Tag Archives: Brooklyn

SUMMUS CAESTUS inde pugiles ESPN MEDIA colloquium dico EXEMPLAR


Lou DiBella

Optime enim gratiam fect PBC ESPN ostende nobis August clamore 1 a Barclays Center in Brooklyn. ESPN vivunt sabbato erit spectaculum primetime, August 1st, with coverage incipientes 9:00 pm ET / VI:00 pm PT.


Ave eventus sero pelagus “Swift” Garcia contra Paulie Malignaggi. Pugna est inter foramen middleweight title bout Danny Jacobs, Sergio Mora.


August 1 secunda est PBC, card in ESPN et prima est iens ut esse contra Brooklyn Thurman Keith scriptor Luis Collazo. Tampa quod in futurum on July 11th, Florida.


Tesseras August 1 at sunt precii $250, $150, $75 atque $45 et nunc in venditionem. Haerent available atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com, in American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. A phone ut visitet, vos potest vocare at Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000 aut impetro a group tickets Barclays Center, 800-GROUPBK.


Bout foramen est terrificum certamen. Danny Jacobs inspiratori pugnator eximius sed etiam ingeniosi middleweight quod resuscitatae ad championship statura tenetque belt. Ipse pugnabit at Barclays Center Maximus quartum.


Danny ortum ab cancer super fortissimus certatim ab hoc comprobatum. Sed mandata, hic, ille ut victi in pugilatu morbi dolor volutpat velit esse optimum et ille potest et ingens provocatio suscipienda August 1 in Sergio Mora, procede et legitime cognovit optimus atque contendunt middleweight NBC victor “The Contender” Numerus annorum seriem ago. Sergio est Deus orbem euerso eximius welterweight, Proin his addere quaeris coronam middleweight.


Nuncquam victorias super isHe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. et Vernon Forrest et intrat hac pugna tibi in quinque proelium navale win streak. Et nuper strenuissime vicit Abraham Han in February eius anni ESPN.


Prius itaque, Paucis ante Mora Sergio ut dimittam uero ad.


Mora sergio

Hey, guys. Bene, Im 'excitatur dimicare in prima mea card PBC,. Suus diu venire. Novissimo tempore septem abhinc annis militavi title mundi vincere Vernon Saltus ut potui 4-1 missuros.


Ego puto hoc esse missuros certaminis, pugnae minor, fortior fortissimus in patria sua. Ita oppressum iri omnibus esse lentas et mihi aliquid quod madidum luxuriatae cards solebat et assueta.


Illic 'tibi nihil mali poena possum equidem dicere Daniel Jacobs, omnino nihil. Non possum dicere quid negativum expecto. Guy habet talentum altiore. Longe natu minore hes, velocius, et hits duriorem fortior illo et ipse mecum habet momentum adventus viam suam. Ille iterum pulsat in LINEA et novem in pugna tam CONCILIO. Torment proelium navale iens pro me.


Sed hoc non est quod tibi possum dicere profitetur adversus contradictio. Puto hes permotionem, athletice pugnator. Im 'a cerebri, intelligens, opportunis pugnator.


Quod futurum est, quia in patria sua et defendit vere excitando mundi card title. Scio enim mundus Esurio Ego titulo esse acutus et multum extra arctiorem victoriam magis quam in patria sua. Sic Im 'iens ut consolatione mea zone instare de actione et de his opinor, ei suggessit habiturus, Id enim quod ipse facturus pugnam amet.


Im 'valde confident venientem in hac pugna tibi. Curabitur sit amet ipsum quod me jam in quadrigis et occasione. Ive militare velle Brooklyni. Semper in illo pugnare volebant Mega sicut arena Barclays Center. Hanc ego peream PBC motus occasione huius. Gratias tibi ago.


L. DiBella


Gratias tibi ago, Sergio.


Et iam fortissimus, Brooklyn proprio, Danny Jacobs.


Daniel Jacobs


Bene, post Sergio 's intro, quid dicam?? Ut 'pulchellus frigus.


Incensus sum occasionem habent circuitum iterum revertar pugilem barclays Center. Altera iuris defensione et hoc illis a me. Itll 'exsisto contra Peritissimis homunculus youve faced hucusque. Provocatio ad hoc quaero lubricum scopebam spiritum meum, astutus veteranus Sergio Mora.


Im 'iustus trying impetro quod Ive experientia praesertim. Suus 'maximus ut iuvenis fortissimus me, Volo ut ubi sum hactenus pugnator. Vestri 'sua usque increscens, vestri 'etiamtum. Test vere iustus satus hoc quaero. Turtur enim vere possum tantum adquisiturum experientia tam callida pugnae, veterani lubricum.


In hoc ipse apud. So, Iam et ipse hoc loco esse non potest nisi sit illi missuros erit quamvis levis tametsi missuros excipient et vincere beneficio me. Ut eum potissimum quaero ego haec immane quantum adversarius middleweight adventabant.


Ergo virtus non est multum ubi metu careat quantum efficere et in astutia se dedat reperiendo slickness interdum et actionem tam inperitia. Ego vultus deinceps ad eam. Sed expertus sum quod suus comparavimus principium aliquod tempus ab opere castra faciens etsi nullam iam quod Im 'laetus nuntio. Immemor fui gym. Vere fit custodia fui et barclays expectantes enim ad experimentum puto in mundo non habeo meliorem. Artes et scopebam spiritum meum contra me callide veterani prospiciebat.



Cum receperis appellare libet negativae utrique operam et Twitter, quid et quomodo agendum est responsio.


S. Mora

Bene, audire, Ive 'been negative de hoc per totam vitam reprehensionem. Suus 'quispiam ut secutus est me. Quia nescio si suus superior aut re ostende sum quia in via per quam ambulo oderunt percutiam populum possum pugnare. Paenitet enim me non ex virtute. Opus virtutis nasci. Potestatem habeo via possum si excusserit servo glutiam salivam meam videre vis et arma, tunc Faciam, sed nequeo. Ego in hoc natus sum via nati. Ingenio possedi facere possum, ex meis.


Puto quod athletae uenisti longe cetera etiam me puto autem quod caret Ferocem. Effecit pugilem evolutionis in diversa. Ab his igitur quae pugnabatur pugilatu fans intelligi oportet intelligi quod indiget, “All right, bene, audire, multum ipse pugnare potestatis metus sed nulla futura sit amet adipiscing quam potenter operetur? Quam pro eo quod factus est defensor egregius scientias.


Ita non curat de me. Dulce permanebit tantum de scientia educationis sciant sitque ratio virtutis non opus sit amet est numerus agilitate tua, ars, defensio, corpus shots, consilium, suus 'sequenti consilio Difficile.


Libenter igitur ad eos qui nesciunt quaestiones. Sed populus autem scientium, adepto super eam.



Danny, qui pugnare velim quid tibi respondeat Golovkin? Tasse non esse dicitis, quid facietis effercio?


D. Jacobs

Didici meus revertatur. Reprehensionem meo multum habeo – Ego fuerit cur populus respiciebat qui volebat me ad properaret, Qui voluit qui volunt ad positos pugnare pugnam. Im 'punctum excessisse. Tu quid ego curant – bene, ubi non tantum non curarem quid aliud existimemus quam nisl, si adiutore te, Ut eam speculor, Percepi processus, quo tu intelligis quod voluimus venire non futurum, si tu es ventilabrum flabella si lusus ipse, abi et cum iter.


Volo ad properaret. Cum volo esse in optimum optimo posse. Manifesto, nunc per ludum geruntur omnia pugilatum, Quaedam in potestate non sum, scitis. Ego autem cum pedem qui regat aliquatenus. Et vere non tendunt huiusmodi ingredi. Ego quod fecero sectamini. Stabo parati. As a champion, Intus et foris et anuli geram. Qui ibi sum in meam dabo optimus. Si lusus ventilabro, tunc bella es amaturus cujuscumque. BENE de specie induti. Ive 'been effectus Id – Sensi sicut fui bonos pugnat.



An vultis accipere provocatio vobis primus esse an prohibere Sergio Mora procul ire tandem ire tibi magna satis 12 rounds?


D. Jacobs

Ego youd 'essentialiter ire volebat XII-rounds with Truax. I intentionally wanted to go 12-rounds with Truax. Because I felt like I could stop him a little bit earlier, 6 sed per simile quod maybe volui probare possum me quia vado praeualidas 12 cum multitudine fretus circumeunt nunc et est aliquid quod ego sentio amo Im respondens sciscitari. So, test cum Sergio Mora est – concludi potest, utrum necne eum amplius ego vadam magis distantia, ipse suus 'numquam cessit, ita ut non solum vico in crustulam vincere posse subsistere, sed in agone.


Autem, et si ille callide veterani Assumamus ut metus CONCILIO, mihi est win win. Sed in fine diei, quod est illi videre knockouts fans want. Quid fans want est spectaculi pugnat. Sic mea res est si possemus, iustus producere fantastic edidit pugnam pugna certatim ingravescant, Im 'contenta. Iustus a vico in crustulam knockout. Sed si aliquid accidit quod quaero, Im 'pulchellus certus scio quam impetro officium perfectus.



Cogitare quid artes pugilatu? Quomodo XII protum vices tuas circum maxime pugnam?


S. Mora

Fuit, quod tantum quaestio petistis Danny, per viam. Puto completam. Sicut aliquem pulsare velim me, scitis, quia imponit aliquid vestra resumere quod Vernon Forrest and Sugar Shane Mosley, Fame aula duos magnos facere non potui. Ut erat Magna enim quaestio.


Sicut dixi, Ne ego puto omnia possidentes. Sed habeo experientia. O ego puto melius puto iactu experientia O quam ludum consilium sequor. Lorem maxime pugilum multum puer et athletica ludum consilium bellatores semel discederet de finibus eorum ut non fungitur vident. As a veteran, Ego cognovi quod non fungitur initio.


Illic 'a principio, a midgame et effectus ludum, velim in genus latrunculorum. Sed quid vos iustus got tenere ne exire inde elementum communemque exercitati bene mihi. Ego quoque id faciunt permansurum.


Scilicet, Ego Ive 'mutatur nonnulli in id consilii. Ego vidi mutatum adversariis via quaedam et arma mea ire circa. Sed ultimate, etiam ipsam latitudinem Sergio Mora – tamen hanc facultatem guy qui quod suus 'iens ut eam pacem turbaret, et pugnabit vir spurius August 1st.



Habere potes diu tuam loquentur: quia et ipsi peregrini prospectu ad hunc gradum te praesto esse secundum unum balteum?


S. Mora

Bene, quis qui fuerunt circa decem annos amplius ne tum ipsum. Qui fuerunt circa ludum aliquem politicum scire hoc ludo. Et si in alieno fideles non dextris, tu parte falsa. Deinde etiam si a dextris, suus 'iens et alia esse puto recte ventre.


Re publica puto etiam quum multos convertit pugnavi pugna Lucius uneventful Mosley abstuli omnia spolia argentea et culpam et postea quod, Ad pugnam coactus sum ad Texas Texan. Et ascendit contra brevis Brian Vera, et tunc quod iustus vere Afflixerunt career.


Malus eram questus media, Et non sum questus ius offers pugnatores recedere a merito, quia non potest se habere introitum iuvant et triste offers. I decided to go back to the drawing board and start off with a new team, mutationem novum fracta ut focus et intellexi, qui in eadem villa praeerant 2010, 2012, haerent non in crimen anymore. Histriones in ludo sunt novi, et novum ludum in nova occasione dates.


Propter hoc mundo ad pugilatum novum effercio ut ', quis similis mei mihi gaudeo comeback potuit facere et ego vere bene nisum.



Sergio, Malum quod tibi aliquid sentis folliculus?


S. Mora

, Caput meum, tum mihi in, ignorant caput, Im inuictus est. Nam me beat Brian Vera utrumque illorum temporum et castigo Vernon Forrest primum. Pepulit me secundo. 'An quod trahere, scitis. Sic quodammodo, quidem neminem dominated, traxerunt me vehementer quidem neminem. Ita, caput meum, Im inuictus est. Illic 'nullum rubber pares et videre, qui rem magis illabitur alter e tenebris. Re vera autem, Vernon verberet secundo, Delebo eum primum.


Suus 'negotium furiosum. Te exspectat degressos modo populus.



Cum ergo O scriptor record inspice, ne quid ipse aut confecerimus aut quid de his quae habebat?


S. Mora

Bene, prorsus quod guys thought. Prosequitur surgens puto fragmen ingenii agnoscitur mundi patrocinium et defensionem ille. So, factum est ut etiam quae ab illo. Quod iam suus 'super top, indiget pugnare top pugnatores. Ut ego opinor, profitetur et oppositio pugiles versisque signis. Puto quod suus 'tantum limitatum.


Im 'iens ut aliquam ac adipiscing sit amet videre nomen superscribes futurum quam ut metus nec contrectare potuimus callidus ille et fortissimus me similis mei. Et sic suus 'aliquantulus of optimus mihi successa pugnae iuvenem, esurientes champ.



Proin in adversarios tuos videntibus volutpat quatenus vos versisque, facit opposuit forte ualidissimum test tuae curriculo dedit experientia et natura fallax?


D. Jacobs

Bene, absolute, dixi ad illam rem ut ille dicebat quia ego digrediens maxime in bellator anulum. Fortissimus mundo priori,, verberans videntur defuturi Vernon Forrest, Shane Mosley, a iugo aliud guys. Se habet illam experientiam. Ut sciat quid sit distantia. Dogfight sciat quid sit in. Iuvenis fortissimus sum et hucusque non conparet ea, right, scitis.


Im content – bene, non contentus, sed, Qui pugnavit cum eo, quod valeo guys, sed quaero, quid ad ea topnotch est scala. Non potes skip scalam. Non potes skip gradibus, aut youll cadent.


Ita et nos in tempore paulatim sese multa sollicitudine et quotiens ad quae transiturus es. Im 'iustus quis expectantes. Quicquid enim parvi auditum aestimabit non. Idque illi quasi unus de durior mark, vaferrimis peritissimis legis guy quod I have faced.



Daniel, hoc te movet, quod futurum est summum certamen vincis opes?


D. Jacobs

Summa nescio quid erit. Sed fieri sentio amo EGO have multus magis quam ille in ea pugna. Sed quidquid mea et quidquid sunt, maxime gets me going, Vellem mihi adhaerere decernebat factor erit. Est si hoc properasse, tunc mihi adhaeret, using properasse. Si suus 'potestate mea, backing eum, péllege qua verus middleweight sentit sicut, Quid ergo me facturum.


Sed omnia in eo aptat questus, scitis, ipsum non operetur secundum propositum multum. Ad B et fecisti Plan, Consilium C et sic in et sic. Ita illud quod Im 'iustus expectans me operatur, illud quoniam contra Deum est remanens puzzle, latrunculorum lusus, cum pugnandum est et a guy quasi componis Sergio operari. Id vero non puto fortissimus accommodare iustus adepto officium perfectus.



Quid facis in disciplina et castris se posse evadere a facie vastatoris inussit quae de titulo amoeni O Jacobs uersos?


S. Mora

Yes. Ive Designata vastator. Nomina inscripta quae multum fui bonum considerat ut, scitis. Positivus sive negativus, ut videres,. Im 'iens ut res fueris tu ingredieris illuc, Im 'iens ad spolia Danny Jacobs’ praedo ad caesorum spolia detrahenda fans consilia ratio est negativum promotionis quod ego libens venturus est. EGO certus ut in ibi – certamine cum Mosley Vera, Et placuit mutare incumberet stilo paulo paulo paulo gravius ​​et ire ad fortunam et diligentius knockout. Sed puto quod feci. Scitis, mei finis quinque pugnat, Equidem istas tres aduersariorum. Et hoc ideo posui ori meo ad mundi title iterum pugnandi potestatem faceret.


Danny, Im 'iens ut idem faciant imperat. Im 'iens ut idem facere conari mihi surge et procede et in hoc. Ego sum ut possim iisque esse astutos. Et sciant quia vis maxima, “Hey, audire, EGO got is etiam hoc ad eam contrario slickness venatione atque astutia.” Etiam nominati danny, quod si non fungitur, Ire igitur BC ut leo. Sicut diversae formae Im 'iens ut daret illi dare. At ego quidem fortissimus concitatae euerso iuuenem esse August 1st exspectare.



Loqui de genera sparring socii habes in castra.


S. Mora

Yes, Ego similis ad grave socii sparring, durius punching, socii sparring. Sed non de virtute ad me et non ingredieris illuc sparring socii potestatem percussit me. Ita libenter hitting guys slickness, properat, O si iustum est in me, et ostendit alio stylo, Sint lumbi vestri habeo quod. Sic EGO got iunior guys, fortior guys, potens guys, big guys, et miscere iuvat fugacior guys.



Tu formidolose pugnator, eodemque tempore et, tu magnus es pronuntiator, dicere potes videre lumen et pugilatu curriculo ad finem cuniculum?


D. Jacobs

Bene, gratias ago vos dixi ego vere, vere appreciate quod. Interrogas, yes, venatus consilium ut '. Et a latere meo loqui posse Nationibus. Ita fruendi copiam facere non est mihi pro concesso quod ego quia diligo lusum in aliam. Et posuit sibi aliquid quod non possit aliquid in reliquam vitam fracta post. Autem, adesse nequeat principale munus aberrantes, boxing obviously facere et iustus amo ad frontem. Sic Im ' 110% focused que sumus actu 'effectus inside anulum.


But on my vacas in inter pugnat, et mane eam rem faciant etiam occupatus. Notam autem superaedificat plerumque iusta. Quid pro quo hic 'effectus. O me aedificare Jacobs Lorem ludus torqueo quod serio agendi et accepta sum, scitis, ego sum via et pugilatu perbreve, tum subsidii.


Sicut etiam optima conatur auferre conatur omnia habeo serio quia hactenus labor suus. Et benedixerit mihi Deus et Im 'iustus expectans certus omnia in proximo. Haec facultas pugnandi potestatem diaboli Sergio mihi in animo est. Puto de diaboli novercali sursum pariter suus.


Im 'iustus ut prospiciebat futurum, et quod vita in posterum cursum meum.


L. DiBella

Sumamus iam vesperi principale eventus transigendum. Sed semel iterum, hoc est SUMMUS Boxing inde pugiles de ESPN Barclays Center on August 1. Suus 'primetime in ESPN, coverage incipientes 9:00 pm ET / VI:00 pm PT. Tesseras sunt a $250 descendit $45 available at BarclaysCenter.com, Ticketmaster.com, Box Office at the Barclays aut per excitationem Ticketmaster siue uocatio Barclays Center.


Principale eventus est classic Philadelphia versus Brooklyn matchup, featuring two pugilatum 'maximus stellarum. Et suus 'a musti-win situ pro utriusque pugnatores cum Danny “Swift” Garcia sumit Paulie “Magicae Man” Malignaggi. Suus ' 12 at welterweight perambulat 147 libras.


Interestingly, utrumque participarunt pugnatores Barclays Center inauguralis card in pugilatu 2012.


Garcia danny, priore Unified Welterweight Champion, fecit quinque praesidiis Junior Welterweight Champion, fecit quinque praesidiis baltei. Itll mark Danny gestabat, move up to welterweight et ejus quintum compareant Barclays Center. Extremo certamen, habuit a vere dentatus a miseránte et vere ferreus-pugnavit preliando cum Lamont Peterson.


On August 1, ille suis manus plenus Paulie Malignaggi, priores Welterweight et Junior Welterweight Mundus Champion, has a record of 33-6. Suus 'Paulie quarta sitim confligere ad Barclays Center. Percussit Pablo Cesar Cano et Zab Judah ibi copias amisit split decision close ad Adrien Broner.


Paulie, pauca dicere vis committitur?


Paulie Malignaggi

Gratias tibi ago, Lou. Yes, Im 'iustus sit facultas sentiens beatus. Erat autem tempus evellendi quod non videbitis me et in aestate de superioribus pugnare Octavianus in casu recedere conatur. Im 'iustus trying ut vere magis quam aestate disciplina frui recumbe whatnot.


Mox cecidit in gremium huiusmodi opportunitas. Decessit. At ego de optima certandi contra. Miratus sum, quod erat, negare non potui ut eciam opportuno. Suus 'a casu, cum in eo genere maxime sit amet arcu a pugna, quae sunt pugnae genus belli esse desideravit, usquam, et genus pugnae me vere adepto mea comprobata adrenaline hinnitum.


Ego hodie in mundo dimicando mouent de optimis pugnatores. Sicut Danny Garcia, causam adversus summos temptare me suus. Adversus summos semper volo temptare me, ita hic sum.


L. DiBella

Gratias tibi ago, Paulie. Danny “Swift” Garcia, adhuc inuictus est, 30-0 apud 17 KOs. Danny?


Garcia danny

Qui peccas facitis? Primo, Bonis omnibus volo dicere meridiem. Spero omnes dies habebat. Propter me in colloquium vocationem habent.


August 1st nocte hac altera grandis est futurus barclays Center. Suus mea prima et quinta pugna pergerem 147. Et hoc magnum sentiant matchup, stylistically, toto orbe ad fans.


Come August 1st, Im 'iens paratos esse. Im 'opus durum. Im disciplina durus. Non possum non expectare ut in, showcase meum artes et in pondere class.



Quam sentis, Danny, nunc itur versus praebuit?


D. Garcia

It sentit magna. Diu primum, Non potui melius cura exerce amittere pondus disciplina. Ive 'been dimicans 140 toto cursu meum.


Ego sensi sicut Ma'tsurat amittendi pondus afficiens ludicris meis, quia plerumque in proeliis uti postea magno circum studia multum ponderis amissa. Im 'iustus iens puto – Multus fui melius sentiens multum fortior 147. Mihi quidem videtur, motus fuisset up maybe post pugnam Mattysse.


I nunc et dui Sed adsum. Sentio fortis. Im disciplina durus. Velocius et robustior opus es at justo elit Lorem nova 147.



Did pondus damnum nocebit adversus Lamont Peterson putas?


D. Garcia

Im 'non faciens et excusationes. Bonae ludum consilium. Class validos pondus non sentiunt paulo amplius.


Priusquam, cum ego guys, Per virtutem armis potui sentire. Et cum a offa terram, Sciebam eos contristet;. Class validos pondus non sentiunt paulo amplius. Ego sum sensit nocere. At ego non sensi fortis 140 anymore.



Paulie, Suspendi itaque anulum in questus Porter iustus loqui ad te et occasione pugnae.


P. Malignaggi

Et copiam non solum gratus semper temptare me fuat occasio bellatori adversus mundi optimus.


Vos adepto ut vestri 'usque ad tempus in circulum. Quod suus 'iens per pugnare nolo maybe. Sed in dies operam, et iterum coepi, Intellexit aliquid coepi adfui. Cuius rei adhuc ictus. Juxta condictum revertar illuc volui.


Hoc anno, in particulari, annis fuit multum differt. Et ego meam ego semper iustas pendens ius retro abiit. Annum integrum fere gym perdidi. Et fuit cum eo toto posse dependendum commentating eam. Fui in Sadam Ali castra pugnam ejus.. Ego abiit ius libros meos disciplina castra for Danny O'Connor et ego detruncata iustus duo septimanas ante scheduled certamen. Cumque surrexissem proelio haud ita multo post a accersi.


Anni perdidi gym magna FRUSTUM, diu est quod non fuit. Tantaque me sentio ante acuta. Si erant 'iens loqui de layoff, quod loqui ad populum, Non diu pugnatum. Re vera autem, Non instituti congruenter hoc decennium actu, Dico litteram a decade. Quia pugnavi Miguel Cotto, Pecuniam facere coepi, postquam satis et non remansit in gym totum annum. Antequam, Fui in gym totum annum, scitis.


Vel consilio facere non. Suus 'non amo dixi, “Oh, hoc anno, Im 'iens ut manerent in annum gym.” Ego non – suus 'non aliquid ego plasmavi. Suus 'iustus forte aliquid ab uno termino in castris castra, in aliena castra. EGO coniecto is iustus et accidens.


Sed sentio gym in acie. Bonum est sincere sentio. Obviously pondus descendit. So, quod mihi remisisset sciens bonum affectum multum ponderis et custodiunt in acumine opus iustus questus melior disciplina castra.



Quisquam de nihilo irrito Ostiario erat, pugnam aut ut iustus subito circumfluos sicco illic?


P. Malignaggi

Nec fuit aliquid dicere considerabam. Quod sensi amo EGO iustus erat facturus, scitis. Ego iustus sentitur sicut, Facere non vis, in tempore, via sensi, at ubi mente recepi. Erat iustus aliquid amplius facere nolui.


Puto quod optimum forte accidit ut existimem me secundum. Non loquitur pro amissione, sed secundum optimum mei questae probabiliter quia in eo tempore incipit habere layoff ad te et tu es venire, in tergum mentis vestrae, quos nunc videtis nequaquam via ad illius temporis. Juxta condictum revertar ad vos cogitaret vestri 'iens vel in ius ad possidendum gym gym.


Quia non sum arbitratus, Mox ut ratus, “Nosti quid locutus, Nunc explevimus,” Dedi me otii genus paulo ante feci in gym recreantur. Et tunc iustus placuit, “Hey, scitis quales, Ego deesset hoc. Volo impetro tergum in gym.”


Mutatio Puto quod opponitur bono iustus animus mihi significaturum probabiliter, “Nosti quid locutus, Ego aliquando et tunc revertimini.” Non sum ego vadens revertar. Cum temporis accepi, numerum vere profiteri esset quasi legitime tempus, in animo meo, affectu requievit, recreationi et got me sine etiam intelligamusque eam. Deinde quo dein gym, experior me velut nova aedificarent, ut ita loquar.



Ut ea cogitas stepup postquam es nimium diu pugnare layoff Octavianus O?


P. Malignaggi

Ego erat actu mirari. Primo, O uere acturum nesciebam statim praebuit. Ego figuratur erat species quasi species arcessere terminum faciens junior welterweight. Nos autem audieramus enim voces obruere se adhuc junior paulo diutius vellet manere.


Admiratus sum ipse suus 'iustus in genere id quod movens ad welterweight. Et quod miratus sum:, tunc cadens in layoff, Putavi quod alio dabimusque, instead of mihi pugnare Danny.


Cum got call, Quod miratus sum:. Quasi vero iucunde mirari. Quia non faciunt quia non respiciunt O, O multum possedi et familiae patrem respectus omnia, sed Im indicavit. Non ultra annum habuit magnum proelium. Sic suus 'iustus amo, unum, me ipsum mihi tempus est in genere bonum officium cum contra misce questus paulatim decursu misce in tribus, four fights.


Annis XXXIV annorum sum. Non sum 24. Et ultra non satis habere rationem patientiae. Eodem tempore, cum got call, Quoque quod non libenter aspiceret gym sensisset commodi fui sparring discordiam inter bonum et iustus questus creta whatnot gym. Poteram et ego sensi sicut disciplina castra manabit tamen usque ad alium, ne ipse non diu post Octavianus percutitur castris essem. I actu custodiens disciplina.


Ita pondus usque bona. Eam genus multum fecit frontes sensus. Non dixi me, “Oh, post magnum illud usque layoff novercam.” Quasi non considerare. Prospectu positus magis vidi ex.



Ibi enim de sanitate vel petenti in certamen?


P. Malignaggi

Nec usquam cogitant de ista, unum. Habes memoriam breviter caestu. Et cum bono quod utrique respice malum videntibus. Idcirco evenerunt vobis mala haec quae in praeterito, non refert utrum bonum an malum sit. Quod non potest facere anulum in alteram. Initium novi capitis te omni tempore in deinde per annulum in proelio gradiar.


Quantum scio rotunda, chapter est mihi novum. Et sic non quaero,, Non puto me quid acciderit de praeterito, sive bonum, sive malum. At ego non existimavi quod non diu in animo per.



Danny est hoc conatu vero sentiant CXLVII proelium navale quod sentit sicut?


D. Garcia

Proelium est hoc procurator meus wanted. Ipse enim mihi dedit vocationem. Hac pugna tibi fecit. Et sicut aliud certamen, he did mihi, “Hey, huic vis pugnare?” Et tune dicitur, “Yes, guy qui dimicabitis volumus.”


Itaque ne nos ire dicere, “Ge,, Ego pugnare nolo Paulie est, quia non a magnus puncher,” scitis, quia, artibus potentia eget solummodo in pugilatu. Nullam adversario. I do nec tradere eligere opponent. Ego autem puto altiore, magnum certamen futurum sit.



Quid quaeris volutpat certamen progressus facere debes vincere pugnam secundum? Quid proximus esset pro vobis? Quid vis amplius facere in hac divisione?


D. Garcia

Deinde nescio quid. Obviously, unum a certamine ad tempus. Labor est ante me possedi. Obruit ut ingredieris illuc 110% officium perfectus iustus adepto parata mente predura. Deinde post, deinde quid nobis potest.



Paulie, quomodo vos factum quod pugil sicut Danny, priore fortissimus, ascendentem de 140 ad 147?


P. Malignaggi

Oh, Puto suus 'a phenomenal pugnator. Etiam dixi Danny me, mane, Ego autem non alta in eum. Autem, Novi gradus cum in proposito, he was cædentes hos vere bonum nomina et hitting duriorem sibi iter facere et multum de expectationes, secundum se pugnare metus. Qui crevit in me. Im 'non spectare coepi hedum recte intellegunt. Multum etiam bonum frontes hedum, habet a physica perspectiva et mentis id prospectu, vere fortis.


Ive reverentiam multum. Sed secundum rationem 140, 147, ille non aliter me. I was a junior welterweight fortissimus; EGO commotus in welterweight. Ita ex Zancanio, Maior me non amet aut aspexerunt. DE FACTO, ille movetur ad welterweight at a minor aetas, quam cum prope erat ut welterweight, scitis. Itaque paulo citius quam caro est caro in diuisionem in diuisionem.


Puto ex parte, habemus accessum ambo in commune, ut ex-ambos junior welterweight. Sic ex consideratione physica, Im 'non ulla intuentium tamquam. Suus 'iustus meos penitus de his artibus adaptare.



Itur versus 147, Itane tu es similis obtinere posse ut concluderent eam in ore populi multum vexata omnia quae Garcia Danny?


D. Garcia

Quia iusta boxing. Quia ego fuit ante missuros, Quaesiui et prius fui missuros. Et ibi sicut, “Oh, he got felicis.” Aut ego aut suus ventus est missuros. Audire non possum sic curro non quasi discurrendo per singula, quod effercio quod post iustus, mente paratus, corporaliter ambulabat in impetro officium perfectus paratum.


Si suus 'bonus satis aptus est fans et media, Libenter. Im 'etiam felix quia, accipit ibi realis intrare secum quemquam hominem induere caestus alteri bello 12 rounds. It takes multus of disciplina. Vigilia labor statim solet quotidie decem septimanas, idem facias, sudore, sanguinem, lacrimas, omnes quod effercio.


Volo amori erga me fans et media. Autem, it quid quid est;, Id lentas et mihi nimium servat et quod suus 'iens ut in humero meo me DOLO exercebuntur durum cotidie.



Vides ut habeatis commoda dolum tuum parum difficultatis habeant super ipsum retorto Paeonium Ave pugiles?


P. Malignaggi

Puto styles facere pugna. Quae sunt ex parte style EGO sentio amo ego contra O poterit. Sed expectant Danny fecissent adjustments quia illis pugnat.


Cum succedat to fight Lamont Peterson, ut Videbam quod bellantum Lamont started conversus ea quae circum, Coepi ratus, maybe Danny, post tres animo tulit, quattuor, hoc in genere pugnae quinque circumeunt hoc tota nocte futurus.


Partium genus ascendere et quo animo, heus, unum, haec pugna est iens futurus sis venturus ad lento gressu quartam motus per circuitum. Et unde subito script gets vos xus; non eras, parati.


Sensi sicut Lamont paene Danny in somnum. Et sic inde, Ave error iterum faceret quod nescio. Mane tarn tarde passum. Ave Calcei sensi sicut dixi me ad, “Nosti quid locutus, ego si Danny, I would probably cogitares duo, tres, quattuor vices. Ut 'eam. Hoc est iens pro genere pugnae 12 rounds. Recepit et subito non avertit parati. Quia si in mente – quod si occideritis questae quam in pugna sunt deinde fore ne- xus, tunc genus adepto raptus dormientes.


Doctrina et experientia Ave sensit erat maybe. Sed quantum ex parte scribendi, Placet etiam mihi viam ad protum artes pugilatu. Certe nihil existimat se posse omnia tam mihi. Suspendi itaque anulum in nobis et quod genus, nos certatim cum unusquisque protum et artes. Sed certe ut ambo animo laborabat ut reliquas utilitates quaedam adhibere simul ambo bell molior August 1st eburneis circulis inserti.



Vides ut te miseránte situ oportet Porter praesertim philb damni off?


P. Malignaggi

Puto magis aptior vincere cursu est mihi de me ipso quantum. Puto quod illic 'haud quaestio mea professio curriculo pugilatu, non mea curriculo commentating; take ceteris omnibus posthabitis. Quia anima mea professio curriculo permanerent pugilatu, Restat hoc enim scitote intellegentes quod sentio. Non puto quod illic 'O quantum est mihi comparare oportet.


At this level, Immo omnes – tu quod es semper suus semper restat pugnae itur misce pro grandior. Sic suus 'semper belli win. Re vera autem, O sentio me plus onus incumbit oportet quod sit tale win.


Nihil autem mihi etiam. Ive 'been scriptum off ante. Finis putabatur dimanavit 2009 quando ibam ad Houston, Texas. Ego veni Damascum venit off Houston pugnare damnum Juan Ricky Diaz Hattonus. Et dixi in quacumque diurnariis edocendis, re dixi in conloquia, Memini hoc sensit iustos in annum futurum iustus genus ratio dimanavit ad finem. Itaque illic haberet in me nondum probatis, scitis.


Sic et ego habui everybody – si audire quid quisque dicit admisi, Quia utique olim instar praeteriit, et factum est in omnes lectiones doces 2012. Ego got sent ad Ucraina. In quibus duobus annis non habuit magnum certamen visum fuit et iterum misit ad populum in Ucraina parum certa pecunia ad faciendum iustam. Miratus sum quod me omnes eumdem intelligebam. Ego quasi, “Wow. His debet non habetur lectio eorum, scitis.”


Et abii et ego revertar ad Ucraina in illo titulo Welterweight WBA. Et convertam conversionem a potui – fortunae meae. Ipsi sunt et duas condiciones quia damna in duobus pugnat si vere me ipsum abraserit a ludo.


Ita in huiusmodi casu veni. Im 'non cuilibet potest scriptor patria iter hoc tempore. Im pugnatorum in mea patria sua. Sed suus 'situm eundem. Eiusdem generis. Quidquid dixero certamen ingredi, considerare populus nondum sum eodem modo vincit adversarium Ave guy et ego dico quod ultima pugna et payday ista pro sumentis.


Si igitur per hoc iam non, maybe Ego vero, ne de. Memini 2009, iens ad Houston, ens genus sollicitus eam, non iustus questus scire quid de omni genere ambularem in effercio. Ambularem in Cubiculum tenebricosum. At ego non ambulantes in Cubiculum tenebricosum 1 August. Prorsus nescio quid agatur. Scio prorsus quid fremitibus sunt in proelia caestus mundi. Quasi dicat, quod omnibus fere bella et scio quia.


Cujuscumque, non refert,. Nemo refert. Ego vadam si gym; Ego quod meum operamve die. Mea scio nouarum. Suus 'focused. Suus 'parati. Im 'iens ut operaretur et scio August 1st. Nemo cum campana orbis materiae est opinio. Sed tecum esse non anulum opinionibus populi, iterum, fore sive bonum sive malum mihi. Suspendi itaque anulum in opinionem nemo tecum est. Quae omnia et singula per se non pertinet qui suscipit.



Danny, circa quae faciebat facere potuisti suscipienda vobis facere non potuit in praeterito quia tibi 140?


D. Garcia

Nos addita sunt nostris workout nunc. Nos addidit multum explosivae workouts, multum agilitaUs, multum footwork, magis faciendum multum periculi plenas, quae quidem quivi not do at 140 nam quia non habent navitas. Nunc autem mecum realiter extra pondus. Im 'manducans – Im 'consummatio magis refectio mea ad basim Fac me fortior, quid simile I had to skip cibum. Semper eram fortior infirma.



Quando sumus sententiae, tua disciplina si gym, tu 100% quantum ad esse quod bonum tibi et quid reliqui acumine 34? Videndum an maneat, tu tantum nocte in pugnam?


P. Malignaggi

Quo vesperum licebit aliqua pugna. Male bonis aliquando potes castra nocte. Nocte castris male habere potes. Nescis quia tu es excitare futurum mane usque ad pugnandum pugnae.


Sed Dicam hoc, Im 'habens bonam castra. Et hoc praecipue pertinet ad unam turmam fugit ego fui ad alterum alteri servare potuit retinere artibus operam meam acumine opus meum. Humiliatusque est pondus quod habeo moratus disciplina consistent, consistent sparring.


Haud sane via quam ego nunc nunc ut. In quo ego sum, me in numero gym. Ego similis fluunt. Erant 'iustus iens experior castris in proelium acri inducere.



Credis tu quaesisti obsoleti quia credebant pugnans pugnam?


P. Malignaggi

Altum ire non cogitandi. Cum got call, Ego iustus mirari. Rhen I got ad cogitandum, tamquam, unum, Ut enim magna pugna. Competitor quis velit lectus in velit magna proelia in magna scaena velit esse. Cogitabam si unquam hactenus fuat occasio iterum pugnare.


Ego iustior erat mirari, quam laudibus. Quam ob rem in sententiam non vere ire accepi whatnot pugna pugna causam offerebant got. Quod magis arbitror guys’ job. Im 'certus ut sciam quid de illis habeo media in pugna Twitter. Etiamsi non cogitant, sicut illud quod ait idem omnibus, Ego genus adepto Summa.


Ergo si sermones illius certaminis causa oblatum accepit, suus 'got eandem causam offerebant Houston in conflictu Ioannes Diaz ’09. Eadem ratione suus 'got Vyacheslav Senchenko pugnet in Ucraina in 2012. Et mihi fiducia mentis cognitionem non habeo mihi molestus sit genus et vis mentis capacitatem negativity justo a puero usque ad zonam ingrediar domum meam ex animo.


O homo diligat mediorum et nisl dictum diligere. Ego non uorterim utrum aliquem diligit me seu odio habet me. Corpus meum puto vel actionem quae dixi dimanavit, in quae facio, si quis diligit me curare minus possem ostendit aut odit. Debeo ultra procedere ad aliquod opus. Im Idaeam. Amo competing. Mum pugnae at diligo adrenaline ruunt adversus summos bellatores et scopebam spiritum meum in mundo.


Quare id faciam ut '. Amo ut pugnarent – At ubi ego amo. And on August 1st, Monstrabo me.



Danny, Ubi est tata, Angelus Garcia?


D. Garcia

Mea dad est benefacientes. Nunc, ipse theatro Tabernarius. Nuncquam et currit negotium. Angelus ens iusta angelum nunc. Non ego Myrmidonum eo usque 5 o'clock. Solus novit quid agat nunc.



Plura dicerem de optimis est anulus opere foris fecistis grave manibus adversarii foxing. Quantum ad tendimus veter? Quomodo rursus contra Danny Garcia?


P. Malignaggi

Censeo plerumque, sciunt Danny 's style, sciet populus meus style. Sumamus referendo se aliquid, tum pars in ludum consilium poscimus anulum alterutrum.


Ego tibi non possum agere prorsus donec ipse anulus in me. Potest esse optimum esse cogito me. EGO intentio sit confixisse me possible. Et statim, consulatur, Sentio vere bonus. Ratio huius est influere August 1st disciplina castra nocte in acutum.



Quamdiu ad motum tarum Mahomed?


D. Garcia

Credo iure post Matthysse pugnes voluntatem transferendi up. I felt like that was a perfect time for me to move up because I beat the best 140-pounder at that time. I had beat Khan et inde reversus percutiebant Morales et Matthysse.


CXL-pounders duos hedos optimos ut Delebo, EGO sentio amo ego ut vadam ad tempus 147. Sed me consilia dissimilia. Me et mea quadrigis, redigeretur devertisset 140 quemadmodum paulo diutius geritur. Ut iam non plene class pondus validos. EGO iustus erat non plene fortis anymore. Aliquam sensit et ascende ad me 147.



Quomodo potest fieri ut confido mundi fortissimus iterum sentis Thurman similia, Kell Brook, fortasse a rematch contra Amir Khan?


D. Garcia

Im 'valde confident. Multum profitetur fortissimi. Multum magnorum virorum profitetur fortunae meae. Habeo qui multum habet experientiam. I was a big-CXL libras pugnator. CXL pugnans adversus pondo numquam altior quam me vidisset aut me.


Mox ut adureret mea corporis usque ad 140. Ita sentio amo Im 'iens ut et at Ferocem 147 et poterat uti semper crura more. At 140, Sensi sicut ego amplius non valebat, sic EGO iustus had ut ingredior uniuersa proferimus nocte et pulso de adversarii,.


Sed fierī sentio similia 147, Ave Garcia es et robustiores videre poterit uti cruribus more, figito meum me magis et clarius videre vapulet. Cum exhaurire ita te est arduum videre vapulet, tunc vos adepto hit iste qui multum de mutis vapulet visio vestra quia non sincera.


EGO sentio amo multum visione clariorem fore caput movere queant, videre pugnis melius, uti pedes meos. Puto esse ego euerso iuuenem 147, quoque. I know so.


L. DiBella

Et quod ob illum, gratias ago tibi,, omnes, pro implicare nobis ideo PBC, in ESPN call.


Apud eundem,, itll 'exsisto Danny “Swift” Garcia contra Paulie “Magicae Man” Malignaggi, et Danny Jacobs contra Sergio Mora in foramen bout at Barclays Center, August 1, primetime in ESPN, coverage incipientes 9:00 pm ET / VI:00 pm PT.


# # #

Praeter main Vespero principale eventus rei co-, select undercard inspectante factum esse live on ESPN3. ESPN Deportes ambulant etiam partem pugnae televise Diei Pugnat series et ESPN International tradet live trans networks in America Latina tum, Brazil, Caribici et Pacific Rim. Ago erit etiam coverage available on computers per WatchESPN, smartphones, tabulas, Ignis Ignis Amazon TV et lignum TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Annus, Xbox 360 et an Xbox via foederata video provider.


Pro magis notitia visit www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com atquewww.dbe1.com. Follow on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm et factus a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia,www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenteratquewww.facebook.com/ESPN. Conversationem sequi using #PBConESPN et #BrooklynBoxing.


At coverage Incipiunt agitata ESPN 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT

Tesseras sunt On Sale Now!

BROOKLYN (June 17, 2015) – Middleweight Mundus Champion Daniel “Miraculum hominis,” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) redit ad circulum in superioribus mundi fortissimus patria Brooklyn Sergio “The Latin Anguis” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs) ut televised aperitorem Premier Boxing Propugnatores on ESPN primetime Saturday, Aug. 1 at Barclays Center with televised coverage incipientes 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT.


Hac pugna tibi praecedet de showdown inuictus est inter superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) et Brooklyn proprio Paulie “Magica Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs).


“Pecto sum tanti excitari posse esse pro tempore honor barclays Center,” dicta Jacobs. “Ex hoc ego redimentes tempus expectantes praesertim fans volo spectaculo Brooklyn. Mea mihi ad laborandum tincidunt.”


“Abii ad `appropinquare tabulam,’ Nunc massa sit pars huius eventus ego peream,” dicta Mora, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. On August 1, Brooklyn venio ut vincat.”


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per DiBella quod Entertainment in consociatione cum Swift Promotions, at sunt precii $250, $150, $75 atque $45, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, es nunc in venditionem. Tesseras sunt available ad www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.comet in American Express Box Office at incipiens Barclays Center Thursday, June 18 in tempore meridiano. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Center inspiratori barclays figura qui pugnabit adversus quartum, Brooklyn s Jacobs Absolutis tela desuper cancer superstes, vindicare last August percussit cum Jarrod Flecher pro middleweight title. In 2011, Suspendi itaque anulum in patrocinium secuti, et a seductoribus tutavit extremis limitibus suae vitae enim arcu 19 mensibus. Cum reverteretur,, ubi non amisit sustulit cessavi cum. XXVIII annorum ad futurum respicit, quando spectat custodirent momentum in MoraAug. 1.


Uictore NBC “The Contender” series, in XXXIV annorum Mora est Deus orbem euerso eximius welterweight, et spectant add a middleweight coronam nomini eius. Los Angeles native owns victorias super isHe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. et Vernon Forrest et intrat hac pugna tibi in quinque proelium navale win streak. Mense Februario anni proximi et percussit Han Abraham pro principio primo et ponam in Brooklyni Aug. 1.


Praeter main Vespero principale eventus rei co-, select undercard inspectante factum esse live on ESPN3. ESPN Deportes ambulant etiam partem pugnae televise Diei Pugnat series et ESPN International tradet live trans networks in America Latina tum, Brazil, Caribici et Pacific Rim. Ago erit etiam coverage available on computers per WatchESPN, smartphones, tabulas, Ignis Ignis Amazon TV et lignum TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Annus, Xbox 360 et an Xbox via foederata video provider.


Pro magis notitia visit www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com atquewww.dbe1.com. Follow on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm et factus a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenteratque www.facebook.com/ESPN. Conversationem sequi using #PBConESPN et #BrooklynBoxing.


Tesseras On Sale Wednesday, June 17 at 10 a.m.

BROOKLYN (June 15, 2015) – Inuictus est superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) accipiet Brooklyn proprio Paulie “Magica Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs) at Barclays Center as Premier Boxing Propugnatores erit vivunt in in Primetime ESPN on Saturday, August 1 with coverage incipientes 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT.


“Suus 'iens ut magna bella August Paulie 1st,” dicta Garcia. “Suspendi itaque anulum in questus sum denuo prospiciebat, meós quintum compareant Barclays Center, fans orientalem plagam magnam et induens ministratorem exhiberet spectaculum mundo et observasti omnes semitas fans. Per finis est noctis, Ave adhuc invictos esse agili’ Garcia. Omnibus qui diligunt me nisl, Te amo nimis. Vobis hoc.”


“Quamquam O patre ton Angelus reverentia, Lorem tum quod commune vinculum ut adimpleatur in patrem anulum / son, EGO, similes illis, et per hoc ludo et ego suus competitor omnia experiri elite adversum. So I look forward to defending my home turf of Brooklyn and matching my skills against Danny’s at Barclays Center on August 1.”


August 1 Garcia secabimus Danny primum pugna veram welterweight,” dixit Lou DiBella, Praeses DiBella Entertainment. “Itll maris ad Barclays Center, Brooklyn scriptor in in tincidunt s Paulie Malignaggi. Hoc quale sit oportet vincere situ PBC utriusque ESPN matchup pugnatores.”


“Nos excitantur hospitio a tertia praestantes SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores eventu valeat et primi ESPN pugna in Brooklyn,” dixit Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. “Garcia danny semper ponit, et in magno elegantia et illic 'non maior sit quam in Brooklyn fan ventus Paulie Malignaggi. Cum hac pugna tibi, we are continuing statuere Barclays Center as SUMMUS boxing venue in regione.”


“New hoc classic Philly versus duos match-sursum featuring pugilatum 'maximus est eadem prorsus quid ESPN is Televising SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores,” inquit Gaius Kweder, senior moderatorem programming et adquireret ESPN. “Danny Garcia has devastassent junior welterweight divisionem et pro adempta inserens se welterweight divisio, ipse suus conserendae cum mundo priori quod propugnatori Paulie Malignaggi.”


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per DiBella quod Entertainment, at sunt precii $250, $150, $75 atque $45, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, et in sale Wednesday, June 17 at 10 a.m. Tesseras sunt available ad www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com et in American Express Box Office at incipiens Barclays Center Thursday, June 18 in tempore meridiano. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Praeter main Vespero principale eventus rei co-, quae paulo Anuntiabitur, select undercard inspectante factum esse live on ESPN3. ESPN Deportes ambulant etiam partem pugnae televise Diei Pugnat series et ESPN International tradet live trans networks in America Latina tum, Brazil, Caribici et Pacific Rim. Ago erit etiam coverage available on computers per WatchESPN, smartphones, tabulas, Ignis Ignis Amazon TV et lignum TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Annus, Xbox 360 et an Xbox via foederata video provider.


Sicut autem in anno mundi fortissimus, Garcia revertar ad Philadelphiæ scriptor Center Headline at Barclays eo commentarius quintum. Garcia pugnavit ultimum in Brooklyn on Aprilis 11 defeating Lamont Peterson in concitans 12 circuitu maioris. XXVII annorum partim ex maxima nomina quoque tendente incolumi record caestu, possidet Amir Khan, Ericus Morales, Lucas Matthysse et Zab Judah.


A priori mundo euerso 140 et CXLVII-libras, Revertar ad anuli XXXIV annorum decernam barclays Malignaggi quartum a professio Center. Magnum percussit qui accusatur praesentes habeat nomina per victorias domum suam destituerit et similia Zab Iuda abstulit, Vyacheslav Senchenko et Pablo Cesar Cano. Ortum, ita in vicinia Bensonhurst Brooklyn scriptor, “Magica Man” cum primum in anulo April ingredietur 2014.

The first live Premier Boxing Propugnatores on Primetime ESPN (Norma in ESPN) telecast, ex USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Fla., erit pluma stella-bullis XII-circuitu welterweight matchup inuictus est inter Keith “Tempus” Thurman (25-0, 21 KOs) et Luis Collazo (36-6, 19 KOs) in quo series ESPN debuts Saturday, July 11, at 9 p.m. Foramen fight will showcase a X-circuitu junior middleweight matchup inuictus est inter Tony Harrison (21-0, 18 KOs) and Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 KOs). Read more.


Pro magis notitia visit www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com atquewww.dbe1.com. Follow on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm et factus a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenteratque www.facebook.com/ESPN. Conversationem sequi using #PBConESPN et #BrooklynBoxing.

Photos: Miguel Cotto vs Daniel Geale & Undercard Weigh-in pro June 6, 2015 pugnaturam HBO +

WBC et Ringo Magazine Middleweight Mundus Champion Miguel Cotto (left) et quale illi duo-Vicis World Champion Daniel Geale (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June Ebo- 6, 2015 mundi title confligere ad Barclays Center in Brooklyn in quibus erit televised live on HBO. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC et Ringo Magazine Middleweight Mundus Champion Miguel Cotto (left) et quale illi duo-Vicis World Champion Daniel Geale (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June Ebo- 6, 2015 mundi title confligere ad Barclays Center in Brooklyn in quibus erit televised live on HBO. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC et Ringo Magazine Middleweight Mundus Champion Miguel Cotto (left) et quale illi duo-Vicis World Champion Daniel Geale (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June Ebo- 6, 2015 mundi title confligere ad Barclays Center in Brooklyn in quibus erit televised live on HBO. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Inuictus est welterweight prospectu Dustin Fletcher (left) et-Karim Miller (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Inuictus est junior lightweight prospectu Jose Lopez (left) angele Luna (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Inuictus est lux heavyweight prospectu Junior Younan (left) et Mike Sawyer (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Junior tenui labor prospectu Shawn Simpson (left) et Damon Simonem (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Priores Mundus Champion Wilfredo Vazquez (left) and Fernando Vargas (right) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Inuictus est heavyweight prospectu Zhang Zhilei (Right) et Glen Thomas (Left) cede June 5, 2015 in Brooklyn, Pondus in June pro Ebo- 6, 2015 at Barclays pugnare Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO PROMERITUM: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / ROC Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promotions)

6-6-15 HBO WCB Bout Sheet

Jarrell “Magnus infantem” Miller Growing Into Heavyweight Attraction

Miller Headlines Thursday, June 4 Show at LIU (Brooklyn) Paramount Theater

BROOKLYN (June 3, 2015) – Do not make the mistake of being fooled by his nickname, “Big Baby.
Heavyweight prospect Jarrell “Magnus infantem” Miller possesses adult-sized power, and he’s the one making opponents ttwice when he steps in with them, and starts unloading power shots.

The 6-4, 260 pound Brooklyn-based boxer gloves up Thursday, June 4, in Brooklyn, on a show promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions. Miller, age 26, faces off with Michigan’s Damon “Bulldog” McCreary, who sports a 15-4 record.

Miller offered his prediction of what will go down on Thursday night at the LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater. Or, rather, qui…

I will win by first round knockout,” Miller stated. “The jab will be the key. McCreary is a jittery fighter. The jab will calm him down and then I will bring the power.

Longer term, Miller says he’s looking to build his record to 20-0, et tunc? “Look out Anthony Joshua! I’m looking at you!”

Joshua is a Brit boxer, who is making noise in the heavyweight division. Miller knows he can upset his apple-cart, primum.

First up, McCreary, quamquam. Promoter Salita spoke about the show and Miller’s promise.

I am honored to promote the first boxing show at this historic venue, the Brooklyn Paramount Theater,” Verbum dixit. “It will feature Brooklyn’s own undefeated heavyweight sensation Jarrell Miller, who will electrify NYC. The buzz is building around Miller, me and co-promoter Greg Cohen are keeping him busy. He also fightsJune 26.With his power, and his charismahis smile lights up a room!–I think the sky is the limit for “Magnus infantem!”

The Paramount is located at Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY
In pluma co-VIII-circuitu, Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 4 KO scriptor) de Insula Staten, NY takes on Ariel Duran (8-7-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Reginarum, NY in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.
Per ebrietatem in VI-:
Steven Martinez (15-2, 12 KO scriptor) de Bronx, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Welterweight bout.
Wise Augusta (6-1, 5 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY will fight Quincy Brown (1-2, 1 KO) of Millbrook, AL bout a Middleweight.
In IV-circuitu daret:
Steve Geffrard (10-2, 7 KO scriptor) Miami, FL will battle Eric George (3-9) of Niagara Falls, NY in a Cruiserweight bout.
Bakhtiyar Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO scriptor) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will take on Jason Thompson (5-9-4, 4 KO scriptor) of New York in a Super Welterweight bout.
Dewayne Zeigler (4-0-1, 4 KO scriptor) of Montgomery, AL will fight Jeremy Graves (0-4) of Niagara Falls, NY in PERFUSORIUS bout.

Julian Sosa (1-0) ex Brooklyn, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Welterweight bout.

Super Bantamweight Michael Stoute of Long Island, NY will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named.
Tickets for the event are on sale and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting www.ticketmaster.com aut in testem, 800-745-3000.

PEC was launched in April by Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and Onexim Sports and Entertainment, with all business operations overseen by Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. PEC and LIU Brooklyn announced recently that LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre, located at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues on the LIU Brooklyn campus, will focus on booking emerging talent. LIU Brooklyn Paramount will soon undergo a 24-month renovation and will host more than 120 events annually.

Promotions condita David stella 2010 per Dmitriy Salita, professionalis pugil et mundi title clamatoribus qui vidit necessitatem for a promotional entitas ad pluma decoret expectationes, necnon M.ij. condietur, Urbs Novum Eboracum, et circa regionem. Urgebantur visorum postremis annis fuerat David stella TV vigilantes, ESPN2, MSG, et U. Sports Network. Placere visitabowww.Salitapromotions.com pro magis notitia.





NEW EBORACUM (June 2, 2015) Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted the final press conference for the June 6 showdown between WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale on Tuesday, June 2 at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City. Along with the main event participants, undercard fighters Junior Younan and Zhang Zhilei were also in attendance. Other speakers included Michael Yormark (Praeses & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation), Hector Soto (Miguel Cotto Promotions), Freddie Roach (Cotto’s Trainer), Gary Shaw (Gary Shaw Productions), Graham Shaw (Geale’s Trainer), Brett Yormark (CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets), Peter Nelson (VP HBO Sports Programming), David Berlin (Executive Director of the New York State Athletic Commission) and Ululy Martinez (Vice Chairman of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors). The press conference was emceed by Brooklyn Nets Public Address Announcer David Diamante.




PHOTO PROMERITUM: Rich Kane – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports



PHOTO PROMERITUM: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




VIDEO PROMERITUM: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




Here’s what press conference participants had to say:


Michael Yormark – Praeses & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation

“Led by our Chairman JAY Z and his partners, Roc Nation was founded to work with artists and entertainers to guide them and help them build their careers even beyond the boundaries of the music industry. It is fitting then, that today we stand in a setting named for the legendary BB King – may he rest in peace – an artist and a man that knew no boundaries during a career that transcended his art. In a few short years, Roc Nation itself has expanded beyond the world of music, diversifying in a way that many never thought possible. Today we begin to celebrate a landmark in that expansion, as another legend, World Champion Miguel Cotto, prepares to headline Roc Nation’s first major fight on Saturday night against Daniel Geale, live at Barclays Center and on HBO.”


“When Roc Nation founded its boxing division less than a year ago, we committed to doing things differently, and what you will see on Saturday night will be different. The eyes of the boxing world will be fixed on Barclays Center on Saturday, with celebrities and VIP’s lining the ring and a captivated audience watching at home. They will watch with anticipation, awaiting not only a masterful performance from the champion Miguel Cotto against a formidable opponent, but also an electric appearance from Roc Nation artist and hip-hop superstar Big Sean, as well as the voice of New York Angie Martinez, and a host of other surprises that will make this live boxing experience different from anything you’ve ever seen before.”


“Saturday is the start of something new and fresh for the boxing industry. It is a chance for all of us to show boxing fans, and sports and entertainment fans around the world, that the action on fight night can and will live up to the hype.”



Hector Soto – Miguel Cotto Promotions


“It has been several months of hard work and dedication. Puerto Rico will shine again on the night of June 6 when Miguel Cotto defends his titles successfully.”



Ululy Rafael Martinez – Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We’re really happy this year to formalize a relationship with Miguel Cotto thanks to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions. I also want to thank Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions for contributing to our scholarship fund. They are helping us empower young high school students and college students we provide scholarships to so they can further their education. I’m encouraging everyone planning on coming to the Parade on June 14 to support our man Miguel Cotto On Saturday, June 6 at Barclays Center for the boxing match of the year.”



David Berlin – New York Athletic Commission

“Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale represent the best in boxing. These are men that carry themselves with dignity both inside and outside the ring. Men who can be respectful because they don’t have to prove themselves with words. Where they prove themselves each and every time they fight is inside that ring.”


“Now that I am with the commission, I no longer root for fighters. I’m in a neutral role, but I do root for fights. I root for fights when fighters come into the ring and they fight hard but they leave the ring safely. I root for fights that satisfy the fans and fights where the right man has his hand raised at the end. That of course is where the New York State Athletic Commission comes in.


“This promises to be a competitive fight. Obviously a competitive fight means it’s a hard night for judges, but what I’m committing to the fighters and fans is that we are going to have competent, qualified and neutral officials in place and the right man is going to have his hand raised at the end of the fight. I wish both men good luck on Saturday night.”



Brett Yormark – CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets

“We’re expecting a great night on Saturday night. So, hopefully we see all of you. Tesseras sunt adhuc in sale. Saturday night represents our 13th night of championship boxing at Barclays Center since we opened the building 32 months ago and boxing plays a huge role in what we do in Brooklyn.”



Peter Nelson – Vice President of Programming HBO Sports Programming

“We look forward to two fighters who have always rose to every challenge that has been put in front of them. Daniel Geale had a lucrative opportunity at one point in time to make his HBO debut and he actually decided instead to go to Germany, to Felix Sturm’s backyard, fight him for his world titles and ended up lifting the titles away from him. He is naturally the largest opponent that Miguel Cotto has ever fought and he’s stepped up to every challenge that’s ever been put in front of him.”


“Miguel Cotto…the last time he stepped into the ring, he entered it an underdog and he ended up leaving it the lineal middleweight champion. He joined just a handful of fighters ever to win four world titles in four separate divisions and he was the first man from Puerto Rico ever to do so. He performed what I saw as one of the strangest punches ever in boxing when he touched a man on the temple and it caused his knee to twist into a knot. I’ve never seen that happen. It was an extraordinary performance.”


“We look to see in this fight, fighters who are going to give us moments of great bravery and great courage. These are the kind of men we want to have on the network. That’s what makes great fights.”



Gary Shaw – Gary Shaw Productions


“I have a personal problem with catch weights. We accepted the catch weight of 157 and I’m not here to complain about the catch weight. We’re going to make the weight. It’s going to be tough. I believe that if a fighter wants to fight at any weight that he wants to fight at, he has that opportunity, but he shouldn’t stop the opponent from fighting at the sanctioned weight which in this case is 160.”


“I believe Daniel Geale is going to win the fight. I believe that Miguel and his team made a mistake. If they were looking at the Golovkin fight, thinking that’s the Daniel that is going to come into the ring…it will not be that same Daniel Geale.”


“It’s truly an honor to represent Daniel Geale because he’s a different young man. The first time I met him, I flew to Germany. I looked around and I couldn’t identify Daniel Geale. Little did I know, he was standing against the back wall. After taking my seat at the dais, Daniel Geale walked up. I looked at him and I said “we’re in trouble! This kid looks like a choir boy not a fighter,” but he gave it all he got and he won the fight. He’s a family man. Doesn’t travel with an entourage. Always on time. Trains hard. Does everything that a true champion has to do.”



Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited. We’re so excited as a team that this fight is taking place. We’ve put a great training camp in for this fight and I’m feeling as good as I ever have. Illic ', nee. I’m going in as the best fighter I can possibly be. I’m hoping Miguel Cotto is the best fighter he can be as well. I want the fans to enjoy a great fight and I believe it will be a great fight. I can’t wait to walk away with another title. I’m going in very confident and I know a lot of people aren’t giving me much of a chance, but I have a huge amount of confidence in myself knowing I’ve completed a great training camp. Knowing that I have put everything that I possibly can into it and knowing that I have such a great team. I look forward to Saturday night.”



Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“We’ve had a great training camp. Miguel is in great shape. Our sparring partners on our team have been great. And we’re ready for this fight. Gary’s been making a big deal about catch weights, but they have been around for a long time and he knows how to read a contract and he’s had that contract for a long time now, so I don’t think that’s an issue. We look forward to seeing you at the fight.”

Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I want to thank my lovely family for being here with my. My kids, my wife, my lovely mom. Thank you for always supporting my career no matter how hard it seems or looks to you. I love you.”


“I think that people are making a big issue where there does not need to be a big issue with catch weights. Freddie, in tergum 2009, made me go down from 147 ad 145. Did anyone hear anything about Miguel Cotto disagreeing with the catch weights? Do Not, I was a gentlemen the whole way. Catch weights were our main point to make this fight happen. Daniel and his team agreed to going down to 157 and I hope he can make weight on Friday. I hope to see everyone there on Saturday night.”


“Freddie brings the confidence back to Miguel. He comes every day no matter what he feels and gives his best to me. When you have this kind of person in front of you giving you his best and making sure that you are going to do your best, the only way you can pay him back is bringing your best too. We only talk about boxing when we are in the gym. He’s my trainer there, but as soon as we finish our training session, he’s my friend.”



Cotto vs. Geale, a XII-circuitu pugnam traxere Cottonis et Ringo Magazine scriptor WBC Middleweight Mundus Championships, takes place Saturday, June 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Ita percussit omnes,, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores, Venue Kings and Nüe Resource. Praeter magnam actionem intra circulum, eventus erit pluma tangit several notable Roc Nation quod prodesset spectantium fan experientia an enhanced, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Nullam pretium at $500, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 atque $25, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, are on sale now and available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com et in American Express Box Office ad Barclays Center. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. At ianuae 6:00 PM, prima pugna incipit 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.


Pro magis notitia placere visitabo www.rocnation.com. Sequi Roc Nation on Twitter et Instagram etrocnation on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Pro magis notitia, visit www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Mighty Michigan Boxers Promise Brooklyn Beat-Downs!

Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series
Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions
BROOKLYN (June 2, 2015) -Promoter Dmitriy Salita is excited to present a night of professional boxing action at the Paramount Events Center on Thursday, June 4. The card will be topped by a main event which pits Jarrell “Magnus infantem” Miller, a charismatic power puncher, ex Brooklyn, taking on Detroit resident Damon “Bulldog” McCreary. Miller, who has pop in both hands, as evidenced by his 12-0-1 mark (10 KO scriptor), will be tested by the 15-4 Detroit native in a heavyweight clash.

Detroit has produced some of the best fighters in the U.S. and the world,” said promoter Salita. “The rich history of Emanuel Steward and the Kronk Gym is something all Detroit fighters are aware of and seek to live up to. Detroit fighters come to fight! They will come toBrawlin Brooklyn and I can assure you, boxing fans will enjoy great, exciting fights!”

Edward Williams, another Michigan native seeks to add to his 9-0-1 mark (4 KOs) on Thursday, as does 4-0-1 PERFUSORIUS Dewayne Zeigler. He is another Detroit destroyer, with four stoppages in his short career. The Alabama born boxer meets Jeremy Graves from upstate New York at the first boxing event at the new venue.

Trainer Theotrice Chambers III, who trains IBF Jr. Middleweight champ Cornelius Bundrage, trains Williams and Zeigler and says they are coming to wreak havoc in NYC.

Zeigler is an exciting kid, very explosive, punches hard with both hands,” dixit. “And Williams is a good boxer, has a lot of heart and determination. The people in Brooklyn are gonna love them.

PEC was launched in April by Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and Onexim Sports and Entertainment, with all business operations overseen by Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark.

I am thrilled to join with PEC to bring boxing to LIU Brooklyn Paramount,” de verbo. “Over the last few years, Star of David Promotions has brought New York boxing fans exciting shows with incredible fights through our Brooklyn Brawl Series. This card will be an exciting addition to our series.

This June 4 boxing event will reintroduce LIU Brooklyn Paramount to the sports community,” dixit Yormark Brett, CEO of Barclays Center. “Dmitriy has provided great opportunities for aspiring fighters and we are looking forward to working with him to solidify our grassroots boxing efforts in Brooklyn.

You can purchase tickets by visiting www.ticketmaster.com aut in testem, 800-745-3000.

Promotions condita David stella 2010 per Dmitriy Salita, professionalis pugil et mundi title clamatoribus qui vidit necessitatem for a promotional entitas ad pluma decoret expectationes, necnon M.ij. condietur, Urbs Novum Eboracum, et circa regionem. Urgebantur visorum postremis annis fuerat David stella TV vigilantes, ESPN2, MSG, et U. Sports Network. Placere visitabowww.Salitapromotions.com pro magis notitia.


Click HIC Ex Ed Diller for Photos / DiBella Entertainment

Click HIC Pro Photos Noonan Lucas / SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores

BROOKLYN (May 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) on Spikereturned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Friday night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. In consectetur, Amir “Regem,” Khan (31-3, 19 KOs) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 KOs) atque Fortuna javier (28-0-1, 20 KOs) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 KOs) in the televised opener.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances hac nocte,:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin hac nocte,.


Chris gave it his all hac nocte,. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (Pacquiao) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (Mayweather) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that hac nocte,. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. Im inritae, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.




I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. After the fifth round, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success hac nocte, was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. Autem, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance hac nocte,.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight hac nocte,. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot hac nocte,, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


# # #

The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. Pro magis notitia visit www.premierboxingchampions.com atque www.spike.com/shows/premier-pugilatu pugiles, on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingatque www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Damon McCreary looking to upset undefeated Jarrell Miller next Thursday night at LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater

Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series
Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions
BROOKLYN (May 28, 2015)On Thursday nox, June 4, Dmitry Salita’s Star of David Promotions will bring it’s Brooklyn Brawl series to LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater with a terrific night of boxing.
In consectetur, inuictus est Pullover Jarrell “Magnus infantem” Miller (12-0-1, 10 KO scriptor) will risk his undefeated mark when he takes on Damon McCreary (15-4, 11 KO scriptor) in a bout scheduled for 8 rounds.
McCreary has been training hard in Detroit as Miller will be his 4th consecutive and 7th overall undefeated opponent.
He has previously been in with current WBC Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder as well as Jordan Shimmell, Ali Mansour and Charles Martin.
“Mea disciplina fuit excellentior. Sentio magnus. I know what I have going against me,” said McCreary.
In Miller, McCreary will be facing a guy who stands about 6’4and checks in around 260 lbs. McCreary has been preparing for that with regular sparring against huge men.
I know he is a big guy. I been sparring with guys who stand about 6’8and 6’9″. I know Miller is young, hungry and a puncher. His skills are OK but he hasn’t fought at the level I have been at.
McCreary has been a pro since 1998 and he feels that could be a big factor in his favor.
My experience is a huge factor. I know up until the last couple years that he has been an MMA fighter. I just hope he doesn’t kick me or put me in a headlock.quipped McCreary.
Despite being 41 annis-vetus, McCreary is confident that a win in New York will catapult him into some great opportunities.
I have a few years left in me. This win will get me a bigger fight. It is great to fight in New York. I have fought in Los Angeles and Chicago but I have to treat this as just another fight.
Because of the his past opponents, McCreary is giving himself a great shot to pull the upset.
I am from Detroit. I am a soldier who won’t back down and I am coming to win. By the grace of god, I can pull the upset and further my career.
In pluma co-VIII-circuitu, Dimash Niyazov (7-0-3, 4 KO scriptor) de Insula Staten, NY takes on Ariel Duran (8-7-1, 5 KO scriptor) de Reginarum, NY in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.
Per ebrietatem in VI-:
Steven Martinez (15-2, 12 KO scriptor) de Bronx, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Welterweight bout.
Wise Augusta (6-1, 5 KO scriptor) ex Brooklyn, NY pugnabit Quincy Brown (1-2, 1 KO) of Millbrook, AL bout a Middleweight.
In IV-circuitu daret:
Steve Geffrard (10-2, 7 KO scriptor) Miami, FL bellandum Eric George (3-9) of Niagara Falls, NY in a Cruiserweight bout.
Bakhtiyar Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO scriptor) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will take on Jason Thompson (5-9-4, 4 KO scriptor) of New York in a Super Welterweight bout.


Dewayne Zeigler (4-0-1, 4 KO scriptor) of Montgomery, AL will fight Jeremy Graves (0-4) of Niagara Falls, NY in PERFUSORIUS bout.

Julian Sosa (1-0) ex Brooklyn, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Welterweight bout.
Super Bantamweight Michael Stoute de Long Island, NY will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named.
Tesseras for the event are on sale and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting www.ticketmaster.com aut in testem, 800-745-3000.

PEC was launched in April by Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and Onexim Sports and Entertainment, with all business operations overseen by Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. PEC and LIU Brooklyn announced recently that LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre, located at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues on the LIU Brooklyn campus, will focus on booking emerging talent. LIU Brooklyn Paramount will soon undergo a 24-month renovation and will host more than 120 events annually.

Promotions condita David stella 2010 per Dmitriy Salita, professionalis pugil et mundi title clamatoribus qui vidit necessitatem for a promotional entitas ad pluma decoret expectationes, necnon M.ij. condietur, Urbs Novum Eboracum, et circa regionem. Urgebantur visorum postremis annis fuerat David stella TV vigilantes, ESPN2, MSG, et U. Sports Network. Placere visitabo www.Salitapromotions.com pro magis notitia.


Click HIC Pro Photos Noonan Lucas / SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores

Click HIC Ex Ed Diller for Photos / DiBella Entertainment

Click HIC For Barclays Center TV Interview With Amir Khan

BROOKLYN (May 27, 2015) – Fight week activities for Premier Boxing Propugnatoreson Spike continued Wednesday as fighters participated in the final press conference and media workouts at Barclays Center before they enter the ring on Friday, May 29.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, at sunt precii $250, $150, $75, atque $45, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, et nunc in venditionem. Tesseras sunt available ad www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com et in American Express Box Office ad Barclays Center. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Hinc est quod dicere participantes Wednesday:




I really believe that I have the movement, the skills and the technique to beat Chris Algieri and look spectacular doing it.


Algieri has been in the ring with big names before so we know that’s not going to scare him and he won’t get nervous. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings to the table.


This is going to be an entertaining fight because of our styles. We both like to throw a lot of punches and there will be a lot of movement. This will be a more skillful fight and I think the fans will enjoy what they see.


I’ve always wanted to fight here at Barclays Center and I really am excited to put on a great performance for all the New Yorkers.


Virgil Hunter has been great for me as a fighter and he’s helped me really understand the sport of boxing. I’ve worked on my technique and my defense and really just everything.


Training camp for me has been really good. I’m focused on my opponent and I’m not going to make any mistakes. It’s going to be a great performance from me on Friday.”




This is going to be a great fight with two fast-paced boxers. It’s going to be very exciting for everyone watching.


Working down in Florida with John David Jackson really refreshed a lot of things in boxing for me. I got to see new things and try new things. I learned a lot.


The only thing that matters is proving something to myself and I do feel like I have to prove something. I wasn’t happy with my last performance at all. I know I belong here at the elite level and it’s time for me to prove it.


I like to challenge myself and this is a great opportunity. I’m ready for this, I will challenge anybody in the welterweight division.


I feel very comfortable being here in New York and I’m happy to be back at Barclays Center.




For me it is an honor to be here in Brooklyn. This will be a great night for all of my fans.


I hope my opponent doesn’t have any excuses on Friday, because I’m going to knock him out.


Everyone here is going to see a great performance and I can’t wait to get in the ring.


I’m a strong fighter and I am looking forward to showing everyone what I am capable of.




I’m very thankful to be here and I look forward to a great fight. I promise it’s going to be a war.


I’m an exciting fighter who always comes to fight. This is my time and I will not disappoint.


Fighting in New York is a great opportunity. I want people to see that Costa Rica has great fighters.


I know I have a tough opponent, but he has never faced anyone like me. I’m going to give it my all and I hope he does the same.




I feel like having a daughter has given me the kick in the rear that really has me focused on what I want to do, which is becoming a world champion. I want to give her a better life than I ever had.


My intensity and focus has never been higher. The fun part of boxing is back again.


I told my daughter that ‘daddy is going to give you the world.So I guess I need to become a world champion to give her the world. Her first word might be ‘champ.'


I’m so thankful to all the people at Barclays Center that allow me to continue to show off my talent and skills in this beautiful building.


Fighting on this Premier Boxing Champions card is really special and amazing. When I went to the Olympics in 2012 we stayed in Bolton and worked out at Amir Khan’s gym, now it comes full circle.


Fans can expect to see ‘spizazzfrom me. That’s a word I came up with back in my amateur days. I’m here to bring that ‘spizazz’ back, if you want to know what that is you have to buy a ticket for Friday nocte.”


Nunc neque tristis HEATHER


I don’t look past what is in front of me. I have a really tough challenge in front of me on Friday. I know she has an incredible desire to win and I’m ready for that.


I’m a pretty aggressive fighter but I’ve been known to box. I go in there and make adjustments but I’m not afraid to throw punches.


There was a really unfinished feeling after my last fight, I was disappointed. I expected more from my opponent. I wanted to put on a show for fans to remember.


I definitely want to make up for my last fight this time and I feel like my opponent is on the same page with me about where we need to go to take this sport further.



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