Tag Arsip: California

Poto: Andre Ward vs. Paul Smith Konférénsi Final Pencét Pikeun Juni 20 Ngalawan On Networks bet & TIDAL.com

(Ti kenca ka Katuhu) Andre Ward Kang palatih Virgil Hunter, Manager Andre Ward Kang James Pangeran, COO of tinju pikeun Roc Bangsa Sports David Itskowitch, WBA Super Middleweight World Jawara Andre Ward, urut nu nangtang judul dunya Paul Smith, Smith Kang palatih Joe Gallagher jeung Oakland Déwan Kota Présidén Lynette Gibson McElhaney pasang aksi dina Juni 17, 2015 di Oakland, California di konferensi pers final pikeun Ward jeung Smith Kang Juni 20, 2015 ngalawan di Oracle Bohay di Oakland anu bakal televised cicing dina Networks bet jeung streamed global dina TIDAL.com. (Photo Ku: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Bangsa Sports)


WBA Super Middleweight World Jawara Andre Ward (kénca) jeung urut nu nangtang judul dunya Paul Smith (bener) pasang aksi dina Juni 17, 2015 di Oakland, California di konferensi pers final pikeun Juni thier 20, 2015 ngalawan di Oracle Bohay di Oakland anu bakal televised cicing dina Networks bet jeung streamed global dina TIDAL.com. (Photo Ku: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Bangsa Sports)

Andre Ward bobodoran. Paul Smith & UNDERCARD MEDIA WORKOUT QUOTES & Poto

Olimpiade emas MEDALIST AND WBA SUPER MIDDLEWEIGHT WORLD CHAMPION ANDRE WARD VS. FORMER WORLD TITLE CHALLENGER PAUL SMITH ON Juni 20, 2015 AT Oracle aréna IN OAKLAND, California, Cicing dina jaringan bet & TIDAL.COM, Diwakilan ku RC bangsa olahraga

Oakland, SAPERTOS (Juni 17, 2015) – Dinten Salasa, Juni 17, Olimpiade Gold medalist jeung WBA Middleweight World Jawara Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO sacara) jeung urut World Judul nu nangtang Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO sacara) Inggris milu dina workout media di King Kang Gym di Oakland, California nu lumaku Juni maranéhna 20 ngalawan di Oracle Bohay di Oakland di gelut 12 buleud nu bakal televised live televised cicing dina bet jeung streamed global dina TIDAL.com di 10:00 PM et / 7:00 PM PT. Pajuang Undercard Wang Zhimin, Meng Fanlong jeung Harun Coley ogé partook dina sési latihan open.




Sebutna Kredit: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Bangsa Sports



https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ha7kllmuc2yyvw/AAAB10itDL-u9DBopLKnWNzRa?dl = 0

Video kiridit: Roc Bangsa Sports



Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO sacara) – Olimpiade Gold Medalist jeung WBA Super Middleweight World Jawara

"Kuring geus teu dirasa ieu rasa, ngalawan minggu di Oakland, di awhile. Minggu kamari eta emosi mimiti disetél dina. I geus fokus jeung lalaki siap, tapi fight minggu sakadar beda. Euweuh urusan nu gedéna gelut kudu ngarasa kawas kieu. Abdi atoh pisan. Kuring dipaké pikeun jenis ieu tekenan anu luhur. "


"Smith nyaeta jawara Éropa. Manéhna nu meunang euweuh masalah iinditan. Manéhna teu paduli lamun manéhna bleeds. Lamun sambel manéhna turun, manéhna datang ka meunang, jeung nu naha urang ngangkat manéhna. Urang teu nyokot manéhna sabab aya nanaon lemes ngeunaan manéhna. Kami ngangkat manéhna alatan manéhna téh mangrupa saingan pancer. Kuring bungah nu sakabéh ngadadak manéhna dimimitian ngawangkong kawas manéhna saminggu pamungkas. Kuring ampir lalaki gelo manéhna teu nyebutkeun nanaon. Kuring jadi dipaké pikeun guys ngawangkong pisan. Janten, he ahirna dimimitian ngawangkong jeung kuring dicinta eta. Éta lain nu diperlukeun leuwih motivasi, tapi euy saeutik saeutik tambahan. "


"Kuring datang deui off dua PHK. Salila ieu camp katukang, Kuring ngarasa pisan leuwih hade tinimbang ku saya geus di jaman baheula. Naon atuh nu leuwih. Taktak mah asa kuat sarta ngarasa anjeun kabeh anu bade nempo yén dina Saptu peuting. "


"Unggal tempur geus struggles diri sorangan. Anjeun teu bisa ngaduga naon eta tantangan jeung struggles bade jadi jeung anjeun teu tiasa ngaduga sabaraha lila maranéhanana anu bade jadi. Kuring bisa persevere ngaliwatan nu. Paul Smith teu ngan pajoang Andre Ward off hiji camp dalapan minggu, manéhna pajoang Andre Ward off sadaya kuring kakara indit ngaliwatan. Kabéh frustrations, kabéh Nepi, sakabéh jalma emosi ... ceuk urang pajoang nu bodo datang Saptu peuting. "


"Unggal fight keur kuring mah hiji Super Saeful. Mah geus teu leungit dina waktu anu pohara lila. Urang disusun pikeun sagalana nu Paul Smith anu bade boga jeung sagalana manéhna bade mawa béja. Téh mangrupa hal éndah lamun ngalawan minggu asalna sakuliah jeung sing saha nu teu pegat mana wae sudut. Unggal rep diitung kuring keur di camp ieu. Unggal babak diitung keur kuring. I kadorong katukang naon palatih mah hayang kuring ulah. Aya euweuh cahya ngeunaan camp ieu. Kuring ngadéngé camp Smith Kang ngawangkong loba ngeunaan cingcin karat jeung lamun éta naon maranéhanana Banking dina, maranéhanana geus rencana game salah datang Juni 20. "


"Nu pasti game pikeun razzle, dazzle, jadi ngabeledug sarta ulah sagala. Mah geus jadi sadar salaku professional. Virgil geus ka kuring sakabeh camp ieu 'Teu aya rencana game pikeun Paul Smith. Anggap eta datang ka anjeun. Anjeun geus tinju cukup panjang nu lamun meunang dina cingcinna Anjeun bakal nyaho naon anu kudu dipigawé. 'Gé nyieun pangaluyuan nu sapanjang jalan, tapi aya teu rencana game nu tangtu pikeun Paul Smith. Jigana Anjeun bade ningali sagalana datang Saptu peuting. Kuring teu kamana maksa eta. Kuring ngan bade hayu ngalir. "


"Town Ieu waktu fight utama. Ieu mah sakadar Oakland. Ieu San Francisco. Ieu Haywayd. Ieu Stockton. Ieu kabéh kota sabudeureun. Waé maranéhanana boga hiji sorangan di forefront nu, maranéhanana ngarojong jeung nu naon atuh bandung ngeunaan Bay Area. "



Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO sacara) – Urut World Judul nu nangtang

"The rintakan gym badag pamungkas Pernah ieu ieu Jumaah katukang. Sadayana mah bisa geus kamungkinan dipigawé kajadian salila camp latihan. Minggu panungtung ngarupakeun sakabeh ngeunaan sayah, peristirahatan, teu meunang tingkat énergi Anjeun ka luhur jeung beurat Anjeun ka handap. "


"Iraha [palatih] Joe [Gallagher] meunang di [ka Oakland], urang gé diuk turun sarta manéhna bakal nunjuk kaluar hal secara langsung urang kudu digawé kaluar ... naon perlu ngadorong, rencana game. Konsentrasi kana rencana jeung taktik game. Urang gé bisa ningali kaset of Ward jeung ngabedah maranehna. "


"Ieu mibanda buyut urang di gim kiwari. Kamari, urang datang ka Raja Kang Gym ulah hiji pagawean kaluar jeung ieu bit leuwih tenang. Ieu nice gaduh atmosfir alus saperti ieu di gim. Sing saha nyaho aya perang minggu ieu sarta eta gede mibanda kids (ti Boys jeung Girls Club of Oakland) Ieuh. "


"I love Oakland. Éta sesah, tapi eta tangguh mana Kami ti teuing. Liverpool nyaéta pancer. Kuring bener hoping yén final buka kaulinan tujuh jadi téh mangrupa weekend badag pikeun Oracle Bohay. Nya tangtu mawa sababaraha atmosfir ka arena peuting saméméh gelut. I sigana moal meunangkeun saré waé alatan noise. "


"Aya teu leuwih bisa mah ulah nyiapkeun ayeuna. Aya euweuh Andre bisa ngalakukeun kiwari pikeun mantuan ngéléhkeun kuring dina Saptu peuting. Naon urang boh dipigawé dina minggu saméméh naon urang bade di ring jeung. Kuring teu bisa meunangkeun deui fit. Rencana game dipigawé. Kuring dina posisi mana Kuring geus meunang pikeun ngalawan tempur pangalusna di division mah pangeusina. Saha atuh anu leuwih ti saha. Moal aya perlu ngingetan kuring nu, tapi ogé apal mah boga kasempetan ngéléhkeun manéhna. Kuring teu apal mah euy geus ngalakukeun naon boga mah ulah jeung pang ka rencana game. "



Harun Coley (9-1-1, 6 KO sacara) – Junior Middleweight prospek

"Kuring geus latihan di gym sarua Andre Ward for gelut ieu. Bener pisan jongjon for teu ngalawan di Oakland. Kuring boga ngeunaan 200 jalma datang ka gelut. Kuring néangan stoppage di ieu tarung, aslina. Kuring datang off tina leungitna munggaran karir mah Kuring pajoang pikeun kahiji kalina dina Oakland, jadi Kuring néangan ngingetkeun. Kuring hayang meunangkeun stoppage nu awal. "


Meng "Cold Getih" Fanlong (1-0) – Cahaya Heavyweight prospek


"Kuring bagja pisan jeung ngahormatan jadi dina kajadian badag ieu di Oracle Bohay Saptu, Juni 20 mintonkeun Andre Ward. Kami pohara ngahormatan jadi pajoang dina kartu sarua World Jawara Andre Ward. "



Wang "Jimmy" Zhimin (9-1) – Junior Welterweight prospek

"Kuring nempo maju ka fight mah Saptu, Juni 20 di Oracle Bohay di Oakland. I am very happy to be on this great card with Andre Ward and Go Warriors.”


Ward vs. Smith, a 12 bout buleud diwakilan ku Roc Bangsa Sports, lumangsung Saptu, Juni 20 di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California, bakal televised cicing dina bet jeung streamed global dina TIDAL.com di 10:00 PM et / 7:00 PM PT sarta disajikan dina asosiasi jeung Matchroom Sport. Gelut ieu disponsoran ku The Waterfront Hotel, Tempat Raja, Istana hoé, Travel CTMS, U-parahu, FanDuel, Fandango, Q 102.1, 95.7 kaulinan jeung KBLX 102.9. Sajaba aksi gedé jero cingcin, kajadian bakal fitur sababaraha némpél Roc Bangsa kasohor nu saterusna bakal ngawula panongton kalawan pangalaman fan ditingkatkeun kamampuhna, kaasup Nipsey Hussle nyokot ka cingcin keur kinerja husus saméméh kajadian utama. Acara bakal hosted ku kasohor emcee Sway Calloway oge bakal fitur pencét master Darso Franzen anu baris ngawula barengan Sway sakuliah peuting. Tiket dibanderol di $250, $125, $90, $60 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, anu diobral ayeuna aya di kabeh cicingan Ticketmaster, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000. Lawang kabuka di 3:00 PM, pertarungan kahiji dimimitian di 3:30 PM jeung bet telecast jeung aliran TIDAL.com dimimitian di 10:00PM et / 7:00 PM PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.

Robert 'jurig’ Guerrero nyumbang 100K TO BFC ngebul

Poto Ku Team Guerrero


GILROY, SAPERTOS (Juni 15, 2015) -Baheula ieu Saptu jeung Minggu pahlawan kampung halaman, Robert “Pocong nu” Soldadu hosted the first inaugural fundraiser for the BFC (Hirup Pikeun Caley) Yayasan di Uesugi peternakan Waluh Park dina San Martin, SAPERTOS. Known for being a community leader, Robert Guerrero nyumbang 100K ka organisasi nirlaba, nulungan yayasan, nu hibah kids gering chronically kalawan kahayang pilihan maranéhna, kick off kajadian kahiji maranéhanana.


Barudak sakabéh umur dihadiran kajadian BFC jeung nu narima kahiji maranéhanana, 13-taun Maria Fajardo, anu narima cangkok lung ganda, was granted her wish to attend an Oakland Raiders game with her donor family. Together they will receive VIP tickets and field passes to a Raiders home game in 2015.


“Ieu poé pisan husus for everyone aub jeung BFC Foundation,” ceuk Robert Guerrero. “We’ve all worked really hard to get this non-profit organization off the ground and I wanted to show my gratitude by donating to the cause. It brings me great pleasure to see these kids get a wish of their choosing. Caley Camarillo was dear to my heart and her love and legacy will live on through her foundation. The first event was a great success and many more will follow. I want to thank all the board members, sukarelawan, sponsor, jeung dulur anu dihadiran pikeun nyieun ieu waktu alus pisan.”


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GILROY, SAPERTOS (Juni 11, 2015) – Ieu Saturday June 13, 2015, join Robert “Pocong nu” Soldadu in remembering Caley Camarillo as he will donate 100K to the BFC (Hirup Pikeun Caley) Yayasan. Guerrero will kick off the foundations first fundraiser as the organization will host its inaugural event titled Caley’s Carnival. The Ghost will present his 100K donation at 3:00 PM.


Nu BFC Foundation helps families with the financial struggles that comes with caring for chronically ill children while granting this kids with a wish of their desire.


Carnival rides, food, hiburan, shopping all in one place!!!! Admission is FREE but you can purchase your unlimited rides wristbands at a discounted price online. Klik ieuh and enter the codeGHOST and get a $10 potongan harga. Wristbands will be $30 at the event.


All media outlets are welcome to attend.

Di mana: Uesugi peternakan Waluh Park
14485 Monterey Road
San Martin, SAPERTOS 95046

IRAHA: Saptu, Juni 13, 2015 di 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

*Donation/Wish Ceremony: 3:00 PM
Minggu, Juni 14, 2015 di 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
*Meet and Greet with Robert Guerrero: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Media Sosial:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ghostfans

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GHOSTBOXING

Instagram: https://instagram.com/ghostboxing

ROC NATION SPORTS ANNOUNCES SPECIAL PERFORMANCES AND UNDERCARD FIGHTERS FOR JUNE 20, 2015 Andre Ward bobodoran. PAUL SMITH throne boxing EVENT AT ORACLE ARENA IN OAKLAND, California hirup dina jaringan bet & Pasang surut


Nipsey Hussle, Sway Calloway & Kacapi Franzen disusun kua Hiburan Line Nepi

Antonio Nieves vs. Stephon Young Artikel Dina Televised Co-Artikel Bout

Luis Arias, Harun Coley, Daniel Franco, Tony Hirsch, Meng Fanlong & Wang Zhimin

Pikeun Kudu Artikel dina Undercard

New York - Juni 10, 2015 - Nu pohara diantisipasi mulang ka cingcin of WBA Middleweight World Jawara jeung Olimpiade Gold medalist Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO sacara) ngalawan urut Judul World nu nangtang Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO sacara) Inggris dina Juni 20 has been elevated to another level with the announcement that the event will now include a live musical performance by Los Angeles-based rapper Nipsey Hussle langsung saméméh Ward jeung Smith ulah perang. Fans oge bisa nyekel aksi jeung kinerja hirup dina Networks bet di Amérika Serikat jeung global dina TIDAL.com, karek diawalan service streaming musik anu ngagabungkeun anu pangalusna kualitas sora kasatiaan luhur, video musik harti luhur jeung expertly curated redaksi.


Tiket dibanderol di $250, $125, $90, $60 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, anu diobral ayeuna aya di kabeh cicingan Ticketmaster, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di(800) 745-3000.


Dina hiji televised co-diulas bout ngahudangkeun kahayangna umuran dua prospek unbeaten ngalawan hiji sarua séjén, Cleveland asli Antonio Nieves (12-0, 6 KO sacara) jeung Stephon Young (13-0-1, 5 KO sacara) tina St. Louis bakal diperangan kaluar leuwih ti dalapan rounds dina bout featherweight. Cleveland geus katelah hotbed pikeun ngahasilkeun boxers dijangjikeun, kaasup prospek undefeated Nieves nu jadi amatir pohara touted, menang over 60 gelut bari kenging gelar lima waktu Cleveland Golden jawara Sarung, a National Golden medalist Sarung perak pasaingna dina percobaan Olimpiade. 28-taun Nieves heubeul dijieun debut professional nya tanggal 12, 2011 securing kaputusan unanimous ngalawan DeWayne Hikmah di La Villa Banquet di Cleveland, Ohio. Nieves geus terus rak nepi victories Milih nepi lima meunangkeun dina riweuh 2014, kaasup tilu ku knockout. Dina outing panungtungan-Na, kurang ti dua minggu katukang dina Juni 6, Nieves milik heula buleud knockout téhnis win over Gabor Molnar di Presque Pulo Downs Kasino di Erie, Pennsylvania. On Juni 20, sasama prospek undefeated Young bakal neuteup ka tungtungna coret menang Nieves '. Ogé amatir dihias anu acuk saluhur nomer dua ranking nasional jeung heureut lasut nyieun 2012 AS. Olimpiade tinju Team, Ngora dijieun debut pro nya dina tanggal 12, 2011 kalawan meunangna kaputusan unanimous over Ricky Lacefield di Ameristar Kasino di Saint Charles, Missouri. Ngora Kang ngaji undefeated terus nu panganyarna dina Maret 27 ngalawan Isa Gonzalez kalawan knockout téhnis babak kadua di The Ambassador di Saint Louis, Missouri.


Sajaba aksi jero cingcin, Roc Bangsa Sports bakal mawa ngaran utama sejenna ka tahta tinju pangalaman di Oracle Bohay kaasup kasohor kajadian emcee, personality radio, MTV nu susuratan warta jeung Oakland-asli Sway Calloway, anu baris ngawula salaku host kajadian, sarta pencét master Kacapi Franzen, Kacapi nu nyicingan di Las Vegas 'Hot 97.5. Sway jeung Franzen bakal ngahibur babarengan sakuliah peuting tetep énergi nepi antara bouts.


Bakal aya sababaraha rupa kasohor ringside siap nyekel sagala aksi dina Juni 20 kaasup Jawara WBC jeung Ring Magazine Middleweight World Miguel Cotto, Michael B. Yordania, Frank Gore (Indianapolis Colts), Colin Kaepernick (San Francisco 49ers), E-40, Brice Butler (Oakland Raiders), Marcell Reece (Oakland Raiders), James Jones (Oakland Raiders), Teuing Short jeung Ryan Coogler.


Dina action undercard non-televised, Milwaukee, Prospek undefeated Wisconsin Kang Luis "Cuba" Arias (10-0, 4 KO sacara) will make his second appearance of 2015. Arias began boxing at the age of seven and compiled an amateur record of 140-25, ngabalukarkeun USA tinju Kang nomer hiji SMP ranking lalaki di 2006, nomer hiji lalaki dina-19 ranking di 2008 jeung ranking nomer hiji lalaki di 2010. Manéhna kawengku U.S.A. Dina-19 Championship National lalaki di 2008 sarta dua U.S.A Gedong Nasional Championships di 2009 jeung 2010. Debut professional Arias 'lumangsung dina November 10, 2012 di Staples Center di Los Angeles mana manéhna ngéléhkeun Josh Thorpe via kaputusan unanimous opat buleud. Manéhna mimitian 2013 jeung tilu victories, kabeh ku knockout, nu éta dituturkeun ku win kaputusan leuwih DonYil Livingston dina Mei 4 di hermansah Grand Taman sarena di Las Vegas. He closed the year with three more victories including a second-round knockout of Cameron Allen in his first scheduled eight-round fight. Dina bout panganyarna nya dina Maret 14di Coliseo Roger L. Mendoza di Caguas, Puerto Rico, Arias ngéléhkeun Zachariah Kelley lamun Kelley ieu disqualified dina babak kadua pikeun ngulang blows low. On Juni 20, manéhna gé neuteup ka tetep cara nya menang bade di middleweight bout genep buleud super nyanghareupan hiji lawan ka ditangtukeun.


Hayward lokal, Paporit California Harun Coley (9-1-1, 6 KO sacara) ngagabung undercard nu néangan datang balik ti leungitna professional kahijina nu datang via kaputusan unanimous ngalawan pohara touted Ievgen Khytrov di Complex Aviator Olahraga di Brooklyn, New York dina April 10 di fight anu televised dina Showtime Kang ShoBox. Manéhna bakal béda pikeun meunangkeun deui dina jalur menang dina Juni 20 waktu anjeunna dicokot Yosmani Abreu (4-9-2) tina Las Vegas, Nevada dina genep buleud middleweight junior clash.


Hailing ti Riverside, California jeung pajoang kaluar hotbed tinju of Oxnard, undefeated junior lightweight Daniel "kedutan" Franco (10-0-3, 7 KO sacara) mimiti tinju dina yuswa dalapan, amassing an catetan amatir of 67-15, menang nu Championship Oxnard PAL di 2006 jeung California Propinsi Silver Sarung Championship di 2007 sapanjang jalan. Salila debut professional Franco Kang dina Désémber 18, 2010, he ngéléhkeun Emanuel Machorro di Club 401 di Ontario, California via a knockout téhnis katilu buleud. Najan keur enrolled salaku mahasiswa full-waktu di Chaffey College di Rancho Cucamonga, Franco impressed awal dina karirna, compiling an catetan undefeated dua draws di tempat sapanjang California ku tungtung 2013. Salah sahiji jelema draws datang ngalawan Alejandro Ochoa di Cannon Tenang di Montebello, California dina September 20, 2013, tapi dina rematch tilu bulan ka hareup, Franco outmatched Ochoa nyetak hiji genep buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous di Westin Bonaventure Hotel di Los Angeles. Dina bout panganyarna nya dina Januari 17, he damel an perlente kahiji buleud knockout win over Sergio Najera di Oceanview mastaka di Port Hueneme, California. On Juni 20, Franco, anu nembe ditandatanganan an kasapukan promosi exlusive jeung Roc Bangsa Sports, bakal ningali aksi dina dalapan buleud bout lightweight junior ngalawan Jonathan Alcantara (7-13-2, 1 KO) tina Los Angeles, California.


Produk sejen tina Bay Area, Oakland Kang Tony Hirsch (18-6-2, 8 KO sacara) kawengku lowong WBC United States Middleweight Judul ngalawan mangka-undefeated Wes Capper ku kaputusan mayoritas di fight pamungkas nya dina tanggal 14, 2015 di Sam Kang Town Hotel & Judi Hall di Las Vegas, Nevada. Hirsch ngagabung nu undercard dina Juni 20 néangan nuluykeun cara nya menang lawan jadi ngaranna dina genep buleud fight middleweight.


Meng "Cold Getih" Fanlong (1-0) ieu juara heavyweight Cina nasional cahaya salila tujuh taun berturut ti 2008 ka 2013. Hailinging ti Chi Feng, Inner Mongolia, juara Cina nasional tujuh-ayeuna ogé dileler medali emas salila National Games Cina. Daptar Fanlong ngeunaan sks dina amateurs ogé ngawengku ngalambangkeun China dina 2012 Summer Olimpiade di Beijing, di mana manéhna meunang bout bubuka nya saméméh ragrag ka pohara touted Brasil Yamaguchi Falanjing dina babak of 16; anjog ka final ti Championship Asian di 2011 lamun nya nyokot imah medal pérak; menang tilu bouts di 2011 World Amateur tinju Championships di fashion dominan pikeun ngahontal quarterfinals; jeung nyieun ka semifinal tina 2010 Asian Games, ti mana manéhna dibawa imah medali perunggu. Meng dijieun debut professional nya dina Januari 17, 2015 di Mohegan Sun Kasino di Uncasville, Connecticut, nyetak hiji meunangna kaputusan leuwih Marcellus Yates. Manéhna ayeuna bakal neuteup ka terus ningkat professional nya lamun manéhna nyokot dina Albert Avina (0-3) of Stockton, California dina bout opat buleud cruiserweight dina Juni 20.


Rounding kaluar undercard bakal Wang "Jimmy" Zhimin (9-1) of Ning Bo, China nu bakal nyanghareupan Jose Guzmán (6-10-1) The Bronx, New York dina genep buleud welterweight junior bout. Dina 2010, Zhimin nepi ka ahir Cina National tinju Championships tempat anjeunna narima medali pérak. Sataun saterusna dina 2011, Zhimin nepi ka pinnacle of karir amatir nya sabot manéhna meunangkeun emas di Dunya Series of tinju nya asli China. Dina 2012, he meunang medali pérak sejen, waktu ieu dina Lomba tinju International Erdos. Zhimin dijieun debut professional nya dina Januari 17, 2015 di Mohegan Sun Kasino di Uncasville, Connecticut nyetak hiji meunangna kaputusan unanimous over Kin Moy (Debut pro).


Ward vs. Smith, a 12 bout buleud diwakilan ku Roc Bangsa Sports, lumangsung Saptu, Juni 20 di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California, bakal televised cicing dina bet jeung streamed global dina TIDAL.com di 10:00 PM et / 7:00 PM PT sarta disajikan dina asosiasi jeung Matchroom Sport. Gelut ieu disponsoran ku The Waterfront Hotel, Tempat Raja , Istana hoé, Q 102.1, 95.7 kaulinan jeung KBLX 102.9. Sajaba aksi gedé jero cingcin, kajadian bakal fitur sababaraha némpél Roc Bangsa kasohor nu saterusna bakal ngawula panongton kalawan pangalaman fan ditingkatkeun kamampuhna, kaasup Nipsey Hussle nyokot ka cingcin keur kinerja husus saméméh kajadian utama. Acara bakal hosted ku kasohor emcee Sway Calloway oge bakal fitur pencét master Darso Franzen anu baris ngawula barengan Sway sakuliah peuting. Tiket dibanderol di $250, $125, $90, $60 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, anu diobral ayeuna aya di kabeh cicingan Ticketmaster, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000. Lawang kabuka di 3:00 PM, pertarungan kahiji dimimitian di 3:10 PM jeung telecast bet jeung TIDAL.com aliran dimimitian di 10:00PM et / 7:00 PM PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Santa Monica, Calif. (Mei 25, 2015) – On a holiday when Americans take a moment to remember those who gave their lives serving in the country’s armed forces, Bellator MMA officials are honored to announce a new partnership with the American Forces Network.


With the new deal in place, the American Forces Network will now broadcast Bellator MMA events on its global networks to American servicemen and women, kitu ogé US. Navy ships at sea.


“We at Bellator are always looking for ways to give back to our troops,"Saur Présidén Bellator MMA, Scott Coker. “We’re all extremely grateful for all that they do abroad to keep us safe, and we hope that they will enjoy some Bellator fights during any downtime they may have.”


Multiple Bellator athletes including Bobby Lashley and Mike Richman have served in the American Military.


“I’m personally thrilled for this new partnership,” said Bobby Lashley, who fights James Thompson on Juni 19. “AFN is providing a platform for me to be fighting for my brothers and sisters who are away from home, fighting for us.”


The new partnership commences with June’s dual Bellator MMA events.


On Juni 19, Bellator MMA visits St. Louis’ Scottrade Center for “Bellator MMA: Business Unfinished,” featuring one of the most anticipated fights in the history of the sport with Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock. Oge, several current Bellator fighters as well as some of the sport’s biggest legends will pay a visit to Scott Air Force Base on Rebo, Juni 17.


On Juni 26, the promotion touches down at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Meunang., jeung “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” which sees French striking specialist Cheick Kongo and Russian knockout artist and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov stand toe-to-toe in the Bellator MMA cage.


Complete details of the new Bellator MMA-American Forces Network partnership will be available shortly.

Undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez returns Friday night in Corona, California

Makuta, SAPERTOS (Mei 21, 2015)Enjing night in Corona, California, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez returns to the ring for the third time in three months when he battles Miguel Tamayo in bout scheduled for six rounds at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena.
The bout will be on the undercard of the Boxcino finals where Lopez GH3 Promotions stablemate John Thompson takes on Brandon Adams in Jr. Middleweight championship bout.
Training went really well. I did a lot of sparring to get ready for Tamayo who is a southpaw,” Ngadawuh Lopez.
Lopez, who has a record of 11-0 with six knockouts will be fighting for the third time since Maret 13, is coming off of two consecutive 2nd round knockouts with the first being over undefeated Pablo Cruz that was nationally televised by ShoBox.
I feel good about keeping active and having fights to keep me busy. It is a good confidence boost to keep me active.
In Tamayo, he is fighting a guy that has 30 fights under his belts (16-12-2, 14 KO sacara) and has been in the ring with former world title challenger Cesar Seda, current world champion Gary Russell Jr and prospects Diego De La Hoya &McWilliams Arroyo.
He is a veteran journeyman. He fought guys like Russell and De La Hoya so it is a measuring stick and it will put me in a category that I should start getting more notice. I don’t care what the others did with him. I am just going out to do my thing and win the fight.
Even though the 24 year-old Lopez is from San Antonio, Texas, he has California roots and did not grow up far from Corona.
I am from California and not too far from Corona. I fought here as an amateur and am excited to fight here as a professional.
I am excited GH3 is keeping me active and have been fighting every month. This is exactly what I need to do. I am going to go out there and do my thing. I am excited and honored to be fighting on the Boxcino finals show and on the last ESPN Friday Night Fights card,”finished Lopez.
Said Lopez promoter Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions, “We are happy to have Adam fight on this card. With John fighting in Boxcino, it gives Adam a chance to fight close to where he grew up and get him exposure on the West coast.
GH3 promosi pitur undefeated Middleweight Antoine Djati, Super Middleweight sacara Jerry jaradi & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez ogé JR. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr, undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, undefeated lightweight Oscar Bonilla, Heavyweight Natu Visinia jeung Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ka GH3 promosi stabil.

Brandon Halsey Defeats Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout Vacates Bellator Middleweight Title Due To Missing Weight



All photos by: Bellator MMA/Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Calif. (Mei 15, 2015) – While Brandon “Banteng” Halsey (9-0) can no longer say he’s Bellator MMA’s Middleweight World Champion, he’s still managed to show his talent with a one-sided destruction of proven veteran Kendall “Nu Spyder” Rungkun (21-15).


The contest served as the feature main event of Jumaah sacara “Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun” card at Pechanga Resort & Kasino di Temecula, Calif.


Halsey nearly finished the fight in the early going, moving to an arm-triangle choke that would have finished a lesser opponent, but Grove somehow battled through the effort. Leungit, it was a one-sided round for the former champ.


Grove was able to avoid such a precarious position in the second, but he was still forced to be on the defensive throughout most of the frame. With a high-paced wrestling attack, Halsey simply pushed his way to the floor and enjoyed top position for almost the entirety of the round.


The pattern continued as the fight wore on, with Halsey simply overpowering his opponent and constantly earning himself the dominant position. Grove briefly threatened with an armbar in the fourth frame, but Halsey simply yanked his limb free and pounded away with punches shortly after until he earned the TKO win at the 2:25 mark of the frame.


The undefeated Halsey, who was stripped of the Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title for failing to make weight, will look to again earn the belt in his next appearance.


“I was my own worst enemy. It was how I performed. He didn’t throw anything at me that I wasn’t ready for. I was just trying to tough through the injury. I had to tough it out and come out with the victory,” Halsey said.


“Obviously, you want to be as dominant as possible. I just felt like I couldn’t explode through my combinations or explode through the fight and finish how I wanted to. But like I said, you’ve got to deal with adversity, and I did it the best I could,” Halsey continued.


“I learned my lesson. I thank Bellator. I apologize to the commission. It’s unprofessional not to make weight. No excuses, but anybody knows that it’s hard to cut weight with an injury. The belt’s just a decoration, so I’m still the champ in my eyes. No one has taken the belt from me.”


In the night’s co-main event, former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (17-4), of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, took a step toward another shot at the title with a hard-fought decision victory over the hard-hitting Mike “Nu Marine” Richman, of Rose Mount, Ti.


While Richman showed excellent takedown defense throughout the 15-minute affair, Dantas’ work rate helped him earn the favor of the judges. Constantly pressing and looking to bring the fight to the floor, Dantas was able to just edge out Richman on the cards, 29-28 according to all three officials.


I went out there and fought the way I trained to fight,” Dantas said after the win. “I knew Mike Richman was going to come with everything, but I wanted to win this fight and get back to the title. The only fight that makes sense next is for the title.


In a welterweight contest, Fernando “Nu Menifee Maniac” Gonzalez (24-13), of Menifee, Calif., scored a thrilling, come-from-behind victory over “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), San Bernardino, Calif.


With Millender enjoying a six-inch height advantage, the smaller Gonzalez struggled to score points in the first two rounds. But when the fight hit the floor in the third, Gonzalez latched onto a guillotine choke and earned a tap from his opponent at the 1:14 of babak final.


“Aku 4-0 ayeuna,” Gonzalez said after the win. “That’s one step closer to the title, and I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with whoever is next.


With the result, Gonzalez now boasts four-straight Bellator MMA victories and put himself in line for a potential shot at the promotion’s Welterweight Title.


In the night’s first main-card matchup, prospek undefeated DarrionThe Wolf” Caldwell (7-0), of Rahway, N.J., used a superior wrestling game to outwork more experienced opponent Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-5), of Lajes, Brazil, en route a unanimous-decision victory.


With Caldwell scoring takedowns throughout the matchup, Silva looked for submissions when available, but he simply couldn’t find the necessary hold to work past his opponent’s defense. Gantina, Caldwell kept his pressure high, and judges awarded him the fight, 29-28 dina sadaya tilu kartu.


After the victory, Caldwell made it clear he’s clearing his way to a shot at the Bellator MMA World Title.


I don’t think there are any fighters out there as explosive as me at 135 kilogram, or as fast,” Caldwell said. “Antukna, I’ll be able to prove that.


In the night’s final preliminary bout, Guam’s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) scored a third-round knockout of Mexico’s Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Sajaba ti, prospek featherweight Jordan Parsons (11-1), tina San Diego, Calif., earned a third-round decision win over the previously undefeated Brazilian Julio Cesar Pokna JR. (30-1).


Dina hiji kontes heavyweight cahya, Virgil Zwicker (14-4-1), of Temecula, Calif., earned a first-round knockout win over Razak Al-Hassan (12-5), tina Milwaukee, Wisc.


And in the night’s first fight, Ricky “Nu jelema nu nembak teu brukbrak” Rainey (11-3), of Gastonia, N.C., earned a second-round knockout win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), tina Torrance, Calif.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) TKR. Kendall rungkun (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) TKR. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonzalez (24-14) TKR. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) TKR. Rafael Silva (22-5)


Ngeunaan Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA nyaéta hiji organisasi Seni bela diri anjog campuran featuring loba pejuang pangalusna di dunya. Dina arah Samaun fight promoter témbal Coker, Bellator geus sadia ka ampir 400 juta imah di sakuliah dunya di leuwih ti 120 nagara. Di Amérika Sarikat, Bellator bisa ditempo dina Spike, pamingpin televisi MMA. Bellator MMA ieu comprised hiji tim eksekutif nu ngawengku professional industri luhur di produksi televisi, kajadian orchestration hirup, ngamekarkeun bajoang / hubungan, ngayakeun tempat, nyiptakeun sponsor / tumuwuhna, lisénsi internasional, pamasaran, pariwara, publisitas jeung komisi hubungan. Bellator dumasar di Santa Monica, California jeung dipiboga ku buta hiburan Viacom, imah ka merek hiburan Premier di dunya anu nyambung jeung audiences ngaliwatan eusi compelling di sakuliah televisi, gerak gambar, platform online jeung mobile.


Ngeunaan Spike:

Spike geus sadia di 98.7 juta imah sarta ngarupakeun division tina Viacom Media Jaringan. A unit tina Viacom (NASDAQ: Liwat, VIAB), Viacom Media Jaringan mangrupa salah sahiji Birokrat anjog di dunya program jeung eusi di sakuliah sadaya platform média. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com jeung up-ka-nu-menit jeung inpo pencét archival jeung foto, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Turutan urang dina Twitter spiketvpr pikeun panganyarna dina megatkeun warta anyar, balik deui-pamandangan informasi jeung poto.



TEMECULA, Calif. (Mei 14, 2015) – All twenty-six athletes competing at isukan sacara "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” event were happy to rehydrate after stepping on the scales at today’s official weigh-in, which took place at the Cabaret Theatre inside the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Calif.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun,"Anu airs live jeung bébas dina Spike di 9 p.m. AND / 8 p.m. CT, features a main event between Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) and well-respected veteran Kendall “Da Spyda” Grove (21-14). The incumbent champion failed to hit the required mark of 185-pounds. Salaku hasilna, Grove is the only fighter who can leave the event as the champion, if Halsey does manage to win, he will be forced to vacate the belt.

Dina acara ko-utama, a bantamweight battle will go on as planned between former 135-pound champion Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas(16-4) and a streaking Mike “The Marine” Richman (18-5), despite Richman missing weight.

In a critical welterweight battle between two hometown fighters, Cinderella Man Fernando "The Menifee maniac" Gonzalez (23-13) looks to continue his hot streak against a young Curtis “Curtious” Millender (7-1).

Dina bubuka bout televised tunggang gunung, one of MMA’s most promising prospects Darrion "The Wolf" Caldwell (6-0), looks to keep his record unblemished against a tough Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4), who has only suffered one defeat in his last 15 ends

Klik di dieu pikeun ALL beuratna-IN poto

Card utama (9 p.m. AND)


Bellator Middleweight Ibing ngalawan: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 lbs.) vs. Kendall rungkun (184.9 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight ngalawan: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 lbs.) vs. Mike Richman (139.8 lbs.)


Bellator Welterweight ngalawan: Fernando Gonzalez (170.9 lbs.) vs. Curtis Millender (170.8 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight ngalawan: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 lbs.) vs. Rafael Silva (135.7 lbs.)

Card awal (7:45 p.m. AND)

Bellator Middleweight ngalawan: Benji Radach (186 lbs.) vs. Ben Reiter (186 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight ngalawan: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 lbs.) vs. Antonio Duarte (135.1 lbs.)


Bellator Featherweight ngalawan: Jordan Parsons (145.5 lbs.) vs. Julio Cesar Pokna JR. (146 lbs.)


Bellator Light Heavyweight Fight: Virgil Zwicker (206.7 lbs.) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (205.6 lbs.)


Bellator Welterweight ngalawan: Jesse Juarez (171 lbs.) vs. Ricky Rainey (170.7 lbs.)


Bellator Featherweight ngalawan: A.J. Jenkins (146 lbs.) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 lbs.)


Bellator ngalawan Lightweight: Steve Kozola (155.8 lbs.) vs. Ian Butler (155.2 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight ngalawan: Shawn kebat (135.4 lbs.) vs. Rolando Perez (135.3 lbs.)


Bellator Bantamweight ngalawan: John Yoo (135.4 lbs.) vs. Albert Morales (134.4 lbs.)


Ngeunaan Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA nyaéta hiji organisasi Seni bela diri anjog campuran featuring loba pejuang pangalusna di dunya. Dina arah Samaun fight promoter témbal Coker, Bellator geus sadia ka ampir 400 juta imah di sakuliah dunya di leuwih ti 120 nagara. Di Amérika Sarikat, Bellator bisa ditempo dina Spike, pamingpin televisi MMA. Bellator MMA ieu comprised hiji tim eksekutif nu ngawengku professional industri luhur di produksi televisi, kajadian orchestration hirup, ngamekarkeun bajoang / hubungan, ngayakeun tempat, nyiptakeun sponsor / tumuwuhna, lisénsi internasional, pamasaran, pariwara, publisitas jeung komisi hubungan. Bellator dumasar di Santa Monica, California jeung dipiboga ku buta hiburan Viacom, imah ka merek hiburan Premier di dunya anu nyambung jeung audiences ngaliwatan eusi compelling di sakuliah televisi, gerak gambar, platform online jeung mobile.


Veteran knockout artist Benji “Nu agul” Radach returns to the cage to face Ben Reiter at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Rungkun”


Gampang tweet: Hard-hitting MMA vet @benjyradach returns to face undefeated former @PennWrestling star @BenReiterMMA Mei 15 #Bellator


Santa Monica, Calif. (Mei 7, 2015) – One of MMA’s hardest-hitting pioneers will return to action for the first time since 2010, siga Benji “Nu agul” Radach(21-6) has agreed to replace an injured A.J. Matthews (7-3) in a middleweight preliminary fight against Ben “Nu punter” Reiter (15-0-1).


The new addition again finalizes a full nine-bout preliminary card scheduled in support of four main-card contests at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove.


The night’s featured matchups include undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon “Banteng” Halsey (8-0) ngalawan towering scrapper Hawai Kendall “Nu Spyder” Rungkun (21-14), urut Bellator MMA Dunya Jawara Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike “Nu Marine” Richman (18-5), welterweights Fernando “Nu Menifee Maniac” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1) jeung bantamweights DarrionThe Wolf” Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4).


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun” lumangsung dina Jumaah, Mei 15, di Pechanga Resort & Kasino di Temecula, Calif. Airs kartu utama peuting urang hirup dina Spike TV di 9 p.m. AND (6 p.m. PT waktu lokal), bari bouts awal ngalirkeun data dina Spike.com.


Tiket pikeun “Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun,” nu mimitian jam saukur $50, nu ayeuna diobral di Pechanga.com jeung Pechanga Resort & Kasino kotak kantor.


Lawang pikeun “Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun” kabuka di 4 p.m. PT waktu lokal, jeung kontes kahiji lumangsung 45 menit saterusna.


Pajoang professionally saprak 2001, Radach fought for many of MMA’s biggest promotions, including Strikeforce, EliteXC, the International Fight League and the UFC. Seventeen of Radach’s 21 career wins have come by knockout, and he makes no secret of his intentions when he enters the cage. Boasting past clashed with MMA notables such as Brian Foster, Gerald Harris, Matt Horwich, Chris Leben, Gustavo Machado, MuriloNinjaRua and Scott Smith, antara séjén, Radach put his fighting career on hold in 2010, as he addressed a variety of nagging injuries. Ayeuna pinuh pulih, Radach looks to make a successful return to action.


Radach now meets a top undefeated prospect and former UPenn wrestling star Reiter, who fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after spending much of his early career in Peru.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Rungkun” - Jumaah, Mei 15, Pechanga Resort & Kasino, Temecula, Calif.

Card utama (9 p.m. AND)


Bellator Middleweight Ibing ngalawan: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall rungkun (21-14)

Bellator Artikel Bantamweight ngalawan: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Bellator Artikel Welterweight ngalawan: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)

Bellator Artikel Bantamweight ngalawan: Darrion Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Card awal (7:45 p.m. AND)


Bellator Middleweight Prelim ngalawan: Benji Radach (21-6) vs. Ben Reiter (14-0)

Bellator Lampu Heavyweight Prelim ngalawan: Virgil Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim ngalawan: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim ngalawan: Jordan Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Pokna JR. (30-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim ngalawan: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)


Poék Bouts (approx. 11 p.m. AND)


Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: John Yoo (0-0) vs. Albert Morales (1-0)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: Shawn kebat (3-1) vs. Rolando Perez (7-4)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: Steve Kozola (5-0) vs. Ian Butler (1-1)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: A.J. Jenkins (17-5) vs. Arlene Blencowe (5-4)