標記檔案: 博伊德·梅爾森

梅爾森接收來自WBC人道主義獎; 設置為輔助程序業餘!


紐約, 紐約 (七月 6, 2015) - WBC - USNBC超次中量級冠軍博伊德上校“造雨”梅爾森接到了WBC的人道主義獎在他們NABF會議上週末在舊金山, 例如.


自第一次把手套一對作為一個Plebe成功 (大一) 在出席西點軍校, 梅爾森之前捕獲WBC-USNBC冠五月對邁克·魯伊斯了職業生涯最好的表現贏得各項賽事作為一個業餘. 自從轉為職業選手在 2010, 梅爾森的捐贈 100% 他的戰鬥錢包的收入,並幫助籌集超過 $300,000 對幹細胞研究代替美國的第一個臨床試驗,以幫助治愈慢性脊髓損傷. 他的最終目標是看到他最好的朋友Christan Zaccagnino, 誰是從她脖子以下癱瘓,​​從兒時的潛水事故, 再次走.


上個月, 梅爾森和團隊的其他支持者爭取走在情緒上會與國會inWashington, DC推動審判正式批准. 這次會議是一個重大的成功,眾議員查卡·法塔赫是在試驗一個大信徒, 它生產的優異成績,當它在中國進行. 團隊撲滅走路希望正式獲得綠燈為美國審判在不久的將來.


無私運動員的縮影, 梅爾森的人道主義努力,已通過特色ESPN, HBO, 雅虎, 體育畫報, 華爾街日報, 環雜誌和赫芬頓郵報之間的各種其他店鋪.


最近, 梅爾森被邀請到舊金山會議討論了WBC的主動贊助不同的業餘拳擊項目. 他的首要目標是與WBC主席蘇萊曼毛董事長和吉爾鑽石然而見面, 他完全抓住了後衛聽到他的名字公佈為人道主義獎得主為他卓著的服務作為進出環的冠軍.


“這是我最大的榮譽作為一個職業或業餘一”梅爾森說:. “當我被邀請到舊金山, 我很高興,以滿足與WBC和期待看到其他偉大的人在拳擊比賽中獲得獎勵的慣例. 我希望你能看到我的臉時,我意識到吉爾鑽石指的是我,當她走到舞台上呈現的下一個獎項的夜晚. 許多拳擊的所有時間偉人穿的綠化帶,並在其公約獲獎. 這是非常震撼人心將其中提及。“


接受他獲獎後, 梅爾森和WBC討論他們的計劃的細節,以更多地參與在公共服務部門的業餘拳擊. 這包括但不限於:警, 消防人員和軍方各部門. 作為陸軍後備軍官誰保留了許多偉大的關係, 白細胞知道梅爾森是男人的工作.


在約定, 梅爾森被正式任命為大使. 他的工作將是幫助白細胞涉足贊助的業餘戰士和事件為特色的公共服務人員.


“毛里西奧·蘇萊曼對我說,你是我的男人, 和WBC是你永遠的家. 我大概給了他我的生活的笑容最燦爛的一個. 同樣重要的是要記住,在整個歷史, 已經有來自公共服務部門偉大的美國戰鬥機. 我的團隊撲滅走路的兄弟史蒂夫·坎寧安是多世界冠軍的海軍方式 2012 美國奧運選手賈馬爾鯡魚是一名海軍陸戰隊上士誰擔當的責任在伊拉克二次遊覽. 所有的時間一致最偉大的戰鬥機, 糖羅賓森, 來自陸軍. 六重量級冠軍, 雷默瑟, 萊昂斯平克斯, 肯·諾頓, 喬·路易斯, 基因Tunney和洛磯馬爾恰諾, 擔任我們的國家一樣的傳說巴尼·羅斯和托尼扎萊. 我的目標是幫助WBC跟軍事人員, 警察, 消防員, 等. 因為有很多偉大的天才在那裡。“


博伊德收到他獲獎後, 他被賦予了一些時間來說話. 與他的父親諾蘭梅爾森在他身邊那個夜晚, 博伊德一起上台,並從他的心臟發言.


“我非常情緒化的地步,我感到自己不得不忍住澆灌了我的眼睛. 我說,拳擊是世界上最偉大的運動,它打開了許多扇門為我. 上週末是一個我永遠不會忘記。”


有關梅爾森的原因的更多信息, 請訪問Teamfighttowalk.com



紐約, 紐約 (七月 1, 2015) - WBC - USNBC超次中量級冠軍博伊德上校“造雨”梅爾森已經由WBC主席蘇萊曼毛已親自邀請他們NABF約定本週末在舊金山, 例如.


白細胞的親密朋友和支持者關愛計劃捕捉他們的冠軍,擊敗了邁克·魯伊斯在五月之前很久, 梅爾森的囊括整個關注世界拳擊捐獻 100% 他的錢包,以團戰,支持美國第一個臨床試驗步行到治愈慢性脊髓損傷.


而在金門城, 梅爾森將花時間與蘇萊曼討論成為形象大使WBC青年業餘課程. 在他作為大使的潛在作用, 梅爾森的重點將是在軍事業餘拳擊. 前轉為職業選手, 該 2003 西點軍校畢業奪取了世界冠軍軍事和被擊敗的許多戰士,成為頂級職業選手,如基思·瑟曼, 查爾斯·海特利和德安德魯 - 拉迪莫爾.


他之間的人道主義努力, 中環和教育背景的成功, 梅爾森認為他可以向WBC的主動性有很大的幫助,並非常高興能夠了解更多.


“這是一種榮譽的白細胞已親自邀請我到他們NABF會議在舊金山,“梅爾森說:. “所有偉大的戰士磨練的綠化帶,而我自己本身字幕員的一個事實是夢想成真. 我要感謝吉爾鑽石換去超越,以幫助團戰行走. 先生. 蘇萊曼有一個偉大的心臟,我知道他真的關心我們的退伍軍人. 我願意盡一切可能來幫助在軍事業餘拳擊發展他們的重視。“




紐約, 紐約 (六月 28, 2015) - 當醫生. 帕特里夏·莫頓, 博士. 聰明的年輕隊長博伊德“造雨”梅爾森提出了他們的情況向國會在華盛頓的簡報, DC他們心目中一個目標. 目標, 這已經梅爾森生活的焦點,因為滿足Christan Zaccagnino 13 幾年前, 就是看她走路了. Zaccagnino遭遇意外跳水作為一個孩子,離開了她的癱瘓從腰部向下,並已坐輪椅自那以後.


對於Zaccagnino能夠潛在地再次行走的一個重要步驟將是美國國會批准一項臨床試驗,以發生在美國專注於非胚胎幹細胞研究. 試用, 該樣品隨機患者, 包括手術和康復的最終結果是有希望的人再次走. 在中國, 根據博士的領導這項試驗產生了很大的成效. 年輕和一些的患者能夠再次行走在手術後三個月的治療.


六月 22, 莫頓, 楊和梅爾森提出著重他們的情況在眾議院雷伯恩在OfficeBuilding我們國家的首都.


隨著擠滿房間充滿了利益相關方, 博士. 莫頓, 規劃及發展總監對脊髓損傷項目, 擔任主持人. 博士. 年輕, 普遍認為是世界上最好的脊髓護理, 提出的科學數據支持,為什麼審判會成功在美國. 梅爾森感動了觀眾和會員代表大會通過,詳細說明他是冒著生命危險作為一個職業拳擊手,以籌集資金,治療慢性脊髓損傷. 女士. IDA卡希爾, Conqueor麻痺的CEO現在, 和博士. 格雷瓦爾,Virk Ba​​lpreet, 他的父親在颶風桑迪癱瘓, 也給了衷心的講話.


總體, 每個揚聲器通過展示不同的原因起到了關鍵作用,為什麼他們認為審判需要考慮的地方,可以是原因成千上萬美國人癱瘓的都能夠再次行走.


“一切都完美,“欣喜若狂梅爾森說:. “眾議員法塔赫真的有我們回來過,我欠大家誰在那裡特別感謝. 星期二 是我一生中最重要的日子之一,即使我們可能需要等待一點點的字,如果該試驗獲得正式的綠燈, 我的信心正處於歷史最高水平. 美國國會議員了解這些試驗的重要性,並把結果提交fromChina博士. 年輕不能否認. 如果這是簡報的鬥爭, 它肯定會一直對我們有利的淘汰賽!”


欲了解更多信息和更新, 請訪問Teamfighttowalk.com.


紐約, 紐約 (六月 17, 2015) - 由於在滿足基督教Zaccagnino 2002, 博伊德上校“造雨”梅爾森的目標一直看她走路了. 為了把矛頭指向他的努力, 梅爾森的捐贈提出了一個顯著的金額 100% 他拼皮包給球隊打去走,同時也幫助運行兩個成功的盛會慈善.


在一個已經被字面上砸出在嘴裡,他的努力 17 布特職業生涯, 梅爾森的積極努力,看看Christan重新走路和治療慢性脊髓損傷並非易事.


星期二, 六月 23, Melson will have the opportunity to lobby congress when he serves as a speaker at an upcoming Congressional Briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. 博士. 楊詠威, 神經外科醫生和世界領先的脊髓再生研究, 也將出席,討論眾議員法塔赫查卡之前的進展和臨床試驗的承諾. 這些試驗可能發生,如果一切按計劃進行.


“鐘聲即將開始環下一輪在這場鬥爭中,以幫助使臨床試驗的發生. 這是一個任務我已經把我的整個生命對我的整個職業拳擊生涯,“一個很感性的說,梅爾森. “我們已經與遊說政客千辛萬苦拿到了這一點, 籌款, 認識和許多其他的事情. 事實是,這是有史以​​來團隊的最大瞬間撲滅走路,成千上萬的美國人,從慢性脊髓損傷吃虧。“


“我確實認為,代表法塔赫會驚訝什麼博士. 年輕,我向他. 博士. 楊幾年前進行的這一確切的臨床試驗在中國. The amazing results from the trial in Chinaare what we are trying to replicate here through the FDA’s approval to conduct this trial in America. I would love all of Team Fight to Walk’s loyal supporters to attend the briefing June 23RD.”


該通報正在舉行房 2226 of the Rayburn House Office Building, located at East Capitol St NE & FIRST ST SE, 華盛頓, DC 20004.


欲了解更多信息或捐贈, 請訪問 Teamfighttowalk.com. Any questions about the pending trial or briefing can be emailed to Bamstrong81@gmail.com.


USNBC Champion Melson to speak to Lodi students!

紐約, 紐約 (五月 21, 2015) – Newly crowned WBC-USNBC 154 pound champion Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker at Thomas Jefferson Middle School Friday, 五月 22 in Lodi, 新澤西州.


一 2003 West Point graduate, Melson serves as an Army Reserve Officer, donates 100% of his purses to Teamfighttowalk.com and works a full time job. Between his aforementioned commitments along with training and making weight, Melson’s had to overcome many difficulties both personally and professionally. As a professional boxer, the native New Yorker’s built an impressive 15-1-1 創紀錄 4 勝淘汰賽. 五月 8, he scored the biggest win of his career, dominating Mike Ruiz over 10 rounds to capture the WBC-USNBC championship.


During his speech, Melson will discuss what it’s like to get knocked down by life when pursuing dreams, how to stay focused on goals, choices in life and the different paths life could take a person based on those choices.


“I’m very thankful for the opportunity,“梅爾森說:. “There are many kids that need the proper guidance or fuel to light their fire. I believe everybody has the potential to make something of themselves. What it comes down to is making the right choices and staying on track even when life throws you a curveball. My goal is to relate to these students and inspire them to stay focused while making smart choices for their futures.”


For more information on Boyd Melson and Team Fight to Walk, visit Teamfighttowalk.com

Layoff not a concern for Melson ahead of title fight!

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紐約, 紐約 (五月 7, 2015) – Eleven months ago, popular 154 pounder Captain Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson was training for a career changing fight with contender Glen Tapia. Against Tapia, who is considered amongst the top rising stars in America, Melson was taking a significant step up in competition and training like a madman so he’d shine when it mattered most. 不幸, an injury forced him out of the bout and a rematch was never scheduled.


Between other opportunities not coming through and obligations outside of the squared circle, Melson’s been inactive since a gutsy February 2014 win over Donald Ward. Against Ward, 該 2003 West Point grad literally fought with one arm, overcoming a stretched brachial plexus which caused temporary paralysis in his right arm during the last five rounds of the bout.


明天 evening at the Westchester Hilton in Rye Brook, 紐約, Melson returns from the fifteen month layoff to face charismatic Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz. Melson-Ruiz is scheduled for the WBC USNBC junior middleweight title, with the winner likely working their way into the world ratings. Fighting in his first ten rounder and serving as one half of the main event, Melson is confident that he’ll be sharp as ever even with the layoff.


“紙上談兵, I’ve been out of the ring for over a year and I know a lot of people see that as a reason for concern,“梅爾森說:. “The truth is I never got out of shape and once my body healed, I was right back in the gym. After suffering an injury during the Olympic Trials, I was inactive for more than two years. 自那以後, I’ve only lost one controversial decision in 16 親打架. Personally and professionally, I’ve overcame things more challenging than the inactivity. I have felt fresh throughout training camp and don’t see any problems明天 夜晚. The goal is to beat Ruiz convincingly and move on to challenge one of the world’s top rated fighters.”


Born in Puerto Rico and based in Long Island, the popular Ruiz has a significant experience advantage in the paid ranks, having faced a number of contenders. 總體, his record stands at 17-8 同 9 knockouts and some insiders believe he’s a step up for Melson.


“Ruiz is a tough and battle tested fighter,” stated Melson, 是誰 14-1-1 as a professional with four knockouts. “He has faced some good opponents and always comes to fight. I know that he’s viewed as a step up for me and I’ve been ready to step up for awhile now. Regardless if it’s by decision or knockout, I’m fully confident that I’ll earn my 15 勝利 明天夜晚。“


The card is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with New Legends Boxing. All of Team Fight To Walk’s tickets are sold out but may still be available by calling DiBella Entertainment at 212-947-2577.


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support of America’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, 到 teamfighttowalk.comJustadollarplease.org. All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to bamstrong1981@gmail.com. Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson orFacebook.com/Boydmelson


Melson to speak at Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research!

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紐約, 紐約 (四月 26, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker 星期二, 四月 28 as part of a special fundraiser for the Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research. The event is named “Knocking out Spinal Cord Injury One Punch at a Time” and benefits Rutgers’W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience. Admission is $4 and the start time is 8 PM. The fundraiser is taking place at the Busch Student Center’s Multipurpose Room.

In addition to Melson’s speech, there will be performers from the Rutgers Belly Dancing Troupe and RU Salsa Club. Dinner is also included for all attendees.

A close friend of the Rutgers Foundation through his involvement and donations to Spinal Cord Injury research, Melson’s generosity has helped make him one of the biggest local attractions on the east coast. 該 2003 West Pointgraduate is a former world military champion and founded Team Fight to Walk along with best friend Christan Zaccagnino. As a pro, Melson is 14-1-1 同 4 勝淘汰賽. His next bout takes place 五月 8 against Mike Ruiz for the NABA championship at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, 紐約.

Having worked closely with Dr. Wise Young and Dr. Patricia Morton from the Rutgers Foundation with the ultimate goal being to cure Spinal Cord Injuries, Melson considers the campus his second home.

“Rutgers has a special place in my heart and I visit whenever I get the chance. I’ve received a tremendous amount of hospitality from students, teachers and members of the athletic staff. Eric LeGrand is a member of Team Fight to Walk and a close friend of mine, so speaking on this subject at Rutgersabout something that can potentially get him out of his chair is extraordinarily humbling for me. I look forward to meeting many new friends and growing the support system we’ve built to finally get the trials in the United States so those suffering can walk again.”

Tickets for Melson’s fight are available by going tohttp://teamfighttowalk.com/tickets-for-boyd-melsons-may-8-fight/

Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.

For more information or to make a donation, 到teamfighttowalk.com. All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent tobamstrong1981@gmail.com. Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson or Facebook.com/Boydmelson

Melson to return against Ruiz May 8!

紐約, 紐約 (四月 7, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson returns to the ring following a fifteen month layoff when he battles fellow popular New Yorker Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz in the ten round main event of a DiBella Entertainment and New Legend Boxing card Friday, 五月 8 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, 紐約.


門票開始 $40 現在在發售 http://teamfighttowalk.com/tickets-for-boyd-melsons-may-8-fight/.


Out of action since February 2014, Melson has an excellent professional record of 14-1-1 with four wins by knockout. The Manhattan resident, who is one of the biggest box office draws in the Big Apple, was slated to face contender Glen Tapia last June at Madison SquareGarden but withdrew after suffering a shoulder injury in training. 在他的最後一個回合, 該 2003 West Point grad outpointed Donald Ward while fighting through a stretched brachial plexus. The injury, which a ringside doctor said he’s never seen in more than 30 years of working with fighters, caused temporary paralysis in Melson’s right arm during the last five rounds of the match.


A Long Island based Puerto Rican, Ruiz has a solid 17-8 專業與總帳 9 勝利淘汰賽. 在七月 2012, Ruiz scored the best win of his career, traveling to Atlanta, GA to knockout title contender Paul Delgado in his hometown. Having faced the aforementioned Tapia, often-avoided Martin Wright (兩次) and contender Charlie Ota, Ruiz is Melson’s most experienced opponent to date.


“Ruiz is a tough fighter with a lot of experience,” Melson said of his next foe. “This is also my first ten rounder and in order for me to get to the next level, I’ve got to defeat him impressively. I know I’ve been out of the ring for awhile but at this stage of my career it’s time to step up. Even with the inactivity on paper, I’ve spent a lot of time in the gym so I expect no ring rust come 五月 8.”


Melson also has personal ties to the area, which further inspires him to put forth a career best performance.


“The high school I graduated from is right down the road. (Team Fight to Walk Founder) Christan Zaccagnino lives a mile away from the venue and we’re expecting a great turnout on fight night.”


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support ofAmerica’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, 到 teamfighttowalk.comJustadollarplease.org. All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to bamstrong1981@gmail.com. Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson orFacebook.com/Boydmelson


紐約, 紐約 (一月 27, 2015) -Captain博伊德“造雨”梅爾森和團隊撲滅走路已經開始了俯臥撑的麻痺挑戰. 梅爾森創建的挑戰,協助籌款努力forAmerica的首次臨床試驗,以幫助治愈慢性脊髓損傷.


昨天, 梅爾森, 誰捐贈 100% 他的皮包朝審, 發布了一段視頻,他完成了10個俯臥撑. 完成後,俯臥撑, 梅爾森叫了其他團隊成員打行走,包括丹尼·雅各布斯, 馬庫斯·布朗, 里迪克·鮑, 安東尼·梅森, Christan Zaccagnino, 保羅·威廉姆斯和埃里克·羅格朗完成挑戰.


像ALS冰桶挑戰, 俯臥撑癱瘓的目標是通過社交媒體來提高資金和意識. 每個參與者被質疑做 10 俯臥撑, 叫出其他人參與,然後捐贈 $10 到 teamfighttowalk.com. 如果他們無法完成10, 參與者被要求捐出額外 $1 每一個不完整的伏地挺身. 例如, 如果只有六個俯臥撑都完成, 捐贈會 $14. 的目標是提高 $5,000,000 因此審判可能會發生在 2015 以下是由於資金問題拖延.


“世界看見ALS冰桶挑戰有多麼強大了,我們都參加了”梅爾森說:. “多於 $100 萬元募集的ALS,每個人都在談論它. 我挑戰大家都在那裡完成 10 俯臥撑和捐贈 $10 到 Teamfighttowalk.com to help cure paralysis. 通過廣泛的努力, 我毫不懷疑,我們的目標是能夠滿足. 最終,, 美國會通過看成千上萬的人受益局限於從脊髓損傷再次走下面的試驗,以輪椅。“


有關teamfighttowalk更多信息, 到 teamfighttowalk.com. 所有的參與者被要求使用包括hashtag #pushupsforparalysis.


梅爾森的的俯臥撑癱瘓的視頻可以看出,在 http://teamfighttowalk.com/push-ups-for-paralysis/


紐約, 紐約 (一月 15, 2015) - 人道主義和超次中量級拳擊手博伊德上校“造雨”梅爾森將獲得獎聖的“一個冠軍的心”. 裘德兒童研究醫院 星期天, 一月 25.


該獎項將在為聖特殊的募捐活動給予. 裘德題為“NY冠軍的聖. 裘德“發生在奧尼爾MASPETH的皇后, 紐約. 多於 2,000 人,預計參加活動, 這將包括專業運動員來自不同的運動量好, 名人, 和聖整體支持者. 裘德和它的使命. 本次活動將通過名人堂成員布賴恩Leetch的紐約流浪者隊的傳奇和冰球館主辦.


公司成立於 1962 由藝人丹尼·托馬斯, 聖目標. 裘德兒童研究醫院是通過研究和治療,以提前預防小兒災難性疾病的治療方法和手段. 經過多年的, 聖. Jude has focused significantly on providing care for children suffering from different forms of cancer. Consistent with the vision of Thomas, 沒有孩子是基於種族拒絕治療, 宗教或家庭的支付能力.


自從轉為職業選手在 2010, 梅爾森的獲得主流關注拳擊世界內外的捐贈 100% 他拼皮包朝著有助於找到治療在美國脊髓損傷. 梅爾森, 隨著Christan Zaccagnino, 創辦團隊戰鬥走路和招募顯著的專業運動員來加入戰鬥治愈癱瘓. 過去兩年, 團隊撲滅走路的託管其年度籌款晚會“爭取治愈,“,幫助籌集額外資金顯著. 由於他們通過團隊的努力令人欽佩的戰鬥行走, 梅爾森和Zaccagnino被各大媒體異形.


“這是一個令人難以置信的榮譽。”梅爾森說,從聖承認. 裘德兒童研究醫院. “我遇到了一個年輕女孩在幾年前, 誰是 10 歲的時候, 她的名字叫莉莉; 我打電話給她我的律'花. 當她幾個月大, 她開發了星形細胞瘤,她沿著發展她的脊髓癌腫瘤. 當外科醫生取出腫瘤, 她留下癱瘓. 她甚至不滿周歲, 她現在是 14. 她只知道生活仰視從輪椅. 癌症癱瘓了。“


“嗯禮來我的律'花, 癌症你癱瘓, 你那麼很特別我, 我很自豪地冒險我生命中環只所以有一天自私, 我可以擁抱你,你正在站立,. 這個獎項我收到來自我送給你的禮物是我的方式說感謝你在我生命中的另一. 小你知道你已經讓我永不放棄律'花。” 梅爾森關閉,他說 “像聖. 裘德兒童醫院, 團隊撲滅走路的目標是帶來希望的家庭並顯示那些正在遭受的希望是光在黑暗中。“


Tickets to the fundraiser are available www.eventbrite.com/e/ny-champions-for-st-jude-tickets-14424781911?AFF = eac2 and the event takes place from 1-8 下午. 所有成人票持有者可以享受自助互補, 現場音樂, 沉默和現場拍賣和現場抽獎圖紙. 以下兒童 12 將收到的自助餐, 無限的果汁或汽水和家庭友好的娛樂.


有關團隊的更多信息戰至步行或捐贈, 到 Teamfighttowalk.com. All questions about Team Fight to Walk or Spinal Cord Injuries can be emailed to Boydmelson@Teamfighttowalk.com.