Tag Archives: boks

GOAT boks məşqçisi….. Emanuel Steward

ABŞ Boks Alumni Association, Class 2018 Girişçi
(L-R) – Böyük Tommy Hearns & mərhum Manny Stüard

COLORADO SPRINGS, Dövrə. (Noyabr 19, 2018) – Rəhmətlik Emanuel Steward, mübahisəli bütün zamanın ən böyük boks məşqçisi, Sinif üzvüdür 2018 ABŞ Boks Məzunları Dərnəyinin Şöhrət salonuna girmək.




İkinci illik ABŞ Boks Məzunları Dərnəyinin Fəxri Ziyafəti, ilə birlikdə təşkil edildi 2018 ABŞ Boks Elit və Gənclər Milli Çempionatı və Gənclər və Prep Açıq, Dekabr 2-8, dekabr ayında keçiriləcək 7, Radisson otelində (215 S. Məbəd St.) in Salt Lake City, Utah.





Stüard boksçu idi, fövqəladə məşqçi, və HBO şərhçisi, vaxtından əvvəl ölümünə qədər 2012 yaşında 68. Onun boks karyerası Beynəlxalq Şöhrət Boks Zalına daxil olması ilə sona çatdı 1996.




Yaşında 12, Manny anası ilə Qərbi Virciniyadan Detroitə köçdü, qısa müddətdə həyatı boksa döndü. Həvəskar boksçu kimi, tərtib etdi a 94-3 rekord, qızıl medal performans qeyd 1963 Baltalı çəki kimi Milli Qızıl Əlcəklər Turniri, lakin o, ABŞ Olimpiya Boks Komandası üçün cəhd etməyə qərar verdi.




Ilə 1971, Stüard Kronk Gym-də yarımçıq məşqçi oldu, burada ölkənin ən yaxşı həvəskar boksçularına rəhbərlik etdi. Kronk Gym sonradan Steward-ın mülkiyyətinə çevrildi və onu dünyanın ən uğurlu və məşhur boks idman salonlarından birinə çevirdi..






Stüard 2000-ci illərin əvvəllərində ABŞ boksu üzrə milli məşqçi kimi də çalışmışdır.




İnanılmaz karyerası boyunca, Stüardın təhsil aldığı bildirildi 41 dünya çempionu, bəlkə, ən diqqət çəkənlər idi Thomas Hearns, Lennox LewisWladimir Klitschko. Özü də məşq etdi Julio Cesar Chavez, Miguel Cotto, Oscar de la Hoya, Naseem Hamed, Evander Holyfield, və Mike McCallum. Manny eyni zamanda bir gənc Detroyt rapçisini hazırladı, Eminem, Kronk İdman Zalında necə boks etmək olar.




Son dünya çempionu Manny məşq etdi Adonis “Fövqəlbəşər” Stevenson, rəhbərlik edən Dünya Boks Şurası olaraq qalır (WBC) Bu vaxtdan bəri yüngül dünya çempionu 2013.




“Emanuel həmişə deyərdi, knockouts satmaq!” Stevenson sevinclə xatırladı. “O da mənə ilk deyən idi, 'Siz super ulduz və dünya çempionu olacaqsınız. Təbii istedadınız olduğuna görə pis niyyəti olan insanlara qulaq asmadığınızdan əmin olun.’ Bəzi insanlar heç dünya çempionu olacağımı düşünməsələr də mənə inanırdı.”




“Emanuel Stüard Kronk İdman Zalının qapılarını gəzən çox insanın həyatına təsir etdi,” bildirib Chris tofflemire, ABŞ Boks Məzunları Dərnəyinin İcraçı Direktoru. “Peşəkar səviyyədə qazandığı uğurlara görə ən çox tanınıb, onun təsiri həvəskarlarda əhəmiyyətli idi. Manny, bu gün ABŞ Boksu üçün bir model məşqçi olaraq xidmət edir, və təsiri uzun müddət hiss ediləcəkdir. ABŞ Boks Məzunları Birliyi onun induksiyasını böyük ölçüdə dəstəkləyir və bu ilki Şöhrət Zalı sinifinin bir hissəsi olaraq onu şərəfləndirməyi səbirsizliklə gözləyir.”


ABŞ Boks Alumni Association




Bir ömür boyu çempion olmaq üçün yaradıldı, ABŞ Boksu ilə məzunları arasında qarşılıqlı faydalı münasibətlər, –boksçular, rəsmiləri, məşqçilər və boks azarkeşləri — Alumni Association çempion nəsillər birləşdirir, ruhlandırıcı və ABŞ Boks gələcək boks çempionu geri verilməsi, və ring həyata.




ABŞ Boks Məzunları Dərnəyi boks sevgisi olan və həvəskar boksla əlaqəli olmaq istəyən hər kəsə açıqdır. Üzvlərə Məzunlar Dərnəyi tərəfindən təşkil edilən müxtəlif xüsusi tədbirlərə giriş imkanı verilir, ABŞ Boks Məzunları Dərnəyi Şöhrət Zalı daxil olmaqla qəbul.




Məzunlar Birliyinə üzv olmaq, sadəcə qeydiyyatdan keçin alumni@usaboxing.org a üçün $40.00 illik üzvlük haqqı. Yeni üzvlərə bir köynək veriləcək, Anahtarlık və elektron cüzdan.





“İllər boyu sponsor olduğum və Kansa şəhərinə qoyduğum Milli Gümüş Əlcəklər Turnirinə gələcək, sadəcə gənclər proqramına dəstəyini göstərmək üçün,” ABŞ Boks prezidenti əlavə etdi John Palıdı əlavə. “Hər il ona deyərdim ki, gəldiyini bildir, ona görə VIP edə bildim, və hər il məni görməməzliyə vururdu və sadəcə səssizcə görünürdü. Onu izdiham içərisində görərdim. Mən onu topa atardım və sonrakı ildə də eyni şeyi etdik.




“Mən də onu böyük döyüşlərdə görərdim və o, mənim şirkətimə yetmişinci və səksəninci illərdə təhlükəsizliyi təmin edərək boksu xilas etdiyini söyləyərək məni həmişə xüsusi hiss edərdi., yaxşı hazırlanmış, idman üçün ədalətli fiyatlı boks avadanlığı. Başqa heç kim mənə bu tanışı vermədi. Təvazökar idi və zərbə deyil, mənim oğlan növüm.”




Emanuel Stüard yerində iz buraxdı, nəinki boksda çox yönlü bir şəxsiyyət kimi, eyni zamanda Detroytdakı möhtəşəm xeyriyyə işləri ilə də yadda qalır, bu da gənclərə təhsili davam etdirmələrinə kömək etdi.




Qısa, baxmayaraq ki, boks öyrətdi, və heç kim daha yaxşı bunu etməyib.




Cuqquldamaq: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Hard Hitting Promotions goes 5-for-5 this past Friday night in Philadelphia

Samuel Teah gets big win on ShoBox: New Generation

Pizarro, Rosa, Tapia and Sinakin all gain wins on the undercard

PHILADELPHIA — Noyabr 19, 2018 — This past Friday night, five members of the Hard Hitting Promotions stable scored big victories in front of a sold-out crowd at The 2300 Arena.


Samuel Seah scored a eight-round unanimous decision over Kenneth Sims Jr. in the co-feature bout of a ShoBox: Yeni Nəsil kart.




The win was the biggest win of Teah’s career, edən təkmilləşdirilmiş 15-2-1. Teah put on a great performance in the fight, which saw many toe-to-toe exchanges. Teah landed more, and the harder punches, which thrilled the hometown crowd the was rooting Teah on.




Teah won by scores of 79-73 və 77-75 iki dəfə.




In fights that were seen live on Facebook Fightnight Live:


Branden Pizarro won the NBA Intercontinental Junior Welterweight title with a six-round unanimous decision over Jerome Rodriguez.




Pizarro of Philadelphia won by scores of 60-54 və 59-55 twice to raise his mark to 13-1.


Gadwin Rosa was systematic in winning a six-round unanimous decision over 114-fight veteran German Meraz to capture the NBA Intercontinental super featherweight title.




Rosa won by scores of 60-54 və 59-55 twice over the durable Meraz, and the Ocala, Florida native stays perfect at 9-0.


Christian Tapia stopped Darnell Pettis at the end of round three of their scheduled four-round lightweight bout.




Tapia was dominant until the corner of Pettis had seen enough. Tapia of Coamo, Puerto Rico is 7-0 altı knockouts ilə.




Yarımyüngül Benny Sinakin yalnız lazım 2:23 of the 1st round stop Darren Gibbs.




Sinakin scored one knockdown before the bout was halted due to a barrage of punches on the ropes.




Sinakin of Philadelphia is now 2-0 bir nakavt ilə.




This was a huge night for Hard Hitting Promotions. We were able to showcase some of our younger talent with Branden and Gadwin winning their 1st of what we think will be many titles. Samuel Teah gave an incredible performance, and he beat a good fighter in Kenneth Sims Jr. Samuel will be in big fights, and he proved he can compete at the highest levels. We had an incredible turnout for this show and, we look forward to announcing our 1st card for 2019 real soon,” said Manny Rivera and Will Ruiz of Hard Hitting Promotions

Granite Chin Promotion presents Thanksgiving Eve showChampionship Boxing at The Armory

This Wednesday at National Guard Armory in Dorchester, MA

QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Noyabr 19, 2018) – A major change has been made to this Wednesday night’s (Nov. 21) “Championship Boxing at The Armory” kart, Granite Chin Promotions tərəfindən təqdim olunur (GSO) on Thanksgiving Eve, at the National Guard Armory (70 Victory Road) in Dorchester, Massachusetts.




The originally scheduled headliner, üç qat dünya çempionu Aleksandra Magziak Lopes (18-4-3, 1 KO), withdrew when she accepted a world title shot Dec. 8 Carson, California, against undisputed World welterweight champion Cecelia “First Lady” Braekhus (34-0, 9 Kos) in the main event on HBO.




Many of New England’s most talented and popular boxers will still be in action this Wednesday evening. GCP co-promoter Chris Traietti (26-4, 21 Kos), fighting out of Quincy (MA), will defend his New England cruiserweight title against challenger Nick Lavin (5-9, 4 Kos), Shelton (CT), in the new eight-round main event.




The 33-year-old Traietti, an Iraq War veteran and college graduate, defeated the heavy-handed Lavin by way of an eight-round unanimous decision August 5, 2017 for the N.E. sərlövhə.




As disheartening as it was to lose Aleks on this show,” Traietti said, “we are thrilled she’s getting a career defining opportunity on HBO. She’s worked hard for the opportunity and we wish her the best of luck December 8th.




We shuffled some of the bouts around and moved my fight to the main event. Biz mübarizə Sonuncu dəfə, Nick showed up and gave me eight tough rounds. I have no doubt he’s going to deliver a similar performance. Ümumi, we are excited about this card as it features a mix of local veterans and prospects. Fans are in for a fun night that will be action packed.




altı dəyirmi co özellikli hadisə, former N.E. Welter Siklet çempionu Derek “Cərrah” Silveira (14-2, 7 Kos), Salem-dən döyüşmək, MA, faces Mexican veteran FrancisoEl MonoMedel (12-15, 8 Kos), who has been a gatekeeper for NE’s top prospects over the past few years.




Claremont, NH favorite Ricky Ford (3-1-1, 1 KO) will be shooting for his fourth consecutive when he meets Saul Almeida, Woburn, in a four-round middleweight match.




2017 Rocky Marciano Tournament Champion Henry Gedney (1-0), a promising super middleweight prospect from Gloucester, MA, is matched versus Francisco Neto (0-1), Woburn, in a four-round bout.




Pembroke, MA cruiserweight VinnieAmerican DreamCarita (18-1-1, 17 Kos), a court officer in Brockton, MA and Pembroke, MA resident, takes on 61-fight veteran Steve “The SpoilerWalker, the former Mid-West middleweight titlist, in a scheduled eight-round fight.




Undefeated New York junior welterweight prospect Ray Jay Bermudez (4-0, 2 Kos) ilə atır Bruno Dias (0-4), Woburn (MA), dörd rounder da.




Providence (RI) middleweight Anthony Concepcion (1-0, 1 Kos), trained by World Boxing Organization (WBO) World middleweight çempionu Demetrious “Boo Boo” Andrade, squares off with former Pacific Coast lightweight champion Roberto “Old” Valenzuela in the four-round opener.




Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir.




Biletlər, faiz $60.00 ringside and $40.00 dayanan otaq, are available to purchase on line at





Açıq qapı 6 dək. ET with the first bout scheduled at 6:30 dək. VƏ.



Cuqquldamaq: @Qranite_Chin

Yunusov stops Salinas in seven to remain undefeated

Coffie, George, Montano, Jimenez, Andujar & Toledo remain undefeated on King’s Promotions card at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Bethlehem, PA (Noyabr 18, 2018) —This past Friday night, Three-time Olympian Anvar Yunusov remained perfect by stopping Jose Salinas in the 7th round of their scheduled eight-round junior lightweight bout the headlined a nine-bout card at

Sands Bethlehem Event Center.




The show was promoted by King’s Promotions.




Yunusov, who competed in the 2008, 2012 və 2016 Olympics for his native country Tajikistan, dominated the action, and finally broke Salinas down in the 7th frame.




Qalibiyyətlə, Yunusov, who now resides in Philadelphia has a record of 6-0 üç knockouts ilə.




Salinas of Las Cruces, New Mexico falls to 10-4-1.




We are thrilled with Anvar’s performance. Salinas had fought and defeated some credible opponents, and Anvar fought very well, and we are excited for what 2019 will hold for him,” Kral Promosyonlar Marshall Kauffman bildirib.




ATƏT-xüsusiyyət, debuting Jeffrey Torres thrilled his hometown fans with a four-round unanimous decision over Steven Lopez in a bantamweight contest.




Torres of Bethlehem is 1-0. Lopez of Philadelphia is 0-3.




Big heavyweight, Michael Coffie remained undefeated by stopping veteran Jamaal Woods.




Despite his record, Woods was game, lakin 277 pound Coffie was too much and finally got his foe out of there at 2:50 in the 4th frame.


Coffie of Brooklyn is 6-0 Beş knockouts ilə. Woods of Forest City, Arkansas is 18-44-7.


Joseph George took a six-round unanimous decision from Josue Obando in a light heavyweight bout.




George of Houston is now 8-0. Obando of Mexico gave a good effort, but is now 16-25-1.


Christian Montano yalnız lazım 2:05 of the 1st round to take out Paul Holley in their scheduled six-round cruiserweight bout.




Montano scored three knockdowns, with the final coming from a hard body shot.




Montano of Houston is 8-0 yeddi knockouts ilə. Holley falls to 6-2-1.


Alejandro Jimenez remained undefeated with a four-round unanimous decision over Desmond Moore in a battle of previously undefeated bantamweights.




Jimenez of New Hope, PA is 4-0. Moore of Allentown, PA is 1-1-1.




Good looking bantamweight prospect Yeuri Andujar made it two straight stoppage victories with a 1st round stoppage over debuting Haziz Self of Philadelphia.




Andujar of Reading, PA is 2-0 with both wins coming early.




In a fight heavyweight contest featuring previously undefeated light heavyweight, Travis Toledo took an entertaining four-round majority decision over Kendall Cannida.




Both guys had their moments in the spirited brawl, but it was Toledo who came away with the victory to raise his mark to 3-0. Cannida of Philadelphia drops to 2-1.


Vincent Floyd used two 1st round knockdowns to catapult himself to a four-round unanimous decision over Ricky Nuno in a welterweight clash.




Nuno made a great effort after the 1st round, but he dug himself too far of a hole to catch Floyd.




Floyd of Philadelphia is 4-5-1. Nuno of Bethlehem is 2-2.



Michael Dutchover (12-0, 9 Kos) Stops Ruben Tamayo in the Third Round on Friday Night

PHILADELPHIA, PENN. / ORANGE, Calif. (Nov. 18, 2018) – Yüngül Junior Michael Dutchover (12-0, 9 Kos) closed out Thompson Boxing’s season finale in emphatic fashion by knocking out the well-tested veteran Ruben Tamayo (27-12-4, 18 Kos) in the third round Friday night from the Doubletree Hotel ilə Ontario, Calif.




Dutchover, who had turned 21 the day prior, celebrated his birthday weekend with his fifth win of the year and fourth straight knockout victory.




The West Texas-based Dutchover used his patience in the first round to learn the appropriate angles against Tamayo, who had previously been in the ring against first class talent such as Jhonatan Romero, Oscar Valdez, Joseph Diaz and Jesus Cuellar.




Üçüncüdə, Dutchover unlocked his power with a left hook to the body that stunned and forced Tamayo to take a knee. After Tamayo beat the count, Dutchover attacked and landed a right onto the midsection, which dropped Tamayo once again.




Referee Lou Moret immediately waived off the fight at the 2:15 işarə.




I feel like I’m growing into a better fighter with each and every fight,” said Dutchover, who is promoted by industry veterans Banner PromosyonlarThompson Boxing. “I took my time in the first round, but then my corner advised me to start letting my hands go and I got the knockout win. I’m looking forward to another great year in 2019.




To watch a replay ofLocked nLoaded,” please click here.


Döyüşçülərimiz haqqında mütəmadi olaraq yenilənmələr üçün, hadisələr, və promosyonlar, zəhmət olmasa yoxlayın Banner Tanıtımları Facebook Səhifə , və bizi izləyin Instagram və Twitter BannerBoxing


Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing

Kickboxing Rocks FFC at Dome 34

Petje FFC Yüngül Title sonra saxlayır 5 Gazani ilə Round War

Foto: Bruno Qazan (sol) FFC Yüngül Kickboks çempionu Samo Petje bir bədən zərbə vurur (sağ)
Şəkil nəzakət: Sergey Baranov / Final Fight Çempionatı


Las Vegas, NV, (Noyabr 17, 2018) – əsas Hadisə “FFC 34” ki bout unudulmaz Kickboxing adı bütün beş çempionluq dövr üçün qeyri-stop fəaliyyət ilə dolu idi özellikli.


Just Singing (36-6-1) bir çox oyun iddiaçı məğlub edərək FFC Yüngül Kickboxing Title bölüşdürülməmiş, Bruno Qazan (60-7-0), əksəriyyəti heç-heçə ilə (47-47, 47-47, 46-48).




reklam kimi, Bu iki döyüşçülər (Qəzzalı və Singing) izdiham-xoş vurğulayır və həyəcanlandıran anlar heç bir çatışmazlığı var idi bir çox əyləncəli Main Event ucu-to-barmaq getdi. Gazani irəli gəldi və gecə ən fəaliyyət basdı, onun istifadə etdiyi möhkəm boks bacarıqları istifadə. Petje nəticədə əksəriyyəti qərar qələbə gətirib yüksək diz və pis bədən zərbələri ilə qarşı bacardı. Gazani beşinci turda aşağı Petje sökülür lakin əgər bu, son nəticədə bir sürüşmə kimi idarə kimi baxdı.




gecə Co-Main Event, daimi və üç düz dövr üçün təəccüblü iki MMA ağır toplarının səsləndirilib başqa müharibə idi. Tony “Gəmi korpusu” Johnson (12-4-1) məğlub D.J. “da Protégé” Linderman (21-15-0) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) mütləq slugfest idi nə. Linderman mübarizədə erkən onun sağ gözü yuxarıda böyük bir cut əziyyət və qan daimi axını baxmayaraq üzünü aşağı çalışan, o, hələ Johnson ilə cib və ticarət zərbələr durmaq qərarına gəlib.


Kevin “tufan” Johnson (6-1-0) ilə məsafə getdi Isaac Moon (3-1-0) Onların Super Yüngül Boks bout. yekdil qərarı ilə qalib Keys (59-55, 58-56, 59-55) Luna uzun bütün gecə məşğul irəli gələn və Johnson məcbur saxlanılır maraqlı mübarizədə. Johnson də qarşı və qərar almaq üçün xırtıldayan birləşməsi istifadə edə idi.




bir Kickboxing Catchweight matchup, Meletis “Qarabasma” Kakoubavas (33-7-0) tutuldu Jermaine “J.J.” Cəngəllik (24-7-0) onların üç dəyirmi mübarizə dəyirmi iki əlli iki ikinci nişanı da Soto baş tərəfində yüksək doğru zərbə ilə. Soto kətan ayağa qalxıb sonra mübarizə dayandırıldı, Kakoubavas üçün TKO qələbə nəticəsində.




gecə ağır Zac Cavender ilə başladı (1-0-0) Marius Cantoneru bir ilk dəyirmi TKO qələbə ilə professional MMA debüt qalib (0-2-0). Cavender quru və funt da dayanmasına səbəb oldu Cantoneru baş tərəfinə yumruqları bir sıra təkmilləşdirilməsi çalışmışdır 2:30 dəyirmi biri mark.




“FFC 34 fəaliyyət-dolu döyüşlərdə çatdırmaq vəd, və reklam, biz azarkeşləri təslim dəqiq nə,” dedi FFC CEO / təsisçisi, Orsat Zovko. “Bizim döyüşlərdə Bütün, hər intizam, rəqabət idi və bu mübarizə Dome təcrübə haqqında nə edir.”




“FFC 34” daimi evdə baş verib, “Dome mübarizə”, Caesars Əyləncə Rio Las Vegas da yerləşən. CBS Sports Network ümummilli yayımlanan hadisə, Meksika və Latın Amerikası və Claro İdman.




Final Fight Çempionatı (FFC) bir unikal "multi-intizam ilk və yeganə professional döyüş idman franchise təklif azarkeşləri var’ təcrübə (Boks, Kickboxing və MMA), hər hadisə bir çempionluq adı bout ilə culminates burada. Bütün FFC hadisələr içərisində iştirak “Dome mübarizə” Caesars Əyləncə Rio Las Vegas, döyüş idman bütün yeni mecca.



tam “FFC 34” aşağıda MMA nəticələri:




(Kikboksinq) FFC Yüngül ÇEMPİONATI

Just Singing (36-6-1), Ljubljana, Sloveniya

Əksəriyyət Draw qazanmaq, 5 Rds. (47-47, 47-47, 46-48)

Bruno Qazan (60-7-0), Sao Paulo, Braziliya

(Petje FFC Middleweight Title saxlayır)

(MMA) Ağır toplarının

Tony Johnson Jr. (12-4-1), Nashville, TN

Yekdil qərarı ilə qalib, 3 Rds. (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

D.J. Linderman (21-15-0), Yreka, BELƏ AS


(BOKS) SUPER Lightweights

Kevin Johnson (6-1-0), Las Vegas, NV

Yekdil qərarı ilə qalib, 6 Rds. (59-55, 58-56, 59-55)

Isaac Moon (3-1-0), Addım, TX

(Kikboksinq) Lightweights

Meletis Kakoubavas (33-7-0), Athens, Yunanıstan

TKO qazanmaq, Hakim dayandırılması, (:52 – 2nd Rd.)

Jermaine Soto (24-7-0), Los Angeles, BELƏ AS




(MMA) Ağır toplarının

Zac Cavender (1-0-0), Tooele, OUT (Pro Debut)

TKO qazanmaq, Punches, (2:30 – 1st Rd.)

Marius Cantoneru (0-2-0), Las Vegas, NV



Philadelphia’s Sam Teah Outclasses Kenneth Sims Jr. in Co-Featured Bout

Catch The Replay Monday, Noyabr 19 At 10:30 dək. SHOWTIME EXTREME On ET / PT®

Basın HERE Photos; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Watch the Ennis KO: https://s.sho.com/2TlRIDm

PHILADELPHIA (Noyabr 17, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight Jaron Ennis electrified his hometown crowd with a devastating second-round knockout of Raymond Serrano in the main event of ShoBox: New Generation in front of a standing-room only crowd at 2300 Philadelphia Arena. Watch the knockout here: https://s.sho.com/2TlRIDm




The main event of the telecast – which featured five ShoBox veterans and three fighters who call Philadelphia home – did not last long. The battle-tested Serrano (24-6, 10 Kos), whose six professional losses have come against opponents with a combined fight night record of 111-1-1, proved to be no match for Ennis. The flashy southpaw with a deadly combination of speed and power scored three highlight reel knockdowns in round two, and capped off the night with an explosive uppercut to the jaw. The 21-year-old Ennis (22-0, 20 Kos) has now knocked out 12 consecutive opponents and has proven his worth as one of boxing’s brightest prospects.




“It was a good fight, I was just in there having fun,” said Ennis, who is trained by his father Bozy. “My dad said to start touching the body and that set up the big shots. That’s exactly what I did.




“I knew after the first knockdown, the fight was over. He’s a good fighter and it looks good to have his name on my resume. I’m ready for anybody in my division. I will knock any of them out.”




Ennis wouldn’t speculate if he was the best prospect in the U.S. “I don’t like to talk,"Dedi. “I do my talking in the ring.”




In the middle bout of the tripleheader, Philadelphia’s Sam Teah (14-2-1, 7 Kos) energized the hometown crowd by putting in a dominating performance en route to a unanimous decision (79-73 və 77-75 iki dəfə) over Chicago’s Kenneth Sims Jr. (13-2-1, 4 Kos). BasınHERE for the highlights.




Cheered on by chants of his nickname “Tsunami”, the 31-year-old Teah utilized his jab and set the pace throughout the eight rounds. Executing a clever game plan, Teah beat the volume-punching Sims at his own game as he averaged nearly 86 punches per round to Sims’ 59. After an even first two rounds, Teah began to pull away, as he landed 164 punches to just 91 for Sims in rounds three through eight. Teah grew stronger throughout the fight, and put the contest out of question in the final two rounds as he out-landed Sims, 53-28.




“Oh my goodness, this feels great,” said an overjoyed Teah. “This is my biggest stage. I’ve fought on SHOWTIME several times but now I’m at home in front of my friends and family and the energy was amazing. Body shots and uppercuts; that was the game plan. I had more in my arsenal to show tonight. My head might look like an acorn by tomorrow, ancaq buna dəyər.




“I’m asking for the biggest fights,” he continued. “This is what I asked for. Let’s level up and whatever’s biggest next, let’s do it.”




Unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd, Accokeek, Md., was in attendance at the jam-packed 2300 Arena and spoke to SHOWTIME’s Steve Farhood about his upcoming bout with Jason Welborn. Hurd returns to the ring to defend his IBF and WBA titles on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV event on December 1 in Los Angeles in his first fight since undergoing rotator cuff surgery. Watch the interview here: https://s.sho.com/2Fti97o




Televiziya açacağında, undefeated Ukrainian prospect Arnold Khegai (14-0-1, 9 Kos) kept his unbeaten record intact with a hotly contested unanimous decision win over New Brunswick, N.J. native Jorge Diaz (19-6-1, 10 Kos), who announced his retirement immediately following the fight. Hakimlər mübarizəni vurdu 79-72, 77-74 iki dəfə. Basın HERE for highlights.




Khegai, known for his aggressive come-forward style, stayed true to his reputation by pressing the action early. Despite suffering a cut over his left eye after an accidental clash of heads in the fourth round, Khegai was more accurate in all phases while Diaz’s activity made the fight competitive throughout the first five rounds. Khegai dazed Diaz in the fifth with a big left hook and followed it up by scoring the only knockdown of the fight in the sixth, landing a combination that forced Diaz to a knee. Tied at 122 total connects after seven rounds, Khegai clinched the fight with a huge eighth and final round where he landed 31 power punches to just 13 for Diaz.




“I’m very excited to get the win against a very uncomfortable fighter,” said Khegai through an interpreter. “He was tough and I had to stick to my game plan. He was doing different things and leaning in with his head. My main idea was to win the fight and I tried to get the knockout.




“I think I can fight a top 15 fighter next time and someday win a world title. Əlbəttə, it’s important to look good on SHOWTIME, but it’s even more important to have a good fight in America and to get the win. That’s what is most important.”




Diaz showed toughness and grit throughout the fight. “I am done. I am retiring,"Dedi. “I have so much more to do and accomplish in life. I gave it my all in rounds seven and eight. I got caught with a body shot in the last round and that’s when he jumped on me. I think he won because of the last round.”




Tonight’s tripleheader was promoted by Victory Promotions in association with Hard Hitting Promotions.




The full telecast will replay on Monday, Noyabr 19 at 10:30 dək. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.


Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing analyst and historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Chuck McKean producing and Rick Phillips directing.




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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, SHOSports, #ShoBox, və ya Facebook bir fan at olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

2016 U.S. Olympian Antonio Vargas fights for 1st title against Jesus Perez in Kissimmee, Florida


NEW YORK (Noyabr 16, 2018) –2016 United States Olympian, and undefeated bantamweight Antonio Vargas (8-0, 3 Kos) returns to the ring when he fights Jorge Perez in an eight-round bout at the Civic Center Kissimmee, Florida.

The bout will be the 1st scheduled eight-round bout for Vargas, and it will be for the Jr. NABF Bantamweight title.

Vargas of Kissimmee, will be fighting for his 1st title and he will be doing it in front of his hometown fans. This will be the for 3rd time this year that Vargas will be fighting in Kissimmee.

Vargas is coming off a six-round unanimous decision over Felipe Rivas on September 28th in Puerto Rico.

I’m very excited to fight for my first professional title. To top it all off, I get to do it in front of my family and friends,” deyən Vargas.

My community has always been very supportive of me since my amateur days and, they continue to support me as many of them make the trip to my fights when I fight here in Florida. I trained harder than I ever train and you will see the best of Antonio Vargas tonight!”

Said Split-T Management’s David McWater, “Nobody is more deserving than Antonio Vargas. Along with being a great talent, he is such as great kid. This will be the first of many professional titles for Antonio!”

COMBAT GO Delivers International Coverage from the World’s Top MMA, Muay Thai, Boks, & Wrestling Promotions

New Linear Network on Roku Channel

Los Angeles, BELƏ AS, Noyabr 8, 2018 –Today FITE announced their content partnership to power the first all-digital martial arts channel COMBAT GO by Jungo TV as a linear offering on the ad-supported Roku channel.

Roku users can easily access COMBAT GO through the Roku Express®, Roku Streaming Stick®, and Roku Ultra® devices, as well as on a variety of smart TVs and Roku TVs® from brands including TCL, Hisense, Hitachi, Sharp, Insignia and RCA, delivering Cinedigm’s content to more than 21 milyon tamaşaçı.

COMBAT GO is a partnership between Cinedigm and global television distributor JungoTV. COMBAT GO, created by JungoTV CEO George Chung, a five-time karate champion and world-renowned black belt, presents curated content selected by martial arts experts, featuring in-depth fight commentary and analysis, original docuseries, and martial arts movies. Through its partnership with FITE, the network covers combat events from around the globe including MMA, Muay Thai, wrestling and boxing, highlighting promotions such as RIZIN, Glory of Heroes, Kun Lun Fights, and Brave Fighting Championship. COMBAT GO also covers a number of alternative combat sports geared toward millennial audiences.

“FITE is excited about this opportunity for both our programmers and for fight fans to make all forms of combat sports available on an additional combat sports platform,” said FITE COO Michael Weber. “Currently, FITE offers over 800 live combat sports programs a year, and this relationship will help expand the overall viewership for these programs.”

Vargas Having His Best Training Camp Ever, Preparing to Face Espinoza at “Rumble at the Rock III” on Friday, Nov. 30, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla. and Live on Boxeo Telemundo

Colombian bantamweight Yeison “El Mulo” Vargas will be experiencing a number of career firsts in the Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, and live on Boxeo Telemundo, Cümə günü, Noyabr 30.




That’s when Cartagena’s undefeated Vargas (17-0, 12 Kos) will face Mexico’s Ricardo Espinoza (21-2, 18 Kos) for the WBO-NABO Championship in the 10-round main event of promoter Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory’s (in association with All Star Boxing) “Rumble at the Rock III” event.




In the first important crossroads fight of his three-year career, Vargas be fighting for the first time outside his homeland, and also having his first fight under The Heavyweight Factory promotional banner.




To prepare, Vargas has spent training camp working with well-known Florida-based trainer Herman Caicedo in Miami. “This is the best training camp I’ve ever had,"Varqas dedi. “I’m learning so many new skills and different techniques from Herman. I feel so good, I can’t wait to hear the bell ring.”




28-year-old Vargas, the current Colombian Champion, says he’s ready for a gritty battle if that’s what it takes against Espinoza, the WBO Latino Bantamweight Champion. “I know he’s a good fighter and that he won’t lay down. He will be there to win too, and I need to be impressive in beating him. I also know he’s a big puncher. That’s what I like to hear. We can go to war.”




Vargas says he hooked up with the Hollywood, Florida-based Heavyweight Factory through his manager Angel Villegas and is hoping to start cultivating a fan-base in Florida, and because of the TV exposure, North America.




“This is my most important fight yet,"Varqas dedi. “Winning this fight means climbing the ladder in the United States. That’s been my dream since I started boxing. I want the fans to know I’m going to put on an exciting performance for them, so they remember my name.”




In the 10-round welterweight co-main event, Derrieck Cuevas (18-0-1, 14 Kos) of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, will face well-known Miami via Barranquilla, Kolumbiya, veteran Breidis “Khanqueror” Prescott (31-14, 22 Kos).




Biletlər dəyəri $500, $200, $150 və $100. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, online at www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Explore the new Hard Rock Event Center with a 360-degree virtual seat map of the venue at www.myhrl.com. Doors open one hour prior to show start time. Additional fees may apply.