Fox Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino

Hyrwyddwr: DiBella Adloniant

  • Featherweight world title fights in consecutive weeks.
  • Gary Russell Jr. returns to make his first title defense
  • Crucial Super Featherweight bout between defending champ Jose Pedraza and No. 1 challenger Stephen Smith.



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Badou Jack (20-1-1, 12 Kos) vs. Lucian Bute (32-3, 25 Kos) – WBC Super Middleweight Championship

Cyd-Nodwedd: James DeGale (22-1, 14 Kos) vs. Rogelio Medina (35-6, 29 Kos) – IBF Super Middleweight World Championship

Start Time: 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT

Lleoliad: I'w benderfynu

Hyrwyddwr: Promotions Mayweather

  • Former champ Bute, fresh off a great fight against DeGale, steps in to replace the injured Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
  • Medina is the IBF’s mandated challenger for DeGale.
  • The winners will meet in an immediate unification.



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Deontay Wilder (36-0, 35 Kos) vs. Alexander Povetkin (30-1, 22 Kos) – WBC Heavyweight World Championship

Start Time: I'w benderfynu

Lleoliad: I'w benderfynu



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Ruslan Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Kos) vs. John Molina Jr. (28-6, 23 Kos) – 12-Rd Super Lightweight Bout

Start Time: 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT

Lleoliad: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Hyrwyddwr: Hyrwyddo Banner

  • Induction Weekend for International Boxing Hall of Fame.
  • Main event features two fighters involved in Fights of Year


Dydd Sadwrn, Mehefin 25 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by PBC

Prif Ddigwyddiad: Keith Thurman (26-0, 1 ND, 22 Kos) vs. Shawn Porter (26-1-1, 16 Kos) – WBA Welterweight World Championship

Cyd-Nodwedd: Iesu Cuellar (28-1, 21 Kos) vs. Cesig Abner (29-2-1, 15 Kos) – WBA (reg.) Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: I'w benderfynu

Lleoliad: I'w benderfynu

Hyrwyddwr: DiBella Adloniant

  • Thurman cleared to resume training after minor injury
  • Three-division world champ Mares to now face Jesus Cuellar for featherweight title



Prif Ddigwyddiad: Leo Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 Kos) vs. Carl Frampton (22-0, 14 Kos) – WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

  • Frampton the unified 122-pound titlist, will move up to face Santa Cruz for the WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship