標記檔案: CBS體育網

從塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村重量 & 賭場的'拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網’

丹尼斯·霍根 151 磅. VS. 肯尼四月 152 磅.

10 ROUNDS WBA-NABA美國超級次中量級冠軍

托尼·路易斯 137.5 磅. VS. 愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 136 磅.

合作的主要事件: 輕量級 – 10 ROUNDS

賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 268 磅. VS. EXCELL霍姆斯 250 磅.

電視開瓶器: 權重股 – 6 ROUNDS

巴赫蒂亞爾Eubov 150 磅. VS. 傑森 - 湯普森 146 磅.


喬·格林 169 磅. VS. 蓋伊帕克 165 磅.

超級middleweights – 6 ROUNDS

Hoshuan Sambolin 133 磅. VS. 戴夫·安東尼 139 磅.

超級羽量級 – 4 ROUNDS

丹尼爾·NA德吉澤斯 VS. 若蘇埃里維拉NA

輕量級 – 4 ROUNDS

地點: 塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場, 尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約

促銷員: 格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作


電視: CBS體育網 (9 P.M. AND/PT)


門票:售價 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並且可以與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在購買 (800) 745-3000, onlineat Tick​​etmaster.com或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.


點擊 這裡 查看更多圖片

尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約 (六月 25, 2015) – 今天舉行的決賽新聞發布會明天 晚上的 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 在塞內卡尼亞加拉塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同主辦 亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭) 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

行動開始在CBS體育網的 9 P.M. AND/與PT 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 同時水牛當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才. 電視轉播合作的主要活動將包括加拿大的WBA#14級托尼 “閃電” 路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯) 面對紐約 (經多明尼加共和國) 老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.



我知道他是 (四月) 光滑的左撇子. 我知道他有一些很好的勝利,他的耐用. 作為棘手, 他可能會導致問題, 所以我一直努力工作,能夠預測的不可預測的在我的訓練.

我確定與正在城外的人對這場鬥爭. 100%. 為此,我做了很多作為一個業餘. 如果你打從都柏林一個人在都柏林體育場的整個人群是反對你.

我們聯手格雷格·科恩促銷, 這是好事,因為我想獲得到美國在那裡的一切都發生. 這是我的月以來的第三次戰鬥,我們正在努力的方式進步的階梯. 我們正在做什麼大動作與每場戰鬥. 我越來越受歡迎這裡,我開始變得眾所周知,這一切都工作得很好.


丹尼斯·霍根, 我們已經看到了他的戰鬥. 他的堅韌,他挺身而出. 他保持忙碌. 它看起來像他進來形狀, 但他是一維. 我覺得他太站在直線上升,有時. 除此之外, 我真的給他的信用. 他是一個堅強的鬥士.

戰勝他會重振我的職業生涯. 我已經過了一年, 但我一直在健身房陪練和保持活躍. 它不象我一直在家裡吃薯片. 它會提高我回來了,給我所需要的信心.

它的美麗將在我的家鄉戰鬥在國家電視台. 我認為這是告訴我,'你不這樣做的運動還神的方法。’ 很多人告訴我,我有才華. 我是一個真正的好拳擊手. 我一直以來拳擊七歲. 我已經通過我的職業生涯已經在路上有些顛簸, 思前想後我贏得了我的第一個三戰我是世界冠軍. 但我漸漸長大,拳擊運動成熟,現在我知道如何才能.

# # #

塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12下午- 8下午 太陽週四. & 12下午 – 12 是 星期五 & 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 嘰嘰喳喳: @GCPBoxing.



一個拳擊首屈一指的促銷服裝, 格雷格·科恩促銷 (GCP) 是在世界各地舉辦的世界級職業拳擊賽事,促進專業精英戰士一個受人尊敬的名字.


創始人兼首席執行官格雷格·科恩曾參與職業拳擊在各種能力自上世紀80年代末, 磨練自己的手藝,並建立了自己作為一個精明的國際拳擊商人.


他發現和培養人才的原料區分能力, 科恩做了標題為他的專家指導, 在許多其他, 前WBA超次中量級冠軍奧斯汀 “毫無疑問” 鱒魚, 誰科恩幫助指導來自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次視圖級巨星.


除了鱒魚, 格雷格·科恩促銷已經既定的名字,如前統一和兩次重量級冠軍​​Hasim工作 “搖滾” 拉赫曼 (50-8-2, 41 科斯); 和所有的時間偉大的多的重量級別的世界冠軍詹姆斯 “熄燈” 托尼 (74-7-3, 45 科斯).


在GCP名冊當今世界級的競爭者包括阿拉什Usmanee, 舉世公認的頂級10超羽量級; 前WBA國際中量級冠軍和世界級的中量級的競爭者賈羅德·弗萊徹; 頂級輕量級喬爾Brunker; 重量級拉蒂夫卡約德; 加拿大輕巧和電視動作英雄托尼·路易斯, 和WBA和五次愛爾蘭全國業餘冠軍, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和瑞星重量級的轟動塞西爾McCalla.


格雷格·科恩促銷活動已經舉辦了最好的場館遍布美國和世界的世界級拳擊項目,還自豪地提供人才和/或內容數電視網包括HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, NBC體育網, CBS體育網, 味精和FOX體育網.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 gcpboxing.com. 找到我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.


職業聯賽Armwrestling (PAL), 在這項運動的全球領導者, 其推出 2015 與國內和國際電視轉播“字仇殺隊在拉斯維加斯的”卡美活動 星期天, 七月 12, 硬石酒店 & 在拉斯維加斯賭場, 內華達州.


“字仇殺隊在拉斯維加斯”將在全國范圍內播出的CBS體育網的磁帶延遲的基礎和國際成 56 在北美國家, 歐洲, 亞洲, 非洲和澳大利亞.

PAL美國提出了頂開師競爭對手多 40 在北美國家, 歐洲和亞洲, 男人和女人, 在體重級別,從最輕量級到超重量級.
PAL, 這期間舉行在美國的第一個事件 2009, 始建於 2002 由Igor Mazurenko, 一個傳奇的摔跤手, trainer and promoter in the sport. PAL has offices in Gdynia, 波蘭, 和拉斯維加斯.

“手臂摔跤是一項運動大多數人都有自己的生活中嘗試過一段時間,” said Mazurenko. “But to see these professionals compete, 這就像白天和黑夜. They bring a ferocity that is seen only, 說, 在我看來, 在美式橄欖球中架線工.

“掰手腕開始作為一個正式組織和結構的運動 38 幾年前; 但在過去的十年中已經獲得在美國相當的知名度, 因為球迷們發現並欣賞它的快節奏, intensity and excitement.,” said Mazurenko. “This increased popularity is evidenced by the domestic and international television exposure we have secured.”

幾乎 20 歲月, Mazurenko是整個歐洲的一個突出和成功的專業運動員, 優異的手臂摔跤, power lifting and body building. He competed at the highest level as an arm wrestler for 16 歲月, 而在 2011 奪得了世界冠軍,在大師師作為一個重量級的專業世界杯波蘭.

Mazurenko also can be considered a renaissance man among sports figures. In addition to his PAL duties, Mazurenko是: A licensed acrobatic pilot, 工作在他的博士論文, 做切割- 手臂摔跤邊緣訓練研究, 體育器材製造商和分銷商, 手臂摔跤電影的獲獎製片人, the publisher of an arm wrestling magazine and vice president of the amateur European Arm Wrestling Federation.

四賽“字仇殺隊在拉斯維加斯”牌 七月 12 在乙烯硬石酒店 & 賭場:

  • 拉什莫爾理查德Lupkes, 從. (315 英鎊)

烏克蘭的安德烈·普什卡 (243 英鎊)

  • 里斯本的Tim布雷斯南, 康涅狄格州. (286 英鎊)

烏克蘭歐金尼Prudnik (203 英鎊)

  • 波蘭雅努什·Zolcinski (242 英鎊)

卡梅爾的哈羅德·歐文斯II, 在. (240 英鎊)

  • 亞美尼亞瓦茲根Saghoyan (165 英鎊)

蒙特利爾克里斯Gobby (165 英鎊)

“在拉斯維加斯怪客”門票價格為 $20 一般入學, $50 對保留的, $100 對於VIP.


在Hard Rock酒店 & 賭場從框到日常辦公 10 A.M. 到 8 P.M.;
通過調用AXS 888-929-7849 或者去AXS.com

第一回合在乙烯開始於 3 P.M. 與門開口 2.

Each match consists of the traditional best-of-six rounds format. There is a one-minute break between rounds, 無論多久以前的會話持續.

最會超過內 15 秒, but some can last up to one minute. The record for the longest session in international competition is eight minutes, 永不再-走近時間.

定誰等頂級世界級的摔跤是在即將到來的“字仇殺隊在拉斯維加斯”牌行動包括獨立唐“好萊塢”安德伍德, 密蘇里州; 保加利亞克拉西米爾Kostadinov; 和Zoloev Khadzimurat, 砷Liliev, 阿列克謝Semerenko和阿列克謝Voeyvoda來自俄羅斯.

不僅是手臂摔跤比賽爆炸, it is universal. Virtually, 每一個美國人在某些時候他們的生活中, 通常開始於童年, 已從事手臂摔跤.

但PAL採取這種最基本的活動, refined it and made it one of the fastest-growing sports in the world. It is under consideration as an exhibition sport in the 2024 奧運會.

這些都是極好的運動員誰表現出的力量, 技術, stamina and will. It’s what makes this sport so very dynamic.

男子輕量級中的量級競爭 (最多 139 英鎊), 輕量級 (155), 次中量級 (172) 中量級 (190), 重量級 (210) 和超重量級 (以上 210).

女性在輕量級中量級競爭 (最多 115 英鎊), 輕量級 (126), 次中量級 (139), 中量級 (155) 和超中量級 (以上 155).

年齡組包括青年 (少於 18 歲), 高級青年 (18 通過 20), 老年人 (21 通過 39), 大師 (40 通過 49), 大師 (50 通過 59) 和Ultra大師 (60 多). Open division professionals can be any age from 21 以上.

男人, 婦女和兩個右和左手臂臂摔跤比賽的殘障競爭.

許多因素可能會在手臂摔跤一個人的成功中發揮作用. 技術和整體臂力是兩個最大的促進因素贏得手臂摔跤比賽. 其他因素, 如臂摔跤手的臂的長度, 他/她的肌肉和手臂質量/密度, 手柄大小, 手腕耐力/柔韌性和反應時間, 可以添加到一個手臂摔跤手在另一個優點.


  • 在“頂輥,“它強調的手腕一卷作為摔跤手帶來下來了對手的手腕, 和;
  • “鉤子,“在手腕變成上鉤後,握在裁判已經開始比賽, 和;
  • 在“新聞”或“推,“其中一個摔跤手迫使對手的手掌成正面朝上, 然後, 使用胸, 肩, 三頭肌和前臂的力量, 向下推動對手用於銷, 和;
  • “側壓力,“其中一個摔跤手保持他的手腕鎖定和, 使用旋肩, 向下推動對手用於銷.

嚴格的規則適用, 和犯規可以被稱為和處罰評估由裁判對各種違規行為, 含: 推對手的肘部斷肘墊, 虛假或過早啟動,並試圖通過故意破壞的抓地力與對手或故意滑動自己肘部離墊逃避可能的臂銷.

和, the sport can be hazardous. Arm wrestling puts enormous torque/twist on the upper arm’s humerus bone to a degree seen in few other sports. Most bones are not accustomed to being significantly stressed in this direction, and injuries occasionally occur. Most common is a diagonal break at or below the midpoint between the shoulder and the elbow.

Canada’s Tony Luis Set for Ring Return on Friday, 六月 26, 在塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場和住在CBS體育網


一個成功的轉作為電視評論員拳後,, 康沃爾, 安大略, 加拿大的托尼 “閃電” 路易斯設置為返回到環中的協調功能回合 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網”, 預定 星期五, 六月 26, 2015, 從塞內卡加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約.

自從他飽受爭議的他的第一次戰鬥 “損失” 英格蘭的德里馬修斯的WBA世界冠軍去年四月, WBA#14級路易斯將面臨紐約 (經多明尼加共和國) 老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷贈送, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭) 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

“培訓會很大!” 說一個樂觀的冠冕堂皇的路易斯. “愛德華·巴爾德斯是一個艱難, 經驗豐富的老將,如果你睡在他誰也不足為奇. 他給伊万Redkach八年艱苦的回合,這就是巴爾德斯我準備。”

路易斯在他的第一項任務是顏色評論員做了很好的工作. 他曾在VS卡約德. Kisner從比爾街上個月播出. “在孟菲斯的解說演出是一個偉大的經驗. 我一直想這項工作作為一個孩子,感覺就像我一直做這一切我的生活. 我學到了很多東西,很開心,並期待著在未來的老毛病又犯了。”

受歡迎的人物在他的家鄉,並在他的家鄉加拿大, 路易斯還表示,他期待著他的同胞表現強勁, 如尼亞加拉大瀑布是由加拿大一個很短的距離.

“戰鬥如此接近加拿大邊境,我希望從我的同胞加拿大的支持者一個良好的投票! 我打算把一個偉大的演出,他們和全國電視觀眾. 我希望這樣的表現的力量將推動我進入了另一個世界冠軍的爭奪,這一次我打算採取帶回家。”

並在兩個非常特殊的附加功能, 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 將返回到環剛 22 他的主要事件將軍澳天后 2 在達蒙麥克里承擔布法羅當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才; 和長期頂量級競爭者 “意味著” 喬·格林 (25-1, 16 科斯) 將返回到環首次在兩年多面對密歇根州的蓋伊帕克在六全才.

在undercard, 兩名當地的前景將會使他們的親亮相, 羅切斯特, 紐約超羽量級Hashuan Sambolin會去他的前四個反對辛辛那提的彌分公司; 和布法羅輕量級丹尼爾德吉澤斯會讓他對TBA.And亮相四捨五入行動, 哈薩克斯坦的不敗Bakhtiyer Eubov看起來保住自己的完美 5-0, 5 科斯記錄完整的對紐約的次中量級傑森 - 湯普森 (5-10-4, 4 科斯).




塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12下午- 8下午 太陽週四. & 12下午 – 12 是 星期五 & 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.TWItter: @GCPBoxing



一個拳擊首屈一指的促銷服裝, 格雷格·科恩促銷 (GCP) 是在世界各地舉辦的世界級職業拳擊賽事,促進專業精英戰士一個受人尊敬的名字.


創始人兼首席執行官格雷格·科恩曾參與職業拳擊在各種能力自上世紀80年代末, 磨練自己的手藝,並建立了自己作為一個精明的國際拳擊商人.


他發現和培養人才的原料區分能力, 科恩做了標題為他的專家指導, 在許多其他, 前WBA超次中量級冠軍奧斯汀 “毫無疑問” 鱒魚, 誰科恩幫助指導來自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次視圖級巨星.


除了鱒魚, 格雷格·科恩促銷已經既定的名字,如前統一和兩次重量級冠軍​​Hasim工作 “搖滾” 拉赫曼 (50-8-2, 41 科斯); 和所有的時間偉大的多的重量級別的世界冠軍詹姆斯 “熄燈” 托尼 (74-7-3, 45 科斯).


在GCP名冊當今世界級的競爭者包括阿拉什Usmanee, 舉世公認的頂級10超羽量級; 前WBA國際中量級冠軍和世界級的中量級的競爭者賈羅德·弗萊徹; 頂級輕量級喬爾Brunker; 重量級拉蒂夫卡約德; 加拿大輕巧和電視動作英雄托尼·路易斯, 和WBA和五次愛爾蘭全國業餘冠軍, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和瑞星重量級的轟動塞西爾McCalla.


格雷格·科恩促銷活動已經舉辦了最好的場館遍布美國和世界的世界級拳擊項目,還自豪地提供人才和/或內容數電視網包括HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, NBC體育網, CBS體育網, 味精和FOX體育網.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 gcpboxing.com. 找到我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. wITES: @GCPBoxing.

拳擊錦標賽在哥倫比亞廣播公司體育網卡預定星期五, 六月 26, at Seneca Niagara Casino Taking Shape



下一個分期付款 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網”, 預定星期五, 六月 26, 2015, 從塞內卡加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約, 正在形成.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷贈送, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭), 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: (716) 501-2444.

在協調功能回合, 加拿大的WBA#14級托尼 “閃電” 路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯) 因為他的高度爭議返回到環首次 “損失” 英格蘭的德里馬修斯的WBA世界冠軍去年四月. 路易斯將採取強硬的老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

並在兩個非常特殊的附加功能, 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 將返回到環剛 22 他的主要事件將軍澳天后 2 在達蒙麥克里承擔布法羅當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才; 和長期頂量級競爭者 “意味著” 喬·格林 (25-1, 16 科斯) 將返回到環首次在兩年多面對密歇根州的蓋伊帕克在六全才.

在undercard, 兩名當地的前景將會使他們的親亮相, 羅切斯特, 紐約, 超羽量級Hashuan Sambolin會去他的前四個反對辛辛那提的彌分公司; 和布法羅輕量級丹尼爾德吉澤斯會讓他對TBA.And亮相四捨五入行動, 哈薩克斯坦的不敗Bakhtiyer Eubov看起來保住自己的完美 5-0, 5 科斯記錄完整的對紐約的次中量級傑森 - 湯普森 (5-10-4, 4 科斯).

塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問 www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12 下午- 8 下午太陽週四. & 12 下午 – 12 週五上午和 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 嘰嘰喳喳: @GCPBoxing.

Undefeated Super Middleweight Derrick “把它帶到銀行” Webster back in action on TONIGHT in Memphis

孟菲斯, 田納西 ( 五月 29, 2015)TONIGHT at the W.C. Handy Pavilion in Memphis, 田納西, undefeated Super Middleweight, 起重機 “Take it to the Bank” 韋伯斯特 will make his first start of 2015 when he takes on William Johnson in a six-round bout that is part of a card that will be televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Webster is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions.
格拉斯波羅韋伯斯特, 新澤西州有紀錄 18-0 同 9 knockouts and has not been sitting idle during the six months he has not been in the ring.
“培訓已經很大. We had some dates moved on us, so we stayed at home for camp. We used a lot of different sparring partners and I have a new strength and conditioning coach. I did a lot of new things such as running the bleachers, some great ab work as well, ” said Webster.
Webster has been no stranger to layoffs as guys are not running fast to face the 6’4inch southpaw who has displayed good boxing ability and power.
It frustrates me but I have been dealing with it my whole career. I know I should be a lot further along but now I have promoters and managers (ð & D Management) that should help ease that problem. So with that in mind, I can’t wait to see what is to come.
In Johnson, Webster is fighting a guy with a pedestrian record but that was not by choice.
It is hard to get up for this opponent. We had at least 12 guys turn down the fight for one reason or another. There is nothing I can do to make guys fight me. I am just going into this fight to get a win and start fighting the upper echelon guys. I think I will come right back in July and we will be fighting for some regional titles.
I appreciate the support. I love my family and fans. This fight will end in a knockout. I am glad I can display this on national television and the world will finally recognize what they have been missing and that is that I am the best southpaw in boxing.
GH3促銷信息特色不敗中量級安托萬·道格拉斯, 超中量級的傑里奧多姆 & 德里克 - 韋伯斯特, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez as well as Boxcino Jr. 中量級冠軍約翰·湯普森, 不敗重量級Jerrell哈里斯,不敗超輕量級拳王Qa'id, 不敗輕量級奧斯卡·博尼利亞, 重量級的Natu Visinia和輕重量級Lavarn Harvell到GH3促銷穩定.

Lightweight Contender Tony Luis to Serve on Broadcast Commentary Team on CBS Sports Network, 這個星期五, 五月 29 在孟菲斯

Lightweight contender Tony “閃電” Luis says it’ll be the realization of a childhood dream when he serves as guest analyst on the broadcast team this Friday, 五月 29.

Luis will join Ron Kruck, Steve Kim and Patrick Ortiz for the live call of “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網,” will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, AND) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, 田納西.

格雷格·科恩促銷提出, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network will be headlined by a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “動力” Kayode (20-0, 16 科斯) 和 “華而不實的” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 科斯).

在合作的主要事件, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut against Batesville, 阿肯色州’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 科斯). Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) in a six-round super featherweight showcase against Nairobi, Kenya’s Fatuma Zarika (24-10-2, 14 科斯), as well as super middleweight Derrick “把它帶到銀行” 韋伯斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder against Mississippi’s William Johnson.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽” 售價為 $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236. 搏擊之夜, doors open @ 6:00 下午. The live television telecast will run from 10 時至 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com.

It’s another childhood dream come true,” said Luis of doing commentary. “My mom was a stickler with me over reading when I was little, but once I got the hang of it and discovered boxing, look out! I drove her crazy reading my dad’s boxing collection to her all the time. And she would always say I had what it took to do what the guys on HBO were doing. I can hear the ‘I told you so,’ from heaven.

Luis will be joining a solid broadcast team of veterans. Blow-by-blow man Ron Kruck is an MMA correspondent for the longest-running Mixed Martial Arts news show on television, 裡面MMA, on Mark Cuban’s AXS TV. Long-time boxing journalist Steve Kim is internationally recognized for his commentary and opinion preceding major pay-per-view boxing bouts. Patrick Ortiz is the President of Ringside Ticket Inc and Lords of the Cage, which specializes in providing Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing events for Tribal Casinos.

Max Kellerman motivated me when i was younger,” said Luis of his influences. “I saw a young guy with a passion for boxing. Max is a very good commentator and has developed a good eye for the sport, but I feel I have an edge because I actually live it and know what it is like to be in that ring.

路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯), who lost a controversial decision in a world-title fight in England against England’s Derry Matthews in April, will next be seen, in ring, 六月 25 尼亞加拉瀑布, New York against an opponent that is TBA.

Amanda Serrano ‘Honoredto Represent Women’s Boxing’s Return to Network Television

Serrano to Face Jackie Trivilino, Live on CBS Sports Network on 星期五, 五月 29, 在孟菲斯, TN

Women’s multiple-time world champion Amanda “真正的交易” Serrano says she considers it a great honor to be part of the return of women’s boxing to network television.

塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯), 布魯克林, will face Plattsburgh, New York’s two-time world title challenger JackieThe ForceTrivilino in a six-round super bantamweight rematch on 星期五, 五月 29, at the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, 田納西, and broadcast nationally on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, AND).

Serrano vs. Trivilino will serve as one of the televised supporting bouts on a show, 有權 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網”, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions, produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions. Headlining the show will be a 10-round cruiserweight battle between Lateef “動力” Kayode (20-0, 16 科斯) 和 “華而不實的” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 科斯).

在合作的主要事件, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut in a regional title fight against Batesville, 阿肯色州’ Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 科斯). Also featured in televised action will be super middleweight Derrick “把它帶到銀行” 韋伯斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) putting his undefeated record on the line in a six-rounder.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽” 售價為 $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236.

Serrano will be facing Trivilino for the second time. The pair met in both of their pro debuts in 2009, with Serrano winning a majority decision. “I’m excited and ready,” she said. “I’m honored to have a team in place that can put me on TV and showcase women’s boxing across the country. Girls can fight too! It’s a great honor. I’m super pumped and getting ready to show my talent.

She (Trivilino) is the one that got away,” said Serrano’s career-long trainer, Jordan Maldonado. “We only won a majority decision against her. Jackie has got skills and is very tough and durable, but Amanda has progressed a long way since then. We will be looking to make a statement against Jackie. It’s awesome to have a promoter behind us that believes in female boxing. We’re ready to put on a great performance.

David Schuster of Winner Take All Productions, who will be producing the 五月 29 演出, is a close associate of both Maldonado and promoter Greg Cohen. It was Schuster along with Sarah Fina who arranged the co-promotional deal with the Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy, who signed with Cohen not long ago.

I applaud Greg Cohen for having the courage to put female fighters back on national TV,” said Schuster. “I’ve been working with Jordan Maldonado and the girls since 2012 and they are ready to dominate. The Serrano sisters have the talent to not only produce ratings, but generate respect from both male and female fans of the sport. Amanda is one of the most feared female fighters in the world and that pool of talent includes Rhonda Rousey.

Amanda is a force of nature in the ring, of course I want her on national television”格雷格說,科恩. “Women’s MMA has shown there is a market for talented fighters, regardless of gender and Amanda and Cindy are two fighters ready to take it to the next level as female ambassadors of a suddenly rejuvenated and thriving sport. It is my honor and pleasure to be making this rematch happen on CBS Sports Network.

Several local favorites will be showcased on the night’s undercard. 搏擊之夜, doors open @ 6:00 下午. The live television telecast will run from 10 時至 12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問www.gcpboxing.com.

Championship Boxing Returns to CBS Sports Network on Friday, 五月 29 在孟菲斯

Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Presents
Kayode vs. Kisner in Cruiserweight Main Event

在週五, 五月 29, 格雷格·科恩促銷, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions, produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announce the return of “拳擊錦標賽,” which will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, AND) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, 田納西.

Headlining the night will be an intriguing 10-round cruiserweight battle between long-time undefeated contender Lateef “動力” Kayode (20-0, 16 科斯) and once-beaten “華而不實的” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 科斯). 在合作的主要事件, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut in a regional title fight against Batesville, 阿肯色州Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 科斯).

Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) in a super featherweight showcase, as well as super middleweight Derrick “把它帶到銀行” 韋伯斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) putting his undefeated record on the line.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽” 售價為 $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236.

32-year-old Lateef Kayode was born in Lagos, Nigeria but resides in California. Known for his immense strength and punching power, Kayode has been a top contender at 200 lbs for many years and is the current WBO-NABO and NABF Cruiserweight Champion. He is trained by four-time Trainer of the Year 羅奇. Kayode has also held the WBA-NABA Cruiserweight Championship. 在 2013, Kayode fought to a draw with multiple world champion Antonio Tarver.

A naturally fluid boxer with superb skills, 24-year-old Nick Kisner hails from Baltimore, 馬里蘭. 作為一個業餘愛好者, and among countless distinctions, Kisner was a three-time National Silver Gloves Champion and Ringside World Champion. He holds the distinction of being the youngest boxer in American history (17) to ever win a Men’s National Title in the Heavyweight Division. 作為一個專業, Kisner’s two losses are a controversial draw in the opponent’s hometown and a split decision loss to fellow top prospect Junior Wright in Wright’s hometown of Chicago.

29-year-old Josh King is from Townsville, 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞. 作為一個專業, he has already held the Australian Super Lightweight and WBF World Super Lightweight titles and is the current WBO Oriental Lightweight and WBO Asia Pacific Lightweight Champion. 作為一個業餘愛好者, King was 50-15 and a five-time Australian and five-time Golden Gloves Champ, among many distinctions.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships. She is currently ranked # 1 由國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF), #2 由世界拳擊協會 (WBA), and in the World Boxing Council (WBC) 排名 #5 at the featherweight.

在他的整個職業生涯, 32-year-old southpaw Derrick Webster has trouble finding opponents. At 6′ 4″ the towering super middleweight with the heavyweight reach is a handful for anyone in the world. Webster has worked as a sparring partner for former WBC and IBO Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal, Super Middleweight Champion Andre Ward, 小羅伊瓊斯, 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, light heavyweight king Sergey Kovalev and Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

It’s great to be back in Memphis, working with my good friends Brian and Russ Young,” 格雷格說,科恩. “This will be a world-class event, featuring a mix of championship contenders and local talent. The card will be stacked from top to bottom with action-packed bouts that will have the crowd on Beale Street energized all night long. This is a truly special event and I couldn’t be more pumped!!”

Several local favorites will be showcased on the night’s undercard. 搏擊之夜, doors open @ 6:00 下午. The live television telecast will run from 10 下午12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com.

Undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez destroys Phillip Adyaka in two rounds in Hinckley, 明尼蘇達州

聖安東尼奧, 得克薩斯州 (四月 24, 2015)Last Friday night in Hinckley, 明尼蘇達州, 超輕量級 亞當·洛佩茲 scored a sensation second round stoppage over Phillip Adyaka at the Grand Casino.
The bout was part of the off-tv undercard of a CBS Sports Network televised card.
Lopez landed a booming right in round two that sent Adyakaon his back. Adyaka got to his feet but staggered back and the fight was stopped.
It was his second consecutive 2nd round stoppage under the GH3 Promotions Banner.
I was trying to hit him with a right. I was working the body. I was setting it up from the first round on,” 洛佩茲說. “I was able to catch him while he was pulling out.
Lopez only had four stoppages in his first nine bouts, always knew he had the power but he was fighting bigger guys.
I am growing into my body at 122 英鎊. I always knew I had power. I started out at 115 pounds fighting these naturally bigger guys. Now that I am walking around at a heavier weight, I am fighting guys my size and my skills and power have been evident over the last few fights.
Said Vito Milenicki of GH3 Promotions, “We are extremely pleased with Adam. When we signed him we knew we had a fighter who was on the upswing and with what he has shown in just two bouts with us, we see not only big things but major opportunities in the next eighteen months or so.
Lopez is due back on 五月 22 科羅納, 加利福尼亞州.
GH3促銷信息特色不敗中量級安托萬·道格拉斯, 超中量級的傑里奧多姆 & 德里克 - 韋伯斯特, 不敗超輕量級亞當·洛佩茲以及JR. 中量級約翰·湯普森, 小, 不敗重量級Jerrell哈里斯,不敗超輕量級拳王Qa'id, 不敗輕量級奧斯卡博尼利亞和輕重量級Lavarn Harvell到GH3促銷穩定.