Таг Арцхивес: бокс

Непоражени шампион у полутешкој категорији Кеитх Тхурман враћа се дуго очекиваном прстену да брани наслов против окорјелог ветерана Јосесита Лопеза Уживо у Приметимеу на Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс на ФОКС & ФОКС Депортес субота, Јануар 26 Из Барцлаис центру у Бруклину

Такође у акцији! Непоражени Адам Коначки суочава се са Џералдом Вашингтоном у атракцији тешке категорије & Непоражени такмичар у перолакој категорији Тугстгогт Ниамбаиар Битке Цлаудио Марреро

Улазнице у продаји Нов!

БРООКЛИН (Децембар 18, 2018) – Непоражени ВБА светски првак у полутешкој категорији Кит "Једно време" Турман враћа се у ринг након дужег отпуштања због повреде да би одбранио наслов против ветерана Јосесито Лопез у суботу, Јануар 26 уживо у ударном термину на главном догађају о Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс на ФОКС и ФОКС Депортес из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™.

Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. ПТ и видеће заједничку играну представу са брзо растућим непораженим пољским такмичаром у тешкој категорији Адам Ковнацки док се сукобљава са бившим изазивачем титуле Џералд Вашингтон у борби од 10 рунди и непораженом претенду у перолакој категорији Тугстгогт Ниамбаиар битака Клаудио Мареро за отварање емисије.

Улазнице за представу почињу у $50 и могу се купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом,или позивом 800-745-3000. Улазнице се такође могу купити на благајни Америцан Екпресс-а у Барцлаис Центер. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.

„Постоји велики ниво ишчекивања и интрига око повратка ринга шампиона у полутешкој категорији Кеитха Тхурмана, и Јосесито Лопез ће сигурно пружити неке одговоре о томе где је Тхурман након скоро две године ван ринга,’’ Рекао је Том Браун, Председник ТГБ Промоције. „Адам Ковнацки и Гералд Васхингтон имају прилику да покажу тачно где се налазе у оживљеној тешкој категорији. Обојица су велики тешкаши који воле да бацају ударце. Ниамбаиар и Марреро загарантовано ће додати ватромет у већ узбудљиву емисију. То је врста ноћи која ће имати фанове на ивици својих места. ''

„Говорим о боксу навијачи свуда када кажем да нестрпљиво очекујемо повратак Кеитха Тхурмана до прстена,”Рекао је Бретт Иормарк, Извршни директор компаније БСЕ Глобал. „Доживео је сјајно успех у Барцлаис Центер, па приличи да ће повести јаку годину програмирања БРООКЛИН БОКС-а у 2019. Такође се радујем што ћу видети локалне омиљени Адам Ковначки, који увек долази са јаким контингентом гласних навијачи. “

Турман (28-0, 22 КОс) направио стални успон у полутешкој категорији и достигао врхунац тешким победама над Схавном Портером и Даннијем Гарциаом у Барцлаис Центер,од којих му је овај други уз ВБА титулу донео и ВБЦ круну. Али низ повреда га је уклонио готово две године, доводећи у питање његово место међу елитама од 147 килограма. Тридесетогодишњи Тхурман, који је и даље актуелни ВБА шампион у полутешкој категорији, жели да поврати свој првокласни статус у дивизији почев од Лопеза.

Турман, који живи и тренира у Цлеарватер-у, Флорида, улази у ринг први пут од победе подељене одлуке Гарциа у марту 4, 2017.

„Изузетно сам узбуђена што сам се вратила у ринг,’’ Рекао је Турман. „Мало ме нервира с обзиром на слободно време и зато што желим да имам изванредне перформансе. Желим више да причам рукама више од речи и утишам оне неуобичајене који мисле да је Кеитх Тхурман изгубио страст и вештине у боксу. Верујем да сам најбоља велтер категорија у дивизији и на свету и надам се да ћу то показати у јануару 26 нокаутом. У најбољим борбама у полутешкој категорији учествовао је Кит Тхурман и тако ће бити и даље. Радујем се што ћу имати огромну годину и показати зашто сам број један. “

34-годишња Лопез(36-7, 19 КОс) покушава да осујети Тхурманове планове да поврати своју високу позицију у дивизији од 147 килограма. Надимак „Тхе Риверсиде Роцки“ због свог стила све акције, Риверсиде, Родом из Калифорније закорачио је у ринг против неких од најбољих боксера ове генерације. Забележио је три узастопне победе откако је претрпео ТКО пораз од бившег првака у полутешкој категорији Андре Берта 2015. Лопез је једногласно победио одлуком над претходно непобеђеним Мигуелом Црузом у априлу 28 уживо на ФОКС-у.

„Приближавам се овој борби не остављајући камен на камену док се припремам за наступ на том светском првенству,’’ Рекао је Лопез. „Организовао сам тренинг камп са надморском висином, јурећи кокоши,цепање дрва – стварно улагање у посао. Генерално, отпуштање ће утицати на њега и могло би доћи до мало оклевања, али видећемо да дођемо у ноћ борбе. Побољшања која сам направио са Робертом Гарсијом последњих неколико година ће доћи на ред. Ојачали су моје квалитете и једва чекам да то покажем свету. "

Ковнацки (18-0, 14 КОс) се попео кроз тешке категорије са чврстим стилом тучњаве који је створио низ победа у нокауту и ​​узбудљивих обрачуна. Његов низ нокаута завршио се у четири у последњој борби, када је у септембру постигао једногласну победу над бившим прваком у тешкој категорији Цхарлесом Мартином 8. Ковнацки, који је рођен у Ломжи, Пољска и сада живи у Бруклину, бориће се у Барцлаис Центер-у трећи пут заредом и осми пут укупно.

„Живот у Бруклину ми је ово као домаћа утакмица,”Рекао је Ковначки.” Имао сам неке од својих најбољих наступа у Барцлаис Центер-у и једва чекам да закорачим у ринг против Гералда Васхингтона и представим се на ПБЦ-у на ФОКС-у. Не постоји ништа боље да започнемо годину него нокаутом и то је оно што планирам да урадим у јануару 26 у Барцлаис Центер. Надам се да ће сви моји фанови изаћи као и увек и да ће арена бити у белом и црвеном. ''

Вашингтон (19-2-1, 12 КОс) је 6-метарски-тешкаш који је успео да искористи своју атлетску способност да се пробије поред већине противника са којима се суочава. Та атлетичност ће представљати изазов за Ковнацког, који би могао да се суочи са најтежом борбом у каријери.36-годишњи Вашингтон из Валлејоа, California is a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran who has challenged Deontay Wilder for his championship. He is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in his last fight on June 10.

“I can’t wait to show everything I’ve been working on,’’ said Washington, “Boxing is a sport of truth. It brings the truth to light and it exposed my truth and what I needed to work on. You have to be able to adjust and be comfortable in every situation. You have to be ready for what’s to come. I’m expecting a hard fight from him. He’s a bruiser. He’s tough and he loves to fight. He’s in his hometown and he’s ready and he’s going to bring it, but I’m ready to position myself to fight again for a world title.’’

Nyambayar (10-0, 9КОс) has made a rapid ascent through the talent-laden featherweight division with precision and power. The 26-year-old Nyambayar, who is from Ulan-Bator Mongolia and now lives in Carson, Калифорнија, won a silver medal in the 2012 London Olympics as a member of the Mongolian boxing team. He scored a KO victory over Oscar Escandon in his last fight on May 26.

Марреро (23-2, 17КОс), a 29-year-old southpaw from Santo Domingo, Доминиканска Република, is coming off a stunning KO victory over Jorge Lara in his last fight on April 28.Marrero two losses have come against former featherweight champion Jesus Cuellar in 2013 and Jesus Rojas in 2015. A victory over Nyambayar will putMarrero in position to fight for a world title again.w


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live At 5:30 п.м. ET/2:30 п.м. PT On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service

ЊУЈОРК - децембар 18, 2018 - SHOWTIME Sports will present the highly anticipated rematch between top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora this Saturday, Децембар 22 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ у 5:30 п.м. ET/2:30 п.м. ПТ. As with all SHOWTIME programming, the event will air live on air and via the networks’ streaming service.

Whyte (24-1, 17 КОс) and Chisora (29-8, 21 КОс) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights, live from London’s The O2 on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL.The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch.

“SHOWTIME continues to lead the industry by delivering more of the most compelling boxing events from around the world to our premium cable subscribers and online streaming customers,", Рекао је Стивен Еспиноза, Председник, Сховтиме Спорт. “This network has televised all of the most important heavyweight fights during the division’s renaissance and we are proud to join Matchroom Sports in delivering Whyte-Chisora II to our audience. Their first fight was action-packed from bell to bell. Сада, with the stakes as high as they have ever been for both men,this bout promises to be even better. I hope that the boxing pundits have not yet cast their vote for Fight, Knockout and Round of the Year. Saturday’s matchup may challenge some of this year’s best.”

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood calling the action.

The stakes are high in the rematch, as both Whyte and Chisora have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder. Whyte holds the No. 1 ranking in the WBC and WBO, as well as the WBA’s No. 4 position. Chisora is ranked No. 5 by both the WBA and IBF, као ни. 9 по ВБЦ. Their first matchup was widely regarded as the best heavyweight matchup of 2016, and round five of their “sensational fight” earned Round of the Year honors from ESPN.

Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Battles Undefeated Top Contender Marcus Browne for WBA Interim 175-Pound Title On Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV®

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Јануар 19

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Више! Former World Champion Rau’shee Warren Meets Unbeaten Nordine Oubaali for Vacant WBC Bantamweight Title &

Unbeaten Featherweight Jhack Tepora Takes on

Former World Champion Hugo Ruiz

ЛАС ВЕГАС (Децембар 17, 2018) – Две подела светски шампион Бадоу Џек бориће се против непобеђеног најбоље оцењиваног кандидата Марцус Бровне for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title Saturday, Јануар 19 on the Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV® event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view undercard will also see former world champion Рау'схее Ворен taking on France’s Нордине Оубаали за упражњено ВБЦ Бантамвеигхт Светско првенство у реваншу њиховог 2012 Olympic match up that was edged by Oubaali. In the opening bout of the four-fight PPV telecast, неумућен JhackTepora ће преузети бивши првак света Хуго Руиз у окршају у перолакој категорији од 12 рунди.

У главном догађају, Senator Manny “Пацман” Пацкуиао, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “Проблем” Бронер.

Карте за догађај, коју промовишу МП Промотионс, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, не укључујући примењиве наплаћивања услуга, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, пунити на телефон 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Not only will the fans witness a tremendous main event, they will get to enjoy three action-packed match-ups that will add another level to the pay-per-view portion of the card,” рекао је Леонард Еллербе, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Both Jhack Tepora and Hugo Ruiz are looking to make a name for themselves in the stacked featherweight division, while Rau’shee Warren and Nordine Oubaali are in the prime of their careers and battling for the WBC title. Маивеатхер Промоције’ Badou Jack has made an exemplary statement for his career inside and outside of the ring and is focused on further strengthening his resume, while Marcus Browne is looking to showcase his talent on boxing’s biggest stage.

Утичница (22-1-3, 13 КОс) has fought twice at light heavyweight since relinquishing his super middleweight world title to campaign at 175 фунти. The 35-year-old, who was born in Stockholm, Шведска, represented his father’s Gambia in the 2008 Olympics and now lives in Las Vegas. Jack won the super middleweight world title with a majority decision against Anthony Dirrell in 2015 and successfully defended the title three times before he relinquished the belt following a hard-fought majority draw against James DeGale in one 2017’s best fights. In his first bout at 175 фунти, Jack stopped Nathan Cleverly to pick up the WBA light heavyweight title before fighting to a majority draw against Adonis Stevenson in his last fight on May 19.

I’m looking forward to getting back onto another big stage to perform for my fans across the globe and prove I am one of the best fighters in the world,” said Jack. “I plan to show off my skills with a dominating performance on January 19. I always want to fight the best, and he’s the best that’s available right now. I’m always 100 percent ready and I’m going into this fight stronger, faster and with more experience than ever before.

The 28-year-old Browne (22-0, 16 КОс) will be taking a step up to face an elite opponent when he battles Jack. Члан од 2012 У.С. Olympic boxing team, Browne moved up the contender ladder in the 175-pound division with brute force and power, scoring three straight knockout victories against Thomas Williams, Јр., Sean Monaghan and Francy Ntetu. Бровне, who was born and raised in Staten Island, НИ, scored a unanimous decision victory over Lenin Castillo in his last fight on August 4.

This is really an honor and a privilege to have an opportunity to showcase my talents on a big time pay-per-view card featuring Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner,” Browne said. “Badou Jack is a championship-caliber fighter and one of the toughest guys you can fight in the light heavyweight division. I’m ready for the step up in competition and focused on being a household name in the sport sooner rather than later.

Одгајивачница зечева (16-2, 4 КОс) is looking to return to the world championship ranks with a victory over Oubaali. The 31-year-old became the first three-time Olympic boxer from the U.S. when he qualified for consecutive Olympic teams in 2004, 2008 и 2012. His Olympic run came to an end against Oubaali when he lost a narrow 19-18 decision in the first round of the 2012 London Games. A southpaw from Cincinnati, Охајо, Warren won the WBA Bantamweight World Championship with a majority decision over Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 and lost the title the next year to Zhanat Zhakiyanov by split-decision.

This fight means everything for me and it’s about to be the biggest moment of my career,” Warren said. “Not only am I fighting for the WBC belt, but it’s on pay-per-view. When I first won the title it was like winning the gold medal at the Olympics. After I lost the title, it made me much hungrier and I want to get it back even more. I fought this guy in the Olympics, so I’m fighting for revenge. This isn’t the Olympics. This is 12 rounds and I don’t think he’s fought anybody like me. I have no choice but to put it all on the line on January 19.

The 32-year-old Oubaali (14-0, 11 КОс), an unbeaten southpaw from Lens, Pas-de-Calais, Француска, has knocked out his last five opponents. His most recent KO of Luis Melendez on April 17 moved Oubaali up the ranks to position him for a world title shot. Oubaali, who is the sixth of 18 children born in France to parents who are from Morocco, twice represented France at the Olympics, qualifying in 2008 и 2012 when he defeated Warren.

Many people are waiting for this fight because it’s the second time we meet,” said Oubaali.I beat Rau’shee Warren at the 2012 London Games in a great battle. In the meantime, Rau’shee captured a world championship and lost it. Odmah, I’m the WBC No. 1 ranked bantamweight fighter in the world. It will be a great fight in Las Vegas on January 19 and I intend to beat Rau’shee again to become the new WBC world champion.

The 25-year-old Tepora (22-0, 17 КОс) has steadily risen up the ranks since turning pro in 2012 and most recently captured the WBA interim featherweight crown with a ninth-round stoppage of Edivaldo Ortega in July. Representing Cebu City, Филипини, Tepora enters his U.S. debut on January 19 with stoppage wins in 11 од његова последња 12 такмичења.

It has always been a dream to fight in the United States,” said Tepora. “I never dreamed that my first fight in the U.S. would be on a card with Senator Manny Pacquiao vs. Адријен Бронер. I look forward to a tremendous fight on January 19 and defending my title versus former world champion Hugo Ruiz. As you all know the best rivalry in boxing is Filipino vs. Мексиканац. It’s going to be a great fight.

Fighting out of Los Mochis, Синалоа, Мексико, Руиз (38-4, 33 КОс) will make his featherweight debut on January 19 after picking up two victories in 2018. The 30-year-old won a super bantamweight world title with a first round stoppage of Julio Ceja in 2016, avenging his previous loss to Ceja in one of 2015’s most exciting fights. He now seeks to position himself for a world title at 126 pounds with a victory against Tepora.

I expect it to be a good fight because Tepora is undefeated and a good Filipino champion,” said Ruiz. “But I’m ready. I don’t think he can handle my power. Идем да га нокаутирати. I want to do my best to win the title. I’ve been watching videos of him and I’ve been training hard. I’m really focused on how to beat him. I’m still young, but I’ve got the experience to handle him in this fight.

Claressa Shields Is The BWAA’s 2018 Жена борац оф тхе Иеар

Кликните ОВДЕ to read online|

By Joseph Santoliquito/BWAA President

In a pivotal year for women’s boxing that saw the sport reach more
people than ever before, two-time United States Olympic gold medal
winner Claressa Shields continued to soar, as she successfully defended her two world middleweight titles, then added three super middleweight belts before the end of a campaign that earned her the 2018 Christy
Martin Award, which is given to the Boxing Writers Association of
America’s Female Fighter of the Year.

I am thrilled and honored to receive the Fighter of the Year award from the Boxing Writers Association of America. It is a dream come true, and it furthers my goal to lift women’s boxing to new levels,” Shields said.

“У 2019 my goals are to become undisputed champion, to be ranked in the top 10 pound-for-pound list regardless of gender, and to continue
the march of women’s boxing toward equality with men.

The 23-year-old from Flint, Michigan becomes the second winner of the award, which was established in 2017. She will be honored at the
BWAA’s annual award dinner, which will take place in 2019 at a site and date to be determined.

In such a big year for women’s boxing, it wasn’t a surprise that there
were so many worthy nominees for this award, but in 2018, Claressa
Shields took things to a new level by becoming a two-division world
champion and successfully defending her titles at both 168 и 160
pounds in Showtime and HBO-televised bouts,” said Thomas Gerbasi,
chairman of the BWAA’s women’s boxing committee. “That’s impressive in its own right, but the fact that she’s done this all before her tenth pro
fight and under the glare of the spotlight that comes with being the face of the sport in the United States made her a unanimous choice for this
year’s Christy Martin Award.

Joining Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward and the late Emanuel Steward as
members of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame’s Class of 2018, Shields began the year on a collision course with middleweight
champion Christina Hammer, but first she finished up her business at
168 pounds by successfully defending her IBF and WBC titles with a
shutout victory over Tori Nelson in January.

Next was Shieldsmiddleweight debut against Hanna Gabriels in June,
and what followed was a Fight of the Year candidate that saw Shields
rebound from the first knockdown of her career to win a clear-cut
decision and the IBF and WBA belts. Убрзо након, the news came that
Hammer had to withdraw from her November clash with Shields due to
injury, али “T-Rexdidn’t slow down, as she defeated Hannah Rankin and Femke Hermans to successfully defend her middleweight titles while
adding the WBC crown to her trophy case.

Jermall Charlo to Battle Matt Korobov for WBC Interim Middleweight Championship Live in Primetime on FOX & ФОКС Спортс

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Децембар 22 из Барцлаис центра у Бруклину

БРООКЛИН (Децембар 17, 2018) – Миддлевеигхт кандидат Matt Korobov has stepped up to challenge Јермалл Цхарло for the WBC Interim Middleweight Championship live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes on Saturday, Децембар 22 из Барцлаис Центер, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Korobov is replacing Willie Monroe, Јр., who was removed from the main event after he tested positive for a banned substance by VADA under the WBC Clean Boxing Program. The WBC is conducting further investigation into the matter.

Korobov was due to fight on the undercard and had been training to fight December 22. He willingly stepped forward when the call came for a replacement for Monroe.

I was well prepared for Willie Monroe, који је левак, so there won’t be that much difference facing Korobov,” Саид Цхарло. “There is a size difference. He’s taller than Monroe, but I’ll just have to adjust my game plan. The best fighters in the world are the ones who are able to make the best adjustments. Beating Korobov is going to make the victory that much sweeter due to this adversity. That means the celebration is going to be sweeter as well. He was fighting on the undercard, so he’s prepared. But now fighting for the title in the top spot is going to make him fight harder. Свиђа ми се. He’s a much better opponent on paper than Willie Monroe Jr.

I was training to fight on this card so I am physically and mentally ready to fight,” said Korobov. “It doesn’t matter that I am taking this fight on a week’s notice because I have been preparing for this moment my entire life. I will make a few adjustments for Charlo and make the most of this opportunity. Не пропустите. Make sure you tune-in to FOX for a great fight.

The Charlo vs. Korobov bout is part of a blockbuster PBC on FOX show that features the Charlo Twins defending their world titles and a heavyweight showdown between Dominic Breazeale and Carlos Negron beginning at 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. ПТ.

Јермалл Цхарло, who won a coin toss with his brother, will close the show in a 12-round WBC middleweight championship bout against Korobov, while Jermell Charlo will battle Tony Harrison in defense of the WBC Super Welterweight World Title.

Коробов (28-1, 14 КОс), who was originally scheduled to face Colombia’s Juan De Angel, has an outstanding resume that includes a unanimous decision victory over current super middleweight world champion Jose Uzcategui in 2014. His lone loss came against Andy Lee in a middleweight championship fight in 2014. Korobov was ahead on all three judgesscorecards when he was caught by a right hand from Lee that resulted in a sixth round TKO loss.

The 35-year-old southpaw is from Orotukan, Russia and now lives in St. Петербург, Флорида. As an amateur he won the European Championships in 2006 by defeating reigning undisputed cruiserweight champion Oleksandr Usyk. Био је члан од 2008 Russian Olympic boxing team and finished his amateur career with a record of 300-12. He enters this fight with four straight victories, having most recently scored a unanimous decision over Jonathan Batista.

Tickets for the show, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, begin at $50 и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом, или позивом 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting Saturday, Октобар 27 at noon ET.

Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. За више информација: посета ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и ввв.фокдепортес.цом, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ФутуреОфБокинг, @ТвинЦхарло, @PBConFOX, ФОКССПОРТС, ФОКСДепортес, @ТГБПромотионс, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес.


Фотографија Кредит – Hosanna Rull

ХОУСТОН, ТКС (Децембар 14, 2018)Tonight at the Arabia Shrine Center in Houston, Тексас, Prince Ranch Boxing’s super bantamweight prospect, Раеесе Алеем (13-0, 7 КОс), remained undefeated with a 5тх round TKO against Derrick Wilson (12-8-2, 3 КОс).

From the opening bell Aleem started to dominate the fight, using superior lateral movement, in addition to accurate punching. Although Wilson was game for the first few rounds, Aleem eventually got him out of there with a barrage of punches in round five. Време застоја било 1:53 од колу пет.

I feel I’m the best super bantamweight in the world and every time I step in the ring, I’m going to prove it,” said Aleem, who is promoted by Kings Promotions and trained by Bones Adams, упоредо са Brandon Woods. “I’m ready to battle the best fighters in my division with the goal of becoming a world champion. I’m coming for everyone at 122 поундс.”

“Вечерас, Raeese Aleem showed why his is one of the top prospects in the super bantamweight division,” said manager Greg Hannley, of Prince Ranch Boxing. “His incredible boxing ability is a thing of beauty. 2019 will be a big year for him as I see him in a big fight with one of the top contenders.

Рои Јонес, Јр. Boxing inks 18-1 featherweight prospect Ray Ximenez, Јр.

ЛАС ВЕГАС (Децембар 13, 2018) – Roy Jones, Јр. (RJJ) Boxing proudly announces the signing of Dallas featherweight prospect Ray Ximenez, Јр. to a long-term, exclusive promotional contract.

Вожња пет-фигхт вин стреак, the 25-year-old Ximenez (18-1, 4 КОс) is expected to make his RJJ Boxing debut in March. “We’re excited to sign another top prospect like Ray Ximenez to our growing stable of fighters,” RJJ Boxing CEO and co-founder Кеитх Велтре рекао. “Ray is an old-school boxer, well-conditioned, hard-working, and we believe he has a very bright future.”

“I’m very excited and very appreciated for Roy Jones Jr. Boxing giving me this opportunity,” Ximenez commented. “I plan on showing everyone that I will be the next world champion from Dallas. Спреман сам, willing and able to fight anyone, било куда, any place and any time.”

Ximenez was a standout amateur boxer, compiling a sterling 120-9 запис, highlighted by three gold-medal performances, both in the National P.A.L. Championships and Ringside World Championships. A six-time Dallas Golden Gloves champion, Ximenez started boxing at the age of 10. He also captured gold at the 2009 Silver Gloves National Championships and Junior Olympic National Championships. He represented and captained Team USA at the 2009 Youth World Junior Olympics.

У 2010, Ximenez made a successful pro debut, winning a four-round unanimous decision versus Cristoval Larrazolo..

Five years later, Ximenez defeated Јессе Ангел Хернандез, currently 12-1 and world rated (ИБФ #14, ВБО #15), by way of a six-round split decision in Fort Worth, Тексас. Last February on beIN Sports, Ximenez registered an impressive eight-round unanimous decision in Dallas over EugeneLagos, who in his next fight on ESPN knocked off Golden Boy’s top prospect, непоражен (15-0) Emilio Sanchez, у кругу два.

Ximenez won a 10-round unanimous decision over 111-fight veteran Немачки мераз this past July in Ximenez’ last fight.

“I’m also excited and appreciative for this opportunity,” Ximenez’ manager Michael Montoya додао. “I’d like to especially thank CEO Keith Veltre and matchmaker Guy Taylor for believing in Ray Ximenez, Јр. and I am looking forward to a long-term relationship with one of the best boxing promoters in the sport of boxing.”


Websites: хттп://ввв.РоиЈонесЈрБокинг.цом

Твиттер: @РоијонесЈРфа, @alexflores919

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Фацебоок: хттп://www.facebook.com/RJJBoxing

World-Ranked Super Middleweight Aslambek ‘The Hulk’ Idigov Returns to Action on December 18

У уторак, Децембар 18, inside the Pyramid in Kazan, Русија, ВБО #13 super middleweight Aslambek “The Hulk” Idigov will stay active with a 10-round showdown against rugged Russian veteran Konstantin “The Volga Cossack” Piternov.

Idigov (14-0, 6 КОс) is a 5’ 8” bull with pinpoint accuracy. This will be the Idigov’s fourth fight this year since signing with Salita. The 23-year-old has been training mostly at the Kronk Gym in Detroit to prepare for his fights and the improvement has been remarkable.

“I had a great training camp and I look forward to putting it all on display December 18,” said Idigov. “I have a very experienced opponent in front of me, but my skills will show that I am ready for the elite in the division.”

Idogov is another of Salita Promotions’ “Beasts from the East,” a growing stable of fighters from the former Soviet Bloc that includes Uzbekistan-born junior welterweight sensation Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev, undefeated world-ranked light heavyweight Umar Salamov, undefeated Kazakhstani junior welterweight showman Bakhtiyar Eyubov, undefeated heavyweight Apti Davtaev, undefeated Ukrainian-born ethnic Korean super bantamweight slugger Arnold Khegai, cruiserweight contender Alexey Zubov, undefeated women’s future champion Elena Savelyeva, top-rated bantamweight Nikolai Potapov, undefeated up-and-coming women’s prospect Elena Gradinar and undefeated heavyweight Izim Izbaki.

“Aslambek has shown tremendous improvement in his last several fights and I expect for him to finish the year out in a big way with an impressive victory on December 18,” said his promoter, Дмитриј Салита.

Непоражени шампион у полутешкој категорији Кеитх Тхурман враћа се дуго очекиваном прстену да брани наслов против окорјелог ветерана Јосесита Лопеза Уживо у Приметимеу на Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс на ФОКС & ФОКС Депортес субота, Јануар 26

Из Барцлаис центру у Бруклину

Такође у акцији! Непоражени Адам Коначки суочава се са Џералдом Вашингтоном у атракцији тешке категорије

Улазнице у продаји Нов!

БРООКЛИН (Децембар 12, 2018) – Непоражени ВБА светски првак у полутешкој категорији Кеитх “Оне Тиме” Турман враћа се у ринг након дужег отпуштања због повреде да би одбранио наслов против ветерана Јосесито Лопез у суботу, Јануар 26 live in primetime in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™.

Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. ПТ и видеће заједничку играну представу са брзо растућим непораженим пољским такмичаром у тешкој категорији Адам Ковнацки док се сукобљава са бившим изазивачем титуле Џералд Вашингтон у 10 колу битке а. Улазнице за представу почињу у $50 и могу се купити на тицкетмастер.цом,барцлаисцентер.цом, или позивом 800-745-3000.

Улазнице се такође могу купити на благајни Америцан Екпресс-а у Барцлаис Центер. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.

There is a high level of anticipation and intrigue surrounding the ring return of welterweight champion Keith Thurman, и Јосесито Лопез ће сигурно пружити неке одговоре о томе где је Тхурман након скоро две године ван ринга,” said Tom Brown, Председник ТГБ Промоције. “Adam Kownacki and Gerald Washington have the opportunity to show exactly where they stand in the resurgent heavyweight division. Обојица су велики тешкаши који воле да бацају ударце. It’s the kind of night that will have fans on the edge of their seats.

I speak for boxing fans everywhere when I say we are eagerly anticipating Keith Thurman’s return to the ring,” рекао је Бретт Иормарк, Извршни директор компаније БСЕ Глобал. “He has experienced great success at Barclays Center, so it’s fitting that he will lead off a strong year of BROOKLYN BOXING programming in 2019. I also look forward to seeing local favorite Adam Kownacki, who always comes with a strong contingent of loud fans.

Турман (28-0, 22 КОс) направио стални успон у полутешкој категорији и достигао врхунац тешким победама над Схавном Портером и Даннијем Гарциаом у Барцлаис Центер, од којих му је овај други уз ВБА титулу донео и ВБЦ круну. But a string of injuries, including surgery and rehabilitation on his elbow, has sidelined him for nearly two years, доводећи у питање његово место међу елитама од 147 килограма.

Тридесетогодишњи Тхурман, који је и даље актуелни ВБА шампион у полутешкој категорији, жели да поврати свој првокласни статус у дивизији почев од Лопеза. Турман, који живи и тренира у Цлеарватер-у, Флорида, enters the ring for the first time since a split decision victory over Garcia on March 4, 2017.

I’m extremely excited to step back into the ring,” Саид Турман. “It’s a little nerve wracking considering the time off and because I want to have a tremendous performance. Желим више да причам рукама више од речи и утишам оне неуобичајене који мисле да је Кеитх Тхурман изгубио страст и вештине у боксу. Верујем да сам најбоља велтер категорија у дивизији и на свету и надам се да ћу то показати у јануару 26 нокаутом. У најбољим борбама у полутешкој категорији учествовао је Кит Тхурман и тако ће бити и даље. I’m looking forward to having a tremendous year and showing why I’m number one.

34-годишња Лопез (36-7, 19 КОс) покушава да осујети Тхурманове планове да поврати своју високу позицију у дивизији од 147 килограма. Надимак “The Riverside Rockybecause of his all-action style, Риверсиде, Родом из Калифорније закорачио је у ринг против неких од најбољих боксера ове генерације. Забележио је три узастопне победе откако је претрпео ТКО пораз од бившег првака у полутешкој категорији Андре Берта 2015.

Лопез је једногласно победио одлуком над претходно непобеђеним Мигуелом Црузом у априлу 28 уживо на ФОКС-у. “I’m approaching this fight as leaving no stone unturned as I prepare to take that world championship,” Lopez said. “I’ve set up training camp with altitude, јурећи кокоши, цепање дрва – стварно улагање у посао. Генерално, отпуштање ће утицати на њега и могло би доћи до мало оклевања, али видећемо да дођемо у ноћ борбе. Побољшања која сам направио са Робертом Гарсијом последњих неколико година ће доћи на ред. They’ve strengthened my qualities and I can’t wait to show it to the world.

Ковнацки (18-0, 14 КОс) се попео кроз тешке категорије са чврстим стилом тучњаве који је створио низ победа у нокауту и ​​узбудљивих обрачуна. His knockout streak ended at four in his last fight when he scored a unanimous decision victory over former heavyweight champion Charles Martin on September. 8.

Ковнацки, који је рођен у Ломжи, Пољска и сада живи у Бруклину, бориће се у Барцлаис Центер-у трећи пут заредом и осми пут укупно.

Living in Brooklyn this is like a home game for me,” said Kownacki.I’ve had some of my best performances at Barclays Center and I can’t wait to step into the ring against Gerald Washington and showcase myself on PBC on FOX. Не постоји ништа боље да започнемо годину него нокаутом и то је оно што планирам да урадим у јануару 26 у Барцлаис Центер. I hope all my fans will come out like they always do and have the arena in white and red.

Вашингтон (19-2-1, 12 КОс) је 6-метарски-тешкаш који је успео да искористи своју атлетску способност да се пробије поред већине противника са којима се суочава. Та атлетичност ће представљати изазов за Ковнацког, who could be facing the toughest fight of his career. The 36-year-old Washington of Vallejo, California is a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran who has challenged Deontay Wilder for his championship. He is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in his last fight on June 10.

I can’t wait to show everything I’ve been working on,” је рекао да Вашингтон, “Boxing is a sport of truth. It brings the truth to light and it exposed my truth and what I needed to work on. You have to be able to adjust and be comfortable in every situation. You have to be ready for what’s to come. I’m expecting a hard fight from him. He’s a bruiser. He’s tough and he loves to fight. He’s in his hometown and he’s ready and he’s going to bring it, but I’m ready to position myself to fight again for a world title.

# # #


САН ФРАНЦИСКО, КАО ШТО СУ (Децембар 11, 2018)
Undefeated female super flyweight Цасеи “Lady Hawaiian Punch” Мортон (7-0-3 1КО), will be fighting for her second title as she faces Jutamas Jitpong (4-2 2КОс) for the vacant WBO Asia Pacific Female Super Flyweight Title. The 10-round bout will take place this Saturday, December 8th, at the Yubei Sport Center in Yubei, Кина.

I am excited to fight for my second WBO Asia Pacific Female title!” said Casey Morton. “I won the WBO Asia Pacific flyweight title earlier this year, so to get another title before the year over is a dream come true. Желим да се борим најбоље, I don’t want easy fights and I want to prove that I am a true champion.

Casey Morton is an amazing boxer who packs a featherweight punch in a flyweight frame,” said manager Greg Hannley од Принц Ранцх Бокс. “I don’t see many flyweights surviving all ten-rounds with her after she moved up in weight to super flyweight. She is a star and we are excited to work with her.

I am super grateful for all of my opportunities but want to give all glory to God, as well as my team, including my manager Greg Hannley and everyone at SNAC System. I’m grateful to Victor Conte for the high-level training he provides and I will show my ability come fight night.