Tag Archives: Brooklyn


Gehiago, Super Lightweight Contender Anthony Peterson Faces Luis Florez And Unbeaten Prospects Richardson Hitchins, Dylan Price & Keeshawn Williams Enter the Ring
in Separate Bouts
BROOKLYN (Urtarrilaren 12, 2018) – Unbeaten middleweight contender and IBF No. 1 CHALLENGER Sergey Derevyanchenko (11-0, 9 Kos, WSB: 23-1, 7 Kos) will enter the ring for an eight-round bout as part of an exciting undercard on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20Barclays Gunetik, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr.. taking on two-division champion Lamont Peterson bizi SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT). Lightweight world champion Robert Pazkosquares up against two-division champion Javier Fortuna.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Additional action inside of the arena will see the brother of Lamont Peterson, behin-jipoitu Anthony Peterson (37-1, 24 Kos), begira Luis Florez (23-7, 19 Kos) in a 10-round super lightweight matchup plus once-beaten welterweight Ivan Golub (13-1, 11 Kos) in an eight-round fight against Colombia’s Fidel Monterrosa (38-14-1, 30 Kos).
Undercard fights continue with undefeated 2016 Haitiko Olympian Richardson Hitchins(3-0, 1 KO) entering the ring for a four-round welterweight fight against Preston Wilson(4-2-1, 3 Kos), Philadelphia’s Dylan Price (4-0, 4 Kos) competing in a four-round super flyweight bout against Nestor Ramos (7-7, 3 Kos) and welterweight prospect Keyshawn Williams (1-0, 1 KO) hartzea Denis Okoth (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round matchup.
Rounding out the night is a four-round showdown between unbeaten Desmond Jarmon and Dallas-native Charles Clark plus New Jersey’s Matthew Gonzalez in a six round middleweight fight against Alexander Serna.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Olinpiadak, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn and most recently earned the top spot in the IBF rankings with an impressive 12garren round stoppage over Tureano Johnson. The 32-year-old also defeated previously unbeaten Kemahl Russell in 2017 after his 2016 saw him earn a TKO victory over Mike Guy in March before stopping former champion Sam Soliman in the second round of a world title eliminator in July. The unbeaten fighter defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Eremu Camp, Vladine Biosse and a third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow.
Derevyanchenko and Golub make it a pair of Ukrainian sluggers fighting out of Brooklyn who will compete on the undercard looking to put on impressive performances in their adopted hometown.
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jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @Brooklyn_Boxing, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Lamont Peterson & Anthony Peterson Washington, D.C. Media entrenamendu Aurrekontuak & Argazkiak

Former World Champion Battles Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr.. Live SHOWTIME on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 Barclays Center Brooklyn aurrera &
Aurkezlea Premier Boxing Champions
Klikatu HEMEN batetik Patrice Harris Argazkiak for
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Urtarrilaren 11, 2018) – Bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Lamont Peterson media entrenamendu anfitrioi bere Washington jaioterrian, D.C. Ostegunera unbeaten welterweight munduko txapelduna hartuko prestatzen zuen Errol Spence Jr..Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 SHOWTIME bizi Barclays Gunetik, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko® eta aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera.
The SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa hasten 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT eta ezaugarri arin munduko txapeldun Robert Pazko txapeldun ohia borrokalari Javier Fortuna.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Era berean, entrenamendu batean asistentzia Peterson anaia, once-beaten contender Anthony Peterson, duten on undercard ekintza lehiatzen Urtarrilaren 20 Ekitaldia.
Hemen da entrenamendu parte-hartzaile esateko ostegunean izan:
“Handia sentitzen dut. Dagoeneko pisua gertu nago. Pozik eta gora jatea egunean bost aldiz naiz. indartsu sentitzen naiz, eta borroka hau egiteko prest nago.
“Benetan bezala besterik beste borroka handi hau begiratu behar dut. Oraindik goialdean duzu, ez oso borroka bakoitzaren zati handi egiten saiatzen zara. Zer da jokoan Badakigu. denean simple mantentzeko ezagutzen dut, hori da onena egin nuen.
“Oraintxe nire gorputza sentitzen inoiz baino hobeto. hori desagertu camp guztia eroso nago eta bertan ikusi ahal izango duzu nire gorputza uste dut.
“Nik beti gogor entrenatu lehen egunean etorri nintzen hemen geroztik ume bat bezala. Hori izan da niretzat irakatsi gaztetan geroztik eta, baina egiten dit nire ibilbidean zehar.
“Dena ez dut D.C da. bezainbeste aintzatespen modurik onena I can lortzeko arlo honetan saiatzen ari naiz. Horixe for denok saiatzen gimnasio honetan. Hau handienetako hori ordutegia pixka bat da eta prest etxera ekarri nahi dut.
“errazagoa eta errazagoa Txapelketa borrokak gehiago naiz lortzen da. zen forma dut horiek guztiak, baina zalantzarik jarri dut presio gehiago neure burua gaztea izan dut. hobetu dut aldi bakoitzean eta orain nago benetan gustatzen nire ibilbidean leku aproposa sentitzen dut.”
“adierazpen bat egin behar dut. Inoiz ez dut sentitzen erabaki bat eroso. Hori gauza ona da argiak distiratsua azpian bereziak izan behar dudalako uste dut.
“Denek dakiten gorputza joan nahi dut. beraz, lan hura begiratu dezakezu niretzat nire aurkari apurtu behera on egiteko noa Badakizu Urtarrilaren 20.
“azken urtean esperientziadun borrokalari barietate batekin egon nintzen sparring ditudan eta zuk lagundu dute me out are berriz, ez dut borroka bat izan. Eraztun herdoila mental guztia da. Da duzu It lana jartzeko direktorioa.
“Ez dut ahaztuak nahi dut borrokak, baina beti izango dut nire jokoa makila eta nire artisau makila. I persevere bada ezagutzen dut, Gauzak lan egingo niretzat.
“Ezagutzen dut, maite dut kirol honetan. Azkenean hori munduko txapelduna izango da ezagutzen dut. Uste dut nire etorkizuna, eta aurrera egiten dit borrokak handira.
“Honez inspiratu zen Lamont ikustera egiten bere gauza eta arrakasta. He Errol Spence gainditzeko joan, Jendeak ez badu ere sinetsi. Zuen zaindu negozioaren uste dut.”
BARRY HUNTER, Peterson Trainer
“Honez kanpamenduan ehotzeko luzea izan da mutil hauek egiteko. Noiz itzuli uste dut zenbat denbora bidaia honetan izan dugun, oso harro nago. Ziren 9 eta 10 aurreneko gimnasioan sartu zen dute.
“Ez dugu pisua munstroa to welterweight at borrokan aurre. Lamont leku handi bat da adimen eta fisikoki. Ilusioa egiten dit lehergai borroka bat.
“Noiz begiratu Spence-Brook borrokaren duzu, goiz Brook arrakasta asko izan. zatian behera Errol bere borondatea inposatu eta Brook hautsi behera. Errol ezagutzen dut ondo eta zuk entrenatzailea I zion. borondate sendoa du. Bera ez da handia bat area, baina arlo asko ere ona izan zen. Hau ezberdinak tipo moduko bat ari begira zuen. Heart da zerbait Lamont da ezerezetik gertu laburretan. hau off taktikoa hasteko uste dut, eta ondoren gerra bat bihurtuko.
“Nire lana da hor joan plan baten zati batekin, baina beti da guretzat doikuntza buruz. Whatever Errol mahaira ekartzen, dela irudikatu dugu eta dena jarri mugimenduan.
“Azken aste honetan joko plan eta mental prestatzeko lan asko dago. borrokalari asko ez adimena trebatzeko. adimena are gehiago trebatzeko gorputza baino ez duzu. Egoera bakoitzean prest egon behar dugu.
“Anthony han joaten bada, eta bere lana egiten badira a 140-libra tan hutsik izenburu gutxi uste dut eta hori pista bat da guretzat. uhal bat lortzeko gerria nahi dugu eta edonork aurre egingo dugu lortzeko.
“Lamont, Anthony batera, Gary Russell Jr., Jarrett Hurd eta Gervonta Davis, dute boxeo helduz arlo honetan, denbora luzez. erraldoia izango litzateke titulua etxera ekartzea. Ez dago gazte Lamont eremu honetan Pētersons asko maila honetan iritsi nahi duten dira. argia behera distiratsu eta pertsona horiek modu erakutsiz faroa izango litzateke.”
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jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr.. Dallas Media entrenamendu Aurrekontuak & Argazkiak

Welterweight Munduko txapelduna Makes First Defentsa Against Lamont Peterson Live SHOWTIME on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20Barclays Center Brooklyn aurrera & Aurkezlea
Premier Boxing Champions
Klikatu HEMEN Byron Craig / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko
DALLAS (Urtarrilaren 10, 2018) – Unbeaten welterweight munduko txapeldun Errol Spence Jr..media entrenamendu anfitrioi bere Dallas jaioterrian asteartean bere lehengo bi zatiketa munduko txapelduna aurkako matchup aurretik Lamont Peterson Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20SHOWTIME bizi Barclays Gunetik, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®, eta aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera.
SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast hasten 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT eta ezaugarri arin munduko txapeldun Robert Pazko txapeldun ohia borrokalari Javier Fortuna co-nagusia gertatuz gero.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Hona zer Spence eta bere Entrenatzaile da, Derrick James, esan nahi izan zuen Asteartea R-tik&R Boxing Club Dallas:
“Guztioi ikusi dituen zehazteko borrokatzeko me daki, ez da aspergarria borroka bat izan. bada ere, bat-aldeko, nik beti ekintza josia izango da. Urtarrilaren 20 dago izugarrizko borroka bat izango da eta performance handi bat jarri noa. menderatzeko dut plangintza.
“Nire titulua defendatzeko Brooklyn berezia izango da. familia daukat New Yorkeko too beraz, asko dela Barclays Center defendatzeko gai izango naiz esan nahi du. New York boxeo hiria da, beraz, benetan eskertzen dute txapeldun eta kirola ezagutu.
“hunkituta egon borrokan Lamont Peterson bezalako tipo bat naiz. Ez dut erregular bat no-izen borrokalaria borrokan. He onenak ekarri zidan irten benetako borrokalaria delako. esperientzia osoa are hobea Egiten.
“Goiko Leku kirol orain benetan ase ireki da eta naiz datozen. Ez zait axola edo non diren aurre daukat, azken gizona zutik egon nahi dut. Horregatik denok lortu kirol honetan sartu. oso neuk ere ziur nago.
“Lamont eta nik bai big bihotzak dute eta denek ikusteko Biribilean gai izango dela uste dut. bai Smart borrokalariak gara beraz, ez sentimendu batzuk izan liteke ateratzeko dugu joan aurretik. Baina dogfight bat izango zela espero dut.
“Dallas komunitate hau oso garrantzitsua da niretzat. When I zen
hazi hemen ez zegoen hemendik boxeolariak profesionala izan dut begiratu rol eredu gisa. Behin baliabideak behar duzu atzera emateko, garrantzitsua da egin. gimnasioan izatea eta mutilak benetan gazte lagunduz eta horiek zerbait lortu nahi den emanez maite dut.”
DERRICK JAMES, Spence ko entrenatzailea
“Errol itxura benetan prestakuntza ona. foku handia du. He oso zehatz-mehatz orientatuta eta keyed berak bertsio onena izaten. aurpegian determinazio esker harrizko ez unturned utzi eta egin nahi zuela jakin me ziur dena bere bidetik doa borroka gauean. borroka irabazi dugu gimnasioan ez Biribilean.
“Errol mentalitate hau jarraitzea borroka honetan sartu eta haratago ditu, eta ezagutzen duela. titulu bat irabaztea ez nahi duena da. ukaezina welterweight txapelduna izan nahi du. Oso bideratutako helburua da, eta helburu hori iristeko egingo zuen sinesten dut. Ez du, ez hartu erantzun bat. Zuen bere burua bultza muga eta bere helburuak lortzeko joan.
“Lamont Peterson oso witty eta burutsua Biribilean da. tipo gogorra da gehiegi. mental sendotasun hori arrakastatsua izan behar duzu ekartzen zuen. Ditugu beharreko borroka honetan datozen 100 ehuneko eta zentratu denbora guztian. ez badugu, zatoz gora genezake laburrak.
“neuk bertsio onena izan da gehiegi daukat. hobea eta hobeto borroka bakoitzaren eta egun bakoitzean gimnasioan saiatzeko I. Ezagutzen dut goian guztiaren izan gertatuko egon behar dut. Barry Hunter da gogorra, Entrenatzaile adimentsuak diren asko ekartzen taula. Lamont talde handi bat du. plazer bat eta ohore bat haiei aurre Biribilean da.”
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jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Undercard Fighters Eztabaida Datozen showdowns Place larunbatean Taking, Urtarrilaren 20 Barclays Center Brooklyn-eguna Headlined in Errol Spence Jr.-ek. vs. Lamont Peterson

Arina Txapelduna Robert Pazko Meets Javier Fortuna
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Co-Feature while Marcus Browne Francy Ntetu liskarrak & Adam Kownacki Meets Iago Kiladze in the Streaming SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa PRELIMS Live on SHOWTIME Kirolak® plataformak Digital
BROOKLYN (Abendua 28, 2017) – izar goranzko eta beterano contenders eraztuna sartuko on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 hasiko begira beren 2018 Adierazpen garaipen batekin denean lehiatu Barclays Gunetik undercard ekintzan dute, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®, welterweight txapelketan IBF txapelduna arteko Showdown du undercard on Errol Spence Jr.. eta bi zatiketa txapeldun Lamont Peterson.
Undefeated 135-pound world champion Robert Pazko will defend his IBF Title against former world champion Javier Fortuna in the co-main event live on SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT).
Showtime txapelketa boxeoa PRELIMS In, unbeaten light heavyweight Marcus Browne will take on once-beaten Francy Ntetu in a 10-round fight and undefeated heavyweight sensation Adam Kownacki egingo diete aurre Iago Kiladze of Kiev, Ukrainako 10-biribilak bout batean.
Zuzeneko eskaintza digital esklusiboki airetik egingo AEB-en. on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Pazko-Fortuna bout dago Sampson Boxing elkartea eta milioiak Promozioak About sustatu. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Hemen da borrokalari haien urtarrilaren buruz esan 20 matchups eta gehiago:
ROBERT EASTER (20-0, 14 Kos) – hirugarren IBF Arina World Izenburua defentsa egitea
“Borroka hau, zalantzarik ezarri ahal tonu ona niretzat ere 2018. egon adierazpen bat egiteko borroka honekin noa. Nire azken hiru borrokak ez dut Azken bat ahaztuak. nire zale emanez eta borrokatu zale ikuskizun ona noa.
“Nire eskura eta luzera erabili eta lasaia hau kanpotik suntsitu noa. Nire ibilbidean Guztiak Nik laburragoa mutilak borrokan. Guy labur bakoitzak ez du bera aurka. Baina lortu Biribilean duzu, eta hura sentitzen duzu eta egokitzapenak egiteko.
“Ez da bereziki ezer Fortuna batera prestatu behar dudala. hartu nuen bera borrokatzeko guztietan. borrokalaria bakoitza ezberdina borroka hain lortuko duzu han, sentitzen zuen eta egokitzapenak egiteko batera joan behar duzu. Ez nago southpaw izateaz zion kezkatzen. lefties ugari aurrean dut nire ibilbidean eta amateurrak batean. Hori da arazorik ez da batere.
“Zer egiten nau borroka honetan arriskutsuagoa boxeolari altuera hori egiten dut eta puntzonatzeko botere eta abiadura eta mentalitatea izaten ari da bai uste dut. Nire mentalitatea dela ez dut hor doa inguruan play berarekin. Prest suntsitu naiz.
“Nire helburuak 2018 dira titulu gehiago ateratzeko eta bateratze bouts lortzeko. pisua klasean gutxi txapeldun bat izan dugu, baina inork ez dela beste txapeldun borrokatzeko prest agertzen da. edozein dela ere hartzen egiteko prest gaude, borrokatzeko duenarentzat izenburuak ditu. horiek titulu guztiak, betiere, gainontzekoengandik erregistratzeko borrokak prest daude ateratzeko prest gaude.”
JAVIER FORTUNA (33-1-1, 23 Kos) – Ohia Super Featherweight munduko txapelduna
“Nire borroka hau prestatzeko oso ongi joan. Nik lan Dominikar Errepublikan, baina Boston itzuli dut nire prestakuntza bukatzeko. Oraintxe ari gara 75% eta itxi on 100%. I erabat prest egon beharko Unea borrokatu behar da. Nire prestaketa eta nire estrategia egin zidan orduan eta arriskutsua tipo.
“hau ikusten dut ez beste borroka horretan egon aurretik izan nuen bezala, aurkari bakoitza ezberdina delako. Guztiek beren nitxo propioa du maila honetan, Beraientzat lan egiten duen zerbait. Bere nitxo da altu zuela. He erabiltzen du bere abantaila hori. Baina ezer ez dut gainditu da. borroka egin dut altu mutilak baino lehenago.
“Nire aurkaria nahiago dut taller izateko. jokatzen du zer egin ahal naiz sartu da. Inoiz ez dut arazo bat izan aurkaria taller batera. Abner Cotto (5-10) mutil altu dudala borrokatu ziren bat da. borrokatu dut Chicagon eta performance handi bat jarri. (Fortuna duenean a 5garren Cotto aurkako txandan KO)
“Nire helburua 2018 da goiko elite borrokalari guztiak borrokatzea nire pisua klasean, eta aipatutako bihurtu kirol onenetako bat bezala ari naiz. benetan beste munduko titulua irabazteko pisua klase desberdin bat nahi dut. Une handiena izango litzateke, beraz, nire ibilbidean beste munduko titulua lortzeko urrun.”
MARCUS BROWNE (20-0, 15 Kos) – Top 10 tan sailkapenean 175 kgs. (WBC, WBO, WBA & IBF)
“Nire aurkari (Francy Ntetu, 17-1, 4 Kos) iraunkorrak itxura, gogorra lasaia. Borroka honetan oso zale zirraragarria izateaz gain irauten duen bezala ikusten dut. zinta pixka bat ikusi zion buruzko I. beti punta-top forma dator zuen ezagutzen dut, eta bere Biribilean performance koherentea da zuen entzuten dut. I just know I’m going to have to be sharp on Jan. 20.
“Beti da ohore bat hemen borrokatzeko etxean eta Barclays Center. It berezien da zale hauen aurrean burutu ahal izateko, eta ezin dut itxaron performance ona igotzen Spence izateko vs jarri. Peterson borroka.
“Borroka hau me jartzeko posizio horretan egoteko munduko titulua borrokatzeko behar dut. dezaket ez da inola ere falta. amaitzeko eta dudarik ez uzteko han ere aterako indartsu hasieratik performance handia daukat.
“For 2018, munduko txapeldun bihurtu nahi dut. zehaztuko naiz tomake gertatuko da aurten. That vision starts on Jan. 20 at Barclays Center against Francy Ntetu.
Francy NTETU (17-1, 4 Kos) – Borrokatu David BENAVIDEZ Barclays Center ekainean 2015
I know Marcus Browne is probably taking me lightly and thinks he will simply go through me. Hori horrela izatea espero dut, Honez zion shock bat izan delako joan, Zale eta bere taldeak egin zuen bere spot hartzen dut lerroan titulua. Eleider Alvarez aurre egiteko gure Montreal jaioterrian irabazi hau lortu nuen ondoren nahi dut.
“Nire aurreko Barclays Center borrokaren egungo WBC txapelduna David BENAVIDEZ aurka izan zen, jakina, oso txarra erabaki bat arbitroak borroka gelditzeko, batez ere, txanda irabazi nintzen eta BENAVIDEZ zen motelduz. I zen indartsuagoa dela ahulagoa zen lortzean bitartean.
“Inoiz ez dut berriro merezi du eta inoiz ez dira borroka batean jaitsi. Marcus bere buruari erronka eta ikusi zuen zerbait egin badaiteke, beste inork ez duela nahi dut. hunkituta magnitude honen borroka batean izan naiz. Marcus, zer nahi duten zale eman digu garaia da!”
ADAM Kownacka (16-0, 13 Kos) – Jatorriz Poloniako & Brooklyn kanpo borrokan
“Borroka hau da txapeldun izateko bidean beste urrats bat izango da. Oso gogor lan egin eta frogatu naiz duten I nire Szpilka aurka irabazi eraikitzeko jarraitu dute noa ezagutzen dut. bideo batetik Iago Kiladze on ikusi dut (26-1, 18 Kos), asko mugitzen zuen, beraz beharrik dut moztu eraztuna. Whatever ekartzen eraztuna zuen, erantzun bat izan dut.
“Hiru urtez segidan, orain izan dut urtarrilean borrokan. off I love hasita urtea indartsu. Nire emaztea eta biok benetan hasi zen tradizio bat “Kownacki Family Run” at Gauerditik on New Year’s Eve. Geroztik beti dut Urteberri inguruan borroka bat prestatzen, agian bai izan dugu fun lan egiten dugu, berriz hurrena dugu. Beraz, izan dugu lagun batzuk atera eta gutxira mila bat exekutatu gurekin auzo inguruan su artifizialak zehar. Dibertigarria da eta niri prest laguntzen.
“Azken batean, naiz heavyweight zatiketa onena bihurtu nahi dut. end aurtengo Helburua da munduko txapeldun bihurtu. Baina oso lehen urratsa Iago Kiladze ari da oso serio. I can’t look past Urtarrilaren 20 oraintxe. aurkari gogorra duten erronka izango da eta egin dit epe luzera borrokalaria hobeto daukat.”
IAGO KILADZE, Hirugarren borroka mugimendu geroztik heavyweight zatiketa arte (2-0, 2 Kos)
I feel great and my training has been terrific. Nire Entrenatzaile Freddie Roach da gaur. sparred dut (IBF cruiserweight txapelduna) Murat Gassiev hiru aldiz duela gutxi bertan niretzat prestaketa handia da. I believe I can knockout Kownacki but if I have to go the distance I’m prepared for that. Batera zein bestera, garaile izango naiz. Naiz sentitzen gehiago kualifikatua borrokalaria naizela eta izango dela Biribilean erakutsi.
“Hau da nire ibilbidean borroka handi bat eta emanaldirik hasiera bat da 2018. I know that if I win this fight I’ll be that much closer to a world title opportunity.
“Nire helburua da mundu amaieran txapeldun izan 2018. I want to continue improving and learning under Freddie and with his guidance I’m confident of success.
# # #
jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr.. vs. Lamont Peterson Press Conference Quotes & Argazkiak

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 Barclays Center Brooklyn batetik & Aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera
Klikatu HEMEN Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko
Klikatu HEMEN Ed Diller argazkiak egiteko / DiBella aisialdia
Klikatu HEMEN for Press Conference Video from
DiBella aisialdia
BROOKLYN (Azaroa 29, 2017) – Unbeaten welterweight munduko txapeldun Errol Spence Jr.. eta txapeldun ohia Lamont Peterson went face-to-face for the first time Wednesday at a press conference in Brooklyn to discuss their world title showdownheadlining action on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 SHOWTIME bizi. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins live at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT and will feature undercard attractions that will be announced in the near future.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com edo deituz 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta. SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast, gainera, eskura izango da Espainiako bigarren mailako audio programazio bidez (SAP).
Hemen da prentsaurrekoan parte-hartzaile asteazkenean esan behar izan:
You’re going to see the same Errol Spence that you’re used to. I can’t look ahead because I know how dangerous Lamont Peterson is. I’ve been in training camps with him and I know what he can do.
I’ve seen too many fighters look down the road and get beat before they get to the big fight. I have to be 100 percent focused and hungry. I’m fully dedicated to this fight.
Lamont can push me to even greater levels. I feel like he is a better fighter than Kell Brook and has even more heart than Kell Brook and he can bring out the best in me.
I think it’s going to start out as a boxing match, but as we go on, it’s going to be a dog fight. We both have big hearts. I’ve never known Lamont to turn down any fight. Not a lot of people wanted to fight me. The big names shied away from me but Lamont stood up and said he’d fight me. This is going to be a hard fight.
I used to watch Lamont and his brother Anthony Peterson before I ever met them. I like their styles, the way they throw body punches and the fundamentals that they learned from Barry Hunter.
I think I can be known as the best pound-for-pound in the sport, but I have to take it one fight at a time. I want to be the undisputed welterweight champion. That should be everyone’s ultimate goalto be the best fighter in the sport. But first I have a big test ahead of me Urtarrilaren 20.
This is the business of the sport. I was a young guy when Lamont was giving me advice. Now we’ve gotten to this point. It really shows his longevity in the sport and how I’ve reached the ranks of being a top pro fighter.
Sparring with Lamont Peterson was really great work. Ikasteko esperientzia izan da. I was an amateur so I was going at a fast pace and Lamont was being patient, blocking and countering and picking his shots. He was fighting at a pro pace and I didn’t really understand it until I got farther into my career.
You’ve seen me and Lamont fight. We’re not in boring fights. We have fan-friendly styles and you’re going to get a really good fight. We have the mentality to really go after it and give it our all to get this win.
I want the best in this division to all fight each other. It’s time for everyone else to stand up and proclaim that they want to be great. That’s how we get this division to the peak. I don’t feel like waiting to fight the best. I want to prove myself.
This is a world title fight and I’m thankful for that. I try not to make too much out of each fight. I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve done this for 13 years as a professional. All fights are the same. I’m going to go in there and take care of business.
As a top fighter, you’re obligated to take what comes on the table. Regardless of who it is. It’s boxing. It’s a sport and we’re competitors. We want to go in there and compete to see who’s the best. We’re going to treat it like business like we always do.
You already know when I fight, it’s a feeling out process to start, but in my head, Prest joan naiz. It’s going to get rough in the trenches and we’ll see who wants it more.
I knew six years ago when Errol was in my camp that we’d get to this point. I knew he would be a champion. Zati handiena, I’ve seen him improve and progress throughout the pro ranks and I believe he’s going to keep getting better.
I don’t pay any attention to the outside noise. I respect everyone’s opinion. I just go out and train to do what I love to do. I do this because I love to box. I’m not here to get on a list. I truly love this sport.
I can’t worry about people thinking that Errol is the next star in this sport. I believe that, but I can’t worry about it. It is up to me and my team to come up with the right type of strategy and execute it.
I’m not too worried about figuring out his southpaw stance. I’ve been around long enough and encountered enough southpaws. I’m confident I’ll be able to handle it.
The size may seem like an advantage for Errol, but it’s up to me and my team to figure out the best way to negate it. I know who I am. I’m a competitive person. Regardless of everything, I’m going to come to win.
DERRICK JAMES, Spence ko entrenatzailea
We have a game plan in place. We’ll try to perfect everything leading up to this one. We’re working on making Errol a more complete fighter every time out. He’ll be better than he was when you saw him against Brook.
We’re looking for the perfect fight. It takes a great fighter to bring out the greatness in another great fighter. These guys are high caliber fighters and it’s about as good a matchup as you can have in the division.
These are two guys with the mentality to go after it. But they also have technical skill. This is going to be an old school fight between guys with real skills.
It’s one thing to do it, but it’s another to teach. I’ve really understood this sport since I became a trainer. Fighters are developed, not born. I’m going to keep working with these guys on the fundamentals so we can bring up the whole sport.
BARRY HUNTER, Peterson Trainer
When I look at Errol Spence, I instantly fell in love with him because he reminded me of Lamont so much. They both have that dog mentality. I’ve always known he was a special fighter.
Lamont told me when he worked with Errol that he really liked the kid. He knew he would be a world champion. I had to remind myself that this is business. We have to fight our friends.
These are the two guys who are ready to fight anybody. The fight on Urtarrilaren 20 is going to be one to remember. It’s a fan-friendly fight.
Errol Spence is the best fighter in the welterweight division. You have athletes that can fight and athletes who are fighters. Errol and Lamont are both. They have the skills and they have the ability to fight.
To be the best in the world, you have to fight the best in the world. All the greats have done it. In order to get back to the glory days, we need to put the best against the best. I have confidence in Lamont Peterson against anybody.
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak
There are very few fights you could make that are better in the welterweight division than this fight. It’s going to take place at the home of big-time boxing, here at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.
Errol Spence is one of the most talked about fighters in the sport. Some think he could be the best fighter in the world. He’s consistently said he only wants to fight the best and on Urtarrilaren 20 he will be fighting another champion and another great welterweight. Lamont Peterson never backs down from a challenge and we know he’ll be ready for this fight on Urtarrilaren 20.
This is a great event that continues the run of significant meaningful matchups on SHOWTIME. It’s been great quality programming. The fight cards have all been incredibly easy to promote because the fights have been so strong. You have to make fights with great fighters battling other great fighters. That’s what we need to energize our fans and our sport.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Executive VP & Zuzendari Nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak
As we come to the end of 2017 we look back on what has been a really strong year. 25 nights of live boxing, 80 live boxing matches and 27 munduko titulua borrokak. Not just title fights, but world title fights featuring top ranked challengers against top ranked champions.
We’ve brought you the most watched fight of the year in Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia right here at Barclays Center on CBS. It was also the most watched primetime boxing match in nearly 20 urte. But we will not be resting on our laurels.
We’ll kick off next year with an incredibly strong card. Errol Spence has grown up on SHOWTIME and we’re proud of that. He made his debut on ShoBox and won his world title on SHOWTIME. He has knocked out nine straight opponents and in his last five fights his opponents have an impressive record of 141-7-3.
Not a lot of fighters are rushing to fight Errol Spence. Lamont Peterson not only stepped up to the challenge, but he relinquished his welterweight title to take this fight. That’s the kind of fighter he is. He has one of the strongest resumes in the division and he’s fought the best guys in the sport.
We’re thrilled to kick off the year with this matchup. It’s another great fight in the welterweight division, a division we’ve been paying a lot of attention to for years. We’ll see you on Urtarrilaren 20.”
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Aisialdia
We’re coming off of an incredible 2017 for BROOKLYN BOXING. It far exceeded my expectations. We’re very committed to boxing, not just now, but in the future. This fight kicks off what I think will be a great 2018 for BROOKLYN BOXING.
Lamont was on the first ever PBC card at Barclays Center in 2015 and Brooklyn is happy to have you back. Errol was here in the spring of 2016 and we’ve had him as a fan several times, but we far prefer having you here in the ring.
Barclays Center is known for hosting 50-50 fights and this is no different. We’re thrilled to be holding this event here in Brooklyn. We look forward to seeing you on Urtarrilaren 20.”
# # #
jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz New York Press Conference Quotes & Argazkiak

Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Defends Against Undefeated Contender Luis Ortiz On Larunbata, Aza. 4 batetik Barclays Center Brooklyn & Live SHOWTIME on
Klikatu HEMEN Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko
Klikatu HEMEN Ed Diller argazkiak egiteko / DiBella aisialdia
NEW YORK, NY (Zazpi. 20, 2017) – Undefeated WBC Heavyweight Munduko txapelduna Deontay “Brontze Bomber” Wilder and hard-hitting Cuban southpaw Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz announced their upcoming Aza. 4 SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa heavyweight world title bout Asteazkenean from Dream Hotel in Downtown Manhattan.
The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions eta zuzeneko aire egingo SHOWTIME on (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT) batetik Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.
Because of inclement weather near his home in Miami, Ortiz was unable to travel to New York, but did offer his thoughts about the upcoming fight via telephone.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com edo deituz 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Hemen da parte-hartzaileek esan nahi izan zuen Asteazkena:
Deontay WILDER
“Ni naiz du best. I am the toughest heavyweight in the division. Ni naiz du man in the division. I don’t care what anybody else has going on. You’ve got to come through me.
When I knock him out, I want my due respect. I’m the only American heavyweight champion of the world and I am the man. Nobody is stronger physically, mentalki eta espiritualki. They are all scared of me.
I’m the heavyweight in the division with real knockout power. I put grown men down easily. On Azaroa 4, Ortiz is going down. Horren ostean, you already know who is next. I’m ready to unify.
If he’s the boogeyman, I can’t wait to shine a light on him because the boogeyman is only effective at night. And we’re in New York so you already know what happened to King Kong in New York.
The game plan is the same as usual. We’re going to use my attributes. I’m going to set him up until the time comes. Ortiz has a great set of skills and I like his aggressive style. That’s one of the reasons I chose him. I wanted to beat him to prove that I am the man.
It definitely won’t go the distance. Oraintxe bertan, I’m thinking about three rounds but come November 4th, it might be in the first round.
I’m ready to go and excited for the fight. I want to get to Azaroa 4 so I can do what I have to do.
Wilder does a lot of talking. He’s nervous and keeps forgetting the date of the fight. I think he took this fight because he has no choice and no one else to fight.
I think Wilder is going to run in this fight. He should be careful what he says before the fight, because I think he’s going to run from me.
Wilder should sign his death sentence. I’m very different than anybody else that he’s fought. I punch harder than anybody else. I’m going to teach him not to mess with Cubans.
Some skeptics are talking about my age, but look at Mayweather. I still have my speed and my quickness.
JAY polita, Wilder’s Co-Manager and Trainer
Everything in camp has been going well. Last time we were here in New York we had a great crowd and it was a wonderful event. This will be an even bigger challenge. This is the fight the fans wanted and this is the fight we wanted.
Deontay has always wanted the biggest challenges. We won the belt in [Bermane] Stiverne’s hometown and we were ready to go to Russia to defend the belt. These are two guys in the division no one wants to fight, but they’ve decided to fight each other.
This is a great opportunity for Deontay to show who he is and where he is. It’s going to be well worth everyone’s time to be there at Barclays Center.
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak
There is nothing like a great heavyweight championship fight and on November 4th, a great champion is going to fight a great contender. This is a terrific fight.
This fight is happening because Deontay Wilder wants the world to know that he is afraid of no one, and that he’s prepared to fight anyone and he’s the best heavyweight in the world today. I could not be prouder of him for making this fight happen.
This is the toughest fight that Deontay Wilder could engage in right now. This is the most difficult opponent he possibly could fight.
Luis Ortiz is the boogeyman of this division. You haven’t heard anyone scream about fighting Luis Ortiz. A lot of people were shocked when they heard that Deontay Wilder wants to fight him. He not only wants to fight him, but he insisted upon it.
This isn’t a 43-year-old champion on his last legs in Luis Ortiz. This is a hungry beast that wants to beat Deontay Wilder. But Deontay is a champion. He’s not doing this for the money. A lot of people would think this is a dumb economic move. This is a legacy move. This is a move to prove who is the best. We’re not afraid of Anthony Joshua. If he was available on November 4th and wanted to fight, we’d fight him then.
This has been a really strong year for SHOWTIME Boxing. This will be our 23rd live boxing event on SHOWTIME this year. And they’ve been important, Borrokak esanguratsuak. Not just a big name against a nobody. Izan ere, 16 times this year on SHOWTIME we’ve featured and unbeaten fighter taking on another unbeaten fighter. We know on SHOWTIME that you’re seeing the best fighting the best. No other network is as dedicated to delivering the highest quality fights. So without question, it’s been a great year. But we may have saved the best for last here.
We have two of the top heavyweights in the world. Both undefeated with a combined record of 65-0, 60 knockouts. This is the best fight that can be made in the heavyweight division. There is no question about that. This will be the eighth heavyweight title fight we’ve featured in the last two years. The only way to get to one unified champion in the heavyweight division is to have the best fight the best, and that is what is happening here on Aza. 4, and we can’t wait.


Sarrerak salgai orain!
BROOKLYN (Zazpi. 20, 2017) – Undefeated WBC Heavyweight Munduko txapelduna Deontay “Brontze Bomber” Wilder will make his sixth title defense when he meets hard-hitting Cuban southpaw Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz on SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Larunbata, Aza. 4 SHOWTIME bizi (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT) batetik Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com edo deituz 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
An exciting lineup of undercard attractions will be announced soon to support this titanic heavyweight matchup. True heavyweights in every sense of the word, the 6-foot-7, 228-pound Wilder and the 6-foot-4, 240-pound Ortiz have 60 combined knockout victories.
I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time and I’m excited that the time has come to meet Luis Ortiz,” Said Wilder. “Ortiz is considered the boogeyman of the sport and I am the hardest hitter in boxing. When you put us together in a ring, you will get one of the best heavyweight fights in a long time. I will unify the division. This I promise. This is the first step towards unifying. Any heavyweight that gets in my way is getting knocked out.
Wilder has been doing a lot of talking about me and this fight,” Said Ortiz. “I’m tired of hearing it. I’m not that big on talking. I like to do all my talking in the ring and that’s what I plan to do. Hura errespetatzen dut. I know he hits hard, but I hit hard too. Honez borroka handi bat izango da. I can’t wait to get in the ring and shut him up in front of everybody at Barclays Center on SHOWTIME on Azaroa 4.”
This fight is happening because Deontay Wilder wants to beat the best, regardless of the risk,” esan zuen Lou DiBella, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak. “He will knock ‘King Kongoff the Empire State Building for the world to see on Azaroa 4 at Barclays Center.
The resurgence of the heavyweight division is going to be on full display at Barclays Center and on SHOWTIME on Azaroa 4,” said Tom Brown, president of TGB Promotions. “Deontay is facing his toughest challenge yet in the undefeated Cuban, giving him the opportunity to really prove himself. We are thrilled to be a part of the action and can’t wait until fight night.
Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz is one of the highlights of what has been an exceptional year for boxing on SHOWTIME,” esan zuen Stephen Espinoza, Exekutiboa presidenteordea eta zuzendari nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak. “We have consistently delivered the biggest names in boxing in their most important fights. The main event on Aza. 4 features two dynamic punchers with a 92-percent knockout ratio between them. It will be the 21st world championship fight on SHOWTIME this year and the 16th time we’ve seen undefeated fighters going head-to-head. It is clear that no other network is more committed to delivering the most significant bouts directly to its subscribers than SHOWTIME.
“On Azaroa 4 Barclays Center will once again host one of the year’s best fights,” esan zuen Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Aisialdia. “Deontay has made his mark in Brooklyn, and I am thrilled to welcome him back to our ring alongside a tough competitor in Luis Ortiz, who will be fighting here for the first time.
The 31-year-old Wilder (38-0, 37 Kos), the only reigning American heavyweight world champion, won his WBC title with a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015 -mitikoen heavyweight txapelduna Muhammad Ali urtebetetzea.
Wilder, a Bronze Medal winner for the U.S. Olympic boxing team at the 2008 Beijing Games, has successfully defended the title five times. In his previous defense at Barclays Center, Wilder scored a memorable ninth-round knockout over Artur Szpilka back in Jan. 2016. In his most recent defense, Wilder, Tuscaloosa of, Ala. stopped Gerald Washington via fifth-round technical knockout before a hometown crowd at Legacy Arena in Birmingham on Feb. 25.
The 38-year-old Ortiz (27-0, 23 Kos), of Camaguey, Cuba by way of Miami, Fla., will make his SHOWTIME and Barclays Center debut when he meets Wilder for his first title shot. hard-sakatuz southpaw aktibatuta pro duela zazpi urte Kubatik defecting ondoren eta izan da geroztik etengabe heavyweight eskailera eskalada. Bere banaketa zutik zementuzko zuen beteranoa contenders Bryant Jennings gaineko garaipen batekin, Tony Thompson eta Malik Scott eta No da. 1-ranked contender by the WBC.
Ortiz irabazten badu, he will become the first Cuban born fighter to win a heavyweight world championship.
# # #
jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Jermall Charlo KO’s Jorge Sebastian Heiland in Four Rounds In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature
Harrapatu deitutako Astelehena At 10:30 p.m. ETA/PT On
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak: Credit Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment
BROOKLYN (Uztailaren 30, 2017) – Three-division world champion Mikey Garcia kept his undefeated record intact with a dominant 12-round performance against four-division world champion Adrien broner Showtime txapelketa boxeoa ekitaldi nagusia ere, Saturday on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®.
In what could be considered one of the best performances of his career, Garcia (37-0, 30 KO en) won a unanimous decision by scores of 117-111 eta 116-112 bitan.
“Entrenatu dugu 10 weeks, we had a great training camp and great sparring, we knew it was going to be a tough fight,” Garcia said.
Garcia took the lead early on, showcasing fundamentally sound technique and backing Broner into the ropes midway through the second frame. A flurry of body shots put Broner in trouble in the second round. While Broner was able to stay on his feet, Garcia emerged with another round in his favor.
I think I controlled the fight in the early rounds and I kept the activity up,” Garcia said. “Broner is a great fighter and he has great skills but I was the superior fighter Gaur gauean.”
Garcia showed a combination of jabs, power punches and body shots all night long. He cornered Broner on the ropes with a huge left hook halfway through the third frame, and backed him in to the ropes again with 39 seconds remaining in the round. While Broner showed some movement in the fourth round and hit Garcia with a succession of 1-2 combinations, Garcia’s bodywork kept Broner at bay.
It was part of the strategy to be a little busier in this fight than in the fights I have previously had,” Garcia said.
Broner (33-3, 24 Kos) looked to get back in the fight as he started the eighth round with a succession of sharp combinations, however his lack of consistency couldn’t withstand Garcia’s phenomenal body shots and overall punch output. Through eight rounds, Garcia had thrown a total of 500 punches, while Broner had just thrown 291.
It was a good fight at the end of the day, I come to fight I come to win and I put my heart on the line,” Broner said. “But it was Tom & Jerry; I had to catch the mouse.
Although Garcia had amassed an early lead from the first three-quarters of the fight, Broner continued to walk through heavy fire from Garcia in an attempt to connect with a big punch and change the tide of the fight. While he was able to ignite the crowd and land several big punches over the final three rounds, none of it proved to be enough to slow down Garcia.
It was my timing, I’ve always said I have very good timing,” esan zuen Garcia. “It is underestimated when you are outside the ring but once you get inside the ring with me, I’m a step ahead.
Boladan Jermall Charlo (26-0, 20 Kos) made his debut at 160-pounds with a stoppage of Argentine contender Jorge Sebastian Heiland (29-5-2, 16 Kos) in the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. ETEN zenean 2:13 of the fourth round after Charlo delivered a devastating left hook followed by a big right to end the fight.
Charlo, Houston, Texas, dominated the pace from the beginning. He landed the sharper and more accurate punches throughout the fight, especially in the first round where he landed 50 percent of his power shots to Heiland’s 13 ehuneko. Charlo’s straight right was his power weapon throughout the contest.
I felt good at this weight. I was in good shape all camp,” Said Charlo. “I just had to keep my composure in the ring. That’s always something I have to work on and I was able to do it.
After I dropped him the first time they said he fell on top of his ankle. That’s just part of the boxing game. I had to just stay consistent and get the work done.
Heiland, Buenos Aires, Argentina, had issues with his left leg after injuring his knee in the first round. His discomfort was clear in his awkward footwork and lack of power behind his punches. Referee Benjy Esteves had the doctor examine him twice throughout the fight, once before the third round and then again before the fourth.
I turned my left knee in the first round, but I did not want to give up,” said Heiland. “Emateko nire guztiak saiatu naiz, but it was not my night. I had bad luck but I am going to work harder than ever to get back and get another opportunity to achieve my dream and win a world title.
Charlo stayed focused on his game plan despite seeing his opponent injured. “Sometimes the injury can be a decoy, you never want to just jump in and think it’s part of his game plan,” Charlo said. “My coach told me to stay behind my jab like I did; continue to work and it’s going to come.
With this win, Charlo becomes a mandatory challenger for the WBC Middleweight World Championship.
I’m ready for anyone. I’m ready for whoever wants to fight me,” Charlo added. “Bring on the biggest names at 160. I’m the real Tommy Hearns. I feel it’s my turn and I’m going to go get it.
Headlining theSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims,” heavyweight Jarrell Miller (19-0-1, 17 Kos), Brooklyn, N.Y., stopped former world title challenger Gerald Washington (18-2-1, 12 Kos) after eight-rounds.
Miller used his significant size advantage and effective power-punching to break down the former collegiate football player. Washington had some success early with his jab and body attack, but was not able to stay out of punching range of Miller
Washington surged in the sixth round with a series of power shots that staggered Miller, however the Brooklynite countered and further broke down Washington, who landed just 20% of his jabs overall.
Miller, who landed almost half of his power punches, continued the onslaught in the seventh and eight rounds, and while Washington was able to stay on his feet, he took enough punishment that his corner called the fight after the eighth round.
I definitely felt the ring rust,” said Miller, who was making his third appearance on SHOWTIME. “Gerald was very tough. It was a very good fight that had me thinking. My power was there, but I couldn’t put it together the way I wanted to today.
I took the hard way back coming in off of a layoff. Gerald definitely pushed me and motivated me. I had to rely on my brain and my power.
I knew there would be a give and take in this fight. It’s one thing to fight when you have stamina, it’s another to fight when you’re tired. I was trying to outthink him.
Inaugurazio bout batean “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelimson Facebook Live, Irish sensation Katie Taylor (6-0, 4 Kos) gelditu Jasmine Clarkson (4-9) after three rounds of action in the latter fighter’s U.S. debut.
The Olympic Gold medalist was dominant from the outset, stalking her opponent around the ring and consistently trapping her in the corner. Taylor was effective with both hands and did most of her work to the head of Clarkson. After three rounds of damage, Clarkson’s corner stopped the bout and gave Taylor her first stateside win as a pro.
It was a fantastic experience being my first time competing here in the U.S,” Said Taylor. “There were definitely some nerves before the fight. It was great to go in there and get a stoppage.
I hope that I made some fans Gaur gauean. I loved hearing the Irish fans in the crowd. I hope that there will be even more next time I fight here. The more fights I have here in the U.S. hobeto.
I thought I performed pretty well. I definitely got caught with a few silly shots. I could have been cleaner but overall it was a good performance. I felt good and strong. I’ll be ready to get back in there as soon as possible.
Additional action saw former world champion Rau'shee Warren (15-2, 4 Kos) earn a unanimous decision victory over former champion McJoe Arroyo (17-2, 8 Kos) and became the mandatory challenger for the IBF Junior Bantamweight World Title.
Warren attacked the body throughout the bout and landed the cleaner, more effective punches over the 12-round contest. The judges concurred and gave him the decision by scores of 118-10 eta 117-111 bitan.
I would give myself a B+ for that performance,” said Warren. “I wanted to make sure to use my jab and I felt like it really helped me win the fight.
I feel really good at this weight. Now it’s time for me to go get a strap. I haven’t been at this weight since the Olympics. I want to get these titles and then go down to 112 pounds for another title. First I want to take care of Jerwin Ancajas.
Larunbata en fights will replay on Sunday, Uztailaren 30 at 8:35 a.m. ET on SHOWTIME and on Astelehena, Uztailaren 31 at 10:30 p.m. ETA/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® eta Showtime edonoiz®.
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Saturday, Uztailaren 29 SHOWTIME bizi. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.
Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtu www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionseta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia Final Press Conference Quotes & Argazkiak

Premier Boxing Champions Event Larunbata, Uztailaren 29 batetik

Barclays Center Brooklyn & Live SHOWTIME on

Klikatu HEMEN Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko

Klikatu HEMEN Ed Diller argazkiak egiteko / DiBella aisialdia

BROOKLYN (Uztailaren 27, 2017) – Lau zatiketa munduko txapeldun Adrien broner eta hiru zatiketa munduko txapeldun Mikey Garcia went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they headline a Premier Boxing Champions Ekitaldia Larunbata, Uztailaren 29 SHOWTIME bizi Barclays Gunetik, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlomeeting top contender Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator.

Undercard action on “SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Prelims” will stream live on Facebook and YouTube and will feature heavyweight contenders Gerald Washington eta Jarrell Miller in a 10-round match, plus Irish sensation Katie Taylorin her U.S. debut.

Tickets to the event, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, etan hasiko $50 (Ez aplikagarri tasak barne), salgai daude, eta hemen eros daiteke ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com edo deituz 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Dream Hotel Downtown:

Adrien broner

“Just know that I’ll be ready larunbatean Gau. I’m not worried about how much he’ll weigh when we step into the ring. I’m ready for anything.

“Camp was tough, but it was great. I did a lot of things differently and made sure that I was doing everything right. I made sure not to cut any corners this camp.

“This is going to be a great fight for boxing. I’ve done my due diligence. I’m going to take care of business. I just know myself and know what I’m capable of.

“Every fight is a must-win in this sport. There’s no fight you go into with a loss on your mind. I’m going to put on a show larunbatean.

“I laugh when people write me off. I’m used to being the underdog coming from where I come from. People don’t know what I’ve been through to get to this point. I’m blessed to be where I’m at. Larunbata night there will be a lot more room on the bandwagon.

“We’ll see who’s on the pound-for-pound list after Larunbata Gau. We could have fought years ago but the time is now and I’m ready.

“I’m glad that the Garcia team took this fight as quickly as we did. I’ve been taking everything seriously in Colorado. I know Mikey will be ready too. Robert Garcia definitely has some confidence from beating me with Marcos Maidana. But Mikey is not Maidana.

“I just don’t feel like Mikey will be able to do anything to stop me from getting the victory. I’m sure he’s confident too. After I make it look easy, I want everyone to write about it and say something good.

“I can make anybody quit in the ring. Mikey is no different. If I execute and stay focused, don’t be surprised. Borroka honetan prest nago.

"Larunbata is going to be a special day for me. My birthday is bihar. I’m almost 30. I want to dedicate this victory to my twin brother Andre. Seeing his smile will make it even more special for me.”


“I’m prepared to go 12 hard rounds with Adrien Broner. This is a high profile fight. Probably more than my other fights. It’s created a lot of buzz amongst fans and media. Everyone is anticipating a great fight. This is a great matchup that can take me to the next level.

“I don’t think that he’s going to be desperate but he knows that I’m not an easy opponent. That’s why he’s taken camp so seriously. I expect him to be at his best and be ready. He knows that if he beats me he can launch his career back to where it was.

“He’s a four-division world champion so clearly he has the skills. I need someone who is hungry and motivated to bring out the best in me. My main focus is getting the win by any means necessary.

“I’m going to lo look to box effectively and show that I’m the better fighter. We’re both smart fighters but neither of us will run from the other. When you have styles like ourselves, with two guys who like to exchange punches, you’re in for a great battle.

“I think Adrien will be fine with the weight. He’s a pro and he knows that he really has to make weight. He’s learned from his mistakes. Sometimes he jokes around but that’s just part of his character. He takes things a lot more seriously because he’s facing me.

“If I can get this win, I just want to keep moving forward and fulfilling my dreams. I want to be in huge fights consistently. This is a crossroads fight for both of us to get to that level.

“I’m very excited to be here. Brooklyn was very kind to me when I fought here last year. I expect the fans to be here and show up like they always do larunbatean. There are incredible boxing fans in New York.

“I’m here to prove that I’m back and stronger than ever. This is another opportunity to show the kind of fighter that I am. I won’t let Adrien Broner stand in my way. This is my chance to show the best version of myself.”


“I feel great and ready to make my debut at 160 kilo. Camp has gone smoothly. I’m ready to dominate this division like I did 154 kilo. My plan is to care of Heiland and then everything else will fall into line from there.

“This is a bigger, better and stronger version of Jermall Charlo. Everything has come together during camp. Ronnie Shields runs a great camp and I believe he’s continuing to bring the best out of me.

“I’m completely focused on this matchup. I know that I can’t get any of the big fights that I crave without taking care of Heiland. I’m going to break him down and if the knockout comes, I’ll make sure to take advantage.

“My hat is off to Adrien Broner and Mikey Garcia for bringing out all the fans and media for this great show. It’s a real thrill to be a part of this event.”


“I’m thankful to everyone who has welcomed me to New York. I’m happy to have this big opportunity and I’m 100 percent prepared for whatever Jermall Charlo brings. Jermall is a great fighter and I know that he is going to bring everything he has.

“I’ve had an amazing camp and I’ve never felt more prepared for an opportunity than this. I was very patient and I will take full advantage. My plan is to leave everything in the ring larunbatean.

“My team has been with me for a long time as I waited for this opportunity. Be ready because it’s going to be a battle and a great matchup larunbatean. You won’t want to miss it.”


“I came here to go to work. I’m going to shut that big mouth of his up. I hope someone is holding him accountable for all the words he’s been saying. You’re in there with a real one larunbatean Gau. I’m going to welcome you to this game for real.

“I’m sure he’ll try to bring some extra pressure. I’m going to introduce him to a new class of boxing. I’ve taken a lot from my experiences in training camp with Wladimir Klitschko and in the ring with Deontay Wilder. You’ll see the difference larunbatean.

“I’m still growing in this sport. I’ve been learning on the job this whole time and each experience just means so much to me. I wanted to take on a tough undefeated fighter because I knew that it would make it a great fight.

“This is most definitely ending inside of the distance. I’m coming after him. I’m going to wear him out. Then it’s time to take him out.”


“If you don’t know who “Big Baby” is, you soon will. I’ve never seen anyone get knocked out and get praised for it, but that’s what people are doing for Washington. I’ve never been hurt in my life in the ring and I’ll prove it larunbatean.

“This guy said he’s going to introduce me to big-time boxing. I’ve been in front of huge crowds and I’ve come through with knockout wins. I’ll be more than ready larunbatean Gau.

“I’ve got big plans in this sport and this is only the start. Brooklyn fans loved their hometown heavyweights Mike Tyson and Riddick Bowe. I’m going to be next in that line and this city will love me.”


“It’s incredible to be here in New York and to make my US debut on this incredible card. It’s truly a privilege.

“Training has gone so well and I’m so happy that SHOWTIME will stream the fight. It’s incredible for my fans overseas and all fans of women’s boxing.

“I hope to make a strong statement this weekend and I hope everyone enjoys the fight larunbatean Gau. »

LEONARD ELLERBE, Mayweather Promozioak zuzendari nagusia

“This is definitely a must-see event larunbatean Gau. Two great fighters, fighting at the right time, both in the prime of their careers. Honez ikuskizun handi bat izango da.

“One of the main reasons why boxing is going to the next level is because the people at the top have a vision of seeing great fights. We have another great example of that Larunbat honetan Barclays Center at night

“Anytime you have a great event, it’s going to start with the undercard. We have a lot of young fighters looking to show off their skills. We’re thrilled to have our very own Richardson Hitchins and Kenny Robles competing in exciting undercard action.”

LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak

“A month from now there will be a huge event in Las Vegas, baina two days from now there is the best fight card of the summer, the best fight of the summer, and a great show from top to bottom at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

“This is a great summer of boxing for SHOWTIME and it’s great to be in this room and see all the great attention that this fight card is getting. This is one of the best representations that we can have of our sport. This is one of the most stacked cards I’ve ever been involved with.

“There are a lot of good reasons to get a ticket and come to Barclays Center larunbatean Gau. There will be a strong Irish presence on the card Larunbata with both Katie Taylor and Noel Murphy entering the ring.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Executive VP & Zuzendari Nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak

"Larunbata is a testament to SHOWTIME’s commitment to boxing and boxing fans. We’ve worked hard to deliver the most important bouts from around the world. We have three separate telecasts, five fights, across two continents.

“We will also be streaming Katie Taylor’s U.S. debut. People know Katie from reputation alone, and we thought it was important to have her fight seen. The heavyweight fight between Gerald Washington and Jarrell Miller is another one that deserves to be seen and I think it could be the fight that steals the show.

“The main event has two of the brightest young stars in boxing. They both feel like they’ve been on this stage for a while. You know their resumes and you have to give them all of the credit in the world for taking this fight. Neither had to take this fight, but it will be one of the most exciting matchups of the summer.

“We have had 19 live presentations and 15 world title fights so far and we’re proud of what we’ve done accomplished so far. Boxing has had a great year and much of that has been carried by SHOWTIME boxing. That will continue Larunbat honetan."

BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Aisialdia

“This card is our fourth major card this year. It’s been an incredible year for BROOKLYN BOXING. We’ve made a commitment to bring the best boxing to the borough. With all of our partners help, we have been able to accomplish that.

“We welcome both of these fighters back to Brooklyn. They’ve both built fan bases and we’re excited to see both of them back in the building and in the ring larunbatean.

“The whole night of boxing is going to be incredible. I welcome Jermall Charlo to Brooklyn, your brother had a great night in April and I’m sure you will follow in his footsteps.”

# # #


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Larunbata, Uztailaren 29 SHOWTIME bizi. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.

Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtuwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment


“I feel like my back is against the wall. Everybody is counting me out once again.” – Adrien Broner

SHOWTIME Kirolak® Video Feature: http://s.sho.com/2tKCUR0

Argazkia Kreditu: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

Four-division world champion Adrien Broner has taken a unique approach as he prepares to face undefeated three-division titlist Mikey Garcia this Larunbata, Uztailaren 29 SHOWTIME bizi (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). One of only 16 four-division champions in boxing history, the outspoken Broner is practicing yoga in his Colorado Springs-based camp as he attempts to minimize the distractions and focus on perhaps the biggest fight of his career.

“I feel like my back is against the wall,” Broner says in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature. “Everybody is counting me out once again.

“Don’t get me wrong, aurre egin ahal izan dezan, he can box. Baina, at the end of the day, I just don’t see him beating me.”

Broner faces Garcia in a matchup of two of boxing’s biggest stars in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT as unbeaten former world champion Jermall Charlo returns to face Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a middleweight world title eliminator. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

# # #


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a 12-round super lightweight showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Larunbata, Uztailaren 29 SHOWTIME bizi. Broner vs. Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and this event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.

Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtuwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsand www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment