标记档案: 拳击

乔伊斯在 O2 球场面临斯蒂文恩的酸性测试


捍卫英联邦头衔并回归 前世界冠军李·塞尔比在德盖尔对阵尤班克的大型比赛中. 卡, 直播 英国独立电视台票房

快速崛起的新星在刚刚迈出无所畏惧的步伐 第八场职业拳击赛快速冲向世界冠军

斯蒂文说这将是乔伊斯的噩梦 他被淘汰了

传奇发起人唐·金承诺“重新 当斯蒂文在伦敦重现麦考尔对刘易斯的胜利时,乔伊斯’

伦敦(23 一月 2019) Poxon Sports 和 PBC 很高兴地宣布重量级轰动 乔·乔伊斯将在他一生中最大的考验中卫冕英联邦冠军 当他迈出巨大的一步来对抗前 WBC 选手时,他的职业生涯保持不败 世界冠军 Bermane Stiverne 将于 2 月 23 日星期六在 The O2,在 ITV Box Office 独家直播.

乔伊斯 vs. Stiverne, 由 Poxon Sports 与 Ringstar Sports 和 Don King 联合推广 作品, 将与前 IBF 世界选手回归一起亮相 羽量级冠军李·塞尔比作为主要支持者之一 精彩纷呈的节目竞赛, 以激动人心的全英比赛为标题 詹姆斯·德盖尔 (James DeGale) 和小克里斯·尤班克 (Chris Eubank Jr.) 之间的激烈冲突.

6英尺6英寸的“主宰者” 从普特尼, 伦敦西南部, 自从那以后就消灭了他所有的七个对手 十月转为职业 2017 在获得银牌后 里约奥运会并被选为最令人畏惧的天才之一 重量级赛区.

这是一次里程碑式的考验 乔伊斯将在第八场比赛中面对前世界冠军, 这 坚如磐石的大锤击中斯蒂文, 出生于蒙特利尔, 加拿大, 的 海地血统,总部位于拉斯维加斯, 已经与一些最大的和 部门中最好的, 包括德昂泰·维尔德和克里斯·阿雷奥拉.

战斗又增加了不好的 乔伊斯和斯蒂文之间的争吵导致流血 乔伊斯在事后接受采访时对斯蒂文的评论感到愤怒 他说他带乔伊斯去学校.

乔伊斯说, “我有 尊重伯曼·斯蒂文纳. 我们在拉斯维加斯打架; 他说他带我去 学校面试等, 它变得丑陋并导致这场战斗发生. 我试过 尊重他, 但他很粗鲁并且对此一无所知. 他是一个 已经去世的前世界冠军 12 与德昂泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 进行回合比赛,并将给予 对我来说是一个真正的挑战; 但我的引擎和动力对他来说太大了, A 他应该知道的事实!”

乔伊斯的 发起人理查德·谢弗, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官, 说, “仅经过七场比赛,乔·乔伊斯就成为排名第五的选手 世界重量级人物。但他以惊人的方式赢得了一切 在他的七场比赛中,他被击倒,这使他成为球迷最喜欢的人 重量级组。与前世界冠军较量 斯蒂文(Stiverne)继续前进,表明对乔来说,没有什么挑战是太大的 迈向重量级世界冠军。简单的说: 乔·乔伊斯有 成为必看电视, 所以请务必在 2 月 23 日收看或来 并观看他在伦敦 O2 的现场直播!”

Stiverne Dirita, “我告诉 我的发起人唐·金(Don King)为我找到了地球上任何一个人,我将为正义而战 向世界证明自己。然后电话响了, 这是唐, 他告诉我 乔·乔伊斯 – 只参加过七场比赛的拳击手 – 同意与我见面! '七 回合?’。打了七场,他竟敢拳击我? 我已经停止了 克里斯·阿雷奥拉, 雷·奥斯汀, 当时不败的克斯顿·曼斯韦尔 – 和一名拳击手 七场战斗想要拳击我?!.’我对唐说‘签名 它, 拿去, 抓住它,' 我准备好了。七场战斗 – 他想要 给我装箱? 对我来说这是梦想成真 – 但对于乔伊斯来说,这将是 恶梦。我会击倒乔·乔伊斯并跨过他去KO安东尼 约书亚。我已做好准备. 真正的贝尔曼·斯蒂文将是 2月23日在那里,并将在途中击败乔·乔伊斯 重新夺回我的重量级桂冠。”

斯蒂文的传奇 发起人唐·金, 额外, “我非常高兴唐·金 制作团队可以宣布我们重返快乐的老英格兰 – “的摇篮” 拳击” 我的拳击巨人在哪里 – 前重量级冠军 世界 Bermane Stiverne 以牺牲巨人乔为代价开始复出 乔伊斯。很遗憾, 对于乔当地的粉丝来说,不会有“re Joycing”’ – 正如我曾经 – 未来的冠军 Bermane Stiverne 将杀死乔伊斯,就像 英石. 乔治扮演了古老的龙。但是不要紧, 我们将接取 并带回乔伊斯,就像我带回并帮助建立了许多 未来在一起。我记得当我和奥利弗·麦考尔一起来到这里时,他 没有机会对抗伦诺克斯·刘易斯。然后弱者变成了强者 当奥利弗KO了之前不败的冠军时,我们带着 标题。历史将在 2 月 23 日重演,届时 Bermane 派出另一位不败的英国人击败。现在 重新装备, 复苏的, 更新了, 恢复活力并重新投入的伯曼 Stiverne 将于 2 月 23 日复活他的职业生涯,届时“上帝之主” 戒指” 压碎了 “世界之主” – '主宰” 乔伊斯 为夺回重量级冠军而不懈努力 世界。祝福所有英国球迷, 上帝保佑女王 – 但上天保佑乔 乔伊斯! 我们将于 2 月 23 日与您见面。”

WBC世界重量级 冠军 Deontay Wilder 也提出了自己的想法 有趣的比赛, 他说,, “乔·乔伊斯对他来说将是一个很好的考验 (Stiverne). 我以前见过乔·乔伊斯. 他是一个好战士. 乔·乔伊斯战斗 乔·汉克斯和泰森·富里一起出现在我的底牌上,但我没有机会见到他 那天晚上战斗. 但我很期待看到他对阵斯蒂文。”

理查德·波克森, 英国 中国人民银行发起人, 说, “我从乔在谢菲尔德的业余时期就认识他了. 他在奥运会上的成功一点也不令我惊讶. 他转型得很好 现在是专业人士,而且显然很着急. 重量级是其中之一 每个人都在再次关注,我完全希望乔能够参与其中 来年的行动. 与前 WBC 世界冠军仅用了 你的第八场比赛清楚地表明了乔的野心。”

自从踏上他的 他追求成为世界重量级冠军的职业生涯, 静静地 乔伊斯用他破坏性的拳头来说话,大胆地做事 让拳击界刮目相看并注意到快速崛起的声明 星星.

在十月 2017 他 当他选择与顽固的前英国冠军作斗争时,批评家们感到震惊 挑战者伊恩·刘易森, 谁刚刚将大拳打脚的迪利安·怀特(Dillian Whyte)延长至十次 回合, 并在八回合内击败了他。

然后在他的第四个 只与 12 在他的领导下进行的轮转和七个月内的转变 亲, 乔伊斯(Joyce)击败了英联邦重量级冠军伦罗伊·托马斯(Lenroy Thomas) 只需两轮 – 创造重量级拳击手新纪录赢得冠军 英联邦带.

在他的最后一战, 美国拳击迷简要了解了这位英国明星的一切 当他在一轮比赛中击败乔·汉克斯赢得 WBA 洲际冠军头衔时 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心完成他闪亮的美国首秀.


奥伊斯, 现在排名 #5 在 WBA 世界拳王并正在快速向世界冠军头衔迈进, 面孔 毫无疑问,这是他迄今为止最严峻的职业考验,对手是经验丰富的人 位于拉斯维加斯的海天队也同样大获全胜,他们已经被淘汰出局 21 他的反对者 25 赢在他的 29 拼事业.

斯蒂文曾担任 四月击败克里斯·阿雷奥拉后,连续两年夺得 WBC 冠军 2013 赢得冠军,然后在复赛中六回合内击败他 五月份的第一次卫冕 2014.

坚如磐石的斯蒂文 然后将炸药拳手 Deontay Wilder 推了整整十二轮距离 1 月份,他将在 WBC 世界重量级冠军争夺战中进行下一次卫冕 2015. 斯蒂文成为第一个超越怀尔德的人 四回合内消灭了所有对手。在复赛近 三年后, 斯蒂文在最后一刻介入,当时怀尔德的原版 对手路易斯·奥尔蒂斯(Luis Ortiz)未通过药检,并因不活动而被停赛 一轮.

Stiverne 现在正在寻找 重返精英重量级组合,战胜乔伊斯将推动 他重新回到聚光灯下,并有望获得潜在的世界冠军 机会.

门票有售 从www.AXS.com 和内场/贵宾招待www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

这场战斗将会展现 ITV 票房独家报道. 欲了解更多信息和更新, 请离开 到www.itvboxoffice.com 

去年年底, 英国独立电视台 宣布与 Haymon Sports 和 Premier Boxing 达成突破性新协议 冠军 (PBC) 独家报道激动人心的 PBC 世界级拳击比赛 为英国 ITV 观众和格斗迷举办的活动.

独特的合作 这是 Haymon Sports 和 PBC 首次与英国合作 广播公司将定期在英国举办拳击比赛. 独家的 三年协议将保证至少 15 每年电视转播的活动, 来自中国人民银行无与伦比的超过 160 世界上最好的拳击手之一 世界, 其中包括超过 60 现任和前任世界冠军 比赛在英国和美国举行. PBC, 体育界最杰出的拳击运动 品牌, 在美国通过有线电视和网络电视播出 状态。

世界级动作 未来三年的活动将包括免费广播 ITV 的频道, 包括 ITV 主频道以及 ITV4 和 ITV Hub, 并且还将 包括 ITV 的 PPV 频道的按次付费节目, 英国独立电视台票房.

这项拳击新协议 增加了 ITV Sport 的一流赛事组合, 其中包括独家 免费转播英格兰足球队的预选赛 欧洲杯和世界杯, 该 6 国家和独家报道 橄榄球世界杯, 英国赛马, 环法自行车赛和法国网球公开赛. 雷尔, ‘����GB�

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, 一月 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, 一月 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX & FOX 驱逐主赛事

布鲁克林 (一月 22, 2019) – 不败上升前景 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 and welterweight contender 米格尔·克鲁兹 will step into action in separate undercard attractions on Saturday, 一月 26 as part of an exciting night presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

十字 (17-1, 11 科斯) will take on Colombia’s 路易斯·弗洛雷斯 (24-11, 20 科斯) in a six or eight round welterweight attraction while Fulton (14-0, 6 科斯) faces Colombia’s马龙·奥莱亚 (13-3, 12 科斯) 在八回合的超最轻量级对决中.

The event is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

演出门票, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, 开始于 $50 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

Rounding out the card are a trio of unbeaten prospects as Clarksburg, 马里兰州马克·邓肯 competes in a four-round middleweight fight against Daniel Flores, Landover, 马里兰州 泰瑞克·厄比 (5-0, 2 科斯) 发生在 乔纳森·菲格罗亚 in a four-round welterweight attraction and Mychal Teal 出圣. 圣彼得堡, Florida steps into the ring for a four-round battle against 雅各布Landin.

The 24-year-old Fulton fights out of Philadelphia and will be making his Barclays Center debut when he steps into the ring Saturday night. Fulton has defeated previously unbeaten fighters in five of his last eight contests and most recently vanquished his most experienced opponent to date in German Meraz last September.

Fighting out of Lake Mary, 佛罗里达, Cruz returns to action after losing an exciting duel against Josesito Lopez last April. A member of the Puerto Rican national team as an amateur, the 28-year-old owns victories over then unbeaten fighters in Alex Martin and Samuel Figueroa.

# # #

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, 一月 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, 更多 2016 中美. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


I’m going to show everyone the full package of skills I bring and enjoy every second of it,” – 瑟曼

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Thurman Talks Ring Return & More Before Title Defense Against Josesito Lopez Saturday, 一月 26 在

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & FOX 驱逐主赛事


点击这里 for Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions

ST. 圣彼得堡, FL.(一月 17, 2019) – Welterweight world champion基思 “一度” 瑟曼discussed his anticipated return to the ring as he nears his showdown againstJosesito Lopezthat headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, January 26 from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.

PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action begins at8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PTand features unbeaten Polish heavyweightAdam Kownacki battling former title challenger 杰拉尔德·华盛顿, plus unbeaten featherweight contenderTugstsogt Nyambayar 承担强硬克劳迪奥·马雷罗 在 12 轮比赛中.

门票 为了演出, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, 开始于 $50 并可以在购买ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可以在美国运通售票处购买 在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

Thurman will return to action on January 26 from a long injury layoff after his most recent fight saw him unify welterweight titles by defeating Danny Garcia in March 2017 在巴克莱中心. Here is what Thurman had to say about his return, Josesito Lopez and more from his training camp at the St. Pete Boxing Club in St. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达:

How has training camp been going? Have there been any adjustments because of the injury?

Training camp has been going well. It was a little bit of a slow start after so many months out of the ring, but I’m feeling great as we get closer to the fight. I’m starting to feel more and more like a world-class athlete again. It’s a good feeling working this hard and it reminds me what it’ll take to continue being the champion.

Do you anticipate any ring rust? Do you think it will be more difficult to feel like yourself physically in the ring, or mentally trusting the injury is healed?

I don’t think ring rust will be an issue. The only thing that even if this may not be the best Keith Thurman that people have ever seen, we’re focused on getting better and much stronger with each fight. But make no mistake, people will see one of the best welterweights in the world on January 26 at Barclays Center.

When did you start to feel like you were turning the corner physically? Were you ever worried you wouldn’t be healthy enough to fight?

You always have to be a little worried about new injuries. There’s nothing wrong with your car until the day it decides to break down. So at the end of the day, it’s always in the back of my mind. I run a lot of miles, so I wonder about my knees. I wonder about my shoulders also. Athletes and their bodies go through a lot of things. But here I go getting right back into things and I’m totally ready to showcase my talents on January 26.

What kind of challenges does Josesito pose? What makes him a difficult opponent for you coming off a layoff?

Josesito is experienced. He’s a busy fighter with good reach. He likes to mix it up and force his opponents to fight. He also has a new coach in Robert Garcia now, and I know he has a lot of confidence in his abilities. Josesito has been through ups and downs in his career, but he’s back on an upswing at the moment. Then he pinpointed me and called me out. So I’m looking forward to the challenge.

What are you looking to show in this fight? How do you control your emotions and make sure you don’t press too much?

I’m going to show my versatility in the ring. I’m going to show Josesito what it’s like to be in the ring with me. He might think it’s just all about my power, but I’ll show him what none of his sparring partners could. I’m going to show everyone the full package of skills I bring and enjoy every second of it.

How do you see this fight looking stylistically?

I like to let my opponent show me how the fight is going to go. I’ve thought many times that my opponents would do something specific, but then they do something totally different in the moment.

I’m just prepared for any version of Josesito. I’m ready for him to come at me with punches in bunches, but I’m also ready if he wants to try box more and work behind his jab. I don’t think there’s anything that he’s going to do that I won’t be able to dominate. I’m going to move, trade on the inside, whatever it takes and we’ll see which road to victory looks the easiest.

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Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, 一月 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC.

The broadcast begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, 更多 2016 中美. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

粉丝 可以在 FOX Sports 应用程序上直播比赛, 有英文版或 通过 FOX 或 FOX Deportes 提供的西班牙语节目. 战斗可在 FOXSports.com 桌面版和应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括 苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

为了 更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm 或成为粉丝 脸书在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


纽约 - 一月 16, 2019 – A 10-round clash between undefeated super lightweight prospects will headline 的ShoBox: 新一代 when Uzbekistan’s power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev takes on Mykal Fox Friday, 二月 15 live on SHOWTIME from Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, 五月.

The second of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature four fighters with a combined record of 71 wins against just one loss. Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis will take on DeAndre Ware headlines a three-fight的ShoBoxtelecast on February 1.

In the February 15 co-featured fight, 28-岁的ShoBox veteran Jesse Angel Hernandez returns to face WBO No. 4-ranked Thomas Ward in what will be the toughest test of his career in a 10-round super bantamweight bout.

“Shohjahon Ergashev is one of the hardest punchers in all of boxing. He will be facing a challenge in the undefeated skilled, determined fighter in Mykal Fox. A great fight the winner of which will cement himself as one of the best in the Jr. Welterweight division,” said Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions. “The co main event is one of the best fights in the super bantamweight division between two proven world title contenders. A real cross roads fight with lots on the line for the winner to emerge as the new dominant name in the talent packed super Bantamweight division.”

The 27-year-old Ergashev (15-0, 14 科斯) is a former member of the Uzbek national team where he won 202 他 216 amateur bouts. A decorated amateur, Ergashev拥有超过乌兹别克斯坦Shakhram Giyasov一个双赢, a silver medalist in the welterweight division at the 2016 里约奥运会.

Ergashev, who started his pro career by registering 11 consecutive knockouts, 做了他的的ShoBox debut in January 2018, handing then-unbeaten and top-10 ranked 140-pound prospect Sonny Fredrickson the only loss of his career with a third-round TKO. The southpaw slugger, who was named one of ESPN’s top prospects of 2018, trains in Detroit under Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward and Rick Phillips at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit.

“I’m very excited to fight on SHOWTIME again,“Ergashev说. “Everyone says Mykal Fox is my toughest opponent to date, but that doesn’t concern me. It actually excites me because when I knock him out, just like I knocked out Sonny Fredrickson, all of the champions in my weight class will know I am coming for them soon. It’s going to be Shoh-time in 2019!”

不像他的对手, 狐狸, 23, had a rocky amateur journey amassing 40 胜 60 losses—two of his wins came over undefeated top prospect Lamont Roach. 狐狸, 6-脚 3 ½-inches from Forestville, MD。, admitted that he was not disciplined and fully committed to the sweet science in his teenage years, but once he turned pro in 2014 everything changed and boxing became his way of life. 自那以后, he has defeated all of his 19 对手, five by way of knockout. 狐狸, who is promoted by King Promotions, owns victories over the likes of former world champion DeMarcus “Chop Chop” Corley, Ricardo Garcia and Anthony Mercado.

Fox comes from a family of boxers. He is trained by his father Troy and his older brother and former的ShoBox fighter Alantez (24-1-1, 11 科斯) is a 160-pound prospect whose only defeat came by the hands of Demetrius Andrade.

“It’s been a dream of mine to fight on的ShoBox. It has catapulted the careers of some of my favorite fighters,” said Fox, who is making his debut on the series. “I’m hoping it will catapult my career too.

“My opponent is a good fighter. He has good feet, good speed and great power. This is going to be a fight that can potentially steal the show. I look forward to seeing how our styles matched up.”

埃尔南德斯 (12-1, 7 科斯) broke onto the scene in 2017 with back-to-back wins over previously undefeated, top-15 ranked fighters on的ShoBox– a unanimous decision over Glenn Dezurn and a fifth-round TKO of Vladimir Tikhonov. Hernandez followed up those performances with a split-decision over Ernesto Garza in January 2018. The 28-year-old Hernandez, 最年轻的 15 孩子们, 是 73-6 as an amateur and took five years off from boxing between 2009 和 2014 to work construction jobs in his hometown of Fort Worth, 得克萨斯州.

“On February 15, fans can expect to see the best performance from Jesse Hernandez yet,”埃尔南德斯说,, who will be making his fourth appearance on的ShoBox. “It’s been a long time coming and I won’t let this opportunity pass me. A win over Thomas Ward will definitely boost my career and hopefully lead to a world title shot. I know I will have all eyes on me on national television, I must impress. I believe the bantamweight division is mine for the taking. So I will go head and take what’s rightfully mine.”

Ward hails from County Durham in North East England, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 胜, just four losses. The 24-year-old turned professional in 2012 在年龄 17 并通过 2017, 他赢了 20 straight fights and the British super bantamweight title. 目前排名第. 4 by the WBO, Ward hopes a win in his U.S. debut will set him up for a world title shot.

“This is a really good fight,” said Ward. “I’m looking forward to it and a win will put me in place for a world title fight, which is exactly what I want. It’s great to be boxing on SHOWTIME, I can’t wait and I hope for many more opportunities to be fighting on the network in the future.”

巴里·汤普金斯将调用的ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

门票现场活动, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, will go on sale on Friday, 一月 18 在 10 A.M. ET and are priced at $110, $75, $60, $45 and $25. Tickets can be purchased atwww.KansasStarCasino.com , www.Ticketmaster.com and at the Lucky Star Players Club at Kansas Star Casino.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

大约的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: The New Generation 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该的ShoBox philosophy is to televise exciting, crowd-pleasing and competitive matches while providing a proving ground for willing prospects determined to fight for a world title. 一些的日益增长的列表的 79 谁曾出现在战士的ShoBox and advanced to garner world titles includes: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, Robert Guerrero, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, Paul Williams and more. v


I have something to prove to everyone,” – 帕奎奥

I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. 我来到这里

to get this victory,” – Broner

Welterweight Champion Pacquiao Takes on Former Four-Division World Champion Broner This Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV®

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas &


点击这里 for Photos from Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

点击这里 for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

点击这里 for Photos from Chris Farina/Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS(一月 16, 2019) – 拳击的只有八处世界冠军帕奎奥and former four-division world champion阿德里安 “The Problem” Broner went face-to-face Wednesday in Las Vegas at the final press conference before they battle for Pacquiao’s World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena.

Pacquiao will be ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his title against the brash must-see attraction Broner. On Wednesday the fighters talked about their preparation and what they envision going down on Saturday night before staring each other down at the Copperfield Theatre at MGM Grand.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

门票 为了这次活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday in Las Vegas:


I feel so blessed and happy because of the excitement around this fight. It’s come from the fans here in the U.S. and media all over the world. I want to go out there and make all the people happy.

The knockout in my last fight felt good. It felt like my younger days against Ricky Hatton, 米格尔·库托等人. That fight was a big challenge for me to recover from the fight against Jeff Horn. People said that my career was done. But I never got discouraged, I just worked hard and made the knockout against Lucas Matthysse happen.

These days I don’t only train my body, but also my mind. I’m a Senator, so my mind is very busy. I also play chess regularly and read books to keep my mind sharp.

People writing me off after the Jeff Horn fight was good for me. I’m not mad at anyone who thought that. It just became a challenge and a test to me of whether or not I could still show my best.

Being back here at MGM Grand makes me so happy. 这是一种荣誉,在这个位置上. I remember my first fight here in the U.S. was at MGM Grand. I will never forget that moment and now I get to come back here and do it again.

I know he is going to counter me but we’re ready for that. What happened in the Juan Manuel Marquez fight will not happen again. It was a mistake and I learned that mistake. We’ve worked on that in this training camp. I am prepared for Broner’s style.

This is a challenge because it is my first fight as a 40-year-old. I have something to prove to everyone about what that means. Age is just a number. What matters is how you prepare and that you’re working hard.

I don’t need to dislike my opponent to want a knockout. I’m just doing my job in the ring. 如果谈到淘汰赛, 它来了. We’re hoping to have that opportunity Saturday. I have to pressure him to make him open up. Wherever he goes, I’ll be there.

I’ve always stayed disciplined throughout my years in boxing. I’m always making sure everything is in order and on point during my workouts. That plus cross-training with activities like basketball has helped me stay in this position all these years.


I’m not up here to talk a lot of trash. I’ve put in the work. 它的战斗时间. 我赢了之后, everything is going to be different.

People are talking a lot about Pacquiao fighting Floyd Mayweather again, but I’m pretty sure Floyd is retired. I feel like people are trying to throw me to the wolves and overlook me.

He doesn’t remind me of any past opponents just like I’m not going to remind him of anyone he’s fought. He’s never fought anyone like me. Every fighter has similarities, but truly every fighter is different. If I remind him of Floyd Mayweather, I hope his arm doesn’t hurt after this one.

Look at my last five fights. I’ve fought world champion after world champion. I don’t duck any fights. I don’t care how many weight classes he’s won titles in.

I’m not in awe of any fighter, especially Manny Pacquiao. I hope he’s in awe of me. I’m a one of a kind fighter too. I’ve made history in this sport.

I just have to go out and win this fight, then everything is going to start going my way. 周六晚上, 我将取得胜利. This is a defining moment in my career and it’s going to be one of the biggest nights of my life.

Pacquiao hasn’t fought me so I’m not worried about what he says about me right now. He’s going to have a different outlook after he fights me Saturday night.

I’m going to turn Las Vegas into a big block party after I win on Saturday night. It’s going to change my career.

Manny Pacquiao has done a lot for the sport. I’m going to beat him up and have a drink with him afterward. I grew up in boxing and I know what’s going on. It’s a business, but don’t get it twisted, I’m going to dominate and win.

This is going to be a hell of a fight. I’ve trained so hard and I want everyone to know that I play around a lot, but when that bell rings, I’m going to be ready. I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. I came here to get this victory. Real talk.

BUBOY 费尔南德斯, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

I’m very thankful to this great team that we have that has prepared Manny for this challenge. I know that we worked very hard for this. I cannot fly without wings, but I can bring the belt back to the Philippines.

Manny has trained hard and we expect a good fight. This is the hardest I’ve seen him train and it will be seen in the ring Saturday night

罗奇, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

We’ve trained really hard for this fight. Manny is looking really good and is in tremendous shape. I’m sure Adrien is also because they’re both great fighters. I wish both men luck and may the best man win.

凯文·坎宁安, Broner’s Co-Trainer

We’ve had a tremendous training camp. Adrien is ready to go. Everyone who knows me, knows that all I have in this world in my word, and I don’t break it for nobody. I’m giving you my word that Adrien will put on a spectacular performance on Saturday night.

I’m guaranteeing that Adrien will send Manny back to the Senate, beltless, without the WBA title. I guarantee it.

MIKE STAFFORD, Broner’s Co-Trainer

Adrien came to me when he was 55 pounds and seven-years-old. He was an underdog then and he came back day after day. People thought he was a bad kid, but I told people that I saw something in him.

Freddie Roach didn’t know who Adrien was years ago when we were getting ready to work with the Olympic team together. But he got to know Adrien, and on Saturday night, Manny is going to know him too. That’s for sure.

JOE RAMOS, COO of Manny Pacquiao Promotions

We are honored, humbled and proud to be a part of this amazing event. This will be Manny’s 20 fight in Las Vegas and we’ve been treated amazingly throughout the entire promotion. I’m thankful to all of Team Pacquiao for the work they do and helping make everything run smoothly.

We all know that Adrien is ready and we expect nothing but the best from him and his team on Saturday night.

MGM Grand is known for the lion, and Lenny the Lion is right there when you enter the building. 上周六晚, Manny will show his heart of a lion for fans all over the world and prove once again that he’s the king of the jungle.


About three and a half years ago I sat here opposite this great legend in Manny Pacquiao. I’ve studied this man for many years and today he’s still one of the best welterweights in the world. He still has tremendous explosiveness and power, but more importantly the experience to beat any welterweight in the world.

Pacquiao has been doing this for so many years that we forget how truly great this man is. He’s in a very comfortable position right now. He’s super motivated and thats what is going to make this a great fight on Saturday night.

Coming into this fight we all know that there have been rumblings about what Adrien needs to do to win this fight. But what I’ve witnessed firsthand this entire promotion, is that this man has dedicated himself 100 百分. He’s done everything his coaches have asked of him and he’s exceeded those expectations.

Adrien Broner is ready, 专注的, and he’s put in the work. He’s put himself in the best situation to be successful on Saturday night. I expect nothing less than a great virtuoso performance. He didn’t cut one corner this training camp. He wants to prove to everyone, that everything people have said about him can be thrown out the window. He’s coming to show the entire world what he’s all about.

RAVONE利特尔约翰, CEO of About Billions Promotions

Adrien trained really hard for this fight. I’d like to thank Kevin Cunningham and Mike Stafford, they put together a great game plan. Adrien will be ready.

There’s been a lot of talk from Pacquiao’s side about getting a knockout, but you’re the one getting knocked out. You’ve been knocked out, we haven’t.

This our first time on this stage and in this position and it’s been very enjoyable. Adrien and I have put a lot into this over the last 10-15 岁月. We’re pulling for our guy 100 百分。”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, Showtime Networks Inc.

I’m not going to come up here and tell you all anything you don’t already know about Manny Pacquiao or Adrien Broner. These are two guys who have operated at the highest level of boxing for years. In Manny’s case, literally decades. But I will remind you of some things.

Manny Pacquiao is a Hall of Famer, 这是毫无疑问. He’s a boxing legend who’s generous, humble and soft-spoken outside of the ring. But most of all, he takes tough fights. 最后 20 opponents Pacquiao has had have been current, future or former world champions.

Adrien Broner has faced nine world champions in 37 职业斗争. He’s obviously demonstrated himself as being an elite fighter. He’s flashy, flamboyant, sometimes outrageous, but he’s always unapologetically himself.

On Saturday night, everything changes. Pacquiao is no longer soft-spoken and Broner is no longer fun-loving and outgoing. They transform themselves into two of the most athletically gifted and ferocious warriors in our sport. Above all these two guys have heart, which is the rarest thing in this sport.

Between the two of them, they’ve won titles in 12 weight divisions. That’s the third most of all-time, trailing just Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya.

We know this is an elite fight and these fighters are in elite company. But on Saturday night, 这些都不重要. It’s not a contest of who has the best resume. This is a high level contest with high stakes between two of the most talented and athletically gifted fighters in the sport today. A win in this fight catapults each of these men to bigger things. It doesn’t get any more significant than that.

RICHARD STORM, President of Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International

I’d like to welcome back Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner, two of the sport’s best fighters, back to Las Vegas and MGM Grand. Fans are always excited to watch these two fighters compete in the ring and we’re confident that Saturday’s event will kick off another exciting year of sports and entertainment programming for MGM Resorts.

I’m thankful to all of the people who have helped make this fight happen here in Las Vegas. We look forward to seeing everyone at the MGM Grand Garden Arena Saturday night for this sensational event.

#          #          #

关于帕奎奥 VS. Broner

Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥,boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports 和www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions 和www.Facebook.com/MGMGrand. hreadE��[s�



Daily Digital Features To Chronicle Fight Week Leading Up To This Saturday’s Welterweight World Championship Between Two Of Boxing’s Biggest Stars

手表, 分享 & 嵌入: https://s.sho.com/2CnI2Rf

什么: SHOWTME Sports released the first installment of每日均可访问: 帕奎奥VS. Broner, the first of four daily digital features that will chronicle fight week leading into this Saturday’s welterweight blockbuster between two of boxing’s biggest stars.WATCH:https://s.sho.com/2CnI2Rf

Manny Pacquiao will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against must-see attraction Adrien Broner this Saturday in the first marquee boxing event of 2019.

每日均可访问 delivers the same intimate access and signature storytelling as the network’s Emmy Award-winningALL ACCESS series. New installments of每日均可访问: 帕奎奥VS. Broner will publish each day on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms leading into Saturday’s SHOWTIME PPV® from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

前超中量级冠军安东尼·迪雷尔 (Anthony Dirrell) 在 FS1 超级拳击冠军主赛中与顶级竞争者阿夫尼·耶尔德勒姆 (Avni Yildirim) 争夺空缺的 WBC 超中量级世界冠军头衔 & FOX体育

星期六, 二月 23 从明尼阿波利斯军械库出发, 明尼苏达州

更多! 明尼苏达州本土不败次中量级贾马尔·詹姆斯冲突 与贾纳·冈萨雷斯 (Janer Gonzalez) 一起游览故乡的特别景点


明尼阿波利斯 (一月 16, 2019) – 前超中量级世界冠军 安东尼 迪雷尔得到一个机会 当他与顶级竞争者战斗时重新加入冠军行列主治医生耶尔德勒姆 空缺的WBC超中量级 FS1 和 FOX 超级拳击冠军主赛冠军 周六驱逐出境, 二月 23 从军械库在明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州.

电视报道开始于 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. 与次中量级冠军争夺者进行 PT 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 连续第三次在家乡与 贾纳·冈萨雷斯 在共同特色的特殊 10 轮景点中.

门票 为了这次活动, 由 Warriors Boxing 和 TGB Promotions 推广, 正在 现在出售, 可以在军械库购买HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/并通过Ticketmaster.

“斗争 明尼阿波利斯的球迷在 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上观看比赛将大饱口福 安东尼·迪雷尔 (Anthony Dirrell) 和阿夫尼 (Avni) 之间的这场高风险世界冠军对决 耶尔德勒姆,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “迪雷尔 多年来一直是冠军并跻身该部门的精英行列, 而耶尔德勒姆 总是来战斗并决心充分利用这一点 机会. 随着当地球迷最喜爱的贾马尔·詹姆斯的加入 次中量级行动, 这将是 The 的一个不容错过的夜晚 军械库。”

“安东尼·迪雷尔花了很长时间, 困难的道路 超中量级冠军,他努力争取位置 夺回头衔,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “阿夫尼 耶尔德勒姆一直是该部门最活跃的竞争者之一,他已经 自从上次有机会赢得冠军以来,他积累了丰富的经验. 他需要所有这些以及更多才能超越迪雷尔. 这将是一个 特别的夜晚,观看贾马尔·詹姆斯再次为家乡球迷而战。”

Dirrell的 (32-1-1, 24 科斯) 以一致的成绩夺得WBC超中量级冠军 决定战胜 Sakio Bika 2014. 这是漫长的巅峰, 弗林特的迪雷尔的艰难之路, 密歇根州在他成功战斗后 非霍奇金淋巴瘤,完成比赛后获准重返拳击场 化疗在 2008. 他作为世界冠军的统治被缩短了 34岁的迪雷尔(Dirrell)以多数票判定输给了巴杜·杰克(Badou Jack),失去了冠军头衔 2015. 他 自从那场失利之后,他们已经取得了五连胜,重新回到了争夺冠军的行列中。 有机会成为两届世界冠军.

“这就像我们要去的所有其他战斗一样 制定比赛计划并在擂台上执行该比赛计划,” 说Dirrell的. “我看到他和克里斯·尤班克打架,这让我看到了一些事情. 他来了 前锋战斗机. 这就是我喜欢战斗的那种人. 他是为 我. 我会做我最擅长的事情,那就是战斗. 我一直保持着我的初心, 身体和灵魂在一起并保持专注,知道我必须做什么才能成为 两届WBC冠军。”

耶尔德勒姆 (21-1, 12 科斯) 是超中量级最活跃的竞争者之一 分配. 27岁,来自伊斯坦布尔, 土耳其至少打过四次仗 一年以来 2014. 与迪雷尔的战斗将只是第二次 他在迈阿密击败格伦·约翰逊后前往美国参加比赛 2015. 耶尔德勒姆因停赛而遭受职业生涯唯一的损失 对阵克里斯·尤班克, JR. 在 2017. 在他的最后一场战斗中,他赢得了多数决定 对阵洛伦加·莫克 (Lolenga Mock),他以五连胜的身份参加这场比赛.

“我是 非常感谢所有帮助我获得这个机会的人,我知道我 拥有击败安东尼·迪雷尔的所有工具,” 耶尔德勒姆说. “迪雷尔 是一个好战士, 但我相信我比他能带来更多. 我来了 赢得胜利并将金腰带带回土耳其. 我一生的拳击生涯都在等待这个 舞台上我已经准备好给他一场战争了。”

詹姆斯 (24-1, 11 科斯) 已成为当地人的最爱,并将在他面前战斗 明尼阿波利斯的家乡观众连续第三次. 30岁的 自从首场失利后,詹姆斯已经取得四连胜 他的职业生涯 – 一致判定输给 Yordenis Ugs 在 2016. 詹姆斯在八月的最后一场比赛中击倒了马洪里·蒙特斯 24 在 FS1 上. 冈萨雷斯 (19-1-1, 15 科斯) 是来自卡塔赫纳的强力拳击手, 哥伦比亚队以一致的比分结束了职业生涯的第一次失利 拉扎德·布塔耶夫 (Radzhad Butaev) 的决定 2017.

“我是 渴望制作 2019 我获得世界冠军的那一年,” 詹姆斯说. “我专注于我的对手, 但在这场战斗中我将继续展示 技术和速度使我成为下一个冠军. 我非常 很高兴能再次在国内战斗并继续将 PBC 带到明尼阿波利斯. 我将从这里成为下一个冠军,旅程将重新开始 2019 当我在 2 月 23 日踏入那枚戒指时。”

“我很高兴有机会与贾马尔·詹姆斯对战 在他的后院让所有家乡球迷失望,” 说 冈萨雷斯. “我比以往任何时候都更加努力地训练,以从损失中恢复过来 向大家展示我学到的东西. 这场胜利将使我重回巅峰 成为世界冠军的道路。”

#          #          #

粉丝 可以在 FOX Sports 应用程序上直播比赛, 有英文版或 通过 FOX 或 FOX Deportes 提供的西班牙语节目. 战斗可在 FOXSports.com 桌面版和应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括 苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 中交集团··U·,

Split-T 管理层签下 21 届全国业余冠军 Otha Jones III

新的 约克 (一月 16, 2019) — Split-T 管理层自豪地宣布签约 21届全国业余冠军, 奥塔·琼斯三世 管理合同.

该 18 托莱多本地人是美国顶尖人才之一, 正如他 创下了惊人的283胜13负的业余战绩, 通过代表突出显示 美国队参加了多项国际比赛,其中包括在 国际青年美洲大陆锦标赛银牌 在埃米尔·杰切夫纪念锦标赛上获得多项全国冠军 锦标赛, 比如在美国国家赛上获得金牌 锦标赛 (两次) 以及世界锦标赛预选赛.

琼斯, 他也是四届州摔跤冠军, 受到影响而签约 由于公司为他的健身房伙伴所做的一切,他被分拆管理.

“后 看到 Split-T 管理层的辛勤工作、奉献精神和卓越表现 向我的队友 Charles Conwell 和 Isaiah Steen 展示, 我绝对不能 考虑与其他人签约,” 琼斯说.  分裂-T 是 绝对是拳击界最好的管理团队. 我很荣幸成为其中的一员 团队。”

琼斯’ 爸爸, 也叫奥塔, 与儿子有着同样的感受.

“基于 基于 Split-T Management 签下的拳击手的质量, 并曾经 搬家成功, 我签署我的合同只是一个自然的过程 儿子和他们,” 老奥塔说.

分体T型 管理层认为琼斯将因为他的粉丝而吸引拳击界 友好的风格让人想起俄亥俄州本地人, 亚伦普赖尔, 正如他 战斗激烈,同时从各个角度不间断地出拳 有力量。

说 Split-T Management 的蒂姆·范·纽豪斯 (Tim Van Newhouse), “常规或左撇子 姿态, 奥塔是一位无情的压力斗士, 谁比他更沉着 年, 充满侵略性的动态混合, 速度和力量.

“奥塔 琼斯是我们签下的最令人兴奋的战士之一,” 说 Split-T 管理首席执行官, 大卫·麦克沃特. “我永远不会忘记第一次 我在磁带上看到他, 或者我第一次看到他现场. 我立刻就知道了 这个孩子拥有一切. 他’ 正是我喜欢的那种运动员 业务来代表。”

那里 将是琼斯的一项重大公告’ 未来很快。

阿德里安·布罗纳拉斯维加斯媒体锻炼引言 & 照片

Former Four-Division World Champion Broner Takes on Welterweight Champion Manny Pacquiao Saturday, 一月 19 在放映时间 PPV®


From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas

点击 这里 从纳比尔·艾哈迈德/英超冠军拳击照片

LAS VEGAS(一月 15, 2019) – With fight week underway in Las Vegas, former four-division world champion阿德里安 “问题” Bronerhosted a media workout Monday before he battlesManny Pacquiaofor the World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

门票 为了这次活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Broner, 和教练一起Kevin Cunningham, have been at Barry’s Boxing in Las Vegas finishing up training camp after spending most of camp in West Palm Beach, Florida preparing to face boxing’s only eight-division world champion in Pacquiao. Here is what they had to say Monday at Barry’s Boxing:


Every fighter is different, but I know if I touch him flush, I’ll put him out. It’s no secret, he’s been to sleep before.

I’m in shape and ready to go. We had a tremendous training camp. I could have made weight weeks ago. We’re prepared to go out and execute.

I’ve been here before, and even though I haven’t been in a fight of exactly this magnitude, I’m just treating it like any other fight. He’s another opponent.

A lot of people are saying that Pacquiao’s age will be a factor, but I’m not looking at it like that. You see guys like Floyd Mayweather who stay undefeated at an older age. I’m just focused on being me. As long as I do what I have to do, 我将取得胜利.

We’re ready for whatever this fight is going to end up being. It could definitely be a war. I’ve always been an underdog. I came from the trenches and I’m bringing that mentality into the ring.

I can take over boxing with a win over Pacquiao. There are a lot of great fighters in this sport, but they just don’t bring what I bring to the table. With a win like this, it would put me right where I was always meant to be.

I’ve always wanted to fight the big names like this and I knew that I just had to keep working hard and the time would come.

Once that bell rings, I’ll make my adjustments and go ahead and get my victory. I don’t have anything I want to go out and prove. It’s just about winning. That will say everything.

凯文·坎宁安, Broner的教练

Preparation has been great. 阵营是巨大的. Adrien is ready to go and extremely focused for this fight. He came into camp that way and it’s stayed that way.

We added some things this training camp, because we know he’s fighting a legendary fighter. This is one that he has to have and he realizes it. I expect a spectacular performance.

I think on Saturday night that Adrien is going to be that guy that everyone expected him to be from day one. It will open a lot of eyes. I believe that we put the work in. I can’t see Adrien coming out of there without a victory.

The key to victory is for Adrien to just be himself. He has to do what he does best with no hesitation. He’s going to throw the right punches at the right time.

Pacquiao still throws combinations but they don’t come in as fast or as sharp as they used to. He can throw as many punches as he wants to throw, but if they’re not landing, it doesn’t mean anything.

I think Adrien is the quicker fighter. Quickness offsets speed, all day, every day. It’s all about being quick enough to time the guy with your hand speed. It’s different than just throwing a bunch of fast punches.

#          #          #

关于帕奎奥 VS. Broner

Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports 和www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions 和www.Facebook.com/MGMGrand.

卡莱布·普兰特 (CALEB Plant) 在 PBC ON FS1 的主要赛事中击败何塞·乌兹卡特吉 (JOSE UZCATEGUI),赢得 IBF 超中量级冠军,令人印象深刻 & 福克斯从洛杉矶微软剧院驱逐出境. 住在洛杉矶

不败布兰登·菲格罗亚在超轻量级淘汰赛中击败莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯; 新星乔伊·斯宾塞继续连续淘汰赛

超级拳击冠军预赛展示吉列尔莫·里贡多 (Guillermo Rigondeaux) 早期淘汰赛的胜利, 艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利和林道夫·德尔加多

点击 这里 对于照片照片来源: 瑞安·哈菲/总理拳击冠军

点击 这里 对于照片照片来源: Luis Mejia / TGB 促销

LOS ANGELES (一月 13) – 随着 Caleb Plant 成为 IBF 超中量级世界冠军,挑战者被证明是侵略者, 在 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 赛事的首届超级拳击冠军主赛中击败 Jose Uzcategui 2019, 在洛杉矶微软剧院举行. 住在洛杉矶. 普兰特在整场比赛中占据主导地位,他从开场开始就保持着快速而激进的节奏.

和 分数 116-110 两次, 115-111 有利于普兰特, 刚刚加冕的 冠军, 当普兰特听到“并且 新的!”.

“我有 为此我付出了一生,”普兰特说. “我把我的女儿埋葬​​在 尝试获得这条腰带的过程. 我答应过我会给她带来这个头衔 这就是我要做的。”

这 超中量级 Barnburner 开局强劲,两位选手都投掷 交流, 但普兰特竭尽全力绝不退缩. 乌兹卡泰吉 右手用力投掷,开始第二轮, 但普兰特很快就扭转了局面 当他用一阵猛击将乌兹卡特吉击倒在画布上时,他的情况变得对他有利 拳打, 这是乌兹卡特吉职业生涯中第三次被击倒. A 乌兹卡特吉左眼下开小口,开始第三场比赛, 但是他 克服困难并抵御普兰特的侵略. 第四节开始一分钟 圆形的, 普兰特右眼下方出现伤口,导致血液流出. 那 并没有阻止纳什维尔人,他再次投出了一记重左勾拳 将乌兹卡特吉送到画布上.

作为 战斗取得进展, 委内瑞拉人无法利用他的距离, 因此 让普兰特在内线作战. 尽管第七场交流良好 和第八, 越来越明显的是,乌兹卡特吉需要被淘汰 抓住他的腰带. 乌兹卡特吉在冠军赛中扭转了局面 并挺身而出, 对普兰特的身体和头部进行重击. 但它是 对于乌兹卡特吉来说太少太迟了,因为普兰特的环将军控制了 战斗的节奏, 最终以一致决定告终.

“我 知道我把他抓干净了 [当我击倒乌兹卡特吉时], 但我知道他不是 一路出去所以我慢慢来,” 继续 工厂. “我保持着轻松的状态. 我卡住了 并按照我说的那样完成了游戏计划。

“这 势不可挡. 我是一个白手起家的孩子. 我相信自己,现在 我已加冕为王. 现在, 我没有提前思考. 我只想 拥抱这一刻并沉浸其中。” 

“我 确实觉得我在战斗中拥有优势,”乌兹卡特吉说. “我 因为我失去平衡而倒下, 但我没有受伤. 他开始累了 第六轮左右, 这是计划. 迦勒知道如何握紧并握住. 他很聪明. 他知道如何远离拳头.

“我 期待他有更多的动作和更多的拳击,” 乌兹卡特吉继续说道. “我 会喜欢重赛. 我想今晚每个人都看到了一场精彩的战斗. 我给了他 获得冠军的机会,我希望他能给我赢得冠军的机会 后退。”

不败 布兰登·菲格罗亚 (18-0, 13 科斯) 韦斯拉科的, 德克萨斯州面临前世界冠军 挑战者莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯 (25-2, 17 科斯) 瓜达拉哈拉, 墨西哥. 在WBA超级 最轻量级冠军淘汰赛. 菲格罗亚不浪费时间攻击弗洛雷斯 第一回合,他挺身而出,向左投出几记重拳,后面跟着一具尸体 似乎让弗洛雷斯感到惊讶的镜头. 同 30 留在圆形秒, 菲格罗亚主攻身体,弗洛雷斯则在内线锻炼. 虽然弗洛雷斯看起来 在第三轮开始时找到自己的立足点, 菲格罗亚掀起了一阵 一次将弗洛雷斯打倒在画布上,然后又打了第二次,结束了 战斗于 1:35 第三轮.

“休息 把他打倒并结束他,”菲格罗亚说,“这正是我所期望的 去. 我知道他不会处理那些身体镜头. 我的留言给 丹尼尔·罗曼说我要回家准备.

“我 使用身体工作,”菲格罗亚继续说道. “我真的很坚强. 我进来的时间是 110 百分比并完成了我的工作. 我本来可以做得更好. 我对自己真的很严格. 我 知道我可以继续做一些事情,并且一旦我做到了,我就会这样做 回家. 我绝对已经准备好争夺冠军了。”

快速崛起 不败之星与PBC前景 2018 乔伊斯宾塞 (6-0, 6 科斯) 林登的, 密歇根州。, 击败布兰登·哈德,继续他令人印象深刻的淘汰赛记录 (2-2, 1 KO) 南海文, 小姐。, 在一场超次中量级比赛中 斯宾塞在不到两回合的时间内三次击倒哈德. 这 18岁的斯宾塞, 谁战斗了 100 打架作为业余, 建立了他的刺拳 提前并随意降落. 他在比赛结束时投掷并直接落地 第一轮让哈德跪倒在地. 第二轮比赛进行到四十五秒, 斯宾塞再次将哈德打倒在地,随后又出拳, 战斗结束于 1:27 该轮.

“粉丝 当我进入擂台时,我会看到我全力以赴,我会 做戏,”斯宾塞说. “你将在我的实验室接受越来越多的测试 我的职业生涯,我相信我会达到竞争的水平. 有时 你和一个尴尬的人在一起, 事实证明他是一个考验. 我要升到六级 我的下一场比赛. 我今年想打四次,我正在寻找 向前迈进。”

这 FS1 上的超级拳击冠军预赛包含三场比赛,全部以 激动人心的淘汰赛胜利, 开始一个精彩的战斗之夜.

这 预赛电视转播中,吉列尔莫·里贡德 (Guillermo Rigondeux) 期待已久的戒指回归 (18-1, 12 科斯) 自十二月以来就没有打过仗的人 2017. 古巴球迷的最爱 面对塔库巴亚的乔瓦尼·德尔加多, 墨西哥. (16-9, 9 科斯) 并把他击倒在地 第一回合最后一秒左手上手. 德尔加多无法获救 由 10 计数,战斗以 Rigondeux 有利的方式进行.

“这 是我的部门. 这是我的时间,” Rigondeaux说. “我是国王 122 英镑. 我觉得 100 百分. 德尔加多是一名出色的战士. 我向他脱帽致敬 和他的团队. 我是有准备的,我已经准备好面对那些 不败的. 谁有腰带, 我正在接受它. 你可以期待我在更少的时间内回来 两个月以上。”

“我 今晚和我的偶像战斗,”德尔加多说. “我知道他打得很重, 但我不知道 他打得那么重. 我已被医生证实一切正常. 就一点点 有点震惊。”

A 埃及选手艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利 (Ahmed Elbiali) 预定八回合轻重量级比赛 (18-1, 15 科斯) 对阵 16 年老将艾伦·格林 (33-6, 22 科斯) 塔尔萨, 好的 看到埃尔比亚利在每一轮都击倒了格林. 然而, 格林确实展示了他的 尽管埃尔比亚利具有侵略性,但仍选择面对面的经历. 最终,, 这是一记右上勾拳,随后是一记右上手,将格林送入了 当埃尔比亚利击倒对手时 1:16 第三轮.

“我 比我想象的要容易,“埃尔比亚利说. “输给帕斯卡 就像我做的那样, 它会扰乱你的精神. 我试图继续我的最佳状态. 保持专注,值得庆幸的是它表明了. 我的游戏计划非常顺利. 我有 和迦勒打架 (厂) 和其他伟大的人. 这让你保持敏锐和 警报. 我很想赢得世界冠军并成为第一个赢得世界冠军的埃及人 锦标赛。”

在 FS1 上的超级拳击冠军预赛首场比赛, 墨西哥人 奥运选手林道夫·德尔加多 (8-0, 8 科斯) 利纳雷斯, 墨西哥. 继续他的 击败塞尔吉奥·洛佩兹,连续职业淘汰赛 (22-13-1, 15 科斯) 的 西科维纳, CA通过淘汰赛 2:48 第三轮. 德尔加多还没有 斗争 30 作为职业选手参加了八场比赛. 他显然是 侵略者在整个战斗中几乎落地 50 他的力量的百分比 拳打.

全部 PBC on FOX 体育赛事和节目在 FOX 上进行直播 体育应用, 英文或西班牙文可通过FOX, FS1或FOX 驱逐动态. 此外, 福克斯体育数字频道将有专门的 PBC 报道的 FOXSports.com 和 FOX Sports 应用程序页面, 此外 专用 YouTube, Facebook的, Twitter 和 Instagram 频道.

总理 拳击冠军系列赛由 Haymon Sports 为电视制作. 请 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com 和 关注超级拳击冠军Facebook的 和 叽叽喳喳. 有关FOX体育的更多信息, 访问FOX体育的记者证.


狐狸 体育是代表 21 世纪福克斯广泛业务的伞形实体 美国多平台体育资产. 与能够达到的品牌建立 多于 100 周末观看人数达 100 万, 福克斯体育包括 线性电视网络的所有权和权益, 数字和移动 编程, 宽带平台, 多个网站, 合资企业 以及多个许可合作伙伴关系. 福克斯体育频道 (FOX Sports) 包括体育电视节目 福克斯广播公司的分支机构; FS1, FS2; 福克斯体育区域网络, 他们的 附属区域网站和国家节目; 福克斯足球Plus; 狐狸 Deportes 和福克斯学院体育. 此外, 福克斯体育还包括福克斯 体育数码, 包括 FOXSports.com 和 FOX Sports 应用程序. 还包括 福克斯在合资企业 Big Ten Network 中的权益属于该集团的一部分 和 BTN 2Go, 以及建立福克斯体育频道的许可协议 无线电网络。


这 超级拳击冠军系列赛由 Haymon Sports 创建并制作, LLC. 它拥有最先进和装饰最齐全的国际 最受欢迎的重量级别的专业拳击人才.